a quantitative system for studying metastasis using...

Integrated Systems and Technologies: Mathematical Oncology A Quantitative System for Studying Metastasis Using Transparent Zebrash Silja Heilmann 1 , Kajan Ratnakumar 2 , Erin M. Langdon 2 , Emily R. Kansler 2 , Isabella S. Kim 2 , Nathaniel R. Campbell 3 , Elizabeth B. Perry 2 , Amy J. McMahon 4,5 , Charles K. Kaufman 5,6,7,8 , Ellen van Rooijen 5,6,7 , William Lee 1 , Christine A. Iacobuzio-Donahue 9 , Richard O. Hynes 4,5 , Leonard I. Zon 5,6,7,8 , Joao B. Xavier 1 , and Richard M. White 2,10 Abstract Metastasis is the dening feature of advanced malignancy, yet remains challenging to study in laboratory environments. Here, we describe a high-throughput zebrash system for comprehen- sive, in vivo assessment of metastatic biology. First, we generated several stable cell lines from melanomas of transgenic mitfa- BRAF V600E ;p53 / sh. We then transplanted the melanoma cells into the transparent casper strain to enable highly quantitative measurement of the metastatic process at single-cell resolution. Using computational image analysis of the resulting metastases, we generated a metastasis score, m, that can be applied to quan- titative comparison of metastatic capacity between experimental conditions. Furthermore, image analysis also provided estimates of the frequency of metastasis-initiating cells ($1/120,000 cells). Finally, we determined that the degree of pigmentation is a key feature dening cells with metastatic capability. The small size and rapid generation of progeny combined with superior imaging tools make zebrash ideal for unbiased high-throughput inves- tigations of cell-intrinsic or microenvironmental modiers of metastasis. The approaches described here are readily applicable to other tumor types and thus serve to complement studies also employing murine and human cell culture systems. Cancer Res; 75(20); 427282. Ó2015 AACR. Introduction Despite remarkable advances in elucidating the mechanisms of tumor initiation and growth, improvements in survival from metastatic cancer have remained elusive. In part, this is due to the difculty of studying metastasis in vivo at large scale. Studies in murine systems have helped establish key steps in metastasis (1): local invasion at the primary site, intravasation into blood vessels at the primary site, circulation in the bloodstream, extravasation from blood vessels at distant sites, and the transition from micro to macrometastatic growth at distant sites after a period of dormancy. In individual patients, each of these steps is highly variable, likely in part due to the extreme heterogeneity across tumors. Moreover, it is increasingly recognized that the metastatic phenotype is intrinsically dependent upon interacting signals from the tumor and microenvironment (2, 3). Because of these factors, the study of metastasis requires an experimental system that allows for high-throughput manipulation of both tumor-cell and microenvironmental compartments. In recent years, the zebrash has emerged as an important model in cancer research (4), particularly in melanoma where 1 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Computational Biology, New York, New York. 2 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Cancer Biology & Genetics, New York, New York. 3 Weill Cornell/ Rockefeller/Sloan-Kettering Tri-Institutional MD-PhD Program, New York, New York. 4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, David Koch Institute for Integrated Cancer Biology, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts. 5 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, Mary- land. 6 Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, Massachusetts. 7 Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. 8 Dana Farber Cancer Insti- tute, Boston, Massachusetts. 9 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Pathology, New York, New York. 10 Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York. Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Cancer Research Online (http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/). S. Heilmann and K. Ratnakumar are co-rst authors and contributed equally to this article. Corresponding Author: Richard White, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Cen- ter, 1275 York Avenue, MB 424, New York, NY 10065. Phone: 617-875-4590; Fax: 646-422-0231; E-mail: [email protected] doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-14-3319 Ó2015 American Association for Cancer Research. Major Findings * The zebrash is an increasingly used model in cancer biology, owing to strengths in imaging and genetic tools afforded by the transparent casper strain of sh * Transplantation of zebrash BRAF V600E -driven melanoma cell lines into casper allows for high-resolution imaging of each step of metastasis at single-cell resolution * Quantitative imaging algorithms reveal strong tropism for skin, hematopoietic marrow, and eye, and a metastasis- initiating cell frequency of 1/120,000 cells * Genetic manipulation of the zebrash melanomas using CRISPR-mediated genome editing will allow for genome-wide in vivo screens to identify new metastatic modiers * These quantitative imaging tools can be rapidly applied to other cancer models increasingly available in the zebrash Cancer Research Cancer Res; 75(20) October 15, 2015 4272 on October 20, 2015. © 2015 American Association for Cancer Research. cancerres.aacrjournals.org Downloaded from Published OnlineFirst August 17, 2015; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-14-3319

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Integrated Systems and Technologies: Mathematical Oncology

A Quantitative System for Studying MetastasisUsing Transparent ZebrafishSilja Heilmann1, Kajan Ratnakumar2, Erin M. Langdon2, Emily R. Kansler2, Isabella S. Kim2,Nathaniel R. Campbell3, Elizabeth B. Perry2, Amy J. McMahon4,5, Charles K. Kaufman5,6,7,8,Ellen van Rooijen5,6,7,William Lee1, Christine A. Iacobuzio-Donahue9, Richard O. Hynes4,5,Leonard I. Zon5,6,7,8, Joao B. Xavier1, and Richard M.White2,10


Metastasis is the defining feature of advanced malignancy, yetremains challenging to study in laboratory environments. Here,we describe a high-throughput zebrafish system for comprehen-sive, in vivo assessment of metastatic biology. First, we generatedseveral stable cell lines from melanomas of transgenic mitfa-BRAFV600E;p53�/�

fish. We then transplanted themelanoma cellsinto the transparent casper strain to enable highly quantitativemeasurement of the metastatic process at single-cell resolution.Using computational image analysis of the resulting metastases,we generated a metastasis score, m, that can be applied to quan-titative comparison of metastatic capacity between experimental

conditions. Furthermore, image analysis also provided estimatesof the frequency of metastasis-initiating cells (�1/120,000 cells).Finally, we determined that the degree of pigmentation is a keyfeature defining cellswithmetastatic capability. The small size andrapid generation of progeny combined with superior imagingtools make zebrafish ideal for unbiased high-throughput inves-tigations of cell-intrinsic or microenvironmental modifiers ofmetastasis. The approaches described here are readily applicableto other tumor types and thus serve to complement studiesalso employing murine and human cell culture systems. CancerRes; 75(20); 4272–82. �2015 AACR.

