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  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    The Royal FamilyThe Royal Family

    Queen ElisabethQueen Elisabeth

    Prince Phillip Duke of EdinburghPrince Phillip Duke of Edinburgh

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    The Prince of WalesThe Prince of WalesThe Princess of WalesThe Princess of Wales

    The Prince of WalesThe Prince of Wales

    The Duchess of CornwallThe Duchess of Cornwall

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    Prince WilliamPrince William

    Prince HarryPrince Harry

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    A is for AccessionA is for Accession

    This long word means the moment when someone becomes kingThis long word means the moment when someone becomes kingor queen. This is usually when the last king or queen dies. It isor queen. This is usually when the last king or queen dies. It is

    often a sad moment for the new king or queen as well as a specialoften a sad moment for the new king or queen as well as a specialevent. Today's Queen came to the Throne in 1952event. Today's Queen came to the Throne in 1952 -- over 50 yearsover 50 years


  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    B is for Buckingham PalaceB is for Buckingham Palace

    The Queen's official home in London. Buckingham Palace has over 500The Queen's official home in London. Buckingham Palace has over 500rooms, including 19 State rooms and 78 bathrooms! Many of the roomsrooms, including 19 State rooms and 78 bathrooms! Many of the rooms

    are used as offices by the people who help The Queen in her work.are used as offices by the people who help The Queen in her work.Lots of people visit Buckingham Palace when they receive their honoursLots of people visit Buckingham Palace when they receive their honours

    from The Queen or go to a garden party. You can also go insidefrom The Queen or go to a garden party. You can also go insideBuckingham Palace when it is open for visitors every summer.Buckingham Palace when it is open for visitors every summer.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    C is for Crown JewelsC is for Crown Jewels

    These are the crowns and other precious things which kings and queensThese are the crowns and other precious things which kings and queenswear or use when they are crowned, open Parliament or take part inwear or use when they are crowned, open Parliament or take part in

    other special events. There are lots of crowns which were made forother special events. There are lots of crowns which were made fordifferent British kings and queens in the past.different British kings and queens in the past. One scepter (a longOne scepter (a long

    wand with jewels) has the largest diamond in the world. It was cut fromwand with jewels) has the largest diamond in the world. It was cut fromthe enormous Cullinan diamond. You can visit the Crown Jewels at thethe enormous Cullinan diamond. You can visit the Crown Jewels at the

    Tower of London.Tower of London.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    D is for Dolls' HouseD is for Dolls' House

    Queen Mary's Dolls' House is probably the best dolls' house in theQueen Mary's Dolls' House is probably the best dolls' house in theworld. It was given as a present to Queen Mary, the grandmother ofworld. It was given as a present to Queen Mary, the grandmother ofthe present Queen. It is just like a Royal palace, with everything fromthe present Queen. It is just like a Royal palace, with everything froma throne room and suits of armor to a library with tiny books and reala throne room and suits of armor to a library with tiny books and realsilver knives and forks. It even has running water and electric light.silver knives and forks. It even has running water and electric light.

    You can see the house if you visit Windsor Castle near London.You can see the house if you visit Windsor Castle near London.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    E is for EmploymentE is for Employment

    Lots of people work for The Queen to help her in her duties. SomeLots of people work for The Queen to help her in her duties. Somepeople work in offices to plan where she will go and what she will do.people work in offices to plan where she will go and what she will do.

    Other people help to look after the palaces and the lovely things insideOther people help to look after the palaces and the lovely things insidethem. Some people look after the horses which pull carriages, andthem. Some people look after the horses which pull carriages, andothers prepare food for the Royal Family, guests and staff in theothers prepare food for the Royal Family, guests and staff in the


  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    F is for FlagsF is for Flags

    The Queen has her own special Royal flagThe Queen has her own special Royal flag -- it is called a 'standard'. Theit is called a 'standard'. TheRoyal standard is flown above the building where The Queen is staying.Royal standard is flown above the building where The Queen is staying.

    It also flies on The Queen's car when she is on an official visit. When TheIt also flies on The Queen's car when she is on an official visit. When TheQueen is away from Buckingham Palace, a Union Jack flag is flownQueen is away from Buckingham Palace, a Union Jack flag is flown

    instead. Look at the flags next time you pass a Royal palaceinstead. Look at the flags next time you pass a Royal palace -- it's an easyit's an easyway to find out if The Queen is at home!way to find out if The Queen is at home!

