a specification-based distributed intrusion detection ...prr.hec.gov.pk › jspui › bitstream ›...

A Specification-based Distributed Intrusion Detection Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi PhD (CS) Scholar A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences Department of Computer Sciences National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (2017)

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A Specification-based Distributed

Intrusion Detection Framework for

Wireless Sensor Networks

Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi

PhD (CS) Scholar

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of

Philosophy to the National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences

Department of Computer Sciences

National University of Computer and Emerging



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Author’s Declaration

I, Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi, hereby state that my Ph.D. thesis titled A

Specification-based Distributed Intrusion Detection Framework for Wireless

Sensor Networks is my own work and it has not been previously submitted by me

for taking partial or full credit for the award of any degree at this University or

anywhere else in the world. If my statement is found to be incorrect, at any time

even after my graduation, the University has the right to revoke my Ph.D. degree.

Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi


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Plagiarism Undertaking

I take full responsibility of the research work conducted during the Ph.D. Thesis

titled A Specification-based Distributed Intrusion Detection Framework for

Wireless Sensor Networks. I solemnly declare that the research work presented

in the thesis is done solely by me with no significant help from any other person;

however, small help wherever taken is duly acknowledged. I have also written the

complete thesis by myself. Moreover, I have not presented this thesis (or

substantially similar research work) or any part of the thesis previously to any

other degree awarding institution within Pakistan or abroad.

I understand that the management of National University of Computer and

Emerging Sciences has a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism. Therefore, I as

an author of the above-mentioned thesis, solemnly declare that no portion of my

thesis has been plagiarized and any material used in the thesis from other sources

is properly referenced. Moreover, the thesis does not contain any literal citing of

more than 70 words (total) even by giving a reference unless I have the written

permission of the publisher to do so. Furthermore, the work presented in the thesis

is my own original work and I have positively cited the related work of the other

researchers by clearly differentiating my work from their relevant work.

I further understand that if I am found guilty of any form of plagiarism in my

thesis work even after my graduation, the University reserves the right to revoke

my Ph.D. degree. Moreover, the University will also have the right to publish my

name on its website that keeps a record of the students who plagiarized in their

thesis work.

Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi


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Certificate of Approval

It is certified that the research work presented in this thesis, entitled A

Specification-based Distributed Intrusion Detection Framework for Wireless

Sensor Networks was conducted by Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi under the

supervision of Dr. Farrukh Aslam Khan.

No part of this thesis has been submitted anywhere else for any other degree.

This thesis is submitted to the Department of Computer Sciences in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in

Computer Science

at the

National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences

Islamabad, PAKISTAN


Candidate Name: Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi


Examination Committee:

a) Name: _______________ Signature: ______________________

b) Name: _______________ Signature: ______________________

c) Name: _______________ Signature: ______________________


Director, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad


Dean of computer science, National University of Computer and Emerging Science

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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have a great potential to assist in storing

and processing data collected from tiny sensors placed in various environments

such as smart homes, vehicles, hospitals, enemy surveillance areas, volcanoes,

oceans, etc. The sensors may be implanted to inspect the physical aspects of the

external environment such as temperature, moisture, humidity, pressure, motion,

magnetic fields, light, sound, gravity, vibration, electrical fields, and others or

inspect the physical aspects of the internal environments such as motion of the

organism, glucose level, oxygen level and others. The data recorded by these

sensors can further be used for several applications as well as services. Here, the

data is acquired from sensors through the wireless medium. Recent studies show

that WSNs are vulnerable to various kinds of security threats and there is a

requirement of a security solution that can safeguard them from lethal attacks.

Several security schemes have been proposed in the recent past to counter the

attacks launched at different layers of WSNs. Intrusion detection systems (IDS)

focus on the detection of malicious activity at the network layer. Most of the

proposed IDS based security approaches for WSNs lack completeness with

respect to data acquisition, detection policy and the way actions should be taken

once the malicious behavior is detected. Further, they lack the proper testing of

the proposed schemes with respect to the performance metrics such as energy

consumption, throughput, false positive rate, intrusion detection rate, and

accuracy etc. Hence, there is a requirement of a purely distributed security scheme

that works independently and communicates the anomalous behavior of sensor

nodes with the base station (BS). The scheme should be lightweight and is able to

perform efficiently with respect to energy efficiency and throughput. Moreover, it

should be able to achieve low false positive rate and high detection rate.

In this thesis, a novel intrusion detection framework is proposed for securing

WSNs from routing attacks. The proposed system works in a distributed

environment to detect intrusions by collaborating with the neighboring nodes. It

works in two modes: online prevention allows safeguarding from those abnormal

nodes that are already declared as malicious, while offline detection finds those

nodes that are being compromised by an adversary during the next epoch of time.

The proposed framework is a specification-based detection framework that works

for a flat WSN scenario. To test the performance of the proposed framework, a

simulator is implemented, and results are produced. The results show that a

centralized distributed approach cannot properly figure out the actual condition of

the network. Therefore, a purely distributed security system is more appropriate

for WSNs. The results also show that the specification-based detection scheme

achieves higher detection rate and low false positive rate. These results also guide

that each node should be treated independently in WSNs, and centralized

distributed detection schemes may fail to identify the network behavior whether it

is normal or is under any attack.

As a second contribution, the low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy

(LEACH) protocol for WSNs is modified by adding the functionality of the

proposed intrusion detection framework to secure it from sink-hole, black-hole,

and selective forwarding attacks. The modified protocol is called LEACH++. We

performed two types of analyses: (1) numerical analysis to check the effect on

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throughput and energy, and (2) simulations in Network Simulator-2 (NS-2) to

prove the results found from the numerical analysis. The results are quite

promising and favor LEACH++ over LEACH under attack with respect to

throughput and energy consumption.

The third contribution is to perform a security analysis of the LEACH++

protocol to validate the proposed specification-based detection scheme with

respect to accuracy, false positive rate, and detection rate. For this purpose, we

simulate LEACH++ by launching various numbers of attacks in different patterns

for different configurations. The experiments are carried out against the

LEACH++ protocol for black hole and sinkhole attacks in different patterns. The

results show that the proposed scheme achieves high accuracy and detection rate

for LEACH++ and shows very low false positive rate.

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This work is dedicated to my mother and loving


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At the outset, I would like to pay my gratitude to almighty ALLAH, the Most

Gracious and the Most Merciful, for bestowing upon me his blessings and

providing me with the opportunity to work under the supervision of most talented

and caring teachers that enabled me to undertake and carry out this research work.

I am deeply indebted to my thesis supervisor, Dr. Farrukh Aslam Khan for his

informed guidance, understanding, support and encouragement throughout the

years. His in-depth knowledge and vision in this area is truly admirable and has

been a source of inspiration to me. His patience and willingness to discuss the

details of the different obstacles I encountered while working on this thesis were

valuable and unique.

I could not reach at this goal without the prayers, moral support, and love of

my mother. I would like also to thank my wife and all other well-wishers. Here, I

would like to share all my achievements with them. I would like to extend my

gratitude to my friends and PhD colleagues for their discussions, contributions

and support.

At last but not the least, I would like to thank the Higher Education

Commission (HEC) of Pakistan for financing my PhD studies.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 1

1.1 Motivation ................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Problem statement ..................................................................................... 2

1.3 Research Methodology.............................................................................. 3

1.4 Dissertation Contributions ........................................................................ 4

1.5 Thesis Organization .................................................................................. 5

Chapter 2 Background ............................................................................................... 7

2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 7

2.2 Security Issues in a Flat Wireless Sensor Networks ............................... 11

2.3 Security Issues in a Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks.................. 13

2.4 Miscellaneous Other security issues ....................................................... 15

2.5 Summary ................................................................................................. 16

Chapter 3 Intrusion Detection Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks .................. 18

3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 18

3.2 Intrusion detection system ...................................................................... 20

3.2.1 IDS Agent Installation ..................................................................... 20

3.2.2 Detection Policy ............................................................................... 21

3.3 IDS-based security mechanisms for Wireless Sensor Networks ............ 21

3.3.1 Purely Distributed Approach ........................................................... 23

3.3.2 Purely Centralized Approach ........................................................... 30

3.3.3 Distributed-Centralized Approach ................................................... 32

3.4 IDS-based security schemes for LEACH protocol ................................. 35

3.4.1 Intrusion detection and prevention .................................................. 36

3.4.2 Specification based centralized distributed detection scheme ......... 37

3.4.3 Adaptive Correctness Monitoring .................................................... 37

3.4.4 LEACH-S......................................................................................... 37

3.4.5 Stable Election Protocol................................................................... 37

3.4.6 Artificial Neural Network ................................................................ 38

3.4.7 SSLEACH ........................................................................................ 38

3.4.8 Anomaly detection system ............................................................... 38

3.5 Summary ................................................................................................. 38

Chapter 4 Proposed Intrusion Detection Framework for WSNs ............................. 40

4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 40

4.2 Online prevention .................................................................................... 41

4.2.1 Data Repository ............................................................................... 42

4.2.2 Local Auditing ................................................................................. 42

4.3 Offline detection...................................................................................... 43

4.3.1 Data Collection ................................................................................ 44

4.3.2 Content Suppression ........................................................................ 44

4.3.3 Intrusion Detection .......................................................................... 45

4.3.4 Cognition ......................................................................................... 47

4.3.5 Collaborative inquiry ....................................................................... 48

4.3.6 Consolation ...................................................................................... 50

4.4 Experiments and Analysis ....................................................................... 50

4.4.1 Trace List ......................................................................................... 50

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4.4.2 Attack Scenario (AS) ....................................................................... 51

4.4.3 Discussion ........................................................................................ 54

4.5 Summary ................................................................................................. 55

Chapter 5 Securing LEACH protocol against Routing Attacks .............................. 56

5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 56

5.2 Proposed security solution for LEACH protocol .................................... 58

5.2.1 Online prevention ............................................................................ 58

5.2.2 Offline detection .............................................................................. 58

5.3 Numerical Analysis of LEACH++ .......................................................... 61

5.3.1 Normal execution ............................................................................. 61

5.3.2 Attack launched by adversary .......................................................... 63

5.3.3 LEACH++ ........................................................................................ 64

5.3.4 Experiments and Discussion ............................................................ 66

5.4 Simulation and analysis of LEACH++ using NS-2 ................................ 70

5.4.1 Attack implementation and LEACH modification .......................... 70

5.4.2 NS-2 Simulation results and discussion........................................... 72

5.5 Summary ................................................................................................. 76

Chapter 6 Comprehensive Security Analysis of LEACH++ Clustering Protocol .. 77

6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 77

6.2 False positive rate, intrusion detection rate, and accuracy ...................... 78

6.2.1 False positive rate (FPR).................................................................. 78

6.2.2 Intrusion detection rate (IDR) .......................................................... 78

6.2.3 Accuracy rate ................................................................................... 79

6.3 Simulation parameters and Experiments detail ....................................... 79

6.4 Detection rate analysis for Black-hole attack.......................................... 80

6.4.1 FPR analysis .................................................................................... 81

6.4.2 IDR analysis ..................................................................................... 81

6.4.3 Accuracy rate ................................................................................... 83

6.5 Detection rate analysis for Sink-hole attack............................................ 84

6.5.1 FPR analysis .................................................................................... 84

6.5.2 IDR analysis ..................................................................................... 85

6.5.3 Accuracy rate ................................................................................... 85

6.6 Summary ................................................................................................. 86

Chapter 7 Conclusion .............................................................................................. 87

7.1 Summary of the Contributions ................................................................ 87

7.2 Future Work ............................................................................................ 88

References .............................................................................................................. 89

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List of Publications

Following is a list of research publications produced as a result of the research

carried out for this PhD thesis:


1. Sungyoung Lee, Farrukh Aslam Khan, Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi,

"Intrusion Detection Apparatus and Method for Securing Wireless Sensor

Networks", Patent No. KR101262992B1, May 2013.

Journal Publications

1. Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi, Farrukh Aslam Khan, “A survey of Intrusion

Detection Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Journal

of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 9, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 69-

83. [Impact Factor: 0.489].

2. Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi, Farrukh Aslam Khan, Jin Wang, Sungyoung

Lee, “A novel intrusion detection framework for wireless sensor

networks,” Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 17, Issue 5,

2013, Pages 907-919. [Impact Factor: 2.395].

3. Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi, Farrukh Aslam Khan, “Securing wireless

sensor networks for improved performance in cloud-based environments,”

Annals of Telecommunications, Volume 72, Issue 5-6, 2017, Pages 265–

282. [Impact Factor: 1.412]

4. Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi, Farrukh Aslam Khan, “A Comprehensive

Security Analysis of LEACH++ Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor

Networks,” (Under Review).

Conference Publications

1. Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi, Farrukh Aslam Khan, “Intrusion Detection

Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey,” International

Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking

(FGCN), CCIS (Springer), Volume 56, pp. 234–241, Jeju, South Korea,

December 2009.

2. Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi, Farrukh Aslam Khan, Jin Wang, and

Sungyoung Lee, “Specification based Intrusion detection scheme for

Wireless Sensor Networks,” FTRA International Symposium on Advances

in Cryptography, Security and Applications for Future Computing

(ACSA), Jeju, South Korea, December 2011.

3. Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi, Jin Wang, Farrukh Aslam Khan and

Sungyoung Lee, “Security requirements for Cyber Physical community

systems - A Case Study,” Invited Paper, 4th ACM International

Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication

Technologies, pp. 1-5, Barcelona, Spain, October 2011.

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List of Figures

Figure 1: Data transmission from a sensor network to the cloud for processing and

analysis ................................................................................................................................ 2

Figure 2: LEACH vs. Multi-hop routing protocol ............................................................ 10

Figure 3: 24 sensor nodes communicating with sink in a sensor network. ....................... 12

Figure 4: (a) Node J sending data through node C which is compromised (b) A scenario

for the sink-hole attack where node D is compromised .................................................... 13

Figure 5: Workflow of normal LEACH protocol ............................................................. 14

Figure 6: Common neighbors of node C and node I ......................................................... 24

Figure 7: Major components of IDS agent in cooperative local auditing ......................... 24

Figure 8: Negative selection for generating Non-self string. Input: random generated

string and output: Non-self string ..................................................................................... 27

Figure 9: Two nodes work in a pair to check the behavior of each other ......................... 29

Figure 10: Monitor node ................................................................................................... 32

Figure 11: Proposed intrusion detection framework ......................................................... 41

Figure 12: Online prevention ............................................................................................ 41

Figure 13: Sending rate Analysis ...................................................................................... 51

Figure 14: Receiving rate Analysis ................................................................................... 52

Figure 15: Forwarding rate Analysis................................................................................. 53

Figure 16: Retransmission rate Analysis........................................................................... 54

Figure 17: Workflow of proposed LEACH++ protocol .................................................... 57

Figure 18: Impact of sinkhole, black-hole, and selective forwarding attacks on normal

LEACH with respect to throughput by varying the CHs .................................................. 67

Figure 19: Average energy and throughput utilization by LEACH protocol for a different

number of CHs .................................................................................................................. 68

Figure 20: Comparison of energy consumption between LEACH and LEACH++ .......... 69

Figure 21: Throughput analysis. LEACH++ performs better in Attacked scenario ......... 70

Figure 22: Sensor network having 101 nodes with 5 CHs and 1 BS ................................ 73

Figure 23: Varying cluster size as LEACH supports heterogeneous cluster formation .... 74

Figure 24: Comparison between LEACH++ and normal LEACH with respect to energy

utilization .......................................................................................................................... 75

Figure 25: Throughput comparison of LEACH, attacked LEACH, and LEACH++ ........ 76

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List of Tables Table 1: Parametric Vs Non-Parametric ........................................................................... 19

Table 2: IDS-based security mechanisms for WSNs ........................................................ 22

Table 3: Data acquisition in CUSUM ............................................................................... 34

Table 4: IDS based security schemes for LEACH protocol .............................................. 36

Table 5: Neighborhood List (N_List) ............................................................................... 42

Table 6: Malicious Node List (M_List) ............................................................................ 42

Table 7: Audit Data List (A_List) at node J ...................................................................... 44

Table 8: Flag List (F_List) ................................................................................................ 45

Table 9: Threshold List (T_List) ....................................................................................... 46

Table 10: Maliciousness Level List (ML_List) ................................................................ 48

Table 11: Initial Status List (S_List) of MED level Malicious Nodes .............................. 49

Table 12: Trace List .......................................................................................................... 50

Table 13: An example of Audit List (A_List) for normal occurrences of Cluster Heads . 59

Table 14: An example of Audit List (A_List) during SBS-F attacks ................................ 59

Table 15: S_List at node X ............................................................................................... 60

Table 16: Updated S_List ................................................................................................. 60

Table 17: Notations used in Numerical analysis ............................................................... 61

Table 18: Simulation Parameters for numerical analysis .................................................. 66

Table 19: Simulation parameters for NS2 ......................................................................... 72

Table 20: Simulation parameters for detection rate analysis ............................................ 79

Table 21: FPR for black-hole attack ................................................................................. 81

Table 22: Example illustrating IDR calculation ................................................................ 82

Table 23: IDR for purely random attack pattern for black-hole attack ............................. 82

Table 24: IDR for different attack patterns for black-hole attack having 2 & 3 attackers 83

Table 25: Average IDR for black-hole attack ................................................................... 83

Table 26: Accuracy rate for purely random attack pattern for black-hole attack .............. 83

Table 27: FPR rate for sink-hole attack ............................................................................ 84

Table 28: IDR for purely random attack pattern for sink-hole attack ............................... 85

Table 29: Accuracy rate for purely random attack pattern for sink-hole attack ................ 85

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Symbol Description

th Threshold

T_Rnd Randomized Number

N_List Neighborhood list

M_List Malicious node list

A_List Audit data list

A_snt Number of packet sent by a node

A_rec Number of packet received by a node

A_fwd Number of packet forward by a node

A_rtm Number of packet retransmit by a node

F_List Flag list

T_List Threshold list

ML_List Maliciousness level list

N_Claim Number of claims

C_List Claim list

S_List Initial status list

nA Number of attacker nodes

AS Attack scenario

CH Cluster head

ADV_CH Advertise CH packet to become CH for that round

JOIN_REQ Packet to join a cluster

𝐸1 Energy that is utilized by a node during sending a message to CH

and vice versa

𝐸2 Amount of energy that is utilized when a CH sends message to

BS and vice versa

𝐸𝑆𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑝 Total amount of energy used by sensor nodes during setup phase.

𝐸𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦 Total amount of energy used by sensor nodes during steady


𝑇𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑠 Total number of sensor nodes in the sensor field

𝑇𝐶𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠 Total number of CHs

𝐶𝐶𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠 Number of compromised sensor nodes

𝑁𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 Amount of data messages send by each node to CH in 1 sec

𝐶𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 Amount of data messages send by CH to BS in 1 sec

𝑅𝑆𝑒𝑐 Length of a round in seconds. We assume that rounds have fixed


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Chapter 1


1.1 Motivation In few years, many businesses will shift toward the usage of cloud computing due to

its decentralized processing and storage of data and online access to computing services.

Cloud computing will play a major role in providing healthcare services to smart

homes, healthcare institutes, e-healthcare systems, and people at remote locations.

Wireless medical sensor networks (MSNs) are the building blocks for remote health

monitoring systems. To minimize the limitations of MSNs (computational power, data

storage, and communication range/bandwidth) as standalone systems, these networks

have been integrated with cloud computing environments.

Smart hospitals are equipped with many sensor devices that send critical

information to the base station (BS) for monitoring the activities of the patients. The

data collected from patients may be transferred to the cloud for high-performance

computation, and this data would be accessible to the doctors from remote locations.

This will increase the data utilization and will also help in providing prompt response

by the healthcare experts. Similarly, cloud computing will facilitate the healthcare

institutes to perform their tasks online with ease.

Vehicular cloud computing model combines different networking paradigms such as

mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), wireless sensor networks (WSNs), vehicular ad

hoc networks (VANETs), and cloud computing to assist in facilitating new trends in

traffic management, road safety and intelligent transportation systems (ITS). The model

provides a framework for the future transportation systems that ensure safety of vehicles

from accidents on the road, determine the condition of vehicles or drivers using sensors,

supply better assistance in case of emergency, provide possible healthcare services to

the passengers during traveling, discover shortest reliable routes to the destination, and

provide entertainment.

Cloud computing offers the capability to access shared resources and common

infrastructure in a ubiquitous and pervasive manner. The computation and analysis

performed at the cloud is based on the accuracy of the data received from the sensor

nodes. Healthcare-based cloud products offer services in all the three layers of the

cloud. It may be used for recording the health-related data, examining of patients, and

managing diseases. It enables to collaborate and communicate with the peers with ease

and helps in the analysis of the gathered data. Healthcare organizations, ITS, smart

home users, or others may use the cloud to analyze and facilitate the end user in a better

way, as shown in Figure 1. The sensors collect data from the devices (whether medical

or other appliances) and send that data to a central location for storage and processing.

These central locations are maintained in the cloud, which store and process all the data

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received from the sensors. Hence, the user may diagnose or analyze records from a

remote location as well and assist the patient accordingly.

Figure 1: Data transmission from a sensor network to the cloud for processing and


It is also observed that the patient’s health could be seriously threatened by a

malicious adversary and using traditional security techniques may not be suitable in

such a case. To provide cloud services to smart homes, vehicle passengers, mobile

users, healthcare institutes, etc., there is a requirement of a reliable network that ensures

zero level of tolerance toward the loss of sensors’ data. WSNs use wireless medium and

provide ad hoc access to resources; therefore, they are more vulnerable to security

threats than wired networks. Sensor nodes are self-controlled and an easy target for

attacks from the adversaries.

Mostly, security is not considered during the designing of the routing protocols for

WSNs. Therefore, most of the routing protocols are vulnerable to security threats.

Different models are presented to counter this problem, but these approaches show

limitations. Hence, there is a requirement of a security model that can be added to

insecure routing protocols to make them resilient against routing attacks.

1.2 Problem statement The fundamental purpose of this work is to propose a novel framework that provides

resilient once added to unsecure routing protocol against routing attacks. Security is a

major concern for all types of network paradigms whether they are wired or wireless

networks. The vision for the security of a network is secure transmission and reliable

delivery of packets from a source to the destination. In WSNs, key management,

authentication and secure routing protocols provide secure transmission while lacking

reliable delivery of messages. In other words, these mechanisms can protect the network

from outside attacks but show failure against the inside attacks. These mechanisms aim

to provide data confidentiality, data authentication and data integrity. In an outside

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1.3 Research Methodology


attack, when an intruder tries to get access to the data, these mechanisms protect the

secret information. During an inside attack, the sensor node that is a part of the sensor

network starts performing maliciously without trying to get access to the data of the

message. These attacks aim to affect the throughput of the network (i.e., by dropping

received packets without forwarding them). Hence, critical information will not reach

the sink or BS that is important in making decisions regarding the relative sensor field.

Intrusion detection system (IDS) provides a mechanism to detect anomalous

behavior that deviates from the normal. Several IDS-based security mechanisms are

proposed that analyze the working of sensor node(s) and detect abnormal activities.

Their work differs from each other in two ways, i.e., installation of IDS agent and the

detection policy. It is important to note that most of the proposed approaches focus on

the detection policy only. They provide an anomaly-based detection which uses more

power and computation. Secondly, there are purely centralized or centralized distributed

solutions that shows limitations with respect to scalable nature of sensor network and

self-controlled sensor nodes respectively. Thirdly, there are IDS based solutions, but

they are not thoroughly evaluated with respect to throughput and energy consumption.

