a sea dyak dictionary : an alphabetical parts with examples...

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MN 499.23321



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j N ALP II A lJ E T I r: A " l' ,A ,: , ':i ,

w r T It E X A MP L E SAN J) Q U O T A T I 0 ~ S S II E,W I N G


l l ¥

T n I~ REV D, \V ILL I A M LI 0 W ELL , l'01t:l.lEltLY ST UDEl\ '1' OF 1> '1' , AI 'OUSTl l\F,'s COJ. I.Een:,



D. ~ J . S. BA I LEY,)LA. ,

C .\ ~ l B n I D G E .

(A l ~ ri.?hIS reserced.)

S I :-IGAl'ORE :

P RI NTE Il AT T il E AM(; III C AN M I SSION 1'1l1'l"~.



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PREFACE. - - ._.- : .. _--

TIl E lang uage of th e so-called Sea Dyaks of Sarawak is a dia­lect of the wirJ e sp read ing Malay lang uage intermixed with won:ls borrowed frolll Kayan and , it is surmi se?, o th er primitive Bornean races with whom th e Dyaks have come tn con tac t.

It cannot yet be said that the bl1g-uage is that of a Natio n. It is th e language of a nu mber of tri bes who may be conveniently g rouped as follo\\'s :-"

( Balau . -j U ndup , 5Sabu yau,

4 (Bugau

( Sari has. 2 i Ska r;\1 lg .

l U lu Ai , 5 '( I': ngkair.

3 I BatangAi. "( L emanak.

[ see Dl7yll J. T hese different t ribes are , with t he excc ption of th e Sari bas and

Bugau , in lu bitants, of t he Batan g Lu par l{i\'c r and. it s ,tributari es, and from these t rIb uta ri es th ey Ill ostly derI ve their t ri bal names such as Sabuyau, L emanak, Skara ng , U nu up. It is however ne­c essary to state that in rcce nt y ( ~ ; lr S so me of these tribes have so increascd and spread beyo nd their ancient limi ts that there " are now said to be as man y, if not more, U yak,; li ving in the Reja,ng ri ver than in the wh ole Seco nd Di vision (a trac t of land which with the Batang L u par includes the San bas and Kalaka ri ve rs a r;J ' the area drain er! by these three ri\'e rs),

E ach of th ese t ribes has some peculi arit ies of d ialect, and some make use of wo rds quite unknown to other t ribes, bu t we doubt if these peculiarities are as stri king as the d iffcrence between the speec h of a man from Yorksh ire and one from :S ussex.

The Balau D yaks, who derive th eir t ribal nam e from a ridge of low hills about twe nty-five mil e up th e Batang Lupar ri ver, have adopted many \Y ord s in co m mon use by the :Vlalays and thi s is not to be wo ndered at when we ca ll to mind th ::t t about )ialf a century ago large nu mbcrs of this t ri be were ga thered tog'e tIH~'r and Ji ved with many Malays u pon Banting Hill for the sake of mutual p rotec tion aga inst a COlll 1l1 0n foe (Sari bas and Skarang Dyak~) , and th at th ey have al ways lived in close proxim ity to Malays, and furth er th at a large porti on of t ile regub r force (the Sarawa k Rangers) has bee n and is st ill rec ru ;ted fr l1 m th em. Th is fact has also no doubt, in so me measure, g iven an add itional imp ulse to their" k nowledge " of ~ r aby . The U nd up Dyaks, wh o have always bee n all ieu with the 13alau t ri be in th eir tribal wars, and who have fr equently i ll t '~ rI1nrri ed with them, ccrtainly possess Jess knowledge


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1 -

Y i

o f Malay and w:c k"'cr Malay \\'o rd ~ , but th e rc is a n in c reasing t cnci e ncy wi th them to pick u p an y Ma lay \\'o rd s th ey happe n t o heZl r used, whcn in th e J~ a l1 g-c rs c r in th c courts, a nd ad opt til c m.

