a study on credit appraisal

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  • 7/29/2019 A Study on Credit Appraisal


    A study on credit appraisal

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    Finance is also the science and art of determining if the funds of an organization are being used

    properly. Through financial analysis, companies and businesses can take decisions and

    corrective actions towards the sources of income and the expenses and investments that need

    to be made in order to stay competitive.

    Finance is the life blood of business. It flows in mostly from scale of goods and services. It flows

    out for meeting various types of expenditure. The activating element in any business which may

    be on industrial or commercial undertaking is the finance.

    Business finance has been defined as those activities which have to do with the provision and

    management of funds for the satisfactory conduct of a business. Business finance is defined as

    that business activity which is concerned with the acquisition and conservation of capital funds

    in meeting the financial needs and overall objectives of business enterprises.

    So we can say business finance is mainly developed around three major objectives.

    Firstly, to obtain an adequate supply of capital for the needs of the business,

    Secondly, to conserve and increase the capital through better management,

    Thirdly, to make profit from the use of funds this is an overall objective of a business



    The financial system or the financial sector of any country consists of specialized and non-

    specialized financial institutions of organized and unorganized financial markets of financial

    instruments and services, which facilitate transfer of funds procedures and practises adopted in

    the markets and financial interrelationship, are also part of the system. The structure of a

    financial system in any economy is as follows:

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    In these markets consist of many lenders, indigenous bankers, transfers and private chit funds

    etc. whose activities are not controlled by RBI. Recently the RBI has taken steps to bring private

    function companies and chit funds its strict control but using non banking financial companies

    directions in 1998.


    In these markets there are standardized rules and regulations by Reserve Bank of India or other

    regulatory bodies. The organized markets can be further classified into two. They are:

    1) Capital market.

    2) Money market.

    CAPITAL MARKET: It is a market for long term funds which have a long or indefinite maturity.

    Capital market further divided into three mainly:

    a) Industrial Security market: It is a market for industry security namely equity shares or

    ordinary shares, preference share, debentures or bonds. It is a market where industrial

    concern raises their capital or debt by assuring appropriate instruments. It can be

    further subdivided into two. They are:

    Primary market: It is a market for new issue or new financial claims.

    Secondary market: It is a market for existing securities and those already issued

    and quoted in stock exchange .

    b) Government Securities Market: It is also called gilt-edged securities market. It is a

    market where government securities are traded (long term securities)

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    A financial instrument refers to these documents which represent financial claims on

    assets. Financial instrument can also be called financial securities. These instruments are

    classified into

    a) PRIMARY SECURITIES:Shares and debentures issued directly to Public.

    b) SECONDARY SECURITIES:These securities issued by some intermediaries ex; UTI and

    Mutual fund again these securities may be classified on the basis of duration as


    Short Term Securities: Within one year ex; bills of exchange.

    Medium Term Security: Maturity period between 1-5 years ex; debentures.

    Long Term Securities: Maturity period more than 5 years ex; Gilts.


    a) MERCHANT BANKING:A merchant banker is a financial intermediary who helps to

    transfer capital from those it to those who need it.

    b) LOAN SYNDICATION:Much number of banks joins together and forms a syndicate to

    provide loan as big sum to corporate .

    c) LEASING:A lease is an agreement under which a company acquires a right to make use

    of capital assets like machinery for agreed period in return for periodic payment of

    rentals .

    d) HIRE PURCHASE:It is an agreement relating to transaction in which goods are let on


    e) FACTORING:It is an agreement under which a financial intermediary assumes the credit

    risk in the collection of book debt passes for its client.

    f) VENTURE CAPITAL:A venture capitalist finances a project based on the potentialities of

    new innovative projects for new entrepreneurs .

    g) MUTUAL FUND: A mutual fund refers to a fund raised by a financial services company

    by pooling the savings of the public .

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    Banking is one of the most important sectors of business and finance that assists the world of

    commerce to keep on running. Without banks and the banking services that they provide,

    commerce and trade would collapse and credit would become virtually extinct. As the decades

    progress many new concepts are being introduced into banking. At their most basic, banks hold

    money on behalf of customers, which is payable to the customer on demand, either by

    appearing at the bank for a withdrawal or by writing a check to a third party. Banks use the

    money they hold to finance loans, which they make to businesses and individuals to pay for

    operations, mortgages, education expenses, and any number of other things.


    An organization, usually a corporation, chartered by a state or federal government, which does

    most or all of the following: receives demand deposits and time deposits, honours instruments

    drawn on them, and pays interest on them; discounts notes, makes loans, and invests in

    securities; collects checks, drafts, and notes; certifies depositor's checks; and issues drafts and

    cashier's checks.


    Banks are classified into various types based on the function they perform. They are as follows:


    Commercial banks perform all the business transactions of a typical bank. They accept saving

    bank deposits, fixed deposits and current deposits which are repayable on demand or on short

    notice. Likewise, they lend or invest only for short durations. They provide funds only for short

    term needs of trade and commerce. These banks cannot invest credits and overdrafts as they

    are expected to meet the immediate requirement of depositors. The commercial banks provide

    a vital service to its customers, a simple means of medium of exchange called cheques. They

    also perform a large number of agency functions to their customers for which they charge a


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    Investment banks, also called industrial banks, are those banks which provide funds on a long

    for industries. They are specialized in providing long term loans to industries with a view to buy

    plant, machineries, etc. These banks obtain funds through share capital, debenture and long

    term deposits from the public. The bank floats bonds for the sake of mobilizing funds to provide

    funds for big industrial corporations. They also underwrite or issue new shares and debenture

    of industrial companies. They also purchase entire issue of new securities of company and later

    sell them to public at higher prices.


    Exchange banks are known as foreign banks or foreign exchange banks. These banks also

    provide foreign exchange for import trade. Their main function is to make international

    payment through the purchase and sale of exchange bills. The exchange bank provides

    assistance in the conversion of currencies. They discount foreign exchange bills which are used

    in foreign trade .


    Co-operative banks are performed to meet the meet the banking requirements of consumers.

    They are established in urban as well as rural areas. In rural areas, the bank provides finance to

    agriculture and in urban area it provides finance to buy consumer goods. These banks function

    like commercial banks receiving deposits and lending money. They provide short and medium

    term loans. As they are formed on cooperative principles, they are more service oriented rather

    than profit. The bank provides credit at lower rates of interest to people of small means like

    small cultivators, artisans, petty shop-keepers etc. They have been classified into land

    development banks or land mortgage banks and urban credit-oriented banks.


    Savings banks are specialized financial institution establishment to mobilize savings from the

    people. They pool the savings of the small incomes of the community. The savings banks

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    accounts have been provided by all commercial and co-operative banks and even post offices.

    Saving bank business has become more prominent than others forms of accounts as it provide

    various facilities like frequent withdrawals, attractive rate of interest, the use of cheques etc.


    Central bank is an apex bank in the country. It brings the entire banking system unified,

    controlled and regulated. It is the main source of an efficient banking system in the country.

    The monetary policy of a country is formulated and enforced by the central bank. It is

    responsible for monetary stability in the country. The expansion and contraction of note issue

    are managed by the central bank. It functions as a banker to the government and commercial

    banks. It assists the government in the implementation of various economies policies.


    Prof. Sayers in his book Modern Banking has described the functions of a modern bank in the

    following words: Ordinary banking business consists of changing cash from bank deposits and

    bank deposits for cash, transferring bank deposits for cash, transferring bank deposits from one

    person to another and giving bank deposits in exchange of bills of exchange, government

    bonds, the secured promises of businessmen to repay and so forth.