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    G is for Guard Mounting (or Changing the Guard)

    This famous ceremony with marching soldiers happens every day inThis famous ceremony with marching soldiers happens every day in

    summer and every other day in winter at Buckingham Palace, Windsorsummer and every other day in winter at Buckingham Palace, WindsorCastle and other royal buildings in London. It is very colourful to watch.Castle and other royal buildings in London. It is very colourful to watch.The guardsmen march in time to music played by an army band. TheThe guardsmen march in time to music played by an army band. The

    band plays some modern tunes and sometimes even pop songs!band plays some modern tunes and sometimes even pop songs!

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    H is for HorsesH is for Horses

    The Queen and other members of the Royal Family sometimes travelThe Queen and other members of the Royal Family sometimes travelin horsein horse--drawn carriages instead of cars on important daysdrawn carriages instead of cars on important days -- forfor

    example, a Royal wedding or a special procession. The horses whichexample, a Royal wedding or a special procession. The horses whichpull the carriages are specially trained so that they are not frightenedpull the carriages are specially trained so that they are not frightenedby crowds of people, noisesby crowds of people, noises

    and bright colours. The Queen's horses are kept in stables in the Royaland bright colours. The Queen's horses are kept in stables in the RoyalMews near Buckingham Palace. You can visit the Royal Mews onMews near Buckingham Palace. You can visit the Royal Mews on

    certain days of the week.certain days of the week.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    I is for InvestituresI is for Investitures

    An Investiture is the ceremony at which The Queen gives honors toAn Investiture is the ceremony at which The Queen gives honors topeople who have helped others, done special things or showed bravery.people who have helped others, done special things or showed bravery.

    These people are invited to Buckingham Palace to receive a decorationThese people are invited to Buckingham Palace to receive a decoration(like a medal) from The Queen in person. You certainly don't have to be(like a medal) from The Queen in person. You certainly don't have to be

    famous or rich to receive an honor from The Queen. Lollipop men,famous or rich to receive an honor from The Queen. Lollipop men,dinner ladies, nurses and policemen receive many more honors thandinner ladies, nurses and policemen receive many more honors than

    sport stars and stars and celebrities.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    J is for JubileeJ is for Jubilee

    In 2002 The Queen celebrated 50 years on the Throne. There were lotsIn 2002 The Queen celebrated 50 years on the Throne. There were lotsof special events during the summer of 2002. The Queen and Princeof special events during the summer of 2002. The Queen and Prince

    Philip travelled all around the UK and abroad to countries in thePhilip travelled all around the UK and abroad to countries in theCommonwealth to meet as many people as possible.Commonwealth to meet as many people as possible. The nationalThe national

    celebrations were heldcelebrations were held over a long weekendover a long weekend at the start of June, andat the start of June, andincluded a pop concert at Buckingham Palace, a service of thanksgivingincluded a pop concert at Buckingham Palace, a service of thanksgiving

    at St. Paul's Cathedral, and a carnival down the Mall to Buckinghamat St. Paul's Cathedral, and a carnival down the Mall to Buckingham


  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    K is for KingsK is for Kings

    There have been kings in Britain since Anglo Saxon times. Since 1066There have been kings in Britain since Anglo Saxon times. Since 1066there have been 37 kings. The king who reigned for the shortest timethere have been 37 kings. The king who reigned for the shortest timewas King Edward V, who was only 13 years old when he became king.was King Edward V, who was only 13 years old when he became king.His uncle ruled on his behalf but then sent Edward and his brother toHis uncle ruled on his behalf but then sent Edward and his brother tothe Tower of London. His uncle then became King Richard III and thethe Tower of London. His uncle then became King Richard III and thetwo princes were never seen again. King Edward V had the shortesttwo princes were never seen again. King Edward V had the shortestreign of any king because he was king only from April to June 1483.reign of any king because he was king only from April to June 1483.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    L is for LawL is for Law

    Centuries ago, kings and queens had the right to make laws. MonarchsCenturies ago, kings and queens had the right to make laws. Monarchsnowadays no longer have the right to make laws. Members ofnowadays no longer have the right to make laws. Members of