IntroductionDespite remarkable advances in elucidating themechanisms of

tumor initiation and growth, improvements in survival frommetastatic cancer have remained elusive. In part, this is due tothe difficulty of studyingmetastasis in vivo at large scale. Studies inmurine systems have helped establish key steps in metastasis (1):local invasion at the primary site, intravasation into blood vesselsat the primary site, circulation in the bloodstream, extravasationfrom blood vessels at distant sites, and the transition from microto macrometastatic growth at distant sites after a period ofdormancy. In individual patients, each of these steps is highlyvariable, likely in part due to the extreme heterogeneity acrosstumors. Moreover, it is increasingly recognized that themetastaticphenotype is intrinsically dependent upon interacting signalsfrom the tumor and microenvironment (2, 3). Because of thesefactors, the study of metastasis requires an experimental systemthat allows for high-throughput manipulation of both tumor-celland microenvironmental compartments.

In recent years, the zebrafish has emerged as an importantmodel in cancer research (4), particularly in melanoma where

1Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Computational Biology,New York, New York. 2Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center,Cancer Biology & Genetics, New York, New York. 3Weill Cornell/Rockefeller/Sloan-Kettering Tri-Institutional MD-PhD Program,New York, New York. 4Massachusetts Institute of Technology, DavidKoch Institute for Integrated Cancer Biology, Cambridge, Massa-chusetts. 5Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, Mary-land. 6Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, Massachusetts. 7HarvardMedical School, Boston, Massachusetts. 8Dana Farber Cancer Insti-tute, Boston, Massachusetts. 9Memorial Sloan Kettering CancerCenter, Pathology, New York, New York. 10Weill Cornell MedicalCollege, New York, New York.

Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Cancer ResearchOnline (http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/).

S. Heilmann and K. Ratnakumar are co-first authors and contributed equally tothis article.

Corresponding Author: Richard White, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Cen-ter, 1275 York Avenue, MB 424, New York, NY 10065. Phone: 617-875-4590; Fax:646-422-0231; E-mail: [email protected]

doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-14-3319

�2015 American Association for Cancer Research.

Major Findings* The zebrafish is an increasingly used model in cancer

biology, owing to strengths in imaging and genetic toolsafforded by the transparent casper strain of fish

* Transplantation of zebrafish BRAFV600E-driven melanomacell lines into casper allows for high-resolution imaging ofeach step of metastasis at single-cell resolution

* Quantitative imaging algorithms reveal strong tropism forskin, hematopoietic marrow, and eye, and a metastasis-initiating cell frequency of 1/120,000 cells

* Genetic manipulation of the zebrafish melanomasusing CRISPR-mediated genome editing will allow forgenome-wide in vivo screens to identify new metastaticmodifiers

* These quantitative imaging tools can be rapidly appliedto other cancer models increasingly available in thezebrafish


Cancer Res; 75(20) October 15, 20154272

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transgenic expression of the human BRAFV600E gene leads to afully penetrant disease that is similar to the human disease (5–7).Building upon these transgenic models, we have developed ahigh-throughput system for studyingmetastasis that is composedof two separate toolsets: (i) zebrafish melanoma cell lines withdefined genetic and phenotypic characteristics as a source ofdonor tumor cells, and (ii) a highly quantitative metastasistransplantation assay using the transparent casper strain (8, 9) ofzebrafish as a recipient host. The casper strain maintains relativetransparency throughout life and is particularly suited to quan-titative assessment of spatio-temporal dynamics of metastasis,allowing us to build statistical pictures of metastatic patterns withunprecedented detail. Dramatic advances in zebrafish genomemanipulation using CRISPR (10, 11) technologies allow us to

easily modify both our zebrafish melanoma cell lines and thecasper recipient. Taken together, our systemprovides thefirst high-throughputmethod toprobemetastatic biology in vivo, whichwillbe broadly applicable to researchers across the cancer spectrum.

Materials and MethodsMiniCoopR transgenic melanoma fish and isolation of theZMEL1 cell line

Transgenic melanoma zebrafish using the MiniCoopR systemwere created as previously described (7). Briefly, a plasmid wascreated in which the zebrafish mitfa promoter drives a zebrafishMITF minigene devoid of introns. On the same plasmid was asecond cassette in which the mitfa promoter drives EGFP.

Quick Guide to Equations and AssumptionsEstimating metastasis-initiating cell frequency

We assume that only a rare subpopulation of cells possesses the combination of traits, which enables them to leave the primarysite, survive in circulation, and establish ametastasis large enough tobedetectedwithin the 14days of the experiment—wedub these"metastasis-initiating cells" (MIC). We may then assume that when picking ZMEL1 cells at random, there is a fixed probability p ofgetting a cell with a stable metastasis-initiating phenotype. The probability of getting kMICs out ofN randomly picked ZMEL1 cellsmust thus be given by the binomial distribution:

Pr kð Þ ¼ N!

k! N � kð Þ! pk 1� pð ÞN�k:

The probability of getting no MICs out of N cells (k ¼ 0) is thus Pr k ¼ 0ð Þ ¼ 1� pð ÞN :

Poisson approximation to the binomial distributionWhen N is large and p is small, the binomial distribution is well approximated by the Poisson distribution, with mean Np. This

approximation is typically used ifN > 20 and P < 0.05 or ifN > 100 andNp < 10. Because we haveN > 104 andmost likely P < < 0.05,we are able to use this approximation, so the probability of picking k MICs when randomly picking N cells is

Pr kð Þ � ðNpÞk exp �Npð Þk!


For k ¼ 0, this becomes Pr k ¼ 0ð Þ ¼ exp �Npð Þ , log Pr k ¼ 0ð Þð Þ ¼ �Np, where N is the number of randomly picked cells frominitial ZMEL1 population; k is the number of times an MIC (a cell with a metastasis-initiating phenotype) was picked out of theN random picks, and p is the probability of getting a cell with an MIC.

Metastasis score (m score)Wewished to develop a score that captured metastatic burden across different sets of fish. We developed a weighted score, called

the m score, which incorporates multiple parameters captured from imaging. Themeasuresmiwere chosen since they were the threetop contributors to the first principal component (PC1) of the entire dataset. Further, the weightswiwere chosen to be similar to theweights of the three measures in PC1. Eachmeasure was normalized by a fish-specific measure ni of the same unit asmi to make theterms of the sumdimensionless. These niwere picked to be approximately equal to the upper limit, which themeasuresmi can reach.The score can easily be modified to include additional measures m4, m5, . . . if later needed. (Note that although it is numericallypossible to reach a score of 100, it is not actually practically possible. Our highest scoring fish got a score of 50.)

m ¼ 100X3




Measures characterizing metastatic growth: m ¼ ½m1;m2;m3�:Normalization factors for these measures: n ¼ ½n1; n2; n3�:Appropriate weights for eachmeasure:w ¼ ½w1;w2;w3�;wherem1 is the total summed area of metastases on day 14; n1is the area

of fish body on day 14;w1 is 1/2;m2 is the APdistance onday 14; n2 is the length of fish body on day 14;w2 is 1/4;m3 is the number ofmetastatic events on day 14; n3 is L/2l (where L is the length of fish and l is the threshold for clustering metastases); and w3 is 1/4.

