a rant about security ui dan simon microsoft research systems and networking group

A Rant About Security UI Dan Simon Microsoft Research Systems and Networking Group

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Page 1: A Rant About Security UI Dan Simon Microsoft Research Systems and Networking Group

A Rant About Security UI

Dan SimonMicrosoft Research

Systems and Networking Group

Page 2: A Rant About Security UI Dan Simon Microsoft Research Systems and Networking Group



Three myths about Security UI Guiding principles Example 1: Why Johnny Can’t Encrypt Example 2: WindowBox Example 3: MSR .NET Security Model

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Three Myths About Security UI

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Myth #1: “It shouldn’t exist”

Security should “just happen”, “automatically”, “by default”

Computer should “recognize” bad actions/events and stop them

Easy at the extremes– Don’t give everyone access to everything

Impossible in the fuzzy middle, where it matters– When is an installed/run program a “virus”?

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Myth #1 (cont’d)

Leads to things not working for reasons the user doesn’t understand – “I’m sorry, Dave, I can’t do that.”

Users will overcome the obstacle, probably jeopardizing security even more – Password standards– Firewalls

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Myth #2: “Three-word UI” (‘are you sure?’) “Security should be transparent, except

when the user tries something dangerous, in which case a warning is given”

…But how is the user supposed to evaluate the warning?

Only two realistic cases– Always heed the warning: see Myth #1– Always ignore the warning: what’s the point?

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Myth #3: You can’t handle the truth! “Users can’t possibly be expected to understand

and manage their own security” ….But they do it all the time in real life!

– Vehicle, home, office keys/alarms/barriers

– Cash, checks, credit cards, ATM cards/PINs, Safety deposit boxes, ID, documents

– Purchases, transactions, contracts

Complex, adaptive security policies– “Key under the mat”, town/suburb/city behaviors

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Guiding Principles

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What is Security? Security is about implementing people’s

preferences for privacy, trust and information sharing (i.e., their “Security Policies”)

Real-world mechanisms follow this rule– Key: “Whoever I give the key to has access to

that which it locks”– Signature: Authorizes (restricted) delegated


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What Makes Security Usable? Clarity: Everyone knows exactly what a key

does, and how it’s used (but not how it works)– Allows users to “internalize” the security model

governing the mechanism, and form policies naturally within the model

Intuitiveness: A key is a physical “portal” that grants access, even when not literally (e.g., a car)– Eases the internalization process

Consistency: A key is a key is a key– Allows users to understand new instances of the

mechanism and use them with confidence right away

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What works in a Security UI? Clear, understandable metaphors

– Abstract out the mechanism meaningfully for users– Use physical analogs where possible

Top-down design– Start with the user model, design the underlying

mechanism to implement it Unified security model

– Across applications: “Windows GUI for security” Meaningful, intuitive user input

– Don’t assume things on the user’s behalf—figure out how to ask so that the user can answer intelligently

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Example 1: “Why Johnny Can’t Encrypt”

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Security Usability Study

Whitten, Tygar (Usenix Security 1999): “Why Johnny Can’t Encrypt”

Usability evaluation of PGP 5.0 Bottom line: unusable even to technerds

– No understanding of PK cryptography– Complex, confusing management necessary

• Public keys, private keys, certificates, key rings, webs of trust, key servers, etc. etc.

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The Real Problem

“Public-key” crypto makes no sense!– Keys don’t work that way in real life

“Certificate store” metaphor inapt– We don’t normally copy & store other people’s

(or our own) IDs “Web of Trust” is unnatural trust model

– Maybe for 15th-century merchants…. Much better metaphors available

– “Mail slot”, “Driver’s License”

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Example #2: WindowBox

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Problem: Unsafe Code

Viruses/Trojan horses– Can arrive via email, Web link, Web link in

email… “Honest apps” with massive security holes

– Application developers don’t understand security, and/or have ship deadlines

– One security hole in one app. is all it takes Users want to run (possibly) unsafe code,

but safely

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Sandboxing Strategies Java applet approach

– Sandbox everything so restrictively that all code is harmless– …and hence unable to perform lots of necessary functionality

ActiveX control approach– Free rein to code from a sufficiently trusted source– Generally stops malicious code, but does nothing to plug security

holes in honest controls Intermediate approaches

– Allow limited freedom based on various characteristics, e.g. origin– But how does a user evaluate code characteristics?– How does a user judge the risk of offering a given privilege to a

given app.?

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The WindowBox Premise

One security model that users can understand is complete physical separation (e.g., separate PCs)

Breaching the separation can also make sense, as long as it requires explicit user action (e.g., carrying a floppy disk)

User’s work and data subdivide naturally in any event, minimizing the inconvenience caused by the separation

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The WindowBox Model

Users have multiple, mutually isolated desktops Applications, network access provided (or denied)

on a per-desktop basis Data, objects confined to one desktop by default Explicit user action required to transfer data,

objects between desktops Some objects (systems components, desktop

management tools) “unconfined” Orthogonal to user-based access control

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Examples “Personal” desktop

– Highly sensitive personal data, only highly trusted applications

– Network access restricted to highly trusted addresses (bank, broker, etc.)

“Enterprise” desktop– Work-related data and applications– Direct access only to enterprise LAN/VPN (or elsewhere

via firewall/proxy) “Play” desktop

– Arbitrary untrusted data, applications– Full Internet access

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Other Possible Configurations

“Communication” desktop– Only trusted communications applications

(email client, browser)– Data moved elsewhere before being “touched”

“Ghost” desktops– Created “on the fly” for suspicious incoming

data (attachments, downloaded files) “Console” desktop

– Unrestricted access for administrative tasks

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Using the Desktops

Sensitive personal data is isolated from untrusted applications, data, Internet sites

Enterprise data and apps. are isolated from everything unrelated to the enterprise

Untrusted data or apps. received via email or the Web are isolated from anything they might be able to damage

E.g.: authentication credentials

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Example #3: MSR .NET Security Model

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Goals and Methodology

Project organized (late 2000) to create a “from scratch” security model suitable for .NET

Started with key envisioned .NET scenarios Goals

– Identify security aspects of the required functionality anticipated by the scenarios

– Design security models that make the security functionality usable and manageable

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Group Health

Identity Model

Identities form a global name space (name@domain) and are embodied in “ID cards”

John DoeDOEJQ1234

Driver’s LicenseState of Washington

John Doe012-34-5678

Taxpayer Identification

U.S. Treasury Dept.

John Doe



John Doe1234567

[email protected]


Hotmail Account Holder

[email protected]

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Access Model

“Containers” are the basic unit of access control

All objects protected at container level Each object (e.g., document or folder)

exists in exactly one container– Containers cannot be nested

Containers are directly accessible (e.g., via links)

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Traditional security UI sucks Good news: there are lots of new ideas and

approaches out there Bad news: they’ve never been tried on a

large scale– nobody knows what (if anything) really works

Arrogant claim: common sense goes far– common sense + prototypes goes even further