    Parliament chosen by the public carry out this duty instead. AlthoughParliament chosen by the public carry out this duty instead. AlthoughThe Queen acts on the advice of her Prime Minister, as Head of StateThe Queen acts on the advice of her Prime Minister, as Head of Stateshe still has to approve some new laws before they can begin to work.she still has to approve some new laws before they can begin to work.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    M is for Messages from The QueenM is for Messages from The Queen

    The Queen sends out a special card to anybody who is celebrating theirThe Queen sends out a special card to anybody who is celebrating their100th birthday or to couples who have been married for 60 years (a100th birthday or to couples who have been married for 60 years (a

    Diamond WeddingA

    nniversary). In 2000, The Queen even sent a specialDiamond WeddingA

    nniversary). In 2000, The Queen even sent a specialmessage to her mother, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, when shemessage to her mother, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, when shecelebrated her 100th birthday. A special office at Buckingham Palace sendscelebrated her 100th birthday. A special office at Buckingham Palace sends

    out all the messages and makes sure they arrive in time for the big day.out all the messages and makes sure they arrive in time for the big day.You can ask for a message for your grandparents or other relations byYou can ask for a message for your grandparents or other relations by

    writing in for an application form.writing in for an application form.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    N is for NamesN is for Names

    Not all kings and queens in history are known by their first names. TheNot all kings and queens in history are known by their first names. TheQueen's father, King George VI, was known as Prince Albert until heQueen's father, King George VI, was known as Prince Albert until he

    became king. When he became king in 1936 he chose to be known bybecame king. When he became king in 1936 he chose to be known byhis fourth name, George. The most popular kings' names in Britishhis fourth name, George. The most popular kings' names in British

    history have been Henry and Edward. So far, there have been eight ofhistory have been Henry and Edward. So far, there have been eight ofeach !each !

    The Windsor Family TreeThe Windsor Family Tree

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    O is for Opening of ParliamentO is for Opening of Parliament

    One of The Queen's jobs is to open Parliament officially each year afterOne of The Queen's jobs is to open Parliament officially each year afterthe MPs have been on holiday. This is a special ceremony when Thethe MPs have been on holiday. This is a special ceremony when The

    Queen travels to the Houses of Parliament in a horseQueen travels to the Houses of Parliament in a horse--drawn carriage. Shedrawn carriage. Shewears a long white dress. The Imperial State Crown travels in its ownwears a long white dress. The Imperial State Crown travels in its own

    carriage. When The Queen arrives at Westminster, she puts on the crowncarriage. When The Queen arrives at Westminster, she puts on the crownand reads a speech.and reads a speech.

    The speech explains what plans the government has for the next fewThe speech explains what plans the government has for the next fewmonths. The Queen does not write the speech but she reads it becausemonths. The Queen does not write the speech but she reads it because

    she is Head of State.she is Head of State.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    P is for Prime MinistersP is for Prime Ministers

    When a prime minister is elected by a public vote, The Queen has toWhen a prime minister is elected by a public vote, The Queen has tomeet him or her before he or she can start work. This is because Themeet him or her before he or she can start work. This is because The

    Queen is Head of State. The Queen hears all about what is happeningQueen is Head of State. The Queen hears all about what is happeningin Parliament during weekly meetings or 'audiences' with the primein Parliament during weekly meetings or 'audiences' with the prime

    minister. The Queen's first prime minister was Winston Churchill, whominister. The Queen's first prime minister was Winston Churchill, whowas also prime minister during the Second World War.was also prime minister during the Second World War.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    Q is for QueensQ is for Queens

    Only seven British queens have been queens by birth (instead of beingOnly seven British queens have been queens by birth (instead of beingmarried to a king). They are: Queen Mary I, the daughter of King Henrymarried to a king). They are: Queen Mary I, the daughter of King Henry

    VIII; Queen Elizabeth I, the second daughter of King Henry VIII; MaryVIII; Queen Elizabeth I, the second daughter of King Henry VIII; MaryQueen of Scots; Queen Mary II, joint ruler with King William III; QueenQueen of Scots; Queen Mary II, joint ruler with King William III; QueenAnne; Queen Victoria, the longest reigning monarch in British history;Anne; Queen Victoria, the longest reigning monarch in British history;

    and the present Queen, Elizabeth II.and the present Queen, Elizabeth II.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    R is for Royal FamilyR is for Royal Family

