a warning against error

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  • 7/27/2019 A Warning Against Error


  • 7/27/2019 A Warning Against Error



    In view of these solemn realities even now looming before our eyes, no longer, Brother, Sister, hide yourself

    in the darkness. Stand in the light, lest you stumble and fall and not be found. Come, take time, and Let Us

    Reason Together. (1 Ans. 8)

    The Spirit that was manifested to the people who bitterly opposed the Inspiration of V.T. Houteff, was still

    manifested today.Inspiration declared:

    2 SC 3, 4:11 Still further, this class of people who suppose that their questionings and cavilings are a mark

    of intelligence are like the Jews of old -- they acknowledge the Inspiration of the prophets as does Brother B of

    Sister Whites by calling her work The Spirit of Prophecy. The Jews confessed that the writings of the prophets

    who had preceded their generation and who were rejected and killed by their fathers contained the Word of God,

    and that their writings had to be respected and obeyed, but the prophets that arose in person to reprove them of

    their own evil deeds or correct their errors which they themselves had embodied from uninspired men, they were

    not willing to accept! (2 SC 3, 4:11)

    2 TG 39:2 The great leaders of religious thought in this generation sound the praises and build the

    monuments of those who planted the seed of truth centuries ago. Do not many turn from this work to trample

    down the growth springing from the same seed today? The old cry is repeated, We know that God spake unto

    Moses; as for this fellow [Christ in the messenger He sends], we know not from whence he is. As in earlier ages,

    the special truths for this time are found, not with the ecclesiastical authorities, but with men and women who are

    not too learned or too wise to believe the word of God. For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many

    wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called; but God hath chosen the foolish things ofthe world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which

    are mighty.

    This reading commands to pray for those who are considered wise, for today as in times past the so-called

    great leaders of religion are on the one hand sounding praises, building, as it were, monuments to Gods servants

    of centuries before, while on the other hand trampling down Gods messengers of their own day! They, too, in

    effect say We know that God spoke unto Moses; as for this fellow we know not from whence He is. We

    should pray that they realize their mistake of measuring the work of God by the yardstick of man. And pray, too,

    that we ourselves not fall unto such a practice. (2 TG 39:2)


    (1 SC 18:5) While warning men to beware of accepting anything unless it is truth, we should also warn them

    not to imperil their souls by rejecting messages of light, but to press out of the darkness by earnest study of the

    word of God. (TM 110) They, make no critical examination to see whether or not there are precious jewels

    of truth in the collection of thought which they condemn? (CSW 29) Like the Jews of old, they declared: Are

    ye also deceived? Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed on him? But this people who knoweth not

    the law are cursed. (John 7:47-49) Some said, He is a good man: others said, Nay; but he deceiveth the

    people. (John 7:12) That even after Christ died, they declared: Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver

    said, while he was yet alive, after three days I will rise again. (Matthew 27:63)Inspiration declared:

    It is the same policy which has been pursued in all ages. Elijah was declared to be a trouble in Israel,

    Jeremiah a traitor, Paul a polluter of the temple. (GC 458) The SROD plainly told us

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    GCS pages 6, 7 However, I would remind you, Brethren, that no prophet of God has ever been welcomed

    by the church. On the contrary, each in his time was rejected, abused, and most of them were martyred by the

    ones to whom they were sent -- the very ones who were supposed to be serving God! Indeed, the Lord Himself

    paid the same price. For this very reason we must remember that when the last prophet comes he will have the

    greatest opposition to meet, for Satan well knows that if he loses now, he loses forever. What makes Elijahs

    work especially hard is that Christendom has long been drilled in the idea that no prophet is to come, that there is

    no necessity for one, that it has enough revealed Truth to carry it inside the Pearly Gates.

    It is therefore only to be expected that the predicted Elijah will be denounced as a false prophet, perhaps even

    as the anti-Christ, offshoot, or what not. (GCS pages 6, 7)

    The same situation in the days of V.T. Houteff, Ridicule is the only thing we hear. (1 SC 8:2) We posted

    our messages, but it has not once officially attempted to refute any subjects in its entirety. They ever try to take

    away what we have on these scriptures, but never give us something better. All we have heard or seen is

    garbling, or some procedure as followed by first day keepers while debating with Sabbath keepers. (1 TG 18:21,

    22) Arguing on the direct application of minor points does not change the message we proclaimed, so long as the

    lessons derived cannot be refuted. (1 SC 8:2)

    The SROD declared: You, yourself, know that such keyless and thoughtless interpretations, which pay no

    attention to language, and which obey neither rule nor logic, are not inspired, but are private, and thus inevitably

    false. (3 SC 7:4)

