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A2 Media: Research Pre-Production

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Post on 09-May-2015




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A2 Media: ResearchPre-Production

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•Strapline •Captions•Teasers•By-line•Exclusive•Credits•Kicker

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•Lead Story•Lure•Headline•Stand Alone Paragraph•Menu•Connotations of Type face: There are two main types: Sans-serif and Serief•Bias:•Box Out:

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•Circulation•Editor•Feature•Human Interest Story:•News values•NIB: News In Brief•Puff:

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•Reach•Redtops•Standfirst:•Tag:•Todrov’s theory: Dis-Equilibrium, Equilibrium and New Equilibrium

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• In conclusion, I understand all the previous conventions on newspapers. This effects me because I must understand different terminologies and what it means, before constructing my local newspaper. The next blog I am going to include is annotating different types of newspapers.

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• More than 85% of the all British adults read a local paper

• 66% read a national daily • Local papers are the second largest advertising

medium• 37.5 million local daily papers are bought or

given away• More than 6 million weekly papers change hands • 30 million free weekly newspapers are delivered.• A local community cannot be continued without

its local newspaper- it represents it. • Local newspaper carry out conversation in their

communities which no other media does. • They are vital for information about local

government and are a first draft of local history. • A local newspaper is a community talking to

itself; without that the community would be deaf and dumb.

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•Newspapers [a media product] contains the latest news reports, information on the area which the newspaper is distributed and advertising for products and services around the world 24/7.

•Newspapers usually contain several different topics for example political and financial events, crime, sport and entertainment.

•Some newspapers often have extra sections, such as  lifestyle or entertainment magazine.

•Some traditional newspapers include a article written by the editor and articles which express the opinion of newspaper journalists.

•Newspapers are either published on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.

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•Whereas, Sunday newspapers are often include supplements, specialist sections and advertising, they often cost more.

•There are different Newspapers  sizes: broadsheets  are larger and generally associated with more academically to newspapers, tabloid are smaller than broadsheets and are generally associated with being biased and controversial.

•A percentage of newspapers revenue comes from advertising, 80% of newspapers revenue comes from advertising and 20% from sales.

•Most of the audience understand or have known the following, facts of a newspaper.

•The importance are what fields place on newspapers and how journalists express or publish their stories towards their target audience.

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•Predictions say that in the future the number of newspapers  may lose their business and suffer from bankruptcy

•For Example. London Lite, London Paper, News Of The World.

•Today nearly all newspapers have online editions, web based newspapers have also appeared where the newspaper is only published online.

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•To conclude this, I understand the concept and theories of the newspaper and what has the development of newspapers changed during the past years. Also, there are facts audience are aware of. In Addition, Hardcopy newspapers are decreasing and losing out meaning the development of technology is increasing, businesses may close down.

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•Red – Red is a very strong and bright colour, its used to show emotion and attract readers, The Sun uses red in it’s mast head. The colour is often associated with love, fire, blood, passion, lust, revolution and desire.

•Orange – The colour orange is a mix of red and orange, it’s often associated with joy and happiness; it represents sunshine, success and stimulation. London Evening Standard uses orange in its background.

• Yellow – Yellow is the colour of sunshine, the colour is very warm however it isn't used often in newspapers because its not very easy to read text, but it is very effective for catching people’s attention.

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•Green – The colour green is the colour of nature, it’s associated with harmony and freshness, the colour is strongly associated with safety and money. The colour green is often used in broadsheet newspapers such as The Guardian because it’s a very warming colour.

•Purple – The colour purple is associated with royalty and symbolizes power and luxury, purple is a great choice of feminine design, it’s associated with wealth and extravagance,  rare colour in nature.

•To conclude this  the main  colours attracts any  target audiences, and as part of my local newspaper, I must chose the exact background colour for my construction.

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•Ealing Gazette Series + Harrow Observer:•TRINITY MIRROR: www.trinitymirror.com•A large British newspaper and magazine publisher. •It is Britain’s biggest newspaper group, publishing 240 regional papers as well as The Daily Telegraph, Sunday Mirror. Found in 1903, Its headquarters are at Canary Wharf in London.

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•The Group employs over 6,500 people in more than 60 locations across the UK.

•In September 1999, Trinity Mirror was found by two highly successful newspaper companies – Trinity plc and Mirror Group plc.

•With five national and over 160 regional newspapers and more than 500 digital products our brands have a significant reach amongst the adult population.

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What is “News”?•News is simply what made it into today’s

paper or news broadcast. •With near ly188 countries, 5 billion

people, and thousands of events that “happened” yesterday.

•Only the ones that actually made the paper became news. Tomorrow will have its own news, so the rejected events will never be news.

• News is not about history, but about profits, when newspaper publishers are thinking clearly, from the very beginning.

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•The second preliminary point is that there is no need of thinking of news as daily. It comes along irregularly when people, exercising their own judgment, they decide something they heard was interesting or important, and passed it on.

•The third preliminary, the content is accepted to a sense of important social or political events. There have been many occasions in the history of journalism where opinion has been published as news, where comments have been presented with the authority of facts.

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•The Fourth preliminary, is the most common mistake in thinking about news is to imagine that the most important events are those that get the most publicity.

•The reverse may be true. Powerful people do not usually like publicity. and the media have learned that customers will pay as much or more to read about celebrities as about the powerful.

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The Origins of Newspapers

•The history of newspapers is an often-dramatic chapter of the human experience going back some five centuries. The first printed  newspaper appeared in Germany in the late 1400′s in the form of news  broadsides, often highly exaggerated in content.

•The first successively newspaper published was The Weekly Newes of 1622, and the first true newspaper in English was the London Gazette of 1666.

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•Newspapers play a vital role in human affairs. Its importance has not been reduced by the appearance of the radio or the television.

•Newspaper has become the main source of information about local and foreign events.

•Even though radio and television conveys important news and messages quicker than the newspaper, they produce the details of an incident.

• On the other hand, it gives not only more detail about a particular incident but it also contains more new items.

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•Newspaper are easier to carry and it could be read at any time during the day. Further, the stability of the printed word helps one to refresh memories of certain facts and incidents reported in the past.

•Furthermore, the importance of newspaper has been increased by the spread of education, newspaper appeals most especially if one finds little time to read books.

•However, newspapers should read with caution, for its ability, to do harm is great.

•Most people believe everything that is reported by the newspaper.

•As a result, when some news is reported wrongly either by a mistake or design, it may cause a lot of misbehaviour.

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•However, newspapers try to report as accurately as possible, for competing with other newspapers to provide accurate information on world developments, and it is the newspaper that links us with the outside world.

•To conclude this newspapers are very important to any target audience this is because the style, content. Yet, the many readers are affected by education, meaning they are learning and improving their language. My view is without newspapers and replaced by radio and television,

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•To constrtuct a local newspaper, I analysed and understood the Newspaper Language such as using specific language and grammar, this shows that it is newspaper text being read. Each newspaper follows a set of simple rules that’s establishes the newspaper language.

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The Nine Golden Rules –1.Keep It Short and Simple. 2.Reading For Speed3.Never Use 3 Words When

One Will Do4.Don’t Repeat Yourself Use

Active Verbs5.Personalise The Story6. Categorise People -

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•7] Grammar and quote use when I am quoting in•8] Text layout Newspaper text•9] These are:“WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and WHY”, and HOW