abbotswood issue 12 a5p … ·...

16 @TestValleyBC TestValleyBC Issue #12 Abbotswood Community Centre takes shape! Abbotswood Community Centre under construction, mid October 2016. This is the main hall – the part of the building on the left hand side of the artist’s impression. Your newsletter….. Do you read this newsletter? What do you like/not like? What would you like to see in future editions? Tell Barbara…. [email protected] 01794 523199 (answerphone) Abbotswood Newsletter Autumn 2016 In this issue... events Abbotswood homes occupied Figures obtained from Taylor Wimpey, Bellway and Bovis show that as at the end of July 2016 there were 640 properties occupied in Abbotswood.

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Page 1: Abbotswood issue 12 A5P … · centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring TestValleyBC


Abbotswood Community Centre takes shape!Abbotswood Community Centre under construction, mid October 2016. This is the main hall – the part of the building on the left hand side of the artist’s impression.

Your newsletter…..Do you read this newsletter? What do you like/not like? What would you like to see in future editions?

Tell Barbara….

[email protected] 523199 (answerphone)

AbbotswoodNewsletter Autumn 2016

In this issue...


Abbotswood homes occupied Figures obtained from Taylor Wimpey, Bellway and Bovis show that as at the end of July 2016 there were 640 properties occupied in Abbotswood.

Page 2: Abbotswood issue 12 A5P … · centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring

Abbotswood Newsletter – Autumn 2016


Abbotswood Local Centre

Work is well under way for the new Abbotswood community centre. The centre is advancing well and the building is on schedule for completion in spring 2017. Trustees of your Community Association visited the site at the end of July for a turf-

Community AssociationFind us here:On the web: Facebook: Facebook page Abbotswood Romsey Community Association Contact us by email: [email protected]

Page 3: Abbotswood issue 12 A5P … · centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring

Abbotswood Newsletter – Autumn 2016


Message from Rachel, Chair of Trustees:

Well haven’t we been busy…………….!

I think firstly it is for us to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended the Queen’s 90th birthday street party on the green back in June; the weather held out and a fantastic time was had by all. We had some great bake off entries, some excellent costumes and of course some fantastic themed picnics!

trustee to the team! Following this we went straight into our very first Abbotswood Quiz Night, our first attempt at an evening social. It was a lively evening with great company and great grub (a special thanks

evening, especially for holding out with the

Upcoming events...Now the summer is coming to an end it’s time for us to think about all things winter.

Abbotswood will be taking part in the

with a 1 day lantern making workshop on

book your place at the workshop with Barbara [email protected]

We will also be carol singing around the development with the lanterns, in the run up to Christmas; we will confirm a date in November and put this on the website and facebook page also.

night with a special Abbotswood New Year Quiz, keep your eyes peeled on our facebook page and website below. Booking will be essential and can be done through our website.

Other than organising events our focus now is very much on the new community centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring and we really need some help with this; we are appealing for help from all aspects, so if you have a skill that you could donate a bit of time with…

…whatever it may be!

charity and community projects, or if they offer “matched funding”, for every pound

or money will help kit out the building and this will help to make the building available for hire and community events all the sooner.

A brand new shiny building is not much use if it’s empty and not full of people so let’s make sure it’s a real community hub that works for you all.

Best wishes

Community Association

Page 4: Abbotswood issue 12 A5P … · centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring

Abbotswood Newsletter – Autumn 2016


The Local Centre

The Children’s Day Nurseryconstruction is underway. The nursery is scheduled to open in spring 2017.

The construction of the convenience store

going to be.

The Pub/Restaurant

The mixed use blockbeing well construction is due to commence in spring 2017.

[email protected]

For your information, outline approved plans for Abbotswood Community Centre can be viewed by visiting the Test Valley Borough Council website, clicking on ‘view planning

in the background. To the left you can see the perimeter path which is now open from






The community centre is marked F

is an update on the other buildings which will make up the local centre:

Page 5: Abbotswood issue 12 A5P … · centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring

Abbotswood Newsletter – Autumn 2016


Abbotswood to Romsey Art…

Valley, Councillor Carl Borg-Neal, officially

Canal. The new sculptures, benches, stepping stones and story-telling panels,

create a sense of community to help connect the Abbotswood development to

created the artwork after gathering inspiration from residents at a series of community events where local people shared their memories about the area and ideas for the art displays. The trail enhances the walk along the canal and gives people places to sit and reflect on the stunning environment. The trail creates a fun and interesting walk along the canal, so why not pop down to see the art yourself?

