a report on animal abuse

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  • 8/6/2019 A Report on Animal Abuse



    A Report on Animal Abuse

    Done by: Gerald Tan (Leader)

    Ho Wei Haw

    Yeoh Guan Kuan


    Class 2-8

    Date: 8/7/2011

  • 8/6/2019 A Report on Animal Abuse




    We would like to thank our teacher -mentor, Mr Lin Dan Wen, for the valuable advice

    and support he has given us in the writing of this report. He had also helped us in

    terms of planning our presentation. We would also like to thank our own teammembers for being understanding and also, for their invaluable contribution and



    This study about Animal Abuse was to find out the reasons why people abuse


    This project was requested by our entire group members as we were truly interested

    and willing to help animals to obtain their own rights. During the research on this

    topic, we came across many pictures of animals being abused. We felt sympathetic

    for the animals and thats why we decided to do something about it and hence, the

    topic for our project learning is Animal Abuse.

    The investigation was done by the whole group. Our group believes in team work

    and thus, we avoid trying to make one person to complete the whole project by

    himself. We had conducted a survey which consists of a few multiple choice

    questions. We also visited SPCA to interview Ms Chong PohChoo a worker in


  • 8/6/2019 A Report on Animal Abuse




    Introduction ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 4

    Methodology................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 4

    Findings ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 4

    Survey Findings................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 5

    Solution................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 6

    Conclusion................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 7

    Reflections................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 7

    Bibliography ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 9

  • 8/6/2019 A Report on Animal Abuse




    This project was written because we needed to tabulate the results of all the

    researches we had done for this project.

    The objective of this report is to condense all our results so that people who are

    viewing it will have an easier time.

    This report is basically examining the causes of animal abuse and how laws are

    actually implemented to eradicate this problem.


    Firstly, we went online to do some research on what animal abuse was. We looked

    up for the proper definition of animal abuse and we searched for international abuse


    After that, we managed to find some time to visit SPCA to interview with Miss Chong

    to find out some special international and local cases. She was also kind enough to

    share with us some photos of abused animals.

    Lastly, we conducted a survey to find out about peoples views on animal abuse. 30

    respondents were chosen to do the survey which mainly comprises our parents



    One of the major findings is about the fact that animal abuse is still happening even

    though fines and punishments are implemented!

    Also, we had found out that that there had been quite a high number of animal abuse

    cases, which includes neglect, confinement andunhygienic living conditions. There

    was also an increase in the number of animal abuse cases. In 2009, there was a

    report of 864 animal abuse cases and in 2010, it actually increased to 933! ( Figure 1)

    We had also discovered about the strictest and the most lenient animal abuse laws

    throughout the world.

  • 8/6/2019 A Report on Animal Abuse



    Survey Findings

    Here are the questions and their results:

    1) What is animal abuse to you?

    a. It is an act of cruelty towards animals.

    b. It is the infliction of suffering or harm upon animals, for purposes other than


    c. It is an activity that threatens any animals safety.

    d. The infliction of physical pain, suffering or death upon an animal.

    2) Why do you think people abuse animals?

    a. For the fun of itb. To have a sense of power over something

    c. Brought up in a bad environment since young feels that it is alright to do

    such things.

    d. Bad influence








    2009 2010

    Figure 1

    Numberofanimalabuse cases






    Option B

    Option C

    Option D

  • 8/6/2019 A Report on Animal Abuse



    3) Do you think the laws implemented in Singapore to stop animal abuse are too


    a. Yes

    b. No

    c. Not sure


    Since we knew that animal abuse is getting more prevalent, here are some of the

    proposed solutions:

    1) Make use of social media to spread awareness of animal abuse

    2) Make use of print media (Flyers, Pamphlets, Posters)

    3) Higher Penalties

    4) Constant enforcement of animal abuse laws

    And lastly, we had to play a part to stop animal abuse. We should actually thinkabout whether we would be able to give it a lifelong commitment so that the rate of

    pet abandonment (which is actually counted as a part of animal abuse) would be





    Res lts

    Option A

    Option B



    Option D



    Res lts


    Option B

    Option C

  • 8/6/2019 A Report on Animal Abuse




    Animal abuse is a worrying trend that is occurring in this contemporary soc iety. We

    should immediately put a halt to it so that lesser animals would be abused.

    Also, from the survey conducted, we had found out that people in todays society do

    not treat animal abuse lightly although a minority actually find that it is alright.

