a socio-economic survey of cities and towns of tripura€¦ · a socio-economic survey report of 20...

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Page 1: A Socio-economic Survey of Cities and Towns of Tripura€¦ · A Socio-economic Survey Report of 20 Cities/ Towns in Tripura 8 | P a g e 1. Agartala Agartala, the state capital, is

A Socio-economic Survey Report of 20 Cities/ Towns in Tripura

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A Socio-economic Survey of Cities and

Towns of Tripura

Prepared By

Page 2: A Socio-economic Survey of Cities and Towns of Tripura€¦ · A Socio-economic Survey Report of 20 Cities/ Towns in Tripura 8 | P a g e 1. Agartala Agartala, the state capital, is

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CONTENTS Executive Summary 03

Introduction 04

Major Findings 07

Conclusion 58

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Executive Summary

This survey attempts to obtain a detailed understanding of the ground level

realities of 20 important cities and towns of Tripura in line with the goals of

AMRUT pertaining to urban amenities and infrastructure. Appropriate methods

have been undertaken. Some important areas that offer scope for further

developmental initiatives of each urban area surveyed include Water Supply,

Drainage, introduction of transportation based on cleaner fuels, besides

construction of Parks and Playgrounds.

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Project Objective

The objective of the project is to identify the needs of citizen for improvement of the city. Here

improvement means the infrastructural improvement of basic amenities of citizen. Governmental

departments provide a number of infrastructural facilities for citizen. Through this project we came to

know about the ground reality.

Project implementation

Work before survey: letter issued from Urban Planning Department of Tripura. Those letters send

to all municipal council office of selected cities.

A Survey team of six members had a meeting with officers of Urban Planning Department. Road

map of survey decided before execution of planning.

The Survey Begun: -Socioeconomic survey team started work from city Dharmanagar. From

extreme northern part of Tripura we have started our journey. It was a seventeen days long

journey from 11th of September to 27th September, 2019.

Name of those city covered by survey




Scope of work

Find out the basic need of citizen of each city.


Why the socio-economic survey needed in AMRUT?

Socioeconomics (also known as social economics) is the social science that studies how economic activity affects and is shaped by social processes. In general it analyzes how societies progress, stagnate, or regress because of their local or regional economy, or the global economy. Socioeconomic is a field of study that examines social and economic factors to better understand how the combination of both influences something. Primary data collection is one of the most important methods in social survey. According to AMRUT

guideline Urban and socio-economic data is an input to be used to study the existing situation,

identification of issues and formulation of proposals and projections. While most of the data to be

collected is secondary, some crucial data may be required to be collected from primary surveys .Such

crucial data may be related to, for example, means of transport of the urbanites. The focus pertains to

observe the extent to which they use pollution free means of transport such as bicycles, traditional or

conventional rickshaws, cycle vans, batty power rickshaws etc.

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We have chosen Purposive sampling method for socioeconomic survey in Tripura. Purposive sampling is

a qualitative method of sampling. We have chosen mix method for survey and analysis of data. We have

analyzed the data using statistical method, which is a quantitative method. So actually we have chosen

the mixed method for Tripura Socioeconomic survey and analysis for AMRUT.

There are two broad sampling approaches-probability sampling and non-probability (or purposive)

sampling. When every object, person, or event does not have a known probability of being included in the

sample, the sampling method is “non- probability,” and selection is dictated by specific purpose. This is

known as purposive sampling.

Carefully chosen, purposive sampling can be extremely valuable in certain situations, especially when

time is short. This is particularly true when the investigator’s primary interest is in understanding

qualitative and relational issues rather than quantitative problems pertaining to how much, how often, or

to what degree a particular attribute or characteristic is distributed. Non-probability sampling has been

found to be effective in obtaining a holistic view of a situation, and in understanding system, behaviors,

events, institutions, and underlying processes. Many variation of purposive sampling of people (men,

women, and children), objects (water sources, defecation sites, public institutions, health clinics) or

events can be used in participatory research.

Since primary reliance is on a few individuals who are selected either because they are knowledgeable or

important, or who are self-selected, it is important to understand the position of the informant in society.

Thus, the age, gender, class, life experience, occupation, family connections, and motivations of the

respondent are extremely important in understanding his or her perspective and making sense of it in light

of other conflicting or different perspectives.

Data Collection

In case of Tripura, primary data collection method is being chosen to identify the need and problem of

citizen of Tripura properly. Through Purposive sampling method we have covered 1161 household in

Tripura. The collection of 1161 samples from the State Tripura gives an over-view about the whole

population. 281 samples have been collected from capital Agartala and the rest of the state had 50

respondents each, leaving the bigger cities, like, Udaipur, Dharmanagar, Kailasahar, Bishalgarh which

had 55 respondents each.

Criteria for the selection of respondents

• Income (low, moderate, high) • Education (illiterate, semi-literate, highly illiterate) • Class (upper, middle,

lower) • Sex (male, female) • Job (school teacher, office, labor, N.G.O., housewife, student, added,

retired, unorganized sector: biri labor, daily labor, house servant).

150 households have been covered in entire Agartala. Along with Questioner we have visited 150

household in different wards in Agartala. We have collected data from different class of people. We have

chosen respondents from different economic class, different castes etc. Gender and age category are

also other major criteria of our data collection method.

The socioeconomic survey team has visited every municipal corporation office. With the help of local

municipal council our team members visited every respondent household. We have got very good

cooperation from every municipal council office during our survey period.

Data Analysis

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By nature of the study it’s a descriptive study. For descriptive study frequency distribution and cross

tabulation is commonly used scientific methods.

In statistics, a frequency distribution is a list, table or graph that displays the frequency of various

outcomes in a sample. Each entry in the table contains the frequency or count of the occurrences of

values within a particular group or interval. Frequency distributions are used for both qualitative and

quantitative data.

When a frequency table shows data for more than one variable, it is called joint or bivariate contingency table. Bivariate frequency tables often show data in a two-way arrangement. Cross-tabs or cross tabulation is a quantitative research method appropriate for analyzing the relationship between two or more variables. Cross tabulation used to understand the correlation between different variables. Cross tabulation is especially useful for studying survey responses. For this survey we have done cross tabulation of categorical data through SPSS.


