a series of kisses


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A Series of Kisses by


Category: Harry Potter 

Genre: Humor, Romance

Language: English

Characters: Draco M., Hermione G.Status: Completed

Published: 2008-02-21

Updated: 2008-02-21

Packaged: 2013-03-10 14:11:21

Rating: T

Chapters: 1

Words: 4,199Publisher: www.fanfiction.net

Summary: Draco Malfoy hasn't kisse

many women, yet he KNOWS he wants t

kiss her. post-war 

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A Series of Kisses

Title: A Series of Kisses

Chapter Title: 1/1

Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermion


Genres: Romance, Humour Rating: PG

Warnings: Language, Sexual Situations

Summary: Draco Malfoy hasn't kisse

many women, yet he KNOWS he wants tkiss her. (dmhg post-war)

Contrary to popular opinion, Drac

Malfoy was extremely judicious abouwho he kissed. When one was particula

and fastidious about appearance

reputation, and all manner of things, yo

didn't go around sticking your tongu

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down just any ol' tart's throat. You needed

o be discerning and discriminating in th

choice of mouths you allowed yourself t

partake of. And it was for this reason andhis reason ALONE that at the ripe age o

wenty-two, Draco had only swapped spi

- to use the phrase of his nemesis Blais

Zabini -- with three women.

The first kiss had gone to Pans

Parkinson. It had been a tremendou

mistake. The girl was so enthusiastic thashe'd knocked her pug nose into his mor

aristocratic one and then scraped thei

eeth together, leaving Draco desperate to

ock himself in the restroom with a brus

and tube of toothpaste. In addition, her thi

ips had done nothing to inspire th

Slytherin's mouth toward greatness an

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he'd broken apart from her unable to hid

his queasiness.

Draco's second kiss had been witDaphne Greengrass. It too had been a

unmitigated disaster. While Greengras

had been much more skilled with th

mechanics of kissing, no knocking noseogether or biting things not meant t

bitten, she had tasted faintly waxy. Draco

wasn't sure how to explain it, but her soft

moist lips had tasted like they wercovered with strawberry-smellin

paraffin. Frankly, he imagined it was wha

sucking on a candle must feel like

Understandably, he was unwilling to

repeat the experience.

Draco's third kiss had been slightly better

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Somewhere between Hogwarts and hi

current predicament, his over-active brai

had decided that perhaps only pure

blooded women kissed like shiteTherefore, he had cornered half-bloo

Hannah Abbott outside of the Leaky

Cauldron one afternoon almost a yea

ago. He'd flirted, he'd been suave, he'whispered naughty things in her ear an

she'd eventually leaned into him an

pressed her lips against his. No nos

collision, no waxy aftertaste, and yet h

felt slightly disappointed. His blood hadn

pumped, his heart hadn't raced, he hadn

been disgusted, but he also hadn't beeurned on either.

For several horrible months, h

contemplated the possibility of bein

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asexual. But then he'd run into her 

iterally. He'd been browsing the 'self

help' section at Flourish & Blotts whe

he'd turned away to go examine the newnovels and crashed into the slight gir

She'd been knocked down, her bushy

brown hair covering her eyes, her skir

pushed up several inches above her kneesDraco had smirked, because even after al

hese years, it felt good to be one up o

her. However, when she'd pushed the hai

away from her faced and glared up at him

her lips slightly apart, her breathin

coming fast, he'd know immediately tha

she MUST be his next kiss.

t was just his sodding luck that it wa

her . The girl who had the most reasons t

despise him. No fancy words, or longin

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glances, or lustful winks would bring he

ips to his. Draco was certain that if h

ever wanted to kiss her – ever wanted t

aste her, he would have to steal it, catchher unaware, and just take it. So he bide

his time, he convinced himself that bloo

wasn't important, he watched her, he lay i

wait outside the Ministry, learning hehabits, her routines. If she noticed hi

attention it was not evident from he

demeanor. Draco often smiled to himsel

at just how easy she was making it on him

He still didn't rush things. He complete

wo and half months of surveillance an

planning before he was ready to giv

kissing another shot. Then one day towar

he end of June, he waited in the alle

behind her parents' townhouse. Sh

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always Apparated to this spot on Sunday

at 11:00 a.m. to have brunch with he

family. It was the prefect location to carry

hrough with his plan since it was far frowizarding London – no magical witnesse

o contend with – and Hermione wa

always a bit harried when arriving for th

meal – as if she were dreading thmminent contact with her family. Thi

was a feeling Draco himself was n

stranger to having been summoned t

awkward dinners at Malfoy Manor ever

Wednesday evening since his graduation

from Hogwarts.

