aa_knowledge of residents of selected barangay new

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  • 7/27/2019 Aa_Knowledge of Residents of Selected Barangay New




    Background of the Study

    Diabetes mellitus is one of the major chronic

    diseases which affect millions of people worldwide. It is

    a metabolic disorder characterized by glucose

    intolerance. This systemic disease is caused by an

    imbalance between insulin supply and insulin demand. It

    is one of the serious, complex chronic diseases, which

    tend to accelerate degenerative changes throughout the

    body by widespread vascular changes in the large blood

    vessels and the micro-vessels if not treated properly. It

    affects mostly adults from the age of 25 years to 74

    years, although it also affects children as young as 3

    years old. Two types of diabetes mellitus are identified,

    type I and type II. About 5-10% of people with diabetes

    have type I and 90-95% have type II (Smeltzer & Bare


    The outcome of diabetes mellitus depends almost

    entirely on the patients self-management. Health

    professionals have a major responsibility in assisting

    patients to gain the necessary knowledge, skills and

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    attitudes for self-management (Phipps, Long & Woods


    Diabetes mellitus currently affects an estimated 11

    million people in the United States. About 500,000 new

    cases of diabetes are diagnosed annually. It is prevalent

    in the elderly, though studies indicate that even

    children are affected. Diabetes is a leading cause of new

    blindness among 25-74 year olds in the United States and

    the third leading cause of death, mostly because of the

    high rate of coronary artery diseases which are a

    complication of diabetes mellitus (Smeltzer & Bare 1992).

    The incidence of diabetes mellitus in South Africa for

    children is 0.07-3.5 per 10 000 population (Smeltzer &

    Bare 1992). It was estimated in 1996 that 0.5 million

    people suffered from diabetes mellitus in South Africa

    (Working Group of the National Diabetes Advisory Board


    The aim of the treatment of diabetes mellitus is to

    achieve blood glucose levels as close to the non-diabetic

    state as feasible. Patients must take responsibility for

    their own care and should therefore acquire the knowledge

    and technical skills to monitor urine and blood glucose,

    recognize and prevent hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia and

    complications (Matwa, Chabeli, Muller & Levitt 2003).

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    The control of diabetes mellitus can be better

    maintained if patients adhere to a prescribed treatment

    regimen (Lewis & Collier 1992). According to Coates

    (1994), patients may monitor their blood glucose levels

    by testing the urine or blood, though recently blood

    testing is preferred to urine testing because the latter

    is known to be inaccurate and may not warn the diabetic

    of impending hypoglycemia. Patients can monitor

    themselves at home using reagent strips or a glucose

    meter. Monitoring of glucose at home enables patients to

    check the glucose level regularly and to use the results

    to decide on the management of their diabetes

    complications. Complications become a reality when

    treatment is not adhered to and this can be due to lack

    of knowledge. According to Hamera (1992) research results

    of studies done on diabetes mellitus reveal only the

    positive aspects of the disease, e.g., a positive

    attitude about having diabetes, and ignore the negative

    aspects. The experience is therefore not representative.

    For a sample to be representative, both positive and

    negative aspects should be included.

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    Statement of the Problem

    As Community Health Nursing (CHN) affiliates in

    Barangay 9, Tigbauan Iloilo, we applied the concept of

    metabolism to include glucose metabolism. Diabetes

    Mellitus is one illness included in this concept. Based

    on the case findings (epidemiology), we have surveyed

    several cases of adults aging forty (40) years old and

    above diagnosed of diabetes, some claimed to have a

    maintenance medication and others are saying they have

    diabetes but have neglected to have follow-ups with their

    doctor as well as monitoring of their blood sugar level.

    It seems that this serious disease or illness is being

    taken for granted. As nursing students, aware of the

    severe complications of diabetes we would like to find

    out if how informed are these adult residents about this

    illness. Thus, this study will focus on the knowledge of

    diabetes mellitus among the residents of Barangay 9,

    Tigbauan, Iloilo.

    Specifically, this study will answer the following


    1. What is the level of knowledge on diabetes mellitus

    among residents when taken as a whole and when

    categorize according to age, gender, educational

    attainment and monthly family income?

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    2. Is there as a significant difference in the level of

    knowledge on diabetes mellitus among residents when

    categorize according to age, gender, educational

    attainment and monthly family income?

    Objectives of the Study

    This study aims to determine the knowledge of

    residents about diabetes mellitus in Brgy. 9, Tigbauan,


    Specifically, this study aims to determine:

    1. The level of knowledge on diabetes mellitus among

    residents when taken as a whole and when categorize

    according to age, gender, educational attainment and

    monthly family income.

    2. If there is a significant difference in the level of

    knowledge on diabetes mellitus among residents when

    categorize according to age, gender, educational

    attainment and monthly family income.


    In consonance with the study, this hypothesis will

    be tested, that there is no significant difference in the

    level of knowledge on diabetes mellitus among residents

    when categorize according to age, gender, educational

    attainment and monthly family income.

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    Definition of Terms

    For clarity of meaning, the following terms are

    defined as to how they are used in this study.

    Knowledge. The fact or condition

    of knowing something with familiarity gained through

    experience or association; the fact or condition of being

    aware of something (meriam-webster.com).

    In this study, this refers to the familiarity gained

    or a condition of being aware to the disease, diabetes

    mellitus of the adult residents in Barangay 9, Tigbauan,


    Resident. One who resides in a particular place

    permanently or for an extended period


    In this study, residents refer to an adult

    population in barangay 9, Tigbauan, Iloilo ages forty

    (40) and above and the respondents of this investigation

    or study.

    Diabetes Mellitus. Is a metabolic disorder

    characterized by glucose intolerance, a systemic disease

    caused by an imbalance between insulin supply and insulin

    demand (Smeltzer & Bare 1992).

    In this study, diabetes mellitus refers to a

    metabolic disorder or disease which the researchers would

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    like to find out if how well the respondents of this

    study are informed.

