a wish where the wind once blew

A Wish Where The Wind Once Blew A Fairy’s journey of discovery Leads her into a world, where the complexities of life are broken down into their simplest form. A duck duck moose and sons film In honour of Eva Markvoort

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This future project by Duck Duck Moose and Sons will be filmed over January and February 2011. Please spread the message to help support this project.


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A Wish Where The Wind Once Blew A Fairy’s journey of discovery Leads her into a world, where the complexities of life are broken down into their simplest form.

A duck duck moose and sons film In honour of Eva Markvoort

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The project

Director Stuart Gillies will be returning to Vancouver in January 2011 to direct a cinematic, fantasy tale in honour of his good friend Eva Markvoort. This story will be filmed over the last two weeks of January and premiered at Eva's Memorial on the 11th of February 2011. The film’s priority is to embody all of the elements of Eva's personality and presence, which have become iconic in the Cystic Fibrosis community around the world. The film will use original, symbolic concepts and existing elements that have been established through Eva's online blog and documentary '65_RedRoses'. The film will star and be crewed by Eva's friends and family and will focus on the themes of love, loss, eternal hope and freedom. Following the story of Saffron, the film will follow a fairy that wonders the wilderness of the westerly world in search of an answer. Saffron's wings have lost the ability to fly and she must make a journey through the frozen forest to get to the coast. There, the air rises faster and more ferociously than anywhere in the world and Saffron can use this assistance to help her fly and take her home. Traveling through the forest, Saffron will meet a variety of characters that will help her realise what fundamental human truths are needed to survive in this world. This film will take Saffron on not only a physical but emotional and life changing journey. For more information about Eva and her life please visit www.65_redroses.com And for more information about Stuart Gillies please visit www.duckduckmooseandsons.com

A Wish Where The Wind Once Blew

Duck duck moose and sons ltd

Page 3: A Wish Where The Wind Once Blew

The Story There will be no spoken dialogue within this piece and an original score will be written by local musicians in Vancouver of the entire seven minutes of the film. The style of the film will be shot in a similar fashion to the incredible Scandinavian band Sigur Ros. Underneath are some links to their work and images from their music videos.

I am hoping to create a fantasy world which will set with certain elements of reality. The landscape of this film will play as just a big part as the performances themselves.

I hope these images will help take you through the mystical land I wish to create

I hope you enjoy the piece.



Page 4: A Wish Where The Wind Once Blew

A Wish Where The Wind Once Blew

Duck duck moose and sons ltd

Scene 1. Ext. Lake. Day

Saffron's legs dangle effortlessly over The Shimmering Lake, the reflection in the frozen ice, reminds her of those long, elegant flights high above the new, morning sky. She sits on an ancient rock and stares at natures mirror, the hypnotic motion of her swinging legs loose Saffron in her own imagination. She glances up, her playful smile morphs from joy to wonder as a face she once knew moves across the morning mist. This face is familiar to her, but as soon as it is there, it is gone. Saffron is daunted by the very vastness of this valley, the lake is but a pebble, immersed within a desert of white, snow covered trees. There is no concept of time in this forgotten land, no awareness of life, no sun to warm the earth or sky for it to shine, there is nothing, just a fairy without her wings. A cold chill draws down Saffron's spine. Isolated within her own body, Saffron looks down at the warm air escaping her dry, brittle mouth. She holds it for a second, collecting her thoughts, then after a moment passes, she breathes long and with a sense of understanding. Saffron looks down at her fragile and torn wings, for 23 years they have loved and kept her, now as she softly inspects their surface, the edges crumble within her fingers. Saffron folds the wings neatly, as if handling a new born baby and delicately rests them into her satchel, stroking her wings brittle bones, Saffron takes one final look as she fastens the silver clasps. Now Saffron must concentrate, for she must move quickly out of this valley, it is not a stranger to animals you cannot see and witches whose hearts cannot bleed. A Dangerous whisper can speak volumes in this land and a wizards wish can put you to sleep for a thousand years. But where can she go? and how? and with who? Saffron remembers the coast. There, where the fierce sea shakes the eternal coastline, the air rises strong and true, Saffron remembers the words from her father, echoing through her mind as if they were the westerly, whispering winds themselves. West! They cry, follow the blue sky, follow the footpath, into the wild, where the wild things went. Slowly Saffron rises to her feet, her legs are heavy and stiff, the legs buckle as they stand under her own immense weight, Saffron has never used these legs before, there are no need for them in the life of a Fairy. Gaining her balance, Saffron raises her arms to the sky, she studies the clouds for a moment as though her father may lift her back to where the wind once blew. He doesn't come, she must go.