Metastasis in the Zebrafish

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Flanking both of these genes are Tol2 transposon arms. Thisplasmid was injected into fish with the following genotype:mitfa-BRAFV600E;p53�/�;mitfa�/�. This strain of fish is devoid ofall melanocytes (due to themitfa�/�mutation), but uponmosaicrescue with the mitfa-MITF minigene will develop "patches" ofrescued melanocytes, some of which will go on to developmelanoma during adulthood. Because the rescued melanocytesall contain the MiniCoopR plasmid, they will necessarily alsoexpress mitfa-EGFP, resulting in melanomas that are entirelyEGFP positive. For the isolation of the cell lines, tumors werecleanly dissected with a scalpel from melanoma-bearing Mini-CoopR fish and transferred to a small petri dish containing 2 mLdissection medium (50% Ham's F12/50% DMEM, 10� Pen/Strep, 0.075 mg/mL Liberase). They were then manually disag-gregated for 30 minutes at room temperature. An inactivatingsolution (50% Ham's F12/50% DMEM, 10� Pen/Strep, 15%heat-inactivated FCS) was then added, and the suspension wasfiltered 2 to 3� in a 40-mm filter. This was then centrifuged for 5minutes at 500 rcf, and resuspended in 500 mL of completezebrafish media (Supplementary Methods for further details).This 500 mL was then plated in a single well of a 48-well plate thathas been previously coated with fibronectin.

Proliferation assays/drug treatmentsCells were plated at a density of 25,000 to 50,000 cells per well

in a 96-well plate in 100 mL of DMEM/10. The cells were allowedto adhere for 24 hours, and then media changed to fresh mediacontaining either DMSOor drugs at the indicated doses. The finalconcentration of all wells contained equivalent amounts ofDMSO solvent (1%). The media were refreshed every 2 days,and at day 5, Alamar blue was added and fluorescence read usinga 96-well plate reader. All values were normalized to the DMSOcontrol well, and done in at least triplicate for each day ofexperiments.

RNA-seq of ZMEL1Reads from each RNA-Seq run were mapped to the zebrafish

reference genome version danRer7 from the UCSC GenomeBrowser (12) using GSNAP and quantified on the gene levelusing HTSeq and Ensembl version 75. Differential expressionanalysis was performed using DESeq2. The 40-bp single-end and100-bp paired-end runs of ZMEL1 were used as separate repli-cates. Runs ERR004009, ERR004010, ERR004011, ERR004012,and ERR015568 from ENA study ERP000016 (13) were used asnormal samples.

ReagentsThe plasmids used for the MiniCoopr transgenics were

obtained as a gift from Yariv Houvras (Weill-Cornell MedicalCollege). The Cas9 plasmid was obtained from Addgene(#42251). All cell culture media (as outlined in SupplementaryMethods) were obtained from Life Technologies. PLX4032 was agift from Plexxikon, and CI1040 was obtained from Selleckchem(catalogue number S1020).

Animal husbandryAll zebrafish were housed in a temperature (28.5�C) and light-

controlled (14 hours on, 10 hours off) room. Fish were initiallyhoused at a density of 5 to 10 fish per liter, and fed 3 times per dayusing brine shrimp and pelleted zebrafish food. After transplan-

tation, the fish were housed in individual chambers for serialimaging. All anesthesia was done using Tricaine (Western Chem-ical Incorporated) with a stock of 4 g/L (protected for light) anddiluted until the fish was immobilized. All procedures adhered toIACUC protocol #12-05-008 through Memorial Sloan KetteringCancer Center.

Imaging and image analysisEquipment. All fish were anesthetized with Tricaine and placedonto a petri dish. The fish were imaged from above using a ZeissAxio Zoom V16 Fluorescence Stereo Zoom Microscope with a0.6� or 1.6� lens. Each fish was successively imaged usingbrightfield, GFP, and Rhodamine filter sets on both sides. Theexposure times for each group were determined at day 1 and keptfixed throughout the entire experiment. If thefishwas larger than asingle field, then multiple images for each fish was taken using amotorized stage and stitched together using the Zeiss Zen soft-ware. Raw image files (CZI) for each fish were then exported usingZen as high-resolution TIFFs that could then be used for down-stream image analysis in MATLAB. The MATLAB code used for allanalyses is available online (14).

Image registration/image transformations. Each adult fish in thestudy (n ¼ 106) was imaged at three different time points (days1, 7, and 14 after implant). At each time point, brightfield, GFP,and RFP channel images were taken of both the right and theleft sides of the fish. After the images had been transformed andregistered using landmarks, they could be superimposed allow-ing for comparison of (i) left and right side images of each fish,(ii) same fish imaged at a different time points, and (iii) imagesof different fish with each other. The transformations were doneusing a custom fully automated image registration pipeline; seefurther details in Supplementary Methods and SupplementaryFigs. S16–S20. The MATLAB code for all image analysis isavailable online (14).

Principal component analysisWe were interested in extracting features from the segmented

images, which in different ways characterized/quantified thegrowth of the tumor and the metastasis formation over time.We initially extracted 15 features (Supplementary Table S3),and from this initial pool found the following 5 to be mostinformative:

1. Solidity (ratio of total area of GFP region to area of smallestconvex polygon, which will encapsulate the GFP region. Thismeasure will give a value close to one, for example, a solidsphere or triangle and a low value for a very fragmented orfractal like region).

2. Area of primary tumor.3. Total area of all metastasis.4. Number of metastatic events (number of times a new

metastasis occurs).5. Anterior–posterior distance of tumor/metastasis [the

length between the two pixels that are the furthest apart(regardless of whether they belong to primary ormetastatic regions) measured along the anterior–posterioraxis of the fish].

These five features were extracted from the images taken atthe three different time points, meaning that each fish became

Heilmann et al.

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represented by a point in a 15-dimensional feature space. Inorder to determine which of these features were primarilyresponsible for the variance across the group and also todetermine which features were correlated/anticorrelated/uncor-related, we did principal component analysis (PCA) on thedata. Because PCA is sensitive to the scaling of the variables, wenormalized all measures by the variance in the group of thatmeasure on the day 14 time point, before performing theanalysis. For example:

1. Solidity_D1_normalized ¼ Solidity_D1/var(Solidity_D14).2. AreaPrimary_D7_normalized ¼ AreaPrimary_D7/var

(AreaPrimary_D14).3. TotalMetsArea_D7_normalized ¼ TotalMetsArea_D7/var

(AreaPrimary_D14).4. AP_distance_D14_normalized ¼ AP_distance_D14/var


With this normalization, the PCA will reveal which featurescontributed most to the overall variance in the dataset while stillkeeping differentmeasures that are sharing the same basic unit onthe same scale (like AreaPrimary_D7 and TotalMetsArea_D14,which both have unit length2).

