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PT Rigspek Perkasa Lifting Systems Solutions Inspection & Testing Training & Consultancy Suppliers of Lifting Systems www.rigspekperkasa.com

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PT Rigspek Perkasa

Lifting SystemsSolutions

Inspection & Testing

Training & Consultancy

Suppliers of Lifting Systems


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About PT Rigspek PerkasaWe specialise in helping you to maintain a safe, legal and cost effectiveoperational environment through the provision of a testing and inspectionservice, Training and Consultancy, and sales distribution of essentiallifting equipment.

PT Rigspek Perkasa is a new company backed and supported by aglobal network of companies with over 125 years of experience and amanagement team with an average of 30 years experience in liftingoperations.

Although based in Batam Indonesia, the company aims to supportbusinesses throughout South East Asia and local services to thoselocally based companies who previously had to rely on an internationalsupport. Once away from their base, the same companies can rely oncontinued services 24/7.

Facilities in Batam, consist of 15,000m2 of industrial real-estate including4,000m2 of warehousing and offices.

Testing, Inspection & Re-certification ServiceWith a 1000 tonne test bed facility in Batam and expertise to match, wecan test, inspect, certify/re-certify your lifting gear, ropes and slings toyour specific standard.

Wire Rope Inspection is our forte, both manual and NDT/NDE (E-mag)services are available and carried out wherever you require.

MPI testing of lifting equipment, fittings and attachments ensures acomplete service all of which is delivered to international, national andlocal certifying authorities.

TrainingOur range of courses is grouped under three main headings, Wire Rope,Lifting & Rigging Operations, and Scaffolding.

Internationally renowned Evita Wire Rope and Lifting Gear courses arenow delivered in South East Asia thanks to PT Rigspek Perkasa. Thecompany also brings over 30 years of scaffolding training experience tothe area.

The Evita Wire Rope Inspector/Examiner course is considered to be ‘thestandard’ across all industries world wide and Construction IndustryScaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS) accredited training instructors bringa whole new dimension never before experienced in Indonesia.

Training packages are proven and accepted as industry benchmarksthroughout the world and courses are delivered by instructors withextensive background, technical and ‘hands-on’ knowledge that neverfails to make course material relevant and interesting to delegates.

Tentang PT Rigspek PerkasaKami adalah spesialis di bidang Servis Testing dan Inspection, Trainingdan Konsultasi, dan pendistribusian peralatan lifting yang pentingdengan tujuan untuk membantu Anda mempertahankan lingkunganoperational yang aman, resmi dan harga yang efektif.

PT. Rigspek Perkasa adalah perusahaan baru yang didukung olehperusahaan-perusahaan berskala dunia yang telah berpengalaman lebihdari 125 tahun dan juga didukung oleh sebuah tim management yangtelah berpengalaman sekitar 30 tahun di bidang lifting operation.

Walaupun berlokasi di Batam-Indonesia, kami berketetapan memberikandukungan kepada perusahaan-perusahaan di seluruh Asia Tenggara danjuga perusahaan-perusahaan lokal yang sebelumnya harus bergantungpada dukungan international. Kami dapat memberikan servis yangberkelanjutan selama 24 jam sehari, tujuh hari seminggu kepada semuaperusahaan tersebut.

Fasilitas kami di Batam terdiri dari area perusahaan seluas 15.000m2yang mencakup gudang dan perkantoran seluas 4.000m2.

Servis Testing, Inspeksi dan Sertifikasi UlangDengan fasilitas test bed 1000 tonne dan para ahli di Batam, kami dapatmelakukan testing, inspeksi, mensertifikasi atau sertifikasi ulang,terhadap lift gear, rope, dan sling Anda sesuai dengan standar Anda.

Wire rope inspeksi adalah keahlian kami, baik testing secara manualmaupun testing dengan NDT elektromagnetik. Kami memiliki tim inspeksiyang siap 24 jam untuk memberikan servis di mana pun Anda berada.

Kami memberikan servis yang lengkap dengan melakukan MPI testingterhadap peralatan lifting, di mana testing ini dilakukan sesuai denganstandar international, national atau badan resmi tertentu.