Just as Draco poised himself to grab th

brown-eyed witch by the wrist and pul

her to him as soon as she appeared, h

found himself being spun around an

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pressed back into a filthy brick wall as hi

ntended victim turned the tables on him

"Malfoy," she hissed, her wand pressed

up against his chest. "I am sick owhatever game you are playing! I want i

o stop, now!"

Draco's eyes widened slightly as he felher fist his cloak and yank his head neare

o hers. Before he could surrender o

confess or grovel for forgiveness

however, she was covering his mouth wither lips – grinding them forcefully agains

his. It was not polished, it was not sweet

she tasted like coffee and toast, rather tha

fruit and sugar – and her tongue – grea

Merlin above – her tongue was sweepin

nto his mouth demanding a response. And

for the first time in his life, Drac

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understood what the poets meant whe

hey claimed that not even a million kisse

could quench one's desire.

And just as suddenly as it had started, sh

pulled back from him. It was like bein

doused with a cold bucket of water. The

were both breathing heavily, neithemoving, neither speaking. Nevertheless

Draco couldn't help smirking, because h

knew that despite his inexperience, sh

had been just as affected by their contacas he had. He moved away from the wal

and gently caressed her face with hi

hand. He lowered his mouth to hers, bu

did not capture her lips. He no longe

wanted to steal kisses from her; he wante

hem to be freely given. He whispere

against her mouth. "Let's do this right

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Granger. We'll go on a proper date

followed by a proper good-night kiss."

She shook her head no, causing her lips tbrush against his lightly.

"Say yes, Hermione," he urged.

She closed her eyes, and for a momen

Draco felt a rising panic that she woul

refuse. But when she opened them, h

knew he had won. She licked her lipbefore whispering, "Yes."


Draco flinched as a grape dropped ont

his cheek then rolled down the side of hi


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"Hold still," Hermione told him, as sh

adjusted where she was holding her han

and dropped another grape that missed hi


"I thought this was supposed to b

romantic, Granger," Draco grumbled.

The former Gryffindor and the forme

Slytherin had only been dating for a few

weeks. Some days they felt really, reall

good together. Other days, however, theyboth wondered just what they hell the

were thinking when they had initiall

decided to give a romantic relationship

between them a shot. They were simpl

oo different -- different in temperament

aste, and talent. For example, whe

Hermione had suggested that they go ou

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on a picnic today, Draco had been les

han thrilled with the idea. Picnics wer

ust so plebeian.

Despite his initial wariness, the blond ha

found the simple meal she had prepared t

be delightful and had ended up with hi

head in her lap once the meal was overEyes closed, sun sparkling through th

rees, Draco relished the feel o

Hermione's fingers stroking his hair. H

had opened his eyes only after she haasked if he would like some grapes fo

dessert. Unfortunately, what had started

off as a game to see how high up she coul

hold up her hand and still land a grap

nto Draco's mouth had turned into som

ype of geometry challenge, whic

Hermione was determined to figure ou

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even if it drove the blond crazy.

Draco eyed her grape-filled hand warily

He finally snapped after Hermionnformed him that her task would be muc

easier to accomplish if she only had

protractor. Although he had no bloody

dea what a protractor was, the formeSlytherin was quite certain he didn't wan

one anywhere near him. Reaching up an

grabbing her hand, Draco rolled Hermion

over so that she was now the one layinon the blanket while he knelt above her.

"Draco!" she protested.

"Shush, Granger. I'm going to show you

he proper way to feed someone a grape."

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Hermione rolled her eyes, but did no

comment further.

Draco picked up a grape between hihumb and forefinger and then rubbed i

against Hermione's lips until she opene

her mouth. He did not pull his finger

away until after she had closed her liparound grape and the tips of his fingers

Although he hadn't intended it to be at al

sexual, he found the sensation of her mois

ips just lightly brushing against his skihighly erotic. He fed her another grape i

he same manner. Her soft moa

convinced him that she was just a

aroused by the experience as he had been

Feeling inspired, Draco took the nex

grape gently between his teeth and leane

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over to feed it to Hermione. She giggle

slightly before capturing the grape and hi

ips in a playful kiss.

