• y...wo sing chinese laundry. 14 north avenue, cranford, nj. the original laun-t i lady kiityv:;...

y • VOL. V.MI. NO :. CRANFORD, N. J.. THURSDAY. Al»KtL 6. 1W5 THKLii; seseszsa sviSeS?Ea SBSZSZSS sBsratsasa Send for Descriptive Circular- poultry S:n)[.!u« .if I-V<TJT doacription. ,,. Enpirw Sut« Incobatori »nd BroixhTi. l'nirii- isute Incubator* and .Hrooders. Star Incnbuton .vi.l I!n>«> 1-r*. (men Bone and Vegetal"!* Cut Uli Grindiiu; Mill*, Wire NVuititf. Whiltf Washing Machine*. Lice Killi-r*. lln-ij) Ciirp*.' Cholfr» Curr». Coinli'.imi l'uw.l.n lv,'ir Producer* Spray Pump*. Unn'.ii:.; FoiHit.iim. Konnel Supplie*. Jlnd evep.ytliinR fop Bracking and Reaping all kinds of Poultry, Pigeons and Pet Stock.. Our Excelsior Wire & Poultry Supply Co., S Dept. aD. I W. V. R'JSS. PR'l?. 26 a i8 Vcscy St. NEW YORK CIV. jjj •pji HS1S Union Water Company Incorporated 1870. Organized I891 The Union''•V^.T rcm-i>any sT«in»lie» .the Inhabitants of the Tillage* •IFanwood. V.'u-Ui M, rr.;.,(,,ra anJ Koucvllo with water for domeatio vux "The Purest and Sweetest that Nature can Yield." fcrti«aUoMP«ttofUo.l..r...:..l i C !•» of «r»ator«anle|.ailt»," and In 'The^«Vof^l..'">ui'w "''i-^ii^l-ith th««l»M<«in»hlcb It. plant I. locate. **» 1< th« polii y i-f.ti.J iii:.-> un.n-ot I" Ii ,1 ill full .h'lre f> pr«not» their «rowtL and t*o.jwrit» The Company Refers to all its Patrons. A. r»pr««ul-itit-..f'll...<'-v.i-^»'.ill-l<e|.l«*<ltocBllon pwtlwwli.. do nut .1 l.r~.nl Jwnwr-from in ii.aiw.. jnl,-i;-!,i. 1 i ii> ' • " . i-'im-,ra«ll.'>J.">'«»»l<-«.«tc. Union Water Company. fit 63 Broad Street. Elizabeth. The Elizabethtown Gaslight Company. Supplies ga.s to the people of Crau- fortl for li.^ht and fuel. If you have never urwl JU^JIH for cooking purposes try it andy<>u will he. pleased. The Ci)tup;my. will furnish and Bet all utensils necessary lo une gas for fuel. A !^;is range ia economical and con- venient. Ad,<lre*a the Company at 121 Broad street. \ Elizabeth, A discount of ten por cent will bo allowed on gas bills of 1,00O foot and ovor used por month, If paid at this off io within ton day^ from ' presentation of bill. WO SING CHINESE LAUNDRY. 14 North Avenue, Cranford, NJ. THE ORIGINAL LAUN- t I Lady KiityV:; I Temoiaiion Bs UOLA lORRtSTER *{ ti DRY IN CRANFORD. Tliti 1 best work und most careful trt k atmeht\>f good* Woik r»!i«l for «ntl dtlWt-rwi. Satisfaction Cuarantea*. Wo Sins, 14 North Atenus, Cranford, N. J. Ti'-i I *i *"•.;. I •.!> K ; i > *:Uiii- Iriii is. 1 . ; :: •* u-<\ I.V.; :.. i .-'is Ki.-iv M -'11 t... ICENTRAL HOTEL fIRSI CLASS ACCQMOMTIWi LAROS PLEASANT ROOMS. •oanoiNQ av o»vo« wem /"or ttrau apply to JOSEPH BRHARDT l"w» J.L.BAUER. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. •uiilf (n|lne«r. TewneMn engi- neer t*r Craftier* T»««»hlp. Main Office, 15 01* Building, ELIZABETH, N. J. .,• !.,,« l!..y h.1,1 rM.S.-II II..- 11 -.:i !•:. I I <fli ni.ti'r lv.-!i .i .1 1. 'I rui'f ti> IT ' 1. i:.' - !v; ii..li f..t ttu- tiroxuultjr, l u t U»>-tti-'-i un hi-, .!u«-k« Uv .iiii.ii'ii inj,->ii.ii- tilt to iivr i^su'.l her t<inv»r» vt fo:it-.fu!- Or Robert Wakefield, Dentist. Office Hour*: 3-12 A. M. I-JKM, Masonic Building. Cranford, N. J* ROBERT RINDELL. Lchigh Coal, Lumber LIME. LATH. PLASTERETC. E. A. O'Donnell, PLUHBER. 8*5IIT»IIT Pi.rManra, TIUBI-CO. Vv* HACK* 4Nii lUnuKx. Hir.«M AKD <U« FlTTlSO. JOBBI.IO. All Work CuaranU*. Mill*r Block, CKANFOH!) TO1 H4J. N. A. BARNETT, North Avenue, - Cranford, N- J. Carrlay:^^ ' r»<t Atitomoblle Rubber Tires for Wagons and Automobiles. ix S Expert hor-cihociti r at\d general blacksrnithin?. N. A." BARRETT, WORTH AVEWU W. W. Mendell, Carpenter and Builder, !\ \V»1o*'t J. C. W. RANKIN. Lchigh Valley Coal Kindling Wood lj> Olock. JESSE WHEELER, Violin and Mandolin instructor, In prPpBr^d to rec*lre pupils for Yluliu Initructlon. For tonne, np- l<\ytoor lu'drti* 1 JE.H8K WHEELER. ? South AT«., Critford, N. J The Burkely Hotel, B eat Location est Apiolntments eat Service OIAnyHotelin Elizabeth Broad St. Hair Ui.n, l Aa [,r A : I-mi, bo »a* mo caught trim wlmtlius aa th.) turnfvl liitu Itril Mountain KUUII, mut wl*u »bi' t uJ ili-liUsrati-ly rMdeii Kitty fill intutiM l.y tlie Im ij i"Xprv**iHl tu III* ci-iirUtfitt auil Hiiu l.y th» ktii.i%\liMge Uist tu- « m in.iknu 1-1 ti'*r. It IK U'l ta fi-i'l a II.T-.UHH nti-aily ua**- tnhliiil 'utic If It liml IK-.-II any mit' tl%tt B!K* >vonM t.-» rtaliiiy h.ivi* tv(.i»rt«l bis uu>i>niili>:>n1-ly IIHUI inn lint tn Mujnr M K, li'U t>!if i-.ml.liri tvi-i.rt . tin- ti.jj.ir wmilil laugh nt bi-r. Muri- tliim tint aii.l l.ailjr KM t y ' j fiiiali IIIM in-1.nl tin- major nmilii tliif yoiuis mil li'iil limit- grit than he giivi- liltn ir.-.lit fur, nml wln-n mij ©No UH rli.inU'iiK tiinl ilt'tl>lou»»ly lo\ •l# m l.i.Iv Kitt) I1.11I MirtiM with ,.l I'tli .uini^r 1 i.\i. Il II Illllll II* IK1I1 iltuli »!i«- i i ' i I «'M"'»"t tin- Wi.rat- or U10 bi-.-.t, tiii-niiliiii: t.i lirr p..hit »'( vl-wi 'IIn- i.mjur i-Jiii.l 1>« »>'ry ng AnJ »hi» liii'l nut nirn-il witli .Mil- eon; tt.it «l all. If tln-y 1 liiw <:M CtHullli.ll iol'UI .i-IVIUtlim lllttlnK III tlll< twrtinruiii Uiml of til- Inilnt .mil i'"W ;iy i.',,.' " , i . IK,I t'i l-l'iiin- It lin-l i-u liitir-i'iiiii- .it l.-"t M'x.m, or. riitli.-r. b\ tin- tinii' tin- 111.1J111 1'iirty I10J ri UIH-J tin- minli t.ii.l> Mtty Mul »<• 11 «ii nriiiy lniiit" ii.il i'H» 1'imlui Uiat Ui" n-ni-li; li:nl ln«uii lu imll. nuil A.ill*uu ttn.I I".-iiii'il u p i n a wnlruui* um »lii: t-iiil oluiuat miiil "at- t'al'UoJi" if lii,r«i-lf. lli> w:m ITO-HI ID Link at, tlil« tall, lean, Ktrnnj y»u<g wi'iirru.-r, wltli lile auitliurii n rrim» lint ln-t\v«-»n tun «»'l tirlik ilu-.t nml lil» Mrnlulit, c-loan Ufa opcriinw In utili'U, <nii-«|ii-rlt>l mnlliii mul i-lijwiii^ uliitu, mjiiarv ti-i-tli llkt- Ill.w rut'll \ liml «...-\ tilm ftnl wlirll ht- Clllll" to lii.ft tin 11) nt Hi- llttli- l"|'»!'li-'l pliii. txy/fvl—it^|".t nt Omrl Kin- liml «ji|>4 tin.- I'liitf'iriii «h«-n tli« trnlii -w In, nml uvi-r Hi" innj'ir'a iliivi? col •il niiiiliri TD «h" Inur inuulit a gll!-:t>«i- <-r 11 i.lii-iit. "ri'it flifiirB 011 blllill I'Hiy. Ilil li:'< jilllll'-l "I'lWIl »<'r his iyi>, ill's 'liin "li, n* li" lolnuri'ly tirvi-yiil tin Ir i-nrty. -Klio liml llki»") tin- «.:- ir, .-.i.,l (tliiiii-" nt lii» (trnjr'ryMi. Tln-i«. imi N-.iiiHIilnir. »•> »• n - i . r l y w.<-ll Mini'-' If fiilll'i''iit I" tliolr <-t pri-i'il'iii v.in-ii llii.y un t li'-ii tlmt l.i\"ly K i t t y li.'Jil fi'lt 11 (.I'-.-m-irnlil" 1 tliinl.i of •X|>>-<'tiin< y. HI tliuiiK'i tin- i-linrni of In-r fe-tiiltiltilty lni'1 h-.u-lvwl a "•Ijullrne". Then 1 « r < i i " .l'.uM l.ut wlmt »lie li»"l met it. lt'-'fcail. i;-'t. n-fii)".! aerloua. rni'rely « |(-'irt<if tli.ii trl|i,. II* liml not •pi.t-art"! Wdfth' '•onriMrrlnf, like lh» oilier iii-ti, v. h i , 111 Ilio tmij'ir neatly put It, liml B|.|it<-"'lnt>-l l'l"'r bl">nllllt' wlnu I.U'ly Ilitly Imil «nill«l vu tli»U) Hl,ii- liml f.-ll ttn'it In a "lay. or an nil" colll'l 11'"I K-'')!-y "ii'l Ipnvn 1,1 rn vrllli Ui" niuii"? <-mif"irtiilil<; p-B.ri.-t oa 1!«.! mouiitnlii It-nlf. wltli II* (turui-oue, fin ».-t tint'il. B.iinlMt'-iii- linik. Hint liml D')t tnl:«'ii Hi" limn lillnf-'lf Int'i "- CTHtl-jn nt nll.-otnl IIIW, •U'ldenly, out n wor'l uf v/ariiliiif. tlio man liad Iciiiiwl frym lilanadillo au>l bail kl 1 """ Kin- lr!«-l t'i for«"-t to rcmftnW Ui wful iiKiirn-iit. l.ut Ita few dutall* daii/'-il tlir'itJKli Ii'-r tnlinl Irnlatcntly. Tln-ri/ lui'l I— n 11 I'lim'ull'-nifl nftor ulii from 1,'rtt ''i'i-i.i !n tin- inurniiif. Tli« pirty v.'fta g-ii.'n; ttirouxli Arlioua-tlM Diiijor, ilr». MnJ'ir ami'OJ<* maj'ir ml n')rs. all g'.rlu, mi'J li'-rm'lf. Tr'.ro Arl I i r i a tlif-7 v/>)"il"i K'i t/firk t'j K All'l •'I'litMlljr 111' 1 M- dra*.*n u.-:ir*-r l'» IJ'T itW'i hruvin tnua- t«J!2. .(iii'I .MliH'iii'ii anii li.i'l awuug rotni"! III-T.-nii'l In- lii'l kisvil l.t-r. Ju cl'l'-i.t.illy I.fi'ty Kitty »u un'-rrUIn tljut »ln- liail ii-<! - N", »'"* t'.i'l nvt. all- t'>M l.fr^^if j.vnitivi-lj-, Kb« tin.] orjl; p«-nnltt«--l! l)!:n «•» kilt I»T. t'Jt Hint w.1*''i|'ilti' Mr/!:|{!i. Ar.il- that was not ll-n'.t <i'ilt" nil. flif fcs'l Mid Willis i'i liim "I mi^lit Inn. «-ii^-~!'il tlist a like yiu KWM <!o t!.»t »-;rt of tWo*." KIJI- \f\\i liii-nnt to r r latt- him, 'BIJ.I !,<• l.irt ImiKh^l <uA her rl'Ji? v.i nl..-n<J Hl,n wondered tin- •a.tlly w.'il.'r vr iiot tb/rrv wa« aa/ reanvn tor !.!« '!i<*rf'iil:i'S». Hul or had «!;<r ti'/t i:»w'l h[t:i?. In •OilditiiiOTi of tin- (iltsti! miO the nirl c m cont/>ntn:"!it »h" # Jia<l f' It at ttifainiir!)/ r'i[*il and briO'J«d, ao to apeak, hj tin ih<i bid forg-stleu eo- tlr.-ly ^st bv* far »li»/h»4 rcT**l«) "Walt. [»li-ai»." lu:.. " . - 1 1 siiiN.l t.-,:t ..',. :.-i:l;.>l;»;..ty . t: -t ittiw i^'iil {'.--•>.---.I li.-r It u i < r..# tf%i turn' lu 1,-s ..-.- i!.«t nt >• li u l n ' t f»lt »tl"^ f , '•"•">'< -'• •"' " A » '"'•" 1 rtuksrii-il J.i-t u 'iv »!.«• h ill a t.J..y.-u« U-l-.-i t;..H i{ I!-.. «.--'i if ti« w ju;a. U Ihi-J" K«T<- l'U;> lint ijiiUB l»ni.)t row. If u»ly tli«'i« » i n - u . t li>uii» a;iJ j l "" ! '' '*''' T ••' '•••' ••"-». her f:.tt,.r au a li.Klu^ «r cour^-j " 1!t tu ;-;',';'" ! :"";.' ;'"* h ™£i ^liiuy, MIL ftlnti^t l.iii|il)«\l out IDIUI ! . to tliiuk ail nt MOT Iww cuuiflt-u-iy I10J voiio nut uf her Ufa ttw> li.l 1 ,''a t ffi t * a -. ' t -...I ? ,.!r K v y '• 1, ^;--.-> - h!;,1> K'l'y iV.l it !'•• Ev.civ.i I I'.'lt ••-. i-i: .4 A i^*:-f t > •« .1.1 ii tii-.f 1 . 1 \ ir ST.-t . AT »,. .. .* . . . fc •: '..-:» a;, I I. i.l ' t. ••! ' : W!.i-:i ,..,. > :• *:>4 I g «tK-k< Atttl thi-y wi'tv tn I* m*rrte.l la 111 111. i I. Hlin I.X'WIHI ut tti« diiuiv !b^4iil oa tli" l.lu.U i»u\y nu.l aiglust 'I'l'll)' If mi')' tm " j a i l t.ilk. t,> IKT TUvy tiirnr.l » IHU.1 hi tin- t-uih au.l t'«;i l>lr« . .«i , f nu.-fi J i l l - it !u 1.1.1 Iht -f <r. r ti> uinl iiliiMio wi»mli'r>il i ,. ; ; ^ - , | ' . i .... , n,, t ;, ^.^iS* „., »u.mt. nmt u url « u < > W | ,1,,. al ,-, l i ( . . u i •<> iii.«<i U k e u lilj tlii-m nwiiy. tt.mi 11 utiaBsliuii j j,.,,,,, ,i,,. v , , . ; i „,,,. ,..,jW.—., j ny -nuiiM,.--' fring.- «f I.H| t.-i.i!iiHiiit U'..i( iTrn I a ; i , , - ] , - - , . . . . . . „ , , , , , , , , 1 , * ! , , fur tti.- Btw-.ii M m mil!" t.ninr-l I ,!,„ , , s ,,f i,,..,.»>.,( (., ». u.i'V lain- li-'in Hiinillinjiy I July Kitty tii .In- hail iivvi-r wn-ii *ii< h li.'iu'^i. "llelln. ill" at AtlUxn Tin m ilil. i..>i.» i't 1 ut ! I 1-ri-, |..r- |.- tl,. ' M i l , ' f , , - . - 1 , j ll.all. I'.-' ;- 11,1'lit < I 1 • „• • t'.-.ll I f 1 • . . • till* innill lll.l.-lil » .nil.>llt il.mil I n j ,.,.•,„.( . , , ; • 111.- giil.il II.- w.inl. « -if tl..- I-')- ; r ,. v ,,,.| , , . .. tii-lli Ililll II V li;.]tln' tlj.ll \\ nut <-'i|.. f , , , , . ! . *. I . T 4 •* 1. I A<- • : t - ' 1 I , ..i..l.,ii M i | | 'l til l.<m- »•,! t' ar ll»* H l'irj">ri\- .1 I .M'»t.t|U t!i« 1'i.ij'iir ^i',|. ,ti \U"• rrfit <UI H I'it Ullil -.. . l i t ; Alllvm a.iiil "No.' In- M.-.II'I rl.lii a litlli. nml >>ii) If tin' I'litli "'n > lu»u |t.nit\ » Kl.ii- n l ' I t ; " liliHllitliin '"Ihi lu» Ii Mi .1 1I.-.I.V. I.iii tl A> In- i.xle. n Kitty, 1 -'I •!. \- lii'1 II >nly uiitll tin- I -„.,,,.,,, 1I1.T >• <• (write* >.} « I " ' Hi ill. Uiili-»» -.,.- <•{ llr" ,.,1111'IM' 11. • ' « .Hi isn-jl i-m- I in clr- tipaj I* IM.I <iiil nil nti;*i r' v ^ Wlm .-V.T «-.;.. •] n-.nnir. ,'" ' ' , .; •'. if t! n.lj... (He \VRb»- a° « - H i . . t i li B "l.iily " IV. iiiiiii,- ti.iit a -TV. 'Win. U ttin " «' . V Hi It W>- |||l"t 1 \. 1.-1 1 .1,1 >m m !...,. I!.- ni||--'tl«O 11 1 'Tin whviiy^ nfiiiiil nf Miuiioiitfi," ^ ,;, t i... f: •,, • ,: ahu Btl.l I'-iiuiili-iiti 1 Ij. "Wh.it If y . i i | r ,. 1,,. [.,-, i!.- 1 ami ll-ili liml 1II1I111. tilumli Into t!if ; n,,|, ',, ,;,-,;•.. You winil.l, t.i.i, uuly It HII nit t,t,t - t i^ ..f \ •' dark ji-t. Hut ll'il) Lno»« t!i» n a y ,.,, t j ,,. , r , ,.r Hi-1 -ohi. 1 up l|i-r«- «-> utti-ti " "1,1:11,' ,I,MI- "I «nipiiy«n ht- dn»-T." I,aily Kitty liVil.i-,1 ilnnighlfi'.lly tiuwir it Urn uliui figure Ui tin- rrxl rullcu drvM, at t!.«- pretty itlmiiliil fnev Hist liml lint y> t lunt tin- riimiliirin ur iliilnly ••uluiiiiij of rlillillio'id. ll« »ui'iin I-i In- n \.r) Inti-r.-illni; yniiuii imiu." 1 «,,,.,.,,, ,, t .',.,,. "Vrn. ll.ili'l» lilii'-" lilnn-li- a|-..lif \ n| .,j ,,., | j , » , , f . •Imply, with nil olr nf (u-.n-i-ful i r a m r j nr ,,| ,|^. • j ,f. • •hl|i "I gupi*» wu'll g.;t liKirrliil B-i'iii i w ,, 1I{ i, n 3 I-..;! ,1:, la ll.il) m u i m ti. tin. I'.ilnt " , tiM „.,, . ... | ,, ,..,., i l,r,,nl,!.-. "ll.ii liu" l.inly Kitty lii-iltatvil dell, nl'-'y Inn In- Miln-I y n u i " rh , n,,i,, r ,,r Hmllh. IHMI|II>..« »y«" "I|»MII-1 In "mi'iirl" 1 Wln'iiu.' i- i> .. '•'.:" Ii t. |.'.m«l from "Why. in). ii"t |."liit lilniik. ln.it | j 4 |! ,, r | i,ii,.r:».nr.v o l i . r a long «"-n- we'ro l."-""« g"!ng t"K'-t)i<-r »v.-i' « i |,.,,... «, ( , J.J K,.-.J ' wti.li- !.•• « a t hi year. I'm •i-vititin.-ii. 1m.I *nyn Idnt'a j |,,,,, r ,,- ,!,,iv(ir'.,;'.i L^.l |,..iilt!i wli.-u Un kllul uf yniiiiu. I'Ht I tlilnk ail'II n ai^iit ! ,,,i. ri^i :• . .; . . •.;' :,-.!,. arty an* of IJiili li"'ll Ii'l 'in K>'I iiinrrl.-il." ..! i.ft.i, -,, • M .. .«• .i-. i'.'.n.it -ti-^ptloa Allln'iii ramit u\> Win imlh nm-niic tin- j j'^TT' -. ,1 i-rrtr-.- ••> .-i •>!« Iniinltury. Inm. ' . i»ut.l.-.. i i,i- - . v..:f :i i.- (T ;i't:> ••* for "It'a nil right," Im i'all"-<l. !'\Vr II :( ,,.,>llJt „.,,, „.,,.^,;:, |,,;, ,, |,j t;,,,»,. who inaki' tin ranch Iwfor" 'lark. (Ji^lhy, \ w | a ), ,,, K t ,, r n...-, I,,M:-.'I) 11,^ tny»- iluipK." ', t,;v !,,.» In tui.. » ,rl« r.^iiimltj 1 au<l "Uy, ll'jh" ll«>r giurn •' fnilowwl i ,);,-•, -||... f;:.- ;> i.^rl.Ji > t!." inor» tin wistfully. "Hr njj t.jnlKlif'" j iin;-j',mr:T '•"••<• - i - »«^.ii»>iiv . e*. "Muybn." AJiinon 'U'l iiot tuiii , rryt[,,< ,i... - . . . _ a nit * i . _ _ u k . l . . . ^- . -- . ^ . . * - . * * ! \VU«ii th* cablu ' out of j ,(,„ i..,:.,! .... ry ..Inj. n rvc-jgul are gvln« tip to Ui« tauyuri t'>- j rn'^rhit-i- morrow, nrvu't JUU'I" j HJH. n ,,i.-.; "Aa fur ui tli« w;,rlnK-i, IJii-n w« g i j _.,.[,,,,!-,, t ovi-r Uito Arl/xina" ' Hutii-r.l.ii I ' T i n K'l-i'tf l'^>." AHl.vm'« loin- vu j 'llilol nii'l il"(l»lvi>, j i u Ijiily Kitty •uiik-'l anil rrmljiil f >r n I |j... ],,-, loaf o f f t h « homcli that fininlinl l»-r i ,,f i|... ... M far*?. _• i I**, j i u ^ ? I •-K . " A r f y ou. III'1<-«.-«1? Ai if'ii.l"?" j |i>r:. .-i >•'. < A d'lll fluih rrrpt up nii'l'T til"aiiii *riifi" i-)^ burn, f-.i'ly Kitty f'»M'iwnl up In-r ml ,,;[,;, ,-,.< i ;i:r:,. not >.'•" ^ nrlnl ',! i.'.t t.'Hl lulll'll.— I- ;,-•• i'i I,!.! ".'iiitm ;,". -.);• 1.1;.-II -,fi W.-jri In I •.:• ,:iii!,i." I:, that vit. Ir'-.. Sin^ '.f '•'.Vlt'-h- Ii'. 'i.->. •:••- 'it •; ii'lriri h.'.\ i.-l ;r. .v,t-.!.,r:ift "I nut (find thn major «^<-iir"-l y.n . j t ! >• r ' - L< ' • .",'<••,• •.-,. r -. 4'H ,IM' wl.Ji-h Wo or» ri'^iily mn:li n lot of Imi'H-.-rit* j ,-.,.iM f..,-:.r !* n. ,.;i,tr.l f.,r nor ant my In tli«an psrU that you will l<.-'..JI, .).,:; i ,;••'-!> t!,_- •*. -tv n .rllH-'l welrouie." j t o i ,<,-..• m •;-. :•,.-.! ; r-.l y. _;-,-;. > I " - . r t t . ^ "I amn-it a.tllig oi KU!-!» to atmy- j , uf •,.' •!.-•• •-•< '•••"• »••'! ' - ( " .'i--h<^ lijaT lull 1 .' «-i,' : t I o-n fC'tiijS nfl'r y.-i " ! t;.i- j * ,-• - . f - :. '?;.;. » . - I ^ i ; - ii W K I,a'ljf Kltty'j ry«.-l/r'i/. : « llf'fl. l ! h" | <!,-m u -.n i ";.;-"; |.'.- -.f l--?r.J diil not im." t lilt gi/-». li'iwovrr v l ; in: | m.'l «!..,• , t •• i v ; s i '.)',•••, i .,],' I'tilt.it •kll'vy Jii.r llujl>nt!*'<i>a. i it l . f i - I -. t - -«.* • ' • - "f ^ti * i!in-r l.ii:i<-t "it'li vi-ry iiifid of y u u , I 'm «ur". l/'it : tru, r ^-.i -. i ..'•:! -T.'I «->ii.'-iim*4 1 fl-yl)t l^elK-yn J w/iil"l I f I wi-re yon j u, . " I :>• ! •:. i ' i i i> r t -.f !!.•• sit'-li 'Wo.aall for horn"? III KyrnnlHrr, ainl I j . .,rr- •;,.,-. •! - - ;:i t , . • [, j r t of i. 1 ,"- J>!'-- Ini \if t<" u.nrri"'] h«-«l Bi'tiutf l.nti ; t-ir" •'.--.. I , t:,- I.;.;:••!." If—li'-r- vol'-'.- v/an tniap!'-!') 1 !!!/ ifiy i - ^—, anil rli-.ir-"«-»<-n If otiB 'ivi fo'K-'. ' n«n'i r .-.l.n- ii.Ki.rr ri»i>. ao«DKthj.<"i In'tJili w.n'li-rlaii'l. «ft<r ail. I O f a i i U - fr>-li r'-iinilin ti.'it »r» on»'» sli»'•omitP:!' lii.-4t. y j i i kii-.w." ; »..t::>-ti:.--i ;•• ;..'"-!• fir »'--ii li .«-•.« Ho «tar>.-.<l l i t I n r l a dnv.iililg !.!»•»'*t i I- '•"•'' '••'"•• " -1 •'• >< " ' " r>-< otniiK-mlwl *d,;>!. a n d hl» fiw « wu.4 p.tifuily I*'/-! .v.r'r-il •'- •:• I : . " « i r . - • : . - -.v.ir«t. 'Hi'-yr lab U i i l * li'irddi"-.! p-ilri. ' j run nil t;.» _••> i>- fr ,,•-, ai,;.lyl;ij{ l."«-f- "I o'jjtht t. *aj- I'm corry." I." M M a'. ! •-'•'>- '!'•! ' •••'•'' ••' '•> "•'•T'-oti ti r-wt- ln.1t. " b ' i t l ' t n n o r . P »-5 i your fault ! 1»X !'-•• : -'" ' ' " •'•'-> '•• ' l ~ '•••>• }'' u r Iv,. Von inu'.ii <•> •'•trry •! mjp-r 3!i{-| P l l f '' • » :•?'':-'•'y p.-.-j. .r.-l.n-..l nml na!4 If yo'j i!-/ii't want v.'rtM-k» »i'itii{ j e'lfl. n ;-.; I'.KM «:.-l k..-;. t!.<-lra^«n frw yjtir trri'k." ' i **''«> ''••*'• ""'' *' ;: - - " ' ' • ! J'" 1 w l " s '"' "K<"'! "lljiir'! »ri ts!n." H'.II f:i"- Sdft«':iwl tr.i'li," slur |ii';s!:""'!. ^ tip Uii-y fotja'l tli« trail (i;;iiti nail «lurl'-<l tte i?,tA'-t towanl I/M» Slooa-at it fatter gilt >•!<] otiB r-iirJ. TU«7 ro<]« on In Kitty tru*t tF*K ncA with the Bjenicrrjr of Uw girl to red caSlco frtab lo mind and tb» fac» no i:r > i-- tl.>•»•• >!» no.i!r'i'n» ' '•" «> " v * r r tics I.-<.'o!::it.-y t.:f<- In Ataerica. "Ma." <a:l Mn Maiai.rop'«. llttlo boy. '"what in 'antimony?'" "Sli, tlu't'it r.'/t' nl'* to talk «ty>at" f "It'n what a tram bor r»[.lie»l Mm. t lad; g«U »!« «^t'i "V", 1

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Post on 30-Oct-2020




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Page 1: • y...WO SING CHINESE LAUNDRY. 14 North Avenue, Cranford, NJ. THE ORIGINAL LAUN-t I Lady KiityV:; I Temoiaiion Bs UOLA lORRtSTER *{ti DRY IN CRANFORD. Tliti1 …

• y •




-•3r j

seseszsa sviSeS?Ea SBSZSZSS sBsratsasa

Send for Descriptive Circular-

poultry S:n)[.!u« .if I-V<TJT doacription. ,,. Enpirw S u t « Incobatori

»nd BroixhTi. l'nirii- isute Incubator* and .Hrooders. Star

Incnbuton .vi.l I!n>«> 1 -r*. ( m e n Bone and Vegetal"!* Cut U l i

Grindiiu; Mill*, Wire NVuititf. Whiltf Washing Machine*.

Lice Killi-r*. lln-ij) Ciirp*.' Cholfr» Curr».

Coinli'.imi l 'uw.l .n lv,'ir Producer* Spray Pump*.

Unn'.ii:.; FoiHit.iim. Konnel Supplie*.

Jlnd evep.ytliinR fop Bracking and Reaping all kindsof Poultry, Pigeons and Pet Stock..

O u r

Excelsior Wire & Poultry Supply Co., SDept. aD. I

W . V. R'JSS. PR ' l? . 2 6 a i 8 V c s c y S t . N E W Y O R K C I V . jjj•pji H S 1 S

Union Water CompanyIncorporated 1870. Organized I891

The Union''•V^.T rcm-i>any sT«in»lie» .the Inhabitants of the Tillage*

•IFanwood. V.'u-Ui M, rr.;.,(,,ra anJ Koucvllo with water for domeatio vux

"The Purest and Sweetest that Nature can Yield."

fcrti«aUoMP«ttofUo.l..r...:..l iC

!•» of «r»ator«anle|.ailt»," and In

' T h e ^ « V o f ^ l . . ' " > u i ' w " ' ' i - ^ i i ^ l - i t h th««l»M<«in»hlcb It. plant I. locate . **» 1<t« th« polii y i-f.ti.J iii:.-> un.n-ot I" Ii ,1 ill full .h'lre f> pr«not» their «rowtL and t*o.jwrit»

The Company Refers to all its Patrons.A.r»pr««ul-itit-..f'll...<'-v.i-^»'.ill-l<e|.l«*<ltocBllon pwtlwwli.. do nut .1 l.r~.nl o«

Jwnwr-from in ii.aiw.. jnl,-i;-!,i.1i ii> '•". i-'im-, ra«ll.'>J.">'«»»l<-«. «tc.

Union Water Company.fit 63 Broad Street. Elizabeth. •

The ElizabethtownGaslight Company.

Supplies ga.s to the people of Crau-fortl for li. ht and fuel. If you havenever urwl JUJIH for cooking purposestry it and y<>u will he. pleased. TheCi)tup;my. will furnish and Bet allutensils necessary lo une gas for fuel.A ! ;is range ia economical and con-venient.

Ad,<lre*a the Company at121 Broad street.

\ Elizabeth,

— A discount of ten por cent will bo allowedon gas bills of 1,00O foot and ovor used por month,

If paid at this off i o within ton day^ from 'presentation of bill.


LAUNDRY.14 North Avenue,



I Lady KiityV:;I Temoiaiion


DRY IN CRANFORD.Tliti1 best work und most

careful trtkatmeht\>f good*Woik r»!i«l for «ntl dtlWt-rwi.

Satisfaction Cuarantea*.

Wo Sins,14 North Atenus, Cranford, N. J.

T i ' - i I * i • * " • . ; . I • . ! > K ; i > * : U i i i -

I r i i i i s . 1 . ; : : •* u - < \ I . V . ; : . . i . - ' i s K i . - i v

M - ' 1 1

t . . .



•oanoiNQ av o»vo« wem/"or ttrau apply to



Civil Engineer and Surveyor.•uiilf (n|lne«r. TewneMn engi-

neer t*r Craftier* T»««»hlp.

Main Office, 15 01* Building,


.,• ! . , , « l!..y h.1,1 rM.S.-II

II..- 11 -.:i !•:. I I <fli ni . t i ' r

lv.-!i .i .1 1. 'I rui'f ti> IT

' 1. i:.' - !v ;ii..li f..t ttu-

tiroxuultjr, l u t U»>- tt i-'-i un hi-, .!u«-k«

Uv . i i i i . i i ' i i inj,->ii.ii- tilt to iivr

i^su'.l her t<inv»r» vt fo:it-.fu!-

Or Robert Wakefield,


Office Hour*:

3-12 A. M.I-JKM,

Masonic Building.

Cranford, N. J*


Lchigh Coal, Lumber


E. A. O'Donnell,PLUHBER.

8*5IIT»IIT Pi.rManra, TIUBI-CO. Vv*

HACK* 4Nii lUnuKx. Hir.«M AKD <U«


All Work CuaranU*.

Mill*r Block, CKANFOH!)

TO1 H4J.

N. A. BARNETT,North Avenue, - Cranford, N- J.Carrlay:^^ ' r»<t Atitomoblle

Rubber Tires for Wagons and Automobiles.

ix S

Expert hor-cihociti r at\d general blacksrnithin?.


W. W. Mendell,

Carpenter and Builder,

! \ \V»1o*'t


Lchigh Valley Coal

Kindling Wood

lj> Olock.


Violin and Mandolin instructor,In prPpBr^d to rec*lre pupils for

Yluliu Initructlon. For tonne, np-

l<\y to or lu'drti*1 JE.H8K WHEELER.? South AT«. , Critford, N. J

The Burkely Hotel,

Beat Locationest Apiolntmentseat Service

OIAnyHotelin Elizabeth

Broad St.


Ui.n, l

Aa [,r A : I-mi, bo » a *

• m o caught trim w l m t l i u s aa t h . )turnfvl liitu Itril Mountain K U U I I , mutw l * u »bi' t u J ili-liUsrati-ly rMdeii

Kitty f i l l i n t u t i M l.y tlie Imij i"Xprv**iHl tu III* ci-iirUtfitt

auil Hiiu l.y th» ktii.i%\liMgeUist tu- « m in . iknu 1-1 ti'*r. I t IK U' l

ta fi-i'l a II .T-.UHH nti-aily ua**-tnhlii i l 'utic If It liml IK-.-II any mit'tl%tt B!K* >vonM t.-» rtaliiiy h.ivi* tv(.i»rt«lbis uu>i>niili>:>n1-ly IIHUI i n n l i n t tnMujnr M K, li'U t>!if i-.ml.liri tvi-i.rt

. t in- ti . j j . ir wmilil laugh ntbi-r. Muri- tliim t i n t aii.l l.ailjr KMt y ' j fiiiali IIIM in-1.nl tin- major nmilii

tliif yoiuis m i l li'iil limit- g r i t thanhe giivi- liltn ir.-.lit fur, nml wln-n mij©No UH rli.inU'iiK tiinl ilt'tl>lou»»ly lo\

•l# m l .i .Iv Ki t t ) I1.11I MirtiM with

,.l I'tli .uini^r 1 i.\i. Il II Illllll II* IK1I1iltuli »!i«- i i ' i I «'M"'»"t tin- Wi.rat-

or U10 bi-.-.t, tiii-niiliiii: t.i l irr p..hit »'(vl-wi 'IIn- i.mjur i-Jiii.l 1>« »>'ry ng

AnJ »hi» liii'l nut nirn-il witli .Mil-eon; tt.it « l all. If tln-y 1 l i i w l» <:MCtHullli.ll iol 'UI .i-IVIUtlim lllttlnK III tlll<twrtinruii i Uiml of t i l - Inilnt .mil i'"W

;iy i.',,.' " , i . IK,I t'i l-l'iiin- It lin-li-u liitir-i'iiiii- .it l .-"t M'x.m, or. riitli.-r.

b\ tin- t inii ' tin- 111.1J111 • 1'iirty I10Jr i U I H - J tin- m i n l i t.ii.l> M t t y Mul

»<• 11 «ii nriiiy l n i i i t " i i . i l i'H» 1'imluiUiat Ui" n-ni- l i ; li:nl ln«ui i lu imll. nuilA.ill*uu ttn.I I".-iiii'il up i n a wnlruui*

um »lii: t-iiil oluiuat miiil "at-t 'a l 'UoJi" if lii,r«i-lf.

lli> w:m ITO-HI ID Link a t , tlil« tall ,lean, Ktrnnj y»u<g wi ' i i r ru . - r , wltli lileauitliurii n rrim» lint ln-t\v«-»n tun «»'ltirlik ilu-.t nml lil» Mrnlulit, c-loan Ufaopcriinw In utili'U, <nii-«|ii-rlt>l mnlliiimul i-lijwiii^ uliitu, mjiiarv ti-i-tli llkt-Ill.w rut'll \

liml «...-\ tilm ftnl wlirll ht- Clllll"to l i i . f t tin 11) n t Hi- llttli- l"|'»!'li-'lpliii. txy/fvl—it^|".t nt Omrl Kin- liml

« j i | > 4 tin.- I'liitf'iriii «h«-n tli« trnlii-w In, nml uvi-r Hi" innj'ir'a iliivi? col•il niiiiliri TD «h" Inur i nuu l i t a

gll!-:t>«i- <-r 11 i.lii-iit. " r i ' i t flifiirB 011 •

blllill I'Hiy. Ilil li:'< jilllll'-l "I'lWIl »< ' rhis i y i > , ill's ' l i in "li, n* li" lolnuri'ly

tirvi-yiil tin Ir i-nrty. -Klio liml llki»")tin- «.:- ir, .-.i.,l (tliiiii-" nt lii» (trnjr'ryMi.Tln-i«. i m i N-.iiiHIilnir. »•> »• n - i . r ly w.<-ll

Mini'-' If fiilll ' i ' ' iit I" tliolr <-tpri-i'il'iii v.in-ii llii.y un t li '-ii tlmt l.i\"lyK i t t y li.'Jil fi'lt 11 (.I'-.-m-irnlil"1 tliinl.i of•X|>>-<'tiin< y. H I tliuiiK'i tin- i-linrni of In-rfe-tiiltiltilty lni'1 h-.u-lvwl a "•Ijullrne".