    Inspiration declared: Therefore, we must consider the use of the Biblical past and present tense. This

    grammatical rule is followed in the Scriptures, and it is one way to recognize present truth. (2 SR 118) The

    same rule is to be observed in all Bible truths to establish authoritatively a particular prophetic time. (1 SR 240)

    The original author of the SROD is not V.T. Houteff, but the Holy Spirit. (3Ans. 33) The same as the writers

    of the Bible, the original author is the Holy Ghost. (1 SM 21) The voice of prophecy declared:

    GC 344 Even the prophets who were favored with the special illumination of the Spirit did not fully

    comprehend the import of the revelations committed to them. The meaning was to be unfolded from age to age,

    as the people of God should need the instruction therein contained. (GC 344)

    All inspired writings if there is something which is not clear, only the writer himself should be consulted, if he

    is living. The writer of the SROD being already dead, the ultimate injunction was only by the same Spirit of

    Inspiration can clarify whatever is involved, according to 1 Ans. 47.Did we follow this ultimate injunction?

    The best example is Apostle Paul. That even he is an inspired Apostle and well educated with Hebrew and

    Latin tongues, yet the application he made according to the SROD does not sound grammatically correct. (1 SR

    161) By this reason, identically there is no dispute that the SDA church applied such statement latter part of the

    last century to E.G. Whites life and work. But what we are now investigating is that, does such application

    sound grammatically correct?Now let us quote again

    4 TR 55 Most of the Christians at the present time, by despising the gift of prophecy in the Christian era,

    and by applying the Old Testament Scriptures to Gods ancient people only, have rejected all the prophets! The

    Seventh-day Adventist denomination, however, has long professed to believe in the Spirit of Prophecy,

    particularly in that special message which in the latter part of the last century made clear that the angel ofRevelation 18:1, who is to lighten the earth with his glory, was still in the future (Early Writings, p. 277), and

    that the prophet Elijahs message was yet to come (Testimonies to Ministers, p. 475). In her Laodicean attitude,

    however, that she is rich, and increased with goods, and has need of nothing, neither truth nor prophets, she

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    manifests the spirit which led the Jewish leaders to kill Gods messengers, and which has caused nearly all

    Christendom to set aside the prophets, thus teaching that they ceased with the preaching of John the Baptist. (4

    TR 55)

    To completely decipher this reading, we need to clear some important questions.

    1.What had been made clear according to the reading?a. The pronoun that being a demonstrative pronoun pointing directly to the object which had been made

    clear it is concerning the angel ofRev. 18:1.

    b. What had been made clear concerning the angel ofRev. 18:1? First, it had been made clear that thisangel ofRev. 18:1 will be the one to lighten the Earth with his glory. Second that such predicted event

    was still in the future when the prediction uttered.

    2. Is it concerning the prediction of the angel ofRev. 18:1, alone that had been made clear? Absolutely no.For it had been made clear also that the prophet Elijahs message was yet to come, when E.G. White wrote

    the statement.

    3.One of the most important question, is that unto whom it had been made clear?Is it to the SDA church? Absolutely no. For according to them such prophecy at the time when it was

    written, it was already fulfilled to E.G. Whites life and work. (TM 534; 1 SM 412-414; 1 SR 87, 88;

    2 SR 230)

    With such weighty evidences here amassed there is manifestly but one conclusion possible that the

    people by which such message was made clear to them is V.T. Houteff together with his associates.

    4.The last, but not the least, the most serious and absolute important question to be settled is: When suchmessage was made clear?

    The statement from the word particularly up to Rev. 18:1, continually stated without any comma

    plainly shows that it is talking about the same subject and object, declared: particularly in that

    special message which in the latter part of the last century made clear that the angel ofRevelation

    18:1 (4 TR 55)

    To get a correct understanding, however it absolutely necessary to see the full background of V.T. Houteffs

    experience, when he join Adventism. Victor Tasho Houteff was born in Raicovo, Bulgaria on March 2, 1885. As

    a child baptized as a member of Bulgarian Orthodox Church. As he grew up, he was engaged in the mercantile

    trade. In 1907, at the age of22, he and his brothers emigrated to the United States of America, after, according to

    V.T. Houteffs testimony, a mob that had taken up arms against his family and force them to live their nativeland.

    Victor Houteff arrived in the USA virtually penniless. He soon found work as a hotelier and a grocer state of

    Illinois. In 1919, at the age of34 he joined the Seventh-day Adventist church. In the midst of the roaring twenties

    Houteff journeyed west to California, so as to be closer to the Seventh-day Adventist communities, like

    Lomalinda. In Lost Angeles, California, he took a job as a salesman for Maytag, selling washers and other

    household appliances. An excellent salesman, Houteff soon saved enough money to start his own company

    which manufactured wholesome confectionary candies, or as Houteff himself referred to them, health sweets.

