a turning point for natural product discovery esfembo research … · 2016-03-05 · bottlenecks in...

University of Groningen A turning point for natural product discovery - ESF-EMBO research conference Takano, Eriko; Bovenberg, Roel A. L.; Breitling, Rainer Published in: Molecular Microbiology DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2958.2012.07984.x IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the publisher's version (publisher's PDF) if you wish to cite from it. Please check the document version below. Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Publication date: 2012 Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database Citation for published version (APA): Takano, E., Bovenberg, R. A. L., & Breitling, R. (2012). A turning point for natural product discovery - ESF- EMBO research conference: synthetic biology of antibiotic production. Molecular Microbiology, 83(5), 884- 893. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2958.2012.07984.x Copyright Other than for strictly personal use, it is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Take-down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Downloaded from the University of Groningen/UMCG research database (Pure): http://www.rug.nl/research/portal. For technical reasons the number of authors shown on this cover page is limited to 10 maximum. Download date: 06-10-2020

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Page 1: A turning point for natural product discovery ESFEMBO research … · 2016-03-05 · bottlenecks in the current synthetic biology pipeline and ... using antibiotic production, resistance

University of Groningen

A turning point for natural product discovery - ESF-EMBO research conferenceTakano, Eriko; Bovenberg, Roel A. L.; Breitling, Rainer

Published in:Molecular Microbiology


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Citation for published version (APA):Takano, E., Bovenberg, R. A. L., & Breitling, R. (2012). A turning point for natural product discovery - ESF-EMBO research conference: synthetic biology of antibiotic production. Molecular Microbiology, 83(5), 884-893. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2958.2012.07984.x

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A turning point for natural product discovery –ESF-EMBO research conference: synthetic biology ofantibiotic productionmmi_7984 884..893

Eriko Takano,1* Roel A. L. Bovenberg2,4 andRainer Breitling3,5

1Department of Microbial Physiology, 2Synthetic Biologyand Cell Engineering, and 3Groningen BioinformaticsCentre, Groningen Biomolecular Sciences andBiotechnology Institute, University of Groningen,Nijenborg 7, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands.4DSM Biotechnology Center, Alexander Fleminglaan 1,2613 AX Delft, The Netherlands.5Institute of Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology,College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences,Joseph Black Building, University of Glasgow, GlasgowG12 8QQ, UK.


Synthetic Biology is in a critical phase of its develop-ment: it has finally reached the point where it canmove from proof-of-principle studies to real-worldapplications. Secondary metabolite biosynthesis,especially the discovery and production of antibio-tics, is a particularly relevant target area for suchapplications of synthetic biology. The first interna-tional conference to explore this subject was held inSpain in October 2011. In four sessions on GeneralSynthetic Biology, Filamentous Fungal Systems, Acti-nomyces Systems, and Tools and Host Structures,scientists presented the most recent technologicaland scientific advances, and a final-day Forward LookPlenary Discussion identified future trends in thefield.


Synthetic biology is considered as the major future trendfor biotechnology: our newly increased ability to sequenceand (most importantly) synthesize entire genomes

enables a new engineering-style approach to manipulat-ing biological systems (Leonard et al., 2008; Khalil andCollins, 2010; Tyo et al., 2010; Tsvetanova et al., 2011). Atthe moment, much of the potential of Synthetic Biology isrealized only at the level of proof-of-principle studies andgeneral plans, but some areas of microbiology are alreadygeared up for applied synthetic biology. The field of sec-ondary metabolism, especially the discovery and produc-tion of bioactive compounds, including antibiotics, isparticularly well positioned for such a strategy. Biosyn-thetic pathways for secondary metabolites are modular atmultiple levels, and therefore are a natural target forre-engineering and the synthetic creation of additionalchemical diversity (Carothers et al., 2009; Fischbach andVoigt, 2010; Gao et al., 2010; Dhamankar and Prather,2011; Medema et al., 2011a,b; 2012).