They also lack the detection rate analysis that show their false positive and intrusion

detection rates. Majority of these approaches are targeting a specific application rather

providing a complete solution that is tested efficiently.

The above-mentioned challenges/problems form a set of objectives which are

summarized in the following lines:

• To propose a novel technique based on intrusion detection system, which is

complete with respect to data acquisition, detection policy and the way actions

should be taken once the malicious behavior is detection.

• To propose a purely distributed security scheme that work independently and

communicate about the anomalous behavior with BS.

• To propose a solution that is light weighted and able to perform efficiently with

respect to energy efficiency and throughput.

• To propose a solution that achieves low false positive rate and high detection


1.3 Research Methodology In this dissertation the following research methodology is adopted to design a

generic framework for intrusion detection system.

1. In first step, a comprehensive survey of related work is carried out in which

special focus is to highlight the weaknesses of existing intrusion detection


2. In second step, a novel detection framework is proposed and discussed

thoroughly with respect to data acquisition, detection policy and the way actions

should be taken once the malicious behavior is detection.

3. In third step, experiments are performed to show that purely distributed

detection policy favors WSNs over centralized distributed detection scheme.

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4. In forth step, the effectiveness of proposed solution has been validated by

performing numerical experimentation and NS2 simulation after modifying a

well-known clustering routing algorithm LEACH.

5. Lastly, detection rate analysis is done to show that the proposed scheme

achieves low false positive and high detection rate.

1.4 Dissertation Contributions In this research work, a novel intrusion detection system is proposed to safeguard

WSNs from inside attack. It is further thoroughly experimented by adding its features in

a clustering routing protocol LEACH. To achieve the above objectives following

contributions are made:

• A detailed discussion and analysis of the existing IDS based solutions for WSNs

is presented. These solutions are categorized in three categories: purely

centralized, purely distributed and distributed-centralized. In the first approach,

it is installed only at sink or BS, whereas in the second approach IDS agent is

present in every sensor node. In the third approach, only monitor nodes are used

for intrusion detection. Purely centralized IDS approaches are power-efficient

because the most powerful part of the network (sink or BS) detects intrusion.

But, these techniques are complex and require some specialized routing protocol

that gathers data from each sensor node to BS or sink for anomaly detection. On

the other hand, purely distributed IDS techniques are not energy-efficient

because IDS agent is installed in every node. It increases extra computation or

power consumption at node level. Distributed-centralized IDS approach suits

WSNs in accordance with energy consumption and complexity; but it has its

own constraints.

Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi, Farrukh Aslam Khan, “A survey of Intrusion Detection

Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Journal of Ad Hoc and

Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 9, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 69-83. [Impact Factor:


• A novel intrusion detection framework to secure wireless sensor networks from

routing attacks. The proposed approach is explained thoroughly using a flat

wireless sensor network scenario. We test the specification-based detection

scheme proposed for the presented example. The results show that the

specification-based detection scheme achieves higher detection rate and receives

low false positive rate. These results also guide that each node should be treated

independently in WSNs and centralized distributed detection schemes may fail

to identify the network behavior whether it is normal, or it is under any attack.

Therefore, a purely distributed security system is more appropriate for WSNs.

Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi, Farrukh Aslam Khan, Jin Wang, Sungyoung Lee, “A

novel intrusion detection framework for wireless sensor networks,” Personal and

Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 17, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 907-919. [Impact Factor:


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1.5 Thesis Organization


Sungyoung Lee, Farrukh Aslam Khan, Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi, “Intrusion

Detection Apparatus and Method for Securing Wireless Sensor Networks”, Patent

No. KR20130020406 (A), 2011.

• Modified the low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) protocol for

WSNs and added the functionality of intrusion detection to secure WSNs from

sinkhole, blackhole, and selective forwarding attacks. We analyzed the energy

consumption and throughput of the proposed LEACH++ protocol both

numerically as well as using the NS-2 simulator. The results show that

LEACH++ receives more throughput than LEACH during attack, while it does

not affect the overall energy consumption of the system. The proposed intrusion

detection framework (IDF) is lightweight and does not put much burden on the

LEACH protocol with respect to memory utilization and computation. The

proposed protocol can be effectively used for cloud-based WSN environments.

Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi, Farrukh Aslam Khan, “Securing wireless sensor

networks for improved performance in cloud-based environments,” Annals of

Telecommunications, Volume 72, Issue 5-6, 2017, Pages 265–282. [Impact Factor:


• An IDS monitors the activities of the sensor field and interprets whether these

activities are normal or malicious. There is chance that the IDS consider a

normal activity as abnormal and generates an alarm regarding the maliciousness

of the node vice versa there is an abnormal activity, but IDS cannot judge it as

malicious. Hence, there is a requirement to test the proposed IDS schemes

against detection rates. Commonly, proposed schemes are tested for false

positive rates and intrusion detection rates. In this work, we performed the

detection rate analysis for the proposed LEACH++, which uses a specification-

based detection scheme for the detection of the malicious nodes.

Ashfaq Hussain Farooqi, Farrukh Aslam Khan, “A Comprehensive Security

Analysis of LEACH++ Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,”


1.5 Thesis Organization Chapter 2 explains the requirement of security solution for cloud-based WSN

environments. In this chapter, we discussed about the security issues for wireless sensor

networks and LEACH routing protocol. Various types of attacks are briefly discussed

and the way they occur and might be countermeasure as well.

Chapter 3 contains a comprehensive survey of security schemes that are earlier

proposed for wireless sensor networks. These approaches are classified into three

categories based on IDS agent installation. Survey of IDS based solutions for LEACH

protocol are also discussed here.

Chapter 4 covers the proposed intrusion detection framework. It provides detail of

its working. The proposed framework works in two modes; offline detection and online

prevention. The work of these modes is explained thoroughly by considering an

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example of a flat base sensor network. Further, the adoption of distributed detection

scheme over centralized is tested by simulation.

In chapter 5, the focus is upon the inclusion of intrusion detection framework in

LEACH routing protocol to make it resilient against inside attacks. We have also

explained how our proposed security framework may be added in actual LEACH

protocol. It also provides the experiments that are taken on actual LEACH, attacked

LEACH and modified LEACH. Experiments are carried out both numerically and by

simulation in NS-2. Results show that performance of LEACH protocol may affect

during attack scenario and modification improves the performance even attack is


Chapter 6 presents the detection rate analysis of the proposed intrusion detection

framework. We simulate LEACH++ by launching various number of attacks (1, 2, and

3) in different pattern (PR, OL, and ST) for different configurations (CR-2, CR-3, and

CR-4) to determine the intrusion detection, false positive, and accuracy rates.

Chapter 7 provides the detail summary of the contributions made in thesis. It further

elaborates the future work, which can add significant improvement to the given area of


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2.1 Introduction


Chapter 2


2.1 Introduction Cloud computing has a great potential to assist in storing and processing data

collected from sensors placed in any environment such as smart homes, vehicles,

hospitals, enemy surveillance areas, volcanoes, oceans, etc. The sensors may be

implanted to inspect the physical aspects of the external environment, such as

temperature, moisture, humidity, pressure, motion, magnetic fields, light, sound,

gravity, vibration, electrical fields, and others or inspect the physical aspects of the

internal environment, such as motion of the organism, glucose level, oxygen level and

others. The data recorded by these sensors can further be used for several applications

implemented in the cloud as well as other services. Recently, many businesses shifted

towards the usage of cloud computing due to its decentralized processing and storage of

data and online access to computing services. Cloud computing will play a major role in

providing healthcare services to smart homes, healthcare institutes (Rolim, et al. 2010)

(Doukas and Maglogiannis 2011), e-healthcare systems (J. Zhou, et al. 2015), and

people at remote locations. Wireless medical sensor networks (MSNs) are the building

blocks for remote health monitoring systems. To minimize the limitations of MSNs

(computational power, data storage, and communication range/bandwidth) as standalone

systems, these networks have been integrated with cloud computing environments

(Hayajneh, et al. March 2016). Smart hospitals are equipped with different types of

sensor devices that send critical information to the base station (BS) for monitoring the

activities of the patients. The data collected from patients may be transferred to the

cloud for high-performance computation, and this data would be accessible to the

doctors from remote locations. This will increase the data utilization and will also help

in providing prompt response by the healthcare experts. Similarly, cloud computing will

facilitate the healthcare institutes to perform their tasks online with ease.

Vehicular cloud computing model combines different networking paradigms such as

mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), wireless sensor networks (WSNs), vehicular ad

hoc networks (VANETs), and cloud computing to assist in facilitating new trends in

traffic management, road safety, and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) (Farooqi,

Khan and Wang, et al. 2013). The model provides a framework for the future

transportation systems that ensure safety of vehicles from accidents on the road,

determine the condition of vehicles or drivers using sensors, supply better assistance in

case of emergency, provide possible healthcare services to the passengers during

traveling, discover shortest reliable routes to the destination, and provide entertainment.

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Research in RFID (Radio frequency identification) has given birth to Radio

frequency identification Sensor Networks (RSNs) (Buettner, et al. 2009). It binds

together the advantages of RFID and WSNs. These networks will become visible and

might be used by us in our daily life as a lot of research is in progress for its various

applications. On the other hand, if we consider a WSN that is working for tracking the

movement of the enemy, it can provide very critical information for making a strategy

to beat the enemy in that area.

Current research trends show that WSNs based internet of things (IoT) is a hot

research topic. In one of the recent work, an environmental monitoring model is

proposed that uses WSNs based on IoT (Jaladi, et al. 2017). While, in (Shinde and

Prasad 2017), a system is presented that assists in animal health-care and benefiting the

farmers by using WSN technology and IoT applications. Research work is also in

progress to integrate cloud computing with IoT to enable large number of application

scenarios. A novel paradigm is proposed to merge cloud computing and IoT and called

in CloudIoT (Botta, et al. 2016). They discussed several challenges and open research

areas related to integration of these two technologies. According to (Aazam, et al.

2015), a lot of data is generated by WSNs and IoT, hence, there will be a need for

integration of IoT and cloud computing, termed as Cloud of Things (CoT). These

research works show that WSNs will play a major role in future technologies in the

development of the cyber physical society.

Cloud computing offers the capability to access shared resources and common

infrastructure in a ubiquitous and pervasive manner (Siqi, David and X. 2016). The

computation and analysis performed at the cloud is based on the accuracy of the data

received from the sensor nodes. Healthcare-based cloud products offer services in all

the three layers of the cloud (Zhang and Liu 2010) (Tan and Wang 2010) (Sultan 2014).

It may be used for recording the health-related data, examining of patients, and

managing diseases. It enables to collaborate and communicate with the peers with ease

and helps in the analysis of the gathered data. Healthcare organizations, ITS, smart

home users, or others may use the cloud to analyze and facilitate the end user in a better

way. The sensors collect data from the devices (whether medical or other appliances)

and send that data to a central location for storage and processing. These central

locations are maintained in the cloud, which store and process all the data received from

the sensors. Hence, the user may diagnose or analyze records from a remote location as

well and assist the patient accordingly.

It is also observed that the patient’s health could be seriously threatened by a

malicious adversary and using traditional security techniques may not be suitable in

such a case (Camara, Peris-Lopez and Tapiador 2015). To provide cloud services to

smart homes, vehicle passengers, mobile users, healthcare institutes, etc., there is a

requirement of a reliable network that ensures zero level of tolerance toward the loss of

sensors’ data (Haque and Aziz 2015). WSNs are distributed, infrastructure-less, fault

tolerant, scalable and dynamic in nature (Akyildiz, Su, et al. 2002). These networks are

low cost and easy to install in an area. These are built upon small sized, low power and

self-controlled nodes called sensor nodes. These nodes have small memory, less

computation capacity and short lifetime. These nodes gather useful information from

their surroundings and transmit it to the user-controlled system, BS or sink for analysis.

Sensor nodes are densely deployed in the sensor field. They maintain a topology and

start sensing the environment. Data gathered from the surroundings is processed and

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2.1 Introduction


transmitted to the BS or sink using any routing protocol. Their topology is dynamic and

changes frequently due to the limitations of the sensor nodes. Sensor nodes may get

damaged due to heavy wind, rain, sunshine, animals, etc. or their battery may exhaust.

Here, routing protocol plays an important role because nodes leave or join the sensor

network at irregular intervals. There are many routing protocols proposed for WSNs

(Akkaya and Younis 2005). These includes multi-hop, hierarchical, location-based

routing protocols, etc.

Security is a major concern for all types of network paradigms (Tellez, El-Tawab

and Heydari 2016), whether they are wired networks, mobile ad hoc networks (Swain,

Pattanayak and Pati 2017), cloud based networks (Raj and Bhaskaran 2017), IoT (J.

Zhou, et al. 2017), or others. The vision for the security of a network is secure

transmission and reliable delivery of packets from a source to the destination. In WSNs,

key management, authentication (Liu, et al. 2005) and secure routing protocols provide

secure transmission while lacking reliable delivery of messages. In other words, these

mechanisms can protect the network from outside attacks but show failure against the

inside attacks. These mechanisms aim to provide data confidentiality, data

authentication and data integrity. In an outside attack, when an intruder tries to get

access to the data, these mechanisms protect the secret information. During an inside

attack, the sensor node that is a part of the sensor network starts performing maliciously

without trying to get access to the data of the message. These attacks aim to affect the

throughput of the network (i.e. by dropping received packets without forwarding them).

Hence, critical information will not reach the sink or BS that is important in making

decisions regarding the relative sensor field.

WSNs are vulnerable to several types of security threats that can degrade the overall

performance of these networks (Ghosal and Halder 2017). According to (Wood and

Stankovic 2002), various attacks are possible on different layers of the sensor node that

may cause denial of service (DoS) in WSNs. In (Karlof and Wagner 2003), authors

discuss various routing protocol attacks that affect the throughput of the sensor network.

The possibility of Sybil attack in WSNs is briefly discussed in (Newsome, et al. 2004)

where some countermeasures for these attacks are also presented. In another work,

authors cover several possible attacks that can be launched with malicious intent

(Roosta, Shieh and Sastry 2006). This paper provides a comprehensive taxonomy of

security threats on sensor networks. In (Bojkovic, Bakmaz and Bakmaz 2008), authors

conduct a survey on security issues of WSNs. They focus on various attack scenarios in

WSNs and key distribution mechanisms. According to them, intrusion detection system

is an underdeveloped service for sensor networks that should be explored. In (Nayak,

Bhiwani and Lvanaya 2015), authors discuss about the impact of black-hole attack and

sink-hole attack on routing protocols for WSNs.

In this dissertation, we performed experiments considering an example of a flat

WSN and later using a hierarchical routing protocol known as low energy adaptive

clustering hierarchy (LEACH). A flat WSN uses multi-hop communication while in

hierarchical sensor networks the communication is performed in two ways; node to

cluster head (CH) and CH to BS as shown in Figure 2.

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Figure 2: LEACH vs. Multi-hop routing protocol

LEACH protocol is energy-efficient as compared to multi-hop routing protocols. In

LEACH, cluster nodes sense and send the sensed data to the CH in its allocated TDMA.

CH aggregates the received data from all cluster nodes and transmits it to the BS. While

in a multi-hop routing protocol, a sensor node finds a route to the BS and then uses it for

communication whenever it senses anything. Thus, this process utilizes energy at each

node and the overall energy consumption is more than that of a clustering routing


In (Yassen, Aljawaerneh and Abdulraziq 2016), authors surveyed various security

solutions that are proposed for LEACH protocol that aim to provide resilient against

outside attack by securing the data. These schemes enable LEACH protocol to deal with

secure transmission but lack to handle the reliable transmission. In (Masdari, Bazarchi

and Bidaki 2013), author discussed the security issues faced by the LEACH protocol

and the schemes that are proposed to handle them. They presented a comparison

between different cryptographic-based solution for LEACH schemes and trust-based

clustering schemes in WSNs. They concluded that these approaches put more burden on

the working of LEACH protocol and affect the energy utilization and lifetime of the

sensor nodes. They also highlighted on the requirement of an energy efficient security

solution for WSNs. In (Farooqi and Khan 2017), we presented the numerical analysis

and NS2 simulations to provide the energy efficiency of LEACH++. Results showed

that LEACH++ achieves high throughput, then LEACH under attack, and put less

burden on the LEACH protocol w.r.t energy consumption. Sundararajan et al. propose a

centralized intrusion detection system where BS is responsible for calculation of

intrusion percentage or malicious level of the sensor nodes (Sundararajan and

Arumugam 2015). Here, intrusion percentage is calculated based on the number of

messages sent or received by the CHs. In (Farooqi, Khan and Wang, et al. 2013), we

have countered the use of purely centralized approach for securing WSN with results

that are achieved after simulations. It is also discussed that such scheme does not suit

WSNs which are infrastructure-less, and where nodes are self organized. Various

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2.2 Security Issues in a Flat Wireless Sensor Networks


security threats that may degrades the performance of WSNs are discussed in following


2.2 Security Issues in a Flat Wireless Sensor Networks Security is one of the major challenges for wireless networks particularly wireless

ad hoc and sensor networks. These networks are more vulnerable to attacks than wired

networks because these are infrastructure-less and are dynamic in nature. According to

(Cordeiro and Agrawal 2006), “WSNs can be considered as a special case of ad hoc

networks with reduced or no mobility”. Ad hoc networks have several similarities with

sensor networks such as no infrastructure, distributed nodes and dynamic topology

while sensor networks differ in various aspects.

Sometimes, a legitimate user cannot communicate with other users in the network or

with the server due to some reasons even though rights are given by the network

administrator. It might be due to the DoS attack. In these attacks, the legitimate users

are not able to communicate with the server or other nodes perfectly. They affect

various layers of the protocol stack of the node whether it is a laptop, mobile host or any

other device. Security mechanisms are modelled for different networks keeping in view

the possibility of these attacks.

Our discussion relating to security issues is incomplete without knowing the proper

definition of a compromised node because these attacks are launched by the adversary

by attacking the sensor node. When an adversary gains control over a node after its

deployment, it becomes a compromised node. Adversary can launch various types of

attacks by altering the nodes’ configurations i.e. adding malicious data to messages,

selective forwarding, black-hole attack etc. It also appears normal and performs the

activities of a legitimate node. DoS attacks may be launched in many ways in WSNs.

IDS-based security mechanisms have mainly focused on the network or routing

protocol attacks. In (Karlof and Wagner 2003), authors provide detailed information

about various routing attacks. In this section, we discuss several attacks that target

routing protocol or network layer such as selective forwarding, black-hole, sink-hole,

worm-hole, homing and hello flood attack.

HELLO Flood Attack

It is a common attack in networks whether wired or wireless. In WSNs, it is

launched by a compromised node. It sends HELLO messages to its neighbors to exhaust

their battery and create congestion; hence they do not work properly. A sensor node that

malfunctions due to some physical damage may cause this attack too.

Homing Attack

A compromised node can be configured such that when it receives rebroadcast

messages, it does not forward them because it thinks that these messages are destined to


Selective Forwarding

In this type of attack, the compromised node selectively forwards messages to other

nodes and drops a fraction of messages. The amount of dropping the packets depends on

the configuration by the adversary and even sometimes, it is also set that which node’s

message should be forwarded or dropped. Consider the sensor network shown in Figure

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3. Let node C selectively forwards the received packets. Here, it will drop t fraction of

packets and forward others. It is difficult to detect this attack as node still forwards the


Figure 3: 24 sensor nodes communicating with sink in a sensor network.

Black-hole Attack

A compromised node sends wrong routing information to its neighbors and

mentions that it has a low-cost route to the sink or BS. Neighbor nodes may start

sending packets through this node. It is up to the configuration of that node whether it

drops all the packets or does something else.

Let node C is compromised by an adversary and it starts sending wrong routing

information to its neighbors A, D, F, I and J as shown in Figure 4(a). A and D will not

change their routes because they are very near to the sink, but node J will start sending

data to node C to route to the sink because it appears to be the shortest route to the sink.

Here, the target node J is in the main stream or flow of data to the BS and now more

than half of the network nodes send data through node C. It means that the sink does not

get much updates about the sensor field.

Sink-hole Attack

In the Sink-hole attack, the compromised node tries to gain more attention from its

surroundings and tries to become the parent node of its neighbors (Jahandous and

Ghassemi 2017). In MintRoute routing protocol, the compromised node sends wrong

information in route update message and becomes the parent (Giannetsos, Krontiris and

Dimitriou 2008). If it succeeds, then more traffic moves to that node like messages from

its neighbor and the neighbor’s children. It usually drops all the packets it receives, so

the BS receives less information from the sensor network.

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2.3 Security Issues in a Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks


Consider the topology mentioned in Figure 4. Let node D is compromised by an

adversary. It sends messages to its neighbors and tries to become the parent in case of

MintRoute or appears as sink. Neighbors of node D update their routes. The affected

nodes are node C, E, and J as shown in Figure 4(b). These nodes start communication

with D and packets might be dropped there. Node D receives majority of the data

packets that should be routed to the sink. So, sink or BS gets incomplete information

about the sensor field.

Figure 4: (a) Node J sending data through node C which is compromised (b) A scenario

for the sink-hole attack where node D is compromised

Worm-hole Attack

A compromised node tunnels received messages in one part of the network over a

low latency link and replays them in a different part (Tun and Maw 2008). This attack

works in cooperative manner. Two or more compromised nodes take part in degrading

the performance by tunneling maximum messages between each other. Sensor nodes

can overhear messages in promiscuous mode that are even not destined to them. In

WSNs, this attack can be easily launched in different manners such as by high powered

transmission. In this attack, nodes think that by using the tunnel they can route their

messages in lesser number of hops because the two end points of the tunnel appear near

to each other. An attacker can affect the normal operation of the routing protocol by

using the tunneling mechanisms and can control various routes.

2.3 Security Issues in a Hierarchical Wireless Sensor

Networks Routing protocols allow sensor nodes to communicate with the BS and vice versa.

(Heinzelman, Chandrakasan and Balakrishnan 2000) presented an energy-efficient

hierarchical routing protocol for WSNs called low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy

(LEACH). LEACH protocol works in rounds, and each round is composed of two

phases, i.e., setup phase and steady phase as shown in Figure 5. Setup phase takes less

time while steady phase is for longer periods of time. In the setup phase, sensor nodes

make clusters and cluster heads (CHs) set for each cluster node (Heinzelman,

Balakrishnan and Chandrakasan 2002). Different clusters use different timings to avoid

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collision among the cluster nodes. Sensor nodes send data message to their CHs in the

steady phase and these CHs deliver the message to the BS after aggregation.

• Setup phase: When the sensor nodes are deployed in a sensor field, they first

elect the CH to make a hierarchy for sending data messages to the BS. Some

CHs advertise ADV_CH message and tell other nodes to join their cluster.

Sensor nodes calculate minimum distance towards BS with each choice of the

CH. A sensor node selects one CH with whom it has minimum distance to the

BS and sends a JOIN_REQUATION CH makes a schedule and allows sensors

to share data with it in a slotted time. Different clusters use different timings to

avoid collisions among the cluster nodes.

• Steady phase: Once the sensor nodes select appropriate CH and become part of a

cluster, they send data message to their CHs after sensing the environment in

their slotted TDMA. CHs are responsible to deliver the data message after

aggregation to the BS. Hence, LEACH avoids extra usage of energy.

