a pupil presentation on wales (2)

Cymru (Wales) Cymru ein gwlad ni. Wales, our country.

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Post on 10-May-2015




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Page 1: A pupil presentation on Wales (2)

Cymru (Wales)

Cymru ein gwlad ni.Wales, our country.

Page 2: A pupil presentation on Wales (2)

Abertawe ydi ble rydyn ni’n byw, ac yn un o ddinasoedd Cymru .

Swansea is where we live and is one of the city’s in Wales.

Dyma Abertawe ar fap o Gymru.Here is Swansea on a map of Wales.

Mae’r poblogaeth Abertawe yn tua 230,000. Dyma un o draethau Abertawe.

Swansea’s population is 230,000. Here is one of our beaches.

Page 3: A pupil presentation on Wales (2)

Yn y lluniau yma, gallwch weld Twr Meridian - Y twr uchaf yng Nghymru.

In these pictures you can see the Meridian tower- The tallest tower in Wales.

Page 4: A pupil presentation on Wales (2)

Dyma rai o siopiau Cymru - Next, Morrisons, Primark, B&Q, Spar a llawer mwy.

These are some of Wales’ shops - Next, Morrisons, Primark, B&Q the Spar and many more.

Page 5: A pupil presentation on Wales (2)

Tom Jones Claire Jones Catherine Zeta Jones

Dylan Thomas Mike Phillips Duffy

Page 6: A pupil presentation on Wales (2)

Dyma rai gestyll yng Nghymru fel Castell Dinefwr, Castell Penfro, Castell Harlech a llawer mwy. Y castell ar y gwaelod yw Castell Abertawe.

Here are some of the castles in Wales like Dinefwr Castle, Pembroke Castle and Harlech Castle. The castle next to this text is Swansea Castle.

Page 7: A pupil presentation on Wales (2)

Rhai or draddodiadau Cymreig yw creu pice ar y maen, dathlu dydd Gwyl Dewi gyda Cennin pedr neu cennin a gwisgo gwisg cymreig neu grys-t rygbi.

Some of the welsh traditions are making welsh cakes or celebrating St Davids day with a Daffodil or a leek and wearing a traditional outfit or a rugby jersey. Cockles and welsh cakes are traditional welsh foods.

Page 8: A pupil presentation on Wales (2)

Caerdydd yw prif ddinas Cymru. Yr Wyddfa ydi mynydd uchaf Cymru a Lloegr.

Cardiff is Wales’ capital city. The talles mountain in Wales and England is Snowdonia.

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Page 10: A pupil presentation on Wales (2)