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A Wish Where The Wind Once Blew

Duck duck moose and sons ltd

Scene 2. Ext. Forest. Day

Flying above these forests for so long, Saffron had yet to take the time to notice the intricate details of life on this planet. The leaves seemed thinner here and the bark seemed softer. Saffron had never encountered a detail before, a wrinkle or a mark. To Saffron, everything was new, everything was a twinkle of excitement, everything was there to be learnt. As Saffron moves cautiously through the forest she sees a dark figure ahead, a stooped, old man, taking rest on an elderly tree stump. As Saffron delicately approaches, she can see this man has a story, can see he has a purpose and a direction. The mans eyes are hidden in the depths of his shadowed cloak and Saffron is weary to approach him. But this man's voice is wise and deep, resonating warmly throughout the forest. After the man offers Saffron directions, he gives a simple gesture, a letter. Hesitantly, Saffron releases the letter from the man's grasp and in turn gives the man a feather, with careful consideration he inspects the feathers detail, intrigued by its youth and beauty the man looks up towards Saffron and removes his hood. The wizard is smiling, his electric white hair and beard twinkle softly and his aged, leather skin wrinkles with the smile. For Saffron, this is the first time she has seen a wrinkle of a smile and without reason a tear falls from her eye. Standing up, the old man turns and walks away, without looking back even to acknowledge his gift, he removes his entire cloak to reveal clothes both old and new. The man breathes deeply, an overwhelming sense of freedom takes over his body, the wizard runs as fast as his hollow knees take and leaves Saffron alone once again. Saffron inspects her gift from the wizard, a hand made envelope containing a hand written letter. Saffron gently runs her fingers around the edges of the textured paper, as she does so she feels the contours of a beautifully crafted, inlaid rose. The soft scent reminds her of something, something new, but something hidden. Placing the letter into her satchel, between the torn edges of her wings, Saffron looks to the sky.

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A Wish Where The Wind Once Blew

Duck duck moose and sons ltd

Scene 3. Ext. Forest. Day

As the day wears on, Saffron's feet begin to hurt, something is pressing against the inside of her shoe. She leans against a tree and bends down for a closer look. A spider has been snuggled up inside the shoe since the lake to keep warm and safe, shocked by what she has found, Saffron shakes the shoe and the spider falls to the forest floor. Unfortunately for this poor spider, a blackbird has been watching and he swoops down, grasping the spider within it's crooked claws. No! screams Saffron, the blackbird flies away. I'm sorry, I didn't know.

Scene 4. Ext. Forest. Day

As the day passes, the snow is begins to melt, the air begins to move and Saffron can feel a small breeze passing along her cheek. Following the breeze with all of her senses, Saffron notices a group of young friends struggling to push a wheelbarrow full of wood up the hillside. Six help, whilst one, who is too young, watches at the back, holding a bunch of wild flowers. As Saffron watches them struggle, she decides to go and help. As soon as Saffron helps, the work doesn't seem so hard anymore and groups expression change from sadness to joy. Once at the top of the hill the group get their breath back and offer Saffron a gift, seven hand made letters. The envelopes once again contain different versions of the same inlaid red rose. Taking the letters with a sense of wonder, Saffron once again exchanges them for her own feathers. After a warm drink and a smile, Saffron turns to the group and waves goodbye.

Scene 5. Ext. Various. Day

As the day begins to fade and dusk arrives, the colours in the forest begin to change. The leaves become greener and the land becomes deeper. Saffron's journey leads her through many lands and within these lands she stumbles upon more and more characters that have letters to give and stories to tell. Some men are revolutionists from Quebec, others are Clowns with no home, one man is an explorer who has traveled many miles with his story for Saffron. Glamourous women from the 1950's tell tales, of the way the used dance and skip and play. With every new story a new smile grows, Saffron's wrinkles become fuller and her cheeks ache with joy and laughter. Stories and memories are there to be shared by all, to everyone.