    The various functions of a modern bank are as follows:

    1. Accepting deposits from public:The major function of the commercial banks is accepting various types of deposits such

    as fixed deposits, current deposits and savings deposits. People want to keep their cash

    balances safe for which they deposit it with a bank. The commercial bank protects the

    cash of the customers and provides a convenient method of transferring funds through

    the use of cheques. It is the obligation of bank to honour cheques drawn upon the bank,

    making payment across the counter on demand by the customers to the extent of

    money available at the credit of customers account .

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    Fixed deposits:

    A fixed deposit is one where a customer keeps a certain amount of money in a bank for

    a specific period. It may be 6months, 1 year, 2 years 3 years or 5 years. The fixed deposit

    is not expected to be withdrawn before the expiry of the period.

    Saving deposits:

    Saving deposits are those deposits on which the bank pays a certain conditions. The

    customers are expected to maintain a minimum balance in the account.

    Current deposits:

    Current deposits are those deposits which can be withdrawn at any time by means of

    cheques. The bank does not pay interest on current deposit. A customer who opens a

    current account has to maintain a minimum credit balance of Rs. 500. At the same time

    current holders has to pay service charge .

    2. Making loans and advances: The second main function of the commercial banks is to provide loans and advances out

    of the money the bank receives by the way of deposits. The bank receives deposits in

    order to lend the same. It is this function of a bankers activities which is the largest

    contributor to the banks profit. Commercial banks provide various types of loans such

    as direct loans, cash credit, bills discounted and overdrafts etc. Direct loans and

    advances are provided to all types of persons against the security of movable properties.

    3. Agency services:Another important function of a banker is the services offered by them as an agent. The

    commercial banks render a significant service by providing to its customers a simple

    means of medium of exchange called cheques. The cheque system is considered to be

    the most developed type of credit instrument. The banks perform miscellaneous

    functions such as undertaking the payment subscriptions, insurance premium, rent, etc.

    On the behalf of the customers they collect cheques, bills, salaries, pensions, dividends,

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    interests, etc that belongs to the respective accounts of the customers. The banks

    perform these functions as per the instructions given by the customers and make

    payments as and when directed. For these services they charge a certain amount of fee

    by means of commission .

    4. General utility services-

    A banker performs many general utility personal or miscellaneous services for his

    customers. The general utility services include the safe- keeping of valuables and

    documents, the issue of credit instrument for easy transfer of funds, collection of credit

    information regarding the customers, transaction in foreign exchange and provision of

    specialized advisory services to the customers .


    Banking is an ancient business with its history dated back to the 13 th century. When the first bill

    of exchange was used as money in the medieval trade. Banking in India has its origin as early as

    the Vedic period. During the days of east India Company, it was the turn of the agency house to

    carry out the banking business.

    The general bank of India was the first joint stock bank to be established in the year of 1886.

    The others that followed are the Bank of Hindustan and the Bengal Bank. In 1891 the first

    purely Indian Bank that is United Commercial Bank came into being. The setting up of Punjab

    National Bank in 1894 followed it. In 1920, three bank namely Bank of Bengal (1809), Bank of

    Bombay (1840), Bank of Madras (1843) was amalgamated and a new bank, Imperial Bank of

    India was established. The Reserve Bank of India, which is the Central bank, was created in

    1935, with the passing Reserve Bank of India act in 1934. Later with the passing of State Bank of

    India in 1955 the undertaking of Imperial Bank of India was taken over by newly constituted

    State Bank of India. In the wake of Swadeshi Movement in 1905 no. of Bank with Indian

    Management were established in the country namely Punjab National Bank Ltd. The Bank of

    Baroda (1908), Bank of India (1906) Canara Bank Ltd. Indian Bank Ltd, Central Bank of India Ltd.

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    (1911). ON July 19 th 1969, 14 major Banks of the country were nationalized and on 15 th April

    1980 six more Commercial Private Banks were also taken over by the government of India.

    Banking Industry has achieved a tremendous progress during the past few years; many Banks

    and Financial Institution have entered into the market and have made a rapid growth towardsachieving the ultimate object of attaining leadership in Banking Industry.


    The Indian Banking System can be broadly classified into:

    1) Nationalized (Government Owned)

    2) Private Banks

    3) Specialized Banking Institutions

    The RBI as a centralized body monitoring any discrepancies and short coming in the system.

    Private Banks has been fast on the uptake and are reorienting their strategies using the internet

    as the medium.


    A radical re-structuring of the economic system consisting of industrial deregulation.

    Liberalization of policies relating to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Public Enterprise Reforms,

    of taxation system, trade liberalization and financial sector has been initiated in 1992-93.

    Financial sector reforms in the area of commercial banking, capital markets and non-banking

    finance companies have been undertaken . Improving financial sounds and credibility of banks is

    a part of banking reforms undertaken by the RBI, a regulatory and supervisory agency over

    commercial banks under the Banking companies Regulation Act 1949.

    In the areas of capital markets of SEBI was set up in 1992 to protect the interest of the investors

    in the securities and to promote development and regulation of security market. In regard to

    non-banking finance companies the RBI has issued several measures aimed at encouraging

    disciplined NBFCs, which run on sound business principles. The economic reforms also aimed

    at improved financial viability and institutional strengthening, to improve the effective

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    implementation of monetary policy, linkages among money anf foreign exchange markets have

    been enforced.


    Commercial Banks are playing a crucial role in the economic development of the country. In

    fact, without the development of commercial banking in 18 th and 19 th centuries. In the modern

    economy, banks considered not only merely as dealers in money but also as reservoirs of

    resources necessary for the economic development.

    Banks provide short-term loans which serve as a capital for industrial establishment. Banks also

    create credit, which enables the industry and commerce to expand economic activities. Banks

    are contributing very significantly for the expansion of industrialization. Expansion will provide

    more funds for the entrepreneurs to start new industries, which results in more employment

    and income generation. A very important service that banks render to the community is the

    creation of demand deposits in exchange of debts of short-term and long-term securities.

    Banks promote capital by means of pooling of savings from people. These are the important

    services rendered by the bank.


    After the nationalization of some big commercial banks in India, there has been an immense

    growth in banking industry with the establishment of more number of banking offices. Today

    the banking business has become very competitive. Various types of banks provide large

    number of services not only on national but international ground as well. The growing trade

    and commerce has made banks to modernize their operations in order to satisfy the customers.

    Indian banks have also felt the need for modernization of their operations like their

    counterparts in western countries.

    This was very essential as well to deal with extremely increased volume of business in an

    appropriate and efficient manner and to do effective business. Modern banking institutions

    have sought to automation like introduction of computers and other equipments as well as the

    wealth of information technology. Today more and more number of business functions is

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    entrusted on banks. They provide their services to labourers, petty wage earners, small traders,

    etc. With the appearance of modern banking system, the rural credit system with the money

    lender nearly collapsed.

    The modern banks have developed strategies to meet the requirements of common men in

    achieving economic and social development.


    In the history of commercial banking, the nationalization of the Imperial Bank of India was a

    great achievement. In February 1969, the social control of commercial banks came into force.

    The government made suitable organizational changes in order to implement the provisions of

    the Amended Act. The banks were directed to grant loans to agriculture, small scale industries

    and self employment in an increasing manner. The boards of managements of bank were

    reconstituted. Yet the industrialists who were on the Board of management continued to exert

    their influence on the lending policies of the big banks. The Reserve Bank of India started

    exercising its power to direct the banks when necessary to adopt new regulations. In fact, the

    social control was in stage of infancy. The government felt that that the social control was not

    sufficient in a planned economy.

