aadeis - blazing a trail

The Association of Alumni of Dayalbagh Educational Institutions (Regd.) Blazing a Trail (2005 - 2010) 5 Y E A R S O F A A D E I s Q U A L I T Y I N E D U C A T I O N 2 0 1 0

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5 Yearly Report of The Association of Alumni of Dayalbagh Educational Institutions (Regd.)


Page 1: AADEIs - Blazing a Trail

The Association of Alumni of Dayalbagh Educational Institutions (Regd.)

Blazing a Trail (2005 - 2010)




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“Education, more education, education made perfectis the only panacea for all our country’s ills and evils.”

Most Revered Sir Anand Sarup The August Founder of Dayalbagh

Inspired by the August Leaders of Dayalbagh, the Association of Alumni of Dayalbagh Educational Institutions (AADEIs) was formed on 17th December, 2005 with a mission to

“work for the dissemination in the academic community at large, of value system of Dayalbagh Educational Institutions, specially the ideals of Service to Mankind and of Fatherhood of God and

Brotherhood of Man”




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Dr. Vijai KumarPresident

I am glad to present the Report of the Association of Alumni of Dayalbagh Educational Institutions (AADEIs) for the period 2005 – 2010. This endeavour is an humble expression of our gratitude to Most Revered Prof. P. S. Satsangi Sahab, Chairman, Advisory Committee on Education, Dayalbagh, who guided us in building this edi�ce, brick by brick, under His Protective Hand.

The Association was formed in December, 2005, in keeping with the mandates of our Revered Leaders to the alumni of Dayalbagh Educational Institutions to be a ‘society of people working vigorously’ to evolve as a ‘complete man’, possessing intellectual strength, scienti�c temper, high moral character and who is imbued with a spirit of service to humanity. Desirous of staying connected with their Alma Mater and grateful in tracing its roots to the value based educational system of Dayalbagh Educational Institute, the alumni through their Association have contributed to many areas of the University and other educational institutions of Dayalbagh. Supporting DEI’s unique, innovative and comprehensive education policy, AADEIs has provided resources to enhance excellence in instruction and research, education for all strata of society through the ICT Centres, e�ective placements and training programs, promoting eco-friendly technologies and other innovative ventures. The Association looks forward to working hand in hand with AAFDEIs, the association of the alumni living in the United States of America, and friends of DEI, in the cause of education and for educational institutions of Dayalbagh.

The progress of the Association has been possible due to the inspiration received from its Leaders, and the e�ort of its over 3000 members, volunteers and faculty and sta� of DEI. Looking ahead, the Association is grateful to be part of the historic initiative of DEI’s Vision – 2011 of placing the Institute on the global map. We move into the future with con�dence and with aspirations to cross many more milestones. Praying for continuing guidance and strength, we recall the stirring words of Most Respected Prof. P. S. Satsangi Sahab, Chairman, Advisory Committee on Education, “…Unless you dream big, you don’t work towards it. And as I said earlier our dreams are inspired by intuitive consciousness…”



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A seed, which grew to be AADEIs, was sown in the form of DEI-APAC in Febraury - March 2003. An alumni feedback survey was then conducted under the aegis of the Advisory Committee on Education, Dayalbagh (ACE). In response to this survey, the Alumni of DEI world over expressed their desire to contribute to Dayalbagh Educational Institutions in a meaningful way to upgrade the quality of education. Acknowledging the interest and willingness of the Alumni to o�er their services to DEI, Revered Prof. P.S. Satsangi Sahab, Chairman, Advisory Committee on Education, noted that, “this kind gesture from Alumni has opened up a new chapter in the history of DEI, leading to the proposed formation of an Alumni cell.”

Thus in mid 2005 the alumni formulated a proposal and by August - September 2005 the structure of the Association, its memorandum and rules & regulations were drafted and the Association registered on 28th December 2005 as a charitable body under The Societies Registration Act of 1860.


