a public health issue: how a pornified culture is distorting dance (pg rated)


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Page 1: A Public Health Issue: How a Pornified Culture is Distorting Dance (PG Rated)
Page 2: A Public Health Issue: How a Pornified Culture is Distorting Dance (PG Rated)

The Opportunity: Benefits of Dance for Kids

The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

The Big Picture: A Pornified Culture

The Solution: Education & Action

8 - 9 Year Old Dancers

Page 3: A Public Health Issue: How a Pornified Culture is Distorting Dance (PG Rated)

The OpportunityBenefits of Dance for Kids

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Dance is a wonderful activity for children.

Research shows that children’s dance classes

– with age-appropriate standards –

help children mature physically, emotionally, socially and cognitively.

The Opportunity: Benefits of Dance for Kids

Standards for Dance in Early Childhood. (n.d.). Retrieved July 6, 2016, from http://www.ndeo.org/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=893257&module_id=55419

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Children in dance learn advanced skills in …


Problem Solving

Risk Taking

Higher Order Thinking


Social Awareness

Emotional Maturity

Improved Self-Esteem

The Opportunity: Benefits of Dance for Kids

Hanna, J. L. (1999). Partnering dance and education. Intelligent moves for changing times. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Tarr, B., Launay, J., & Dunbar, R. I. (2016). Silent disco: Dancing in synchrony leads to elevated pain thresholds and social closeness.Evolution and Human Behavior. doi:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2016.02.004

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Look at the beauty of healthy, age-appropriate dance …

The Opportunity: Benefits of Dance for Kids

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The ProblemHyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

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Over the course of the last decade, dance for youngchildren - particularly little girls - has changed.

Girls are becoming increasingly sexualizedthrough dance at younger and younger ages.

The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

Page 9: A Public Health Issue: How a Pornified Culture is Distorting Dance (PG Rated)

Age appropriate choreography has morphed into

reality TV shows and dance recitals that exploit and sexualize children.

Contestants on Reality Show

“Toddlers & Tiaras”

8 – 9 Year Old Dancers

The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

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The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

Here’s an example with dancers age 8 and 9 …

Click here to view this dance in it’s entirety.

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Hypersexualization of young girls: Why should we care? (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2016, from http://www.cwhn.ca/en/hypersexualizationprimer

American Psychological Association, Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. (2007). Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. Retrieved from hhttp://www.apa.org/pi/women/programs/girls/report.aspx

What Does it Mean to Sexualize Girls?

The American Psychological Association says sexualization is different than healthy sexuality.

A girl is sexualized when:

• She is valued only for her sexual appeal or behavior rather than other characteristics

• Her physical attractiveness is equated with being sexy

• She is treated as a sexual object — that is, made into a thing for others’ sexual use, rather than seen as aperson with the capacity for independent action and decision making

• Sexuality is inappropriately imposed on her

The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

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The sexualization of girls is not new.

Though today with digital media

the sexualization of girls has become

commonplace, widespread and a pervasive cultural norm.

Hypersexualization of young girls: Why should we care? (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2016, from http://www.cwhn.ca/en/hypersexualizationprimer

The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

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The massive onslaught of sexualized messages is

having an impact on girls at younger and younger ages.

Recent research shows that most girls – as young as 6-years old – are beginning to

think of themselves as sex objects.

Hypersexualization of young girls: Why should we care? (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2016, from http://www.cwhn.ca/en/hypersexualizationprimer

Levin, Diane E., Kilbourne, Jean. So Sexy, So Soon. (2009). Ballantine Books.

The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

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Hypersexualization of young girls: Why should we care? (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2016, from http://www.cwhn.ca/en/hypersexualizationprimer

Levin, Diane E., Kilbourne, Jean. So Sexy, So Soon. (2009). Ballantine Books.

Girls’ sexual development is being hijacked.

The culture invites them to imitate the porn-style dance moves of their favorite stars.

Yet, they do not have the emotional sophistication

to understand what they are seeing and doing.

The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

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American Psychological Association, Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. (2007). Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. Retrieved from hhttp://www.apa.org/pi/women/programs/girls/report.aspx

Where do girls receive sexualization messages from?

The American Psychological Association’s task force on theSexualization of Girls found sexualized messages come from:

Media - including television, music videos, music lyrics,movies, magazines, sports media, video games, the Internetand advertising

Personal Relationships – such as with parents, teachers,and peers

Girls Themselves - when purchasing products and clothesdesigned to make them look physically appealing and sexy,and if they style their identities after the sexy celebrities whopopulate their cultural landscape, they are sexualizingthemselves.