On 2–7 October 2011, more than 100 synthetic biolo-gists and fungal/actinomycete natural products biologistsmet at the Hotel Eden Roc, Sant Feliu de Guíxols (CostaBrava), Spain, to explore the state of the art and futuredirections of the field in a meeting co-hosted by theEuropean Science Foundation (ESF) and the EuropeanMolecular Biology Organization (EMBO). A perfect venueoverlooking the rocky cliffs of the Mediterranean Sea andthe beautiful late-summer weather provided the idealenvironment to bring together these two very differentcommunities to exchange ideas and to form newcollaborations. The aim was more than achieved, withtalks and posters from established group leaders, as wellas the young scientists who will lead the future of Syn-thetic Biology. Many talks included unpublished and hot-off-the-bench data and inspired all participants to livelydiscussions. Forty-seven posters were presented, andeach poster author gave a 1 min talk on their work(without slides). This was a widely approved highlight ofthe whole conference, which led to many enthusiasticinteractions during the subsequent poster sessions.

Three prizes were awarded to young researchers: theSGM young speaker prize was awarded to Daniel Scharf,PhD student, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product

Accepted 11 January, 2012. *For correspondence. E-mail [email protected]; Tel. (+31) 50 363 2143; Fax (+31) 50 363 2154.

Molecular Microbiology (2012) 83(5), 884–893 � doi:10.1111/j.1365-2958.2012.07984.xFirst published online 8 February 2012

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

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Research and Infection Biology e.V., Jena, Germany,for his talk entitled: Gliotoxin pathway reconstructionas a prerequisite for pathway engineering. The NatureReviews Microbiology poster prize was awarded byAndrew Jermy (NRM senior editor) to Eva-Maria Niehaus,PhD student, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster,Germany, for her poster with the title: Molecular andchemical characterization of secondary metabolite geneclusters in Fusarium fujikuro: the fusarin gene cluster. TheEMBO Reports poster prize was awarded to Tina Strobel,PhD student, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg im Bre-isgau, Germany, for her poster with the title: Identificationof a highly flexible glycosyltransferase from Saccharothrixespanaensis.

Another important feature of the conference was theactive participation from industry. Eighteen industrialresearchers attended the conference, with six presentingshort talks or posters, reflecting a (re-)growing interest innatural products in the light of the recent advances ofsynthetic biology approaches in the field.

The meeting was an excellent illustration of how far wehave proceeded in the last couple of years, both in ourunderstanding of secondary metabolite biosynthesis andin our tools for large-scale genetic manipulation. At thesame time as bringing together synthetic biology andnatural products, and inspiring collaborations within thenatural products community, it also identified importantbottlenecks in the current synthetic biology pipeline andimportant limitations of our biological understanding of therelevant biosynthetic pathways and their regulation, whichwill benefit from the joint attention of both groups ofexperts.

Meeting lectures

General Synthetic Biology

The conference was opened by Roy Kishony (HarvardUniversity, USA) with his inspiring presentation of new dataon ‘The ecology of antibiotics’, using experimental andcomputational modelling strategies to explain the naturalevolution of antibiotics resistance, answering the intriguingquestion, why haven’t all bacteria become resistant yet?The complex spatial and temporal dynamics of antibioticsgradients lead to significant growth advantages ofantibiotic-sensitive strains even in the presence of antibi-otics producers. Roy also presented his very recent workon Streptomyces inter-species interactions (Vetsigianet al., 2011). Sixty-four Streptomyces strains were isolatedfrom soil and observed for sender–receiver interactionsusing antibiotic production, resistance and growth. Theresults show that the interactions evolve quickly, and math-ematical modelling of the ecological dynamics of antibioticproduction and resistance suggested that in a diverse

Streptomyces community the interaction network is evolu-tionarily dynamic. Therefore the antibiotics produced byStreptomyces are forever diverse. This was good news tothose of the audience looking for novel antibiotics!

