abc book of history

ABC BOOK OF HISTORY Brianna Carmony 3 rd period 5-17-2011

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ABC Book of History. Brianna Carmony 3 rd period 5-17-2011. Abolitionist - a person who strongly favors doing away with slavery. Antifederalists - individuals who opposed ratification of the Constitution. Arsenal - a storage place for weapons and ammunition. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Brianna Carmony3rd period5-17-2011

Page 2: ABC Book of History

•Arsenal- a storage place for weapons and ammunition.

•Article- A part of a document, such as the Constitution, that deals with a single subject.

•Antifederalists- individuals who opposed ratification of the Constitution.

•Abolitionist- a person who strongly favors doing away with slavery.

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•Blockade Runner- ship that sais into and out of a blockaded area.

•Boomtown- a community experiencing a sudden growth in business of population.

•Boycott- to refuse to buy items from a particular country.

•Burgesses- elected representatives to an assembly.

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Cabinet- a group of advisors to the president.

Canal- an artificial waterway

Casualty- a military person killed, wounded, or captured Checks and Balances- the

system in which each branch of government has a check on the other two branches so that no one branch becomes too powerful.

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Depreciate- to fall in value

Depression- a period of low economic activity and wide spread unemploymentDictator- a leader who

rues with total authority, often in a cruel or brutal manner.

Drought- a long period of time with little rainfall

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Emancipate- to free from slavery

Embargo- an order prohibition trade with another country.

Emigrant- A person who leaves a country or region to live elsewhere.

Export- To sell goods abroad.

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Famine- and extreme shortage of food

Federalists- Supporters of the Constitution.

Forty-Niners: People who went to California during the gold rush of 1849

Fugitive- Runaway of trying to run away

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Global Warming- a steady increase in world temperature

Greenback- a piece of U.S paper money first issued by the North during the Civil War

Guerrilla- referring to surprise attacks or raids rather than organized warfare

Guerrilla Warfare- A hit-and-run technique issued in fighting a war; fighting by small bands of warriors using tactics such as sudden ambushes.

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HHenry, Patrick- made passionate speeches about independence from Britain.

Hamilton, Alexander- First secretary of the Treasury of the United States.

Habeas Corpus- a legal order for an inquiry to determine whether a person has been lawfully imprisoned

Human Rights- rights regarded as belonging to all persons, such as freedom from unlawful imprisonment, torture, and execution.

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Impressment- forcing people into service; as in the navy.

Indian Territory- land reserved by the United States government for Native Americans, now the state of Oklahoma

Industrial Revolution- A period of rapid growth started in Britain in the 1700s

Interchangeable Parts- Uniform pieces that can be made in large quantities to replace other identical pieces.

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JJackson, Andrew- His style of government was known as “Jacksonian Democracy”.

Judicial Review- Allows the court to interpret and apply laws that are constitutional.

Jones, John Paul- Founder of the U.S. Navy

Jefferson, Thomas- Main author of the Declaration of Independence.

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KKansas- state in the Central United States; fighting over slavery issue in 1850s gave territory the name “Bleeding Kansas”.

Kentucky- State in the South Central United States; Border state that sided with the Union during the Civil War.

Key, Francis Scott- wrote a poem called “The Star- Spangled Banner”.

Knox, Henry- Secretary of war for George Washington.

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Laissez- Faire: Policy that government should interfere as little as possible in the nation’s economy.

Legislative Branch- The branch of government that makes the nation’s laws.

Loyalists- American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for Independence.

Lee, Robert E.- Leader of the Confederate Army during the Civil War.

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MMajority- More than half.

Mayflower Compact- Male pilgrims signed this document to accept majority rule and to remain loyal to England.

Madison, James- Father of the U.S. Constitution.

Magna Carta- Declared that the King was bound by the citizens of England.

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Native Americans- Tribes removed from their lands and sent to Indian Territory.

Northwest Ordinance- Passed in1787, to set up a system for establishing settlements in the West.

Nullification Crisis- To protect U.S. goods Congressed passed high taxes on all imported goods.

Naturalized Citizen- Person born in a foreign country, who is granted full citizenship in another.

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Ohio River Valley- Battle between Native Americans and white settlers over the land.

Ohio- State in the North Central Untied States, which was the first state in the Northwest Territory.

Oklahoma- State in the South Central United States; Five Civilized Tribes moved to the territory in 130-1842.

Oregon Trail- Pioneer trail from Independence, Missouri, to the Oregon Territory.

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PPatriots- American colonists who were determined to fight the British until American Independence was won.

Paine, Thomas- He wrote an influential pamphlet encouraging colonists to free themselves from Britain and the King.

Plantation System- System of agricultural production based on large scale landownership.

Popular Sovereignty- Belief that political power rests with the people.

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Quakers- Religious group, protestant dissent, society of friends believed everyone had inner light, leading them to salvation.

Quartering troops: Amendment 3- No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house, without owner’s consent, or in time of war, unless prescribed by law.

Quebec, Battle of- Quebec was thought to be impossible to attack. Officer James Wolfe found a poorly guarded path, they surprised and defeated the French army.

Quebec Act- Set up permanent government for Quebec and granted religious freedom for French Catholics.

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Ratify- To give official approval to.

Republic- A government in which citizens rule through elected representatives.

Reservation- An area of public lands set aside for Native Americans.

Revenue- Incoming money.

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Secede- To leave or withdraw.

Secession- Withdraw from the Union.

Smuggling- Trading illegally with other nations.

Suffrage- The right to vote.

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Tariff- A tax on imports or exports.

Texas- State in the South Central United States; Mexican colony that became a republic before joining the United States.

Tecumseh- A powerful Shawnee chief that built a confederacy among Native American nations in the Northwest.

Tenth Amendment- Protects the states and the people from and all powerful federal government.

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Unalienable Rights- A right that cannot be surrendered.

Unconstitutional- Not agreeing or consistent with the Constitution.

Underground Railroad- A system that helped enslaved African Americans follow a network of escape routes out of the South to freedom in the North.

Utopia- Community based on a vision of a perfect society sought by reformers.

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Veto- to reject a bill and prevent it from becoming a law.

Vigilantes- people who take the law into their own hands.

Valley Forge- Revolutionary War winter camp north of Philadelphia.

Vicksburg- City and Civil War battle site in Western Mississippi on the Mississippi River.

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War Hawks- Republicans during Madison’s presidency who pressed for war with Britain.

Writ of Assistance- Legal document that enabled officers to search homes and warehouses for goods that might be smuggled.

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