a1+ > a2 du cecrl 5 - the big challenge › fr › wp-content › uploads › ... · 8 when i go...

Vocabulary B The cups and plates are in the ..... next to the fridge. A. sky B. cupboard C. bottle D. watch 4 Before you go to school, you must .... your books in your schoolbag. A. put B. run C. write D. cut 6 John is very ..... — he’s 1.90 m! A. clever B. short C. tall D. small 5 Complete this “family” of words: skirt, trousers, coat, ..... . A. shirt B. leg C. carpet D. desk 7 When I go to school, I take the bus from the corner of my street and ..... at the third stop. A. wake up B. get off C. come back D. turn off 8 A photo A The boy is ..... his phone. A. driving B. riding C. eating D. holding 3 The girl ..... . A. is looking at the boy C. is sad B. has got short blonde hair D. is wearing glasses 2 This is a photo of two teenagers ..... . A. in a city street C. in the kitchen B. on a bus D. at the beach 1 Grammar D Harry ..... to school today. He’s ill. A. isn’t going B. don’t go C. can’t work D. isn’t 13 My dad sometimes ..... in the evening. A. is working C. very tired B. cooks dinner D. watch television 14 There ..... people in the shop. It’s empty. A. have got B. isn’t C. are some D. aren’t any 15 Jack’s sister is more ..... he is. A. shorter than C. prettier than B. intelligent as D. popular than 17 Yesterday, Peter ..... an email to Kylie but she didn’t answer. A. is writing B. must write C. sent D. gets 16 Hello Mrs Hardcastle. I live in the same building as your daughter Ellie. When she went on holiday yesterday, she left me your number in case of emergency. There is a small problem: I usually feed her cat when she’s away, but she forgot to leave her key with me. Have you got one? Thanks. Katie Marchmont Today 09:13 A text message C Katie is writing to ..... . A. a friend C. Ellie’s mother B. her daughter D. Ellie Hardcastle 9 What do you know about Ellie? A. She doesn’t know Katie. C. She’s got a cat. B. She lives with her mother. D. She’s at home at the moment. 10 Ellie ..... yesterday. A. gave her key to Katie C. took her cat on holiday with her B. forgot to feed her cat D. left her cat in her flat 12 THE FIRST ENGLISH CONTEST FOR SCHOOLS What does Katie want? A. A cat. C. Food for the cat. B. A phone number. D. A key. 11 54, rue de Clichy 75009 Paris - Tél. 01 45 22 90 70 LEVEL 2 - A1+ > A2 du CECRL 5 ème JEUDI 9 MAI 2019 - Durée 45 minutes ● L’épreuve est individuelle. Les livres et dictionnaires sont interdits. ● Les 45 questions sont regroupées par compétence. Il n’y a qu’une seule bonne réponse par question. ● Avec un stylo noir ou un feutre noir , coche dans la GRILLE DE REPONSES, pour chaque question, la case correspondant à la bonne réponse. ● Les questions (couleur claire) rapportent 5 points, les questions (couleur intermédiaire) rapportent 6 points et les questions (couleur foncée) 7 points. ● Une mauvaise réponse fait perdre un quart de sa valeur en points. Si aucune réponse n’est donnée à une question, elle rapporte 0 point. Si plusieurs réponses sont données à une question, elle rapporte 0 point. >>> Mardi 14 mai 2019 <<< Les corrigés des questions seront disponibles sur le site. >>> Jeudi 6 juin 2019 <<< Les résultats seront intégralement disponibles et chaque participant pourra imprimer son propre CERTIFICAT OFFICIEL sur son compte. Inscris ici le login à 7 chiffres situé en haut à droite de ta grille réponses. Ce login te sera indispensable pour accéder à tes résultats sur internet. www.thebigchallenge.com

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Page 1: A1+ > A2 du CECRL 5 - The Big Challenge › fr › wp-content › uploads › ... · 8 When I go to school, I take the bus from the corner of my street and ..... at the third stop

VocabularyB The cups and plates are in the ..... next to the fridge.A. sky B. cupboard C. bottle D. watch


Before you go to school, you must .... your books in your schoolbag. A. put B. run C. write D. cut


John is very ..... — he’s 1.90 m!