T h e n 1 « r < i i " . l ' .uM l.ut wlmt »lie li»"lm e t it. lt'-'fcail. i;-'t. n-fii)".! aerloua.rni'rely « |(-'irt<if tli.ii tr l | i , . I I* liml not•pi.t-art"! Wdfth' '•onriMrrlnf, l ike lh»oilier iii-ti, v. h i , 111 Ilio tmij'ir neatlypu t It, liml B|.|it<-"'lnt>-l l ' l" ' r bl">nllllt'w l n u I.U'ly I l i t ly Imil «nil l«l vu tli»U)Hl,ii- liml f.-ll ttn'it In a "lay. or an nil"colll'l 11'"I K-'')!-y "ii 'l Ipnvn 1,1 rn vrllliUi" niuii"? <-mif"irtiilil<; p-B.ri.-t oa 1!«.!mouiitnlii It-nlf. wltli II* (turui-oue, f i n».-t t i n t ' i l . B.iinlMt'-iii- l inik. Hint limlD')t tnl:«'ii Hi" limn lillnf-'lf Int ' i "-CTHtl-jn nt nll.-otnl I I I W , •U'ldenly,out n wor' l uf v/ariiliiif. tlio m a n liadIciiiiwl frym l i lanadi l lo au>l bail kl1"""

Kin- lr!«-l t 'i for«"-t to r c m f t n W Ui• wful iiKiirn-iit. l.ut Ita few dutal l*daii/ ' - i l tlir'itJKli Ii'-r tnlinl Irnlatcntly.Tln-ri/ lui'l I— n 11 I'lim'ull'-nifl nftor ulii

from 1,'rtt ''i'i-i.i !n tin- inurniiif. Tli«p i r t y v.'fta g-ii.'n; ttirouxli A r l i o u a - t l MDiiijor, i l r » . MnJ'ir ami'OJ<* maj ' i r mln')rs. all g'.rlu, mi'J li'-rm'lf. Tr' .ro ArlI i r i a tlif-7 v/>)"il"i K'i t/firk t ' j K

All'l •'I'litMlljr 111'1 M-dra*.*n u.-:ir*-r l'» I J 'T itW'i hruvin tnua-t«J!2. .(iii'I .MliH'iii'ii an i i li.i'l a w u u g• rotni"! III-T.-nii'l In- l i i ' l k i s v i l l.t-r. Jucl'l'-i.t.illy I.fi'ty Ki t ty » u un ' - r rUIntljut »ln- liail ii-<! - N", »'"* t'.i'l nvt. all-t'>M l.fr^^if j.vnitivi-lj-, Kb« tin.] orjl;p«-nnltt«--l! l)!:n «•» k i l t I»T. t ' J t Hintw.1*''i| 'ilti ' Mr/!:|{!i. Ar.il- tha t was not• l l - n ' . t <i'ilt" nil. flif fcs'l MidWillis i'i liim

"I mi^lit I n n . «-ii^-~!'il t l i s t al ike y i u K W M <!o t!.»t »-;rt of tWo*."

KIJI- \f\\i liii-nnt to r r

latt- him, 'BIJ.I !,<• l.irt ImiKh^l <uAher rl'Ji? v.i nl..-n<J Hl,n wondered tin-•a.tlly w. ' i l . ' r vr iiot tb/rrv wa« a a /reanvn tor !.!« '!i<*rf'iil:i'S». Hulor had «!;<r ti'/t i:»w'l h[t:i?. In•OilditiiiOTi of tin- (iltsti! miO the nirlc m cont/>ntn:"!it »h"# Jia<l f' It atttifainiir!)/ r'i[*il and briO'J«d, ao toapeak, hj t i n ih<i bid forg-stleu eo-tlr.-ly ^ s t b v * far »li»/h»4 rcT**l«)

"Walt. [»li-ai»."

lu:.. " . - 1

1 siiiN.l t.-,:t

. . ' , . :.-i:l;.>l;»;..ty

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i t t iw i ^ ' i i l { ' . - -•>.--- . I l i .-r I t u i < r . . #

tf%i t u r n ' l u 1,-s . . - . - i ! . « t nt >• li u l n ' t

f » l t » t l " ^ f , ' • " • " > ' < - ' • •"' "A » ' " ' • "1 rtuksrii-il J . i - t u ' iv »!.«• h ill at . J . . y . - u « U-l - . - i t ; . .H i{ I ! - . . « . - - ' i

i f t i« w j u ; a .

U I h i - J " K«T<- l 'U;> l i n t i j i i U B l » n i . ) t

r o w . I f u » l y t l i « ' i « » i n - u . t l i>u i i» a ; i J j l " " ! ' ' ' * ' ' ' T • • ' '•••' • • " - » .

her f:.tt,.r a u a l i .Klu^ «r cour^-j " 1 ! t t u ; - ; ' , ' ; ' " ! : " " ; . ' ;'"* h™£i^liiuy, MIL ftlnti^t l.iii|il)«\l out IDIUI ! .

to tliiuk ail nt MOT Iww cuuiflt-u-iyI10J voiio nut uf her Ufa ttw> l i . l

1 ,''a t ffi t * a -. ' • t

-...I ? ,.!r K v y' • 1, ^ ; - - . - > - h!;,1>

K'l'y iV.l

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Ev.civ.i II ' . ' l t ••-.

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Hlin I.X'WIHI ut tti« diiuiv!b^4iil oa tli" l.lu.U i»u\y nu.l aiglust'I'l'll)' If mi')' tm " j a i l t.ilk. t,> IKTTUvy tiirnr.l » IHU.1 hi tin- t-uih au.l

t'«;i l>lr«

. .«i , f nu.-fi Jill-i t !u 1.1.1 • Iht

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l i l j t l i i - m n w i i y . t t . m i 11 u t i a B s l i u i i j j , . , , , , , , i , , . v , , . ; i „ , , , . , . . , jW.—., j n y - n u i i M , . - - '

f r i n g . - « f I . H | t . - i . i ! i i H i i i t U ' . . i ( iTrn I a ; i , , - ] , - - , . . . . . . „ , , , , , , , , 1 „ , * ! , , f u r

t t i . - B t w - . i i M m m i l ! " t . n i n r - l I , ! , „ , , s , , f i , , . . , . » > . , ( ( . , » . u . i ' V l a i n -

li- ' in Hiinillinjiy I J u l y K i t t y t i i

.In- h a i l i i v v i - r wn- i i *ii< h l i . ' i u ' ^ i .

"llelln.ill" at AtlUxn

T i n m i l i l . i . . > i . » i ' t

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t i l l * i n n i l l l l l . l . - l i l » . n i l . > l l t i l . m i l I n j , . , . • , „ . ( . , , ; •

111. - g i i l . i l I I . - w . i n l . « - i f t l . . - I - ' ) - ; r , . v , , , . | , , . . .

t « t i i - l l i I l i l l l I I V l i ; . ] t l n ' t l j . l l \ \ n u t < - ' i | . . f , , , , . ! .* . I . T 4 • * • 1 . I A<- • : t - ' 1 I ,

. . i . . l . , i i M i | |

'l til l.<m-

»•,! t'arll»*H l ' i r j ">r i \ -

.1 I .M'»t.t |U

t!i« 1'i.ij 'iir

^i',|. , t i \U"•

r r f i t <UI H I ' i t U l l i l -.. . l i t ;

A l l l v m a . i i i l " N o . ' I n - M . - . I I ' I r l . l i i

a l i t l l i . n m l >>ii) I f t i n ' I ' l i t l i " ' n >

l u » u | t . n i t \ » Kl . i i - n l ' I t ; " l i l i H l l i t l i i n


Ii Mi .1 1I.-.I.V. I.iiitl A> In- i.xle. n

Kitty,1-'I • ! .

\ -

lii'1II >nly u i i t l l t i n - I - „ . , , , . , , , 1I1.T >• <• (write*

>.} « I " ' Hi i l l . U i i l i - »»- . , . - <•{ l l r " , . , 1 1 1 1 ' I M '

11. • ' « .Hi isn-jl i-m-

I in clr-

t i p a j I* I M . I<iiil nil nti;*i r'v Wlm .-V.T «-.;.. •]

n-.nnir. ,'" ' ' , .; •'.

if t! • n.lj... (He \VRb»-a° «-Hi..ti l i B "l.iily "

IV. iiiiiii,- t i . i i t a

-TV. ' W i n . U t t i n

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' T i n w h v i i y ^ n f i i i i i l nf M i u i i o i i t f i , " ^ , ; , t i . . . f : •,, • , :

a h u B t l . l I ' - i iu i i l i - i i t i 1 I j . " W h . i t If y . i i | r , . 1,,. [.,-, i ! . - 1

a m i l l - i l i l i m l 1II1I111. t i l u m l i I n t o t ! i f ; n , , | , ' , , , ; , - , ; • . .

Y o u w i n i l . l , t . i . i , u u l y It H I I n i t t , t , t - t i ^ . . f \ •'

d a r k j i - t . H u t l l ' i l ) L n o » « t ! i » n a y , . , , t j , , . , r , , . r

Hi-1 -ohi .1 u p l|i-r«- «-> utti-ti " "1,1:11,' , I , M I -"I «nipiiy«n ht- dn»-T." I,aily Kitty

liVil.i-,1 ilnnighlfi'.lly tiuwir i t Urn uliuifigure Ui tin- rrxl rullcu drvM, at t!.«-pre t ty itlmiilii l fnev Hist liml lint y> tlunt tin- r i imi l i i r in ur iliilnly ••uluiiiiijof rlillillio'id. l l « »ui'iin I-i In- n \ . r )Inti-r.-illni; yniiuii imiu." 1 „ «,,,. , . , , , , , t . ' , . , , .

"Vrn. ll.ili'l» lilii '-" lilnn-li- a|-..lif \ n | . , j ,,., | j , » , , f .•Imply, with nil olr nf (u-.n-i-ful i r a m r j n r , , | , | ^ . • j ,f. ••hl | i " I gupi*» wu' l l g.;t liKirrliil B-i'iii i w , , 1 I { i , n 3 I-..;! ,1 : ,la ll.il) m u i m ti. tin. I'.ilnt " , t i M „ . , , . ... | ,, ,..,., i l,r,,nl,!.-.

" l l . i i liu" l.inly Kitty lii-iltatvildell, nl'-'y Inn In- Miln-I y n u i " r h , n , , i , , r ,,r H m l l h .

IHMI|II>..« »y«" "I|»MII-1 In "mi'iirl"1 Wln ' i iu . ' i- i> . . '•'.:" Ii t. | . ' .m«l from"Why. in). ii"t |."liit lilniik. ln.it | j 4 | ! , , r | • i,ii,.r:».nr.v o l i . r a long «"-n-

w e ' r o l."-""« g"!ng t"K'-t)i<-r »v.-i' « i | , . , , . . . « , ( , J .J K,.-.J ' wti.li- !.•• « a t hiyear . I 'm •i-vititin.-ii. 1m.I *nyn Idnt 'a j | , , , , , r , , - ,!,,iv(ir'.,;'.i L^.l |,..iilt!i wli.-u Unkllul uf yniiiiu. I'Ht I tlilnk ail'II n ai^iit ! , , , i . ri^i : • . .; . . • . ; ' : , - . ! , . arty a n *of IJiili li"'ll Ii'l 'in K>'I iiinrrl.-il." ..! i.ft.i, -,, • M .. .«• .i-. i'.'.n.it - t i - ^p t loa

Allln'iii ramit u\> Win imlh nm-niic tin- j j'^TT' -. ,1 i - r r t r - . - ••> .-i •>!« I n i i n l t u r y .

I n m . ' . i » u t . l . - . . i i , i - - . v . . : f : i i . - ( T ; i ' t : > • • * f o r

"It'a nil right," Im i'all"-<l. !'\Vr II : ( , , . , > l l J t „.,,, „.,,.^,;:, | , , ; , ,, |,j t;,,,»,. whoinaki' t in ranch Iwfor" 'lark. (Ji^lhy, \ w | a ) , , , , K t , , r n...-, I,,M:-.'I) 11,^ tny»-

iluipK." ', t,;v !,,.» In tui.. » ,rl« r.^ii imltj1 au<l"Uy, l l ' jh" ll«>r giurn •' fnilowwl i ,);,-•, - | | . . . f;:.- ;> i.^rl.Ji > t!." inor»tin wistfully. "Hr njj t.jnlKlif'" j iin;-j',mr:T • '•"••<• - i - »«^.ii»>iiv . e* ."Muybn." AJiinon 'U'l iiot tuiii , rryt[,,< • ,i...

- . . . _ a n i t * i . _ _ u k . l . . . ^ - . - - . ^ . . * - . * * !\VU«ii th* cablu ' out of j ,(,„ i . . ,: . ,! . . . . ry ..Inj. n rvc-jgul

are gvln« tip to Ui« tauyuri t'>- j rn'^rhit-i-morrow, nrvu't JUU'I" j HJH. n ,,i.-.;

"Aa fur u i tli« w;,rlnK-i, IJii-n w« g i j _.,.[,,, ,!-,, tovi-r Uito Arl/xina" ' Hutii-r.l.ii I

'Tin K'l-i'tf l'^>." AHl.vm'« loin- v u j'llilol nii'l il"(l»lvi>, j i u

I j i i l y K i t t y • u i i k - ' l a n i l r r m l j i i l f >r n I | j . . . ] , , - ,

l o a f o f f t h « h o m c l i t h a t f i n i n l i n l l » - r i , , f i | . . . . . . M

f a r * ? . _• i I**, j i u ^ ? I • - K

. " A r f y o u . I I I ' 1 < - « . - « 1 ? A i i f ' i i . l " ? " j | i > r : . . - i >•'. <

A d ' l l l f l u i h r r r p t u p n i i ' l ' T t i l " a i i i i * r i i f i " i - ) ^

b u r n , f - . i ' l y K i t t y f ' » M ' i w n l u p I n - r m l , , ; [ , ; , ,-,.< i

; i : r : , . not >.'•" n r l n l

',! i.'.t t.'Hl lulll'll.—

I- ; , - • • i ' i I , ! . ! " . ' i i i t m

;,". - . ) ;• 1 . 1 ; . - I I -,fi W . - j r i I n

I • . : • , : i i i ! , i . " I : , t h a t

v i t . I r ' - . . S i n ^ ' . f ' • ' . V l t ' - h -

I i ' . ' i . - > . •:••- 'it • ; i i ' l r i r i

• h.'.\ i . - l ;r. . v , t - . ! . , r : i f t

" I n u t ( f i n d t h n m a j o r « ^ < - i i r " - l y . n . j t ! >• r ' - L< ' • .",'<••,• •.-,. r - . 4'H , I M ' • w l . J i - h

W o o r » r i ' ^ i i l y m n : l i n l o t o f I m i ' H - . - r i t * j , - . , . i M f . . , - : . r !* n . , . ; i , t r . l f . , r n o r

a n t m y I n t l i « a n p s r U t h a t y o u w i l l l < . - ' . . J I , . ) . , : ; i , ; • • ' - ! > t ! ,_- • * . -tv n . r l l H - ' l

w e l r o u i e . " j t o i ,<,-..• m •;-. : • , . - . ! ; r - . l y. _ ; - , - ; . > I " - . r t t . ^

" I a m n - i t a . t l l i g o i K U ! - ! » t o a t m y - j , u f •,. ' •! .-•• •-•< '•••"• » • • ' ! ' - ( " . ' i - - h < ^

l i j aT l u l l 1 . ' « - i , ' : t I o - n f C ' t i i j S n f l ' r y . - i " ! t ; . i - j * , - • - . f - : . ' ? ; . ; . » . - I ^ i ; - i i W K

I , a ' l j f K l t t y ' j r y « . - l / r ' i / . : « l l f ' f l . l ! h " | < ! , - m u - . n i " ; . ; - " ; | . ' . - - . f l - - ? r . J

d i i l n o t i m . " t l i l t g i / - » . l i ' i w o v r r v l ; i n : | m . ' l « ! . . , • , t •• i v ; s i '.)',•••, i . , ] , ' I ' t i l t . i t

• k l l ' v y J i i . r l l u j l > n t ! * ' < i > a . i i t l . f i - I -. t - -«.* • ' • - "f ^ t i * i ! i n - r l . i i : i < - t

" i t ' l i v i - r y i i i f i d o f y u u , I ' m « u r " . l / ' i t : t r u , r ^ - . i -. i . . ' • : ! - T . ' I « - > i i . ' - i i m * 4

1 f l - y l ) t l ^ e l K - y n J w / i i l " l I f I w i - r e y o n j u , . " I :>• ! • : . i ' i i i> r t - . f ! ! . • • s i t ' - l i

' W o . a a l l f o r h o r n " ? I I I K y r n n l H r r , a i n l I j . . , r r - • ; , . , - . •! - - ; : i t , . • [, j r t o f i . 1 , " - J > ! ' - -

I n i \if t < " u . n r r i " ' ] h « - « l B i ' t i u t f l . n t i ; t - i r " • ' . - - . . I , t : , - I . ; . ; : • • ! . "

I f — l i ' - r - v o l ' - ' . - v / a n t n i a p ! ' - ! ' ) 1 ! ! ! / i f i y i - — ^ — ,

a n i l r l i - . i r - " « - » < - n I f o t i B ' i v i f o ' K - ' . ' n « n ' i r . - . l . n - i i . K i . r r r i » i > .

a o « D K t h j . < " i I n ' t J i l i w . n ' l i - r l a i i ' l . « f t < r a i l . I O f a i i U - f r > - l i r ' - i i n i l i n t i . ' i t » r »

o n » ' » s l i » ' • o m i t P : ! ' l » l i i . -4 t . y j i i k i i - . w . " ; » . . t : : > - t i : . - - i ; • • ; . . ' " - ! • f i r » ' - - i i li . « - • . «

H o « ta r> . - .< l l i t I n r l a d n v . i i l i l g ! . ! » • » ' * t i I- '•"•'' '••'"•• " -1 •'• >< " ' " r>-< o t n i i K - m l w l

* d , ; > ! . a n d h l » f i w « w u . 4 p . t i f u i l y I * ' / - ! . v . r ' r - i l • ' - •:• I : . " « i r . - • : . - - . v . i r « t . ' H i ' - y r

l a b U i i l * l i ' i r d d i " - . ! p - i l r i . ' j r u n n i l t ; . » _••> i>- f r , ,•- , a i , ; . l y l ; i j { l . "« - f -

" I o ' j j t h t t . * a j - I ' m c o r r y . " I." M M a ' . ! • - ' • ' > - ' ! ' • ! ' • • • ' • ' ' • • ' '•> " • ' • T ' - o t i t i r - w t -

l n . 1 t . " b ' i t l ' t n n o r . P » - 5 i y o u r f a u l t ! 1 » X ! ' - • • : - ' " ' ' " •'•'-> '•• 'l~ '•••>• } ' ' u r

I v , . V o n inu'.ii <•> • ' • t r r y • ! m j p - r 3 ! i { - | P l l f ' ' • » : • ? ' ' : - ' • ' y p . - . - j . . r . - l . n - . . l n m l

n a ! 4 I f y o ' j i ! - / i i ' t w a n t v . ' r t M - k » » i ' i t i i { j e ' l f l . n ;-.; I ' . K M « : . - l k . . - ; . t ! . < - l r a ^ « n f r w

y j t i r t r r i ' k . " ' i **''«> ''••*'• " " ' ' * ' ; : - - " ' ' • ! J ' " 1 w l " s ' " '

"K<"'!"lljiir'! »rits!n."

H'.II f : i"- Sdft«':iwl

tr.i'li," slur |ii';s!:""'!.

^ tip

Uii-y fotja'l

tli« trail (i;;iiti nail «lurl'-<l tte i?,tA'-ttowanl I /M» Slooa-at it fatter g i l t>•!<] otiB r-iirJ.

TU«7 ro<]« on In Kittytru*t

tF*K ncA with the Bjenicrrjr of Uw girlto red caSlco frtab lo mind and tb» fac»

n o i : r > i - -

tl.>•»•• >!»

no.i!r'i'n» a»

' '•" «> "v*rr tics

I.-<.'o!::it.-y t.:f<- In Ataerica.

"Ma." <a:l Mn Maiai.rop'«. llttloboy. '"what in 'antimony?'"

"Sli, tlu't'it r.'/t' nl'* to talk «ty>at"f

"It'n what atram bor

r»[.lie»l Mm. tlad; g«U » ! « «^t'i


« • • » ]

Page 2: • y...WO SING CHINESE LAUNDRY. 14 North Avenue, Cranford, NJ. THE ORIGINAL LAUN-t I Lady KiityV:; I Temoiaiion Bs UOLA lORRtSTER *{ti DRY IN CRANFORD. Tliti1 …


to }«%«. •»•> '« »**i4, r S » , •a way *ft4 s,-.t

waa out kit luait U» •uis*l.-.,rtta » m ratbi-rti.tf, ar;d hardb1 haJ EliiabctJi Jar.rj

notbrrfmuj High Mtrvt-t H

jI am la ri-sidrnev," *


i (-•( ^'. 'Ji*1 I»;**** t*y I v t i z a i * ' ' - i J » f n | , &'<> rtaf.-r-, ' ' . .

li t «!.e df » * < T ('*r* **•«*« ill*- • | i ' i ' ' ' " > 1 '-"'«? ifj( w i..--ii »<-«•-..< -j( l i f r o m •<»?fir f i i a t i h ' l i T i i ' i i h i * ! r«f fc **Vi » b « * » ; - ' ' • '

l i t f HiMii* r i r fc i i 4 i-<*t ut- w < fi I'* if•« •"- •> <-k w • fc j>--.* u ^ «

i* M B * o«f»«* f o r I***1 r t f l t f * ! , | i!i>i<«f 4•'• i i i n * . -.ff-t^i. '! i ;*rt u * . w l . u i n i ;* *ajs;«.*»nl | o ' k+ I h " !•>»••( | ; i i t # l - t l , J U K I *••

- +.lif-jili«*th. V I M }»fc£ I w r n «*n; i i ; f r t.;,. ^i> 1 11**-*, * ? ; : J r r ffii'i n-.l t ; - i ' i k r i t t to-M-Watti *-\, \\»v * > . . . ! . ) \,\* \\*- • *><*-•', (Js»>

J J . w « * m > r t W 4 l o •«^> • 1 « t t * r %**r V'{»' * • * « ! • " M r VI. •

hti'1 ))•<! rlj***'.*1*. Jrk.ilJI' I'K.k It ur tc bt. hanll a* at * putntr, • rl

ai.it iu-k..) at .n, « ^i«fa ufh» r»«i) It i

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I:,.- ; » * ..f ",trf '. u*r ;••..'.

»t '.bat »'j' :.

j . t . ( i f

an unluijH.Kant Hualw to euuiecturf, Jiogt-thir, *U<- .«»• aThe wrilrr nail that abe al Ivngth p**r-:.a»l>.>j>

r*i*rd h'iw itupn**l|tl« It would b*rf,.r a n y i A wwrd fi'•".-. >-ct

tween iheaii I J « « that h h rrniarrifig'*' had |« f a »rcn.> a!r^».1/

Ib* nidi' «itr«l«htf.ir»«til r<>ur» "iich I i l^r tin. i.oi» «n.i I . ffclin *bc w a i iH'und IM aduitf. "On calm , anklna: >.iu t<. m^«trrfieitlom. tbrref«ir»," ahe went on, "I i anTfi.rd flarlmi afi-iquite f«r£rv* 7<iu fur landing mr lu aiicb i «M» a tr!' li to tnakv


I lil.l II."

au-.t >lr

at ?'-a t>!> wf f J

i r u l t ! . « t Ke k i d M l h.-r I t .

' S i * p - i i a l • a . l / . r , l ! i . L a r d . S e * » . » n , t-j

' ! ' i u l *!ui<.t ' ' i ' l i" ! t . ! - - 'o»-a i . t : i : . . - ' h a d g- .nr

- t . i «T^) f« i ' . i i , r* .f a dr t i io »'i-- n a t u r i . h*<

1 t r W - . ; - . - k r ! Ai ; . - - ' .£ I t r^ i . t ' i t r p a p f ra h a d

* i *« Lilu a t b ^ r n - j n t - * ! . I I . i r n « a th*- I. t

W II ]

f»-'a dilriiiinft, rrlneintr^rliiaj t h a t y o uiraJ t i l i w t h l i i f b e f o r e our ill a i l r l u d m a r -flairt-"

"1 a n » n w mi m r » l | l o l l r l i l ' . l . " thnI r l l f r eawllni iMi. " l o a^i my u n c l e , tUul ianl i -r . l i e r« r irh , and I bnpe be wi l l d-j i "1 t t a u t t d i . u t > u .«rr? Mr r » ? f f « » 'a n m e t h l n g ftir lite. I ahul l r e t u r n t h r o u g h i " O b , r n o t t o r " ' K l i i j W t ! . J i ' - f I » t lI'aalerliridKr. anrl l l u t l i n u i i l b , w b e n i I,<S"*t ei ttt-r h. *;! a., mu. h tNft^ tt'-f i t - k ^i.hall taiw- U m • l u m l x i o t . C a n tni i i l lre' t.j<»nit» Iniu hi r u » n lit . , t i n »« ' • • t..,.-:-,roiiui »T>« 1" IliMt nm w i t h Ibp li-ltt-ra I j r r ti ld lint «•• t i t . »he aa !. ' I V M : i nh a v f KTlt ten y o u ? I abnll l » lu t h e t oat h » i « V"w h i ' h ca«UKe» bt«r»e« * l t h e H t a « H o t e l i l l I " \ V , ! r . I h a d a r e i t . t i T u -.:: ••-,'. ••:;•h a l f |.rt«t l l »e W r d n e i i l a r t v i n l l i g ; I a l ioH. , l a t . I v. ,.», I: .--• i l l M i r I . . ;i ,n • iI-.- • r a r i u a a f a i l l e ? a h a w l w i t h a r e j j Hinr! Hut t l u n - i--•'-::..- it . » ; , « . . - .ceriti-r, a n d Ibuii i imx *«a)ljr b e f o u n d . l ' '«r<K. f l t -nct iard i i . i i . t ! . ; io "• afetjr ea l l nt* aiiytblt if i • .Mian Hi. H e l l e r , i "IVr-hai** tl..-> 'il (••- tr.- u U -vc i -.." n.ur

j S|*«. i l . - . ' . l .nr - l l , . i l I..-, u n.<' prac t i ca l. . j>m H i » , r t r w - | t i » . a i i o g . , { , I ! . , - n l . e e t , H l i i - h

r- ' * • • ! « » . f - , 1 , | . , | » [ , - ) t i . - k * v l I r , K i t h , n i t » / i H i -

' • | t » ! » ; . ' i " ! • ' • • " ' - • f a i ! i i ' > n . - i | i f « y . a h e h a d* " ' • ' * - ; * t « ^ » l > - ( i * i . - i 4 n t k i • . . . » i a . i l l , n ! • » r < L t I n i H i

• »

ft1 !i»-

. I U n M . r <

.1 <;r«r|hail

jthine! l | « . n IIIJT heart iml m.ill, IfI ftlK.ntfl he IrfI In n i*>»ttlnn tn inikf

^ oi(jht l4li it 1 uimht ll. Ill) It, Ilillml!" j

T h o runtlnipnry th»t h* lim^ln hi" tnln.tH h f M It

|,i r m..U,..r at. I dul.-J. I

-a*- - i» t " M . , . i ^ . - . ' (!i ,- r i * f r i ' ! i i » M " l i e n f. • ! . . . • . « u r ' a r S t . m i ' l h ' » r . - l l i i * f ' . r h i i

' f « i f . > t i a - l i i " i I x ' i i " f !!"• l i s l ' i r u . . rr r ; . f '* ;- ' ' ! . " S u l U t - t r i t l ' l I J I f l l l . l ' J <Tf!i< r " f [ « H . r M i l * . ! [ i ' « . I b>ii^"'"i\" 1M' jfcai.l;v ) fc.»t...-it l u r i o ^ i l ) h t - a ! l . . « r . l l . ! s i ) r ». • a n t l i r ! i - l l r r :

- M y l i r a r M M i s . l 1 ' u r t ! . r K . . i . l n f « l ih r - r « f U " , I h a r e k . | . t i'ii>- l l . i n i ! n • • - . r r tTi t » > I . I I t i l ! ! „ , » - . I I...J,.- v " l w i l l i i i n h ' r -

' • t a r . i l » l . r ; I l l u i i k j . . u >v . | l . t h o u g h I T ' -t ( j v n u t f . T « i T . - n i c . H u t , i h ' a r

M . i . o d 1 h * t i - . l o u r i t f . . r t i n - l x - « t . Il i i M f l l a D i i w l l l i l u l l H I v l f l l l I t l i r I t f j U a f n l l ' t i kt t f t I ' t i | . p H | ' i ^ - ' M H U M u " i r / i k i x H I 1 , • j a n t ^ t j i a * *

4 n II 1 u . n t t . t l o d o II . I n d e e d ! " I I , , , * ; , b ! * " , , , ! . r . , r d * f * , : . i ) * i L i ; | , i ' " « i V " . " ' . ' 1 ' . 1 h ; " " ''•""• ',' f " r ""• ' . " . ' V l l . 1

T h e r u n t l n i » n < - r t l i a t h* liai^ In I>U m l n . l u , , l m , i | , , , . , u . , n i . , : . . i , , - ' ] t . ! . . i . I ;-> • > . , ' *-'•,'' '."', '" ," ' •* c ; " " ' " • ' ) , " / " " r " 1 " """•

a i d , M r a . f l e m - h a r d . . n t l o I f r o , , , t h e , , . , „ ' ' , , , . . B r < „ , . , . ; , .„ , . , w,",. fl!,.. , . , . „ . , „ ; " - ' ' ' ; • ' « • »'"• M l k - - - t h i n k - f , , . * U «n w n . noun a f t e r . « n d h e i v e l i l u p . " I W ! , , , N i l n d n r in - r i . l n j l . - « : : . i , . , j " " " ~ ' I Tali b a r d l > w r i t e It. I'.llla-a<i i n o r h bet l e r , M i c h a e l , " a h e . a i d , " I h a l I | l t u , | , » r d ' » h o , , « ; ».. i v u . r i , ,h.-ti f, M - « • ' " ' ' ''""•' U n » ' » » " r l U l ^ h t l b J u u e -J . h a l l ( i i o u t lu n c h a i r l m v , . r d Ihe mid- i %•,.„-,„„ , t , „ „ , - ' W l . - , , t.» »..« t , , - f...' ;*'"' " ' " i ' w i l " " • • ' • " " " " " " ' " ' n -v""l l l e or lh» t l « y . " ; » , w t h a t t h e I h o - l t » . r.- a!! .1 . - n . H r

l l r n r b a r d arri tni jed t h a t the t Imlr : r a n | I t h e U-ll «o m.fll.r t h a t It .".!.r «.«!>. Ia.honhl IK. r r a d / . a n d w e t a b o u t b l a | r j a a i n g l e fu l l n o t f a n d a • m a i l , l e » . |d a l l y ItllallH-M. A l u i u l t i n - l v . - o M , , , k hr „ „ . . „ „ , ! | h , , r i | , , , H a « l n f . T i u . - J I ' .at M r t

->M mi' N " . ah.' i!i.~l t l i r i o mmitha 11(1, ri h i i . ami ihi« In ii.tr one la ml otln-r hlllmi..| '«. I i h r i i l r m - l In r hy Ihr anin

t.i I lit- tirot. %li'l<l»lly Mla lueaa . A l u i u l t i n - l v . - •• tU,, fc lie „ „ „ a , ,d l l , , -n h e H a « lnf .Ti i i . -J l ' i a t M r t I ""'"• " ' •""• « " • " ".'- '• • " " ""'» » . p i a a l i m r o u n d t h e ai aid,. , .r t h e I H n U a r d w . . . I . - . J J u . t d , a , l t N . t . . - r » ! ! ' ; ; ' ' ' '"; ' ! , " m'hr, ' f l " " 1"

1.1' " " ' " ' • I"--.t o i t n . i . l l l» l i le t h e « a r t h « ' i | l i or It ir w a l l » : ! „ , „ , | | , a i , n | , | i - . t l n i r l l i r I r i i m a.« I " a » l t l . ' l n g . a n d I m i g h t b a r e

a n d g l a n c i n g Into tb i . C l i o i n u i a n t i u i > i n , f . ' w p r f f , i , . a r | , I , „ »•,.! b e h'i«'>r ' t I ' 1 " 1 ' 1 '"> t " " « " e ; out J ct .u ld not . T e l l

h . „ . t h a i 1.1. w l f i ' . . . t a k i n g t h e .lr_ ! , , , , , . , ' „ - , h / hr Mill had l i . . . . . . . . . C^ t U '" [ ''"'"'T3, « ' ' h l ' ; . " • " " ' . " " !"".""y.

, . I ! . . ! - . - I- i I " ! ' . .--' '

) . , ! , . » ' l . ' . n . - . : t ' . • : . . - . ( " ' ! ' f ••• ••• '

' . - • • ! , * . ! . ; a j « H - » '••»'•- ' • • • - '-••

-. » r » ' l l . w , ' - - I " -' '• * ^* * i . - I - . : , i - - t - * - •i i . a - 1 * « « » , ' ' ! . » • I . - » » ' " -•• •; j l : i l a l » - o : . - * .:• '!.• ' • ' ' ••' "• ' • ? ; . . • : •

• If ut t h r ('.. ,.. ;i 1 !,.« - I ' jJ '-i <!,•• i.-.

, - a - M .))••> I'- rn- . t i . in t,ii a,.:.-! !• ' ii. ••;..,,«.,!,..•'.»:>•• II.- bad l.-arti-d I-.' i«-i- •••••'•,-.-. nrf a! U,,r !i:in- ' hu t it » «« I" I> .-.u. i1 ar l ra . - - that ! r. a ' !.»r-.u. uj i t tai t ! ' . ' !

1 »!,- I.a.1 thus hi.liil.ioted b.TM-lf Al.-l

ill- , g lea t imi.'.rt»!.-*• t-j the i j . - i i . n t t!;1 . ),,-.-rf'il t.ii.1* at. I!.- King i.f P i n - . ;

i «u . li wni Hei.-t-l.arir. ' l .iiiighty ap.r.l t!lh». aiuij-le t l ir ifty t l i .d H B I ri-K«r l.-.l!-!lJe le»-« tliun a social i ata(itro[.ii./ tohim.

h'»rr Kline t he rt.-niiiaT."' ltl» nift-'s ar-r i t a l with bi-r tlntighter the re hnd bi-t-u• " ' i . e tb inf in Ihe a ir « bii h had < haiigt-dIda luck. T h a t d inner at the I J,.ld.uI J ro im with bio fr i . : . . ) . had l - n i l l . n i hard 'a Auate r l i r s , hr had had hi* auc-ei-itea• luce, toil hia c . iur-- bad not U - n u;.» a r d . H e wa* not t " I f nuiidM-red aiuniigIhe ald.-ruti'ti • t ha t Peerage of l.urKhcM

aa. ht. had rip>"-t>'.] to lie. and the ton-wi ii.iji.[*.--i of t h i s n.-ured him t o d a y .

••Where, where have i on U;uf be aaidto ber. u l t b I.If hand lat-uflliam.

'•I 've U-i 'ii .slri.lling ill the W a l k , andt h u r . l D s r d . fal l . ' - r . - t i i r i fe<-| quite leery."

"I bi t was Ju«t eliiiugll tu incense 11,-urh-ard af te r th*» i.lht-r t r t . s« i i of the tiny,"I won' t have 3011 tnlk like t h a t , " heI h n n i h r e d " t h e loni- t t - in t he town tjtm'tlln«- ant li worda. One mmld think youworked ii|w.ii-o fiirni. One day 1 It-urntha t }ini I.-in) a linh.l iu public houses.Tht-ll I bear ' r e talk tike a flodho;<[>cr.I 'm buriit t l If it giM-w on |hi* hi.ust> can ' thi.Id u« t * o . "

T h e only iiny nf gi-ttiutf n tingle iilcasan t thought to go to hlci-p ,i[.tiu af ter thisw-iis J-y retnlliiig the lady nh.- hud ><--ntha t iliiy. anil h"['luj{ ahe migbt sei- her

Miimiit hile Hcr iHiard WIIH sit t ing ii[i,thinking over h i t JI-MI.IIIS roily lu forl'iiltling I ' a r f rae to p^iyihia iitl'lrt-sst-.a to . th l sgirl , when if he had allowed them tu goon In- might u.<t have ln-en eni'uiiilt-redHtrh her now. A t last he said to hluiht-lfu i t l l Koine sillisrilcuoll, UN he jlimpt-d upand i ient i.i the wr i t ing table : " A j he'llthink it iiu-aiiH [irait ' , ami a inarriiigt'11,-11 not that I tlon't tvant my I:I ' - - - .11

f r;.il»ir. ihoiigb cettinar rit.-arii—tue Ulidfrtakln«. You pr-,(.j>

h 1 i * •" ••"'I >'>*• "y ^ uut Tt-uioi,-m.*:i. ;

* iduw. WLO*M' very e l i s t . rj- v •tioi.-ht. lra*r ttlotir b*-r ati! u;..-

i a , hi-*-!? tliri!. aad i-rijuratllrd a 4-r,.!,..it i,f hrr propertj to njr. 1 »: i :., , :r,r iniu drtaili t-in-eiit lo say iL»:;.avr tait-n her name. Yuu pri>t.al.!\ a

"iy arrangi'nienti with }«d h d u b t l c s * laugh.-!

.,,iiire y• in filter, and hare doubtlcs* laugh.-!.i,.'..»-bit shall I call U?-i>ractirai ;,.( ,.,, getting hi-r to live with m-'. 1:nir-li'r«t uirt-titiK »'itb ber was .jnir.-li--,,, .Jt-rii I *'> y"u M"**' Mhhar!. n'1i 'V b ii'aVe .1 ni" i t ' ' - « b y , t" Kive jrou an • \[,,r roinius brre a» if so le l j tu j \ . . - 'and tbu-i to form my aoiuaintan-,• :ur-l'y 1" ha»t*. youra alwaya.