TrainingKami menyediakan Training yang tercakup dalam empat bidang utamayaitu Wire Rope, Lifting & Rigging Operation, Health & Safety, danScaffolding. Berkat PT. Rigspek Perkasa, Training Wire Rope dan LiftingGear dari Evita yang terkenal dalam skala dunia, sekarang bisadidapatkan di Asia Tenggara. Kami juga telah membawa trainingscaffolding yang telah berpengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun ke areatersebut.

Training Wire Rope Inspector/Examiner dari Evita, yang telah dijadikansebagai “standar” di seluruh perusahaan di dunia dan para trainer yangdiakui dari Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS)sekarang memberikandimensi yang sama sekali baru di Indonesia.

Paket-paket training yang kami tawarkan telah terbukti dan diakuisebagai standar industri di seluruh dunia. Training-training tersebutdiajarkan oleh para instruktur yang memiliki latar belakang yang kuat danpengetahuan yang maju, sehingga material training selalu relevan danmenarik bagi para peserta training.

Introducing PT Rigspek Perkasa

2 Tel: +62 (0) 778 324747 or 324749 Fax: +62 (0) 778 321388

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Our CommitmentPT Rigspek Perkasa is committed to helping customers increasestandards and safety. Its training and inspection centre is located inBatam Indonesia providing an internationally accredited portfolio ofservices and coverage for South East Asia.

Built upon many years of experience, our technical expertise is unrivalledanywhere in the world. Our qualifications are exemplary, the supportgroup is certified to the European Quality Standard ISO 9001 andmembers of the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA).

Presenters and Consultants are members of prestigious nationalassociations such as CIPD, CISRS, IM, IQA, IOSH, IAM, and ISM, and areamongst the most highly qualified and experienced in the world.

LegalityWell trained, competent people are the foundation of any successfulbusiness, but for lifting and construction operations, industries driven byrapid changes in the legal framework, training, inspection, testing andcertification is even more important.

SafetyIn situations where human survival is at stake, acceptance of second bestis a risk nobody can afford to take. Wire ropes, lifting equipment andscaffolding often quite literally provide a lifeline for industry in hostile anddemanding conditions. Your operational safety depends not only on yourequipment, but also on the awareness, skill and performance of thepeople who manage and use it.

Komitment KamiPT. Rigspek Perkasa mempunyai komitment dalam membantu paracustomer untuk meningkatkan standar dan safety mereka. Training danInspection Centre kami yang berlokasi di Batam akan memberikan servisyang berkualitas international, dan meliputi seluruh Asia Tenggara.

Keahlian tehnikal yang kami dapatkan dari pengalaman bertahun-tahuntidak tersaingi di mana pun di dunia. Misalnya kualifikasi dari tim kami,yang memiliki sertifikasi European Quality Standar ISO 9001 dan jugaadalah anggota dari Lifting Equipments Engineers Association (LEEA).

Para presenter dan konsultan kami adalah anggota dari perkumpulanterkenal seperti CIPD, SISRS, IM, IQA, IOSH, IAM dan ISM, dan merekatermasuk yang paling berkualitas dan berpengalaman di dunia.

LegalitasFondasi semua perusahaan yang berhasil adalah para sumber daya yangcakap dan terlatih dengan baik. Tetapi bagi perusahaan lifting danconstruction operations, lingkungan peraturan yang resmi, training,inspection, dan sertifikasi adalah lebih penting.

SafetyBerbicara tentang keselamatan jiwa, kita tidak boleh mengambil risikodengan mengambil pilihan yang buruk. Wire rope, peralatan lifting danscaffolding, secara harafiah seringkali menimbulkan situasi yang genting.Operasional safety Anda tidak hanya bergantung pada peralatan, tetapijuga pada kesigapan, ketrampilan dan keahilan dari orang yangmenggunakan peralatan safety tersebut.

Introducing PT Rigspek Perkasa

3Email: [email protected] Web: www.rigspekperkasa.com

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Cost BenefitSafe and competent operation of equipment brings direct bottom linebenefits with reductions in downtime, handling times and the avoidance ofdamage to jobs and equipment. Effective training also increasesmotivation and commitment.

