a plate tectonic model for the origin of porphyry copper ... · the origin of calc-alkaline igneous...

Economic Geology Vol. 67, 1972, pp. 184-197 A Plate Tectonic Model for the Origin Porphyry CopperDeposits RICHARD H. SILLITOE Abstract The theory of lithosphere plate tectonics, embodying the concepts of sea-floor spread- ing, transform faulting, and underthrusting at continental margins and island arcs, is employedas a basis for an actualistic, though speculative, model for the origin and space-time distribution of porphyry copper and porphyry molybdenum deposits. Porphyry ore deposits,occurring in the western Americas, southwestPacific and Alpide orogenic belts, are thought to constitute a normal facet of calc-alkaline magma- tism. Chemical and isotopicdata cited are consistent with the generation of the com- ponents of calc-alkaline igneous rocks and porphyry ore deposits by partial melting of oceanic crustal rocks on underlying subduction zonesat the elongatecompressire junc- turesbetween lithospheric plates. It is proposed that the metalscontained in porphyry ore deposits were derived from the mantleat divergent platejunctures, the ocean rises, as associates of basic magmatism, and transportedlaterally to subduction zones as components of basaltic-gabbroic oceanic crust and small amounts of suprajacent pelagic sediments; evidence supporting the presence of significant amounts of metals in the oceanic crust is listed. It is suggested that the temporaland spatial distribution of porphyry ore deposits is dependent on two principal factors, namely the erosion level of an intrusive-volcanic chain,and the time and location of magmageneration, and the availability of metals,on an underlying subduction zone. The erosion factor is beli.eved to offer an explanation for the paucityof porphyry ore deposits in pre-Mesozoic orogenic belts,and for the relative abundance of exposed porphyry deposits of Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene age in post-Paleozoic orogens. Provinces with a high concentration of porphyrycopper de- posits, such as southern Peru-northern Chile and the southwest United States, may be interpreted as regions beneath which anomalously copper-rich oceanic crust was sub- ducted at the time of porphyry copper emplacement; one possible explanation for the episodic formationof volumes of copper-rich oceanic crust is the presence of a hetero- geneous distribution of metals in the low velocity zoneof the upper mantle. Porphyry ore deposits seem to have formedduring a series of relativelyshort, discrete pulses, perhaps correlable with changes in the relative rates and directions of motion of lithospheric plates. In some regions, such as Chile, porphyry ore deposits are arranged in parallel, linearbelts, which maybe explicable in terms of shifting loci of magma and included metal generation on a subduction zone, and which seem to be largely indepen- dent of control by tectonic lineament intersections. The time intervals during which the formation of porphyry deposits tookplace are shown to be broadly coincident with periods of lithosphere plate convergence, and porphyry deposits may still be forming above currently activesubduction zones. A number of potential regions for the discovery of porphyryore deposits are sug- gested, andthe importance to exploration of analyzing orogenic belts in terms of plate tectonics is emphasized. Introduction Tn•. sea-floor spreading hypothesis of Dietz (1961) and Hess(1962) has recently been further developed by Isacks, Oliver and Sykes (1968), Le Pichon (1968), McKenzieand Parker (1967) and Morgan (1968), resulting in the theoryof lithosphere plate tectonics (the new global tectonics), theonly existing global tectonic model compatible with muchrecently accumulated geological and geophysical data. The model considers the Earth's surface to be divided into six large and several smaller lithospheric plates (Fig. 2), which accrete at ocean risesby uprise of subcrustalbasic magrnas,slide past one another along transform (horizontal shear) faults, and are destroyedat trench systemsby descentinto the asthenosphere down inclined subduction (Benioff) zones (Fig. 3). The concepts of the new global tectonics have rendered the stabilistgeosynclinal theory of orogeny outmoded; it is now realized that a generalized model 184

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Page 1: A Plate Tectonic Model for the Origin of Porphyry Copper ... · The Origin of Calc-Alkaline Igneous Rocks and Porphyry Copper Deposits l/l/orld Distribution o I Porphyry Ore Deposits

Economic Geology Vol. 67, 1972, pp. 184-197

A Plate Tectonic Model for the Origin Porphyry Copper Deposits



The theory of lithosphere plate tectonics, embodying the concepts of sea-floor spread- ing, transform faulting, and underthrusting at continental margins and island arcs, is employed as a basis for an actualistic, though speculative, model for the origin and space-time distribution of porphyry copper and porphyry molybdenum deposits.

Porphyry ore deposits, occurring in the western Americas, southwest Pacific and Alpide orogenic belts, are thought to constitute a normal facet of calc-alkaline magma- tism. Chemical and isotopic data cited are consistent with the generation of the com- ponents of calc-alkaline igneous rocks and porphyry ore deposits by partial melting of oceanic crustal rocks on underlying subduction zones at the elongate compressire junc- tures between lithospheric plates.

It is proposed that the metals contained in porphyry ore deposits were derived from the mantle at divergent plate junctures, the ocean rises, as associates of basic magmatism, and transported laterally to subduction zones as components of basaltic-gabbroic oceanic crust and small amounts of suprajacent pelagic sediments; evidence supporting the presence of significant amounts of metals in the oceanic crust is listed.

It is suggested that the temporal and spatial distribution of porphyry ore deposits is dependent on two principal factors, namely the erosion level of an intrusive-volcanic chain, and the time and location of magma generation, and the availability of metals, on an underlying subduction zone. The erosion factor is beli.eved to offer an explanation for the paucity of porphyry ore deposits in pre-Mesozoic orogenic belts, and for the relative abundance of exposed porphyry deposits of Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene age in post-Paleozoic orogens. Provinces with a high concentration of porphyry copper de- posits, such as southern Peru-northern Chile and the southwest United States, may be interpreted as regions beneath which anomalously copper-rich oceanic crust was sub- ducted at the time of porphyry copper emplacement; one possible explanation for the episodic formation of volumes of copper-rich oceanic crust is the presence of a hetero- geneous distribution of metals in the low velocity zone of the upper mantle. Porphyry ore deposits seem to have formed during a series of relatively short, discrete pulses, perhaps correlable with changes in the relative rates and directions of motion of lithospheric plates. In some regions, such as Chile, porphyry ore deposits are arranged in parallel, linear belts, which may be explicable in terms of shifting loci of magma and included metal generation on a subduction zone, and which seem to be largely indepen- dent of control by tectonic lineament intersections. The time intervals during which the formation of porphyry deposits took place are shown to be broadly coincident with periods of lithosphere plate convergence, and porphyry deposits may still be forming above currently active subduction zones.