' ! etplaln w h y - . - . .aa ahf hnd flnnnvd. Hut nhni attracted: llirm hnl^ ,„ | , i , ,,,i.h,,,rd mini .llftichanl »aa ulhrr than thU. It was j .Ihi. fad tlial hi* wlfe'a chair was pulledup lxalile a lady arate<l on a bench at Hie CIIAI'TTMt X V.rdgfuif the walk -a lady CI.K.I) VI lltst. ur ll .ni-hanl ami I'-liiat-. t!i) ,

ful Usurp. Wi-afliiK K 1'iilhlr/ ahawlwith • r*U mulrr.

1'lHin her •linulili.r". ami ii|wn lilawlff'i, «n nrcaaloual Iraf ri'«ti-.l ai ItfJufttrd i1o«*n. 'riir/ wrrp talking HflVrthe rnatiurr of thowp whiull a r.itnlnuu

*n>rrp*ll»ri hull >«iualiitaiiii<HenrViard looked thuuderntruck when liel.ehelil the In. 1.1.-lit. Then he aceuicd lofan. r bllnaelf uiKtakeii, especially «• theday ira. not Ihe day mrull'uii-d In l.u-tttla'a lotlrr. and thua he went on hla

"I > i » yen talking lo n friend In theW i H , " bi< aaid In Hunan at dinner, aaahe .at propped up h> a eii.hlou,

"Ves," aald the unwitting Mi«, lleuth-ard. ".''lie wna a mrnnsi-r tu me. howH I T . She M i • Mud, ladylike youngWonian. on ber way to llrlalol. and ahehaj auni.iJ u> look at the town for half•111 hour, tthirb ahe bat] never aern before." '

llctichard nank Intu duuihtieiia at thialielt», which rewintlrined hia .original eoiiTlt'tloB. He itlalllied the Idea of thiluieetln*. auj w.tiitlereU if J.nretta had

ini-tially uiodii lnt i ' l lu! .1 >"!!•'

had I-e.-tt your

tu tee iila «Ife, ort neclucnt.

, Nothini ucrurtrsl to rullghleii. hliu.ntult h u v il»«a «fti-rn«ril, tin- ilim< »li,. !,«,l»l'folnt«l fur rrivlt ln* biT 0I1! htti-ri..In- unl.-J thi'tn up lu » imrkcl. whlvb hi-| . |n . . . l In thr hanja i.f Kll<ii|,,.|l, Jn,,,.,»ht- l.rini; |.|n- who Ollll.l rxiyuti' stti'lj' flrontmUi>ton «.ittu>ut litunlnii; curiimlty i>rtrii|i|.h«i'ini- ()ui-ati.>iilng, Hln- HIM ulnvt-Ml to mrrt lhr- llrl«lul roa.h nt tin' Ntncl l i ' t i l .n iu l «"«!• tin- |<an-rl l<> a MUi St.H l i l M h l l J k

-r. an! f.trgive, if ;ou mu, a ntuuali}.•.. I'liie det'ply urongeil. as "he forglveaJ»||. S I 'SAN I I I O M I I A H K . "

l b r hiiitl>.ttid regarded Ihe papt-r aa Ifit it ere a window pane- through w tilth be• aw fur oiilea. Hia lip taitutied. his eye!.j.l a flattened aspect, antl he set-ineil to. .uijirva* his frame, ft* if lo hear hetlt-r.II .s usual hat.it u a s not to considerwhether t l i . t iny were hard upon him or•"•I the ahittH. of bia idt at in- ta«-» u(aWi.-ti-'U ht-ms sluii-Iy a IIUHHI), "1 mn to* ifti-r. 1 perceite. So mu(h .i-ourging asihi*. then. U for me." Hut now- through

'"l lrnrhai i l I I K I . I I ltx'ki-,1 lik,* o.-,<. i<r.t ' '"* I'aaai.uiatf head there stormed thl«on re.iallni: pain' Ytto-n i::ii«l«!!i Ja-ie ' "' '"<M that the hl;i.«tliig dl»clo»ure wasaptibe of Iti.h.ird N r » » - « » • "fat'^r." i " ' ' * ' •"' l">'1 deaerved."Ah! I am toil of ail t int , am I not!" h* I -Morning came after a night of unrest.

lt«T*ln« b / the firo. l i » a i tNir* n r t k taftrr Mr*. Ilenirbaril'a f u n m !

"liUmlwth, do Jim think u.iuc!l jt c l jIlinraV aald HnirfiarJ.

"Vi-*, *ir; oftvii." aai-1 »!ir."WIIL* ilo Jull J'Ut lu Jvur ;Ul;irr* of

VmY""Mothi-r ami fatficry u . ! - , tr . ' . i - b»rj

anl.l. " U n * S«'V*»"Ve«. «lr; n-r j .lli 'iii liiir.l'a fu.

of *.[\i!I.lr t t l . / J ' l n : . <

and with it the necessity for a course. Mi-j w a . far too itelf tt illtsj to recede front a

r l , : j^'tition. esj»tN'ially as It would invulve_t». l -I humiliation. Hia .laughter be had n««erl

: g a.'fti r. I e l her to U-. niul his liaughter »ho shouldi fathi r?" j al«a>» think herself, un mutter "lint

he •aid. "Wtoild )oii l i m e .-.tr.-d t.-r v.r ! hi !«'cn«y It involved. Hut he « a » 111as nm. )• aa jon care f.-r Id- -hj-,1 N.-w- j !'!• iar« d for the first step In this newn.n';" j .itTiation. 'J'he nionit-til he came into the

"I can't think It." the . . i l l tj-i:.-k!v. ' I i »-r»aVfa«t rtmia ClltiiU-th Jane ndvmoedcan Iblo* of ii.n'tlii-r a» my fu!r.er n r t ' i t } « : ! b "5*1 conti-lcnre t., him .ind tiK.k himmy falhi'r." ! by the arin.

HeitchanVa wife iva« ,!,.t,-T, r.-! fr, ;n ! ' I ha>« th'Ught and th.-ugbt nil nighthim |.

the frae hy ^•trangrinetif: IV:

ranee. It stelrii .1 t-> hi:-.-

frteni! ar.-.| S.-:;s,-r I'ir- '. ft it." «!.(• sni.t. frankly. "And I 1

one ef them eiuild t-,.«;t-!<and that « n < the g rl. H .

self to tier and the po:i.-j efalone, till he could n.. |,..ik-.r . . :wiilked up and tl-.wn. m. 1 tV-nand stood Iw-hiud bi-r cli.tir. t s,vUpon the top of her ti' id. H--humcr restrain hi* i'.ni-your mother tell )i>u ati'-jt :V,-.---WT ; . . . : r. *'--

In.Me whti . h o n l j ink for aueh a to.ry>" hething. Kllral.elh had 11.-t aecn t.tlceltn. "I'h:If It had In en t .mvt la . with her tuothIn the '•healniit Walk. ni. that he thought knew me. Then 1thru- Would be m> ri«k. worth conaltleilng. J been mull • hard i w . i: ijjf-rt:!. ir •« l"

At dusk KUiabi-th Jane went ami stood who am jour fath.-r. anJ n ; K . r . s r :rpismltt- Ihe iMa.-h olllte door, clo»» to New son. Sh iu i e rJ.the Inu jard. The t-iening w a s ratherrhilly, and Ihe tMiich hai'tientNl lo he late.While she stood #he saw- Tarfrae comingfound hy the town pump, and hr ctosscdever to her. Though ihere was no IH.BIlive reaaon for . 0 doing, the could nothelp telling him why she is as waitingIhere. "Shall I g i tv It to ihe lady? I'lldo so with pleaaiin- if joit tind It ti-diou* man an.l wife itlt.-u wo w. r.- . • , : ^ W-.a:lo . l ay ," be .a id. K!Walt-th ai-xvpu-il hi . j>ou aim wa* oiir . . i . -rsj intrr i^-- \ :-offer and eame away. ! tm-thcr Wa» t.-.- h.•:•..»;, , We :,j . t-\»

The cMachat lasl nri i tcd and Itiere was I each other d. ad- ai-.l N ' t . »o.. N - i : .^utd-edy ln*iiie or mu who n*kiN3 for Mith a ! her hu.h.-itnl."parivt. l'.irfrne waa now- r.itlier e m h a r l Thl* w a X t h c n.-.iriirf ti.-i .'•-' 'A H. :.. 'mated, till Ihe guard derlattsl Iliat In- I aid could make t.yV.o'r :i t;..-S A , ;,-knew the Udy deserlbi t l - t l tat alio bad | aa he pt-rt-onally «,i« .--•.•i.vri:.-,! :-,- n. . : ;lias.ed thn.-.lgh t'asterliriOge from Hml-j have s.TIM n.-.l f.-t!i.^; S-.it f.-- i,N .11 : -,•spouth to- Hristvd thrt't- or four da? * he ] rc*peet for the y-.un.c j.\rY* 1.1 \ 3:• 1 .1. j . - .fore, and hiul lnentioui-d l.hls tune for her j worthy of a better t u n .rtturn. l i e thought Oil- mutt h a t e mist When he had »-..:,e ,<:i Ti g 1,- ;'. • . ^rd the conch, l-ut would 1'rol'oihly.tMuic on ' xthli-h a whole •!•:;.« i-r t i;'i:

while both of '<•!« wertt s ' i . i - ."T h e l-nik of Kli iaJ.f th 's N-« 1 rvn. i i

• till, mid h . r .honld.-m d-I c.-t .'•••i-ti-u the mot em, u!s ift l-.-vathi: j H .atd went on- " I 'd r a t h r r h , » c t -•- .,-.-your fe.ir. nn i th i i ' i : . t 'l.m } "ir -^ - t -' t i . tha t I ha te , \ i n i r u : ,O,-r «t• < \ i>man and wife it li.-u w o w

' thatn - fcr :> ' r rJ th :T; .g nr-.i«t lw an you «ay, And I

t b i t -•:>'« ;• JI'=> .'-..ir.e t.. i.«ik ii|»-n .""I a s the fatherI— rv.-.i::^!. ; l i .al <--^ or.-., c::d ti"t m i l you j Mr.r.-.:.; 1 N-fc-ai:: ; Htiv ^.-lr•.I at 'y tnJ.re. I t is so plain to me

. rt-f^ai t.:.-.- , i. vt It.!-,-.!. fa!h>-r, it U- I 'or . t . f cnurM.1-- »»;::£ wr , I t . ;i tt. : 1 i- -t h a t e ,l-'ne half the things* . : * : . ; ; . l U i i . : ( s i r - . ; -• .- f.-r me. Bud let niv have

«... • ••• entirely, and I...light th,-.ies.V.r-j .3 :w u ; ! • ' . - ' . ' * ; ' 1 ht-1 ' t i l v U-.-;i j o u r slep-I I - ...:.'.-• v. • .!»-«•••:,- I I - Mr. N.-.i . . .n - whom my

" U * ; a : ,:-.J ;---T :: - ' N T i - . i r r i ' d 1-y «Ut h a s t r m u e: i kind i ' h . «••• k ind! Hut

-.I i- . ii ! '.!.- •!'!•..• (liing us U i u g one'sr- ;.t r^'!s. r Rft. r ,i'!. Now. fa the r , breakfa- : . . r. «.!;,." sa:,l she." i h . t r f u l l / .

H.-i .'.si I U-ut un.I kisst-,1 ber cheek,I t . :, - '; . :.r sii-1 t he act he had cc-nti-m; •- • ' f-r »is-V< with a thri l l of pleas-

. , ' . i: u s - m* 1-ss t h a n a tau t liiiser-?• . i:.*-^. -'.iii to luui now tha t it bail. : • M<« r> ".istnllati.-n of her motherI.*1. IK* i , ! i : , : S for t h r gi r l ' s sake, ' andii-.. ? : ' . ' . ' n .>f tl,f whole s cheme w a s aui h.'.-•'. s i . ! a»!.t s a . t h . s !

cn.\rn:u xvi.i T a ^ l r h ' ',--:r-!.-ii w hi.-h r v r r roufn-utt^l

a t -u* ! i-, u::x,-];i0i girl t h r r r r an h a i rt -*n !*. - !-::i ,-t:.- ' t k r t h a t i v h u b fol].>\\rdH>: t .a r . l* ati'.li-illi.-rUH'Ut .'f hlm^rlf to):':-ra!«:h m ' l u r t«;h,-r. Mr had dour it•. j - . 'jr.! r t\:i,\ n-.i ngitaUii-n whi.-h hn.l

'.- • :f , ; .r: . i -1 !t;.^ i-tiu! of hin n(Tri-6i-ii t\ ith' . : . ' ) . : . liT-.-l.!. fnnn t b r t i r \ t nmriiiug• :.» lii ' \! t.:t p:aniii-t wa* vH;ii«traintsl ittit . - V.i 5 :i. i i , - . iv; i it I f fo rv ; I l U i-i.Ul

' [ - . ; ; i«iml > t-r r- ini iuurt l unt i l It srvm-.-.! •< »r.-» ::!!.. ai ' tual t\i»!ikr.

W h 1 h ,-i;ir, and


the follow ing join n c ) : he .Miil.i j U e hcrlgatdiM iu.id.-uts in h. r p i t ; hf- . ' . - , - . - . : . " ' '''"' r '•'']'' b>j dep.-ndeiit upon l i n l w rthe package If -Karfrae would intru.'t him | .MrroU'ralcd; when, m «'.- r:. ..'..-,S- - , . . ! ' " ' < > " l l u I ""'"" W'"r" ' v r U ' " '•''r lv

•rlth It. The latter thereupon handed It i his atory to t>e true. »'"• Sva::,.- V-Tr,; i0»*r t" him. atitat.M. aud, tum'ti'S n-ai-.l :•• t^r ix\ J.

A forintght aft»-r. when l"atfrae wnsj thing her facv U[H':I it. n,-*;. :-.;walking along the airert. the guard i'f the | "Pon't cry- don't . T J . " s i I II . - - . ' • ; - . :t h f »atue eoacli iftnie t.i him with t h e ! with »rhemt-nt pal*-..*; '"I *i?.'z l*-.:r \ IInfnrtnatiiiu that, though he had carried I won't l'e»r it. I »,:i j ,v;r ' i i v : n • ithe packet up oiul dotvn'rtcr sliu-e. lhe '«hould you cry l A.-u I »> J-va :t-,',. . . .lady had ii|,t tvturmil: and be reproduced j hateful to "ee* 1'on'l t s l e »c« -«: - ,•Ihe «riicle fri.un his eapaiitnis pocket. It i Kliialt-th Jane!" he cried. gM.;-. . .; ; , :

waa arom through by friction, mid the 1 wet hand. " l V u ' l "«v u i e ;£••-.»: z letter* inert- slipiihig out. I'arfrar took though 1 was a Jnnk'c.g j u i n . :^v . ., - jthtt butttjlc, which bad eviilentl.v U't-n in-*nit i |rai»i , and det-nnsl a prattilrM. 1-ur-4ett. 11* ft^leheil htime, sue«vnl the let*(rra w#r* itW pr\ijn'rty uf thr lady l l c n e h• r d had l m v w ( Involved with, un.leraio.sl

, i h r ylan, autJ a m in deulit wbat tu d».I I * put them aalJe till be ahould u»»»t111** Stvuiu, ami t»:i W »h«« tail »c-

your luothrr rocsMyb ! I'll J

U I ;: 'to Vr Ihan he » .w! I'li J • icy.r : S . ; ;>..ti will only t>i»»n me a» >

».v . ! . r <•» ; • in O ^ l r r i T i d g o - - d a >A . : . , ! ! • \!i.-i-,-<tisin'whivli f.l^ott•t^t ntigry* -:*.h w.»:t rty trnij^*tH - w hrn, if tlir »uu-t. -..-. :t.» air n a n h k r yrlrrT. Shr «ri:t;d. •• th .n- v!a>« f.-r h.T jt-ri.Hlii'nl vi»itn to'.^•- .JH-: w lu rv hrr tui ' thrr loy lairitM. .

l l a i ; i-x«t t in m tlir i-.iormng n m al-outb. r ionr for Making th:» «ti't- a unit-t^-v:^ th.- I'rs.u:. t;^i!r» u r n - d rwr t rd . Hu»-r, *« ii j . l long miiT J'axvrd ilcnn them

.-.:-' :t» .laity o,.l!». and 1-r-Mire fta.i notarriTrd Thrrr. So KUtaN-th Jane na lk^ las.) Trad, r r Unikt-d ovrr tin* rdgr nf thr/I . H 4 TO think, and lby» rvai"tii-\J theh ! l

She: Thrrr.'app.iva.-hins. her n:o!hrr"» grave

to ataod np arid «^'r,- . t fii-n . » v ,»w kji.-sd of her a b inary d.irk Cg-r, I'M! *h«. cvu-.l riv-t. , ; , . wa« •-vre. la thi-it-nti'r of the grave! walk. Thisat b.la rrrawaor. iSkc t ic fcrt-.irt-a : frurr. !.»>. m , n-ailint; hu! not from a

at thp a<owal o( Joarpa. « h n b e n s t it Wine- |

ton ut

1,11 riot that I t lont wnnt my ho.r troiililril u i lh iit-r, anil no portiil." Mr wrolr us folhitm:

"Sir- On. iiiiiiiilrratinn. 1 don't wl»h tiulrrfrrr with your i-oiirtshlp of Kllralu'ihJunr, If you |iartit-tilarly rurr for hrr. 1Itu-refort- withilrnw my .dijt-ction t-itept-lua in this that the.business U- n-.t tar-rietl nu in my hoii-tr. Yours,

"Mr. rarfrne."The inorniw. U-lnn folrly fine, found

ICli/alK'th .Itiiie again In the churchyard;but while looking for the lady she- wasstartled l>y Ihe apparition of I-'arfrao.who passed outside the gnte. He glancedup fi>r ii luoim-tit from a pt.icketbook init tilth he appeared to he making figuresus he went; whether or not he saw her,he look nu notice, and disapiieared.

I'miuly sensitive to her disgrace, shethought he proluil'ly scorned her; and.iiuite broken in spirit, sat down on aI.,-mil. She fell into painful thought onher position, nhicb enth-d with her sity-iug tjuitt- Itnul; "Why should 1 In1 culledj


y I u l l dmy lowursa is of othrr JH'U

plr'w itiakiu^'.' l>h, 1 wish I WUH deadwith ih ar ui-'tli.r.'"

tti-htn.l thr tx-lirh tvix a little prome-lnulr iilult r tlic wall wlirrr proplr Ktune-tiiurt uiilkt-d iuKirml of on the gravel.Thr IK-III-II vtiiit-tl to U- toiuhrd hy withing; nhi- h.iilii-d round, and a farr i r nIw-mltug n r r r hrr. vrilrd. hut still ills-tinr( thr fui-r o f thr .ii'ung wiuiiuu shehud trrn vi-strlduy.

I-'liraU-lti -Tanr lool.iMi ri'tifoiiudrtl forIt lli'.inrnt; knoiving iihr bad t>e**lt over-hrnnl , thniigb t h r r r w-ji.a plru«urr lu her

.ronfuttion. "\t'*, I hrjirtl ytoi," mild thrlady, In n vlvai-iout voirr, uusivrring brrliHik. "What t-iin hnvr hnj'lM-nril''"

"I don't- I t-.ui't ti-II ion," said Klirn-t-ct!i Jam-, pntiini; hrr iwiml to hrr futrtu bidr a tlilKk llu-.li that hud t-otne.

Ttirrr w at ni> Iliovi'tlitut t>r Word for afrw FrrondH; thru thr girl frit that thelady was titling d.ilvu hrsiilr hrr.

"I aiii-si how it is with you," Miid thrl a t t r / "Thut i\:is your mothrr." Shewaxt-d brr huiiil ti 'iiiinl thr tonilntonr.lllii.ihrth lookril np nt hrr . on if imnilringof hrrsi-lf wht thrr ttirrr" slituilil hr ruti-tiiltnrr. T h r la.ly't uuiiiiM'r was *o dr-kiroua. to niui ,nn. Unit the girl drridrdt b r r r »hou!d 1-r tKntiilrlhr. '"It wns uiyinother," f.hr Raid, "iity only friend."

"Hut juur fjitlu-r, Mr. Hruchard. Hris HvingV"

"Ye«, hr i« lltint." «aid KliiaK-th Jane."In hr li^t kind t.. ytuiV"I'vr noS i i l i to complain nf him.""Thrrr has U-tn ti iliiagrirtni-ut T*"A little.""lYrhiip* you wrrr to t.lnmr," ituggrst-

etl the t-tnintrr."I wn« in mnny 111 nys." sighed the

meek Khralvtli .ln«t^. "1 awrpt up meroals whrn tin- "-rrvant ought to havedour it; and I n.ii.1 l^wm lwry; and it'slow. hr i-ay-t. atiil was ungry with me'."

Thr lady sitmnl (o warm toward hrrfor that reijly. "I'o you know the luv-|.rrs«ioii your wtinN gin- mr?" shr sjiljingrnioinly. 'That hi' it a tiot-tnupiTetlu i a u - a llttir iTor.d |»'rliiip« niuhillous;lmt not n l.ad n-.an." Hrr aniirty not tonindt-mn Hiiiilinrd. nhilr Kidmg withKlisalirlh .latir i \as ctirioua.

"Oh. 110: rrrtaiulv ni't had." agreej thehoiirst girl. "And hr hat n.'t rvrn It^'nunkind to n-.r ti!l lately - <imv mother,died. Uut it hut U-r:i vrry muth to Ivarwhile it hns latt.-d. All in owing to mydefects, 1 dan- say; and my di-frfta arcI'win^to my hiitury."

Contrary to tht» girl'a etpivtatlon hrrnew fri.n.l n n , l u . t »ht<rk«l. Thi« ib.-rr-til hrr; and i! was r.ot till >hr thoughtof returning to that home in which shehad 1*1-11 treated BO roughly uf late thather aj'irits fell.

"1 dna't know how to rrturn." Vie raur-mum!. "1 think of going away. Hat•rbat ran 1 do: Where ran I go?"

Terhaps it will N- l-ettrr mu.o." aaidher friend eently. "So I would not e©far. Nnw. what do jou think of ihU:I «hall aivin «-anl l I ti I



l-y tin- furebiek. This, then, IH bow yonl.e going to treat me for all my troublel l l io l l t v e V "

"'*li. father- -hotv cnn .vou rin-ak likethat ? It is unjust of you!" slip suid withspirit,

"l/tioli. here," be snld. In an alteredvt.ii-e . he never rnlled her hy name now -"Ii.'ii't 't-e go awny from me. It mayl.p I've s[iok'e nuighly to 'ee—hut I've beengrieved beyond everything by ye—there'ssomething that caitsetl it."

"Hj me7" she Raid, with drep concern."What have I tlone?"

"I t-an't tell yuu now. But If ynii'llstop, ami go on living us niv dnughterI'll tell you all In time."

Hilt the prolKisal had come ten. minutes

C H A l T K i : XVII.

same evening KluaNtbbroached the tfit.jeci of leaviui; bisto lleiichiiril.

•'l-'atl.rr. linn- you aiiy.t.l.jeciiuti Igoing U H I I J ? nh»' nik. 'd.

"tJoing aiviij.'.' No ii-iiie v , lutcver .Where a re Juil going?"

Sin' tin.light it uioh-ir.-ilili- ami uniii-c-i s s a r ; to »a> iinjlLiiig at |ir.s..ut aboutber ilesliniiti.'li t " "I"- wl... took *'i littlei,iierest ill her. l i e would Liiuiv that nooneii'iiigh. "1 have b-iir.1 of an .ippurtliultyof g i t t m g more ru l t ivul td laid respect-ful," ph.- iin-wer.-tl. with hesitation. "A.ha i i re of a place: in a boils. IK.Id where 1, a n earn in) living, and h a t e ad i antagesof study, and i>i-.-ii)g ri-tine'I life.",

••Then u n i t " the best n( it if >uu can ' tg i t ic-pci table ul iere JIIU a re . "

"Vnu don't object?""Object I? No uo! Not »t al l ."I It-li liiird h.-nl not tin- (.lightest snap!.

ri..ii that I ,'li;;ilietlr.lilrie:s inurement l i as

slmwing hour to the idleward, when tale" were t"i.

lled mi I.u.tii.\ ,ilit- i i r i t 'I'vi'iii.it;, IK1 rrjirdo.! tiimi*1

t \ , i u < . ' ' * * s p - » . < • - . - , , . . ^ . i « . T * . s . « t i - ' i t i s t/

i r f i ni

" n ' M i i * " « * * ' i * ' >i i t >

,.,'i Mi-v n tly .it Hi.1- i l - o r f r o m 'Ih.- ( i n l . l - |-"jI'.-n.-liaTral h u t ! l m t e n l h -a ' - . • • . ..it.I l.i-d i I ..ri . I .1 II i* lit-.p ii-ir I. : _ . . • . . £ - - . - _

S.iid! yts . Hut I thought you mrantt-tt iiuitith. or t int yt-.1T. You tukr (imr

Tuesday wns the great Candlemas faiAt llreukfust she said to Kllznbetb Jan.itiiteeiKilly,: "Miss Hem-hard, "ill you gon nn errand for me us KOOU a» breakfa*i« over? Ah. that's very good of yoiWill you go and order " Here nilenumcnitod several commissiiins nt suidry shops, which would occupy KlliabetJiine'n time fur tin- next hour or two, a

late. Shi' was iu the Hy — was al-ready, in imagination, at the house of thelatly ivht-st- manner had such charms forber. "Father," she said, as consideratelyin she could, "I think it best for us thatI go on now. I need not stay long; Ishall not l»e far away: ami if you want mel.adly 1 cud-soon ci.rne hack again."

He noddfjtl ever so slightly, us n receiptof her decision, niul no more. "You an-nul guing far. yuu say. What will I*your address, In case I wish to write toyou? Or nm I not to kmnv?"

"Oh, yt-s-eortnlnly. It In only In'thetown -High Street Hall,"

"Where?" snitl Ik-ucbard. his facial ac-tivities suspended.

She repented the Words. i fe neithermoved nt.r s[ioke, and waving her hand tohim lu jitinost friendliness, sin- sigujlicdto the (ljllliUI to ilrilt- up the street.

We go buck fur a moment to the pre-ceding night to account for Iletu-hnrd'sattitude.

Hi- had received, to bis ntnazernent. aletter hy hand In I.uoctta'i) well knoincharacters. The Belf-repre«siou, tin- resigiiiltiuii. of her previous cutnmuiiicntiuihnd vanished from ber tnoisl; su,. wrotewith suiiie of the natural lightness whichhnd marked ber in their early acquaintauce.

"High Street Hall."My Pear Michael— ]>on't ho surprised

It is for your gmnl and mine, as 1 hojM-thnt I hnve conic tu live at C'mtcrbridgi—for how lone I cannot tell. That depeail'upon another; and hi- N a man and a merchant, and a Mayur and one ivho has tinfirst right to my affrctionit.


least.Kliratieth hnstily put on her things on

departed. "I wonder why slip wants tget rlil of ti>" today?" she miid, sorrowfully, as she went. That ber'absencirather thun her MTviccs. was In rallieshad been readily apparent t,> Klittibct•lane, simple us she seemed, and ditlicu!us it was to attribute a motive fur thtlesire.

She had not tx-eu gone ten minutewhen Luoottn's servant was sent tHenrbard'a with a note. The contentwere, briefly:

"Hear Michael: You will lie Monilindose, to my house to-day for two or threhours in the course of your busim-m, «tlo please t-alt ami see me. 1 am sadldisappointed that you have not eome Infore, for cnn I help anxiety about my owet|uivocal position- specially now Inmint's fortune hns brought me mure proniui'iitly In-fore socii-ty? Your dnughter'presence here may be the cause of youneglect, and I hare therefore sent IKaway for the morning. Sny yuu come-obusiness. 1 shall be t^Jte-alone.

"l.UCETTA."When the messenger returned, her mi!

tress gave directions that if a genllemacalled he was to be admitted lit once, ansat down to await results.

A little later shi: heard the serranMinn-ins in a visitor, phiittlni: the donupon him, and leaving as if to j:o and loofor her mistress. Lucetta (lung back thcurtain with a nervous greeting.

tTo be continued.!

What Our 1'reslileina Coat,It costs the people of the Unite,

States $114,S<M a year for a chief ex.M-IIlive. His salary Is $.'iO.<ivH> and "found.'us our Western ot'lgliliors say: ThrresliK-ufs tinditif; Is rather eoniprehenslvi-. covering about every poss!bl<rt-(|ulrcnieiit of a family. Ills privat

" . the clerks, doorkeepers, mes

Ilenehard bad already heard that High fencers, and steward, nnd three otheStreet Hall wr«. Veitig preparnl for a servants, cost us KKI.SIM n year. Theitenant. He mid with a puzzled air tu there I* n <• • . * • • • • * • a > ^ r u i n i i l l | | 4 | l ' H * , j i I f f j H I

the tirst [t'r«on. he encountered: "Wl;coming to live at the Hall:"

"A lady of the nanu-of TetnpJeinan. 1believe, sir." sHid hi-* informant.i-Herjcliard thought it over. "Lucetta is

governess or housekeeper there, I sup-|H.se." lie said to himself. "\rs, I, mustput her iu ber pn-Kr position, undoubt-edly."

It was by-no mean* with the oppressionthat would once hnve ari-ontpanied thethought that be regarded the mural ne-cessity now; it was. indeed, with interest,if not warmth. Hi* hitter disappointmentnt tiudniff Klt:at'eth Jane to K- none ofhis, and himsrlf •'rbiJdleM man. had leftan emotional void in lienchan! that h

n year. TIu-ifund of

year which the I'rtsldent may use according to his discretion.

In furniture and repairs to the W'hltiHousii the sum of Slt;.(HHi inorp. to btnseil liy the direction of the l're.slileuti* provide,! by the Nation, and is aiways expended. For fuel alone $3.(.itKIs alloued. and fop necessary repair?to the croenhouse there Is $-l,(itMj.

Altogether the Presidential "tindlnK"annually amounts to the snug sum olStH.S'i'.. nearly' SI.1,i'«H) a year nionthan Ills salary. The two nssres.ito$114.S,lTi. T h i i l s an imposing ajjgre-

an emononal voi.l in Hencban! that he ,.,,,• l.m I, I n - » - "uncousoiouiilT craved to till In this frame i ' " ri)"1!';'r<'<l withof mind, though without strong fei-hng he < ° "•skli-nf!. The re s ident of thtstroll.Ml up the Wind alley aud into High I lri'nt'u republic receives as salaryStreet Hall by the pwterii. | Sl-U'HKI a year. .'li;.4S4> for contingent

He had gone nn thener into the court,ind inquired of a man whom he s.-nv ! l n

packing china from a crate, if M,»« \,fSuoiir was living there. Miss l.e Suelirhad IHVII the name ur..ler which he hadknown llnd marrit^l I,urvn3.

The man replied in the negative—thatMiss Temi.lrmati nnly bad romp. Hein-h-anl went away, n.nrludinc that Lucettabad not as yet svttlisj In.

He was in this interested stage of rl*inquiry whto he witnessed KliiabethJane's departure the next day. On hear-inr h « annouoc* the «ddre»a there md-

continue!, and a liandsonic luwise, rt'nt

free. S o n v pet our Pri-s-luYnt ratherpcliciply, after all.

Ilalr-l'uttlnc In Slam.The wives of Siamese tiohlemen cut

their hair -so that It slicks straight uj»from their heads. The avi-ras'? loccthof It Is about one and occ-half inchei.

A man wlta one Idea Is called acrank, bat loU of nj«n caA plead DO>

Page 3: • y...WO SING CHINESE LAUNDRY. 14 North Avenue, Cranford, NJ. THE ORIGINAL LAUN-t I Lady KiityV:; I Temoiaiion Bs UOLA lORRtSTER *{ti DRY IN CRANFORD. Tliti1 …



bar* smmltil a . j i to f f hI«ar;it*

iht that. Ui!rs»UsMS toreJ- til!" • • £--SAVED ;

.•XOK. OUS CASK. a'<*U»>- .lriv*r.*}J _ Jf «iu the mali l:c> fr>>iu Sira-O I O i"K* lu l>;IU>n, ;*!>;<• owui-r% " X of a remarkably

"•WOW , •bepben

, aad Irft ttctautaiit.n,*. sad &aud ttuany. do »'.•.:•

j tli*but ItiU i» what Ris? i m

lat.T sdtv'itur*:**were »;r tc iii

ill (UrnMfor debt, a-M pt\.v«-*i a UJJ i*ar,u-aXlleB. »tse ttil irrw*tM s i lUi;:, «

r orKci-r» wcrtf -irr*»*e<l ff til? t,r

t a tlu barratrypIbe eapldiu tiad m

jr iti tiii'« worldKhe "I -K-n't

—Detro.t I'r^ J"r

IDEAL" U u v l s'-.e ,;<-, t



on th

wbit". '" . 1 "" 1 r ' a " l l i l - a l-''"t near

w " ' : t. r l m K " "* .•••""••"•'•li-1* bill."

»J'I "lid all f,,,,r ,,f then, --„, t l , , w a , uh'V'"'»- H,4M. work.-,! for !,„„„.

b»t ,,; V J m . A f , , . r uwst h

all <•' .r of the h,,,..,, r i . u u l m . ( I . . u , ; l j ;i ginning toward n -li

weather WIIS .-hafp. «.'ha««l'«.-tdte. Hi- »uw that ail of til

the liunu't tip were I:


It -the

efforts t j•Til i l l .

- Jii«'j'li I'Mrr-ll n'ml two or three othelmen occupied a cabin- ni.out a millback "ii the mail. llu» Ing this in mihe turned to the doc, who wm nn InIcroft.-d, but helpless i-peetntor. mn."aid: "<>o down to the Ciibln and telthose iiien to come up and help me.'1

• He had no tlinn-ftit that the tlntf wouldnndei••.taud, but it seem* that the dog.lid. !"r be <it once Marteil down tintrnirtrail "ii a run. Cli.isc bus ufteii millIjillt the dog Lliew all liuit nils mild, to

'it , but all hii'.slorict of the ilos'i*. tellit'iMiee were taken with n j-niin

allowaiiee, his hearers knowing Iiiijiuch I'lmse. valued the canine.

It win not very "IOIIB. liu\v.ever, beforetin- men, armed with xhoveN. mudtlirlr appearance, accuiipiinled hy thdos, which semed to be lending tilewny. They s-iid the dog had eouip .ilfcriitetied ut the d,Hir, and hail shown*o iiiU.h au^h-ty for the moil to follaw him, running off up the roml. lurk-III;; nt '1 whining. Hint they felt that It*)muMcr must be In tnuible. So they•titmili"! theni'.clven. procured shovel*,

ennhied to llntl out, If possible,Jusit ululr fim the matter.'

W ' l t l i ' t i i e l l i e l ' i lit t h e m e n

! fo

e -illeli 011t e Wii» 11 :iy

Mill 011 t i n

t in- . I H M S . ' S

tho horsesA tln-lr'feet jilliV luorIn the sled, hut 11* It(rail, it was too highto ri-nelV It. 80 the

Know was shnveli-d n w n y to let It d o w n

to a i"iint w h e r e , tin1 l iornes I'lntld

' W i t h eiil i ifort. a n d the Olltllt l e f t f o r

t l io lu-l i! , (*h;i<>* and the ttii'ii r e t n r u i n u

tl> Hi.' n i l i in fur tin' n l u h t .

Tin- !i>'\t inuriilui; (.'hiiHe n n n n b l e t o

gi't the ti-ani cm to tin- roud ou<-i> m o r e

. ind litilshed hl< . Jmiriiey w i t h o u t

ftirtliiT mlslmji^jriiajj;' « a y tJiiLt-uuaiu'ytliahooiil d i.nt liny

i - n t r i p

-doi;,t l ia t .

ami In- neverroad withoutiWyu.) Sun.


'M ..'.", uiiex|i|;iiiie.l happenhiKS none• So.-:i - ", mysterious as do thus,- of theJi'ii. fur-Hie M K s ki.'i'ii their.secret*!..

. Alia'K-' tin- mailv. 'iiaiilleul niysterlesW'li:. I. l ine I ti the talk of sc'nfurltigfoil; ihn of the Maty iVlcste linii fortliirty years taken tin. lead. All sorts"if esi'Liuaii'iiii have been altcnipti-d,Slid I!,' Incidents have I u used n« the"jus - "f a weil-known sea novel, yet no*MUi-f:o tnry s'lliuion has been .ilfcrcd.A ui'iier in tin" New York KvciilngTost h.'is reeently summed up the fact*of llu1 . ;ise, and slnuigc ones they are,I'll,' Mary Celeste was unlucky fromthe lii>t. She w.-is hiunchcd in 1HI.!I.Bad fortune attended her very stjirtIn Ih.- world..for -bi-iu'i* built .of greentlnib,'!'. she stuck• on the ways , and

. was Heated only nt great expense. HerT(iy'a'i;'e« were utiprontable, ami after afew veVi'rV'irt'teaptiilit-dliopjlfnspil. tijrCeniiiiual loss, took his lif.-.

fin Ii..'(!"iuber 4. 1ST.;, the Mnry Ce-leste, liiiiind .for (.enoii, WIIR found, bythe lirillsh vessel , I'M i.rntln . nlmutmidway between the Azores nnd I.i.i-lion, .hlrift and nbandoncil. She wanriiiiiiiti!: under sail, her long-boat »•»>'Rime, nml the chronometer nnd ship's,papers were missing. It was evidentShe had been deserted in hn«te.. Hy

'tin- log-book it was Judged she hadIMVIV cruising without it c n w . for eightor .nine days. •

The vessel was- .scjrch.M c.ircfiilly,but the- m y * r y only, d.-cpetn-d. Anaked . ilark:'stniticd cnt la-s '\lii.-h VSA*f o u n d ' i . n t h e . cabin M'»>r f"t a time•Mused .1 stiipieioii of niiiliiiv. l iut .ala ter exuinlnatioii .«liowcil" the "tains't o be only n i s i . Tlo f strife, fin II

.VS ITALIANThe best of the i iotr*

from the south, sy.d nr.utwldcli I offer a» u »ut»tuf our pl^y v ri^llt*.

