a selection of scots, english and irish songs with ... · sopassdmvliivssadmorning,...


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l/^ I


^ ^ ^^""..X^^itjia^-^- "*

r ?^

I''fi\'n f/f( /ti' sf\Emtnt::t Cr/nAM'St/-^,-

hv/ 4,t ^f2..y:r^.^, <-y J

, OF SCO ^_ „ ^

/W«//v/.t JVv^/^r yj. 3JAliTJ^, UusuS.Uer.


Nanny wilt thou gang with me, 2

A prey to tender anguish, - 6

Pray Goody, - 9

The beautiful maid, - 12

Kobin Adair, - . - - 17

Susan of the valley, - 20

As thou art fair, my bonny lass, - 23

Soldier rest, _ . - - 26

Away with melancholy. - 31

Gala Water, _ - - - 32

The thorn, _ - . - 36

The beggar girl, - 38

Mary, I believed thee true, - 41

My heart with love is betiting, - UTIiou art gone awa, - 46

Friendship, -- 49

When first this humble roof; - 51

Ti e day returns, - 53

Will Cheerly, - - 56

Oh, no, my. love, no, - - 60

O list unto my tale of v/oe, - 6:3

crin my love were yon red rose^ - 66

l-Io.v hapless the bard, - - mTlse legacy, - 7^\

JSvVviet auiJi> on tliy clicek, - 74


SolJier's adieu, - - . . 2

Cruzy Jane, ----- 6

The Welch harper, • - - ' - )2

I'y a muruiuriiig brooli, - - - 16

The willow, 19

^ prig of shillelah, - - - - 22

The streamlet, ----- 25

Cottage on the moor, - - - 28

The heaving of the lead, - - - 31

The galley slave, - - - - S4

Yes, Henry, yes, with thee I'll go> - 38

The bold dragoon, - - - - 4\ADear Eliza, ----- 45

Vv^ili you connie to the bow'r - - 49

Adieu, my native land, - - - 52

Henry's cottage maid, - - - 65

Wandering Willie, - - - - 58

The fowler's song, - - - - 61

Here's a health, - _ - - 64

The boatie rowe, - - - - 67

Clarinda, 71

Lite let us cherish, - - - - 74

A aid la:ig syne, - - - - 76



g^^^^^Hfff^^P % »

' m^p^\\\\\\'riA

is ^jrirjjriroTB



() N A]>rNV "wilt thou giing with me, Nor sigh to leave the[

flanntiiig lt)wn. Can silent Glens have charms for thee.'lln

(1^^ fc3S ^^mp=^

^sr^^mi<"' I..-. i.-_ /^' i * ^ 1 _.. i Ml 1 i:_ -11. Uhmly C<»t,Ah(l rUSsetgo"wa,Nol(^irer(lLfst in silk-en sh

No l()n-ir«:def;kM ^u,1bv]^v\K^l5>^.^^e,.S..v canst HlvoiUlniljea*!!

conrtlv sf:eue,Wht're thou weri f;dft>st ofthe Fair,Sav can'st



thou quit eaf;h.courtlv!>f!«^iie,Whf re thou welt fairest of ihi

m X=irt-W=Tr!fMMF.

r.;:z:^-ti3: ^^^g^^^

O: NANNY ^hfu thou'rt far :wi.y.

Will thou not cAsi a wish behind,

Say can'st thou face the {Mr<;hiiii!; Kav,Nor shrink bef«)re the wintVy Mtii«l;

Olciin that soft, than geutie' Mien,Extremes of harilshi^iv Jearn in hear,

Nor salt regret earh rourtJvssene,

Where th<>u wert f;tii>-s< ol ih<- Fair.

O: NANNY caii'st thou love m» true,

Thro' Perils keen with me to go,

Or when thy Swain mishap shali rue.

To share with him the ])aiig of woe;

Say, should disease or j>ain hefall


^ilt thou assume the Nurse's care.

Nor wistful those gay Sfreues ret;all.

Where thou wert fairest of the Fair.


And when at last thv hive shall die,

Wilt thou native his parliiig hrealh.

Wilt thou repress each stTssggling >.tl^h.

And fiheer with smiles the- h.ed of deatii

And wilt thou o'er his breathless f:lav


Strew Flow'rs, and d,*-oj) ten«ler Tear,

Nor tb«n regret those Sf^^vnt.-s so gay

Wlici'f Uiou vvnrl fnije>t of (lie K.iir

> j^ v'»^o rite new Song

pv'. .rv joy he. .reav'd, How soft I sigh and

mFf=^^m mf^—

^ ^^iaii^njsh, H()*v oft \>y hoi)e (le..oei\M,. Still

gfr rj OU J .r i r-r.- r.j^Jwish.ing, still df..si - .ring, 'lo hJiss in \ain

eyjijU^ ijj'^^ij^p^H ^te

ing, A ihotis4ii(l tears 1 sht'<l. In night . lyNpir

fri.hute sped, In night. Iv .tn--lHi<e sped.

And love ;i)iil f.ime l)t( rii\ iiig.

And liitnds lio lunger true;

No viuiles ui\ t;i( < nrrnviiig.

No luarl s(i fr.night uitli wne!

Sopassdmv liiVs sad morning,

\(mn^ joys no more returning

Alas now all around,

Is «lark and cheerless found'.

3Ah, why did nature gi\e me,

A heart so soft and true;

A heart to ])ain and grieve me,

At ills that others rue.

At others ills thus wailing,

And inward griefs assailing.

With double augiiish irauglil.

To throh each ])Hlse is taught

Erelong perchance my sorrow.

Shall find its welcome clnse,

Nor distant far the iiuirrow

That, brings thewish'd re|)ose

When death with kin<l embracing,

Kach bilter anguish chasing,

Sh.ifl mark my peaceful doom,

Beneath the silent t(>mb.

3Then ceuse luv heart 1o hmgiiish.

And cease to flow mv tears;

Though nought be here btn anguish

Tile grave shall <»n<l inv cares.

On e.trihs solt la|. r<3Vr*sino

Lifes-nllt- |);»jye,-\m olcisruu ,

No n.on- shall gn.l as-./,l,

!Sc>r Sfi (>.>\ foii'M-i wail .

%u«g by



— ^ /.


I i^^rr irr rrir^^

%p^.^5^&tf:£f^^A FOLIA).

-^^ Cv

t I j i;jj)^#v^


Pray (^^^otly V'l«^'t:^<" <<• «)(.«l»-ra1e tht- Kftucour of Vonr^^ ^


'^ Ke-xnemher when the Jadgement's iveakthepreja^oeis'

m ^^From n \' n

ill vo^^^i'* pise


strongr, <% stranger why 'will yo^^lis pise^MijI^mSM^m'^ ^^g

^- wmffiLiii'iiLH** Ply me trv liie prove e'er you denv me if voa f;ast no

SE r-rr »^a* o(f voa'U blasi me neve? .more, to riv

(gn^-nitrrT^^Pray Goiid\-p!«;isK.io modetate ihe r<»ucour of vour

m S£ ^^==^^^


tongue, why flash those marksof fii.ry from your eyes

^fr i^-^^J^ij'iJ J J' j-jJr

Re _ member when the Judgement's weak the pFejndiceis

m mp^


(^H s;^^

g^ s i^trong, a stranger why will you v tiespise


««A.Tiri;,^^^ /^',

Sitiig hy



Pr It n FTOpJ

^ ' "When abseni from her iiiv


trw- '0 0-

-"y-^^^ I M 'wm [\,. If. f: u V' til


beaumul Maid, I endure for my heatitiful JVfaid, I; . oeaunrai oiaia, i eiKwire lor my n«

rTTT fri rirfiJrv i ^j

lire t«r m^", beautiful Maid, In this bosoin ^hatanffuishi

%» hf\>e Attd ^hat ]^r, I oi.dare for my

m5? ~W *

^ grief, Or ({nit the gay ttrojig, or quit the gaythrojjg,foTmy

"^ lief, When ii.^vaV from mv beau.ti.-ful Maid,

hw- nT" ;^^i> r £^ 1^^

J-ffl ^

—-—ffl—1 •; r"rT-

(I^It .y-


-K—-—a-i-1 ^^^^^^^^^feVXheii ,4. .uav from niv lieau.ti -fill Maid, ^\ hen


* wiiv from mv h&Aatifui Maid, Nor re tire roent nor

* soliiade ^yield me |y re lief. When a way from myloliiade yield mejyre lief. When a wa>


Ji rif'^1 '-""l I

nT Mi "JwuMw! r-nir^beautiful Maid ^hen a way from my beautiful


w'^ Q^lK ADa/^»,



.^^ I


m feJ^Uj^g^Whiit this du^ 1 1 o%v II fj T«^e

^ -y ir- ^-


ROBINS not near What was't

m ^# m^ ' "^ *^

i^^^^^^^ ^

vish<l to see \*"hi«t wishVl to hear.

