a segment on scars

A Word About Scars Scars Occur when Tissues Bond To Replace Skin That was Damaged Through Injury or Surgery.

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A Word About

ScarsScars Occur when Tissues

Bond To Replace Skin That was Damaged

Through Injury or Surgery.

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Scarring is a Normal Process that Happens to

Repair Any Wound

on the Skin & Deeper Tissues.

During the Process of

Healing, Scars are

A Very Natural Occurrence.

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Scars Remind Us OfViolence…Harm…Hurt …Something Happened

But Scars Also Say Healing has Happened

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God Loves YouBeyond Anythingthat Hurt You or

Left a Scar on You 

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Jesus was •Beaten, Battered & Bruised•Hurt, Cut & Bloody• Tortured to Death on Cross

His Body Had Tremendous Scars

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“What are these Wounds

in Your hands?”

“I was Wounded in the House of My Friends.” Zechariah 13:6

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The Lord Will• Take Away Your PAIN•Take Away Your SHAME•HEAL Your HURTS•COMFORT You•Make You WHOLE

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A Bruised Reed He will not break, and a Smoking Flax He will not Quench Matthew 12:20

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Beauty for Ashes, the Oil of Joy for Mourning, The Garment of Praise for the Spirit of Heaviness. Isaiah 61:3

The Lord Will Trade

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For Jesus’ Sake


Luke 6:37

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The Kingdom of Heaven is like a certain King who wanted to settle

accounts with His Servants.

And when he had begun to settle accounts, one was brought to Him who Owed Him 10,000 Talents.

(With Gold @ $900 per Ounce 1 Talent = $1,080,000 10,000,000 Talents =

Estimated $10 Billion +) Matthew 18:23-

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(10,000,000 Talents = Est. $10 Billion +)

But as he was NOT ABLE to PAY,

His Master Commanded that he be Sold, with his Wife & Children & All that he had, and That Payment Be


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God Forgives Us a Far Greater Debt …The servant therefore fell downbefore him, saying, “Master, have

patience with me, & I will pay you all.”

Then the Master of that Servant was Moved with

Compassion, Released Him, and Forgave Him the Debt.

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Being Forgiven Holds Us Accountable

“But That Servant Went Out & Found One of His Fellow

Servants Who Owed him 100 Denarii;

(About 3 Months Pay) And he Laid Hands on Him and Took him by the Throat, Saying,

'Pay Me What You Owe!’

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Observe This Man who WAS Forgiven • So his fellow servant fell down at his

feet and begged him, saying, “Have patience with me, and I will pay you all.” And he would not, but went and threw him into prison till he should pay the debt. • So when his fellow servants saw

what had been done, they were very grieved, and came and told their master all that had been done.

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Then his master, After he had called him, Said To

Him, “You Wicked Servant! I Forgave You All That Debt

Because You Begged Me. Should You Not ALSO have had Compassion on your Fellow Servant,

Just as I had Pity on You?”

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And his master was Angry, & Delivered him to the

TORTURERS Until he should Pay

ALL That was DUE to him.

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Je sus Sa id , “So My

Heavenly Father also

Will Do to You If Each of

You, From his Heart, Does

Not Forgive His Brother

His Trespasses.

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Should You?

•Expect Mercy If You will Not Give Mercy?•Expect Forgiveness If You Will Not Freely Forgive?

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Did You

Forget?Who Paid Your Debt?

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He was wounded for our

transgressions, He was Bruised for our Iniquities; the Chastisement of Our Peace was upon Him, and by His Stripes we are

Healed. Isaiah 53:5

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Forgiven Folks

MUST Forgive

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When you Fail to React To Those who Hurt You

With Love & Forgiveness, You Retain in Your Heart the Debt the Offender Owes You.

That Offense Will Rob Your Heart

Of Its Capacity to Love.

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Beyond How we May Feel

We Must Choose to Hear, Speak and See Forgiveness

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Your Life is Meaningful to God

But So is the Life of

Each Person THAT Person

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Think About What is Wrong with Refusing to Pardon (Forgive or Release) Somebody Else?

Shortsighted SelfishLacks MercyNot Like ChristDamages the Person who Refuses to Pardon

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Many Refuse To Deal With & Forgive

Consequent lyBitterness Takes Root

Their Pain is Passed On to Others

Some Victims of Abuse, TodayWill Become Abusers Tomorrow

S o m e B e c o m e The Very Thing they Hate

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One Way to See Bitterness:Unresolved Revenge

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When You are Angry, Hurt

or Vulnerable in Any WayPut Your Guard Up!

Do Not Give

Yourself a Pass to Be Wrong

or Do Wrong

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If You have Trouble with ThisA Suggestion

Since We are Responsible to • Treat Others as we Wish to be Treated• Keep Our Own Hearts with All


And Since God is Loving, Merciful & Just (He Absolutely Is)

Why Not Turn it Over to the Lord and Let Him Sort it

Out?(He Absolutely Will)

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Believers in Jesus?