A JXHUIS ei-iintr.TC'.i!!

a • t* &

Et'T i'l

•» 1 b.' ii

atiiiU' i,

far:...AS t.<>


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n.« thi


dry. thn^ WPUIL- wit

IWClI' till'were no Iraees

' c:lbin t.lbiej.'l.v cloth.liecdlc. scissors and thimhl!—<•» id>'iic"<

a woman'.-; suddenly Interruptedscwinp. The pump- "er.cargo intact, nndthe spars or rl^'lni-'- -—

The lirlc was tak'ii to f.ibr.il'.ir .indnrcxtliMtlons begun. fh'T" m « a"

Utleuipt to prove that the cipt-iln In-| tended- to lose his s!;ip on "m- of the

of the Azores, hut Hi" c[tlirouah. Obvr-us objeetlon-i(theory were / . I prc<'i:i,- of iJtain'K wife a"'.(hi:d on "

wllli a pretty ^irl, KI;».ithough the sl.-l hemelf 'to hU jKuit, her ittsmiti:l'raiici">.-o with a "^""-ij-ay here, utul »^ ttte i-*iuidid not run MiHs.'.h. Kcate, the Julius man .lecide*.! »:i huu-auurei*, mid concoct.'*! a plotsome friends, 'flu- umthcr au.l .!-;ler were In Hie habit of e-">«us;iiueutly to wiiue relativrn i» ifce •iiiK, BO one dark iiicht the o>s*t'lr.hid In a narrow street, an!women p.-ihsed sprang" out u;*-fr»

In the t-iii.ifuil.iii wtihhhvishtencd by the Intenti-u;iieiivrt-s of tile younj" wen, thel-'nimrMm threwn thawl overtof uni-'of the frlcliten.il wunilii unite of her mrutriili"'. t»>reto his house. "I it in Kram-esrepented tit Interval*!, thinkim; ti» cn'.z*ithe terror of his lady lti.**, only, t;'.w-cvvr, to be nn-Jwer.1,! by UIU!!!*H1 t*tu**from the nhnwl, •trut.'-jU'i. and Li. k. i f

I utreiiKth in to ri'iiot* h:» w>.n-I«-rnud somelliliif of r.-sentniciit th.it K!iv»uliciihl Ircnt him mi. Mcanntiil-. th-itber woman had tl.-d shrlokiUi; :••

cover, followed by the? men to co-era1-the doln|*(t of Krailicesco.

The biild lover carefiillj- reraoj-Al. tt,-.-lithuwl, dropp.'dCii hl« kill-.-s. ,-tiiil rjii*'-ljIIIH eyen to those of— l-'lUd'n H'.nth.-r.—Itom<»• ('orrPTtporidenfi-, In l.oild-^ri fi*JMdll liuii'ttr. . . '

Sl'IiPItlSKI) IXDIAXS.'It Ii* .a small Wonder that the £r«?

•lew- of n white man created f'rf«.riiiioiijf the superstition* Indian*. A'triklnK Instanco nf thN o.i urn-<l niier:111' Wall.iwalla Indlanx ilrst m.-t f a p -alti (Mnrb, nt_;hii_laiisis—aiut-i*:..r'•'Spedltion. Thlnkiiif; to iiropltiat*- tt*».uvaKcii nml allay th.-lr fnit« .if th«»vhlte men, lie pliiiined ti> ylilt ft »'.!-iiBe of tlio Will la wall.'is before tbe ar-Ivnl of Hie rent of hl*> party.Wllli thin ,'lid In view he »et ot:t t<>

TOSS till1 roluuibla Kiver in a Mn-f--,liking, three men with him. «':i th-*ivny hi* »liot n crane nnd .i .lu.-k. !»••?:if which fell near. him. He !.u:d"licfore live «lL'wains placed ci-is.- ;.»ach other, but not n person w .M "via-ble, and the door*, which were .if r,;.*.r.,'ero clo.m-d. lloliliui; hU pipe lu Jiar;-*.s nn ihillcalion of ood will, be iuikt..-.lside one of the dourb and inter-d !&••"dire. -Inside were thirty men. woir.cn nr.'t

hlldren huddled toi:cih>r in terr-ir Il.»L-cnt to Ilieiii, shook each by th** fcai.'tnd said MIIIO friendly word, espr*"**-iig hy wordyjind inaniie.- bi« Kin.'.Ijr'eellniT. Tfieiv iippr"I)eii*i.»ii-j w.-re .-iT-layud until he took nut hU Uattuag.hiss nnd lighted bin (>lp<» by- th.'.rrsy*f the Him. f>nstr'rmit|.c.n aitiii1. pre-....illed.'nint tt'hiit mfcht tinv..* .»:< urr«luXlfur ill'itffUlrty"-a'rrlval nf- f«»lr*}5«fit--

vho knew tin- while inen can cHt h«rold. •It RPPUI1* ' that the Indian* Iiid not

••en Cnptain (.'lark..hut th.y hail w . nlie white crane which lie b.fe,i shot f-ilti«t befor-his-nppc/irance. They h.i'IUn nceii the dueic fall at hi« shir..I'hey considered .the fall of th** b.rd*

lib hl*i 'lily-lit nnd tlnyiiiht that !>oad fallen from the clouds. .'..- . ;The sound of th" ritle, whieh \h*T.

nil never h"f"r" heard, they I**!!-*.-.!us a slirnal to aiiriounc- the r.h;!«

tan's co'iniii^. Small wonder. tL-'r;,.it their hardly nllaycd f..-nr« K - T »ruin aroii-ed vchi'ti b<> hnnii'ljt «I'!~A.'I

liro from henwn by lueans of 1.'* l.;:r:.-iiu' KI.-IM.-'.—Yotitli'H <"oii!p;iiiioa.

A Tin i: .iiKito.This- I* a Kfory alxmt a trn- . |.••••,,

D'.t one of tin* ("nisader*. not a .s^M.-'ron thii:tiatt!eiic|d. b i t a rc:il. llv.- l^-.y.T » u or three ycrtrs a i n h" vt.ii w--rk- .ijjiT h\\'-Dili'father'» farm. One <Uy inh a r v c t IK* "'.'H riding n bi:nb-r nr.d

![i;ilrtin aiv.l

t!,:ii> m u l eri'SU.It 1Udtiitll.

nli« tt'tvtt'»wti t au te .


:it \},f i . , i \ r » ( r « l i l

u! tilt" t-e>t

I tinfor

'•:'• o n in a blMy fuimt r,i -in-cp:!• a i d mutton on t t ris ii i:i-»st cv'.iiioiiiictnl

• a I t ^ 'd . - l'.it in Jui.i'-


; SPKOIALLY HOSOKKO•'IV> imi mean to tell me Hist whfti

Mutili>lnitsi.'« dauiiliter Marted away onher wi-i!i!lisT t'Hir they t!,!e« lulup« ofcoal nt the earrlasi-J"

•*Y«H; eteijNid) -MM tice >VR»I tm>rheap. anvl v\ttuiiKni."- l'hlea i ^ '1'rl*liune,

HACK AMAIN*. ••••• .Ulnier -"I »riit « iHMiii to S'Tlhbler'i

Slatariiic- ilay before ><n!i rdity."AI»<IIIU '"Yes? I utippnm* jt*u expi'HTt

to *ep it appear pivttj HKHI."IttmiT "It uppiaii'il ninicr thnti I

r%pc<i<;d H wa« In my mall IliUnivrn-IiH!."-rhlUdel|ihla 1'ii'n.

l'lttKMtl.Y.n~"U It 111 a

Ac «-j;;»h

.*r:D tlmn at th

r ! ' i ' ' rsni?«*r t

o x ri:i:Tii.i7.i:its.• i ' f * » i t h ' fi H i l l . t » ! •

..II pva^'ticcl•'lpel-iliiclll

• vpemied I II «IU- ixr of fertll

s or plnnt*. willlc.tru fuctK that!» of dollar*. »»• bl« yield., Theild priutlev't utulrriiiit risk l> toe of p"!ll«b Kftllt

i t iv


Til1.lu-.rry )e nte

xi,.? t .» t-rcak o!. 'ic Kit:-.'>-.i; ):n•.::.-'lit. In thefr.; cj ' t i-ri"" lit!" «huw thnt toa~ K I I I t'li'dcl c.f sra'.n the

'• i* r;,r^r;*H'i *^iii*,. w i i b a \-*»rrtsiviiiiHnj; ;

I'irt.'.-*.* ;;c t t ? 'fi-i 'de'. An lll ' lcll ' «.• '

,..!l!|..TIJ" l;"l«'ir:,.*, ili'.rc.-l"i* ,.|i:.-r. 1UTV IlUd ,v.-si :i ^ ^ y r . - d 'wJie;: » i j j ha;.- e i m u r i a t e !

•cf r«.;.«»:i « a « us.-,! i ( in n i t d m i ' i i i t i

t o 4 - - ; i , , I,-., i ,u»:i<li .' in-..In n n l !1<H' I

f'*.b!'T J :" :f;.if-r i>er here '

:] >v,;l! I - r t t | j '.M'tirr n i l j

l'u»Kciii;i'r (rlliuliiui: on lit" frotitt—"Yen, l \ it« I inn "

: MotoruitHi - "Then ye'd tu'tter tnko; tli' cur behind thl"; thU 'nn hni A lintI wheel nn' I* in.iklu' pi>or tlui» today,; U'io inlini:" t:ii'Ml,ind riaiu I'ealer,

] : A i>i:i ,H'Aii: H I S T .

; rrietnl "IVifume oil your h.indker*. chief, i-li? 1 didn't know you were: inch a fop!"

Murrlr.l Stan-"I'm notb my wifo\ puts tt on them '»hen (lit* wai-tn to; retniliil lite to tiring Koim-thtn£ hij'tne aI .IliKllt. Sin* KII.TK II Is blttcf Iliull l)llll*' a utrliiu nn niy llni;er."~Iii-tioit Trco, . . I ' m * . . . . . • • „ - - , , . , - - , , „ . , , , , . . . . . , . , . , . . :


I'/,-- •titan 'Kv t-y tii'« ll«e

iilvrnj ;• :i inr i ie!n l j t r : t y u i d i.

f pet-

, i : i ' '- ' . r - l v - - i l ' l ' ; - ! , ' , w i l l ' I i r e i P i• : ' ! < > - I - L u r n , a i l : . I Ic ;,t:illl l a t e ;

3-'<;i. ^bv i .M t h e i n n i r i r e b? [

.Mr», Watkyim "Henry. I witnt «; .dollar tins uiiiriilni;." :

Mr. Watkymi-'iiiviit Cnnmir, worn- ;an! Ho you think that I am made of inumeyT When you want Inrue nmouiit* j}uii uual.t to.Jet me know twenly four i


tf..~ t.-:.••• •:> .


• il f . r rrr ly .trt ih-'-r r|i-h

: ^ - l i:i (^ iTi.-ct!<i' i t « " i i : m t • <

.• j r . r i . ' . I i . a . %'. I i.ll:.. •»..! •*!)..II t

L:ni t". A. ' . 'L ,

Tops. 1 '<-r i:i . n l i r i;:i'ii |

,i v . i t l i t h e . i

f h n!a ot |

!i l a n y be

l e l i i i i h i i 'i* .


.i'fi\vi;-s r<n:.'• .I.,* I.'-.nlll i n '

w a y

),--• »

•!. n:-t

pi:i:'i i;i r• " • * ' ' ' . . r '

« i n x'.i

j . i . ' i l t ry

1 be

•f tl,.- t!iiii-.-ii

[.-.I- l.,-f(.r«

!lii¥ [*ro

in"•. I


MAItKh-i1.:»:dcr.'lt|oil t<l tllf :

f ew! d c i i l i l I HI iprop.-rl.'.' p'j l.-.-ii. j

in; i .".-I i i ml e l ' . .:

of pa . kln« ;

IIIM'-t I 111 I'.Vfii! in Midi ;i I • t h a t 1li( .

i-y ateI lilted ,

t b a ' i

Beautiful and Accessible. . i l l t H I I i/ v:n in.

N . U I . H I !{(•>•>«7 Mil t * f I-OM"SI V\ >II|,'K

On .Main Lino P e n n s y l v a n i a Rai lroad

Why lots in thess C«metciiss commend theireselves toHeads of families aail Investors •

J lh# l l ^ t t m T m i l I'nm! |>IT>VT4*4 lot ^* Ihn l"i » . ut l k l l C e i l l f l P i y , t!SP iRCVrKl.' I l i ' l l l ^ t t l ' i l v* 'U l l ? ^ ! ' UiC fl<)j*rrtfc*»

1'Himlly titattiitul*! NO LXI'liNSI". Til LOT D'VVNI-ll'W

o w n , i n l t i 4 l ll>» j i , . i m 4 i \N l l . l . II! N i A l M f A I H l I) l ' l :KM A M U H T I . YA S t l l tAUTII - ' l l l . t ' A U K S Al-Jlll-'l" t ' t f t : t N C O M l . I. HUM T t l t ." M j ; Of L O T S I I A U JIKI'-N I X I I A U S T U U . - -


liuvi;u:t u- .m»ny >c«l» «•without m u ^IHJMIII;H OI

«lki.orAKT: oi-vr;'(i-n Trt

o r l w r v l l l«« t . l u l h i . » r pRit t ' i

. i;i n i y « t ' « r , r i - . " | ; v i v i ' * . o n . i n a * J p I; t j H r v r l u * ! » « . p" P I , . , . | . U,i , . » i . r r « l l l l ' l H : A H ! ' . A ( t l l i t A T K r *

1 U K A I . 1 . 0 C A 1 I O N S T l > :U l . K C T ' ' I I O M . I ' H I C I ' Hl . ( ) \vi: i : A N D I I : K M : I ' M O K KO»- LOTS ARK AtVVAV

A nv A NT A ur. oti aIIICAUSI. bfr it n-.Ml na>»il»i. t,-.,\ 1 VI I)V ONI*. MIOUl.O AHTIC-

1IMTK TIIM I M W I T W t t . f ' I ' V M A K I N I I V C'Ki'lt:f. NOW Ol'A I'INA,!. KKMtlUf. rt_Ati : .


L o w i i S T VIUCI: »iul u>»m Urn MOtiT AIlViVH.M' }\ • , ' , " '

n i w * ACCItHHItlf.l* TO 4 «,tio,wio PUOl'LK.' liMC:Al>l< N K W V O H K

Ibry «i.". thf I N I T I A LTAftKOUH ITI

HKCAUSK ihr p n p f n i w A, ^nd ion»hl«fliii; ih« ((Al'IV ( ' i l i l )WTH Ol

• nd un I ' l t l D n Alt V I ' lTIK. ' i . i ' l ' O W N t i . n 1. oi'ly a ,|uf Ml(,n n / «., HtlOHr.,-TIMK ~'irr, 1 O T i 1.1 l in»SKI>AI.K «n.l I .1NDKN HAi»K

will KQUAL IN VAI .Cir . ih . 'w <.l oiir MO!iT U O r t i l ) .riii i-i-i i i- . .

L I N O C N L n n r . E n - n 1 .AI»O'. ' Ic l ' . M M t'.HV l . d l n i l . 1- 1 ' • - . • • - i . - i - • f« < iK U K T a n . l C U M V K M I - i M C I ' . -> I ( I l ' W «

, iio- r M(>iti'HN«h<i tu :.i»" i i I .VI l iy ».i,iliii. i

- ' " B n O W t i w l . u ' o m

FOR INFOHM8TION iI'm1.1'. li.Ji«|'..i,.li..>. • . , ,.,.,UIIDI.KlAkl < HI .•",,.• 1 11 »

" 1 , 1 I l ' . . i r 1 .

* lu W . ) •

I I. AI > I * t>

I In.l.n f» I lr..l.» ^ I(I?' l lnxlJ'Mrfrl . I lli«l-rll N. 1,

l*t-uil*p*U; ll.Olil.ntf. a*«Mi«'k N. J.7t)ft ti*tftn \ ' . rnii«. J«tMy Cltv, N

. . - 111 VVert 11.1 Mtvet, S#*» *.<, . 1 ,

ttk C i t y



«FTt« fOnTT.flVB VEAH8.' Un* •••la.rlHllK.il »plrl«


!J.S..T r.Vr>'4iLt(.i-J-i3 IK".Jt .or, 'ianeLnzr Til rink'1

ri *hsr*<f. f.r*t tMjild n froine and.thci iIn t t i « friK.,.* H>riut.-Ti't Two tr* i.-Kh*i,ifac.fi ••',! f'-<t. I..U-;. Th"*" Troughs am«^>:.>tr'.i<;<s1 by uniting . louclh'.'r tv.ot.«sr.3«. itPi<a-«-ii:l.lh« of n i i i - u l i thickB l J fill iHb'-i. n i i l r . at right tun-leu.

lni wife /sklnff o f / . , . HMS in lh»

far awfy from land.Tl^ t l i b l Intl-most plausible ."..Intl-i-• t b o t r r l i o r l n t h e . I W . I t - l - IU»f tto key !* to U- found '•»

tture of the rargn. In the 'piAlity "f[,**00d In which it win ca'-.d. .-.nd In

he position of the Tore batch.When the Mnry Celeste was boarded, j

flier Mils cave etiderjee that '!i" was,[abnndonml while rutinin: beforv ft]

itiidd'-rily call/'.l to the hou«e f-,r'tbiiiir- Never t l i lukins o f rr.yIT. he did not utAp to f,i.»{.*-) .•];»•«. but l"ft' shcrn standing in ::;n

fei!j,tield. ISefore'!i!« return t!i<- t.-aci !-.--tin* ' cain*>1r-'!>!!''«* and ^t.irti.il lniK**. ., A*

i.j. ""p-1 the l'"y came nut cf th* hfm»v> tiv M-.risi.l the! a «izht which m n fr.onsli to chill (.•;<•'*.--!i..;it. • %- ry l,"nrt. T w o iit l l* chll.lr.ii w-.-rc

' [.living In th* field, with th.*ir. h-r.-'.*oITi-r">! ' I" nt close together, t:;t>-r!y a!;*.,?:^-.;,,.|iovi- in their, play. <ta f,imi) tl;» t*.'.^:in th"l st-.ilxht. for ilieiii, wliiF" :f:

;i-,"i ••ro'<fi..tl fr<j:n iLe l>in.**r.Little thinking n! hlnnr-lf, Ifcn f-oyi-li.il bnathJes-* to their r'-«(iif*. Itas not a uilriuie too *<«a ,for t.'ii?n;. j

for hlnnelf lie v i a thrown fin !•!* ; I". right tinder the rafter b.ir a.-i-ji**

Kldcr-'-Why. Bnndy, Ind,- that ye vrn* (Irowii.-.n** ~* -;":" •.•v;fi«nd*r.^Sw.7thnt.~:*»a*-:ni«?.'-'itiwin, im.1 cldeiit iiritlnr."

Klder—"Kh, moii, what it plly!• moat awfii' |dly!"—Jculir.

now IT WAH 11x1:11.'Jlii- Mn 11 'You d.'iui-litcr telcpholieil

ntc to k*all and fix your phni'i," .Her I'lithcr- "Wlmt'n tli" inulkT

AvitllitV' • .'Die Sliin-'<Oii» of tlm

broken." .11-f fntber--."Wlinl will It ?

p.'iir the broken HtrlnuV"'Jim .Mini-"Two dollar"."

:|t.-r Talber- "Will. ln-rcV ?.". Iire.,1:the t'.*>t of 'cm/'• I'blca^'i Now*..

.,.?t to re

»•<; I T . . .. MisnI'lyrty ".Inek llani'iin wne tell-

ing JJIC about a romantic ndvelitiire hobad at tin* party la»t night. It ncein*In- buinp-d.into n girl In n dark hall-way utid klhM-d licr. and Jie d'.'-su'tknow y d "

Mian. y,li]tn%~"0 t." IK«! Thnt wsnI." ; '

Minn nj/tT-"Whrilt? O for s M -ne*is' nak". don't t.'ii him now.him love i;lh- ro.-ii,iijci.'."~l'JiiJadi

r i r i r:r»r>r Ton

'-nrn .v.illilay ti.e

t h - Ii

f r*

iii:i:KTi.ONr;i:sT A'nitAcno.v.•'Y/'i*. h" ahswcri ' l om- of !h'"-'r- *hii^

b»ndH-v,-anled' udv"rt;s'iucnt<. '*!har/iii'-If young wi'Iow, I., ai'ilf.il Ugurc, dcliglitful cmvcri'.atl'/n.'iliiit. lit;" liligill"!

' with %'ififfift in h'-r own n a m e ' ""Weil. w l l . IIow..i]l<l It lurn dii'tr'"He usarrjed ln-r."

On Clirlnlmni Pay , |.V.[», a jrni!t!«man frtim tho V,A%t nrrtvcl in wtutlwan then a W. il. in . .iiiiliniiiltj to laknup thn work, of . the vlllug,* mbool,which had ouluroirn l i t nintrlc depart-Mieiil, nud wn» to IICBIII III<* new y c i rnud ili'cnd" wllli twii lemliern. To tlm•mrprlne of Ihn young iinin, ul""- I" III*norroiv, lie b-arniMl Unit the eonimluiiltjrhud no rcliitloun ncrvlee. I>I«CII«MIOII [wllh tlu- itch.Hil trus le i« that dny d c - !te lopnl I hi. fuct thnt nt I.MUI «jii> ••(lh"lu wux a rcllgloiin 'limn, nnd thif olti*er» were cntlr.'ljr wlliMin-lliat w*rv|. c<Mhniiid I*** held In .the i*. h'MilhoUfi". rl'li>tyoiiliti"i/iitii wn« ardeiir nint thi* t imen-em.il i lpe for lull . -r tlilnit" t'lnn tlm

~ " coirrmtinitr: litiij: rnjoyni; - Thr v r r /* f • H.—Jit'il (liijp-.lt Wfl»-|U»"'iiitriJ(IUL'tl.ou...lu j••-•-•-- ^'ni»'ni.|i^':[yi(V-t«in>h'i*r''"nifiJ'''iii*1"'i!f'1'tir(rjWhal Irimtn.ii ulnrl.-d out with nulmcriptloti

I paper*. Ten ,|'ill,ir« n week wil« Ihi-mini t h e ; nnd'-rlook to r.ilse, and lu tin.tcaili.'r It urninixl ciinlly po<«lh|i». !

Aft'T mi hour'* w.trk tin* two rn.-n jHii.'f. The. tciii'hcr hnd *ub*crlpt!otiii |wlilch aggr.'fc'iiled frv.-nty -five f i l l * p ' ,neck , li'-ddin liU o » n Imlf dollnr, niiif'HIP trmtce 's |ia|i"r hod only Iiln o-.vn :mi inc. with a <W<llar a week, at tli" lop. !

"Till* oiidn th" innll.T for rn"," mild !th" trunlm*. "I never »«,v m i l l i

- Jl"il|llcll. Houir* ttt Ibi'MI melllbcr^ ofchliri-li»-« hack IJinl, |.>/,: If t in? don't I•vant rellitloiK liillueiH "» for Dt ' l r eh lb

I . an Hand II If Hi"}' rnii."in-tt- IcailuT went l.iick to bl«

boiirdlng plae... "I w. pt l i k e n dillil ,"h".*nid. "lilKappoliitini'iit,' l»oiin-«t( !;•m.-'K, ionwlot!«iic«K of f.illur'1, nnd af.'.'ili.'tt Hint ii'# ii'fi'l c.juld b" cipci'ip.lIn micli a. coijui'.imlly, all «i.uY»rlii<-.J t«mnlie ttit* tli'; l.lui i t of in.'ti."

After n day or two tin1 af-MManttf.icli.-r .'aiti* l.ni I: trim, b"r holiday H I -cation. Hln» vva» the yoi|iii{ lady vthnhud tmi-'lit tL'i. IW-II'MI iilomt d'iri,-ii{th",fal l . - s. .

"I d'.n'f III'IIU (•-••• ought I'. I/" din'our-nged," »)ic n.ild. "You bin-" two d'>!l.ir4nnd « .pjr.rt.r n wi"-k. ' Ibat /U tiejirly ia fourth 'if It. And pi-rlinpi* It <«u it* \don" for l"ii(. Anywny, It -|» worth jtryliie nxaln. 1 will Ink.- the otb'-r. jtupcr. nnd you Ink" yourx, and we wi!! j*'•" W ll ' lt VI" . '!!» d o . " ,'. I

Ko th" two ti-n'.-li(;r» «"t "forth, o»>i 'the r<-iHtl+i VHTP r-ouicthhiK IK-tier than '.n failure. Tl." ten didlarn A

UrildUnlly I In- village formed flahtU(if i b n n b golnj; nml. •nbrlely. Thre«r.'iim later a church vrafiorgnuUett, anilIt i*r.-w lilt Ita tuc.mtffruhlp ii.iuibertslnearly ti llioiiBiind. l'roitv It »»entforth ivdniilcit | o found othel churchfff,nud the parent church ioiiilnij**d utroiiK.Tin- town >vbb Ii -.-row up about It lie-<-aiiii> liot.-d for Ibe . ic i ' l l iucp «f llam .Ini.iU and Ih" Ii IK It lone nf l i t moralnud HK-iiil l i f e ThoiiKhlfiit m»n wholuck lurk over II* pa«t ami eoiilrantUn |iri"t.-tit with l"»i< favored coinmtin*li l t* C|.M.. m hand »•"• IIIIIOIIK tin* fruit-ful c a i m o of IIK prour.«» Ih" mmmtin*lly'n curly xlart tovvunl Iciiriilng nmlplcfy. Tho<u< w h o wiro a . t i t" In II*hcgllllllttgi lived to K P th" fruition ofthidr faithful effort. All of Ilinu mnilntheir homeit lu Iht* community which 'they hmL.tielpc*! to »tart l i m n r i I?'*"!fhiiiicn. Ttin yoiiiiic iliMi'iiigw n i thn


niilll It wan xtronir ami I1oiirl.,hlii|f.The young lady I.in l o r inurtl.-l, anilrcarid l u r own children In III" nHiooluii'l Kiinilayw li'Mil whirr, nhi* hail,n i . i k , d .'itrii"r<tly. Tlie Irost.-o l lrrdnnd illcil In th.* villas***, and a* he pron*P'?rcd, i;ind^ notiibl.* b*-it^fiicllfjn« lo tli*town nnd toolhcru a« well, 'flip youngprincipal, w h o htt.T rut-red lnisiiicMIf.., l ived long ami with fnrrcanliixlioiior In th" pi.ie.» who*'- Ltntory hn


«4 !!,». utory inliiM l i - toM,'lit KnrMill'in*. of many com-

Tli" lii'ldeiit l< related t'j4br> tnijHJrt.tiie». i>t rlu'.it In-

IIII.'IK.-.-H In thn for i i in l lv period of nK.uiiliiinlly. and lb>* l u l u - of u faithnnd conr.ig" n h k k ™ m'-t-t the dl»iip-J>*,lfitln''!iM flri'l over. om*. tliclli, forth« niik" of Hi., large iiiiiir" wfilch marjrlw>.lHV(*tT<.'il..-Voiilh'» ro|n[i:inion.

far •'•• trlrh«rr.

In-Ill1-.! '<>I/'-'il»tb

inmiHU ».




-,r, '.U-

A.«*.'i*: •**•!- As tho

*trons lirr-cze, and had b<-en rouniled toJn order to launch the life 1w»t.' Herfore Jintch was lylns l>ottom !>:i!e "Pcn: tlip deck. Her cargo wa« rjform!•torpil in red onk liarrtln. Hed oak

porous, and permit! the «>«<-ap»of fumes under the pressure of higt

ItemperAtnrc. Tliese alcoliolie fame*ai i lnj w:;ii t ic fool n.r it tl;.1. UoM'

cuthis check waswhole !<*tifftb.

Of coarw? they got n doctor s» v«nft<t poultd*1, l-'Ut h» mtmt carry ik*tiglr n'-ar to bin dylcf (Jay. \ w ti»«lto ihndder at the dpformlry, bat iloot

. hjv« heard bii *tory— not from hi*

t ; r ' - ls

own Uy <"ith«-r—•*<• r:iwn If. »« a

Bor fi'.ST*>ctra*it

;»p*J wJi'lcr tii*- t-'iard, riicvt? fth* .E-i-.r r.r:;i or -.toj'- to oMaln fm j ''"I1*"«-*i=it. Tfc> rarcsK-^n rbouM t;> kcpt.j 'nlir:'la it'-" ?r-i<tl'i-3 for *Ji IJT it-Ttn hocm,irwS ti.f7 wi'J. !*JCT: tie iibapeJ andf-^ij tor pjrt l^s *j crat**,' Tb« Illni'•rjiKca »!»••/»» tfc" cuantrartlon *f theii»T;«7 .a if.t.'^. nssfl. an trill \p: «'r51,.«-3j ,"ir3-*; tr-30 «in ».-tn»tro!-t lt.X2wl-

(.rVCK, nri'Vhe wati ^1"'! ^'> do It/' ,Ownidetcly fwiixj, wan hi-"/"Sot quite. Khf- waiii't yoiinf. «h»

r.'barminj;, «li" wtipn't u wldovr,WBI far from beautiful, idio

ami «w!<l ntrod-'/n* sratu-

Til* VlfiftHIJ. Thatb J'laln Ih-aler.


V/l to | I - ai-rc.la

iran nCit fircureil. but *owtMiiis/!:&'*than Unit fit It,wan J-Iwlt'd. 'llipf nMti'.>.-iit tiju found who w(iiil.li/x>.irdcm th» floM and g»< dally to tlis city, notfar away, for lil» tbi^Iuglral aludl**---four (If/ilarn a wi.-r-k would p.iy tillboard, and a p.iu f..-« nccured for 1.1 mon thf railway.

Tlio "tlieolofruo" »» minlnter, nnd tb«oJiool principal »a laper'nundeiit, andth» primary. teacher aa trschor a t o Inth* Handaynbool made a trki of *ora»strength. Kow nv4 ib»n. whrn I In?tb«/lofu» wai away, tile t:acfccr Mon'.tread

T»l**gr*pl.«r r » i"\V" h a v e a rVjtuliir fun.! (alli-d lit*

•ojiueli'iic/* fu i i . l , '" r.ild a ii.iiii wli . . «llaat it hiuhly po!l»h"d tl«-«k In one of tholocal r« l l ro jd g.-inr.il olfleea. "It I*I*"' ull.'ir l iow the fund grow*, u n d Iti»h'iw« l ite ntr:if,ge workings of th'.- coji*

H'lcjlll* of III! II.-"liectnlly we hnd nn <-xira<.ri|toary

rxifi; A yni t .g f.-llow down H r K T i -tii.-ky n i t l)i" Iclegr.iph wire-., nnd, be-ing an ('p.rntor, Ii" connected nn- ln -MtriiHipnt ntirl ?'•* n in*n«.i-.'" to tliotit\ir*'*t ib'itlon. orderioj;, Ihn ng.-nt to»-.•Ivc.lilrn a tlcfc.-t to C h i c a g o nnd ad-' ni/.c him tUi. II" ••'.'•t.i'A till' inci"« igo

.'.* !th tb'* imni*" of oil" of tin* high of-ti'-lal* of lh<- road. Half im hour laterIi" trnlkcl Into Ih"' Nation and axk'ilIf 'tlmri* vrjn n ticket for him. 'i'doagent g.ivc It to him nnd nl«o paid tho<a«!i. Ilo t'Hik th« flint train and iriunever beurd of .ignln until a few days«2o, ttlieu we r«olvcd « (b«lt"for tbo

] full amount. The trlr<-¥ were rut tbrra,"—Ixiul»irlli^Coair|fr-Journal.

Htinip* costing »10//X» wrru r«-»ntly'•-•H.ri-l for n:i oxrentn.'nt between:tio I/ouduj rall'ray rampanlta. ,

Page 4: • y...WO SING CHINESE LAUNDRY. 14 North Avenue, Cranford, NJ. THE ORIGINAL LAUN-t I Lady KiityV:; I Temoiaiion Bs UOLA lORRtSTER *{ti DRY IN CRANFORD. Tliti1 …

rtML. rT»~*..f«,V <T?;t;.«n Pr»«ri*lM» »f Ik* K u i *T Ck*«t»

tli CraskiCitiiti lUf^rUd

Ubies Aitzie. Gtuihii, K. J-

, - . , „ ; „ „ . . J-iTo »ecuf» ,}»u?./if«

lujnM fttnnt *sr ttju*'i

(he uirilfii uriiiir i» II y/nifiinlr* <•/(roci fujlh Jlit"t'ifi.-Mi inil jtiuttXimmunlroli-uj <>>i unj/ ..tvly'id ffgintral inttrttt In the },r;j,lt f-f Orni-

ibiltty fur ttjnnUtTt* uhuh viu\j

|n~"« ''"»^ -<~r!/r.L?siz:'^.'.j,i;iihKs: REA0II6 SYSTEM. ; — _ .—r—,"""-;^rt~"*!»-:v,;t£si.'t?-•;;"' NewJer.ey Central; VTF A T M A R K E T

, . . t i . - . v - W i n , ! t*j« ooontjr o ' C t w u . • •,.:•• • ; • A 4 » « « . < -*J j . - l w - i * . , u . t . y . ,._.., ; . T > J n ^ . J

I » . . ; ' . ! t i . , . U / i 4 « < r » O > b i . ' > ! ; i i i , i l K l i . h - - . 1 j M « r . i , , H ' w i . . J . o r . - r . . . i i . ^ . , i . « ' . ^ . , . , , „ , , „ . , , j . ; 4 ; , ; ! < , A. a . i ; : « . i • - i * A V • •» ' .

U - _ - . ! ' " . t i • • „ i '• i , i i - a L i i i '• ; ' • * * ' ' " . » * • ' ' . - ''•• '- '•'- * ' * • : '•'• " ' ' ' • - ' • • • •

Pou l t ry . •. •-Chickens - and - Ducks

•*'' i i J,. ttiifit;'*** of• < . . , i : . r » ' •••! t > i l ' » t

1 . . . , i i : - j j » j i - I ' . f i - J


i :,.), 4 V r I:."

i l l . : , - -!»- < '"- » i ; ' ' '»'l.»;i. i'i.': l> 1< I'.H

f I. *• r*r "'- i• - I , V l * l ' I

, s •;*-. a !• ' > ' ^

A. <e. u l i ( l H . :=.-3.:i». > '•

Tii t ' I iHlMY. AIMUL.C, 1JOS,

IN a letter rend before tlif Towu

»liip Omiii.itHe latl ninlit Oio V. I.

A . IDHt lu v i | ; ( i t ( / u r s r ' j u i j j i i i i . t

i n g t h e u i i n i g l i l l y i i | . | , i * r . i n r p <>{ i•••

t S i l ) lOtK HII'I I t i l l " ' i f l i l l M I l ' »> [•! 1 '

M I H T I ! r i i l i l n - l : n i n l i i l l i f d l . a l l k m '

• <• ( l u l l l | i n l o r a l l i f W t i l t ' i 4 i i i i l l i i l l i a !

' l l i i ! T ( j w n n l i i | ' I ' m i u i i i l i i i ' l i » » i

a u t h o r i t y "Vcr juiwiti* | . i u | n r t y

t o c o n d l t i u n ui" ajijMiirinn<• 't-jn-tip

W I I I T I ! th(i natiii! iiiny l>c i l i t i i i i i i n l i

. t o l i e a h t i : t>r <lant;> l u l u , i t • vvniii

M i n i * tli-it «)!• | r,'j,i n y <.'Uiivie. I' l l

t i t ' i i lar ly ill"*-..- ;» l /n*

l i n v r

m i d t l iu l i . w n Ui kt-t-j* l l i i i r |<ru|>utiy

i l " 11

l.ft U«lJ.. II

lwii nfi J n Iliti t

i.l nl I tifc. i •.-, I


K j . t l l i l

i - i ; t l ) >'iI I , . ' I ' . A ' . ' . , - | l - . f

i" l - ' l • - . / . • . •! I t •

A 'J'li- w . - L l i y fir., Ii , t Bii.l i« . iVi j'(I-*IA-« J51 . ti.Ofiiw '^»rliU1' "111* I- 'UTi--»

ni( li'Ktli ucKi-tl) d r m r n Iblrty-W* !J"'-il^il.'.il'm wt«t . tb» o u t e r llUD t l . - l - 1

| I T » ' H 1 I I , X tbo t » u t n UDX I ' IS .r ' l , '<- l H ' I l l , " • ' •> ' l | t t « I . W ,f > ,^ ' . !ui.-lH-! i.fi'i-ii fmt «n'1 fl i t ) n t e i i ' i , , -n i ' l . . i f a f.iul (SIS Vi) » . - ( . t n u | i l i )• in Hi" n.r. i f r t t i i m i,f tljit .««»•,'(•}M-i-i l.irnl'-n r i w l (»rtHlii<-.-1, ii,l . l ' ill.i- uf M». O u ' l K - «r»i-inir.11; 'I lie xnat. ii> ir i , , , ( , , ; -nlil

in..*'— Hi. O P run n\ ' - ! .U'-ni i ^I i.-.Mli oiiv ( I i ' i f , . t . t inri«/,l, , i ! .» w>-*t [.MJIS.'.-I v. i lh i l . . . u

mi t i b u l »l»k<> t iKiivri i t t -r l ;u>itln i» i - r " t i l n i i l lm c-r ' - . i : ini ' i - t

l;''. 'lki*' k n fil;1' nl . t t l , • ! ! . , i . " i'l ' •*rtl I I J W , I " ; 1 *li 'l I . i l ly l i v - I.i!• l f <k r-"»*t.("»'-l'.4-'i) n r » r V . i | .t l i« tiili t>ri:llvll (it II

"In (

i i t . i l

ill n c h l , (>r ill

tii<li. I'nlnrlHiKiUAy H

lull lack uf prid* or m alhrM in In

• v i o l a t i o n ui IHV 01 '•idiiil.uCi<> It

Klein* i>> i n thiil Uim in miu n|iliur<>

of activity l . i im.ging jitculinrly u<

llic Vijlii^n lm|ii'<viiptnt Aumcis -

1 l i en , wjlacli itiM numi» vtdlci lrn »*."f«»»

t l i r i n i ] i i i ) V ( m i i i i < ; f ( 1 , m i n i , ! . • ' i l .<

» < n k o f l i i i ' A ' t i ' i - i u i i i i / i l i M i i i r i i i i i ' l

g l ' i - a t v n l t i d I K I i n ; | m l - l l r 111 I I I " | " « l

m n l « c f v i l NUIV " t i n i r ctf;n-i hr

m a i l c in tin* n i ; l i l \v: iy , 1 \\\-'- )•»•»•"!»,

l l u w i l n i i i i n i i l , i n ' . i y ' " • . . i i ' i i ~ i i l i "

• ) ( < i n i i | i | i i i l i n i l t l i r t t I I ;iT, I n - i t i - M t T i ;

i n k c i * | i i n ^ I ' l r i v n l r j n i j i l t v ' i n tl

n i . i l « i < i i r t ' M i i v t l u i i i n l i n n I n . - V .

I . A . ' w i l i l l !>««" " I ! t l l f l l ' i p | l i . N - ! | t i l f

f i v m l l m J ' i i » i i ' l i i ] ' . i i n n . » r i ! i ( ' " i .