    The government further said that under the private ownership, social objectives cannot be

    achieved. Therefore on 19 th July 1969, the government announced the nationalization of 14

    major banks, whose deposits were not less than 50 crores, through an ordinance. The 14 banks

    controlled 72 percent of total scheduled bank deposits.

    The banks that were nationalized are as follows:

    The Central Bank of India, Ltd.

    The Bank of India, Ltd.

    The Punjab National Bank, Ltd

    The Bank of Baroda, Ltd

    The United Commercial Bank, Ltd.

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    Canara Bank, Ltd.

    United Bank of India, Ltd.

    Dena Bank, Ltd.

    Syndicate Bank of India, Ltd.

    The Union Bank of India, Ltd

    Allahabad Bank, Ltd.

    The Indian Bank, Ltd.

    The Bank of Maharashtra, Ltd.

    The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd.

    Objectives of Nationalization

    As stated in the Act, the objective of nationalization is to control the heights of the economy

    and to meet gradually and enhance the needs of other development of the economy with

    respect to National Policy and the objectives. Except this main objective, other specific

    objectives were:

    Removal of the control of banks by a few persons

    Provision of adequate credit for agriculture

    Small scale industry and exports

    Professional outlook to bank management

    Encouragement of new classes of entrepreneurs

    Provide adequate training to staff

    The government said that nationalization is a major step in the process of public control over

    the principal institution. This would mobilize the peoples savings and direct it towards

    productive purposes. After the nationalization the banks will be more focused on the serving

    farmers, promoting agricultural production and developing rural sectors. Public ownership of

    banking will utilize the credit facility towards speculative and other unproductive purposes.

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    Nationalization will also bring right atmosphere for the development of an adequate amount of

    professional management in the field of banking.

    Nationalization of six more banks in 1980

    Continuing the policy of nationalization, in 1980 the government nationalized six more banks.

    They were The Andhra Bank, The Corporation Bank, The New Bank of India, The Oriental Bank of

    Commerce, The Punjab and Sind Bank and The Vijaya Bank. By nationalization of these banks,

    the government has been able to exercise control over 91 percent of the resources of the entire

    banking system. Remaining 9 percent is held by foreign banks and private sector banks.


    After nationalization, the government introduced suitable administrative changes to implement

    the objectives enshrined in the Act. The banks started diversifying lending policies. Government

    set up different department to handle the proposals. Training centres were established to train

    the staff. Field officers were recruited to make contact with the prospective customers. Since

    nationalization, the performance of banking system is outstanding in a lot of respects.


    The RBI was established on 1 st April 1935 under the reserve bank of India act, which was passed

    in the year 1934. The reserve bank of India is the central bank of our country. The RBI was

    started originally as a scheduled bank and its paid up capital was Rs.5 crores. When RBI was

    established, it took over the function of currency issue.

    The reserve bank of India was nationalized in the year 1948. The instruments used by reserve

    bank of India are.

    Bank rate

    Open market operations

    Variable cash reserve requirements.

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    Functions of RBI:

    The reserve banks of India issues and regulates the issue of currency in India.

    The RBI acts as banker to government. The RBI looks after the derent financial

    transactions of the government and manages the public debt of government

    The RBI acts as banker to the commercial bank. Commercial banks keep and

    maintain their accounts with the reserve bank of India. Commercial bank keep

    deposits with RBI and they borrow money from RBI when necessary. RBI acts as

    lender to last resort to commercial banks.

    The RBI exercises the control over the volume of credit created by the commercial

    banks in order to ensure price stability

    The Reserve Bank of India and Its Promotional Role:

    The RBI established the bill market scheme in 1952.

    The RBI has tried to help the establishment of financial corporation to provide

    credit to the agricultural sector of the economy.

    The RBI has promoted regional rural banks with the help of commercial banks to

    extend banking facilities to rural areas. The RBI has taken steps to enable the commercial banks to open branch in foreign


    The RBI encourages and provides research in areas of banking.

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    Credit appraisal is the process by which the lender assesses the credit worthiness of theborrower. It revolves around character, collateral capability and capacity. It takes into accountvarious factors like income of the applicants, number of dependents, monthly expenditure,repayment capacity, employment history, number of years of service and other factors whichaffect credit rating of the borrower.

    Credit appraisal is a process to ascertain the risks associated with the extension of the creditfacility. It is generally carried by the financial institutions which are involved in providingfinancial funding to its customers. Credit appraisal is a process to ascertain the risks associated

    with the extension of the credit facility. It is generally carried by the financial institutions whichare involved in providing financial funding to its customers Credit risk is a risk related to nonrepayment of the credit obtained by the customer of the bank. Thus it is necessary to appraisethe creditability of the customer in order to mitigate the credit risk. Proper evaluation of thecustomer is performed, which measures the financial condition and the ability of the customerto repay back the loan in future. Generally the credit facilities are extended against the securityknow as collateral. But even though the loans are backed by the collateral, banks are normallyinterested in the actual loan amount to be repaid along with the interest. Thus the customerscash flows are ascertained to ensure the timely payment of the principal and the interest.

    The product is designed to automate the entire lending process in a bank and provide creditportfolio managers with tools and reporting to assist them in decision making. Banks offersdifferent types of credit facilities to the eligible borrowers. For this, there are severalprocedures, control and guidelines laid out.

    Credit appraisal, sanctions, monitoring and asset recovery management comprise the entiregamut of activities in the lending process of a bank.

    Process of Credit appraisal:

    The credit appraisal is a holistic exercise which starts from the time a prospective borrowerwalks into the branch and culminates in credit delivery and monitoring with the objective of ensuring and maintaining the quality of lending and managing credit risk.

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    The process of credit appraisal is multi-dimensional and includes:

    1. Management appraisal2. Technical appraisal3. Commercial appraisal4. Financial appraisal5. Economic appraisal

    Management appraisal has received lot of attention these days as it is one of the long termfactors affecting the business of the concern.

    Technical appraisal emphasizes on the technical feasibility of the venture and also finds out thepossible economic life period of the present technology.

    Commercial appraisal focuses on the commercial viability of the project. It tries to find mattersregarding demand in market, the acceptance of product in market. It also focuses on thepresence of other substitutes of the product in the market.

    Financial appraisal is done to find out whether the promoter is having the capacity to raisefinance both own equity and debt? What are the sources of margin? Will the business generatesufficient funds to service the debt and other stakeholders? Is the capital structure optimal?

    Economic appraisal examines level of cost/benefit and IRR (internal rate of returns).

    The scope of credit structure is incomplete without examination of credit proposal. Creditproposal has to be examined from the point of 6Cs viz

    1. Character2. Capacity3. Capital4. Condition5. Collateral6. Cash Flow

    The credit policy of bank of India has undergone changes to cope up with the environmentalchanges, tap the available opportunities, achieve their commercial objective, fulfill social

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    obligations and adhere to mandatory directed lending norms. The credit policy consists of bothfund based credit exposure and fund based credit exposure.

    The credit policy is studied under- coverage, clientele marketing.

    The bank has over the years designed and adopted the best practices code. This in effectrepresents the banks philosophy towards effective corporate governance.


    It is the process of appraising the credit worthiness of a loan applicant. Factors like age,income, number of Dependants, nature of employment, continuity of employment, repaymentcapacity, previous loans, credit cards etc are taken into account while appraising the creditworthiness of a person. Every bank or lending institutions have its own panel of officials for thispurpose.


    The process of evaluating an applicants loan r equest or a corporations debt issue in order todetermine the likelihood that the borrower will live upto his/her obligations.