Our Training PromiseWe offer continued support to all newly trained delegates via telephone, oronline email support. If appropriate, our consultants/inspection team willvisit you on site.

Codes of Practice All services are carried out in association with or in accordance withrelevant professional trade associations, approved suppliers, standardsbodies, and Codes of Practice such as ISO, EN, BS, DIN, ASME, API,HSE, LEEA, IOSH, IRATA, RTITB, ITSSAR, CISRS and ECITB.

Training and Workshop Facilities We have extensive resources and equipment at PT Rigspek Perkasaavailable to support your needs.

• A large presentation/conference room equipped with television, video,OHP, slide projector, whiteboard, flip chart and PC;

• An extensive practical training area complete with tools and equipment; • 1000t test bed, and ample car parking is also available at the centre.

Pengurangan Biaya Peralatan yang dioperasikan dengan aman dan kompeten tentumendatangkan keuntungan karena mengurangi masa kosong, masapekerjaan dan mengurangi kerusakan pekerjaan dan peralatan. Trainingyang efektif juga meningkatkan motivasi dan komitment.

Janji KamiKami menawarkan dukungan yang berkelanjutan kepada semua pesertayang baru kami latih. Anda dapat menghubungi kami melalui telepon,ataupun online email. Jika perlu, konsultan/tim inspeksi kami akanmengunjungi Anda.

Peraturan Kerja Semua servis yang kami berikan adalah sesuai atau berkaitan denganbadan-badan dagang international, suplier-suplier yang diakui, badan-badan standar, dan Peraturan Kerja seperti industry Scaffolders RecordScheme (CISRS).

Fasilitas Training dan Workshop Kami memiliki sumber daya dan peralatan yang handal untuk mendukungAnda:

• Ruang presentasi/konfrensi yang besar, dilengkapi dengan televisi,video, OHP, slide projector, papan tulis, flip chart dan PC;

• Area praktek yang luas dan dilengkapi dengan peralatan yang lengkap;• Kami juga memiliki test bed 1000t dan area parkir yang luas.

Introducing PT Rigspek Perkasa

4 Tel: +62 (0) 778 324747 or 324749 Fax: +62 (0) 778 321388

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Training for SupervisorsManagement of lifting operations is no easy task whatever the job.Wherever you are, we will bring you up to date with all the changes in thelegal framework, offer continued advice and support and provideconsultancy whenever it is needed.

Training for Competent PersonsMany of our courses are aimed specifically at those who are appointedto specific lifting operational roles, especially in the oil, marine, steel andconstruction industries.

Training for Inspectors and ExaminersWe carry out training for inspectors/examiners of wire rope, lifting gearand scaffolding. Programmes are internationally accepted as ‘thestandard’.

Training for ScaffoldersWhatever the level, basic, advanced, supervisor, instructor or inspector,and which ever standard you choose to follow, we will provide a programfor you.

Training for RiggersSafe use, operator and maintenance programmes for most liftingapplications, appliances and tasks. If we do not have a listed course foryour specific need then we will tailor one to suit.

Training for InstructorsOur consultants are leading experts in wire rope, lifting gear, liftingoperations and scaffolding. We offer invaluable advice and continuedsupport to prospective trainers and coaches of all these skills.

Further InformationIf you would like any further information, please feel free to contact us.You can also visit our website, where you can download comprehensivedetails for all of our training courses.

Training untuk SupervisorLifting Operation Management bukanlah pekerjaan yang mudah di manapun Anda berada, kami memberikan hal terbaru mengenai bidangpekerjaan Anda. Kami juga menawarkan saran dan dukungan yangberkelanjutan dan menyediakan jasa konsultasi kapan pun dibutuhkan.

Training untuk orang di Bidang yang KhususBanyak dari training kami yang ditujukan secara khusus kepada orangyang berkecimpung dalam lifting operasional tertentu, khususnya dalamindustri minyak, marine, baja dan konstruksi.

Training untuk Para Inspektor dan ExaminerKami memberikan training kepada para inspektor dan examiner wirerope, lifting gear dan scaffolding.Program-program kami telah diterimasebagai “standar” oleh dunia international.