A l l ( I ll»> » l i i v « l u l l . .

I.i r » t o utttH l irf l m i l i'"-A m i 1 ' i i r |-i I I I - i n r

ft*H».trf»il r»M •t'H) i *i*. " v i .• .1'w I Oi. i - l ' - f l i l i t l v l -v vi j . - . l I - k i

. ii j i « r t I' i ' .v l^rt I'


: . | K H i - f . I'--

\ \ i <-lf rfS '1 ii'- J'- -i

; - . . - ! , lA 1F> .1.1.

r.it' .(' . if«. t , ' ' ' i t .• y ; i A i - r - l • ' •

.A f i i l - . l .Fi-

. <A i ni..tl* 1

j i i s ! i r, * .1.»"ni I'J ST. t l i ' * X . l i « • ' '••11 . i . » «.J, i la.» u .» a . • " • • " • l u 1 7 - " "'1 i ,r fi.iI».Ul|.bU-« W, » « • • » * M

i". ; l l , > :t, l i U md"., S:<i.(i»J« S 27. ' ; * '. jiii, » u . t a « i i . «»••. i t-t i". i i -

i ,|. 'U«iVil>i iUUiieUiB. AlUntowc, Stl

I' l»ili|< li." ' • .l if i>s li

l."i«t< 1:.»ii,!»llu 111*

t ttl. Willfliuuld tmr d i l r

lt.'}r>lnt>*4; l l . v u f . i.- <•• 11 -.,J. i -»i i l toJ, I l . i t i n . f (•.-•nril

f l HJ . » ,

t'T<-J*tioWrf»fcf It t f i l tj'i>ti ff3, viliich i*

il i f Cb..f Upt'iO ill..( Uir. sfui.*

; . i i u ( H t . f » - v , i - . i . . t i . i ! i *

• n t - r l i b " i f ''"•<i~- i )f Y Of l l » i l Vili, , !!.- r - r .

IVr«» HiU'-, 111 t!'

f f . i .

-..i IU »,lllii" Ctl) .'

i ! ii! l-l.Ui.ln (


K A I I . W i f ' »«r*Nif ,> .\ li. I'AHI.Ii'M,

Vice 1'ritlJ- '-I'

1 ULliEl'.U k KTASt.

i i i - i . . 1. i : ( I . , i

;,i I,," II.., | , - i i i i ' ,

1 l l -

, N. Jr*[ilmi»tlou by tra im

liiru-iy fur tb» |>^lUtorj'.i,ii-i'-ji-ily iif nwurliitf thi

n-li.-il' f ir, Ffwlr-I'l 't; l.u.>l-.ib'a.-uialltir. t r r t 'r i . i i u l / runil in.mfl'it-H'^

'llii.ll Wilt >il mi l t - l n l OilII i i i ' i i l i l l i l .11-' Vi l trt , ' -

M.W IH'tilM.**.-,ii1.-r «. i.ti.1

i 'ml i l l - 1.ill of t t i " W" )'•.-i- -,. .ik . u i n m ' - i t i l fiirnl-li-

, . . , , .v i , ^• • | ' ' i . . i ,n l t i . Mill

. . .ml, , ' .I c ill i

I'.'iirtH t in !<•-.(, l i . t M^iw,»), |Ci n | ,n : n f \:L--i: 111*. Ui-lif

m.T uf »«l'l '.' lid ' i i r uv . i iH" inti ' ikt/ t iI h - .WiiurJiir^- llii- (livl ' l ti il li i ' i- i j i ty i

iU Uili l'.!.-.ii-!jll».'il 1,'lulk .*«lU- it f u r i h - r

Hr- 'Jrwt .T l i ' i 1 ijcfii ' .nl i-i j.y of tliir - T . i i n t i . i i i , l l m ) I ' i t i i . i i J ! • ) : i , i - < J t - r k i

H i M I m n t ' l , ! , .• i n ' . 1 I . i l i i - i fill-.! ' O f t l

t " - t l h t y r | . r u , t d . i l l i 1 H i r t i i ' i i . i , g w i

Ul» ln» I ' l . - i i ' ^ i U l i e I ' l " i ; , )

r i . - ' t " i ' l f < * i i l j ' I I - » . ( I H i " . i d ' l - i l '

• t t i n ' I . i i v t i ' ' i l U 4 • | i . e i i i i i . i " H I M ! raw!

> t n t s , Hud m i r i i l l C'tii l i , r » >vi.-tn t u i . i j i ' i

.) I lin fi ' i lniutf v,il", . I sA ) « J I — Dirt-ctur llui>i ,inl ninl f i r

l u i l - i t AiUuid, O-Uv Cii'iitll-ir, ItatiliJcimfU, Kliii". Ki.'M- . M"l»"i. Mmt. l iUul>l»>n, tfcinMi-r, bwaii i , W I . I J I . "

• 1, W o - l n H - i a . i

l l l th l t H u l l ,

Wi« njn ulni'l tn l if al i 'o t o ici>'iit

tJmt t l ic i i ' I* nmv litt'i! (l.iiil't. ll»Hl

C'litiifuril will re1- Mi ft. i-'nitd 0*.< Imll

thiii •ini'-.fit). iiii«l J O H I ' B AooiiiiU

x l t l i n i - i io i'liiiii(,'ia lu m i i k c u;i

wi l l mid 11I11-IH5II1, lw». b tr t i ro

I m l ninl tt.II p lay a« l l i f ('mnfi<ril A

0 trii i i i . llii> nn-Uhi lx i v i i i i . i I'nl-n

Otul Iiinci'l i i A x 0 li int- Iii'im vf- i i i i i i

Mild \vi>lk wILl lu-^lii lit vii>'» t i pin

till-in In «Oi(l rc iu l l l l i ' i i . "rlii-'

RFptttlitf lift* till' d l ' i i s l Id |.;I>'. to <>(

Htiy In tint co i l i i ty IM'IIIJ; « l l l i i n llv

m i n u t e s vt tin- H i i l l i y itixl m i l -nijl

•Intlt i i i .

A liittulx-r o f inottitinii 't ii'•"lili'iu* uf

CrBtifuliI IIIIVI* lni-i.ir,i- l in i' . \ i i- i l In

tl lo t r v l v n l of IHIS.-IMII l ieu'

n in l it i» n o w u p to nil lovi'iH or tli'

up t o h e l p the niiiiui(;i'iiii-nt l ir urn

l wnvfi 1 oitfi-i'r !•>. (fttiii«iiUT- iiutii

K t l l l l Of IMIIvlllll"1 opl'llHlHl III I,(Hi.

Old ' t l l l l l^ l i H l l c , till- ll'lllll Wilioll » l -

I. | i icnrnt Olitt lfoi i l w III In- IUIMUII; tin

• ll\tlt(Ji'»t III till' S l a t e OIIIKKII* uf tin

E n M o i n I / 'nuu i ' tonn-t imd (In- ji'tij-i-i r-

a i l IINI- l i n e , w h i c h uuiki . t it 11 h m i u

tMim In tlip t fn l Bi-tisc. Mr. IV 3

I X M I I , i i u i n n . i t ; o f U10 A<- >lin)i tcnn

'Innt'yt'nr lina n^rml to lake ch«r{;« i>Ihoucwicam.

It, Kn . l i" l ' i . r f i »urn :It . . , ! . • il, I lint tli" I'll! "f I'"1 . '••'"1> l

HI, I I- I,,, | , , r . ' I l l ,mi l -

ill •!,. of I'll ' iiirlill'ivi'-U., ,- . , . .K"tti-<t--iniiv«"l-l-ti« i»o-'p/,, i. ' i . l ' i t l i . i i , .ii"l c i i i ' II i " " "

iml, WNkjn •

_ 3

. j" Clnduk kuii) Morili

Tlu- quality th.it can


B5. ^- au»J»i» »•". *• M

wr^utoa-H.J. Kit A* - 1 1 - " " ' - 1 1 -* . , I B . *<« »' *•

JI. . . 'CH/- t » A. M..IU r.'J.; Bua

>«ik, Pt PlfivU A. M,l 4 IU

i f o r ( j u a l i t y t hu

A H k i n d s c!

finli lvv t - ' rv t l i in i ; lii

II I - ' - L - V . i H - r t : .

uid Prices will be lower

irt-oh, salt and smoked


OYSTERS!' Teh'phorit' 13-A

C. M. t!ft»

. rr^. 4*it-u,

^-cb | 10 , A. M. Wi,.«l!iiir f.';l..K, E.Ww«.lifV. ll.-'l'. Urnv , S hi .V.:. l imit,O D aitkt-v:. J. t'.. Jluwnnl, W . i II It.liliii. facii II". M If. 111«MII - »j:i. i i"'•

j It. liuutik-JI, A- U. iie.i'1 "i1). It \V«tK T. ('. F-iitnot.., J L»'>M-[.• iL-ir|t«. G. L». i - r »J0, H. W. CIKU».l> Diitiiikmi V.L. li«x«-»r 41. J. t)t-C<jur-

I\ K. Atkltifju. t-Kih | |U, iC'MartlbJlft, II ( i . AIIJU.D. J . W. Uravlon. J. H.Ii ii,'-. I) .M.>Mi*-iUiit)i, J Usrnn)|tuii,

| l i l , <;. 11. lUu.Hlt i , E. WIIUJ , W.I'., . . . , i , ^ i i , ) , H llnnd. » « h |1U. VV Si. i"..li|l'1,J. M; L^ianrJ.J l i llnaktui.\ J. vS'iinji, J, 11 Cofte.C.A.diK u^'ui

Jin M. l i i l»nri l» |15, W. t Ni-.tuiiuI). V fnr«, I F , Ca*-y. J < A" 1'J>I,--ii'fll f l u . t i . W CXilr <l.-i, I. •.•.liii.li.-rVV. A. t.liirk. It D . Scutt , r . , i ] , f|l>. A

| I 5 , O. T, U u i i l n u i . W <•

((I , , c m mi'iluiiwlirti | f . 1"Ifit.t'V til' '

II..U\ \ nH 1 1 1 1 ' i l l ! U i l V i i ' l - J i 1 s t

I ' , l ' | P r i ' " i | l - I K l i H i y W .'

\\T1i1rinTi1, tln> It,. 11.1 uf 1 liiw-ii K.linfi'u i-< nl tint comity i-f Uuluu hlirt- iiiti>it>, to wi t , I'll thi> t l i l r lwni t i

t t l i 4 a u l tiiu

U u lui-liiiu it w«» n r d w i l lli.il " " •l<^-._.,f....l.,U...(lUi.luiuilt1J<!;...!.:'<.J.ftli-.'.i..-J.1AAliil-li t(i iiifaii|{i> tili>-

UpOU ItHMV'lutilllli.' »ft<T H'Ci-i'''. l " ; i

no.ll olii.vvnt nil iiieml't ' iii l i ' - " ' n t i » i ' i ' lI ' reol iol i l . m l.'i 'iiiiilly ninl K l i ' K — «

Tim fui i inUiiu I'll!-, l ' f ' l " •>l>" "iiU.tlt'-.r..mil iiiniriivi-'l. v.i-i.' . n i l ) , i.iut i>» m i li-.-iii u u m i i i u n u i l y "<il>r>il c - u l . v i * ;

"Kl.-i'liiiiiAuciiiiiif- .If'ti'i I l i O l t w n . F m i ',(I,H l iHi 'n, • ; . . T. K'ki" \ <-- I''- It*-"*: Mi.

i : II . Kut i i i i in , I". H . »'H fi ' i i l i , > . 1.i.KUUiiril. .liilm Ktrll'-J . WlU (.lOllT, ' l l lW.|i,.,-.'il W i n M- N u l l " " ' , ' l . ' l 'n Kif iK.it .i.i M Vvi'lilir, W W: Mi«.r*. J . P.r . y i i i ' i . J . J . |iiiuiiiiiiiii,llm>.»;. Wl i l ' in i ; ,

: • ' • : u i . ' i , U. i>i ' inii ; i ;-II, J i m . l - i t u r i i ' j ,

D . l iC ' l l . M •>.

i|MHi»Dli flU, U . » U U I I I I i

:r«lg. Uik li . Ualbert, J J. Kliiui. iy.'iteti |1O. li . B o n n $19. U. ». UIK,«V,UI,'i.l, J: X. 4UoMarr»y»W0''. J. J K»nfi'».

i' Pdy nccmnit ,>,,lni 11 .liin

;•••* tOKtnti Il.irtiy $ i ill . 1' 11. M. i -jin, i t . . . a. t-imi-k f j ' j . I; K. Aii.init-.U. W, A- \V, ' . | | i in , l$t .> . . l ) . n .\liniiii'}.'* J.'lill 1-' Wiilll •!»,• J' tin H. I i»u• "*• -. •' "

m uimiltii1 E»p'-nsi A i v n i ' i t . K. UAil!im«-$I2,O, .1. U.' t'lkly $Hi.'H. .1K'-.-W-HIII *f-V l.:ii»«v It-It.iii.-i'- J.V l i 'Kt"ii»"iJ'iii.W. Jnliu l("l.itn»"ii fi. I). .--lt'>taiti.H'>«<>.-U< < 1-vi.ik t« .m, l' . 'UMi-ln -1 $111, W. A. \Vritl>)i.*l l*M, WII U.«ui, , 2 t !Ul

i M . ' , ' i . i . i i , •• w t i i i l l u - p r u k ' i a u i i i " f MI1

u . - ' l i I ' d " A i i n i t t ' i i - n i i l ' i i ' t ' vx i r i l . -

i i ' l i - - . ' I I ' l ' - r h i ' i i i i . t n l , i a < - i j t i i r i ' , U n -

' " l l ll 1 111-1 l l t l l l l ! [ H l l l l l l ' I ' l U l l H , " l ' | l

; . . k i - ! .M- i ik ' i i - . l k i , I r t i ' j . i n , - I l l i . i f n i i i i ! .= • t, * i i . n l t in t . - .111111111- . t h . - r i - t i i , »i . ,

| ' | l i " l , i l l i p t U V o l r i l i . l H I M I l l w l l l d l k l < I

i- ' u i H i l I m - n t . i f i n 111" i l t y d f K l l i ' i

H i l l . I l l l i l l l i T i l l . u l l ' l l l ' • • . l i ' H ' - l

' , ' M i ' j l l I ' . ' l l .HJ t i l l ' » ' l i - t ' I I i l l i i ' . ' i i i

i n ; !• • I'I 11 . a ~" .T" - V i \ l ' r i i i i T* . -1I a i l i l !•»• r i -

.1 l | : . i - h . ' I , ! ! f 1 . 1 1 1 . I ' " i t

• j { . - , , - , v , , . » r , i:.Viifi.(i..u -U '-.tX^ut L ' i ! v . - i . '

L y . - ' v l i i ; . I , I i .f t". - i t . - i i ' - l j "...r U ; ii'. 'i ' <i

)r--V«V'f-r#tiiU|3ii«iV.V-!iuUi;l\i;f.;ytti:"'7:X;:t.."• i i i ' i I ' U i l . v . - n i i I i i < i l i ' - i ' i i S . n l j . i n f . ' i i o , . .

I ' I ^ l l ' l i : i . I i i l . n | i i ' i u l w l i - ' i - t l ' T ' i ' . : ' i ,

i i i i i . u f \ V < " t i i . ' i . S " u v r n u t i | : . l n f ^ i r l « I I '

n u i i t l i w i - f t ' - r l y « l . l . ' \i/\u <-t I i i . - n l <.'.>•'•.

i . - i l - ' I t U H ' i l l t i n . i l l l i i i . . r - i i l l - :, : ,

\ \ • • . - l i - i . l i l V i ' l l l l i i I , , l l J ' ('•'. I V ' f : - : | -

: u l : i l i ' U ' i i , - • ' > v l l i l I I , i - (.• . . ' . - I * • { H n , i

. - w y - - . I i l . I ' i ' l i i n t - ' » i - I r - i ' I I I . ' - L . » : !I .. H (lit l !.,'•;•

U' •.. !>.-!. I!) i t ' n I . rl'.i'.-'i i-.'i'i1 ii l , ' * u •' .ulii ' i i , .It.'lv . v i i ' i i ' i l t y 'li

ll.-iuy 1'iliitc, Ji'im i-1

ll.ltil, '1 lllHHll.i|O C-lllJ.iini K.-lli'tirr, 1MMfi'onunoU. K II Hii i l l l i . i l . l . i .uit' . . 'T. Miititfiinl, U It. UHIIUIII U .1.li'iviii, A."J", Uy.>u, .T. A . Ui i t i . V». NV'l»i-lit-.'i«li. J w . Wwi'l l iT, Ui.b.it . f.l;»i,i. H m i i y s\ nlk. A. M'irllii. . I .UlAm-i..'II. J . Cmily .J A ft--)ii.. ur .L U i i l i . i n .J r , 1). A Wiultli. l> .U^ti i l ix, I', UI n it- i l l . W i n . E K l l i i . ' . A l l i . i t L u , 4 o r , VV.t".i i i iM'l l , A. J . Ciii i it i l . t)llvt>r Miirrliun,V. Miil'-r, KilwHi.l V llnisi', M:'.x Mn-'li--r h>'tiry CIIIII'HI. -1. ;H':iulili'i-;.' . l r ,Al- x. A. tir.ili', ii. M'-'i i i ,: . A. A.KIvtn-!i m v J . I'. Clmk. !•'. II t'ln (IH. 1> Mt-lii^

.(-, ('-. A;. Uri l ly . J W. lt<'ili>.ll si. D.l-i . - i . A Hitrli'r. 1. ,1 U ' i n - , ; M. b'l-in*iV ui. Krivr, 11, Uiii'-i-in.'-'. iVjii K.UU'li't, 1>. J , Ltii'lilinl, •' I" I v ' l i v . l i . r t u u c

•I. A, Mumify, .». I". '.MiTiis.'ii. r\ A.-S. " h i k, J . Klli-h-1", -!i , I'. H t'mi';'.

-.- Ion, Uuu.lt t (... iuwuli' .v. '1'1|'.:» (•',l l . l i i i . ' , Vi. A. Mi l l . i . A. U . Mi'.-kK,1' A ltiiisiii-iiy. U. U, l.ni i n - , r. K•'"Iit-Wr.:-Nvli r't.-U-':-ifrJr,,-r.:-AAV'Mtii-,-

: H , • l r i U - - t | U ' » . . U : l , > l i ' - t .1 . . J . - l - J U l l l l V

I I ; 1 : ; i f f t i i f V t * . " - • ' • • VT. S u , i [ f r ; l > ; : r , i J , , ! ; f , i

,i ^. . i . c - . i . - i i i i i . j . i - \ v . I I I . I - I J . I I . , A

( ) : . ; ! ( , t i . 11 : . . l : l " ' . : i , i , J . I I . U . I ' i l l - i t ,

r .1 1 i i i » r , i - . i l l , if i n , . 1 ' l u i J K - ' i i i i i .

V--VJ J i i , W m , II > j ' ! l - r I . t u i l . I I . U i - , 4 .

i i ' M l - ! . I ' I f • • l l . - " < . . . \ . U - m i l . - , r b c i . .

I ' t i i m ' - ' i i . I'' W i l l - H i I - I . ; • , 1, i j . i - ' l i ,

I ' I I . I . - * . I i . I . - m l - i i . I ' 1 . i l i . v - - . . l i

M fII. Bivaiii ii.liil.

-Onuri Aivniiiit—Staylim I'rlntlDR t'ii».i» Suuun UoiminiitiBln tU.IU. |8.7

i*. v. w<*av«r li.ao, n.ai), toa. F. 'iv

O J It U j 0 11 W

i . v . w a r l)n-l {tT..'.O, J. It

.a), toa. F. i. *ja7.0tf( 11. Wn

k J »VJ D


i C HA cl^un lirftit, a f nre li^lit, i.a ornatucnUl ligbtsntl an up-tx>-date U fuyni»h«

Unitctl."Eiecirie- -Company -or New Je r sey . IFor very reiui,>nnl;!e r(i'>t)..t.! ,-y t;;»» electricity fur huat. and power. Coma it»d1'

- ti.i-:r htii'Vi.•::. H wii! i;u«' von t o t h i c g . T a l k

iii'it".-is'nur ,.iul yi>u m«y i,'v« money .



TEIEP1I3NE:ICSC D I S M 1 C 5 , 3 i B




i-i'ln fW.no. i»>'0. W. l '« .k , J r . %S'l. DII. lt-iiiniiy J»r>. J . Criitui.fJ'J.nO, E. HirAvtvlwliM, a » . . . W t i k t l (IU 4 l , AA r . i » o b i < ' i i i l « | « | - 2 3 . A : i t ; k i t i - i i . - . l r .

M , I V , $ 1 0 , J i i » . t ' . C i i l v . i l fvV. ' iJ , J - - t in

U o l l r . i | I W , • .1 . J C - i ' V ft.'i. I I . .1

.-tclitinni' * 7 J . J . I ' , l i i >>.! f j . ' l l l . $->•>.'.


• ^ ^ ^ ; AND REPAIRING.


l'lrmt olnsii work guciruntocd.

42 North Avenue, - Westfield N. J

;Vliii.|.. »73, J . I . I .It A. Viill «ami 83. W !;

i J, L. Utii.r ii'

. *y • t .'ui

f.'lMj W, i iN

ll%lit t f ' - l i icn:- . «!;'.> li\<«. |'v.(

.- Inr from l'ii>-1" i t !- t i»-t . 1 lit -

'"'|<itrtit*tllar I'li'in K-" wat vi i'ii-i;

iuiiunliil(iiti-t'«' i:Jii \v\i in N o w 1 . ik

cotnt1 l i ino v-iinv. (iiul In i--i.-iiyi-i--i'tti"

It l'l'llilll'.' 1,1,1'W II Ihill III' li'-UI'-il- in

Ni»»- Jrnii 'V, v i a in.ih.M-I'lntlt v, MI !••

Fjifiil;. 'l'lio Imly of tin-—li'kiir-i' u'li-t

• I m v c lilnl'mi iili-ii l l . i it ,i!l J i r - r . n ; . li

wt i i i , fu i t iu ' i - mil l ln-r IUIIHI B I - H H V

U'vi'ili-il tn t!if J-.VH I'f f i v t h I > ; K » for

tai-flMn'M-- i i l ijvviij sin* u T i m J Ilui

Jirniul-f of inn- r i ' . i u . U I K , t lmt ho

wouli l t'tiiik; lu>r H ' I P I ' i i in - f iv»li i - g g -

*"ii«lit fii i n ' i l i t - r . n u i , ' Hi* J i i | t t l io

•' iMi.itiil!"'nil riKlit, l .nt >i I n n tin* ni i - . l i

t lvi l jvu'kjtj;ii vvu.1* ( i"-iii-.l, t o lit* ih^

l i m y vM-iv f.-iiinl v\.uli il'i« <-i;ni in

jjui - i i titiiliiik; t-tnuii' '! l u ( h e f .uv i-i

t l io t-vIiliiiTO c i | l » n u t i o n » w e r e 'if

l i t t l e i ivuil .

t I ' I I . • . i l l1

* i M l l l . l . t i l ' I l l t - l l 1 1 1

i t tli" i iut i tyi- l i - ik,-ui , l i luc t'nii.uv mi lilt ti«cli4iiK<J tkOcoriUii'U

KrswhoM'r Ail4iu» mnvi'l ti..:l,ui i f ilii> fi'i^isvioB uri-.iiul'li- ui"l'ti'li-l-.-., Kl.il Oil Mil Cull t i l . V » « l - II, .'.i !-, i-.l .(.-ti^t ' •

i ' , . • ii• 1 I r r Svviln iii.iv.-.I i l l . ' . tV.Ulnllllli i i - i i l iol .'•, iii i;." i iiv ..f li'.?


\Viisi'd f9, K E. WiilU.iiM.u jrj? .U, \ .C. J, Kunl l ih i l3 j . i l , V. f u n ' 1 v-l -il.VV. K. LoATltt |U3, Jim. K, K'Hi'isu f:.. )M.W. HojrlnW, U. i\ Uurivll $>»J.ai.

Iiiiuncy Aoiouut—If. H. Ui*uvitt? i . - . . i d , • •

I ' u ' n o U i i ' . l i l l ' i f A c i - o r i ' T . • - W V - t I ) i - -• • i i i i , . ; i .• ^ I . i . 1 . II r . i r i t . r I.', , i j i i . l j

U n i t il l i l - i - ' . i i . : f - i ^ i l i l l-'i, A ' - . i 1 > I *u . i i v i l i M l u . S l ' l . ' i l . H m . .M...V-1 f j J.-i( I - I - . \ V . U . - i l l I I f . U C J . Z l u t iV I'l".. : . l \{ l U i t l M . - W - ' t v f i i . U i . i - . l i I ' l ' ' " >,<l . ! .I t . U l i » l i > f l ! « . H J . i l l i ' N Y " ; i i . . i N .1 IT . ' l r p l i i . i i t t l l i ' i f i . <."• Ki. i j i i . l•J3.U&,~J.v:-J,--C»n!y- ^O.-L-V-WiiL'U,,r.>SU -111...Jlc^..Ivani«.H.'.iiii)ji

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Jld, t i c . IV ttii-'i'. *•"'. H A<Jltl,t.'l:nrlI'tllillliK 'II M.'Ail

f.. li Vlirk.


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"' - i i i - i t,"iii.liu J 1 5 U-.'.-t., . i ; Ailili->,'ii S v M t t , S J 4 .

l l l l ' W . V. i i l , ; , ,!-| . ^ , '1 . ,1 ' i im 1 , i Y , l i -

f.'.-i, S.-- U " ii- . l i j i " j ; i - ' ) V 'l'hi>

, » l t i i l l I..--,I * ' : . ' Ni-'.v J . - i x - y A l l -

• t t - - j n i i r . i l i ; , . -_ . ^ j i j ^ i i n ; T I I H . - I

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| i r I- . . i . . - . Up -v,

,-H. *V|,:. if ,':,- I - J C - : - V . K U .

i--n»-. »\ in Al. i-'i. , •' i l . l '" . ' - i . n . i ,

>i 1 ,1- . .1, i l . . - - • n- V. U i ' U-!,->l»,

. i M n ; n . i - ; - . ' ' . I ' t n l i i i i - . l i . N .:. .») .< i ' l | ! - - - l | | i ' . f f . V i . ' , l , H * , ( ,

. 11. t'.. l -V i i . t . . A . K O i ' i i i i , JJ,J i i - I ' I , U . - \ . t \ , x . J , t . ' i i n p .

t. H I ; I . . - . -1. o ' i . - . l - u . - , : i . i i - ! i i i i ' .. . iMj.-' ( , jj .U! H. i i . ; i i i - i . - ' l . -n i ,. !. - U •.,. i. , i i i- -.. J . A, i i iin-.'. i v .

Jail Acou'i iut-l l F. CoHi 11 $U>1 1-".U i n y & I U |i l .US.

li.oi.U'dUl A i v . ' i i n t - U II iii.iliiisi.ii.#V J..It. llu.Wrtdl >JJ. \V, H. O-'linKVonjSil, Ailviiciln 1'uli. On. f-W T\. Wiu. If.\\Vi.liui$t>i>.53. F. II. Siuith #IIW.M. K.L. Ui.iVvn|.M.,Vl, U-ii. W. t;.'li. *?.-|, ?3.I li UUli p't

Ni'iv Oolin !lf 'I!.,' Aivnniil - J ibiCF -ri.'il Jl3:i, J ii>"ti bYiiTiltUcia-r SU'3,. l . Vl l i f . ! l - l H l | i «

C'Toi'tir-.' AiiMiiut — l>r. J II. P.r.!ii,,n-i tV>. J. 'V: St-iiM 5.V), SinntiiiiU'-iMrJ J.'i, . li izii--t!i Kvonit ij. 1'in.i!.tli. CrBtifi'i'l I ' I I I M I f.'.-i. i; M. W i n l|JtW.«3. J. W. Kink tilu. -S U'.^iiiu-UjnoilOO, F.-'W. W«(c-cn JITS.

l i r l i l j ; . ! A i v < m t i t - C u m . - t ' l - n l e * ? 1 .J i i - U M i i i t . ' j l l •-'.•>. i ' h - w , J K i ' \ J " i - t i '• I . W V- ' i i j l ' . ' l t *•.(•..',0. ( K - 1 \ V . U- ' . i t l ii ; . ! : i l l i i i . \ ' m l , ! , , t . t ' l . 7 1 . I ) , i.•i i i . i . l . i rf . ' f . - , . S i r , I'-.itiji. i i r s J U ; i | ,

.1 11. l ' . , i k . r i " f l . 7 i H i . T i n ' M i U - l i - l lV . u . t C - . i.J..'i'ii . t i n - \V . T . K i r k t , \ .$ ir . i

i ' ' : ' i ; '-!i-t S-1 ' i n m . i v r - i t o l i i ' j -n ir t i .- * ! i v u ^ - * v- i i r i t i l .



you want it Good,

i i• • r

- i

. 1 .ii U

, i i ; , C t ( f . ;• " ' I . I ' - :

t ' • , ' . > , - i\t- l i . i s ;• . . .

I > . ' . l v i l U i l 1 • ' • '

> I I . i i « . ; i . i . ; - : . ; : I•?:•• -1 . A . ! ' i m > - . i ' ; i | A i l . ' ! • ; r . f t .

' .•- i » . m , U . A l i . - y l t * . - \ S K ' i t i i . t-Hf l i ' , U t>. fcVi- i ' t . If..!. .1 \\ J SII ^ i .

.'^ ' I ' ! . ' - • : - V 1 . l v . l ' i M - . l

i, 1", U l l -• -l £ \ k V . i l .

,t'.' >iO ii ui.

n 1 i l i l l -.T!i-.ir»l.»y, Aj '

S. IU>UNi.l UVSO. Clerk



All ailment} of the feet treated

Get it at, OYSTERS


P. D. IRVING,No. i, Opera House Bloc


Page 5: • y...WO SING CHINESE LAUNDRY. 14 North Avenue, Cranford, NJ. THE ORIGINAL LAUN-t I Lady KiityV:; I Temoiaiion Bs UOLA lORRtSTER *{ti DRY IN CRANFORD. Tliti1 …

/ . 'T HE- CK

MrQRD FOST OFFICE. } H . B I . ^ W h.,!,.


*«•'« ij*-


Luis;, t . , r

f « r i , n , , , , / r , , • ),» i

lit »» AMI J ; . , , .

« .1 v a

I *! '• :-:

Tbe fir»l tv^uU \>t Ibr T-»

•a v!! •, \\- v:

«.t: j . ...I '

Location of Fire ; ; - j r m B o x e s .

l« i- • .! „-

M ATW. , fofirid, »cd wwi <.a

"»i:t begin at cacf t*fcr t in f^rUuvs

•rfKtlt.. J. I*.

lk-:rv"l!t C.i. i i tbH •rPeHDi*>i1ci*iit pwte»a.A >Vi!t." . f" diy n-.^H 4 n . i r !1'!>* i*»b;ifl S*r«io» Oj»rorttis» JkM

:.> s letter of Chairman

• I'ii f;;.< l;:U.>Wth s'on> toi>v t:.i.i a! t!ir si-....:ucof»n.'tire. I • ' • " April « t h , l « »

Mr r.l>luiut-,J 111 Qor&jo.Chairman. Tumtaht;

Cracfuni, N JUv IHsr Hir ;

i-.'ini u! )uurf»vur of April !»'., «aJ,|>i)ii!i; Ut )uur ll^uiry to nay tbal I t*

I:.---- Vi.U Mu-'al t!.;s E.'tL-nnna a: tin1 t<I . ' .MM J-!.;, II lh-jrs-.iw-.-is ^

At :Uf I'1.-.-rift .V'n-.i!

1!:.- K«v

the ia-iiu-.-»r. y u liar

I. J.'sp!i. formerly

; '- -• i , J , - I . ;

•'•• ; ' ; - r • "• • 1 - '. ••• - A A * .

; ' ' "' -' b . . 1 .* • • - , : • ; , ; * . . |

:i A

1 ALf-.

Town .\(it.:».

Ui^ ;i:id i'Vi-ui:!|4 iifil SanJ.iy. In

tin- ' v - n i n j b'' w U almlnWter ti.i-I *•.«• ;;!n*ct of tlii? 1, rd'j SuppvT. Mr.

J >'I-|.'J"* mnay fri*n'l-» will bi* glad tf>^ri-rt nu'l hear liitn u£a!u",.l;i)A:i:ir; ialhoJL'rtilno llejul PiaTour-iidtii.-:.: at.irn'd Tuur-.duy unlit , U8

j _M!W. i If itii! folkd. .S.tphnr won T.j K>t l ; ISivmnrr «.-n 2. list fi; MttU>r

''Fnrldijh• Villu1' u a^ain open f,-.r'-"tm '• ! ' - s t *; 1 > r •iim-kt'lt. won C;the f.i-a; j

; Biiili,-.. W|,i,t will !„> ih" attrai-tiunattlwt'usiti,. iifi-Ai-ril 11.

i Mi. John K:i!i'- is f^m-iuaUv rcco.v--. j^nQii from bi> lec-nt illni-ss.

jofthe Misse, UUIM.-.V over Sunday-• Mr. mid Mrs. Juiuvs E. ;Sp<>neorhave r-turued from u sojourn m

Mr. K. Uuserldulo ha.-= in y.-rA fiomth<- lii-cl;i-r 'Jut, ISuru ,ld« Au-, \o CVii-teiinui-t Ave.

M.i-a I-'uiriiii-.ii, fi^uivriy uf t'liui

ford. i» living wi!h her inunl . -d M*U-i'

ut Kliniru, N. V.

Mis. A. \V,.id,'i.b;;i-b and ..l<iuj;lil.-r

of ilainbiiin- -I-- vi- iMu^ Mr. u'ul Mt|».

• i 'bo i im«. \ . ! - | . . i i y .

•••Tlic Hlyh Si'lmVil r. . i>.b,\)K.-,yn will

' p l u y t h u I'lntirv t-.n-.i nt Kl;/.libt",li

u e i t Wijjliii'-day;

Tin; Imlii'j- if T i i i i l i y E | i i u M | u !

Church will b'iId iu imnm.i; ; . ' "all1 in

' AMcmb'ly Hull mi April 1'..',

Ex-pi-Iki' l'.»niuii--;.ini'i W e s t . i.-f

Jer^'y City, lias l.-as'-d th-', All'-u

Jloiiti' on Viiioii Avt'uni'.

A mci-lin^ i>f tin- W. .0 . T. U. w i n

hold ut tin! liuiuu of Mrs. U l> IrviiiKTuesday afternoon, April 4th.

Township Trens'iiriT WmxIliiiK will'aleavo toiiuniow fur un rxtvudi'd busi-

nej? trip West ond houtliwi'.-t.

Dr. Henry K. Mott, of Elb.abMh,. coiidu,:tud the si'ivicii ut tho l'rcnby-

terian C'liapfl lu-t i'lidiiy ulglit.Tin" 'iYi-dni'-<lny Murnini; Club list-

t-ni d t" un iiddr'' .H MII tho •'PrcHcrvu-lionof tin- l'.iii.-adi-a," by Miss Doin-

Mr. ,t.''1Tr~rioin«liitI~riTa-pTiTcha?rilU 10dioi- i' piitt'i-l r.lrn.'li' toiirit>£ rnr,driving hoiiH.' froiL I'bibidclphiii httnself. ' •

The r-.'KHlnr Hid MiU'hro waa Ii-Id «t

Moud won u out nl.-i' s di>h nnd Mi:-(J \V. Llituil W.JII u du nuslt tifblvspread. •

Li-i' Dfrhy iiiid I-'r.'fi Cntftwlhnak-:nn eiU-nded tour tliroiiKb Hun'.i.'idoiicjiiuty tioit WCTU: ivltli. thii: latter'*V . h i i e - S f t i u r i c r . ' • " . _ . • • - . • ' " I •••'•:•-• • ; :

anxilurj- ynwl yai'bt limtiiKH ind midwill iiuvij»n:e SUUK' from I'hiiudt'lphluto oysi.-r Uay, L, I., l-avuif f'hlludi.'l-phlii A| ill a il.

Stip-rvi-ing l'rii.i-lpal 'Johnson isbusy wilh tii" d.-tuilj in tli» 8,-hojlSuvln^'liaiik. wiii'-li will bo lusti-tuttdiis-o'.ii'H tb" n-r.-.-.-uiv booksuud it;i!np-< »!•• l'1;> ly f°r u'"-

i - l i i i t - of the CharityI iifVin; bum1.' of Mrs

.i i:>' .'d:':i liiy nfli'iiioon »' •>F.udL- ! vVi- li-'l-l ut •tiit; In>m•.' ox Mr

T o' \ '•''•'•'' "d:':i lay nf l i ' i i ioon » '

o ' e l u e ? \ \ . ''-' pr:i" •'r''u A'-'u .') • '

' «OII '.i,;i' won 0. •J. Tonight

tt.'wtiiier in l!i" Ti'Uinaiiu'nt w!!i con-tlnix*. Tli"'ri' will in- piiii'S for (jiv-'itcatnumt*r of fj.unon wun and for bi^ht-stto'al of phis.~<; J. JrnS' n, n Swidi'. huil ft fluiit,

with Juhu lust Sikturduy-at tin-i-.irtiri of Humh Jivt-nut-

and Walnut. Si-vt-ral to</k

i hand ai:d noli- roughly haridlt-J bywho pout-! fully built.

t'olioi'iunn Mciir.r^sy uri"*tril Jensennv>rnliii; nnd-

him l"fon- J M>'ndill, who son-t tu i id hiiii to twenty day* lu theConuty Jiitl for UU.fidt-ily conduct.