    In this light of the conclusion, I recommend that we should all do our part to show

    this minority why it is morally wrong. If we do our part to help animal abuse, hand -in-

    hand, we will surely succeed in doing this!


    During this whole course of this project, I have learnt many things. Not onlyhave I learnt more information about animal abuse, I have also learnt more about

    each other, my group members personalities and hobbies and slowly we started to

    understand each other better and found out t hat each of ourselves are actually very

    nice and friendly people just that it differs from one another.

    I feel that the most important in this project is neither the result nor the

    information that we have learnt (which is also very important), but I feel that the most

    important is the stronger friendship that we have. Through this whole project, we

    have gone through thick and thin together, we have sacrificed a lot for it but it has all

    paid off. After this project we have all been closer friends ever sinc e and I hope that

    there will be more of such things in the future as it not only help us with our general

    knowledge but also because it can help us have more good friends in school so that

    we can have a more enjoyable life at Catholic High

    Gerald Tan (7) 2-8


    From this project, I actually learnt more about animal abuse. Like us, animals

    are have feelings too. They should actually be treated equal ly like us as they have

    their own rights. Also, I think that those people who actually abused animals would

    not be able to escape the long arms of justice and they would soon put behind bars.

    Besides that, I also learnt to be more flexible. Since we were u nable to meet

    up to do the project together, we actually thought of another way to communicate,

    which is to make use of email and Facebook.

    Another thing that I had learnt from this project is the ability to find out whether

    the sources found are reliable. Throughout the project, we had found many sources

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    but we did not know whether it was reliable and hence, we were not able to find the

    things that we needed. However, by comparing all that we had found, we actually

    found out that some of the things were th e same and therefore, we were able to pick

    out those sources that we really needed.

    Ho Wei Haw (11) 2-8


    When I first encountered the project, I was rather unfamiliar to animal abuse.

    Having said that, however, I have come to find it a serious issue not only in

    Singapore, but also in many countries.

    One of the problems our group faced in the project was a lack of information.

    Much of the information we found on the Internet was irrelevant to the subsections of

    our topic. Thus, we had to draw conclusions and make inferences based on

    whatever information we had.

    Another problem was clashing schedules. Having different CCAs on different

    days meant we could not collaborate in person. Instead we communicated via

    Facebook and each of us took on entire aspects of the project.

    One learning point is flexibility. Despite not being able to collaborate during

    school hours, we thought of another way around the i ssue.

    Another learning point was creativity. Using Prezi instead of the usual

    Powerpoint meant being able to express our views more innovatively.

    In conclusion, the project has enlightened me on the severity of social issues

    and given lots of learning opportunities.

    Yeoh Guan Kuan (35) 2-8

    Through the project work, I have learnt many things with regard to animal

    abuse. I have also found out that many people disagree with the cruelty of animals

    for ones own enjoyment. However, what I really appreciated from the project work

    were my group members. They were very reliable and I could always count on them

    to get their respective jobs done. Whenever I faced an obstacle and did not know

    how to pass it, I would always seek their help. Overall, I am really proud of what my

    group achieved over the past few months. We went through so much hard work and

    finally achieved our expected result at the end of the long weeks of constant

    researching. In the end, I learnt that no matter how difficult a task may be, if we have

    friends reliable enough to push us forward, we would always achieve what we want

    to see.

    ShaunnMui (23) 2-8

  • 8/6/2019 A Report on Animal Abuse




    1) "Cruelty Laws." Stray PetAdvocacy. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2011.


    2) "Canadian Young Man Jailed for Beating His Puppy to Death." All Voices.N.p., n.d.

    Web. 23 June 2011. .

    3) "Animals Have Rights Too." RememberingSheena.N.p., n.d. Web. 23 June 2011.


    4)"Cat Beaten, Burned with Hot Water Calgary, AB (CA)." Pet-abuse.com. N.p., n.d.

    Web. 23 June 2011. .

    5) "Kitten Abuser Identified." Asiaone.N.p., n.d. Web. 23 June 2011.


    6) "Why Do People Abuse Animals?" Pet-abuse.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May 2011.


    7) "Dog Bashed to Death." SPCA.N.p., 2 Sept. 2010. Web. 14 June 2011.



    2011." March 2011 Cruelty Report. N.p., Mar. 2011. Web. 15 Apr. 2011.