The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

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Hypersexualization of young girls: Why should we care? (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2016, from http://www.cwhn.ca/en/hypersexualizationprimer

Advertisements of Young Girls in ‘Sexy’ Poses

10-Year Old Model

Thylane Blondeau


The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

Here are some examples:

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Hypersexualization of young girls: Why should we care? (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2016, from http://www.cwhn.ca/en/hypersexualizationprimer

Sexualized Products & Product Marketing

Ages 5+ Ages 3+

The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

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The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

And here are a few examples of how the

sexualization of girls is distorting children’s dance …

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Over 100 global reports have revealed the

negative effects sexualized messages are having on

the healthy development of children.

We need to ensure the dance classroom is a safe place

for kids to experience and delight in dance –

without exploitation.The KidsPace Code of Practice (n.d.), Retrieved July 13, 2016 from http://www.kidspacecode.com/#!dance-code-of-practice/eft5lAmerican Psychological Association, Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. (2007). Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. Retrieved from hhttp://www.apa.org/pi/women/programs/girls/report.aspx

The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

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The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

Here Dr. Tomi-Ann Roberts, PhD talks about

the sexualization of girls in mainstream dance …

American Psychological Association, Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. (2007). Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. Retrieved from hhttp://www.apa.org/pi/women/programs/girls/report.aspxE.D.I.F.Y. Movement. (2015, July 11). Dr. Tomi-Ann Roberts, PHD sits down with Y.P.A.D. about the Sexualization of Children in Dance [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwtMavXJv5s

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The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

There are many known effects of the sexualization of girls in dance …

American Psychological Association, Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. (2007). Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. Retrieved from hhttp://www.apa.org/pi/women/programs/girls/report.aspxE.D.I.F.Y. Movement. (2015, July 11). Dr. Tomi-Ann Roberts, PHD sits down with Y.P.A.D. about the Sexualization of Children in Dance [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwtMavXJv5s

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The Effects of Sexualization

American Psychological Association, Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. (2007). Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. Retrieved from hhttp://www.apa.org/pi/women/programs/girls/report.aspx

Body Dysmorphia

Eating Disorders

Poor Academic Performance


Teen Pregnancy

Higher Risk of Abusive Relationships

Higher Risk of Pornography Use

Unable to Identify Sexual Abuse

Mismanagement of Social Networking

Promotes Rape Culture

Promotes Objectification of Females

Relationship Wounding due to Constant




The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

Page 23: A Public Health Issue: How a Pornified Culture is Distorting Dance (PG Rated)

Children exposed to sexual, pornographic images – or ideas –

are more vulnerable than adults because

children are more likely to instinctivelyimitate behaviors they are exposed to (due to mirror neurons).

Pornography harms children - Dr. Sharon Cooper, M.D. at PornHarms.com briefing [Video File]. (2010, December 6). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFw1Cnuq9jc

Jensen, K. (2014, September 4). Can soft-core porn damage your child’s brain? Retrieved from http://protectyoungminds.org/2014/09/04/can-soft-core-porn-damage-your-childs-brain/

Cognitive Effects of Sexualization

The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

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Plus, children exposed to pornography

experience neurological stress.

Their brains are simply not mature enough to handle the exposure to porn.

They also are more likely to develop impulsive behavior and are less able to think critically.

Pornography harms children - Dr. Sharon Cooper, M.D. at PornHarms.com briefing [Video File]. (2010, December 6). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFw1Cnuq9jc

Jensen, K. (2014, September 4). Can soft-core porn damage your child’s brain? Retrieved from http://protectyoungminds.org/2014/09/04/can-soft-core-porn-damage-your-childs-brain/

The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

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The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

When sexually explicit music is used for children’s dance,

it has a huge effect on children …

E.D.I.F.Y. Movement. (2015, July 11). Dr. Tomi-Ann Roberts, PHD sits down with Y.P.A.D. about the Sexualization of Children in Dance [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwtMavXJv5sDr. Christina Donaldson talks with YPAD about the effects of sexualized music and dance on youth. (2016, February 9). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J948ovWHUZg

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Boys and Sexualization

There is a growing trend to sexually objectify the male body inmass marketing and popular media.