Christina Smolke (Stanford, USA) presented a largecollection of tools for the control of gene expression inyeast, mostly based on RNA and its secondary structure,and showed how to use these switches to control antibi-otic production. She illustrated this, for example, by RNA-based control modules to control translation using theRNase Rnt1p, which cleaves the conserved sequence inan RNA hairpin (Fig. 1) (Babiskin and Smolke, 2011a).Based on these data Christina argued that the flexibilityof RNA molecules as sensors, computing devices andactuators, and their compatibility with the existing endog-enous regulatory machinery, makes them particularlypromising as portable programmable tools for the designand engineering of tightly controlled metabolic pathways.

Markus Schmidt (Biofaction and IDC, Austria) dis-cussed ‘Biosafety and Public Dialogue in SyntheticBiology’, raising awareness of an important but oftenneglected issue by showing examples of public engage-ment through animation, films and art. Although syntheticbiology of antibiotics itself is usually not perceived as athreat to society, this is still an important issue, given thegenerally cautious attitude of the public towards large-scale genetic engineering. To illustrate the pro-activeapproach taken by researchers in the field, Markus showedan animation created by the consortium SYNMOD in Euro-SYNBIO (ESF funded) to raise awareness concerning theimportance of our search for novel antibiotics that cancombat antibiotic-resistant pathogens. At the Bio:fictionScience Art and Film Festival held in Vienna in May 2011,over 52 short films related to synthetic biology were shownranging from documentary films to animations and purescience fiction (http://www.bio-fiction.com). Artists alsopresented 10 pieces of art related to synthetic biology atthe art-science exhibition ‘synth-ethic’, produced byMarkus and curated by Jens Hauser, in the Museum ofNatural History in Vienna, May to June 2011, demonstrat-ing an extremely diverse interpretation of synthetic biologyby international artists (http://www.biofaction.com/synth-ethic/).

Arnold Driessen (University of Groningen, The Neth-erlands) reported data on the engineering of Penicilliumchrysogenum for the overproduction of penicillin. Thereare about 830 transporters encoded in the genome ofP. chrysogenum, including 49 ABC transporters. Fromthese ABC transporters, 23 were selected based on theirexpression profile in penicillin-producing conditions anddeleted. One showed a lowered production of penicillinand may represent a potential bottleneck transport reac-tions during penicillin biosynthesis. It is now the target ofoverexpression studies (Weber et al., 2011).

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Jörg Stelling (ETH, Switzerland) provided a systemsbiologist’s perspective on synthetic biology, discussing towhich extent can we come up with a biological design thatreally works, in the face of lack of knowledge, systemsloppiness, stochasticity and limited insulation, by exploit-ing general design principles. Jörg argued that to providesynthetic biology with the reliable, predictable behaviourthat characterized classical engineering, it will be neces-sary to complement the molecular standard parts [‘bio-bricks’ (Shetty et al., 2008)] with similarly standardizedmathematical models. The potential of a quantitative engi-neering approach was evidenced by the development ofcomputational tools to automatically and rationally designa genetic circuit with predictable regulatory properties(Fig. 2) (Marchisio and Stelling, 2011).

Several short talks in this session presented new assem-bly methods for large DNA fragments. Nili Ostrov fromVirginia Cornish’s laboratory (Columbia University, USA)gave an overview of the reiterative recombination technol-ogy for assembly of an in principle unlimited number ofDNA fragments into the chromosome of Saccharomycescerevisiae (Wingler and Cornish, 2011), which enablesconstruction of multi-gene biosynthetic pathways and largecombinatorial libraries in a user-friendly manner and usinga minimal number of selective markers. Todd Peterson(Life Technologies, USA) described the in vivo large-scaleassembly of DNAsequences leveraging the TAR system inyeast, as well as a low-order, enzymatic in vitro assemblyfor vector construction. This topic was further elaboratedby Ralf Wagner (GeneArt/Life Technologies, Germany),using the example of synthetic lantibiotics. Barry Canton(Ginkgo Bioworks, USA) presented the logistic and com-

putational challenges of establishing a pipeline for organ-ism engineering in an industrial context, with the ambitiousaim of automating the steps from initial design to the finalengineered microorganism as far as possible. Anotherinspiring talk was from Karsten Temme from Chris Voigt’slaboratory (UCSF/MIT, USA) who discussed the re-engineering of a complex biological system, the nitrogenfixation cluster of Klebsiella oxytoca, by replacing the entirenatural regulatory machinery of this very large and fragilegene cluster by synthetic elements.