Tripura is one of the seven states located in the North-Eastern part of India in extreme South-West

corner. It is the third smallest State bordered by Bangladesh in the North, South and west and Assam and

Mizoram in the East. The Capital of Tripura is Agartala located on the plain to the West. It is situated

between the river valley of Myanmar and Bangladesh covering and approximate area 10,491km/sqm. The

terrain is of parallel hills and ridges running from the North-West to the South East direction with alerting

narrow valleys talking topographically it extends from North-Eastern regions between latitudes from 22°

56’ N to 24° 32’ N and longitudes 91° 09’ E to 92° 20’ E.

There are five mountain ranges ranging from North to South which are in the respective order: Boromura,

Atharamura, Longtharai, Sakhan and Jampui hills with intervening valleys. It has a tropical savanna

climate with forest covering more than half of the area which mostly include bamboos and cane traces. A

number of rivers originate in the hills and flow towards Bangladesh. Khowai, Dhalai, Manu, Juri and

Longai flow towards the North whereas Gumti flows towards the West and Muhuri and Feni have their

movement towards South-West.


Tripura is the second most populated State in North-East India after Assam. According to the 2011

censes, Tripura has a population of 36,71,032 with 18,71,867 males and 17,99,165 females. As per 2011

census, the literacy rate of Tripura is 87.75% and is the third best State among all the seven states.

According to 2011 census, Hinduism (83.40%) has the majority religion in the state whereas Jainism

(0.02%) has the minority religion. The religions also consist of Muslims at 8.60%, Christian at 4.35%,

Buddhist at 3.41%, Sikhs at 0.02% and other religion at 0.2%. The widely spoken language in Tripura is

bengali followed by tripuri, chakma and hindi. Tripura represents the majority of 70% bengali community

and 30% tripuri community. The state has the history of maximum population of Scheduled Tribes and

Scheduled Caste.


We have chosen Purposive sampling method for socioeconomic survey in Tripura. Purposive sampling is

a qualitative method of sampling. We have chosen mix method for survey and analysis of data. We have

analyzed the data using statistical method, which is a quantitative method. So actually we have chosen

the mixed method for Tripura Socioeconomic survey and analysis for AMRUT.

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Data Analysis

For entire Tripura we have collected 1161 data from 1161 household. For analyzing data we have used

statistical methods like frequency distribution and cross tabulation.

Major Findings

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1. Agartala

Agartala, the state capital, is the only city in Tripura having a municipal corporation. According to the

Census of India report 2011, Agartala has 400,004 populations of which 200,132 are males and 199,872

are females. Agartala is a Municipal Council city in the district of West Tripura, Tripura. The Agartala city

is divided into 49 wards. Agartala Municipal Council has total administration over 100,650 houses to

which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage. It is also authorized to build roads within

Municipal Council limits.

As ca[ital Agartala is the biggest urban area in Tripura in terms of its population size, a relatively larger

number of respondents are included in the sample of Agartala. Altogether, 281 respondents constitute

the sample of Agartala city.

Findings: Agartala (Major categories in Percentage)

Table: 1: Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Agartala

Water Toilet Vehicle

Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

30 66 88 12 80 04

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Playground

24 76 40 60

Private Tube well is the main source of water in Agartala (53 % of the respondents). This is

followed by Public Tap (30%). There remains enough scope to develop safe piped water

distribution in the city.

Most of the respondents have own septic tank fitted toilet system (88%). However, 12 percent

of the respondents still have to use own dry latrine.

Agartala City has primarily Pucca Roads; however, polluting vehicles dominate in the city (80%).

This offers ample scope to introduce vehicles that use cleaner fuels, such as Electric Vehicles

(EVs) on a massive scale.

Significant scope remains to construct new parks and playgrounds at different wards of Agartala

as about 76% mentioned that there is no park in their locality (within 01 kilometer). Playground

is also scarce as 60% respondents pointed out absence of playground in their neighbourhood.

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Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

Around 21 percent respondents received the benefits of TUEP while 79 percent of them are yet to

get this benefit. This also offers great opportunity to spread the benefits of the Program among the

residents of Agartala.

Suggestions of Respondents of Agartala:

Table 2: Suggestions of the Respondents: Agartala

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Satisfied/ No Suggestions 143 50.9

Water 58 20.6

Drainage System 10 3.6

Toilet 3 1.1

Garbage and Dustbin 9 3.2

Playground 22 7.8

Park 2 .7

Health 8 2.8

Road 26 9.3

Total 281 100.0

Table 2 reflects gross satisfaction of a large proportion of the Agartala respondents in respect of urban

amenities as more than half of them (51%) seems to be satisfied with available urban infrastructure and

thus failed to come up with any suggestions. Nevertheless, drinking/ potable water seems to be a major

problem as around 21 percent respondents underscores this as an area of concern. Road comes next

(around 9 percent).

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2. Amarpur

Amarpur is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of South Tripura, Tripura. The Amarpur city is divided into

11 wards. The Amarpur Nagar Panchayat has population of 10,838 of which 5,471 are males while 5,367

are females as per report released by Census India 2011. Amarpur Nagar Panchayat has total

administration over 2,880 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage. It is also

authorized to build roads within Nagar Panchayat limits and impose taxes on properties coming under

its jurisdiction.

The survey at Amarpur has been conducted over 46 respondents. The principal findings are appended


Findings: Amarpur (Major categories in Percentage)

Table 3: Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Amarpur

Water Toilet Vehicle

Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

37 37 93 07 50 02

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Playground

85 15 63 37

Public Tap as well as Private Tap are the main sources of water as opined by respondents of

Amarpur in equal proportions (37%) and this is followed by Tube well (around 15%) and Water

Tanker (about 11%). The respondents in general want improvement in drinking water

distribution system.

Private Septic Tank based modern Toilets are most common as around 93% of the respondents


A large majority of the respondents use polluting vehicles (50%), compared to a meager 2 per

cent respondents who report use of non-polluting vehicles.

Park nearby (within a distance of 01 kilometer) is available for about 85% respondents.

Playground within 01 Km. is available for 63% of the respondents.

Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

Around 22 percent of the respondents has received the benefits of TUEP, while this program is yet to

benefit the majority of the respondents (78%). This provides great opportunity to spread the benefits of

the Program among the residents of Amarpur.