Boys experience similar effects that girls experience, such as:

• Body-image problems

• Eating disorders and body dysmorphia

• Less likely to seek help for problems

Daniel Agliata, Stacey Tantleff-Dunn (2004). The Impact of Media Exposure on Males' Body Image. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology: Vol. 23, 1 Special Issue: Body Image and Eating Disorders: Influence of Media Images, pp. 7-22.

Prud’homme, J. (2015, July 21). Popular Culture and the Male Body: A New Challenge. Retrieved from http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2015/07/15310/?utm_source=The+Witherspoon+Institute&utm_campaign=02321aada7-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_15ce6af37b-02321aada7-


The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

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the objectification of men by women feeds the objectification of women by men.

Research shows that male objectification feeds “sexual animosity.”

Sexual animosity in young males results in increased consumption of media that objectifies women.

And the problem continues to grow!

Daniel Agliata, Stacey Tantleff-Dunn (2004). The Impact of Media Exposure on Males' Body Image. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology: Vol. 23, 1 Special Issue: Body Image and Eating Disorders: Influence of Media Images, pp. 7-22.

Prud’homme, J. (2015, July 21). Popular Culture and the Male Body: A New Challenge. Retrieved from http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2015/07/15310/?utm_source=The+Witherspoon+Institute&utm_campaign=02321aada7-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_15ce6af37b-02321aada7-


The Problem: Hyper-Sexualization of Children in Dance

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The Big PictureA Pornified Culture

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The Big Picture: A Pornified Culture

The culture has changed.

There is a rapid increase

in the hyper-sexualization of kids – at younger and younger ages –

is due to a larger public health issue –

a growing pornified culture.

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The facts: Mainstream porn is free, hardcore and harming children and youth. Retrieved from http://www.culturereframed.org/the-crisis/

Mainstream porn is free, hardcore and harming children.

The Pornography Facts:

1) Porn sites comprise 12% of the internet

2) Porn sites get more visitors monthly than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined

3) 35% of all internet downloads are pornographic

4) 90% of children ages 8 -16 have viewed porn

5) The largest consumers of pornography are 12-17 year old boys

6) Pornography has become a primary source of information about sex especially among children and adolescents.

7) 90% contained at least one aggressive act against women.

The Big Picture: A Pornified Culture

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As pornography becomes normalized

society starts to unknowingly accept the effects it has on our children.

Dance becomes distorted.

The Big Picture: A Pornified Culture

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The SolutionEducation & Action

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What Can You Do?

Dancers from Dance Moms

10 – 12-year olds

The Solution: Education & Action

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1) Educate Yourself & Others

2) Take Action & Speak Out

Here’s how …

The Solution: Education & Action

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Visit: soultosolechoreography.org

Click on DA:NCE.

1. Sign the online petition to stop adult costumes, choreography

and music for children.

2. Share this free presentation with friends and family via social

media and present it to your local community groups.

1. View and download the dance studio toolkit to educate dancers

and dance studios.

2. Advocate for age-appropriate dance. Join YPAD.

The Solution: Education & Action

Page 36: A Public Health Issue: How a Pornified Culture is Distorting Dance (PG Rated)

Visit: ypad4change.org

1. Download YPAD’s Standards for Costumes, Music,

Choreography, Judging and more. Then share this resource

with dance studios and parents.

1. Share these music libraries with dance studios:

• Y.P.A.D. Spotify Playlist

• Y.P.A.D Dancer’s Playlist on Facebook

• Squirrel Trench Audio music library

1. Educate yourself further with additional resources here.

2. Become a YPAD Member and be an advocate for change.

3. For the full interviews with Tomi-Ann Roberts, Ph.D and Dr.

Christina Donaldson, Ph.D from Youth Protection Advocates in

Dance, visit ypad4change.org/resources

The Solution: Education & Action

“Through education and activism

we stand united to stop all

exploitation of youth in performing


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Visit: kidspacecode.com

1. Share their Dance Code of Practice with dance studios.

2. Download their resources for parents, dance educators and


Visit: dianeelevin.com/sosexysosoon/

1. Read the book and help guide your kids

The Solution: Education & Action

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Visit: endsexualexploitation.org

1. Educate yourself with additional resources here

2. Join the movement to end sexual exploitation

3. Sign petitions to end sexual exploitation

The Solution: Education & Action

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Dance is powerful.

The ability to move and communicate at the heart level is stirring.

Children deserve to learn and experience the gift of dance insafe environments that do not sexualize them.

Children deserve to love dance, their bodies andthemselves.

Children deserve not to be victims of sexual exploitation.

The Solution: Education & Action

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