^^^^^^ fir:

r-J-J I r cjgpWhere's all ihe joy aixl mirth mafle tins town ;^^ mms•"•Q'"^*


Heiiv'n .,11 Karth,()h; they're all Tied wiUi lb^-e

^^^^^rWhat ni;»«lr lh' Asseni})y >


Wh.it m^.lf the Ball so fi

KOBIN was there

What when the Plav was

What mmh* m; h'-ait so s

Ohl it was paitiiilJ^ with

H()BIN Adair.




now thmi'it fidlil t;; meKOBIN A.lair.

in>w thou it r.o'd to mt-


Vet'h'. m I lov'l so wefl

'-"lill ill 111" heart rhafl dwell

\>i\. I i.an ne'er forget

Mom^ A lair.


' "^ S.n.ghy

In rons^u-t Mas each be-uult^jns fair, And^5^^^^a||-~rL„J : » '-^-^-jz"^^

e .\er sliillv shallv;^ In const ;tnt was fr'a'^:hheii[ife<)ti s

C-J-a^Q" .VfT""' 1 fSrded.ic

Mjs^weet SUSAN sweet STJSAN of theValley ofiheViJK

For sheeTnelldiillolheTlVlaids, Mul vrl tor.iJIthis.harfnsrniine,Yes eVnthe Moe ey'd SALLY; 1 co(il<l not shi!l v shallv;

t'or sheexoelld ^c. Hut yet lo call Ato."

Her sra'iJe it stolf^inv hearl'srt-jiose.So she l.ei:;ime rn v ^)onnv t)ri<l.t

SM'ee,SriS.\Nof the VAIIev; Swt^et SUs A M of the VaIlev,•S" eet S! SA \ V.:. SueH SrSAN Xrr.


^\\0^ The r<.Hrv ),y ^w,|

thf» Music l>y


Ihoii ait hiirmv l)(»»»i'-'l''*>^» ^> 'Tfei) in love am^^

I >t»a i<,veOH^esfiii,vUii.,v«fhja;sn!i,'r»it a^tht-

x«^ the seas gai^dry, aod I willIovelhees1illi1m'(}ear,fin


-s m=^.mm—g—giJiMi-r-:

;i ' 1he- s^;>sa;;iii}X dry. And 1 Mill tf>vefhee s<ill Divdt-Hr,

sfill mv(lef»r,till a' thest'aSjtiU aMheseasc;;in(if(lrv Til!

^iiii ..1 jl „ ,r..,, .1—aMbeseas fr,ui[i[ lill aMhe s^'Hs gantr ilry•seasjrang <iry 'ui h ine seas traiit^ 'irv

»«« i

—^» 1-^1



^mmTill a' Ihe seas ifaiig drv, jn\ (le;»-r,

And ibe ronks melt m v' ibe sun :

I will love ibee stilj, my deijr.

While the sand o' life shall run.

3And far th»e uell m\ onlv lov*;',

Ahd fart, thee ^^',\ a ubil-'.

Anil 1 will <:orjie a^,iiri mv love,

Iho" it w re ten thousand rtiije



T HE I. A 8> V i } ¥ T


1 \i L A K. K;

) ^ •/





^j- w ^«-^-1


' f— • o

Sleep the sleep that iuio-ws not breaking. Dream of balttHe* knows pot

ik^^^^^^mfirMsno more. Days of dau..geT nights of wak.ing

rjg^g gt-^-ii-tt


§-^wm^mh ''^10W^

lu oar isles i^ ,cL:iiit,ed hall, .I J

Soldier r«st thy -warlfare o'er, Drea^ of fighting




eUs jif) more, sit-ejl Iht^ sl*-e]) that knows not hreakipt^


kao>vs not hreakina. Morn of toil nor nicrht oi "wakin


No ru«!*- soan<l shall n'a< h (hine e;i r


Armours clang, or vvars'^^rW > h-iirpiii!;,

Trum)) nor pil>roi L siiiniirou liert-

Mustering clah, <>« .S<|«;<<l r.Mi 1 r;iiii|.i u^ .

Wt ihe Jark's shrill vi)i<»' in.iv < "tnf

At^the day hreak from the fallow.

And tb*- hitterii soiinil his (Inini,

Rooming from the s»-ilgv sh;illow.

Kuder sounds .>hall n«.ne l)e near,

Guards nr»r war<lei s chalJtJii^e here,

HerA HI) ^ar steeii's neigh and t,J»i»nii'ing

Sliodting clans i.r N<|ii,idrons stamping


Huntsman, rest '. thy cha. e is done,

While our s!iimh'r(.us spells assail ye,

Dream not wit IjUierising Sun,

Hiiglex herf shall sound re\Millie .

Slei-pl the ilet-risin his i|en;

Sleei) ! lliv hounds .ire l»^ 1 lie»-l\ trg,

Sleeji ii(,r ^Iream in sond* r glen,

How fliNgaltrtUt steed lav dving.

Huntsman, re.st '. thy cha'.e is dr)ne

Think not of the rising Sun,

horat <l,i . liiiig to .i>sail Ne,

H»-rt no hugji s sound iiv< ilJn .

>fc-^ f-a>o ite lh,t,f

J'r I


i ff i

r r. r .rA wa\'^^i1h me laa_ .oho. - K\j»- No



-^ff?j-^r J »-

' i J I ^^g^'Ur, On

r-r-r~r>n life i.i)(l hii. . .111.dole fiu f ^;antIes ririrr. On lite i.i)(l hii

.T,iSSgT3|ftJ^4^^;^•^•^ 1-^i=^


fTT?=f.la.i ij.' i.' ;ifol-.ty hiii mt-rri.ly lUerri.Iy sinjr fal.la.


bat's thf use -^f .sigh- inj^, when fimt- is on the



rf.vfiit his tlv. ..iufT fheu

ib^^^^^^,=t=,-r4-J-Ji J

J ger. ri.ly mtjr.n.ty silig i;i' J.i.

^mf -:^^

?t-t ^-^^^rKi.,^. I


-written htr



l)r,ifcs, \V' wander thro' the bloominff heatheT; But




nekYerrow braes, nor Ettnck shaw. can match ihe ladsof-.it i-ii '

^ « ' .^W f-' i-i 4:^

*^ GALA Water.^' GA^

!E35-4- «-^r

as^.f ft

Rut there is ane a secret ane

Ahoon them a' I loe tim better;

And lit be his, and he'U l)e mine.

The bouie lad of GALA Water.

3Allho' his daddie was na0 laiftl.

And tho* 1 hae na mickle tocher,

\*'\ rich in kindest, truest love,

Wr'llten.l niir Hocks by GALA Water.


ll iieVr \v«',dlli, it ne'er was wtailh,

"Ihat fx>ft Donteutnient, l)eiLCt- or pleasure.

Tlicsbiwids and bless f>' ifitjtual i6>e,

(> 'ft.ifs'lhe ( liielest warlds treasrite.


^ Sung hy /"I


AffM^' ^^ ^^=p^

'^^ ^'^-A. ^ ^ ^^T^ From ihe

-i:^ rr rfr Wh 1, 11 r I

I '


' I' r x^\tf^

m U} 4 Z» \4'. d it "\ p=m

ited, A spri-white hlossom*d Sloejiny dear CHLOE ret|«sest?d, A sprig^^J yff^

her fair breast to adorn. From the Avhitehloss^mH Sloe


'^'^my tlearCHL0E-ff4ues'teU, A sprier her dt-arbrt^ast lo a 'l('i

i^ mwthEnergy. Teinleilv,

J '•^ No, by heav ns I ex claim'd, may 1 j)erish if e -ver I

p 7-1=1 ^m fri

^ ^^ plH»t in ih-Ai RJsumlTTHmtN, No,bv hea



* plni^in ihatKisumTTHCfkN, No,by heavus 1 t^xciaimM

(i'-ncj-irj JH.f-^;ti«>lia1elv,

1 V

*'^iiiaylperisnife vtri pliiat'inlhat posoiu a THOtlN•y- mayim

"^heiJ I shewcl hera Ring,an(linii>lor'd herto marry,

Sbeblnsh'd like the da^vning'of morn;"VVhen 1 shevrll her &c.