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Suggestions of Respondents of Amarpur:

Table 4: Suggestions of the Respondents: Amarpur

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Can't Say 3 6.5

Water 20 43.5

Drainage System 16 34.8

Health 5 10.9

Road 2 4.3

Total 46 100.0

It is evident from the Table that improvement of potable water availability tops the priority list of the

respondents of Amarpur and this is followed by Drainage system. Health and Road infrastructure are

relatively less prioritized by the respondents.

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3. Ambassa

Ambassa is a Nagar Panchayat city in the district of Dhalai, Tripura. The Ambassa city is divided into 9

wards. The Ambassa Nagar Panchayat has population of 16,285 of which 8,523 are males while 7,762

are females as per report released by Census India 2011. Ambassa Nagar Panchayat has total

administration over 4,062 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage. It is also

authorized to build roads within Nagar Panchayat limits and impose taxes on properties coming under

its jurisdiction.

The survey at Ambassa has been conducted over 50 households and the following observations have

been obtained.

Findings: Ambassa (Major categories in Percentage)

Table 5: Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Ambassa

Water Toilet Vehicle

Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

24 62 66 32 62 30

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Playground

32 66 48 52

Residents primarily depend on private tap water more than the public tap. Around 62% of the

respondents use private tap inside their household compared to 24% of them who depend on

outside the premises public tap as the source of drinking water.

A large proportion of the respondents (66%) have own septic tank based modern toilet at the

home. Nevertheless, 32 percent still use relatively older dry toilets. Open defecation is rare as

only 2 percent of the respondents reported such undesirable traditional practice.

Although a large majority of the respondents use polluting vehicles, compared to some other

towns this is relatively lower (62% for Ambassa, compared to 80% for Agartala). In fact 30

percent of the respondents report use of cleaner (non-polluting) vehicles.

A relatively few respondents have Park (about 32%) or Playground facilities (about 48%) in their

locality (a distance of one kilometer from the house).

Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

A largely insignificant proportion of the respondents (only 8%) are the beneficiaries of the Tripura Urban

Employment Program. This offers great opportunity to further expand this Program among the residents

of Ambassa.

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Table 6: Suggestions of the Respondents: Ambassa

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Water 4 14.8

Drainage System 5 18.5

Park 1 3.7

Health 1 3.7

Road 10 37.0

Electricity 6 22.2

Total 27 100.0

Table 6 (see also Diagram 3)reflects developmental preferences of the respondents of Ambassa. Road

development (37%) tops the list of preference and Electricity supply reforms comes next in order

(22.2%). This is closely followed by Drainage system (18.5%) and water supply issues (14.8%).

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4. Belonia Belonia is a Nagar Panchayat city in the district of South Tripura, Tripura. The Belonia city is divided into

17 wards. The Belonia Nagar Panchayat has population of 19,996 of which 10,060 are males while 9,936

are females as per report released by Census India 2011. Belonia Nagar Panchayat has total

administration over 5,363 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage. It is also

authorized to build roads within Nagar Panchayat limits.

The survey at Belonia has been conducted over 46 households and the following observations have been


Findings: Belonia (Major categories in Percentage)

Table: 7 Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Belonia

Water Toilet Vehicle

Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

21.7 69.6 89 4 56.5 43.5

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Playground

56.5 43.5 59 41

Private Tube-well and Tap are the major sources of Drinking water (69.6%), followed by Private

tap (21.7%) in Belonia.

89% respondents have own septic tank based modern Toilet system and about 4% use own dry

latrine. However, 4 percent of the respondents reported open defecation also (Please see the


Polluting vehicle marginally predominates in Belonia (56.5%). However, a notable proportion of

the respondents reported about use of Non-polluting vehicles (43.5%). This is one of the highest

proportions in Tripura.

Parks are available at the locality for the majority of the (56.5%) residents.

Playgrounds are also widely available at Belonia as 59 per cent of the respondents points out.

Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

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As in Amarpur, around 22 percent of the respondents have received the benefits of TUEP, while this

program is yet to benefit the majority of the respondents (78%). This provides great opportunity to

spread the benefits of the Program among the residents of Belonia.

Table 8: Suggestions of the Respondents: Belonia

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Satisfied/ No


16 34.8

Water 10 21.7

Drainage System 2 4.3

Garbage and Dustbin 2 4.3

Playground 10 21.7

Park 3 6.5

Road 3 6.5

Total 46 100.0

Table 8 (see also Diagram 4) reflects developmental preferences of the respondents of Belonia. A large

of the respondents seems to be satisfied as they do not come up with any suggestions (about 35%).

Water availability and availability of Playgrounds top the list, nevertheless with equal proportion (about


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5. Bishalgarh Bishalgarh is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of West Tripura, Tripura. The Bishalgarh city is divided into

19 wards. The Bishalgarh Nagar Panchayat has population of 21,085 of which 10,640 are males while

10,445 are females as per report released by Census India 2011. Bishalgarh Nagar Panchayat has total

administration over 5,216 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage. It is also

authorized to build roads within Nagar Panchayat limits.

The survey at Bishalgarh has been conducted over 51 households and the following observations have

been noted.

Findings: Bishalgarh (Major categories in Percentage)

Table: 9 Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Bishalgarh

Water Toilet Vehicle

Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

18 82 78 22 90 0

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Playground

6 94 39 61

Private Tube well is the major source of drinking water for the respondents of Bishalgarh (51%)

followed by private tap (31%) and public tap (14%). ( Please see the Annexure)

About 78% respondents have own septic tank based toilets. A meager 22% use own dry latrine

or traditional ones.

Pollutant vehicles are the only means of transport for the respondents of Bishalgarh (90%). The

remaining 10 percent respondents do not use any vehicle. This offers great opportunity for

introduction of pollution free electric public vehicles in this urban area.

Ample scope for construction of Parks and Playgrounds also exist as 94% reported absence of

Parks in their locality and about 61% reported absence of Playground at the locality.

Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

A significant proportion of the respondents (47%) are the beneficiaries of the Tripura Urban

Employment Program in Bishalgarh. This tells about a success of the Program in this township compared

to other towns and cities of Tripura.

