a2aa; cincinnati ''' j a booistoe: hats cap ,w · col houk o2yred hi a. aiibstuute...

" H Vi ! ,N ' ! i idajasinre. i'1 !ll'Ulll kiv-- J r.ir.-'hM- 'ii II. A. hv. ciXKOX (0., f uMuben. TCE3D1Y, JANCARY10, 1SC5. CMOS STATE C0XVEMI0.X. iloniay's Procffdlaj The Union Stat Convention met at 11 o'clock, nd temporally organized y tb? appointment of S." K. Rogers, of Ilnoxviil?, f President, and llesi ii rcer and Cone, a Secretaries. COMMITTEE OX riEMANkNT ORGANIZATION. The following committer on per-ru&ne- oreanizition was selected : East Twtise'.. TL R. Laliard, J. II Mek and J ud Trewhitt Wel Tenwce Win- - Wallace, 21 Rider and v II. Hall. Middle Tent vse. Jauie ilulliLft, J. S. Fowler and A. IL Hugh. covKirrr.E o taei M! w.s Co', Houk. Mr. Watu-rs- , Col. V. Dug pan, Lewi Tillman, J. .Iv.ignn, Judge ibackleford, D A. Ore,;, Jno. Lofa'i and II. F. Cooper The cmmiii. on the permanent organization repot U-- tlio following list of offie?rf : :. Prfsv'cntVo S .K. Rodpers. President Col. W. B. Wilson, Col. V. K. Hall, Gen. ; C. Oillem. nj E. I Cor.c, .y.o. LonrAie. Ellett A. J amen. M'KE'.n or iiiz vntsiDEXT. On taking the ehnir, llr. Ko(g.rB made Bom explanations as to the oh-jec- ta of th (A)LiVntion. It was tht design to nominnte s to a State Constitutional Convention, to reform the State Ooverumt ni. e were now at a deed lock; something must be done to act the wheel-- of the govert-inf- nt in motion. The State ban Leer redistiirxd Ly a bog'is Legisla- ture, which cjuld not he recognized, without rccigniiin seciision. "'The cou?ention of delegates to be chosen, cmld tho State; and we uhould have one as ppeedily as com- patible with the public interest. The vrork was a great and important one; and ho hoped there would Le harmony among delegate;. We mu?t have civil overi:rnoiit. Tlie ait.iy cannot alto- gether put iv.a gut-rrilhs- ; but with tho aid of c:vil govciument; with a Governor nd judiuary, ail could be easily elected. E:i'.do, we mast have repre in the National Cod-gre-s- ; an I to do this rrc must aiapt theG!".ta Constitution to existing cir cumstance."', ar.a have a leialiiture. He then thard:'--- i lb' Conveniion, a.r.d again cunsch-.- d haimoi'j. Mr. Eirhf tn, of Meir.phia, urged the fpeedy re-c- i &iul.ing of the State, and oTre.d a proposition v!iich he bc-hev- ed would ctf ct the purj Oir-.- : Reined, tl.is couvoiitioa tj.- - poii.t d?l'ir'-.f',- rom ch county, sen- atorial iid flailing flection diitri.-li- , to amend cur pn-ac'i- t Stn'.e Cunhla tiou, by einkii. ut liie entire .'itve C)'le, and a Hpin g it t j meet our pres- ent wanti and exioric'-e- i ni a loya.1 pro-pi- , and aa iiiterrid portion of the American ii;tinn, tl.rt said d.liatp rpjiort an anicn ( orWit'.Uion to thin convention w'--i little delay ?.sp.n aible; that nnid Ei.ipn l?JL constitution be submitted for ratitiOitinn to the loy 1 people of tho Hut durin:' tho month of February, or as soon thercKtler as possible, r li J at tho ae. tita at wh:cb the COUititUtioU ..ubmiticd, au elec i ion be hel l for (ioveiuor end other .State oilictrfi. Lid ovr till aftrr th.- - lej-or- of the Commit tv on Crtd nt'.al-- ; Fhould bo received. hr.FORT OK (..)ii.HlIUE ON CRKDCNTI.lt.'. Ju igs H.ackhrjrd from th Com- mittee on Credentials reported that all mn who w r; active support? efthe Ooveinuifnt, and who had not borne arma aginit it, s'i.tjI I lu entitled to eal.i; and the UifTerent counliea were lecomineTided 'to decide on thii subject for themselves. Some lisrua-i- aro. wlieu Mr. Fowler oll'Ted a eubjtitute, exclud- ing all who deliberately voted for s. t.ieHsi ju, and who hs 1 voluntarily borne armj against the Overnment The whole subject wni hn referred back to tl;e Coium;.tte oi Credential tor failher report f Adjourned till two o'clock, r. v ( arrcRsooM K?sto.'. At two o'clock, the convention was called to order Ly tfyo chairman. A very large delegation from all psrt' of the Stite was prerent, fdling the llall of the llooie of It pri'smtatives to overajwiag. It w.s decidedly the larg- est delegate Convention held in th State for many years. UON'D REPORT OF COMMITTER OK Judge hackleford, Chairman of the Committee on Credentiah, reiorted as follows : Your cociraitU'e Lg leave to report that each county of the State where Union nieetiug havtj been held, and delegates appointed to tLis Convention and who ate in attendance, that they report their names to this Convention That in counties where, no meetings Lave been held, but which have tepre senutivea here in attendance, that oaid representativea m?t together to an point dele? ates, and report their names. That all loyal me n who heartily and actively with the Govern- ment, and ardently desire thesuccieaa of the Federal army, r.j well ai the over- throw of the Confederacy, and the dfeat of the rbel army, are invi- ted to take seals in il.o Convention. A delegate moved to isy th? repcrt 4 on the table. Carried Col Houk o2Yred Hi a. aiibstUute res- olutions as follows Retched, Thai all delegate, who ivo an active support to the Union cause; who hare never voluntarily borne arms against th government; and who have never voluntarily given ;uJ and comfort to the enemy, bp et. titled to seats in this Convention Htt Hvei That it is r eomtneed'd that th delfgitos fron each county pclecl a Chairman, who thidl jeport the caraeu of the delegates of hi countr t") the .Secretary, anipnsrive ud tickets of ad Jr. . to tne san e Th Boiolutioas were adopted v,ith one disaentiEC voiced - ' The following ig K partial Iit of del tgaten : Granjer Jno Btooks. Dr. Thorn bury, T. Ii West, M. Goldmsn, Geo.' W. J Western, Dr. W. C. Senter, (. Uairraau.) 1 WjttdvoUm - Col. It K. Patton, ,: thiirman, C. A. Uadi, Car t Geo. E Grbham, Siaa ltl Orifilth, il N. Grif- fith, Ilenry Marshal, V'm. ColTmau. ' Wa ildburn, Dr. W. Smith, Dr. J. T. Coziea, Jno. Wett,D. y. 'Sthon. 1 t n .. - - I M T. llrr V Walln. John iUffU. . i " Eir" H. T. Cooj.tr, II. F. Ketch- - . BaidcTji'Ll. Cot y J "sniith, ! caaplam J. J. snun. ) JlcrJerto.T. A. Auslev MadtsiS. S. William, Ihnrv W. J. Campbell. McXniru CoL F:&ldin2 Hurt. Capt. S. L. Wa'rren. Lt. Wm. C. Webb. -- - DiaJr. Houston Roberts, WaJnr,VL IL Alexander, Dr. J. J. DIcfceVson, Caj t T. J. Cvpert, John H. Edmondi, Lt K. F. O. Bos well. . Ol.on Lt. J. E. McFair, and J H. Rota. JiuuKod. Cant J. R Potou. Doer and Lauderdale. Ira J. Brown liil-amsi- F. Hardm.mn, W. P. Campbell, E. E. ClifTe. W, S. Camp- bell, II. C. Sinclair, J- - E. Lill.e, A W Mo-- s, J Ti Davis, E II Gorman, It .V Ballow, T W Hovey.J D X dt, . G V Thomas, Ti M Eii?, Jno Edmond-on- , T McCall, CC Bennett, Wm Ilar- - ; j inner. Wm. Wright, H. Herman, J. .Nicnouon, Geo. i. Lisn:uke3. oth Toti. Cavalry Mi. S. Waters, Wilton county, Lt. W P. Idough, Shelby county, Lt. A. A. Carter, Davidson county, Sergt J. Youngblood, DeKalb county. McMii. Csuntv. ,J M. Henderson E A. Atle.T, Cha'sCate, B. Witt, M L Phillip-- , Capt J. P. Erient, Capt W, A tocaran, Capt J. C, ilartin. Ju.invn. V'vntv. r. M. Anderson, Gen. A. C. (iille'm. Smith County Dr. J. W. Eowen Capt E. J. Williams, Wm. IL Swepp, E. Unten. L. W. illiams, ii. Z. An IerBon. J. IL Eond, Ira W. Ming, A. C. Winfrey, J. T. Armstrong, Cspt Wm. vanuow. County. F. Sherbreoke. V'm Sjience, ti. E Parrisb, S. N. Bur iet, J. F. Nelson, Ja s. S. McFadden.J. P. Jlcnderaon, J. Ii Ferrill, A. A. Lane, J. M, llayueu, Wm. Elliott, Wm. Bas- - W.UonZ. W. Frarier, N. J. Eryan, W. II. Grimmet, W. U Waters. Mainv Wm Nolfoa, Jno. D. Moore W. It Pdlow, J. IJ. Gregory, John M. Withenmoon. Benj. Crawford, J. B Prsy, M. P. Murphy, Luther Tarip, J do A. btratton, Jno. Ba.rd, V. il Sullivan, J. Crafton, W. Stack&rd, J. V. Scribner, J. T. S. Gretmneld, It. D. Kicketts, Jno. F. Morgan, J. P. Biird, J. Gilmer, W E. Diilin, T. A, Harris, IL II. liazor, M. W. Mayere, A. Hughes, S M. Arna'd. Fintreit Cv.nty. A. E. Garrett, Lt. E. Garrett Montgomery County. Judge J. 0. Slmckleford, Wm. Wynes, D S. Nye, Juo. II. P.itchett, A. A. Nixon, L Strawd, II arris, and others. Khiz County. W. G. Erownlow, J. 3. Erownlow, Vnx Ileiskell, A. C. Cal- ler., John Looney, II. L. W. Mynatt, John 3. Coram, John Currier, Dr. B. FrKzler, II. II. IL'gdon, Dr. Jas. Eodgers, Hon. E. T. Hall, S. It. Eodgers. Charles Lona John Gibbp, H. Maynard, J. C Mynalt,- - Andrew Knott. S. R Scarbo rou2h,C. C. Lukens, G. W. Weaver, P. Dickinson, Joseph Mynatt, Martin W. Varnell, Sam l McCaiurnoa. 0. P. Tem- ple Tandy Dowell, W Y, Cox, Luke Wild3, Jo. PiixsonH. Junroe. Daniel Ueiskeil, Dr. W. N. Bickne!!, Arch. Sloan, John Cafiee, Jen. E rtobir.son, Dvid Baker, James II. Jchnilon, Isaao Tata, V.nx btapp, .N. LwififS, John Pickfcns, John Mitiia, C.pt. Jos. Divine. G. C. Duncan, It. V. Cruw-d- r. i'r. G, Beownlaw, a.iarxte. GaUr.Z, IL G. O'Brien, N. T. Sin-r.erl- y, Capt Landon Carter, Isaac A. Taylor, Albert lluht!", Wm. Baker, M. D. Boren, John M. Smith, C. P. Ton-oru- y, IL C. Smith, John J. Ede ns, Capt. P. Williams, Wm. F. Wilkerson, Wm. X. O'Brien, Col. John K. Miller. ? ,W:'"J't. E. L. Stanford, N. B. ihscm, Lt Eli-h- a Harbor, S. Itichard-o- n irls.',..'y.'