a pennsylvania charitable trust jefferson hills,...

WELCOME If you are new to our area we invite you to share fully in our parish life. Your presence brings new giŌs to our community. Please take a moment to register. Forms are available at the Parish oce. DEVOTION: Infant of Prague Novena: Tuesday aŌer Mass. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturday 4:00 p.m. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Available to the chronically or seriously ill. Call the Parish oce. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: BapƟsm is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Parents are required to parƟcipate in one BapƟsm PreparaƟon Session oered during the months of January, April, August and October. Please call the Parish for the date and Ɵme of the Session. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: The Sacrament of Marriage is celebrated on Saturdays at 2:30 p.m. Couples must meet with a priest at least six months prior to their wedding date. No date can be conrmed unƟl this meeƟng. Couples are required to aƩend an approved preCana preparaƟon program. (RCIA) RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: The Easter Season welcomes new Catholics or those adult Catholics who wish to complete their Sacrament of IniƟaƟon (Holy Communion, ConrmaƟon) into full communion with the church. This is a process of prayer, study and decision. Any adult wishing to inquire further should contact the Parish oce. SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS: Please call the Pastor if you feel you might be called to the Priesthood or diaconate. MISSION STATEMENT We, the faith community of Saint Thomas A’ Becket are a suburban familyoriented parish founded in 1957 that conƟnues to grow in spiritual giŌs and blessings. These blessings are inherited through our bapƟsm and empowered by the Holy Spirit to share, to witness and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Enriched by the Sacraments, rooted in the Eucharist, we humbly seek to support the foundaƟons of family and faith in our parish and surrounding community, parƟcularly, serving those most in need so that Christ’s love might be more abundant in all our lives. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:15 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. Daily Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. Holy Days See Schedule in BulleƟn PARISH STAFF Pastor Reverend Robert L. Seeman 4126552885 Deacon Gerard Como D.R.E. & PreSchool Sister Dolores Ann, SCN 4126534322 Social Service Minister Sister Mary Judith, SCN 4126559297 Minister of Music Carol AcceƩa PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday Friday 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 4126552885 FAX 4126550615 Convent 4126554122 Coee Shoppe 4126559966 Diocese of PiƩsburgh Abuse Hotline: 18888081235 APRIL 28, 2013 Parish Website: www.saintthomasabecket.com Saint Thomas A’ Becket Catholic Church A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust Jefferson Hills, PA

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WELCOME If you are new to our area we  invite you to share  fully  in our parish life.  Your presence brings new gi s to our community.  Please take a moment to register. Forms are available at the Parish office. 

DEVOTION: Infant of Prague Novena: Tuesday a er Mass.  

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturday 4:00 p.m.  

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Available to the chronically or seriously ill.  Call the Parish office.  

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Bap sm is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.  Parents are required to par cipate in one Bap sm Prepara on  Session offered during  the months of  January, April, August  and October.   Please  call  the Parish  for  the  date  and  me of  the Session.  

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: The Sacrament of Marriage is celebrated on Saturdays at 2:30 p.m.  Couples must meet with a priest at least six months prior  to  their wedding date.   No date  can be  confirmed un l  this mee ng.   Couples  are  required  to  a end  an  approved pre‐Cana prepara on program.  

(RCIA) RITE OF CHRISTIAN  INITIATION OF ADULTS: The Easter Season welcomes new Catholics or those adult Catholics who wish to complete their Sacrament of  Ini a on  (Holy Communion, Confirma on)  into  full  communion with  the  church.   This  is a process of prayer,  study and decision.  Any adult wishing to inquire further should contact the Parish office.  

SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS: Please call the Pastor if you feel you might be called to the Priesthood or diaconate. 

MISSION STATEMENT We,  the  faith  community  of  Saint  Thomas  A’  Becket are a suburban family‐oriented parish founded in 1957 that con nues  to grow  in spiritual gi s and blessings. These blessings are inherited through our bap sm and empowered by the Holy Spirit to share, to witness and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.  

