a short guide to publishing in european journal of soil science ejss...

A short guide to publishing in European Journal of Soil Science EJSS wileyonlinelibrary.com/ journal/ejss

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Page 1: A short guide to publishing in European Journal of Soil Science EJSS wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ejss

A short guide to publishing in

European Journal of

Soil Science



Page 2: A short guide to publishing in European Journal of Soil Science EJSS wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ejss

Step One

Make sure the topic is relevant – EJSS is an international journal for original research papers or reviews

on basic soil science

Remember to: Check journal website and read author guidelines Look at an example of a paper in the journal Follow the author guidelines carefully when you prepare your



John Wiley & Sons
we do not need all the areas of the journal included here as they can be talked to in the narrative
Page 3: A short guide to publishing in European Journal of Soil Science EJSS wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ejss

Step Two

Ask yourself “is my paper topic suitable and relevant?”

Including: Are the experimental design and analysis of data adequate and

appropriate? Is the information new or novel? Is it of international interest? Does it improve the understanding of soil processes? Is the statistical analysis of your data adequate and properly interpreted? Have you taken advice from colleagues or a professional statistician? Has your work been submitted or published elsewhere? Is your work too applied for EJSS? If so consider Soil Use and

Management – go to: wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/sum


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Step Three – make sure your manuscript is not too long – word limit is about 6500 words for normal articles – reviews can be longer is not too short is not too descriptive contains good English– non-English speaking authors should obtain help from a native English speaker or go to:http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/bauthor/english_language.asp

follows the formatting style of the Journal

Further checks you should make:


Page 5: A short guide to publishing in European Journal of Soil Science EJSS wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ejss

More details on manuscript preparationMore details on manuscript preparation

remember, you should consult the detailed description of what to do in guidelines to authors or

Style file at:http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/specialarticles/ejsauthortemplate.doc

or sample paper at: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/pdf/ejs510.pdf

submit manuscripts electronically through the ScolarOne website at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ejss as a Word 2003 file.

if you have any problems contact:[email protected]

the following slides highlight some of the key presentational problems that you should check on


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EJSS presentational styleEJSS presentational style

Presentation is very important: check that you are using the correct font throughout and

follow exact instructions for titles, running head , names of authors and addresses etc

use Roman font for normal text and SI units, symbols for chemical elements and

compounds use Italic font for Latin expressions, names of plants and animals and titles of

scientific journals and books and Scalar variables

use Bold lower case Roman for vectors and BOLD CAPITALS for matrices refer to full guidelines for all further details


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EJSS presentational styleEJSS presentational style

Units of measurements- make sure you follow the full instructions for these. For example

adhere to SI standards (see Tables 1 – 3, on the full instructions) make sure you use the following:

– Gas concentrations: µmol mol-1, or µl l-1; and nmol mol-1 or nl l-1 NOT ppb. or ppbv.

– Time: SI unit is the second(s), but for longer time periods use: minutes, hours, days, weeks and years written in full.

– Numbers: Integers from one to ten are written in full; larger integers are as arabic numerals: 11, 12, …. At beginnings of sentences write all numbers in full.

– Grouping of digits: separate large numbers by spaces and in groups of three digits, e.g. 1 500 000

you should also check the correct use of litre, percentage, parts per million (ppm), and M for molar


Page 8: A short guide to publishing in European Journal of Soil Science EJSS wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ejss

Also make sure that you:

number your equations

check the correct use of statistics (refer to full guidelines for sources of additional information on this or get expert guidance)

provide Tables separate from text, one per page

provide Figures in the format requested, number each one and put captions on a separate page


EJSS presentational styleEJSS presentational style

Page 9: A short guide to publishing in European Journal of Soil Science EJSS wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ejss

CitationsCitationsCheck these very carefully

in research papers use no more than 30–40 references

the text cite by author(s) and year; in the text use Smith & Jones (2001), and Smith et al. (2002) for more than two authors

where several references appear together – arrange chronologically and then alphabetically

for websites – check that it still exists and then cite it together with date accessed

in the reference list – give name(s) and initial(s) of author(s), but if 6 list only first 6 names followed by et al.

Note that Works 'In press' must have been accepted


Page 10: A short guide to publishing in European Journal of Soil Science EJSS wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ejss

Finally: authorship and copyright

provide a covering letter indicating that each author has participated in the research and that all authors have seen and agreed to the submitted version.

you must be very clear that your paper has NOT been published previously in any language and has not been submitted to any other journal
