a2 media evaluation question 3

Question 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback? George Wilshaw

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Question 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

George Wilshaw

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IntroductionThe Film Industry spend so much time and money test screening films to invited audiences because recognising who your target audience is, is extremely necessary because you will want to cater the contents of the film in order to make it appealing to that age, gender.

Film industries want to be able to instantly relate to the target audience since if at the beginning of the film they engage with it then the film will more likely to be successful. This is because if a media product, such as a film, were to be unsuccessful and not meeting the wants of the target audience then upon release the film will continue to fail.

Media producers commonly want to know the:

-Income bracket/status



-Race Location

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Our Audience consists of people who like to laugh however due to the language and certain actions performed.

We have narrowed this audience to 15 - 40 year olds. This is then why we chose Total Film as our Magazine.

Target Audience:

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Pitch Presentation Feedback

We got this feedback through feedback sheets from the viewers of our presentation. (There is a screenshot of this feedback already on my journal)We used this feedback when planning our shots because we got repeat feedback of: ‘make sure it's not like a Tv Series’ this is because we explained that our main source of inspiration is the ‘Office US’ however with further research our ideas weren't all based upon ‘the Office’.Our audience were in the range of our target audience and so the majority of feedback was positive and helped us with our ideas because it gave us goals when filming.On piece of feedback suggested that our film was going to be sexist so to solve this we tried to get a female actor however she had other commitments to get to.Overall this feedback was useful in that when it came to production and filming we had clear goals.

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Teaser Trailer Feedback After a couple weeks of editing a screening took place to which we filled our feedback sheets just like the pitch presentation.Summary of our Feedback:

❖ Make the narrative themes clearer ❖ End the trailer better❖ Range the pace ❖ Music used was more fitting of a action genre❖ Music needed to be quieter over certain voice overs❖ Make sure that all fonts were the same

This feedback was useful in that we had a clear goal to make our trailer better and appeal more towards our audience.For example the fact that our fonts weren't the same meant that we lost our brand identity so we had clear goals to make it the same.We used all of this feedback as shown in the before and after in the next slide:

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Teaser Trailer Improvements Before feedback After Feedback

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Teaser Trailer Improvements

The trailer clearly varies in pace and is in time with the music which works well. With the addition of the voiceover we added some a comedic effect that involved the audience and this suggested more about the characters and thus the narrative itself. We changed the time of the trailer a little bit in order to fit in with the conventions of a teaser trailer. This was also to make shorter, witty and straight to the point comedy.

Overall a teaser trailer was well received with multiple people saying they would see the film, people said that it was well improved and so well polished however the narrative still wasn’t entirely clear but people enjoy comedies so they will see the film.

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Poster FeedbackOverall the Poster was thought to look realistic through the use of text and billing block. The font that we used was thought to have work well and added to the realism.




Billing Block, Qr code and Facebook logo added to the realism


Use more of the space - use more titles, quotes from Newspapers etc.

One of the actors names wasn't the same colouring as the other actor

The Billing Block could be moved to the side a tiny bit more in order to make it look more even and not get cut off if the poster was ever printed.

We got this feedback through asking some people whom we saw fit the target audience and they filled our sticky notes.

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Before After

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Poster - Improvements The feedback suggested that we weren't making use of all the space on our poster and so with the addition of the ratings. More feedback included changing the colouring of one of the actors names and moving the billing block a little bit more so if we had more time my group and I would have done this.

Overall it was thought that our poster was good and that it maintained our brand identity, it reflected the genre, character representation was clear and the hashtag, qr code and facebook page are a nice tage and reinforce the created brand identity.

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Magazine - Improvements

With this product there wasn't much that needed changing and this was our original rough copy of our magazine however if we could, we would change the masthead as it was seen to be too low and we could have possibly added more text around the image to reflect that of an actual Total Film Magazine but we felt that we wanted to show off our character and setting. The text we did have in places some people said they liked its placement.

Overall the magazine was thought to be extremely legitimate and it was a good emphasis on the representation of the already developed character, it is a good edition with the poster because they act in sequence of our main character and give the audience additionally information about him.

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Overall Thoughts

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Since our target audience was giving us feedback overall thoughts on our media products was positive and the majority of people said they wanted to see our film and this final feedback suggests that our audience felt we had a successful marketing campaign.

All feedback was useful because we made a higher quality, more professional product.