A number of potential regions for the discovery of porphyry ore deposits are sug- gested, and the importance to exploration of analyzing orogenic belts in terms of plate tectonics is emphasized.


Tn•. sea-floor spreading hypothesis of Dietz (1961) and Hess (1962) has recently been further developed by Isacks, Oliver and Sykes (1968), Le Pichon (1968), McKenzie and Parker (1967) and Morgan (1968), resulting in the theory of lithosphere plate tectonics (the new global tectonics), the only existing global tectonic model compatible with much recently accumulated geological and geophysical data. The model considers the Earth's surface to be divided

into six large and several smaller lithospheric plates (Fig. 2), which accrete at ocean rises by uprise of subcrustal basic magrnas, slide past one another along transform (horizontal shear) faults, and are destroyed at trench systems by descent into the asthenosphere down inclined subduction (Benioff) zones (Fig. 3).

The concepts of the new global tectonics have rendered the stabilist geosynclinal theory of orogeny outmoded; it is now realized that a generalized model


Page 2: A Plate Tectonic Model for the Origin of Porphyry Copper ... · The Origin of Calc-Alkaline Igneous Rocks and Porphyry Copper Deposits l/l/orld Distribution o I Porphyry Ore Deposits


for geosynclinal development, commencing with the accumulation of a thick volcanic and sedimentary pile, and followed by plutonism and deformation and finally by epeirogenic uplift and volcanism (e.g., Beloussov, 1962) does not satisfactorily explain the evolution of most orogens (Coney, 1970). In terms of the theory of plate tectonics, geosynclines may be equated with oceans and continental margins, and oceans and island arcs. Mountain systems are gen- erated as a consequence of the underthrusting of oceanic lithosphere beneath an adjacent plate at con- tinental margins (-e.g., the cordilleran system of North and South America), or at island arcs (e.g., Japan). In some instances, eventual continent-con- tinent collision (e.g., the Himalayas) or continent- island arc collision (e.g., New Guinea) are involved in orogenic development (Dewey and Bird, 1970; Dewey and Horsfield, 1970). It should be stressed, however, that each orogenic belt displays an essenti- ally unique sequential history, even though certain sequences of events are more common than others.

Currently accepted concepts of the metallogenesis of post-Precambrian orogenic belts are based on stabilist geotectonic doctrine (Bilibin, 1968; Mc- Cartney and Potter, 1962; McCartney, 1964), and support the association of distinct types of mineraliz- ation with each stage of geosynclinal development. Porphyry copper deposits, for instance, are considered to typify the post-orogenic, late tectonic stage (Mc- Cartney and Potter, 1962). In view of the recent advances in geotectonic theory, it would therefore seem opportune to reexamine the metallogenesis of orogenic belts in terms of the new global tectonics. This paper outlines a plate tectonic model to account for the genesis and distribution in both space and time of one important class of mineralization, the porphyry copper and porphyry molybdenum deposits. Some aspects of the model were presented elsewhere as an abstract (Sillitoe, 1970). It should perhaps be stressed that the proposed model is of a speculative nature, and does not purport to embody rigorous proofs of its validity.

Geological and Genetic Characteristics of Porphyry Copper Deposits

Over one half of the world's copper production is currently derived from porphyry copper deposits, large tonnage (commonly exceeding 500 m tons), low grade, roughly equidimensional deposits of dis- seminated and stockwork-veinlet, pyrite-chalcopyrite mineralization, carrying at least trace amounts of molybdenum, gold and silver. They are spatially and genetically related to passively-emplaced hypabys- sal felsic stocks, commonly porphyries. The geologi- cal characteristics of the porphyry molybdenum de-

posits, from which molybdenum is the principal metal recovered, are similar to those of the porphyry coppers. Hypogene ore grade in the porphyry cop- pers rarely exceeds 1% Cu, and is commonly below 0.5% Cu.

The host intrusions of porphyry copper deposits, and their various types of count-ry rocks, may both be ore-bearing, and are characterized by widespread, zonally-arranged hydrothermal alteration, commonly of potassic, phyllic, argillic and propylitic types (Meyer and Hemley, 1967; Lowell and Guilbert, 1970), and by hydrothermal brecciation.

The close association of intrusion and mineraliza-

tion in porphyry copper and molybdenum deposits is emphasized by K-Ar dating which has demon- strated the two processes to be temporally indis- tinguishable in several instances (e.g., Livingston, Mauger and Damon, 1968; Moore, Lanphere and Obradovich, 1968; Laughlin, Rehrig and Mauger, 1969). In at least some deposits, part of the mineralization may in fact be syngenetic with respect to the associated intrusive rock (e.g., Ely, Nevada; Fournier, 1967). The intimate temporal association of intrusion and mineralization lends support to the orthomagrnatic model of porphyry copper genesis (Nielsen, 1968; Lowell and Guilbert, 1970). Ac- cording to this model, a felsic magma, becoming water-saturated as it intrudes towards the surface

zone, undergoes crystallization of its outer parts, which are subsequently brecciated by the release of accumulated fluids, which also produce the alteration and mineralization. Meteoric waters are involved in

the formation of the outer zones of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization.