Metastasis-initiating cell frequencyOne hypothesis about metastasis formations is that only a rare

subpopulation of cells possesses the combination of traits, whichenables them to leave the primary site, survive in circulation, andestablish a metastasis large enough to be detected within the 14days of the experiment. If this hypothesis holds, we may assumethat when picking ZMEL1 cells at random there is a fixed prob-ability, p, of getting a cell with a stable metastasis-initiatingphenotype. The probability of getting k metastasis-initiating cell(MIC) out of N randomly picked cell must thus be given by thebinomial distribution

Pr kð Þ ¼ N!

k! N � kð Þ! pk 1� pð ÞN�k:

The probability of getting no MICs (k ¼ 0) is thus

Pr k ¼ 0ð Þ ¼ 1� pð ÞN : ð1Þ

Based on the original implant size group and the area andfluorescence intensity in images taken on day 1, we estimatedthe number of cells that were successfully implanted in fishnumber i at day 0, Ni, for each fish (see SupplementaryMethods for the details of how we did this estimate). By day14, each fish either has at least one metastasis or none, i.e., Pri(k¼ 0) of fish i is either 1 or 0. We fit the points [Ni, Pri(k ¼ 0)],using nonlinear regression (to equation 1) and was thus able toestimate the parameter p, which is the frequency of MICs in theZMEL1 population. We found this frequency to be p ¼ 8.4 �10�6 (i.e., 1 of �120,000 cells is capable of forming a macro-metastasis within the timespan of 14 days).

Poisson approximation. When N is large and p is small, thebinomial distribution is well approximated by the Poisson dis-tribution, with mean Np. This approximation is typically used ifN>20andP<0.05, or ifN>100andNp<10. BecausewehaveN>104 and most likely P < <0.05, we are able to use this approxi-

mation, so the probability of picking k MICs when randomlypicking N cells is

Pr kð Þ � ðNpÞk exp �Npð Þk!


We expect the probability of having no metastasis to dependon N in the following manner:

Pr k ¼ 0ð Þ ¼ exp �Npð Þ ,log Pr k ¼ 0ð Þð Þ ¼ �Np: ð2Þ

We see from equation 2 that we can expect that log (Pr(k ¼0)) for the three implant size groups small, medium, and large,plotted versus N to follow a straight line going through (0,1)and p, the frequency of MICs, will be the slope of this straightline. As seen in Fig. 5, the points for three size groups small,medium, and large do not show a linear dependency, but rathersuggest a convex dependency. Nonetheless, the precision of theestimate is not sufficient to refute the existence of a subpop-ulation of MICs.

ResultsGeneration of zebrafish melanoma cell lines

Previous work (5–7) has established a transgenic zebrafishmodel of human melanoma, in which expression of humanBRAFV600E, under the melanocyte-specific mitfa promoter, leadsto rapid formation of pigmentation abnormalities and nevi.When crossed with p53�/�

fish, 100% of the resultant animals(mitfa-BRAFV600E;p53�/�) develop melanomas in highly stereo-typed locations, including the head, dorsal skin, and caudal fin.Although these animals have previously been used to identifygenes and chemicals (6, 7), which affect melanoma initiation, themetastatic characteristics of these tumors have not been defined.To assess this, we performed a series of transplant studies ofprimary tumors into the transparent casper strain of zebrafish.The recipient fish developed highly variable degrees of metastaticdissemination (Supplementary Fig. S1). This metastatic hetero-geneity is likely due to the tremendous genetic heterogeneity thatwe have previously found to be present in the transgenic zebrafishmelanomas (15). This observation prompted us to develop stablecell lines from the zebrafish tumors, which would lead to morereproducible metastatic behavior upon transplantation, as hasbeen shown for human tumors (16, 17). Adopting methodscommonly used for isolation of human melanoma lines, wedeveloped fluorescently labeled stable zebrafish melanoma celllines. We generated a large number of primary transgenic tumorsusing the MiniCoopR transposon system, which allows mosaicexpression of the BRAFV600E in a p53�/� background, and gen-erates transgenic animals with melanoma within 2 to 3 months(7). The MiniCoopR transposon also carries a mitfa-GFP cassette;because mitfa is only expressed by melanocyte derivatives, thepresence of GFP confirms its lineage identity as a bona fidemelanoma line. We isolated a series of these transgenic mitfa-BRAFV600E;p53�/�;mitfa-GFP tumors (an example is shownin Fig. 1A), disaggregated them into single-cell suspension, andplated them on fibronectin-coated plates in a media formulationsimilar to that used to isolate human melanoma cell lines frompatients (18, 19). We then allowed these cells to propagate over

Metastasis in the Zebrafish

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time inorder to select tumors that ultimately gave rise to stable celllines.

Overall, we successfully established 31 stable cell lines, out of43 attempts, for a success rate of 72% (Supplementary Table S1).All but one of these could be transitioned off of fibronectin ontoplastic plates. For the purposes of demonstration, we focused onone particular line, which we refer to as ZMEL1 (ZebrafishMelanoma line 1, as shown in Fig. 1A) because of the followingkey characteristics: after the 10th passage, we were able to tran-sition the line off themore complex isolationmedium to standardDMEM with 10% FCS, and could eliminate the need for fibro-nectin coating of the plates. By FACS sorting, ZMEL1 showedgreater than 99.5% GFP-positive cells, indicating essentially nocontaminating stromal cell elements. The population doublingtime (Fig. 1B) of approximately 1.6 days makes it amenable togenerating large numbers of cells rapidly.Wemaintain the ZMEL1line at 28.5C/5% CO2 in a standard tissue culture incubator. TheZMEL1 line can be transfected with expression vectors of interestusing nucleofection technology. For example, nucleofection of anubiquitin-EGFP-2A-tdTomato plasmid, followed by repeatedFACS sorting, led to establishment of a stable cell ZMEL1 lineexpressing both eGFP and tdTomato (Supplementary Fig. S2).Werepeated this for additional genes, including CFP and YFP, allusing the 2A system, and were able to generate either transient orstable cell lines for all constructs (data not shown). We also askedwhether we could knockout gene function using CRISPR tech-nology. We nucleofected a CMV-Cas9 plasmid along with aplasmid containing a guide RNA against eGFP (driven by thezebrafish U6 promoter). After blasticidin selection, we were ableto obtain a stable cell line inwhich approximately 99%of the cellsno longer expressed eGFP (Supplementary Fig. S3).We confirmedmutagenic efficiency of the eGFP gene using both FACS and theSurveyor nuclease assay (Supplementary Fig. S4). Taken together,these data indicate that the ZMEL1 line can be genetically mod-ified and will readily allow both overexpression (cDNA) andknockout (CRISPR) screens.

