a service of worship21df09768cba3fa6d16a-b118e061a5c77c8f95d897d190da073b.r91.cf2.rackcdn.…jun 16,...

A Service of Worship including the Sacrament of Communion For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. I Corinthians 11:23-26 The Lord’s Day June 16, 2019

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Page 1: A Service of Worship21df09768cba3fa6d16a-b118e061a5c77c8f95d897d190da073b.r91.cf2.rackcdn.…Jun 16, 2019  · Responsive Call to Worship from Psalm 86:8-10 Leader: There is none like

A Service of Worship including the

Sacrament of Communion

For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread,

and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said,

“This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.”

In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying,

“This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.”

For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

I Corinthians 11:23-26

The Lord’s Day

June 16, 2019

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God’s People Gather for Worship

“By God’s grace alone and to his glory alone, we exist to worship God in his greatness and his holiness with Gospel-driven passion and integrity…” (excerpted from FPC Rome Mission Statement)

Preparing our Hearts

Prelude “We Pray Now to the Holy Spirit” Dietrich Buxtehude

Mrs. Faye Kesler, organist


Declaring God’s Praise

Responsive Call to Worship from Psalm 86:8-10

Leader: There is none like you, O Lord, nor are there any works like yours.

ALL: All the nations you have made shall come and bow down before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name. For you are great and do wondrous things, you alone are God.

Hymn No. 33 “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”


Affirming Our Faith

The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,

Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried.

He descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven,

and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty: From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead:

I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

Congregational Response “The Doxology”OLD HUNDREDTH

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Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Praise Him, all creatures here below! Praise him above, ye heavenly host!

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! AMEN

Offering Our Gifts

Welcome (At this time, children 6 years old – 4th grade are invited to Children’s Worship.

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings “God of Heaven” Heather Sorenson

Summer Choir Dr. Aaron Rice, director Mr. Kyle Coleman, piano

Hearing God’s Word

Scripture Reading Philemon Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.

ALL: Thanks be to God!

Sermon “Gospel Living” Dr. Jonathan Schwartz

Sharing the Sacrament

Hymn of Communion No. 686 “O God, Our Help in Ages Past”


Invitation to the Table

Prayer of Confession

Words of Institution and Prayer of Consecration

Partaking of the Elements

(The congregation will remain in their seats as the elements are distributed to you and partake each element together after all have been served.

A gluten free option is available on each of the bread trays.)

Scattering as Christ’s Church

Hymn No. 408 “How Firm a Foundation” FOUNDATION

Page 4: A Service of Worship21df09768cba3fa6d16a-b118e061a5c77c8f95d897d190da073b.r91.cf2.rackcdn.…Jun 16, 2019  · Responsive Call to Worship from Psalm 86:8-10 Leader: There is none like

Commissioning and Benediction

Postlude “Toccata in E Minor” Johann Pachelbel

Mrs. Faye Kesler, organist This morning we are excited to welcome Faye Kesler as our new organist. Faye is a longtime resident of Rome, where she taught on the music faculty at Berry College for over thirty years. As a church musician she most recently served as organist for Sam Jones United Methodist in Cartersville. We are thankful for all of the work that Judy Powell and Kyle

Coleman have done in the way of service playing during the interim time. We are looking forward to how God will continue to move and develop the Classic Music Ministry.

God’s People Scatter to Live as Faithful, Fruitful Followers of Jesus Christ

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Ministry Opportunities

TODAY’S WORSHIP SERVICE (6/16/19): Convergent Service in the King Hall (10:30 am): Classic Service in the Sanctuary (10:30 am): Rev. Jeff Chadwick preaching Dr. Jonathan Schwartz preaching John 14:15-27 (This message was preached at the Philemon Classic Service on June 9) The Sacrament of Communion will be celebrated at both services today.


Combined Service in the Sanctuary (10:30 am): Rev. Jeff Chadwick preaching

JOIN US FOR ROAR! LIFE IS WILD, GOD IS GOOD! VBS 2019 JUNE 24-28 9:00 AM-12:00 PM – We are so happy that last year’s directors will be our directors for this year again! If you are interested in volunteering, sign up at the VBS tables outside of the Sanctuary or in the Atrium outside of King Hall. Contact Mrs. Joan Brock at 706-346-4253 or Mrs. Natalie Babington at 706-266-7740 for information on how you can get involved and be a part of God’s Team during VBS 2019! Registration is available online at fpcrome.org!