Filamentous Fungal Systems

The second day illuminated a wide range of fungal modelsystems for secondary metabolite production. NancyKeller (University of Wisconsin, USA) used case studiesfrom a range of different Aspergillus species to illustratethe power of developmental biology in unlocking the trea-sure chest of fungal secondary metabolites, especiallyusing regulatory genes/elements characterized by hergroup. One such method was to mutate proteins involvedin chromatin modification. By mutation of cclA, a geneinvolved in a histone-3-lysine-4-methylation, nine second-ary metabolites were found to be produced (Bok et al.,2009), and one of them, an emodin derivative, showedantifungal activity against human pathogenic fungi (Gileset al., 2011). This method shows the promises of targetedengineering for awakening the biosynthetic potential ofthe huge collection of secondary metabolite biosynthesisgene clusters identified by genome sequencing.

Axel Brakhage (Leibniz Institute for Natural ProductResearch and Infection Biology e.V., Hans-Knöll-Institut,

Fig. 1. Mechanism of the Rnt1p-based post-transcriptional genetic control elements.A. Consensus structure of the Rnt1p substrate hairpin, indicating the two tuneable modules CEB (red) and BSB (blue), and the initial bindingand positioning box (IBPB) (green). The cleavage sites are indicated by black triangles.B. Example of a regulatory element implemented using the Rnt1p substrate hairpin in the 30-UTR of a gene of interest (goi) to reduce proteinlevels through transcript destabilization by endonucleolytic cleavage. Mutations in the BSB (blue box) and CEB (red box) modules areexpected to tune the hairpin’s affinity for Rnt1p RNase (blue dial) and its sensitivity to cleavage (red dial) respectively.Figure modified from Babiskin and Smolke (2011b).

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Germany) demonstrated another important strategy forthe activation of silent gene clusters, using the overexpres-sion of pathway-specific regulatory factors. One of hisexamples was the overexpression of a regulator, ScpR,which awakened the production of the polyketideasperfuranone although the gene was localized in anNRPS-encoding gene cluster (cross-pathway regulator)(Bergmann et al., 2010). Another strategy was to changethe cultivation conditions to mimic those of the host for thepathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus, e.g. by oxygenlimitation (Vödisch et al., 2011). Using proteome analysis,117 proteins with altered protein abundance in hypoxicconditions were identified, including the genes which areinvolved in the biosynthesis of pseurotin A, whose biosyn-thesis genes are silent under normal growth conditions. Athird example of awakening sleeping gene clustersexploited the co-cultivation of microbes (Streptomyces)and Aspergillus, which induced the production of orsellinicacid and its derivatives that are usually not produced inwild-type fungi. The co-cultured Streptomyces alters the

histone modification of the fungus and thus triggers/enhances secondary metabolite production (Nützmannet al., 2011).

Gerhard Braus (University of Göttingen, Germany) illus-trated the complex regulatory elements in Aspergillus nidu-lans, and how these regulators are controlled by differentenvironmental signals and also can effect each other. Inparticular, he discussed the often very intricate interplaybetween developmental regulators and secondarymetabolite production, as represented by the VelB–VeA–LaeA protein complex that co-ordinates sexual fruitingbody formation and secondary metabolite production(Fig. 3) (Sarikaya Bayram et al., 2010; Bayram and Braus,2012).As another example of a pleiotropic regulator affect-ing secondary metabolite production and development,Gerhard introduced the COP9 signalosome (Braus et al.,2010). Combining data from transcription, protein andmetabolite analysis, the fungal COP9 signalosome wasshown to be required for protection from oxidative stressand hormone regulation early in development and in later

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the creation of biological Boolean gates using standardized biological parts. Panels (A) and (B) illustratethe possible composition of an AND gate (two inputs; A) and a NOR gate (three inputs; B), as well as the corresponding read-out in terms ofthe expected protein levels in different input conditions. Inputs can be of different forms, including transcription factors, small RNAs andchemicals. (Figure modified from Marchisio and Stelling, 2011.)