\es, I!l (;o«> ent she repIvH, if you'll promiseThat no jealous rival shall laugh me to scorn;

No, bv heav'nsT exclaim'd, may I perish

If ev.J, I plaid in ihai bosom a T HO K N






Over the mo tin tain and over the Moor, Hangry anHangry and

fe^f-^^jH^^-j-rrfT^rn i±hare foot 1 wancl^r for lorn, Mv father is dead and m


- inir on, fiiye me some footl to my Mother for^^^^^^WS^

2Call me not la/.y back Beggar, and bold enough

Fain would I learn both to knit and to sew,

I've two little Brothers at home when they're o[(lenoni!,!i

Tbcy will work hard for the gifts you bestow.

Pity kind rVenllemen Art;.

3() think \\l)il<- ' ii r.vel so careless ;i rid free

Seciireir ;.) I- v\iiid and well cloathed aad fid,

Sli >nf,l fortune so chanire itj how hard would it be,

Tobegiata Door for a m<)r!-el of Bread

Pitv kind Getlemen .Vr.



Vv.^' Coin])ost^d by



/'/ /

mm ^^^^ ^1^^^^^

P JLJ=ad^MAH\ 1 bt^

mm\'A i-HtH^

lierv'd Iheetrue, Atid 1 was blest in thus bt- Ue\inj[r, Rqf

J. njijj.4afl^*—~m M ^m

now I nH-lf-'M d *

now I nKnurii *hat t?*er ikiiew A Girl s<> fuir aiul



.ceivU like thee A_ las deceivH me too se^«r«fiv.ceivu iiK-e TnecA.ias ueceiy«i me ?o

i i^^ PEar.e thee well Fare thee -well.



2 ^

Fiire Ihee Well yet think a Mhile,

Oil one -"vhose bosom i)leeds to dotiht thee;

>Hho now w()ul(l rather trust that smile.

And die, -with thee than live without ihee.

Fare thee well 111 think of thee,

Tlioii le;tv st ine mjinv a hitter 1<rkea,

For ste. (list ractinjr woman see,

My |)e;u:e is jrone my heart is, hroUeo .

Fare ih.e well.








Mv heart with


rtj,!W!\ij^iP\^mp^J1i .j:^^rig?rJ l J^7l>''-i'

loveis heati-nir. Disiracled hv those Evf*s. An I me theiloveis heati-nij, Dis traded hv those Eves, Ah I me there

y-t, ,|j. J 1

^ r ' n ^

^ ^>Jo hoi>eto bim who flies. For inecli.sdaiDvDO retreatiilg. No hopeto bim who flieii,For me disdain y*n

I <;hfef i sh, Your Eyes yon ttirn a.way. Ah I rather bid me perishj

Cotiltl deeels my Soul discover,

CoirhtJvaJor A^iii i\\\ charms,

Then wrMiid I |)rovelhv loNer,

Before a world in arms:.

H^-hold an«l see l)efore vou,

A |>rosfrit«e Murti^irlies,

Whos.- siL!;hs ;»•>•• ^^'>r<ls ii«|»l«>re,

'I'm |ti1v '|>' 111 illHs.


'—^. '^^ ^-—( MJLJLLJLZ!) ) rr.J/

j^Thoii art g(me a-M'Hifthoii rt ffiinf

s^mr j ijj^^^^

mrx-iym^^^^ m


Inemls n,s nor ffcouT(lm^;ikf ill* stav>Thotf. hast ciKet..«f|


Kem'find me N^tTIO'; iTi-mTtlus hour I nevfrihwciAt i

j-i^J^IJ, J \^h\^-"M^

f^^ wrt^m i^ ^^5^T^t atifrht could alter thee M A -RY.TbniTrt Ttiir

Whate'er he said or might pertend

Wha stole this heart of thine, MARY;Trae love, .Ina su^-e, was ne'er hispnd

Or nae sic love as mine, MARY.I s])ake sincere, nor flatter'd much,

Nae selfish thoaght in me, MARY,Amhitioa, wealth, nor naething such;

No, 1 lovM only thee, MARY.

Tho' you ve htr^eii false, yet while 1 iKe

I'll 1,.V nae maid hut thee MARY,Let friends forget, as I forgive

Tliy wrongs to 1 hem and me, MAKY.So then Farewell', of this, he sure,

SiiK: vou've heeii false to "me, MA \i\',

For a' the" world Id not endure

Half what I ve <|o..e for the-^, MA H> .


^^iKNDS^f 1^,^


(N>n)|><>sf(i hy


m f '^ ^ ^^Sure ii()t to lifes snortI ^0^ ^ Sure iif>ttolir|

iv^' k J




ihf. iHnivt' the ;tr<leiit iniiiii its htst (U I ,>i


w^4]r-&^^^i fef::3:


^^#1 n- '

r J^^mHlest scenes! where ills no more ai'iiC)\ ,

Where heiiv'n the fliiiin approNes;

Where heats the heart to i.ouirht hut joy,

And ever iives and IonVk 1

3There hieiiil.shi|t's matchless worth shall shim

('l\i hearts like nurs sodeHrl'l

There aiii^els own its |Jov\ r divine;

Its na1i\.e home is tlu re .

Fur here h.lnu. tho (ru n,lshl|.\ rh,.l-n.

Itv s.dt .1. lli;htN .llsplav ;

\. t souls like otirs, so toil. hM .. U..I ,i>

Still pant \<tr hricrhtet 'l.i\



nil b>


k I WW, -wiih various cares I str()\ej Mv grain , ^v^sares 1 strode, Mv grain ,w^«i


scarce mv Slieej) w<^e few^ iriyall (rfjifeuaslover=^

mv Miee|) w<re rew^ iriyall (rriileuaslovt

M^ ifti^JS



Bynaaf ual to lour hoaril


r^f=rIress'd me Spring our 'lnnk.be stowU; But Avhen hjrr

Content ami peace the dwelling' shar'd 4

No other Guest came nigh, .

lu them was given tho' Gold was spar'd

W'liAt Gold could never )my


No value has a spl^-iKted l(1^,

But as the means to prov*-.

That from the^ Castle to the Cot

'jThe all of lift; is. Jove.f.


.V V VI B D^v K h:r VH \s j.,j /

^\Vor(l^ l)\ K.Burns. i f'l I V I ^J ^

^^fflfffmf^:riir <lav reliinis inv

1^^mT T

^^^W ¥,L!.JiM"u^^4^

hosom Imrns, Thf l)lissftil duv \Ne» t^» diil met-t/rho'

1^^^^^^^uiiliiMild 111 tempest toil'(l,"Neer summer Sun ^.^ a

^^^ggs^g^r^ihlTlf sa^f sw»'»<. I«. iTTiti A lh<- l)ri>lelha< l(.;i(ls 1|l;e t i.te,

s i~i—$rAj^ ^:iirrif=p=Fg


I Ami (.rosst'soVr ihf Miltrv lint", Tliaii Km 'l\ I

^smf^mm f^v^^mm ^^

l^ >: oro-^isan(lgl(>h**s,H«^il^i j^ase me more it n^lelhcemine.


Whilf (lav and iiii;lif < an lirin<^ <(«-litrht,

Or iiatiiiv aiit!;ht ol pleasmtr j^ive;

VVhilt- }<)\s ahove, ni\ mind < .tii iimve,

Fnilhee and thee alone I live'.*^

W lien thai t>;iiin foe ui life htloAV

Comes in'l)etv\een lo make lis l>ar< ;

The IK. n hand that hreaks our hand


It hie.vks m\ hliss it hreiiks mv heart



The Sieadows io<)k.rliealful,thehirdssweetlv>


So ifiyly they caLrol tl-i-jij^dses ofSpring: Tho nature rejoice:100 ^<iv IV yu-rr. '^m^^^p^


JLm m^po()r i\. . rah shall ni(tii rn, II II-ml her dear Pat nek a-gain sb^l I retn


^e lasse', if Dublin, ah. hideyourgay charnjs,

Nor lure her dear Patrick from ^io^ahs fond-.arii)*

rho' sattins and ribbons and lares are fine,

I'lieN hi<le iMd;i heart >Mthsli(h feelinir as nnn<'.