The Origin of Calc-Alkaline Igneous Rocks and Porphyry Copper Deposits

l/l/orld Distribution o I Porphyry Ore Deposits

Figure 1 shows the location of the majority of ex- ploited porphyry copper and molybdenum deposits, and of many important prospects, which in Figure 2 are related to Mesozoic-Cenozoic orogenic belts and currently active lithospheric plate boundaries. It can be appreciated that the majority of the world's porphyry deposits are located in the circum-Pacific orogenic belts and in the central portion of the Alpide orogenic belt. The western Americas belt, containing most of the known porphyry copper de- posits, extends from western Argentina and central and northern Chile, through Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Mexico, the western United States (Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Washing- ton and Montana), to British Columbia, the Yukon and Alaska. Marked concentrations of deposits occur in Sonora-Arizona-New Mexico and in Brit. i•sh.

Page 3: A Plate Tectonic Model for the Origin of Porphyry Copper ... · The Origin of Calc-Alkaline Igneous Rocks and Porphyry Copper Deposits l/l/orld Distribution o I Porphyry Ore Deposits








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Fro. 1. Porphyry copper and molybdenum deposits and prospects in the western Americas, southwest Pacific and Alpide belts.

Columbia. Deposits in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico may be considered as an offshoot of the western Americas belt. Two other belts, for which published information on the porphyry deposits is scant, are located in the Taiwan, Philippines, Borneo, West Irian, Papua-New Guinea and Solomon Islands region (the southwest Pacific belt), and in the South Banat district of Romania, Yugoslavia, central Bul- garia, Armenia, Iran and West Pakistan (the Alpide belt). The only well-authenticated occurrences of porphyry deposits outside of these post-Paleozoic orogenic belts are those in Uzbekstan and Kazakh- stan, USSR.

Relationships between Calc-Alkaline Igneous Rocks and Porphyry Copper Deposits

The post-Paleozoic history of the continental mar- gins and island arcs where porphyry copper deposits are located was characterized by widespread calc- alkaline volcanism which gave rise to basalts, ande- sites, dacites, rhyolites and, in some parts, felsic

ignimbrites. These volcanic rocks are commonly ob- served to be intruded or underlain by extensive batholiths and smaller intrusions of a similar com-

position. Hamilton and Myers (1967) and Hamil- ton (1969a, b) have convincingly demonstrated the consanguinity of the calc-alkaline volcanic suite and the spatially related felsic plutonic rocks, the latter interpreted as the roots of major eruptive chains.

The location of porphyry copper orebodies in the cupolas of plutons of intermediate composition was emphasized many years ago (Emmons, 1927), and subsequent work tends to confirm the high-level, sub- volcanic nature of their environment of formation.

Some porphyry copper deposits may have been em- placed at very shallow depths, perhaps at less than 1,500 m (Fournier, 1968). This is emphasized by the occurrence at Bingham, Utah of a porphyry- copper stock and nearby penecontemporaneous, comagmatic volcanic rocks (Moore, Lanphere and Obradovich, 1968).

It is suggested that the accumulation of copper and molybdenum in high-level felsic stocks was a normal part of calc-alkaline magrnatism in post-Paleozoic orogenic belts.

The Origin ol Calc-Alkaline Igneous Rocks

Many workers (e.g., Benioff, 1954; Coats, 1962; Dickinson and Hatherton, 1967; Dickinson, 1968; Ringwood, 1969) agree that the magmas which have given rise to calc-atkaline volcanic rocks--and by analogy their plutonic equivalents (Hamilton, 1969a) --were generated on subduction zones which under- lay the eruptive chains. The magmas were probably generated by partial fusion consequent upon fric- tional heating of subducted, water-saturated oceanic lithosphere which originally was generated at ocean rises, and transported laterally into ocean trenches (Fig. 3). Restricted volumes of fused ocean-floor sediments (layer 1) and the lowest melting fractions of layers 2 and 3 of the oceanic crust seem to be the most likely source materials for calc-alkaline magnaas (Oxburgh and Turcotte, 1970). Several chemical and isotopic parameters determined for calc-alkaline volcanic and intrusive rocks are now cited in support of an origin by partial melting on a subduction zone.

Recent volcanic rocks in the circum-Pacific belt

show a systematic increase in their potash to silica ratios landwards from the trench (Dickinson and Hatherton, 1967; Dickinson, 1968).; these ratios correlate with the depth from the site of eruption to the Benioff zone dipping beneath the island arc or continental margin, suggesting an origin on the Benioff zone, and the absence of widespread crustal contamination. A comparable landward increase in potash has also been demonstrated for post-Paleozoic volcanic and intrusive rocks in parts of western

Page 4: A Plate Tectonic Model for the Origin of Porphyry Copper ... · The Origin of Calc-Alkaline Igneous Rocks and Porphyry Copper Deposits l/l/orld Distribution o I Porphyry Ore Deposits


EuL••sian Plate ß


• // Southeast •/'• Asian Plate

ß ß

ß ..'.;.'. ..::: ß


fine Plate

Nricon Plate


ß ,


Pacific Plate

Indian I•ate

t'"'\--.•....x. .... v

• '" Antarctic Plate

•.•.E ast Pacific Plate


.J ß




American Plate


Plate /



............ Accreting plate margins Active transform faults

Consuming plate margins

"'."'i• Mesozoic-Cenozoic mountain belts

Plate margins of indeterminate nature

Regions with porphyry copper and molybdenum 6el)OSits

Fro. 2.

(Plate boundaries token from Dewey and Bird, 1970)

The western Americas. southwest Pacific and Alpide porphyry belts in relation to Mesozoic-Cenozoic orogenic belts and accreting and consuming plate boundaries

North America (Moore, 1959, 1962; Moore, Grantz and Blake, 1963; Bateman and Dodge, 1970).

Initial Sr87/Sr 8ø ratios (0.703-0.706) obtained for andesitic volcanics (Ewart and Stipp, 1968; Pushkar, 1968; Peterman, Carmichael and Smith, 1970), and those (0.705-0.709) obtained for felsic rocks from the British Columbia, Sierra Nevada and Boulder batholiths (Fairbairn, Hurley and Pinson, 1964; Hurley et al., 1965; Doe et al., 1968) are incom- patible with an origin by partial melting or wholesale assimilation of continental crust, but would seem to be in accord with a derivation by partial melting of oceanic crust on a subduction zone. The trace ele- ment content of andesires is also consistent with a

Benloft-zone .origin (Taylor, 1969; Taylor et al., 1969).