    Salient Features:

    1. Data download/upload:Ensures prompt and accurate data entry in the business borrower application (profile

    and CMA) through floppy or web interface.2. Pre-appraisal stage

    Eliminates costly errors and ensures complete and correct (input check procedures) of the uploaded borrower profile, and CMA data in required parameters sable format.

    3. Verification

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    Verification of previously rejected borrowers reapplying for loans through defaulterlists pf the Reserve Bank of India, Export Credit Guarantee Corporation and the bank itself.

    Appraisal methodology

    Working capital computations:

    1. CMA Based2. Cash budgeting (especially for seasonal business lines)3. Turnover methodology Term loans4. Non banking financial companies5. Infrastructure handling

    Appraisal Tools

    1. Sensitivity analysis and projections for working capital and term loans2. Comparison of previous CMAs, industry and peer group comparisons, linking to financial

    database of service providers such as CRISIL, CMIE and C -online.3. Credit risk rating incorporation.4. Term loans interest workouts, moratoriums, repayment schedules, sensitivity.5. Computation of MPBF, facility wise maximum limits.6. Proposal preparation.

    Post appraisal stage:

    1. Ensures the sanctions adequately covered by the policy guided terms and conditions.2. Accepted securities and documents linked to various facilities.3. Accepted terms and conditions linked to various facilities.4. Sanctions and follow-up methodologies, compliance of terms and conditions as charging

    of securities completed and sanctioning facilities as per set authority.5. Auto generation of sanction letter with facility wise limits, terms and conditions.


    Timely and standard review of credit extended

    1. Terms and conditions compliances; security documents compliance2. Securities charging compliance3. Review proposals4. Audit queries5. Stock statements6. QIS, MSOD

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    Figure in congruencies through early warning signals to avoid non performing assetinformation.

    1. Linkage of bank statements received from borrower, branches, etc.

    Recovery procedures

    1. Recovery procedures and non performing asset management compromise proposal,BIFR, legal actions and write- offs.

    2. Various statements- prompt and timely monitoring of activities to monitor documentmovement, appraisal, monitoring recoveries and soon.

    Dimensions of credit appraisal:

    A lot of attention has to be paid to this area. This is one of the long term factors affecting thebusiness of the concern. Does the management have enough experience in line? What is itstrack record? What are the antecedents? Introduced to us by whom? These are some of thequestions that need to be answered before we can take up any kind of exposure.

    Technical appraisal:

    What is the status of technology used? Has a prototype been developed of the product? Whatcould be the possible economic life period of the present technology? Is the venture technologyfeasible?

    Technical appraisal of the projects need to be carried out by all India financial institutions, PSUbanks/other leading banks having expertise in the area and the same may be accepted for anappraisal purpose, after subjected to vetting by TAC/TAD.

    Exemption from fresh techno-economic appraisal shall be available in the followingcategories:

    1. Where appraisal has been carried out by all India financial institutions, PSU banks/otherleading banks having expertise in the area and the same may be accepted for anappraisal purpose, after subjected to vetting by TAC/TAD.

    2. Where appraisal carried out by leader of WC consortium and the branch/sanctioningauthority observing no serious differences with such appraisal.

    3. In case of AAA/AA rated accounts with the other banks, where our purposes to join the

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    consortium and/ sanction limits under multiple banking arrangement for the existingactivity of the company or firm.

    4. In case of well conducted existing accounts with credit rating of AAA and AA where onlyadditional working capital limits are sought and diversification of the project is notproposed.

    5. In case of well conducted existing accounts with credit rating of AAA and AA term loanrequirements upto Rs. 10Crores, provided expansion of is in same product line andwithout change in technology.

    Commercial appraisal:

    The business has to be commercially viable for us to proceed further. Is there enough demandin the market? Is the product accepted in market? How many substitute products are there?What about entry and exit barriers? Is there scope for further growth?

    The nature of product, demand for the same, the existing and perceived competition in thesegment, ability of the proponents to withstand the same, government policies governing theindustry, etc. need to be taken into consideration. The trade practices in respect of the productshould be thoroughly understood.

    Financial appraisal:

    Does the promoter is having the capacity to raise finance both own equity and debt? What arethe sources of margin? Will the business generate sufficient funds to service the debt and otherstakeholders? Is the capital structure optimal?

    Through scrutiny of the financial aspects of the request needs to be carried out. Apart fromascertaining the need based character of the limits requested for, the financial health of theproponents, ability to absorb unanticipated financial costs need to be looked into. Ascertainingthe need based character of the limits would include scrutiny of the cost of the project, meansof financing, financial projections etc. need to be within acceptable parameters for thoseindustries/activities.

    Where higher limits are considered, detailed of the financial health would be made and thefollowing ratios computed:

    1. Current ratio2. Total outstanding liabilities/equity ratio

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    3. Profit before interest and taxes/interest ratio4. Profit before tax/net sales ratio5. Inventory + receivables /sales ratio6. DSCR if the borrower enjoys any term loans with any bank/FI even if no TL is being

    considered by our bank. Assessment of working capital credit requirement hinges

    normally on the projected sales and other financial figures.

    All the above ratios would be complied for the past two/three years including the latest auditedbalance sheet. As the ratios would vary from industry to industry, services, trade etc. It isproposed not to stipulate any particular bench mark for the above ratios. Besides the abovefactors, bank need to reckon the existence, if any, of negative factors that may adversely affectthe continued well being of a customer.

    Economic appraisal:

    What is the break even level? Will the business post positive net present value throughits economic life? What is the level of cost/benefit? What is the internal rate of returns?Will the cost of funding and operations be well below the IRR?

    As a prudent banker the following areas need to be particularly looked into:

    Character Antecedents- introduced by whom- is it a take over account? In which case, what does

    the status report say? - Background educational professional socio-economic, political-initiative and drive.

    Capacity Experience in the activity track record planning, budgeting and review handling-

    production capacity- capacity utilization professional capacity to handle men,materials, money and minutes capacities to handle contingencies and crises.

    Capital Extent of stake in business. Ability to raise finance both owned equity and debt Ability to inspire and sustain investor confidence Ability to absorb losses expected and unexpected Structuring and budgeting capital.

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    Condition Condition of economy growing, stagnant or depressed Number of competitors

    Substitutes in the market Demand v/s supply Government policies and regulations Status of technology Availability of man power, material & other resources. Pollution control and effluent treatment.

    Collateral Risk perception and evaluation

    Financial parameters Debt / equity ratio Asset cover Interest cover DSCR Availability, suitability and charge-ability of security -MAST principle

    Cash flow Pattern of cash generation Liquidity risk Break even analysis DCFT technique NPV IRR PV Index

    Stages of credit appraisal:

    1. Interview with the proponent and attestation of application on bank's prescribedformat.

    2. Adherence of KYC norms stipulated by reserve bank of India.3. Attestation and verification of documents/financial statements according to type of

    facilities required as per bank's norms.4. Inspection:

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    Pre-sanction inspection is done by bank's official's viz. Inspection of borrowersresidence, making inquiries from his area and collect market reports, inspection of proposedprinciple and collateral securities.

    5. Preparation of credit proposal:The proposal contains the complete information about the proponents background,

    appraisal of financial and managerial status, technical and economic viability of the activity andfuture prospects.

    6. Sanction of credit proposal:The sanctioning authority goes through the credit proposal and it is his responsibility to

    ascertain the facts of the proposal.

    7. A sanction letter is given to the proponent:The sanction letter contains the type and size of facility and margin stipulated with all

    terms and conditions including rate of interest and charges, insurance of the proposed securityand periodicity of inspections etc. which is duly acknowledged by the proponents.