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. Table 10: Suggestions of the Respondents: Bishalgarh

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Can’t Say/


15 29.4

Water 10 19.6

Drainage System 8 15.7

Toilet 2 3.9

Playground 1 2.0

Park 2 3.9

Health 7 13.7

Road 4 7.8

Electricity 2 3.9

Total 51 100.0

Table 10 (see also Diagram 5) reflects the pattern of suggestions of the Bishalgarh respondents. As in

many other towns of Tripura, a large proportion of respondents (around 29%) in Bishalgarh also fail to

suggest their choices for future improvements of urban infrastructure at their township. While this may

reflect their satisfaction, nevertheless, a host of suggestions are also evident. Three important areas the

respondents focus may be Water supply (about 20%), improvement of Drainage system (about 16%) and

Healthcare delivery (about 14%).

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6. Dharmanagar Dharmanagar is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of North Tripura, Tripura. The Dharmanagar city is

divided into 19 wards. The Dharmanagar Nagar Panchayat has population of 40,595 of which 20,161 are

males while 20,434 are females as per report released by Census India 2011. Dharmanagar Nagar

Panchayat has total administration over 9,971 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and


The survey at Dharmanagar also, like Bishalgarh, has been conducted over 51 households and the

following observations have been noted.

Findings: Dharmanagar (Major categories in Percentage)

Table: 11 Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Dharmanagar

Water Toilet Vehicle

Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

33 67 98 02 12 86

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Playground

75 25 71 29

Private tap and Tubewell are the leading sources of drinking water (67%) in Dharmanagar

followed by public tap (33%) as reported by the respondents.

Almost all the respondents (98%) use Septic Tank fitted modern toilet system.

Notably, a very large proportion (86%) of respondents uses non-polluting vehicles. This is in

sharp contrast to the general pattern of most of the towns of Tripura.

Dharmanagar is a relatively greener city as around 75% percent of the respondents reported

about existence of Park and Playground (71%) within a kilometre of their house. This is also in

sharp contrast to many other towns of Tripura.

Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

Not a single respondent out of the 51 respondents is the beneficiary of the Tripura Urban Employment

Program in Dharmanagar. While this may be considered as chance-driven given the nature of the

present sample, this tells about a significant scope of improvement for the Program in this township

compared to other towns and cities of Tripura.

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Table 12: Suggestions of the Respondents: Dharmanagar

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Can't Say 12 23.5

Water 8 15.7

Drainage System 13 25.5

Toilet 1 2.0

Garbage and Dustbin 4 7.8

Playground 1 2.0

Health 4 7.8

Road 8 15.7

Total 51 100.0

Table 12 (see also Diagram 6) reflects the pattern of suggestions of the Dharmanagar respondents.

Notably, reform of Drainage/ sewerage system is the most widely shared suggestion as around 26

percent respondents opine. Water supply and Road improvements come next with an equal proportion

of respondents (about 16 percent) think. Overall, about one fourth of the respondents (24%) seem to be

satisfied and consequently fail to come up with any suggestions.

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7. Jirania

Jirania is a small town in Tripura state of India on the banks of river Saidra. It is a nagar panchayat and

also the headquarters of Jirania Rural Development Block. Jirania has population of 8261 of which 4203

are males while 4058 are females as per Population Census 2011.

Sample size of the present survey for Jirania is 49.

Findings: Jirania (Major categories in Percentage)

Table: 13 Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Jirania

Water Toilet Vehicle Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

12 78 86 08 94 06

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Playground

51 49 53 47

Respondents of Jirania primarily use Tube well (53%) as the source of drinking water. This is

followed by a significantly lower proportion of them (only 12%) who use public tap located

outside their premises.

As observed in other towns most of the respondents (88%) use own Septic Tank based sewerage

system. Open defecation is practised by a small minority of the respondents also (6%).

As a neighbouring town of Agartala, the capital city, here also respondents in a large majority

use polluting vehicles (88%).

Availability of Park and Playground in the locality is also noticeable as reported by more than

half of the respondents (slightly above 50 percent) in both the cases.

Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

Around 35 percent respondents received the Tripura Urban Employment Program benefits in Jirania.

While the majority of them (65%) are yet to receive such benefits, this offers further scope for spread of

this much acclaimed Program.

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Table 14: Suggestions of the Respondents: Jirania

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Can't Say 16 32.7

Water 6 12.2

Drainage System 4 8.2

Garbage and Dustbin 1 2.0

Playground 1 2.0

Park 1 2.0

Health 6 12.2

Road 13 26.5

Electricity 1 2.0

Total 49 100.0

Table 14 reflects the priorities for improvements of urban amenities as opined by the respondents of

Jirania. Improvement of Road infrastructure is the most prominent suggestion as about 27% of them

point out. Water and health come next in order with equal proportion (around 12 percent). A small

proportion of them also pointed out to the reforms of Drainage system (8.2%). Overall, about 33 percent

respondents seem to be satisfied and consequently fail to come up with any suggestions (see Diagram


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8. Kailasahar Kailasahar is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of North Tripura, Tripura. The Kailasahar city is divided

into 15 wards. The Kailasahar Nagar Panchayat has population of 22,405 of which 11,153 are males

while 11,252 are females as per report released by Census India 2011. Kailasahar Nagar Panchayat has

total administration over 5,631 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage.

The survey at Kailasahar has been conducted over 49 households and the following observations have

been obtained.

Findings: Kailasahar (Major categories in Percentage)

Table: 15 Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Kailasahar

Water Toilet Vehicle Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

33 67 98 0 22 53

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Playground

27 73 16 84

Tap water inside the premises leads the table here (65%). This is followed by the same outside

the premises (33%). This offers scope for increased spread of house connections of drinking

water in the town.

Septic tank based modern toilets are reported by almost all the respondents (98%). However, 1

respondent also reported the practice of open defecation.

Use of cleaner vehicles is more common among the respondents (37%) compared to non-

polluting ones (23%)

About 27% respondents reported about existence of Parks within 1 kilometres of their home.

For Playground this is somewhat less (16%). In fact 84% reported about absence of playground

in their locality. This offers scope for development of parks and playgrounds in this town.

Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

Only 10 percent respondents received the benefits of TUEP while 90 percent of them are yet to get this

benefit. This also offers great opportunity to spread the benefits of the Program among the residents of


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Table 16: Suggestions of Respondents - Kailasahar

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Can't Say 12 24.5

Water 6 12.2

Drainage System 12 24.5

Garbage and Dustbin 1 2.0

Health 17 34.7

Road 1 2.0

Total 49 100.0

Table 16 depicts the suggestions of the respondents of Kailasahar on different areas of improvement of

urban infrastructure and amenities. Improvement of Health facilities is the most prominent suggestion

as about 35 percent of them point out. Improvement of sewerage or Drainage infrastructure comes next

(around 25 percent) in order. A small proportion of them also pointed out to the reforms of Water

supply system (12.2%). Overall, about 25 percent respondents seem to be satisfied and consequently fail

to come up with any suggestions (see Diagram 8).