    Members of The Queen's family help The Queen in her work. The DukeMembers of The Queen's family help The Queen in her work. The Dukeof Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of York, The Earl ofof Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of York, The Earl of

    Wessex, The Princess Royal and other close relations help The Queen inWessex, The Princess Royal and other close relations help The Queen inlots of ways. They work for charities and other organisations, visitlots of ways. They work for charities and other organisations, visit

    places all across the country, and travel abroad to represent The Queenplaces all across the country, and travel abroad to represent The Queenand the United Kingdom.and the United Kingdom.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    S is for Swan UppingS is for Swan UppingSwan Upping is an interesting and very old ceremony which takes placeSwan Upping is an interesting and very old ceremony which takes place

    each year. It started in the 12th century, when the King claimedeach year. It started in the 12th century, when the King claimedownership of all mute swans. Swans were important at that time swansownership of all mute swans. Swans were important at that time swans

    because they were a delicious dish for banquets and feasts! Today, thebecause they were a delicious dish for banquets and feasts! Today, theCrown still owns all unmarked mute swans in open water, but in practiceCrown still owns all unmarked mute swans in open water, but in practicethis means only certain parts of the River Thames. Once a year men fromthis means only certain parts of the River Thames. Once a year men from

    two clubstwo clubs -- the Vintners' and Dyers' Companiesthe Vintners' and Dyers' Companies -- have the duty ofhave the duty ofcounting the swans. They sail up the river in six rowing boats and wearcounting the swans. They sail up the river in six rowing boats and wear

    bright scarlet uniforms. The swans are counted and their health isbright scarlet uniforms. The swans are counted and their health is

    checked to make sure that they are not being harmed by pollution orchecked to make sure that they are not being harmed by pollution ordangers. Of course, the swans are no longer eaten!dangers. Of course, the swans are no longer eaten!

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    T is for ThronesT is for ThronesMany people think of kings and queens carrying out their work from aMany people think of kings and queens carrying out their work from a

    throne. This is no longer true, but thrones are used for somethrone. This is no longer true, but thrones are used for someceremonies. There are several Royal chairs which are called thrones. Anceremonies. There are several Royal chairs which are called thrones. An

    important throne is the chair in the House of Lords on which The Queenimportant throne is the chair in the House of Lords on which The Queensits at the State Opening of Parliament. Other important thrones are thesits at the State Opening of Parliament. Other important thrones are the

    Chair of Homage which The Queen sat on after she was crowned inChair of Homage which The Queen sat on after she was crowned inWestminster Abbey in 1953, and St. Edward's Chair, also inWestminster Abbey in 1953, and St. Edward's Chair, also in

    Westminster Abbey, where The Queen sat when the act of crowningWestminster Abbey, where The Queen sat when the act of crowningtook place. In Buckingham Palace there is a Throne Room. It containstook place. In Buckingham Palace there is a Throne Room. It containsthe coronation chairs of The Queen's parents and of her grandparents.the coronation chairs of The Queen's parents and of her grandparents.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    U is for UniformsU is for Uniforms

    For many Royal events people who take part wear uniforms. Many ofFor many Royal events people who take part wear uniforms. Many ofthese outfits are very bright and decorative, and date back hundreds ofthese outfits are very bright and decorative, and date back hundreds of

    years. Some of the most famous uniforms are worn by the Guards whoyears. Some of the most famous uniforms are worn by the Guards whokeep watch at Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle and other Royalkeep watch at Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle and other Royalbuildings. The Guardsmen wear bright red jackets and tall furry hatsbuildings. The Guardsmen wear bright red jackets and tall furry hats

    which are called 'bearskins'. In winter, the Guardsmen wear long greywhich are called 'bearskins'. In winter, the Guardsmen wear long greycoats to keep them warm.coats to keep them warm.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    V is for VisitsV is for VisitsThe Queen and members of her family try to travel to as many places asThe Queen and members of her family try to travel to as many places as

    they can to meet people all over the United Kingdom and in thethey can to meet people all over the United Kingdom and in theCommonwealth. There are very few parts of the United Kingdom whichCommonwealth. There are very few parts of the United Kingdom which