Cross-species transcriptomic analysisTo determine the similarity between the ZMEL1 line and

human melanoma, we compared the transcriptomic profile ofZMEL1 to human cancer cell lines using GSEA (20). We per-formed RNA-seq analysis of the ZMEL1 line (SupplementaryTable S2) and identified the 250 most up- or downregulatedgenes in ZMEL1 (compared with pooled normal reference RNA).We then compared that signature via GSEA with the humanNCI60 gene signatures (Supplementary Figs. S5 and S6; andSupplementary Table S2; ref. 21). This revealed a striking enrich-ment of the ZMEL1 signature in humanmelanoma cell lines (i.e.,MALME-3M and SK-Mel28) compared with all other tumors(normalized enrichment score ¼ 1.702, FDR ¼ 0.0012). Amongthe most upregulated genes in both human and zebrafish mel-anoma are factors known to be expressed in neural crest-derivedmelanocytes, including sox10, ednrb, and mitfa itself. These aregenes also known to play pathogenic roles in human melanoma,either through overexpression or amplification (22–28). We alsoused GSEA to compare the ZMEL1 signature to previously estab-lished gene signatures from transgenic mitf-BRAFV600E;p53�/�

primary tumors (6), and again found a strong similarity to theoriginal tumors (Supplementary Figs. S7 and S8; SupplementaryTable S2). Finally, we analyzed the ZMEL1 RNA-seq signatureusing Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (Supplementary Figs. S9 andS10). This revealed a strong enrichment for pigment cell signaling,as well as a dependence upon MYC signaling, as expected for atumor driven by BRAFV600E. Taken together, the transcriptomicdata demonstrate that the ZMEL1 line strongly resembles well-characterized transgenic zebrafish melanomas as well as humanmelanoma cell lines.

ZMEL1 sensitivity to MAP kinase inhibitionWe next confirmed functional dependency on BRAF-MAP

kinase signaling using pharmacologic inhibition. We treated theZMEL1 line with either the BRAFV600E inhibitor PLX4032 (29) orthe MEK inhibitor CI1040 (30) and measured proliferation at 5

0 2 4 6 8 10



Time in days


ber o

f cel


Doubling time ~ 1.6 days



Melanoma harvestedfrom transgenic

mitfa-BRAF V600E ;p53 –/– fish

In vitro appearanceof ZMEL1 cell line

0.39 0.78 1.50 3.125 6.25 12.5 25.0







PLX4032, µmol/L


0.39 0.78 1.50 3.125 6.25 12.5 25.0







CI1040, µmol/L




e flu






to D


O c







e flu






to D


O c




Figure 1.Derivation and characterization of theZMEL1 zebrafishmelanoma cell line. A,representative melanoma-bearingfish (left) from the MiniCooprbackground, which mosaicallyexpresses BRAFV600E in a mitfa-GFP;p53�/� background, and yielded thestable cell line ZMEL1, which isuniformly GFP positive. B, growthcurves of the ZMEL1 line demonstratea population-doubling time of 1.6days. Individual colors representreplicate experiments. C and D, theresponse of the ZMEL1 and ZMEL-R1lines to either the BRAFV600E inhibitorPLX4032 (C) or the MEK inhibitorCI1040 (D). The resistant linedemonstrates an 8-fold increase in theEC50 to the BRAF inhibitor, but only a2-fold increase in the EC50 to the MEKinhibitor.

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days using the Alamar blue assay (Fig. 1C and D). Both of thesedrugs caused a dose-dependent inhibition of ZMEL1 prolifera-tion, with an EC50 of 1.12 mmol/L and 1.30 mmol/L, respectively.To further confirm the functional similarity to humanmelanomacell lines, we determined whether ZMEL1 could becomeBRAF inhibitor resistant in vitro, as has been widely reported forhumanmelanoma lines (31, 32). We treated the ZMEL1 line with1mmol/L PLX4032 over a period of severalmonths, which led to arapid loss of most viable cells by 1 week, as expected, but a smallpopulation of persister cells remained. By 3 to 4 months, thesecells had become resistant to this concentration of PLX4032 andreconstituted the culture. We then retested sensitivity to bothPLX4032 and CI1040 (Fig. 1C and D). The EC50 for PLX4032increased 7.6-fold (from 1.13 mmol/L to 8.56 mmol/L). The cellsremainedmoderately sensitive toMEK inhibition,withonly a2.3-fold increase in the EC50 for CI1040 (from 1.30 mmol/L to 3.06mmol/L). This derivative line, which we refer to as ZMEL1-R1(ZMEL1-resistant line 1), demonstrates that zebrafish melanomacell lines react toMAP kinase inhibition in amanner analogous totheir human counterparts. The genetic mechanism resulting insuch resistance remains to be elucidated and will be the subject offuture studies.

Metastatic behavior of the ZMEL1 lineWe next determined the metastatic capacity of the ZMEL1 line.

We took advantage of the previously described casper strain ofzebrafish, which maintains relative transparency throughout itsentire life cycle and allows highly sensitive detection of fluores-cently labeled cells anywhere in the animal at single-cell resolu-tion (8, 9). We transplanted ZMEL1 cells into either adult orembryonic casper recipients using a quartz glass microcapillaryneedle attached to a microinjection apparatus (Fig. 2). For theadult fish, we transplanted 500,000 ZMEL1 cells into the subcu-

taneous tissue of the ventral flank of a recipient that had beenpreviously irradiated with a total of 30 Gy (15 Gy � 15 Gy splitdose over 2 days). We found that irradiation of the adult recipientwas required due toMHCmismatch between the ZMEL1 line andcasper recipients. For the embryos, we transplanted 150 ZMEL1cells directly into the vasculature (via the Duct of Cuvier). Theembryos recipients did not require any preconditioning radiationsince they do not yet have a mature adaptive immune system.MHC mismatch, the major cause of implant rejection, dependsupon the adaptive response, which does not develop in thezebrafish until approximately 14 days of life. The adult assayallows for full assessment of metastasis from an orthotopic sitebut requires immunosuppression; the embryonic assay allows fordirect intravascular injection of tumor cells and requires noimmunosuppression.