    8. If the proponent agrees the terms and conditions stipulated by the bank, he/authorizedpersons have to execute the security document before the bank's authorized officer andfinally the accounts is opened to disburse the facility.

    9. After disbursement post sanction inspections are carried out by the banks official fromtime to time to ascertain the utilization of funds, for safeguard of the advance andbank's interest in the security.

    Credit Rating:

    Based on changing scenario and the need to factor certain vital parameters like market risk,industry risk, management risk, etc. so that important elements of the rating process are givensufficient attention, a new rating model has been evolved. Even though the main purpose of the rating system is to decide on risk, credit rating is also used to price of product in ascientific and transparent manner. Hence, apart from analysing the various risks , due weightage has been given to factors such as volume of business, share of ancillary business, length of relationship with the bank, threat of loss of business due to competition, over all image

    /reputation of the customer / group, etc. to do decide the pricing.

    Credit ratings are carried out as under:

    Type of account Aggregate fund based /non fund based Limits over Rs. 2 Lakhs, but less than Rs. 1 Crore.

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    Aggregate fund based/non fund based limits of Rs. 1Crore and above (Except traders) The software solution enables a bank to standardize the proceedings across banks and

    enables installing certain financial uniformity amongst the borrowers. The process by which a lender appraises the credit worthiness of the perspective

    borrower. This normally involves appraising the payment history and establishing thequality and sustainability of his income. The lender satisfies himself of the goodintentions of the borrower, usually through an interview.

    Before extending any loan or credit to you, lenders check things like how much money youearn, how long you have been using credit and whether you have made payments on time.

    Credit Scoring System:

    Credit scoring is the statistical system used by lenders to determine applicants creditworthiness. Information about borrower and his credit experiences is collected from your loanapplication and his credit report. Using a statistical program, lenders compare this informationto the credit performance of consumers with similar profiles. How long borrower been usingcredit and whether he has made payments on time.

    A credit scoring system awards points for each factor that helps predict who is most likely torepay the debt. A total number of points a credit score helps predict how credit worthy theborrower are, that is, how likely it is that you will repay a loan and make the payments when

    due.The points are distributed in various aspects of borrower profile such as:

    1. Personal information: age, educational qualifications, number of dependents/children,spouses income.

    2. Employment information: organization, designation, length of service, etc.3. Income information: net income, instalment of other loans, other liabilities4. Net worth information: owning a house, vehicle, credit cards, telephone, etc.5. Previous relations with the lender: banking account, credit card, any other loan, etc

    from the same lender.

    Borrower level of education can give an indication to the lender whether it is a good risk toextended credit to him. Higher the education better is the credit score. A person withprofessional qualifications is given more points than a simple graduate.

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    Need of credit scoring:

    Credit scoring is based on real data and statistics, so it usually is more reliable than subjectiveor judgemental methods. It treats all applicants objectively. Judgemental methods typically relyon criteria that are not systematically tested and can vary when applied by different individuals.

    Companies providing loans and credit do not disclose their credit appraisal criteria. Both thescore and the statistics that go into it are top secret. There are certain things we do know ,fewer credit cards are better than several cards. Paying on time is a must. Some of the thingsthat weigh heavily are stability both at home and on the job and a good payment history. Thescoring system looks at how close borrower are to the limits on his cards, what he spend moneyon and how much he ask for in cash advances.

    Scoring models generally evaluate the following types of information in credit report:

    What is borrower outstanding debt? Many scoring models evaluated the total amount of debtthat borrower has compared to his credit limits. If the amount that borrower owe is close to hiscredit limit that is likely to have a negative effect on his score.

    Have borrower paid his dues on time? Payment history typically is a significant factor. It is likelythat borrower score will be affected negatively if he has paid his dues late.

    How long is borrower credit history? Generally, lenders prefer a seasoned credit history i.e, a

    credit track record of more than a year. An insufficient credit history may have an effect onborrower score, but that can be offset by other factors, such as timely payments, low balanceand previous relationship with the lender.

    How many and what types of credit accounts do the borrower have? Although it is generallygood to have established credit accounts, too many loans and credit card accounts may have anegative effect on borrower score.

    Scoring models may be based on more than just information in borrower application from andbank statements. For example, lenders may call borrower for one-to-one discussion; investigate

    his credit reputation by contacting their employer, friends or neighbours. Lenders also look atborrower spending behaviour. The model considers all these information for evaluation.

    Reliable of the credit scoring:

    Credit scoring system enable lenders to evaluate a number of applicants consistently andimpartially on many different characteristics. There are pros and cons to the credit scoring

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    system. On the plus side, it eliminates discrimination because approval is based on rawnumbers.

    Although borrower may think such a system is arbitrary or impersonal, it can help makedecisions faster, more accurately. On the other hand, the scored dont take into accountconsumers who have exceptional circumstances. If the score is too slow , they're turned down.Still, borrower must understand how it works if he/she is going to get it to work for him.

    Credit verification agencies:

    1. Role of credit verification agencies:

    Credit verification agencies provide the professional service of verifying, validating and

    certifying vital details of credit information on individuals applying to banks for loans. Use of credit verification agencies is gaining increasing as a risk mitigating strategy in the retail loansegment within the banking industry.

    The agencies usually verify the following minimum details in respect of each loan application:

    Identity of the applicants. Address of the applicants. Veracity of employment/profession of the applicants. Cross verification of the income

    details declared by the applicant

    Confirmation of telephone numbers

    However such verifications by agencies is generally available only in respect of retail loans.

    2. Benefits of entrusting credit verification to specialist agencies are:

    The major benefits of entrusting credit verification to specialist agencies are:

    Since credit verification agencies operate locally and have a specialization in their

    domain, the verification conducted by them is generally reliable prompting many banks

    in the industry to use the services of specialist credit verification agencies.

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    The mobility required of officers in public sector banks often requires that officers have

    to play the role of a branch head and do business in big cities without much knowledge

    of the local credit market.

    The availability of specialist assistance in getting loan application and assist the branchheads in expanding retail credit by improving the process of borrower selection.

    3. Guidelines on enlisting the services of credit verification agencies:

    Considering the benefits involved it has been decide to enlist the services of professional

    agencies providing credit verification for engaging banking and housing loans. The guidelines on

    the policy and procedure evolved for engaging the services of credit verification agencies are

    given below:

    Credit verification to be restricted to personal banking and housing loans- enlisting the

    assistance of verification agencies empanelled by the bank for credit verification

    agencies shall presently be restricted to loan under our personal banking and housing

    loans schemes.

    Six major cities identified for introduction of verification 6 major cities identified for

    commencing credit verification through external agencies. Since enlisting the services of

    credit verification agencies represents a new initiative for the bank, it has been decided

    as a pilot measures to commence credit verification through accredited external

    agencies only at the following major metros/cities







    This would also be appropriate for the reason that the above 6 cities account for a bill of the

    banks exposure in value terms.

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    Benchmarks finalized for empanelling credit verification agencies - Following are the

    benchmarks prescribed for short listing verification agencies:

    The credit verification agency should have been in operation for not less than 3 years.

    The agency should be on the approved list of atleast 2 public sector/old or newgeneration private sector banks or reputed multi national banks. Empanelment with co-

    operative bank shall not be taken into account for this purpose.

    Verification report of the agency shall invariably cover the following minimum details

    Identity of the applicant

    Address of the applicant

    Veracity of employment/profession of the applicant

    Cross verification of the income details declared by the applicant. Confirmation of telephone numbers.