Th e Sa ribas anci 5 ka ran ~ Dy;tk ~ : , th c I- ce ncst h u ntc rs afte r jun­gle prod uce (g utta, rotan, e tc .) arc bette r o rr t ha n a n )' o th e r D yaks a nc! tra vel lo ng di stan ces, eve n to th e Celebes, in q ll e" t o r o lel ja rs, yet, ill spite of th e ir strong trad ing in st in c ts and th e ir Sill a rtn ess th ey d o no t m ake use of Malay wo rd s, whe n speaking th e ir O W il to ng uc, to so g reat a n ex te n t as th e two prev io u,.; ly m e nti o n ' t! tri bes, th e rea~o n being perc ha nce, that th ey, o r a t a ll eve nts th e ~ a ril;a . · , have a lways been th e d omina nt race ill th e ir ri ve r a nd as s l! c h hav e lea rnt t o !of)k clown ,'om ewh;lt upo n th e Malay' ,

Th e Sabuya u a nd Bug-,tu Dyaks ca n m os t ly spea k l\ [,,{ay ; t he I:!ttc r who inhahit th e country bey()Ild th e I- ,din g-kan: " ra ng e in 1'\ eth ' rland s lndia te rrit o ry a rc sa id to ,: peak it f1 ue n t l}' , t he reaso n pro bably bein g- t hat th ey are rreq uL' lltl y vlsite I by IZa puas M alay IJeddJc rs, Th e Sabuy<lu arc a d win d lin g race. Scarc e l ~ ' a d oze n fam ili es re ma in in t he ir o ld h om e in th e Sa!JU\';ut r ive r, a t th e m outh of th e Bata n!! Lupar, but th e majo rity li ve ilt Lun d l! \\' here dou bt­less th e pu rity o r th e ir lan g' l!ag e has suffe red illuc h t h ro u;; h th e ir close int imacy with th e ir M alay n e i ghb() ur .~ ,

Th e DIu Batang- , \i or Ul u :\i Dya k,;, \\' h live fur th e r up th e I::tta ng Lupar r ive r than a ny o thu p eo ple, proba bly s pC't k th e pur st dialec t of th e Sea D yal-: la ng- uag' " but the ir acce nt is il <L r~ h a nd th ' ir s peec h ro ug h so u nd in g and unpleasa nt co mpa red with t ha t o f tl lOse who li ve neare r th e sea, Fro nJ til ' ir positi o n til ey ha ve n;tturall y had little interco urse with Ma lays un t il m o re rec e nt y ear .;, a nd th e ir kn owled g e o f Ma lay is prac ti ca lly Iti!.

The impo rta nce o r th e S ea D ya k la ng uagc in Sa ra wa!' canl)( )t h e over-e<. ti m ated,

1 t is th e lang uage of o ne o r th '; m 0st IllIlTl CrULl S races in th e co u ntry- a race \\' hi c h is in c reasing a nd s pr 'auing furth e r an d fu n her y ea r by year, I t is th e la ng uage o f th e 1lI 0s t e ne rg e ti c and g-o-<lh ead o f a ll th e I11tive races in t he Isla nd o{ Bo rn eo, and it IS a li vin g- a nd gT()w ing- l a ngua~ ' .

Th roug ho ut th e Ba ta ng- LU p:lf, ~a ri ba " , K a laka , a nd R ej,lJ; g ri ve rs and th eir tributa ri es it is p ar e xcelle nc ' th e tmde lallg uag' , N earl y a ll C h in esc li ving in th ese ri ve rs s ]>cal: o r u n Ic rs talld it; i ndeed if th ey u nd ersta nd a littl e l\ [alay , th ey u' ua ll y p re fe r to ta lk Dyak, fo r it co m es easie r ~ll lLl m o re nat ura l to the m to d o so , as Illany a re marri ed to D yak wom e n, The la ng uage is fa illilia r to a ll Mn lays who live in o r Il ea l' D yak cO Ll nt r ie ' o r W ilO go i" lawl (mlldik ka Daya) , and eve n ir th 'y a r ' s t ra nge rs th 'y fin I th ey can rapi d ly a C'Juire a k now l 'dg e of thi s i:l ng uag--; wh ic h is ill so ma ny respec ts s illlila r to th e ir ow n, \V he r 'vc r ti ler'; is a g ove fIl lll c nt s ta tio n o f any importa nce it is gar ri so ned usua lly by R 'lllg'crS a ll d thi s lan (r ua t;-e t he re is in d a il y u ~e .