The Origin of Porphyry Copper and Molybdenum Deposits

In view of the close temporal and spatial relation- ship between the genesis of porphyry ore deposits

and calc-alkaline magrnatism, summarized in the preceeding sections, the components of porphyry- copper stocks, including the contained metals, are likewise postulated to possess an origin by partial melting of oceanic crust on a subduction zone. Initial strontium isotope ratios in the range 0.706-0.708 ob- tained for several porphyry-copper stocks in the southwest United States and for the stock associated

with the Questa, New Mexico porphyry molybdenum deposit (Moorbath, Hurley and Fairbairn, 1967; Laughlin, Rehrig and Mauger, 1969) support this contention. A deep, homogenized, probably mantle- source for sulfide sulfur in porphyry •opper and molybdenum deposits in the southwest United States is suggested by •S 3• values close to the meteoric standard (Field, 1966; Jensen, 1967; Laughlin, Rehrig and Mauger, 1969).

In summation, therefore, porphyry copper and molybdenum deposits are considered to be confined to orogenic belts characterized by calc-alkaline magrnatism, and resulting from plates of oceanic

Page 5: A Plate Tectonic Model for the Origin of Porphyry Copper ... · The Origin of Calc-Alkaline Igneous Rocks and Porphyry Copper Deposits l/l/orld Distribution o I Porphyry Ore Deposits


Old continental crust


Calco alkaline magma

Volcanic chain

Porp•lyry copper deposit

Bat halitl•s


Oceanic sediments (layer t) with metal- rich horizon at their base

- -----e,,--LOW velocity zone

Copper concentration in oceanic crust

/ OCEAN RIS r Basaltic

/ Basalt encI gabbro ' ,;; i; m t •' ' h magma Oce'- / qa-ers 2 and 31 iS e a e al-rlc /

on [layers ,ang 3•




To 700 Km.

•'m. 3. Schematic repœesentation of the genesis of porphyry copper deposits in the context of plate tectonics.

lithosphere underthrusting adjacent lithospheric plates, in some cases with ensuing continental col- lision-the compressive type of elongate contact be- tween two lithospheric plates.

The Source of Metals in Porphyry Ore Deposits

The source of metals in post-magmatic sulfide ore deposits has long been a topic of contention. For the porphyry copper deposits in particular, a con- tinental crustal provenance of copper by extraction from andesitic volcanics (Ney, 1966), geosynclinal sediments (United Nations, 1970), or shale horizons (Jensen, 1971), during igneous intrusion, has been inferred. However, considering the wide spectrum of host rock types of porphyry copper deposits, namely calc-alkaline volcanics, intrusive and meta- morphic rocks, and marine sediments, partially cal- careous, and taking into account the probable absence of certain of these source rock types from beneath some porphyry copper provinces, the provision of the metals by a specific rock type in the continental crust seems improbable. Furthermore, the only source of metals available to all porphyry copper deposits, which takes into consideration the thin crust and almost total absence of sialic crust beneath some porphyry copper provinces (e.g., the Solomon Islands; Coleman, 1966), would seem to be the upper mantle.

An important aspect of the model outlined above for the origin of porphyry ore deposits, is the im- plication that a large percentage of the metals were

extracted from oceanic crust during partial melting as it sank into the mantle on a subduction zone.

Collection of metals by saline fluids expelled from oceanic crust during subduction may also be opera- tive. Initially, the metals were largely derived from the mantle at the ocean rise system and carried to th margins of ocean basins as components of layers 1, 2 and 3 of the oceanic crust (Fig. 3). The wedge of mantle above a Benioff zone may also act as a source for basaltic magmas (Oxburgh and Turcotte, 1970), and minor quantities of copper and molyb- denum. The metals released during partial melting ascended as components of calc-alkaline magmas (Fig. 3), and were ultimately concentrated in chlo- ride-rich fluid phases associated with the roof-zones of certain intrusions. The fluid phase was released upwards during consolidation of the magma to give rise to the typical upright cylinders of porphyry copper and molybdenum mineralization.

A corollary of this premise is that regions possess- ing high concentrations of porphyry copper deposits, such as the southwest United States and southern

Peru-northern Chile, and considered as copper-rich metallogenetic provinces (e.g., Turneaure, 1955), are not regions of the Earth where the subjacent continental crust or upper mantle are enriched in copper, but regions beneath which anomalously cop- per-rich oceanic crust, including pelagic sediments, has been subducted. Variation in the amount of cop- per consumed in a zone of subduction, and therefore potentially available for mineralization, may depend

Page 6: A Plate Tectonic Model for the Origin of Porphyry Copper ... · The Origin of Calc-Alkaline Igneous Rocks and Porphyry Copper Deposits l/l/orld Distribution o I Porphyry Ore Deposits


on the rate of sea-floor spreading and hence the volume of oceanic crust entering the subduction zone, or the intensity of volcanism and metal production at the ocean rise, or, more fundamentally, may reflect an inhomogeneous distribution of this metal in the upper mantle, perhaps in the low velocity zone (Fig. 3); chemical heterogeneity of the mantle has recently been demonstrated (Peterman and Hedge, 1971).

Evidence Bearing on the Derivation of Metals from Oceanic Crust

The following points are thought to provide evi- dence favoring the oceanic crust as a source for the copper and molybdenum contents of porphyry ore deposits:

1. Recent workers (Cann, 1968; Oxburgh and Turcotte, 1968; Thayer, 1969; Christensen, 1970) have proposed that the third layer of the oceanic crust has a gabbroic composition, perhaps with dole- rite dike complexes in its lower part (Dewey and Bird, 1970). It is overlain by basalts of layer 2. Basic igneous rocks have average copper and molybdenum contents of the order of 100 ppm and 1.5 ppm, respectively, five times that of granitic rocks in the case of the former element (Turekian and Wedepohl, 1961; Vinogradov, 1962). Oceanic basalts (layer 2) in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans average 77 ppm Cu (Engel, Engel and Havens, 1965).