    Barangay. Is the smallest administrative division in

    the Philippines (encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com)

    In this study, barangay refers to Barangay 9,

    Tigbauan, Iloilo, the place where we affiliate for our

    Community Health Nursing (CHN) practice and the research

    locale of this study.

    Significance of the Study

    Residents. The result of this study will provide

    criteria as to whether their knowledge is adequate or not

    about Diabetes Mellitus. In such, this could be a

    baseline in providing the amount of health teachings and

    health interventions in order to improve or augment

    information regarding the disease being studied.

    Community. The result of this study can provide the

    community with considerable basis on certain knowledge

    related to improving prevention strategies and cure of

    the disease and promotion of health.

    Family. Knowing that the disease is hereditary, the

    result of this study can be a guide as they go through

    their daily activities and everyday experiences. It can

    shed a light and to give them a sense of living with the

    people who are sick of Diabetes Mellitus just as them.

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    Health Workers. The result of this study will serve

    as a baseline for these workers where to improve or where

    to strengthen health care delivery among their

    constituents in the community and specifically with

    Diabetes Mellitus that ranks number 2 among the leading

    cause of morbidity.

    Scope and Limitation of the Study

    A descriptive research design will be used in this

    study. The study will be limited to the adult residents

    of Barangay 9, Tigbauan, Iloilo aging forty (40) and


    The dependent variable of this study will be the

    knowledge on diabetes mellitus of the residents while the

    independent variable will be age, gender, educational

    attainment and monthly family income.

    This study will be conducted on the first semester

    of the school year 2013-2014.

    The sample population of this study will be computed

    using the Slovins formula and a simple random technique

    will be used to determine the respondents of the study.

    The researchers will use a researchers-made

    questionnaire to determine the level of knowledge on

    diabetes mellitus of the residents of the selected


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    Statistical computations will be computed using

    Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software.

    For the descriptive data analysis the mean and the

    standard deviation will be used and for the inferential

    analysis, the t-test will be used for a two-category

    variable and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for more than

    two categories of variables.

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    Review of Related Literature

    Diabetes Mellitus

    Diabetes mellitus, or simply diabetes, is a group of

    metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood

    sugar, either because the pancreas does not produce

    enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the

    insulin that is produced (Shoback et al, 2007). Diabetes

    mellitus has several long-term complications and thus

    plays a major role in increasing morbidity and mortality

    in the patients.

    It is defined as "a clinical syndrome characterized

    by hyperglycemia in the fasting state, due to absolute or

    relative deficiency of insulin or defect in its receptors

    or other abnormalities" ( Kahn, et al, 2005).

    It comprises a heterogeneous group of disorders,

    which arise in many different ways, but all are

    associated with a variable degree of hyperglycemia, with

    or without glucosuria. The condition is incurable and is

    often associated with disabilitating complications

    particularly in patients with a poor diabetic control.

    The deficiency in insulin or inefficiency of its action

    has a major effect on almost all metabolic pathways of

    carbohydrate, proteins, lipids, minerals and water

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    metabolism. Metabolic derangements associated with

    diabetes have resulted in its classification as a `major

    metabolic syndrome'. Long-standing derangements result in

    structural and hence functional changes in the cells of

    the body and often cause permanent or irreversible

    damage, which lead to various complications of diabetes

    mellitus including biochemical, functional, symptomatic

    and morphological alterations (Porte, et al, 2003).

    Historical Background

    Historical reviews report that the first mention of

    diabetes as a condition causing `polyuria' was first made

    about 1500 B.C. in Papyrus Eber's found at Luxor in

    Egypt. A report from China indicated that the urine of

    diabetic patients was so sweet that dogs were attracted

    to it and a little later, around 400 B.C., the sweetness

    was referred to as "honey urine". Around the sixth

    century AD, the association between excessive indulgence

    in food and drinks and the development of diabetes led to

    its description as the "disease of the rich". It was

    Aretaeus of Cappedocia (about 81-138 AD) who gave the

    name `diabetes', which is a Greek word meaning "to run

    through a siphon", since the polyuria state associated

    with diabetes was well known. The first suggestion that

    glucose was first elevated in blood before it was

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    a `substance' from the pancreas of dogs by Banting and

    Best in 1921 for which they got the Noble Prize (LeRoith,

    2004). This substance had a hypoglycaemic effect and was

    later named "Insulin". In 1960, Sanger elucidated the

    chemical structure of insulin and Yallow and Berson, by

    which minute quantities of insulin could be detected

    (Lack, E. E., 2003), introduced the Radioimmunoassay

    (RIA). Large scale preparation of insulin was initiated

    and pancreas from different animals was used for this

    purpose. For over a decade the hog, bovine or porcine

    insulin was widely used for the treatment of diabetes

    mellitus and different oral hypoglycemic were introduced.

    More recently, since the advent of recombinant DNA

    technology, insulin preparation has taken a new turn and

    now using the human proinsulin gene, introduced into a

    bacterial plasmid, large quantities of human insulin are

    prepared and purified and used for treatment of diabetic

    patients. In the same way, during the last two and a half

    decades tremendous progress has been made in almost all

    aspects of diabetes including diagnosis, immunological

    and genetic aspects and treatment (Kahn et al, 2005).

    However, despite tremendous efforts several fields still

    remain unveiled and there is still no cure for this


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    Classification of Diabetes Mellitus

    Several attempts have been made to classify diabetes

    mellitus and various classification systems have existed.

    However, the most widely accepted is the World Health

    Organization (W.H.O.) classification (WHO, 2012) which

    was originally proposed by Irvine, later adopted by the

    National Diabetes Data Group and was later updated in


    There are three main types of diabetes mellitus

    (UCSF Medical Center).

    Type 1 DM results from the body's failure to produce

    insulin, and presently requires the person to inject

    insulin or wear an insulin pump. This form was

    previously referred to as "insulin-dependent diabetes

    mellitus" (IDDM) or "juvenile diabetes".