In keeping with the lofty ideals it cherishes, the aims and objectives of the Association are clearly formulated, its main objective being to extend support to Dayalbagh Educational Institutions to achieve academic and teaching excellence, to evolve new standards in using Information Technology, to enhance collaborative and inter disciplinary research and to empower weaker sections, women, backward and tribal population through Distance Education programmes. The Association has commitment to uphold ethics and provide principled leadership leading to the development of a Complete Man.

The Alumni community is represented by creative, ambitious pioneers, leaders and entrepreneurs in every �eld. Its achievements are a signi�cant indicator to the ensured success of the activities of the Association. Over the past �ve years, the AADEIs has expanded exponentially, collaborating and working with institutions and individuals everywhere to enable them to provide to the nation and for future generations people of high standard, character and competence.

The Association of Alumni of Dayalbagh Educational Institutions (Regd.)

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3Blazing a Trail (2005 - 2010)

General Body

The General Body of the Association comprises all Members of the Association.

The Executive Committee

Dr. Vijai Kumar Mr. Soami DayalMr. Amit Sinha Mr. Rajendra PrasadMr. Sahib Piara Satsangee Prof. Sahab Dass

Mr. Prem Prasad Sharma Mr. G.P. BhatiaMr. Rajeev Kumar Satsangi Mr. Sahab SaranMr. V. Prem Swarup

O�ce Bearers of the Association

President:Vice President:Secretary:Joint Secretary:Treasurer:

Dr. Vijai KumarMr. Amit SinhaMr. Sahib Piara SatsangeeMr. Rajeev Kumar SatsangiMr. Prem Prasad Sharma

The members of the Executive Committee were re-elected in 2009 on expiry of the �rst �ve year term. The Executive Committee has held regular meetings over the past �ve years. Overseeing the activities of the association, the Committee deliberated upon and took decisions on the requests for support of various institutions and societies within the ambit of its objectives.

The Annual General Meeting of the Association is held every year and a report on the progress of the Association is furnished by the Secretary for information of all members.

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Shiksha Diwas Celebrations

The Alumni from all over the world congregated at Dayalbagh on 2nd January 2006, in the August Presence of the Most Revered Prof. P.S. Satsangi Sahab, Chairman, ACE, Dayalbagh, wherein He bestowed His blessings on the members and opened the �ood gates of unlimited opportunities of seva to the alumni of Dayalbagh educational institutions.

On the auspicious day the 1st January 2007, Most Revered Prof. P.S. Satsangi Sahab enlightened the members that the goal of education and the goal of spirituality are one and the same in their ultimate consummation and advised the alumni to pursue better worldliness and to make all e�orts to achieve a standard of excellence by 2011. He also suggested that the First day of January, on which education started in Dayalbagh, may be celebrated as ‘Shiksha Diwas’.

The reunion of the Alumni and the Shiksha Diwas celebration on 1st January 2008 was unique as the proceedings were transmitted live to Bhatinda and many other centres and the members received Blessings from Most Revered Prof. Satsangi Sahab from Bhatinda. In His Message, He re-de�ned the goal of the AADEIs and was pleased to express the wish that “there may be unprecedented progress in the areas of Para Vidya – Spiritual Education and Apara Vidya – Secular Education in Dayalbagh and in Institutes and Institutions connected therewith.”




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5Blazing a Trail (2005 - 2010)

This ‘Shiksha Diwas 2008’ provided AADEIs with a unique opportunity to present in Dayalbagh a seminar on the “Role of Alumni in Advancement of Education in Dayalbagh Institutions.” Deliberating upon the magnitude and importance of the role of alumni in the up- gradation of the educational institutions of Dayalbagh, the possible areas of contribution identi�ed were:

Achieving academic excellenceProcess improvementCourse curriculum upgradationCollaboration

Quality of placement Augmenting infrastructureExternal recognition & fund raising

On 1st January 2009, the Alumni were blessed with the following message:

“May Shiksha Diwas – Education Day of Dayalbagh the 1st January, 2009 be auspicious to you all.”