Training bagi Para ScaffoldersKami akan menyediakan satu progrom khusus untuk Anda, untuk levelapapun: basic, advanced, supervisor, instruktur atau inspector, danstandar apa pun yang Anda pilih.

Training untuk Para RiggerKami mempunyai program-program opertor dan maintenance yangaman untuk hampir seluruh aplikasi dan tugas lifting. Jika permintaankhusus Anda tidak ada dalam daftar training kami, maka kami akanmembuat satu program khusus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda.

Training bagi Para InstrukturPara konsultan adalah ahli-ahli terkemuka dalam bidang wire rope, liftinggear, lifting operation dan scaffolding. Kami menawarkan saran yangberharga dan dukungan yang berkelanjutan kepada calon-calon trainerdan pelatih untuk semua ketrampilan tersebut.

Informasi Lebih lanjut Jika Anda membutuhkan informasi tambahan, silahkan menghubungikami. Anda juga dapat mengunjungi website kami, di mana Anda dapatmen-down load informasi yang lengkap tentang training kami.

PT Rigspek Perkasa Courses

Email: [email protected] Web: www.rigspekperkasa.com 5

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PT Rigspek Perkasa is equipped with a 1000t test bed with an overalllength of over 54 meters (176ft) giving an inside working length of 47meters (152.75ft).

Wire rope testing equipment is based on the magnetic flux leakageprinciple as included by a survey conducted by the UK Health and SafetyExecutive.

Features include:• Intros Magnetic Head (MH) 20-40 magnetic head

(rope sizes 20-40mm diameter)• Intros data logger capable of holding up to 8,000m of

test result data in memory• Data transfer facility to laptop computer for increased rope lengths & data.• Maximum rope speed through head is 2 meters per second• Software enabled data interpretation

Capability:• Internal wire breaks -1% or more of the total wires detected• Internal corrosion - 1% or more loss in cross sectional area detected• External wire breaks - the detector will find 1 break in as many

as 250 wires

Technical expertise is guaranteed and all inspection reports are issued in compliance with client requirement.

PT. Rigspek Perkasa dilengkapi dengan test bed 1000t yang panjangkeseluruhan lebih dari 54 meter (176ft) dan panjang bagian dalamadalah 47 meter (152.5ft).

Peralatan Testing Wire Rope adalah berdasarkan prinsip Magnetic FluxLeakage, sesuai dengan survei yang dilakukan oleh UK Health andSafety Executive.

Prinsip ini meliputi:• Intros Magnetic Head (MH) 20-40 magnetic head

(rope sizes 20-40mm diameter)• Intros data logger dengan kapasitas memori yang dapat menampung

8.000m hasil data• Fasilitas transfer data ke dalam laptop komputer untuk meningkatkan

panjangnya rope dan data• Kecepatan maksimum rope melalui head adalah 2 meter per detik.• Software yang bisa menerjemahkan data

Kemampuan: • Internal wire breaks -1% atau lebih dari total wire yang dideteksi• Internal korrosi - 1% oatau lebih dari total cross sectional

area yang dideteksi• External wire breaks - detector akan menemukan

1 break dalam 250 wires

Ketrampilan Teknikal kami telah dijamin dan semua inspection reportdibuat sesuai dengan permintaan klien.

NDT/NDE E-Mag Inspection ServicesNDT/NDE E-Mag Inspection Services

Inspection Reports & Ketrampilan Teknikal

Rigspek Perkasa Test Bed

Inspection Reports& Technical Expertise

Rigspek Perkasa Test Bed

Testing, Inspection & Certification

6 Tel: +62 (0) 778 324747 or 324749 Fax: +62 (0) 778 321388

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Lifting Operations Courses

Email: [email protected] Web: www.rigspekperkasa.com 7

Target GroupA 5 day course aimed at Riggers, Pipe Fitters, Rigging Supervisors andConstruction Engineers etc. Those who have or are required to have‘hands on’ knowledge and/or responsibilities involving the use of liftingequipment used within their operational environment.

AimThe aim of the course is to provide selected delegates with basicunderpinning knowledge of lifting and slinging enabling them to carry outlifting operations in accordance with statutory requirements and withoutrisk to health.