    Heres what Inspiration hath declared:

    1 TG 4:19, 20 You know that we were not so open-minded then as we are now. And when our doctrines

    were questioned we, too, like our brethren, did not honestly and unbiasedly give a fair hearing to the views of


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    When we were in their place we, too, in our lukewarmness zealously defended every doctrine, even though

    we ourselves were not clear in some of them. This we did only because the doctrines which were taught in the

    church by our own Ministering brethren we, too, presumably believed were correct. And so we, as blindly as they

    believed one hundred per cent of whatever was taught in the church, not considering that much of it came

    through uninspired men. Inspired or uninspired did not make any difference to us then, as it makes no difference

    to them now. We, too, were in a terrible sad deception and right along with them knew not or believed not, that

    we were wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked, although the Lord Himself said so! Rev. 3:14-18. Wecontinued in that state of mind until the scroll unrolled. Then our eyes were opened: the doctrines and

    interpretations which did not come through Inspiration we then clearly saw that they were only devisings of

    men. Neither did we see beforehand that the Sabbath and the church were turned into institutions for raising

    goals and for merchandising -- means for dishonoring God and for robbing the poor to feed and clothe those who

    are keeping the whole church in the terrible Laodicean sad deception.

    So looking at it from this angle, we were not much better than the best of the Laodiceans. What makes the

    difference between us and them is that the light has illuminated our path, but it has not as yet reached them. The

    credit, then, for what advancement we may have made in this revival and reformation effort is not ours, but

    Gods. (1 TG 4:19, 20)

    This reading completely shows, that before their eyes were opened they zealously depended every

    doctrine, even though we ourselves were not clear in some of them. This we did only because the doctrines

    which were taught in the church by our own ministering brethren we, too presumably believed were correct.

    Then obvious it is, V.T. Houteff believed that the teaching of the denomination concerning Rev. 18:1 and TM

    475 was already fulfilled E.G. Whites life and work, as do the SDA teach it.

    Therefore, V.T. Houteff in 4 TR 55 is making a comparison with Sunday keeping Christian world together

    with the SDA church. By saying Most of the Christians at the present time, by despising the gift of prophecy

    in the Christian era, and by applying OLD Testament Scriptures to Gods ancient people only, have rejected all

    the prophets. Then the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination, however, has long professed (how long, since

    1844) to believe in the Spirit of Prophecy by applying E.W. 277, Rev. 18:1, and TM 475, to E.G. Whites life

    and work, the same as the Christian world have rejected all the prophets.

    Therefore, the statement particularly in that special message which is the message ofRev. 18:1, E.W.

    277, and TM 475, it was made clear to them that it had not been fulfilled in E.G. Whites life and work, as do the

    denomination teach. These doubly secure rivet the evidence by saying In her Laodicean attitude, however,

    that she is rich, and increased with goods, and has need of nothing neither truth nor prophets, [4 TR 55]

    concretely shows that the statements made clear that such prediction of E.G. White was still future in her dayscan never be applied to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

    Absolutely therefore, the only positive answer to the question, when it was made clear according to the

    reading it is in the latter part of the last century. The word which being a demonstrative pronoun use as an

    adjective pronoun interrogatively declared that such special message is made clear in the latter part of the last

    century. And since such experience, that the message ofRev. 18:1, E.W.277, and TM 475 (according to the

    SDA brethren) had been, clear to them during the days of E.G. White, even after she died, that the SDA church

    consider TM 475 as a prediction that there is no prophet to come then we need humbly admit that such century,

    cannot exactly fits to the 19th


    There is no dispute that such statement was written by E.G. White in the latter part of the 19th century. But the

    grammatical English construction does not refer exactly to the time the statement was written. The demonstrative

    pronoun which definitely points out to the special message which in the latter part of the last century made

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    clear made clear what? That this special message when Inspiration came in 1930, it was made clear, that it

    had not been fulfilled in E.G. Whites life and work, that it was still in the future at the time the statement was

    written. And of course the special message is concerning Rev. 18:1, E.W. 277, and TM 475.

    The statement which in the latter part of the last century made clear that the angel ofRev. 18:1, who is to

    lighten the earth with his glory, was still in the future,clearly shows that

    a. In 1929, 1930 it was made clear to V.T. Houteff, that such special message ofRev. 18:1, E.W. 277, and TM475, had not been fulfilled in E.G. Whites life and work as the SDA do teach it. (1 SM 412-414; TM 534)

    b. That from 1919 up to 1929, V.T. Houteff declared When we were in their place we, too, in ourlukewarmness zealously defended every doctrine, even though we ourselves were not clear in some of them.