Sung hy

Composed by

2'r. I


^^.ls a Sailor holcLAiid MARY was of low degree^ (M


(le.trlv 6, '"('Mas all her de.Iitrbt from moriiiiJir till

(^ -fi" m r ^ ' ^l»



^ ^s E^s

night. To singr of her true lo\ e William €heerl\^),She-

suim of her true loveWilliam Cheerlv O, sheNiuuif ot ht

true loveWiitium Cheerlv ()^Twas ail her delight fri


uionnii!'- Iijl iiii>ht,to sin<^of bertni^^iu^e"VNxlliamCbeerlv ()




^^Across tht* ip**ii*l on*' morn in May,

Shf s|>ortiv»' 1ri|i|Ml with cht-e/iul hr«>w,

Th*- Stjuir*; hebfltl her on the way

Ami askil 4<» kiss her honny mow,

(> no. s;iitl she.

That must not he

Kor there's «)ne whom I l«>ve Illo^t sincerely ()

Pray v\ ho is the youth

Come tell me the truth

Sir uiy true |{i\>-is cull'l William (Iheerlv ().


Dear lass said he .. n..M. i lot,

\waits niv love, i .mu- sli.ire niv slate

Cont.'iit an. I \iit«ie Myss, w\ < o(

S.iv will your uiansimi I'l' i' 1 "iv latt^

Slie suuiiii.^ ..n<-.)

And li..mt>v>aia jiu <!

• v 1 Hirn i>tiirnM she tiK-l Ii^m ilears (>

Fler Saiior she jirest

'III her throhhiii^ lueasl

I lu 11 iii..irie.| her t.i>.- ' V W,,,,,! Cheerlv <>


0,W^ >>OV,.;, ^,^^„

//z.:^^i-//^^. ^V-"'

1r,t< u-r| «n lo-.t^ \ ell, Higbs^ellsmvs;tilhtiarf amifaslDDy tears ft

Yft think no t of coklness tbev fall to ac nise vou , Did

wish from MARIA to ^o. But if'it ffives jileasufe fo

rpg_j |j ^|jivt^^^^ ^^

^ r^6-2

^ ^von my «u-ar HAKKY Sh;»ll I hliirne v'xir <jei);»r1et- oh

Now «t<) not (li^'ar H AKK Y v.hil*' ahoad von arr sirayiiiif.

That ht;art whii>h is iniii*' on a rival hest«»w,

Nav hanisb ihal frown siirh displeasurt' hetravini!;,

Do you Ihink 1 sus|)e<:l yoii, oh I nf» mv lov^ no.

I l)t'li*'ve you too kind for ont^.morot^nt to griev*^ me,

Or plant in a heart -vhirh adort^s yon siK.h 'Hoe,

\r\ should' von dishonvnr my truth ai^id «ff*reive, ni e

Sho«<l I i-Vr »^ea\H «<> love voii^oh.'iio mv loveiio.



..se<l |,v

1^ ^^^/?Vvv..v>


v. ,, y



loves to sharf. When heaves the soTt ic .sii'usjvf-

'^^m JuHZj^

33m ,^s-W^ffff ^fe

>h; An'l l)Ue(ts to think thejroodthe (airjii Moom of \..!it,

^^^^^^^PJY=^ ^ 5^EE*^fe

'Twas «leail of itight, the wiiul blew ke^n,

Thtf miKin shonf round a gio<»my red ;

When ((oor MAHtA uil uuseen.

Arose a lid left her sleepless bed.

Her slee|)less be<l , she nightly tost.

Nor uiight of rest, her days e'er knew;Fitr long her hopjess love was orost,

Ami nij)t the fiml, M here first it grew,

3Ah. aie.hovt cruel was the word,

Which then forbade her virgin heart;

To think of HENRY, own'd it's Lord,

And forcAl foi ever both to part.

I'nha|»|)v,<looiii her reason fled,

In keen flispair she l)ears the storm.

Fearless she from tlie windov. sj)ed


Nor fears to binise her tender form.


And soon she cliiu'd the garden wall,

Th')' |)iercjng |:;lass it's toj) surround;

Her <lre.id intent nough« could iil>4>al


And all in blood she reach'd the ground.

The crimson ground she smild to view,

Nmt didpt one lear, nor breath'tl one ntoati.;

A Lis. no jiiore 1o naUiK- t.iut-

ri.li..|ipN Vl.iid. each sens^-' u.is ^ont-.


M A \ W K I. L G () K n ON E S (} T

!^^Alia S.ozzeJ

iii><l rosf,rh;i1 jrr()\\M(|)<)ii ili




() wt*re nay love yon hawthorn wild .

That syents afar the ev'ning gale,

An' 1 inysel the "winged hf"e/.e

To kiss her fragrant flo-wVs so i)ale.

E'«' h (lay lU taste ent racing bliss

Tirll time had stol'n her lusrioMs hloom,

An' wheri she'd fade, my warmest IVre'th

Should shield (rae can id, 'ii; III w niter's i;to



Ck /y^y,/.7/////

p^#^-tT^-^^=?tf=^^' Hovy hapless the bar,dMheni his mistrf^ssdenit^s. OutI all

l(>\«si)eakins»;sinilef(>iv »Il his carf,VV ho reads prom I


lisilaiuin henhtrkh. Lt.iiUiireJt-V.Aikil r


igiishissitd soiif j

^^3=^^.^^ ^^

-« * :|j r J=^^^^

<() f heirrasiiofd^


(^^^^iffirn Mr^r J" 1 y^p^p^

fourrerhishitrlfatidits hifrhA.lienies ofiilorv* Hisworxbiindhisigerhishitrpatidits highA.lienies ofglory*

a=r,-f^ ^^ar^(fel^^^t-^-p^ r—>-

(W- :?=rt

Miiil.ii ns lesj^^^P^

xuisive awakf. No longer each Maid at liis



sou l movin tr st^rv^estowshtrliricfht 1 iif)tite (or soft J'itv



TJiat h;iq) which Mils Avont iu warm f;tii':v'N rich liotir.

To call forth the raptaresof lo\ r's \^\^'^\^^\\ s(>ii^« ,

Nfglectecl hangs iq) in the dark i' i it ^^ liower.

While the cold wiuds of Night o'er its (.U(ir(lsss\ei-i,,»l(i


Attimesits wild strain,as of hea i hreakiiii^ vvop,

On the-wartderer steals,as at t\M^^i;ht ht- Ix-nd^,

Oerthr moss .roviMfil t^rave ^^h^I.• its ma (. In- !,ia,

And a tear .d' rt-.gr,^t -u h.s iiu-morv |.n.<



ILfjl J": i J-^^On IRT ffteen banks of Shartm>n,whtr

FrTTT^Shf-flah was ijit!;h. No blithe Irish !.»(( was so happv a^j"i Ao

i±- s


Sweet maid on Ihv cheek whei el li.

^^^^^^^^mw^^. -krz..^-:

Musi, o! llT:

^^^^^^^^ ^

^ g^ ^iMliite.iMss aii.t |,ii ii1\ 1)1^-11(1, I see lh<- s(,fi

lis^^faE=Ffeaj 3l=a: SJ-


Jxiulit j.>ii tie- t* U (loiii tliy love heam.in


^ izufi



j^ike the luois . turf' f)f Heav'n she<l

I ^balm on mv hearty Atuir en. . iitrht . ens th»



'^mmPV1^Jt <be J,Mii-«-l of < <in<(ii<-<t <-iirii(,l<- m\ l)r<>v\


()ii Ihv iniid (iiithrul l.osnni ;ur;im j'll it-.lm. ,

'viriiin shall 1 hrt'afhf l«j ibee <;<»nsf;iiu;v > \<>w^

And ;»'>aiji shall I ht-ar tb^p declare ihv s. If iiiiiM

Kilt il KiJesh.iH my nrturse in Ibe hattlear rest,

My liaiira's de-.u name, -with iii\ I'asi fleetinir f,ieafb

I'hrou^h yonder far sky shall ascend to the hirst,

N'.rcjiiif my hnxlsonlin tin moment nl de.tih.