    Type 2 DM results from insulin resistance, a

    condition in which cells fail to use insulin properly,

    sometimes combined with an absolute insulin

    deficiency. This form was previously referred to as

    non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or

    "adult-onset diabetes".

    The third main form, gestational diabetes occurs

    when pregnant women without a previous diagnosis of

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    diabetes develop a high blood glucose level. It may

    precede development of type 2 DM.

    Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

    Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), commonly

    referred to as type-I diabetes, is a condition caused

    when an autoimmune response induces the death of insulin-

    secreting b cells in the pancreas. Insulin is the

    protein that is responsible for transporting glucose

    (secreted by pancreatic a cells) from the blood into the

    cells, where the glucose is metabolized for energy.

    When b cells are killed the body has no way of producing

    insulin, so glucose levels in the blood are unable to be

    controlled, leading to hyperglycemia, or high blood

    glucose level. Longterm complications of hyperglycemia

    include cardiovascular, kidney, and eye diseases, as well

    as various nervous system disorders (diabetes.com, 2000).


    IDDM tends to run in families, and there is

    substantial evidence that genetics plays a significant

    role in causing the disease. However, studies have shown

    that the concordance rate for IDDM among monozygotic

    twins is less than 50 percent, meaning that environmental

    factors must also play a significant role (Tisch and

    McDevitt, 2002). The fact that both environment and

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    Although IDDM susceptibility has an apparent genetic

    origin, what exactly is responsible for stimulating the

    autoimmune response remains unclear. The most common

    examples of the various possible external factors that

    have been shown to trigger a response leading to IDDM


    Viruses Strong correlations between IDDM and

    exposure to certain viruses such as those causing

    German measles, mumps, and certain variants of

    Polio, especially at a young age, suggest that these

    viruses can stimulate a b cell autoimmune response.

    It is possible that these viruses induce activation

    and proliferation of T cells specific for a viral

    epitope that mimics a protein unique to b cells,

    therefore causing armed T cells to respond to

    the b cell autoantigens (Diabetes.com, 2000).

    Drugs and chemicals Pyriminil (rat poison) and

    pentamidine, a drug used to treat pneumonia, are

    among several synthetic chemicals and drugs that

    have been shown to induce IDDM (Diabetes.com, 2000).

    Cows milk Although it remains controversial, one

    theory suggests that exposure to cows milk during

    infancy can induce an autoantibody response to p69,

    a protein often expressed by b cells. Expression of

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    p69 on b cells can be induced by IFN-g, which could

    be present due to a viral infection. This theory

    therefore works in conjunction with the virus

    theory, claiming that infant exposure to cow's milk

    elicits antibodies capable of attacking b cells

    later in life following a viral infection (Fauci et

    al, 2008).


    The two distinctive features of IDDM are the

    infiltration of pancreatic islets by macrophages and

    lymphocytes, a condition known as insulitis, and the

    presence of auto antibodies in the serum (Le Roith, et

    al, 2004). Both of these events serve as markers for the

    prediabetic phase of IDDM.

    More than a dozen islet-cell proteins that elicit

    antibody responses in type-I diabetics have been

    identified, and the presence of these auto antigens

    (and/or their corresponding auto antibodies) serve as

    important diagnostic tools for early identification of

    IDDM. Among the apparently more significant auto

    antigens are:

    37k antigen--The antibodies to this auto antigen are

    found in over half of all type-I diabetics, and

    these auto antibodies are unique to diabetes and are

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    not found in patients suffering from other

    endocrine-related autoimmune diseases.

    b-granule antigen--This auto antigen has not been

    completely identified yet, but it is known the be

    the target for the Th1 T cell clones derived from

    NOD mice.



    GAD--Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) exists in two

    isoforms of 65kD (GAD65) and 67kD (GAD67).

    Insulin and GAD are the two evidently self-reactive

    proteins that have been studied most in depth since both

    of these autoantigens consistently indicate autoimmune

    activity in the pancreatic islets (Von Herath, 2001).

    However, although the identification of autoantibodies in

    the serum has been valuable to the study of which

    proteins are involved in b cell autoimmunity, the precise

    role of these antibodies in the pathogenesis of IDDM

    remains unclear. Therefore, a greater emphasis has been

    placed on studying the cell-mediated (T cell) rather than

    the humoral (antibody) response. This shift in focus has

    led to the discovery that many of these autoantigens,

    including GAD and insulin, are targeted not only by

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    autoantibodies, but also by T cells (Le Roith, et al,


    Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus


    NIDDM is known to occur more often in some families

    than others. Recent advances have led to a better

    understanding of how insulin is produced and released

    have led to the discovery of several genes that cause

    diabetes in a small proportion of affected families. A

    major effort is now underway to discover the other genes

    that cause diabetes in the majority of patients


    Researchers have announced that they have identified

    mutations in at least 3 genes involved in the subset of

    Type 2 called MODY (Maturity - Onset - Diabetes of the

    Young), which tends to be diagnosed prior to age 25, and

    there are some mitochondrial disorders implicated in some

    types of Type 2 diabetes, but the cause for the majority

    of people with Type 2 diabetes does not seem well-

    understood (csua.berkeley.edu).

    Aging and obesity are commonly identified risk

    factors for diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes but these are

    correlations not causes; we do know that it is a

    genetically- or congenitally-based disease and that

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    predisposing genes are necessary. In fact, the

    correlation among identical twins for Type 2 diabetes is

    virtually 100% (csua.berkeley.edu).