2. Sulfide phases containing up to approximately 10 percent copper are present in vesicles and as globules in pillow basalts from layer 2 on the ocean rises (Moore and Calk, 1971).

3. Sulfide grains of a similar nature to those oc- curring in ocean-floor basalts (but with up to 25 percent copper) have been discovered in recent Hawaiian basalt flows (Desborough, Anderson and Wright, 1969), and in basaltic oozes which flowed into a drill hole in the crust of Alae lava lake, Hawaii (Skinner and Peck, 1969). The Hawaiian islands are mantle-fed volcanoes in the center of the Pacific lithospheric plate (Menard, 1969).

4. Large alpine-type mafic-ultramafic (ophiolite) complexes such as those in Cyprus, Turkey, Papua and elsewhere are thought to represent fragments of surficial rinds of ancient ocean-floor plates (Dietz, 1963; Thayer, 1969; Bird and Dewey, 1970). Sup- port for such a belief stems from records of similar rock types on the mid-Atlantic and Indian Ocean ridges (Bonatti, 1968; Engel and Fisher, 1969). The Mesozoic Troodos ophiolite complex of Cyprus is thought to correspond to layers 2 and 3, formed beneath an ocean rise in the Tethys Ocean (Gass, 1968). The well-known cupriferous pyrite deposits of Cyprus are interbedded in a succession of basaltic

pillow lavas, which, according to Gass (1968), would represent a part of layer 2 of the oceanic crust. The close genetic relation between the basaltic volcanics and the copper deposits (Vokes, 1966; Hutchinson and Searle, 1970) is evidence that concentrations of copper are present in the oceanic lithosphere. x

5. Manganese nodules on the ocean floors have copper contents as high as 2.5%. Analyses of nodules from the Pacific Ocean showed from 0.03 to 1.6% Cu (United Nations, 1970a).

6. Normal pelagic clays (layer 1) possess metal contents in excess of most sedimentary rocks, and average abundances of 323 ppm Cu and 18 ppm Mo have been recorded for Pacific clays (Cronan, 1969).

7. Base metals, including copper and molybdenum, of probable mantle derivation are concentrated on the East Pacific Rise (Bostr6m and Peterson, 1966, 1969), and on the rest of the ocean rise system (Bostr6m et al., 1969). Layer 1 sediments on the flanks of the East Pacific Rise (and presumably away from the rise beneath a blanket of normal ocean-floor sediments) have average copper and molybdenum contents of 990 ppm and 100 ppm, respectively.

8. The floor of the Red Sea, also a locus for the generation of new oceanic crust (e.g., Vine, 1966), possesses a series of metal-rich brine pools and sedi- ments (Miller et al., 1966; Degens and Ross, 1969), possibly also charged directly from the mantle.

9. The early Pliocene Boldo bedded copper de- posit in Baja California (Wilson and Rocha, 1955) may possibly represent another, albeit somewhat older, example of copper which has risen directly from the mantle, in this case related to the north- westward rotation of Baja California away from the rest of the North American continent, along seg- ments of the East Pacific Rise mutually offset by transform faulting, a process initiated in the late Miocene to middle Pliocene (Moore and Buffing- ton, 1968; Larsen, Menard and Smith, 1968). The high manganese- and iron oxide contents of the Bol•o ores (Wilson and Rocha, 1955) provide a further similarity to the metal concentrations of the East Pacific Rise and the Red Sea.

It is also conceivable that the metals (6 ppm Cu; White, 1968) in the brines of the Salton Sea geo- thermal system, lying just north of the Gulf of California, and possibly underlain by the East Pacific Rise, have a comparable mantle source, although their derivation by low-grade metamorphism of clastic sediments has been proposed (Skinner et al., 1967).

x This suggests the possibility that other massive pyritic sulfide deposits associated with basaltic pillow lavas may have formed on the crests and flanks of ocean rise systems.

Page 7: A Plate Tectonic Model for the Origin of Porphyry Copper ... · The Origin of Calc-Alkaline Igneous Rocks and Porphyry Copper Deposits l/l/orld Distribution o I Porphyry Ore Deposits


TABLE 1. Ages of Porphyry Copper and Molybdenum Deposits

Name of Porphyry Deposits or Regions Age" of Porphyry Deposits Source of Data

British Columbia Most porphyry copper and molybdenum deposits

Vancouver Island Western United States and Sonora

Most porphyry copper deposits Bisbee, Arizona Ely and Yerington, Nevada Bingham, Utah Front Range porphyry molybdenum deposits


Botija Ecuador


Peru Southern Peru Michiquillay

Argentina Farel16n Negro, Catamarca


Bougainville Island Panguna

Taiwan Chemei

Philippines Atlas

West Pakistan Chagai district

Iran Kerman region


Upper Triassic-Middle Jurassic Upper Jurassic Late Lower Cretaceous Upper Paleocene-Upper Eocene Lower Eocene-Lower Oligocene

Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene Middle Jurassic Lower Cretaceous Lower Oligocene Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene

Lower Oligocene

Upper Miocene

Paleocene ? Lower Miocene

Tertiary (S) Upper Miocene-Pliocene (S)

Upper Cretaceous Paleocene Upper Eocene-Oligocene Upper Miocene-Pliocene

? Pliocene (S)'

Miocene or later

Tertiary (S) Upper Paleocene

? post-Oligocene (S)

Upper Oligocene-Miocene (S)

Upper Eocene Lower Oligocene Lower Miocene

White, Harakal and Carter (1968); Brown (1969)

Carson (1969)

Creasey and Kistler (1962); McDowell and Kulp (1967); Moorbath, Hurley and Fairbairn (1967); Livingston, Mauger and Damon (1968); Moore, Lanphere and Obradovich (1968); Tweto (1968); Wallace et al. (1968); Laughlin, Rehrig and Mauger (1969)

Feren[i6 (1970)

M/iller-Kahle and Damon (1970)

Laughlin, Damon and Watson (1968); Stewart and Snelling (in prep.)