( M^IDIHIDII^/'r.-yy


^, /m,^'r \^-[.[nfj^m^im

mv^^wm^^mt^^^ J

r• -iv^rHmp^i^m

^^Mf lH^-^lr-c!^(lieiT- .A.(li(*-(i. niv onlv lite. Mv honoiiir calls

aii;'.' I>v^*''

Se J^i

rlJ-J^^ r- J'N.J J J

from thee, tte-member thoaVt a SoldieA "wife, Those

^sr}ii^^f-ti=d^-tj. ^1

p ^ i'^:l^^^/JJJJIJ.Jj -/^^

Tears but ill be.come thee, "What tho* by du.-ty

^^. ^^^^^^^^^

am onlld, "Where thand ring Cannons rattle."Wh<^r<

^^^^^( .; rj^j'!^


F=f=J ^ M

.lour> Nt-lf miirht sltiid, apjv.tird, Where va^lour*

/ >

self mij^ht staud appall'd, \Nnen on the wings (ff

fM,/jnr^/.i jL_iaLa^^^

\ lh\ dt-ijr lovt»; To hea\ d a.hovr ._.... ihv (ervf

g ,f, pt v~"lLl±f

o..ri.sons are fInwn,'rhH te-nder pravr thon ^jutVt ii]

*here, Shall call a ^ti^rdian Anirt I (low o Shall

call a guardian AnLgteldo-WTi,To-wrat(;Ji me in the batti



^^^^Yffmrtfrrrrr^,^ mr-w^JrM.-Jthe^^ MmB^

Mly s;vf«tx tby lair trnih shall 'he.

As s^ord and huckltr serving.

My lift" shiill he more djear tome,BecaaKe. of thy. preserving :

Let peril rome, let horror threait,'

Let thyiufering Cannons.ratUe,

I llfearl<-ss seek the coaflirts beat,

. Assure-d Mhen on the ^ilig wlloVf

To heav'n ahove &c.

3F.ii<iiiL;h, v\iih that hen tgn.int smile,

Soni^- kindred God--inspired thee,

^S\\n saw ihy hosom ^oid ol guile,

^V'ho wonilered and ailmiretl thee:

I i^o, assii red,, my life adieti,

IIk)- thundering Cannons r;(tlle

Tliu'' nuirdcrincr narnan" -slatk in view,

When on the ^^iIllTs ol tbN true Icivt

To b^-av n a}i()\e <Vf.

Whv tair Maul in t-vry It^aturr art:* sucl

?i"J.,JhJ/nfr%^igns of fear express'l^Can awandnuir wrt-lch. ,t-tl

^^ ^^mCreature, v\ith smh terror fill fhv hrt-asi,

77 t*^^^ >— -,

feLHt-f 1^f^^^=^^^Do my fi'emifH looks a-Lu'ni »b«-i- 'I'rusi iii.-s.-.( f-lUi\



f^^t harm thee. Shun «U)1 tht-ii |)'M)r CK /VZV JANE

'-W i ' M \r%-:: -^:—9-T9:M.l ~i» -r-

fJ • L . Ti-1_ r bj -^ n i j' -^-L . I I 1id my m(ii^» Wbi iil iMeh fl.tt . t^^r sigh ami tvirigoish

5-r^^ r^^^^^^"^ Think ihem fals<» I found ih^-ni so,F',r 1 lov d ,.h

^^—S;:; a_.—


„^_ .—^

^j^i l-r^q-x^^^-^;^?^^^^^-

l^^^f^-^-^rr^'^^^^^^siia.' eT«-lv, Nnur oould •^.v(»r lo-ve a.gain, Bui Ine

(^i^^^^ J! \L

^bxrgtDtzzzi^g^tiu-^ i r.1 ','irfe

r-iT-r:^^^^p^o^^1h I J^.'^'d so <l.Mrl v, S("lt> 1 h^' v iK.f (.H ^/^ JAISE^sSaSigf^i


- ^ .^ J»x<^nBr

Foudlv mv \t^^ ^^**

Fondly my yoiinti; he;irt n^_ceivU him. Which was

'dootn^i U> lovt- hut one. He sii»;h\l he vow'd and I h»


*^Britiii. HEN-KY (le«l with him for e.vt-r Fled th*-

*^ wits,-of CHA.ZY JANE. Now forJorn and broken

^>^>.f f'^ l JlObHLiilS

'nJ \ J ._rr-rT^ij


jL-g/Lj :;:;it

Oi) iF^ tt spot %»h«"r»" _!.!>< WH l>4rt. . r<i

^^^^ft^--^^^^On th;»t spot wh<-Te lirst we ii>fi , Still I


^ n frp^^ ^^sing my love lorn dittv , Still 1 xtow...1y



BjiLtMifn^ti-^^Ct [));!(<• the plain. Whilst e;irh pass-.er hv in

jgCTir=n^^3^ £z^



pi.-.tv Cri.-s Gud help thee CK\ZY JANE.


.•^^*-^"'''^" "^«^*^,(•..J1H'-'S»-(| h\


^^#4#f4ffi3^les I sing of Ifwe and Haltle talfs. MfT.ri.Jv^ ?^

efzSf^ ^^^TT^frfrgjfetlms I sn^nd tny uie Tno po-or mv hreast jslre#irnm4tr

13 ^1 The hiithe old Harper callU am I, In Ih** wdoh

i^ ^\fs 'mid moanfains hi(rh) In the "welch vaJrs 'iBid

--fore a Castlf Gate, liiSong a BiiltK I fh1;i1h, Orhow a


iM^-f-ia^.a^^^^With rlcH and pt)<>r .* "welcotne puest. No r.arfs -rn

SE r^J^ifXr^J i cJ/p^^

yrjf-rjnr JLrrifxmrndt^ im..()ii mv Breavl, Tb^ hlilheolfl Harper call'l ar

I, In the mrl(;h,vales nnd mountains hJidi,Inlhe -welch

|l When Sol il..lumes Ihe westerjo Skv, And EA-euii,^


Zevbvrssolllvsigh, Oil fiiu^-s ..n Vill.ii;.- jrive-n \\,l\\ Wlnle

round me dancf tbe Kusticsgav\ Ami oft'' \^^l»^'M vt-ilH by


hie Night, Thewind'»-ingSbe[)ilt.rdsI dtJij^tjIliehlitht^oM

^^^m =ipp


I Hi!|rx)frcall'dam I, liithewfl(h"v;j<!es 'tnid monntains high

!^^ ^a-

ff^?^"^IT r K

a&?^ i^^^^^P

1 II i[\f welch valejl 'mid m'oiinlai nshigh






CKI •).

'-^ ronipost'd by ^

yv /


''voofLfnne and svye^-t srt- nted i<in«-. "] pL«"t the

P^^^ iV^H"::f^- ;j-^ i^

Messings of health and conteatmentht* mnie^ And no"^ Ad:lih;

cateK shall dis-txirb my te^^Tose, /^^^ "'*•

B«i» fi>e from Ihf Ills <h;d ade nd ul^ «l»e j^r»'.<l


And far frinn ;dl folly and strife,

With sH(-(-t Solrtnde'"'s charms in this htimhlM re re-iit


Lrt iiif spend the reuiiiins of mv li(»-,

KoiiihI <he lUfMit.h <d my <:..vv ..<ii .


^^\ ^; W 1 L JL o T*^>3

'^^ ---^ (^ Song bv


rotin)os»td by

' /I

Mffh . - - iu^jr, lfin»(re-T a si.^ca-inore i

F. ^ P.

pmWiLIow, "Wil.low, WiL-ioM', -with his hand on hi




fe: ^mmWil.low, Wil.Juw, Wil„low, O ^"iLJow,WiL.luw,

^1-^ ^ef


Wil- low, "Sinj^ O ih*' green Willow, ShiJlbemy jrarliunl.,


E^E^ '

^=^^(> fill' iriteii Wil.^IoAv, SluJI he my jrar. , laud

E^ rTTf^tfiT^^ |c=IC


He Sjghil in his Singing and after eaoh groan,

() Willow, 'Willow, Willow,

I :im ilea<l to all pleasure my tru«-- love is gone,

() Willow, Willovs, Willow,

Sing () the green Willrtw, Arr.

