a novel collaborative - filtering - based recommender ... 2013/volume1/ijreatv1i1166.pdf ·...

IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 1, Issue 1, March, 2013 ISSN: 2320 - 8791 www.ijreat.org 1 www.ijreat.org Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP(www.prdg.org) A Novel Collaborative - Filtering - Based Recommender System Using Iexpand 1 S. VinaySelvam and 2 N. Saravanan, M.E., 1 S. VinaySelvam Information Technology Veltech Multi Tech Dr.RR Dr.SR Engineering College, Chennai 2 N. Saravanan, M.E., Assistant Professor, Veltech Multi Tech Dr.RR Dr.SREngineering College, Chennai AbstractRecommender systems or recommendation system is a subclass of information filtering system that seek to predict the rating or preference that a user would give to an item. However collaborativefilteringbased recommender system recommends its users on useritem based recommendations by highly under exploring users’ interests. In this paper we propose a new collaborative-filteringbased recommender system by expanding users’ interests via personalized ranking, named. iExpand. This iExpand based collaborative- filtering approach could its users based on a three layered scheme that focuses on userinterestitem and deals with the issues that exist in traditional collaborative filtering approaches, namely the overspecialization problem and the cold start problem. I. INTRODUCTION The system automatically recommend the few optimal items, which users might like or have interests to buy by learning the user profiles, users’ previous transactions, the content of items, etc. [2]. In the recent 20 years, many different types of recommender systems, such as collaborative- filtering-based methods, content-based approaches [12], and hybrid approaches, have been developed. A. Collaborative Filtering Since collaborative-filtering methods only require the infor-mation about user interactions and do not rely on the content information of items or user profiles, they have more broad ap-plications [14], [16], [20], and more and more research studies on collaborative filtering have been reported [15]. These methods filter or evaluate items through the opinions of other users. They are usually based on the assumption that the given user will prefer the items which other users with similar preferences liked in the past [2]. In the literature, there are model-based and memory-based methods for collaborative filtering. Model-based approaches learn a model to make recommendation. Algorithms of this category include the matrix factorization, the graph-based approaches [14], etc. The common procedure of memory-based approaches is first to select a set of neighbor users for a given user based on the entire collection of previously rated items by the users. Then, the recommendations are made based on the items that neighbor users like. Indeed, these methods are referred to as user-oriented memory-based approaches.However, existing collaborative-filtering methods often directly exploit the information about the users’ interaction with the systems. In other words, they make recommendations by learning a user–item” dualistic relationship. Therefore, existing methods often neglect an important fact that there are many latent user interests which influence user behaviors. To that end, in this paper, we propose a three-layer, user–interests–item, representation scheme. Specifically, we interpret an interest as a requirement from the user to items, while for the corresponding item, the interest can be considered as

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IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 1, Issue 1, March, 2013 ISSN: 2320 - 8791 www.ijreat.org


www.ijreat.org Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP(www.prdg.org)

A Novel Collaborative - Filtering - Based

Recommender System Using Iexpand

1S. VinaySelvam and

2 N. Saravanan, M.E.,

1S. VinaySelvam

Information Technology Veltech Multi Tech Dr.RR Dr.SR

Engineering College, Chennai

2N. Saravanan, M.E., Assistant Professor,

Veltech Multi Tech Dr.RR Dr.SREngineering College, Chennai

Abstract—Recommender systems or recommendation

system is a subclass of information filtering system that

seek to predict the rating or preference that a user

would give to an item. However collaborative–filtering–

based recommender system recommends its users on

user–item based recommendations by highly under

exploring users’ interests. In this paper we propose a

new collaborative-filtering–based recommender system

by expanding users’ interests via personalized ranking,

named. iExpand. This iExpand based collaborative-

filtering approach could its users based on a three

layered scheme that focuses on user–interest–item and

deals with the issues that exist in traditional

collaborative filtering approaches, namely the

overspecialization problem and the cold start problem.


The system automatically recommend the few

optimal items, which users might like or have

interests to buy by learning the user profiles, users’

previous transactions, the content of items, etc. [2]. In

the recent 20 years, many different types of

recommender systems, such as collaborative-

filtering-based methods, content-based approaches

[12], and hybrid approaches, have been developed.