    Hyperinsulinemia exists in childhood in populations

    at high risk for NIDDM. Stimulated by obesity, upper body

    obesity, and physical inactivity, insulin resistance

    develops, accompanied by impaired glucose tolerance. The

    pressure of the NIDDM risk factors continues this process

    of insulin resistance/hyperinsulinemia/hyperglycemia,

    until glucose toxicity to the beta cell results in

    inability to secrete sufficient insulin, resulting in

    decompensated fasting hyperglycemia" (csua.berkeley.edu)

    Other Environmental Factors

    A number of researchers, particularly those in the

    U.K., have been reporting on interesting epidemiological

    studies of Type 2 diabetics, which suggest that prenatal

    environment may have a significant role in the causation

    of Type 2 diabetes, as well as hypertension. More than 20

    studies have shown that lightweight babies, babies who

    are long and thin at birth, or those who are short and

    have disproportionately small bellies grow into adults

    with high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, high

    blood sugar levels, and increased risk of dying from

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    cardiovascular disease. In one study of 15,000 adults in

    Hertfordshire, men who weighed less than 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs)

    at birth were found to have 3 times the incidence of Type

    2 diabetes than men born weighing more than 4.5 kg (9.9

    lbs). Several hypotheses have been developed about this

    idea, including that maternal glucocorticoids reprogram

    the fetal hormone system, or that maternal deprivation at

    the end of pregnancy when the liver is forming affects

    its development and leads to NIDDM (csua.berkeley.edu)

    Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus

    The pathophysiology of all types of diabetes is

    related to the hormone insulin, which is secreted by the

    beta cells of the pancreas. In a healthy person, insulin

    is produced in response to the increased level of glucose

    in the bloodstream, and its major role is to control

    glucose concentration in the blood. What insulin does is,

    allowing the body cells and tissues to use glucose as a

    main energy source. Also, this hormone is responsible for

    conversion of glucose to glycogen for storage in the

    muscles and liver cells. This way, sugar level is

    maintained at a near stable amount.

    In a diabetic person, there is an abnormal

    metabolism of insulin hormone. The actual reason for this

    malfunction differs according to the type of diabetes.

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    not responding to insulin as they do in a healthy person.

    Since the body cells and tissues are resistant to

    insulin, they do not absorb glucose; instead it remains

    in the bloodstream. Thus, the Type 2 diabetes is also

    characterized by elevated blood sugar. It is commonly

    manifested by middle-aged adults (above 40 years). As

    insulin is not necessary for treatment of Type 2

    diabetes, it is known as Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes

    Mellitus (NIIDM) or Adult Onset Diabetes.

    The third type of diabetes is called Gestational

    diabetes. As the term clearly suggests, it is exhibited

    by pregnant women. Over here, high level of blood glucose

    is caused by hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy.

    Usually, the sugar concentration returns to normal after

    the baby is born. However, there are also instances, in

    which it remains high even after childbirth. This is an

    indication for increased risks of developing diabetes in

    the near future.

    As already mentioned, the symptoms and effects of

    all the three forms of diabetes are similar. The

    noticeable symptoms include increased thirst

    (polydipsia), increased urination (polyuria), and

    increased appetite (polyphagia). Other diabetes signs and

    symptoms include excessive fatigue, presence of sugar in

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    the urine (glycosuria), body irritation, unexplained

    weight loss, and dehydration. Elevated blood sugar and

    glycosuria are interrelated; when sugar amount in the

    blood is abnormally high, the reabsorption by proximal

    convoluted tubule is reduced, thereby retaining some

    glucose in the urine (buzzle.com).

    Risk Factors

    There are many studies show that obesity,

    hypertension and lifestyle factors suchas diet, physical

    activity, smoking and drinking habits are related to


    According to the study among people age 20 years and

    over in Oman, the overall prevalence of diabetes was

    11.6% and varied according to urban or rural residence,

    age, marital status, educational level, smoking status,

    measure of obesity, cholesterol and systolic blood

    pressure. The prevalence of hypertension is 21.1 (Al-

    Moosa et al., 2006).

    Signs and Symptoms

    Lack of insulin causes hyperglycemia responsible for

    most of the signs and symptoms. Hypoglycemia occurs in

    Diabetics due to medications and inappropriate dietary


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    Frequent urination. Water retention is an important

    function of kidney. Water retention is co-related with

    the absorption of glucose and sodium. In Diabetes there

    is excess Glucose excretion in urine, condition termed

    as Glycosuria. Hence there is also excess excretion of

    water, resulting in increased urine output known

    as Polyuria.

    Increased thirst. Naturally as there is increased

    water loss, there is increased requirement for water

    consumption to avoid dehydration. It is known

    as Polydipsia.

    Extreme hunger. Insulin redistributes glucose from

    blood to the tissues. Hence in Diabetes there

    is decreased availability of glucose to cells and tissues

    as most of the glucose is present in blood. Other neural

    mechanisms are responsible for hunger. This increased

    appetite is known as Polyphagia.

    Other nonspecific symptoms like lethargy, gastric

    symptoms like nausea, vomiting may also occur sometimes.

    Most diabetics also have co-existing entities like

    Hypertension, Thyroid Disorders etc. It is important to

    note that many diabetics (especially type II patients)

    have prolonged symptom free periods as we said before.

    Symptom free periods correlate with good control over

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    blood glucose level and proper diet. Hence these two

    things form an important part of therapy.


    Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are chronic, life-long

    conditions that require careful monitoring and control.

    Without proper management they can lead to very high

    blood sugar levels which can result in long term damage

    to various organs and tissues.

    Cardiovascular disease. Affects the heart and blood

    vessels and may cause fatal complications such as

    coronary heart disease (leading to heart attack) and

    stroke. Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of

    death in people with diabetes, accounting in most

    populations for 50% or more of all diabetes fatalities,

    and much disability.

    Kidney disease. Can result in total kidney failure

    and the need for dialysis or kidney transplant. Diabetes

    is an increasingly important cause of renal failure, and

    indeed has now become the single most common cause of end

    stage renal disease, i.e. that which requires either

    dialysis or kidney transplantation, in the USA2, and in

    other countries.

    Nerve disease. Can ultimately lead to ulceration and

    amputation of the toes, feet and lower limbs. Loss of

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    The initial approach to the older adult with

    diabetes mellitus requires assessment of the patient's

    current medical status and estimated life expectancy.