Let Do^ody blame me, hei; scorn I thus prove,

<) Willow, Willf>«r Will«)w,

She u«N horn to he fair, 1 to die for her love,

<> Wilh.w, Willow, Wilh.w,

Sll. ' <) the nreen U i Ho»v. At/t.'



(£ i£fJoSiistonc ^it tb*

r^'^^r,^^^,- ll^'if,r/^^^^^^m^/t


#^i^^^^^^if'iil l-.iUb man* H«- lnve-s ;«lf ihiiK love ly lnv«-s


all that he can with his Sprig of Shillelah and Shamrofii, si

ho-.u- '^ and sound, N<j nia.-li<':e or ha,. t red is

N^S^ES^t^^ e=rF— !,-

(Irioks and fap fights, For love all for lo^«, For in


that h« tie. lights with his Sprig of Stilleluh and

ff r j^


^ ^t^^?=E*' Shamrock so green. ^

1' 11 '


f r i.^i=±=HU-=s-h^N-il^"Who eVr had the luck, to see Don ny hrook fair,

An Irish man all in his glory is there.

With his Sprig of Shillelah and Shamrock so grren.

His Cloaths spic and span new without eVr a spe<,k,

A neat Barcelona tied round his> nice neck,

He goes to a tent and he sj>ends halt a crown.He meets with a friend and f(;r love knocks him down,

With his Sprig of ShilleJah and Shamrock so }rr^-^n,

5At EvViing returnibtr as homewards he irotss


His heart soft with whisky his head soft wilti lilows,

From a Sjirig of Shillel.ih and Shamrock so green,

He nit;»:»ts with his Shvlah who blushing a smile,

('.fies" gfcil agon IVt'* \^i consents all the whilt- ,

'Vii the Piie«t?oon ifi'sy i;o and nint- months after that,

A fine K;d>ie cries "tio^N dVe do father PatrWith vour Sprig ol Shillelah and Shamrcick so green .

Bless the Country I say that gave Patrick his hirth,

Bles« the LanJ of the Oak and its. neighhonringearth,

Where grows the Shi I It-I all a'n 4 Sham rug k so green,

May the Sons of the 'IhanLs the I'weed and Shannf)B.

Prul) the. l-Venr;b ^vh^.^dareplant at our confines a Cannon,I'nited anil hiU'pV/at Lovaltys Shrloe i

May theHfise- and tjie Thisl le loaii^ fldtifish and twine,K*biind a Spri'^ of Shillelah and Shamrock so\green.


Snug T>y

y/amr// ,>^


W. ShieM: ^>.A


I'h*^- Sfiviimlt-l th»< fl«)w\I rotuvl her Cot , all thf


^^^^fe^i rHow oft has lis f:»)itrsK ht-eii tor-. .got'. While if



^ ^m

272'/ VVrs*'.

^ — V ' '

Kt*.,lieve me ihe fcuid Nil-.ver Tiiltr' kjit-w from


m^^^mmf^^^k lie Ur^- kiKU lliiill wll IfiivVI ihff.iir I'n/eM

(a;^ /.y -rr-r -f—y ^?^„


fm^$^^^For siJt-iilJv si-ifiit-lv swiHing A\i1h pride it rr..

^^ ^^&* J^^t^i^.11-.-. t e.l br. l...^k lolhe>;k


<' to the SuiCf: Hiul. t<iMi;.Hii>r. Dim.


,o^^^0% ONT^,.^^^

Composed by




iIi4r 1

^ -J i1.11^


^~ Oi.i>li;ms aiv Siste-isaml 1 sa'l.ly poor. •"


Rfit jion 11, -lit HiiIkC. Uayv'tliatst^ntls .oH Uie Moor, \



'^ Dtr.iljiltl^' ('eHa^g, Nirii iie..1JitlkCctiM^fli, yon ii'-.iL litl I.

(TV Cv

^^m ^^^^mm^r\)t-taj!;e, 'I lijii sfjiiiils «,)nlh« Mnor.

i^fe^^^TKr l,.,ik' ft.iily Soutr (lo.s l(r Jtl.oiir iiivH.-,

C'lUfiiir^.l w- jiisl ket-p llif Woltt- from (bt- l)uur,

And Plioebii<; n-lirinir, iiipshoni*' with <lt-|it>^h1,

lo our lual Unit' Cnlt.ijrt- thai sl.iiiils <mi iht- M'-><^f.

5Oiii lUf.iU art- l)ul tioinely, mirth sw«-etvns our 'b«s«*r,

AKijvtioirj; our Inmate, the Gut-st wt- adorf,

And heatt — f-asr atxl beaJ/lh makes a Palace afi^ear,

of oii( Ural liltji' CyttHg^* ibat staoil? ou the Moor-


^v^^^'^NeoFT,,,.Suojr I

Composed hy




ulu .1 Willi (av'rini^ jj^.il*-, (Jur giilLuilShi p up < h.iiiii' 1 ^1.t-i1lcV



f^ i.i:_., 1 _ ^Tr ...w 1-1... !,: ,U Kl....'rr.4 1 ..*^ M)U(1 (ling under *m..sv >i;til, Tin- high blue wesUjjil.mdai*

|g/.r r nitg^g^gpiSeitiuHu Signing, And lo the Fi..l.i1 <htfilv ^utij^,



#--# ^ -^^ —"^ • -'• ' .g



^^^^^^E^^feihV THE OEEP MNK; BY I IlK DKKPMrti,: Ii.

mmm^^-:^y 3^-^



•Vim! Iveaiintr up t(^ ir.iin th*- P'lrl,

Sninr- M>;H known "l)|V< 1 kcO* in vit-w,-

An Al.hv Ttm'r, im H.uhiJui Koil,Or Beacon, to \\u- Vess. I 1 nu-,

WluJt: oh ibe L^-a«l Iht- St,.man Hinig,

And lu th^ ]M..l ,;l,f>/<rlv Mine,

B ^ I H b. MA K Jv S K \ t N .

5AiHl iis the- iBii<;h lov'd sbur*- h>- ntiir

With transport we bth»'M the roof;VVben- dwelt a Frienct or Pal tlit-r ciQai


Of faith and loVe a uiat(.hless prooj,-.

Thf- Lead onf;e tnor<- t\>e S'eamafi flu Ii;.


And to the ^.at.bl.il Pi|,(,t siMmgifAH I KU LKSS HVK .



\ IS

Hr-'Jir L/ ir^Ft^^ ^

Oh, think on mv fatel Once 1 tree, ^dom en-^

v'r| i

r iJ r ir r i


. -joy'd, Was as bap.X)y as ba\)..py could be

f'\ r lJ.1Jj^lJ^J/ip.T3/^

^\ r i f ^L'l r .^^ciif^But plea.-sure is fled! Even hope is (It^^^ ' r,.i: Y

-. tToyU, a <"'ap-ti,\>- a-lasl on the Se-a. 1 ^^;^^

B^ JIf in fj7;nMffftt="

taVu i)y lli^- I*'*', M was the fi..;i,t of iute, To^^JJ-^L/irglJ^

^rar melrom her 1 a.doTe, When thought hiinirs U

Haiti, luird is my fate; Oh how galling my chain.

My lift^'s steerM by misery's <:hari^

Ami though *gaiiist oiy 'i\»aij1s I s<;or» to f;oroi>!ain,

Tf.irs gush forth to ease my full heart f

I disdain e»en to .shrink, tho' 1 feel shari> the lash,

Vet my breast bUvrtis tor her I adorej

While around me the unfeeling lnllo\vs will da*h,

I Mgh and still tuc at thr Oar.


HoNV fortune deceives 1 had |)leas"ure in tow,

The Port where she dwelt we'd in view,'

Bill the wishM Nui)ti<il Morn wa« oVr clouded with uoe,.

And dear AKNA.' 1 hurried from you:

Our Shallop was boardrd imd 1 l)orue awav,

To Inhold inv de;ir AN.NA, no more:

5But despair wastes my spirits ray torm feels de<;a\ ,

He siirh'd and ex\»ir'd at ihe Oar.


Where'er ihy footsteps thy footsteps paint thfc w<ty,

mWith thee a cot could bliss bestow, Aiwl silent glens

ff ^ i i^a

^f^=-=Trt=^p. " #


1^^ mff±

(li's.^jlay, If Iht


'"J'J.Vf rjr'r'- lfirwlf i

Jovj NoTihinkof a..nv J^v but

F. 2Ws Henry yes with thee I'll go.

Nor sij;^ for any \)leasnTe |)ast,

Whether with sultry heat 1 ftl«w,

Or Shiver iu the Northern bUsi-,

Supported by thy friendly Ariji,.