United Nations (1970) Llambias (1970)

Sillitoe, Quirt, Clark, Farrar and Neumann (in prep.)

Macnamara (1968)

Po and Lee (1970)

Bryner (1969)

Schmidt (1968)

Bazin and H/ibner (1969)

Bagdasaryan, Gukasyan and Kara- myan (1969)

a Time scale according to Hadand, Smith and Wilcock (1964). (S) Stratigraphic estimate.

The Distribution of Ages of Porphyry Ore Deposits

Published ages for the main groups of porphyry copper and molybdenum deposits are summarized in Table 1. It is apparent that deposits were emplaced at intervals throughout the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, with a particularly large number of deposits of late Cretaceous-Paleogene age.

It is suggested that two principal factors control the space-time distribution of porphyry ore deposits. These are: 1. the level of exposure--largely depend- ent on erosion rate--of a plutonic-volcanic chain; and 2. the time and location of magma generation, and

the quantity of metals incorporated in magmas, on a subduction zone. It is, of course, recognized that additional variables, such as the quantity of chloride- rich fluid present during the final stages of consolida- tion of an intrusion, are of considerable importance.

Evidence has been advanced to show that me-

chanisms implicit in the new global tectonics were operative in pre-Mesozoic times (Bird and Dewey, 1970). Nevertheless, with the exception of Uzbek- stan and Kazakhstan, porphyry ore deposits have not yet been definitely described from the older orogenic belts. This apparent absence is tentatively attributed to the effects of Mesozoic-Cenozoic erosion, which

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has been sufficient to remove the upper parts of batholiths, the loci of porphyry deposits. However, it is predicted that porphyry deposits will be en- countered in parts of certain pre-Mesozoic orogens where erosion has been less severe. 8 The apparent predominance of late Cretaceous-Paleogene ages of porphyry deposits (Table 1) might also be dependent on the erosion factor, whereby many early Mesozoic deposits have been eroded away, and some post- Paleogene deposits have yet to be exhumed from beneath their volcanic cover. Support for this pro- posal is derived from conditions in Chile north of latitude 30øS, where the erosion level becomes pro- gressively deeper from the recent volcanic chain on the Andean crest westwards to the Jurassic intrusions on the Pacific littoral (Sillitoe and Sawkins, 1971). The majority of the exposed porphyry copper de- posits are Paleogene in age; Jurassic deposits, if they ever existed, have been lost by erosion, and deposits yet to be exposed may exist in the recent volcanic chain. However, the second factor, discussed below, may also be an important contributary, or even the dominant, cause of the relative abundance of Paleo- gene deposits in northern Chile.

If the importance of the erosion factor has been correctly evaluated, then porphyry deposits in re- gions with a high erosion rate, such as the south- west Pacific belt characterized by a tropical climate, could be expected to yield a predominance of particu- larly young ages; more radiometric dating is needed in order to test this proposal.

Explanations of many features of the distribution of porphyry copper and molybdenum deposits can be attempted in terms of the second factor, the lateral and secular pattern of magma generation, and the availability of copper and molybdenum, on subduction zones. In northern Chile, discrete post-Paleozoic intrusive episodes are manifested by a series of north- south-trending belts of batholiths and stocks. The ages of these belts decrease from Lower Jurassic near the coast to late Tertiary in the Andean Cordil- lera (Ruiz et al., 1965; Farrar et al., 1970). The ages of porphyry copper deposits in this region possess an analogous space-time distribution, al- though Jurassic deposits are as yet unknown. Thus the possibility arises that each discrete pulse of magma generation had the potential to give rise to porphyry ore deposits; the extended time interval and episodicity of porphyry deposit genesis, particu- larly in western North America, as reflected by the ages in Table 1, support this conclusion. The data

a Pre-Mesozoic porphyry copper-type deposits have been reported from northwest of St. John, New Brunswick (Ruitenberg, Shafiquallah and Tupper, 1970), and from east- central Queensland, (Cornelius, 1969), but no particulars of the occurrences were given.

presently available suggest that the periods of porphyry copper formation in Chile were separated by quiescent intervals with durations of about 15-25 m.y. Similar pulse-like igneous intrusion has also been reported from parts of western North America, pulses lasting approximately 10-15 m.y. and being separated by 30 m.y. intervals (Damon and Mauger, 1966; Evernden and Kistler, 1970; Gabrielse and Reesor, 1964). Such magmatic periodicity may be correlable with changes in the thermal regime on subduction zones induced by variations in the relative spreading rate or motion pattern of the plates. In this context, changes in the relative motion of plates every 10-20 m.y. in the northeast Pacific, deduced by Francheteau, Sclater and Menard (1970), might be significant.

The eastward migration of the loci of intrusion and porphyry copper emplacement evident in north- ern Chile, which perhaps reflects a parallel trend in the position of magma generation on the underlying subduction zone, whether or not caused by a change in its position or inclination relative to the con- tinental margin, is less well defined in the western United States. In the latter region, Gilluly (1963) recognized an overall decrease in the age of Mesozoic- Cenozoic intrusion landwards from the continental

margin, but subsequent programs of radiometric dating have shown many exceptions to this gen- eralization. A broadly comparable pattern of east- ward younging is apparent from the porphyry de- posits. The belt of mid-Tertiary porphyry moly- bdenum deposits in the Front Range lies east of the main cluster of late Cretaceous-Paleocene porphyry copper deposits in Sonora-Arizona-New Mexico (Fig. 1), and the Lower Cretaceous porphyry de- posits at Ely and Yerington, Nevada are located in the western part of this porphyry province. The great concentration of late Cretaceous-Paleocene porphyry copper deposits in the southwest United States is visualized as being due to the subduction of areas of exceptionally copper-rich oceanic crust. This contention is supported by the occurrence in the same province of unmineralized (with the exception of Bingham, Utah) mid-Tertiary stocks, which I consider to have been intruded at a time when lesser

amounts of copper were available on the subjacent subduction zone. Theories invoking the extraction of copper from the continental crust or upper mantle fail to account for the concentration within a limited

time period of most of these porphyry copper de- posits; furthermore, post-Paleozoic stocks of all ages in the province would be expected to be similarly endowed with porphyry copper deposits. Continuing the same line of argument, large amounts of moly- bdenum, and only minor copper, are thought to have been available on a subduction zone vertically