    Verification standards

    The verification agency empanelled by the bank shall verify the loan application

    forms referred to them for completeness and enter and store the details there

    of as specified by the bank.

    The agencies shall establish the identity of the applicant, collect and verify the

    veracity and correctness of the vital details such as employment, profession,and residences data by making phone calls as may be required. This exercise

    referred to as contact point verification.

    The agency shall provide the credit information after verification collected on

    the applicants and or co-applicants in the prescribed format, including

    derogatory credit history within the turn around time specified by the bank.

    If the information furnished by the agency is later found to be stale, wrong,

    false, incorrect or inadequate fully or partially by the bank, the agreement with

    such agency is liable to be cancelled and a claim for damage would be instituted,

    if felt necessary.

    Ceiling prescribed on fees payable taking into account the current market practices, a

    ceiling of Rs.120 is prescribed as the maximum permissible fee that can be paid per

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    case. GMOs/ROs empanelling credit verification agencies shall negotiate for rates with

    an upper ceiling of Rs.120 per case. The verification fees shall be added to the

    processing charges and out of pocket expenses payable by the borrower.

    Legal framework for assurance of fidelity, secrecy and agency relationship in order toensure that data/information confidentiality is protected, while entrusting verification

    function to outside agencies necessary legal framework has been created for binding

    the agency to fidelity and secrecy.

    Verification to be a fair practice compliant with a view to obtaining the consent of the

    borrower for the verification to be carried out and reimbursement of the related costs

    the following line shall be added in the loan application proposed to be subjected to

    credit verification: the particulars of addresses, telephone numbers etc. Procedure to be followed at the specified GMO/RO wherever names of agencies have

    already been recommended by the GMOs and ROs and such name have been approved

    by CO: Bangalore. They are separately communicated to the GMO/RO concerned.

    GMOs/ROs shall obtain the indemnity cum agreement format described above from

    those agencies.

    Verification to be at the discretion of the branch head verification exercise shall be at

    the discretion of the branch head applicable only to personal banking and housing loans.In other words branch head entrust only those cases where the need for credit

    verification is perceived.

    Accountability aspect whenever a loan account has been subject to pre sanction

    external credit verification, it shall be deemed that the processing officials and the

    sanctioning authority have relied on an expert opinion in relation to the aspects covered

    in the verification report submitted by an valuer.

    Powers to permit modifications/deviations the chairman and managingdirector/executive director shall be empowered to make/permit

    modifications/deviations to all or any of the above described guidelines on enlisting of

    credit verification agencies including the maximum fee payable for verification,

    benchmarks for verification and amendments to the format of the indemnity.

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    Research Design


    Research simply means a search for facts, answers to questions & solutions to problems. It is apurposive investigation. It is an organised enquiry. It seeks to find explanations to unexplained

    phenomenon. To clarify doubtful propositions and to correct the miss conveyed facts.


    According to kerlinger defines research as a systematic, controlled, empirical and critical

    investigation of propositions about the presumed relation among natural phenomena.

    Research Design


    Research design here refers to the methods used to collect the required data for the survey. It

    is the outline of the total project. It contains the information stating the objectives of the study,

    scope of the study methodology of the study, tools and techniques used for the survey,

    methods of data collection, limitation of the study etc. in short research design is the chapter in

    which the blue print of the whole project is explained.

    The research design includes an outline of the study which was conducted at Rythara Seva

    Sahakara Bank. There are various types of products and a service offered by RSSB, and

    providing loans to people are one of the important functions of the bank does. As this research

    study is mainly based on these schemes, we will discuss more on the loan schemes provided by

    Rythara Seva Sahakara Bank.

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    According to Claire selltiz, A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection

    and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with

    economy in procedure.


    Research design is essential because it facilitates the smooth sailing of the various activities of a

    research programme. It makes research as efficient as possible yielding maximum information

    with minimum of expenditure. It saves a lot of effort, time and money.

    1. It provides the blue print.

    2. It limits boundaries of research activity.

    3. It enables investigation to anticipate potential problems.

    4. Research can be conducted on scientific basis science advance designing providers

    precise guideline.

    5. Wastage of time and money is minimised.

    6. Optimum reliability is achieved.

    7. Designing helps in giving useful conclusions.

    Title of the study

    A study on credit appraisal with special reference to the Rythara seva Sahakara bank,


    Statement of Problem

    The particular topic credit appraisal is chosen because it plays an very important role in the

    lending of the banking sector.

    The bank will be in trouble if the borrower is do not pay the interest and the return the

    principle amount/loan. Due to non payment of principal and interest the provision of the bank

    adversely and as a result the bank may be in loose condition.

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    Thus, it is necessary to appraise the credit ability of the customers in order to mitigate the

    credit risk.

    Objectives of the study

    To know the credit turnover of the bank

    To know the principle position of the bank.

    To know the credit requirements of the various sectors.

    To know the steps taken while granting the loan i.e. appraising the credit.

    To analyse the credit worthiness and efficiency of the bank.

    Scope of the study

    The scope of the study is confined to the detailed analysis of the credit appraisal of the Rythara

    Seva Sahakara Bank at singanayakanahalli branch, Bangalore north only and it includes:

    1. Concept of the credit appraisal.

    2. Process and appraisal methodology.

    3. Dimensions of credit appraisal.

    4. Credit rating and credit scoring.

    Sources of data collection:

    The two types of data collection methods used in my research work are- Primary data and

    secondary data.

    Primary sources of data

    Primary data are those data which are originally collected for the first time for the

    specific purpose by an investigator. They are collected directly from the people to whom

    enquiry is related. They are primary to the instruction which contact for the information

    they are secondary to all other institutions which report data.

    It is the method where the first hand information is collected from an organisation for

    the study.

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    The primary data or information has collected through the personal contacts with

    managers of the bank; data was also collected through informal interviews conducted

    with banks executives 7 employees.

    Secondary sources of data:Besides, primary data collected for the study, secondary data was collected from annual

    reports of bank, journals & through internet.

    Further more information is relating to important definition and common meaning of

    the bank terms collected from reputed books such as,

    Bank journals



    Method of data collection:

    There are various methods of data collection as concerned to the project; direct interview

    method has been followed in this study.

    Limitations of the study:

    The study is limited to Rythara seva Sahakara bank in Singnayakanahally branch,Bangalore only.

    Due to inadequate time and cost it was not possible for me to make an exhaustive


    It is limited to the facts and figures of the annual report provided for the periods

    2009,2010 and 2011.

    Interpretation of the study is based on the assumption that the respondents have given

    correct information. This study does not provide any information other than credit appraisal.

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    1. INTRODUCTION: The first chapter gives the detailed introduction on the credit appraisal .

    2. RESEARCH OF THE STUDY:The second chapter states the objectives, scope, source of data

    and research methodology.

    3. COMPANY PROFILE OF THE ORGANIZATION:The third chapter gives the profile of the

    organization where the project is conducted. It also explains about the future plans of the


    4. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: The chapter gives detail regarding the analysis and

    interpretation of data after collection. It comprises of brief notes regarding analysis and various

    methods through which they may be carried out. It also consists of the data in form of tables,

    graphs and pie-charts and its interpretation .


    findings and conclusion drawn from the analysed & interpreted data and even suggestions with

    respect to findings.