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Further, \\' e !-houl J not o m it to notice tl)l~ g rowing i1l1po rtance ()f th e lang uagc in the country furth er no rth, beyo nd }-1 H. Thc Rajah's territo ry.

The Briti sh North Borneo COlllpany t:lliploys a number of Sea Dyaks a s arill cd pol icc. There are many engaged in seeking jung le produce, in petty trad ing, or in cooley wo rk, and, year by year, th e re " 'o uld appca r. to. he a st~ady in ~\"(:a ~e ill, the ~lumber {)f Sea Dyaks \\"h o seek thc lr lu rtun cs In the Company s te rritory.

Th e Sea Dyaks possess no knowledge of writing, so their language has necessarily existed as an o ral la ng uage.

\ Vhen we refl ect that Europea ns have been in th e country for upwards of fifty years .. ~\"C m ay we ll feel .~ lIrjlrj <;cd that so lit~Jc has been done to f;II11llJan se bo th th e natives and o\lrseh 'es With thi s language by mea ns o f writing and printed l)()uks.

Previ o us to thi s Dic tiona ry th ere has bec n l'rod uced only one \\"ork of the sort , c ntitled " A Brief Dictionary of th c Sea Dyak Language." Th e oth er p rinted works can be cOllnted almost upo n th e finger,.; of O!le hand. and th eir vallie iq, in our opinion, milc h di scounted by th e fac t that th ey c lothe foreig n id eas, tho ug hb', c ustOIJ1S, and 'peech with m e re Dyak \yord,.; (of course u<;cd g ramillatically), whi ch re nd ers the m usefu l only to lJyaks whf) have first o f all been ed ll cated up to the m, and of littl e use to those European s e mployed in thi s coun t ry who d esire to COI"I­

~truc t ge nuine Uya~ se nte nces .un de rstood by the com111on pco Fk. In thi ,; wo rk It wlll b~ noticed that we have very ge n e ralj ~ . e rred upon th e c t.h c.r Side, a nd, a~ th e expe nse of th e Eng li! h langu;lge, h ave tr i('(1 to ex press In our eX<l!l1ples native id eo" th oug hts, custo ms and speech . . •

vor th e ir va luable. assistan ce so kindly g ive n I.I S ill pre i)a·ri n.~ thi s work fo r pu bllcali o ll, we ha vc to than k .J a nto n!.;" o f T e m e];\il (wh o proba.b ly posscs:-:es a g rea Ler know ledge o f th e 11<'c uliaritic .; o f t.h e langl.lrtge th~n any ot hel: Dyak li ving), MI . . \. F. C heyn e o f K;1 laka , th e Rev d Ie. IT. Co mes, B. A , of Ba ntin g- (WhOSl: c riti c i"; l11 s alld SlIf.!"t;" Co: tIOIl S proved 10 be o f the gTcate , t po.~sib l c m e) and th e }~ i ~ht l\'e\·e rc ild ( ; . F. I-l ose, D. D. , lli sho ll c t S ill g apor(! and Sara\\·ak .

n. J. S. BAILEY,

W. I l OW ELL.


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G r\l\~ r l\ rATlCA L SYN OPS IS.

I n Eng li ~ h e;lc h orthe vowels is pronolln ced in Ill o re ways than o ne; e .g ., A is pronounced different ly in {'at e, [';: 1' , and fat.

In the foll ow ing pages th e vowel s, " 'i th th e excei)t ion of E, have only one pronunc iation .

"' ''- ;

A is pronounced as in far. E " " let, (exampl e /Jrclltall ) .'

JE I 0 U

" " " "

;.. hort (exa mpl es CIl i/rl: , pel/g-leiIfP). as ee in fee t. as in told . as 00 i II boot.