.')i Col. S. X. II. Patton, L. V. Keene, Judge S. J. W. Luckov, jno. B Hunt, D. L. Wild. Henry Marsh, Ed-.vur- II. West, Dr. T. Cozier, Piiillp P C Xclboa, John Went, Capt. G. E. Grisham. linn Jv,i James II. Hood, D. 0. Trewhitt, A A Fearnon, Jno Anderson, C.jpt A M Cat. G W Eider, A Saber. P L Mathews, Wm It Davis, Geo 0 Cate, Peter Monger, Kufus Hall, CW Vinson, KH Guthrie, t"ol G AGowan, Opt It G Campbell Onnplel' II Rogers, J S Lindsay, Jos Deiw, Alfred Dossett, 0 T Claiborne, J II Grant, Capt T J Rogers, Reuben Rodirera John Peterson, It D Wheeler. Capt A w Wslk?r. R Eee, A W Howard, tle.n. Sara Milligan, James Britton, jr., Dr E N Sheff'ey, J A Gailbraith, Hon D T Patterson, Col It A Crawford, fkl Robert Johnson, tiideon Birkhart, Dr Fitzgerald, Rev R B Darling, V S Lotpeich. Johnson It L Wilson, S E Northing-ton- , Mnj Jos Wagoner, Capt J B Wyatt, Msj J M Grayson, Ham Smith, R R Butler, G II Shoun, II C Donnelly, J W Sboun, A A Bidleman, John Murphy. r.nidUy Hon John C Gaut; Thomas L Cate; A A Campbell; A J Trewhitt, Jas II Normar; Captain Norwood. Jrfewn&A J M Thornburg; Col D G 'fhornburg: J M Meek; James P Swan; James LCain; John L Code; J L Foust; David Grant, Garrett Lane; Jas N Lyle; W Harri?; Col Wm Sawyers. Claiborne Lewis Harman; Wiley Huf-faker- , K D Willis; James Carr; P M Rudd; John Mason. Grainger Dr Thornburg; M Goldman, Capt J ii Remine, Dewit Senter. Cocke George O.dun; Greenville W Loyd; Mar-ha- ll O'Neill; Joel Brooks; Sanberry Northerton; James H Ran- dolph; Wra L Worthington: S H In-ma- n. MwC H SafT.ll; Col J M MAon; Dr Brownlow, a'teratr, Maj M Ste-phec- L C Houk, ultimate; Dr G W Keith. Scot: R Weirs; A IT Cross, Dr Brown-low- , oltmatr, Joel Hanby; L C Houk, altrrriair, Caj.t Jones IV.ici John E Huddlteetou, John Hutch. Dr Carr, Wm Hickell, Wra Huddelston, James Turner, M V Kash Meigs James Gettys, Col A Cox, J P Knieht, The Cisle, W II Hunler. MMiKW L D)don, J M Hn-deioa- , Charles Cate, Olivtr Dodson, EA Allen, Burgess Wilt, ML Phillips, Alln Cowhorn. Hancock. Maj Wm Davis, J M Rain3 Capt L M Jartis, Capt Trent. JLiwktns Joseph Eokle, Joseph Wi- lli. W C Kyle, Dr P Mitchell. Jam3 White,: DC Walker, Dr J N Walker, George Well. Aa-ie- r Col W C Pickens. John Cald wea, i jl t.urneit coi i X'ugsiaTi CjI J C Murphy, D P (iass, ii G ! Simra. DW Howard, Lt Underdjwn, A II Keener, John Morton, E ii Cress-- " well, Leru lj2gan, AA i agala. Jicane Coi" R. K. Byrd, John A. Bar- nard, J. 'f. Selly, Simuel Burnett, T. J. Mason, John Blair, Wm.ML Alexander, J. D. Smith, Wm. C. Julian, T. N. Clark, Sim 1 Chil Jress, T'ho's Carter. Polk Dr. Ketheiside, Charles Me-Clire- Dr. Fletcher, Gen. Gamble. HhM John P. Walker, G. W. Mor- gan, I'r ank Locke. John Morgan. Marion. A. A. Jlvde. K. Huston. Sheriff Prvor. jj(aio'.T. S. IVaiier. Wm Kinkin iVir'ti Tinker Dave Pitej-- , CHpt. Miilsaps. Jack MoJHnix, Eiouire Can- - atcher. Oeert9n Anderson Thi-'inghir- Is quire Armstrong. On motion, "Hou. Greene Adam-- , of. Ky. was invited to bo present in the j Convention A.rmirnA.1 t.- T ,. v LttLln;Sciloii. ! IL Clement. olTereJ the following j tesol'ttion, which was lost : Resolved, That all soldiers, whether officers or privates, who are hereasdol- - 1 . 1 !... , .1 vontion. r c ..v .....''' I Considerable diwzusaion arose relative I to ioe ppomimni Oi a cuamea. : DilWee, "regarding the number to be ;?iuoa w:is to nave tnree irou w.u. Ar f . 9.1 .1 ! n .! rirA uon. ,w ueiegaies ue frr.m To.l Timiucuo nd T frOm I . .1 each of the others, as more lair, on c- - mi:rtfif'ft,ft r.rhlnmininfia of Union '. . , - sumenc m tne nrst nameu. Mr. Mfcvnard proposed to make tne r.umUf ir frnm pae.h section, but OO l. x- - r r.. i r;ii;,n hm iue urwou ui b ' . . reduced the number to three, inis motion iaa agreed to unammoualy. All resolutions were ordered to go to this committee without debate. Ihe committee wdl be announced to-d- ar.' ' ' ' - - f . akaOLUTioh.- - - - Judge Trewhitt offered & series of resolutlocs opposing any attempt, by the present convention, at unending the constitution of the State, but favor ing the selection of candidates for del egates, to be elected by the people, to amend the constitution; also favoring the election of a legislature, congress men, ic, and the abolition of slavery. The resok lions we r offered at so l&r an hour that we are unable to give them ia full A delegate from Williamson offered a resolution ' declaring that all pereen who had taken the Amnesty in good faith, and observed it, ought to be al lowed to vote; provided neutrality is not te be considered loyalty. Judge 2Iiiligan offered a resolution declaring that the people have, at any time, a rig!ht to amend the Constitution, and favoring the submission of the fob I . - 'i v va vivu tm vasa v-- V V ARTICLE FIUbT, A'ix. 1. Stavery and involuntary servi tude, except for the punishment of crime. !whi?reof the nartv aball 1iia ouvihucu oiiu uiuuiuiieu. queers. ) Sf.c. 2. The Legislature shall make no aw recognizing the right of proper ty in man. (Cheers.) (ICHEDCLR. Ct.- - . 1 QaK-.- 1 C 4V- ,- O.I -- f v. a i-- nuu w i 111 fcuo .ti irblCie O the Constitution, which is as follows: "The General Assembly shall have no power to paalaws for the emancipation J of s'aves without the consent of their . j . , , 1 uthi ui whut-id- , is uvieuy uuiiberaieu , . ... ana lorever annullea. Sic. 3. The military league t nto between the State of Tenuthste. on tne . in etay oi jday witn tne Confederate States, and ratified and confctmed by the Legislature on the day of , 1 SCI, whereby the mili tary power of the State was trans ferred to the usurper, Jefferson T( t ' - anrl 4l A 1r. vol rorra rii' iitk .Qrota ra-t- ii.s vAsaais, vsisn sa oi treason, u.iurr-- tion. and oppression, and of nn I . . . . '. : i . bin-juig- , lorce or etlect, and is therefore 10 3 i ii i i r . i , I utoiarKU uuu aiiu vow irom ma Degin- - I n:m: Sfo. 3-- ine depuration of icdcendanrift passed and promulgated by the L'gis- - iu.iu.b ui i puneasee on tne otn day oi May, 15C1, by which' the State was de clared separated from the Federal Union, and all laws and ordinances by which Tennessee became a member of the United Slates, annulled and abro- gated, was in like manner an act o? Llreason, usurpation and oppression, and i . 1 . .. 1 : I j c r 1 In., a.u.iuiti.t'iy U1U UIlu Ol I1(J JOTCe irom I "l the uepinniniT I Sec. 4 All resolutions, ordinances and laws as well as all acts done and performed under the authority of th usurped State Government, aft r th,i declared independence of the State . . . r n - - t r 1 - i f ii jriinpsrfw, on ine oin ay or way, Icol. and eiipecially an act authorizing the LuanGi of a loan of $3,000,000 at ?j per ent, passed cn the day ol , LSCI, kre hereby declareel without authority, and absolutely null and void. Sec o That upon the adoption of ine ioreroiDg articles oy the people, tli at tmg governor ot tne estate is authorized imd requested, as soon as in his judgmant it may be deemed expe- dient and practicable, to order an election for Governor and members of the (Joneral Assembly, upon the basis preiented in the act apportioning representat ves in the State, parsed on the day of 1 85- -, to assemble in the city of Nashville, at such time as may bo designated by law. Si:o 6 -- All civil and military effioers which have been, or hereafter may be f ppointed by the acting military Gov- ernor, T are hereby affirmed, and they shad continue to hold and exereisa her the functions of their respective offices el, unti' their successors are elected, or appointed and qualified, as prescribed by the laws and Constitution of the Stale and of the United States. The J udj;e was at once called out, to make a speech in behalf of Lis resolu- tions. . He recounted the situation of the State, and declared that there was Int no possibility of reorganizing the State, except through the abolition of slavery. Two ways lay before us; either amend the con-titutio- n, as provided by oi that instrument, or make a direct ap pe-- to the people. This last could be done by the. present body. The action of this cont ention could have no effect, or will until its work had been ratified by the people; and if the people ratified it, all would b riht. If this convention has no power to submit a constitution, it has no power to call a constitutional convention. Ey taking action now, bnth time aad money would be saved. If people don't like the constitution R.- presented, they can vote it down ; if T X they adopt it, as they probably will, we shall speedily have a restoration of law. thit Dr. Brownlow wa3 called upon, (! responded in a few happy remarki He said that there were 510 delegates present, If 0 of whom were from East Tennessee They had taken up their oi cross, and vrere determined to follow ana the stars and stripes until the rebels had received their merited doom Mc. Maynard and others were called out, ind deli vered appropriate and spir- ted rmarka J u3g Trewhiit c3ered the following which was adopted : RxAed; That his Excellency Gov. Johnson, be requested to attend this TT Convention and deliver an address to I the member of the Convention. ' lour The Conve ntion then adjourned. t "a commvaicatea to the President that the G5rgia State authorities have UpphM to come back into the Lnion, Hr"1 Secretary Manton's visit to Savannah w doubtless m connection Ot with thin. The Time sars (ien. Tlirkniaa Vo beonmaile a Major General in theteg- - ular army. se. Baltimore, Jan. S. Henry M. Flint, ist.i, fr,.,.:,! " . i. j l . . i-- i..rlu.'. "Wr.wi ui vn8 World, ha- been arrested here bf the mi military authorities, charged with dfs lh loyalty. He is now In Vustody.,",1,u : i i Lore at J la w are things we JLa4 better keep out of if wa etc. .They both lead to I I strong attsohiasziU. CwderLmd Capt J. Ate, Thomtas N,u Yoai:, Jan. S The Times Swan. rial says: It is rumored that Sherman C.I.I InallAII G1 nfUAtituhAlll Mil II Mimru furiMiurr. Juo. K. lime Co., ;U a TLurj - damo. nit.? , be 12th dayof Jauoary, at Jfo. u 6o uh Euinroer street, one Parlor . C3e4 I ' VS ,4 Uff I. UTTI. tur. Catr Tbio.-"C"aA- u Stands Ckaira, Toilet Setts, two Ingrai AncUon Sale cr Tcrnltare. Crunk, Gieeoeit i fot!'l st th; resi(jenPe 6f Calvin Fereuson; u". tull street, Edrefield, all of hi.' b.tirrbold and kitohea furniture, ic- - n Thumdsy, Jau. 12 lsci ga!e t,JCOUmoncc ttl jan. 8 4t. Information is wanted of mr wife, ifrf. John J. Banks, and two children. 