a seven letter word | vanguard press | mar. 8, 1987

1 Peler Freyne .A Se v e n Le t t e r Word - Love is just a four-l ette r word and succ ess is a  seven-letter word.  A n d  success is one thing Mayo r Ber nie Sa nd ers ha s  b e e n g oo d a t a c h ie v in g , as  01' Berna r do an d co mpa ny de mo onst rat ed Tue sd ay . Sa nde rs got 6, 901 votes -just 41 votes shy of his record total  in 1983. But the question eve ry one would l i ke an answer t o is, "Where doe s Ber nie go from here?" He ke eps sa yi ng t hi s wi l l  b e h is la st te r m  as  m ayor .  If he  serves  it  out  it'll  mean Sand- e r s  wi l l ha ve be en mayor of  Burlingt on l onge r than John Ken nedy, Lyndo n John son, Rkbard Nixon,  Gerry  Ford, an d  Jimmy Carter  were  presi- dent  o f  the U nited States. 01'  Bernardo says he 's not  p la n n in g on le a v in g to w n, ei ther. Burlington, he says, b a s  been  his home for 17 ye ars an d he inten ds t o kee p it that way.  N o b o d y in te r p r e ts h is  d e- cl ared intent ion not to run for  mayor again as a sign  he's D On e of this. and ev eryone wh o \ c D O W S  him  well knows he could never call himself a Democrat. But that's the big paradox aboutBernie. Everyone knows a!terwat chi ng him for the las t s i x  years that Berni e Sanders i s about as radical as whole wheat toast. In the recent  elec- tion  his "radical"  proposals  in - duded raising taxes and  adding more cops to the police force. Everyone knows that  0 1 ' Bernardo is a Democrat, every- one except him, that is. And eve ry one knows that l abels aren't so i mportant. Heck, Democra t Paul Lafayette was callinghimself a "progressive"  b y e le c ti on d a v . A n d f o r  bea v e n 's sa k e. e v e r y o n e also knows that call ing yourse l f a Democ ra t doe sn' t mean you can't cont inue to go out and fi ght Democrats. That' s a  party tradition. .CIose  Race- The race for  alderman  i n Bur lingt on's Hill section was a close one, but the winner wasn't anywhe re close to Ward 6 on election day. Att orney Paul Sutherland was on t he beac h in Flo rida with his wife and kids! Alder-

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8/11/2019 A Seven Letter Word | Vanguard Press | Mar. 8, 1987

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