As regard <; til e con so nant ~ , G is al\\, ;I)'s pronounced hard as in go. The soft sound of G as in th e word ge ntl e is expressed by j (examplejill/rTl). Ng is rroll')un C'cd li ke Ilg' ill hang- alld wh ell it occu rs in th e middle of a \\'orc! It is al\\'ays prolloull c 'd with th e vowel tha t precedes it (exa mple bil I/g'-a I) , a ll d \\'h en th ere i-.; a not her g- fo llowing th e Il g it is pron oun ced with tll ' foll l) \\'illg vow -I (ex<1 m­J) Ie ,;, la 1Ig--g'Ollg', t illg-g-i ).

e h is pronoullced ae, ch ill churc h. \t\' heneve r a word ends in 11 that word shou ld be pro ll ollllced

with an abrupt endi ng. There !-o hou ld be a d istin c t difference be­tween the pronun ciatio n of words lama, to enter : padall, send fo r.

/I anti.

The majori ty of Dyak worel s a re of two sy llables a nd th e ac­cented sylla ble is g'ellt.'Nrlly th e fi rst.

N lIlIlber.

Th e plural, if not sufficient ly made clear by th e co ntext, is in di ­cated by th e usc of such woros a ' III a iolt , man y, sa m oa , al l.


Infl ec tion is not know n in Dyak. fost noun s wh ich sig nify animate things a rc of both ge nders and the sexes a rc di stin g ui shed h y th e addit ion of the words laki, mal e, t'I/{/II, female. Thus : babi loki, a boar; babi i71 eill , a sow.


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I ll:

A djerti'i'/!s .

A n ad jec t ive must foll ow its substa ntive, as orallg- brall i, a b rave ma n ; orallg- bar/as, a good ma ll .

D egn!es (if comparisoll a re expressed by ~h c add it io n o f.adverbs. as ag i, lebilt , be1!riar , p l:madll, li'Onlllg-, .wlda /.. T hus: bra1lt, brav~; 1Iralli f7g-i (o r Ielilit /lnl.lll ), b raver ; bralil . benda.r ( or p etlladll b f'a Ill ) , hravest ; kOYf71Ig- brall l, less b rave ; liar/tTl br alll , least brave.

A d,}!!rbs.

i\ c1verbs are p laced c ith er befo rc o r afte r th eir ve rbs, as , iJ'a brja/ai dms, or. £)'a d ras brjalai, h e walks fa st ; 1)'11 landik beja/.:o, o r iJ'{1 beja/.:o I(l1U( If.>, hc talks flu c ntl y .

A ,.tides.

T he re are no a rti c les in D yak wh ich correspo nd with o ur Idi -ni te arti cle ti,e a nd indefinite rt rti c les a, 11 1/. U hl i , cl og', III lnl(J !.~ , fo wl, ~ i g ni fy eq ually tile dng and t i l L' low l.

S in CY lI h r. b

Plu ra l.

J l

Per sOlla I P rmwlllIs.

A /.:II, 1. N llfl I! , ( 1' J)i, you. / )'11 , h e, !'l1 c, it.

r- Kallli, we (cxc ludin g- thc person addressed.) I }{Ital, v\lc . < I K i /a , yc. l S idll, th ey .

P OSSI'ssi, }c F rollollllS.

T lrl ~ possessive p ro llOlIns are cx presscd by th c word s t ltlPIl ano mg:i?,'l . I hus flnl! (I ii/PI!, o r I' I/f!.KI a!.~ I I , min c. N WIII OUPIl, or w ggi 11111111 , yours. I) 'a I'II/PIl , o r ( Ill'!?" ; 1)'11, h is, or he rs. S im il arly <ll s(} " 'i th th e plural.

R d ati'u/! P r el l/O/l Its.

Th ~ r e i<.; on ly o nc rclat i\'(.; p ro noun I i (the oth e r fo rm s arc ki a nd l OI ), who, which, th at . Rllrol/.i?,· ti siga . 1\ b ird that is wild . Rajll ii !1Irt/S. '\ ki ng' who is ju <. t. Ula! tt I~ra ell/pll . T hc things which bcl()ng to hi m .

(1II0 1/1' t 1'l1 t;', 'r P r ol/{I l/ 71S.

Th c c\ cmon;. t ra t ivc: pro no uns a re tit, t hi s, and 11)'17, tha t. TIf 1IIII Ik IIkll. Th is j ,; 1 1)' child. /,l)'tr o1/ak 1)'(/ . T hat i!' her c hild.