    6. ANNEXURE:


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    Farmers service Co -Operative societies were organized in our country on the recommendation

    made by the National Commission on Agriculture with a main object of providing integrated

    credit and services to farmers. Syndicate Bank being pioneers in agricultural lending took keen

    interest in sponsoring Farmer Service Co-operative Societies in our state. RYTHARA SEVA

    SAHKARA SANGHA (N), SINGANAYAKANAHALLI is one such society sponsored by the Bank

    during 1976. 9 Weak Societies amalgamated to Singanayakanahalli Society. Weak Societies are

    not in a position to cater the needs of Farming community. Singanayakanahalli society

    commenced its Business in December, 1976. The Financing Bank provided required managerial

    expertise by deputing one of their officers to work as Managing Director of the society.

    Government of Karnataka provided the Services of Agriculture Department by Deputing one

    Technical Officer and two Agriculture Assistants to work in the Society.

    The Society started its operation in December 1976; accordingly a comprehensive survey is

    done in 48 villages to identify the members and registered them as members of the society. The

    Society is covering 1710 Hectares of area the jurisdiction of the society. The small farmers,

    agricultural labours, village Artisans are enrolled as members of the society. The farmers are

    engaged in agriculture only by rain water and tank water. During Kharif they grow Ragi, Paddy

    and Vegetable crops. Most of the small farmers had difficult economic conditions and they had

    to work as labours to sustain themselves.

    In 1976 society has opened one more branch in yelahanka. Agriculture loans, supply of inputs,

    field demonstrations, and training programs were carried out. The society also had drawn the

    support of University of Agricultural Science, IIHR Hesgaraghatta to create a revolution in

    agriculture. Especially all the small and marginal farmers were provided with short term and

    medium term loans. The advanced technology was made available by digging Bore wells and

    open wells for irrigation which helped conversion of dry land in to cultivatable land.

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    The society also supported land less labours to become economically self reliant by providing

    them Loans for sheep rearing, piggery, poultry, dairy loan etc.

    In 1978 with the support of all the Govt. Department the Bank organized a loan Mela headed

    by the Co-operative Minister at Harohalli village and on-spot registering membership, on-spot

    sanction, on-spot disbursal of loans which was highly appreciated by one and all.

    Agriculture loans to members, technical assistance, sale of agriculture inputs, training camps

    are the main objectives of the societies. With only 2215 members and 1.12 lacks share capital

    and Society was running under loss. Through constructive activities and focused execution by

    the Management gradually the society turned into a Model cooperative society.

    In 1982 the society started to provide members consumer durables goods at concession rates

    and in 1998 the society was converted in to a bank.

    Today fully developed society has 6 full pledged branches, own Buildings NCDC assisted

    Godowns and is carrying out banking activities. By implementing different deposit schemes

    with own investments became self sufficient. The society has not taken any loan from the

    financing bank for the last 10 years.

    On 26-07-2007 at the Centnary celebration of cooperative movement the society awarded

    Best Working Co -Operative Society. The president and Chief Executive were felicitated by Mr.

    G.T. Devegowda honourable minister for Co-Operation and Sri. N.C.Nanaiah, one of the

    pioneering personalities of the Co-operative movement.

    On 14-11-2007 at the 54 th all India Co-operative Week Mrs. Vanishree Vishwanath our

    president was recognized and felicitated as Best Woman President in Co -Operative Societies.

    On 19-11-2008 on the occasion of 55 th All India Co-Operative week Mrs. Vanishree Vishwanth

    our president has honoured The Best Women President and also Mr. K.Krishna Bhat was

    honoured The Best Secretary award.

    Every year the members loans are encouraged the repayment situation is also very healthy for

    the last 3 decades the members of the society have become economically strong able to give

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    better education to their children and have constructed own houses and living better livings,

    VIPs from different states and countries have visited the societies. Now a days the society has

    been disbursing loan for different activities like agricultural production loan horticulture,

    Sericulture, animal husbandry loans, jewel loans, tractor and power tillers, education loan, SHGLoans, Farm House Loans, Self Employment Loans, Consumer Loans, Solar Loans etc. society has

    got a mini lorry which helps farmers to avail cheap transport facility for their agriculture


    The society has financed poor farmers, agricultural labours especially SC/ST Members by

    providing them subsidy loans under Govt. schemes like SJSY Subsidy, SCP Subsidy, Udyogini and

    Asare scheme for woman members.

    With the Cooperation of university of agriculture sciences, Kakkehalli village in Bangalore is

    adopted and all the members were given agricultural loans and other support also.

    Recent developments as per the directions of Govt of Karnataka Department of Co-operation

    380 women self help groups are organized from the society and loans are disbursed Rs. 3 to 5

    lakhs per group. Society has Financed Government Schemes like Udyogini & Asare, nearly 400

    SHG Group women members financed with Government Subsidy for self employment. Society

    has provided 15 high-tech model Vegetable and fruit selling Cart Department of Horticulture

    provided Rs. 10000-00 subsidy for each Schedule Cast Members. Society has arranged women

    training programmes, tailoring, Sericulture Cocoons decorative art and also mushroom culture.

    Society has engaged itself in social objectives like rain water harvest re-energisation of failed

    bore wells. Society has organized health camps like Heart Checkup Camps, eye camps and

    animal health check- up camps. Society is engaged in honouring Prathibha puraskara for SSLC

    and PUC toppers from among members children our society with all branches are

    computerized. Our head office building is constructed recently on latest designs.

    The society is committed to realize Mahatma Gandhijis Dream of empowering villages and

    socio- economic upliftment of poor is possible only by the Cooperatives.

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    Introduction to Rythara Seva Sahakara Bank

    The Rythara Seva Sahakara bank was established keeping in view of helping farmers to develop

    their lands & get more income. The head office is situated in hindupur. In 1976 according to

    suggestion of NATIONAL AGRICULTURE COMMISSION, Commercial banks are requested to

    provide financial help to co-operative societies in state. Likewise syndicate bank, yeshwanthpur

    branch was requested to give financial help to singanayakanahalli farmers through co-operative

    society in June 1976. For 48 villages, 9 co-operative societies were established. Society was not

    in a position to help the members because of its poor condition. These 9 co-operative societies

    joined hands with AGRICULTURE SERVICE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. Authority officer was

    appointed from the syndicate bank to work as co-ordinating director.

    In this society 13 administrative directors, representing different department like agriculture,

    animal husbandry, rural development, co-operative department, etc... Government of

    Karnataka reserved an agriculture office and 2 rural services work for their society. Agricultural

    service co-operative society, singanayakanahalli has started its activity in December 1976.

    Thereafter they did survey in 48 villages. They identified members and joined them in the

    society. 1970 acres of land come under this society. Small landlords, agriculturists & rural

    craftsman situated in this place and they grow crops & other vegetables with the help of rainwater & available water resources like tank or reservoir.

    In 1976 the society has opened another branch at yelahanka. They provided loans to farmers

    for performing agriculture & helped them to purchase agricultural equipments. They conducted

    farming programmes to motivate farmers to develop their agricultural lands. Bangalore

    agricultural university & Indian crafts institutions came forward to help the society in view of

    crating revolution in the field of agriculture. For every small zamindhar they provide short tern

    and long tern and medium term loans and with the help of special scientific methods. Other

    than this they helped in digging wheels, bore wells, in barren land, which can be used for

    agriculture purpose. They give loans for this part of farmers who are members in this society.

    Rural development has provided donation, with which the society give loans to buy cow, goats,

    hens, pigs who does own agriculture land, to improve the economic status of the members.

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    In 1978 with the help of all departments, societies arranged loan exhibition and joining new

    members, Members registration, loan approval, loan collection are done because of it, society

    had enjoyed compliments from the society.

    Agriculture loan, technological support, sales of agricultural equipments & to arrange training

    centres for members, is the main objective of the society. In the beginning society started with

    2215 members with 1.12 lakhs share capital running under losses, due to its work activities

    gradually developments taken place & become a model co-operative society. In 1982 to reach

    the members to provide durable goods in discount price through sales distribution centre. In

    1998 this society converted as bank.