CHURCH-WIDE OPPORTUNITY TO HELP WITH VBS – Join us on Sunday, June 23, immediately following the worship service, for pizza and help us prepare the church for VBS! We will be cutting and gluing crafts, finish decorating in King Hall, and hang decorations in the Education Building. Bring your children as Nursery will not be provided. For further details, contact Mrs. Joan Brock at 706-346-4253 or Mrs. Natalie Babington at 706-266-7740.

FINANCIAL REMINDER – Vacation season is upon us and while you are making your list of must haves for your vacation, please remember to include sending your tithe to the church. Unfortunately, the church’s bills do not take a vacation! Thank you for your faithfulness to the finances of First Presbyterian Church.

COMBINED SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP – Beginning June 23, we will combine our worship services to emphasize our unity as a church family. The Sunday morning schedule will be: 9:15 am: Sunday School for all ages 10:30 am: - Combined Worship Service on June 23 in the Sanctuary

- Combined Worship Service June 30, July 7, July14, July 21 in King Hall

- Combined Worship Service July 28 in the Sanctuary

ADULT SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL CONTINUES – Each summer we gather as a collective body in King Hall, rather than in our Sunday Morning Communities. This summer we will explore the parables, the stories that Jesus told. Jesus was a master story teller and his stories have captured the imagination of hearers since he first told them almost two thousand years ago. We will explore the parables found in Luke’s Gospel which contains some of Jesus’ most memorable stories. This series will give vlarity to the Gospel as Jesus explained it in his parables.

June 16 – The Parable of the Friend at Midnight (Luke 11:5-13) led by Matt Claytor June 23 – The Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-21) led by Tommy Atha June 30 – The Parable of the Great Banquet (Luke 14:15-24) led by Rusty Chadwick July 7 – The Parable of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin (Luke 15:1-10) Jonathan Whitley July 14 – The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) led by Dr. Jonathan Schwartz July 21 – The Parable of the Unjust Steward (Luke 16:1-13) led by Rev. Jeff Chadwick July 28 – The Parable of the Obedient Servant (Luke 17:7-10) led by Dathan Sorrow August 4 – The Parable of he Judge and the Widow (Luke 18:1-8) led by Dave Abernathy August 11 – The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14) led by Hollis Reese

Page 6: A Service of Worship21df09768cba3fa6d16a-b118e061a5c77c8f95d897d190da073b.r91.cf2.rackcdn.…Jun 16, 2019  · Responsive Call to Worship from Psalm 86:8-10 Leader: There is none like

CARRY ON THE CONVERSATION (Each week we use this space to provide a glimpse into what our children are learning in Children’s Worship,

and what you might ask to “carry on the conversation” with them at home.)

Key Theme: The fear of the Lord - Psalm 89:6-7

Ask: In what ways is God above everyone and everything?

CHILDREN’S SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL CONTINUES FOR 2 YEARS OLD-5TH GRADE – Our Children’s Sunday School will be combined for the summer in the Education Building.

- 2-3 year olds in Room 207 – Lesson “God’s People”

- 4-5 year olds in Room 206 – Lesson “Serving the Savior”

- 1st through 5th grades in Room 201 – Lesson “JUMP-Putting Our Faith in Motion and Living In Christ!”

CLOTHES FOR A CAUSE – Ten women from FPC are heading to Kenya to minister to our Missionaries in Nairobi, and they need your support! Two ways you can help:

• DONATE your gently used women’s clothing, accessories, jewelry, and shoes! o Collection boxes will be available in King Hall and at the reception desk of the Education

Building June 24 – August 30 o We will also have designated drop-off times in King Hall:

§ VBS week: June 24 – 28 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM § July 24 from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM § August 24 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

• SHOP at our Clothes for a Cause resale event at FPC on September 12! Entry is $10 and includes light snacks, beverages, and a delightful shopping experience.

Donations are tax deductible, and all proceeds will benefit the financial needs of this ministry trip. Questions? Contact Amy Davis at 706-512-6555.