1n g iving cxam ples of th e: lI SC and llh;a nil ~ g' or th c Uyak wo rds \\'c havc d rawn u po n t11e um1crrn cntio ncd ~ourccs : ( r) Jlu bl ished U yak worb, ( II ) \o,"c ll -know n sayin g-s o r p roverbs (wslt m/Jol' j ""'O), ( I ll ) incanta t ions, o r, as in t hc majority of thc cxa mples g i\'c n, have (I V) composed sen tc nces ill wh ich wc havc cnd eavoureo to ~h cw how 01 word is co m1ll o nl y used or its meaning' hy thc context .


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1. 1n arrang ing word s in thi s D ictionary wc have thoug ht best to g ive fir st, the 1'001 f orm, which lIlay be substantive, ad jcc t ive, adverb, etc ., etc ., or th e illl per:lti ve moo I of a verb, and afte r it, in a bracke t, th e 'i'erb f orm (v.f.), showin g the change a ve rb und ergoes whcn it assumes t he m ut ilated p refi x (of which th e Malay fo rm s would be lIle - , I/{(! II - , IIICII.~-) . Th c only other form s a vc rb possessc<; arc (I) the passive, and so met imes, ( I l) th e intransit ive. Both of th e~c \\' ould be formed fmlll the root. 1n the 1'01"111 ' 1' case ( I ) by prefi x ing di, in the later ( I I ) by pre­fix i ng b, be-- f bt!/' - ); exa ll l pic.; of the latte r are occasiollal!;, included in th e v. r. br;lcket, th us : ball (v . f. IIl lrll; /Jl'ba ll ), and ,ga wa/ (beo-a""fltj

1 I. The fol lowin g- table !-'hcws th e usual changes that occ ur to the 1'(101 fOrllls 0 (' verbs when they as'iUlll e a prefix (v . f. ).

VlmH~ W ll ()S I ~ root / 01'111.1' ' ()JDI I ': ~n: \\' 1'1' 11 -

l\_ prefi x "K, as ada r, ngada r.

change b in to 711, as bang-kit, I K change J: into II,~'C , as krat,

e h






m <t ngk i t. I L

change cll into II)', aJ' chenag-a, ; ;\l

nyc n<lg-a. i ~ chang-e d in to II, 17.1' <liang, I P


Jl r C'~~) I~/ir:' as e l11pollg-, nge rn- , R

prefix II, as g-ali, ng-ali . : ~ p refix "/:-, as ill sur, ng in ~ lIr. T

change.i into II)' , 17.1' je luta, I nyeluta. , (j


prefi x "g-c, as lalu, ngeIJlu.

prefi x 1110', 1T,f nlll t, lll elllUt.

und ergo 110 change. change jJ into III, (/ .1' pangkong-,

l11 a ngk,)J]g. prefi x 11,1;-1', as I'liboh, Ilgcru­

b· )h.

chall g-c.)' into II) ' , as sag- i, Il ya<r i_

change t illto II, (I:i tun lll, IlUI'\IIl .

prefix ",>(, as lIn ~ ut, ng- lIll sut.

T e ll se is cxpres::,ed by th e adrlitiIJll of th e f, ) ll o\\' il lg aux il iary ve rbs ; !triall, 1I),(7/(, r/d..:tl or la, alld b/J-;'. Th e pr '~e nt tcnse, _-U" lIIalai, 1 ea t. The past t <: ll ,,>e, f I lII "dalt III rlmi, r ha\'e cat ' 11. T he rlltllJ'C tell sc, ./Jlm dd.:fl (o r ;"a) m al lri, I "hall ca t. Hisi i-; th ' pa !-o t emphatic; _ U:1t bi.r;' lIIailai, I di I cat.

r :'\OTE. 'rb;s hpWl;\L' r is 1)ll l v l h .; (.;HSl: ,\hl 'l1 J, i \i pJ'n;uL.:"';1 \' f·rb; " h. n it I rc.;\... dc:" ~ s llh~tan li v(; it si:.,:nifils ll) h:t I.: . ' 'r hus. ,11:!I bi ll pOllak.I:, 1 h:\\c f' )od).