Fatigue and toil -were light to me.

My Sotil no dangers can al^rm,

^lest thro* the world to follow thee.

3And shou'd the ill wliich most 1 dread,

Sbon*d pain or grief tliy ]i<a<re Tnolt-st,

This arm shouM pio^i ihv dmoping head,

This voice >huuM sooth thy cares ti> rest,

No muse imtan^hl b\ fondest love,

('oii'd like ihy NaiiCy wat< hlul be,

Whilst ev»ry tenJer care shou.*d iffov.-,

Hi'v. much mv jovk depenti (jn thee.

!4fu Thtre was an ancieift Fair, O she-

-vijjj^m \i^i'vr

r f,-nr^f—


IcwM a nafe young' man. And she could not throw sly



* - » SE5^:

|l: rr. ci


ks at him, Bui on.-lv ihm' Lx-r fan: with h*

j( [ ' [ i^f.-.Tse^


hj'j i ;|j jLj_;


J Jwinks and blinks lliis -waddling minxiht-r qciizzinggliiss,bi


i:' t i::p-i^i^ i :^ ^==i


f7\ addih:

J j' j^LcK-';-rg. i r ^ g.

leer and sidle, OlslielovM a h<Ad Dragoon with his.


lyng Sword, Siid . .die, BrL^dle , "Whack '. tow di« i.^T^ -1 Fi

iM._a ^^^=^ i * - m——'


f f..\'• J '' 1 r 5=

doW dow, tal la la di rol di whack! tow di

^'rr'r c^ i

f -f- i p f ^imshe had a rolling t^y«, it!> fellow ij, had iioiit^,

Would voukuow the reason why, it was, because she had ))ii1 mi*.,

with her winks and blinks, this waddling minx,

She Could*nt keep her one eye idle,

O; sheleer\l at this Dragoon, with his long Sword, S.iddle, IJi illf

Whack Sec.

Now he was tall and slim, she stjab and short was s^ri'wn.

He look'd just like a mile inlength, she just like a mlUt^toJu-;

With her winks and blinks, thiswaddTing .mi»x,«

Her cjuizzing gl,ass, her leer and sidle,

O: shesighMtothis Dragoon, "bless your LvngSwordjSaddl'-TU^ '


Wha<:k At'".

Soon he led nniothe Chnrrb, the ])eauteous Mistress FJinn,

Who a walnut could have crack'd »< ween her bncly noseiinch hi i.


() ibtii su.h vsiiiks jji miirri;»ge links,^

Ilu' laiif foot Kriile from (;hurt;b difl Mdle,

AslheWifeollhis Dntgoon, withhislong Sword, S..ddle,.Brii! h."

Wha' k Sir.

A Twt Iv'e ii><>irlh><;arrehad|)ass'd when he laid her under gr<>u,ud, .

Soonhe threw theo»«ionfrom hiseyes,& tou(hHtenThoUsan<fP*'' '

For her winks and blinks, her money chinks,

U»^ does not let her Cash lie idle,

S. I,. l.^lib•>1?, this' Dragoon, will.,hiAluiii!,Su,,iii,S..dtJ;-, lUidl' .


thtjWords by


the MUSIC 8v


J'r /


^m Would. Hea,v^ some^I

Would Hea,v^ some

jA-| ^ i,| III

I Mym fa^m ^i

^i^i>^j r. r r i-^JJT^"

lo smooth our rug----.ged paih ne.-

J''iJJiii i


>ii not iell.

CiriJ-.t tLou not telL _Wh;if I shi)uld

^^^^^^m^m ^^ SMsa

L^to44^j^^siiiimt?, ^ Thee dear t-.Ll, Z A

^m-rUit ^h^ }1i^^mlJF^r^f if r firtr-M-^ '


hr —-—1 lu 1 J. .—f—fc

By ihy lov»d nvime luy throbbing breasi


Is oft with grief or joy imprest^

For frequent with a lengthened sigh.

And oft with joy, 1 T-.ipttir'd cry,

"Oear, dei.r ELIZA."3

Ah why did fate in angry mood,

Thee from my longing arms exclude;

When thou, of all thy sex beside,

Wert form'd with me thro* life to gliile,

Charming ELIZA.4

Tho' busied through the live long day,

Still oVr my heart thoti hold'st thy sway;

And thro' the varying dreams of night,

Thy form is present to my sight


Lovely ELIZA.s

"When all thy -various charms 1 tra<:e.

And the bright getns thy mind wbtch gtao/e.

Thy lo-ve to me. Oh thought most dear,

I moan thy absence with a. tear.

Charming ELIZA.


^^O^ COME TO j,^^

^o.A Favor. fe .S,,„^^


ssEE ffir ifrfr iffrf i fff r ijn



^^^r i r

Will voii comt- io the^^^^ t^^^l^^.^ TTIll >UII i.liiur- III

5d-^iiLX^ifn—rr-^V j'# ' > ' * f

sha.<Ied for vo.i. Our Kr.L shaJl h,

\^- V^ ^B<>^ -.• i h;i%t- sha.<Ied for yon, OiirKr.Lsh;

^3m-Ti i \rq rrj7^-^rf^\


^- „ rr , r|


, ^^^ i>^ ^,.- „ll 1I...1 ..^iX. x^ -ii7:u _??- A-


Ro,-*es • all spangled -with Dew, "Will you com» to.lh

spangled -witb Dew, Will yoii will you wi 11 you will yuci

omf folEe Btrw'r, WilWmi ^ill voiiwijl von v\ill y<n|

VtfM.^ri'^m iJ^iJT^'

j i .u

There under tlie Bow'r on Roses yo«*il iif


With a blush on your Cheek but a smile in your eye,

WIU you, will you, will you, avIU you

Smile mv belov'd.

Rul <he Koses we }nt:^s shall not rival your lip,

Nor the <lew be so sweet as the kisses we'll sip,

Will you, will you, will you, will you

Kiss me my Love.

4Aitti V '111 lor the joys that are sweeter than Dew,

From l;inj;xnshini; Koses or kisses from y«>",

Will v.Mi, ^sill ^ou, vill n'mi, will yoii

Won't l.'-vu.



Wrifien & Composed by

f'-JV r. Lr[; i rjm^://

Land a..dieti ihe Ves^sel sVTt?ads bet ^vTellingSails,!^.

,..dieu tny »»:i..iiNV liiiid, A.-ditm, the Ves-,»«1

spreads hex vvvHlir-ing Sails, Fer.^aps 1 htt.,-sn

Faiewell, d^iq- Village, oh, fare^vell,

Soft on the gale thy mutittuT dies;

1 h«ar thy solenm e^-'niug bell.

Thy spires yet glad my aching eyt^s


Tho* fre({iient falls the cUizzliiig tear,

I scorn to shrink fiom Fate's decree;

And think not, cruel maid, that eVr,

I'll breathe another sigh for thee.

Adieu Ace.

3111 vain, thrcP shades of fr(iwi\ing night,

Mine eyes thy rocky coast explore;

Deep sinks the fiery orb of light,

1 -view thy beacons now no more,

HisK,)nllo-ws, rise, Blow, hollow wind,(Nor night, nor storms, ror death I fear;)

Ye friendly, bear me hence, to find.

That Ptjace which Fate denies me here.



iP!-' I^^-i VIS^<'<»mj)ose«l l»y

w^ T—p1

p—r— JL-^WW rTTif^=f^Ml=4^^-1



i^jrii-j^^'^'^^ I


I ^^Lr Jtmf—=h-rrhv lo\>« i<r TOP thou didst im^ttff.

l i h lflllfrj m'»^

r nff'

[^ i



r^ iJ'^J^


Through ihe Vale my griei a^ipeats,

Sighing sad, -with prarly tfars;

Olt tby Image is my theme,

As 1 wander on the greeu.