The AADEIs continue to enjoy the privilege of receiving Inspiration in immense measure. On January 1st, 2010 the Alumni were further blessed with the following message:

“…there is need for complete Education in which not merely the education of Physical Region, Pind and the Region of Universal Mind, Brahmand is given but also the education of Purely Spiritual Region, Nirmal Chetan Desh is also included. Therefore in the education being imparted at the Dayalbagh Educational Institute, in the course on Religion, the Teachings of the Religion of Saints, the Sant Mat, are also included which has its reach upto Purely Spiritual Region – Nirmal Chetan Desh.”

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Aspiring - Vision 2011

UGRA Awards

AADEIs has signi�cantly expanded its commitment to research in the past �ve years. Recognising the importance of undergraduates to inculcate scienti�c temper and undertake research and build a rich and vibrant intellectual community, AADEIs has launched the Undergraduate Research Awards (UGRA) and provided ` 10,000 each to Mr. Arsh Josan, Mr. Achint Setia, Mr. V. Mehar Swarup and Mr. Karan Kumar in March 2009 and Mr. Saurabh Pathak and Mr. N. Anurag Murthy in March 2010. Assisting Collaborative Ventures

Inspired by the objective that collaborative and cross faculty educational and research programs bring about innovative and academic excellence, AADEIs has provided �nancial assistance for the acquisition of equipment for a Collaborative Research Project of the DEI (Department of Physics and Computer Science) with Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai in Astrophysics.

Establishing Chairs of Excellence

In pursuit of its objective to create Chairs of Excellence in various faculties / departments, AADEIs has established a Chair in Hindustani Classical Music (Tabla) in DEI and provides honorarium to the incumbent in the Chair.

Utilising Green Technology

In its quest to promote alternate energy e�cient technologies, AADEIs has provided �nancial assistance to the Higher Secondary School at Timarni-Rajaborari & Distance Education Centre at Rajaborari (MP) for acquisition of Solar Power Plant.

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Augmenting Infrastructure With a strong belief that future enterprising leaders populate the classrooms, AADEIs has contributed towards equipment to set up an e-class room at DEI Technical College. This initiative will meet the needs for providing live/interactive lectures to DEI Campuses at a distance as well as optimize courses conducted in local classes, to facilitate archiving them for use on demand.

Assisting DEI in its e�orts to introduce children to the world of computers and internet, music, art and culture, the Alumni Association has contributed computers, books, video cassette library, electronic equipments, furniture and other facilities for its various educational institutions. PV Primary School, Day Boarding School, Saran Ashram Nagar Primary School, School of Art & Culture and Nursery & Play Centre have bene�tted from the Association’s resources.

Supporting International Seminars and Conferences

In accordance with the DEI’s education system that derives from its mission objective: “to evolve a complete man”, a system which imbibes academic excellence, high moral and spiritual values and social sensibilities, AADEIs has extended its helping hand in providing support for International Seminars and Conferences conducted by DEI which allow its faculty and students to interact with experts and authorities in their �elds from around the world.

SQAN – February 2007: Indo-Us Shared Vision Workshop on “Soft, Quantum and Nano Computing.”

SPAWSYS – January 2008: International Seminar on “Spiritual Awakening: A Systems Approach to Address the Civilizational Crisis.”

SPIRCON – November 2010: International Seminar on “The Religion of Saints – Radhasoami Faith: Spiritual Consciousness Studies” and a Conclave for discussion on Religion of Saints (Sants) as Science of Spiritual Consciousness to promote the emergence of the Science of Ultra – transcendental Spirituality and provide a major platform towards uni�cation of science and religion.

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An Engaged Community




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“ It is often seen that the boys and girls of DEI … could not prove themselves up to the mark in respect of skills in the �elds of Information Technology … It is possible to set up an IT Centre (Noida) there for education purposes…utilizing the good o�ces of AADEIs so that the present students and old students may derive bene�t…”

- Revered Prof. P.S. Satsangi Sahab, Chairman, Advisory Committee on Education, DEI at the Silver Jubilee celebrations in Soami Nagar Model School, Delhi on 13th November 2003.