) V. Til ' r ' a rc ~ ()Jll t: IH) I II lS f lflll '<I fmlll \. 'rbs hy PI' ' fi x ing' th e sy llabI' s jJt", pr' lI or pell/( to th ' r')ut fOrill )f th e ve rb , as pl'llIalai from IIIlIla i tn ea t ; jJl'IUlilill , all abode, fro!ll dialt tr) !-o tay , etc., etc., but th ' stl!<k ll t shoul l I c ca uti ous about fnrllling' such 11I) UIl S ;.'/1//(1/1/ (",11101'/ 1) '.


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V. I t will be usefu l to cOlllmi t to m e mory the foll owin g' adverbs :

, \1) \, 1-: 1,1\:-; O li PLAn:.

j)itll , here. j )ill, th ere. j)i ll i, where ? X i lli? \\ hi ther 1

,\t:lIIak, dampillg , or dllll/pi , ncar. JJi tallall, or, di fI: II •. ~all lallunt,

outsid e. 1)17111111, insid e .

Seorai, aero,;,;, ac ross rI ve r.

Jmtll , f;\r.

, l ias, aboye. HI/ r oll, below.

F/"rimiJai, besid e, along'side . !/IIlkall.l(, hehind .

. \ J)V I-. I' I:S 01' '1'01 1-:.

/(allllliatll, dill-I)'a, dia-tll, now.

Tadi, just now .

j) II /II , /.:alia, lIlell)'a or a~~ 'i lalilr, hefore, formerly.

r ag-i, ila, presently.

h 'lIIpai, 1m/all, Irpill, !lot y .t.

'l'llllI II, '« r 1 y.

.l'1lg-ila, ila, to-ill ()\TO \\· .

Kalllir ri, ye sterday.

/:' 11 .1'111111.1', ' : II.I'lIlIa, th e day hefore ye .;k rday .

" l daipol, ind eed , bee<l lhe. FlIg krr, 1 H.: rh<I p;;.

Raka 11)'(7, like tha t. !/al.·a / 11,

like thi .; .

Halw IIi / 1.'17/i tv l ho \\-' :

; 111, ye t; . UI.·,1!·, nn, not. Flldll, 110.

1'-11 .\·,r, the day after to- ll10 rro\\'.

'I'IL/Ilt, th e th ird rl ay from th is.

1,lljit , the fo ur th day [ 1'0 111 thi s.

/~allit, the fi fth day [rolll this. r eboIl, I/!ala, when.

{ fdalt 1I)'Il , afterwards.

I\'oia , t;\· t~ r .

1:'llda kala, neve r.

i .\ !' I.:IlI/! /lr rllg-, /t!iJoll , whi lst.

. l illa, s<lll1etil11es.

- K,lI/wia ./ IIMia IIi / when ?

,][illa , sa/a, onl y. I>bill agi, so

Ill llch t he more. / l lIIat, mIMi , be II dll 1', ce rtai nly.

J i ll lIli' , ind eed (a,.; ,.;e nt) .

Sa/a /II , .l'elllt7l1lp:ri, .l't7'lIr a l l, al­

\Va y~ .

, Ind tl,' , /(I//(lz( 'ill,l( CON J U '{I ''I' I () .:\S-

/:'II/ i, if. ')III/~la ( 1I)'lI l1.!!.lo) , p 'r- .,)'kll/ik17, or. U/IW,!( (or / llIlg') ,

haps. , Igi, ag'aill. 'I/Il11i, but.

.r1/( 'lIk krr, 1I,:o;', rlll/ii kll, ill o rd er , J!I:~ a, :t1 so. .')'abak,r, pia 1Il!:p,a, th at.

,\a 1-t:llgla agi, rI.!!.'i /Ih·:~'(r, /11 IIIO,r/1 III ('ga , furth ermore,

a~, Ii\,,: ' . ,'I.g'; j ell, besid e,.;,

al so . Sa/a, <tlthoug-h.

t· I. ' I (, , I" 1 1:'IIlP" i pia, llotw ithstandin2' . . )(' lao, II }("I , " r a , 0. /II, )ccllI ,:;e. "

V I. Th e nUlll eral " a r t~ th e C;;lllle a ~ th e il'1 aby.


Page 10: A sea dyak dictionary : an alphabetical parts with examples ...myrepositori.pnm.gov.my/bitstream/123456789/4649/1/MN499...this language by means of writing and printed l)()uks. Previ



Aba (v. f. lI/[aOa ), S. :\ pleasant o r un­pkasant smell, v. to smell pleasa ntl y o r the reverse . iVynl/lPalt aba 1/1(/" llyn. IIltU l sa .