Training ObjectivesBy the end of the course participants will be able to plan, prepare andcomplete rigging work within their operational environment and inaccordance with local and international rigging and lifting practices. Theywill be able to demonstrate knowledge of SWL, materials used, pre-useinspection, load weight estimation, and good slinging practices.

Course Content• Legislation in the workplace• Planning a lift• Lifting gear, wire rope slings, synthetic slings, chain slings• Slinging modes and practices• Weight estimation (load mass)• Crane load charts• Rigging appliances, accessories and attachments (chain blocks,

pulling machines, plate clamps, shackles, hooks, eyebolts etc.)• Basic crane operation & crane signals• Practical assessments

Achievement MeasurementIncludes practical lifting operation assessments leading to certification on successful completion.

Target GroupA 5 day course aimed at Basic qualified Riggers, Pipe Fitters, RiggingSupervisors and Construction Engineers etc. with experience.

AimDesigned to provide a high level qualification in rigging practice.

ObjectivesBy the end of the course participants will be able to conduct high levelplanning, carry out risk assessment, calculate and supervise asuccessful lifting operation in accordance with local and internationalrigging and lifting practices.

Course Content• Legislation in the workplace• Factors of safety, basic trigonometry, sling angles and centre

of gravity & lifting points• Planning a lift to include risk assessments, weight estimation (load mass)• Cranes, ground conditions, booms, load charts etc• Inspection of lifting gear• Specialist slinging modes and practices, rigging appliances,

accessories and attachments • Practical assessments

Achievement MeasurementIncludes practical lifting operation assessments leading to certification onsuccessful completion.

A course to train delegates in the safe operation and effective use ofoverhead travelling cranes with floor or cab controls.

Safe Operation of OverheadTravelling Crane (Rig03)

Advanced Rigging (Rig02)Basic Rigging (Rig01)

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Lifting Operations Courses

8 Tel: +62 (0) 778 324747 or 324749 Fax: +62 (0) 778 321388

A half-day seminar for all personnel involved in, or management of,Lifting Equipment and/or Lifting Operations.

The aim of this seminar is to inform all attendees on current regulationspertaining to lifting operations, underlining employer and employeeresponsibilities.

Target GroupAn intensive 5 day course aimed at those who have obtained high levelqualifications and identified as subject matter experts (SME’s).

AimThe aim of the course is to train SME’s to carry out ‘in-house’ instructionof their specific specialist skills i.e. rigging or scaffolding.

Training ObjectivesBy the end of this course delegates will be able to:

• Develop and deliver effective training programmes relating to specific skills

• Recognise the need for, and instruct operatives on, the requirements of safe systems of work

• Instruct operatives on their obligations with respect to the operationalrequirements relating to specific skills and applicable regulations

• Measure levels of instruction, by continuous performance review and assessments

Course Content• Safe working practices and applicable standards. • Introduction to the applicable regulations, codes of practice

and local procedures• The principle components of the systems approach to training• Method of Instructional Techniques (MOIT)• Basic course content (As applicable)• Delegate teaching practices, designed to practice and assess

delegate’s knowledge of their particular skill and their ability to instruct• Final practical assessments

Achievement MeasurementDelegate’s progress is monitored by ongoing assessment of up to 3individual teaching practices, the final of which is used to measureoverall performance. A report on each candidate is prepared andcertificates are awarded to those that are successful.

Target GroupUsers of lifting gear and those involved in the inspection or statutoryexamination of lifting gear in service. An internationally recognisedcourse designed for those involved in the inspection or statutoryexamination of lifting gear in service. An essential course for Appointed Persons.

AimsThe aims of the course are to:

• Provide delegates with a thorough grounding of the law and standardspertaining to lifting gear

• To teach the statutory requirements for, inspection, rejection andreporting of lifting gear in service

• To provide some practical advice that will enable those who attend tocarry out lifting gear inspections confidently

Training ObjectivesBy the end of the course delegates will be able to:

• Carry out statutory ‘in service’ inspections and examinations• Demonstrate knowledge of terminology, law, standards, safe working

practices, storage, marking and handling of lifting gear• Offer sound advise to other users• Ensure safety whilst working with lifting gear

Course Content• Definitions• Law and standards• Legal requirements• Statutory certificates and reporting• Principles for selection of lifting gear• Marking, storage and handling• Materials used• Force influences• Examination of lifting gear• Videos - ‘Slinging Safely’ and ‘Chain Slings’• Practical examination of lifting gear

Achievement Measurement This two-day course is carried out in accordance with the Code ofPractice for the Safe Use of Lifting Equipment as published by LEEA,PUWER and LOLER. It includes short written confirmation tests and apractical lifting gear inspection assessment leading to certification onsuccessful completion.