1 left them ou Friday morn-D- f Itut, temporarily. at a private residence in th city, ami siiioe then, being a strsnecr, I hare not been able to iieatify the place.- - Anv, iuformtkn of tbeir wherealts "will be gratefully re- - ceived br 8 distre?ed husband. I can be foand ndrnS the Markft House.- - ' - - - - s JBhsks. yashville.Ian.S. A T?rv put. .'We ran eenscien- - tiou ly recommend to those luifering from distressing rengh. Dr. Strickland1 Mdlli- - most instantaueou-lT- . and is withal not dis agreeable to th taste. There in no doubt but tlio .Mellifluou Cough Lahiaia is one of the best preparations in use, and i all that its proprietor claims for it. We hare tried it during the past week, and found relitf from a most Uistre!iin eouh. ..It is pre pared tv Dr. Strickland, No. 6 F.iist Fqurth Ureet, Cincinnati, Ohio, and for sale by druggists, at o ceiw pr omaie. ! apy f a bu ly I IK I , ' fHi th tvcaing of the Sth inv(.; J. It. Hv- - hi- - iio!, A'-t.- As iataut fc'urg.oii V. S. ., of pultrona- - j eocuniption, aged 4i fut I th i:nie cf ii'-(n- lie ws on I'itj at iiof- - p:til No. . ll-r- - fllDTlt will k mom-i- at 11 o'olo-lr- . . ; Cincnr.t'i snd C'..lomltw ,io, .n:r ji1m copy. In ttiiscitr. dnnI:iy morning, Elenob rLvt, wif" 0f L. r. Coien-n- , Jr., and dwsher of Frr-J- . svm., dew;d. itivlied to HttPiid the liim-n- fr m the No 63 North Market idrett, Wednesday morning at tlTn o'!u k. by B.v Ir. Kiw-ll- . jao.l0 2t. , i J HEAIjQUARTERS P03T OF NASHVILLE,) Aaarn.LE, Tens., Jan. Mb, J CSenera.1 Order) IN O. ;. j l .XTKA T. Tli following inrtrucfons havo b'ea reee'veJ from Mm. eer. tnomu", commiinilinx: "IHill all safe in and send trem to their command, aud Kive Uie neeecsiii-- orders to pre- - rent in tho lui lire, the out tt any more from this j'ost." )n' ""l3? h"reof v8" ihh post, by atithoidy dw.tded, will Yjp u t onc returned to the or harr4.'k frwni wh.fh they came nd no application fr o.hr icill he enti'MHMie'i ia Kit " c- By o m.iud of Frig. . Johv K. Mili m: : f.. I1"'V,1.AM.. t';ipt. and As-si- s't Adj. i u. II T. tEiit.'ARTERS P )ST i F ) 0,-,r-r r liti.foT Map.siul-- , Aash ii lf, 'Ii w., .Ian. '., ls,;l. ) fienerftl Orders,) AO. Ui ) EX1RJ.CT. jn i80.r.n.hii.it!t. "t s i,r.tu Vn f,,rm c,t i'mtd si:itea b.i iur ii,a .t .n.ir . . ' - 'overumert employees. ry eoinmnu oi rriF. vk-ii- . .ir.nN r. omirK: J VMES L. fcoVI' C:ot. sn I Ass'c Provost Marsha!. HALL SC FLETCHER, 44 Jsortli Cherry fcstreet, BRANCH OFFICE FROM JL. f. A RE PREPARE!" TO tuf.LEOr ALL, V. ecuit (he Gnveriiiiinj nud to - -- II .... . - . . . r 3iiK-e- uumiw. iui-jo- t r;ien ui Hr; i nil t!, 1 mrum tn-i hi isnlo iw. TXT X J " clIlLGU., A fii)0n K FI.T SOPRANO PLATER IV.R "i'A'i V.' 'J inoijioav. Keaiment, about y2 ' ." ... i ,, ?, on tne i .i.tiatin pike. iind pud Apply at this ortiuv. jiuw rt PUATT'S ACADEMY OF DANCING, ttrasj aud String Band, OPEN EVERY EVE KINO. Ml'SIC FURNISHED FOR BALLS, PARTI EP, Lerer-- , Ao. Apply i.t the Aad- - ti.iiv, or H,ijr.-- coi : t;EO. P.. PRATT. Teafher and Proprietor. n. i.. iu-- n' given ou vsrioua instru ment-- . A. HOKEkSTi" IN, ' jaiU'V- -2 . Mnsji-B- l IirettO'. $25 Reward. HOUSE STOLEN lROM THE RACK IN THE FRONT OF CAPT. C. H. Irviu'a oiiice, 107 Cherrv ftreet, on (he evening of J:n. e, 18o3, a SORREL MARE, seven year old, Rlout i; hiiud hi'sh, with a mull sisr in forehead near the ear, e trini Itiltei alightlv, one-lnl- f of h-- t inne cropped. Also saddle m.srk- - U It eye sore Ir. in a rtveut bruise. The idove reward wi 1 le pv.j if left nt the ohiiii of th- - rtih noma.-- i .:irmi'y, xs,T'Rneni, or at toe ottice fl L,ty I'olioe. UEL'I". C IIITCHCXK, jaiif 3t Co. E, Oth Ind. C.t. Smith Coun'y Circuit Court. C IK Til AGE, TENN. ' - Wi Kiii.', Admioiftritor of the) Mate of John K. Moore, deeaaed Attnchment. v. ) Kor. Term SjTint l (oxle; W4. IT ifpeariPir to ihe aatisfa tion of the Court that the dfefenaunt. tamui l (ioode, ia a 1 1 unt sst-e- ; u is ordered that publication be made oar consecutive ...lev. weeks j : as , re.iui m ed by law .. . in . a neperiuui!iimin imwnTiiie, ienn., eailea tne Nnshvilie Luion, commanding th aid dofeodnnt to appear at the n xt term of thia ekurt, Fitting at Carthage, Tenn., commencing on the fourth Mon-d.i- y oi March next, then and iliere to plead, answer amur to pimnurr a attaenment, or tha aame be taken for confessed and set down hear ng f.rp7f iHlOBim. Test, IRA W, KIKG, Cle k. janio dltwt Je.H L. Akhdell, Iiep'ty. .,., U. .. . Smith Counter- - Circuit Courts CARTnAGE, TESN. ' V.rjjin'a I. Alien . r AtUchmantlltrll.. . , et :i!h.J Koremer Term loci. T aopearing to the ali8frtion of the Court tliat the a tdDdontn, K. A. Lpsli-- y Hnd John Allen, luive remoTeaihrinselrea ouuof the Htute of Ten- nessee and beyond ihejun.sdicuou of this Cknrt, ao ort:osry proesa of taw cwioot be served upon them, ivis therefore ordered by the, Con t tr,at pi.b.icHtion tie nwie lour eoaaevutiTe weeks in a newpper called the Naanviile Union, published inNaahn'd , Tenn , commanding said defeniants to appear r the naxt trm of thia Coort, aisting at rsfihajre, Tenn, commencing on he fjuith Mon-d.ry-- March n-- (ISM,) th. n and there to plead, antr or demur to eompla BHnt's attv hment h B, iu nine mi-.- im uisea ior ooniess4 n t them sei ir neannij r.r p.Tri.. Test. IRA V. KINO, CWk. ' I junlO dlt, w3t Ry J. L. Awpri L.Depnty. Smith Coucty Court Clerks Office, Carthage, Tenn. Nathan Phillii.a, Adm'rof the Estate of Tbos. Porter, doe'd, Iican N. Eua aad wife, ' vs. ' " Rnles.Tati.. Ic3. Naecy Jane. Jo-p- R. and .Mary Porter ;md Itonelda j .Tinimh. j appar.n to Q,o Cl. rk from the cs: that all ine aeiennnnis are of the 8tt ot 'iemieseee: s is ordered that puUicalion ha ma le successive weeka in a newppr . ailed tlit N:ishvd!e Union, pul.'i,hcd in Na.hv,lle, Ienn c.iminsndina: said deteodants Pa appear at the etvl su.nij Man: a Term tljj of the Smith t'ounty to C.virt, iittin at Cathay, Tenn., on tt Ur Monasy of t aid month, to plead, answer or demur complainant' bid, or tbs aame will be taken !' to It.em ac-- set dowo for he nn" fx yi-tr- T.. W. TURN EL", jsnio dlw-a- . Perk. I'nltfd States Direet Taxes. of ncit UsiTin 9t.tm' Pinrr Ta CovmUboxh,) Di.Taict or TistMrc,- - I Nauviut. Jan'y 10, 1S.J4 t THE QUOTA OF DIRECT 1 AXr FROM tninty ol" Danrisan, tn the Ho t ofTennof. under the act ct Conro approved Aucu-- 5 to naa oeeu ipp,nioue.l ina ch.;rge.l upon U tnr- - niif, ui-- . oi ktoohh m sna County of u-.t- viafon.m pursuaoce oi Die n t of CoDgrea ntittd in Kiior uie collection ol .Urecl tuxes unni: districts within the United Hi, and for nurpoec.' r.roved June 7. Ikki miutitutia Charged may be paid wiUiin aixtT ya from tlu date, Ilio the Trt-atur- of tha United I ., or mr vonm!wnorar at trieir effiee in shnlle. No. 44 South Cherry street I'ELANOT. SMrTIT. - JNO. B. ROIKSER9,'. Oacld-im- , Coma. aaioara. 'fear; ; j J. R. ALiS.y- .- ..Sol? Lnw an 1 Manaer. JOHN HUNTLEV... Sw Manager. Ji B.AU.EN, br lYeurcr Tliiri "Week of the young and talentod Actrese, TIIK VEPp SISTERS. In Four of thcirwreat e'hftratprs. Tui9day Eveninq January lOih, Will c pc'f-raip- j the beaiuifal Dtirsi of the' 3M Alt K KTGtHLQ 1 TA.Tl IS 'itie flicne.as I1" frons:iiO.....M-- i Emma WelJj. igenis, j he Market (iirl M:s d Vl.,ti. To roneln !e i'.h Hip r.iule!iK- ol" Kily O'Connor. " M Ir-- yacopp4ien -. MU EiPina W-- - Hardres Crrgan. ,.JI. a la VeU. Iu rehearsal Waitin;; for .o Vord I. Pit it iioi. Oo I Oronestra 2&U.7 cto Pariyorte - J I !jal!erj,........25ou Colored Gallery Co eta , . IxMii open 'at to 7 o'ci-fc- to commence at 7i o clock. .m F.AiiKUEFFNER," HOH(EOPATH, ' Corner College aad Cay Streets, v ENTRA JCC.E GAY STREET. , - - T " " t i f ( rt I , ' AwyiCTB rlOTIW UNTIL a.m.r FROM 1 J to ;, and O to t, p.m. T" KrpoiiU attention wi:l ha gif a to he treat-mer- of JUronic IiteiKei, and tl.e iuf-feriti- W'clalrfrt a. ' The medicine to he ivu will be so mild aa not to prevent pMieais from uend ing to their dmly arocationa. Ortll-3- m DIARIES FOR 1865. TK HAVE XOW IN feTORK EVKKV t'AL- - ity, from tl.e lowest grades t ttie lines- - matiufHciurrd. Wo keep the rtnpl(.-t- dur n; the. sea-o- n. GATES & GAMBLE, 2u Xorth Cherry a troet, Also invite attention texour very large and choice" assortment of PHOTOGRAPH mm, We tv.va deoid.