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A Wish Where The Wind Once Blew

Duck duck moose and sons ltd

Scene 6. Ext. Campfire. Night

As the night settles in, Saffron sits by her bonfire, she is alone once again, but the fire burns brightly around her, protecting Saffron from the nights sky. Gazing into the flicker of the flames Saffron's thoughts are honest and deep.

Scene 7. Ext. Campfire. Night

Standing in front of the fire, Saffron holds out all of the letters she has been given and smiles. These people did not write these letters for one particular individual to read. These letters are stories to be told, to be shared, shaken and set free. They are memories and memories that can never be taken away, memories that will never loose a love or wish or a hope, they will grow, whispering with the wind and finding comfort in one and all. The characters within this story, have not given these letters to Saffron so she could deliver them to a warm safe place. They have been given to her for a reason. The stories must be set free With the greatest sense of release and joy, Saffron drops the letters into the fire and begins to dance. As the letters are welcomed by the warmth of the ashes, the fire crackles with joy and hope and love. Saffron dances wildly as the ashes rise high above her, she dances for us, for everyone she loves, loved and will ever love. (All of the characters Saffron has met within this story are now solely within her heart and dancing happily and freely around her.)

Scene 8. Ext. Campfire. Morning

As dawn arrives, all of the characters wake up together. The ground is cold and dry, but their hearts are warm. Mothers, Clowns, Soldiers, Fathers, are all there, together, not lost and alone, but safe and found.

Scene 9. Ext Campfire Morning

Everyone in the camp smiles and enjoys a full, hearty breakfast. Saffron however sits alone, she looks down to her wings, as everyone hugs and laughs around her, she cannot help to see the colour fade from her old friends. The wings are now folded smaller and collapsed, looking at them, Saffron knows she is not home, not yet.

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A Wish Where The Wind Once Blew

Duck duck moose and sons ltd

Scene 10. Ext. Campfire. Morning

Waving goodbye, Saffron begins to leave the camp. She has one final journey to make, one final task to take. Upon leaving, the eldest lady of the group approaches Saffron and takes her by the hand, after a moment the old lady gives Saffron back her satchel. The satchel is now plump and full, containing a message, a symbol for the world. With a strong embrace Saffron is asked politely not to open the satchel, not now, not yet.

Scene 11. Ext. Coast. Morning

The weather is warmer now and the sun is heavier. The air on Saffron's back feels kind and free. Looking to the cliffs in the distance, Saffron can see a familiar figure. There, the Red Fairy walks, skipping carefree along the cliff top. Without a moment's hesitation Saffron runs, runs towards The Red Fairy as fast as she can.

Scene 12. Ext. Cliff Top. Morning

When Saffron reaches the Red Fairy, she grasps her and holds her close, as The Red Fairy kneels down to Saffron, Saffron whispers something in her ear. The words, which are all the same, are spoken with everything Saffron can give, “Love, Love, Love”. After a moment of realisation The Red Fairy smiles and takes Saffron by the hand. Looking down to her feet Saffron takes off her heavily traveled shoes and places them on the grass, next to them Saffron places her wings, she's realised, she doesn't need them any more, she can fly without them. Just before The Red Fairy and Saffron leave, Saffron looks back towards the forest. She knows she will come back to this place, a place that has changed and found her. A place of wonder and beauty, death and destruction, a world where everything can be learnt, a world, which contains all. With one final exchange, a tear and a smile the two fairies say goodbye to the ground upon which they just stood. flying away, the clasps on Saffron's satchel fall open and with the breeze thousands of red rose petals fall across the morning sky. "Goodbye" the two fairies say "Goodbye".

The End

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A Wish Where The Wind Once Blew

Duck duck moose and sons ltd

Please help fund this project, to bring a project from the heart to life.

A wealth of local talent in Vancouver will be used in front of camera as well as behind.

This piece of cinema will hopefully not only help raise the awareness of Cystic Fibrosis but also spread Eva’s message.

Thank you for your time

Please contact:

[email protected]

For more information

Yours Faithfully

Stuart Gillies