ab - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · ventria...

Name: ____________________________________________ Period: ____ Weeks: 36 - 37 Dates: 4/27 - 5/7 Unit: Genetics and Agriculture 1 Assignments Your Score Total Points Possible Genetics Notes 30 Probability Notes 30 Snurfle Genetics 60 If They Mated Experiment 50 Rice Pharming in California 30 TOTAL POINTS 200 Upcoming Activities/Announcements 4/30 - FFA Voting Meeting in S1 @ 3:30 5/7 - FFA Reception @ Santa Ynez Mission Hall 6pm Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 27 O *Genetics - Mendel 28 E 29 O *Probability *Snurfles 30 E FFA Voting Meeting 3:30 S1 1 O *If They Mated 4 E 5 O *Rice Pharming 6 E 7 O *Packet Due *Test = Dragon Genetics 8 E

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Page 1: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The

Name: ____________________________________________ Period: ____Weeks: 36 - 37 Dates: 4/27 - 5/7 Unit: Genetics and Agriculture


Assignments Your Score Total Points Possible

Genetics Notes 30

Probability Notes 30

Snurfle Genetics 60

If They Mated Experiment 50

Rice Pharming in California 30


Upcoming Activities/Announcements

4/30 - FFA Voting Meeting in S1 @ 3:30 5/7 - FFA Reception @ Santa Ynez Mission Hall 6pm

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

27 O *Genetics - Mendel

28 E 29 O*Probability *Snurfles

30 E

FFA Voting Meeting 3:30 S1

1 O*If They Mated

4 E 5 O*Rice Pharming

6 E 7 O*Packet Due*Test = Dragon Genetics

8 E

Page 2: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The

interest grabber Make a list of the different forms of these traits you have observed in the class or among other people you know.

Now record your answers to the following…. A) Star the above traits you believe could be inherited!

B) Could these traits be inherited?

C) From whom could they be inherited?

D) How is it possible that these traits could be found in a person and his or her biological grandparents but not in the biological parents?


Page 3: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The

GeneticsCue Column

(Write Vocal Cue word here)

Genetics(write definitions and information here)


Page 4: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The

Summary: (use complete sentences)

Cue Column(Write Vocal Cue word


Genetics(write definitions and information here)


Page 5: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The

F1 Generation



+ =

+ =

= +

Page 6: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The

Genetics Continues…

intereste grabber

Reporter______________ Flipper_________________

When done, answer these questions 1) What is the probability of the flips landing heads up?

2) What is the probability of the flips landing tails up?

Heads Tails


Page 7: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The

ProbabilityCue Column

(Write Vocal Cue word here)

Probability (write definitions and information here)


Page 8: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The

Summary: (use complete sentences)

Cue Column(Write Vocal Cue word


Probability (write definitions and information here)


Page 9: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The

Go to BishopAgEd.weebly.com to access game; click Snurfle Genetics- Click on Snurfle Meiosis App

-Click on Continue

- Click on Continue

- Click on Meiosis and Genetics Interactive and follow directions as you answer the following questions.

1. When does interphase occur?

2. What occurs during interphase?

3. Uncoiled stringy DNA is called __________________.

4. Human cells have _________ pieces of chromatin.

5. Half of you DNA comes from your__________ and half from your _______________.

6. DNA has " that determines traits of an organism.

7. Different forms of a gene are called " .

8. What are the 2 alleles for fur color in Snurfles and which letters represent those alleles?

9. __________________ is when DNA copies itself and it occurs during _____________________.

10. ______________ are made during Meiosis. Examples of gametes are ________ and _________.

11. Meiosis occurs in ______ divisions, Meiosis _____ and Meiosis ______.


Page 10: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The

12. List the phases for Meiosis I.

13. List the phases for Meiosis II.

14. During prophase I the chromosomes _________________ and become ____________________.

15. Chromosomes that are the same size and have the same genes are called __________________.

16. Each half of a replicated chromosome is called a __________________ _________________.

17. Sister chromatids of a chromosome are _____________________.

18. The nucleus ___________________ during prophase I.

19. Homologous chromosomes pair up during prophase I to form a _____________________.

20. During metaphase I the tetrads line up in the ______ of the cell.

21. The homologous chromosomes split up and move toward the opposite ends of the cell during _____________________.

22. ____________________ independent cells begin to form during .

23._____________________ is the division of the cytoplasm to make two new cells.

24. The 2 new cells that are formed from Meiosis I ________________ are because they contain half of the chromosome of the original cell that started meiosis.