Figure 5: Workflow of normal LEACH protocol

LEACH avoids extra usage of energy, but it is considered vulnerable to different

types of attacks (Tripathi and Laxmi 2013) (Karlof and Wagner 2003) (Ferreira, et al.

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2.4 Miscellaneous Other security issues


2005) (Zhang, Wang and Wang. 2008) (Wu, Hu and Ni 2008) (Su, et al. 2005).

Literature review shows that most of the work has been done in providing privacy and

authentication to the data while few papers are available on the reliable transmission of

data (Sundararajan and Arumugam 2015). To ensure reliable delivery of data to the BS,

which is further transferred to the cloud, a secure and reliable routing protocol is

required. Most of the routing protocols are designed without considering security as a

key feature but focus more on energy efficiency and throughput. Hence, they become

vulnerable to routing attacks that may cause a fatal effect on the performance of these

approaches. In this work, we consider three attacks as they show similarity in launching

their impact during the setup phase of LEACH such as sink-hole, black-hole and

selective Forwarding (SBS-F) attacks. Here, a compromised node tries to become CH to

perform maliciously.

Black-hole attack

It is one of the serious security problems for WSNs. In this problem, a compromised

node uses the routing protocol to advertise wrong information to its neighbor to

intercept more packets from the neighborhood and drops all the packets (Deng, Li and

Agrawal 2002) (Al-Shurman, Yoo and Park 2004). In LEACH, a compromised node

advertises ADV_CH in each round to become CH in every round. Once it becomes the

CH of some n number of nodes, it starts dropping all the packets that it must send to

base station.

Selectively forwarding attack

It is more effective because compromised node drops sensitive packets such as

packet that reports about the movement of the enemy at a specific time. In LEACH, the

node that communicates with the BS is the CH. Hence, compromised node first tries to

become the CH and then selectively forwards the packets while drops a fraction of

incoming packets.

Sink-hole attack

It is among the intelligent attacks in WSNs. In this attack, a compromised node

makes itself more attractive to the neighboring nodes with respect to the routing metric

and gets as much traffic as possible (Karlof and Wagner 2003) (Giannetsos, Krontiris

and Dimitriou 2008). Hence, compromised node receives much data messages and

allows the adversary to launch severe attacks like dropping all or a fraction of packets

and modifying.

In LEACH, a compromised node advertises ADV_CH and wrong distance

information in each round to become CH of as much nodes as possible. Once it

becomes the CH than it performs according to the configuration set by the adversary.

2.4 Miscellaneous Other security issues A sensor network works in wireless environment using self-controlling sensor

nodes. There are a few other security issues and countermeasures discussed in (Roosta,

Shieh and Sastry 2006) and (Bojkovic, Bakmaz and Bakmaz 2008). We just highlight

them here to provide an overall picture of the security requirements for WSNs. These


• Traffic Analysis attacks

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• Key management protocols

• Attacks on Reputation Assignment schemes

• Attacks on In-Network Processing

• Target location problem

• Security in Group Communication

• Software Updating in WSNs

There are several possible attacks on the protocol stack or different layers of the

sensor node that may cause DoS (Wood and Stankovic 2002). These are discussed


• Physical layer: Jamming and tempering attacks are possible. Nodes should

change their mode of transmission or hide information in respective attacks.

• Link layer: Collisions may cause exhaustion or unfairness. Error-correcting

codes or any other mechanism might be used to avoid such attacks.

• Network or Routing layer: Black-hole, misdirection etc. can be launched at the

network layer. An intelligent work is required to stop these attacks.

• Transport layer: Attacks that can be launched at this layer are flooding and de-

synchronization. These are related to the actual data packet flow. These can be

minimized by client puzzle mechanism or authorization.

Sybil attack is caused by a Sybil node placed in the range of the wireless network. In

(Newsome, et al. 2004), authors explain about its occurrence in sensor networks.

According to them, it can affect different protocols and can play a major role in

degrading the performance of the wireless network. The Sybil node appears in the

network with multiple identities. It acts as if multiple nodes are functioning. Once it

gets into the network, it can overhear the communications of neighbor nodes or can act

maliciously (i.e. causing DoS). It may control network activities and can damage the

network performance. It can play a major role in providing malicious information by

attacking different protocols of WSNs.

2.5 Summary Cloud computing will play a major role in providing healthcare services to smart

homes, healthcare institutes, e-healthcare systems, and people at remote locations.

Cloud computing offers the capability to access shared resources and common

infrastructure in a ubiquitous and pervasive manner. The computation and analysis

performed at the cloud is based on the accuracy of the data received from the sensor

nodes. WSNs are vulnerable to various types of security threats. In this, chapter we

discussed the nature of different kinds of attacks and the way they effect the

performance by affecting the throughput of the network. We describe these attacks for

two kinds of network communication whether it is multi-hop or cluster based.

An example of 24 nodes is depicted for flat WSN that uses multi-hop

communication to illustrate the mostly used routing attacks for evaluating security

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2.5 Summary


schemes. Here, we discussed the way black-hole, sink-hole, selectively forwarding,

worm-hole and hello forwarding attacks are launched in the multi-hop routing scheme.

LEACH protocol is a well-known hierarchical routing protocol. It is used to explain

the effect of routing attacks in clustering routing algorithms. Here, we explained the

launching pattern of selective forwarding, black-hole and sink-hole attacks in

hierarchical routing scheme. It shows that these attacks may affect the throughput and

degrade the overall performance of the network that may lead to wrong output.

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Intrusion Detection Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks


Chapter 3

Intrusion Detection Systems for

Wireless Sensor Networks

3.1 Introduction Security is considered in terms of secure transmission and reliable delivery of data

(Sedjelmaci and Senouci 2014). Secure transmission means that data received at the

destination is exact the same as send by source and is not altered or copied during

travelling. While reliable delivery deals with the throughput of the system. It keeps

track of the data sent and received at the destination whether it is destined or dropped in

the way. In this dissertation, our work focusses on the reliable delivery of data by

detecting inside attackers and preventing the network from their further impact. The

solution is an intrusion detection framework.

Intrusion detection system (IDS) (Innella and McMillan 2001) is a security

mechanism used to detect the abnormal behavior of the mobile nodes in ad hoc

networks (Wang 2006), and clients in IMS (Farooqi and Munir 2008). Earlier, it is

thought that “IDS is not fit” for securing WSNs. It seemed true because IDS approaches

are computationally expensive. But there is a rapid change in technology and keeping in

mind the future perspectives; the capabilities of a sensor node will increase. The sensors

will have more memory and survival time and might be used for transmitting

multimedia information (Akyildiz, Melodia and Chowdhury 2007). Furthermore, these

devices will be used for underwater applications in future (Heidemann, et al. 2006).

Hence, there is a requirement of a secure WSN that ensures secure transmission and

reliable delivery of packets in the network.

IDS-based mechanisms can be very effective. They can detect the abnormal

behavior of the sensor nodes such as sink-hole, black-hole, selective forwarding, hello

flood, and other DoS attacks. In IDS, the unit that analyzes the network and detects the

abnormal behavior of node(s) is called an IDS agent. It works in three phases;

collection, processing and action. Initially, the network data is collected for a specified

interval of time. Processing depends on the detection mechanism. There are three types

of detection techniques; misuse detection, anomaly-based detection and specification-

based detection. In misuse detection, the system searches for some specific patterns or

signatures to detect the intruder while in anomaly-based detection; system learns about

the normal behavior of the network and then declares anything that deviates from a

specified pattern that it has learnt. Rules are made in specification-based detection for

attacks to analyze the behavior of the nodes. If it violates n numbers of rules, it is

declared as abnormal. After detection, an alert is generated to perform some appropriate

action. Misuse detection is also known as signature-based detection. It only detects

known attacks and does not perform well for unknown attacks. On the other hand, both

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3.1 Introduction


anomaly and specification-based techniques detect known and unknown attacks

efficiently and achieve low false positive rate. That is why; the researchers are focusing

on improving the existing mechanisms or coming up with innovations in these two

kinds of detection techniques.

A survey on anomaly detection mechanisms is conducted in (Rajasegarar, Leckie

and Palansiwami 2008), which classify them into two categories (according to their

model); parametric or non-parametric techniques (see Table 1). Their work focuses only

on anomaly-based techniques and they discuss and compare five different approaches.

The paper does not provide a complete picture of IDS approaches that are proposed for


Table 1: Parametric Vs Non-Parametric

Parametric Non-Parametric

Data distribution Known Not known

Usage App. dependent Resource constrained

Data changes Not frequently Frequently

Sensor nodes Static Static or mobile

Approach Multivariate Rule or density based, Clustering, CUSUM

Several attacks that influence the overall working of WSNs are briefly discussed in

(Bojkovic, Bakmaz and Bakmaz 2008). According to them, “IDS is an interesting,

underdeveloped service, useful for scenarios where there is a possibility for a node

being subverted and controlled by an adversary”. Since recently, researchers have

proposed several IDS-based security mechanisms that analyze the working of sensor

node(s) and efficiently detect abnormal activities. They mostly focus on routing

protocol attacks for explaining their detection methodologies. Their work differs from

each other in two ways i.e. installation of IDS agent and the detection policy. There are

three possibilities of installing an IDS agent; purely centralized, purely distributed and

distributed-centralized. In the first approach, it is installed only at sink or BS while in

the second approach; IDS agent is present in every sensor node. In the third approach,

only monitor nodes are used for intrusion detection.

Intrusion detection system is a mature research field in wired networks as well as in

ad hoc networks. In sensor networks, it is still a new area that can be explored further.

Researchers have proposed many IDS-based methodologies for wired or ad hoc

networks, but these cannot be applied directly to WSNs due to the limitations of sensor

networks (directed towards sink or BS) and capabilities of sensor nodes (Butun,

Morgera and Sankar 2013). Standard intrusion detection that works better for wired

networks is not appropriate for WSNs because it is computationally expensive for the

sensor nodes. Energy-efficient intrusion detection system is more favorable for these

networks (Techateerawat and Jennings 2006). In this chapter, we provide a brief

introduction of IDS and the IDS-based security schemes for WSNs. Further, we discuss

the various IDS-based schemes that targeted the LEACH routing protocol for their

analysis and testing.

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Intrusion Detection Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks


3.2 Intrusion detection system Intrusion detection system (IDS) is a system that checks the network behavior and

finds the nodes that are not working normally. IDS-based security mechanisms are

proposed for other network paradigms too (Iqbal and Calix 2016). It is a mature

research field for wired networks or ad hoc networks while it is an emerging area of

research cloud integrated WSNs. IDS is an additional unit installed at the clients or

server or both. This unit is called IDS agent. IDS agent works in three essential

sequential steps (Innella and McMillan 2001); monitor network behavior, detect the

intrusion, and respond to the abnormal activity. In other words, we say that the IDS

agent works in three phases and each phase has a unit such as:

• Collection unit: It collects the network data.

• Detection unit: It performs detection policy accordingly to find intrusions.

• Response unit: It generates alert in case of abnormal node detection.

Various approaches are used to develop these systems depending on the nature of

the network architecture. In this section, we explain various ways of installation of the

IDS agent and define various detection policies.

3.2.1 IDS Agent Installation

IDS agent performs an important task for securing network from intrusive attacks.

Researchers use three different ways of installing IDS agent in WSNs. These are; purely

centralized, purely distributed and distributed-centralized.

Purely Centralized IDS Agent Installation Mechanism

In WSNs, sensor nodes sense the environment and transmit processed information

to the sink or BS. All the sensor nodes scattered in the sensor area communicate with

the sink and the analysis of the field is done by users or human beings. In purely

centralized IDS approach, IDS agent is installed in the sink or BS. It requires an

additional special routing protocol that gathers or collects information from nodes to

analyze the behavior of the sensor nodes collectively.

Purely Distributed IDS Agent Installation Mechanism

Sensor nodes work in a distributed manner. In purely distributed IDS approach, IDS

agent is installed in every node. It checks the abnormal behavior of neighboring nodes

locally. It analyzes the data that it receives from nodes in its radio range. Sensor nodes

audit that data and generate alerts for abnormal activity. There are further two ways for

declaring a node as compromised or not. In individualized decision making, node that

detects the anomalous behavior of another node sends that information to the sink or

BS. In cooperative decision making, node that detects the anomalous behavior of any

node communicates with other nodes and finally that node is declared compromised

after voting. If majority of the nodes validate it then proper action is taken to secure the

network according to the configuration.

Distributed-Centralized IDS Agent Installation Mechanism

Cluster-head approach lowers the power consumption and efficiently reduces the

control overhead. This approach is used in hierarchical routing protocols. Cluster-heads

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3.3 IDS-based security mechanisms for Wireless Sensor Networks


have more capabilities than other ordinary nodes. The concept of monitor node is

derived from this philosophy. In distributed-centralized approach, IDS agent is installed

in monitor nodes only. This node performs two types of functions simultaneously. First,

it performs the activities of the normal nodes and secondly, it checks for intrusion

detection. The logic behind that approach is to minimize the detection overhead faced

by purely distributed approaches.

3.2.2 Detection Policy

In an intrusion detection system, the detection of intrusions is the major phase.

There are three different policies of detection; misuse detection, anomaly-based

detection and specification-based detection.

Misuse Detection System

There are various attacks that follow same sequence of steps to launch their effect.

In misuse detection system, these sequences of steps are used to detect these attacks.

This detection mechanism is also called signature-based detection. It is like pattern

matching and works better for known attacks only and cannot cater unknown attacks.

In this approach, abnormal behavior is defined for the network, e.g., by making a

log file of signatures of known attacks. The network is then simulated to evaluate the

performance of the designed technique. Every instance is matched with the entries of

the log file to detect the attack scenario. That is why; this approach is quite expensive

especially for sensor nodes.

Anomaly-based Detection System

Signature-based approach cannot detect the attacks for which signature (known

pattern) is not present. There are several attacks that change the signatures frequently.

These attacks are hard to detect using these mechanisms. Anomaly-based systems

provide a security environment in which anything that deviates from the normal

behavior are declared anomalous or malicious.

In this approach, normal behavior of the network is defined, and any other behavior

is declared intrusive. An anomaly detection algorithm learns about the normal behavior

of the targeted network during normal simulation of the network. It sets some thresholds

etc. during this period. These help in detection of intrusions in attack scenarios.

Specification-based Detection System

Specification-based detection system works by defining rules for attacks. A sensor

node’s behavior is checked against each rule sequentially. There is a failure bit

associated with each node. If the sensor node violates any rule, failure bit is

incremented. If the number of failures of a node increases than a threshold (adjusted for

normal situation) after an interval of time ‘t’; an alert about that node is generated.

3.3 IDS-based security mechanisms for Wireless Sensor

Networks Since recently, various intrusion detection systems have been proposed for detecting

compromised nodes in WSNs (Gunasekaran and Periakaruppan 2017). We categorize

these methodologies into three major classes depending upon the way they install IDS

agent in the network. Table 2 categorizes the IDS-based security mechanisms based on

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Intrusion Detection Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks


detection policy, decision making, and attacks encountered. It indicates that researchers

mostly targeted routing protocol attacks. In detection policy, “Any” shows that authors

do not specify any way while “Both” means that the proposed approach uses the

benefits of signature-based as well as anomaly-based detection techniques.

Table 2: IDS-based security mechanisms for WSNs

Proposed Approach IDS Agent





Making Attacks

Spontaneous Watchdog

(Roman, Zhou and Lopez



distributed Any

Sensor node




Cooperative local auditing

(Krontiris and Dimitriou 2007) Purely




Sensor node




Neighbour Trust based

Intrusion Detection (Sajjad

and Yousaf 2015)




based Individually Routing

Fixed-width clustering (Loo,

et al. 2006) Purely




Sensor node by

its Individual



Artificial Immune System

(Drozda, Schaust and

Szczerbicka 2007)





Sensor node by

its Individual



Intrusion aware validation

algorithm (Shaikh, et al. 2008) Purely




Sensor node




Pair-based approach

(Ahmed, et al. 2008)


distributed Both Pairing node -------

Group Based Detection


(Li, He and Fu 2008)




based Root node Routing

ANDES algorithm (Gupta,

Zheng and Cheng 2007)




based BS Phys./Routing

Application Independent

Framework (Zhang, Yu and

Ning 2008)




based Sink or BS -------

Decentralized intrusion

detection Model (Da Silva, et

al. 2005)




based Monitor node Trans./Routing

Hybrid intrusion detection

system (Hai, Khan and Huh



Centralized Both Cluster Head Routing

Cumulative Summation

(Phuong, et al. 2006)




based Monitor node Trans./Routing

Matrix based detection

(Pandey, et al. 2016)




based IDS agent Routing

Multi-agent trust-based

intrusion detection scheme

(Jin, et al. 2017)




based Cluster Head Routing

Signaling game-based

strategy (Shen and Cao 2011)




based Cluster Head Routing

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3.3 IDS-based security mechanisms for Wireless Sensor Networks


Hybrid trust-based intrusion

detection (Ozcelik, Irmak and

Ozdemir 2017)




based Cluster Head Routing

3.3.1 Purely Distributed Approach

A sensor node has its own memory unit, processing unit, sensing unit and

communication unit. It senses the environment using its sensing unit. It stores that data

in the memory unit for some interval of time. It processes data with the help of the

processing unit. Finally, it communicates this data to the sink in a hop-by-hop manner.

Hence, the sensor node works independently. In purely distributed mechanisms, IDS

agent is installed in each sensor node to analyze the working of the other node(s). In this

section, we discuss several approaches that focus on this idea.

Spontaneous Watchdog Approach

In (Roman, Zhou and Lopez 2006), authors claim for giving an idea of IDS

architecture for the first time. They introduce a neighbor monitoring technique known

as spontaneous watchdog. According to them, IDS agent is installed in every sensor

node. It has a data structure containing two types of information; knowledge about

previously declared malicious nodes and a list of legitimate neighbors.

IDS agent also has two detection bodies; local agent and global agent. Local agent

audits data that comes from those nodes that lie inside its radio range or are its

neighbors. It generates alert if any node works abnormally, such as flooding or if it

receives message from a node that is not present in the neighbor list. On the other hand,

a node activates its global agent if it senses any communication in promiscuous mode

about any of its neighboring nodes. Here, global agent acts like a spontaneous

watchdog. This agent now discovers that how many neighboring nodes have activated

their global agent. If there are n global agents in the same situation, then the node works

like a spontaneous watchdog with a probability of 1/n. It checks whether nodes

rebroadcast received message (s) or not.

Consider a sensor network shown in Figure 6. Let node I senses some movement

and broadcasts after processing to node C for further rebroadcast. Now, according to the

proposed methodology, anyone among the common neighbors of nodes C and I

activates global agent such as node F or J as shown in Figure 6. It senses the network in

promiscuous mode until it receives rebroadcast message from node C in time interval

‘t’. If it does not receive, it generates an alert about the abnormality of node C. In this

approach, the activation of the global agent is an important issue that should be handled

carefully because sensor nodes are independent.

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Intrusion Detection Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks


Figure 6: Common neighbors of node C and node I

Cooperative Local Auditing

Key management protocols, authentication protocols and secure routing provide

security to WSNs against outside attacks but fail to secure from inside strong attacks. A

specification-based cooperative local auditing mechanism for detection of selective

forwarding and black-hole attacks is proposed in (Krontiris and Dimitriou 2007).

Authors further extend their work for sink-hole attack in (Krontiris, Dimitriou and

Giannetsos, et al. 2007). According to their approach, IDS agent is installed in each

sensor node. Here, IDS agent is composed of five main components as shown in Figure

7 i.e., local packet monitoring, local detection engine, cooperative detection engine,

communication, and local response.

Figure 7: Major components of IDS agent in cooperative local auditing

The local packet monitoring component gathers packet from the radio frequency

range of the node and transmits to the local detection engine. Specification-based

detection mechanism is applied to find intrusions. The authors have mentioned four

rules in their papers from which two rules are for detecting black-hole, selective

forwarding and sink-hole attacks and the other two relate to an action. Local detection

engine performs this task. It checks whether messages of a node obey the rules or not. If

it violates the specifications, then an alert is sent to the cooperative detection engine.

This component then communicates with other nodes to check the status of that node

there. If majority of the nodes validate the maliciousness of that node, then an alert is

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3.3 IDS-based security mechanisms for Wireless Sensor Networks


passed to the local response. There may be different types of responses to secure the

network from compromised nodes depending upon the configuration.

In (Krontiris and Dimitriou 2007), authors mention specification or rules for

detecting selective forwarding or black-hole attacks. An example helps here in

understanding the phenomenon. Consider the black-hole scenario discussed before for

network topology shown in Figure 3. Let node J sends data packet to node C after

sensing the environment. According to the proposed rule, node J buffers that packet for

some time t. It waits for node C to rebroadcast that packet. If it does not rebroadcast,

then it increments a failure counter corresponding to node C. If it forwards, then node J

removes that packet from the buffer. Let failure counter meets a certain limit for node

C, node J generates an alert. It communicates with its neighbor about the maliciousness

of node C and voting takes place.

In another paper (Krontiris, Dimitriou and Giannetsos, et al. 2007), authors discuss

about the possibility of the sink-hole attack in MintRoute routing protocol. They

extended their previous work and added rules for the sink-hole attack too. According to

that, sensor node generates an alert whenever the malicious node tries to impersonate

another node. According to them, the node checks the ID of the sender. Here, for each

route_update packet, the sender ID should be different from its own ID and it should be

only from its neighbors. It generates an alert in any other situation. When an intrusion is

detected such as sink-hole attack, sensor nodes start sharing their neighbor list to

identify the malicious node. In sink-hole attack, it is observed that the compromised

node lies in the intersection of different nodes. Following is a scenario after information

sharing by the neighbors:

Node C: {A, D, F, I, J} ∩ {C, D, I, M} ∩ {C, D} = {D}

Node B: {D, E} ∩ {B, D, G, J} = {D}

Node J: {C, D, I, M} ∩ {A, D, F, I, J} ∩ {B, D, G, J} = {D}

After analyzing this, a collective result is maintained, and it satisfies in the above

scenario that node D is an abnormal node. A comprehensive alert is generated for BS or

sink to take immediate steps to avoid the influence of the compromised node.

Neighbor Trust based Intrusion Detection

An IDS that maintains the trust values of its neighboring nodes is proposed in

(Sajjad and Yousaf 2015). These trust values guide about the trustworthiness of the

node, whether it should be used for forwarding again or not. They claim that the

proposed scheme works better for hello flood, selective forwarding and jamming


Fixed-width Clustering Algorithm

A well-known distributed anomaly detection mechanism is discussed in (Loo, et al.

2006). In this approach, twelve various features like number of packets received or sent

or broadcast, route request sent or forwarded or received etc. are loaded. These features

are used to determine mean or standard deviation for each neighboring node in normal

messaging. These values are normalized to get a single value. This value is utilized to

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Intrusion Detection Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks


form fixed width clusters. If it is close to any cluster central value, it is placed in that

cluster. Otherwise, it forms another cluster and becomes a central value of that cluster.

A range is also calculated for it. These values are also calculated by simulating various

attack scenarios and are placed in the cluster. After analyzing these clusters, the

compromised nodes are detected. It is assumed that those clusters that have fewer points

indicate the abnormal activity.