Representative fish are shown in Fig. 2. In the adult recipients(Fig. 2, left), at 1 day after transplant, a brightly GFPþmass can beseen at the site of injectionwith little or nodistantmetastases. By 1week, and then 2weeks after transplant, the size of themass at theinjection spot continued to grow, as expected, along with theappearance of multiple new anterior masses. These masses areclearly distinct from the site of implantation and represent distantmetastases. In the embryo recipients (Fig. 2, right), at day 1 aftertransplant, the cells circulate primarily within the ventral vascu-lature (Supplementary Video S1) and have begun to extravasateinto the caudal hematopoietic tissue, the first site of definitivehematopoiesis in the fish. By 1 week and then 2 weeks, all of thecells have extravasated, and the fish develops GFPþ tumors inthe eye, kidney, muscle, and head. This leads to the death of theanimals by 30 to 60 days after transplant. Onemajor advantage ofthese embryo transplants is that single-cell behavior is easilyobserved after transplantation. Taken together, these data indicatethat the ZMEL1 line is capable of performing all of the canonicalsteps of metastasis.

Patterns of metastatic spreadIn order for this assay to be useful as a screening tool, we needed

to develop automated quantitative imaging of metastasis. Wereasoned that the degree of metastatic dissemination would bedependent upon the number of cells transplanted into the casperrecipient, and should varywith both site of implantation and timeafter transplant. We therefore performed a series of limitingdilution transplantation studies in which we varied the cellnumber (1 � 105, 5 � 105, 1 � 106) and the transplant site(dorsal vs. ventral skin). We then imaged each fish at 1 day aftertransplant, 7 days after transplant, and 14 days after transplantusing both brightfield and GFP, on both the left and right sides ofthe fish. We developed a custom-designed computer image anal-ysis algorithm inMATLAB to align each image such that it could beprecisely overlaid with all of the others. Landmarks such as thecenter of mass of the eye, the anterior end of the spine, and dorsaland ventral boundary points were used to guide image alignmenttransformations, and the images from the GFP channel weresubsequently analyzed using a custom image segmentation algo-rithm to detect location of primary tumor andmetastasis. Becausetransplantation itself has some degree of mechanical variability,we imaged each fish on day 1 and used information from theseimages along with the information of the original cell dose tobetter estimate the number of cells that each recipient actuallyreceived. This is a major advantage of the fish compared withmouse studies, where accounting for such mechanical variability

day 1-3

week 1-2

week 2-4

Adult casper transplant

Embryo casper transplant

Figure 2.Evaluating metastasis of the ZMEL1 line using transplantation into thetransparent casper recipient line. ZMEL1-GFP cells can be transplanted eithersubcutaneously into theflankof an irradiated casper recipient (left) or directlyinto the vasculature of an unirradiated casper embryo at 2 days afterfertilization (right). The fishwere then imaged over a period of approximately1 month using GFP and brightfield imaging. Representative fish for bothassays are shown. For the adults, approximately 500,000 cells weretransplanted, and for the first 1 to 3 days after transplant, the cells remainedlocalized, but by weeks 1 to 4, they widely disseminated anteriorly andposteriorly from the initial implant site. A similar pattern is seen in the embryotransplants, but because the cells were injected directly into the circulation,extravasation and formation of disseminated masses occurred more rapidly.

Metastasis in the Zebrafish

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is not possible. After this determination, we appropriatelyregrouped the fish into small (25,700 � 24,560 cells), medium(80,544 � 52,358 cells), and large (552,720 � 272,030 cells)implant sizes (see Supplementary Methods for details on estima-tion procedure). We used data collected from 106 fish to createcomposite heatmap images of metastatic progression from cellstransplanted either ventrally (Fig. 3A) or dorsally (SupplementaryFig. S11). This revealed a strong correlation between size of theinitial implant and the likelihood of metastasis. Small implantson day 1 generally produced fish with few metastases at day 14,whereas those with largemasses on day 1 led to a large increase inthe metastatic burden, particularly in the anterior region justbehind the gill structure, as well as scattered other metastases tothe posterior tailmusculature and eye. This dissemination patternwas not due to the implant site, aswe saw similar patternswhetherthe cellswere transplanteddorsally or ventrally.Overall, 83%(25/30) of fish in the large implant group had metastases at day 14,compared with 44% (18/41) in the small implant group. Wenoted on the heatmaps that some of the anterior metastasesanatomically corresponded to the area of the kidney marrow,the region of hematopoiesis in the zebrafish (33). To confirm this,we performed histologic analysis on a series of fish at 2weeks aftertransplant (Supplementary Fig. S12). This showed that fish withhigher cell doses had clear metastases in the kidney marrow [byboth hematoxylin/eosin (H&E) and anti-GFP imaging], an exam-ple of which is shown in Fig. 3B. To determine if this tropism wasan artifact of the transplant technique, we performed RNA in situ

staining in three of the original mitfa-BRAFV600E;p53�/� transge-nic fish, from which ZMEL1 was derived. We stained for expres-sion of the neural crest marker crestin, a retroelement normallyonly expressed in embryonic neural crest cells (34), whichbecomes aberrantly expressed exclusively in adult melanomasdue to its neural crest origins (6). One of the three fish hadevidence of metastases to the kidney (Supplementary Fig. S13),indicating that the transplanted cells have a tropism for the kidneymarrow similar to melanoma developed spontaneously in thestable transgenic mitfa-BRAF;p53�/�

fish line. These data are con-sistent with other reports indicating a tropism of human mela-noma cells for the bonemarrow inmammalian systems (35–37).

Development of a metastasis score (m score)Although the heatmap views are useful for determining overall

patterns of spread, they donot allow for a simple quantification ofoverall metastatic burden. We wished to develop a straightfor-ward "metastasis score," m, which would be of general use to thecommunity and to determine how this score differed between thethree implant size groups. Initially, we extracted 15 parametersfrom the images taken at three separate time points (e.g., area ofprimary tumor, area and number of metastasis, length of fishbody, see Supplementary Table S3 for the complete list of fea-tures) and then used PCA to determine which parameters bestexplained the variance in the data. The PCA (Fig. 4A) demon-strated that just three of these parameters at day 14 accounted for asubstantial amount of the variance in the data, which was related


Probability of finding eGFPexpression






Small~25.000 cells implanted



ay 1






Implant size

Medium~80.000 cells implanted

Large~550.000 cells implanted

Figure 3.Analyzing the pattern of metastaticspread after ZMEL transplantation. A,composite heatmap imagesof a groupoffish (n¼ 53) transplantedwith small(�25,000 cells, n ¼ 19), medium(�50,000 cells, n ¼ 20), or large cellnumbers (�500,000 cells, n ¼ 14) atday 1, and then imaged at days 7 and14. The heatmap corresponds to theprobability of finding GFPþ ZMEL1cells at the given location. Thisdemonstrates that the likelihood ofmetastasis varies with the number ofcells transplanted. The GFP-positivemasses seen anteriorly at day 14 aresuggestive of localization within thekidney marrow, the site ofhematopoiesis in the zebrafish. Thislocalization was confirmed usinghistologic sectioning of arepresentative fish (B), stained witheither H&E (B, top) or an anti-GFPantibody (B, bottom). Brown staining(denoted by red arrows) indicates thepresence of ZMEL1-GFP cells in thekidney marrow compartment.