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9. Kamalpur

Kamalpur is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of Dhalai, Tripura. The Kamalpur city is divided into 11

wards. The Kamalpur Nagar Panchayat has population of 10,872 of which 5,479 are males while 5,393

are females as per report released by Census India 2011. Kamalpur Nagar Panchayat has total

administration over 2,914 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage. It is also

authorize to build roads within Nagar Panchayat limits.

Sample size for Kamalpur is 43.

Findings: Kamalpur (Major categories in Percentage)

Table: 17 Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Kamalpur

Water Toilet Vehicle Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

09 91 84 05 47 53

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Playground

54 46 96 04

Tube well is most predominant in this small town as 84% of the respondents use this as their

source of drinking water.

84% respondents has own septic tank fitted modern toilets while a good proportion of them

(51% overall) use shared septic tank.

This small town is very close to be termed as a Green Town as non-polluting vehicles

predominate over the polluting vehicle among the respondents.

Some Parks may be built as 46% reported about absence of park in their locality.

Playgrounds are widely available as 96% of the respondents have playgrounds within one Km. of

their home.

Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

Around 40 percent respondents received the Tripura Urban Employment Program benefits in Kamalpur.

While the majority of them (60%) are yet to receive such benefits, it offers further scope for spread of

this much acclaimed Program.

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Table 18: Suggestions of Participants - Kamalpur

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Water 16 37.2



8 18.6

Toilet 1 2.3

Health 1 2.3

Road 17 39.5

Total 43 100.0

Table 18 (see also Diagram 9) reflects the pattern of suggestions of the respondents of Kamalpur.

Notably, reform of Road infrastructure tops the priority list of the respondents (about 40 percent).

Water supply is the next most widely shared suggestion as around 37 percent respondents opine

reforms in this sector. Drainage/ sewerage system is the Third important priority of the respondents as

nearly 19 percent respondents suggest. Interestingly, all the respondents mentioned about one or the

other important problems that require reforms. This is in sharp contrast with the respondents of other

towns or urban areas where a significant proportion of them failed to record appropriate suggestions.

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10. Khowai

Khowai is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of West Tripura, Tripura. The Khowai city is divided into 15

wards. Khowai Nagar Panchayat has total administration over 4,681 houses to which it supplies basic

amenities like water and sewerage. The Khowai Nagar Panchayat has population of 18,526 of which

9,297 are males while 9,229 are females as per report released by Census India 2011.

The survey at Khowai has been conducted over 46 households and the following observations have been


Findings: Khowai (Major categories in Percentage)

Table: 19 Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Khowai

Water Toilet Vehicle Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

30 70 87 09 35 63

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km.)

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km.)

Far Away/ No Playground

35 65 52 48

In Khowai 30% respondents use tap water outside their premises for drinking water followed by

the same within premise (70%).

A large majority of the respondents use Septic Tank based modern toilet (87%).

Non-Polluting vehicles are used by a greater proportion of the respondents (63%) compared to

polluting ones (35%).

Park facilities at the locality (within 01 Kilometre) are reported in lesser proportions by the

respondents (35%). This offers scope for intervention in this area.

Playground nearby (within 2 kms.) is reported by a marginally higher proportion of respondents

(52%) while 48% of them reported absence of this in their locality.

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Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

Around 40 percent respondents received the Tripura Urban Employment Program benefits in Khowai.

While the majority of them (60%) are yet to receive such benefits, it offers further scope for spread of

this much acclaimed Program.

Table 20: Suggestions of Participants- Khowai

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Water 5 16.7

Drainage System 7 23.3

Garbage and


1 3.3

Health 9 30.0

Road 1 3.3

Electricity 7 23.3

Total 30 100.0

Table 20 reflects the priorities for improvements of urban amenities as opined by the respondents of

Khowai. Improvement of Health infrastructure is the most prominent suggestion as 30% of them point

out. Drainage System and Electricity come next in order with equal proportion (around 23 percent). A

relatively smaller proportion of them also pointed out to the reforms of Water supply system (16.7%).

Here too every respondent actively pointed out to the major problems they face in respect of urban

amenities (see Diagram 10).

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11. Kumarghat Kumarghat is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of North Tripura, Tripura. The Kumarghat city is divided

into 11 wards. The Kumarghat Nagar Panchayat has population of 13,054 of which 6,517 are males while

6,537 are females as per report released by Census India 2011. Kumarghat Nagar Panchayat has total

administration over 3,214 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage.

The survey at Kumarghat has been conducted over 48 households and the following observations have

been noted.

Findings: Kumarghat (Major categories in Percentage)

Table 21: Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Kumarghat

Water Toilet Vehicle Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

29 71 100 0 10 90

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km.)

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km.)

Far Away/ No Playground

23 77 48 52

Private tap and Tubewell inside the house is the primary source of Drinking water (71%) for the

respondents of Kumarghat.

All the respondents of the town (100%) use Modern toilets with septic tanks.

Respondents with a very large majority (90%) use non-polluting vehicles, primarily bicycles and

electric Rickshaws. This takes the Kumarghat very close to a Green town.

Most of the respondents do not have parks near their home (77%).

Playground is also not available at their locality for a good proportion of the respondents (52%).

However, compared to park availability of playgrounds is higher.

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Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

Around 19 percent of the respondents have received the benefits of TUEP, while this program is yet to

benefit the majority of the respondents (81%). This provides great opportunity to spread the benefits of

the Program among the residents of Kumarghat.

Table 22: Suggestions of Respondents: Kumarghat

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Can't Say 6 12.5

Water 5 10.4

Drainage System 4 8.3

Garbage and


3 6.2

Playground 1 2.1

Health 14 29.2

Road 9 18.8

Electricity 6 12.5

Total 48 100.0

Table 22 reflects the priorities for improvements of urban amenities as opined by the respondents of

Kumarghat. Improvement of Health infrastructure is the most prominent suggestion as about 29% of

them point out. Road is the next most pertinent issue as indicated by about 19 percent respondents.

