a plea for the compassionate hearts

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  • 7/28/2019 A plea for the compassionate hearts


    Yashodha Jayarathne,

    No: 211/B 2,


    Galroda road,



    Dear Sir/ Madam,

    Requesting financial assistance for the correctional surgeries

    I am an ambitious and independent, 24 year old young woman, yet physically handicapped. I am writing this

    to seek financial assistant for my correctional surgery.

    In 1997, I contracted Leukemia and I received treatments from Cancer Hospital Sri Lanka, for about two

    years. In the midst of treatments for Leukemia I suffered paralysis of both legs and became wheelchair


    In or around the year of 2001, I was diagnosed with right hip dislocation and in 2005 yet again with a spinal

    disorder known as kyphoscoliosis. In spite of these major physical impairments, I learnt to cope up with my

    day-to-day activities. However, spending years with numerous physical hardships gradually deteriorated my

    health condition and I started experiencing chronic pain and discomfort including breathing difficulties and

    trouble maintaining sitting and sleeping positions which has led to a life threatening condition. As a result, I

    resorted to local medical practitioners but found no favorable option.

    Due to the progression of this condition, I consulted Dr. Sajan Hedge, an Indian doctor attached to Apollo

    Hospital India. After closely examining my situation he decided that the abnormal curvature of my spine

    and dislocation of my hip could be corrected by way of performing two surgeries. And he replied along with

    the estimated cost amounting to Indian Rupees 1,700,000/- [Approximately LKR 4,500,000/-].

    This projected cost exceeds way beyond our financial capabilities. As we dont have a fixed abode, we are

    living in a renting house. My father deserted us a long time back and he hardly maintains any connection

    with us. My youngest sister is still schooling and my mother has to incur expenses for her studies. We do not

    have other means of income apart from my mothers monthly pension allowance.

    I was destined to a hapless fate but life has taught me to move on. I wish to live my life to the fullest

    improving on my abilities thus surpassing my disabilities. With every passing day I feel more ambitious as I

    yearn to live a normal life I once used to live.

    I herewith attach my medical reports and photographs indicating the sickness as proof for my critical

    condition. I would be grateful if you could lend me financial assistance in my humble endeavor to pursue my

    normal life. Even the smallest donation towards brightening my future will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

    Yours faithfully,

    Yashodha Jayarathne

    N.I.C. Number : 888542027 V Contact Numbers : +94775262396 / +94728571983

    Bank Account Details : 8150914277 Commercial Bank, Kandy City Branch. CCEYLKLX (Swift code)

    273-2-001-4-0000208 Peoples Bank, Kadawatha Branch. PSBKLKLX (Swift code)

    E-mail :[email protected]

  • 7/28/2019 A plea for the compassionate hearts


    Referral & Estimate letter from Dr. Sajan K. Hegde Apollo hospital, India

  • 7/28/2019 A plea for the compassionate hearts


    Referral letter from Dr. H.J. Suraweera Peradeniya hospital, Sri Lanka

  • 7/28/2019 A plea for the compassionate hearts


    X- Ray of Spinal Cord & Right hip (2013)

  • 7/28/2019 A plea for the compassionate hearts


    MRI Scan (2005)

  • 7/28/2019 A plea for the compassionate hearts


    photographs indicating the sickness (2013)