'Iho prrd-'lit (i ("hapi'l was

•.. ,-ii..' won sr»E. A. 3points

TU.'atu.iV •L-;inK«.-ftbn V. W.M.Soeiftv (-f V I"''"' l'l'-byu-ii.-i'iCtiurcii was liWvl i't il**- bom- of Mi'--'

. Chaa. S. MiU-ron N'-irth .Wo.. Tuc*'O.lici-ti for thy y.'iu

l l l lf i l t o tfVt-rllowiiiK l i s t S u n d a y A

pl»-t \>{ g r o u n d h a s ttvi-ti puivha' j i 'd

Hud yn\<\ (or , uii'l i l m i ' liy Ari-l^ltn-t

l lnW" of {Kli.'.iib'-lli. havi.M b.;i-n m1-

i v p t . d fur u ui-w rli>t'ri-h cd^l . -e tu

m ' - i f i . i w i'lii- > - ^ l o i i of tliu 1'r.-^-

byt ' - iu in f liurcli un*<irr:iiiK<'>K tu'n»b<-

l h " li••(•>•»* u y lu-nds I'o- tln«

out i-fpthii p lans t o n siu-Ofinful

Tln\ 'Ti ha:-i outgrown itn

hu iuutuu! ni' of th«and Iva<-hi-r3 uf th" Sunday i-clt<»>lwiw Ivld at tin- r.-ii!-tio. of Mr. X. It.Foster on Ui'ilsclv I'lin-i' lintThursdiiyni^ht. IT It. Ilorum win id"clcdI'lmlnnnit .'iinl U. A. To.vl pn-cr-.tary.Tin' <>fU.-l.|rl*\VC'lC Il'-

p i ' i p i i a i i u i i for a n

Cli i ldi ' - i i ' s

An IIJ»-!ti thu

will l>" ob-t't-rvt-d us.foniii-tl.v. Th- aiiinmt riun-d a y Hi ' l io - i l will to A.t

l i m y V m k . l l i e ri'c-lpiu foi Ih--

your worn i o T - . i J Tln< ini i i ibvr-

sh ip jyi and tli'.'Hr wi.ro '!>) ui i tuci on

Hio"i:Tmltirr0ir : •

Mr. W, I'1. I'a'.vt'i'frnu, p n y l u g t-.-llcr

• '! 111.- Vi Inii C i-.inty TrHit Co . . W tli"

invn ' i . i r of i.ii 'i j>; iir.t'. 1*5 for w i d - h

t i l l l i o ' i ' t l i " d l . - i f r . • > ' t . l i " ! i ; l l , ' i ' o r . f i l l ' .

ii.-:(•'• a t a n y h o ; n . i ' ^ i i . . - i l . ' I ' h ' H , t h " -

l u / , y i n . i n u i . i y i . a v r h i iii--'» a f l a t u r t -

1 i n x<: d "'IJ ••;!•' a l i i l h " h v ! i

i : : r u m i i i - f « i i

Mighty <• 'flu'ih a m ! iiMB.-tivity

l«.H.-il-i l-> br> U'jw-.fi

. :>', but

v.iirui."U up.'-ivn to

Mr. C'aw

of lth'.-

day attt'iii""!were clecte-.l.

TliaAniiu-V. N>.«v;ult Conforence of V l K (

the II: E. Uliur-h will bt- held iioxtw*ek. *It is / i;'-' "tiii<.-ipat.-d thatany chui)«9 will U- ma<l« in the pa. ^ m n [ ) lr^ t

work on au .l:a-iipuipuu-i whereby

lli'o- is 8"t to h"ut »t n prodcti-r-mio'd hour utid tho baby'a b«ltle tin-lllled ut ifgulur intvrvtiU ttiroujhtlio niKht.%. ,. .

A birthday party was l?tven ?fr. LM. liov» on Monday ni^lit. Ai 'im-1

h.id d-'iitt K-ii-roii-ly with him h-mod'-rlly i-"ii '•ii!'1 I HI'' f ill ismnb-ir ofhit ycass. Mr-i. s , v,:. Shiirp pr«»onU.-dMr. (irovo wilh ,i birthday eaki'urouudwhl-."h burn-'d fo-ir candlf1?, vrltli iift-lioiloiii c|.t.rfli, fipluliiltiK thi'*i^niiii'ain-" of r.tiT f-jiir candles, oii"for h'-al'f:, til-.- -':<• md pro p"!ity, th«thir.i f'T I.II:,' 'if.' and th.j Ixittli forU'i--and h-'ii'af-'-r. 'Hi - [M-ipiont r"-jdli-d in Jltiinif ti-nin nt;d thu ike l allf o ' t h - • • • • • . ' i i t i i r j ' - l i l t i r x p r - . ' j S ' . - J . A r t i O D g

t h - - . v ! p r - - - o . n l •••••• I - - : M r . n ' l d M r ^ . S .

W. gharri, Mr. aci-l M;^. C: \V. Li i f l l ,Mr. nu I Mrs. Kvtiyoii M^a'.ck; Mr.

betk S'.rw-t Kiilwuv Cn. m tu* Hr» joar**£•.> l,y Ibn City of Eiiubutli, t#<)

lirttiliy uf Ma». IWi, l» cairjrH«ra fruai aut i^-ti.t iu lh* City uf •beih l»> «uy point ia tli« To«u»blp litCi»ufi>rJ, oast ot'th* alalinn of lb« Ceo-Iral l-.u'iroad ut N<>» J«r*«T, for 5 v*uUI'liia t't,ftnt&"*illi lb«r«for*, ^ .inuvffts:t uu acd nflar Ibal dal*,

Tb« condition of th* roadway ouSouth AVH[IU», t'.i wtu'h To" refer, willto takt-u care ot at tb* earliMt puaaiUlomoiuFCt, and our Mainteoanc* ot Wayl)>'li«nciout will b* ur**J to not us-

ril< ilalay tbe needed repair*,V»ry truly your*

Ei>wi.!« JV. limit,Aaaiatant lo tb» 1'rmidnnt.

I'll in tlietHKH-a ut the locg mooted quo*-tioii i't"u 5 cent tan* to lliila'ltaili and»buwa . hat th« trollvy potupauy baa noiiili'l.liun to try lo avnd* Hi* t»rui» ut Itafraud, in*.

An ui'pl|c:it:on from Ilobl. Dayton asattorney for niuioua purtu>a in mi>r«*tfor n »'««r-lu b» ImJ in AMen S'. I wtwttu Union and Mill, SIB. »na ml»d onf»vurkb!y luu OuBiuilUM lh»

Aual.i^ Kui,'ii»*r iuatructud lo prvpur« iiliii* fur Ih.i uoik tlouuaolAuKtiii In an opinion aa)a thut lh« )>rca.i'i*t I tack lii-enao urdinant-v i* auflluwiitlyI'-rwatl tiu-oTrr all matWni nri j

uriidin^ UirrBtijhtier. . . •

Ili.» V I. A. 'tbniu^Ii Mioa'

Chniriuuii of lU KiKul i tu O

In a lottfr to th* Townab

1,'avi.t in Jiiloil u lut^ulial ot pint** when-

tutor und ri-fiiiW! naa dumimd or allowed

In accumuluto and u>ked that action tie

iikcn to iimipi'', owner* U> clenn bouaa.

Clmirmnn Ilortou eiplainpil that tint

Ti'wi]uhi|i MUhi/nticn bad n<> control

ovor privat« pni[«-rly. Tbe iimmiuuiiM-

tiuu tvaa onU-rod I1W.

ULIID fur now aiduwiilk ha ndrortiat'd lit

.liui!, wi-fk'a (JiTt/.r.N ptoducisl llin>» bid-

I.'IH, C. It IK'll. uf Crunfurd and I'ualcr

Culubiiu uud llie A. 1< C'liifk .SUinw C o .

of RliznlMlh. Calnhan'M bid wua tbn

iiwi-ul, t)T| ii-iit« imr fuol fur tmili llurti-

ulo A vi'. mid II.mu,tun St. ivldk" und

Iliu runtriict wuii umirdiH) to him, HcU'o

I «iis 7:i.uuiila nnd TO ciiula |«r foot

rMijitM.-livt-ly find tbu Cliirli O>.'* prica

rim 70 tiuta and IX cciila.

Un icaolutlon of Coiniuittouiiinii

VixHlliuu, tbu appropriation* which

would huvo Wn-ii votml on Ibii Spriuu






I'uivnshlp PurpoacB.. ..l'uli'ju Onpnrliupnt

PoorB'jurd of H e a l t b . . . . . . . .


wo oo10O00


:he- law* ( - lh» '. alactiou,

l i torutos of the two Methodist Cburcb-M

ot Craa'ord. ' I ' '

>iat jl.ifi?r. lift-< b»'.-n making j i

•ztensive ui'.-.-rutifi.'' in hlalbtori.' dur-ing the w-.'c-li.' T t » nvw tii-coratioustn »bttc utid jiA largt-T sodjinstalled.

- v-ry p.e;:»ia«-.will a.1*..- b-.-

M r * . '•'.-'jriT-i '•". D a t r i u u , S i r , ;

t 1 H irv \ \ S i t i ^ e h i,* rb pro-i t i t ' II 1 r i r f 1 v u ' t ».

f !'i O K t « 3 oni)It i r* luAt Mond»yi» L i» r f n I r »il

H M J.j I <T t» tl>. i ••* i traction

1 u v pjjmlar


i » 11 I

\,r * at <i i *I »«<J <o i'in pi

I ' I I l b .

» I » i - II f i t v I >

n& 1 J 1 y

- j ri 1 I v Hi ii,o*t tHl nt«'Ji Ib t t I l ia <•» i

frt I 1^1 fi t - r i id i



i tl i i I runMr. Kiclmrd E Norm at! mid MisS

Nellie M. Fink-, b.-th of Ccut-.'uoialA v c , will lj^ ni'ini--'! W'.dnoi liiyuvcninK, Apill l - 'b , ut t.'it; Hrsi .".i'-'iri- j) 1 r i J « 1. _, •••ttj,/^^Ul,ut, •• -. •••••••_'/,'•'->

odlst Epist'opul Cburch-on ' Waioiit ll - r . i I , '.« y. .(jrH1f,,rj s'nl. Ba-k, niii, \Vf)i , ._ - . I t i l " ' -^ ^ i n Hs j E.;z- Duly Journal, ad* . . . . . I.2r'

' 'J ' - 1 i . «rJ i»lG.H.• Ert-rttt h 41.C0


from Spriui; to.l*all.«i»tB th» .OTb<> right i<>' fl» theau n

" only i.luii.K"" from lint j«ar la uu ralox of IJ p--r cint, nil tbe law nllowa,in tl'fj road ntproprialiou. For fKwruccounl tlOO lew i« voUil.

A v -ry inipfirtnnt RI<-|I woai tuUfn bynn' iiorlzif.-^ Townufiip Counwjl Austin t-iapply fir tbnopiK)iiitnx-iil by tho Court<i! n tin nilju»tuji-nt committ'im t<> K"over till tbe old Inx litl<«a hvltl by theTowiialii|>'. 'I'luiw, uodor n iifir Uv,may \»< orJen-J »J!'J by the ciiiiniiml'jnH',:-4-A Ins till" given purcbiiMr, wbii.h»ill ivjiiipcl pn-aciit prt-Mnl fc« owoerito nattle or will brinii from DOW pur.clinaera lLo mnni'y dun the 'l'owu»biv

A Dumber of repair* to cruMvralliannii ai'lowalks were ordered modi'.Trranurer Woodling reported the receipt"f i'J.Cj' lo cover redemption of ta i titleI...•]<! b) the town io lot 4 block 81 and. l ed wag ordered drswo to N. 9 BUfi-

lMls ordored paid vr«r* :\. Villa). , vitvl* . . . .$17.70Wfa. O«ii*f, police 1.Wni.,J#r*uirii{B; " O).

J. Mi!oc«-y, trvet i i.CO.

road* 19 Vi

), Ktiii, w«ir 1K4U&'. . . 10 45

i:. SdWrg..1, Sf,:mJ>rW;;j. J(orl«yJ' N'. ,\mM"in,



X, Y & N'. J. T»!er*on« Co . . -ii C. A ;«;io...Hlnnr*/n & Co,, fire seel 8 '.*!





STORE. • " " " ' STORE.


Kid, Silk or Lisle Thread!Th* -..tit to ti*\in>

ttk\ mbiiw tbp who'.i-cft'Vt uil^ht t«- niaiiwl by glii»*a tmi-Kll. Wf i-f»tr.T thu f.dlawiniS mak<-*I" Jt L . i r C-'uvntiriit t>r»i» Is unoivvlU-v) To* %I.QQ ps£*-l'i'ntf«' IVriis-.*' uti'l JiMirUiV (!.«-( in drrJi \.»r. ti«-«VT

5 0 «aJ $1 7 5 »rair SjtpU *sl* Hu|« I (i n w al 2 5 o »»J 6 0 «> I.T"'» tVl.l'ialiM IVvibl.- Tip:!du'U'» 1'nbiu- Uaivi-ji, »hKe mid

NI3CKWKAK.W fu l l ) n-o>>tir.t-.j (In* im|- . ' i t»i i>'f >>f ot

cf' i l mi't f . in l i l , i !nb> ]\i>

u rar f f i i l ' r - t h » ta>»S

ni for hi>tt*e. O y r . » t i i - k b i a r n « i ' . e+«* ( j

»ii(s-i'H-> ..[ ><ii_f .'Cf i ta S t jK' t i.-ui^u f u - m t h * ul i^t i i ly .•• )^r! ;Uf i t o

lJii%orral!y d l^ulnts l In. lai'x m n i k «"ff"Vt» -r 'mtn .1 i t n J >-;• f »:.*—'

h or w i t h o u t nu-h l i i j ; ti'i>. t V l l a r a u 1 i i i j » . t« lu' Uoi* . [ . : i ' u , l a

i'-ty pf |>rtr«•» - . ' • • * • '

Spiclal order* lilltd promptly.


I h . -

l l . l1





CORSETS, CORSETS,anford ladles wilt find In stock the R.d.G., W.

4. B., and KABO CORSETS In the leading

stylish shapes.

gOo to #1.00 imir.*f«nt» (of BUITIBIC* r«tlarr>»




Uar\V'>i<tl Nntra

Tl a ilour.1 of Ediii-ntlmi lu'-ld theirat ini'iithly' nif-ctlni; at th'-il timii'i- lii»l I'lldny pr.'iilnt,'

nth rii'»ldi'til lWoUlev In Ih" ihnli1'nsldiUt nalUl'd Ib" li>lb'l»ltlg

Io,Illttt'ta: FllllUl'O liud AudltlUj,',

dtfh, Kiiyior. linilditiKKmin.-r. Knylor, Wyck-

fill'lnTH «H"1 llMtinrtliilm, Wusb

k. I'lll i i ' i i liimlti nnd

c-ll, llcik.ll>1, (.\i»Hl>lt{h.ill.-M.


i'.-ni-hrif. a n d I n t t i m

IIUHIMI n n i l Hiipiiln

Timn-|«Jrt of tl|i< I'tlni'lpiil wn»Had anil ulioWi'd <m i'ni"l luunt

[ttvociitily. Tim I'Diitrinitornhi' now xi-hoid Ijulldlnif u.tlnd tori minor rhiiliKfa In '""poyiiiwl'i'*'li ABIV grunUil. Tin! Hoard 'ir-d to Krnt>t a \» «t-lirt vacation toi-ni'liorx nnd n-hulurn on ari'ount

.f I- i«t«r. Afti'r urtloiliiB bills paid t»the iinonnt uf $HO(KI th<> Iliuild lid

ni'd nubj«i:t to I'IIII of tliP chilliir monthly inii-tlii« of(Viiiiiril wilt lurid nt th«

fUKll Iiliii on Koutb nvi'iiun Innlday cvi-uliiK Tint fnliowlHK "!'

w«-« tnndu for tho yar.(.'li-rk, (,'hntli'i» U. <'<i»tlidKh:Ilccotiler, Wlllinni J, front ,

>U|{li liuglnc'T, Jacob 1/ Ilain-l ;

Mahslmt, Huui'irl Colwi-ll; Aiut Miir-I'n-y, l'oiind Ki-r|f i ,

i Attorm-y nndICH l-'l.ib;

lloi|ilriiu*t«r wori- li'ft

JLr'i'il- buliiiifo fur

> j n t l l

'I l i -

tbt> of

E i p o n i w i ' ' for itnu-U 103'J.W).


*d ttiu followliiK npplopilutlonx'JV tntt<l» f'T t.b«v-ar which \ntu rai-

Ctanford Notsv »77OM'; Wnti-r,2Oo 00; 1'ollco. 'iU)<il; T.iKhtlnjf, »'»-

f'oor, b.UM0; .Stri-«;la.l.<Wi Itorou«b•(•,1,00V. Total tlfi'M.'ii. OJUII

iftO lliib<.'r iiiovi-d ihat'th^ 10 p»-rt retain by the Boroiiab on croxa--Its.lw paid wbi'ii wnrli It in»p<!i!ti-dblUO K'd by th« DornuKh Kii-rr, curried. f!HM uiic'inntinu to

Ti 00 wire ordeiwl paid "fl'-r whichincil ndjoiirm-d to rpwi on Moy, 'J.,lin alt'.-rntloiiii to thn I'nrk II'i'js'-about cuuiplei'.-d nnd will br oi'lid next veck by Mr. On/ripdo nnd fdinlly of Kllz/ibftb amiAlbeit Wllilumjton who now P-

tn on C<"Uar street A Jlr. Mdrtihof .rvlijfjtori will owupy lli<» pltt".'*: to\xi vacated by Mr. Wll lamnon.

'ho Flru Di-parttni'iit ln-ld a i<nnmeeting on loat Moudny KVOIIIIIKen th» new laddem wi-ri: foruiiilly

Ave.r i IIn last Peek's Ci-nzm« It «aa uf.o-

neously stated that :>ir. u'tid iln.. I ,Jj. (Hedftuttita, torraef ruldt-ou' ofCranford, • we'w leaving Krovklia ipmake their liom>? in New t^rkatiiMr. aud i l»- Uedeaberg «1U retaaso ^ ^ ^ *laBrooklja- i . • lKevXar*ia'thaps*uwox

J tb'.-r•» i r 1 r , t

I I -i J l - l t

l*cit«d E!«c. Co..

B A L E - A rubUr tirt-3 Trap,v\j painted, ruuniog g»ar In

perfect order, e u . b« aeen any time, jpiosi. h. M. l i , Fwt

«pted by th* departf/icnt.llcatlons for nivmb«rthlpover . , '' • •

he Hall Slguoi lteUef Anbold a. regular meuthlj tziiwtlu^

Brlu' HaU on Friday cvcnlnK »b"iiOW rncmber* will fri vun\\-A.

Ir. J. J . Uet-k..-r of Eliw»l<i-th willu o. burVir aliup at th'j '^arwvoiJUci.

r. A. U. VTojihburii of North avi;-1H touflned Vi t i i homy with n

-re ottttck of XIalura.:r. llaxry Votvmas tin* tukeu up

RtlJeuM with; Mr». Uoteuiusren^sou Cedar atreet.

Aeolian Co. ware ciinpel!»<l t/jfor ««veral hours on la»t

ldj orrlnK to a leak ia oa« of

j|l«;tc<T Dsretnfr gp»nt last-Tues-y%t nl» old homo In Couu-

tt OO blUlQ***, i

Tbt> (Hrwood Ba*,baJl Club wilth 111 • (Uace at Britz' Ii*U on the« tulagor April 2»Ui,giT»tha boj» *

Knudvitiil »llalilybt iruulil pul| Ihru

O b i ( U t i r ) . .

|)»>id A L'.tor^U ,1M1 l u t Kr:lU>

it ' i t l i la l tho Klitnlwlti i:-r.»r«: I! »;u

lul na a ir4.u!l uf tht* in^uri** rvc^vtvvij

tl-a pr«vKma Mundar, wb*a a br>c« f»i?

fruai tli» third at*?ry ,.f lha r.«« !MJ«»1I«

•icliuiil liKua* ainUiug buu >.u II.• KaaJ

nnd fracturing Ibn »kiill Krum lh*

lira'thara waa hilt* ib tt>* fir h

covary but bi*

•will* hop* Ihikt b» WtniUi p

. • Tint funi-rtil a^rTii-w* w«r* h*UI ft^nj

tin* lat . liiiiiiii un l-iiAtt'.rit ^»#Mu#,""5I\5n

tiny fiflrtfniftjn, Iir l"|.«»^w K (lr**£«

and lUv. J ll J IU<i»lM.i!!Viat,r{ ,\

Ttotabh»jjtilhrruiif• r-f frTf.iViV ar^t **»>rv-

ciiitia wwrii pivMKiit to \i:\f tt.tt lajit r*»

| w l < In Id* iimui'ty "uf lh'# •!»*•! In

Out i.i A Kvurvtt «i.i»i;i .,.»r» ,.f I^J,

und. had liwn n rcw.|»iit i f Ounfunl t,n

aljout ;15 ypar*.^^IIn[-wn* .* t*t*fa»- cf

tb» Civil war, a »idui,lm.r in Ih* iV.b

N, J. Krgimoot, In Cranfcird forytrnia Ii* bad IMII in l iuauni ** *.uiaatm and buildar, but iatvl/ h» I I**.In cliatKouf «r»rl< fur tbo M'if Klmbulli, corilrarlorstm tl.iiiliiKil. Mr. KT*r»tt « M a ni'*a>*j»r ofI'rui'fiiiil ('oiinril, l!oyal Arracum IIhiidb*«i) an arti** r»publ!«-»n all bi*life uud at tbo tiiii-. of hi* J.aili a u a.ini'inUir of Ib* Kininih*'-Ounaaiitaw

Mr. Kvoratt i* aurntod bjr a m-l,mmid aun.ii rhlldnin. l / U w l u - l <j«,rg^uf Criinford, l-'muk of Kh/aLwDi. Mr*IVnlat'ifi of h.-.iU-b I'laiiia, Mr*. W>r^"If uf 1'laiiffluld nnd ll^loi, at. 1 J<**.* ,;fOimiford.

Tlio unnuul pariah ni.>»'.u:^ .,f !>.iPrxabytarlnn i:lion-li wua b»IJ Iu{ mj!,:inlliBi.'burch OWIUII td U.» atoiiu lh<


ilnv condition.m«»tnij{ WIUI iruli*} t-j 'ifjsr bjr

'iiir;vhairuiao and'I*. W. llaH ,a«T;r*U*7.Tba niinule* ut Ih* lit"', mwtic*- «»r»rwul «mJ appro>i»l Trwminr I t N.Fi»k* tvad In* r»i»)f'. o t o n t i Ui* y«cifrom April I, I>H t« M*rcb 3I..KCC,.

piiuiountinK to I'J,l"'Jt»t w,'.!. t i p u i a nof *0,23a 13. U..*.n« a b»Uc<!*ou lianduf llW.iH It * M *Ut»d tbat• II thvchuroh pr'ipvrty v.vi inaiirr.! t-jf

('.'-">!**), 'i )m budget no n.a.]« -jp l , j tf,«

tfuit«.n, »na aubrulttwi ah'i«:ri( »*'.i"

tnnU^l rM;*iipl« f<>r Ih* *f.ajii.^ >^*r

t'<,I'/J, ajpiiuwi 0,'<wVind o balafwn • .!

M."i. Mr. l-'oour tvr\ I M ! * 1 tb»t tL-*

nui'juut i/f I1W in tim budrfu'. a(..f.r'.>f:»

1>wl tot lb» HuniJay M".bi«l i » iD':r«*«*J

Ut ili't; Which ii»),tii;'j of Mr. lf><ftu&

p<jt ttjrun Trua"«*a fur * t«raj vf 3

/ram, eaf.-b in pt*:* n( Mftan: J. CHunt," It. Itmd»it ai.d f. W. Hail »:«»JO» TruaU* for ou* J«ar Ufoi '>f J

J, ('. Huut waa noimiut*! to a-

b-it dacliMfl on ground of 31 j»»r* mt-

ln» II'M:*; V. W. Hall ia» a)*j tivauiiiavrdfor tb*3>**r Una. U. V. S»j l r «*•

;}." o&*y*ar t«ra>.An »«ra

"-, i;« I'aaV/ra aslary frosi, . ,^ J ( L«r ario-jut U> tiff), t<»g->ooicaM»y 1. !»*'/; Trwa'ji-.r H. N. Fi*Sw^ i d a gltjwio*t' Uibv.t* t» tK* fAid Hwet.v, which b* aa;d had«jor» worn for tl»»cb'trr.b U»an aoy c•>/<.'iely in ih* *l»U. A »o' » of tb.waaitimii thttirjcintyi and l.k»»t*» oc*for tho Irnaajmr. Xb» m*miir.g '.tacadjourosd. ' ,

U X(rsMiiv.Hi* T'n»n»bl» lloo»«. f'npt'jrl.)». J-. U • p. a>4i.rU U, I/a V>r HtWIului ia ,X*iltaua *ntt*>«i.i] Aiiux*J>a iioay) a* toium-

I riiuiitaiik; t Mviiwlm; ufl Ua. ft. * i K i•totmntlwimn. .

Vi i > i S « t t a * =«7 a* aa*» a» t ia

J. U. i u c u ,


DlbUKlCH KKKlli.


•»tin^ ol

I. tTC.

liit* IB* a call asdiuaiwritny 1*'(4


DIBDK'ICII KRUIB,Carp*.ftt«r anal Byltdar.

House. Sign, and

Fresco Painting,Hal* ana) Oa«*r*tl«*

Paper Hanging

Glass, Oil, I'aiut.

aud VV.all Paper.

Cranford, - N«w jirtty

' A t t h o Uolf'(.'lullHi* grounja »r«t in «n»llant abap*

f»*r Ui>« lima of tb* y»a* and ar* baifi|«*•>! daily by a laru* numtj*r of Hi*maaibora. Tb* fuitual opening will tax*£.;*c*ou April IDtb,

to tli* clay i>ig*uu aluxitihii laatS»larJay tb* folluwuiji atwrM war*m a d * '•

n a a i aaoorJO unti lTi run < " t « l t cur.Killed Hand'p. Tutal





l^«wMantoB: Itoat•laoaal

• : i

! »t l




»*no»D tsSor, 30 TaaatT* rok uoXTntr

Kdlad. Hand'p Tulal




Mara Wollaca*]

Hcbillioa. JrP.II11.. ET..




MaaaniIlabaat) mu abol off, M r



ai.'t0Mara tonMaraUm



car byi two largalai.Tbirtl aboot, flnt oonloat for uup pre

a*&t«] l>y M««*ra W K. and C. II llow.Tlii* cap ia lo b» abut for w**kly duringU>* aaobtb, aod lha (taraoa «*ttltl» lb#6ltt**l WUl of kill* will win ll.

, KUM. Hand-p

(j<U-lUsaal ISH." l»;:-Wood - Hl-

V Crary 10F. Hctiillio«Jr.2U

IS. Manka 1*


Theatre Note*



"n» rir»" 4R**T7 admlr»r vt a ctaan and arlistlo

noramij, with a'jirjr t-all told by III* nu-thor aod *ff*rtiT*ly actw) b j tb* ('layer*eaaout but b* inttnaoa*!/ plaaiwd withAsguatua Tbomta' tlamr "Kducatlon ofMr 1'ipp," now In it* aarauth wa«k althvlobart; Tb*atr*. Tbia la un<iu»»-ttotably tb* b « l ooioeO/' production ofth* aaaaoo, aod il ia acorinif a. auceaaar/;rr,Oi«;aatat* with it* ini.nl. Ita lnuK

. •Tuiatitl;, ia to IM ratfulatwl hj th*.*l w a n l i y Hitbit ot a>:ivl>itiii: In-

i i , t i l « M , io btb*r worda, Mr. i'lpp'*.*>lj(r«Uuo will not ti* fx/mpi*l«, af; far ft*th* N*w York public U t»in'*riii«J, untilyntl %jx>ut th* aaoj* titna in (riarr/ Juuathat Iba- DOlfMiitla* aud uollaff** turnVxttm tb* jitiiBg gantltmau aud luliv*• ho t.a»* b**o alaorbiog *ducationwithta lt«ir cUaaui prac-iocU.

A <iag. wbich i l l bifhlr taluad by lt»oweair ii.likick waa aUuck aod laiUstly

br aa axpraaa oo Mosdar aiaolDg.Tb* owt^r c!aima that tb* dog had beam•<ck tor • faw day and tooonilDt* othtrathat It wa* ao I/juia liaa* And Job aYo&k* parformad t o operation wbluliprawd that t i * Oog bad a broken baart,

drot* him to th* Ull timbara.



Cranfonl. N. J.



Page 6: • y...WO SING CHINESE LAUNDRY. 14 North Avenue, Cranford, NJ. THE ORIGINAL LAUN-t I Lady KiityV:; I Temoiaiion Bs UOLA lORRtSTER *{ti DRY IN CRANFORD. Tliti1 …

' • » . .


I Truths that Strike HomeT o u r tfr-rtw i i lj-»titJ»t i f .V if ?,»> <•*><••* 1-J •? . *,-*—•r»nr

Toil tlmt J.H ki.(.w« »«/r_T !;!!'.. a l - . t i i UP b u l k (""'•*> i-»

anlla \ « u . ll ' i t* ft/ri |.<- Lriotr, «!.• r» it or i f : !.»•;•• r.«Sij«i t V m ,

L •« it *a* OndrJ—or With Whit— • * •(.<•»» r<** , t «4 l I f )>,u l..j_T j ' . a r

<-"ff<-» l i»*#. I t tj.<. ] « . . ; , !. t " * ' " "

j o i n i;-r*-t J U J I I I * af. 1.',:;.if:./.-!., '




UON COFFEE,AU. l"A<KA<,f COfTU-S. t* oln*rr»<klt> unlfornt In quality,fttrrn<jfb and flat or. WOT n i l *

or K nvniT. UON t onw.ban bfrn ibr «tau4ard coflcc In

million* ol bomi*.

LION COFFEE t*•I aclMlis. «a4i mtltl aa***** layaw a>oa**, haw as i t l l r t ol iMlafl •<•«•$-t*raie«.«r • ! f l a g la cwiwi wlib *«a«.

i.;«-t O n e f u l l: genuine.

In curl, purkngfl t-f 1.1ON r O j r F J X

D O u n d "f I'urti Vxjfin' Iriki.it

(Lion lmul mi rvcry i*/l.nj'i' >

l H » « tli



!..• i i r > t :.:,.-

k t t l O P r :, A'-

T :

, " ; " V - .• -?f ;:< '•*•.,••" ' - . , •.. ::. t r - -"•-'>? o f

' . ' • • • ' . . „ . , u ^ p af o n e # . . « > .'•• • • ' ' ; • ' . . ;_ / ' . . „ ! . ! , w.-rt- m a d e f o r

j i;V r-.-•:;:••'•- "''_~",~ j ' . i r , . , i i l l? so ld ie r* ... . r ''••" ' " • v > : ! ; ' ' •'', . ' , V r , . . a S d a g r e a t

' :-*:;•".! ' >:' *'At'-.*.- •>"•:; ::i^ h!» p o s i t i o n•-. ' r ' - 1 " ' ' . .*-.. ."-(ate d e -.-.» C!... '• I - 1 '

.- ..f ih<"

1 •"•'• ''•'"' , . . , , . ... tii- Uepiiblii*,,1 • - l ' " ° \ "",' i",'•'' .... !i l-'iisr way from" n : i - > u . > I ' - - . . .. , . . . • „ , . „ , j , A

1 1 : 1 ' " ' "* ' , ../[ VM hail-from the

' • " " " ' ' " " rind s"J« I- V o u

„-.. s - St.i'"

I V I i i l n' I I . T . N e n . d n . ! . . o f t i n - I ' i « ! i | e | o f

f o l ' l t l . l i l n H i l l , l i n n c o m p i l e d « t , i t u l l ' - k• l i o t v l u i c 1 ri,-• ( . ' . l i ' l i l H i | i ' l > - . . ] | . . ! . I» n \ l n f i I m i i l n < f » i k KnArr H i id i r e c t l y l u t i r o » f t . - d I n i l « > . J n i u t l i n i i i* t i i | > • • ' S I I : ; ; " . I I I - ^ I « . / » i . - . • . . r n i : i . . .a c r i i i i i l i o , t h a t i n « l l t i t l M ' ( < e i . i i i p a i i l i »l i n i n g b u i - l l i e * * 111 M a » « » i > ; h l * » r t ! « l i u Mf S I . V ' f X i . l K I H o f u t i M i u l i i l l l n i l " l ( i . i »a n d b . . n , 1 « . n i n . l 7 1 I M I U . i l i » i i . i l I U . I I I Kl l u n x d e p e n d o n » l 7 . t i . N :'.-•; I j n c l i i l !<i• l i n l l i i t ' » i . . ' l l l . I t i o > f o i n | M i ! l i , . i , o f I I n : rI t U I ' I I U V O l l l i T ' t l i i l l i ' l i i r v l l l » l l t l t l l < m *f i n n i i i n i i ^ h I i t l l r n i i ' 1 M - < m l l l r - i t o l . i i i > i ;i i t < !i h n l i l m * * t a p 1*. u o i i e t h a n n I . I I I I I . J In i . i j ' n i i n i r i i u i l . ' i i - . i i l . n i i t i n . . • i t i h • • !t i n ' m i l l " c i i | u t n l I l u i - M i d I I I I . n i l . i . i 1| i r < ' i " ' M \ • ' I I M - K I ' h i M - f c i . i ( M ' i i | n r*t i n - > . . n l h m " ' : I I " ' i i i a s - n ' i . U H TI n i i i i y i n l l l l u n I I U I I I I T I n l I K "K I I W i • • : u - i i - > I n H i " I ' l i i n n y . n < i n . i t > >j i w i i ' " I I n <• h i « . i M i i i u " ' | « i ' l i i !.>'«. m i l lf M I I » r r i i t . r r i i u l u l i » r "1 < | i - l i ' i « ' , i » i » i ll ' , n 1 . : ; »• n u l l t i l l ' i I l i K l l t l l t l ' H i i . \ < h < l >I n . i • ! i i u n i v m i ' i t t i : < - l > - l i t - 1 j i i i r < i . n l H-r i i u t i . . . :


lncTUabl* How nba E«. «l.»a It

..I n . i i f 1..II.

( . . <rge (;. XVarrrn, "f NoXX i>. t . !n i io i i . l> C , «n)« . in . H p t u i l i . g M fort mi t h e I n l a n d of Jn lo . lirlct by M o m oift lmvn, on J a n u a r y

f i, t Hi.n l»- . in '« Kidiii 'J «. | . i , -iitc-tfii fit . l inn. « J J e w e l l mil l <iin- p r i v a t e of t h e F o u r t e e n t h l u l l e d S t a t e *I1,!.'- .I,.! in,- » | C . i i n l t y wri - i 'Ul l l .M. Second l. leiitelil l l i t I toy \V. Aid ihrook , of t h e S e v e n t e e n t hgr-- i t l . t of Rood l u f ^ n i r j ; C a p l a l i . I l a N i i i i d l i o r e y , of t b e l ' o u r l h I n f a n t r y ; Second l . l r -u tomtnt

"mid ;f It i t e r o no ' ' (• c , |ii< luiriUoii, of the l".iu>teeiilh C i i t a l i y , mid t h r e e p i l l u l e * Her.- w o u n d e d ,i n i . . 1 wou ld i i<" : ; , | , | i , . l . , . | l l | l | . r n ; M,,r,,s h i l l ed l . l e i i t enan t Hlepl ien K. llri'yt a n d t h i r t y s even" ' • oiii i i ieml t h e m • ,,,-,.„ fr,,M| jiiiiluirli , " n N o K ' i n b e r i n t en Ainer ie i iu s o l d i e r s w e r e ki l led a n dIt m<* Hie utrul t . | n r i V l . n i i p l i , . . i,.-.,iil« n l t l i Hie Amer l eu i i A r m y w e r e w o u n d e d . O n May 3

j . f l i f t ing t l in ' , „ , , Ameiii ' i i i i oKiccr* a m i l l f i i t -n m e n w e r e k i l led mid *lx w o u n d e i l f rom a m -1.1..tight on kl . l i i") | , , , , ) , t u i o h g l n g to L i e u t e n a n t Wln l l e ld l lnr i ier 'K d e t i t c h m e n t . O n Apr i l 11 Cup-

.»il.!- niel i te / ik ~ t l | ) 1 t,vii,.,.i,.| . , ,„! t ' l . rp ' . r i i l l l e y v e l l w e r e kl l ie i l by Moron. - T h i l l s t h e reco rd for

1 II,> , tuili yonly . Ttn> fm-|iiiiliil'l» i i u i i l i t l i ' i i l tiy1 •• " " ' t ie hi«l ii! I I out lot only, i ne loiiiuo.ioi- m. » 'i»" " . . . ~ | . . . . j . . . .... ..»

Himn'i , , l l l h . , , wiirrhirn lire by no nieiilix lout " h e n they coiiio under Amer ican Influence.PI p i i imt i M 1 | i , ^ m , : , | , , i , i eivillfi'iiliin; I f thin country Ktinuld'evrr be drnwi i Into a w n r III

I b i t e not felt ( | | i - , ' , | ) r | . . | H | , , n v I'liipi,,,, r eg iment* lu the Amrr l . nn Army could be rolled mnm'• ' '• .. ,!,K,,| „,'.,., i ,,f i h r i n s e l t e s . About .VKMI ,,f them h a t e enl is ted a l ready

I I, .,1 ...nr..r.'.i (,.r ii* .• oi M I j curs, mil l ; w o | i r {itri.vli {

. . i b . r r r m . - . ! . . s l i . n l i i . . t l i . - lp i - . l m e n | ' , : •

n i l "

l.. |. i L i *

I*iiM- l.y n.'l ilriTi'Ta Trlr*- fi*l 'r.»«|.-r M i l l . i i r i i C o . lliilTnln, N. V. ',


i a wmnau ttif• j - ' . n t i . l 'womb troubl*. i paper *'••

When a tiliy»lriAnfflrin^f ni l l i i.vnrinitthitt an ii|H'rntliru inii^'cuiarv, t l isvvrvlliouKlit "f III" liulf* kutl Hi* ii |wr*llnctatilp KUitirn t r r ror tu her hear t , ami•ftt li<»pltJtl» arc full of women i-omUiylur (irarimi i>r nouib u|>rr*tlvn

When Hie mernge baby IliRkeit upIs or her iiilud tlmt It la time fur the

„ "tlie there li generallt no room for

Ins | i n i I...,1 married | n | argument. In this respect the Infant

>g:.uul. t.. a Hoinaii with — '

i^. II ( Mlirrl.'lin, Ivtmii:..nn.l tin' uorlil In n

.Hii (..• f. !i In l . .w tu Mr«


Tbrr nher«an pIt thr nuly irwi.ill'til. but wtivll imp CMI*atil^r* tlio tfrvitt nuinlwr t.f ca*fi ofOTiiriftti ana womb trouble rturd t»vl.yiiU V.. rtnktiam'* V»™«»M<. I'.nti-jvimul nfli-r phytlrlRiiii haT» mil»l»r.lO|XT»tlm\«, no woman »hmiUl aulmitt tomio nlihiMit flrnl trying1 th* Vr(«tal>l«romiMMHiil nnit wrltlpu Mr» t'lnkhain,Lynn. Ma»» , (or ».1TK-«. wl\U'h |> frrp

4> <!•• I'.,—.. I..I I II.n . I: i:.-!-s i - ••>'.!...{ r i m i r n . N . v , « h n

« .it t:.<• S<>..>. t r ' .U I). . ' fo i l .mln t ;! • • ! > >>;. :l • . . . ; ! . : - : . ! w i n . l » « f l l . ' l l j n f

> u i r . ' n v i i u i l i | i > , t u i t - n o a t n o i m t

n ( i v t » . . i i | i i i : w i l l I ' l o d c u p t i n ' l i t t i i

i i l i r V m o u l h f n r r f p i l i l i t l U a > il W i i r n

v ' . l r . i n i o t i i i H I , t l l r l v l l i i i : i l n w n t i l l ' I n

f i m l l l " t i n - . . . i t . T l n - V f i n . ' - m i l l ' i - l i l l

I n . » w i n . - . - . i n t o l i n n I, t l i . l t t l i U

« l i . . | i M h i - : i t l i . m i l I l i v t i i u l U ,111,1 f . i !

m t i l i l i i « t r i i n ' i ' » :!•> t i l l s I I P l i l l a i l i - l p l

h u . - i t l . - : ' s . ' l i - , , ' t l u t i - . ik< 1 . i l . ' U ^ - . 1

itand which would buhl tho nursing..ittlo In such it position that it woulde II In .i ts nt liiiud and always In ilnnvculcitt position for pulling on thenulents tliere.if.Aiuithcr Hcheine to ii iinpllsh milch

ho Hiiinc purpose forum the subject ofIho accouipaiivlug Illustration, which Inhe Intent Ion of n woman. This idea•oiislHtf of connecting the bottle to tlie' rameof the hiilstoad or crib by means !if (i. piece of llexllile tubing. One endif the latter Is Mippthtl wltli a ineiitm

1 clninpiug the arrnugement securelythe crib, and the other end I- lilted

tilth a nhellllke arrangement for•Lisping the bottle, lty this means thohottle U nlwayM In roach of tho .toiing-

" r, who |in« but to reach for Jt andu-t It lu tho mouth an accouipllsh-nt tihleli Is learned very early In

life by the little ones.--PhiladelphiaKerord.