This is followed by Electricity and Water supply System (about 13 and 10 percent, respectively). A

relatively smaller proportion of them also pointed out to the reforms of Drainage system (8.3%). About

13 percent failed to mention any major problems they face in respect of urban amenities.

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37 | P a g e

12. Melaghar Melaghar is a village in Sipahijala district in the Indian state of Tripura, situated about 50 km (approx. 30

mi) from capital Agartala. Melaghar has a total population of 20,300 as of April 2017. Males constitute

51% of the population and females 49%. The Melaghar town is divided into 13 wards.

The survey at Melaghar has been conducted over 39 households and the following observations have

been noted.

Findings: Melaghar (Major categories in Percentage)

Table 23: Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Melaghar

Water Toilet Vehicle Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

23 77 100 0 90 10

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km.)

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km.)

Far Away/ No Playground

74 26 82 18

Private Tube well is (67%) and Taps (10%) are the major source of drinking water for the

respondents of Melaghar (77%).

All the 39 respondents reported having toilets with septic tank.

About 90% respondents, a significant majority of the respondents of Melaghar, use polluting

vehicles. This offers great opportunity to popularize non-polluting Electric Vehicles in the town.

While 26% of the respondents reported on absence of Parks in their locality, 74% of them have

Parks within One km. of their residence.

82% respondents report about having Playground within one km. from their home.

Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

A largely insignificant proportion of the respondents (only 10%) are the beneficiaries of the Tripura

Urban Employment Program. This offers great opportunity to further expand this Program among the

residents of Melaghar.

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Table 24: Suggestions of Respondents: Melaghar

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Can't Say 7 17.9

Water 18 46.2

Drainage System 3 7.7

Garbage and


3 7.7

Health 2 5.1

Road 6 15.4

Total 39 100.0

Table 24 reflects the priorities for improvements of urban amenities as opined by the respondents of

Melaghar. Improvement of Water Supply System is the most prominent suggestion as about 46% of

them point out. Road is the next most pertinent issue as indicated by about 15 percent respondents.

About 18 percent failed to mention any major problems they face in respect of urban amenities. This

may reflect either their satisfaction or unfelt need for improvement of the urban amenities.

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13. Mohanpur

Mohanpur is a Town in Mohanpur Block in West Tripura District of Tripura State, India. It is located 20

KM towards North from District head quarters Agartala. It is a Block head quarter. Mohanpur town has

13 wads. Mohanpur town has a population 18,549.

Sample size for the present Survey of Mohanpur is 45.

Findings: Mohanpur (Major categories in Percentage)

Table 25: Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Mohanpur

Water Toilet Vehicle Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

9 91 82 18 93 7

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km.)

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km.)

Far Away/ No Playground

7 93 56 44

91 percent of the respondents use Private Tube well and Tap as their source of drinking water in


Toilets with Septic Tank are used by most of the respondents (82%).

Most of the respondents use polluting vehicles (93%). This offers great opportunity to reform

the transport system with cleaner fuels.

Although existence of Parks close to their home is not generally reported by the respondents,

Playgrounds are available in Mohanpur.

Around 56 percent reported availability of Playground in their locality.

Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

Around 36 percent respondents received the Tripura Urban Employment Program benefits in

Mohanpur. While the majority of them (64%) are yet to receive such benefits, this offers further scope

for spread of this much acclaimed Program.

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40 | P a g e

Table 26: Suggestions of Participants: Mohanpur

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Can't Say 15 33.3

Water 5 11.1

Drainage System 16 35.6

Garbage and


2 4.4

Park 4 8.9

Road 2 4.4

Electricity 1 2.2

Total 45 100.0

Table 26 (see also Diagram 13) reflects the pattern of suggestions of the Mohanpur respondents.

Notably, reform of Drainage/ sewerage system is the most widely shared suggestion as around 36

percent respondents opine. Water supply comes next with a smaller proportion of respondents (about

11 percent) think this as a pertinent problem. Overall, more than one third of the respondents (around

33%) seem to be satisfied and consequently fail to come up with any suggestions.

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14. Panisagar

Panisagar is a Census Town city in district of North Tripura, Tripura. The Panisagar Census Town has

population of 14,758 of which 7,748 are males while 7,010 are females as per report released by Census

of India 2011. Panisagar Census Town has total administration over 3,249 houses to which it supplies

basic amenities like water and sewerage.

The survey at Panisagar has been conducted over 40 households and the following observations have

been obtained.

Findings: Panisagar (Major categories in Percentage)

Table 27: Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Panisagar

Water Toilet Vehicle Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

45 55 80 20 75 25

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km.)

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km.)

Far Away/ No Playground

5 95 20 80

A majority of respondents (55%) depend on private sources for drinking water. This indicates to

a scope for improving spread of household drinking water connection at Panisagar.

Around 80% of the respondents use Septic Tank based modern toilet system. However, open

defecation has also been observed here (10%, please see Annexure).

Polluting vehicle dominate here (75%).

Parks are rare in Panisagar. About 95% reported about non-existence of Park in their locality.

To a lesser extent, about 80% reported about non-existence of Playgrounds at the


Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

Around 30 percent respondents received the Tripura Urban Employment Program benefits in Panisagar.

While the majority of them (70%) are yet to receive such benefits, it offers further scope for spread of

this much important Program.

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42 | P a g e

Table 28: Suggestions of Participants: Panisagar

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Can't Say 6 15.0

Water 17 42.5



4 10.0

Toilet 1 2.5

Health 4 10.0

Road 8 20.0

Total 40 100.0

Table 28 reflects the priorities for improvements of urban amenities as opined by the respondents of

Panisagar. Improvement of Water Supply System is the most prominent suggestion as about 43% of

them point out. Road is the next most pertinent issue as indicated by 20 percent respondents. Drainage

System and Health System reforms come next in order in equal proportions (10%). About 15 percent

failed to mention any major problems they face in respect of urban amenities. This may reflect either

their satisfaction or unfelt need for improvement of the urban amenities.

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44 | P a g e

15. Ranirbazar Ranirbazar is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of West Tripura, Tripura. The Ranirbazar city is divided

into 13 wards. The Ranirbazar Nagar Panchayat is a Class IV Census Town with a population of 11,003

persons as per report released by Census India 2011. Ranirbazar Nagar Panchayat has total

administration over 3,305 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage.