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development, for the control of secondary metabolite pro-duction and cell wall arrangement (Nahlik et al., 2010).

In a short presentation in this session, Daniel Scharffrom Axel Brakhage’s laboratory (Leibniz Institute forNatural Product Research and Infection Biology e.V.,Hans-Knöll-Institut, Germany) gave his award-winning talkon the biochemical characterization of the newly charac-terized enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of the bioac-tive disulphide motif in gliotoxin, a virulence factor fromA. fumigatus (Scharf et al., 2010; 2011). Stefan Olsson(University of Copenhagen, Denmark) shared case studiesof discovering new bioactive compounds from fungi byexploring extreme environments (soil from Greenlandpotato fields) and unusual niches (the hyphosphere ofVietnamese rice plants), and emphasized the importanceof inter-species interactions in the activation of secondarymetabolite production. Vera Meyer (Berlin University ofTechnology, Germany) stressed that resistance develop-ment needs to be considered at an early stage of drugdevelopment and discussed how differences in survivalstrategies determine which target organisms will be sensi-tive or resistant against antibiotics (Ouedraogo et al.,2011).

Actinomyces Systems

The third day of the meeting was dedicated to exploringthe diversity of actinomycete secondary metabolism. Thescene was, however, set by two talks that focused on

non-actinomycete bacteria with particularly diverse sec-ondary metabolomes. Jörn Piel (University of Bonn,Germany), who presented the astonishing chemical rich-ness of secondary metabolites produced by animal-associated bacteria, mostly symbionts of marine sponges(Gurgui and Piel, 2010; Piel, 2011). Metagenomicsrevealed pathways for compounds, including psymberinand the misakinolides, encoded by symbiont gene clus-ters. Single-cell analysis consisting of cell separation byflow cytometry, single-cell genome amplification and PCR-based localization of biosynthetic and 16S rRNA geneswas shown to be a useful method to associate secondarymetabolites with individual producers in complex consortiaof uncultivated bacteria.

Rolf Müller (Helmholtz Institute PharmaceuticalResearch Saarland, Germany) gave a broad-ranging over-view of the engineering of biosynthetic pathways mostly inmyxobacteria (Weissmann and Müller, 2010), and alsoillustrated the power of improved bioanalytical strategiesfor identifying novel secondary metabolites by comparativemetabolomics. For example, the identification of productsfor previously believed cryptic secondary metabolite path-ways was demonstrated in Myxococcus xanthus, by asophisticated secondary metabolome mining approachinvolving comparative high-resolution mass spectrometricanalysis of wild type and PKS/NRPS mutants of the targetstrain (Cortina et al., 2012). Novel structures were alsoobtained by mutasynthesis. Starting from the elucidatedbiosynthetic pathway of cinnabaramides, a class of protea-

Fig. 3. Cartoon of the light-regulated circuitry based on interactions of VelB, VeA and LaeA proteins that integrates morphologicaldifferentiation and secondary metabolism in Aspergillus nidulans. (Figure from Sarikaya Bayram et al., 2010.)

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some inhibitors produced by terrestrial streptomycetes,one enzyme, CinF, which acts in the reductive carboxyla-tion of octenoyl-CoA and producing 2-carboxyoctanoyl-CoA was mutated and chemically synthesized fatty acidanalogues were used to complement the mutant. Grownin the presence of (E)-6-chlorooct-2-enoic acid (E)-8-chlorooct-2-enoic acid, and their corresponding N-acetylcysteamine (NAC) thioesters, new chlorine-containing compounds were produced, which showedbetter inhibitory activity towards all three proteolytic sub-units of the proteasome (Rachid et al., 2011).