AADEIs ICT Continuing Education Centre, DEI

Inspired by the lofty vision and led by a dedicated administrator and a team of honorary AADEIs mentors, AADEIs ICT Continuing Education Centre, started in July 2007 and situated in the Central Administrative O�ce, DEI, has established its reach in improving the job capability of students and has come a long way into achieving its objectives. In collaboration with IIPC & the Distance Education Centres of DEI, the ICT CEC conducts vocational courses like Soft Skills, Basic & Advanced courses in IT for students of the regular, vocational streams as well as job seekers from the society. The courses are delivered in synchronous mode, several of these sent through multimedia resources from e-classrooms to distant locations.

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As the corners of the globe draw closer the market for management knowledge and talent has grown exponentially. To meet the challenges of a highly competitive world, ICT CEC conducts workshops on topics such as those given below, using a variety of innovative techniques to convey content and experiences.

Soft Skills NET Coaching & Practice SessionsPersonality Development Resume Writing & Interview TechniquesTime Management

Drawing on a survey conducted by the alumni, the centre launched its IT course, Programming through C in October 2010. In conjunction with DEI and DEI-APAC, the centre plans to introduce need-based courses, re-evaluate and upgrade current course materials and introduce new courses for remote centres, such as Murar and Rajaborari-Timarni.

Assistance to DEI’s Distance Education Centres

In accordance with Vision 2011, the Distance Education Centre of DEI has initiated a number of employment-oriented vocational programs, diploma, degree and higher level programs o�ered at nominal fees. These courses are relayed through semi-synchronous and live mode via state-of-the-art ICT. AADEIs has provided the Distance Education Programme, DEI, with funds and other facilities to set up Satellite Interaction Terminals (SIT) at each of these study centres and in Soami Nagar ICT centre, New Delhi.

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DEI ICT Distance Education Centre, Soami Nagar, New Delhi The Alumni supports DEI in creating an educational paradigm that works across cultures and disciplines and prepares students to address challenges and responsibilities facing the next generation. This initiative culminated in the creation of the DEI ICT Distance Education Centre at Soami Nagar, New Delhi, in December2008.

Commencing its academic operations in July 2008, the centre at Soami Nagar introduced the MPhil Physics program with specialisation in Computer Science or Electronics in synchronous mode from DEI and supported by content and lecture videos through course support website. The courses are being jointly conducted in collaboration with IIT Delhi, made available to students via video conferencing between IIT Delhi and DEI, as pre recorded web accessible lecture, and in IIT Delhi as classroom lecture on the days it is conducted.

The Centre also conducts the following courses:

MBA – launched in July 2009.

PG Diploma in Mass Communication and Journalism, launched in August 2009, jointly with Madhubala Institute of Communication and Electronic Media, Delhi. Both courses are supported by course content and lecture videos on the course support website.

B.Ed. – launched in July 2009, content and lecture videos are made available on DVDs and learning is facilitated by local mentors and facilitators.

M.A. Theology – launched in May 2010, synchronous from DEI and supported by content on course support website.

Short courses are conducted on:(a) Spoken English (b) Tally ERP 9 (c) Coaching for entrance examination to Engineering and B.Sc Computer Science programs.

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11Blazing a Trail (2005 - 2010)

DEI – Information and Communication Technology Centre, Bangalore

DEI’s innovative, comprehensive and �exible education policy �nds yet another location at Hubli, Bangaluru East Taluk. On completion of construction of the building, DEI – Distance Education Program proposes to replicate its courses and extend its bene�t to a larger part of the community. AADEIs has assisted this venture in providing �nancial support.