Enriched by  the  Sacraments,  rooted  in  the  Eucharist, we humbly seek  to support  the  founda ons of  family and  faith  in  our  parish  and  surrounding  community, par cularly, serving those most in need so that Christ’s love might be more abundant in all our lives.  

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday  5:00 p.m. Sunday  8:00 a.m., 10:15 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. Daily  Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. Holy Days  See Schedule in Bulle n  

PARISH STAFF Pastor  Reverend Robert L. Seeman      412‐655‐2885  

Deacon      Gerard Como  

D.R.E. & Pre‐School Sister Dolores Ann, SCN      412‐653‐4322  

Social Service Minister Sister Mary Judith, SCN      412‐655‐9297  

Minister of Music                                       Carol Acce a  

PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday ‐ Friday 9:00 a.m. ‐ 3:00 p.m. 412‐655‐2885  FAX 412‐655‐0615 


Convent                                                        412‐655‐4122 Coffee Shoppe                                             412‐655‐9966 Diocese of Pi sburgh Abuse Hotline: 1‐888‐808‐1235 

APRIL 28, 2013

Parish Website: www.saintthomasabecket.com

Saint Thomas A’ Becket Catholic Church

A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust

Jefferson Hills, PA


For the Week of April 28, 2013 “It is a Holy and Wholesome Thought to Pray for the Dead.” Saturday, April 27 5:00 PM ............. Anthony Milas (Anna Milas Family) Sunday, April 28, Fifth Sunday of Easter 8:00 AM ..................................... Paul Altman (Family) 10:15 AM ........................... For the People of the Parish 12:00 NN ............................ 40th Wedding Anniversary of Larry & Jacque Michael Monday, April 29, Saint Catherine of Siena 9:00 AM .. Deceased Members of Matyasovsky Family (Mary Matyasovsky) Tuesday, April 30 9:00 AM ............................ 53rd Wedding Anniversary of Bill & Judy Kerns Wednesday, May 1 9:00 AM . Lucia & Alessandro Rossi (M/M Ed Krizan) Thursday, May 2, Saint Athanasius 9:00 AM ....... Linda Salzmann (Regis & Fay Zebroski) Friday, May 3, Saints Philip & James 9:00 AM .................. Patricia Cramer (Dorothy Bracco) Saturday, May 4 5:00 PM ......................... Thomas Kane (Kane Family) Sunday, May 5, Sixth Sunday of Easter 8:00 AM ............................ 65th Wedding Anniversary of Tom & Theresa Corso 10:15 AM ........................... For the People of the Parish 12:00 NN ...................... Arnold Jester (Wife, Henrietta)


Andrew Kwitowski &

Kristy Montanari


Today's Gospel again comes from the Gospel of John. Like last week, today we hear words spoken by Jesus before his death and Resurrection. Jesus is teaching at the Last Supper. John's Gospel does not include an institution of the Eucharist narrative; instead, Jesus washes his disciples' feet. Immediately after, Jesus predicts his betrayal by Judas. Today's Gospel follows that prediction. It can be read as a continuing explanation of Jesus' act of washing his disciples' feet. It begins with the announcement that this is the moment when the Son of Man will be glorified. This theme continues throughout John's Passion. Jesus will be glorified in his death on the cross and in his Resurrection, and the disciples will glorify Jesus in the love they show. John's Gospel does not present a sentimental view of love. This is a type of love that is shown in service and sacrifice. It is difficult to choose to love when faced with hatred and anger. Jesus tells the disciples that all will know that they are his disciples because of the love they show for one another. This description of the early Christian community will be repeated in the Acts of the Apostles: “See how they love one another.” Christian love is the hallmark of Christianity. We see it lived in the witness of the martyrs. We see it in the example of the lives of the saints. We see it in the holy women and men who live and love daily, making small and large sacrifices for others.” (Loyola Press)