-'Ul- y the moat tttnu dye stock'o these rc'cds ever effored in this mRrket. Fairchild & Shephard's CELEBRATED MB AND PENCILS. V.'e tsep nou t ilt ihj-c- ptiar sd Ktown mnk9. Every tearing the ir.iVer'e Lame!.' wairuiteJ nwmm A S D Wi" i t i z i CiisoH lu i!n;i'v.) and V. ii.J.uy. Pocket Booki and Pursus la tiii" Etjii.'h ir.'ri'ci and cU. Au. u.e new titles on tiand. ft BILL HOLDERS and' Banker's Cases. BUCKSKIN MONEY BELTS. Glass, Wooden and Pocket I INK STANDS. BLACK, BLUE AND RED INK. BLOTTING PAPER Hy the Sheet or Ream. BLl'Ht 000 K S boont and nilod in every style. GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS, , 4 .All fcizes. KuenieOrientiil and Trian'e NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES. Fine Note, Taper and Envelopes. i AND i 13 ill Paper, . i 4" And a huge lot of SUtiouer'a Notions, to whicji we invite tho attention of decJera in the city and army. We solicit orders, and Kill, vend by mail any article in' our line. : ; , " GATES & GAMBLE, it North Cherry atrwt, Nashille. (143 Wslmit street, Cincinnati.) dc, 29 - Dm. UNIVERSAL SUCCESS DOCTOR McGJLL, BOTiS'ic PHISH'IW, at UI TH? TREATMENT OK DISEASS., 13 - CHOWFI.Nli HIM WITH BUCCESH LS OTHER BTATEA A3 IT LS IX r. NASHVILLE, TENEbaL'K - For further information in regard to the skillful success in the treatment of diseases, Ihe-read- is referred to Stil-le'- s THERArstmct and Materia Meph-a- , two" large volumes, late edition of 1 ''(, the best work in thei United States, where you will find Dr. McGill's name v standing parallel with- - the best medical L men. of the ago in the treatment of dis eases of women. For all diseases in this c advertisement, aausiaction i guar a n- - teed. nn my general practice 1 treat following M:i Chronic Cue with aatiaractjoa : Rhanmaiism, Aflxcbooa of taa L'mes; Lueaac at tne Throam. wlW4 Jbtnv. Bud" Limbs, Pleuriay, Paina, L'icora, Civccf, Graval. Laaesa of tL Heart aad Lave inn mm anon ol the BtomaLh, NauraUia. - ;ng'fc JZ U or faeroruia, Deafnawi, Aaaaaaw of toe Eye4 XxtbUitnted 8y- - tema. DTpopaiaox Iaditraw-o- . and Cooaumotii trreuier wita ell l'rivate li irrt'.en .u I liitsenae ol the IJiinary Ornan. To the Ladles. AH Affection of tha Womb treated with ontev. Thoaa 2med Lad wbo have been ao unrona-n- at to Ktactury er nrev aboraon, can ba ramd thaa till bj ii (miad prKbaot, Ly fpr.u m a .caU. . . bwriilty. Touns Kamod Ladioa wLoa tniAjrtbaa M tu i bbsa not to bring torth tn da season, rtnemtr I God haa aaid you should ronraply and rfemsh. Ii Uua s your tWMira yoq can consult me fi'.tft ty ! letter or in rraon. No la-- i rover tninr-nv- e veam i aee need make application. AlloornnJuiuo,uoaa by leaar or person atnetly conSdnbai. Xlght Imlaslooa Cured. Tnnnj. Man. atop before von fartner i. m !! Cjeaaea aubject to Man, there ia no disease ao Lard For cure aa N'.eht .Em.ssiona, and piiv;c,ia are acarc that nnderaUad treating it ; and to you I can aaf that I haTe cared donna m tUf c ty, a well a arereoi mot, who i,o ci aoiiar aler dol lar, and ara tow ww enrea ry me. I am iLuly !eter and aendinjr medicine to all nana r.i tie Ofona-T- . L) a word, ail that are Led hj anyway, ana wm give me a eaii, I w'Jl Blra tor ail Of the .li-- kcoon rtaanaoned La thi. a .1 TerOaement. Th best of raXerencea itit ui thia eiiy. . . AS letters (unnai io DSL. MOQILL, Union Mnset, Naahfille. Tenn jani-l- y wdl meet wlia prompt liHuw,, tr i I . ' ; -- 1 ' if a2aa; Tliea-ti-e- ,H.l..-.Mcif-- rs. C. C. A iim...- - . Treasurer. W. M. Ff.ler .......... .Vnafr. W. H. F.rrf ti eren ;ght of J. E. McOonough and Miss Lotia. Tuesday . Evening, January 10, r" j Will V,rfseiid T ' ' DtrMll GIRL OF OKNOA StrntS'io . ...J. . MoDoco"2 vcr:nre .........0rch.',i,- - RobertAIaraire RoU'rt Manure ... ..J. E. McPonough, To ron !iii' with the Good for othtrL-- . N'sn- -, .M' Lott. WednesdiT'pen:cg wlli re prewDted the grand 01 toe thjs Fwnw or Aphdwot. ira Curl 73 cBfa ; Par- qutcw utuL.ru ;reat ; rrTre tsoxm f uo ; lrr S5 cent. -- Tim. I more open at o'clock: '""Curtain mTS rue 7, o r.ock. TFIRST NATIONAL - BANK. U. S. Depositary FINANCIAL AGENT, No. 50 College St., Nashville, Wf!I receive snt.ocr'ptions to tl.e A'ew 7-- 30 Treasury Kotc Loan indennmiiiation'of it50, (?!. ( and $i,000. mafunti in l ukek i r.AKtt Irom Au. l.i, 1S4 inter5t iKivahle semi-nnail- ly iu curreD-y- , at the rnt.oi 7 ;i.iu miSCT, lr annum The notrs nre fvHiHoin Oinvncy at m.ifurity, or couvtrdJo into ."J-'-- JO MX PER (.T..NT (,0U bOMIW, with inter.t jHivaU in G4d. A!o, BUT and SELL, iit m.rk.et rao- - il h.'nj or tV r. KA.M h. T HECl Kllli?, ludu.Lr.i; U.S. 5.WO HO.NK v t' S. r-- : TREAril'P.T NOTES. U. H. li M0. CERT1F1CA1E--- J OF INLTEBT-E,rNF- !. U. K ' I VA RTERM A!5T EK.1? CHECKS. 0. K. lcars i per ouiCLiUiALi TXXDER NOTES. . U. S. O Tr Cent. COLTOX md RKeildTEREI), oflNHI. - V. a. tiUARTERMAHTERS' VOUCHERS and OR- DERS OA WASHINGTON for One Year Certiticute. - MAKE COLLECTIONS In 'aihvi!ld, aud furnish Might Draft f r any ainouid on w York, Cinciunau and Louiavilie. U. S. Revtnu'o Stamp brt' hand for Sale. A. G. SANFORD. Tresidant. J. B. HOWARD & CO., Bankers & Brokers, Curner cf College snd Union SU., Xaahville, Tenu. Government Vouchers Cisr.2 J ca ihts t.-- t tnoa. SiUHT DRAf lS For Uij ;r,fui on Lou:sr.iio, CmicaiU, u.d N w WnstiUla, August "ii C. CaCNi. W. J. 61V3C0.;K. JtH .?. LOS&. CRU lUlTIOM AM) COllMISSIO.N' MERCHANTS. isivco scw to Wwurr, Pennetaker t i,V, XO. 70 PUBLIC HQlTVlti:. . I - - TF. ARE PH EPA RED TO RECEIVE fXIS T ? for iio at aut'tioo, or at pnrate aai. Also, prompt aiiKitkn paid to reonivinn and torwar-lln- g Go!. Particular nt'entino pm,j jn otKdotvr s;iJ.- tf Fumit jre, (irooeres, Rjsl Estate, c, Ac Auction Sala i every Wednesday and Friday. Small Dwellings for Sale A PRK'K r. WELLING ON SOUTH UNION street, between Hih street and Frankl a .ke, conrNiniOK u rooms aul store room. Lit by PiO fewf, sod inwned ate poss on ffiven. A neat brick dwelling on. Col.ege .street, berond the resilience of Isriac Psiii, E1., (No. 14.) Pri e Lot m by l;!C. . A smal' Framed Pwdling nn H. Clierrv stn :, opposite the south end ot C tv Ceinco-ry.- Houe and lot oft'-r- t d lor U.e. sum of fcltKs. j Large Dwellings. qUIE LARGE AND SPACIOUrf HOUSE ON THE X. N. E. corner of hurch and ipnice streets. Tlie Lot contjunw atveDty fe-- t front, and tho house hs t.'o or twclvs uia,-it- kithen. servants' rooms, stHU, Ac. Ctiered for 'jo les than its reiJ alue.. ; . - A home place n Summer ttreer, and Broad, just auitile fc a family that want to locale" forbfr. Reasonable fltrires. Toetner wttli a van winoiiBt of ot'er property Uki ofiice oi NELS-j- A MUKFKLE. OF janJ Iw, 1 House for Rent AND Furniture for Saie. INQUIRE AT OH KOUTIT HIQH STREET, acrth ef theltd aa Ivtor., t . t t Fine Speculation. ANY C.ENTLEM "HAVING EIGHT OR TEN Of dollars to spare, can rind a firui raiment in U)4 a air cf a. 1 Ketan-an- t aat rinkmg Saloon :n the centre of trade. B-t- tblishrrirnts now in auccearfiU operatioo ; xvmU D'-r- lese ttian sli er day. aad. Tryvar. in miSei j.fder Apply o v, t NASHVILLE AD EDGEFIELD COMPANY. 0f "VN AND AFTER SATURAT, JANUARf J 7th, the Nahiilen l EdtfteW KKIlltY COM PAN V Will ran thftlr Mim Ferry Boat KENTUCKY, the benefit ol travelers au.l cit zjns 'ween Niihvili and EdgefWld. WrtU-'- s wi.,hni to ao.d the deUuiioui. at tu bridge nil! find the KENTUCKY a skid and quid: naeaaj of oruasin tL nw II. V. R0GERS,: jani laa ; ' Masajer. Cincinnati gWrcdfanafnte Cincinnati drrrtbnntnts OPERA-HOUS- E J CINCINNATI ! booistoe: Cincinnati, Q. One of the Three Largest BOOK . AMD Stationery Hi-- O USES IN THE United States R. W. Carroll & Co. 73 West 4th St., j.. Oiuciiinnti, O. WHOLES ILK DK1LK11S Books and Stationery Of Every Description tlen li licit tcrs. AIIMV NEWS AGENT'S, UTLERS, Q UA.KTE RMA3TERS, rF.ovosr MARSHALS, SUIcGEONS, rOSTMASTER3, ; i!Oflloorfl, ftut,;.lieJ wih eery thing U.ey nl In tha ur.c of cur bunices., at ihe Lowest Prici, and their Ordv rs jri.n.ptiy dliei. Stationery aud Books ... 3. --' TO HS1L TO THE ARIVIY, " - - ; , W,!l Cod d to tr.t.t ntcre-- t, botL iu kha Quality of Goods, aad the vury " '4 - Low Prices, toUT THilK bTAK'K OK V Note Paper, Letter Paper, Cap Paper, Envelope Paper, Card EnFelspes,' .t . Note Enrelopes, Letter Envelopes, Document Enreloprs, Wallots Portfolios, InkBtands, Gold Pena, . Pencils. 11 . PKotograjph' Albums, ,. From 75 Cents to 30 Dollars. Card Photographs, , '. " ' 0 (Plain and Colored) GENERALS, POLITICIANS, AC-- " '"' ' TIIE3SKVAC. biariesi1865, SJ (Cfferent ahetiea, for the Potke ranging in pritn fruoi fi9 tn 55af nftr Dr7An , . I EVERY II AN WANTS ONE oTHEiI a. Paper Novels t i- - all kiAds retaking fr m lteeou to J 00 aach. bound books of eTry rvtf. , Military Books. liealor fladuyr dlfScuJty ;n g etiu rernlarfrana-ptationca-n bate Papnr, EneMopea, Carda, and look, bo h Uhib4 aad Bnijou&d, aaAwy pa:ke.t aid aent ty mall, prepaid, at not mocti axoee-L- Etpresa ratee ol traiiu. " Send your Orders " GREAT AND SHALL TO R. W. Carroll & Co. Oiiiciuiirati, O. AUao tu aad Cataiogaa ftiraiahai spoa spphcaiicA. Oclv ia , . '' y r Hats & Cap 3. FUR S, BOOTS & SHOES, C. B. OAIilP GO, I 03 a x D 97 THIRD STREXT, OPPOSITE 8URK ST 'nOU3Z, CINCINNATI Felt' Hats, Wool Hats, Gilmoro Hats, Burnsido Hats, Chapeau Hats, Unionist Hats, Grant Hats, Hooker Hats. LADIES' AND MISSES A. T Iu lire Tariety, BUFFALO ROBES BUFF, BUCK AND KID Csloves & Gauntlets BOOTS AND - 3 ii O K S, tialn Vaiiet, hud uiiuy ecouJ u uone La our market AU of which vri'd b od'erc-- d oa tonai that will ceitaiuly guaraiiteo us you? patronage. O. B. OAMP & OO.f luJa. CINCINNATI. W."Y. Elliott, COMIillSSION H-BRCHAH- T INo, 4 Uroad Wtraet. IVtislivillo, nTeiiu. f AM PREPARED TO lu.AK.al UliSfU- - X vaooae npoa Cotton and Tobacco; and repectrnlly aollcli lioerai patroaaxe. W. Y. ELLIOTT. epM tf GALLERY OF THE Cumberland. CATALOGUE 0I HOTfiGRAPHIC CARTE. M 191TE otVr f tn aad Cut federate Army and Smvj, ft,! mUy, oolwarf a- -; junjiii n unmu diount mn.l to 'leaierp ReOul prv , cenU, aeut to any part of i. ' country, by n.a I, m r: pt of an orW, with u mouey, at -- Mi KSK iS LLERT op TdK CIJ bekLa.vd." aribryTwi tiM, for .tie t'axd p t aran of prom.n6 t transaa. Au., Ac, GtMral tl CaiierJ Riaei-rns- , &raot. . Koii-VAii- . " M."ClW.A4l, 1 bouiae, ' Hernial., " Iiaaco'a. H'.ker Warraa. Howard, Mr pfcMon, tsiootm, Crittuiif-a- , " Rulicr Rum-hOa- , " rd..n Graiu', . - , K- -y av R.rker. G.mni"dr yarrsjt, CSkjiiDO-lor- e Porter, Gonerai haJdTUa.uk eirl .woraa L. Hm. :ro..k, Kd , " U.W. A. J. Siiuiii, '" AadKmua, snea 1naa, " ha.rJ. ti'lmia. r. " Kllpstruk. .iiif, " H.omoiwl, lorw, - t'sil Shur. " NfloflJt, ' WetrtW. " Johnson. Col Bel CoOoru, Colnei Aikiix, xiyuv. ljrtuiyo. Major Rowley. SnTrfMuU J 'hnay Clem. Confederal a t fMirai J-- (f 1m T)nra K. E. I , F.tthiinn lee, " Joe Johcaw.. " . k ... It .. u.ii .... . ioo-wi- l Jackson, risa, Lnrk. TayU.f. Ki'by Smith-P- a ZfiiUcoffBr, p Ptu e. UiU. Scepheaa t hiim, M Kieurtyarit, JiMia Morgan, " Eweti. Naa lorn, Jetf 1 hon.poo, " IfJwei tot!, Pik, M Uuntavita Smith, Captain bemxn.. uroapaa of all th prominent FedrU ooooe eanl tS.'i Croup ot all ihe prrvauatMit AkibXedraie Oeoara. oa oa uatiI. ii ra