According to the algorithm, the IDS agent is installed in every node and all the

nodes act as monitor nodes. Two challenges are faced for presenting this model. First

challenge is the identification of the features. These are used to identify attack while

appropriate anomaly detection mechanism is the second challenge. Twelve features are

identified to analyze the behavior of the network. Nine features relate to non-traffic

properties while other three are related to the traffic. A network simulation is created to

discover the mean values and standard deviation of these features in normal messaging.

These values are then utilized to detect the abnormal behavior of the network in attack

scenarios. These features are depicted below:

Feature 1 relates to the number of messages received from a node in some interval

of time t. It is useful in detecting flood attacks.

Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) is a well-known reactive routing

protocol. In WSNs, sensor nodes create a route to sink by broadcasting Route Request

(RREQ) message when they require route. This message is transmitted hop-by-hop until

the route is discovered or time to live (TTL) expires. Once a node has active route to the

sink or sink is its next hop, it replies with a Route Reply message (RREP). Features 2, 3,

4 are number of RREQ received, sent or dropped respectively. These features can be

helpful in detecting sink-hole attack. This is because, in sink-hole attack, a

compromised node tries to broadcast wrong route information to affect the routes.

Other three features are also related to AODV routing protocol; number of RREP

received, forwarded or sent are 5th, 6th and 7th feature respectively. These are mainly

affected by a compromised node in routing attacks. Feature 8 and 9 are errors received

or sent respectively about the route request messages.

Last three (10, 11 and 12) traffic related features are: the changes that occur to a

route of a node to deliver the messages to the BS, mean and standard deviation of the

number of hops to the BS respectively.

The next challenge is the anomaly detection mechanism. Data is collected from the

surrounding nodes or neighbor nodes for some interval of time. It is used to detect the

malicious activity and nodes that are acting abnormally. Here, the sensor nodes work in

two phases after collecting the data i.e., training and testing. Training phase involves

three sequential processes. Data is collected for a specified time and each dataset

contains data items. Each data item is a vector of attributes or features, containing

values about any node. Now, in the first step, data items are normalized to a possible

range based on a formula using mean and standard deviation. Secondly, normalized data

values are checked that how much it differs from the previous centroid of clusters

having fixed radius. If the value is close to some defined degree, it is kept in that

cluster, else it forms another centroid and a radius is calculated for it. So, if any other

data item lies in this range, it will become a part of that cluster. Finally, a label is

assigned to the clusters. Abnormal nodes are less as compared to the normal nodes. So,

the cluster(s) with minimal activities than a threshold (keep for normal behavior) are

labelled as malicious and the others as normal. After training, testing phase inquires

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3.3 IDS-based security mechanisms for Wireless Sensor Networks


whether these nodes efficiently detect the anomalies or not. According to the authors,

their proposed methodology can detect the simulated routing attacks efficiently while

gaining low false positive rate.

Artificial Immune System

Artificial immune system (AIS) is used as an anomaly detection mechanism in

wired networks as well as in ad hoc networks (Drozda and Szczerbicka 2006). It works

like human immune system (HIS) that safeguards human body from various viral or

bacterial attacks. In (Drozda, Schaust and Szczerbicka 2007), they introduce an AIS-

based detection mechanism for WSNs because it is computationally less expensive and

provide better detection performance. They explain design principles for their proposed

methodology and perform experiments by simulating in NS-2 to show the effectiveness

of their approach. They focus on MAC layer and network layer attacks and call them

misbehavior attacks. Mostly, these attacks are launched by compromised nodes in the

sensor network like medium access selfishness (node holds the medium), flooding,

wormhole, Sybil, etc. In AIS, the system maintains a list of self-strings (normal

behavior) and non-self strings (misbehavior).

Figure 8: Negative selection for generating Non-self string. Input: random generated string and

output: Non-self string

The system learns normal behavior by maintaining strings called self-strings from

the header of each received message. After that, random generate and test process is

introduced to form detector set as shown in Figure 8. Self strings are compared with

randomly generated strings. If newly produced string matches the self-string, it is

rejected; else it is stored in the detector set. Now, new strings are again randomly

produced. These are compared with detector set entities. If match appears, it confirms

the positive nature of a non-self string and it is stored in the list of non-self string. This

process is called negative selection because it determines those behaviors (strings) that

are used for determining abnormal activity. When this process completes, attacks are

launched to analyze false positive rate.

Intrusion-aware Validation Algorithm

An algorithm is proposed in (Shaikh, et al. 2008) for identifying compromised

nodes if they generate alerts against normal nodes and give an impression that it is

malicious. It enhances those distributed cooperative IDS systems that lack confirmation

about the source of the alert because compromised nodes can generate false alarms

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about normal node(s). It works in two phases. In consensus phase, node checks after

receiving any alert about the occurrence of the malicious activity that whether it is any

declared (available in list) abnormal node or not. If the information is not available, then

it checks the anomaly type and the threat level. It randomly selects n number of

neighbors, according to the threat level, for consensus and sends confirmation request

packet(s). When any node receives confirmation request packet, decision phase

activates. Neighbor node replies with three types of responses: 1 agrees with claim, 0

don't know and -1 does not agree with the claim. Sensor node takes decision based on

the responses received from the randomly selected nodes. There are three possible

decisions; validate (node is abnormal), no consensus (not identified) and invalidate

(node that sends the alert is compromised).

It is clear from the above discussion that intrusion-aware validation algorithm helps

those methodologies that lack the confirmation about the source of alert because

compromised nodes can generate false alarms for normal nodes. On the other hand, it

increases energy consumption and computational and control overhead too.

Pair-based Abnormal Node Detection

A novel distributed abnormal node detection technique is proposed in (Ahmed, et al.

2008). It uses both signature and anomaly-based techniques to identify compromised

nodes. In this technique, the sensor network is divided into pairs that further lead to

form groups. These groups communicate with each other in hierarchical way. They are

controlled by central pairs or cluster-heads.

There are two challenges; creation of pair(s) that further leads to form group(s) and

detection mechanism for abnormal activity. There are some important points for making

pairs. These are as follow:

1. A pair is made between adjacent nodes according to some attribute such as

distance from the adjacent node, energy of the node, response time etc.

2. If any new node enters the network, initially, it searches for lonely available

node in its neighborhood. If no node is available, then it broadcasts a request to

make pair.

3. The first pair that is formed after deployment of the nodes in the sensor field is

known to be the central pair. There might be several central pairs in the sensor

field. These central pairs further form groups of nodes. These groups further

communicate with each other in hierarchical way. They are controlled by central

pairs because they act as cluster-heads.

Every sensor node audits the behavior of its pairing node. It has a local detection

engine and a local knowledge-base while there are two central containers; central

knowledge-base and central signature key management engine as shown in Figure 9.

These help in the detection of abnormal nodes in the network. Among the two, central

signature key management engine is responsible for secure transmission of messages

between the pairs and groups. It always communicates with the local detection engine to

verify the node.

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Figure 9: Two nodes work in a pair to check the behavior of each other

Data is collected based on some predefined features by the local knowledge-base

about pairing node and is used by the local detection engine to detect the anomaly.

Central knowledge-based collects and stores information about all the nodes present in

the group or outside the group. The information updates when an anomalous behavior is

detected inside the group or outside and it shares the relevant information about the

nodes with local knowledge base of individual nodes to clarify the true picture of the

pairing node. Similarly, when an individual node finds any anomaly, it updates the

central database too. It performs anomaly detection by consulting the local database and

if it does not find any maliciousness, it contacts the central database to detect the


Group-based Detection Scheme

A group-based detection mechanism is proposed in (Li, He and Fu 2008) that works

in two phases. The sensor network is partitioned into n number of groups. Authors

assume that all the nodes of a group should perform the same task such as sensing some

attribute of the environment; and the sensed information should differ from each other

with certain threshold “th”. In this phase, each node generates a randomized number

T_Rnd. If it does not receive any group joining request during this time, it makes itself

the root of a new group and broadcasts this information with its neighborhood to join its

group. Once a node receives any group joining request:

• It determines the Euclidean distance between the sensed data of itself with that

of the root node of a group. This should be less than or equal to th/2.

• It calculates the number of hops to that root which should be less than or equal

to a predefined maximum number of hops within a group.

If a node satisfies the above two conditions, it joins this group. After grouping the

sensor field, the second phase starts that is intrusion detection.

Initially, sensor nodes are grouped together based on the similarity between their

sensed data. This information can be utilized to detect the abnormal activity of a node

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during attack scenarios. When a malicious activity is detected, the root or monitor node

broadcasts a message containing four attributes i.e., alert, charged node, monitor node,

and timestamp, where alert is the type of attack, charged node is the compromised node,

monitor node is the one which performed intrusion detection, and timestamp assures

that the message is fresh. Now, if the neighboring nodes receive N number of alert

messages from the same monitor node for the same charged node, it starts monitoring

the activities of both the charged node and the monitor node in promiscuous mode. If it

finds that the node is malfunctioning, then it removes it from its routing table.

Monitor node collects various types of data of the sensor nodes for auditing the

behavior. Sensed data can be utilized to find fabricated information attack. Packet

sending and receiving rates are used to detect energy exhausting and sink-hole attacks

respectively. Whereas, packet dropping rate and sending power can be helpful for

analyzing the behavior for black hole attacks and worm hole attacks respectively.

Authors find low false alarm rate after applying the proposed methodology on a real

data acquired from 54 nodes situated in Intel Berkeley Research Lab in 2004.

3.3.2 Purely Centralized Approach

In several schemes, sink or BS collects some specific information from sensor nodes

using some routing protocol and analyzes it to detect intrusions.


A centralized anomaly detection mechanism for detecting fail-stop failures and

several routing protocol attacks is presented in (Gupta, Zheng and Cheng 2007). It

works in two main phases i.e., collection of information and detection. ANDES gathers

information from the sensor network using two sources; data plane (normal or regular

collection of data in the sensor network) and management plane (specific information

from sensor nodes using a specialized routing protocol).

Sink or BS collects sufficient information before applying anomaly detection. This

approach consists of three main components. In collection of application data, sink or

BS collects regular data but there are a few assumptions regarding that data. A node

sends its ID with each packet and after a certain time, each node generates a packet.

When the data arrives at sink, it records the sequence number of the last n messages

received from a node. It updates the time-stamp of the last received data packet from

that node and updates the total number of application packets received from each node.

Collection of management information is the second component. An additional

management routing protocol collects attributes such as address, parent, hops, send_cnt,

receive_cnt, and fwd_cnt from each node after an interval of time. Detection policy

analyzes gathered information to find anomalous behavior of the sensor node(s) or

intrusions. It works in three phases; analysis of application data, analysis of

management data and cross-checking to determine the root cause of the attack.

ANDES algorithm analyzes the application data to maintain a list of active and

connective nodes to declare the current state of each node. The states are normal,

abnormal and unattached or replicate, while it performs three operations on the

management data which are: setup active sets, create routes, and self-learning. Nodes'

response to the queries of the management routing protocol are kept in active set.

ANDES creates routes to each node to find whether it is reachable or not. Self learning

is a machine leaning algorithm like decision tree (Mitchell 1997). It is applied to four

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attributes namely fwd_cnt, send_cnt, receive_cnt, and failure_cnt. In the start, normal

operations are assumed, and ANDES calculates the baseline values during the first k

epochs. These values change at the end of subsequent updates and are compared with

their changing averages.

ANDES utilizes the information to identify abnormal node(s) that gather from

application plane and management plane. Cross check helps in the taxonomy of the


Fail-stop failure: If analysis of application data of any node shows that it is not

available, and that node is not in the active set (maintained from management data),

ANDES considers it as a failed node and eliminates it from the network.

Selective forwarding, Black-hole and Sink-hole attack: Consider node C, a

compromised node that launches black-hole, sink-hole or selective forwarding attack

(Network topology shown in Figure 3).

Node F: Sink A C F

Node H: Sink A C F H

Node I: Sink A C I

Node O: Sink A C I O

Node J: Sink A C J

According to ANDES, initially nodes are considered white or normal. After

applying create route operation (construct paths toward sink), nodes are marked as

white or black. This tells that F, H, I, O, and J are not available still they are active.

They are not children of any failed node too. Depth first search algorithm finds the

normal node that contains black child. This node is declared as malicious like node C in

this example.

Flooding: It is identified from careful analysis of receive_cnt of each node. It causes

a change in the average. If it is above certain limit or threshold, the sensor node is

declared abnormal.

Application Independent Framework

In (Zhang, Yu and Ning 2008), authors present simple graph theory-based approach

that efficiently detects compromised beacon nodes. Beacon nodes provide location

information to the sensor nodes. It is assumed that the IDS agent is installed at the

beacon nodes. It produces alerts about the maliciousness of the sensor nodes. A

compromised beacon node transmits false information about other nodes and degrades

the performance of the routing protocol. It is not a purely centralized IDS methodology

because nodes are also playing a role in detection. It is classified in this category

because the proposed detection framework works at sink or BS only. In this, beacon

nodes generate alerts about the malicious activity. Sink or BS receives these alerts by

any secure transmission protocol. Once efficient amount of data is gathered, it applies

the proposed graph theory-based detection mechanism to find whether the information

is received from reliable source or not.

Authors of this approach propose an application independent framework. Their

focus is about identifying the source of information; whether it is reliable one or

compromised. Global Positioning System (GPS) is expensive if it is installed in each

sensor node. The concept of beacon node is resource efficient for networks that have

location-based routing. Major components of the proposed framework are observability

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graph, alerts, sensor behavior model, observer model, security estimation, and

identification function.

3.3.3 Distributed-Centralized Approach

Generally, a hybrid technique combines best features of two or more different

approaches to achieve better performance. Distributed-Centralized is a hybrid approach

that combines both purely-centralized and purely-distributed approaches. In this

approach, IDS agent is installed in some nodes called monitor nodes. Monitor node

listens in two modes; normal and promiscuous. In normal listening, monitor node

interprets and forwards after processing (application dependent) those messages that are

destined to it. It is like other regular sensor nodes because they perform same operation

after receiving destined messages. In promiscuous listening, monitor node interprets all

the messages whether they are destined to it or not.

In (Atakli, et al. 2008), authors favor those approaches that work on the principle of

distributed-centralized over purely distributed. They avoid the complexity of using an

additional specialized routing protocol (purely centralized approach) and limit the

overall energy consumption of sensor nodes (purely distributed approach).

Decentralized Intrusion Detection Model

A specification-based distributed centralized IDS mechanism that is well-known in

the field of IDS for WSNs is proposed in (Da Silva, et al. 2005). They simulate it in

C++ to analyze the detection rate. In this mechanism, authors test each specification by

changing the configuration of an abnormal node or compromised node that is located at

same location in the sensor field. There are 100 common nodes with 28 monitor nodes.

These are distributed randomly in the sensor field such that two monitor nodes surround

abnormal node and other common nodes are present around it. Results show that their

approach works better and detects abnormal behavior effectively while achieving less

false positive rate.

Figure 10: Monitor node

IDS agent is installed in the monitor node. It works in three phases as shown in

Figure 10. These are:

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Data Acquisition: Here, the monitor node listens in promiscuous mode. It maintains

an array data structure for each node. It contains information about those nodes that lie

in its neighborhood.

Rules Application: In this phase, the monitor node checks whether any node violates

any rule or not, after collecting enough data in the first phase. There is a failure counter

for each node. If a node's data structure violates any rule, its respective counter is

incremented. Monitor node applies rules for various attacks in the following way:

• Exhaustion attack: An interval rule detects exhaustion attack. In this, monitor

node checks the time interval of two consecutive messages sent by a node. If the

node sends messages frequently with a rate greater than others or with a certain

limit; failure information for that node is updated in the history table (stores

failure information).

• Selective forwarding or Black-hole attacks: Retransmission rule detects these

types of attacks. The monitor node interprets the collected data and finds

whether the next hop of message m has retransmitted or forwarded the received

message or not in time t. Consider black-hole or selective forwarding attack

scenario depicted in Chapter 2. If node C does not retransmit messages, then the

monitor node updates the number of failures for it.

• Flooding attack: This type of attack is detected using repetition rule. According

to this rule; monitor node analyzes node's behavior by auditing the message

whether it transmits same message again and again or anything else. If it

broadcasts same data messages for n number of times greater than a certain

retransmission range, the numbers of failures are updated in the history table.

Similarly, other rules like integrity rule, delay rule and jamming rule are used for

detecting message modification, delay and jamming attacks respectively.

Intrusion Detection: In this phase, the monitor node evaluates failure history table of

each node. If the counter value exceeds from a certain threshold ‘th’ in time interval ‘t’,

an alert is generated about that node. Authors simulate decentralized intrusion detection

model in their own simulator (Su, et al. 2005). This IDS simulator is implemented in

C++. Results show that their methodology is energy-efficient and achieves detection

rate of 100% for black- hole, selective forwarding and worm-hole attacks.

Hybrid Intrusion Detection System

A cluster-based detection mechanism is presented in (Hai, Khan and Huh 2007) that

finds the intrusion using a hybrid detection policy which unites the benefits of misuse

and anomaly-based detection techniques. Authors acknowledge and use the knowledge

of two previous approaches that are discussed in this paper and one other for deciding

the clustering methodology. These are summarized below:

Clustering algorithm: The sensor network is organized into clusters as discussed by

(Heinzelman, Chandrakasan and Balakrishnan 2000). There is a cluster-head (CH) in

each cluster. Sensor nodes are part of any one cluster. They sense the environment

according to their configuration and communicate with the CH. CH aggregates the

gathered data and further communicates with sink or BS through other CHs. This

reduces the overall control overhead.

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IDS agent architecture: Spontaneous watchdog approach is applied. Every node

contains the IDS agent. Whenever a sensor node detects any malicious activity whether

through local agent or global agent, it sends an alert to the cluster-head (CH). Here,

cluster-head acts like a local BS. It takes decision when it receives alerts greater than or

equal to some X (threshold) about any node. It communicates this information with

other nodes of the cluster and they update their malicious node database.

Detection policy: Local agent contains the signatures of maliciously detected nodes

in its database, so it avoids those packets that it receives from such nodes. While the

global agent works in promiscuous mode if activated.

Routing attacks such as selective forwarding, sink-hole, hello flood and worm-hole

can be detected using this mechanism. Results achieved from mathematical analysis

show that the probability of detection of an attack increases with the increase of monitor


Cumulative Summation

An anomaly-based distributed-centralized detection mechanism to analyze the

behavior of nodes is discussed in (Phuong, et al. 2006). It secures WSN from three

categories of attacks by an anomaly detection algorithm called Cumulative Summation

(CUSUM). The three categories are:

• Compromised nodes attract the attention of other nodes as done in black-hole,

sink-hole or worm-hole attacks.

• Affect the packets' data such as collision.

• Compromised node floods packets to exhaust resources of other nodes.

IDS agent is installed in the monitor nodes only. The architecture of monitor node is

almost the same as shown in Figure 10, but here monitor node performs two operations

for detecting abnormal behavior of neighboring nodes; data acquisition and anomaly

detection. In data acquisition, the monitor node listens in promiscuous mode. It

maintains a table containing total number of incoming packets and outgoing packets

that relate to neighbor n (1, 2, 3... N) as shown in Table 3. CUSUM further works on

this statistical data to find intrusions. Authors analyze the network behavior under the

above-mentioned three categories of attacks. According to this, there are three changes

that occur due to these attacks. These are:

• Number of messages received by a node.

• Amount of collision occurrence with the packet.

• Number of packets emerging from a node.

Table 3: Data acquisition in CUSUM

Incoming Packets Outgoing packets

Neighbour# 1 X x

Neighbour# 2 X x

... ... ...

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3.4 IDS-based security schemes for LEACH protocol


In anomaly detection, CUSUM detects these three changes to find abnormal

behavior of the nodes. Consider an adversary compromised node C (sensor network

topology in Figure 3) and it launches a black-hole attack. Let, any one or more among

the neighbors of node C (see Figure 4 (a)) A, D, J, I, and F are monitor nodes. They

analyze that node C receives a lot of messages for some time interval. It generates an

alert of type one (compromised a node to attract the attention of other nodes).

CUSUM algorithm is widely used in different networks for analyzing abnormal

transition in mean of random sequence. CUSUM algorithm is not simulated by authors

in (Phuong, et al. 2006), so it is difficult to analyze the effectiveness of this algorithm in


Matrix Based Detection

A matrix-based detection scheme in which IDS agent is trained to interpret the

behavior of nodes is presented in (Pandey, et al. 2016). It is provided with a matrix that

will be stored in its buffer. It stores the values about the behavior of the nodes. The

values are 0 or 1. If at any stage the value of matrix becomes zero than the node is

considered as malicious. This information is shared with BS. Further actions are taken

by the BS.

Multi-agent trust-based intrusion detection scheme

A multi-agent trust-based intrusion detection scheme, where intrusion detection is

performed using Mahalanobis distance theory at both CHs and normal sensor nodes is

proposed in (Jin, et al. 2017). Here, node trust attributes are identified, and values are

assigned using that theory. These trust values provide whether the node is working

normally or maliciously.

Signaling game-based strategy

Shen et al. adopt a distributed-centralized network, where every node has IDS agent,

but only the node that become CH, activates the IDS functionality (Shen and Cao 2011).

They apply the signaling game strategy to develop an intrusion detection game model.

They apply Bayesian rules to determine the state of a node.

Hybrid trust-based intrusion detection

In (Ozcelik, Irmak and Ozdemir 2017), author proposed a hybrid intrusion detection

system for hierarchical WSNs. The proposed detection scheme works using function

reputation and misuse detection rules. CHs determines the functional reputation of the

cluster nodes and communicates with BS. BS interprets these messages and determines

the malicious nodes using misuse detection rules.

3.4 IDS-based security schemes for LEACH protocol LEACH protocol is vulnerable to different types of attacks such as black hole,

selective forwarding, sink hole attack etc. In LEACH, a compromised node advertises

ADV_CH and wrong distance information in each round to become CH of as much

nodes as possible. Once it becomes the CH than it performs according to the

configuration set by the adversary. There are several proposed schemes for securing

LEACH protocol from inside attacks. These are depicted in following Table 4.

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Table 4: IDS based security schemes for LEACH protocol

Title Approach Methodology Threat type Attack





detection and

prevention (Su, et

al. 2005)




Purely distributed/


Inside and







Tool (NS-2


Secure cluster-

based sensor

network (Hsieh,

Huang and Chao






distributed /


Inside and









based detection

(Lee, Lee and

Yoo 2012)





Specification based

Inside attack Misbehavior

attack patterns

by member

nodes and CH


protocol (NS-2)




(Herbert, et al.