Returning to the evolutionary theme of the first day,Peter Leadlay (Cambridge University, UK) emphasizedthat successful natural products have been shaped andpreserved by natural selection, but that the natural rep-ertoire represents only a limited sampling of the entireavailable chemical space. He then illustrated how syn-thetic biology approaches, in particular the modular engi-neering of polyketide synthases, can be used to extendthe range of accessible chemical diversity. For example,intermediates of the natural biosynthetic pathway couldbe accessed in large amounts from a polyketide syn-thase, 6-deoxyerythronolide B synthase 3, using non-hydrolysable pantetheine and N-acetyl cysteaminemimics of the natural (methyl) malonyl extender unitsrecruited for polyketide formation as competitive sub-strates (Tosin et al., 2010). The current state of ourbiochemical understanding of complex biosynthetic path-ways was demonstrated by the successful in vitro recon-stitution of the synthesis of a tetronate polyketide,3-hexadecanoyl-5-hydroxymethyltetronic acid (Sun et al.,2010). In vitro synthesis of such a polyketide antibioticopens the door to possible recombination/redesigning ofchemical structures.

Wolfgang Wohlleben (University of Tübingen,Germany) presented unpublished data on redirecting fluxtowards balhimycin production, especially by modifica-tions in primary metabolism, which resulted in overexpres-sion of biosynthesis pathway enzymes (Thykaer et al.,2010). Another antibiotic, kirromycin, was also studied forits unusual trans-AT enzyme, KirCII, which regiospecifi-cally incorporates the unusual extender unit ethylmalonyl-CoA (Musiol et al., 2011). These enzymes will be usefulfor building diverse module libraries of PKSs.

Diverse synthetic biology approaches were also pre-sented in the short talks. Anna Eliasson Lantz (Techni-cal University of Denmark, Denmark) spoke of her recentwork on the construction of a synthetic promoter libraryby randomizing the -10 and -35 and the 17 bp spacerregion of the promoter. A library of promoters wasinserted in front of a promoterless activator for actinor-hodin biosynthesis, actII-ORF4, and visually screened foractinorhodin production. Interestingly, half of the resultingisolates did not grow, but from those that did, a collection

of promoters with a wide range of defined strength wasobtained. Justin Nodwell (McMaster University,Canada) presented unpublished data on his small-molecule interrogation of the life cycle of Streptomycescoelicolor. Surprisingly, weak inhibitors of fatty acid syn-thesis awakened the production of several cryptic antibi-otics and affected the expression of pleiotropic regulatorygenes. Hiroyasu Onaka (Toyama Prefectural University,Japan) presented current work on the high-throughputengineering of NRPS using goadsporin as a proof ofconcept (Onaka et al., 2005; Onaka, 2009). Fifty-twoanalogues of goadsporin were engineered by deletionand mutation of the biosynthetic pathway genes. Furtherinvestigation and redesigning is underway to find activenovel compounds.

Tools and Host Structures

On the final day, Luis Serrano (CRG, Spain) started thesession by a systems-biology overview of our currentability to create a comprehensive quantitative picture of amicrobial systems (specifically Mycoplasma pneumo-niae), including the quantification of protein and transcriptlevels, identification of small RNAs but also of translationrates, protein half-lives and protein–protein and protein–DNA interactions, using a combination of technologies,ranging from next-generation sequencing to electronmicroscopy tomography (Fig. 4) (Güell et al., 2011; Maieret al., 2011). From this analysis, predominantly post-transcriptional regulation, rather than post-translationalmechanisms, was found to control cellular mRNA-to-protein abundance ratios, and unusual subunit stoichiom-etries indicate protein complex dynamics and suggestedpossible moonlighting for several ribosomal proteins.