God’s blessings be yours today and always,

Father Bob

From the Desk of Fr. Bob

Liturgical Ministers May 5, 2013

Lectors: Sat. 5:00 p.m. C. Serrao Sun. 8:00 a.m. M. Bohnert Sun. 10:15 a.m. S. Gardiner Sun. 12:00 p.m. T. Aceto Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:

Sat. 5:00 p.m. Deacon Gerry-C. Good-R. Good Sun. 8:00 a.m. C. Peternel-C. Smith-T. Smith Sun. 10:15 a.m. M. Donohue-T. Donohue-J. Nash Sun. 12:00 p.m. E. Bourgeois-C. Colgan-D. Ging Acolytes: Sat. 5:00 p.m. L. Good-Z. Good-L. Tranchini Sun. 8:00 a.m. M. Campano-S. Fullard-J. Wasik Sun. 10:15 a.m. R. Gress-C. Robis-H. Pasqualini Sun. 12:00 p.m. A. Plasynski-J. Plasynski-J. Stosic


FAMILY CONNECTION Is love the first word your family members use to describe their interactions? Love is difficult. Jesus' sacrifice for us is an example of this. Yet because of love, the glory of God is fully revealed in Jesus. God's glory is revealed in us when we act as the Body of Christ, as individuals and as a community. In the love we have for one another—difficult, challenging, sacrificial love—we find Jesus. Choose one or two occasions when your family was together during the week. Describe the family's interactions from an outsider's perspective. When is it less difficult to show love to family members? When is it more difficult? When love is difficult, what do we do? Jesus didn't just tell us to love one another. He showed us how to love one another. In what ways did Jesus show us how to love? (in his acts of healing and forgiving; at the Last Supper as he washed his disciples' feet; in the gift of the Eucharist; through his death on the Cross)


Walk for a cause and help Catholic Charities Free Health Care Center (CCFHCC)! Bring your family and friends to the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community, Saturday, May 18, at Stage AE and enjoy a 5K or 1 mile walk, music, refreshments, kids’ station and prizes. Registration starts at 7:30 a.m.; walk at 9:00 a.m. Get all the registration details and find out how you can make a donation as a virtual walker if you can’t make the event at www.freecarepgh.org. Your support helps CCFHCC provide free medical and dental services to the uninsured. Every dollar makes a difference to serve those in need!


Join men from the Catholic Men’s Fellowship of Pittsburgh and The King’s Men on “Into the Wild” — an outdoor, experiential retreat for men, June 6-9, 2013 at Raccoon State Park. This dynamic retreat combines faith in an authentically masculine way with exciting outdoor activities, such as orienteering, fishing, outdoor cooking, building, archery and firearms training, and more. No outdoor skills or experience required. All men (single or married, young or senior) are welcome; fathers bring your sons (11 years +). Bishop David Zubik will be joining the retreat again this year for a “fireside talk” answering all of your burning questions. Fr. Mike Zavage, Fr. Joe Freedy, and other priests, will be serving on the retreat. More information is available at www.IntoTheWildWeekend.com or call Dave DiNuzzo at (412) 475-8783 or Jim Zern at (412) 818-3226. Mention this bulletin announcement and receive $35 off.


Congratulations to our Second Grade Religious Education students who received their First Holy Communion.

