a year of adventure the journey the journey began august 2008 september 2008 october 2008 november...


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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 A YEAR OF ADVENTURE The Journey Slide 3 The Journey Began August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 Slide 4 August Sign up! Your name will go down in history. Get in your groups and get on the bus. Slide 5 September Yes, I just printed 80 pages Slide 6 September Katya, Ellen- Can you hear me? Slide 7 October Virginia Arizona Texas Slide 8 October Template Revolt ARIZONA TEXAS ? FLORIDA? ????? CASA GED Post secondary Work place employment EFL levels Slide 9 ESL formating Slide 10 ESOL skype It is Friday!!!! Slide 11 November E-mail or bust What standard are we working on now? Slide 12 November Math draft finished! Steve, are you ready? Slide 13 History Civics Economics Gov. November Great Job Cathy! Slide 14 January Slide 15 February Are all the standards important for an entry level job? Do we want the dots to represent mastered or presented? Slide 16 February Listening and SpeakingReadingWriting A. Paraphrases personal, social and academic discourse A.Recognizes plot, setting and characterization A. Writes simple narratives, three to four paragraphs long, in the form of: 1. narratives, 2. formal letters, 3. summaries, 4. creative passages Work Force and Life Skills??? Slide 17 May End of the school year responsibilities. Graduations Vacations Layouts bibliographies research Slide 18 EDITING June -July Conversion Catastrophe Re-edit again Slide 19 August on the road again Slide 20 Celebrate Slide 21 Are we there yet? Slide 22