25. At the start of Meiosis I you had 1 ______________________ cell.

26. Meiosis II must take place because each of our new cells still has too much " .

28. Draw the chromosomes in Meiosis I. Label the cells as diploid or haploid



Page 11: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The

29. The nucleus " during prophase II.

30. In Metaphase II the chromosomes line up single file down the " of the cell.

31. In _______________________ the sister chromatids split up.

32. In Telophase II, ____________ _______________ daughter cells are being formed. They are called ________________.

33. Each newly formed cell will form a ______________ around the chromosomes.

34. The chromosomes " to form ____________

35. _________________ occurs at the same time at Telophase II.

36. At the end of Meiosis II you have made _________ _________________ gametes (sex cells).

37. Draw and label the Meiosis summary.

38. If the gametes are produced by a female, they are called ________ or _________.

39. If the gametes are produced by a male, they are called __________________.

40. The " square is a tool that is used to predict the possible offspring of a genetic cross.

41. The letters on a punnett square actually represent possible ________________________ .

42. When sperm and egg join it is called ____________________.

43. A fertilized egg is called a _________________.

44. Complete the punnett square to the right.

45. A " is the genetic make-up of an organism.


G g



Page 12: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The

46. Give examples of genotypes.

47. A " is the characteristic or appearance of the organism.

48. Give examples of phenotypes.

49. Dominant alleles are represented by " letters.

50. Recessive alleles are represented by " letters.

51. _____________ alleles will show in your phenotype even if it only has one copy.

52. For recessive traits to show in the phenotype the snurfle will need " copies of the gene.

53. ______________ means an organism has 2 copies of the same allele in its genotype (GG, gg)

54. _______________ means an organism has 2 different alleles in its genotype (Gg, Tt, Rr).

~Click on The Chromosome Quandary and follow the directions~ Click on The Meiosis and Genetics Quiz! Answer the questions. ~ Click on Score Sheet. Record Scores.

Overall Score: ___ Meiosis and Genetics: _____

Chromosome Quandary: ________

Quiz: _______

Teacher’s Initials: _________


Page 13: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The



Ag Biology “If They Mated” Experiment (50 points)

1) Record the alleles for your genotype for each of the traits below. 2) Record the genotype of your partner for each of the traits below. 3) Complete the instructions on the “If They Mated Genes” worksheet. (24 points)

Child #1 Phenotype (5 points) Child #2 Phenotype (5 points)

Trait Dominant Recessive Your Genotype

Partners Genotype

Child #1 Genotype

Child #2 Genotype

Hair Color Dark (Dd) Light (dd)

Eye Color Brown (Bb) Blue/Green (bb)

Ear Lobes Unattached (Uu) Attached (uu)

Cheeks Dimpled (Cc) Not Dimpled (cc)

Tongue Rolling

Ability to Roll (Rr)

Inability to Roll (rr)

Hair Texture

Curly (Tt) Straight (tt)

Eyelashes Long (Ll) Short (ll)

Color Vision

Color (Vv) Color Blind (vv)

Gender Female (XX) Male (XY)

Handed Right (Hh) Left (hh)

Freckles Yes (Ff) None (ff)

Thumb Extension

Straight (Ee) Hitchhikers (ee)

Page 14: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The



Lab Questions 1) If the genotype for dominant traits were homozygous, how would the outcome be affected for each trait? (5 points) 2) Think about some of these traits in regards to your own parents. In what ways do you take after your mother? In what ways do you take after your father? What can you imply about your parent’s genotypes for the traits you have in common with each parent? (5 points) 3) Draw a picture of one of your proposed “children.” Make sure that each trait is visible in the drawing. (5 points)

Page 15: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The

�152 CALIFORNIA EDUCATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT INITIATIVE I Unit B.5.c. I High-Tech Harvest: Genetic Engineering and the Environment I Student Edition

Russ Greenwald climbed out of his pickup as the big harvesters flushed blackbirds

from the rice fields. Moving back and forth in the heat of midday, they carefully

mowed between dark levees. Russ is a big man in his late 40s, a third generation

California rice farmer.

California Connections: Rice Pharming in California, Part 1

Lesson 1 | page 1 of 3

Rice Pharming in California

Aerial view of farming in Sacramento Valley

Feeding the WorldLately he has seen many

changes in the industry. “Rice is the engine that drives many rural economies in the Sacramento Valley,” he said. “The small farmer used to know what to expect. Now, the future seems less certain.”

California has been a major rice-producing state since 1920. Approximately 40,000 Chinese immigrants—all of whom depended on rice as their staple food—joined the thousands who flocked to northern California to find their fortunes during the Gold Rush of 1849. Farmers at that time found that the new rice crop they planted to feed this influx of Chinese immigrants grew easily in the heavy clay soil of the Sacramento Valley.