Tii- "lloiinlnln.lll tli" tV>Tr«.The si/.,- of the Atlantic waves ha*

he.MI carefully tin-a-urcd for the Wash-ington llydiographle llureiiu. In heighttlio wavcH usually average about thirty,feel, but In rough weather they attainfr.oS?forty to forly.elght root. Duringstoriis they are often from otm to CflOf.-ct Ions mid last ton or eleven second!*,tt bile the Kindest yet known measure.1half a mile and ,11,1 m>! spend Itselff..r tiient.i three seconds. -Chicago.lounial.

The aterago bil t luato for l'urop.--hows Hun for every lim girls tintimvs are buMi,

lo ii-e «o.ia n . , . . ,,.... ,.>. bu: H •- « r : ! -; wliili- to acionre Mi. ii -Mi!; iii-l-.-L

. !« nearcely an !!• m lu \»'•••• •-.'?•niK-s which l.u-tier r.-p.i}* <'<<>• f"fIgelil cxperil::ei!Li;ig. '¥hr b.rar-

Kuinteof lunla used to-.!;.) ;s a v.ry .lit-fercnt ur tb le from th- c irboiule "f

: loil.'i or i.alcriitu» icith w!.--h • ire.i-sVMik» mmle spotted !.:«. D.H in i.urrrtiudinolbcr'it time. I 's iJ with an

• It-UI, »• bUttenutlk. It is a. viellMtloal.. !y «TK'lesj>mo a a any a'ti- !•• eui|il.iycd

l» an adjunct In cH.kiry. in many•; iiudnm'i-a baking pow.ler win not k'ite

I t good result* a i nod.i. it is scarcelyJMi««lbto to give, nn absolutely i-vaitrule of inc.'isureiudits for •odn. usnranils differ somewli.it In streiiL-ih.Hid milk varies iu n.-nlMy.' Hut ageneral rule Is one leu 1 teaspooiifu! ofloda b> one pint of mur milk. He Mirelo pulverize the smla before measur-ing.


' Much ndvlce In given from tino- lotlini" In regard to Hi" .are of ydung-Hers' hliocs us they oun.. in from

. «Hioul,ivetiaiidiulvshat>..'ii from cuilactWith wet paveuil.'nts and the 111]''oil-fossed winding In puddles, which is -mo

. to d e l i c t the heart of the small b..iy. .Itut with all Ibis iidvie- abinit keepingthe elillilren'K shoes in -o.nl ciindlilon,those li.'liinglug to the oilier peopl,- .«re usually allowed I i Ml..' care (if Ithemselves, though they m.iy bo ofgreater luiportani e nnd nilito ns ofteltdamp.

1'civ people Lit" proper care to 1 licit" iMUM-*, >A)A the American Cultivator.They come lu damp, tired, cold, per- :bap-, and |Kisslbly not lu tin- best of ,tempers, flltiK Ihelr s| s ,,n Impatient- ily. get Into slippeis as iMiickly us possi- ;bio, nml sit ilutvu tu rest, forgettingthat tb.-ir shoes will bo In scarcelywearable condition by the next morn-Ing.

If every nn- would inve-it In n ipiartor twy of good clean outs, and keepiliem in n big In the drosing roomthey would luivo nt bund tho means

• of putting their sho.s (n gno.1 comlitlon: Wllh very little trouble mid less cost.I As soon as th- shoes are taken off,1 lace or button them up. nnd till themi nbout two-thlrils full ,,f oats. «hal;e. them down well, then ile In a handkor.chief a panel of oai- a .L-irge as canbe pressed Into the top of;th,' shoes to1111 the remaining space and put th

,.-,- ..f !.:* speech w t lii'i;h!.-r at.il . heers.-rBo*-

,,...I ,.; ,,f California, hs»

'•"t"l > L ' . V ' il">ver. Thefiile-ir ' ,"«,.wer.o :ncsn-hto.ilheh(H-U of

appl,. which a Westernevolwil. "ays th«ciil!e lu i *

t j i - . t lo a

I r v t i l e

t1;.. .f r u ; t c u t l e r , - i . . . i - -.llosion Po«i. 1 h,...fn<lebss tkjwer oughtto nil .i L.iig felt want. A bunch off;,,!, i.:«s tioMcr- iniiless they're too cl-II.'II-IHM ought to last yodr tady 1OT«

.-pi-ll. Voiins men of this coun-hate bitn the only support of

fl<.h->t- can now start a bank account!I.;J:C.I'' lireat:

.\ man .siiild afford to buy hl» Wife ahllliell of. f.iilel.'SH pORllU Q|HHS_year. tvLeih.r the old ones W«out or not. I'IHIOIOKI tSomattt; folt\:iys be kept nil tap 111.

We need more things

them. __The world Is waiting" ffcf«

baby, a scentless auto, a llfoh>as dog. al.utt<iiilcs- mun, a soundless street or-u.-iii. a fiirnaeeless house, a rliiRU-sitel. phono, a nations flat iintl a trust-bss trust.

Itrpor1»,l *>n th* Cow,

When an animal is killed on the riiVnays It Is (he duly of the nearest sta-tion master to make a roimrt of tiniicidciit lo headipiurters, so that th(

j company may be prepared with a atat.>( ment of facts In case of Uetlon. ! Thliri'iMUt Is mnde lur specially! preptre.)forms, furnished by the company.

On .one occasion a newly Installeditatlon master found himself confront,ed with the noocsalty (if making milhis first report. Although it was a newexperience, he described the cow nn< .the circumstance* accurately and ntwent well down to the last line, wle'ihe discovered that he had tie-glecti'to ipiestlon the owner of the deceasMlcow concerning one important point. I|seemed safe, however, for him to relyon hi* own Judgment, and he did HiTbe line WOK bonded.. "Disposition «!remains." Vmlerueath he wroiflall earnestness: '"Kind nutl ,Kansas City Journal.

ll.-w In M.lrn to MtKU.

People ol'tcn get Ilileusel)' eXiiln.-nltig to iiuisi.'.-ietllnif thel

' tloiis run rampant and buffeti coiiTiiueiice a painful reaction

tigue. lfy>'|1iiy ttiiuld learn to j

i nho a tt a y ti the 111

ntll wanted. Tho oatsii ls ture iu tlii- - , ami

lu absorbing lit the oa'.s. swell e.iusid-rrnbly, and the constant pressure onIho leather keeps the shoo in oorrivt<hap» and proveivts that uuwiufortabbvstlffnc-s aivl rlglillty always noticedwlaa lcuther has boon wet. A littletrouble and care of this sort will save*many a pair of shot-i', and will lu allprobablity save many a corn from biw

Ing formed by the pressure of (.hueshardened from dampness.

M i t t Mnvgrc t M t r l t l e y o f S7S T h i n l • ' ' - .S t r e e t . Mil"ni iUc*. , W l » . , w v l t e i : ! . - " N " » . nb.-!e t> is . '. u y m . i n I» nut anI V , r Mm. H u k l , . m : - | i:,.gl -Mu , i : I 1-, b e t e h e Inc l i ne , t h a t

" U « o of uttriieth. *» tn« i» i w r r o t n w n ! ••"•"• i 1 ' " I !-'-><t b-!« " • » • • • of h u m o rtfidotiiiK iwttn* IIUVIIRII tb» pvlvle orKHn*. ' ,t... s." - j i .J >lr ' K . ' b . n ^ i n "V fi'vvU o r m t i l i i .n | « l i » w«l e r a n i n .Mmpr tM ; , , , x < , „. ,,, , , ,, . , , , . „ , , „„„ , , . ,,r>>.t n n l o K v k i m - i t i . i i l K i l i l o * . T h e d i » i o r , «f*l<ir i • , , , , . . . . .n t . i l . i n , : m i e t a i i i l i i m l o i t . ' * l . | I l . « . l o « » r i » n 1 I ' " 1 ' 1 " ' • • ' 1 1 !•• ' ' " i i n ' ; ! : i : ' X M i y it a t ! ut r o u b l e nn . l e l i v m U i M i m i d a . l * t « M itn o j - * r « . ; . .i-i t . - ' . l t . . a i ! . ; s I . : / . l i k e i l . -a tV. 1 "l i o n T X . I I I K 1>l i>>l»l i ><l>k< ' tn lMi<l . |H ' i , l a i | : •• , • , . . , . , « , . , , . . . i ; . . , , i s , . H I ,t o u t l . v d l n I ' l u i k l m i i i . V o K v t . b l . C. - t , . . ' . ' •' "• '[Milud Tlii. u l . v in t l .Mi .iiiloVby t n « l n l . n i l .; ' " " t i i .1 , . . . . . . • - -


|»uml T ltil-.- Ki.l *Mni-t



ai*>' I am I - V.

Ifllv<v>ii!ul lu.-rt'nfco *m.^njf women.Uu' iiu-Ktlily \vrl.sN im> v>ry jwlnfut.f>r t<»> fn'<i««-nt ami r««'»»lvi> If von

!uvt ' pain or •SNX'UIIH: low tl .mn fh thei'lt si lo, iwnrliijT >lo\yt i<ain«, Idiic.-v-

rln»'«,«>(in't nrijtlri'tirourwlf Iry l .nl ia' K ViuUhainV \V(fftal>l» IV.mpoun.l

PILEStin- - f

i! ti.-.l :•'W !iy

' I . . . ! i l - I J . J I •.••.'.ti-.l

. : :.r,-.!k. a i j i n i i "'• K;m

\ ! i l n - l ' : . . i . l ! . n . M I U « ' | - ! i l i . t h e C i ' l - i n . ' ! ! r . n > i i v > " • ' ' . . ' ! l ' r . ! > . < ' r . i t c l r r e .

,., . :l i d o . l i , - a t - - d . 1 l l o . m i n ; i - t m t c h t " !••• \ I M - , 1 b y t l i e - a l l o i - s o n t h e r i v . r

„ . • : • » " , - ! L c t i n a M V . I t w a s t ' T H M - v l y .\ | - : " . ^ . r x - I a i . d H . I - d e v o t e d

, . ' . » . - . • . . ( , . . , . i ; u i s , , ' « - l l o f l l i e ' . i t . ' . - ' W i n ' . - . T i n - 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 l i . i l ! v \ i l l a > i t . m l u o i

. . ' , , ' , . ,! . ; . I , . , - . . { , ! , • ' " ' ; i l : - b . u l w . i s c i i v . ' . i ' 1 - . i a l l " " - ' . ' . H i r e : . ! ; . . : • „ i K u . - w p u r p .

!..- r i | . i \ , . ; - a i - . d K ' l . p r . - - - ^ ^ _ _

- :u;.lt" !>

liiTe .1.-.' by

t-ttmi»i*«-« »f (ii hnma."XVI'.-i1. -. l i n t hi '• ' ,miuer.t u; 'o:i y o u r

1 asl.i.,1 ..Id Sii-k wl ' .-n I I ,Uo p- Ki ' d 'm"• ' PC.1. Of

;.,'-: h:,u ' -•TS-.at."' s..'d !io. -i> a

> ' i n ' t

•t*vllacB*oi»4yCo.. CMuporN.Y.

t l l T O

: s,-.ll>atv tii take !'-<'•<• 1" l.'l-i;;:ili,l dtll-'[ lt;g Il'.p l'r»-»cTit t:;i>titl>. |i While the tnicntiiviV.-.'ii 1>« applli>1 I , . . N . .> »ir»M,.». the author of it « j « that \ »!" >"" "*'" l> t ! l : " i l ' r > l v " ' ' * ' • '

"Whnt ill tho m.ddie "( The wor'.d

.mmisiif ,Tti MUUOI um ;.u '*» - -"..., t;,.:-: •:.>„:,,,..vf. . . . . ,oy by HKvlMeallouj In

j thf form of the v?*»fU-—Tribute

t him."I liavr to It eveiy

t t-l-llilHl SO ].,. 11

•i |i-'-i!' ";" de!ic . i ;euppers .it:,', r-eld it beucith the ot.Jtvl:lrts» -U-~-{i\i< i... so.-. Ii wricclcd t'r,in-!ca'l>. but 1 b..ol .i fair lo.'k a! St.

-WL..-0 -Mil - !h.-H:" 1 a-kciL•"Ke.id the word upon it», cap." viid

1 l.-.'kcd a;ul:i. and -uch wa-I liavi to u ^ It O > Ibe mid. "wh.ii I mko tho Toptiet ct'ii- | potter of the Ion-. 1 ca-ilt VUiip»U5. I jiever (MitUl iiiuut up the nouls the tiuy lettering. TUo wordwithout it. Tvc swl a K»l ikwn l»orc j -jmiltv)!-."-Ju.lstf


Hi-d Cabbage—Select ttvo small, solidheads of red cabbage, imlve anil silo-.Put into a saucepan .1 tablespnonful ofclean drippings, bnilor or any nice fat,an.l tvlii-n hot put In Iho cabbage witha teaspoonfiil of salt, thic* tablespoon-fills of vine-ar and one onion, in whichthree or four cloyes have been stuck.lloil two hour's aiid .1 half, being verycareful to add a very little water 1*It tends towards scorehin-;.

A l.oft-Ovcr -A left-over of iii.-ioarenicombines delightfully w;l!i a few ot s- jters. !'-<- a layer of umaroul nr.d alayer of oysters, as for scalloped oys-ters. Sea-on In the same way, andif oboes-,-, js likc.l. cover th,e fip with Itbefore b.ikir.g. Any whit.- sani e left ,over and niblod to the dish ImprovesIt. O>ok until n:ost of the «.imv ormoisture is absorbed, as -few thingsare. ir.-re unpalatable than a scalier;Hut sngg.'-ls hreai'-iind milk poultice.

Spanisii I'rUv.i Half boil enough po-tatoes to rn-ik-, when iliced, one andniio half pints, l.ino the li.ttoni of amold tvith tl'.e-c potatoes. sL, id. cov.rvery thie.ly with minced or gr:'.t..l(>n!o:i, then with rolle-l cr.uker; addsmall s'ju:ire* of p.-rfcctly ;.an lu-cf •cut from a £;iod .-teak r..'t more tlianfialf an Ine!. Ihi-.k. ami on each sijuaro •

. place a .lump of butter, tirst seasoning )•• the sijiiiircs on both sides ttiih salt and !i pepper; n'p-.-ut th-.-e Liver- In the order 'j given until poi.-i'to.-s ar.,1 two pounds j! nf steak have boon ns.M, Il^ishlng with 'j l pi>tato later; then., add one pint nf

»tvoc,t cretin:, which should come to thetop-without coverinj tLe last layer;put the lid oo the moid, stand in aitrxsncr and steam two aud oue-halfhours, • ' . . •

that thojbiu-le could pass OVClnerves as it passes over the »of a musical Instrument, audwith the new life and vigor defrom tho enjoyment, would tunsome useful work, they would flu.great expansion In the enjoymentthe Minsk- as well lis a new pleasuretheir work. If wo enjoy good mn-.lnnd gloat over our personal pleasure -n

: It. so to speak. It takes the life out of' us. If we lot tho music curry ns ahm^

Instead of trying. In our excitement, tt

; carry the music. It bring-- new life t<us. -Annie I'aysou Cull, In Leslie':jronthly Magazine.

l CHILDREN AFFECTED'• tlj Mulhrr'« root) •ml Drink.

Many babies have boon launched inblife- wllh constitutions weakened hj

i. disease taken in with their mother';milk. Mothers cannot be too eareftjas io the food they use while nuriil g

! their babes. The ex|>erlonoe of a Ka|«as City mother Is a case iu point: • I

"I was a great coffee drinker froruichild, and thought 1 could not eat 'in. al without It. Hut 1 found at laiit was iloiug me harm. Tor years Ili.nl been troubled with dizzluesspots before my eyes and pain in rr]

. heart, lo which was added, two jeaiii go. a chronic sour stomach. Ttbaby was bom seven mouths ago, analmost from the beginning it, too, sufore-.1, from sour stomach. She vri

. (-'.king It from mot . .; "In m.t distress I consulted a frletl

of more experience than mine, nnd ittold me to ijult coffee, that coffee dlnot make gn.xl milk; 1 have since ncertainvd that It really dries up tt

: mlil;. '"So I .Tiilt coffee, an.l tried tea ail

nt List cocoa. Hut they did not n(rr<• v. ith, n;e. Then I turned, to PostUI

Coffee with the happiest results,proved to lie the very thing I neededr\tioi ni:ly agreed perfectly with lial.-.n.Jl myself, but It Increased the flo>•'' my milk. My husband then (jnivfTo" nnd r.«ed P..-!uni. quickly g1

well ..f the dyspepsia tilth which. 1had ben troubled. 1 no longer Buffi

' from the dizziness, blind spoll«. paIn my heart or sour stomach. Postu

j has enro-d (hem.! "Now we all drink Postum from n

husband to my seven months' old hahIt has proved to IK- the best hot drllwe have over used. We would •give up Postnm for the best coffee •<ever drank." Name given by PostoCo.. Battle Creek. Mich.

There's a reason. ..(Jet tbe little book "The Itoad

Wellvlll.v („ each Oku


Page 7: • y...WO SING CHINESE LAUNDRY. 14 North Avenue, Cranford, NJ. THE ORIGINAL LAUN-t I Lady KiityV:; I Temoiaiion Bs UOLA lORRtSTER *{ti DRY IN CRANFORD. Tliti1 …

I\M£S "t'mSjW*^Bl&



1.11 n ,.r:. uf rltri'lllrly lillt* llrrv*in, v»Uuii .vnti1-' in a ili-i'p ticr»e

Ul* !«•!!. !lt!it!)f i'p;.trtmls »Uj t'S-illlti t!u


ru-na Cures Catarrh Wherever Located.

OriiltliuloiTixts' t'lui> were•f t i invlAiriinnlinary" 'tiijmieii j

tital eu- |f *hcf|m' \VIK»1 arotmtl the i

of the bird*. Iti (lijp l:><trtlnc KO |1 ""*'' ""— trrtitir- hail tin- wool nuirvitxt th« I

« . * f.ut of tho l l l r , | V " t,,,t4 , , i , 3 , „,„. o f the. tiJen hail jciuit Im.l «I»*IH*CTI off, -while I

In"ntitKlii'r OHM' thif l<ir<l had lost all jHa lw-v from tli!« « u « . The ti!r>t» Jb.-iimi" t-ntauuliMl with the woe

| \ V \ ; M.. I. , - 4 , it., :..,- :.!;( it «;:•, . , . I':.,-,. ,-u. 1

• II foanvl «rter trying many different mtdicmti•to rwtortt me to health, that Peiuaa WH Iht'ealj thing «!uca could b« d*p«B<led upon. 1 b«-jr»a tikicg it when I was i a* dtcline. Inducedt by female wnli:»ai and overwrought nerve*.» 'I b*ir*n to feel itroogtr duiutg the fir»t «««](• I took I ' H U M tatJtnjf health improred dnily until• now I an in [ erftct heajtb »ad enjoy lift at I nev-5 er d:.t hrfor*: —Ii«i« Redding.; . . •.»••••......•.,.„....,....;.. ...,..,«......,

HI limit fer wci-'.li M. | h,'rri-i r-1 '""»-*:» * : , : , " * ~ - . . . ^u-.-.u,-. . i,,.o,mi.. enta(ii;leH with the n i l while ! ~ - * - r r r.gg—- \ j ^i^.—|»ure!v im.l.iiir ilmpiT, ' Fi^fr.* « ~ e - l &.«•»«•'.f "ij,.> l!til,< par; jiyuij: ,-IHIIIII« l>n»hc« noil ulirului uiiuu i * • • • • • • • • » • • • • • , • • • • • • • • » • • » • « • » • • • • • • • • • » . / -ftt ll -|OW«M t.yt I,!,K;,,, ,„ . , I n ,n i , . r ^ ,!-r.,r." S i * t * i p.c3 ™.V*if her , „;„ , a l l i m l , | ; - ^r^riup ermiml, «,..» al»!> I * Mrt. "HM-lc HtUkuL 13 UmuU .! . . .» I'.,..-.' (( VQ,» e litjj lur Lira* mi l ui!,.r," baby f.Uots,. * i - ^ S lfeM» •water every ; „•],,,„ they •..•It!,- upon the »li«f|>»\''' ? fihjtttiu. Vt , MHttUry Wliulm Out n,. N-1 » \ \ b'/fr

plu.k 'up iour.-1'c li-.'liir .Icir few-illrf. I>ack«, ami their ..beaks are not utittl- • J f '„'„ "• **' . . . . , , , „ , f ' v« W*lr .-iivkii,., „•„; , ! ; ; ; . ; • ;- .Nnti.Mr.sr^-i- .rr-r-n. <:;<!• rot jrww (. i,..11,y.,str,, l,J. , , r , O I 1 B ,.„„„,.„ t o r v . ; .1 "Perun* Ii certainly awonderful mfdlcint j ifsSS/J<iu(tlit Imt fins tl.i- »-!;:i]« y«-ar thr..-LiSh. -.it-t,i*t a* c'-tr?*, *l--r-Ks:i- " i l n i u t j u i i t , • ,_ , , , ( , . , : „ . k truu.lM f r o m the i r f e e t . • ; J f o r t h e l l l l o f W o m e n , I h l f t h e a r d i t J \ \ \ \ \

c S s r c t.--.- 3-^,-f«, J'''-.rri<»

Do _XolriatHT M|.,U ,!„. ,w..lth,.r.-> j , j { v , - i a ,*.t - . . . , . p - a M S

-Eyuti,h»,..,i,M.,u..h'.LWf»..... 1 3 C l l - . , , ^ SJ , & ^ ; l w . l r a

. riAix<; rrrv KITKS. I ' lr'!-1 ^ .•:i*^<-!- -*••• * r I ^ jKites are •.i-n-Mum seen In town j '_Jt. '

t h a t tln-y cxiiti- couiMicnt whitn-n-r , ' s . 't h e y iipiiear. It takes iiulto a lot,of •• , ( ^room to tly a kite, an.I It is .not altn-i ,,' . 'gether a nafc. thin; to fly UUD from the j !,'!~jroof. Here Is a MIUII kit which iss.iy ib e easily niaile and I'.uwti from a win-!Uow. The uialerlnl is found In every j

. ;;ipok*n of in tjl* highest pr»Ue by m«ay,Mr. i:. 0. Horey, of ttie Am. 11. in ;;mdctrUinly my eiperioiice U well worthy

.Mii»e|itn of N«t\irnl lUMory,.Jin* r>- ' ',',of» R«O(S word..-.inly .i.r.*ente.i three'i.iM'ern iiefori!; \\ "1 b s g i n to h»v» ievert p»in« »crou myu -.-irntiiii- niH-ii'ty. mion tiu-fariMiean ; ijb»ck »bout a ye»r »|fo. brought on by »M.i.^ni.- in ia mi » He dj-oetihrtj the J^OJQI^ ^ j j e i c ^ tubiequeut month brought 3.s.nitrler.. of M. L.icla n«>,HnK the re, . | ( m e M ( n (md dUtr*». *

much cITort.!house,, ami It tluv»u't taLeto'make uu^

Get two IIMIJ; viriH-n from the house.brooiDr a j>.ecf -•«*.' thin, Mimrinldtitpaper anil ji'iiie llsrlit thread—No. So orCO.. Tin- l.i'»t luipi-r is I In- •«lilti- wrap-

nit of UiiniiiL- vol.-aule activity itinftl- < i ""!„ .— i . , . •, • .„«=!„« undent tu,,,re., |.,it m,t i I fVoor rem-xJy t u pretcrrt.ed.and thp w»y •

,v;thia tiny rccoirnlr.!ilile rrater. The i J acted opon JBT iy»t*m w m »lmMt too} ,L C M i r s i;::i'".iiT. i:,,ii-irk- in'ki-nt ii..minica i« itinsMtrd I "good to be trne. I certainly have retrained* . C / , - . . ' " " ; - -: t ; -J -r O • •••J. »-iiinrp (nlile i t,, I.e v% itt^it^iu am-i.-nt broken i!jo)vii • j rny health «nJ Itfength, and I no longer* %/\^r^»^

"mfftr periodical paint and extreme Inui-j»'i;lti ' f l ' i i A l t i l l:n thJ k:t,;S'-r:. cA^".;i i M l u r n , She• '.; 1 i."t L'-.i it.* yi'.-t a:i-l }»ent-.1, Tor v. hi, h tlo-r.- w:i« a•>l>-l:v..!.t.c'c::';•:•:-'-'r.l-;it!.^!;a;t..4iuJ - ,.f <m-t- In f-^-t.-tfae rl'. .r w i * id.,z.'.*:Z ^.fc;t l,r<-u-Ti.• |.niif'r^ iicitni.inil t.» the pie^ent eoiull-

A i i s i C:~-\ i-Ti.iii a c-..>.I ):alf- . tlon of Mont IVlee, whlrli win «t.itc«lbonr. t t » t-;y i" -* t •n-.-rkiil away, ! to l>e In n con.lltion of mUil Intermit-<k»'tr.'bir,j r-.'i'-<'«., ' i v , lnat« ami t tn' i , tent ac th l ty . '1'ln* ilotni-, formeil b?• ii>i t^irl* n;."*. t^r^r *'Ju-l:jiiIe« h* !<I tin- eruption*) ivliU-h l.ej;nti hi ltHKJ. I*s t r a l s i : t«»r t l » . r t.--iJ*. At la^'t •lie Hill ufiilfrpilni! iiioilllicntlnin, elevnTfo'iirui.tuHl { t » a - - - : « . ; i I'cily I»iinp|e»' j nml Hil.xii.uent ile«irtietluii hy e»|ili>-• >UJ i;ln»™in> •!:*?**. ZV'1 Crew a l.ic j *lon. The m'ent i-.|ilne AVUS tleMl-nyeilrir'cl". Ir» i: »i»-cri 'I" s'j.sir «-f pt't-at, ! more than a year at'.>.

•<tarini e j * j . i «iif=ri. fat nose, and a , - - " •n:>!.> n-.iujt. s t l ' l Uit».* t^ctti Klttm-lng. i At a recent inectliiK of tlm .Mineral-It lo.-lcft a-f i! a J.*ttV-:-aateru IKHI "Klcal Society of

Millllleni p.Ml,on of

iii'riii:iai"i-rii|tti<ni I | tnde ."—Mable Bradford. ^

Thoumndi of Women Cured EveryYear by Corretpondence—Thii iiWhat Dr. llartman Propotei toDo Sot You Without Charge.

: U'.HII. M nli., auUrr .liuiiM rrml tl.c <-v)

of irltrra lium (tittctul I J > « I B I tell tlie

Halt ihe i\U that are peculiarly worn&n'*jiwn are of » catanluil charArter. KrinalovtenkiUM Hu» IK.I iiiKlrmloti'i fur* nmny

Dr. Ifurtnimi ile«crvr« thi* c-ir.lit uf li»v.

For I;.»ikrit

lu-r ch:fr.»m Kverv t."


" s h "

nalittij a: *-*.?I at it. TS»-r, *ilk, *--* rjSf•tnVr.-ti."".1 tl'ia

• • • '! :


- ' ^ , , :

-, 'Le:.<: W t

,'-TH -KITK l>r BTBA"



long,•ml;to kx


In|iier tiseil lu (rrocery shoiis, ami

priAM-ry clerk 1» kimli to Five any one a fresh, smoothrtien ho \* asked. On the paperI line twelve Indies l"n^. Koiirfrom one end Jr.iw [mother linelit, which may l«r sevenConm-ct tile e

iuf the«e Hue*


.e the bite, in the picture. C'ltthe [JuptT riot ncc.Icil. On the

ji?» Ilrst drawn nit little hole*two inches apart, nnd through

- stick the lirooniHrav.-.".ip tail Is made.of the same kiml

taper torn us sii.nvn and ahnuld be' live feet hint'. The end* of the

Btraw should now In- tied to-fasteiiiiiS' tbetn about two

apart. Tie a threol to -,tlil«and the kit.- ',* ready to il.r.

Is gonernlly-a l>r<-,-7.' t.iowhip

'other. cJAo the window where•le lrl«ws ootwanl and fail•. / f f4t sues round and round

irp'ro Jt nn-di more tall. If It.> to be too heavy, t..kt- r,t aif the tall and thru try i t . -Newilail.

jKKf:ri\(. Afrrle was a little clrl four yMU*1 Bhe had heard her cousin Ifihel(bat last sprini; 'he had j>lante<]j l n her lltlie Kartfcu and cared( r baliy plants.rle was very anxlmi" I" havp her

Ittlc carden. Not wNlilns to waitIthe spring, one .Pay ia February,

herself alone In the fiftlnzn, with her viuai! toy «hovej she ilaathe eartb In the Ms wooden boxftround the lurite palm plant.

(.'ailing to her frramlma to brins th"ptnrtluni «ecil.«. she *aM: "Ob.

Bdma, dear", ir.y little -s-irilen Lj"r. I have taken out all the «t!<-k«

itones. a n j made a nice, m-ft bvdpy baby see<is.'"

her fat, elmbbj- flns"pr^ Fiorri?narrow furrow all uTtiiiDd th'.«

m. Carefullj pmtlnc one bat -. tbe other, *h» covi-r.?tl the

•with soft, J|it treotly -trltb^

few d«y»|ter with a t

eartb. andtle tand.

ber baby

•T.nlii? Ui-'ti.>tt'T. .

••Uv:~ y.'

1 v- i .1 , prof.-Mor <,rmiiieml0Ky at .till) j '"« •'•"""»"•'•'.! "" " " ' • I " " " ' " • ».»•;;:;jut**i* I.ulif* ; Vnlvcrsiiy «.if Krnkail, iiiinounced tluitrtirk; t\*t'ii him. lu» hint (llKcuycri'd n Uvw IJIIIMTIII, t*>IJ<-:JX •f3rt»pijiinif; Miicfi (n* hm\ tzW-vn ib*» nnrnoof Hrt'kfa-ut vX » hurry HHi. In tn-unr «»f llin Ylcmin jntncralo-iirr own 'T'P ^ihf. ri-<tf*'MMtr FrrMrich IW<*k. U P a«-

« U p .'* the" n.att'.T, ' known, but1 rcieiuMoi Inostly roiiilillia-

' tioim of .garnet, having Kliullar reuular. ri •tub, and confnlni jnaiiy ran1

;'.-! rrat i t , w!io ' i-arths which form n-vcnty-llve |>crr.-nt. of It* volume. The chief euin- • r««»K J. Cim»c> imk(•'•neiitii ar.ec.ro, liiiiiiiuno, nnd dldyiiinox.ide«, iind It iniiy IM.' of line fur tinliialiufiicture of ('rH-niU'nl prodiletH, (>•

1 I'.eclully for the' l ight ImliiHlry. Tinili^,..overy.«,1B u.-'i'le during a in-U'titiflie\),|or.iti(.ii which I'r<jf<-K«ur Morouii-

. .wins niii.Ii- In Soiillieru- ICuaflb, and the

HiA.If- lAtAtlll AltJ Cdi .I | litlX i.i*#».*T i»+.4M-t .»it- i * J r i r T-xtznb;

' ' ' "It a l u . d, « t , . r , h . u ! , , i | , r r .. f - I •

't 11.> ,-lln I d ^ HI ,,J |)uiliaii •|;.,,Jj ,

Fe-ni-na, a Natural B«autifier.

lit l'«fi.ii.t I 111-**-- nViittrti tin,! A (^ ' ' I I J . I |3n.+-prnti'!in:-'i(t"iiiiv: .". --.-—

i ln.u.ui.U y(, li'.liimiiiiala1- l.i Una rlTi-.'l4i« ii-.iit.if (iv LV. Ilirltitaii vvt/ry yr.ir.llx' K.""i tb>t IViunt li»a 4.(<irn(iliaFjt-d In

p f D i j i .

H i * ttuiurii li.i>« t...l l i- ' i i . •!•.!» | . i iliaiovijr:.lh.it..S.LHUI** ill I ' r r u i . j ' .nil .!.• l»..|>'t o w a r d rt-iit.'iiii)( >.>iittiiul U'«.i!> th . iu »Utt d k to *i truce

Many > »!tP!,fi« fiisiiie-l' hfr l.i.!.••!.rauty, many II ihitrou haa ifti^tliftin) t]*«•aya of hr-r c.ooaly aj.jwararu^ t>y tivlii^

It yi"! diTtint ..lertvf* jirontnt au.l«,i)ia(ni'to.ry trviiltll Ilwnt tlm tl«.* <>tI'rniiii, IIIIII. At uiu« In Ilr. Unit ,nMii, uivi-id 4 full, ifatmlirtit uf y.ior. - • » , milt-Tin-f i n In*

will I* p^fwp.l ti.» giveiiihli* A.ltlr« gmti* 'llr. IUIIIIHII, 1'imiikiit •>(

Th^ ll.irliit.in ^itiitiiriuui'! l.'>)lii!iitiu<;Illiin All roii<a|i.iu.|«ni« Jwlil urutlyl i

mfi.I. i.lul

„..„ • " 'm»'m"\-"\ , ' Th.. Itoyal 5l!lltnrt r,.ll,i;e «t"W III you !.« til)- wife. niieiiln:r.-? ,,„„ ,„„,. ,„.„„„„„„,,„,., i m ,.n;t/1.."No, t.'harlr". I lliiuk fnv too IIIIHII


) f y o u for t h a t , 1 «tlll Uiinl j'oiir

u r t c . l tlnit It linen not corrinponil t'l f r l l ' '1 '1" l ' ' l '- ' - 1 1 ""' '"' >1"iir.»tcii.j«ril-

>...v or t u - u.ln.THl. r o m b l n a l l o n , »„ f,,r • ' ' • ' r ' ' " " " " " ' "".'>' " ' " ' ' ' " l T. l l k ' ! 'can unbuilt to. m a n » •lletntloii. -( .In-clniiatl Coiiiiiii'i'i-ial'Trlliune.

Hint* or Omit. <'IT« or roi.m*,., j f J

ntli tli»t |m t<i.ir of 11M. firm <il Y. 1. I ' m . n l

<'.... ilnliw tmalii.iM In tlm City of Tol.xloCuuilty ini'I Htiltn nfor.vaJ.1, nii'l tliut nnliiCounty i»U'l Hint.) afopwol'ldrill Will par HlWaillU Of USH UI'J|:>II; I..,I.-LiKi for euTli Hii'l fv.iry r;itj»«> of i-Ar^Hmithat rnunot l>» cilnxi by llio u»» of llil.l.'aCit imi i l Ot.-m. W«»»a J. < n«»«r.

Hwura to tMifoi'i m i tn.l itiit/«eflb*-<l in fny. _ . . i i R w i n . , Ililii Sib day of lx.'c«m-

' —-»-— ' •'••' VWj'.lry t'ultli1*.llull'aratarrh Cur^*l«tAknaltit^ra4lly,itiel

1-mhv be fount!. The rock In ! •HH,Hr»M-tly on llifn bt'W'l »ud..iau<!vua »ur*

HoliHivnll VeanttirH, 7v>.Tuko llull'it family I'lll> for eonntlpotloi.

prnlial.l.v, the . lilef locality win-re th"

•'T..;i K* n*.! : rriM'"..-i.,ii't t - f.>a:*-- i ! ' ir;" M

;.-n. I.uiie.Ctirlcua Jan

I hite!.v heard, >:iy» n writer I n T .i r n - i n u ! l.'.'« \Vc! : ly , of a lotintry inn whlil i

Wuald HIiiKh fl*r,


I'lijia, what would you / .- If Mr.IKMMIKI for Its HIKU ."Tlw JacUuf*." ! Keuthertop »houKI n«k your'i/.rml»»!onWord corruption like that lni« .given j j , , niurry moV" • •jiiViiiy n.Kiliit-KWi.!! ti> our honlelrleii. j . . | . n t y w ) I onicer* In your rnra, my

This fcj;.^r-»-: i s : . •>3 tr.m,y years Among tin- bitter known an- '.Tin' j dnujjhtir. iind I will' rt-lirorw n few ofgo. anil Lii .1;-riS^-t--ji-j' .fBl p!ctu:<.-8.: r.cat unil tin- Compii'straT' corrupted |'tin- remark* I't l iull iimlinlily niak« If


Lire". £-«• ii. t.ut tb*> words

u» If thefol imlPtJ

i boa' n-;" "TIK." Hull and Mouth," from "Tin.ilr.iw- r.oulogne Mmttli," after the mivn 1 ii.in- jir-iii-ii bat before ISoulognr- harlior. nml "Thp jjuth's 1'ig nnd WhlMle." from "Tin. J'eg i>i»l [

i \V;u,;ii;," alluding to tlir* p r p driven jIijtn thi> old wiif-iill bowl in mark the {

, • point to wlileli t i c )o|KT nilght ilrinlta .-ft? »:=.,;!> ;;-.!>• tr.' lc,! "> hi* turn ram- 'roiiml. The »lgn,* t'/t c ; 2 ^ t^-j" *tid .julte • t'onini'iti In l4iiKii*iilre, 'if the *'HtauJ»»y•rf^r^-r r " >t Iwr \ery uLill- Ann*." nn <-ni.-|e ciirrylng n rhlM, U I

' pojjulaily refcrtvd to i;s "Tli' liirJ an' >,

• • - . I

. I

| lie «ver cloe»."— (.'ji|cnK» Tribune.