The survey at Ranirbazar has been conducted over 46 respondents. The principal findings are appended


Table 29: Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Ranirbazar

Water Toilet Vehicle Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

17 83 94 6 90 4

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km.)

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km.)

Far Away/ No Playground

48 52 40 60

Private Tube-well (54%) and Tap (29%) are the primary sources of drinking water for the

respondents (please see the Annexure). Taken together, Private sources of potable water

amounts to 83 percent.

As observed in other towns most of the respondents (94%) use own Septic Tank based modern

Toilet and sewerage system.

Polluting vehicles are used by almost all the respondents (96%). Thus, introduction of Electric

Vehicle may be considered to be much essential here.

Parks and Playgrounds are available at Ranirbazar within 1 km. of residence as reported by a

relatively smaller section of the respondents (48% and 40% respectively).

Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

Around 46 percent respondents received the Tripura Urban Employment Program benefits in

Ranirbazar.In comparison with some other Tripura towns, this higher proportion may be considered as a

success of the Program. While the majority of them (54%) are yet to receive such benefits, it offers

further scope for spread of this much acclaimed Program.

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45 | P a g e

Table 30: Suggestions of Respondents: Ranirbazar

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Water 6 12.5

Drainage System 7 14.6

Toilet 1 2.1

Garbage and


1 2.1

Health 1 2.1

Road 8 16.7

Satisfied 24 50.0

Total 48 100.0

Table 30 reflects gross satisfaction of a large proportion of the Ranirbazar respondents in respect of

urban amenities as half of them (50%) seems to be satisfied with available urban infrastructure and thus

failed to come up with any suggestions. Nevertheless, Road infrastructure is an area of concern (about

17%). Also, Drainage System seems to be a problem as around 17 percent respondents underscores this

as an area of concern. Water Supply comes next (around 13 percent).

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46 | P a g e

16. Sabroom Sabroom is a Nagar Panchayat Town in district of South Tripura, Tripura. The Sabroom city is divided into

9 wards in 2016. The Sabroom Nagar Panchayat is a Class V Census Town and has a population of 5,768

persons as per report released by Census India 2011. Sabroom Nagar Panchayat has total administration

over 2,015 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage.

Sample size of Sabroom for the survey is 45.

Findings: Sabroom (Major categories in Percentage)

Table 31: Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Sabroom

Water Toilet Vehicle

Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

40 60 100 0 100 0

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Playground

62 38 60 40

Private Tube-well and taps (60%) are primary sources of drinking water for the

respondents at the smallest town (Population – 5,768, Census of India, 2011) located in

South Tripura.

All the respondents (100%) use Septic Tank fitted toilet system.

Polluting vehicles are used by all the respondents (100%). Thus, introduction of Electric

Vehicle may be considered to be much essential here also.

Parks (62%) and Playgrounds (60%) are available at Sabroom within 1 km. of residence

as reported by large section of the respondents.

Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

A largely insignificant proportion of the respondents (only 13%, see Annexure) are the beneficiaries of

the Tripura Urban Employment Program. This offers great opportunity to further expand this Program

among the residents of Sabroom.

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Table 32: Suggestions of Participants: Sabroom

Frequency Percent

Can't Say 12 26.7

Water 10 22.2

Drainage System 8 17.8

Garbage and


2 4.4

Health 8 17.8

Road 5 11.1

Total 45 100.0

Table 32 reflects the priorities for improvements of urban amenities as opined by the respondents of

Sabroom . Improvement of Water Supply System is the most prominent suggestion as 22 percent of

them point out. Drainage System and Health System reforms come next in order in equal proportions

(about 18%). Road is the next most pertinent issue as indicated by 20 percent respondents. About 27

percent failed to mention any major problems they face in respect of urban amenities. This may reflect

either their satisfaction or unfelt need for improvement of the urban amenities.

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17. Santirbazar

Santir Bazar is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of South Tripura. The Santir Bazar city is divided into 13

wards as on 2016. The Santir Bazar Nagar Panchayat has population of 11,921 of which 6,100 are males

while 5,821 are females as per report released by Census India 2011. Santir Bazar Nagar Panchayat has

total administration over 3,254 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage.

Sample size for Santirbazar is 45.

Findings: Santirbazar (Major categories in Percentage)

Table 33: Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Santirbazar

Water Toilet Vehicle

Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

62 38 100 0 91 0

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Playground

69 31 69 31

Public taps and Tubewells are the primary sources of drinking water for the respondents (62%),

followed by Private taps (38%).

All the respondents (100%) use Septic Tank fitted toilet system.

Polluting vehicles are used by a large majority of respondents (91%). Thus, introduction of

Electric Vehicle may be considered here also.

Park and Playground are available in equal proportions (69%).

Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

Around 51 percent respondents received the Tripura Urban Employment Program benefits in

Santirbazar. In comparison with some other Tripura towns, this higher proportion may be considered as

a success of the Program. While nearly half of the respondents are yet to receive such benefits, it offers

further scope for spread of this much acclaimed Program.

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Diagram 34: Suggestions of Participants: Santir Bazar

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Can't Say 12 26.7

Water 4 8.9

Drainage System 7 15.6

Garbage and


3 6.7

Playground 3 6.7

Park 2 4.4

Health 6 13.3

Road 8 17.8

Total 45 100.0

Table 34 (see also Diagram 17) reflects the priorities for improvements of urban amenities as opined by

the respondents of Santirbazar. Improvement of Road infrastructure is the most prominent suggestion

as about 18% of them point out. Drainage System (15.6%) and Health System reforms (around 13

percent) come next in order. Water is the next most pertinent issue as indicated by only 9 percent

respondents. About 27 percent failed to mention any major problems they face in respect of urban

amenities. This may reflect either their satisfaction or unfelt need for improvement of the urban


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18. Sonamura Sonamura is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of West Tripura, Tripura. The Sonamura city is divided into

11 wards. The Sonamura Nagar Panchayat has population of 11,285 of which 5,698 are males while

5,587 are females as per report released by Census India 2011. Sonamura Nagar Panchayat has total

administration over 2,733 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage.

The survey at Sonamura has been conducted over 50 households and the following observations have

been obtained.