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to formation of metastasis: (i) total number of metastases, (ii)total area of metastases, and (iii) anteroposterior distancespanned by both primary andmetastases. We combined the threeparameters into a simple dimensionless m score, which can easilybe applied in other studies (Supplementary Fig. S14). We calcu-lated the median m score for each of the three implant size groups(Fig. 4B): At day 14 for the groupwith small implants, it was 5.35,whereas for the medium group, it was 12.94, and for the largegroup, it was 21.42. The difference between the m score distribu-tions was significant for small versus medium [P ¼ 0.026, two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test], medium versus large(P ¼ 0.024, two-sample KS test), and small versus large (3.75 �10–6, two-sample KS test). The m score can be applied to future

experimental interventions (i.e., overexpressing or knockingdown specific genes) allowing for a rapid and quantifiable assess-ment of metastatic efficiency.

Quantification of metastasis with MIC frequencyWenextwished to estimate the frequency ofMICs, analogous to

the tumor-initiating cell calculations frequently employed forquantifying cancer stem cells. Using standard limiting dilutionanalysis (38, 39), we determined the number of animals with orwithout metastases at day 14 using either the intended cellnumbers (Supplementary Fig. S15) or after regrouping into theestimated small/medium/large groups (Fig. 5). Since we foundthat regroupingmore accurately reflects the actual number of cells


−0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1










Tot. area mets D14

Area primary D14

Nr. of mets D14

Solidity D14

AP distance D14

Small Medium Large05




tic s


P = 3.8x10−6

P = 0.024

P = 0.026

Figure 4.Quantification of metastatic burden in the zebrafish. A, PCA plot of the major variables measured in each fish at days 1, 7, and 14 [area of the primary, total area ofmetastases, total number of metastases, solidity of primary tumor, and anteroposterior (AP) distance from primary to metastases]. Blue fish correspond to"small" implant size at day 1, green to "medium" implant, and yellow to "large" implant. B, the m score as a measure of metastatic burden. Using the top threecontributors to principal component 1 described in A and Supplementary Fig. S10, we calculated a dimensionless m score (metastasis score) for fish withsmall, medium, or large implant tumors at day 1. See Quick Guide to Equations and Assumptions and Supplementary Fig. S14 for the definition of the m score.This demonstrates that the size of the implant at day 1 strongly predicts metastasis at day 14, with a significantly greater m score in medium or large groupscompared with the small group (P values as indicated from the two-sample KS test).

0 2 4 6 8×105



Calculated implant size (number of cells at day 1)



of fi

sh w


t met



at d

ay 1



Probability offinding eGFPexpression at day 14


Metastasis initiating cell (MIC) frequency: 1/119,311 cells

Small (~25.000 cells injected)18/41 (43%) had metastases

Medium (~80.000 cells injected)18/35 (51%) had metastases

Large (~550.000 cells injected)25/30 (83%) had metastases

Figure 5.An estimation of MIC frequency. The estimatednumber of cells present at day 1 (x-axis) iscorrelated with the proportion of fish that do ordo not have metastasis at day 14 (y-axis).Limiting dilution analysis allows for anestimation of MIC frequency of 1/119,311 cells forthe ZMEL1 line.

Metastasis in the Zebrafish

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the fish received, we used this to calculate MIC. We estimate 1MIC per 119,311 cells (lower bound¼ 1/78,019; upper bound¼1/228,233), meaning that this is the frequency of cells within theZMEL1 population capable of giving rise to measurable distantmetastases within 14 days. This is in agreement with other reportsindicating that the frequency of cells capable of completing allsteps in the metastatic cascade is quite rare (40, 41). These twomeasures, the m score and the MIC frequency, are key measures ofmetastasis in the zebrafish. Having such quantitative measures isessential to detecting changes in metastatic efficiency duringexperimental perturbations to either the cells or the recipienthost background.

Pigmentation and metastatic progressionFinally, we wished to understand the characteristics of these

rare cells capable of metastasis. We noted a significant discrep-ancy between the appearance of pigmentation and GFP in therecipient animals (Fig. 6A), suggesting that pigment status andmetastatic progression were related. In the representative fishshown in Fig. 6A, at 2 weeks after transplant, brightfieldimaging (Fig. 6A, left) showed a deeply pigmented, black massat the implant site, with sharp borders and no obvious met-astatic lesions. In contrast, examination of the same fish underGFP (Fig. 6A, right) showed that the implanted mass has severalprotrusions in the dorsal direction, along with multiple ante-rior metastases. This suggested that the cells that leave theimplant site are likely unpigmented and less differentiatedmelanocytes. To quantify this, we created composite heatmapimages depicting the average level of black pigmentation withinthe GFP-positive regions at days 7 and 14 (Fig. 6B). Thisdemonstrated that the primary implant site (the center of whichis denoted by the red dot) was far more pigmented than thedistant anterior metastases. We then determined the distancefrom the implant site versus the degree of pigmentation (Fig.6C). This demonstrates a clear inverse relationship: the cells

furthest away from the implant site are nearly all unpigmented,whereas those at the implant site are strongly pigmented.

Although the tumor from which ZMEL1 was originally derivedwas highly pigmented, the ZMEL1 line in culture shows no evi-dence of pigmentation, suggesting the cells only become pigmen-ted in vivo. To confirm this, we examined the behavior of thetransplanted ZMEL1 cells using time lapse imaging, in which wetook one picture per day over a range of 21 to 30 days. As shown inSupplementary Video S2, the implant site becomes large andpigmented prior to the metastases, which are initially only GFPpositive before becoming pigmented as well. Over time, once themetastases are completely engrafted, usually even those cells toobecome pigmented. To determine if this effect was specific to theZMEL1 line, we also performed transplantation of severalBRAFV600E;p53�/�primary transgenicmelanomas (SupplementaryFig. S1) and found that both the primary engraftment site andmetastases become pigmented as well, indicating that melanomacells retain significant differentiation plasticity: they are unpigmen-ted in vitro, become pigmented when implanted into the primarysite in the fish, are unpigmented while metastasizing, and thenagain become pigmented in the new site of dissemination. Theseobservations are consistent with data from mammalian systemsshowing that metastatic cells are initially less differentiated (42).