    The Queen has not visited. She has been as far north as Shetland and asThe Queen has not visited. She has been as far north as Shetland and asfar south as the Isles of Scilly. The Queen often travels abroad on Statefar south as the Isles of Scilly. The Queen often travels abroad on State

    Visits to meet the leaders of other countries. This is an important way ofVisits to meet the leaders of other countries. This is an important way ofbeing friendly with other countries. The Queen also receives visitorsbeing friendly with other countries. The Queen also receives visitors

    from other countries, such as presidents, kings and queens. In 2001 Thefrom other countries, such as presidents, kings and queens. In 2001 The

    Queen hosted a lunch for President Bush of the USA

    and his wife.Queen hosted a lunch for President Bush of the USA

    and his wife.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    W is for Windsor CastleW is for Windsor CastleThis very old castle was first built by William the Conqueror as a fortress.This very old castle was first built by William the Conqueror as a fortress.It was built on a steep rock so that it was hard to attack. The castle hasIt was built on a steep rock so that it was hard to attack. The castle hasgrown a lot since then and today has over 1,000 rooms with beautifulgrown a lot since then and today has over 1,000 rooms with beautiful

    pictures and furniture. St. George's Chapel is in the grounds of the castle,pictures and furniture. St. George's Chapel is in the grounds of the castle,and is the home of the Order of the Garter. Today The Queen oftenand is the home of the Order of the Garter. Today The Queen often

    spends weekends at Windsor. You can visit the State rooms in Windsorspends weekends at Windsor. You can visit the State rooms in WindsorCastle most days in the year.Castle most days in the year.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    X is for XmasX is for Xmas

    The Queen celebrates Christmas with her family, often at her home inThe Queen celebrates Christmas with her family, often at her home inNorfolk. Every year she films a short message which is shown onNorfolk. Every year she films a short message which is shown on

    television on Christmas Day at 3pm. In her Christmas Message, Thetelevision on Christmas Day at 3pm. In her Christmas Message, TheQueen talks about things which have made the year special and wishesQueen talks about things which have made the year special and wisheseveryone a happy Christmas. The Queen sends Christmas cards andeveryone a happy Christmas. The Queen sends Christmas cards and

    presents just as many other people do.presents just as many other people do.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    Y is for YeomenY is for Yeomen

    Yeomen of the Guard are the oldest group of Royal bodyguards. TheyYeomen of the Guard are the oldest group of Royal bodyguards. Theywear bright red and yellow uniforms with a stiff white collar. In the pastwear bright red and yellow uniforms with a stiff white collar. In the past

    their job was to protect the king or queen wherever they wenttheir job was to protect the king or queen wherever they went -- theytheyeven checked royal food to make sure there was no poison in it. Todayeven checked royal food to make sure there was no poison in it. Todaythe Yeomen of the Guard stand on duty at Royal ceremonies. Yeomenthe Yeomen of the Guard stand on duty at Royal ceremonies. YeomenWarders have a similar uniform but they guard the Tower of London.Warders have a similar uniform but they guard the Tower of London.

  • 8/8/2019 ABC Royal Family


    Z is for ZooZ is for ZooKings and queens in the past often received animals as presents fromKings and queens in the past often received animals as presents from

    rulers of other countries. They included gifts of hippopotami, anrulers of other countries. They included gifts of hippopotami, anelephant, a giraffe and jaguar cats. The animals came from places suchelephant, a giraffe and jaguar cats. The animals came from places such

    as SouthA

    frica, India and Brazil. The creatures were often given to theas SouthA

    frica, India and Brazil. The creatures were often given to thezoo in Regent's Park, London because it was difficult to keep them inzoo in Regent's Park, London because it was difficult to keep them inRoyal palaces. It opened in 1827 and became very popular. NowadaysRoyal palaces. It opened in 1827 and became very popular. NowadaysThe Queen is not usually given animals as presentsThe Queen is not usually given animals as presents -- but you can stillbut you can still

    visit the Regent's Park Zoo!visit the Regent's Park Zoo!