A. clever B. short C. tall D. small


Complete this “family” of words: skirt, trousers, coat, ..... .

A. shirt B. leg C. carpet D. desk


When I go to school, I take the bus from the corner of my street and ..... at the third stop.A. wake up B. get off C. come back D. turn off


A photoA

The boy is ..... his phone.

A. driving B. riding C. eating D. holding


The girl ..... .

A. is looking at the boy C. is sad B. has got short blonde hair D. is wearing glasses


This is a photo of two teenagers ..... .

A. in a city street C. in the kitchen B. on a bus D. at the beach


GrammarD Harry ..... to school today. He’s ill.A. isn’t going B. don’t go C. can’t work D. isn’t


My dad sometimes ..... in the evening.A. is working C. very tired B. cooks dinner D. watch television


There ..... people in the shop. It’s empty.A. have got B. isn’t C. are some D. aren’t any


Jack’s sister is more ..... he is.A. shorter than C. prettier than B. intelligent as D. popular than


Yesterday, Peter ..... an email to Kylie but she didn’t answer.A. is writing B. must write C. sent D. gets16


Hello Mrs Hardcastle. I live in the same building as your daughter Ellie. When she went on holiday yesterday, she left me your number in case of emergency. There is a small problem: I usually feed her cat when she’s away, but she forgot to leave her key with me. Have you got one? Thanks. Katie Marchmont

Today 09:13

A text messageC

Katie is writing to ..... . A. a friend C. Ellie’s mother B. her daughter D. Ellie Hardcastle


What do you know about Ellie? A. She doesn’t know Katie. C. She’s got a cat. B. She lives with her mother. D. She’s at home at the moment.


Ellie ..... yesterday.A. gave her key to Katie C. took her cat on holiday with her B. forgot to feed her cat D. left her cat in her flat



What does Katie want? A. A cat. C. Food for the cat. B. A phone number. D. A key.


54, rue de Clichy 75009 Paris - Tél. 01 45 22 90 70

LEVEL 2 - A1+ > A2 du CECRL


JEUDI 9 MAI 2019 - Durée 45 minutes

● L’épreuve est individuelle. Les livres et dictionnaires sont interdits.

● Les 45 questions sont regroupées par compétence. Il n’y a qu’une seule bonne réponse par question.

● Avec un stylo noir ou un feutre noir, coche dans la GRILLE DE REPONSES, pour chaque question, la case correspondant à la bonne réponse.

● Les questions (couleur claire) rapportent 5 points, les questions (couleur intermédiaire) rapportent 6 points et les questions (couleur foncée) 7 points.

● Une mauvaise réponse fait perdre un quart de sa valeur en points. Si aucune réponse n’est donnée à une question, elle rapporte 0 point. Si plusieurs réponses sont données à une question, elle rapporte 0 point.

>>> Mardi 14 mai 2019 <<<Les corrigés des questions seront disponibles sur le site.

>>> Jeudi 6 juin 2019 <<<Les résultats seront intégralement disponibles et chaque participant

pourra imprimer son propre CERTIFICAT OFFICIEL sur son compte.

Inscris ici le login à 7 chiffres situé en haut à droite de ta grille réponses. Ce login te sera indispensable pour accéder à tes résultats sur internet.


Page 2: A1+ > A2 du CECRL 5 - The Big Challenge › fr › wp-content › uploads › ... · 8 When I go to school, I take the bus from the corner of my street and ..... at the third stop

LEVEL 2 5ème - JEUDI 9 MAI 2019


The Beatles came from ..... . It’s a seaport in north-west England.

A. Liverpool B. Manchester C. Bristol D. Oxford


This politician, who died in 1965, was twice Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. What was his name? A. Winston Churchill. C. William Shakespeare.B. Charlie Chaplin. D. Guy Fawkes.


..... and chips is a traditional English dish.A. Pudding B. Pork C. Duck D. Fish


In a London shop, you buy a bar of chocolate that costs 70p. What does “p” mean?A. Pounds. B. Pence. C. Prize. D. Price.