    Motivation and commitment of the patient and family also

    play a large role in determining what level of treatment

    is appropriate. Support services available in the

    community and financial status should also be considered


    Oral Hypoglycemic Agents. Increasingly, therapy for

    type 2 diabetes builds on diet and exercise and has

    become more mechanistically focused. Single or

    combination chemotherapy is used. A significant amount of

    improvement can be expected with improved therapy.

    Currently, 54% of elderly diabetic patients have

    hemoglobin A1clevels above normal and 27%of the total had

    A1c levels greater than 8. Thus, nearly a quarter has

    "poor" control. Current best practices require a normal

    hemoglobin A1c, certainly less than 7. For those

    individuals in whom the demands of therapy are too great,

    medication side effects are too great, or access to

    monitoring is not possible, a reduction in expectations

    and greater complication rates will be higher.

    Medications currently available can promote insulin

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    secretion, increase insulin sensitivity, or slow the

    digestion/processing of complex carbohydrates.

    Diet. Diet alone has varying degrees of success.

    Elderly patients with diabetes are able to improve

    diabetes control with diet and weight loss. However, they

    may find it difficult to adhere to a strict dietary

    regimen and maintain weight loss. Older adults with

    mobility problems may find exercise to increase caloric

    expenditure impossible. If dramatic dietary restriction

    is employed to reduce weight, nutrient and vitamin

    deficiencies may develop. Aggressive dietary management

    cannot be recommended under these circumstances. Other

    considerations specific to older adults may limit the

    effectiveness of dietary therapy.

    A diabetic diet is relatively high in carbohydrates

    (50%-60% of total calories), low in fat (30% of total

    calories from fat, with 10% saturated fat, 10%

    polyunsaturated fat, and 10% monosaturated fat), and

    moderate in protein (~20% of total calories). If

    malnourished or chronically ill, the elderly patient

    should increase protein and energy intake. Vitamin and

    mineral supplements are indicated when caloric intake

    falls below 1000 kilocalories per day.

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    People suffering from diabetes mellitus are at

    greater risk of contracting colorectal cancer.

    They found that diabetes was associated with an

    increased risk of colon cancer in both men and women.

    However, the risk of rectal cancer was 20 percent higher

    in men.

    This data suggests that diabetes mellitus is an

    independent risk factor for colon and rectal cancer, and

    people with diabetes should be aware of the risk of

    contracting colon cancer and follow their doctor's advice

    and screen themselves for the cancer.

    The researchers have also recommended that the

    doctors be aware of an increased colorectal cancer risk

    in patients who smoke and are obese; more so, in fact,

    than the ones who have diabetes.

    A study related to the current study entitled The

    New-Onset Diabetes: How to Tell the Difference between

    Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetesby Largay (2012). The result

    showed that with the increase in the incidence of type 2

    diabetes in children and adolescents and of type 1

    diabetes in adults, making a correct diagnosis has become

    more challenging. Type 1 diabetes results from autoimmune

    destruction of the pancreatic -cells that produce

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    insulin and can occur at any age (ECDC, 2003). When it

    occurs in adults, type 1 diabetes can progress to total

    insulin deficiency at different rates. The slowly

    progressive form is known as LADA (sometimes called type

    1.5 diabetes). There is also a more rapidly progressive

    form that mimics type 1 diabetes seen in children.

    Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a common feature but

    may not be present early in the presentation, occurring

    in only 1725% of those with new-onset diabetes

    (Wolfsdorf et al, 2006).

    Patients with LADA appear to have a lower prevalence

    of the metabolic syndrome. While comparing patients with

    new-onset type 1 and type 2 diabetes, one study 5 found

    those with LADA had a lower BMI, lower triglycerides and

    total cholesterol, higher HDL, and a lower prevalence of

    hypertension than those with type 2 diabetes. At

    diagnosis, fasting C-peptide levels were lower in LADA

    than in type 2 diabetes, perhaps confirming the typical

    observation of little or no response to oral agents and

    the need for insulin earlier in the course of the


    Antibody testing can assist in diagnosis. Autoimmune

    antibodies associated with type 1 diabetes include GAD-

    65, islet cell antibodies (ICAs), insulinoma-associated

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    course of the trial. Although it is common for background

    therapy to change during the course of a relatively long

    outcomes trial, trials that test strategies rather than

    specific therapies have the additional problem of

    therapeutic approaches changing over time. Both

    revascularization strategies employed in BARI 2D evolved

    during the course of the trial, with higher use of drug-

    eluting stents and greater use of minimally invasive

    surgical techniques as the trial progressed.

    Although they stop short of requiring that drugs

    that improve glycemic control actually reduce

    cardiovascular risk, which is a worthy if not elusive

    goal, these new requirements are aimed at ensuring that

    drugs that improve glycemic control do not result in

    cardiovascular harm.

    A study related to the current study entitled,

    Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by Changes in

    Lifestyle among Subjects with Impaired Glucose Tolerance

    by Tuomilehto et al (2009). This study provides evidence

    that type 2 diabetes can be prevented by changes in the

    lifestyles of both women and men at high risk for the

    disease. The overall incidence of diabetes was reduced by

    58 percent. Our estimate of the effect of the

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    relatively small reduction in weight in the prevention of


    It is possible to achieve primary prevention of type

    2 diabetes by means of a nonpharmacologic intervention

    that can be implemented in a primary health care setting.

    According to our results, 22 subjects with impaired

    glucose tolerance must be treated in this way for one

    year or 5 subjects for five years to prevent one case

    of diabetes.

    A study related to the current study entitled,

    Infections in Diabetes Mellitus by Schaberg (2008).

    According to the study, individuals with diabetes can

    have any infection that affects the general population.