When Draco finally pulled away, h

smiled down at the brown-eyed girl. "You

know, Granger. I've completely changed

my mind about picnics. They arabsolutely charming."

"With the right companion, just about an

activity can be enjoyable," Hermiongrinned back at him.


"I thought you said things between you an

he Weasel were over?" Draco demanded

grabbing a hold of Hermione's wrist an

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dragging her down a dark hallway in th

eaky Cauldron.

"They are over. Now let go of my wrisbefore you bruise it," she hissed.

"Then why was he kissing you?" Drac

growled, loosening his grip, but not lettingo of her.

"He wasn't kissing me. I mean, he did, bu

only on the cheek. It was a friendly kiss. Iwas a kiss just to say 'hi.'"

"I don't go around giving friendly kisses o

kisses to say hi," Draco told her irritably.

Hermione couldn't believe he was reall

upset about this. "I know you don't. But

Draco, it is not like you are the mos

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prolific of kissers."

He clenched his jaw, dropping her arm. "

hought you liked that about me."

"I do!" Hermione exclaimed, grabbing hi

hand and giving it a squeeze in an effort t

reassure him. The brown-eyed girl hanever given Draco any grief about his lac

of kissing experience. In fact, she'd foun

his particular fact about him utterl

adorable and a little flattering. "I jusmeant that since you haven't experience

he full range of kisses it might be difficul

o tell then difference between the variou


Draco cocked at eyebrow at her

"Granger, what in the world are you goin

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on about?"

"I'm trying to explain that there ar

different categories of kisses. Not alkisses are the romantic variety. There ar

also kisses that you can share with friends

easing kisses, angry kisses…"

"Angry kisses?" Draco looked confused

"If you are angry with someone, why in th

world would you want to kiss him o


Hermione scrunched up her nose, trying t

hink of a way to explain it. "It's a way t

relieve frustration without continuing tyell at someone."

"I think it sounds completely insensible."

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"Really?" Hermione snapped, befor

reaching up, grabbing him behind the hea

and pulling his lips down into a bruta

kiss. When they finally broke apart, Dracooked like he finally understood what sh

was talking about.

"So you're telling me that we've beegoing out for over three weeks and you ar

ust NOW getting around to introducin

me to the different categories of kisses?

am beginning to wonder if there are another girlfriend duties you are failing t


Hermione's eyes widened at his words

"Am I your girlfriend?" she asked.

"Well, we are sharing romantic kisses and

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we are dating exclusively. We are dating

exclusively, right?"

Hermione nodded enthusiastically.

"Well, then by definition you are my

girlfriend," Draco informed her with


Throwing her arms around Draco's neck

Hermione squealed in delight. Sh

pressed kisses all over his face, beforpulling back slightly. "Should w

Apparate back to my flat and begin you

essons in the different categories o


Kissing her lips gently, Draco nodded

"Let's make the first lesson on teasin

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kisses. That sounds like something

Malfoy would excel at."

Hermione giggled. "Don't sell yourselshort, Draco. So far you excel at all type

of kisses!"


Draco was flying above the coast enjoyin

he sea breeze and the sunlight reflectin

off the water. As he neared WatergateBay, he noticed a figure sitting on the top

of some rocks jutting out into the waves

When he glided his broom downward t

nvestigate, he was shocked to discovehat the person he'd seen from the abov

was Hermione.

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"Granger," he called, landing near her

"What in the world are you doing here?"

"I've had a bit of a mishap," she started texplain. Before she could get any further

however, Draco saw to what she wa

referring. Instead of legs, Hermione now

had a very large fish tail.

"How the bloody hell did that happen?" h


Hermione just shrugged. "One minute

was at the Ministry reading the report o

some rogue Death Eaters who were jus

captured and the next minute I was here –with this." She flapped her tail up an

down several times.

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"Merlin," Draco replied, a bit awestruck

He reached out and gently ran his han

down Hermione's scales. "It's beautiful."

She gave him a look full of disgust. "You

aren't serious?"

"Well, I can see where it might be a littleawkward and impractical."

"A little?" Hermione repeated. "You are

really disturbed."

Draco just grinned in response. "So how

do women, who are partly fish, kiss?"