PIPS LUNCH – PIPS will meet for lunch at Olive Garden Thursday, June 20 at 11:30 am. Please call the church office and make a reservation.

SUMMER BETHEL STUDY “Listening to and Learning from the Prayers of Jesus” – “Jesus’ ministry on earth as a human was marked by a devotion to prayer. Through his prayer life, we see what it means to truly depend upon God.” As we read and ponder the prayers of Christ as recorded in the New Testament; we can learn to “imitate his example as we commune with our heavenly Father as adopted sons and daughters in Christ.” (The Prayers of Jesus, Mark Jones) Join us for five weeks this summer as we meditate on and learn from the prayers of Christ. We will meet on Wednesday mornings, 10:00 am til 12:00 noon on the following dates: July 10, July 17, July 24, July 31st, August 7.

JOIN US FOR “SUMMER CHOIR” – Do you want to participate in the Chancel Choir but don’t have the time or flexibility for a long-term commitment to Wednesday evening rehearsals? Summer choir is for you! This is everyone’s chance to participate. So if you are a sixth grader, celebrating your centennial, or somewhere in between, join us on Sundays in June at 9:30am in the Choir Suite to learn an easy anthem and then lead in the Classic Service.

CLASSIC SERVICE GREETERS – Happy Father’s Day! John Goodrich, the father of Henry, Sloan and Andrew, and his wife Vickie are the greeters at the Classic Service. Those who entered through the main doors to worship were greeted with warm smiles and perhaps some extra giggles today. They were blessed while being a blessing. You, too, can volunteer 15 minutes of your time on Sunday morning. June 30 is still available before our summer break. Call Betty Carver at 706-512-4455 and tell her you can greet on June 30 or schedule a Sunday in the fall.

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MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST – All the men are invited to breakfast every Thursday at 6:55 am in Hardy Classroom #1. We’re always done by 8:00 am. Please join us for great food, fellowship and prayer.

PRAYER REQUESTS – If you have a prayer request, the Prayer Team meets every Thursday to pray for this church body. Please let us know through the church website or by email at [email protected] if we may pray for you. Be assured that all requests will be held in confidence.

FAMILY GATHERINGS WILL RESUME IN SEPTEMBER – Take some time on Wednesday nights to gather with friends, spend time with family, and we’ll look forward to seeing you again in early September.

HAVEN HEALTH’S BABY BOTTLE BOOMERANG – Today is the last day to turn in your baby bottles for this fundraiser. You may place them at the Welcome Center in the Education Building or on the table in the back of King Hall.

CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER LIST AVAILABLE – Each week you will find a page listing the current prayer needs of the congregation in the back of King Hall and at the Welcome Center outside of the Sanctuary. Please take one and use it as a way of supporting members of your church family in prayer. If you would like to have a name added to the list, please call the church office at 706-291-6033.

VISITORS – As a way to welcome you to First Presbyterian Church, we would like to gift you with a cross by local artist, Cabell Sweeney. You’ll find your cross at the Welcome Areas (near the Welcome banners), at both Convergent and Classic Services. Connect Forms are available to let us know you have visited, request information, and to register your children in Nursery, Children, and Student Ministries.

CONNECT FORM – Looking for a simple way to connect with our Pastors or church office? The Connect Form is available through one of the icons at the top of FPC’s website (www.fpcrome.org). Connect Form cards may also be found at both Welcome Areas. If your question does not fit within the categories listed, choose How to Connect at FPC. Please hand your card to a Welcome Area greeter or deacon, and someone will reach out to you.

Our worship service is broadcast weekly at 11 am on WLAQ FM 96.9 and AM 1410. (There is a 30-minute time delay from the actual time of our service.) Sermons may also be accessed on our web site at www.fpcrome.org.