A. Collaborative Filtering Since collaborative-filtering methods only require the

infor-mation about user interactions and do not rely

on the content information of items or user profiles,

they have more broad ap-plications [14], [16], [20],

and more and more research studies on collaborative

filtering have been reported [15]. These methods

filter or evaluate items through the opinions of other

users. They are usually based on the assumption that

the given user will prefer the items which other users

with similar preferences liked in the past [2].

In the literature, there are model-based and

memory-based methods for collaborative filtering.

Model-based approaches learn a model to make

recommendation. Algorithms of this category include

the matrix factorization, the graph-based approaches

[14], etc. The common procedure of memory-based

approaches is first to select a set of neighbor users for

a given user based on the entire collection of

previously rated items by the users. Then, the

recommendations are made based on the items that

neighbor users like. Indeed, these methods are

referred to as user-oriented memory-based

approaches.However, existing collaborative-filtering

methods often directly exploit the information about

the users’ interaction with the systems. In other

words, they make recommendations by learning a

“user–item” dualistic relationship. Therefore, existing

methods often neglect an important fact that there are

many latent user interests which influence user

behaviors. To that end, in this paper, we propose a

three-layer, user–interests–item, representation

scheme. Specifically, we interpret an interest as a

requirement from the user to items, while for the

corresponding item, the interest can be considered as

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IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 1, Issue 1, March, 2013 ISSN: 2320 - 8791 www.ijreat.org


www.ijreat.org Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP(www.prdg.org)

one of its characteristics.

B. Motivating Example

User latent interests, we will have a better

understanding about the users’ requirements, since

user interests can better connect users and items.

Also, when leveraging the information of user inter-

ests for developing recommender systems, we must

be aware that user interests can change from time to

time under the influence of many internal and

external factors. For instance, after watching the

movie CrouchingTiger, Hidden Dragon, use) shows

an example of a movie recommender system. In the

figure, user a is interested in kung fu movies, while

user b likes Oscar movies. While both of them have

watched the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,

which was recommended by the system, they have

different reasons for watching this movie. Thus, if we

can ide r interests may be affected by it.For user a,

while he is a fan of kung fu movies, he may

startwatching other movies directed by Ang Lee.

Also, user b may become a fan of kung fu movies

after her first-time exposure to this kung fu movie. If

recommender systems cannot capture these changes

and only make recommendations according to the

user’s past interests rather than exploring his/her new

preferences, then they are prone to the

“overspecialization” problem [2].In addition, in real

scenarios, the training data are far less than plentiful and

most of the items/users only have a few rating/buying

records. At this time, typical measures fail to capture

actual similarities between items/users and the system is

unable to make meaningful recommendations. This

situation is summarized as the cold-start problem.

C. Contributions

To address the aforementioned challenges, in our

preliminary work, we proposed an item-oriented

model-based collaborative-filtering method named

iExpand. In iExpand, we assume that each user’s

rating behavior depends on an underlying set of

hidden interests and we use a three-layer, user–

interests–item, representation scheme to generate

recommendations. Specifically, each user interest is

first captured by a latent factor which corresponds to

a “topic” in topic models. Then, we learn the

transition probabilities between different latent

interests. Moreover, to deal with the cold-start and

“overspecialization” problems, we model the

possible expansion process of user interests by

personalized ranking. In other words, we exploit a

personalized ranking strategy on a latent interest

correlation graph to predict the next possible interest

for each user. At last, iExpand generates the recom-

mendation list by ranking the candidate items

according to the expanded user interests. We should

note that, compared with previous topic-model-based

collaborative-filtering approaches, discovering the

correlation between latent interests and using

personalized ranking to expand user current interests

are the main advantages of iExpand. In this paper, we further explain why topic models

can be used to simulate the user latent interests and we

demonstrate the way of extracting these interests from

the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model by the

Gibbs sampling method. In addition, we illustrate how

to use iExpand for making online recommendations in

the real-world applications. Finally, we provide

systematic experiments on three data sets selected from

a wide and diverse range of domains, and we use

multiple evaluation metrics to evaluate the performance

of iExpand. Since iExpand views collaborative filtering

as a ranking problem and aims to make

recommendations by directly ranking the candidate

items, we report the ranking prediction accuracy. As

shown in the experimental results, iExpand outperforms

four benchmark methods: two graph-based algorithms

and two algorithms based on dimension reduction. As

many other algorithms formulate collaborative filtering

as a regression problem (i.e., rating prediction), we also

report the comparison results of the rating predictions.