"You really don't want to know."

"Oh, I assure you that I do," he smirked.

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Hermione gave him a sad smile, "Wel

hen you'd better come closer."

As Draco moved into her embrace anpressed his lips against hers, suddenl

something went horribly wrong. He an

Hermione were falling off the rock an

dropping into the water. He struggled tobreak loose from her arms to pull the

both back to the surface, but she wa

dragging him under, pulling him deepe

and deeper into the sea.

His lungs began to ache, his brain starte

o shut down, and then all at once – 

"Draco, wake up." Hermione was shakin

his shoulder gently.

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His eyes shot open and immediatel

sought out the dreadful Muggle cartoo

about singing clams and mermaid

Hermione had made him to watch.

"Are you okay?" she asked, soundin


He glanced at her lower body – two legs

He cupped her face and pulled her i

closer for a kiss - a nice dry kiss. H

released her lips with a contented sigh. "am okay now."


"Granger, we have GOT to go!" Draco

shouted from the sitting room.

She really didn't understand why Drac

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sounded so irritated. Merlin knew that h

had made them late to several events sinc

hey'd been dating. She'd completely give

up on ever seeing a movie preview again"Don't get your knickers in a twis

Malfoy. I'll be right out!"

Hermione had just put in her last earrinwhen Draco stomped into her bedroom. I

was his first time in this part of her flat

but he barely even glanced around. "I don

know why you insist on living in a hovel,he sniffed, holding his hand out to her.

"I don't live in a hovel," she replied

aking his hand. "And just what is the bi

rush anyways?"

Before he could answer, Hermione felt

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familiar tug at her navel and suddenly sh

was being jerked forward, the win

blasting through her hair and blowing a

her skirt. After what seemed like aextraordinarily long Portkey journey

Hermione's feet struck the ground and sh

stumbled into Draco, who held her ar 

firmly not letting her fall to her knees.

Hermione clenched her teeth together. Sh

had spent a long time getting ready for thi

evening and now she was windblown anstanding in a dark, dirty alley.

"Where are we?" she hissed.

"Come on I'll show you," he smiled

pushing her forward gently.

As soon as they stepped out of the alley

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Hermione gasped and her mouth droppe

open. There right in front of them, lit up

ike the Queen Mary on the Thames, wa

he Eiffel Tower. "Paris?! You brought meo Paris?" she exclaimed, when she coul

finally talk again. "But it is so difficult an

expensive to get international Portkey

made. How in the world did yoaccomplish it?"

"Granger," he grinned, absolutel

delighted at having stunned her. "Have yoforgotten just who you are dating?"

Hermione giggled and threw herself int

his arms. "What's the occasion?"

"You wound me," he joked. "Don't you

remember that tonight is the two mont

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anniversary of our first kiss? It has to b

some sort of record."

She shook her head at the blond. "Jusbecause YOU have never been able to

sustain a relationship, doesn't mean tha

he rest of the world is similarl


He smiled down at her, pushing her hai

back from her face. "Surely, we've at leas

set a record for the longest time a formeSlytherin and Gryffindor have dated?"

"Maybe," she responded, part of her min

contemplating if it would be possible tresearch something like that.

Draco stroked her cheek, causing her t

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focus on him once again. "You're

beautiful," he whispered, before leanin

down and claiming her lips in

surprisingly forceful kiss.

Hermione molded herself to his body

allowing him to continue savoring he

mouth. When at last he broke away, shhad to cling to him to keep fro


"You know, Granger," he informed herwith a slight smirk on his lips. "I had a

ulterior motive for bringing you here."

"Really?" she wasn't surprised. Thbrown-eyed girl had quickly discovere

hat there was typically an ulterior motiv

for just about everything that Drac

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Malfoy did.

"Yea," his smirk grew bigger. "For the

ast two months, I've been dying for French Kiss."


"I think it's time we go public with ou

relationship," Draco Malfoy announced

bit haughtily to his girlfriend.

"Have we been keeping our relationshi

secret?" Hermione responded with

raised eyebrow.

"Well, there hasn't been a single mention

of us dating in the society pages yet."


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"None of my friends will believe we ar

going out until they read about in the Daily

rophet ," he explained.

"Why not?" she asked, clearly confused

"They see us out together all the time. Jus

ast week we attended Pansy Parkinson'

Slytherin Alumni Soiree, danced everdance with each other, and then lef

ogether. Your old housemates would hav

o be pretty dense not to suspect somethin

was going on between us."