\Vhat a perfume that wo~nan who p:l ';:;ed uScs. J''gnba alluri ball bU/lg '11-. lI)'a . 1 hat fl ower g ives forth an overpowerll1g 'perfum e . .

Abab (bea/la/; (lr oaoao), slreh. " I /.-It ll1l1ltl! aoao . I want S' llne sireh.


A b r. h (v. r. 1I.~ lIoa/Jj, s. A gap cut in the s tem of a t ree when felling it, v. to cut sneh a g:lp. fya, 1I,~'abalt /'-., dlllll 1<I,~ i 0/.'1/. lIilllbal. J Ie fir st of a ll c nt s a gall on one SIde, presellt­ly I cut one on the o the r.

Abang (IJI/gall) , a . T erm of endearm ent ll SC! It o a boy; a proper na m e, m.

Abar, o r Abar-abar T o ch eck with the paddle a b oat whilst ullLle r way.

Aba r ·abardulu! lI 'JILI h er lip ! ( :\ com· m rlll exp re,:sion fmm a stee rsman when una bk til sec a clear passage fo r hIS boat) ,

Abas (v. f. 1I ,~'all<ls ; b.-aoas or oallcls ), s . E xa mination, jn Iglll cnt, v. to jllLIge, exa m ine, n .:colllloitre. ", [bos i)ll/. a.~li III t'A't7 Jl ,J.:·. l ~ is l'xamination is n ot t horoug h. , 1/.-11 ~'I! lIS'tI/ra.( 1IIII/ISOli "lIli 1I)'1I1t oll.~l.-a t. r will reconnoit re the enemy (amI sec) if they ha\'e m o ved.

Abau (v. r. IIgrloall ; h~. ,bl1l or bao,,"), s. A lish trap with the entrance s(;( up , tream, v. to m ake a fi sh tra p. J ~'II (1/' "bOil " Iili i /.-all. The . trap i:; full of li ,:h. Sida 11)'11 11 I/gahl1l1 pr l,~ ': Illdi. They have g one to m ak e the fi sh trap thi:; m ornin g .

Abi (v. r. 1I.f{l1bi; bNo; orhaoiJ, s. A wound, m a rk, spo t, ila w, :; pace" v . to WOlll,ld, ma!"k. f loi Ilkil'i),11 11)'11111111 dl(lIlIda. I l lS carvll1g marks a re' p leasant (or easy) to follow , . Ihi /,1111,~k" lIillll'. _ The ma rk m mle by a fla :;h o f lightning. ,j}, n, 0111 rlllll o/" all ~'1l {I, ,!/('da C:/I,-£::~1 (11-I.'a 1I/:11111 1)(l 1 1I,~l /t~'a st.'r, '1111 )11 1J1. 1 () thl! slxlce under the h Oll se dn not look k st they sh ollkl th ink YO II seck a pig " tll sk . r l l.-lIli IIgaliijalli 11)'11 . It \\':1 :; I ,,:h o wOIIIHlcd tha t pi~ . .

A bis o r a/ll b,s (\", r. lI,:.:aols, IIgl llll /JIS; /,,'oblS or ba/l i s,' b'II/IIois or /IIlIIillI'J), ad j. Everyone , the ,,"hole, v. t n li ni:;h. . Ibis lilld,,1.: si.la. All nf tl 1<"111 a rc a sleep. Uji 1I.::II"i .l' 1.-" o.,i 111'.'. Try aml linish tip that CIJOk"11 ri ce. ~ 1 1Il /,,· ;" I.-I I jl,k" 1111011. Finish Y')lll' sJleech.

Abit (v. r. /lKo/lil; o"It/, it o r bldl il), s. The s weet jllice obtai ned rrom the blossoll! o r th e 111)111 p'allll, t l)lhl y, v: ,to proc llre thi s . ~ Ii o/l i t /11 11111.-11111 /1,' lId"r, I hIS tr)lltl y IS vl' ry :;our. JJilli IIl1{tll IINal)il oi "uil I II /Jt1 Il,~)'t1 t IJlollis:i Where did you procure this \' e ry sweet t lHhly?