From a patchwork of 500,000 acres, California farmers now harvest approximately seven metric tons of rice per year, more rice

Part 1: Russ Greenwald and Ventria Bioscience

Page 16: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The

�16CALIFORNIA EDUCATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT INITIATIVE I Unit B.5.c. I High-Tech Harvest: Genetic Engineering and the Environment I Student Edition 3

Rice ready to eat

per acre than any other region in the world. Japan buys nearly half of California’s yearly rice crop; Taiwan, Turkey, and South Korea also buy large quantities of California rice. The rest of the state’s rice crop finds its way to dinner tables and sushi restaurants and into rice beer and pet food in the United States. Today more people

consume rice than any other grain on Earth; a third of the world’s population eats rice every day.

Genetically Modified RiceIn 1998, the U.S. Department

of Agriculture approved a Sacramento-based company’s plan to carry out biogenetic experiments with rice. Using

rice as a host, Sacramento-based Ventria Bioscience hoped to develop an oral rehydration solution, that would help cure infectious diarrhea. Doctors use rehydration solutions to help replace the body fluids lost in people suffering from diarrhea. Every year 2 million children around the world die of complications from this disease. It is the second largest killer of children under the age of five in developing countries. If not controlled, serious diarrhea can cause the human body to lose dangerous amounts of fluid, causing dehydration and potentially death.

Ventria Bioscience used a bioengineering technology to design a genetically modified rice grain that produces the natural proteins lactoferrin and lysozyme.

California Connections: Rice Pharming in California, Part 1

Lesson 1 | page 2 of 3

Rice in test tube

Page 17: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The

�174 CALIFORNIA EDUCATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT INITIATIVE I Unit B.5.c. I High-Tech Harvest: Genetic Engineering and the Environment I Student Edition

Lactoferrin and lysozyme are proteins found in mother’s milk, tears, and saliva. Lactoferrin acts as an anti-bacterial agent and stimulates the immune system. Lysozyme can make dangerous bacteria less likely to be harmful. These proteins do not grow naturally in rice. Ventria tested inserting human genes for these proteins into the rice genome using bioengineering technology, creating a transgenic rice plant. Transgenic plants contain a gene or genes transferred from another species. When these rice-produced human proteins

were extracted from the rice and added to an oral rehydration solution, they were intended to act together to reduce the risk of infectious diarrhea and inflammation of the intestinal tract.

Originally Ventria planted its test rice in separate plots away from commercial rice fields. The company aimed to reduce the risk of cross-pollinating the engineered rice with the traditional rice crops. Such cross-pollination could allow the medicinal proteins to make their way into regular rice. Ventria planned to grow

more acres of its genetically modified rice in California after completing the experimentation phase of the project.

BiopharmingIn 1999, Ventria asked Russ

Greenwald to assist with its experi-ments. The company wanted to use part of his land for “biopharming,” or growing genetically modified rice containing the diarrhea-preventing proteins. The word

“biopharming” is a combination of “pharmaceutical” (meaning medical drugs) and “farming.” Biotech and pharmaceutical companies see biopharming as a way to produce large quantities of useful drugs that can be delivered relatively cheaply and easily, especially to people in developing countries.

Self-pollinating RiceVentria offered to pay

Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The company said it would plant self-pollinating rice, which allows the rice plants to fertilize themselves with their own pollen. This appealed to Greenwald, who would not have to worry about keeping the genetically modified rice from mixing with his regular crop. It was at that time that he agreed to become a “pharmer.”

California Connections: Rice Pharming in California, Part 1

Lesson 1 | page 3 of 3

Rice ready for shipment

Page 18: AB - 15bishopaged.weebly.com/uploads/3/7/4/9/37498793/__ab_-_15... · 2019-10-09 · Ventria offered to pay Greenwald by the acre to develop a rice pharm in northern California. The

�18CALIFORNIA EDUCATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT INITIATIVE I Unit B.5.c. I High-Tech Harvest: Genetic Engineering and the Environment I Student Workbook 3

Name: _________________________________

Instructions: Write a brief response to each of the questions below. (10 points each)

1. How is the genetically engineered rice described in California Connections: Rice Pharming in California, Part 1: Russ Greenwald and Ventria Bioscience different from and similar to other rice?



2. Why do scientists/farmers want to alter the genetic makeup of rice?

3. What advantages does this rice have over traditional rice? What disadvantages might it have?



California Rice Pharming

Lesson 1