    However, people with diabetes are at increased risk of a

    variety of specific infectious complications. Infections

    associated with either increased frequency or severity

    among individuals with diabetes include mucormycosis;

    cystitis; complicated urinary tract infections, including

    pyelonephritis; intrarenal abscesses; perinephric

    abscesses; pneumonia; lower-extremity soft tissue

    infection, including polymicrobial gangrene;

    emphysematous cholecystitis; and malignant otitis


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    The most dramatic example of the interaction of

    angiopathy, acidosis, and poor glycemic control in

    infection is mucormycosis. Mucormycosis is a severe

    infection caused by fungi of the order Mucorales. These

    fungi are ubiquitous and are often found on decaying

    matter, such as moldy bread. Patients with diabetes are

    at particular risk of a form of the disease known as

    rhinocerebral mucormycosis.

    This infection is thought to be caused by inhalation

    of the spore forms of the organisms, which are presumed

    to then lodge in the nasal tissue. The spores

    subsequently germinate and invade adjacent tissue, with a

    particular tropism for blood vessels. The orbit and

    central nervous system can subsequently become affected.

    The infection usually presents with facial or ocular

    pain. Fever and symptoms of sinusitis may be present.

    About 50% of patients are in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)

    at the time of presentation.

    Urinary tract infections are also more common among

    patients with diabetes. Women with diabetes are at a

    particularly increased risk of urinary tract infection.15

    Upper tract infection has been shown to be significantly

    more common in patients with diabetes. E. coli is the

    most common causative organism, followed by other gram-

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    negative bacteria. Because of the high incidence of often

    unsuspected upper tract infection, a 7- to 14-day course

    of therapy has been recommended for treatment of cystitis

    among patients with diabetes.

    Pyelonephritis is clearly more common in patients

    with diabetes. It is treated similarly to pyelonephritis

    in nondiabetic patients. Other renal infections that are

    more common in individuals with diabetes include renal

    carbuncles (intrarenal abscesses caused by the

    hematogenous spread of S. aureus), renal corticomedullary

    abscesses (intrarenal foci of infection associated with

    reflux and obstruction caused by the same organisms that

    typically cause pyelonephritis), and the rare but

    devastating emphysematous pyelonephritis, associated with

    gas formation within the kidney

    The latter infection is usually caused by E. coli or

    other gram-negatives and is typically detected by a

    routine X-ray of the abdomen. A combination of surgery

    and medical therapy is usually required. Perinephric

    abscesses are caused either by the rupture of intrarenal

    abscesses into tissue surrounding the kidney or by the

    hematogenous or lymphatic deposition of organisms into

    that tissue. Gram-negative organisms such as E. coli are

    the most common reported causative bacteria. However, a

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    wide variety of organisms, such as S. aureus, fungi,

    anaerobes, and mycobacteria, have been reported as


    Diabetes is very clearly associated with these

    infections. Underlying renal pathology, such as

    vesicovesicular reflux and obstructive uropathies, are

    also strongly associated with these abscesses.

    Local Studies

    A study related to the current study entitled,

    Philippine cardiovascular outcome study-diabetes mellitus

    (PHILCOS-DM): A cohort study of the eight-year incidence

    of Diabetes Mellitus in NCR, Region 3 and Region 4 by

    Velandria et al (2008). The study determined the 8-year

    incidence of diabetes mellitus (DM) and impaired fasting

    glucose (IFG), and the current prevalence of DM, IFG, and

    impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), among respondents of

    the 1998 Food and Nutrition Research Institute 5th

    National Nutrition Survey (FNRI-NNS) in the

    National Capital Region (NCR), Region 3, and Region 4 of

    the Philippines.

    It was a descriptive cohort study. A community-based

    study including all previous respondents of the 1998

    FNRI-NNS survey in NCR, Region 3, and Region 4. Out of

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    the previous 1,316 individuals in the 3 areas of the 1998

    FNRI-NNS data, a total of 1,085 respondents were included

    in the Philippine Cardiovascular Outcome Study (PhilCOS,

    2007) with a response rate of 82 percent. The study

    determined the 9-years incidence rate of DM and IFG, and

    the 2006 If prevalence of DM, IFG, and IGT of the cohort.

    The 8-years incidence of DM using fasting Wood

    glucose (FBG) was 9 percent, and of IFG was 10 percent.

    The prevalence of DM was 19 percent (combined FBG, 2H PG,

    and interview). The prevalence of IFG was 9 percent based

    on the cut-off IFG level of 110-125mg/dL. However, using

    the newer cut-off level of 100-125mg/dL, the prevalence

    of IFG increased to 30 percent. The prevalence of IGT was

    25 percent.

    The PhilCOS-DM has reported the first 8-year

    incidence rate of DM and IFG in NCR, Region 3, and Region

    4. PhilCOS-DM also determined significant proportions of

    DM, IFG, and IGT in the cohort that warrant early

    aggressive intervention for prevention and management.

    An experimental study related to the current study

    entitled, The Effect of Momordica Charantia Capsule

    Preparation on Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes

    Mellitus by Dans et al (2009). This is the first

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    randomized controlled trial to shed light on the issue

    concerning the hypoglycemic effects of M. charantia. The

    investigators targeted a 1% decline in A1c at the outset

    with an estimated power of 88%. With the observed decline

    of 0.24%, the achieved power was only 11%. For this

    reason, we are unable to make a definite conclusion about

    the effectiveness of M. charantia. However, the results

    of this study can be used estimate the sample size for

    bigger studies. It is a randomized, double-blind,

    placebo-controlled trial was conducted between April and

    September 2004 at the outpatient clinics of the

    Philippine General Hospital. The trial included 40

    patients, 18 years old and above, who were either newly

    diagnosed or poorly controlled type 2 diabetics with A1c

    levels between 7% and 9%. On top of the standard therapy,

    the patients were randomized to either M. charantia

    capsules or placebo. The treatment group received two

    capsules of M. charantia three times a day after meals,

    for 3 months. The control group received placebo at the

    same dose. The primary efficacy endpoint was change in

    the A1c level in the two groups. The secondary efficacy

    endpoints included its effect on fasting blood sugar,

    serum cholesterol, and weight. Safety endpoints included

    effects on serum creatinine, hepatic transaminases

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    (Alanine aminotransferase/ALT and Aspartate

    aminotransferase/AST), sodium, potassium, and adverse


    A study related to the current study entitled,

    Metabolic Syndrome in the Philippine General Population:

    Prevalence and Risk for Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular

    Disease and Diabetes Mellitus by Morales et al (2008).