In addition to this, these new experiments provide more

insights into the iExpand model, such as the effect of the

parameters and the low computational cost.

D. Outline

The rest of this paper is organized as follows.

Section II gives the detail of the iExpand method for

effective recommendation. In Section III, we show

the experimental results and many discussions. In

Section IV, we introduce the related work. Finally,

Section V concludes this paper.

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IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 1, Issue 1, March, 2013 ISSN: 2320 - 8791 www.ijreat.org


www.ijreat.org Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP(www.prdg.org)


In this section, we first introduce the framework of

the iExpand model. Then, we describe each step of

the model in detail. In addition, we show how to

select parameters. Finally, we address the

computational complexity issue.

Fig. 1.Framework of the iExpand model. Gray arrows show the general process of the model, while black arrows show the procedure of online recommendations.

A. The Framework of the iExpand Model

First of all, the iExpand model assumes that, in

recommender systems, a user’s rating behavior

depends on an under-lying set of hidden interests.

Inspired by the topic models, in iExpand, each user is

represented as a probability distribution over interests

and each interest is a probability distribution over

items. Figure shows the three-layer representation,

user–interests–item. What is more is that the iExpand

modelassumes that the order of items in a user’s

rating record can be neglected and the users’ order in

a user set can also be neglected, which means both

items and users are exchangeable. In correspondence

with the LDA model [8], a topic model that we use in

iExpand for extracting user interests, the users are

documents, the items are words, and the latent

interests are topics, respectively.

Topic models are a type of statistical models, which

were firstly proposed in machine learning and natural

language processing for discovering the hidden topics

(e.g., Basketball, Travel, and Cooking) that occur in a

collection of documents.In terms of collaborative

filtering, the documents can be viewed as the users, the

words are items, and topics become the hidden interests.

Based on the hypothesis of topic models, the co-

occurrence structure of items in the rating records can

be used to recover the latent interest structure and the

items that often appear together in one rating record

may tend to have the characteristics. In this way, the

latent topics can be used to simulate the real-world


TABLE I MATHEMATICAL NOTATIONS Fig. 1 shows the framework of the iExpand model.

From Fig. 1 we can see that, when a user comes, the

learning and recommendation process of the iExpand

model generally consists of four steps. In the first step,

the information about user latent interests is extracted by

the inference of the LDA model. In the second step, the

correlation graph/matrix of latent interests is established

by an item–interest bipartite graph projection. In the

third step, for a given user, his/her interest distribution is

expanded by letting the current interest vector perform a

random walk on the interest correlation graph/matrix.

Finally, the candidate items are ranked using expanded

user interests and the recommendation list is

generated.Each step of the iExpand model is

introduced in the following sections. For better

illustration, Table I lists all mathematical notations

used in this paper. B. Extracting User Interests From the LDA


In this section, we show how to extract the

information about user latent interests from the LDA

model. The information about latent interests include the

probability distribution of each user over interests, the

probability distribution of each interest over items, and

the distribution of each interest.

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IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 1, Issue 1, March, 2013 ISSN: 2320 - 8791 www.ijreat.org


www.ijreat.org Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP(www.prdg.org)

For collaborative filtering, the LDA model can be represented by a probabilistic graphical model, as shown in Fig. 3(b), where shaded and unshaded variables indicate observed and latent (i.e., unobserved) variables, respectively. In Fig. 3(b), each user in M users is represented as a bag of item tokens

Mu, and each token is viewed as an observed

variablei.Because LDA can provide an intuitive description of each observed variable i, it is a type of generative probabilistic model. Specifically, this item token is generated from a multinomial distribution

over items φt, specific to an interest t, and interest t is

chosen from a multinomial distribution over

interestsθu, specific to this user. Both θ and φ are

modeled by the Dirichlet distribution, with the hyperparametersα and β, respectively.