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Post on 23-May-2020




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Page 1: a2aa; Cincinnati ''' J A booistoe: Hats Cap ,w · Col Houk o2Yred Hi a. aiibstUute res-olutions as follows Retched, Thai all delegate, who ivo an active support to the Union cause;

" H Vi ! ,N ' ! i idajasinre.i'1 !ll'Ulll kiv-- J r.ir.-'hM-

'ii II. A.

hv. ciXKOX (0., f uMuben.



iloniay's Procffdlaj

The Union Stat Convention met at11 o'clock, nd temporally organized y

tb? appointment of S." K. Rogers, of

Ilnoxviil?, f President, and llesiii rcer and Cone, a Secretaries.


The following committer on per-ru&ne-

oreanizition was selected :

East Twtise'.. TL R. Laliard, J. IIMek and J ud Trewhitt

Wel Tenwce Win-- Wallace, 21

Rider and v II. Hall.Middle Tent vse. Jauie ilulliLft, J.

S. Fowler and A. IL Hugh.covKirrr.E o taeiM! w.s

Co', Houk. Mr. Watu-rs- , Col. V. Dugpan, Lewi Tillman, J. .Iv.ignn, Judgeibackleford, D A. Ore,;, Jno. Lofa'iand II. F. Cooper

The cmmiii. on the permanentorganization repot U-- tlio following listof offie?rf :

:. Prfsv'cntVo S .K. Rodpers.President Col. W. B. Wilson,

Col. V. K. Hall, Gen. ; C. Oillem.nj E. I Cor.c, .y.o. LonrAie.

Ellett A. J amen.

M'KE'.n or iiiz vntsiDEXT.

On taking the ehnir, llr. Ko(g.rBmade Bom explanations as to the oh-jec- ta

of th (A)LiVntion. It was thtdesign to nominnte s to a StateConstitutional Convention, to reform

the State Ooverumt ni. e were now

at a deed lock; something must be

done to act the wheel-- of the govert-inf- nt

in motion. The State ban Leerredistiirxd Ly a bog'is Legisla-

ture, which cjuld not he recognized,without rccigniiin seciision. "'The

cou?ention of delegates to be chosen,cmld tho State; and we

uhould have one as ppeedily as com-

patible with the public interest. Thevrork was a great and important one;and ho hoped there would Le harmonyamong delegate;. We mu?t have civil

overi:rnoiit. Tlie ait.iy cannot alto-

gether put iv.a gut-rrilhs-; but with

tho aid of c:vil govciument; with a

Governor nd judiuary, ail could be

easily elected. E:i'.do, we mast haverepre in the National Cod-gre-s- ;

an I to do this rrc must aiapttheG!".ta Constitution to existing circumstance."', ar.a have a leialiiture.

He then thard:'---i lb' Conveniion,a.r.d again cunsch-.- d haimoi'j.

Mr. Eirhf tn, of Meir.phia, urgedthe fpeedy re-c- i &iul.ing of the State,and oTre.d a proposition v!iich he bc-hev-ed

would ctf ct the purj Oir-.- :

Reined, tl.is couvoiitioa tj.- -

poii.t d?l'ir'-.f',- rom ch county, sen-

atorial iid flailing flection diitri.-li- ,

to amend cur pn-ac'i- t Stn'.e Cunhlatiou, by einkii. ut liie entire .'itveC)'le, and a Hpin g it t j meet our pres-

ent wanti and exioric'-e- i ni a loya.1 pro-pi- ,

and aa iiiterrid portion of theAmerican ii;tinn, tl.rt said d.liatprpjiort an anicn ( orWit'.Uion to thinconvention w'--i little delay ?.sp.naible; that nnid Ei.ipn l?JL constitutionbe submitted for ratitiOitinn to the loy

1 people of tho Hut durin:' tho monthof February, or as soon thercKtler aspossible, r li J at tho ae. tita at wh:cbthe COUititUtioU ..ubmiticd, au eleci ion be hel l for (ioveiuor end other.State oilictrfi.

Lid ovr till aftrr th.- - lej-or- of theCommit tv on Crtd nt'.al-- ; Fhould bo

received.hr.FORT OK (..)ii.HlIUE ON CRKDCNTI.lt.'.

Ju igs H.ackhrjrd from th Com-

mittee on Credentials reported that all

mn who w r; active support? eftheOoveinuifnt, and who had not bornearma aginit it, s'i.tjI I lu entitled toeal.i; and the UifTerent counliea were

lecomineTided 'to decide on thii subjectfor themselves.

Some lisrua-i- aro. wlieu Mr.

Fowler oll'Ted a eubjtitute, exclud-

ing all who deliberately voted fors. t.ieHsi ju, and who hs 1 voluntarilyborne armj against the Overnment

The whole subject wni hn referredback to tl;e Coium;.tte oi Credentialtor failher report f

Adjourned till two o'clock, r. v(

arrcRsooM K?sto.'.

At two o'clock, the convention was

called to order Ly tfyo chairman. A

very large delegation from all psrt' of

the Stite was prerent, fdling the llallof the llooie of It pri'smtatives tooverajwiag. It w.s decidedly the larg-

est delegate Convention held in thState for many years.


Judge hackleford, Chairman of theCommittee on Credentiah, reiorted as

follows :

Your cociraitU'e Lg leave to reportthat each county of the State whereUnion nieetiug havtj been held, anddelegates appointed to tLis Conventionand who ate in attendance, that theyreport their names to this Convention

That in counties where, no meetingsLave been held, but which have tepresenutivea here in attendance, that oaidrepresentativea m?t together to anpoint dele? ates, and report their names.

That all loyal me n who heartily andactively with the Govern-ment, and ardently desire thesuccieaa ofthe Federal army, r.j well ai the over-throw of the Confederacy, andthe dfeat of the rbel army, are invi-

ted to take seals in il.o Convention.A delegate moved to isy th? repcrt

4on the table. Carried

Col Houk o2Yred Hi a. aiibstUute res-

olutions as follows

Retched, Thai all delegate, who ivoan active support to the Union cause;who hare never voluntarily borne armsagainst th government; and who havenever voluntarily given ;uJ and comfortto the enemy, bp et. titled to seats in thisConvention

Htt Hvei That it is r eomtneed'd thatth delfgitos fron each county pclecl aChairman, who thidl jeport the caraeuof the delegates of hi countr t") the.Secretary, anipnsrive udtickets of ad Jr. . to tne san e

Th Boiolutioas were adopted v,ithone disaentiEC voiced - '

The following ig K partial Iit of deltgaten :

Granjer Jno Btooks. Dr. Thornbury, T. Ii West, M. Goldmsn, Geo.' W. JWestern, Dr. W. C. Senter, (. Uairraau.) 1

WjttdvoUm - Col. It K. Patton, ,:

thiirman, C. A. Uadi, Car t Geo. EGrbham, Siaa ltl Orifilth, il N. Grif-fith, Ilenry Marshal, V'm. ColTmau. '

Wa ildburn, Dr. W. Smith, Dr. J.T. Coziea, Jno. Wett,D. y. 'Sthon. 1


n .. - -

I M T. llrr V Walln. John iUffU. .

i " Eir" H. T. Cooj.tr, II. F. Ketch- -

. BaidcTji'Ll. Cot y J "sniith,! caaplam J. J. snun.) JlcrJerto.T. A. Auslev

MadtsiS. S. William,Ihnrv W. J. Campbell.McXniru CoL F:&ldin2 Hurt. Capt.

S. L. Wa'rren.Lt. Wm. C. Webb.

-- - DiaJr. Houston Roberts,WaJnr,VL IL Alexander, Dr. J. J.

DIcfceVson, Caj t T. J. Cvpert, John H.Edmondi, Lt K. F. O. Bos well. .

Ol.on Lt. J. E. McFair, and J H.Rota.

JiuuKod. Cant J. R Potou.Doer and Lauderdale. Ira J. Brownliil-amsi- F. Hardm.mn, W. P.

Campbell, E. E. ClifTe. W, S. Camp-bell, II. C. Sinclair, J- - E. Lill.e, A WMo-- s, J Ti Davis, E II Gorman, It .V

Ballow, T W Hovey.J D X dt, . GV Thomas, Ti M Eii?, Jno Edmond-on- ,

T McCall, C C Bennett, Wm Ilar- -


j inner. Wm. Wright, H. Herman,J. .Nicnouon, Geo. i. Lisn:uke3.

oth Toti. Cavalry Mi. S. Waters,Wilton county, Lt. W P. Idough, Shelbycounty, Lt. A. A. Carter, Davidsoncounty, Sergt J. Youngblood, DeKalbcounty.

McMii. Csuntv. ,J M. HendersonE A. Atle.T, Cha'sCate, B. Witt, M LPhillip-- , Capt J. P. Erient, Capt W, Atocaran, Capt J. C, ilartin.

Ju.invn. V'vntv. r. M. Anderson,Gen. A. C. (iille'm.

Smith County Dr. J. W. EowenCapt E. J. Williams, Wm. IL Swepp,E. Unten. L. W. illiams, ii. Z. AnIerBon. J. IL Eond, Ira W. Ming, A. C.

Winfrey, J. T. Armstrong, Cspt Wm.vanuow.

County. F. Sherbreoke.V'm Sjience, ti. E Parrisb, S. N. Bur

iet, J. F. Nelson, Ja s. S. McFadden.J.P. Jlcnderaon, J. Ii Ferrill, A. A. Lane,J. M, llayueu, Wm. Elliott, Wm. Bas- -

W.UonZ. W. Frarier, N. J. Eryan,W. II. Grimmet, W. U Waters.

Mainv Wm Nolfoa, Jno. D. MooreW. It Pdlow, J. IJ. Gregory, John M.Withenmoon. Benj. Crawford, J. BPrsy, M. P. Murphy, Luther Tarip,J do A. btratton, Jno. Ba.rd, V. ilSullivan, J. Crafton, W. Stack&rd,J. V. Scribner, J. T. S. Gretmneld,It. D. Kicketts, Jno. F. Morgan, J. P.Biird, J. Gilmer, W E. Diilin, T. A,Harris, IL II. liazor, M. W. Mayere, A.Hughes, S M. Arna'd.

Fintreit Cv.nty. A. E. Garrett, Lt. E.Garrett

Montgomery County. Judge J. 0.Slmckleford, Wm. Wynes, D S. Nye,Juo. II. P.itchett, A. A. Nixon, LStrawd, II arris, and others.

Khiz County. W. G. Erownlow, J.3. Erownlow, Vnx Ileiskell, A. C. Cal-

ler., John Looney, II. L. W. Mynatt,John 3. Coram, John Currier, Dr. B.FrKzler, II. II. IL'gdon, Dr. Jas. Eodgers,Hon. E. T. Hall, S. It. Eodgers. CharlesLona John Gibbp, H. Maynard, J. CMynalt,-- Andrew Knott. S. R Scarborou2h,C. C. Lukens, G. W. Weaver, P.Dickinson, Joseph Mynatt, Martin W.Varnell, Sam l McCaiurnoa. 0. P. Tem-ple Tandy Dowell, W Y, Cox, LukeWild3, Jo. PiixsonH.

Junroe. Daniel Ueiskeil, Dr. W. N.Bickne!!, Arch. Sloan, John Cafiee, Jen.E rtobir.son, Dvid Baker, James II.Jchnilon, Isaao Tata, V.nx btapp, .N.

LwififS, John Pickfcns, John Mitiia, C.pt.Jos. Divine. G. C. Duncan, It. V. Cruw-d- r.

i'r. G, Beownlaw, a.iarxte.GaUr.Z, IL G. O'Brien, N. T. Sin-r.erl- y,

Capt Landon Carter, Isaac A.Taylor, Albert lluht!", Wm. Baker, M.D. Boren, John M. Smith, C. P. Ton-oru- y,

IL C. Smith, John J. Ede ns, Capt.P. Williams, Wm. F. Wilkerson, Wm.X. O'Brien, Col. John K. Miller. ?