You can find out more about the project at the website and blog:

…the next Abbotswood art project – are you interested in contributing ideas towards art works in Abbotswood for

Abbotswood art trail. The process will involve selecting an artist and working towards creating art for the community to enjoy! Contact Barbara to find out more [email protected].

Page 6: Abbotswood issue 12 A5P … · centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring

Abbotswood Newsletter – Autumn 2016


Abbotswood Health WalkEvery 2nd Tuesday of each month 10.15 – 11.30am - meet at community centre

From 10am to register before the walk begins

Braishfield Health WalkEvery 4th Tuesday of each month 10.15 – 11.30am - meet at Braishfield Village Hall From 10.15am to register before the walk begins

Call Jess on:


Page 7: Abbotswood issue 12 A5P … · centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring

Abbotswood Newsletter – Autumn 2016


Open spaces The areas

bold on this map have now been legally transferred from the developers to Test Valley Borough Council’s

department. If you have any concerns about maintenance, you can contact TVBC on 01264

Page 8: Abbotswood issue 12 A5P … · centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring

Abbotswood Newsletter – Autumn 2016


Parking consultation – what happens next? The informal consultation on parking restrictions

All the responses will be considered and reported to Test Valley

then follows a period of statutory consultation, where there will be a further exhibition with highway engineers available to answer

be to lessen the restrictions; new restrictions cannot be added. The legal process continues when the order is given to implement the approved changes.

At Abbotswood, the restrictions are concentrated on junctions

congestion between parked cars and buses. If a bus cannot get through, then neither can emergency services vehicles.

Until any changes are implemented, please can I issue the usual

down your road on Abbotswood and use your allocated parking

use mobility aids or baby buggies to ensure they can pass on the pavement safely.

parking issues to the police if:

a car is obstructing a driveway and preventing accessa car is parked within 10 metres of a junctioncars are parked preventing emergency vehicles getting through.

Page 9: Abbotswood issue 12 A5P … · centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring

Abbotswood Newsletter – Autumn 2016


Bus Access Road – Cutforth Way to Woodley LaneThe new access road has clear signs showing which vehicles may use the access, so that all drivers are aware as they approach from both directions. The road

observation, and penalty notices have already been issued for vehicles that are

Abbotswood Tots Group Woodley Village Hall - Thursdays 1-3pm

Thank you to all parents, carers and families for supporting the Tots Group on

We invite a family to donate £1 per family per session to cover refreshments with a little left over for new toys for the group. Thanks to everyone’s donations so far we have been able to invest in the following:

happy land sets – garage, fire engine, bus with vehicles and characters

stacking cubes

baby toys

rattles and bells for singing time.

It’s free play until around 2.40pm, with a dedicated area for small babies and their carers. Then we start to tidy away the toys to clear the room and have circle time on mats, with a story or favourite songs. If you are expecting a baby you are welcome to come and meet others while you are pregnant and you may learn handy hints from other new parents.

To be kept informed about this group- please email Barbara at [email protected]

Page 10: Abbotswood issue 12 A5P … · centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring

Abbotswood Newsletter – Autumn 2016


Get active in your community by the Department for Transport @MyJourneyHants

A new Community Cycle Club for Romsey!

This new club aims to complement all existing cycle groups. With the intention to help people step into (or back into) cycling, build confidence and brush-up on skills, the club will offer gentle rides and be open to all.

If you are interested in volunteering to lead regular cycle rides, run some taster sessions, pass on your local route knowledge, or would like to know more, please get in touch.

To kick start the activity, we are offering FREE Dr Bike Checks in October and November, dates to be released soon. Contact: Susan Keywood, Cycling Development Officer Tel: 077 17 696 672 Email: [email protected]

Page 11: Abbotswood issue 12 A5P … · centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring

Abbotswood Newsletter – Autumn 2016


Abbotswood now has its own WI meeting on the second Tuesday of the month, 7.30pm, at the Scout Hall in Woodley. We also offer a number of groups that members can join, for example crafts, walking and garden visits. We are a young, vibrant group offering talks and activities to suit all tastes so why not come along and give us a try?