    The prevalence of MS in the general population in the

    Philippines in 2003 to 2004 for adults aged 20 years and

    above, representing 42.6 million Filipinos, varied

    significantly depending on the criteria used. Using the

    clinical definitions, namely the original NCEP-ATP III

    and that modified by the AHA/NHLBI, the prevalence of MS

    in the Philippines in 2003 was 11.9% and 18.6%,

    respectively. The 1998 survey utilized capillary blood

    analyzed with a Cholestec LDX desktop unit whereas the

    2003 survey used venous blood analysed by a validated

    Cobas-Mira machine located in a central laboratory.

    There have been many controversial issues and

    debates on MS. The main ones concern the definition and

    criteria for the diagnosis, the underlying aetiology and

    pathogenesis, the prevalence rates, predisposition to

    atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and DM and the

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    specific treatment. At the present time, diagnosing MS

    allows clinicians to identify and stratify individuals

    with these risk factors. It must be stressed that all

    cardiovascular risk factors should be treated

    individually and aggressively and that treatment should

    be based on evidence-based approaches to the management

    of the individual components.

    In conclusion, the MS is common in the adult

    Filipino population. The most prevalent components are

    low HDL-C and abdominal obesity. In the population

    surveyed, the MS had robust predisposition to DM, to

    stroke and, by the IDF definition alone, to MI as well.

    A study related to the current study entitled, Type

    2 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome in Filipina-American

    Women a High-risk Nonobese Population by Araneta et al

    (2008). In this study, community-dwelling Filipina-

    American women had a sixfold higher risk of diabetes and

    nearly a threefold risk of the metabolic syndrome

    compared with community-dwelling Caucasian women from the

    same county. This higher prevalence was not explained by

    differences in education, parity, body size, fat

    distribution, and percentage of body fat, behaviors, or

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    Several recent studies have shown that the reference

    (wild-type) allele at several of the IL4R SNPs examined

    here is associated with atopic asthma and increased IgE

    levels (Sandford et al, 2000; Howard et al, 2002). Thus,

    it appears that the same alleles at IL4R SNPs confer an

    increased risk for a canonical Th1 (T1D) and Th2 (atopic

    asthma) disease. If true, these associations argue

    against an effect on Th1/Th2 balance mediated by

    polymorphism in the IL4R gene and suggest instead that

    these variations may influence some aspect of immune

    regulation and homeostasis in both Th1 and Th2 pathways

    and possibly B cell activation, as well. Conceivably, the

    observed patterns of disease association reflect the

    effect of IL4R polymorphisms on the balance between the

    activation of Th1 and Th2 cells and that of T regulatory

    cells. Finally, the extent of risk for T1D may be

    determined by specific combinations of variants at the

    IL4R locus and at the genes encoding its two ligands, IL4

    and IL13.

    Theoretical Framework

    This study was guided by Orems conceptual model of

    nursing. Orems model includes three related theories:

    theory of self-care, theory of self-care deficit, and

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    general or specific self-care requisites, thus persons

    who are in a stage of self-care deficit may need nursing

    help. Nurses will design a nursing system to meet an

    individuals self-care deficit or to develop the

    individuals self-care agency.

    In helping the individuals to develop self-care

    agency, nurses exercise their nursing agency through

    social, interpersonal and professional technological

    systems. The organized efforts of nurses are called

    nursing systems, which consist of three types: wholly

    compensatory, partly compensatory and supportive


    In the supportive-educative nursing system, an

    individuals self-care agency is, for the most part,

    adequate in meeting self-care requisites.

    Nurses only provide support for the maintenance of the

    individuals self-care, or education to further develop

    their self-care agency.

    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that affects

    bio psychosocial and economic factors. It is necessary

    for patients to develop self-care management abilities

    and integrate self-care activities in their daily lives.

    A person who is diabetes is able to meet self-care

    requisites to control his/her blood glucose levels. Nurse

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    can enhance patients perceived self-care efficacy to a

    high level and thereby increase self-confidence and

    motivation in behavior modification through the

    continuous development of self-care agency.

    Therefore, a supportive-educative nursing system, by

    using methods such as teaching, guiding, supporting, and

    providing a developmental environment, make important

    contributions to self-care agency, thereby increasing the

    ability to control the disease.

    In summary, Orems conceptual model of nursing was

    used to guide this study. Helping methods were

    systematically blended and emphasized both of the group

    process and the individual process. The nurse is a

    resource for patients and should use effective

    instruction media to increase patients learning. All the

    methods are based on a good relationship between the

    nurse and patient.

    This supportive-educative program should increase

    self-care agency as reflected by an increase in self-

    confidence in performing self-care, and improve control

    of blood glucose and body mass index, which reflect a

    good diabetic control.

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    Chapter III


    Research Design

    The researcher will use the Descriptive research

    design in the conduct of this study. Descriptive research

    design is a scientific method that involves observing and

    describing the behavior of a respondent without

    influencing in anyway (Shuttleworth, 2008). It will be

    used to describe the characteristics of the variables of

    the study.

    Identification of the Respondents

    The participants of the study will be the adult

    residents ages forty (40) and above residing at Brgy. 9,

    Tigbauan, Iloilo. The sample size will be computed using

    the Slovins formula and a simple random technique will

    be used to determine the respondents of the study.

    Data gathering Instrument

    A researcher-made questionnaire will be used as the

    main data-gathering instrument for this study. It will

    consist two parts. Part I will contain the demographic

    data such as the respondents name, age, educational

    attainment, gender and monthly family income.