DEI – Alumni Placement Assistance Cell (DEI-APAC)

DEI- APAC was conceived in February - March 2003 with the mandate to:

Be a conduit for greater Industry and University interactionPrepare and assist DEI students for placements

With the launch of DEI - APAC, the above mentioned activities increased manifold and the number of active participants swelled. During 2003-2006, coaching and placement activities became more formalized. Believing in ‘building capability for employability’, DEI-APAC undertook the responsibility of designing the courses for job-seekers and DEI students. DEI-APAC also arranges expert lectures to DEI students and helps in upgrading the curriculum of the Institute in line with the requirement of the industry. DEI- APAC has also formulated various courses and cells to assist DEI students, such as the following:

Summer TrainingCompetitive Exams CellCivil Services Guidance CellIndustry Speci�c CoursesSoft Skills / Resume Writing & Interview techniques WorkshopsAugment AADEIs Activities in ICT Centres

Besides performing these vital functions, APAC was, in a way, also the step ladder to the evolution and formulation of AADEIs.

Proposed architectural design

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Our Torchbearers

The following alumni have been honoured with the Distinguished Alumni Award instituted by Dayalbagh Educational Institute in 2006:

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Future Projects

Having successfully contributed through Divine Grace to the cause of education in the institutions of Dayalbagh, AADEIs has a major thrust to ensure the realization of DEI’s vision 2011 and expand the activities connected with providing quality education to students of Dayalbagh educational institutions with special focus on weaker sections. Its other thrust areas are:

To help enhance knowledge and skills in technology, locally and via Distance Mode.

Maintain the high quality of current academic programs.

Develop new courses in the emerging �elds.

Assist in training and placement of alumni and others.

Improve infrastructure and facilities for students on the campus and at ICT centres.

Invite Academicians / Scientists / Industrialists for interaction with DEI faculty and students.

Help create more AADEIs Chairs of Excellence in various faculties / departments.

Promote interdisciplinary research in �elds such as education, theology and energy.

Help DEI utilise Green Technology (Solar Power).

At the Convocation held on 6th December, 2008, the Distinguished Alumni Award was conferred on Mr. Ravi Kumar Sinha, Chairman, Emergent Ventures Pvt. Ltd., Founder, Ravi Sinha & Associates and Director, PVR Pictures.

The DEI conferred its prestigious Distinguished Alumni Award on Prof. Prem Kumar Kalra, Director, IIT, Rajasthan and a former Professor, IIT Kanpur at its Convocation held on 21st November 2009.

At the Convocation held on 25th November 2006, DEI conferred its �rst Distinguished Alumni Award on Shri Prem Kumar IAS (Retd.), President, Radhasoami Satsang Sabha and President, DEI, in recognition of his valuable contribution made to the nation and the Dayalbagh Educational Institute. Shri. Prem Kumar served the Government in various high positions and retired in 1989 as Principal Secretary to the President of India.

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Having successfully contributed through Divine Grace to the cause of education in the institutions of Dayalbagh, AADEIs has a major thrust to ensure the realization of DEI’s vision 2011 and expand the activities connected with providing quality education to students of Dayalbagh educational institutions with special focus on weaker sections. Its other thrust areas are:

To help enhance knowledge and skills in technology, locally and via Distance Mode.

Maintain the high quality of current academic programs.

Develop new courses in the emerging �elds.

Assist in training and placement of alumni and others.

Improve infrastructure and facilities for students on the campus and at ICT centres.

Invite Academicians / Scientists / Industrialists for interaction with DEI faculty and students.

Help create more AADEIs Chairs of Excellence in various faculties / departments.

Promote interdisciplinary research in �elds such as education, theology and energy.

Help DEI utilise Green Technology (Solar Power).




Most Revered Dr. M.B. Lal SahabThe August Founder of Dayalbagh Educational Institute

“We are indeed very happy to �nd that the Alumni of this Institute, due to their high standard of conduct and work in their various spheres of

activity, have not only distinguished themselves but have also raised the name and reputation of their Alma Mater and this makes us feel

both proud and grateful.”

The members of AADEIs march forward hand in hand in the earnest hope that their humble e�orts will help Dayalbagh educational

institutions deliver perfect education leading to the evolution of the Complete Man, a Superman.

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Registered O�ce - 108, Southex Plaza-1, South Extension Part II, New Delhi - 110049 Administrative O�ce - 63, 1st Floor, Nehru Nagar, Agra - 282002

Dayalbagh Press (December - 2010)