Hierarchical Sensor

Network Debugging

Misbehavior Sudden faults

or sudden

change in data




(Mica2 Motes)

LEACH-S (Chen,

Yang and Chen


RSSI based




distributed / Received

signal strength


Inside attack Sybil attack LEACH

protocol (NS-2)

Stable Election



Alsanee and

Alseheymi 2014)

KNN based





Outliers Probe, DoS,


KDD Cup’99







and Arumugam




Centralized /


Inside attack Sinkhole attack TETCOS


Artificial Neural


(Almomani, Al-

Kasasbeh and

AL-Akhras 2016)

WSN Dataset Centralized /


Inside attack Black-hole,

Flooding, Gray-





(Kumar and





Purely distributed/

Specification based

Inside attack Sinkhole attack LEACH

protocol (NS-2)


detection system

(Bansal and

Saluja 2016)



Centralized /


Inside attack Black-hole



protocol (NS-2)

1.4.1 Intrusion detection and prevention

An intrusion detection as well prevention security method that safeguard against

outside attacks as well as inside attacks is proposed in (Su, et al. 2005). They presented

a distributed detection policy where CH enquires about cluster nodes and cluster nodes

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3.4 IDS-based security schemes for LEACH protocol


watchdog the working of CH. They have tested their approach for misbehavior in packet

forwarding using LEACH protocol. The proposed scheme at two levels; cluster node

and CH. It utilizes more energy and is computationally expensive. In another work,

secure cluster-based sensor network is proposed which is an adaptive security design

that safeguard against outside attacks by authentication while centralized distributed

detection scheme for inside attacks (Hsieh, Huang and Chao 2007). Here, there is a

response unit and trust evaluation unit. Response unit is responsible to decide about the

intrusive behavior of the node in the network and takes decision. The trust evaluation

unit works at the monitor node where it maintains a trust status against each node and

lowers the trust of the nodes if it receives any claim about it that is generated by the

response unit.

1.4.2 Specification based centralized distributed detection scheme

A specification based centralized distributed detection scheme for LEACH protocol

is discussed in (Lee, Lee and Yoo 2012). According to this, cluster member nodes and

CHs act as monitor nodes and send claim message to the BS for taking proper action

against the claimed nodes. The architecture presented by (Zhang, Lee and Huang 2003)

is used for IDS agent that is installed at CH, member nodes and BS. It is a distributed

framework for mobile nodes that forms ad hoc network and favors a cooperative

approach for cooperation with neighboring IDS agents. Numerical analysis of the

proposed specification based distributed cooperative detection scheme is formulated to

find the energy efficiency.

1.4.3 Adaptive Correctness Monitoring

In (Herbert, et al. 2007), author propose a framework for the detection of invariants

or misbehavior in the installed system called hierarchical sensor network debugging.

This system is designed to help programmers to improve the system after determining

faults so that the installed system is reprogrammed having no bugs. That’s why it is

called a debugging tool. System can detect sudden changes of the environments while it

is expensive with regards to communication, computation, and storage.

1.4.4 LEACH-S

A security methodology is presented to secure LEACH protocol from Sybil attack

(Chen, Yang and Chen 2010). The proposed scheme is based on received signal strength

indicator from the nodes. It is a distributed centralized approach in which sensor nodes

detect the abnormal behavior of sensor nodes. According to the proposed approach,

intrusion detection system determines the Sybil attack once it receives more CH join

request than the certain threshold.

1.4.5 Stable Election Protocol

Abdullah et al. design an intrusion detection system based on Stable Election

Protocol (SEP) for clustered heterogeneous WSNs (Abdullah, Alsanee and Alseheymi

2014). They propose to use K Nearest Neighbor classifier to find the outliers. They

focus on LEACH routing protocol during design of IDS, but the results are prepared by

applying KNN on a well-known data set called KDD Cup’99. In a recent work,

Sundararajan et al. propose a centralized intrusion detection system where BS is

responsible for calculation intrusion ratio or maliciousness of the sensor nodes

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(Sundararajan and Arumugam 2015). Here, intrusion ratio is measured based on the

transmission done or received by the CHs. We have countered centralized approach for

securing WSN in our previous work (Farooqi, Khan and Wang, et al. 2013) and

discussed that these scheme does not suit these networks which are infrastructure-less,

and nodes are self organized.

1.4.6 Artificial Neural Network

In (Almomani, Al-Kasasbeh and AL-Akhras 2016), an IDS solution is proposed that

detects the malicious nodes using anomaly-based detection scheme using LEACH

protocol. Here, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been trained on the dataset to

detect and classify different DoS attacks. We discussed earlier that anomaly-based

detection schemes do not suit WSNs.


Kumar et al. also presented a specification-based intrusion detection scheme called

SSLEACH to secure WSNs from the sinkhole attack (Kumar and Umamakeswari

2016). They discussed the way their approach works better with respect to energy

consumption but did not provide any detail about detection rate analysis. Here, in

Algorithm 1, a node is declared malicious if the amount of packet receives is less than

the amount of packet sent to it. As we know that LEACH protocol is a hierarchical

routing protocol that works in rounds. Here, the amount of packet received by CHs are

more than the number of packets its send to BS as it applies the data aggregation.

Hence, all the node will declare the CH as malicious due to Algorithm 1. So, majority of

the nodes will be in malicious list after few rounds. The proposed solution is not

validated against the security parameters like detection rate, false positive rate and


1.4.8 Anomaly detection system

An anomaly detection system is proposed that detects black-hole attack at BS

(Bansal and Saluja 2016). It is a purely centralized approach, where BS maintains a list

of nodes that advertise ADV_CH messages. If the node advertises this message for

maximum times, then it is declared as malicious node. Now, BS broadcast a message

about the maliciousness of that node to the sensor nodes. The proposed approach lack to

define the value of maximum as it is a key factor to check the number of times.

Secondly, it is a centralized approach and we proved that such approach is not feasible

to handle attacks (Farooqi, Khan and Wang, et al. 2013). Lastly, the proposed anomaly-

based solution is not tested against the security parameters like detection rate, false

positive rate and accuracy. It would be considerably light-weight as the detection policy

is installed at BS only.

3.5 Summary In this chapter, a detailed discussion and analysis of the existing intrusion detection

systems for wireless sensor networks and a hierarchical routing protocol LEACH is

presented. An IDS is an essential component of security for every network. Energy-

efficient intrusion detection systems are suitable for wireless sensor networks. Purely

centralized IDS approaches are power efficient because the most powerful part of the

network (sink or BS) detects intrusion. But, these techniques are complex and require

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3.5 Summary


some specialized routing protocol that gathers data from each sensor node to BS or sink

for anomaly detection. On the other hand, purely distributed IDS techniques are not

energy-efficient because IDS agent is installed in every node. It increases extra

computation or power consumption at node level. Distributed-centralized IDS approach

suits WSNs in accordance with energy consumption and complexity; but it has its own


LEACH is a hierarchical routing protocol that is selected to test the proposed

intrusion detection framework in this dissertation. Hence, the work that is related to

securing LEACH protocol is presented in this chapter as well. Limitation of each

proposed approach is also provided here.

To conclude the findings of this chapter, we can say that WSNs are vulnerable to

several inside attacks that affect the overall performance of the network. These attacks

result in wrong interpretation of the sensor field. There is a requirement of an energy-

efficient intrusion detection system that works in distributed manner and cooperates

with other nodes to identify the abnormal behavior of the nodes in a sensor network.

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Proposed Intrusion Detection Framework for WSNs


Chapter 4

Proposed Intrusion Detection

Framework for WSNs

Wireless sensor networks are used in various applications to make decision about

the area in consideration. These applications range from military to healthcare. There

are multiple that use the benefits of WSNs and the concept of cloud computing to

provide better services to the community. It is important to secure sensor network to

achieve better performance of such networks. Hence, it is eminent to have a system that

secures these networks from adversaries. Mostly security is not considered during

designing of the routing protocols (Giannetsos, Krontiris and Dimitriou 2008).

Therefore, most of the routing protocols are vulnerable to security threats. Hence, there

is a requirement of a security model that is added to these routing protocols to make

them resilient against routing attacks. In this chapter, we present a novel intrusion

detection methodology that can be added to such routing protocols to make them secure

against routing attacks.

4.1 Introduction The proposed intrusion detection framework (IDF) is a distributed detection system

that works in a distributed environment (Farooqi, Khan and Wang, et al. 2013). Figure

11 illustrates the key modules of the proposed intrusion detection framework. It works

in two modes. Online prevention allows to safeguard from those abnormal nodes that

are already declared while offline detection finds those nodes that are being

compromised by the adversary during next epoch of time. Offline detection applies

distributed detection policy to find intrusions. It collaborates with neighboring nodes for

making final decision about the maliciousness of the claimed nodes.

IDF works in promiscuous mode. It listens to every kind of traffic and after that it

takes decision whether to process it or sends it to next hop (act like a router). Whenever

a node senses any message it is collected by two modules; local auditing and data

collection. Local auditing module verifies whether it is destined to it and comes from

the legitimate neighbor. If it status is clear than sensor node processes that message and

performs normal task. Data collection unit forwards the received packets to content

suppression unit in the same time. This unit interprets the header to acquire required

information. Once the data is being processed, intrusion detection policy is applied. The

result of this unit is transmitted for cognitive decision making. If the failure level is

above certain expected value, an alert is generated. After communication with

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4.2 Online prevention


neighboring IDS agents, it is finally declared as abnormal node or normal node. If it is

declared malicious, an action is taken against it.

Figure 11: Proposed intrusion detection framework

4.2 Online prevention Whenever a node senses any message, online prevention validates the packet

whether it is coming from legitimate neighboring node or not. If it is received from the

normal node than sensor node performs normal task otherwise it discards it

immediately. The general flow is depicted in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Online prevention

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Proposed Intrusion Detection Framework for WSNs


Following is the description of different elements that play a part in online

prevention as shown in Figure 12.

4.2.1 Data Repository

Sensor nodes do not contain data about the already declared malicious nodes

(Roman, Zhou and Lopez 2006). There should be a container that holds this

information. Here, it is called Data Repository. It has two lists; one regarding

neighboring nodes and other contains a list of malicious nodes.

Sensor nodes have a small memory. Data repository module should not take too

much space. Sensor nodes join and leave the network. The neighborhood list (N_List)

should update on each instance. The format of N_List is shown in Table 5. It contains

three fields; neighbor node ID, time stamp of the last received packet from that node

and the status whether that node is normal or not.

Table 5: Neighborhood List (N_List)

Node_ID Time Stamp Status (Normal or Mal.)

C C_New N or M

I I_New N or M

Second list called the malicious nodes list (M_List) holds information about those

nodes that are other than the neighboring nodes but are declared abnormal nodes. The

format of M_List is shown in Table 6. It has two fields; node ID and its maliciousness


Table 6: Malicious Node List (M_List)

Node_ID Status

D Mal_Level

Node_ID is indexed by taking the hash of actual ID and other fields are populated

respectively. Let a fixed size array data structure is used for N_List than a suitable hash

function helps to place the values and retrieve too. It is expensive with respect to

memory but efficient with respect to computation. In best case the computation time

complexity is O (1). The worst-case time complexity deals with the way two similar

hashing outputs is handled i.e. open chaining etc.

4.2.2 Local Auditing

The local auditing unit verifies and validates the incoming packets as mention in

Algorithm 1. It consults with data repository module and takes decision whether to

discard it or forward it for further processing. Here “processing” means to perform

normal activities. It purely depends on the configuration and application of sensor node.

The systematic working of this module is discussed in Algorithm 1.

It works in promiscuous listening mode as discuss earlier. It listens to all the

communications that takes place in the radio range of that node. Whenever it receives

any packet it makes decision whether to process it or drop it. Firstly, the packet should

be destined to it. After that it checks the resident of arrival. This should be the address

or ID of any neighbor node (N_List). It is discarded if it does not belong to the

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4.3 Offline detection


neighborhood. Here, this approach takes care of laptop attack as well. Let the received

packet is from one of the neighboring node than the status of that neighbor is checked.

The received message is processed further if it is from the normal node.

Algorithm 1: Local Auditing at node J

Input: Packets from other nodes

Output: Validation of packet (discard or accepted)


If received packet is destined for node J

If it is from neighbor (Tally N_List)

If neighbor is not malicious

accept it for further processing


discard it

End If


discard it

End If


discard it

End If


This unit consults regularly with the data repository. Hence, the performance of this

unit is directly associated with the implementation of data repository. If it is array based

than in best case, the time complexity while tallying is O (1) and if it is implemented

using link list than it would be O (n) where n is the length of the list.

4.3 Offline detection Offline detection finds those nodes that are being compromised by an adversary

after the installation of the sensor network. It is composed of various elements as shown

in Figure 11. It works in promiscuous mode. Data collection unit listens to every kind of

traffic and forwards the received packets to content suppression unit. This unit interprets

the header to acquire required information. Once the data is being processed, detection

policy is applied. The result of this unit is transmitted for cognitive decision making. If

the failure level is above certain expected value, an alert is generated. After

communication with neighboring IDS agents, it is finally declared as abnormal node or

normal node. If it is declared malicious, an action is taken against it by consolation unit.

Consider, a flat wireless sensor network of 24 nodes (A – X) shown in Figure 3.

They communicate with the BS using some routing protocol. We have made few

assumptions about the sensor network that help to understand the proposed mechanism.

First, sensor network is a static one. Second, sensor nodes cannot join after some time

interval called initialization phase. It is the period in which nodes make a topology after

communicating with their neighbors to find a route to the sink or BS. Sensor nodes send

data messages after some random time interval. Lastly, nodes should initiate route

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Proposed Intrusion Detection Framework for WSNs


discovery after some specific time interval. It must be equal or greater than the time

required for IDF to make some decision.

We explain the working of different elements of offline detection through above

discussed network topology. Consider, node J as an example node having seven

neighbors (C, D, E, F, I, O and M).

4.3.1 Data Collection

Sensor nodes usually listen promiscuously to the communication between

neighboring nodes that reside in its radio range. In our proposed framework, data

collection unit simply listens to these packets and transmits them to data processing

unit. It does not store these packets. It is just like a channel between outside world and

inner detection body.

4.3.2 Content Suppression

Whenever a packet is received from data collection unit, its header is interpreted to

analyze the actual transaction and values are updated in audit data list (A_List). It is a

list that holds useful data that is utilized by intrusion detection unit to get maliciousness

level of the surrounding nodes. The format of this list for the above mention example

scenario is shown in Table 7.

Table 7: Audit Data List (A_List) at node J

Node_ID Packet Sent


Packet Received








C C1 C2 C3 C4

I I1 I2 I3 I4

… … … … …

Let node J senses a packet. It interprets the header and gets that it is sent by node I

to node C. So, node J increments its A_List against sent and received field of node I and

node C respectively. Consider node C does not forwards that packet further for some

time “t” than node I retransmits the same packet again. Hence, two values change in

A_List of node J, one for node I; retransmit fields, and one for node C; received field.

Now let node C forwards that packet which it received from node I, then A_List updates

only field of node C; forward field.

The implementation of A_List is like that of N_List because it is updated for each

instance of the surroundings. The length of A_List depends on the number of nodes

from which the node is listening messages. Hence, we can make some assumption about

the length of A_list if we know the density of the network. It is clear from the above

discussion of A_List that no packet is stored but some fields of every packet are

checked and then packet is discarded.

The above process continues till some time epoch. After this A_List is cleared by

removing the entries of the already declared as malicious by tallying with M_List. The

final A_List is sent to intrusion detection unit. Once it is communicated than A_List is

refreshed, and content suppression starts again.

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4.3 Offline detection


4.3.3 Intrusion Detection

Specification based detection schemes are considered more favorable (Roman, Zhou

and Lopez 2006) (Krontiris and Dimitriou 2007) (Da Silva, et al. 2005) for WSNs

because misuse detection approaches cannot cater with unknown attacks while anomaly

detection techniques are computationally expensive. In this module, some specific rules

are applied that are designed for a routing protocol to detect routing attacks by

validating the data collected from content suppression unit. These rules are formulated

according to routing protocols such as (Dimitriou, Krontiris and Giannetsos 2008)

discussed various rules to detect sink-hole attack for MintRoute routing protocol and

(Loo, et al. 2006) formulated different rules to detect various routing attacks for AODV

routing protocol. These rules are designed after the analysis of the normal working of

the network and the way network behaves after some specific attacks is launched.

We explained the launching effect of different routing attacks for above mentioned

example of a flat WSN (Farooqi and Khan 2012) in previous chapter. We made rules to

detect various routing attacks that are inspired from (Stetsko, Folkman and Vashek

2010) (Da Silva, et al. 2005) (Hai, Khan and Huh 2007) (Phuong, et al. 2006) but it

differs the way they are formulated for the presented network scenario. Here, the

detection scheme sets thresholds after normal execution of the flat WSN. If sensor

node’s behavior violates these thresholds during next epoch of time than a flag is set

against the respective field in the flag list (F_List).

The structure (shown in Table 8) and implementation of flag list is like that of

A_List but it contains some flags in respective field positions. These are

• N (miN): if value is less than the minimum threshold value and shows any attack


• X (maX): if value is greater than the maximum threshold value and shows any

attack pattern

• L (normaL): if value is between N and X or less/ greater than threshold value but

does not show any attack pattern

Table 8: Flag List (F_List)

Node_ID Packet Sent


Packet Received


Packet Forward


Packet Retransmit


C N | X |L N | X |L N | X |L N | X |L

I N | X |L N | X |L N | X |L N | X |L

… … … … …

Threshold values may be set by using any specific algorithm or any stochastic

process that includes any intelligence. As far as the present sensor network scenario is

considered, these values may be set by executing the sensor network normally. In other

words, consider a simulator that runs normally and calculate these values accordingly.

These values are stored in a threshold list (T_List) shown in Table 9.

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Proposed Intrusion Detection Framework for WSNs


Table 9: Threshold List (T_List)



N_Snt X_Snt N_Rec X_Rec N_Fwd X_Fwd N_Rtm X_Rtm

















I IN_Snt IX_Snt IN_Rec IX_Rec IN_Fwd IX_Fwd IN_Rtm IX_Rtm

… … … … … … … … …

There are two ways through which T_List can be maintained. Firstly, take the

average of obtained values of all the nodes for each field. Secondly, simulate the sensor

network for n number of times and then calculate thresholds for each node, by taking

the averages of obtained values for each node. T_List contains single value for all the

nodes in the first type of implementation while it has more than one in second one. The

second case seems more realistic because it suits the dynamic nature of sensor network.

The following algorithm (Algorithm 2) explains the detection policy. There are two

inputs A_List and T_List for this algorithm. These lists are analyzed to populate F_List.

Algorithm 2: Detection Policy

Input: Audit Data List (A_List), Threshold List (T_List)

Output: Flag List (F_List)


Case I: (Packet Sent)

If Node_ID.A_snt < Node_ID.N_Snt

Node_ID.F_snt == N

Else If Node_ID.A_snt > Node_ID.X_Snt

Node_ID.F_snt == X


Node_ID.F_snt == L

End If

Case II: (Packet Receive)

If Node_ID.A_rec < Node_ID.N_Rec

Node_ID.F_rec == L

Else If Node_ID.A_rec > Node_ID.X_Rec

Node_ID.F_rec == X


Node_ID.F_rec == L

End If

Case III: (Packet Forward)

If Node_ID.A_fwd < Node_ID.N_Fwd

Node_ID.F_fwd == N

Else If Node_ID.A_fwd > Node_ID.X_Fwd

Node_ID.F_fwd == L


Node_ID.F_fwd == L

End If

Case IV: (Packet Retransmit)

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4.3 Offline detection


If Node_ID.A_rtm < Node_ID.N_Rtm

Node_ID.F_rtm == L

Else If Node_ID.A_rtm > Node_ID.X_Rtm

Node_ID.F_rtm == X


Node_ID.F_rtm == L

End If


The values that are stored against each node ID in A_List are compared with relative

field value of T_List to find whether it is less, equal or more than that value. Following

is the explanation of the Algorithm 2.

1. Case I (Sending rate analysis)

• Less than miN: Node might be damaged or exhausted.

• More than maX: Flooding attack or any other routing attack that compromises

the node to send many packets.

2. Case II (Receiving rate analysis)

• Less than miN: Not affected. It might be due to other compromise node.

• More than maX: Transport or routing attack; collision, flooding, worm-hole,

sink-hole, black-hole, selective forwarding attack

3. Case III (Forward rate analysis)

• Less than miN: routing attack (node compromised with homing, selective

forwarding or black-hole attack)

• More than maX: Not affected. It might be due to other compromise node.

4. Case IV (Retransmission rate analysis)

• Less than miN: Not affected. It might be due to other compromise node.

• More than maX: Collision attack.

We have implemented a simulator in Visual Studio .NET 2008 using C#. The basic

purpose of developing a simulator is to make a test-bed that can be used to test the

efficiency of a specification-based detection policy. Result shows that the proposed

detection mechanism receives high intrusion detection rate and achieves low false

positive rate.

4.3.4 Cognition

Cognition module is responsible for making decision about the behavior of the

sensor nodes. Cognitive decision making starts once F_List is updated from A_List and

T_list. We propose three postulates for this procedure:

1) If numbers of L are less than or equal to two than its maliciousness level is

considered high (HIG).

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Proposed Intrusion Detection Framework for WSNs


2) If numbers of L are three than its maliciousness level is considered medium


3) Sensor node is a normal one if the node’ behavior does not follow any one of the

above. Its maliciousness level is considered low (LOW).

At the end of this phase, a list is populated that contains maliciousness information

of each node called maliciousness level list (ML_List). The format of this list is shown

in Table 10.

Table 10: Maliciousness Level List (ML_List)

Node_ID Maliciousness Level




Suppose node C violates many rules while node D violates few of them and node I

does not violate any; hence their maliciousness level is HIG, MED and LOW


4.3.5 Collaborative inquiry

Ideally, sensor nodes should make decision on their own without collaborating with

their neighborhood, but this seems to be unrealistic. Because, they do not contain the

whole picture of the network and they cannot detect the compromised node by

individual analysis in most of the cases. Authors favor the collaboration of the node

with its neighboring nodes (Roman, Zhou and Lopez 2006) (Dimitriou, Krontiris and

Giannetsos 2008) (Marchang and Datta 2008) (Kim, Chitti and Song 2011). According

to our model, sensor node consults with the neighbors for those nodes only whose

maliciousness level is MED.

A consensus-based validation mechanism for distributed IDS methodology to

incorporate cooperation in these approaches is proposed in (Shaikh, et al. 2008). It

identifies compromise node(s) and takes care from already declared malicious node

during decision making. In our model, the collaboration module is inspired from this

work, but it differs too. Their work is expensive in a sense:

• Sensor node requires neighbor information of each malicious node.

• It finds common neighbors of claiming node and claimed node.

• It eliminates the already declared malicious node from the common node list.

• After that, claiming node sends claim_packet to ‘n’ number of neighbors

according to the maliciousness level.

• When it gets the response from the consulting nodes it performs decision

making by validating.

Our proposed methodology also works in two phases; consensus phase and

validation phase. It differs in several ways (1) It does not include the neighbor list of

claimed node, (2) It does not look for common normal nodes for consulting, (3) It

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4.3 Offline detection


communicates with the neighboring nodes to find the status of the claimed nodes, and

(4) Its computational complexity is very low because it does not perform consensus for

each claimed node at a time.

Consensus Phase: In this phase, monitor node communicates with the neighboring

nodes to find the status of the claimed nodes. It sends a message contains a list of those

nodes that have medium maliciousness level called claim list (C_List). It is acquired

from the ML_List.

Table 11: Initial Status List (S_List) of MED level Malicious Nodes

Malicious Node (Node_ID) Number of Claims N_Claim

D 1

An initial status list (S_List) is maintained that contains the IDs of malicious nodes

and their claim status is ‘1’ as shown in Table 11.

