a remedy for death--playing god with body, soul & bio-tech. a science technothriller exploring...

A Remedy For Death?

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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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Slideshare trailer for the science technothriller, A REMEDY FOR DEATH- Playing God with Body, Soul & Bio-tech.


Page 1: A Remedy for Death--Playing God with Body, Soul & Bio-tech. A science technothriller exploring radical life extension and human immortality


Remedy For


Page 2: A Remedy for Death--Playing God with Body, Soul & Bio-tech. A science technothriller exploring radical life extension and human immortality

It’s said that we only go around once in


Page 3: A Remedy for Death--Playing God with Body, Soul & Bio-tech. A science technothriller exploring radical life extension and human immortality

It’s said that we only go around once in life.

But what if?

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What a caterpillar calls death

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We call a butterfly!

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Billionaire Parsons Couldsen on why he set up the Hauenfelder Clinic:

“After my first heart attack, I woke up and saw this bearded old guy stinking of fish. “’I’m Saint Peter,” he says to me, and then goes on: “‘Don’t you know that you can’t take it with you when you meet death?’” “‘Can’t take it with me! The hell with that!’” I told him. “‘If I can’t take it with me, then I’ll damned well stay with it! Hell no, I won’t go!’ From A REMEDY FOR DEATH

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Is that possible? Is it possible for humans to

live on and on . . .

. . . or even to live again?

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The Smart Money is now investing in

“radical life extension”

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The problem?

• If you could live on, way beyond your normal lifespan, that is . . .

• If “you” (whatever makes you “you”) could live on after your body has given up the ghost (so to speak!). . .

• Would you really want to “live on” in a memory stick, or even in a big main-frame computer memory?

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What’s that you say? You say you really wouldn’t care to live on locked in a computer’s


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Is there a better way?

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A Remedy for Death

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Again, Parsons Couldsen on why he first funded the Hauenfelder Clinic:

“What we’ve built here is a Jurassic Park for rich old guys like us who want to come back into healthy, horny 21-year old bodies complete with all our accumulated savvy from this lifetime.”

From the science technothriller A REMEDY FOR DEATH

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I think most of would agree with (the fictional) Mr. Couldsen: We’d rather come back “into a fresh young body that’s healthy and horny and 21 and holding all this present lifetime’s savvy”.

Doesn’t that sound a lot better than being trapped in a computer memory?

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But do we have that choice?

The science technothriller, A REMEDY FOR DEATH, suggests how that can be done . . . a way building from today’s real-world science, though with the elements put together in unique ways. Following here are a few—just a few— Elements of that research, drawn from the book’s blog www.A-Remedy-for-Death.com.

Is this approach to radical life extension possible? You be the judge.

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London Economist: “Forever young?”

Click on article for more info

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From a three-part series in the New York Times

Click on the article for more info

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How 3-D printers are building bits and pieces of us from living tissue

To link to several articles on 3D printing of human organs.

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Saving lives with help from pigs and human

stem cells

Dr. Doris Taylor, Director of Regenerative Medicine Research at Texas Heart Institute, holds a pig heart from which the pig’s cells have been removed. (“Whole organ decellularization.”) It is to be used as a scaffold or framework to be “repopulated” with human stem cells. The object is to create a revitalized human heart. Photo: Michael Paulsen / Houston Chronicle

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Click on the article to link to several related articles on this and similar topics.

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Human fetal stem cells successfully grafted into chimp brains

Brain cells that die off in Parkinson's disease have been grown from stem cells and grafted into monkeys' brains in a major step towards new treatments for the condition. US researchers say they have overcome previous difficulties in coaxing human embryonic stem cells to become the neurons killed by the disease. Tests showed the cells survive and function normally in animals and reverse movement problems caused by Parkinson's in monkeys. The breakthrough raises the prospect of transplanting freshly grown dopamine-producing cells into human patients to treat the disease

Click the article for more info on this

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From the article: ‘[A] paper just published in the journal Nature has shown that it is possible to sustain a rudimentary brain in a vat. It has also demonstrated that it is possible to synthesize one, from scratch—or from a lattice of stem cells, at least. . . . The “cerebral organoids” that researchers were able to produce are akin to the neural precursors that you would find in an embryo, nine weeks or so after conception. They are not yet wired up; they’ve not had any experience; they have no thoughts, no ideas, no emotions. They are, at best, brains-in-training, and nothing that anyone would mistake for real brains.” For links to several articles on growing

human brains, click on the article above.

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If at first you die, try, try again!

Death will come for us all one day, but life will not fade from our bodies all at once. After our lungs stop breathing, our hearts stop beating, our minds stop racing, our bodies cool, and long after our vital signs cease, little pockets of cells can live for days, even weeks. Now scientists have harvested such cells from the scalps and brain linings of human corpses and reprogrammed them into stem cells. In other words, dead people can yield living cells that can be converted into any cell or tissue in the body.

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But what about the ethics?