a quick word about valentine's day___a.n.f.drewciferdrewmanidrewkazinsky

8/7/2019 A Quick Word About Valentine's Day___A.N.F.drewciferDrewmaniDrewKazinskY http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/a-quick-word-about-valentines-dayanfdrewciferdrewmanidrewkazinsky 1/2  Last year on Saint Valentine’s Day, I tried especially hard to make the day special for my girlfriend of the time. I ordered from Baskin Robbins an ice cream cake in the shape of a heart and I managed to attain an eighth of superb marijuana to smoke before we ate the cake. I decided on these items instead of the traditional gifts because I believe in going against tradition whenever possible. A week after Valentine’s Day was my 27 th  birthday, where further disaster struck in the form of my beautiful ex-girlfriend and her wonderful son. A month or so later, the relationship was over and now both of us are much happier (she is pregnant with a boy and thank the sometimes merciful Gods that it is not mine; I wish the best for her and I know she will be a wonderful mother!). Before last year, I had ignored Valentine’s Day for so many years, I lost count. Even the years I had girlfriends, I refused to celebrate this holiday, not to buck tradition but for the fact that it disturbs me greatly.  There are many different legends of Valentine’s Day but what is agreed is that a Saint Valentine helped some Christians and for his effort, was clubbed and stoned. These forms of execution did not kill him so the executioners proceeded to decapitated him outside the Flaminian Gate. In history, there are many different years for when this happened, as well as many different Saint Valentines, but the common day was February 14th. It is irrelevant to me, as is how romance became associated with Saint Valentine. It is, of course, all about human greed. No matter the traditional history, the holiday, much like every other holiday, has been corrupted and malformed from what it originally was. Love is not a material item so why do most people treat Love as if it could be bought and sold? This has confused me my whole life. It is a tragedy and even the Poets who once waxed so eloquently about Love would not be able to find the real meaning that is drowned in ridiculous commercialism. I am sure that some readers will accuse me of being the Ebenezer Scrooge of Valentine’s Day, bah-humbugging all the Lovers in the World and snickering at the Romantics who insist that Love is not dead. This is not true at all. I wish, as all rational and lonely men, that I had a woman who understood and loved me unconditionally, to hold in the cold hours of the early morning, and to teach me the meaning of my suffering but this is impossible right now because I am currently

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Page 1: A Quick Word About Valentine's Day___A.N.F.drewciferDrewmaniDrewKazinskY

8/7/2019 A Quick Word About Valentine's Day___A.N.F.drewciferDrewmaniDrewKazinskY

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/a-quick-word-about-valentines-dayanfdrewciferdrewmanidrewkazinsky 1/2

  Last year on Saint Valentine’s Day, I tried especially hard to make the day

special for my girlfriend of the time. I ordered from Baskin Robbins an ice cream

cake in the shape of a heart and I managed to attain an eighth of superb marijuana

to smoke before we ate the cake. I decided on these items instead of the

traditional gifts because I believe in going against tradition whenever possible. A

week after Valentine’s Day was my 27th birthday, where further disaster struck in

the form of my beautiful ex-girlfriend and her wonderful son. A month or so later,

the relationship was over and now both of us are much happier (she is pregnant

with a boy and thank the sometimes merciful Gods that it is not mine; I wish the

best for her and I know she will be a wonderful mother!). Before last year, I had

ignored Valentine’s Day for so many years, I lost count. Even the years I had

girlfriends, I refused to celebrate this holiday, not to buck tradition but for the

fact that it disturbs me greatly. 

There are many different legends of Valentine’s Day but what is agreed is

that a Saint Valentine helped some Christians and for his effort, was clubbed and

stoned. These forms of execution did not kill him so the executioners proceeded

to decapitated him outside the Flaminian Gate. In history, there are many

different years for when this happened, as well as many different Saint

Valentines, but the common day was February 14th. It is irrelevant to me, as is

how romance became associated with Saint Valentine.  It is, of course, all abouthuman greed.  No matter the traditional history, the holiday, much like every other

holiday, has been corrupted and malformed from what it originally was. Love is not

a material item so why do most people treat Love as if it could be bought and sold?

This has confused me my whole life. It is a tragedy and even the Poets who once

waxed so eloquently about Love would not be able to find the real meaning that is

drowned in ridiculous commercialism. 

I am sure that some readers will accuse me of being the Ebenezer Scrooge

of Valentine’s Day, bah-humbugging all the Lovers in the World and snickering at

the Romantics who insist that Love is not dead. This is not true at all. I wish, as all

rational and lonely men, that I had a woman who understood and loved me

unconditionally, to hold in the cold hours of the early morning, and to teach me the

meaning of my suffering but this is impossible right now because I am currently

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8/7/2019 A Quick Word About Valentine's Day___A.N.F.drewciferDrewmaniDrewKazinskY

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insane and unable to respond appropriately to the methodical needs of a

conventional relationship. Crying about lost love will not find new love and when you

are not sure that you love yourself, how the hell can you return the honest Love

that is given to you? It is impossible for me and until I am cured of this particular

breed of madness, I will be alone, for it is the safest option, not only for me but

for any intelligent female attracted to me. Which in of itself is rare enough……….. 

Commercialism is trying to strangle Love and if you take Valentine’s Day

serious, then you are a complete fool. Do not wait for the 14th of February to

proclaim your love to that special person that shares the life you live. Whisper it

to them every morning when crawling out of bed with foul breath and always tell

 your beloved that you love them before you fall asleep because one can never be

sure that Death will not claim them during the night. Climb to the tallest buildingin your neighborhood and scream to all, that not only do you love this person but

that you are capable of receiving love from them honestly.

I believe absolutely in Love and that is why it distresses me that

materialism greed continues to motivate the saying of “I love you”.  The greatest

gift I have ever been given for Valentine’s Day was nothing. Many years ago, I saw

the look in the eyes of a girl I am helpless not to love, though that love is different

than what it was, and I have never recovered from seeing the love in her eyes. I

have never been the same. That look is no longer in her eyes but for the simple

fact that it was there once upon a time, I will hold her in a special place, as I fear

I will never see that kind Love in any other woman’s eye. Such is life. Indeed.

Please do not let material commercialism capture you. Do not forget that it costs

nothing to Love, except the risk of total despair and loneness in the aftermath of

Love. Despair and being lonely for the rest of your life is a small price to pay to

experience even a minute of True Love……… 

Andrew N. FarrensDrew Kazinsky

Stockton, Ca

February 14, 2011 

7:00 P.M.