During consensus phase, claiming sensor node updates its S_List after receiving

S_List from other neighboring nodes according to Algorithm 3. Algorithm 3 states that

if the received S_List is from the normal neighbor than it should be used otherwise it

should not be discarded. The respective N_Claim in S_List should be updated against

each corresponding node, whenever it receives the message in response of C_List that

contains S_List.

Algorithm 3: Consensus Phase

Input: Maliciousness level list (ML_List) => Claim List (C_List)

Output: Status List (S_List)


For i=1 to (n.N_List) / 2 // n.N_List = Total number of Neighbors

If rand(Node_ID.N_List) is Normal

F1--> send C_List (rand(Node_ID.N_List))


decrement i

End If

End For

F2-->Receive S_List

F3-->Update S_List


Note: F1, F2 and F3 are three functions.

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Proposed Intrusion Detection Framework for WSNs


Validation Phase: The next phase validates the maliciousness of the claimed node

by analyzing the N_Claim of the final S_List. It performs a check that whether the

N_Claim number is less than the validation threshold or not and updates the ML_List

accordingly. If it is less than this value than its maliciousness level status is updated to

LOW. In other case, if it is more than that value, it is declared abnormal node and its

maliciousness level status is updated to HIG.

Let node J receives S_List from its neighbors. It updates its S_List accordingly and

we assume that half of the neighboring nodes declare node D as a malicious entity.

Hence, it maliciousness status is updated to HIG.

4.3.6 Consolation

The last phase of our proposed framework is consolation. It works based on final

ML_List and only those nodes are considered that have HIG maliciousness level. It

differs from (Dimitriou, Krontiris and Giannetsos 2008) and works according to the

following steps:

• Update N_List. The neighbor nodes that have high maliciousness level should be

declared as malicious.

• Update M_List. Nodes that are not neighbors but are malicious should be


• Apply route discovery. Find new routes that do not contain any malicious node

as intermediate node.

• Notify the sink. Make a message that contains the list of malicious nodes and

send it to the sink through a secure channel.

Here ML_List contains two nodes; node C and node D. Online prevention takes care

from these nodes in future and does not allow them to affect the data aggregation and

other application dependent functions.

4.4 Experiments and Analysis A simulator is implemented in Visual Studio .NET 2008 using C# to test the

efficiency of the purely distributed specification-based detection scheme. The focus of

our test is to provide an insight about centralized distributed approaches (security

systems in which monitor nodes analyze the network and communicate with the BS

using any secure communication mechanism) that they do not figure out the actual

condition of the network properly.

4.4.1 Trace List

Let there is a sensor node X. It has n number of neighboring nodes. The numbers of

nodes vary and are equal to 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100. A trace list (Trace_List) is randomly

produced for 10,000 instances. The format of this list is shown below.

Table 12: Trace List

Transaction Type Node X Node Y

Send A B

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4.4 Experiments and Analysis


In our experiment, 100 different trace files are generated. Hence, there are 100 audit

lists which are used to find minimum and maximum sending rates. These are placed in

T_List. Once the Trace_List is populated, the A_List is formalized by counting the

number of sends, receive, forward and retransmit for each node. Audit lists help in

adjusting the threshold values in T_List.

4.4.2 Attack Scenario (AS)

The proposed strategy is tested by launching four types of attack scenarios. The

plotted values are acquired by taking average after running the simulation for 10 times

in each case. In most cases, the average value of all the nodes that is calculated in

attacked scenarios is nearby the average value of normal execution. But, the average

value of attacker nodes is higher or lower according to the AS type. These are discussed


Increased sending rate (AS-I)

During flood attack, the attacker sends more number of packets. Hence, the sending

rate of the attacker nodes is increased by some fraction. There are nA number of

attackers that are randomly selected, and their sending rates are increased.

Figure 13: Sending rate Analysis

Figure 13 provides sending rate analysis. It shows that attacker nodes are sending

more number of packets than normal nodes.

Forward C D

Retransmit E F

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Proposed Intrusion Detection Framework for WSNs


Increased receiving rate (AS-II)

In black-hole, sink-hole or worm-hole attack, the attacker receives more number of

packets. Hence, the receiving rate of the attacker nodes is increased by some fraction.

There are nA number of attackers that are randomly selected, and their receiving rates

are increased.

Figure 14: Receiving rate Analysis

Figure 14 provides receiving rate analysis. It shows that the attacker nodes are

receiving more number of packets than normal nodes.

Decreased forwarding rate (AS-III)

During selective forwarding, black-hole or sink-hole attack, the attacker forwards

less number of packets. Hence, the forwarding rate of the attacker nodes is decreased by

some fraction. There are nA number of attackers that are randomly selected, and their

forwarding rates are decreased.

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4.4 Experiments and Analysis


Figure 15: Forwarding rate Analysis

Figure 15 provides forwarding rate analysis. It shows that the attacker nodes are

forwarding less number of packets than normal nodes.

Increased retransmission rate (AS-IV)

In collision attack, the node that is attacked by a compromised node retransmits

more number of same packets. Hence, the retransmission rate of the sender is increased

by some fraction. There are nA number of such nodes that are randomly selected, and

their retransmission rates are increased.

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Proposed Intrusion Detection Framework for WSNs


Figure 16: Retransmission rate Analysis

Figure 16 provides retransmission rate analysis. It shows that the attacking nodes are

retransmitting more number of packets than the normal nodes.

4.4.3 Discussion

The results show that if the node X sends the average value to the sink or BS to

analyze the network whether it is in attack or not than it cannot figure out the actual

scenario. But if the sensor node makes decision on its own and analyze the behavior of

individual node than it can detect the abnormal node efficiently. This shows that a

centralized distributed approach cannot figure out the actual condition of the network

properly. Therefore, a purely distributed security system is more appropriate for WSNs.

Here, an average audit list is maintained after generating 10 trace files for each

attack pattern. These attack patterns vary from each other based on following


• Attack scenario (AS-I to AS-IV)

• Number of neighbors (10, 20… 50)

• Number of attackers (1, 3 or 5)

They are used to test two types of performance metrics to judge the effectiveness of

the proposed scheme. These are intrusion detection rate and false positive rate.

Intrusion detection rate (IDR)

100% detection rate means that the applied technique detects all the nodes that are

compromised or not working properly. The formula of detection rate is mentioned


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4.5 Summary



𝐴 + 𝐵 {

𝐴 = 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐵 = 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑁𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒

If the node is normal and it is declared normal as well by the detection policy than it

is A while if node is abnormal but declared normal than it is B.

Our proposed methodology is working after random generation of trace files that are

used to set thresholds. The attack scenarios are generated as described in previous

section. Results depicted in previous section clarifies that the compromised nodes

deviate from the normal behavior. The interpretation of Flag_List shows that B is

almost zero for each case. Hence, intrusion detection rate is almost 100%.

False positive rate (FPR)

False positive means that a node is normal but wrongly declared as abnormal. The

formula that is used to find the false positive rate of a system is mentioned below:


𝐶 + 𝐷 {

𝐶 = 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐷 = 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑁𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒

The average false positive rate of various AS for different number of neighboring

nodes shows that the false positive rate of the proposed detection scheme is below 0.06

in most cases.

4.5 Summary In this chapter, we have presented a novel intrusion detection framework to secure

wireless sensor networks from routing attacks. The proposed approach is explained

thoroughly using a flat wireless sensor network scenario. We test the specification-

based detection scheme proposed for the presented example using a simulator that is

implemented in C#. The results show that the specification-based detection scheme

achieves higher detection rate and receives low false positive rate. These results also

guide that each node should be treated independently in WSNs, and centralized

distributed detection schemes may fail to identify the network behavior whether it is

normal, or it is under any attack. Therefore, a purely distributed security system is more

appropriate for WSNs.

We applied the proposed intrusion detection framework to a clustering hierarchical

routing protocol for WSN such as LEACH protocol in next chapter to show its

effectiveness with respect to throughput and energy efficiency.

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Securing LEACH protocol against Routing Attacks


Chapter 5

Securing LEACH protocol against

Routing Attacks

5.1 Introduction In (Heinzelman, Chandrakasan and Balakrishnan 2000), authors present an energy

efficient hierarchical routing protocol for WSNs called low energy adaptive clustering

hierarchy (LEACH). LEACH protocol works in rounds and each round is composed of

two phases: setup phase takes less time while steady phase is for longer period. In setup

phase, sensor nodes make clusters and CHs set TDMA for each cluster node. Different

clusters use different timings to avoid collision among the cluster nodes. Sensor nodes

send data message to their CHs in steady phase and these CHs deliver the data message

after aggregating to the BS. Hence, LEACH avoids extra usage of energy. LEACH

protocol is vulnerable to different types of attacks that are discussed already. In this

work, we consider three attacks as they show similarity in launching their impact during

the setup phase of LEACH such as sink-hole, black-hole and selective Forwarding

(SBS-F) attacks. Here, a compromised node tries to become CH to perform maliciously.

In (Sharma and Jena 2011), they analyze various secure and energy efficient

hierarchical routing protocols based on security goals, prevention from attacks, and the

way security mechanism works. A security solution for LEACH protocol called

RLEACH is presented in (Zhang, Wang and Wang. 2008). This scheme is based on a

key management protocol. According to them, random pair wise key is a lightweight

solution to avoid several attacks. In another work, an efficient security model for

LEACH protocol called ESMR is discussed (Chen, Zhang and Hu. 2008). The proposed

solution is based on public key cryptography to secure from outside attacks. It would

increase overall energy of the system and add burden to LEACH protocol due to the

complexity of cryptography. A random key distribution solution for securing clustered

sensor networks from outside attacks is also proposed in (Oliveira, et al. 2006). It

provides secure transmission but lacks to cater with inside attack launched by a

compromised node. We discussed other various security schemes in previous chapter as

well and few here, but they show limitations with respect to testing or completeness of a


In this chapter, we add the proposed framework to the LEACH routing protocol to

verify its effectiveness for WSNs. For that, we consider three attacks, i.e., sinkhole,

black hole, and selective forwarding attacks. These attacks show a common feature: a

compromised node tries to become the CH to behave maliciously. We call the modified

LEACH protocol as LEACH++. Two kinds of tests are carried out to check the

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5.1 Introduction


efficiency of this modified protocol. Numerical analysis guides us about the effect on

overall energy utilization and throughput. Network Simulator-2 (NS-2) simulations help

to validate the impact of LEACH++ during attack scenario with respect to throughput

gained at the BS. The results show that LEACH++ receives more throughput than

LEACH during attack, while it puts some burden on LEACH with respect to overall

energy consumption of the system. Normally, secure schemes bring some overhead than

insecure solutions as they consume more energy due to computation and

communication for the detection and collaboration (Masdari, Bazarchi and Bidaki

2013). NS-2 simulation results also favor LEACH++ because it achieves higher

throughput than the LEACH under attack. The proposed approach provides a way to get

more throughput even in the attack scenarios. It is better to adopt such a mechanism that

gives access to the data to make better decisions in a cloud-based environment.

Figure 17: Workflow of proposed LEACH++ protocol

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Securing LEACH protocol against Routing Attacks


5.2 Proposed security solution for LEACH protocol Sensor nodes develop a topology in each round to send the sensed data to the CHs.

These CHs are responsible to transmit data to the BS. It is the responsibility of the

LEACH protocol to assure that a node does not advertise ADV_CH in consecutive

rounds. An adversary can launch sinkhole, black-hole, or selective forwarding attacks

by modifying the LEACH configuration of a compromised node. Here, we assume that

the compromised node becomes CH in each round and behaves maliciously.

In this sub-section, we explain the way the proposed IDF can be added to the

LEACH protocol to secure it from sinkhole, black-hole, and selective forwarding

attacks. Figure 17 shows how the IDF is installed in LEACH in both setup and steady

phases. The modified protocol is called LEACH++.

5.2.1 Online prevention

Whenever a node receives ADV_CH message, the online prevention validates it by

checking whether it is advertised by a legitimate node. If it is received from the normal

node, then the sensor node adds it in the CH Choices table otherwise it discards it

immediately. Sensor nodes do not have any knowledge about already declared

malicious nodes. We propose that each sensor node should maintain a data repository,

called ML_List, for those nodes that are already declared as malicious. Local detection

unit is responsible for validating the incoming ADV_CH. It works according to

Algorithm 1 as follows:

Algorithm 4: Local Auditing at node X

Input: ADV_CH from other nodes

Output: Validation of packet (discard or accepted)


Foreach nodeID in Mal_List

If nodeID of ADV_CH = nodeID

discard it

End If


Add in Current Cluster head choices


Local detection units check the node ID of the received ADV_CH whether it is

available in ML_List or not. If it is available then it discards the ADV_CH, otherwise it

adds the node ID in the current CH Choices table.

5.2.2 Offline detection

Sensor nodes do not maintain any record about CHs of previous rounds. So, they are

not capable of identifying whether they are making same node as CH again and again.

Offline detection finds those nodes that are trying to become CH in consecutive rounds.

The following is the illustration of the key elements of IDF according to LEACH++.

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5.2 Proposed security solution for LEACH protocol


Data collection

Sensor node listens to the communication between neighboring nodes in

promiscuous mode. In our proposed LEACH++ protocol, the data collection unit listens

to ADV_CH packets and transmits them to content suppression unit.

Content suppression

Whenever some information is received from the data collection unit, the values are

updated in an audit data list (A_List). Every node should maintain an A_List. It is a list

that holds information about the past occurrences of the CHs. According to our analysis,

after simulating LEACH protocol in NS-2, a node usually does not advertise itself as a

CH in consecutive rounds. Hence, we propose that the length of A_List should be 3 *

Number of CHs allowed in a round. It means that a node stores the CH information for

three rounds. The values swap after the third round and so on to keep track of three

consecutive rounds. Consider a sensor network having 100 sensor nodes with five CHs.

Table 13 shows an example of the normal occurrences of CHs in three consecutive

rounds A, B, and C.

Table 13: An example of Audit List (A_List) for normal occurrences of Cluster Heads

CH #1 CH #2 CH #3 CH #4 CH #5

Round A Node 5 Node 13 Node 44 Node 71 Node 95

Round B Node 12 Node 33 Node 56 Node 82 Node 91

Round C Node 7 Node 17 Node 37 Node 66 Node 78

After Round C, values stored for round B and C shift to round A and B respectively

while round C stores the CHs of current round. This continues till the last round.

Table 14: An example of Audit List (A_List) during SBS-F attacks

CH #1 CH #2 CH #3 CH #4 CH #5

Round A Node 5 Node 13 Node 44 Node 71 Node 95

Round B Node 13 Node 33 Node 56 Node 82 Node 91

Round C Node 7 Node 13 Node 37 Node 66 Node 78

Consider node ID 13 is compromised by an adversary and it tries to become CH in

each round. Table 14 shows the attack pattern in this scenario.

Intrusion detection

Specification-based intrusion detection scheme is favored for WSNs by (Da Silva, et

al. 2005) (Roman, Zhou and Lopez 2006) (Krontiris and Dimitriou 2007). This

detection technique is lightweight and can detect unknown attacks, while misuse

detection mechanism cannot find unknown attacks and anomaly detection approach is

expensive (Farooqi and Khan 2012). We propose some specifications for the detection

of intrusions for the LEACH protocol, as follows:

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Securing LEACH protocol against Routing Attacks


• Step #1: The sensor node searches through A_List to check whether the received

ADV_CH packet is from the node that advertised the same packet in the

previous consecutive rounds.

• Step #2: If the outcome of Step #1 is true, then it adds it to the claim list

(C_List) and collaborates with other nodes to find its behavior at their sides.

Otherwise, it follows the normal cluster formation steps.

The format of C_List is very simple. It contains node IDs of claimed nodes only.

The proposed approach lies in purely distributed IDS category (Farooqi and Khan

2012). Every node performs intrusion detection to find the compromised nodes.

Collaborative Inquiry

Sensor nodes advertise C_List once they detect any malicious node. If the rule in

Step #2 fires, then this unit activates and shares the status of malicious nodes with other

nodes. The authors in (Roman, Zhou and Lopez 2006) (Dimitriou, Krontiris and

Giannetsos 2008) (Marchang and Datta 2008) favor the collaborative inquiry about the

maliciousness of a node with other nodes. Here, collaborative inquiry unit works in two

phases: consensus and validation.

Consensus phase: In this phase, the monitor node advertises C_List to tell others

about the detected malicious nodes. Once the other nodes detect the malicious nodes at

their end, they advertise C_List as well in their slotted time. Sensor nodes receive

C_List from other nodes in the setup phase and maintain status list (S_List).

Validation phase: Compromised node can act maliciously and can advertise wrong

claims. Hence, validation unit shows whether the received C_List is from a legitimate

node or already declared malicious node.

S_List contains node IDs of claimed nodes and their status. Initially status is “1”.

Once a node receives C_List from other nodes, it updates S_List and increments the

status values against those nodes that are already present in the S_List.

Table 15: S_List at node X

Node ID Status

node 12 1

node 13 1

Let a node X detects two nodes that advertise ADV_CH in three consecutive rounds

as shown in Table 15. Node X receives C_List from a node Y and it contains two node

IDs; node 16 and node 13. Node X updates its S_List by adding node 16 and status

value as “1”, while it increments status value of node 13 by 1 as shown in Table 16.

Table 16: Updated S_List

Node ID Status

node 12 1

node 13 2

Node 16 1

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5.3 Numerical Analysis of LEACH++



Consolation performs actions to assure that malicious node should not take part in

further degradation of the system’s throughput. We propose that if the status value of

any node is above certain expected value; it should be added in the malicious node list

(ML_List). Here, expected value can be any ratio of total number of nodes and CHs.

Hence, online prevention avoids these nodes to become CH in future.

5.3 Numerical Analysis of LEACH++

LEACH protocol works in two phases: setup phase and steady phase. These phases

consume different amount of energy. Setup phase takes less time while steady phase

continues till the end of each round. We formulate equations to analyze the energy

utilization and throughput by LEACH protocol in three scenarios: (1) normal execution,

(2) attack launched by adversary, and (3) LEACH++ (Farooqi and Khan 2017). Here,

our focus is to find the effect of proposed solution on the transmission of messages

during collaborative inquiry, which increases routing overhead. The proposed solution

increases the energy used in computation, but it is negligible as compared to overall

working of the LEACH protocol. Table 17 describes different notations that are used to

drive the equations.

Table 17: Notations used in Numerical analysis

Notation Description

𝐸1 Amount of energy that is utilized by a node during sending a message to

CH and vice versa. It is the energy consumed during short range


𝐸2 Amount of energy that is utilized when a CH sends message to BS and vice

versa. In other words, it is the energy consumed during long range


𝐸𝑆𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑝 Total amount of energy used by sensor nodes during setup phase.

𝐸𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦 Total amount of energy used by sensor nodes during steady phase.

𝑇𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑠 Total number of sensor nodes in the sensor field

𝑇𝐶𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠 Total number of CHs

𝐶𝐶𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠 Number of compromised sensor nodes

𝑁𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 Amount of data messages send by each node to CH in 1 sec

𝐶𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 Amount of data messages send by CH to BS in 1 sec

𝑅𝑆𝑒𝑐 Length of a round in seconds. We assume that rounds have fixed length.

5.3.1 Normal execution

Sensor nodes develop a topology after their installation in a sensor field. This

topology depends on the routing protocol. Here, sensor nodes use LEACH protocol to

form a path that is used for transmission of information to the BS. The amount of

energy these nodes consume in normal scenario during the formation of topology and

data transmission is discussed below:

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Securing LEACH protocol against Routing Attacks


Energy used in Setup Phase

When a sensor network is deployed, ideally TCHeads number of nodes advertise

ADV_CH message to form clusters.

Energy used in cluster setup = TCHeads ∗ E2 (1)

Sensor nodes reply with JOIN_REQ message to join the clusters and CHs respond

with an acknowledgement.

𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑙𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = (𝑇𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑠 ∗ 𝐸1 ) + (𝑇𝐶𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠 ∗ 𝐸1) (2)

Hence from Equations (1) and (2), we conclude that

𝐸𝑆𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑝(𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻) = 𝐸2 ∗ (𝑇𝐶𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠) + 𝐸1 ∗ (𝑇𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑠 + 𝑇𝐶𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠) (3)

Energy used in steady phase

In steady phase, sensor nodes start sending messages to CHs and CHs pass the

information after aggregation. So, we track the amount of data packets that are sent

during this phase to calculate energy usage. Here, we assume that clusters have same

size, or they are of uniform size. Hence number of nodes in a cluster is equal to(TNodes/TCHeads). If there are 100 sensor nodes, then each cluster has 20 nodes. But here, we use

the cluster formation algorithm to determine the number of nodes in each cluster, as

shown in Algorithm 5.

Algorithm # 5: Cluster formation

Input: Number of normal nodes and cluster size

Output: Clusters with different number of nodes


For all cluster size DO

Temp_Array: Assign random number between 10 to 50 to a temporary


Sum: It holds the sum of these numbers

End for

For all cluster size again DO

Clusters: Assign value to cluster equal to (Temp_Array/Sum) * Number

of normal nodes

End For


Cluster size defines the number of clusters to be formed, while the number of nodes

define the nodes that will be in these clusters. Initially, a random number is assigned to

each cluster that sets the percentage of nodes to be present in that cluster, which ranges

from 10 to 50. Here, we want that a cluster should have at least 10 nodes or maximum

50 nodes out of 100. In the next FOR loop, number of nodes are assigned with reference

to its percentage. The results of this algorithm show that most of the time, the clusters

are of different sizes.

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5.3 Numerical Analysis of LEACH++


The next step is to determine the number of data packets received by a CH in one

round. Here, we assume that a node sends about 1 to 10 data messages in one round to

the CH. To achieve that, the following algorithm is used:

Algorithm # 6: Amount of Cluster data and Total data in a round

Input: Clusters return by cluster formation algorithm and cluster size

Output: Each cluster data and total data of all clusters in a round


For all cluster size DO

For all cluster nodes of this cluster DO

Node data (N Data) = Node data + Random number between 1 to


End for

Cluster data of that cluster (C Data) = Node data

Total data (T Data) = Total data + Cluster data of that cluster

End for


Clusters having different number of nodes returned by the cluster formation

algorithm. Each node in the cluster sends 1 to 10 data messages in a round known as

NData which collectively consider as the cluster data CData. Here we consider that once

the CH receives 20 data messages; it sends an aggregated message to BS. Hence, the

energy consumption in steady phase is as follow:

𝐸𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦(𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻) = 𝐸1 ∗ 𝑇𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎(𝑅𝑆𝑒𝑐) + 𝐸2 ∗ 𝑇𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎(𝑅𝑆𝑒𝑐)/20 (4)

Total Energy and Throughput

Total energy consumed by the LEACH protocol by executing in normal fashion can

be achieved from Equations. (3) and (4).

𝑇𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 (𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻) = ∑ 𝐸𝑆𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑝 (𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻) + 𝐸𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦 (𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻)𝑛𝑖=0 (5)

Here, n is the number of rounds. Throughput is the amount of data packets received

by the BS. From Algorithm 6, we calculate

𝑇𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑝𝑢𝑡 (𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻) = ∑ 𝐶𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 [𝑖] ∗ 𝑅𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑛𝑖=0 (6)

5.3.2 Attack launched by adversary

LEACH protocol shows resilience to a number of attacks due to its adaptive nature

of the clustering mechanism. However, there are some attacks that can degrade the

performance of the LEACH protocol. Black-hole, sinkhole, and selective forwarding

attacks are among these attacks. In these attacks, a legitimate node can be compromised

to perform the malicious activity. This malicious activity depends on the type of attack,

such as dropping of packets, sending data packets containing wrong information, and

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Securing LEACH protocol against Routing Attacks


dropping a fraction of packets. These attacks are considered as insider attacks because

these are launched by nodes that are part of the current network.