Haruo Ikeda (Kitasato University, Japan) illustratedhow large-scale engineering can improve even estab-lished hosts for secondary metabolite production,showing how mega-deletion mutants of the chromosomalends can achieve improved industrial potential (Komatsuet al., 2010). Using this superhost, an epi-isozizaene syn-thase (SAV 3032) was reintroduced under the promoterrpsJp (sav4925); while this synthase is normally silent,under these conditions it produced the previously charac-terized oxidized epi-isozizaene metabolites (4R)- and(4S)-albaflavenols and albaflavenone, as well as a noveldoubly oxidized epi-isozizaene derivative, 4b,5b-epoxy-2-epi-zizaan-6b-ol, which is most likely formed by oxidationof (4S)-albaflavenol (Takamatsu et al., 2011).

Kristala Jones Prather (MIT, USA) demonstrated theversatility of new protein devices for biosynthetic pathwaydesign in an example of increasing the productivity for aspecific small molecule of industrial interest in a heterolo-gous host, using glucaric acid as an example. A recombi-nant pathway was engineered to produce the target

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compound in Escherichia coli by placing the requiredenzymes from diverse sources onto a synthetic scaffoldheld together via eukaryotic protein–protein interactiondomains (Dueber et al., 2009). The flux from glucose tomyo-inositol was redirected towards glucuronic acid byintroducing myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase fromS. cerevisiae and a mouse myo-inositol oxygenase, andsubsequent introduction of uronate dehydrogenase fromPseudomonas syringae or Agrobacterium tumefaciensstr. C58 lead to glucaric acid (Moon et al., 2009a,b; 2010).

Michael Fischbach (UCSF, USA) presented a wide-ranging perspective on the discovery and characterizationof secondary metabolites based on genome sequences(Fischbach and Voigt, 2010) emphasizing, the broad (andlargely unexplored) phylogenetic distribution of secondarymetabolite biosynthetic gene clusters, many of whichencode for biosynthetic machineries that are larger than a

ribosome and must have immense evolutionary benefitsfor their carrier organisms if they show such persistentevolutionary conservation. Presenting an unpublishedanalysis of the global distribution of secondary metabolitegene clusters in more than 1000 completely sequencedgenomes, he identified underexploited clades with unex-pectedly rich biosynthetic capacities, and provided newinsights into the pervasive shuffling and recombination ofthe biosynthetic machinery across the bacterial kingdom,which will serve as an important guide in synthetic biolo-gists’ attempts to further improve on the natural diversityof compounds.

Beatrix Suess (Frankfurt University, Germany) pre-sented the engineering of riboswitches which respond tosmall molecules, in particular tetracycline and neomycin.Many aptamers are known to bind to small molecules butnot all have the function to be used as riboswitch. The

Fig. 4. Overview of the large-scale quantitative assessment of mRNA and protein abundance and dynamics in Mycoplasma pneumoniae,including a summary of the major results. (Figure from Maier et al., 2011.)

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mechanism by which the aptamers can become ariboswitch was described by using aptamers that respondto neomycin (Weigand et al., 2011). In addition to highbinding affinity for the ligand (preferably in the nanomolarrange), it is also necessary that the ligand binding inducesa major conformational change, and has the ability tocontrol the degradation of mRNAs and rRNAs. To engineersuch switches, one tetracycline aptamer was linked to ahammerhead ribozyme with variable linker sequences.The resulting hybrid was mutated and selected in vitro for11 rounds to identify variants that gave tetracycline-dependent cleavage. Different linker sequences weredetermined that were cleaved at 1 mM tetracycline andwere functional in yeast as demonstrated using a GFPreporter system (Wittmann and Suess, 2011).

Chris Voigt (MIT, USA) challenged the natural productcommunity to be more daring and ambitious in their adop-tion of synthetic biology concepts and technologies, illus-trating the potential of large-scale engineering of biology byseveral examples of unpublished data from his group thathad succeeded in completely refactoring complex biologi-cal systems, ranging from nitrogen fixation (which was alsopresented in more detail by Karsten Temme on the firstday) and light harvesting, to protein secretion systems. Hepresented the necessary computer-aided design (CAD)tools, including algorithms to optimize codon usage andribosomal binding sites, and versatile promoter and termi-nator prediction tools (Clancy and Voigt, 2010). He alsopresented experimental components for such an enter-prise, for example light-controlled systems using the phy-tochrome signalling network of Arabidopsis thaliana (Taboret al., 2011), a genetic circuit using quorum sensing(Tamsir et al., 2011), and a large library of T7 promoters ofdifferent well-characterized promoter strength. However,he also highlighted the various pitfalls along the way,stressing that natural products like antibiotics are of ‘niceintermediate complexity’ to allow a successful applicationof synthetic biology, being produced by pathways that aremore complex than most targets of present-day metabolicengineering, but less daunting than whole-genome designprojects.