Class of 2013

April 13 – 5:00 Mass April 13 – 5:00 Mass Morgan Allan Kiley Dorrian Richard Allanbaugh Riley Dorsey Abby Atkinson Nathan Everley Andre Bekavac Sabrina Everley Jacob Bertini Alexis Findlan Ashley Caldwell Christopher Fullard Jackson Chiprich Dominic Putignano Jacob Christian Alaina Smith Jadyn Davis April 14 – Noon Mass April 14 – Noon Mass Delaney Concannon Katelynn Inks Katharine Cunningham John Janusek Brenden Fulmer Cody Karcher Catherine Galioto Hayden Krupp Joey Gardiner Ryan Lawry Camryn Gore Braden Lesutis Andrew Graham Ashely Lieberum Isabella Guzman Carmen Maglicco Landen Hintemeyer Olivia Majetic Audra Hirner Emma Martinis Kylie Hirner Alyssa McCormick Joshua Hynes Noelle Narr April 21 - Noon Mass April 21– Noon Mass Angelina Buckiso Drew Schliebner Angela Kondrat Sydney Schreiber Megan O’Dea Kyle Siler Emily Panaiia Jordan Sinclair Rachael Parsons Lance Smith Marissa Payne Isabella Spencer Emma Rehak Haley Spitznagel Paige Reichner Zachary Strutt Madalyn Ritter Riley Turk Tanner Rittiger Bria Vahosky Brian Rose Olivia Willig Charles Ruttenberg, III Sarah Zacur

We are excited about St. Thomas A’ Becket Vacation Bible School to be held the week of July 8 to July 12, 2013. Son Surf Beach Bash is a week of excitement and adventure! Children will have a great time with lively songs, crafts, and tasty snacks. But most important, they’ll learn how their lives can be transformed by God’s great love for them. Registration forms will be available in the vestibule of the Church for volunteers and for the children attending. For more information, contact Leah Payne at (412) 714-3654 or email her at [email protected].

HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS-PRAYER TIME Join us for some quiet time, about 30 minutes with the Lord and join in prayer and discussion. It is inspiring to see so many of our high school students participate early on Friday mornings in this time of grace. Also, Monday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. is another opportunity for teens to grow in their faith. The Group is facilitated by Carole Good, with the service of Ryan Alderson and Chad Succop. May God’s blessings continue with these young people as they grow deeply committed to their faith.

ALTAR SERVER TRAINING Any 5th grader or above who would like to be an Altar Server, please obtain a form from the School or Parish offices and return it no later than Sunday, May 5.

CATHOLIC YOUTH DAY AT KENNYWOOD Catholic Youth Day will be Tuesday, July 9, 2013, this year beginning with Mass at 11:00 a.m. We would love to see the youth and families of your Parish at this great event!

The Vigil Light at the Tabernacle will burn this week in loving memory of

Paul Altman, from Family.

LADIES OF CHARITY MEETING—MAY 6 This is the last full meeting of the year, so we encourage all the ladies to attend. It is also the month of May at which time we have devotions to our Blessed Mother. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. with the devotions and then we will continue with the regular agenda. Meeting will be held in the Coffee Shoppe.


For those who had a death in the family and may need something like this, we invite you to join us for the First Grief Support Session. This will be held in the School Building at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 1. To register, call Gerry Majewski at (412) 655-4712 or Mary Helen Muholland at (412) 316-6627, who are the Facilitators.


This popular fundraising event (formerly Penny Auction) will be held on Saturday, May 4 at 7:00 p.m. at the Pleasant Hills Community Presbyterian Church, 199 Old Clairton Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15236. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. The G-r-reat Giveaway is a series of many fast paced raffles, featuring over 250 prizes donated by local merchants. Refreshments will be available and early arrival is suggested. If you need further information or to purchase tickets, please contact Chuck Snyder, Co-Chair, Publicity at (412) 653-4220 or check our website at: www.pleasanthillslions.org.



June 27, 28 and 29, 2013 Let’s make this the BEST FESTIVAL we ever had! This will be the last one with Father Bob as our Pastor. Come to enjoy all the festivities.


This booth is always very exciting with the beautiful baskets. If you would like to be a part of this, just take one of the forms, fill in the information and then work on the basket.


Easter Flower Memorial Booklets

are now available on the table in the back of Church.


Date Total Offertory 4/21/13 Collected at Masses $9,152.70 On-line Giving $1,323.00