Lifting Gear Inspection (Rig06)

Train the Trainer (Rig05)

LOLER Regulations (Rig04)

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Target GroupA 5 day course aimed at those who have attended scaffoldingawareness and identified as potential scaffolders.

AimsThe aim of the course is to train participants to achieve the necessaryskills to plan, prepare and complete basic scaffolding work inaccordance with local and international procedures.

Training ObjectivesBy the end of this course delegates will be able to:

• Construct and dismantle modular scaffolds safely

Course Content• Safe working practices and applicable legislation. • Bends & hitches• Plan work• Scaffolding components• Modular systems• Tube and coupler (minimums & maximums)• Ground bearing pressure • Estimation of materials• Dismantling• Practical

Achievement Measurement Trainers employ the practical methods of Instruction, Explanation,Demonstration, Imitation and Practice (EDIP) with ongoing assessmentleading to certification on successful completion.

Target GroupSupervisors or those that lead teams of scaffolders to erect, alter, modifyor dismantle scaffolding on site. Delegates must have attended a basicscaffolding course and have at least 12 month experience.

AimsThe aim of this 5 day course is to train participants to achieve thenecessary skills to plan, prepare and supervise scaffolding work inaccordance with local and international procedures.

Training ObjectivesBy the end of this course delegates will be able to:

• Supervise the construction and dismantling modular scaffolds safely

Course Content• Re-assessed at basic level• Safe working practices and applicable legislation. • Boatswain chair• Scaffold support framework• Planning, estimation of materials, and scale and

interpret drawing estimation• Alterations and modifications• Supervisory skills• Truss out scaffolds• Light duty suspended stages• Practical

Achievement Measurement Trainers employ the practical methods of Instruction,Explanation, Demonstration, Imitation andPractice (EDIP) with ongoingassessment leading tocertification on successfulcompletion.

Advanced Scaffolding (Rig08)Basic Scaffolding (Rig07)

All courses can be held

on-site subject to

available facilities.

Contact us for a quote.

Scaffolding Courses

Email: [email protected] Web: www.rigspekperkasa.com 9

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Target GroupAn internationally accredited and widely acclaimed two and a half day course.

Approved by the ECITB, the course is aimed at those responsible forinspection and/or statutory examination of wire rope in service.Appointed Persons, Competent Persons, Maintenance Engineers.Engineer Surveyors, Crane Maintenance Engineers and Operators etc.

AimThe aim of the course is to provide selected delegates with the skills andknowledge needed to undertake wire rope inspections and examinationsaccording to relevant standards. (ISO, BS, API or ASME). Additionallydelegates will gain knowledge of safe use and handling of wire rope.

Training ObjectivesBy the end of this course delegates will be able to:

• Demonstrate knowledge of wire rope terminology, constructions,characteristics, rope performance, safe use and handling, and applications

• Get the best out of their products whilst maintaining a safe working environment

• Carry out wire rope inspections and/or examinations

Course Content• Responsibilities and primary functions of a Rope Inspector/Examiner• Wire rope manufacturing• Rope terminology• Wire rope characteristics• Rope terminations• Rope deterioration• Examination procedure• Discard criteria• Examination records and reports

Achievement MeasurementThe course includes a short written confirmation test and a practicalassessment leading to certification on successful completion.

Target GroupWhatever your needs are, an overall appreciation of wire ropes in servicefor users, an appreciation of wire rope examination, or an overview ofwire rope for sales personnel, this one-day seminar could be the solutionfor you.

Aim To provide appreciation and knowledge of safe use, handling andinspection of wire ropes in service.