In the short talks, Marnix Medema from the Takanogroup (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) pre-sented some of the bioinformatics tools that underliethe genome-based discovery of secondary metabolites(Medema et al., 2011c), and Wayne Mitchell (Experimen-tal Therapeutics Centre, Singapore) placed syntheticbiology in the industrial context, exploring the financialconstraints on natural product discovery and the potentialof synthetic biology and related technologies to overcomethese serious limitations, to provide the necessarysecondary-metabolite-based drugs that are required inview of the increased resistance observed in many patho-gens worldwide (Mitchell, 2011).

Forward Look Plenary Discussion

At the end of the conference, participants were asked (i)to reflect on the take-home message from the meeting, (ii)to identify challenges and needs of the field, and (iii)and to predict its medium- to long-term future. The spec-trum of views was naturally very diverse, but a few impor-tant common themes emerged.

Concerning the take home message, there were tworecurring views, best reflected in two comments from PhDstudents: ‘Synthetic biology is really just starting’ and ‘Wewon’t be running out of work any time soon’ – there wasgeneral enthusiasm about the potential of syntheticbiology (‘Synthetic biology ideas will continue to rejuve-nate natural products research in industrial and academicgroups’), but also a strong realization that it will be chal-lenging to fully exploit this potential in the rather traditionalfield of natural products/antibiotics research (‘Uptake ofsynthetic biology approaches by the natural product com-munity is very limited at present’). The importance ofinterdisciplinary conferences bridging the two communi-ties was widely acknowledged, and participants in generalexpressed their excitement about the learning opportuni-ties offered by bringing together industry, synthetic biolo-gists and natural products researchers.

A number of important needs and challenges in the fieldwere repeatedly identified. They included ‘cooperationand communication between biologist, bioinformatics andchemists’ (or similar permutations of researchers fromvarious academic and industrial backgrounds like organicand analytical chemists), a ‘reduction in the cost of DNAsequencing and assembly’ and ‘support for interdiscipli-nary work’. The oral discussion further stressed the needfor interdisciplinary training for a new generation ofstudents to facilitate such research across traditionalboundaries.

Participants were overall very reluctant to express theirview on the future development of the field, reflecting theenormous rapidity of progress that makes viable predic-tions very hard, even on a 5- to 10-year scale. There was,however, cautious optimism that some major advanceswill soon be made to overcome the challenges identifiedabove: in 5–10 years ‘optimized “general” expressionhosts are available’, ‘there will be synthetic biosynthesispathways both for natural and (hopefully) unnatural prod-ucts’, ‘new natural products will be obtained from heter-ologously expressed gene clusters’ and, perhaps mostimportantly, ‘DNA assembly and synthesis will be cheapand easy’.

It was clear that we are only at the beginning of a newera of biotechnology, which will be driven by a renewedvigour of interdisciplinary interactions. It will be exciting tosee how the new ideas and new collaborations forged atthis meeting will be turned into practical progress towards

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engineering the intricate complexity of antibiotic biosyn-thesis pathways in the coming months and years.


We thank the European Science Foundation, the EuropeanMolecular Biology Organization, the Generalitat de Catalu-nya, the University of Groningen Synthetic Biology Centreand DSM for supporting this meeting. We also thank SGM forsponsoring the speaker prize and Nature Reviews Microbiol-ogy and EMBO Reports for sponsoring the poster prize. Lastbut not least, we thank all participants who gave permissionto include unpublished material in this review and made thismeeting such a fruitful and pleasant event.


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