a water dictionary for growing babies

A Water Dictionary for Growing Babies By: Yannet

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A Water Dictionary for Growing Babies. By: Yannet. Adhesion. Pronunciation: [ad- hee - zhuhn ] Part of Speech: Noun Definition: Process in which water sticks to another substance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


A Water Dictionary for Growing Babies

A Water Dictionary for Growing BabiesBy: Yannet


Pronunciation: [ad-hee-zhuhn]Part of Speech: NounDefinition: Process in which water sticks to another substance

After a baby takes a bath, he or she will have water drops on their body. That is why a baby will use a towel to become water-drop free.

Capillary ActionPronunciation: [kap-uh-ler-ee][ak-shuhn]Part of Speech: NounDefinition: The tendency of water to rise or be pulled into a certain area/tube

When a baby finishes their bath, a small amount of water remains in their belly button. This is because of capillary action- the water slides down the babys body and pulled into their belly buttons.


Pronunciation: [koh-hee-zhuhn]Part of Speech: NounDefinition: The process in which water sticks to itself

When a baby drools, the water is usually in one bunch due to cohesion. The water sticks together when it leaves the babys mouth.

Hydrogen BondPronunciation: [hahy-druh-juhn][bond] Part of Speech: NounDefinition: The connection connecting two molecules with hydrogen includedFact: 70% of the Earth is made up of water.Like a babys relationship with a toy, a hydrogen bond can be formed easily, and broken with a small amount of effort (even if the outcome is ugly).


Pronunciation: [poh-lar-i-tee, puh-lar-i-tee] Part of Speech: NounDefinition: Imbalanced molecules that attract to another by a hydrogen bondFact: If a substance can dissolve in water, then it is polar.Just like imbalanced molecules are attracted to one another, babies are attracted to people, attention, toys, and sounds.

Significance of Waters Density

Density Definition: The measure of how tightly packed a substance is

Significance: Waters density is important to babies because ice has a lower density, hence the ice floats to the top of a cup. Because babies have no teeth, they cannot chew on ice and the parent must take the ice out. Therefore, if water had a lower density than ice, it would be more difficult for the parents to remove the ice from the water.

Significance of Waters Specific Heat

Specific Heat Definition: How much energy it takes to raise the temperature of a certain amount of liquid by one degreeFact: Hot water freezes faster than cold water.Significance: Because waters specific heat is considerably high, it means that the temperature only changes with a lot of energy. After the milk formula is heated, it must cool for a long time before given to the baby. Waters specific heat is important because it allows the parent to know how much time it would take for the milk to cool for the baby.

Surface TensionPronunciation: [sur-fis][ten-shuhn]Part of Speech: NounDefinition: The elastic film that appears on top of bodies of water due to the cohesion bonds

When a baby is put in the tub for a bath and he or she starts to kick, the elastic film is broken causing the water to splash.

Universal Solvent

Pronunciation: [yoo-nuh-vur-suhl][sol-vuhnt]Part of Speech: NounFact: Water is the universal solvent because it dissolves more solutes than all of the other liquid solvents.

When a baby needs to drink some milk, formula is added to the universal solvent(water) to form the solution-milk.

Pronunciation: [waw-ter][sahy-kuhl]Part of Speech: NounDefinition: The cycle in which water evaporates into the air and condenses as a cloud. Then precipitation occurs in some form of water. Fact: If there was no gravity, raindrops would be a perfect sphere, rather than an oval

When a baby goes to the park, it sees clouds in the air. Out of curiosity it points to the clouds. Clouds are made when water evaporates, condenses and precipitates. This process is called the water cycle.

Water Cycle