,W:'"J't. E. L. Stanford, N. B. ihscm,Lt Eli-h- a Harbor, S. Itichard-o- n

irls.',..'y.'.')i Col. S. X. II. Patton, L.V. Keene, Judge S. J. W. Luckov, jno.

B Hunt, D. L. Wild. Henry Marsh,Ed-.vur- II. West, Dr. T. Cozier, PiiillpP C Xclboa, John Went, Capt. G. E.Grisham.

linn Jv,i James II. Hood, D. 0.Trewhitt, A A Fearnon, Jno Anderson,C.jpt A M Cat. G W Eider, A Saber.P L Mathews, Wm It Davis, Geo 0 Cate,Peter Monger, Kufus Hall, C W Vinson,K H Guthrie, t"ol G AGowan, Opt It GCampbell

Onnplel' II Rogers, J S Lindsay,Jos Deiw, Alfred Dossett, 0 T Claiborne,J II Grant, Capt T J Rogers, ReubenRodirera John Peterson, It D Wheeler.

Capt A w Wslk?r. REee, A W Howard, tle.n. Sara Milligan,James Britton, jr., Dr E N Sheff'ey, J A

Gailbraith, Hon D T Patterson, ColIt A Crawford, fkl Robert Johnson,tiideon Birkhart, Dr Fitzgerald, Rev RB Darling, V S Lotpeich.

Johnson It L Wilson, S E Northing-ton- ,

Mnj Jos Wagoner, Capt J B Wyatt,Msj J M Grayson, Ham Smith, R RButler, G II Shoun, II C Donnelly, J WSboun, A A Bidleman, John Murphy.

r.nidUy Hon John C Gaut; ThomasL Cate; A A Campbell; A J Trewhitt,Jas II Normar; Captain Norwood.

Jrfewn&A J M Thornburg; Col DG 'fhornburg: J M Meek; James PSwan; James LCain; John L Code; J LFoust; David Grant, Garrett Lane; JasN Lyle; W Harri?; Col Wm Sawyers.

Claiborne Lewis Harman; Wiley Huf-faker- ,

K D Willis; James Carr; P MRudd; John Mason.

Grainger Dr Thornburg; M Goldman,Capt J ii Remine, Dewit Senter.

Cocke George O.dun; Greenville WLoyd; Mar-ha- ll O'Neill; Joel Brooks;Sanberry Northerton; James H Ran-dolph; Wra L Worthington: S H In-ma- n.

MwC H SafT.ll; Col J M MAon;Dr Brownlow, a'teratr, Maj M Ste-phec-

L C Houk, ultimate; Dr G WKeith.

Scot: R Weirs; A IT Cross, Dr Brown-low- ,

oltmatr, Joel Hanby; L C Houk,altrrriair, Caj.t Jones

IV.ici John E Huddlteetou, JohnHutch. Dr Carr, Wm Hickell, WraHuddelston, James Turner, M V Kash

Meigs James Gettys, Col A Cox, JP Knieht, The Cisle, W II Hunler.

MMiKW L D)don, J M Hn-deioa- ,

Charles Cate, Olivtr Dodson,E A Allen, Burgess Wilt, ML Phillips,Alln Cowhorn.

Hancock. Maj Wm Davis, J M Rain3Capt L M Jartis, Capt Trent.

JLiwktns Joseph Eokle, Joseph Wi-lli. W C Kyle, Dr P Mitchell. Jam3White,: DC Walker, Dr J N Walker,George Well.

Aa-ie-r Col W C Pickens. John Caldwea, i jl t.urneit coi i X'ugsiaTiCjI J C Murphy, D P (iass, ii G !

Simra. D W Howard, Lt Underdjwn,A II Keener, John Morton, E ii Cress-- "

well, Leru lj2gan, A A i agala.Jicane Coi" R. K. Byrd, John A. Bar-

nard, J. 'f. Selly, Simuel Burnett, T. J.Mason, John Blair, Wm.ML Alexander,J. D. Smith, Wm. C. Julian, T. N. Clark,Sim 1 Chil Jress, T'ho's Carter.

Polk Dr. Ketheiside, Charles Me-Clire-

Dr. Fletcher, Gen. Gamble.HhM John P. Walker, G. W. Mor-

gan, I'rank Locke. John Morgan.Marion. A. A. Jlvde. K. Huston.

Sheriff Prvor.

jj(aio'.T. S. IVaiier. Wm KinkiniVir'ti Tinker Dave Pitej-- , CHpt.

Miilsaps. Jack MoJHnix, Eiouire Can- -

atcher.Oeert9n Anderson Thi-'inghir- Is

quire Armstrong.On motion, "Hou. Greene Adam-- , of.

Ky. was invited to bo present in the j

ConventionA.rmirnA.1 t.- T ,. v

LttLln;Sciloii. !

IL Clement. olTereJ the following j

tesol'ttion, which was lost :

Resolved, That all soldiers, whetherofficers or privates, who are hereasdol- -

1 . 1 !... , .1

vontion.r c ..v.....''' I

Considerable diwzusaion arose relativeI

to ioe ppomimni Oi a cuamea.: DilWee, "regarding the number to be

;?iuoa w:is to nave tnree irou w.u.Ar f . 9.1 .1 ! n .! rirAuon. ,w ueiegaies uefrr.m To.l Timiucuo nd T frOm I

. .1each of the others, as more lair, on c- -

mi:rtfif'ft,ft r.rhlnmininfia of Union'. . , -sumenc m tne nrst nameu.

Mr. Mfcvnard proposed to make tner.umUf ir frnm pae.h section, but OO

l. x- - r r.. i r;ii;,n hmiue urwou ui b '. .

reduced the number to three, inismotion iaa agreed to unammoualy.All resolutions were ordered to go tothis committee without debate.

Ihe committee wdl be announcedto-d- ar.' ' ' ' - - f

. akaOLUTioh.- - - -

Judge Trewhitt offered & series ofresolutlocs opposing any attempt, bythe present convention, at unendingthe constitution of the State, but favoring the selection of candidates for delegates, to be elected by the people, toamend the constitution; also favoringthe election of a legislature, congressmen, ic, and the abolition of slavery.The resok lions we r offered at so l&r

an hour that we are unable to give themia full

A delegate from Williamson offered aresolution ' declaring that all pereenwho had taken the Amnesty in goodfaith, and observed it, ought to be allowed to vote; provided neutrality isnot te be considered loyalty.

Judge 2Iiiligan offered a resolutiondeclaring that the people have, at anytime, a rig!ht to amend the Constitution,and favoring the submission of the fob I

.- 'i v va vivu tm vasa v-- V V


A'ix. 1. Stavery and involuntary servitude, except for the punishment ofcrime. !whi?reof the nartv aball 1iia

ouvihucu oiiu uiuuiuiieu. queers. )Sf.c. 2. The Legislature shall make

no aw recognizing the right of property in man. (Cheers.)



1 QaK-.- 1 C 4V- ,- O.I -- fv. a i-- nuu w i 111 fcuo .ti irblCie Othe Constitution, which is as follows:"The General Assembly shall have nopower to paalaws for the emancipation J

of s'aves without the consent of their. j . , ,1

uthi ui whut-id-, is uvieuy uuiiberaieu, . ...ana lorever annullea.

Sic. 3. The military league t

nto between the State of Tenuthste.on tne . in etay oi jday witn tneConfederate States, and ratified andconfctmed by the Legislature on theday of , 1 SCI, whereby the military power of the State was transferred to the usurper, JeffersonT( t ' - anrl 4l A 1r. vol rorra rii' iitk .Qrotara-t- ii.s vAsaais, vsisn sa oi treason,u.iurr-- tion. and oppression, and of nn I. . . . '. : i .bin-juig- , lorce or etlect, and is therefore 103 i ii i i r . i , I

utoiarKU uuu aiiu vow irom ma Degin- - I

n:m:Sfo. 3-- ine depuration of icdcendanrift

passed and promulgated by the L'gis- -

iu.iu.b ui i puneasee on tne otn day oiMay, 15C1, by which' the State was declared separated from the FederalUnion, and all laws and ordinances bywhich Tennessee became a member ofthe United Slates, annulled and abro-gated, was in like manner an act o?

Llreason, usurpation and oppression, andi . 1 . . . 1 : I j c r 1 In.,a.u.iuiti.t'iy U1U UIlu Ol I1(J JOTCe irom I "l

the uepinniniT I

Sec. 4 All resolutions, ordinancesand laws as well as all acts doneand performed under the authority ofth usurped State Government, aft rth,i declared independence of the State. . .r n -

- t r 1 - i fii jriinpsrfw, on ine oin ay or way,Icol. and eiipecially an act authorizingthe LuanGi of a loan of $3,000,000 at?j per ent, passed cn the day ol

, LSCI, kre hereby declareel withoutauthority, and absolutely null and void.

Sec o That upon the adoption ofine ioreroiDg articles oy the people,tli at tmg governor ot tne estate isauthorized imd requested, as soon as inhis judgmant it may be deemed expe-dient and practicable, to order anelection for Governor and members ofthe (Joneral Assembly, upon the basispreiented in the act apportioningrepresentat ves in the State, parsed onthe day of 1 85- -, to assemble in thecity of Nashville, at such time asmay bo designated by law.

Si:o 6 -- All civil and military effioerswhich have been, or hereafter may bef ppointed by the acting military Gov-ernor,

Tare hereby affirmed, and they

shad continue to hold and exereisa herthe functions of their respective offices el,unti' their successors are elected, orappointed and qualified, as prescribedby the laws and Constitution of theStale and of the United States.

The J udj;e was at once called out, tomake a speech in behalf of Lis resolu-tions. . He recounted the situation ofthe State, and declared that there was Int

no possibility of reorganizing the State,except through the abolition of slavery.

Two ways lay before us; eitheramend the con-titutio- n, as provided by oi

that instrument, or make a direct appe-- to the people. This last could bedone by the. present body. The actionof this cont ention could have no effect, or


until its work had been ratified by thepeople; and if the people ratified it,all would b riht. If this conventionhas no power to submit a constitution,it has no power to call a constitutionalconvention. Ey taking action now,bnth time aad money would be saved.If people don't like the constitution R.-

presented, they can vote it down ; if TX

they adopt it, as they probably will, weshall speedily have a restoration of law. thit

Dr. Brownlow wa3 called upon, (!responded in a few happy remarkiHe said that there were 510 delegatespresent, If 0 of whom were from EastTennessee They had taken up their oicross, and vrere determined to follow ana

the stars and stripes until the rebelshad received their merited doom

Mc. Maynard and others were calledout, ind deli vered appropriate and spir-

ted rmarkaJu3g Trewhiit c3ered the following

which was adopted :

RxAed; That his Excellency Gov.Johnson, be requested to attend this TTConvention and deliver an address to Ithe member of the Convention. '

lourThe Conve ntion then adjourned.

t"a commvaicatea to the Presidentthat the G5rgia State authorities have

UpphM to come back into the Lnion,Hr"1 Secretary Manton's visit toSavannah w doubtless m connection Otwith thin.

The Time sars (ien. Tlirkniaa Vobeonmaile a Major General in theteg- -

ular army. se.Baltimore, Jan. S. Henry M. Flint, ist.i,

fr,.,.:,! " . i. j l . . i--i..rlu.'. "Wr.wi ui vn8World, ha- been arrested here bf the mimilitary authorities, charged with dfs lhloyalty. He is now In Vustody.,",1,u : i i

Lore atJ la w are things we JLa4 betterkeep out of if wa etc. .They both lead to I


strong attsohiasziU.

CwderLmd Capt J. Ate, Thomtas N,u Yoai:, Jan. S The TimesSwan. rial says: It is rumored that Sherman

C.I.I InallAII G1 nfUAtituhAlll Mil II

Mimru furiMiurr.Juo. K. lime Co., ;U a TLurj -

damo. nit.? , be 12th dayof Jauoary,at Jfo. u 6o uh Euinroer street, one Parlor.C3e4 I ' VS ,4 Uff I. UTTI.

tur. Catr Tbio.-"C"aA- u Stands Ckaira,Toilet Setts, two Ingrai

AncUon Sale cr Tcrnltare.Crunk, Gieeoeit i fot!'l st th;

resi(jenPe 6f Calvin Fereuson; u". tullstreet, Edrefield, all of hi.' b.tirrbold andkitohea furniture, ic- - n Thumdsy, Jau.12 lsci ga!e t,JCOUmoncc ttljan. 8 4t.

