a summary + analyzation of chapter 11-12 - purple hibiscus

A Summary + Analyzation of Chapter 11-12 PURPLE HIBISCUS

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A Summary + Analyzation of Chapter 11-12


Page 2: A Summary + Analyzation of Chapter 11-12 - Purple Hibiscus


Purple Hibiscus is the first novel by Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi

Adichie. It was first published by Alogonquin Books in 2003.

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Of Chapter 11…

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Chapter 11O Papa is sad because Ade Coker is dead. His sadness

affects every member of the family negatively.O Kambili has a painting of Papa-Nwukwu which Papa

didn’t wan’t her to have so as she is looking at it with Jaja (in a very dull way), Papa catches them and angrily tears up the painting.

O In a burst of emotion, Kambili falls on the pieces of paper and doesn’t get up – Papa beats her repeatedly because of this up until she blacks out.

O In the hospital, Aunty Ifeoma shares her concern with Mama and says strongly that she wants Jaja and Kambili to leave and come and stay Nsukka for a week to get away from their father. Papa agrees.

O Although Kambili tries to lengthen her time in the hospital, she soon gets discharged and goes along with her brother to Nsukka.

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AnalysisO This is a chapter marked by extreme violence. The death of

Ade Coker and Kambili’s savage beating are both products of corruption. Ade is murdered by his own government while Kambili is nearly killed by her own father – two entities that are supposed to protect. The day of Ade Coker’s death is a day of great rains. This symbolizes the sadness and violence in the wake of his murder.

O The painting is like Mama’s figurines, in that it offers a respite from reality. However, the painting is loaded and looking upon it is an act of defiance but it kind of heals them.

O The white sister who tutors Kambili, Father Amadi, and the white sisters at Kambili’s school represent grace to Kambili as well as a more complicated and ambiguous perspective.

O The sister, who is complicit in Kambili’s lie – even though lying is a sin – represents the sliding scale of morality that Obiora speaks of.

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Of Chapter 12…

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Chapter 12O Kambili and Jaja arrive in Nsukka.O Kambili confirms her crush on the priest that Amaka keeps

teasing her about. Amaka asks if Papa is responsible for Kambili’s “illness”. She says yes.

O The next day, Aunty Ifeoma and a woman are talking about disloyal professors – Aunty Ifeoma’s name is on the list.

O Kambili continues to slowly fall in love with Father Amadi.O The next morning, Students riot. This is because they want the

sole administrator to be ousted. They burn down the sole administrator’s house.

O During her nap, Kambili has another strange dream.O That evening, soliders search Aunty Ifeomas flat for the

documentation linking Aunty Ifeoma to the rioters.O Jaja kills a chicken the next morning, as he plucks the feathers,

he tells Kambili that he wants to go with Aunty Ifeoma to America.

O Father Amadi takes Kambili to get her hair done and the hair dresser asks how Father Amadi is connected to her. He excuses himself. Mama Joe tells her that no man takes a girl to get her hair plainted unless he is interested with her.

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AnalysisO The winged aku represent maturity and the freedom

that it can inspire.O Kambili dreams that the sole administrator is pouring

water over Aunty Ifeoma’s feet. To the university, Aunty Ifeoma’s sympathy towards her students is the sin that she has walked in. This is a nightmare. While she does not want to see her aunt abused, she does not want to be abandoned by someone she loves.

O Mama’s inability to plait her daughter’s hair is symbolic of her inability to take care of her daughter. Father Amadi takes her to plaint her her. Here, Kambili is transferring some of her dependencies from her Mama to a man she likes. This can be seen as coming of age. A ritual of comfort and familial duty takes on a sexualized overtone.

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