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beneath the Front Range in mid-Tertiary time. If the locus of magma generation on a subduction zone does not migrate systematically with time, then no clear pattern of porphyry copper ages is to be ex- pected, a situation which may explain the apparently random distribution of ages in British Columbia.

Porphyry Copper Deposits/Plate Tectonics Interrelationships

Details of the world distribution of the evolving system of ocean rises and trenches which existed during Mesozoic and early Cenozoic times are not yet well known. Nevertheless, evidence derived from both continents and ocean basins has enabled the establishment of some aspects of plate tectonics at this time. The distribution of porphyry deposits in selected regions will now be related in general terms to the plate tectonic model:

IVestern South America

Evidence derived from the interpretation of mag- netic anomaly patterns in the Pacific Ocean basin (Heirtzler et al., 1968; Morgan, Vogt and Falls, 1969) and the paleontological study of sediment cores in the South Atlantic Ocean basin (Maxwell et al., 1970) has demonstrated the convergence of the American and East Pacific plates along the western margin of South America (Fig. 2) since at least the late Cretaceous. This interval of active underthrust-

ing embraces the period of formation of porphyry copper deposits in Chile, Argentina, Peru and Ecua- dor. In western South America, porphyry copper deposits may well be forming still beneath the active volcanic chains, for underthrusting is continuing (e.g., Plafker and Savage, 1970).

Central America and the Caribbean

The Panama trench is sediment-filled, and under- thrusting is inactive (Le Pichon, 1968). The trench was abandoned in the Miocene when the pattern of sea-floor spreading in the North Pacific changed (Vine, 1966; Le Pichon, 1968), but was part of a continuous trench system bordering the west of the American continent intermittently during the Mesozoic and early and middle Cenozoic, during which time the Cerro Petaquilla and Botija porphyry copper deposits of Panama were emplaced.

In Puerto Rico, porphyry copper formation seems to have been associated with a phase of igneous in- trusion of Eocene age (Mattson, 1965). Although present-day eastward movement of the American plate nearly parallels the Puerto Rico trench (Chase and Bunce, 1969; Molnar and Sykes, 1969), re- constructions of plate motions in this region indicate that underthrusting normal to the trench prevailed

in mid-Cretaceous-early Tertiary times (Freeland and Dietz, 1971).

IVestern North America

It is now generally accepted (Vine, 1966; Yeats, 1968; Hamilton, 1969b; Page, 1970) that thrusting of the East Pacific ocean floor beneath the American

plate in western North America took place at times during the Mesozoic and early and middle Tertiary. Underthrusting terminated in the western United States in the Miocene (Vine, 1966; Atwater, 1970) by the overrunning of the East Pacific Rise by the trench system. Porphyry copper and molybdenum deposits in the western United States range in age from middle Jurassic to Lower Miocene (Table 1), in excellent agreement with the time of plate con- vergence. In view of the absence of an active sub- duction zone off this coast, it is concluded that porphyry copper formation is not currently active in North America, north of the tip of Baja California, except in the Alaska Peninsula where a trench sys- tem is still active, and possibly landward of the Juan de Fuca plate. It is noteworthy that calc-alkaline volcanism, typical of convergent plate junctures, ceased in the western United States south of Oregon in the Miocene (Christiansen and Lipman, 1970; Lipman, Prostka and Christiansen, 1970).

The character of Mesozoic-middle Cenozoic plate interactions off British Columbia cannot be elucidated

from studies of magnetic anomaly patterns (Atwater, 1970), but it is noteworthy that calc-alkaline volcan- ism in British Columbia terminated in the Eocene

(Souther, 1970), at about the same time as the de- dine in the formation of porphyry copper deposits• excluding those on Vancouver Island.

The small Juan de Fuca plate, sandwiched be- tween North America and the northeast Pacific (Fig. 2), has descended, and may still be descending, along a trench system paralleling the coast of Oregon, Washington and Vancouver Island (Morgan, 1968; Tobin and Sykes, 1968) giving rise to calc-alkaline magmatism in the Cascades. The Lower Eocene- Lower Oligocene porphyry deposits on Vancouver Island (Carson, 1969) do not fit well into the over- all space-time distribution pattern of porphyry de- posits in British Columbia, and might be ascribed to earlier activity in the vicinity of this localized compressive system, as might apparently young porphyry coppers in Washington. Extrapolation of plate motions back into the early Cenozoic (Atwater, 1970) has shown that subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate was preceded by more rapid under- thrusting of the Farallon plate, at a trench which did not extend further north than Vancouver Island.

However, her model approximately predicts the commencement of subduction in the Upper Eocene,

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mid-way through the interval of formation of the porphyry deposits.

