abc & xyz analysis

Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy An ABC-XYZ-analysis on the accuracy of Neural Networks, SAP APO-DP and Judgmental Forecasting at Beiersdorf Michael Tramnitzke Dr. Sven Crone

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Page 2: ABC & Xyz Analysis

Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


The target of the study: product portfolio segmentation &

benchmarking of forecasting systems per segment

Identification of homogeneous subgroups of the assortment

Benchmark the empirical accuracy of different forecasting methods for each subgroup

Provide recommendations on what forecasting method to apply within each product


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Empirical comparison of forecasting systems

Study design

Product portfolio segmentation

Study results & recommendation

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


5 different forecasting systems

Judgmental forecast derived by an S&OP process and the software SAP APO DP

Automatic model selection procedure 2 of the software SAP APO DP (AMSP2)

Artificial neural networks using the software Intelligent Forecaster

Automatic model selection procedure of the software Forecast Pro

upper Benchmark

Naive forecasting method (combination of naive 1 and naive 12 step ahead FC)

lower benchmark

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Judgmental forecast derived by an S&OP process and SAP APO DP

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Automatic model selection procedure 2 of SAP APO DP (AMSP2)

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Automatic model selection procedure of the software Forecast Pro

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Artificial neural networks using the Intelligent Forecaster

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08



Empirical comparison of forecasting systems

Study design

Product portfolio segmentation

Study results & recommendation

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Design empirical comparison

Multiple benchmark methods/systems

Out-of-sample evaluation

Test period: 12 observations (one business cycle of 12 months)

Rolling origin – 12 origins

Optimization at every origin

Forecasting horizon: t+3 (3 months ahead)

Sample: 229 time series of length between 18 and 48 observations

Multiple error measures

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Assessment of results by means of four relative error measures

As FCE the Mean absolute percent error (MAPE) have been used

m=1;...;5, it denotes the observed method; n denotes the number of time series in the (sub)sample


Percent Better:

Rank on MAPE:

Mean Improvement [%]:

Mean Monetary Improvement [%]:

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Average results of the 4 error measures for the 229 time series –

Bias of the average by single high errors for MIM and MIP intentional

Rank on MAPE: average

Judgmental FC 2,63

FC Pro 2,65

AMSP2 – SAP APO 3,09

Intelligent Forecaster 3,15

Naive FC 3,47

Percent Better average

Judgmental FC 67%

FC Pro 67%


Intelligent Forecaster 52%

MIP average

Judgmental FC 13%

FC Pro 6%

Intelligent Forecaster 3%

AMSP2 - SAP APO -55%

MIM average

Judgmental FC 20%

FC Pro 5%

Intelligent Forecaster -17%

AMSP2 - SAP APO -208%

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08



Empirical comparison of forecasting systems

Study design

Product portfolio segmentation

Study results & recommendation

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Grochla (1978)

Wildemann (1988)

Ng (2007)


Importance - ABC analysis

Classification Criterion:

A: 20 % of the SKUs

B: 21-50% of the SKUs

C: 51-100% of SKUs

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Forecasting complexity - XYZ analysis



X: MAPE of naïve

method <= 30%

Y: MAPE of naïve

method > 30% and

<= 60 %

Z: MAPE of naïve

method > 60%

Grochla (1978) RSU analysis

Tempelmeier (2006) RSU & XYZ synonymously

Alicke (2005)

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Forecasting complexity - XYZ analysis



X: MAPE of naïve

method <= 30%

Y: MAPE of naïve

method > 30% and

<= 60 %

Z: MAPE of naïve

method > 60%

Grochla (1978) RSU analysis

Tempelmeier (2006) RSU & XYZ synonymously

Alicke (2005)

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Combination of ABC-XYZ results in 9 segments

Exemplary Frequency of occurrence of the

segments in the observed sample of 229 time


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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08



Empirical comparison of forecasting systems

Study design

Product portfolio segmentation

Study results & recommendation

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Depending on the segment the performance of the methods differs

MIP average MIP average

Judgmental FC 7% for A FC Pro 0% for X

FC Pro -3% for A AMSP2 – SAP APO -1% for X

Intelligent Forecaster -15% for A Judgmental FC -1% for X

AMSP2 – SAP APO -141% for A Intelligent Forecaster -3% for X

Judgmental FC 11% for B Judgmental FC 3% for Y

FC Pro 5% for B FC Pro 1% for Y

Intelligent Forecaster -3% for B Intelligent Forecaster -9% for Y

AMSP2 – SAP APO -61% for B AMSP2 – SAP APO -81% for Y

Judgmental FC 16% for C Judgmental FC 33% for Z

Intelligent Forecaster 15% for C Intelligent Forecaster 21% for Z

FC Pro 10% for C FC Pro 15% for Z

AMSP2 – SAP APO -18% for C AMSP2 – SAP APO -65% for Z

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Judgmental forecasting fails to increase forecasting accuracy on simple 'X'-products

Judgmental forecasting outperforms automatic methods on:

