a route optimization scheme based on roaming in pmipv6 ( pror )

A Route Optimization Scheme Based on Roaming in PMIPv6 (pROR) S.-s. Oh, H.-Y. Choi, and S.- G. Min 1 in Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC (NCM '09), 2009, pp. 409- 415.

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in Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC (NCM '09), 2009, pp. 409-415. A Route Optimization Scheme Based on Roaming in PMIPv6 ( pROR ). S.-s. Oh, H.-Y. Choi , and S.-G. Min. Introduction . the network-based approaches are used in 3G networks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: A Route Optimization Scheme Based on Roaming in PMIPv6 ( pROR )


A Route Optimization Scheme Based on Roaming in PMIPv6 (pROR)

S.-s. Oh, H.-Y. Choi, and S.-G. Min

in Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC (NCM '09), 2009, pp. 409-415.

Page 2: A Route Optimization Scheme Based on Roaming in PMIPv6 ( pROR )


Introduction • the network-based approaches are used in 3G networks• the IETF NETLMM WG is developing a network-based

localized mobility management protocol Proxy MIPv6

• Many route optimization (RO) schemes are not consider the inter-domain handover.– unnecessary tunnel among the LMAs remains– not considered the Security Association (SA) among the MAGs – a lot of control message is added

[4] M. Liebsch, “Route Optimization ofr Proxy Mobile IPv6”, draft-abeille-netlmm-proxymip6ro-01, November 2007. [5] A. Dutta, “ProxyMIP Extension for Inter-MAG Route Optimization”, draft-dutta-netlmm-pmipro-01, July 2008. [6] Sangjin Jeong, “Route Optimization Scheme for Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6)”, ICACT 2008, February 2008. [7] G. Velev, “Interactions between PMIPv6 and MIPv6: Route Optimization Issues”, draft-velev-netlmm-mip-pmip-ro-01, February 2008.

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• a new LMA that support the route optimized tunneling options with roaming in the PMIPv6 (pROR-LMA) is proposed– avoid unnecessary tunneling in roaming scheme and security

problem in route optimization• Depend on the location of the LMAs, the pROR-LMA

selects the optimized tunneling among LMAs and MAGs.

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Outline • Introduction• Related Works– Route Optimization (RO) with Non Security Association (Non-

SA)– Route Optimization (RO) with Security Association (SA)– Inter-domain handover

• A Route Optimization Scheme based on Roaming in PMIPv6 (pROR)

• Performance Evaluation• Conclusion

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RO with Non Security Association• [4][5] assume that the MNs and the CNs are located in

the PMIPv6 domains• the LMA detects that the RO can be established between

the MN and the CN. – the LMA sends the RO information to the MAG and the MAG

create RO path for the MN and CN.

[4] M. Liebsch, “Route Optimization for Proxy Mobile IPv6”, draft-abeille-netlmm-proxymip6ro-01, November 2007. [5] A. Dutta, “ProxyMIP Extension for Inter-MAG Route Optimization”, draft-dutta-netlmm-pmipro-01, July 2008.

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• In [4], – the control message for the RO

sequence are increased and – causes the state synchronization

problem when the LMAs detect the RO simultaneously

• [5] solves the synchronization problem

• if the MN and CN are located in the other PMIPv6 domains or the MN or CN handover the other PMIPv6 domains, the security problem can arise



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RO with Security Association• [6] solves the SA among the

MAGs which are located in the other PMIPv6 domains

• does not use the SA among the LMAs

• the RO set up time is extended because of using the HoTI/CoTI message

[6] Sangjin Jeong, “Route Optimization Scheme for Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6)”, ICACT 2008, February 2008.

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Inter-domain handover• In SMA-PMIPv6 [2], the first

attached LMA performs a role as the Session Management Anchor (SMA).

• new LMA sends a PBU to the SMA. – the SMA tunnels packets bound

for the MN to new LMA

[2] N. Neumann, “Inter-Domain Handover and Data Forwarding between Proxy Mobile Ipv6 Domains”, draft-neumann-netlmm-inter-domain-00, July 2008.

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• H-PMIPv6 [3]1. visit MAG requests authentication

to visit AAA and the visit AAA requests authentication to the home AAA.

2. The home AAA sends Home LMA address for in regard to MN to • the visit LMA and MAG

3. visit LMA sends PBU to Home LMA. 4. the Home LMA sends PBA to visit

LMA with HNP of the MN and visit LMA sends PBA to visit MAG

[3] S. Park, “Roaming Medchanism between PMIPv6 domains,” Draft-park-netlmm-pmipv6-roaming-01, July 2008.




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• However, SMA-PMIPv6 and H-PMIPv6 are not optimized because unnecessary tunneling between LMAs is used.

• we introduce route optimization with roaming LMA (pROR-LMA) and a bi-directional tunneling between pROR-LMA and visit MAG (v-MAG)

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Outline • Introduction• Related Works• A Route Optimization Scheme based on Roaming in

PMIPv6 (pROR)• Performance Evaluation• Conclusion

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pROR• assume that the communication between LMAs is secure• The roaming scheme in pROR is similar with H-PMIPv6• The serving LMA (s-LMA) gets the pROR-LMA address

from the serving policy store– makes a decision whether

the MAG can attach to pROR-LMA directly. • based on the administration profile and

the information about link delay between pROR-LMA and the s-LMA

• With RO, the s-LMA is changed to pROR-LMA

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• When MN moves to new LMA, pROR operation is identical repeated.

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pROR (cont.)

• pROR makes further RO if the CN is located in a PMIPv6 network– When pROR-LMA receives the first packet from a CN, it checks

the prefix of the CN and determines that whether the CN belongs to a PMIPv6 network

• pROR-LMA checks the locations of three LMAs – – the LMA of the CN (c-LMA), – pROR-LMA, and – the s-LMA of the MN (if any)

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Page 16: A Route Optimization Scheme Based on Roaming in PMIPv6 ( pROR )


Outline • Introduction• Related Works• A Route Optimization Scheme based on Roaming in

PMIPv6 (pROR)• Performance Evaluation• Conclusion

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• compare the pROR with the previous RO with SA [6] and H-PMIPv6 for the performance evaluation

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Simulation Configuration

1 ms

10 ms

1~20 ms

1 ms

1 ms

1 ms

1 ms

1~20 ms

1~20 ms1~20 ms

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Comparison with RO scheme

• pROR just use the session key which is made by the LMA for creating tunnel,

• but the RO with SA uses the additional control message.• pROR is more rapidly than the RO with SA about 20%

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• measure the packet delivery latency between the MAG1 and the MAG3

• The difference between the RO with the MAG and the RO with the LMA is about between 1% and 3% and can be ignored in the VoIP service, etc.

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Comparison with Roaming Solution

• Measure the packet delivery latency between the CN and the MAG2– the latency ratio of the H-PMIPv6 and the pROR

• sLMA離 hLMA越遠,越不需建立 vMAG-hLMA tunnel

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CN is located in the PMIPv6 domain

• If the packet delivery latency among the LMAs is lower than 10ms, the Case A is applied.

• measure the packet delivery latency between MAG1 and MAG3

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• In these cases, we cannot conclude that the pROR improve the packet delivery latency between the MN and CN.

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Conclusion • We proposed pROR to provide route optimization with

location management in PMIPv6. – follows closely the PMIPv6 standard and – extends existing messages by defining two flags using unused

flags and adding new options. • By using direct tunneling with RO options, pROR can

bypass pROR-LMA. – similar to that of MIPv6 RO between CN and MN.