SoundsH The letter “C” rhymes with “.....”.A. say B. free C. car D. buy


“Introduction” = o o O o. “Incredible” = ..... .A. O o o o B. o O o o C. o o O o D. o o o O


Find the pair of words that rhymes.

A. there, share B. ships, keeps C. quite, quiet D. eight, height


SituationsG It’s 10.30. Someone asks you, “What time is it?” What can you say?A. “Eleven thirty.” C. “Thirty after ten.” B. “Half past ten.” D. “Half of eleven.”


Anna says to you, “I’m sorry. I forgot to send you a birthday card.” You want to tell her that it isn’t important. What can you say?A. “I never worry.” C. “Please excuse me.” B. “It doesn’t matter.” D. “What a pity.”


In a restaurant, a waiter serves you with your food. What can he say?A. “Enjoy your meal.” C. “Here is your bill.” B. “Have a nice trip.” D. “Come back soon.”


You are talking to Sam on the phone. He bought a new bike yesterday. You want a description of the bike. What can you ask?A. “What’s it like?” C. “Does it go well?” B. “How long is it?” D. “What does he look like?”


You see the words “Add to your basket”. What are you doing?A. Buying something online. C. Shopping in a supermarket. B. Doing a maths test. D. Reading a cake recipe.


Patrick is trying on a jacket in a shop but it’s much too big for him. What can he say?A. “I’m afraid it doesn’t fit.” C. “It isn’t cheap enough.” B. “I can’t put it on.” D. “Sorry but I need a larger size.”


The Biggest Challenge K Soldiers wear uniforms and ..... .A. sailors are too C. so do most security guards B. also do policemen D. do a lot of British schoolchildren


Complete the series: clean/dirty, high/low, loud/..... . A. dark B. less C. soft D. slim


The “a” in “England” doesn’t sound like ..... .A. the “a” in “Ireland” C. the second “a” in “Africa” B. the “a” in “Germany” D. the second “a” in “Japan”


One of the national symbols of England is a ..... .

A. red rose B. white horse C. pear tree D. red dragon


Holiday time!E

SentencesJ There’s no school at weekends so I ..... to get up early.A. don’t have B. mustn’t C. have got D. never must


Lois ..... in her office when, suddenly, Superman flew in through the window.A. worked B. was working C. is going to work D. works hard


..... lovely flowers you’ve got in your garden!A. Those B. How C. What D. Whose


Find the things that Carla is probably going to take with her.A. A passport, a toothbrush, a swimsuit. C. Shorts, T-shirts, inches. B. Sun cream, showers, perfume. D. Sandals, mice, dresses.


These are Carla’s things. She’s going to ..... two weeks in Spain.

A. go B. pass C. spend D. bring


What can you say about Carla? A. She never wears a hat. C. She’s going to a place that’s sunny.B. She isn’t taking any clothes with her. D. She doesn’t like pink.


Behind the black book, there is ..... . A. a red purse C. a beach bag B. a pair of sunglasses D. a pair of shoes


A diaryI

The writer of this diary is Rachel’s ..... .A. sister B. friend C. mother D. brother


On Sunday evening, Rachel and the writer watched ..... .

A. a romantic comedy at the cinema B. a fantasy movie about a young girl who wants to be older C. a comedy about a woman who wants to be younger D. a reality TV show


The writer ..... “13 Going On 30” ..... . A. thought ..... was terrible C. thought ..... was very good B. didn’t like ..... at all D. didn’t think ..... was good


Jenna makes a wish because she ..... .

A. would like to be more intelligent B. doesn’t have a good job in New York C. wants to escape from all the problems that teenagers have D. thinks that adults don’t have enough problems


Sunday 3rd March, 10 pm.I went to Rachel’s this evening. We watched “13 Going On 30”. It was great. It’s about a lonely, unhappy girl called Jenna. She hates being a teenager and wants to grow up quickly. She makes a wish on her thirteenth birthday and the next day she wakes up as a beautiful 30-year-old woman who is the editor of a New York fashion magazine. But she finds out that adults have lots of problems too. It’s funny and a bit sad sometimes. Rachel wanted to watch it again, but her parents said no, because it was late and we’ve got school tomorrow. Got home at 9.30.