The Gibbs sampling algorithm begins with the

assignment of each item token in users’ rating

records to a random interest, determining the initial

state of the Markov chain. In each of the following

iterations of the chain, for each item token, the Gibbs

sampling method estimates the conditional

distribution of assigning this token to each interest,

conditioned on the interest assignments to all other

item tokens. An interest is sampled from this

conditional distribution and then stored as the new

interest assignment for this token. After an enough

number of iterations for the Markov chain, the

interest assignment for each item token will converge

and each token in the rating records is assigned to a

“stable” interest. According to the assignment, the

distribution of interest Tj over item.

G. Computational Complexity

In this section, we analyze the computational

complexity issues for iExpand. Specifically, the time

cost for the inference of LDA is O(M·N·K·l), where l is

the iteration number of Gibbs sampling. For the

bipartite graph projection, most of the time is used to

construct the correlation matrix ψ and the time cost in

this phase is O(N·K2). For each user, the cost for

random walk is O(s·K2) on average. Thus, for all the

users, it costs O(s·M·K2). Since KM and KN and the time

cost for ranking the items and making

recommendations can be neglected, the total

computational complexity for the general iExpand

process is O(M·N·K·l). As we discussed in Section II-

D, in real-world applications, both the inference

process and the correlation graph can be updated

periodically offline; thus, for online computing, we

just need to run less than 30 iterations of Gibbs

sampling and one personalized ranking or rating

prediction for the current user, both of which can be

done efficiently. The online recommendations can be

followed by the black arrows shown in Fig. 2.


In this section, we present the experimental results

to eval-uate the performance of iExpand.

Specifically, we demonstrate the following: 1) the

results of parameter selection based on Algorithm 1;

2) a performance comparison between iExpand and

many other benchmark methods; 3) an analysis of the

parameters in personalized ranking; 4) the

understanding of interests and interest expansion; and

5) the discussion about the advantages and limitations

of the iExpand model.

A. Experimental Setup All the experiments were performed on three real-

world detailed information about these three data sets

are described in Table II.


For each user’s rating record, we split it into a

training set and a test set, by randomly selecting some percentage of the ratings to be part of the training set and the remaining ones to be part of the test set. To observe how each algorithm behaves at different sparsity levels, we construct different sizes of training sets from 10% to 90% of the ratings with the increasing step at 10%. In total, we construct nine pairs of training and test sets, and each split named as

x−(100−x) means x percent ratings are selected to be

the training data and the remaining (100−x) percent ratings for testing. B. Evaluation Metrics

For the purpose of evaluation, we adopted Degree

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IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 1, Issue 1, March, 2013 ISSN: 2320 - 8791 www.ijreat.org


www.ijreat.org Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP(www.prdg.org)

of Agree-ment(DOA) [14], Top-K [26], and Recall

[20], [39] as the eval-uation metrics for ranking

prediction accuracy. All of them are commonly used

for ranking accuracy, and these three metrics try to

characterize the recommendation results from

different perspectives.

DOA measures the percentage of item pairs ranked

in thecorrect order with respect to all pairs [14], [18].

Let NWUi=I −(LUi∪EUi)denote the set of items that do

not occur in.

C. Parameters in LDA

In this section, we investigate the learning performances of two parameters, namely, hyperparameters and the number of interests, by Algorithm 1. Here, the first 893 users in Movie-Lens are used as training data and the remaining 50 users form the test set. Similarly, for Book-Crossing, the first 900 users are treated as training samples and the remaining users as test data. Also, for Jester data set, the first 1800 users are treated as training data and the remaining 200 users for testing. For each run of

Algorithm 1, we initialize the parameters as a= 0.5

and b = 0.5and turn on Minka’s updates after 15 iterations, andthese settings are similar to the ones in [5].

D. Performance Comparison In this section, we present a performance comparison of

both benchmark approaches: ItemRank [18], L+ [14],

UCF, SVD, LDA, and RSVD [15]. For the purpose of comparison, we record the best performance of each algorithm by tuning their parameters. The training models of all these algorithms are learned only once, and ratings in the test set have never been used in the training process. Therefore, in order to make a clearer and fairer comparison, we do not take the online recommendation into consideration.First of all, we show a comparison of the effectiveness of all the algorithms. Tables IV and V and the last figure show the performances of their recommendations with respect to different splits and different evaluation metrics. Table IV(a)–(c) illustrates the evaluation results of the DOA/Recall measures. The

final figure demonstrates the top K results on the three

data sets.