A bok (/I.'OU,II.: or /1(/001.-), U sually bll llit lIO,,/.:, the swec! po talO. ( Cel/lVOlVII/IIS /Jlltati"' , i\lnl:ly l.:ribaJl~~l'). }\)r:I:( {/. obol.: sa Sc.'It sa f.·ati. The price of s weet p o ta toes is a cellt a katty. . , A bok .(v. f. IIga/lo/.:: b,·ab,,/.: or /mb,,!.- ), :;. 1 he remalllder of any p lant o r 5hmb t hat ca n b e uS,cd o r worked aga ill , v. to wo rk aga in the remaInder of :t pla nt, etc. Sida 11)'011 11." '0/1010 I.-lIb"l sid</. !.-al//al'i. They went yest~rcl:ty to wnrk aga in the rClllainder of the rubbe r plants .

A bol (\'. f. 11.>". ';10/; /J.:a/J" / or bll!lu/), S, r\ noat . 11l1"y, raft, v. to noat. , 10,,1 t l'as tit I: II,~:'(1. 1/. !.-")'/I 1I~'dllt"lIg 11)'11., Float this bili/llt with tha t 11),,;1111011.'; tree . P/r. ': tl/ t llll mg::alt IIgaboll.-II I// a I.:i t<l': . This p Ia': wood will b ;: able to i~()at our baggage.

Abu b l ap, Conjurillg, tricks with car(1;;. A bul', !\ stat e o r panic, llc:s'Jl:tt ion or con­

fu sion resulting froll! wa r. (The U ntlup ])y ­aks liS" r eblll'). 11f" lI ela 11)'1111 .' /lllr . The coulltry is d esolate .

A bus (h,'alills or bablls), A "hcs . , 11Il /"'S I , ro"i O/IIIS 111/11111 I'i/lllt, :\11 t he a sh es a re Ily ing bccall se o r the win,l.

A eha k , Deaf. Adlo/.· pmtlil/g fllflllI. Y OII

arc !Ien'!'. , I d ial.: /1<'Ildal'iyfl. I/)'rl.. II e is vcry clear.

A chang (bOlle/ill II.,' or OITe/lflllg ), Thc dom~s­tie pigeon; a pr"per na lne, m,

A chap (v. f. IIg.II:/lIIjJ ), T o flood. A char (v. r. I/gor/lIlr), s. Spoon bait , v , to

lI:;e the sallie. Uji od",r il.-o" 11)'11 . Try a nd catch that lish wit h artilie i,.d bait.

A chil' (v. f, I/gl1dlir ), To walk o r spl'uk hasti ly and e:\I'cle:;:;I)', scatter. }' :'I'jrl, adlir. Careless work.

A chok (v. f. I/g.,cito/.:; ha lr /tol.: or IlIIclIOk ), '1'0 thru :;l, pierce, incit e . Ac:lwl.: i.'1({. l:JI.f,!;'r7lt Sl1l1g/..' .J . Pierce hill1 with a spear. ,A ,-/,O/': i)'(~ ': lIdl1 1I.~'!lIr l . 11 is attempt to pierce it fa iled. f)'If, I/" Odl t'/~ al.-l/ b,I"),I1 . He incited me to qllarrel.

A chu (v. f. lI!jm-/II'; /,,'ac/III or had /ll), :; . 1>ro\'I )(,:\.tion, \' . to incite, provoke, :jet on, interfere with in o rda to commence a qnarrel. .r h""1 iY(l l) t1l1gat m /~rrr Il Jfl ll,~' ali 01.'/1. l-li s p1'o\'o­cati<)11 incited m c very lllll<;h, f)' 1l- lIg, 'c!lIIl1li a!'-II . 11 e prO\'okcd lIle.

Ada (v. r. IIglTd,, ; b, rado), Bom, to b e b orn, gi ve birth , ' Ill'ply. f),I1, lIt "dll 1.-11 all l1/~ Imgl';IIII <1II1I11 . She gave hirth at midnight. f)'<l 1I.';" dll I.-tl / 1·1I1"I.-<l i akll. He SlIpplil':; my !" JOlI.