Lineament Intersections and Porphyry Copper De- posits in Western .dmerica

The locations of several southwest North American

porphyry copper deposits have been attributed to major orogen- and fault-zone intersections (Bill- ingsley and Locke, 1941; Mayo, 1958; Schmitt, 1966). More specifically, the locations of several porphyry copper deposits (e.g., Ajo, Pima-Mission and Silver Bell) have been considered to have been influenced by elements of the west-northwest- trend- ing Texas lineament, particularly by its intersection with the Wasatch-Jerome orogen (Mayo, 1958; Schmitt, 1966; Guilbert and Sumner, 1968; Wertz, 1970). Schmitt (1966) and Guilbert and Sumner (1968) have interpreted the Texas lineament as a continental manifestation of now-extinct transform

faults in the North Pacific basin. Although several porphyry copper deposits outside of the southwest United States (e.g., Chuquicamata, Chile; Taylor, 1935) lie adjacent to important faults, none have been described as being located by major structural intersections. It is suggested that the control of porphyry copper emplacement by extinct transform faults and major structural intersections is not uni- versally applicable, and is subordinate to a funda- mental dependence on elongate zones of plate con- vergence. In Chile, for example, the linear, longi- tudinal array of porphyry copper deposits (Fig. 1) provides strong support for a subduction-zone origin, and no indication of control by structural intersec- tions is evident (Sillitoe, unpublished). In the southwest United States, the less regular, disperse pattern of porphyry copper deposits may be ex- plained in terms of partial fusion and consequent magma and metal generation over a greater down- dip extension of the underlying subduction zone; this situation might be expected if the subduction zone were flat-dipping and imbricate as invoked by Lipman, Prostka and Christiansen (1971). It is not denied, however, that lineaments may have influenced locally the uprise of magma and included metals.

The Southwest Pacific Belt

In view of the young ages (Table 1) suggested for the porphyry copper deposits in Bougainville and Taiwan, it seems probable that their formation is linked to Benioff zones occupying positions closely similar to those currently active (Fig. 2). If the porphyry copper deposits in West Irian and Papua- New Guinea prove to be post-Miocene in age, then they would seem to be related to the southward underthrusting of the Pacific plate (Fig. 2). On the other hand, if the deposits were formed in pre-

Miocene times, they would be related to a north- ward dipping subduction zone, which became ex- tinct during the Miocene, by the collision of its overlying island arc (Bismarck arc) with the Aus- tralian continent (Dewey and Bird, 1970).

The .dlpide Belt

The Alpide belt, in terms of the new global tec- tonics, is one of the least known and most complex of the compressive plate boundaries. On a global scale, the compressire forces in the Alpide belt have been attributed to relative movements between the African and Eurasian plates related to sea-floor spreading in the Central and North Atlantic Oceans (Hs/i, 1971; Smith, 1971). Lithosphere was con- sumed along the northern and northeastern edges of the Arabian plate at the Zagros thrust zone in Iran and West Pakistan and its westerly continuation in Turkey (Dewey and Bird, 1970). Porphyry copper deposits in Iran and West Pakistan, north of the Zagros zone, were emplaced while subduction was active. The porphyry deposits in Romania, Yugo- slavia and Bulgaria appear to be related to a Meso- zoic-Tertiary subduction zone which, according to Dewey and Bird (1970; Fig. 14), is marked by ophiolite complexes, and extended westwards from the southern shore of the Black Sea. It might be conjectured that all the porphyry ore deposits in the Alpide belt were generated during phases of sub- duction related to the closure of the western Tethyan- Indian Ocean.

In the case of orogenic belts in which the collision of continents with island arcs or with other con-

tinents has contributed to their development, as in the Alpine-Mediterranean system, calc-alkaline igneous rocks and associated ore deposits may have been concealed by overthrust slices or by flysch de- posits during or after collision.

Concluding Remarks

In terms of the plate tectonic model outlined above for the genesis of porphyry ore deposits, several suggestions for exploration may be made. A con- sideration of the distribution of Mesozoic-Cenozoic subduction zones (Fig. 2) indicates several areas as potential porphyry provinces, in addition to the oro- genic belts of western America and their southward continuation into the Antarctic Peninsula. Probably the most obvious of these regions are Japan • and New Zealand where porphyry deposits have not yet been discovered despite extensive exploration. A re- cent compilation of ages of magmatism in island arcs (Mitchell and Bell, 1970) shows that Upper Creta- ceous-Eocene or mid-Tertiary periods of volcanism accompanied by intrusion are represented, in addi- tion to in island arcs where porphyry copper de-

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posits are already known, in the Aleutians, Izu- Bonin, Sumatra-Java, Banda, North and South Celebes, New Hebrides and Fiji; these areas are considered important for porphyry copper explora- tion. The Lesser Antilles island arc, Kamchatka and Burma and Thailand are also considered to be

promising targets. In the Alpide zone, Turkey, 4 Greece and Afghanis-

tan seem to be likely areas for porphyry copper dis- covery. A detailed analysis of the Alpine-Medi- terranean orogen in terms of the new global tectonics would provide a cogent tool in the search for porphyry copper deposits. For example, if a sub- duction zone existed during Mesozoic and early Tertiary times at the contact of the African and European-Asian plates, as depicted by Dewey and Bird (1970; Fig. 14), then porphyry copper deposits might be expected in the north of Morocco and Al- geria. If the Indus suture marks the site of the subduction zone active during the closure of the eastern part of the Tethyan-Indian Ocean (Mitchell and Reading, 1969), then porphyry deposits might be present on its northern side.

It is hoped that this model for the origin of porphyry copper and molybdenum deposits, though liable to modification in the light of further informa- tion relating to porphyry deposits and plate tectonics, will stimulate confirmatory research, and attempts to apply the new global tectonics to other classes of ore deposit. A number of the stages in the proposed model would seem to be amenable to testing by further work. Potentially important research might include age-determination and Srs7/Sr86 studies of porphyry deposits, and isotopic and chemical studies of oceanic crustal rocks. These should be accom-

panied by investigations to elucidate the magmatic and metal-concentrating processes operative at the ocean rise system, and the nature of lithosphere sinking, and partial melting and metal extraction, in subduction zones.


I should like to thank Dr. A. H. Clark, Dr. J. F. Dewey, Dr. W. R. Dickinson, and particularly Dr. J. W. Stewart for their useful comments on an early draft of the paper.




Lorn)ON, S. W. 7, ENGLAND, April 20; December 1, 1971

4 Since this paper was submitted, porphyry copper prospects have been reported from Okinawa and Turkey.


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