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    The survey questionnaire will be divided into two

    parts. First, it contains of the respondents profile

    data. Part II will be the questionnaire about the

    knowledge level of the respondents in Diabetes Mellitus.

    Validity and Reliability of the Questionnaire

    To test for the validity of the instrument, the

    questionnaire will be subjected for face and content

    validation of three (3) experts wherein critiquing and

    corrections will be made and will then be reproduced and

    distributed personally to the respondents.

    Reliability is a measure of how well the study

    actually measures what it is supposed to measure. This

    will be done by administering the instrument to ten (10)

    adults to test for the reliability in order to see if the

    same results will be obtained.

    Data gathering procedure

    In gathering data, the researcher will ask

    permission from the Dean to conduct study outside of the

    school. Write a letter to Barangay Captain informing that

    the researchers choose his barangay as research locale. A

    schedule will be set for the administration of the

    instrument. The researcher will personally administer the

    questionnaire and retrieve after making sure that no

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    questions are left unanswered.

    Statistical Data Analysis

    Data gathered from this investigation will be

    subjected to certain computer-processed statistical


    Mean. The obtained mean scores will be used to

    ascertain the knowledge of the residents of Brgy. 9,

    Tigbauan Iloilo on Diabetes Mellitus.

    Standard Deviation. The SD will be used to

    determine the dispersion of the mean.

    t-test for independent sample. The t-test will be

    employed to determine the significance of the differences

    in the two-level categories of variables with

    significance level at 0.05 alpha.

    Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The ANOVA will be

    used to determine the significance of differences in the

    three or more level categories of the variables with the

    significance level set at 0.05 alpha.

    All statistical computations will be computer-

    processed through Statistical Package for the Social

    Sciences (SPSS) software.

    For scoring and statistical interpretation, the

    respondents will indicate their answers by placing a

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    ST. THERESE MTC-CollegesLa Fiesta Site

    M.H Del Pilar St. Molo, Iloilo City


    PART I

    A. Personal Data Information

    Name (Optional):_________________________________________

    Age: _______ Gender: _______

    Educational Attainment: _________________________________

    Monthly Family Income: __________________________________

    Instruction: Please check the appropriate column that correspond your

    choice.( Palihog butang sang tsek sa idalum sang inyo sabat.)

    Strongly Agree (1)-means that the respondents believe that the statement is

    absolutely true.

    (Ang buot hambalon nagapati kamo sang bug-os nga ang pamangkot tama gid ka


    Agree (2) - means that the respondents believe that the statement is


    (Ang bout hambalon nagapati kamo nga ang pamangkot matuod.)

    Disagree (3) - means that respondents believe that the statement is false.

    (Ang buot hambalon nagapati kamo nga ang pamangkot hindi matuod.)

    Strongly Disagree (4)- means that the respondents believe that the statement

    is very unlikely to be true.

    ( Ang buot hambalon nagapati kamo sang bug-os nga ang pamangkot hindi gid


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    StronglyAgree (1)





    The following are signs andsymptoms of Diabetes Mellitus.

    Ang mga masunod amo ang mga

    senyales kag sintomas sang


    1.) Frequent urination. Pirmi gaihiihi

    2.) Excessive hunger.

    Permi gina gutom.

    3.) Increased thirst.

    Permi gina uhaw.

    4.) Extreme fatigue.

    Sobra nga pagkakapoy

    5.) Irritability.


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    Kabangdanan sang sakit.

    6.)The body failed to produce

    insulin.Ang aton lawas wala naga pagwa

    sang insulin.

    7.)The body cells fail to use the

    insulin properly.

    Ang cells sang aton lawas indi

    makagamit maayo sang insulin

    8.)Impaired glucose intolerance as

    a result of hormonal changes

    during pregnancy.(gestational


    Ang kabangdanan sang diabetes

    sa nagabusong amo ang pagbaylo

    sang pag usar sang glucose sang

    aton cells.

    9.) Increased age contribute to

    the risk of Diabetes Mellitus.

    Ang pagtaas sang edad amo ang isa

    ka kabangdanan sang Diabetes

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    Ang Pag Tapna.

    10.) Avoid sugary beverages at

    home as much as possible.

    Likawan ang tanan nga

    mga matam-is nga ilimnon sa

    sulod sang balay.

    11.) Limit fatty food intake.

    Limitahan ang mga matambok nga


    12.) Exercise regularly.

    Mag ehersisyo kada adlaw.

    13.) Daily insulin injections are

    required as prescribed.

    Ang reseta sang pag.painsulin

    injection sa adlaw-adlaw nga tanan

    kinahanglanon gid.

    14.) Maintenance oral medication

    should not be neglected.

    Ang pag-inom sang

    maintenance nga bulong para sa

    diabetes hindi gid dapat


    15.) Seek a medical advice for a

    diabetic diet.

    Mag bisita sa sentro para ma

    hatagan sang ihibalo kon ano nga

    mga pagka-on ang naga kadapat sa

    mga tao nga may diabetes.

    16.) Decrease physical activity to

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    lessen fatigability.

    Buhinan ang mga pisikal nga

    aktibidades para hindi matam-an

    sang kakapoy.

    17.) In persons with diabetic

    lesions, daily cleansing should be


    Kinahanglan limpyohan adlaw-adlaw

    ang mga pilas nga resulta sang


    18.) A person with diabetes should

    be extra careful not to cause

    injury to the skin.

    Ang tao nga may diabetes

    kinahanglan gid nga mag andam nga

    hindi mapilasan ang iya panit.

    19.) Seek immediate medical

    consultation for any injury to the


    Kon mapilasan, mag

    pakonsulta gilayon sa doctor

    20.) Regular monthly monitoring of

    blood glucose level is very

    important for people with


    Kinahanglan mag pa check-up

    sang glucose (sugar)kada bulan ang

    mga tao nga may diabetes.