Findings: Sonamura (Major categories in Percentage)

Table 35: Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Sonamura

Water Toilet Vehicle

Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

3 97 100 0 98 2

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Playground

4 96 76 24

Private taps and Tubewells (97%) are the principal sources of drinking water for the


All the respondents (100%) use Septic Tank fitted modern toilet system here too.

Polluting vehicles are used by almost all the respondents (98%). Thus, introduction of

Electric Vehicle may be considered to be much essential here too.

Parks are not available in the locality for almost all the respondents (96%).

However, Playgrounds are available within 2 kms for a large section of the respondents


Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

Around 46 percent respondents received the Tripura Urban Employment Program benefits in Sonamura.

In comparison with some other Tripura towns, this higher proportion may be considered as a success of

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the Program. While nearly half of the respondents are yet to receive such benefits, it offers further

scope for spread of this much acclaimed Program.

Table 36: Suggestions of Participants: Sonamura

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Can't Say 7 15.2

Water 4 8.7

Drainage System 9 19.6

Toilet 1 2.2

Garbage and


4 8.7

Playground 2 4.3

Park 1 2.2

Health 3 6.5

Road 15 32.6

Total 46 100.0

Table 36 (see also Diagram 18) reflects the priorities for improvements of urban amenities as opined by

the respondents of Sonamura. Improvement of Road infrastructure is the most prominent suggestion as

about 33% of them point out. Drainage System (about 20 percent) reforms comes next in order. Water

is indicated by only 9 percent respondents. About 15 percent failed to mention any major problems they

face in respect of urban amenities. This may reflect either their satisfaction or unfelt need for

improvement of the urban amenities.

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19. Teliamura

Teliamura is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of West Tripura, Tripura. The Teliamura city is divided into

15 wards. The Teliamura Nagar Panchayat has population of 21,032 of which 10,580 are males while

10,452 are females as per report released by Census India 2011. Teliamura Nagar Panchayat has total

administration over 5,296 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage.

The survey at Teliamura has been conducted over 43 respondents. The principal findings are appended


Findings: Teliamura (Major categories in Percentage)

Table 37: Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Teliamura

Water Toilet Vehicle

Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

12 88 91 5 72 2

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km

Far Away/ No Playground

14 86 35 65

Private Tube well and Tap ares the sources of drinking water for a major section of respondents

of Teliamura (88%).

A large majority (91%) of the respondents use Septic Tank based modern toilet (91%). However,

2 cases of open defecation has also been observed (see Annexure).

Polluting vehicles predominate (72%). Opportunities, therefore, is there to extend the use of

cleaner fuels in Transportation.

Parks are not available in the locality for a large section the respondents (86%).

However, Playgrounds are available within 1 km. for a large section of the respondents (35%).

Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

Around 26 percent of the respondents have received the benefits of TUEP, while this program is yet to

benefit the majority of the respondents (74%). This provides great opportunity to spread the benefits of

the Program among the residents of Teliamura.

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Table 38: Suggestions of Respondents: Teliamura

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Can't Say 3 7.0

Water 23 53.5

Toilet 3 7.0

Park 6 14.0

Health 4 9.3

Road 4 9.3

Total 43 100.0

Table 38 reflects the priorities for improvements of urban amenities as opined by the respondents of

Teliamura. Improvement of Water supply infrastructure is the most prominent suggestion as 53.5% of

them point out. Park is the next priority (around 14 percent). A relatively smaller proportion of them

also pointed out to the reforms of Health and Road systems with equal proportions (9.3%). Here a large

number of respondents actively pointed out to the major problems they face in respect of urban

amenities as only 7 percent reported their satisfaction (Can’t say category) with the status quo (see

Diagram 19).

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20. Udaipur Udaipur is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of South Tripura, Tripura. The Udaipur city is divided into 19

wards. The Udaipur Nagar Panchayat has population of 32,758 of which 16,593 are males while 16,165

are females as per report released by Census India 2011. Udaipur Nagar Panchayat has total

administration over 8,530 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage.

The survey at Udaipur has been conducted over 46 respondents. The principal findings are appended


Findings: Udaipur (Major categories in Percentage)

Table 39: Nature of Availability of Urban Infrastructure: Udaipur

Water Toilet Vehicle Public Private Modern Traditional Polluting Clean

52 48 98 02 82 8

Park Playground

Nearby (within 01 Km.)

Far Away/ No Park

Nearby (within 01 Km.)

Far Away/ No Playground

66 34 52 48

Public Tap water and Tube well are the principal sources of drinking water of 52 percent

respondents. Perhaps, this is one of the rare variety of township in Tripura where Public sources

of potable water predominates.

Almost all the respondents (98%) use Septic Tank fitted modern toilet system here.

Polluting vehicles are used by a significantly large majority of the respondents (92%). Thus,

spread of Electric Vehicles may be considered important here too as an option.

Respondents reporting about availability of Parks in their locality (within 1 km) constitute the

majority (66%).

Playgrounds within 1 km are also available in this town as opined by 52% of the respondents.

Tripura Urban Employment Program (TUEP)

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Around 22 percent of the respondents have received the benefits of TUEP, while this program is yet to

benefit the majority of the respondents (78%). This provides great opportunity to spread the benefits of

the Program among the residents of Udaipur.

Table 40: Suggestions of Participants: Udaipur

Suggestions Frequency Percent

Can't Say 4 8.0

Water 11 22.0

Drainage System 4 8.0

Garbage and


1 2.0

Playground 2 4.0

Park 2 4.0

Health 10 20.0

Road 8 16.0

Electricity 8 16.0

Total 50 100.0

Table 40 depicts the suggestions of the respondents of Udaipur on different areas of improvement of

urban infrastructure and amenities. . Improvement of Water Supply is the most prominent suggestion as

about 22 percent of them point out. This is followed by Health (20%). Road and Electricity come next in

equal proportion (16%). Overall, about 4 percent respondents seem to be satisfied and consequently fail

to come up with any suggestions (see Diagram 20).

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This survey attempts to obtain a detailed understanding of the ground level realities of 20 important

cities and towns of Tripura in line with the goals of AMRUT pertaining to urban amenities and

infrastructure. Appropriate methods have been undertaken. Some important areas that offer scope for

further developmental initiatives of each urban area surveyed include Water Supply, Drainage,

introduction of transportation based on cleaner fuels, besides construction of Parks and Playgrounds.