    This we did only because the doctrines which were taught in the church by our own Ministering brethren we,

    too, presumably believed were correct. (1 TG 4:19, 20)

    c. And in 1929-1930 it was made clear to them that such special message ofRev. 18:1, E.W. 277 and TM 475who is to lighten the earth with his glory, was still in the future in the days of E.G White and does not

    fulfilled to E.G. Whites life and work as do the SDA teached it was.

    d. There is a great possibility, that V.T. Houteff expected that all prophecies will be fulfilled during his days.That he of himself did not expect that he would die, that his life would even reach to the period of the latter

    part of the last century.

    It is foolish to deny a fact, when the evidence already exists. Man may commit mistakes, but God cannot, and

    will not. Present Truth comes only from God. Man does not know the seasons, and therefore God Himself must

    appoint the time for Present Truth to be revealed. Had the latter part of the twentieth century not been the

    predicted time, Inspiration would not come, for God keeps accurate time.

    The SROD declared: Aside from Ezekiel (Gods mouth piece) God delegates no other to be a watchman of

    the people. (1 TG 22:30) All these predicted Ezekiels have a bracketed period, from 1500 (16th century) up to

    the 2000 (20th century). (2TG 39:13) Obviously therefore, any claimant of Inspiration whose arrival occurred

    after 2000 AD, must be obviously spurious and cannot be of God. You cannot find any single citation in the

    SROD, that there is a prophet to come outside the bracketed period.

    Let us beforehand refresh our minds with the Jews attitude toward the prophets: Rather than going with the

    purpose of learning and reasoning, the Jews went to the prophets with prejudiced minds, with malice, with hatred

    in their hearts, and with instruments of cruelty. (We must not.) (1 TG 15:3) Finally, for what other purpose

    could any right thinking minds suppose the Lord would send His prophet if not for them to give ear to him, that

    they might thereby survive the great and dreadful day of the Lord? For what else, indeed, could the Lord havemade a record of prophecy and promise of His last-day prophet? Ponder this, Brethren; think it through. (GCS


    Trying to obscure the light, concerning the arrival of the messenger of Rev. 18:1 by which V.T Houteff

    declared: Concerning the angel ofRev.18:1, with whose glory the earth is to be lightened, we do not claim to

    have as yet all his light (1 SC6:10), as a matter of fact will in no whit darken or doom it, but only darken and

    doom himself. For example, if we should reduce century into a year, it would be

    particularly in that special message which in the latter part of the last year made clear that the angel ofRev.

    18:1, who is to lighten the earth with his glory, was still in the future, would you think it is appropriate if there isstill another year to follow after that year. Assuredly not. And that is the absolute rule in grammatical

    construction of the definite article The

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    What is an ? One of a class of auxiliary words inserted before a noun or a word used as a noun orARTICLE

    in some languages prefix or suffix to it to limit or modify it in some way. And there are two kinds of article

    the indefinite and definite article. And the word The being a definite article it limits the noun century. And

    the noun century being described by the adjective last it was modified by the definite article The. And since

    the main object of the definite article The it is to limit the noun then obvious it is, there would be no other

    century to follow after it. If we declare the last prophet and then there is still another to follow, would you

    think it does not sound grammatically incorrect?

    Therefore, if it is applied to the previous century, the statement would be particularly in that special

    message which in the latter part of last century, but since the definite article The is inserted, it limits the noun

    century described the adjective being last then such century must be the last. Besides, 2 TG 7:4, made it so

    plain, that the 20th century is the last century. The SROD declared:

    Now that knowledge has been increased since the last century (2 TG 7:4) The word since plainly

    indicates that such century being the last already commencing. Although the world considered now as the 21st

    century, but as long as it would not reach to a hundred years 2100 AD, it can never be called A century.

    Hundred percent our world will not reach up to 2100 AD, in which such declaration that the 20th century is the

    last must be absolutely right, if we really fully believe the SROD.

    1 Ans. 28 Though there is much more to be said on these matters, suffice these lines for the present, for

    unless for your lifes sake you respond to them, more would be only a weariness to you and a loss of time to us.

    Our sincere prayer and earnest hope, therefore, is that the valuable, irretrievable time expended in this effort

    of good will and deep concern for your souls, will be the means of bringing you to rejoice in the glorious hope

    which theRodsets before you. May your heart yet be responsive to the Lords voice, which still crieth unto

    the city,...hear ye the Rod, and Who hath appointed it. (1 Ans. 28)

    In closing, whether it be in the latter part of the 19th century or 20th century the absolute fact is that, there

    was no prediction of any claimant of Inspiration to arrive after the 20th century. (2 TG 39:13) To avoid any

    confusion, and to protect the living saints for such deception, God bracketed the period of all the Ezekiels that He

    would raise. Therefore, the arrival of Inspiration in 1996 A.D., was within the bracketed period given by the

    voice of God through the Rod.

    Yours in Christ Jesus,A.D.JEZREEL