Training ObjectiveBy the end of this course delegates will be able to demonstrateknowledge of relevant wire rope terminology, constructions,characteristics and effect on rope performance, inspection principles,and safe use and handling.

Seminar Content• Introduction to various wire ropes, manufacturing,

constructions and applications• Rope terminology• A practical assessment of steel wire ropes including an appreciation of

rope strength, flexibility, fatigue, wear, abrasion, rotation and elongation• Wire rope terminations• Rope deterioration• Overviews of wire rope inspection, examination, discard criteria,

and problems resulting from misuse and abuse

Achievement MeasurementThis one-day seminar includes a written confirmation test leading tocertification of attendance on successful completion.

Wire Rope Inspector (Rig09) Wire Rope Appreciation (Rig10)

Wire Rope Courses

10 Tel: +62 (0) 778 324747 or 324749 Fax: +62 (0) 778 321388

All courses can be held

on-site subject to

available facilities.

Contact us for a quote.

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Target GroupThose involved in the maintenance and socketing of wire ropes.Necessary for wire rope maintenance engineers. The course duration isdependent on participant’s previous experience.

AimTo provide delegates with a thorough grounding of the legalrequirements and safe working practices pertaining to resin socketing ofwire ropes and to teach them the practical skills involved.

Training ObjectivesBy the end of the course delegates will be able to:

• Recognise various socketing applications• Select the tools and equipment required for socketing• Carry out preparation successfully• Make suitable measurements• Select a suitable socket for the job• Mix resin• Carry out resin socketing using approved methods and procedures

Course Content• Legal requirements• Socketing applications• Socketing methods and procedures, including preparation,

measurements, serving etc• Mixing and pouring of resin• Socketing practices with ongoing assessment

Achievement MeasurementTrainers employ the practical methods of Instruction, Explanation,Demonstration, Imitation and Practice (EDIP) with ongoing assessmentleading to certification on successful completion.

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Wire Rope Courses

Email: [email protected] Web: www.rigspekperkasa.com 11

Wire Rope (Resin) Socketing (Rig11)

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PT Rigspek PerkasaKomplek Kawasan IndustriSekupang Kav No.13, BatamIndonesia

Tel: +62 (0) 778 324747 or 324749 Fax: +62 (0) 778 321388 Email: [email protected] Web: www.rigspekperkasa.com

Don’t take our word for it…‘Can you please pass on our thanks to the instructor …… Heunderstood what we needed perfectly and managed to train ourquite experienced guys in an interesting and relevant way’

Pangolin Editions”

‘The delegates are in agreement that it was an excellent day andone where they learnt a great deal to enhance their every dayexamination of wire rope… The presenters experience was ofgreat value to add a ‘hands on’ feel to the academic content.’

ACE Engineering Insurance – United Kingdom

‘… with reference to the Evita Wire Rope Examiners and LiftingGear Inspection Course – in Halifax, Nova Scotia, we would liketo thank you for your choice of instructors…they presented theprogramme in a most professional and informative manner.’

Operations Manager – CTS Container and Trailer Services Ltd.,Canada

‘… our member was very impressed with the presentation of thecourse and benefited considerable from the knowledgereceived… I shall be most pleased to pass on the Evita name.’

Lifting Equipment Engineers Association – United Kingdom

‘… whatever it was you did out there it worked, the accident ratehas been considerable reduced.’

Field Health and Safety Advisor on training for BP in Columbia

‘I would like to thank you for a very well organised and in-depth training course… the presenters ability to relate to pastexperience and his knowledge of lifting gear made the event agreat learning experience.’

N.T. Hong Kong

‘… the quality of the presentation was excellent especially asboth courses had to be translated the participants noted yourpresenters hands-on knowledge.’

Marketing Manager – Ellingsen Ltd, Iceland

‘We were impressed by the flexible approach adopted by Evita toprovide a course tailored to suit the needs of our EngineerSurveyors who all benefited greatly from the presenters ‘in-depth’knowledge and experience.’

Royal and SunAlliance Engineering Practice

Worldwide Coverage: We have delivered successful training in

Morocco, Iceland, Ireland, Columbia, Canada, South America,

Norway, France, Dubai, Singapore and all over the UK.