Here, we assume that a compromised node becomes a CH in each round and does

not send any message to the BS. It means that the attacking node drops all the packets

that should be transmitted to the BS after taking aggregate of the data received from

cluster nodes. Here, we called it ALEACH: LEACH under attack.

Energy used in Setup Phase

Total energy utilization for this phase remains same as in Equation (3) for the attack

scenario because compromised nodes work like the other nodes. In the attack scenario,

the compromised nodes advertise ADV_CH message to assure that it becomes CH in

each round. This does not affect the overall energy consumption in setup phase.

Energy used in steady phase

In attack scenario, amount of data messages received by a CH remains the same as

Algorithm 6. This is because according to our assumption, a compromised node

becomes the CH in each round, while the working of the other nodes remains the same.

The messages receive by CH:

𝑁𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 (𝑅𝑆𝑒𝑐) = 𝑁𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 ∗ 𝑇𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑠 ∗ 𝑅𝑆𝑒𝑐 (7)

There are CCHeads number of compromised nodes that form clusters. These nodes do

not send messages to BS. Hence, the amount of data packets received by a BS in a

round during attack are:

𝐶𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 (𝑅𝑆𝑒𝑐) = 𝐶𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 𝑜𝑓𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑜𝑑𝑒 ∗ 𝑅𝑆𝑒𝑐- 𝐶𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 𝑜𝑓𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑛𝑜𝑑𝑒 ∗ 𝐶𝐶𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠


Therefore, from Equations (7) and (8), we have:

𝐸𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦(𝐴𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻) = 𝐸1 ∗ 𝑁𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 (𝑅𝑆𝑒𝑐) + 𝐸2 ∗ 𝐶𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 (𝑅𝑆𝑒𝑐)/20 (9)

Total Energy

Total energy consumed by the attacked LEACH by executing in normal fashion can

be achieved from Equations (3) and (9).

𝑇𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 (𝐴𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻) = ∑ 𝐸𝑆𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑝 (𝐴𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻) + 𝐸𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦 (𝐴𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻)𝑛𝑖=1 (10)

Here, n is the number of rounds in which network is under attack. Throughput is the

amount of data packets received by BS.

𝑇𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑝𝑢𝑡 (𝐴𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻) = ∑ 𝐶𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎[𝑖] ∗ 𝑅𝑆𝑒𝑐 − 𝐶𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 𝑜𝑓𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑛𝑜𝑑𝑒 ∗ 𝐶𝐶𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠 𝑛



5.3.3 LEACH++

Here, we calculate the effect of the proposed IDF to the original LEACH protocol

with respect to energy consumption and throughput after securing from attacks

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5.3 Numerical Analysis of LEACH++


Energy used in Setup Phase

The proposed mechanism may increase the energy usage in the setup phase. Let a

node X detects that node Y advertises to become CH in consecutive rounds; node X

advertises the claim list (C_List) to make the final decision. Meanwhile, other nodes

also share their claim lists and nodes maintain the status of the claimed nodes. If a node

is declared as a malicious node, then the first node among the detectors advertises

ADV_CH to become the CH.

Amount of energy used for detecting and changing CH is as follow:

𝐸𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝐶𝐻 = 2𝐸1 ∗ (𝑇𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑠

𝑇𝐶𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠 ) + 𝐸2(𝑇𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑠) + 𝐸2 (12)

Here, E2(TNodes) energy is used for sharing the claim list. E2 amount of energy is

used by a node that advertise ADV_CH message and 2E1 ∗ (TNodes/TCHeads) energy is

again used to join the CH.

Hence, the overall energy utilization in setup phase is the sum of Equations (3) and

(12), as shown in Equation (13).

𝐸𝑆𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑝(𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻 + +) = {𝐸2 ∗ (𝑇𝐶𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠) + 𝐸1 ∗ (𝑇𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑠 + 𝑇𝐶𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠)} + 𝐸𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝐶𝐻 (13)

Energy used in steady phase

The proposed approach does not play any role in the steady phase. The total energy

that is consumed in this phase may differ from the LEACH protocol because the

compromised node does not send any message during this phase due to its

configuration. Hence, the number of nodes that send data to CHs differs by the number

of compromised nodes.

𝐸𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦(𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻 + +)

= 𝐸1 ∗ (𝑁𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 ∗ ( 𝑇𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑠 – 𝐶𝐶𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠) ∗ 𝑅𝑆𝑒𝑐) + 𝐸2 ∗ (𝐶𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 ∗ 𝑇𝐶𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠 ∗ 𝑅𝑆𝑒𝑐)


Total Energy

Total energy consumed by LEACH++ protocol by executing in normal fashion can

be achieved from Equations (13) and (14).

𝑇𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 (𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻 + +) = ∑ 𝐸𝑆𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑝 (𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻 + +) + 𝐸𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦 (𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻 + +)𝑛𝑖 (15)

Here, n is the number of rounds in which nodes detect any malicious activity.

Throughput differs in different rounds based on the impact of the attackers on the

network, the time when the malicious activity is detected, and the round in which

isolation of the compromised node is achieved.

Data loss during the attack is high as the compromised node drops all or selectively

forwards few data messages to the BS. Here, when the attacker becomes successful, it

drops all the packets of that cluster. The impact of the attacker remains, as it does not

provide its own information throughout its lifetime. Hence, even if the network detects

the malicious node, there is still some data loss. This is measured using the Algorithm 7.

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Securing LEACH protocol against Routing Attacks


Algorithm # 7: Data lose during and after detection of attack

Input: Clusters, Cluster Data, Number of attackers

Output: Data lose (D Lose)


For all rounds DO

If network is under attack DO

For all successful attackers DO

Data lose = Data lose + Cluster data of compromised cluster

End for

Else IF network recovered from attack DO

Data lose = Data discard by the attacking node

End if

End for


𝑇𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑝𝑢𝑡 (𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻 + +) = ∑ 𝐶𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 ∗ 𝑇𝐶𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠 ∗ 𝑅𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑛𝑖 (16)

Here, n is the number of rounds in which nodes detect any malicious activity.

5.3.4 Experiments and Discussion

We simulate and test the effect of the proposed approach on the LEACH protocol.

Simulation parameters are shown in Table 18. We assume that the sensor nodes

communicate in two ranges and consume different amounts of energies, e.g., nodes

utilize three times more energy for long distance communication than for the short-

range communication. There are 10 rounds with 25 s for each round in a simulation of

250 s. There are 100 nodes and varying number of CHs. The amount of data a node

sends to the CH in one round is a random number between 1 and 10 data packets, while

the CH sends 1 packet once it receives 20 data messages from the cluster nodes.

Table 18: Simulation Parameters for numerical analysis

Simulation Time 250 secs

Rounds 10

R_Sec 25 secs

E1 1 Unit

E2 3 Unit

T_Nodes 100

T_CHeads 5, 10

C_CHeads 1, 3

N_Data Random (1-10)

C_Data Total Data / 20

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5.3 Numerical Analysis of LEACH++


Hierarchical routing protocols can minimize the overall impact of attacks on the

throughput by increasing the number of CHs. We test the LEACH protocol by

increasing the number of CHs for each round and launch different numbers of attacks.

The results are calculated after launching 1, 2, and 3 attackers in 10 different

simulations by setting the number of CHs as 5 and 10.

Figure 18: Impact of sinkhole, black-hole, and selective forwarding attacks on normal

LEACH with respect to throughput by varying the CHs

Here, we use the average value acquired from the results after simulation. First, CHs

are set to 5 and attackers vary like 1, 2, and 3, and then CHs are set to 10 and attackers

vary like 1, 2, and 3 for few simulations. The normal throughput of LEACH having 5

and 10 clusters are depicted for 10 rounds by setting the simulation time as 250 s and

round time as 25 s. The results are very close to each other while the results acquired by

launching different numbers of attacks and taking the average shows less degradation in

case of 5 clusters. The degradation for 5 CHs is about 37%while for 10 CHs, it is

around 20%. Still the effect is high for both the cases as it degrades the performance of

the output acquired from such missing data. However, there is a negative impact of

increasing CHs in the LEACH protocol. This directly affects the energy utilization of

the system.

Cluster size should be kept optimal to achieve high throughput and ensure low

energy consumption. Consider the results shown in Figure 19.

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Securing LEACH protocol against Routing Attacks


Figure 19: Average energy and throughput utilization by LEACH protocol for a

different number of CHs

CHs take more energy to communicate with BS as compared to energy used by

nodes to communicate with the CHs. In Figure 19, we simulated for 10 times each by

setting the CH as 1 to 10. The workload of an individual cluster in different sized

clusters is depicted by averaging all the simulation results and rounds in it. If there are

no clusters or only one cluster, then the load on the CH is very high and that helps it to

die soon. The optimal cluster size here is 5, as the average throughput or energy

utilization of the CH does not change more for latter cluster sizes. As the cluster size

increases, it puts extra burden on the network. The above results also prove that increase

in the number of CHs is directly proportional to a factor increase in energy utilization.

The results depicted here show about 10% increase in the overall working of the

network having 10 clusters, rather than having 5 clusters. In our experiments, we have

mostly used the cluster size equal to 5.

Now, consider there are 100 nodes with 5 CHs. The pattern of energy utilization by

LEACH and LEACH++ during each round acquired from the above numerical analysis

is shown in Figure 20. It shows that LEACH++ consumes more energy than LEACH.

The factors that influence the results are discussed below.

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5.3 Numerical Analysis of LEACH++


Figure 20: Comparison of energy consumption between LEACH and LEACH++

The energy utilization of the previous round is added in the current round to have a

clear look at the difference. In round 1, both consume the same amount of energy

because the security patch that is included in LEACH for LEACH++ works after an

attack is detected. There is a change in energy consumption from round 3 onwards. We

assume that the sensor network is attacked by the adversary at this point. Hence, the

energy consumed by the network is according to Equation (13). The compromised CH

does not communicate with the BS, so it does not take part in enhancing the energy. In

round 4, LEACH++ performs its activity and utilizes more energy than LEACH. It is

not a considerable amount by looking at the solution it provides to secure the LEACH

from various attacks. From round 4 onwards, the network works according to LEACH

because there are no more attacks for which any change in energy occurs. We ignore the

energy utilization on the computation, as it is negligible as compared to communication

overhead. We conclude that LEACH++ puts some burden on LEACH protocol but

considering the positive impact of this overhead, it can be neglected.

In our next result, we show the importance of the security patch and show its impact

on throughput. Figure 21 shows the effect of the attack on throughput for both LEACH

and LEACH++ having 5 CHs and attacking nodes.

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Securing LEACH protocol against Routing Attacks


Figure 21: Throughput analysis. LEACH++ performs better in Attacked scenario

The throughput achieved by LEACH++ as compared to the attacked LEACH shows

that LEACH++ recovers from the attack while the performance of LEACH protocol

degrades after an attack is launched. Here, we can conclude that LEACH++ can provide

better throughput in case of attack on the LEACH protocol.

5.4 Simulation and analysis of LEACH++ using NS-2 LEACH protocol is implemented in NS-2.15b for initial testing (Heinzelman,

Balakrishnan and Chandrakasan 2002). This implementation is online available at (W.

Heinzelman 2011). There is also a patch for LEACH is available for NS-2.34. We use

that patch to test our proposed approach. In this section, we provide detail about the

implementation of the attacker node and discuss the way the LEACH is modified to

LEACH++. We further provide the simulation details and results discussion.

5.4.1 Attack implementation and LEACH modification

Here, we discuss the implementation of an attacker node, the way it gets

compromised and becomes attacker w.r.t. to the detail provided in Chapter 3. We also

provide the modification done to add the proposed IDS solution to detect the

maliciousness and perform some appropriate action.

Introduction of a malicious node

Three changes are required to launch black-hole, selective forwarding or sink-hole

attack in LEACH protocol. These are (1) Increase the energy of malicious node, (2)

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5.4 Simulation and analysis of LEACH++ using NS-2


Make it a CH in each round, and (3) Dropping of all packets or selectively dropping of

important messages. Here, we assume that once the compromised node becomes CH, it

drops all the packets. The implementation details are as follows:

Increasing Energy: Energy of the malicious node is increased so that it does not die

throughout the simulation and shows others that it has more energy to play the role of a

CH.We made some changes in a file “uamps.tcl” and modify the function “proc

leachcreate-mobile-node {id}” to increase the energy of the attacking node. It sets

infinite amount of energy for the attacking node.

Making cluster head: Attacking node should be a part of cluster choices for each node in

every round. There are different ways to achieve it. In our experiments, we append the

malicious node request to the CH choices. Hence, it appends the node’s ID of the

attacking node in the list of cluster choices. So, there are some nodes that make it a CH

in consecutive rounds

Dropping packets: Once an attacking node becomes a CH, it drops all the packets. We

made some modification that drops the packet received by the malicious node. It checks

for the attacker node’s ID to avoid sending data to the BS. It also updates the number of

times it does not forward the message to record the number of packets that are dropped.

LEACH++ implementation

Original implementation of LEACH protocol is modified to add more security

against inside attacks. The propose approach works in two phases: online prevention

and offline detection. In this section, we present the details of their implementation in


1) Online prevention:

• Local detection engine validates and verifies the incoming packets whether

these are from legitimate nodes or not. For LEACH protocol, it verifies the

list of cluster choices whether it contains any node that is already declared as

malicious. If it finds that node, then it eliminates it from the list of cluster


• The function that provides the list of possible CHs in a round is

“Application/LEACH instproc recvADV_CH{msg}” available in “ns-

leach.tcl”. ClusterChoices_ is the array that contains the list of current

choices for the CH. In function “findBestCluster {}”, a list is introduced

called malicious node list. This list contains node IDs of those nodes that are

declared as malicious by offline detection. This avoids the malicious nodes

from becoming CH again by removing the IDs of the malicious nodes from

the cluster choices.

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Securing LEACH protocol against Routing Attacks


2) Offline detection:

• Intrusion detection works after collecting some amount of data. We simulate

LEACH protocol for 100 nodes having 5 CHs for 25 times keeping the

simulation time as 800 s to find whether nodes advertise ADV_CH in

consecutive rounds or not. We find that nodes do not advertise ADV_CH in

consecutive rounds. So, we track three consecutive rounds rather than judging

for more rounds to make the decision about the maliciousness of a node.

• In offline detection, data collection unit provides data to the content suppression

unit to arrange the data for intrusion detection. “clusterChoices_” is the data that

is provided to the content suppression unit. It makes a record list of cluster

choices for three consecutive rounds. Here, if a node is selected as a CH by a

node for third consecutive time; it is declared as malicious. The process of

detecting intrusions continues until the last round to avoid the malicious node

from becoming CH in continuous rounds.

• Intrusion detection checks whether a node becomes a CH for three consecutive

times. If it detects such a behavior, then it appends it in a maliciousNodes_ list.

“ns-leach.tcl” executes for each node in every round. Therefore,

maliciousNodes_ is visible for all the nodes. Hence, we do not need to

implement the collaboration part here. But, in real scenarios, the collaborative

inquiry will be required

5.4.2 NS-2 Simulation results and discussion

LEACH++ implementation shows that the modification does not put burden on

LEACH protocol with respect to overall memory utilization and computation. We

simulate LEACH++ using NS-2.34 in Fedora 12 to analyze its impact on energy

consumption and throughput. The simulation parameters used to carry out the test are

mentioned in Table 19. Simulation results are discussed below.

Table 19: Simulation parameters for NS2

Simulation Time 800sec

Sensor Nodes 100

Base station 1

Base Station Location 70 * 100

Number of clusters 5

Initial Energy 2 Joules

Dimension 1000 * 1000

There are 100 sensor nodes and a BS while the initial energy of the sensor nodes is

set to 2 J. The sensor network topology used for the simulation is available at (W.

Heinzelman 2011) , which is shown in Figure 10. The BS is located at (70,100) colored

as metallic black with 5 nodes randomly selected as CHs, which are colored in green.

Here, we have kept 5 CHs as it is considered as an optimal number (Tian, ChangDu and

Huang 2012). If the CH of high density is compromised, then the sensor network will be

affected more than compromising any other CH.

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5.4 Simulation and analysis of LEACH++ using NS-2


Clusters shown in Figure 22 are almost uniform as CHs are at a good distance from

each other and close to 20% of nodes in each case. While in Figure 23, CHs are very

close to each other, which may cause heterogeneous clusters. In such a case, if a cluster

having more density gets compromised, then the effect is higher than the one having

low cluster size. That is why we have simulated for more than 10 times for each

scenario to cover this impact.

Figure 22: Sensor network having 101 nodes with 5 CHs and 1 BS

LEACH protocol supports heterogeneous clusters, and this may lead to the

formation of worse clusters as shown in Figure 23. Here, the five adjacent nodes are

selected as CHs. So, the nodes may have a very minute difference among the distance

from the CHs. This is the reason why we have performed different numbers of

simulations and used the average value in our results. In our simulations, for attacked

LEACH and LEACH++, we have changed the attacker node in each simulation to have

a variety in the affected percentage. This can also be ensured automatically as CHs do

not remain the same throughout the simulation

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Securing LEACH protocol against Routing Attacks


Figure 23: Varying cluster size as LEACH supports heterogeneous cluster formation

Energy consumption in Rounds

Energy utilization is a key feature to evaluate the performance of routing protocol.

LEACH utilizes less energy during its working, but it lacks the security aspects.

LEACH++ add some overhead to normal LEACH as it includes security mechanism for

reliable delivery of message to the destination node.

Sensor node consumes some energy for some computation steps and for the

communication after detecting the malicious node. Each node consumes some extra

energy due to the security policy during the setup phase in each round. This energy

relates to the computation overhead enforced by the IDF on the LEACH protocol.

However, this overhead is negligible as compared to the communication overhead, as

shown in Figure 24.

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5.4 Simulation and analysis of LEACH++ using NS-2


Figure 24: Comparison between LEACH++ and normal LEACH with respect to energy


Data delivery in rounds

We have analyzed the data delivery at BS that occurred during the normal LEACH,

attacked LEACH and LEACH++. The amount of data received at BS depends on the

data messages sent by CHs. In the attack scenario, CH drops or selectively forwards the

data communicated by the cluster nodes. In our simulation, there is a CH that drops all

the packets. Hence, if there are 5 CHs in each round and one CH drops all the packets,

then there will be about 20% reduction in the packets received at the BS as compared to

the normal scenario. However, LEACH works in a random environment, so the number

of messages sent in each round is not fixed for every simulation. So, the drop ratio

calculated varies for each round for different simulations. We use the average of these

simulations and show it in the following results in Figure 25.

Sensor nodes will detect the malicious activity in the next round as per the detection

policy set for the LEACH protocol, while the detection of the cluster node takes place in

the current round by the CH. Here, the cluster nodes do not select a node as CH, which

is selected by it in previous rounds, or the one who advertises CH JOIN request in every

round. Sensor network remains affected for first two rounds and recovers from it in next

rounds by avoiding the malicious node from becoming the CH. The impact of data

received at the BS is shown in Figure 25. Results show that about 22% of the data is

saved by the LEACH++ protocol, which is compromised during the attacked scenario.

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Securing LEACH protocol against Routing Attacks


Figure 25: Throughput comparison of LEACH, attacked LEACH, and LEACH++

5.5 Summary In this chapter, we modified the low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH)

protocol for WSNs and added the functionality of intrusion detection to secure WSNs

from sinkhole, blackhole, and selective forwarding attacks. We analyzed the energy

consumption and throughput of the proposed LEACH++ protocol both numerically as

well as using the NS-2 simulator.

The results show that LEACH++ receives more throughput than LEACH during

attack, while it does not affect the overall energy consumption of the system. The

proposed intrusion detection framework is lightweight and does not put much burden on

the LEACH protocol with respect to memory utilization and computation. The proposed

protocol can be effectively used for cloud-based WSN environments.

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6.1 Introduction


Chapter 6

Comprehensive Security Analysis of

LEACH++ Clustering Protocol

6.1 Introduction During the last few years, malicious traffic detection become an active area of

network security because the WSNs has observed a heave in malicious traffic generated

by adversaries (Shanthi and G. Rajan 2016). They launched various DoS attacks such as

black-hole, selective forwarding, and sink-hole attacks to make network performance

inefficient and troubles users. Various malicious traffic detection techniques are

proposed to counter these attacks. IDSs are commonly used today. They are used to

detect various kinds of abnormal traffics and network communications with the mission

to preserve the system from damages (Ho, et al. 2012).

A specification-based approach to secure LEACH protocol is proposed in (Lee, Lee

and Yoo 2012) but it isn’t tested properly and lack any simulation results. Hence, the

efficiency of the proposed scheme cannot be justified. In another work (Kumar and

Umamakeswari 2016), a specification-based intrusion detection scheme is also

presented called SSLEACH to secure WSNs from the sinkhole attack. They discussed

the way their approach works better with respect to energy consumption but did not

provide any detail about detection rate analysis. An IDS solution that detects the

malicious nodes using anomaly-based detection scheme is presented in (Almomani, Al-

Kasasbeh and AL-Akhras 2016) using LEACH protocol. Here, artificial neural network

is trained on the WSN dataset collected by simulating LEACH protocol to classify

various DoS attacks. We discussed earlier that anomaly-based detection schemes do not

suit WSNs.

An IDS monitors the activities of the sensor field and interprets whether these

activities are normal or malicious. There is chance that the IDS consider a normal

activity as abnormal and generates an alarm regarding the maliciousness of the node

vice versa there is an abnormal activity, but IDS cannot judge it as malicious. Hence,

there is a requirement to test the proposed IDS schemes against detection rates.

Commonly, proposed schemes are tested for false positive rates and intrusion detection

rates. In this chapter, we performed the detection rate analysis for our proposed

specification-based detection scheme for LEACH++. We analyze the proposed

approach by launching black-hole and sink-hole attacks in different patterns and in

different numbers.

Three performance metrics are used to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed work

i.e. false positive rate, detection rate, and accuracy. Detection policy can declare a

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Comprehensive Security Analysis of LEACH++ Clustering Protocol


normal activity as malicious and it can be possible it does not detect an abnormal

activity. Systems that focus on achieving high detection rate may end with high false

positive rate and low accuracy. On the other hand, if the focus is to achieve low false

positive rate then it can affect the intrusion detection rate and affect accuracy as well.

So, the systems should be an intermediate solution that achieve low false positive rate

while high detection and accuracy rate.

Results show that the proposed specification-based detection policy achieve low

false positive rate and high detection rate as well high accuracy by keeping records three

consecutive rounds.

6.2 False positive rate, intrusion detection rate, and

accuracy Detection schemes are used to detect the abnormal behavior of a node and called it a

malicious activity. Sometimes, a normal node which is not malicious, but for some

reason it performs such actions that allows the detection scheme to declare it a

malicious node. This phenomenon is known as false positive. It is natural for every type

of security mechanism, that it encounters the issue of false positive (Mcdermott and

Petrovki 2017). On the other hand, intrusion detection rate (IDR) provides the capability

of the detection scheme to determine the compromised nodes efficiently. False positives

and detection rates are the key performance parameters in IDS (Otoum, Kantarci and

Hussein 2017). Another fundamental parameter that is used to calculate the efficiency

of proposed IDS is accuracy (Bahl and Sharma 2015) (Milenkoski, et al. 2016).