8 November - Andy Lester, "What's sospecial about Fishlake Meadows" 13 December - Daisy Cake Company, how tomarzipan and cover a cake with opportunity tomake an edible Christmas tree.

The WI is all about inspiring women. For further information, please contact Abbotswood WI President Trish Foreman [email protected] 01794 523 963 or visit

Page 12: Abbotswood issue 12 A5P … · centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring

Abbotswood Newsletter – Autumn 2016


Useful contacts

If you have any news, reviews or achievements that you would like to share with the community and feature in the next newsletter, or if you

Barbara Wyant

Abbotswood Community Centre,

Temporary Community Centre - 01794 523199

Parish Council

Telephone: 01794 511535 Telephone: 01794 [email protected] [email protected]

Your local representatives

Councillor Perry

Telephone: 01962 [email protected]

Test Valley Borough Council

Telephone: 02380 732247 [email protected] [email protected]

Housing Surgery- Sovereign

01962 833305.

Tuesday, [email protected] 07880 601028

Page 13: Abbotswood issue 12 A5P … · centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring

Abbotswood Newsletter – Autumn 2016


The Bobby Scheme

long-life smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and peace of mind for the vulnerable and elderly. Over the last 12 months, our trained fitters have helped to improve safety at more than 2290 homes. or call 0300 777 0157.

New telephone number launched to report power cutsWhen the power goes out, it can leave people feeling unsure about what to

to their local electricity network operator.

The electricity in your area is covered

maintain electricity cables and lines

number can be accessed from most

Abbotswood local recycling centre

Your local recycling centre, next to the temporary community centre, is growing in popularity! The clothes bank is often overflowing. The bins now have a larger chute and will be emptied every week.

If you find the clothes bank is full, please:

landlines and mobile phones. It doesn’t matter who you choose to buy electricity

to electricity power lines and substations that could put them, or someone else, in danger. If there’s a serious immediate risk, the emergency services should be called

who offer additional free support to those


take the goods home or to another bank – chances are the bank will be empty again in a few days

call the number on the bank to ask them to empty it – they are usually very prompt!

bank. They will just get wet and smelly and will attract further fly-tipping.

Page 14: Abbotswood issue 12 A5P … · centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring

Abbotswood Newsletter – Autumn 2016


What’s on in Romsey?

Local Clubs and Societies

Are you expecting a baby, or you have a new baby? The National Childbirth Trust is there for parents to be and new parents, through antenatal classes, and the local networks of

all that the NCT has to offer at

can help as the branch is run locally by parents, for parents. If you would like to get

Barbara at [email protected] and I can pass your details on.

Romsey Farmers’ Markets

vibrant centre of activity on the first

sell a range of good including meat, eggs, cheese, cakes, wine, cider, bread, honey, jams and pickles, fresh and smoked fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, plants and shrubs.

burgers are popular with our visitors and there is also mulled wine on offer, plus plenty of tasting opportunities and chances to meet and chat with our producers.

Page 15: Abbotswood issue 12 A5P … · centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring

Abbotswood Newsletter – Autumn 2016


Upcoming events

Date Time Event Location Contact

October get your bike checked

Abbotswood Temporary Community Centre

[email protected] 696 672

November 10amsinging around Abbotswood

Barbara [email protected]

Friday 9 onwards Father Christmas

[email protected]

Wednesday 14 6pm Abbotswood

Community Association -

In the new year evening TBCCommunity Association -

Regular events

Date Time Event Location Contact

the month 10am to 2pm


temporary community centre. Bring stout footwear and weather appropriate clothing.

Check start time with Jessie

Fourth Tuesday please arrive 10.20am

Check start time with Jessie

Thursdays 10am to 12noon coffee and a chat Temporary Community Centre

Thursdays 1pm to session

Barbara [email protected]

of the month Abbotswood WI

Thursday of the month meeting

Clerk to the parish council [email protected]

10am to 12noon Art Class

Fourth Friday of 10 to 12noon

the month 4pm sessionsAbbotswood Court Care home,

Page 16: Abbotswood issue 12 A5P … · centre which you may have seen building has begun! It is due for completion in the spring

Abbotswood Newsletter – Autumn 2016