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Pray for Our Church Leaders and Missionaries THE CHURCH STAFF

Pastor Rev. Jeff Chadwick [email protected] Pastor of Adult Discipleship Ministries Rev. Bill Pardue [email protected] Pastor of Family Ministries Dr. Jonathan Schwartz [email protected] Director of Student Ministries Mr. Sonny Walker [email protected] Assistant Director of Student Ministries Ms. Jordan Orr [email protected] Assistant Director of Student Ministries Ms. Linda Oliver [email protected] Assistant Director of Student Ministries Mr. Oscar Palin [email protected] Assistant Director of Student Ministries Mr. Brad Roberts [email protected] Director of Children’s Ministry Mrs. Andrea Sartorato [email protected] Director of Connections Ministry/Missions Coordinator Mrs. Natalie Pettegrew [email protected] Director of Classic Music Ministries Dr. Aaron Rice [email protected] Assistant to the Director of Classic Music Ministries Ms. Judy Powell [email protected] Organist Choir Accompanist

Mrs. Faye Kesler Mr. Kyle Coleman

[email protected] [email protected]

Director of Nursery Ministry Mrs. Nell Milner [email protected] Director of Senior Adult Ministries/Visitation Mr. Martin Foster [email protected]


CLASS OF 2020 CLASS OF 2021 CLASS OF 2022 Mr. King Askew Mr. Bill Brewster Mr. Greg Davidson Dr. Tom Carver Dr. Paul Brock Mr. Frank Fleming Mr. Rob Davis Mr. Frank Brown Mr. Tony Pemerton Dr. Dan Pate Dr. John Pittman Mr. Hollis Reese

Mr. Dathan Sorrow Mr. Charlie Williams Mr. Gardner Williams Elder Emeritus: Mr. Vance Luke


CLASS OF 2020 CLASS OF 2021 CLASS OF 2022 Mr. Tommy Atha Mr. Rodger Duncan Mr. Caleb Babington Mr. Andy Garner Mr. Travis Hill Mr. Larry Cagle Mr. Rick Gilbert Mr. Doug Holstein Mr. Brant Evans

Mr. Nate Masters Mr. Lance Maffett Mr. Joshua Jones Dr. Jay Riley Mr. Anthony McClain Mr. Joshua Reese Mr. John Rix

Dr. Ryland Scott Mr. Harris York

Mr. Roger Sartorato Mr. Charles Stevens

Mr. Frank Stegall, Jr. Mr. Lanny Thomas Mr. Cory Tucker

Mr. Jerome White


Dr. & Mrs. Paul Branch, EPC/ITEN – Guatemala Rev. & Mrs. Robert Shaffer, Entrust – Austria Atlanta Youth Project Mrs. Margaret-Elliotte Rebello, Serge – England Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Stewart, EPC Campus Outreach - Berry College Dr. Ellis Deibler, Wycliffe Bible Translators Rev. & Mrs. Phil Thrash, EPC Centro Shalom – Tijuana Rev. & Mrs. John Fain, EPC/Pioneers - SE Asia Rev. & Mrs. David Walker, EPC/OC - SE Asia Community Kitchen – Rome, GA Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus Farmer, Cru – Germany Dr. Stephen Woodworth, EPC/ITEN EPC World Outreach Mrs. Judy Gill, Ethnos360 – Bolivia Mr. & Mrs. Randy H., EPC/Frontiers - SE Asia Hands of Love – Bolivia Rev. & Mrs. Keith Haywood, OM Jesse & Bobbie – North Asia Power Ministry – Texas/Mexico Mr. Kent Howard, FCA – Rome Travis & Stephanie Hill, BlueSky Kenya Family Resource Center – Rome, GA Dr. & Mrs. Guillermo Mac Kenzie, EPC – Argentina Tim & Karen, EPC/SEND – Muslim World Good Neighbor Ministries – Rome, GA Mr. & Mrs. Nate Mast, BlueSky – Kenya John & Carlene, EPC – Muslim World Habitat For Humanity – Rome, GA Mr. & Mrs. George Mixon, Serge – Kenya Rob & Iris, EPC/Frontiers – Muslim World Haven Health Clinic – Rome, GA Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Pouncy, Ethnos360 Sean & Angie, EPC/Pioneers – Muslim World Hospitality House – Rome, GA Rev. Julian Reese, InterVarsity – UT Knoxville Kirsten McClain, Propempo/OMF Rome Action Ministries – Rome, GA Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Sartorato, 100 Fold Studio Tim & Kim, EPC/Pioneers – Muslim World Salvation Army – Rome, GA Gregg & Julie Nicholson, United World Mission – Thailand Azim & Anara Janbakiyev, EPC – Muslim World

Adger & Sandra M., EPC Muslim World/Refugees Davies Homeless Shelter – Rome, GA