Following formulas are used to determine these rates:

6.2.1 False positive rate (FPR)

In false positive, the focus is on the incorrectly notifying a normal behavior as

abnormal. The formula of false positive rate is mentioned below:


𝐹𝑃 + 𝑇𝑁 {

𝐹𝑃 = 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑇𝑁 = 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑁𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒

False positive (FP): CHs that are normal but considered as malicious.

True negative (TN): CHs that are normal and correctly identified as normal.

If the CH node is normal and it is declared malicious by the detection policy, then it

is FP, while if node is normal and correctly identified as normal, then it is TN.

6.2.2 Intrusion detection rate (IDR)

Detection rate focuses on the applied technique to appropriately detects the

malicious node. If the technique couldn’t detect the malicious node(s) correctly then the

detection rate lowers accordingly. The formula of detection rate is mentioned below:


𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 {

𝑇𝑃 = 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐹𝑁 = 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑁𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒

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6.3 Simulation parameters and Experiments detail


True positive (TP): CHs that are malicious and correctly identified as malicious.

False negative (FN): CHs that are malicious but incorrectly identified as normal.

If the CH node is malicious and it is declared malicious as well by the detection

policy, then it is TP, while if node is abnormal, but incorrectly declared as normal, then

it is FN.

6.2.3 Accuracy rate

Accuracy is one of the fundamental performance metric for detection schemes along

with false positive rate and detection rate. It is defined as the number of tasters

appropriately classified in test data divided by total number of tasters in test data

(Jabbar, Aluvalu and Reddy 2017). Consider, a detection system that is applied on a

dataset of patients of a hospital and it achieves 75% accuracy. Hence, it means that the

system has identify the disease of 75 out of 100 patients correctly. To determine the

accuracy of any test, the TP and TN are calculated for all possibilities. The formula of

accuracy is mentioned below:

𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 =𝑇𝑃 + 𝑇𝑁

𝑇𝑃 + 𝑇𝑁 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 {

𝑇𝑃 = 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑇𝑁 = 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑁𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐹𝑃 = 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒

𝐹𝑁 = 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑁𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒

If a detection system declares the normal CHs as normal, and the malicious CHs are

correctly detected as abnormal, then such system achieves high accuracy.

6.3 Simulation parameters and Experiments detail We simulate LEACH++ using NS-2.34 in Fedora 12 to find intrusion detection rate

and false positive rate. The simulation parameters used to carry out the tests are

mentioned in Table 20. The network scenario is same as the one used in previous

chapter to determine the impact of energy consumption and throughput for LEACH++.

There are 100 normal nodes that are randomly placed and one BS that is situated at (70,

100). Overall time for each simulation is 800s while each round is composed of 20

seconds. Hence, each simulation will have 40 rounds. We discussed earlier that number

of CHs are set to 5, but it doesn’t mean that each round will have 5 CH. But due to the

self-controlled nature of sensor nodes, the number of CHs changes and their range is

between 3 to 10 for most of the time. So, for each test, we perform multiple simulations

and finalized a single value by taking the average.

Table 20: Simulation parameters for detection rate analysis

Simulation Time 800sec

Sensor Nodes 100

Base station 1

Base Station Location 70 * 100

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Comprehensive Security Analysis of LEACH++ Clustering Protocol


Number of clusters 5

Initial Energy 2 Joules

Dimension 1000 * 1000

Detection rate analysis is done for the detection policy that is proposed for

LEACH++. A specification-based detection policy is proposed that works in two steps

as discussed below:

• Step #1: The sensor node searches through A_List to check whether the received

ADV_CH packet is from the node that advertised the same packet in the previous

consecutive rounds.

• Step #2: If the outcome of Step #1 is true, then it adds it to the claim list (C_List)

and collaborates with other nodes to find its behavior at their sides. Otherwise, it

follows the normal cluster formation steps.

Here, sensor nodes searches through A_List which stores CHs record of previous

rounds. In this chapter, we test the impact of keeping records for 2, 3 or 4 consecutive

rounds in A_List. We used the terminology for these in our tests as consecutive rounds

2 (CR-2), consecutive rounds 3 (CR-3), and consecutive rounds 4 (CR-4).

We performed various tests to evaluate false positive rates (FPRs) and intrusion

detection rates (IDRs) after launching black-hole attacks. In this work, different

numbers of attacks are launched in each test i.e. 1, 2, or 3 attacks. Here, we further

perform test by launching the attacks in different patterns, if they are more than 1. These

are as follows:

• Purely random (PR): In this scenario, once the attack is launched than the second

attack will not be launched until the first the successfully detected.

• Overlapping (OL): In this scenario, once the attack is launched than the second

attack will be launched in any of the next rounds before the first attack is detected.

• Same time (ST): All the attacks are launched at the same time.

FPR is calculated for different configurations of A_List and varying number of

attackers. While IDR is calculated for different configurations of A_List, varying

number of attacker, and by changing the launching pattern.

6.4 Detection rate analysis for Black-hole attack Black-hole attack is one of the serious security problems for WSNs. In this problem,

an adversary tries to gain more attention from the neighboring nodes to intercepts more

packets by advertising wrong information. Here, the compromised node drops all the

received packets that are to be forwarded (Ghugar and Pradhan 2016). A compromised

node can launch black-hole attack in LEACH by transmitting ADV_CH in every round

during the setup phase to become CH. And then, it starts dropping all the packets that it

must send to base station. A specification-based detection scheme is proposed to detect

this attack and then avoid that node from becoming CH in latter rounds. We discuss the

FPR, IDR, accuracy rate analysis for this type of attack in following sub-sections.

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6.4 Detection rate analysis for Black-hole attack


6.4.1 FPR analysis

Security schemes encounter false positive, but it should be minimum to avoid

degradation in the performance of a system, as this leads to inaccuracy of the overall

results. Because, if a normal node is declared malicious than other nodes drops the

packets received from such node, which cause the loss of data. Table 21 depicts the

FPR, that are achieved after simulation of the proposed detection scheme. Test are

carried out for different configurations of the A_List and launching of different numbers

of attacks in PR manner. Results show that the FPR rate is high for CR-2 while the FPR

rate is very low for CR-4.

Table 21: FPR for black-hole attack

1A_70 2A_70 3A_70 1A_100 2A_100 3A_100

CR-2 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.025 0.025 0.025

CR-3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01

CR-4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025

The simulations are carried out for 800 seconds and there is always chance that the

simulation ends before it reaches the stop time. In LEACH, node consumes energy more

when it is acting like CH. Mostly, nodes start dying after the simulation reaches to 70%

of its execution time. The results are shown to cover these two phases of the network

when most of the nodes are alive and when the nodes start dying. 1A_70, 2A_70, or

3A_70 shows the impact of one, two, or three attackers respectively during the first

70% of the simulation time. While 1A_100, 2A_100, or 3A_100 shows the impact of

one, two, or three attackers respectively for complete execution of the simulation.

There is a rare chance that a legitimate node tries to become CH in four consecutive

rounds. Hence, FPR for CR-4 is minute as compared to others. The only chance is

when, there are less number of nodes are present and every other node tries to become

CH to share the messages with BS. In our simulation, that is only possible during the

termination of the simulation period. Hence, for first 70% of simulation time, FPR is

zero, while for complete simulation time, it is as low as 0.0025.

Simulation results show that CR-2 archives high FPR as compared to CR-3 and CR-

4 in both the situations. There is likeliness that the sensor node sends ADV_CH

message in consecutive two rounds but the possibility to send it in consecutive three

rounds is not so common. Result shows that during the 70% of the simulation time,

almost none of the nodes tries to become CH in consecutive three rounds but there is a

chance that the node tries in two consecutive rounds. Hence, the CR-2 consider a

normal node as malicious more than the CR-3 and CR-4. During the last quarter of the

simulation, where nodes start dying in quick secession, the chance of the node to

become CH in consecutive rounds increases. That is the issue, due to which CR-3

achieves some FPR in last quarter. But still it is lower as compared to CR-2.

6.4.2 IDR analysis

Intrusion detection rate provides the capability of the detection scheme to determine

the compromised nodes efficiently. We proposed a specification base detection policy

that maintains a list of previous CHs and then determines the malicious node. Consider

a scenario, that is depicted in following Table 22, where CR-3 is used for A_List.

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Comprehensive Security Analysis of LEACH++ Clustering Protocol


Table 22: Example illustrating IDR calculation

CH#1 CH#2 CH#3 CH#4 CH#5

Round#10 12 23 45 67 89

Round#11 33 46 77 86 97

Round#12 22 46 55 62 93

Round#13 14 46 66 75 90

Round#14 15 24 39 71 92

According to our test, we calculate the IDR of each round. For given example,

Round#10, Round#13 and Round#14 are normal while Round#11 and Round#12 are

compromised by a malicious node “46”. In Round#13, it will be declared as malicious

and sensor nodes will not communicate with it. So, its impact remains for two rounds

only. The IDR for Round#10, Round#13 and Round#14 is 100% while Round#11 and

Round#12 is 0%. Finally, we average the IDR of all the rounds. Hence, here IDR

provides the percentage of time where the system works normally.

IDR for PR attack pattern for black-hole attack is calculated for three configurations

of A_List i.e. CR-2, CR-3, and CR-4 as shown in Table 23. In PR attack pattern, for

single attack, network remains compromised for one round in CR-2, two rounds in CR-

3, and three rounds in CR-4. Hence, the IDR value is low for CR-4 while high for CR-2.

Network remains compromised for more rounds for three attackers. Currently, the

simulation has 40 rounds only. If the number of rounds in each simulation is increased

to 100 rounds than the impact will be low. In that case, there will be light difference

between IDR of CR-2 and CR-3, but there will remain some gape between CR-2 and

CR-4. i.e. for 1A_PR, the IDR for CR-2 would become 0.99 while for CR-3, it would

become 0.98 and for 3A_PR, the IDR for CR-2 would become 0.98 while for CR-3, it

would become 0.945.

Table 23: IDR for purely random attack pattern for black-hole attack


CR-2 0.975 0.95 0.925

CR-3 0.95 0.90 0.85

CR-4 0.925 0.85 0.775

Further, we simulated black-hole attack for different attack patterns i.e. OL and ST.

These results are shown in Table 24. It shows that PR attack pattern affects the network

performance more than the OL and ST, while ST has less impact than the others. It is

obvious that if the attacks are launched in the same round than they will be likely

detected in the same round as well. So, as per our calculation, the network will remain

compromised for one round in CR-2, two rounds in CR-3, and three rounds in CR-4 for

1A, 2A, and 3A for ST attack pattern. While the number of compromised round differs

for OL attack pattern. OL attack pattern affects more than the ST pattern, but low than

PR attack pattern.

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6.4 Detection rate analysis for Black-hole attack


Table 24: IDR for different attack patterns for black-hole attack having 2 & 3 attackers

2A_ PR 2A_OL 2A_ST 3A_ PR 3A_OL 3A_ST

CR-2 0.95 0.963 0.975 0.925 0.95 0.975

CR-3 0.90 0.93 0.95 0.85 0.91 0.95

CR-4 0.85 0.89 0.925 0.775 0.86 0.925

Table 25 presents the average IDR for black-hole attack. It shows that CR-2

performs better than CR-3 and CR-4 and achieves high detection rate. It also shows that

CR-4 does not provide good results as compared to CR-3 with respect to intrusion

detection rate. For CR-4, network remains in normal condition for average 89% of time,

while for CR-3, network remains uncompromised for 93% of time.

Table 25: Average IDR for black-hole attack

1A_Avg 2A_Avg 3A_Avg Average

CR-2 0.975 0.963 0.95 0.96

CR-3 0.95 0.927 0.903 0.93

CR-4 0.925 0.888 0.853 0.89

Hence, we can conclude that CR-3 is better than CR-4 in current tests while CR-3

can achieve good results in comparison to CR-2 if the simulation time is increased. In

short, CR-2 achieves high intrusion detection rates in all tests as compared to CR-3 and


6.4.3 Accuracy rate

Accuracy is the rate of correctly identifying the normal and malicious nodes (Javaid,

et al. 2015). Detection scheme can fail to identify malicious node as well as can fail to

correctly declare the normal node as normal. So, to calculate this impact we determine

accuracy rate also by simulating LEACH++ protocol for different configurations of

A_List and by launching attacks in different patterns. Here, we determine the accuracy

of each round and finally taken the average of them. Consider the scenario mentioned in

Table 22 and A_List configuration as CR-3. The accuracy rate for Round#10,

Round#13, and Round#14 will be 100% while for Round#11 and Round#12 it will be

80%. As in Round#10 and Round#14, all the nodes are normal and declared normal.

While in Round#11 and Round#13, one node is malicious, but it is not declared

malicious. In Round#13, all the 5 CHs are correctly identified as normal or malicious.

Hence, the accuracy rate is 100% here.

Table 26: Accuracy rate for purely random attack pattern for black-hole attack

1A_PR 2A_PR 3A_PR Average

CR-2 0.974 0.969 0.964 0.969

CR-3 0.978 0.972 0.962 0.970

CR-4 0.985 0.966 0.955 0.968

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Comprehensive Security Analysis of LEACH++ Clustering Protocol


Table 26 presents the accuracy rates that are found by launching black hole attack in

PR attack pattern for different configuration of A_List. The proposed specification-

based detection policy achieves 97% accuracy as an average for CR-3 while the

accuracy rates for CR-2 and CR-4 are also around 97%. Hence, we can conclude that

the proposed scheme works better for all configurations with respect to accuracy rate.

6.5 Detection rate analysis for Sink-hole attack Sink-hole attack is among the intelligent attacks in WSNs. In this attack, the

malicious node portrays itself more striking to the neighboring nodes with respect to the

routing metric to get more traffic (Agrwal, et al. 2016). Once it starts receiving more

traffic, it can perform various activities with the packets such as modification in the

message, dropping the packets and others. A compromised node can launch sink-hole

attack in LEACH by transmitting ADV_CH in every round during the setup phase and

wrong distance information in each round to become CH of as much nodes as possible.

Once it becomes the CH than it performs according to the configuration set by the

adversary. We proposed a specification-based detection scheme to detect this attack and

avoid the malicious node from becoming CH in latter rounds. We discuss the FPR, IDR,

accuracy rate analysis for this type of attack in following sub-sections.

6.5.1 FPR analysis

Table 27 depicts the FPR, that are achieved after simulation of the proposed

detection scheme after launching sink-hole attacks in PR manner. Results show that the

FPR rate is high for CR-2 while the FPR rate is very low for CR-4.

Table 27: FPR rate for sink-hole attack

1A_70 2A_70 3A_70 1A_100 2A_100 3A_100

CR-2 0.015 0.016 0.016 0.035 0.028 0.030

CR-3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01

CR-4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0010 0.0025 0.0015

The simulations are also carried out for 800 seconds for sink-hole attacks. The

results are shown to cover two phases of the network when most of the nodes are alive

and when the nodes start dying. 1A_70, 2A_70, or 3A_70 shows the impact of one, two,

or three attackers respectively during the first 70% of the simulation time. While

1A_100, 2A_100, or 3A_100 shows the impact of one, two, or three attackers

respectively for complete execution of the simulation.

There is a rare chance that a legitimate node tries to become CH in four consecutive

rounds. Hence, FPR for CR-4 is very low as compared to others. The only chance is

when, less number of nodes are present, and every other node tries to become CH to

share the messages with BS. In our simulation, that is only possible at the termination of

the simulation period. Hence, for first 70% of simulation time, FPR is zero, while for

complete simulation time, it is as low as 0.001.

Simulation results show that the impact of sink-hole attack is like black-hole attack.

CR-2 archives high FPR as compared to CR-3 and CR-4 in both the situations. Result

also shows that during the 70% of the simulation time, almost none of the nodes tries to

become CH in consecutive three rounds but there is a chance that the node tries in two

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6.5 Detection rate analysis for Sink-hole attack


consecutive rounds. Hence, the CR-2 consider a normal node as malicious more than

the CR-3 and CR-4. During the last quarter of the simulation, where nodes start dying in

quick secession, the chance of the node to become CH in consecutive rounds increases.

That is the issue, due to which CR-3 achieves some FPR in last quarter. But still it is

lower as compared to CR-2.

6.5.2 IDR analysis

Here, we test our proposed intrusion detection systems, whether it determines all the

sink-hole attackers that are launched in different numbers at different time of interval.

IDR for PR attack pattern for sink-hole attack is calculated for three configurations of

A_List i.e. CR-2, CR-3, and CR-4 as shown in Table 28. In PR attack pattern, for single

attack, network remains compromised for one round in CR-2, two rounds in CR-3, and

three rounds in CR-4. Hence, the IDR value is low for CR-4 while high for CR-2.

Results show that the network remains compromised for more rounds for three

attackers. Here, CR-2 achieves higher IDR over CR-3 and CR-4. The highest detection

rate is 97% for CR-2 while CR-3 achieves 96%. But as the attackers increases the IDR

start decreases. Currently, the simulation has 40 rounds only. If the number of rounds in

each simulation is increased to 100 rounds than the impact will be low. In that case,

there will be light difference between IDR of CR-2 and CR-3, but there will remain

some gape between CR-2 and CR-4. i.e. for 1A_PR, the IDR for CR-2 would become

0.99 while for CR-3, it would become 0.98 and for 3A_PR, the IDR for CR-2 would

become 0.98 while for CR-3, it would become 0.95.

Table 28: IDR for purely random attack pattern for sink-hole attack


CR-2 0.97 0.967 0.93

CR-3 0.96 0.92 0.88

CR-4 0.93 0.87 0.80

Hence, we can conclude that CR-3 is better than CR-4 in current tests while CR-3

can achieve good results in comparison to CR-2 if the simulation time is increased. In

short, CR-2 achieves high intrusion detection rates as compared to CR-3 and CR-4.

6.5.3 Accuracy rate

Accuracy is calculated similarly as discussed in previous section for black-hole

attack. Here, we calculated the rate of correctly identifying the normal and sink-hole

attacker nodes. Detection scheme can fail to identify sink-hole attack due to its changing

and intelligent behavior. Here, the sink-hole attacker should need to become CH firstly

to affect the network performance. Hence, we make rules to avoid the sink-hole attacker

from becoming CH in consecutive rounds. Results are shown in following table for

accuracy rate for sink-hole attack.

Table 29: Accuracy rate for purely random attack pattern for sink-hole attack

1A_PR 2A_PR 3A_PR Average

CR-2 0.972 0.963 0.960 0.965

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Comprehensive Security Analysis of LEACH++ Clustering Protocol


CR-3 0.982 0.975 0.970 0.975

CR-4 0.984 0.966 0.955 0.968

Table 29 presents the accuracy rates that are found by launching black hole attack in

PR attack pattern for different configuration of A_List. The proposed specification-

based detection policy achieves 97.5% accuracy as an average for CR-3 while the

accuracy rates for CR-2 and CR-4 are also around 97%. Hence, we can conclude that

the proposed scheme works better for all configurations with respect to accuracy rate.

6.6 Summary In this chapter, we performed the detection rate analysis of our proposed

specification-based detection policy. We simulate LEACH++ by launching various

number of attacks (1, 2, and 3) in different pattern (PR, OL, and ST) for different

configurations (CR-2, CR-3, and CR-4) to determine accuracy, intrusion detection, and

false positive rates.

FPR results shows that CR-2 achieves high FP as compared to CR-3, while CR-3

and CR-4 achieves very low FPR during the first three quarters of the simulation time.

IDR results favor CR-2, as it archives high IDR as compared to CR-3 and CR-4. While

if the simulation time is increased than there is slight difference between the IDR value

for CR-2 and CR-3. Accuracy rate for all the configuration is almost similar, but CR-3

achieves better accuracy.

In short, CR-3 works better than CR-4 with respect to IDR while it achieves better

FPR as compared to CR-2.

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7.1 Summary of the Contributions


Chapter 7


7.1 Summary of the Contributions

Usage of cloud computing due to its decentralized processing and storage of data

and online access to computing services is increased day by day. Cloud computing will

play a major role in recent years by providing healthcare services to smart homes,

healthcare institutes, e-healthcare systems, and people at remote locations. Here, the

data is acquired from sensors through the wireless medium. Studies show that WSNs

are vulnerable to various kinds of security threats and there is a requirement of a

security solution that safeguards them from lethal attacks. Key management,

authentication and secure routing protocols cannot guarantee the security against inside

attacks. IDS provide a solution to this problem by analyzing the network to detect

abnormal behavior of the sensor nodes.

The focus of this thesis is to develop a robust technique, using intrusion detection

approach, having the ability to correctly identify malicious activity. It should be

lightweight and achieves high throughput. The following paragraphs explain the

summary of the proposed approaches.

Chapter 3 presents a comprehensive survey of security schemes that are earlier proposed

for wireless sensor networks. These approaches are classified into three categories based

on IDS agent installation. Survey of IDS based solutions for LEACH protocol are also

discussed here.

Chapter 4 presents the salient features of our proposed intrusion detection framework. It

works in two modes; offline detection and online prevention. Online prevention allows

safeguarding from those abnormal nodes that are already declared as malicious, while

offline detection finds those nodes that are being compromised by the adversary during

the next epoch of time. Further, we performed experiment to show the efficacy of purely

distributed approach over centralized distributed scheme of security.

Chapter 5 presents the detail about the LEACH protocol and the way it is secured by

adding the proposed intrusion detection framework called LEACH++. It also presents

the analysis of the energy consumption and throughput of the proposed LEACH++

protocol both numerically as well as using the NS-2 simulator. The results show that

LEACH++ receives more throughput than LEACH during attack, while it does not

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affect the overall energy consumption of the system. The proposed intrusion detection

framework (IDF) is lightweight and does not put much burden on the LEACH protocol

with respect to memory utilization and computation. The proposed protocol can be

effectively used for cloud-based WSN environments.

Chapter 6 presents the detection rate analysis of our proposed specification-based

detection policy. LEACH++ is tested by launching various number of attacks (1, 2, and

3) in different pattern (PR, OL, and ST) for different configurations (CR-2, CR-3, and

CR-4) to find intrusion detection rate and false positive rate. FPR results shows that CR-

2 achieves high FP as compared to CR-3, while CR-3 and CR-4 achieves very low FPR

during the first three quarters of the simulation time. IDR results favor CR-2, as it

archives high IDR as compared to CR-3 and CR-4. While if the simulation time is

increased than there is slight difference between the IDR value for CR-2 and CR-3. In

short, CR-3 works better than CR-4 with respect to IDR while it archives better FPR as

compared to CR-2.

7.2 Future Work

We believe that intrusion detection system does not counter all the attacks that are

encounter by wireless sensor networks. It can help to detect the inside attacks, but it

cannot control the outside attacks launched by adversary. Hence, there is need for a

protocol that works with the intrusion detection system that provide secure

transmission. So, the complete solution will be an IDS that ensures reliable transmission

and a cryptographic solution that ensure secure transmission.

It is important that the fusion of IDS solution and cryptography would improve the

overall security of the system. There are number of cryptographic solutions are

proposed for WSNs but there is need to test them by inclusion of proposed intrusion

detection framework.

In future, we will test our proposed work by including any secure transmission

protocol for collaboration with neighbors and BS.

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