    Today this co-operative bank has expanded and has six branches, owned head office, with the

    help of N.C.D.C, it established own gowdons. Society is doing banking business. It is introducing

    new deposit schemes, through this succeeded. And at present it has its own capital & did not

    takes any loans from other banks. This society carrying out its activities with its own capital.

    Every year bank is providing loans to its members & they are repaying the loan amount based

    on the terms and conditions. During three decades bank gives financial support to rural

    members because of this financial support, members are living independently, bank also gives

    education to their members children and build their own house and living with people.

    Bank in its operational area provides loans to members like crop loan, jewellery pledge loan,

    security loan, tractor loan, power tiller loan, self help group loan, small traders loan, house

    construction loan, higher education loan for agriculturists childrens and other loans to

    purchase house, old goods ,for solar equipment installation are given, bank has its own mini

    lorry & it is useful not only for bank, also farmers because farmers are using this vehicle at

    discounted rate.

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    Co-operative movement

    India is a agricultural country; above 70% of our country population depends upon agriculture

    for their livelihood. As there is no agency to supply credit, farmers are the ready victims of the

    money lenders and indigenous bankers who charge high rate of interest. In order to protect

    them from the economic evils and morale generation the co-operative movement in India was


    The co-operative banks are institutions established with principle credit & to promote thrift and

    self help among the economically weaker sections of the society, like commercial banks, the co-

    operative banks also received deposits & lend money, but they lend money to their members

    and make incidental profits although their solely objective is not profit earning.

    The co-operative bank in indie has grown in size & volume. A special feature of co-operative

    banks in india is its federal structure. The units ranging from primary level to national level, co-

    operative banking in india can be divided into two important areas namely agriculture and non

    agriculture. Co-operative banks are primary co-operative banks of the village level, central co-

    operative banks at district level and the state co-operative at the state level.

    The commercial banks were nationalized with the primary idea of helping agriculture and

    industry, however, there has been a feeling among the public that the public sector banks were

    not meeting the expectation of the people, therefore in July 1975 the government of india

    appointed a study group headed by Mr.Narasimhan to study the problems of rural credit in the

    context of the 20 programmes, the working group pointed out the weakness of the commercial

    banks and co-operative banks in the sphere of rural credit and suggested for a new type of

    credit organization which is to be closely associated with rural folk combined with modern

    outlook as that are commercial banks.

    As recommendations of the working group, the government formulated the regional rural bank

    ordinance in September 1975; this was subsequently replaced by RRB acts 1976. The act

    empowers the central government to setup RRBs in places where it may consider necessary to

    start with. There were only 5 regional rural banks on 2 October 1975. With as authorized capital

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    of Rs. 1 crore each, every rural bank is expected to cover a population of 1 crore through about

    100 branches, now there are 196 RRBs. The objective of establishing the RRB was to develop

    the rural economy by developing the agriculture, trade, commerce & industry and other

    productive activities in rural areas, a parts from this. The RRBs are expected to help the smalland marginal farmers, agricultural labours, artisans and small entrepreneurs.

    The RRBs acts as agency t o provide institutional credit in the areas and to replace the money

    lenders in course of time, at the same time the RRBs should supplement the activities of the

    co-operative banks. Co-operative banks are organised under the co-operative societies.

    Siddanna gowda patel of kanaginal; initially the co-operative society was started at dharwad. At

    present now there are over 32000 diffrent types of co-operative societies in Karnataka.

    Agriculture is an unorganized profession in the country. Its success and fai lure depends on

    climatic factors to a large extent. Still its alround development depends on the availability of

    finance. Credit or finance plays a very vital role in agricultural progresses. But, agriculture in

    india is facing serious credit problems. Farmers in india are very poor and the are grooming

    under the burden of indebtedness.

    The financial position of the farmer is very well brought out automatically. The Indian farmers

    are born in debt, lives in debt, dies in bequeath debt, and indebtedness is the only companion

    of farmer cradle to grave.

    Credit needs of the farmer: loans are required to purchase of seeds, fertilizers,marketing of

    agricultural produce,payment of wages to hired labours, for buying cattle,small agricultural

    implements, repairs and construction of wells.

    From December 1976 , Rythara seva Sahakara sangha,singanayakanahalli started functioning. It

    recognized families under its jurisdiction of 48 villages from few were selected as members. The

    main objective of the society includes sanctioning loans to farmers, providing technological

    assistance,conducting scientific farming training programmes and marketing of agricultural


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    During 1978 in harohally, loan fare was conducted which included on the spot

    membership,loan sanctioning and spot payment of loans which was most appreciated deed of

    the society. In 1998, society recognized itself onto Rythara seva Sahakara bank.

    Visions of the bank

    1. Taking credit services nearest to doorsteps of the members.

    2. Multipurpose, viable purpose, primary agricultural co-operative societies.

    3. To provide integrated credit packages for the graduated farmers also.

    4. To spread co-operative educates through women graduates farmers clubs.

    5. To be strongest organization in the rural.

    Mission Statement

    To improve the economic development of the members of the society and also giving attention

    for lending loans to farmer also. Release them from the clutches of moneylenders through

    ,making available loans at a reasonable rate of interest with simple terms and conditions.

    Information Technology in Rythara Seva Sahakara Bank

    Information technology is very important. Today, every banking sector is the modern method of

    technology of different department, so this bank also use and implements new techniques in

    the field of finance and all over the management in the organization. Rythara seva Sahakara

    bank was implementing recording all documentations in computerized and also monitoring the

    legal cases with the help of computers.


    Government of Karnataka extended financial support for establishing the farmer co-operative

    societies/banks in the rural areas. It provided the maximum loan facilities to the individual

    farmers, small business man and others to take the benefit from these banks.

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    Bank extends short and medium term loans to the members. Loans are given only to the

    members who are not defaulters and who had shares in the society in prescribed proportion.

    Generally, loans are given for a period of six months or one years or five years. Loans are

    normally given for productive purpose i.e, agricultural operations. Loans are ordinarily given onthe personal securities of the borrowers supported by the personal securities of another

    member. Loans are also given against mortgages. Loans given by these societies carry a low rate

    of interest. Usually 4% per annum.

    Presently banks have six branches, own office building, six own gowdons of 100tonnes of

    capacity, one mini lorry for transporting farm inputs & other material at concessional rates; It

    has got its own investment and its divide of any type of loans from sponsored banks and others.

    No member is allowed to hold more than 20% of their total number of shares of society. To

    become the member of the bank should belong to the jurisdiction of the bank, should be of

    18years and must be a farmer or craft man.

    It has power to hold property; the members are given more than six crores loan from all the

    different branches of the society.

    Exemption from Income Tax

    Section 80P of income tax act empowers the central government to exempt the society from

    payment of income tax, stamp duty or registration fees.

    Various Loans Provided By the Rythara Seva Sahakara Bank

    1. Agricultural loans-crops loans.

    2. Loans provided by pledging jewellers.

    3. Loans on insurance.4. Loans for purchasing tractors, power tillers etc...

    5. Loans for small business.

    6. Housing loans.

    7. Higher education loans.

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    8. Loans for buying home articles/appliances etc...

    9. Solar heater system installation loans.

    10. Self employment loans.

    Bankers of Rythara Seva Sahakara Bank







    Important acts of Rythara Seva Sahakara Bank

    Karnataka co-operative societies Act-1959

    Karnataka co-operative societies Rules-1960

    Department of parliamentary