DiscussionWe have described a zebrafish system for studying melanoma

metastasis, which has all of the components necessary to studyboth cell intrinsic and microenvironmental regulators of thisprocess at large scale. The isolation of fluorescent zebrafish celllines, which closely resemble the humandisease andwhich can beeasily genetically modified using overexpression or CRISPR cas-settes, opens up the possibility to perform genome-wide screensto find modifiers of metastasis. The capacity for in vivo imagingusing the transparent casper recipient, which allows for










Day 14

Approximate locationof injection site

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16










Approximate distance from injection site (mm)






n le

vel w



FP p


ve a




Day 7Day 14

1 mm

Day 7

(difference in grayscale intensity compared to D1)Average pigmentation level within eGFP positive areas

Figure 6.Pigmentation status as related tometastatic capacity. A, representativefish is shown under brightfield (left) andGFP (right) imaging. This reveals asignificant discrepancy betweenpigmented, melanized cells, andmetastases. The tumor under brightfieldappears smooth bordered and deeplypigmented,with nometastatic lesions. Incontrast, GFP imaging of the same fishshows that the local tumor has irregularprotrusions dorsally and several anteriormetastases. B, composite heatmap of agroup of 53 fish showing the relationshipbetweenpigmentationandmetastasis atdays 7 and 14 after transplant,suggesting that the further the cells arefrom the implant site (red dot), themorelikely they are to be unpigmented. C,quantification of the heatmap imageshown in B, measuring both distancefrom injection site along withpigmentation level. This demonstrates aclear inverse relationship, such that thecells capable of furthest travel are largelyunpigmented.

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Cancer Res; 75(20) October 15, 2015 Cancer Research4280

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visualization at the single-cell level, enables afiner resolution viewof micro to macrometastatic progression than is currently achiev-able in murine models. A particular strength of such high-reso-lution imaging may be the study of tumor cell extravasation atdistant sites, one of the most difficult parts of the metastaticcascade to analyze using current murine models.

We find that the embryonic microenvironment augmentsmetastatic growth compared with the adult, strongly suggestingthat the microenvironment is a dominant force in establishingsuccessful metastatic spread. Because it is now straightforward tomake CRISPR zebrafish recipient fish carrying germline orsomatic mutations of nearly any microenvironmental gene, weenvision that a major use of our model will be in screens inwhich ZMEL1 cells are transplanted into these modified recip-ient fish. This will allow for a direct assessment of which genes inthe microenvironment act as modifiers of disseminated tumorgrowth at a scale not achievable in other vertebrate systems.

Each of the assays described here has distinct strengths andcaveats. The adult casper assay is robust and recapitulates themicroenvironment present when most melanomas in humansform, i.e., during the postembryonic period. However, because theanimals must be immunocompromised to prevent rejection of theZMEL1 cells, its capacity for studying immune regulation of metas-tasis is limited. The embryo assay has the distinct advantage of alargely intact immune system, and because the 2-day-old animal ismuch smaller than the adults at 4 to 6 months described above(wherewe used 100,000–1,000,000 cells), we need only transplantbetween 50 and 150 ZMEL1 cells into each 2-day-old recipient.These advantages are partially offset by the obvious growth-pro-moting effects of the embryonic microenvironment, which likelyaccounts for the rapidity of disease progression. It is likely thatdifferent investigators will find advantages to either of these assays,depending upon the particular question being addressed.

One of the major strengths of studying metastasis in thezebrafish is related to the achievable scale of the experiments.Each individual fish at 6 weeks of age measures approximately0.021cm3, in contrast with an average mouse at that age thatmeasures approximately 73cm3. On a size basis, for every 1mouse, it is possible to study approximately 3,000 young zebra-fish. Even in amodest-sized zebrafish facility, this opens up awiderange of studies probing metastatic biology that would not bepossible in traditional murine systems. Because of the intrinsicheterogeneity of the metastatic state, the zebrafish offers consid-erable statistical power to discern even moderate modifiers of themetastatic phenotype.

It is likely that some aspects of metastatic biology in a zebrafishwill be mechanistically distinct from that in human patients, acaveat for all model systems. In some cases, findings in fish havenot translated well to humans (43), yet in others we have seenremarkable conservation of core pathways and genes. For exam-

ple, findings in zebrafish have resulted in at least two clinical trialsin human cancer patients (6, 44, 45), including one specificallyfocused on melanoma. Because the number of labs currentlyusing zebrafish to study metastasis is limited, it will require agreat deal of study before we can begin to understand the sim-ilarities, and differences, between fish and humanmetastasis. Thetools described here are an integral component of opening up thisline of studies. We anticipate that these methods will be readilyextended outside of melanoma into other tumor types, making itbroadly applicable to cancer investigators with diverse interests.

Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of InterestL. Zon has ownership interest (including patents) in and is a consultant/

advisory board member for Fate Therapeutics and Scholar Rock. No potentialconflicts of interest were disclosed by the other authors.

Authors' ContributionsConception and design: K. Ratnakumar, A.J. McMahon, L.I. Zon, J.B. Xavier,R.M. WhiteDevelopment of methodology: S. Heilmann, K. Ratnakumar, E.M. Langdon,I.S. Kim, N.R. Campbell, E.B. Perry, A.J. McMahon, E. van Rooijen, R.O. Hynes,J.B. Xavier, R.M. WhiteAcquisition of data (provided animals, acquired and managed patients,provided facilities, etc.): K. Ratnakumar, E.M. Langdon, I.S. Kim, N.R. Camp-bell, C.K. Kaufman, R.M. WhiteAnalysis and interpretation of data (e.g., statistical analysis, biostatistics,computational analysis): S. Heilmann, E.M. Langdon, I.S. Kim,N.R. Campbell,W. Lee, C.A. Iacobuzio-Donahue, J.B. Xavier, R.M. WhiteWriting, review, and/or revision of the manuscript: S. Heilmann, K. Ratna-kumar, N.R. Campbell, E.B. Perry, A.J. McMahon, W. Lee, R.O. Hynes, J.B.Xavier, R.M. WhiteAdministrative, technical, or material support (i.e., reporting or organizingdata, constructing databases): S. Heilmann, E.R. Kansler, I.S. Kim, R.M. WhiteStudy supervision: K. Ratnakumar, R.O. Hynes, J.B. Xavier, R.M. White

AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Yariv Houvras for supplying the photo of the MiniCoopR

fish in Fig. 1, Sara Fischer for editorial contributions, and Wenjing Wu forassistance with illustrations.

Grant SupportThis work was supported by the NIH Directors New Innovator Award

(DP2CA186572), K08AR055368, the Melanoma Research Alliance YoungInvestigator Award, an AACR/ASCO Young Investigator Award, the Alan andSandra Gerry Metastasis Research Initiative, and the Howard Hughes MedicalInstitute, of which L.I. Zon and R.O. Hynes are Investigators. S. Heilmann is aJames S. McDonnell postdoctoral fellow, E.B. Perry is a TROT Fellow(5T32CA160001-Translational Research Oncology Training Program), andA.J. McMahon was a Helen Hay Whitney Fellow.

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the paymentof page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisementin accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

Received December 1, 2014; revised May 27, 2015; accepted July 13, 2015;published OnlineFirst August 17, 2015.

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