a2 media evaluation


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my evaluation of my A level A2 media project



2. MY VIDEO For my Coursework my group produced a music video to the song you and me by theband the wannadies and two ancillary tasks. The music video is shown below: 3. EVALUATION QUESTIONS For my evaluation I will answering the following 4 questions: In what way does your media project use, develop or challenge forms and conventions ofreal media products? How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks? What have you learnt from your audience feedback? How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning andevaluation stages? 4. IN WHAT WAY DOES YOUR MEDIA PROJECT USE, DEVELOP ORCHALLENGE FORMS AND CONVENTIONS OF REAL MEDIA PRODUCTS? I have done a lot of research into similar indie rock songs and videos such as Noah andthe whale or artic monkeys. And we as a group decided that we would use the forms andconventions of real media products. For example we started with the mise-en-scne ofour band shown in the video we gave then a casual fun look like Noah and the whale andthe artic monkeys:Noah and theWhale and the arcticmonkeysAs shown all 3 sets of bandshave a similar dress senesceand this is how we useOur Bandconventions of real mediaproducts. 5. Another way in which we used forms and conventions from media products is our ancillary tasks aswe created ancillary tasks which displayed our band from the music video in a chilled out relax kind ofway. This was to show that they werent a really serious and stern band but instead a playful and lessserious band. Real media products: Our Media ProductAll of our album covers have similaritys asthey are all showing the band to promote astar image but they are just showing themrelaxed and more laid back than some otheralbum covers in other genres of music but thisis quite common and generic for the indie/rockgenre so this is how we used forms andconventions of real media products 6. Throughout our project we predominantly used forms and conventions from real media projectsbecause we found that it was easier to go with the flow in the rock/indie genre because greatchanges arent always welcomed so when we needed to decide whether or not to do aperformance based or narrative based music video we chose to do a bit of both. This is quitecommon in this genre of music and has been used it various music videos as shown below:You and me at six- UnderdogNickelBack- somedayPuddle of Mudd- she hates meAs shown in all of the above real media projects it is quite common to have a narrative andperformance based music video for this genre whereas in say a pop video it is quite often entirelyperformance based to showcase the artist the most for example Madonna videos, but in thedance/electric genre it is very common to have entirely narrative based music videos such as inchemical brother videos. So using similar ideas to other real media products in the genre of musicthat I used means that we mainly used forms and conventions throughout our media project. 7. Another way in which we used forms and conventions was by how we linked our narrative partsof the music video with the lyrics of the song. This is done in other similar products within ourgenre as shown below: For example this is a screen shot from our music videos that have the lyrics and everythings forgotten which is represented in the narrative by the two characters making up. And in the NickelBack some day music video this scene is played over the lyrics and unpack your suitcase which I also represented inside the scene so this is another way in which our media product uses forms and conventions from real media products. 8. HOW EFFECTIVE IS THE COMBINATION OF YOUR MAIN PRODUCT ANDANCILLARY TASKS? I will start of by displaying all 3 of my ancillary tasks for my project which are the Albumand digipack front cover, the back cover and a magazine advertisement for the product: 9. ANCILLARY TASKS For our ancillary tasks we wanted them to link directly to our music video product so thatwhen the audience sees it they can directly link it with our music video. But we didnt twant it to be too similar so we used the same location for the photo-shoot as we did thefilming for the video to create a familiar but all of our band members are wearing differentcostumes and are not in a performing stance but just sat down posing. So as shown below the location and characters are the same but in a different costume, position and in different lighting conditions this gives the audience recollection of the music video when they see the album cover and vice a versa as they link together. 10. HOUSE STYLES When designing our ancillary tasks we decided that we wanted to use house styles to help make them work well together. We did this by using the same font in the same color and size in our tasks:Digipack front MagazinecoverAdd Digipack back cover 11. LINKS With all of these links between the ancillary tasks and the main product it helps combineto make a brand image for the band which makes the products more recognizable to theaudience. For example by using the same fonts and backgrounds throughout the ancillary tasks wewere able to make a recognizable brand image which could then be used on sisterproducts and helps the audience recognize the product when it is on a shelf as they wouldhave seen the combination of the colors and texts form the main music video. So overall I think that our main product and the ancillary tasks work very well togetherbecause they have links between them which make them more recognizable to theaudience. 12. WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNT FROM YOUR AUDIENCE FEEDBACK? To gain audience feedback for our media project we used the internet for the majority andto get this feedback we used social networking sites such as Facebook and video sharingwebsites such as YouTube and on these websites we asked viewers to leave commentson what they like and didntt liked and we also posted polls on Facebook about certaindecisions about the construction of our project to get an audience opinion. The first poll we asked was what would be a suitable location for a band performance in aindie rock music video:This gave us the audiences opinion and as thehighest voted option was the beach that waswhat we went for with our music video. It wasimportant to consider the audiences opinionwhen making decisions as they are the oneswho will be watching it so in doing this poll welearnt that the beach would be the most likedlocation so thats why we went with it. 13. Another method that we used to gain audience feedback is comments from our friends onFacebook about the final product. So to do this we created a post with our music video linkin it and then asked our friends to comment on it with their thoughts and the results arebelow:As shown from the comments theresponse to the video is all positivewith people saying that it is good andthat they like it. This showed andtaught us that what we had donewas to a pretty high standardbecause liked it. 14. The final way which we gained audience feedback is through YouTube comments. YouTubecomments are unique because a video posted on that website is viewable by anyone soanyone can comment so it wont be just your friends who are likely to say they like it becausethey are your friends but stranger comments are more often than not more truthful so you cangain a more honest opinion about your product. Some of the comments for our video areshown below:These commentsshowed that our projectwas to a high standardand that people likethem. They did alsoshow some issues withthe video as well suchas lip syncing so as aresult we decided to goback and fix theproblem before weuploaded a final version 15. HOW DID YOU USE MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES IN THE CONSTRUCTION ANDRESEARCH, PLANNING AND EVALUATION STAGES? We used media technologies throughout the process of our music video so I will now gothrough what we used at what stages. 16. RESEARCH STAGE Throughout my research into music videos and into forms and conventions from othersimilar music videos the video sharing website YouTube was used to view music videoswhich I would have otherwise been unable to gain access to. It is a very good andconvenient way to browse for music videos as there is a search bar if you are looking forsomething in particular and there are suggested videos and similar videos listed whichyou might have not came across on your own. 17. PLANNING STAGE To plan our video we blogger to post information to our blogs such as shootingscripts, shooting schedules ETC but we also used Facebook messages to communicatewith each other to schedule days for filming. This was very easy to do as all you had to dowas go online and invite everyone involved to a group chat where you could all talk toeach other and arrange times and places to meet. 18. CONSTRUCTION STAGE Construction of our project was very heavily dependent on media technologies andwithout them would have been impossible. To start of with we used digital video camerarecorders to capture our footage for the video but we also use normal cameras as well tocapture the images for use in our ancillary tasks. All of this data was stored on a SD cardwhich was then transferred to a computer for the next stage of construction. 19. Once all of the necessary photos and footage was captured we then proceeded to edit theminto appropriate forms for our project. For our actual video we used an editing For our ancillary tasks we used a programsoftware program called Sony Vegas procalled adobe Photoshop and this is how10.0. this is where we cut up the footage manipulated our images and added titlesand edited it together to make our finaland track names to create our digi packproduct.cover and magazine advertisement. 20. EVALUATION STAGE For my evaluation of my product I used Microsoft PowerPoint with images incorporated init and videos embedded into it as well before uploading it to the website slide share inorder to embed the PowerPoint into my blog page.