Information is wanted of mr wife, ifrf.John J. Banks, and two children. 1 leftthem ou Friday morn-D- f Itut, temporarily.at a private residence in th city, ami siiioethen, being a strsnecr, I hare not been ableto iieatify the place.- - Anv, iuformtkn oftbeir wherealts "will be gratefully re- -

ceived br 8 distre?ed husband. I can befoand ndrnS the MarkftHouse.- - ' - - - - s JBhsks.


A T?rv put. .'We ran eenscien- -tiou ly recommend to those luifering from

distressing rengh. Dr. Strickland1 Mdlli- -

most instantaueou-lT- . and is withal not disagreeable to th taste. There in no doubtbut tlio .Mellifluou Cough Lahiaia is one ofthe best preparations in use, and i all thatits proprietor claims for it. We hare triedit during the past week, and found relitffrom a most Uistre!iin eouh. ..It is prepared tv Dr. Strickland, No. 6 F.iist FqurthUreet, Cincinnati, Ohio, and for sale bydruggists, at o ceiw pr omaie. !

apy f a bu ly

I I K I , '

fHi th tvcaing of the Sth inv(.; J. It. Hv- - hi- -

iio!, A'-t.- As iataut fc'urg.oii V. S. ., of pultrona- -

j eocuniption, aged 4i fut I th i:nie cfii'-(n- lie ws on I'itj at iiof- -

p:til No. . ll-r- - fllDTlt will k mom-i-

at 11 o'olo-lr- .. ;

Cincnr.t'i snd C'..lomltw ,io, .n:r ji1mcopy.

In ttiiscitr. dnnI:iy morning, Elenob rLvt, wif"

0f L. r. Coien-n-, Jr., and dwsher of Frr-J- . svm.,


itivlied to HttPiid the liim-n- fr m the No

63 North Market idrett, Wednesday morning at

tlTn o'!u k. by B.v Ir. Kiw-ll- .

jao.l0 2t. , i J


CSenera.1 Order)IN O. ;. j l .XTKA T.

Tli following inrtrucfons havo b'ea reee'veJfrom Mm. eer. tnomu", commiinilinx:

"IHill all safe in and send trem to theircommand, aud Kive Uie neeecsiii-- orders to pre- -rent in tho lui lire, the out tt any morefrom this j'ost."

)n' ""l3? h"reofv8" ihhpost, by atithoidy dw.tded, will Yjp u tonc returned to the or harr4.'k frwniwh.fh they came nd no application f r o.hr icillhe enti'MHMie'i ia Kit

" c-

By o m.iud of Frig. . Johv K. Mili m: :

f.. I1"'V,1.AM..t';ipt. and As-si- s't Adj. i u.

II T. tEiit.'ARTERS P )ST i F )0,-,r-r r liti.foT Map.siul-- ,

Aash ii lf, 'Ii w., .Ian. '., ls,;l. )

fienerftl Orders,)AO. Ui ) EX1RJ.CT.

jn i80.r.n.hii.it!t. "t s i,r.tuVn f,,rm c,t i'mtd si:itea b.i iur ii,a .t .n.ir. . ' -

'overumert employees.ry eoinmnu oi rriF. vk-ii- . .ir.nN r. omirK:

J VMES L. fcoVI'C:ot. sn I Ass'c Provost Marsha!.

HALL SC FLETCHER,44 Jsortli Cherry fcstreet,


JL. f.A RE PREPARE!" TO tuf.LEOr ALL,V. ecuit (he Gnveriiiiinj nud to -

-- II .... . - . . . r3iiK-e- uumiw. iui-jo- t r;ien ui Hr;i nil t!, 1 mrum tn-i hi

isnlo iw.


"i'A'iV.' 'J inoijioav. Keaiment, about y2

' ." ... i ,, ?, on tne i .i.tiatin pike. iindpud Apply at this ortiuv. jiuw rt


ttrasj aud String Band,


Lerer-- , Ao. Apply i.t the Aad- -ti.iiv, or H,ijr.-- coi :

t;EO. P.. PRATT.Teafher and Proprietor.

n. i.. iu-- n' given ou vsrioua instrument-- . A. HOKEkSTi" IN,'jaiU'V--2 . Mnsji-B- l IirettO'.


lROM THE RACK IN THE FRONT OF CAPT.C. H. Irviu'a oiiice, 107 Cherrv ftreet, on (he

evening of J:n. e, 18o3, a SORREL MARE, sevenyear old, Rlout i; hiiud hi'sh, with a mull sisr in

forehead near the ear, e trini Itiltei alightlv,one-lnl- f of h-- t inne cropped. Also saddle m.srk- -

U It eye sore Ir. in a rtveut bruise. The idovereward wi 1 le pv.j if left nt the ohiiii of th- - rtih

noma.-- i .:irmi'y, xs,T'Rneni, or at toe ottice fl L,tyI'olioe. UEL'I". C IIITCHCXK,

jaiif 3t Co. E, Oth Ind. C.t.

Smith Coun'y CircuitCourt.

C IK Til AGE, TENN. '-

Wi Kiii.', Admioiftritor of the)Mate of John K. Moore, deeaaed Attnchment.

v. ) Kor. TermSjTint l (oxle; W4.

IT ifpeariPir to ihe aatisfa tion of the Court thatthe dfefenaunt. tamui l (ioode, ia a

1 1 unt sst-e- ; u is ordered that publication be madeoar consecutive...lev.

weeksj :as, re.iui

med by law.. . in. a

neperiuui!iimin imwnTiiie, ienn., eailea tneNnshvilie Luion, commanding th aid dofeodnnt toappear at the n xt term of thia ekurt, Fitting atCarthage, Tenn., commencing on the fourth Mon-d.i- y

oi March next, then and iliere to plead, answeramur to pimnurr a attaenment, or tha aamebe taken for confessed and set down hear ng

f.rp7f iHlOBim.Test, IRA W, KIKG, Cle k.

janio dltwt Je.H L. Akhdell, Iiep'ty..,., U. .. .

Smith Counter- - CircuitCourts


V.rjjin'a I. Alien. r AtUchmantlltrll.. . ,

et :i!h.J Koremer Term loci.T aopearing to the ali8frtion of the Court tliatthe a tdDdontn, K. A. Lpsli-- y Hnd John Allen,

luive remoTeaihrinselrea ouuof the Htute of Ten-nessee and beyond ihejun.sdicuou of this Cknrt, ao

ort:osry proesa of taw cwioot be served uponthem, ivis therefore ordered by the, Con t tr,atpi.b.icHtion tie nwie lour eoaaevutiTe weeks in anewpper called the Naanviile Union, publishedinNaahn'd , Tenn , commanding said defeniants toappear r the naxt trm of thia Coort, aisting atrsfihajre, Tenn, commencing on he fjuith Mon-d.ry--

March n-- (ISM,) th. n and there to plead,antr or demur to eompla BHnt's attv hment h B,iu nine mi-.- im uisea ior ooniess4 n t them

sei ir neannij r.r p.Tri..Test. IRA V. KINO, CWk. '


junlO dlt, w3t Ry J. L. Awpri L.Depnty.

Smith Coucty Court ClerksOffice, Carthage, Tenn.

Nathan Phillii.a, Adm'rof theEstate of Tbos. Porter, doe'd,Iican N. Eua aad wife,

' vs. ' " Rnles.Tati.. Ic3.Naecy Jane. Jo-p- R. and

.Mary Porter ;md Itonelda j

.Tinimh. jappar.n to Q,o Cl. rk from the cs: that all

ine aeiennnnis are of the 8tt ot'iemieseee: s is ordered that puUicalion ha ma le

successive weeka in a newppr . ailed tlitN:ishvd!e Union, pul.'i,hcd in Na.hv,lle, Iennc.iminsndina: said deteodants Pa appear at the etvlsu.nij Man: a Term tljj of the Smith t'ounty toC.virt, iittin at Cathay, Tenn., on tt UrMonasy of t aid month, to plead, answer or demurcomplainant' bid, or tbs aame will be taken !'

to It.em ac-- set dowo for he nn" fxyi-tr- T.. W. TURN EL",

jsnio dlw-a-.


I'nltfd States Direet Taxes. of

ncit UsiTin 9t.tm' Pinrr Ta CovmUboxh,)Di.Taict or TistMrc,- - I

Nauviut. Jan'y 10, 1S.J4 t

THE QUOTA OF DIRECT 1 AXr FROMtninty ol" Danrisan, tn the Ho t ofTennof.

under the act ct Conro approved Aucu-- 5 tonaa oeeu ipp,nioue.l ina ch.;rge.l upon U

tnr-- niif, ui-- . oi ktoohh m sna County of u-.t-

viafon.m pursuaoce oi Die n t of CoDgrea ntittd inKiior uie collection ol .Urecl tuxes unni:districts within the United Hi, and fornurpoec.' r.roved June 7. Ikki

miutitutia Charged may be paid wiUiin aixtTya from tlu date, Ilio the Trt-atur- of tha United I., or mr vonm!wnorar at trieir effiee inshnlle. No. 44 South Cherry street


Oacld-im- , Coma. aaioara.




J. R. ALiS.y- .- ..Sol? Lnw an 1 Manaer.JOHN HUNTLEV... Sw Manager.Ji B.AU.EN, br lYeurcr

Tliiri "Week of the young and talentod Actrese,TIIK VEPp SISTERS.

In Four of thcirwreat e'hftratprs.

Tui9day Eveninq January lOih,Will c pc'f-raip-

j the beaiuifal Dtirsi of the'3M Alt K KTGtHLQ 1 TA.Tl IS'itie flicne.as I1" frons:iiO.....M-- i Emma WelJj.

igenis, j he Market (iirl M:s d Vl.,ti.

To roneln !e i'.h Hip r.iule!iK- ol"

Kily O'Connor. "

M Ir-- yacopp4ien -. MU EiPina W-- -

Hardres Crrgan. ,.JI. a la VeU.

Iu rehearsal Waitin;; for .o Vord I.

Pit it iioi. Oo I Oronestra 2&U.7 ctoPariyorte - J I !jal!erj,........25ouColored Gallery Co eta, . IxMii open 'at to 7 o'ci-fc- tocommence at 7i o clock.


HOH(EOPATH,' Corner College aad Cay Streets,

v ENTRA JCC.E GAY STREET., - - T " " t i f ( rt I , '


J to ;, and O to t, p.m.T" KrpoiiU attention wi:l ha gif a to he treat-mer-

of JUronic IiteiKei, and tl.e iuf-feriti-

W'clalrfrt a. ' The medicine to he ivu willbe so mild aa not to prevent pMieais from uending to their dmly arocationa. Ortll-3- m


TK HAVE XOW IN feTORK EVKKV t'AL- -ity, from tl.e lowest grades t ttie lines- -

matiufHciurrd. Wo keep thertnpl(.-t- dur n; the. sea-o- n.


2u Xorth Cherry a troet,

Also invite attention texour very largeand choice" assortment of

PHOTOGRAPH mm,We tv.va deoid.-'Ul- y the moat tttnu dye stock'o

these rc'cds ever effored in this mRrket.

Fairchild & Shephard's



V.'e tsep nou t ilt ihj-c- ptiar sd Ktownmnk9. Every tearing the ir.iVer'e Lame!.'wairuiteJ

nwmmA S D

Wi" i t i z i CiisoHlu i!n;i'v.) and V. ii.J.uy.

Pocket Booki and Pursusla tiii" Etjii.'h ir.'ri'ci and cU. Au. u.e new

titles on tiand.ft



Glass, Wooden and Pocket


BLOTTING PAPERHy the Sheet or Ream.

BLl'Ht 0 0 0 K S

boont and nilod in every style.

GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS,, 4 .All fcizes.

KuenieOrientiil and Trian'eNOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES.

Fine Note, Taper and Envelopes.

i AND i

13 ill Paper, .


And a huge lot of SUtiouer'a Notions, to whicji weinvite tho attention of decJera in the city and army.We solicit orders, and Kill, vend by mail anyarticle in' our line. : ; , "

GATES & GAMBLE,it North Cherry atrwt, Nashille.

(143 Wslmit street, Cincinnati.) dc, 29 - Dm.