God Called Us to Believe & Follow Jesus

As He Called You and Me,

He Also Called Others

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He Also Called OthersTo Believe & Follow Jesus

Red, Yellow Black & White, Jew, Gentile, Arab, Asian, African,

People of Every Nation, Rich, Poor, “Bad” & “Good”

From Palaces & Ghettos, Castles, Caves & Huts…

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We are Called To Follow in His


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Can Any Good Be In Suffering? YES! YES! YES! YES!

And We Know That All Things Work Together for Good To Those who Love God,

To Those who Are the Called According to His Purpose.

Romans 8:28

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God Can Use What Hurt You the Most

To Cause You to Become More SENSITIVE to

The HURTS & NEEDS of OthersAND

To Teach Us to Love Our Enemies

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God Can Use What Hurt You the Most To Know Him Better

“That I May Know Him and the Power of His Resurrection, and the Fellowship Of His

Sufferings, Being Conformed To His Death.”

Philippians 3:10

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Dwel l ing On Past? Hurts? Injustices? Wrongs? What he/she/they Said and Did?

You May Live In Unforgiveness.Bitterness may have Taken Root.

Why Live In Unforgiveness

When You Can Be Free?

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Let it Go, Let it Go,

Let It


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R e v e n g e C an n o t Heal a Broken Heart

Make You Who leTragic Case of Tamar

• Tamar was Incestuously Raped by her Half-Brother, Amnon.

• Full Brother, Absalom, Plotted Murder. • Two years later Absalom got Revenge

for Tamar with Amnon's murder.• Revenge did Not Heal Tamar or Make

her Whole

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Then Tamar put ashes on her head, and tore her robe of many

colors that was on her, and laid her hand on her head

and went away crying bitterly… So Tamar

Remained Desolate in her brother Absalom's house.

2 Samuel 13:19,20

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“ R e m a i n e d D e s o l a t e ”Tamar Continued to be a Victim

FEELING Worthless RUINED, Wretched, Empty, Alone, Stupefied, Violated,

Devastated, Joyless, Deserted, NUMB/Dead to Life, Fruitless,

Destroyed, in Grief & Sorrow

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“Remained Desolate?”

Your Hurts Should Not Define You


Have Any Power Over The Rest of Your Life

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Wilfr id MacenaHai t i an Ear thquake Surv ivor, Amputee

“To be living with one leg is living. A lot of people didn't get a chance to.”

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Is NOT NOT, NOT, NOT (Never Was, Never Will Be)The Will of God for You



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Don’t Let Bad People Blind You or Keep You

From Seeing God’s Goodness

or Knowing His Love for You!God IS Good!

Always Was GoodNever Stopped Being GoodNever Will Stop Being Good

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God is RENOWNEDAs Restorer, Father, Gentle

ShepherdWho takes Weak & Broken

Things TO DO Great & Mighty

Things!He Loves You Right NOW,

Where You Are, As you Are

& Sees Great Value in You

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God is Famous FOR:He Heals the

BrokenheartedAnd Binds Up Their Wounds.

Psalm 147:3

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The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has Anointed Me to

Preach the Gospel to the Poor; He has Sent

Me to Heal the

Broken Hearted… Luke 4:18

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Brokenhearted = Suntribo

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Suntribo = Smashed, Crushed Broken to Shivers

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He SentMe to Heal

the Broken Hearted

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God has Given

You the Cure

Take the Cure …and Live

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RememberUnforgiveness is like

You Drinking Poison and Hoping

the Other Person Dies

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Dwelling on Past Hurts? Injustices? Wrongs?

“Change what you

Think About & You Change

what Comes About”

Sam Glenn

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Think About YOUWhat it Means to Be Forgiven• Without any Hesitation or

Reservation• Freely & Completely Forgiven• Sins Taken Away, Not

Remembered, or Held Against You, or Brought Up Again• A Washed, Clean & Holy Heart• Completely Clear Conscience

You are Received & In Fellowship

With our Loving God

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God will Help You to Forgive

& Get Past All of It Forgiveness Will

Destroy Its Power To Do You Any

More Harm

If You Decide To Forgive

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Forgiveness Destroys its Ability To Have Power

Over You To Hurt You Ever AgainAnd You Will STOP

Cycles of Ongoing Damage from Being

Passed On Through You

Decide To Forgive

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Get in Your Mind Everyone Who Ever

Robbed, Wronged or

Shamed You, Damaged, Hurt Or Treated

You Unjustly

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Because It Was PersonalYou Must


And, In Jesus’ Name Let It GO!

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Let it GoLet it Go

Let it GoLet it Go

Let It


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And God Will

Heal Your


If You ForgiveGod will Release YOU

From All Those Things

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Let Them GoWhat Will You


You Must Choose:

Keep Holding On To Those Things


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Hold On To Those Things? Or…

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Let it Go!