"It has nothing to do with being dense," h

old her. "In Wizarding High Society

relationships just don't matter until the

are officially announced. How do yo

hink so many Pure Blood witches ar

able to get married as 'technical' virgins?"

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Hermione shook her head. "That is jus


"That is the way society works. I meaust look at Blaise Zabini. He was marrie

and had three kids, but until his mothe

bribed the Prophet  to post the weddin

banns and birth announcements in thpaper, his immediate family simply did

not exist. They got no invitations to events

no places saved for them next to Blaise a

society functions, and they were ignoreby influential social matrons."

"It sounds horribly invasive. I'm not sure

want to participate in such an insidiou

practice. Maybe we should continue t

keep our relationship secret."

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Draco smiled at the bushy-haired gir

before brushing his lips across hers

once and then twice. He simply adore

how utterly naïve and good-hearted shwas. It was fortunate for her, however

hat she had someone like him to usher he

hrough the unpleasant realities of th


"Alright, luv, we can keep it secret

Course, that means I'll just have to keep

dodging all the invitations for dates frohe single witches I get every week."

Hermione's eyes opened wide and Drac

saw a fiery spark of indignation in them

"So how exactly do we go about gettin

news of our relationship into th

rophet ?!" she demanded.

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Draco smirked. There was his girl. Liftin

her hand to his lips, he placed a gentl

kiss on her fingers. "I'll take care of it


"You'd better," she grumbled, half

heartedly. "I don't want to chance losin

my kissing partner."


Hermione Granger sat cuddled with heboyfriend on the sofa in her living room.

"Draco, you're sneaky and devious, right?

Looking down at her, the blond responded

somewhat arrogantly, "I believe the word

you are looking for are astute an


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Giggling, Hermione snuggled deeper int

his arms. "Of course, that is what I meant.

Draco kissed the top of her head gentlyHe was quite certain he was in love wit

he brown-eyed witch, but had not worke

up the courage yet to tell her.

"I was wondering if you'd be willing t

use some of your Slytherin perception an

shrewdness to help out a friend of mine?"

"What's in it for me?"

"You'd have my gratitude," she informed


Draco appeared to consider it for

moment. "Interesting, but not compelling."

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Hermione rolled her eyes. "I'd be in you


"There you go, luv," he smirked. Dracocouldn't imagine a better incentive tha

having the incredibly smart and sexy witc

owing him a favor. "What can I do for thi

friend of yours?"

"She wants to know how one goes abou

seducing a wizard."

"Has she tried parading around hi


Hermione choked back a laugh. "I'm nosure she is bold enough for that."

Shifting slightly, he pulled the bushy

haired girl more firmly into his embrace

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"She can just come out and tell him sh

wants to shag."

"She doesn't want to appear too forwaror aggressive."

"I can assure you that unless the bloke is

pouf, he's not going to mind."

Hermione shrugged. "Perhaps, but he is

bit old fashioned and she would like hi

o think it's his idea."

Draco nodded and then seriousl

considered the question for severa

seconds. "She is going to have to kishim."

"But, she's kissed him before and it hasn

ed… ur… it hasn't led to the bedroom."

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"It can't be a typical kiss, Granger. It ha

o be extraordinarily romantic. It shoul

ake his breath away, stop his heart, and

curl his toes. It should be a kiss that makehim forget about everything and everyon

else in the world. It should start slowly a

his lips, but not stop until it has capture

his soul. It has to be a kiss that expressehe full extent of what your friend feel

about this bloke – so moving – so tender –

hat he never wants it to end. A kiss like

hat would seduce a man's mind and no

ust his body."

Hermione lay her head on his shoulde

and looked up into his grey eyes. She wa

quite certain, although she hadn't admitte

out loud yet, that she loved him. "Show


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Smirking slightly, Draco proceeded to do

ust that.

When Hermione awoke the next morningangled in the sheets and wrapped aroun

he sleeping form of one very sated an

content Draco Malfoy, she couldn't help

but wonder if perhaps Dumbledore waright and Hogwarts did sort students int

Houses too early. Surely, SHE belonged

n Slytherin just as much as she ever ha


AN: Many great thanks to Sugarquill3

and Ellae for doing the beta work on this!