For further information in regard tothe skillful success in the treatment ofdiseases, Ihe-read- is referred to Stil-le'- s

THERArstmct and Materia Meph-a- ,

two" large volumes, late edition of 1 ''(,the best work in thei United States,where you will find Dr. McGill's name v

standing parallel with- - the best medical L

men. of the ago in the treatment of diseases of women. For all diseases in this cadvertisement, aausiaction i guar a n- -

teed. nn my general practice 1 treatfollowing

M:i Chronic Cuewith aatiaractjoa : Rhanmaiism, Aflxcbooa of taaL'mes; Lueaac at tne Throam. wlW4 Jbtnv.Bud" Limbs, Pleuriay, Paina, L'icora, Civccf, Graval.Laaesa of tL Heart aad Lave inn mm anon olthe BtomaLh, NauraUia. - ;ng'fc JZ U or faeroruia,Deafnawi, Aaaaaaw of toe Eye4 XxtbUitnted 8y- -tema. DTpopaiaox Iaditraw-o- . and Cooaumotiitrreuier wita ell l'rivate li irrt'.en .u I

liitsenae ol the IJiinary Ornan.To the Ladles.

AH Affection of tha Womb treated with ontev.Thoaa 2med Lad wbo have been ao unrona-n- at

to Ktactury er nrev aboraon, can ba ramdthaa till bj ii (miad prKbaot, Ly fpr.u m a

.caU. . .

bwriilty.Touns Kamod Ladioa wLoa tniAjrtbaa M tu i

bbsa not to bring torth tn da season, rtnemtr I

God haa aaid you should ronraply and rfemsh. IiUua s your tWMira yoq can consult me fi'.tft ty !

letter or in rraon. No la--i rover tninr-nv- e veam i

aee need make application. AlloornnJuiuo,uoaaby leaar or person atnetly conSdnbai.

Xlght Imlaslooa Cured.Tnnnj. Man. atop before von fartner i. m !!

Cjeaaea aubject to Man, there ia no disease ao Lard Forcure aa N'.eht .Em.ssiona, and piiv;c,ia are

acarc that nnderaUad treating it ; and to you I canaaf that I haTe cared donna m tUf c ty, a well a

arereoi mot, who i,o ci aoiiar aler dollar, and ara tow ww enrea ry me. I am iLuly

!eter and aendinjr medicine to all nana r.itie Ofona-T-

. L) a word, ail that are Led hjanyway, ana wm give me a eaii, I w'Jl Blra

tor ail Of the .li--kcoon rtaanaoned La thi. a .1TerOaement. Th best of raXerencea itit ui thiaeiiy. . .

AS letters (unnai ioDSL. MOQILL,

Union Mnset, Naahfille. Tennjani-l- y wdl meet wlia prompt liHuw,,

tr i I . ' ;

-- 1 '





C. C. A iim...- - . Treasurer.W. M. Ff.ler .......... .Vnafr.W. H. F.rrf ti

eren ;ght ofJ. E. McOonough and Miss Lotia.

Tuesday . Evening, January 10, r"j Will V,rfseiid T ' 'DtrMll GIRL OF OKNOAStrntS'io . ...J. . MoDoco"2

vcr:nre .........0rch.',i,- -

RobertAIaraireRoU'rt Manure ... ..J. E. McPonough,

To ron !iii' with theGood for othtrL-- .

N'sn- -, .M' Lott.WednesdiT'pen:cg wlli re prewDted the grand

01 toe thjsFwnw or Aphdwot. ira Curl 73 cBfa ; Par-

qutcw utuL.ru ;reat ; rrTre tsoxm f uo ;

lrr S5 cent.-- Tim. Imore open at o'clock: '""Curtain mTSrue 7, o r.ock.


U. S. Depositary

FINANCIAL AGENT,No. 50 College St., Nashville,

Wf!I receive snt.ocr'ptions to tl.e

A'ew 7-- 30 Treasury Kotc Loanindennmiiiation'of it50,(?!. ( and $i,000.

mafunti in l ukek i r.AKtt Irom Au. l.i, 1S4inter5t iKivahle semi-nnail- ly iu curreD-y- , at thernt.oi 7 ;i.iu miSCT, lr annum

The notrs nre fvHiHoin Oinvncy at m.ifurity, orcouvtrdJo into ."J-'--

JO MX PER (.T..NT (,0UbOMIW, with inter.t jHivaU in G4d.

A!o, BUT and SELL, iit m.rk.et rao- - il h.'njor tV r. KA.M h. T HECl Kllli?, ludu.Lr.i;

U.S. 5.WO HO.NK v

t' S. r-- : TREAril'P.T NOTES.U. H. li M0. CERT1F1CA1E--- J OF INLTEBT-E,rNF- !.

U. K ' I VA RTERM A!5T EK.1? CHECKS.0. K. lcars i per ouiCLiUiALi TXXDER

NOTES. .U. S. O Tr Cent. COLTOX md RKeildTEREI),

oflNHI. -


- MAKE COLLECTIONSIn 'aihvi!ld, aud furnish Might Draft f r anyainouid on w York, Cinciunau and Louiavilie.

U. S. Revtnu'o Stamp brt' hand for Sale.A. G. SANFORD. Tresidant.


Bankers & Brokers,Curner cf College snd Union SU.,

Xaahville, Tenu.

Government VouchersCisr.2 J ca ihts t.-- t tnoa.

SiUHT DRAf lSFor Uij ;r,fui on Lou:sr.iio, CmicaiU, u.d N w

WnstiUla, August "ii

C. CaCNi. W. J. 61V3C0.;K. JtH .?. LOS&.




isivco scw to Wwurr, Pennetaker t i,V,

XO. 70 PUBLIC HQlTVlti:..I - -

TF. ARE PH EPA RED TO RECEIVE fXIST ? for iio at aut'tioo, or at pnrate aai. Also,

prompt aiiKitkn paid to reonivinn and torwar-lln- g

Go!. Particular nt'entino pm,j jn otKdotvr s;iJ.-

tf Fumit jre, (irooeres, Rjsl Estate, c , Ac

Auction Sala i every Wednesday andFriday.

Small Dwellings for SaleA PRK'K r. WELLING ON SOUTH UNION

street, between Hih street and Frankl a.ke, conrNiniOK u rooms aul store room. Lit

by PiO fewf, sod inwned ate poss on ffiven.A neat brick dwelling on. Col.ege .street, berond

the resilience of Isriac Psiii, E1., (No. 14.) Pri eLot m by l;!C. .

A smal' Framed Pwdling nn H. Clierrv stn :,opposite the south end ot C tv Ceinco-ry.- Houeand lot oft'-r- t d lor U.e. sum of fcltKs. j

Large Dwellings.qUIE LARGE AND SPACIOUrf HOUSE ON THEX. N. E. corner of hurch and ipnice streets.

Tlie Lot contjunw atveDty fe-- t front, and tho househs t.'o or twclvs uia,-it- kithen. servants'rooms, stHU, Ac. Ctiered for 'jo les than itsreiJ alue.. ; . -

A home place n Summer ttreer,and Broad, just auitile fc a family

that want to locale" forbfr. Reasonable fltrires.Toetner wttli a van winoiiBt of ot'er propertyUki ofiice oi NELS-j- A MUKFKLE. OF

janJ Iw,

1 House for RentAND


acrth ef theltd aa Ivtor., t . t



dollars to spare, can rind a firuiraiment in U)4 a air cf a. 1 Ketan-an- t aatrinkmg Saloon :n the centre of trade. B-t-

tblishrrirnts now in auccearfiU operatioo ; xvmUD'-r- lese ttian sli er day. aad. Tryvar. inmiSei j.fder Apply o v, t



"VN AND AFTER SATURAT, JANUARfJ 7th, the Nahiilen l EdtfteW

KKIlltY COM PAN VWill ran thftlr Mim Ferry Boat

KENTUCKY,the benefit ol travelers au.l cit zjns 'ween

Niihvili and EdgefWld.

WrtU-'- s wi.,hni to ao.d the deUuiioui. at tubridge nil! find the

KENTUCKYa skid and quid: naeaaj of oruasin tL nw


jani laa ;' Masajer.

Cincinnati gWrcdfanafnte Cincinnati drrrtbnntnts


booistoe:Cincinnati, Q.

One of the Three Largest



StationeryHi-- O USES


United States

R. W. Carroll & Co.73 West 4th St.,

j..Oiuciiinnti, O.


Books and Stationery

Of Every Description

tlen li licit tcrs.AIIMV NEWS AGENT'S,


rF.ovosr MARSHALS,

SUIcGEONS, rOSTMASTER3,; i!Oflloorfl,

ftut,;.lieJ wih eery thing U.ey nl In tha ur.c ofcur bunices., at ihe Lowest Prici, and

their Ordv rs jri.n.ptiy dliei.

Stationery aud Books... 3. --' TO HS1L

TO THE ARIVIY,"- - ; ,

W,!l Cod d to tr.t.t ntcre-- t, botL iu kha

Quality of Goods,aad the vury

" '4 -

Low Prices,toUT THilK bTAK'K OK V

Note Paper,Letter Paper,

Cap Paper,Envelope Paper,

Card EnFelspes,'

.t . Note Enrelopes,Letter Envelopes,

Document Enreloprs,

Wallots Portfolios,InkBtands, Gold Pena,

. Pencils.11


PKotograjph' Albums,,. From 75 Cents to 30 Dollars.

Card Photographs,, '. " ' 0 (Plain and Colored)


biariesi1865,SJ (Cfferent ahetiea, for the Potke ranging in

pritn fruoi

fi9 tn 55af nftr Dr7An, . I


Paper Novelst i- -

all kiAds retaking fr m lteeou to J 00 aach.bound books of eTry rvtf.

, Military Books.

liealor fladuyr dlfScuJty ;n getiu rernlarfrana-ptationca-n

bate Papnr, EneMopea, Carda, andlook, bo h Uhib4 aad Bnijou&d, aaAwy pa:ke.taid aent ty mall, prepaid, at not mocti axoee-L-

Etpresa ratee ol traiiu.

"Send your Orders "


R. W. Carroll & Co.

Oiiiciuiirati, O. AUao

tu aad Cataiogaa ftiraiahai spoa spphcaiicA.Oclv ia ,

. ' ' y r

Hats & Cap 3.



03 a x D 97THIRD STREXT,



Felt' Hats,

Wool Hats,

Gilmoro Hats,

Burnsido Hats,

Chapeau Hats,

Unionist Hats,

Grant Hats,

Hooker Hats.


A. TIu lire Tariety,



Csloves & Gauntlets


3 ii O K S,tialn Vaiiet, hud uiiuy ecouJ u

uone La our marketAU of which vri'd b od'erc-- d oa tonai

that will ceitaiuly guaraiiteo us you?patronage.


W."Y. Elliott,



INo, 4 Uroad Wtraet.

IVtislivillo, nTeiiu.

f AM PREPARED TO lu.AK.al UliSfU- -X vaooae npoa

Cotton and Tobacco;and repectrnlly aollcli lioerai patroaaxe.

W. Y. ELLIOTT.epM tf




otVr f tn aad Cutfederate Army and Smvj, ft,! mUy, oolwarf a--;

junjiii n unmu diount mn.l to 'leaierpReOul prv , cenU, aeut to any part of i. '

country, by n.a I, m r: pt of an orW, with umouey, at -- Mi KSK iS LLERT op TdK CIJbekLa.vd." aribryTwitiM, for .tie t'axd p t aran of prom.n6 t

transaa. Au., Ac,GtMral tl CaiierJ Riaei-rns- ,

&raot. . Koii-VAii- .

" M."ClW.A4l,1 bouiae, ' Hernial.,

" Iiaaco'a.H'.ker Warraa.Howard,Mr pfcMon,tsiootm,Crittuiif-a- , " RulicrRum-hOa- , " rd..n Graiu',

.- , K- -y av

R.rker.G.mni"dr yarrsjt, CSkjiiDO-lor- e Porter,Gonerai haJdTUa.uk eirl .woraa L. Hm.

:ro..k,Kd , " U.W.A. J. Siiuiii, '" AadKmua,snea 1naa, " ha.rJ.ti'lmia. r." Kllpstruk. .iiif," H.omoiwl, lorw,

- t'sil Shur. " NfloflJt,' WetrtW." Johnson. Col Bel CoOoru,

Colnei Aikiix, xiyuv.ljrtuiyo. Major Rowley.

SnTrfMuU J 'hnay Clem.

Confederal a tfMirai J-- (f 1m T)nra K. E. I ,

F.tthiinn lee, " Joe Johcaw.." .

k ...It ..u.ii.... .ioo-wi- l Jackson,risa, Lnrk. TayU.f.Ki'by Smith-P- a ZfiiUcoffBr,

p Ptu e.UiU. Scepheaa t hiim,M Kieurtyarit, JiMia Morgan," Eweti. Naa lorn,

Jetf 1 hon.poo," IfJwei tot!, Pik,M Uuntavita Smith,Captain bemxn..

uroapaa of all th prominent FedrUooooe eanl tS.'iCroup ot all ihe prrvauatMit AkibXedraie

Oeoara. oa oa uatiI. ii ra