Complex ‘Z’ products

Short and medium time series

Time series driven by causal effects

Neural Networks cannot outperform other forecasting methods on average but were

almost as good as the human planner for forecasting 'Z'-products

Segmenting product portfolios is highly reasonable

recommendations have been developed on the basis of the ABC-XYZ classification

Results of the empirical comparison – basis are the relative error measures

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Recommendation for the forecasting process on the basis of the ABC

XYZ classification

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Recommendation for the forecasting process on the basis of the

ABC XYZ classification

Problems occur for the CZ products due to

manual planning

ANNs could be an alternative for Z products

Training ANNs for single segments should be

further investigated

Time savings should be invested into

integrated sales forecasting

MIP – CZ segment average

Judgmental FC 32%

Intelligent Forecaster 31%

FC Pro 18%

AMSP2 - SAP APO -36%

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Thanks for your attention!


Links Backup:

Distribution of products across segments

Characteristics of the FMCGI

Definition of the Naive method

Additional segmentation strategies

Empirical comparison

Artificial neural networks

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Alicke, K. (2005). Planung und Betrieb von Logistiknetzwerken. Heidelberg: Springer


Grochla, E. (1978). Grundlagen der Materialwirtschaft. Wiesbaden: Gabler.

Ng, W. L. (2007). A simple classifier for multiple criteria ABC analysis. European Journal

of Operational Research 177

Tempelmeier, H. (2006). Material - Logistik. Berlin: Springer.

Wildemann, H. (1988). Das Just in Time Konzept. Frankfurt: FAZ GmbH.

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Distribution of products across segments


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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Distribution of the products among the segments ABC XYZ

Segments X Y Z Total

A 19 17 9

45A XYZ percent 42.2% 37.8% 20.0%

X ABC percent 33.9% 19.5% 10.7%

B 22 28 19

69B XYZ percent 31.9% 40.6% 27.5%

Y ABC percent 39.3% 32.2% 22.6%

C 15 42 56

113C XYZ percent 13.3% 37.2% 49.6%

Z ABC percent 26.8% 48.3% 66.7%

Total 56 87 84 227


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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Characteristics of the FMCGI


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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Characteristics Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry (FMCGI)

High number of heterogeneous products

Different sales volumes

Various levels of randomness of the time series

Different time series lengths

Varying time series patterns

Numerous causal impacts


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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Definition of the Naive method


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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Literature: Naïve 1

Forecast horizon at BDF is 3 step ahead use naïve 3 step ahead

Problems arise for seasonal products

Naïve forecast defines XYZ classification criterion & lower benchmark

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Alternative use naïve 12

step ahead

Problems arise in case of

trends, level shifts or

short time series

Decision: combination of

both methods

Literature: Naïve 1

Forecast horizon at BDF is 3 step ahead use naïve 3 step ahead

Problems arise for seasonal products

Naïve forecast defines XYZ classification criterion & lower benchmark

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Times series sections for determination of the naïve forecast

Determine naive 3 step ahead forecast for the selection sample

Determine naive 12 step ahead forecast for the selection sample

Select the superior method

Calculate with the selected method the forecast for the hold out sample

Calculate the FCE for the hold out sample

0 12 24 36 48

hold out sample

selection sample

naïve 3 step ahead

naïve 12 step ahead

training data

Time seriesback

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Additional segmentation strategies


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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08

Additional segmentation criteria of the study

Time series pattern

Stationary, seasonal, trend, trend seasonal

Time series length

Short (6-12 months), medium (13-24 months), long (25-36months)

Promotion activity

Promotionally driven (2 for 1, 50% price of, TV campaign)

Not promotionally driven (no promo activity, 3 for 2, 25% price off, 2 for x €)


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Empirical comparison


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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Empirical comparison Overview

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Empirical comparison per method


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Artificial neural networks


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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Sensitivity analysis: parameters of the artificial neural network have

been determined by means of forecasting generic time series

Adjust ANN parameters to the time series before the forecast

Parameter selection by means of generic time series not original sample

Normally 36 generic time series 12 patterns combined with 3 noise levels

The 12 most occurring patterns of the 36 possible patterns have been selected

For the 12 patterns subsequently one parameter have been varied

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Starting with an basis MLP 7 parameters have been varied

Basic MLP selected by means of literature recommendations

Following parameters have been varied:

Number of input neurons

Number of hidden neurons

Initialization range of starting weights

Number of initializations (twice)

Learn rate

Momentum term

Activation function of input and hidden layer

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Used MLP of the study


One, two and ten input neurons

One output neuron

One hidden layer with five hidden neurons

Activation function of the hidden layer: Sigmoid

Activation function of the output layer: Identity

Target function Identity


Input data have been scaled to the interval [-0,6;0,6]

Choosing with repetition, 1000 epochs

Learning algorithm Backpropagation; learn rate 0,3; momentum term 0,4; cooling rate 0,99, frequency 1 epoch

Learning with early stopping

20 initializations; init interval [-0,7;0,7]

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Screenshot of the analysis graphic during the trainings process

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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


Screenshot of the error evaluation for the input neuron variation


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Segmenting sales forecasting accuracy

Michael Tramnitzke, 23.06.08