See from my cheek the colour fli'es,

^nd loves sweet hope wiihin me dies;

For oh dear HENHY thon»8t betray'd,

Thy lii\»-- -Willi tbv ])4ioT Cottage Maid


W'tittfii by -

-T^isc^iWuh Syan»hf»nifsAc AccoiD|>aniinfijts In

V__-^ -- — -

^ Jrf

ain oiulydeitPw^Tellnie thoubring'stnieiDy'WiL.-LIE

p> l j N^ifrj \i=.=i i=

(Nrr^j ij'Mf rj I f• rx^^

.Winler -winds blt-^L)ad and cauld at iTur parti ni^Jthe sTimV.Winler -winds bl(-^L)ad and cauld at uur parting,








i ^m^fft#^^i^q^F ?=F

Ft-UTsfornlvWlLLlE brought tears in my eV,"Welcome now

iM^^=:^1t m

Hest ye wild Storms, in the ciivt^ ofyour Sllimhf rs,

HoAV your <lre;((l liowlinir a lovtr iilarms;

Wauken ye hret-zf^s, row irt-utlv, yt* hillov^s,

And Walt my d^ar laddie aiice inair to my arms.

But Oh, il he»s faithless, aud minds na his NAM K,

Flow still h»-tween us, thou wide roarintr Main,

May 1 uever see it, Miy I never trow it,

Hut dviui^, believe ihal m\ WI 1- L 1 K'S my .un


v7i 1"^ ^^^^-^—



Com|»n«itf<lAr Dedicated to


k>{;>fk.^ ini»;sTBy iponn»-iits{ly,Tht;reV not aFovIt-r more re

Ah "wholike tBC ran spp^(lthenirt,(3rt(iiit-lhe nierrv

flitjv«;;.I.t-i,'rbr-ii uhv O'vshv shonli l_re^>int-,Si nceall the rfwing

The thrush ;iikI Linnet in tht ivalt^.

The Nv\eet seniitjsttrr'd N^ghtiuj^al*',

The Bull— finch» Wren, and Woodlark all

()|)ev my Summons' -when 1 call,

OI could 1 form some cunning snare,

To catch the coy cikjjietting fair.

In cupid*s filmy weh so liuf,

The V''*'*ty gi'^1'^ should all he mine


When uU were mine, Among the resi


IM <;hoose the lass 1 liked tl)e!)est.

And should my (dirtrming m.tte he kind.

And smile, and iCiss me to my mind.

With her I'd tie the uuptial Knot.,

Make Hymen's cage ol my V**"f ' <**

And lo^e away this Cleetiug ii(e,

Like Hohin Red— hreast ;»nd his wife.'


* / ^



y I II

it^ . w .1 y I. .| I r J

"Here's a health to them far .iwa, The\ aieg;uieto^vars fal il

HeTefe a health <o thean tar awa, Thevaregaiieto-wai-sfatiil


*I'Tivin, Here^ a health *o them that ^rteivberi sh» -it vvnt-

{i^,iiii, Here's a health to themlhat Meiebeiesbtut syne.

That tte \;r may Tt,'u in a^gaiu ho never, Vi s hard to i>e

bitter indeed In the s(»i row th;it flo\^VPerha])sW^^'sa^ii>{rf.^r^

bitter indeed is the sorrow that flow's Perhapsyv^-'re saying fa

Tfae^ are (jrane the sword for lo draw,

li> defence of their (;ountr5*s Law,

But v,o*;i to ^lif arm thjit do«\s any harm,

T<*them that.s gaiie far awa;—- !<• t-v-r,

B«< vhyshou'd w*- live' \u d^-sym'^Tn

Some Ganrdian may watrh on th^- |it;tiM,

And shield th-eiu iu h^ltlefroiB daiij-K^ tv> sli

And* send th»m t<^ us Kalv >iaiii«< —-'-"^ ^ vt-r.

^H^BOATJE K0^.^,


sv'*-f(l, W.."-! may thg Boai.ir tow, That^^^^m^^^^Viepifl, Wi-M .ir,*\ lb- B.ial . 1- rcm^ Tli.it


^ains tht^^-^iLQ'^ bjt'ad . The Boatie rows tin

fi-rtfVN ^ s

gains the liaixn's' l^tead. The Boatie rows ih**

Koatie rows ihe Eoatie tows fa' -weel,--

Me'ckle luck at.tend the Boat, Themerlinirthecieel.

Meickle luck ut.tend theBtiat,Tb.eTntrlini£lhe creel.


1 oust my line in Largo Bay,

AjkI fishes 1 catch'd Nine,

'Twas Three to hoil, and TJir«e<o fry.

And Three to bait the line,

The Bo;itie tows, the Boatie fows,

Tlse Boatie rows indeed.

And happy he the lot of a»,

"Who wishes bft to speed..


O weel may the Boaiie row,

That fills a heavy crsel.

And cleads us a» frae heaii to leet.

And buys onr pottage i..eal, ^

The Boatie tows, the Boatie rows.

The Boatie rows indeed.

And hap\iy be the lot of a*.

That wish the Boatie speed.


"When ,lAMlE\ow'd he wou'd be mine

And wan frae me mv he...rt,

O muckle lighteT gTew my cieel,

He swore we'd ne-ver pkrt.

The Boatie rows, the Boatie Tol>rs,

The Boatie rows, fu' weel.

And muckle lighleT is the load,

"When love bears np the nreel



My ktrt-tch J put tlve' .my bead.

And djess'd my^el' f"' braw,

I tTwe my heart -wras dotif an' wae,

When JAMIE gaVd awa,

Bnt "WKel may the Boatie ro-w,

And liicky l"»e hei- part

And lightsome he the lassie's <;are,

That yields an hottest heart


When SA,v?JE\, JO€ie» an' JANE TIE,

Are up and gotten leaK,

They'll help to gitr the Boalie rovN,

And lighten a' out ^aa

T4«-Boatie rows, thr- Mualie rows,

The iJoatie ro-ws fu"' we^J,

And lightsome be her heart tbit bears,

The M,exli»«, and the- cr;^el.

And when wi' airpt^,,* 7 wofi. d()%*n,

And hirplit;<r ^oprnd t^Kt*. (Lyor,

They'll row <o Keep us dry and warm.

As we <|id them be tore,

Then Wij-el may the Boatie tow^

She wins the bairnV breatj


An4 hapfy {ff the I«'t o' a%

That ^ish the B(»at to speed ,



1 rm rm r^nnn n ipp^bTiTuriTh"

^ f"la*, rul-d<i mis.trcts

a--test Sim. To -what dark na-vt- of fi. ,f«r

^^«ilihf. Shall poor Svl .van jxlei hit-.

•);-»-^ ^^:£E^3Ez

,-priv\l of thee his liK- aiul liphi , The sun- of nil his


'^I I fi ' ri i fi rj '

-' ^—^^

wgjjiiMfr f i

^ffi til


We V)iiit— l)ut l)y t-hest' ^yrecioiis <lrop5i,

That till thy lovely eyes,

No ()iher Iij;l)1 sliafl j^iiide piy steps^

Till thy bright beams aris.e,

!%lie, 11<e- fair Siiu of Al her sex,

H;i«, hleyl iii;^ ^JojioUfcdaVS,

Vfid ib.iJI a irljinni'ring piauei fix.,

vi V Tvorshij' In its rii,v .



BA«. IfcAf) Co,„I'O


^^^^^^^^m^^^l\ air Nvt- tond <>t

When clouds obscure ihe -.itmosphere,

And forked lightnings tend the air,

The Sun resames his Silver crest,

And smjifs adorn the "West.

The genial Seasons soon are o'er,

Then let 'ere -we cpiit this Shore,

Contentment set^k; it is lifes zest,

The Sunshine of the Breast..

,4Ax^ay %vilh every tctil and care',

And ce^ise the rankling thorn io weaj ,

Willi manlu! hearts H/c's conflict's ni«

.'Till nieath souim!'- iho retreat.

^111. l> LANG ST^^."\

Sutu/ ly^r Sinclan ' jy y^


^ J IJ .1 h-)jjirTfT"j

--{rol, & neverbrought to mind, Should auldanquaintanc

be fuitrot, And days f>»la£^syii K.T ;ui!d Ja

syne my dear. For auld lanff Syne, We*ll

We i-w-A hae I'aidK-l in Ihc Burn.

Frae iiiorniug Sun lill diiif,

Rut Seas b«--t>veeii as litaid he' ii loaiM,

Sin' aulil 'aug syne^

For aiild I,ui^ lyue &:';.

\iiii surely you'll l)e j<'<ir pint stoUli,

And surely I'll Hr miiJe,