Fo» hiiullliil «eiui-i to In* o» the Wnlii-In ICnulnnd. N . V . ll.

Mr», W|n,l.i.»',iHootl,|niiil>r.i|.r..rwill.tr.-nt*^.|hlr.«,•mft.-fi Itwrfiilnii, fri.|t|.-(.% tnfjuiniijft-l l l 1

I l l F K » I " t i l lIi4tli tin.lt pi'

1,1.t iit

IMiVr>M,TrliillrN|.|'lnir<, Ifel., l-'"l>. t j , I

.pU/rli'l" .Uool'.l.l'l"



32 YEAR^ iSELLING DIRECTWe arc tlic tartest inaiiufactiuctaot vi liiclcianii ILIIIICII intllo wutldr.clt

in^ tu tx/nwmcts exclusively.

We Have No Agentsbut chip B y v*ti«f« ht ta*

•ry. t uvth

*i)rl#f uualMir and.Plltu, W« rtiafcl Eft!atyt«« cf vtif.klf^ slid

» n «|.l*a of liarntaa.-

ElMhair« CarrlI1U

m, ll*rna>a« tttg. Co.. Klkh.rl. Indian*.

i :s that *-•-• r:j-;.? v : . ; i r : l f-,(,•,..__31..ry r.j".-:r A-.,-.:.:, in


v,til«,l Ilio lllapBla,.." erlxl .Mr«. TiiniKid,' "tlir>re j;\rz douii Ktair*.."' \ j

' "Oh, i:o. tl,.r'- ain't, luy <lear," re- j• flii-.l .\fr. Tiijimld. . ' ' •' "I'm jitir.' tliere are." ' J| . 'I'm mirp th'eri- uiii't." •

; *• I" !••]! Vmi"tln-re are." -. . •j ' "I tell ton there ain't.'' I'i. ."Vo:ir 'ttti'liaiitl [it rlgh?. nnitii." In- !• f«rp-j<eir a low-browed ]inllvldt;.il who• tl,r<i.u hit lj'-nrl lijto ||j<. room, at tb;« !• Jr;::'i';re' "Wc'r.* tip |«tair>." . ii .Vlid riH he Ktnr}e<l ^If/wu he w«»| lie.-inl t" *.-)> to bl* i.jil: "I »hvay» IH--: ,'iivc in hrijiliig a hi)«l/»[.-<l out whe'.-i-

St. Jacobs Oil:;•;- Rheumatism «nd Neuralgiantfci Wifki vttt*

Now t/'ow 5-iI""-VI-••"->t lfc«? ci' .er l l S D ' ! " I : l x'iU'"-''yr r k h l - I'"» « "-ar-

nr..! *'3l rapid-

'*Ye?." *:iid the niudcKt iif *;,7ni? In n: Si'^ierii'<-<lm-atiun.il iui.Iituslo;t. "I got• It !:.- St.'- Is-.-ck ,-lil right."

ifKial cz-~.>Ti .;;» i» ->t *ad J>OWIT j ••Tut. tutr ' ix<Ui\tutii th« tirof>-««oro' . ' . - jrscwiit i ia S> SE}' ri-rrsja- ' '>'• . <!Uiir:t,-Ji',itr. o l i o hzd ovr-rlmiril

- e n . be t itf i . .«i. f r j # «»? ;:Ie, tl,e ' >•'.'. r*'tji<irk.-'"I am nrtonfahvl HIM: OIJ

•a"wit!* a t i » * t s «rs>e r-ar*a;t v-tictt i t>e. »" car*-:,:-*:* In lil» ibo'nv </! tt::r.t

i ..* , -^]' * • . I -%r" .. - ? '

»oiur!i--Enieries'» ^

r i i iff ia z^ziv la.*l*t or S W 'IJOUHI- have «ald. •!'»•« tot 11miuTf »;<>rt.'e snt the gaiter/ ut em-Pl'jj(-<i <-otjj» oilier stfooj; all

j t'tiu. — itiitknorts Amtrhaa.

Victoria AcetyleneGENERATOR

AB8OLUTELY SAFE AND ECONOMICAL.«'t»jl»J by fuj.jrar,.o C<juip»tA>it without ehirgltiK «-»tr» irrmiuio.

C^erators put in on trial. Satisfaction guaranteed

need* and we will sand eatlmatea.

Iron Pipe Fittings and Valves.SUPPLIES FOR STEAM, WATER AND GAS.


Page 8: • y...WO SING CHINESE LAUNDRY. 14 North Avenue, Cranford, NJ. THE ORIGINAL LAUN-t I Lady KiityV:; I Temoiaiion Bs UOLA lORRtSTER *{ti DRY IN CRANFORD. Tliti1 …

i l l/.l.S, 'I HL'KSJiAV. Al'KU.






«•«. hr lull lta'(atrw

About tV* UL;>' fri-ak« Of gT**fit

• ae*r*«f Ka-

Tfc« • • ! ! » 1 •« •>> alutl**. THE OLD POHTAGE ROAD.

a* i n

(r Hoi . b > !

rm cu-l ! , /

I l L l J. FCrystal Lake Creamery Butter.



tin? lllvl;»»r,.S»

1i..unirmiMf <iui<ki-r

fr tv i i i i e "ti.'l pr iming An

.-roily a i-f.itl) ti l ing ">

|;..'lit It IIJivl!i» I but «

»; .iinl.l'- f'" t i i - iulntaki-i.i.d built aii'>U)'.r Ji.Nlinp.irtnut (•« i- 'ui i l tAn . - r t«r ' i . r . l ' i" '« •II iil»o i.r»tli;

Msmsja, tL.«t-li::te* ruuiii

T b T * la IK/tJi'.

«i(ci \<JT Uian U<*

flltd. t'W, tlil'tW

M'd « lurtilidothe liurcuu of

i-rn.t l» K<till* ilfj.u



to ti>* ff 'ttalc*. «rtl'.'j

A llfiljU^

j Cr»t u»t,x] tnjiit of

• , v u b i i . - t u ; - ' U *•- !- " »'Jt-<»',s


tl.'-n.l : , » l » '


,,« In ti.u iwrJftu r-i-iitury it>.r fi.'t tl.«t II <*»• u«ual ft.rI,, f n . f i i tb - !••»* b-.iii'-» <-f auluii.l.-r tin- - " ! • • " ' <>'<lr f>*« ' "

ttif-4 irrjjn

to 1834

i'!i>-1, [•

Uk'' miiKt K't uul'Jlii> wink I* t(»<of, < *ip'-'l»-'i*i.»t-!i#

« • fr<-*k pi iiii<;>. butr m n ; i c y , n f i i n more.

I l l I t'f !t»f l'Ulpl'.> «-« uf tb« d«I'urinieiit Itiii tli" fullv-i'>r, tli" j.iit

1 !i'!Ut. In Imppy. f i r h e a r t s a p r l » of

• !i'- lir«l wati-r 'Mi) m i l rwr> H.iiiK In tl.t. »ny "t a

H:IUI|I vvliKh »urle» n bHlrn breadthIn.Ill tbi* • irri-i t ilinlitn I* a fri'tik. andIhtrt' U ol«n>« u ht-Mwl rtird by tfiaal'.iin|i Oeuilit t<i secure onu of the««.tnua l ly tbeva errors, ahd tbt-y urn nutInn.le oftrii, are d H w t e d before manyof tin- M»in|<* i.i'- put In circulation. ainlv.deli only n few K"t out tlie iuHe'itt*r4l i e ready In f.uy fain-y prt'es for onettt tin* pri*«'» Simin few culW'i-tt.rs Inbur under tin1 lm('rew*ioit that "e»eryluiiii biii bli price," mid the nmu oft'-'tH«i" «:i» ..firri'd th" lit-u'l nf th« bu

UICO if Iw ii ollld hav'frill nheeii* iif tvvi> ('cm

l.j. Mi :*!:':; • \\.\ , tl.-j I-


i th<- iiJoriiiiiK

vit^l II i tum, but the i (»./knf tli« a|iii»liii

It-nil fl fi'.v J'I'nuiM • Imlf4*'r':MrH. t)f ' li'i

i r . t i ' i i f w > . i K I » I ' U t-i t l i v |>roi>o»l t ! t in ,

il H I M y.<-\ r l . l i < |ul i :k ( j t i l l a t i ' l l i i t H *

I ' I . I I K m!~ . u r i y ,

left tier«-d ilav whli'i'it A li...n.fl.r» notice,*»y» tin' <"tiit iiB'i Trillium

In Mil* ' nuTjeticy »b» bunted UJI anold friend ..f the fmi. l l j , Aunt' ( t i l v,wtf" of f l u -In l.j'tiralin, and l lkt-0 b i ttu tnke tlm i txiu's place

"I'll <'*ik de dlnnah, lulml*," aaldAunt f.'lilvo, "if you'll gl»» ma wot'»lefl."

Mr* McJurvlt agreed, and withina fuw hour* the dluiinr was well uodeiway

1-aler lu tlitt day ah* visited theklliUeu.

"Why, Aunt Oilew." aim said, "I hav»only flvi> pcraum tt> entertain, and yousru rooking errrjtthing there 1* lu tbi*hmiKu' Wbiit li tlintV"

"1 nnm tu inline ' bu', ml»»li;" saidauntie, "(lot dere'll l.u suui'u lef."

i'."tNe wiv viiluuhlir freiik Htnuip1!1M I f I- i l l e i l III I'l'.lf, WlH'll II « O r l e » Of

Itl.iiiil'M Mit'i Iti-tui-d Iti i i i t o r i i . ' I l tu

• e i . n I ' l i i ip i l . ' . i -d < l ( ' in> i i i l i i a t lo l i s f n u n

1 i ui t.i in i I-II|.« Tlic 1-V - I . 31.1 nntlV ii-nU ni-ji' printed In Iwn colors.<*ii ll.t-ui' Hie centtdl plrtiirv whu print-r-l lnv< i l id , mid l|ie eri-ur wan detectr>l 'It'iduj liny of t l i ' i e frenkil Willl.riiiK fitmi $:.'«) to fsiitt rued

lint fit ui; tv t i n u t pun- Amerleaoae.-ic. i.f niiiiii|.< Mblili turiii'd up InI'.ulT.'ilii, N. V., In tbe year <if tbe ltnlnli.tw r l t y eT|iirtHltin, Uml, urn now rutetl »t $"..'» I1.ii-h Only n few of tbetii) ptlIn clrt-iilniliMi bt-r.irt' it witi iliticuveredUml the rulb'tiiiil lr:iln In the eent'T oftbo htjimii \in<* u|i<*ltle tlnwii It 1M like-j ) III ll llriilMtii.il waiild bnve t>i-«ii mildhud not i\ ct'iitteumu wlri bml purchaa-ed ten Mnmpi dhii-iiveretl Ibe errorjind furlliwlili \vr»li> the bureau of enl-Bnuli iK nml prlntlnu uullfyiliK the of\flcci>. U e ibiublUMt tlmught .be

H itiMiil iM'rvleo fi*r tbw ~-

Tlli< til it l.mifb'li "innlbio w i n reallymui'h more K'ii-gi:uu> Hi ii ii its successorof tiiliiy It « » » mi liiipunliig yclikle,beitutlfully diH'orated and pnintod,with •rr.iiniii(«lalltiu fiir twenty twopiinnengerM UivUle, and Wss drawn bythree bniitl«t;iiie bnya, driven by a«tn»rt cimdiiiiuu In livery, and Its con-ductor wan guy lu a bbm cloth uniform,like a mldtihlt'Uinii. 'I !il« conductor, bytin* wny, v m tbu HUH of li liitvitl cap-tain and Kpokn I'M'iith wi well thut Itwu* i|ultn rfiiiiiiinii fur the poke bolinetetl young IRIIII'4. from I'addlngtofi toride an fur lit the i l l y and Inn ll withthe' object of Iniprovliig their l'renchby cbattlliK with him Tbe fnm fromthe Yitrknblre ^llnKit, nt t'udillngtou,to tbo Uml . w in n tihlllliii:; bnlfway,

ninl ni'ti .ipn|.i;r» and bookt

r>» tiled fur tllll pi

I/illtlull tilnl e

i uf

• i wltb t l i- luany |>lctur«*<]U« »D<3t'•HHIU'KII'-JU* ' H I « nut) t a r r n u along l l *ITI" of Uif» l.r.KiJ luttt-'adsmtud toilr,inl, Kii!<b »iUi It* aubntantial n>antnit'Uiiii w*» tu j.'/iul bf ecduraiice«.--•.i.<i ,,.-,iy tn the Ituiuan mUluryrwitl* of (,r«-st Urltnin.

Tina Old i'urtag« inz-i was construct-i"l frjiu uiatprtt) brought from Eng-land Tti« Urttish gutvrnmeat s*m«vtr •«;KTU'H'w3 miflufcrs to Instruct!).« Americaii* tn the ruunlLg of theatatluuary stiutu englur* U*ed upontli« tin liu«d i>ls»«a of the road In theAllegheny uiuuntalns 'Hie railroad's

[ pulnt wa» about 2,700 tr*i•ea levoi, being unly 200 feet

lower Uian thn u.-ljjlitwrlug hill, whichla th« hlgbest point of tlie AJlosjhenymountains la I'ennrylvsnla, The roadcotulntcd ot t*n planes, live of whichwtrs on eltlinr side uf the. mountainand Intervening leveli. In »»3J thecanal. boaU were *o constructed tliatthey* could ba taken In w>ct|gns sodhauled over thu mountain on Bat carswithout disturbing their cargoes. Therallti wera awureil to atone sleeper*,twenty lnrt.fi *i|unr«, which were sunkIn llm ground.

On tho UKI I'urtag* road "the besttlnitt fur tlif forty miles Iwtween Hoi-Ililuyiburg nnd Johiutown was twelvebourn. Uxpren* tnilni on the renunylvaulit rallroatl IKAV run a closely parHlk'l dUtance over tbe Allegheny moun-tains,iln a trlflo over «ne hour. Thepn'sse iger trnltli? on the road In tliotediiyi 'Ivraa muully llnilled to Olio cur<;ith wny u ilny. wltn a capacity of

. . .A full line of the be8t brand- of canned vegctablca fruits, jellies,ectSTAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES

H. M. & J. F. Doremus,Juhn Bloclc, North Ave.


thirtyIn ls.M

cornpiiny btl)i> ntntnNow*.

Hi' l'l-iiiiiylvMnlii Itillrouil

iiuuhi tin- I'lK'tugi! roud fromof I'ermiylvauia.—Chicago

ivnA I

>."...« ^ n - .. icrnAnieut, nnd ilnul.tltm he win, but tho• t'Jin|t C'lllei'lt'i''! ilenuuiue hint nx urliuiup uf thu rniilU'st type. 'l'hi» (jeu-tlrumii K.1M' iiwiiy oevcrnl uf iheatiimpi lie hud bniiehl. While n lure"uuiiilier nf the atatnpa with the Inveit-«sl tiatn of ciir4 wen- suld before theerror yvnn ilt'tei-te.1, ilu>re nru-ouly btxtiX llii'Mofreokn whli-li cmi be account-ed fur, the utber Ntntnpa bnvlui! per-.Iwipn Kt-rvetl Ilit-lr i»urtIOSO wltbiiul be-Inu illM-ovcnd HI liel.'iii:lnps ti> thn val-uable freuL fiuully. It In alloaetber

1 rt'Umounble to Huppoiii' ibnt tbo Mitiupswere nlUieit lu letn-rn mid the il>vt'ldpr^ ilenlro.vetl If miy sliwt uf er-r»>r ntuiupK ulher lliuu thut Kent ti> theliitn'til'i n'.U. e 'wut ever Kivt out, thefnct bi i i i i iver been l.iiuwn e,t the bu-rcnu, nml It I* not IILcly tbnt th<i uinr'ai>t will ever m> iiiittti-J wtth this freak

Take llm lint in »H t.i a room whereyou run untiin l.lo It ninl ni'iinrata thl>piirln ••oinplitily. Wimh rarh part well

U t n h l U Imi IHM'IIpIII liiki>\v:irni

i ptu n-hlcU Imi

Brnili well with

IHirlni: the winter nf IKKi a nhei-t Ofthe oiiti'iiiiry nut' cent Btiunlt*. with th«.wi'M "i:\iiiiii" prliiii_'.i_iii rvm tbe fui-o,• lip; t-l tlif.'U|;!i -with "tiurun" iipild*iltiwii rlie-e xtumi'i werv printed furthe IIIII uf the liluiid, nntl eullectoMbnve nemcbe.l far mid uciir for tlnintmly a lew hiiM' been n->»uvd by the

. riill«clt>r», niitl they brltiK «IIIT prlfe-i.i'1'ho pit'iile t>f (Juiuii know but llttli"about 'the Mihie nit o:i such ftviiki bythe stump cnllecturs.

llBck In tbe M'VcnUcr when ttie Ri>v-;*rnmciit u i^ l - l t i >>wii iiutlncllve setof stump* fer t!n- >!i'\i'riil drpartiueiiti.an ern'l' wilt lu.itle t'V the (null iintuC'im\':c.iy wliu'b tbcu hvltl the i-i>ntri\etfor iiniUlni; the Mtmiiw, The r\'(c\il:if« !ivr ndi'pt>M ,by li"- navy tlepArtiuenlvn» bhie A lilu-i-t i-f the two i-eiit lie-

-nsmlniitlim win prluti'd In jrrnvi, .inilthe freak h:i« now n tni'.rket \.ilne n(nbnut SIT' euli . 'Hie geiiuliie. In bluivIs worth tiivnty tlnu-s It" fun' vnhie.

Onl' etillet-tiT n in forluinte cutmehJo corner the iimrkel by uetllut; pX>«»<"i?|..»n ef II i-bi'it of t.mr cent Mauipiof the ivluinl'1'.ui scrten whlrli walprliit'sl by ii\Ntnlf^ In KIII-I blue whenlt« rUht enlcr thituM lm»v been ultrani.trlue blue, l ie sr>t it nt tt» fi\cevalue,' nnd when In- w.mts to dlxpiw*of mil' be din rendlly i -t "-S.

Tl»cre niv :i tnnnber of other valu-able frenk' vi:n\ip-t. but the error* ot

"•'itlie b\m-nn "p/.-. upr-tviTiii nt\d prlutlmJ\nvo bet \i rvmnrkiiWy few, comlder

, 5nB the liuinetm- IHIIUIMT of Klnn't* ot'rtarop* turiu-tl out «-very year. Kach

; siieet artfi- he'ui£ ptlntiM p;i«'te», .., ^b n ilu'rii or uit're hnnds t>cfore'[ It l« (i»udy for tlie wtin-k vault, and in

>ri< mid counters ure alvrnyn oni'thi' lookout for errors In priutlng.-| Kansas nty Star.

Rdiletl » little polish. Kftub well wltb\\ brush until nil the Kreitno nud dusthave been rcinoicil, Work Ui« pleceiwell under the hiun] until they becomeMjpple It won't do tu oil until It boc«nic» »" Let the parts dry tu a plnonwhere they will il'> «u siiiwly, \S'houJn«t nioiit. nil. I"t>r this purpose mecoil liver oil It U the W\i for Uie pur-puiii' Ili'Hltle«, If you were tu u^e ncntsfoot tht< ml-" mid mice are your cuenilti nt once, whilo they will uot toucha burin'*-! oiled with end liver oil. tllvea KLIIKI. done of oil to all p^rt*. thrubmiis up to dry AVhcu drjrj- rub wellwith a soft mi;

A Ita«*lan i#nlry.In js.V-1 the KuiiMnu emperor s»w a

sol,Her In the inltitlle of n tcrn-<4 plot tnthe palace grmmJa Why wa» Ibcro adally guard, relieved ut ntute.l luter-vuli? No one knew Curiosity wn«ariiuwit. nml nl la»t • veteran «na illscoveri\l ivb^ remembered hearing hisfather s:iy thnt the Kuiprest ('atberliie- «lu» UU'tl lu 17U7— ouce frtw a snow

ilrfp lu M tom nt thnt ptilnt unusuallycirly nti.i niUfl thnt a guard be sta-ll.ineil iht-iv tt> protect It. And theio a

'I reuiulued fur at least 13Uiu> one knew bow much longer,


'Three fourth i nf tli" thing* that oreput off eniil.l In; il-.iiix-nt once.

If II l i y MM- pnii .o n infiti In nliigliiK,It iloo'ii'i null;.' any illtTcrenco If hocan nirry-. tbe tun'1 "r l".>t.

lu li»tUlri: b.mil over h!» pn»t everyin nil till t inliult thnt the Mill Rhone, aKr<.'iit ilenl iMi-1 tli.it he iiintlo little hay.

Oec.T*lon:illj you rmtl li limn who en-Joy1! st.iyioi: nt h mil' » i much that hewill b t li!' "ire uuti'n nil uround him.

Tbo Jnll.v blaek-siulth nnd Jolly Inn-k>'i'|ier l.iliuiu- 11 rtJiis uml hlistory, butthey have i: ,| Hie bluc.i i-lncO ventur-ing llit'i mntli'lll life.

In every sintill town there U someptx>r oltl fnilurt' nf n imiu wltli a blRf.iiiiily buu^ltii; on him. of^.whoui It .14nnltl, "Me witi coiiiltliTint a unmt cutchwhen be win yuuiity."—Atchison Ulube.

For Nor* ThroM.Tho^e Mibjeit to «ore ihront will nnd

tin' fi'l'ituviiic prcpnratloa simple, cheapnuil h'i;Uly elllciu-lom when u^eJ luthe i'.'irly Kt;i»;e: l'our tt p!ut of bollln«water ou thirty leuvei of the cominou«;ii,e nn,l !'•: tlui tnfmlon btand for ou

Oiour; ntUI vluccir aulBeletit tt> make Itpti-.ts.tutly nclJ nud baiivy to faslo,Tlii' inlJture 5I1.H1UI 1K> moil a» a gar-tie twin' n >luy. Tbite Is uo dangerIf njnii' of It !»(.»'all»wrU.

Da Aulm. l . ThlaktThe tullowlnii fut-ts. which I saw

ivilb my own eyet* on repcatod occft-:.|..iis, fully convinced rue that nulinnlshitve the poweri of memory nudthought. 1 once hud a three partsbriil black nud tan terrier, which Hleptlu a biuket In liiy bedroom thnt openedlntu thi'-iiiirsery. Oue of my children•was from ill health very frnitl*u», andwhenever Tiny heard It cry sho wouldgo Into-Jba uursery, hunt nliout untilahe found a >i)iieaklng rim doll, take It.to tlio klde of tlif cot nud, nlltlng up,shake it tu niuiHii Hie child. If In lit)Ink' this ulie did not tllsplcy powers ofmemory, thought and rellectlon I uttefily fall tu »ee tt" «hut her clever per-formance could bo attributed.—LondonUlobe.

Ullvrr Thaw."Sliver thaw" is a name nppltcd to

winter phcnomcniin of frequent occurrence at Hen Nevis observatory. It conmists of ralu fiilliui; when the nlr Is beU«v -freer.lng point nnd congealingwhenever It reuchi1* the eroi'.nil. Ofcourse this point* to mi Invt'rnlon of thetemperature, which la-lower on themountain top tluu nt greater height*,mul. beliiK liiricely »«jiocl.»tiM'wlth a cyclouie distribution of prewire. It Is ofconsiderable "forecnstlng" value.

Reeorda of the uucleut city nf. Oargeana. founded In loin, U'lter ktiuvtuat the premeut time a* York Harbor,Me, contain many quaint and uuutualstorlee of the eurly life ..r tbe inuu.

At the entraiice tu YoiU t.tr'.iir abold proffioutory known ai ht.ii;-. net It•Iteuda »ouie dlttuUce Into Hit? Men,from which formerly lu stormy wcatber a temporary' light In the form of alantern hoisted upon au upright polewas displayed as a warning tu mari-ners.

One dark winter night u tl.mp wanferecketl on theae rocks. A survivor on.being questioned about tbu catastrophe,said:

"The vessel struck, turned over onber aids, and thu skipper and auotherbarrel of whisky rolled overboard."

The local coroner wan summoned,and tbli somewhat startling verdictwas returned;

"Wo flnd that the deceased fell fromthe nisithr.nl and win kl'lml, l i erolled overboard aud was drowned, l iefloated nihore nud froze to death, andtho rats cat him up alive!"-lieWeakly.

Lebatar MWjrlalUr Itlafc.A lobster layH^lhou-iand* of

moat of which hatch, but few \\\vt liveto grow up. Tula Is, unt the fault oftho tnothcr, for she carrier them aboutwith her for nearly a year nud withadmirable Instinct i;uardx Ihciu na »he.dots her own life. Wheti pio. ytjansare set frtp her iluty la done, for (beymust then shift fur themselves. Thoughhardly larger than ino«i|ultue.t, iielngabout ono third of au Huh Ions, thelittle ones leave their pareuti on thebottom and swim townrd lh« light—1~tbe surface, whero from one to twmonths, If fortune favors them, theylead a free, roving life. The open seaIs a poor nureccy for such weaklings,which become the sport of every.stormand the prey of numbcrloi< hungrymouths. Out of a brood of 10,000 itwould bo a rare chance for moro thanone or two lobsters to reach maturityor finally to end their career In thekitchen or the cbaOng UUh.-St Nich-olas. .

t'nMte."•--.-v-aiujator. that you re-

t s an uusife

l)t«»|t|tAlntinfn< on Doth tMdtk."You said tho hou»e > n i only live

uiUmte*' walk front the stntlon," exuu-p'.iliu.t tin- victim. "To say the leaat,I'm illsappolntcrl In you."

"And I'm disappointed lu you." re-plied the ngent. "I tbimsbt >vni were,a very rapid walker."—Thlladelphla

•flllKB Him nick!."Ynu tb'nk n c^xl ilo.il of your bus

bund. \lou"t you?" a»ki>l the visitingrelative.

"Vmi bare the wrs>n» proposition."answen^l Mr. Meekton'i wife, wllh tbocold tone* i>f the nuperlnr woman. "Ithluk fi>r hua."

i'aaitoyB._, •y—I say, mippose you pay m«

back that in MiHllnc-i you owe m<now." ltorrjughs Henlly, old tnan. Ican't do that. Markley-llut you*T«gvl It to upare twlay. lVirroughs — Iknow, i'u\ there'n no telllns when 1ruay m^sl It. l.oiulon Telegraph.

|*ta>U«a>« la> tha Wind,Batterfllcs may bo Imprlsouis] and

uninjured lu the intiUt ot a whirlwind.Oalea In a genuine typhoon are «o terrlhlo that tho stoutest ablpa can scarce-ly hopo to weather them, but there laK spot at tho very center of the stormwhere something Ilka a dead calm pro-Tails. From the outar nlgo of the dis-turbance, which m i ; t e 300 milesacross, th» wind velocity Increases to-ward the center until within a fewmilts of that point there comes a sud-den lull. Tbera the rain ceases andtho sky often clears. In this littlecalm area, which aallors call "the eyeof the storm," a group of butterflieshas frequently been Imprisoned, and.their dainty, dcllcat* forms arc as safe.In this aerial cage as If hovering Intunny meadows, but as helpless aa In

collector's bottle.

llftvl I1U On 11 TroaktM."An- yon :in iitlvwate of

rlchtsV nske<l the woman Witt th«t"iware ohln.

"Not nu>," answered the meek andlowly representative of the other aex."Man's wronRs take up all mjr apar*tlme."- <'li!i-OKi> Sews.

"I untji 'aprd jourjnnn." - i .

vl <V. It WOUK. • <ike him tosWsJWiiretl «»d turn »:•• Avldcuce atthe fn>t Indication of d»t»Ber."-tUuca-go ikord-HrKtld.

I a Ufe la grroter than maUmQbnae.

Tk* Barkava*.TAIien a*VeJ l>y her teacher to de

acrlt* the b*ckl»nne a Norbarne school-Ctrl »»ld. "Tbe b»i-kt»on»> l> nometUIugthat boltli up tbe brad and ribs andkeep* one from having l e u clear op tothe neck'"—Norbome Leader.

The MiMwit InhiiMted country IsWercbejan«k, In eastern Siberia. Tbedally men ft tcniperatMre of the entireyear U S-i* dafreea below

* ' tntermattcm naraaa.':'Ilnltiind-Hello, Jwnfs: Whit do youthink of this for weaUiert J o n « - n itell you when I cum# tjack from thabarlK'fd. I ntu always «ure to get fullInformation on the subject from th«man w-ho shares me.—Boston Tran-script.

^ Parward.The Invalid—Tha doctor says I tnost

noi amota or drink for a year. Friend—Oh. arell. he koowsi you'll h»e^cotol ie t» west his billJ—New Tortrreea. ,

v-.-,- aatl Ivaha la tpala,Even of wipe, so cheap and abun-

dant In Spain, the natives seem to usevery little. They arc frightfully In-temperate, however, in their use ot to-bacco and coffee. They drink coffeeat all hours and apparently every hour.

|The clerk who takes bta morning cupat 0 baa another at his desk an hourlater, purchased from a street vender.The business men passing through tbestreets pause while a fellow who car-ries hot coffee, hot milk, siigar andspoons harnessed upon him serves

| them on the sidewalk.(f the Spaniard doee not smoke In his.

sleep It Is his only respite from thehabit—Roaary Magailne.

A New York banker tells the storv oftwo Irishmen who discussed the "na-tionality of the American states" Saidrat , "Faith an' be Jabbers If'this gratecsoathry ain't overrun wtd th' lruh>

, aa' ylt out of all th' etatrs In th' UnionI pot wan has an Irish name." "Sure



Sothlnc In <•>' I * " Tim I Prohibit*MaklDij u i huuKr.

"Custom ha* ma.!" ll ul:u'>'l KUlver-aal fur uil inu.e i* r>-jus t<> bt»r thename* of their par'-ntV ^ilil in »t-taclie of ili" l'x-ul cmrt tt-e otLurmorning "It bte::1* i.:iturjl that itshould be ,so. .Seu.rthi!•,-.,* xin-ve U

lilnft In'the l.iw* of U»H countryprohibiting a mm'! taking anotbernpme. nnd u> U't.ii i*::.il'y 1* attaclicilto till lU.lriB i'X 'lbere H liliv:iy«. how-ever, « p ivOhlllty of H i 1,--.i ^ iiitesidcdwltli In t-.-jiivenk rite anil f ; i ; i.i IJJJ toilnuflf."There la a wny by -.i tt! -Ij n rann

may chuiijj'ji liti i.un:e '-.;'!. Di" situ-ilonof tho law, and thai U the only tafi-way Uul the law n"iu!rv. him to i:s-

loiiii' (JIH>»1 re.-r; in f,,t- th1- tl!:mi;eMen havo a i-iii;'i'tl varltun rea-oin furwishing to chance their n.iipit-i. Hoiyt-tlinca a man wi-lies to tlruji bU ri^iitname k- i i in? It U nf foreign origin'ami dluietilt for an Ann'r.t-.iu tongue topronounce. This nuiy Injun; him Inhis business, as tbrre l» muh n thineus prejudice eviu lu tbis freo and !enlightened ttuimonwevlth: or hisname m:\y have m Knglish mi uli'.urO

even vu'.^ar ineninu^ nnd subjwthim to un;'!<-.i--.int jnUes; i;r tt .may a:i-sociale htm with fou.o uotoriom crlrninal or be th<" 'uuuterpart of some namewhich lii'ifiry made Infumous; or Itmay li"'nm.[»'lif.l nml cuusoqueutlyniliiiroutuiiH-ed oa ln-i entry to tLl.icountry.

"l-rcnuentlv tnfiintt ore left orj'hansor nhauilon'-l by the father after thodeath of the inuther. .10 that case ll Ua frc'iiK-nt ofcurroii'^e for relatives orneighbors tt) take tt child ami mlosit It,

'diving It thi-ir own name. In that caseI the party ilesirltr^ to n.lnpt must applyI br a wrilten i'*-tiiifui to the coi:rt of tlio; (i:.n'e in ivlil, ii he livc-i a^liin^ leave t'»•j ndo'it Hi" i'bil.1 nud chuugu Its nauioj to that of the petitinner. The orderallowing the udt'ptiou nud the cbntigo

I of uaruc uiu.".t l«> Rled'wlth the court,i so that tb« n « | parrntngc of the chiiil| may bo subsequently established If| Uecc-i-ary.

"When ;m nilult arpl'e** for leave todiaupv UN unnio he Hunt slve hi* placeif birth, residence, us?.- ami whellicrje 1* mnrTle"! or slii.-jio anl whethurihere an' uuy JUt!guieiHM a^.iiust himur outstnn.l!n j coiutuorclitl paper In thenaiue wh.th hu s w b to nbandon. IfIn nny of those ease-* the court UBed thcrv nio no objecllunable ivnsonsthe onlrr U permitted-' Ki-antlng.'hange of uame. The orjcr inint |tetilnl with the clerk, and thirty daysthereafter the reiv. nnnie may l»o as-suiue-.l. Ti.e u"raut!r.s of the noticemint within ten days thereafter bepublished In n newspaper de^ijpuitetby tlie cor.rt.

"Thus the Ian protects the. personwlu fur K'HXI ami s-uliVicut reasons desin's tu as.«us:t! a uamo other than hlaown. Tl.t' onlcr of tin- court belug re-ror>atil. nil the riKhU of the Individualwhich may «ub?e'i«»ntly BCCTUP to himunder Ms original name are preserved,his itlentiiy biin^ under the law ftilly.establlslmS."—Wa-»h'.nston 'Star.


Mr. Popinjay—Ttow"illd you like myacting nt otir ilramntlc entertainment!Latly rrtt!'-a!-Wr!l, I (inn't think yonmntle the ::nst of your opportunities.Mr. l'iii''ni"iy-.Y'«i don't think .»o. eh?l«tdy Critl-'a!--Nir. You had ";pvcrnlopportv.iilties to ci-t off the stasi1 mui'hsooner th.ia you did!—London Op:n'.ra.

Ttir Wroni Answer.A writer in \\w S>;rui.tl Mafruine on

("Clerical' llutnor" telis of the unuv-ialbehivlqr of a y nu-.i; candidate Trh'.i.dlsuilssed tin tl.e rpl-'-opal doorstepwith i w ! . ' n n "1<<x\ Wcss yon'." hasti-ly ansvrcrp.1, "Don't r.-.<"Rtloa It. mylordT'

HrfSr<-t«-il Brlchtnrsa.".\Vhy_j]oe< that rcugrresman nay so

many more clever thUiss tlian the restof HI!"

"He I"! shrewd enough to pick out thebrightest rcr«rten to lotervlaw him."-WaiMngton BUT.

Vr!i»,»n uf lh» Aalhar aa* BUllrllrr llklf'a Maelilltr.

M. I'aul Stui'fer In the Mercure de>rr.inci! ijuutej a fragment of VictorHull's afti-r dinner inonologues. The1 • o of the mail nccustomed to aa ei-p'ctation of bis utterances, of meta-ptiy-ticarNtiirseBtlonB, Is well coareyefl:In th" tjiiotatl-jiiB. : Victor Hugts. It laib:ir:!!y ur-ccsnary to observe, v*aa,dls-linctly n prophet m his own countryas well a-3 abroad. By 0 In the evejnlug:Raj* M. Stapfcr. Victor Uugo badwurmej to bis work. He burst forth:

"llow poo"r, bow small, bow absurdatheism u! (Jod exists. I am moresure tit hl» existence than I am of myown. It God lends me sufflclent lengthof life, I waiit to •orlte a book showing;how necessary to the soul prayer Is—bow necessary aud hijw_ efllcaclona.I'ersonally I aewr . . K: toat boonwithout prayer. 1 pray regularly •»>ery morning and evening. If I wak*

tlie ulght I prnj. What <toTort StrengUi. I know wbalind what Is wrong.' but I .* •mperfectlous and thst Of n,iave not the strength to re*Liod surrounds and npt«>>d* tro tn blui. From him we tu

movement, being. AU Is crcihim. IHit It In not true to saybaa created tlie world. He cruncea»liii;ly. Ue Is tbe soul of the tnli-erse. UP IS the infinite t 0e !»-you ure n lcep, AdcleT'

The abrupt accusation wma horleil iMrs. Uugo. Since dinner ate had benslttlnj; silently lu an armchair, ratherhuddled nnd drawn up la attitude, berchin resting on her chest, ber haulsfolded on her utouinch and ber eyell!iclosed. Her regular breathjlng bad bceipleasantb' Interrupted. Boosed abrupt-ly. Injured Innocence protested Tlsrx-1ously In her manner. "You dear grett 'thing, how could you possibly itnagfiiI Bhould go to steep while yoo win-talklngr v •-• :- - ' : ^ - . : : ^ f e - , -:;-


The sietplast Can aid tha ttaajanI I tha Votca.

The sofas of our Btaterooaw Mi *Volga river steamer, whit* phallienough to sit on. were> CeroU of iother trappings which In thea* dee-crate days are thought necenary tinight's rest, and we bad toot ywt teared lh» iccullaritles of Unscorlta>travi

n t old fasblohed Kussbut travtwith bis own gear and makes blmsccomfortable nccordmg to his own Ideaand th?y nre by no means narrow.place to. sleep on Is provided. The rehe brings. Ou the Russian sieepitcars those who bave not their own beclothe* and wbo wish to ondress aigo to bed In tho American fashion cabave all tbat IM requLilte for CO cent1

Tbe jiorter on demand brings a line,sack, whose seal be cuts In your prejenco with considerable ceremony Mfrom vrhlcb he produces a pllloiblankets ami sli-.-cts of beautiful 111linen. This was t^e system on oiboat, and our niivnr* were soon nt rest

I afterward inspected the lower dee!of the ship nnd raw the way the thlclasa pnyencors were cored for.was primitive, bu; cltan and wbejsuited to th,' customs of the peopEach persciu was provided wltlx'a SJKles.-i board shelf to &leer» OQ by ntsjnn-1 sit ou by day. and be made him*as hippy or a.i uncomfortable a*chose. Mo=t of tbe passengers seemto take traveling as a migration.Judge by the pot* and kettles, fanture, blanket!! nnd clothing; (towabout Uiem-"cverything but thekltien stove," that Important but <fagerous article t>e!ng replaced by Iship's gnllcy. with its bountiful Iwater always ready f r the.t*amaklng.—Captain T.tT. S. A., in Scribner's.

No husian b*t»«. uvaa, enrosBB*,«act up to a aabllme aUndard wttbj