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IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 1, Issue 1, March, 2013 ISSN: 2320 - 8791 www.ijreat.org


www.ijreat.org Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP(www.prdg.org)

In addition, both LDA and iExpand reduce data

dimensions, so they perform better when the data are

dense, while SVD, another algorithm based on

dimension reduction, does not perform well. This may

because of the use of different de-composing

techniques. Finally, as the main difference

betweeniExpand and LDA is interest expansion or not

and because iExpand can expand user interests and

increase the diversity in a properly controlled manner,

it performs much better than LDA in all the cases.

This means interest expansion can lead to a better

performance than only exploiting the current user


E. Analysis of Parameters in Personalized


In this section, we provide an analysis of two

parameters: the restart probability c and the step of

random walk s.

To study the effect of c, we let it vary in the range

of [0, 1). When it is 0, random walk will never

restart. When c is close to 1, the performance of

iExpand will be similar to the LDA algorithm. Fig.

9(a)–(c) shows the relationships between the best

value of c with regard to Recall/DOA metrics and the

size of training data set for iExpand on three

benchmark data sets.

F. Understanding of Interests and Interest


In this section, we first show the interrelationships

between latent interests and explicit interests, and

then, we explain the advantages of interest expansion

by examples.

To this end, we consider the first three latent

interests ex-tracted from the MovieLens data set.

Table VI lists the top five movies for each latent

interest identified. As can be seen, all five movies in

the first latent interest have the same genres which

can be tagged as Action, Adventure, and Fantasy3 or

they can be labeled “Harrison Ford” (and contain one

mistake), while movies in the second column all fall

into Comedy and Drama. However, there are several

types of movie genres for the third one. After a closer

look, we find that all of these movies are generally

recognized as classic movies and they all have won

more than one Oscar award. Another observation is

that themovie Star Wars is given high probability in

both latent interests 1 and 3. This verifies that topic

models can capture the multiple characteristics of

each movie, and each characteristic can be resolved

by other movies in the corresponding latent interest.

G. Discussion

In this section, we analyze the advantages and

limitations of the iExpand method. From the

experimental results, we can see that there are many

key advantages of iExpand. First, iExpand models the

implicit relations between users and items through a

set of latent user interests. This three-layer

representation leads to more accurate ranking

recommendation results. Second, iExpand can save

the computational cost by reducing the num-ber of

item dimensions. This dimensionality reduction can

also help to alleviate the sparseness problem which is

inherent to many traditional collaborative-filtering

systems. Third, iExpand enables diverse

recommendations by the interest expansion. This can

help to avoid the overspecialization problem. Finally,

iExpand can deal with the cold-start

recommendations. This means we only need several

items or interests input by the new user, and then, the

corresponding items this user may like can be

predicted and recommended.


In general, related work can be grouped into four

categories. The first category has a focus on the

graph-based collaborative-filtering methods. Here,

the graph-basedcollaborative-filtering methods refer to

those approaches which use the similarity of graph

vertices to make recommendations[14], [18].

The second category includes the research work

related totopic models, which are based upon the idea

that documents are mixtures of topics, where a topic

is a probability distribution over words. Many kinds

of topic models have been proposed, among which

PLSA [21] and LDA [8] are most widely used and

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IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 1, Issue 1, March, 2013 ISSN: 2320 - 8791 www.ijreat.org


www.ijreat.org Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP(www.prdg.org)


The third category of related work has a focus on

solvingthe overspecialization problem in

recommender systems. This happens when the user is

limited to being recommended the items that are

“similar” (with respect to content) to those already

rated [2].

The fourth category of related work is focused on

solvingthe cold-start problem. Cold-start problem

will happen when the recommender systems try to

give recommendations to the users whose preference

are underexplored or try to recommend the new items

whose characteristics are also unclear [2]. Thus, it

can be further classified as the item-side cold-start

problem and the user-side cold-start problem.


In this paper, we exploited user latent interests for

developing an item-oriented model-based

collaborative framework, named iExpand.

Specifically, in iExpand, a topic-model-based method

is first used to capture each user’s interests. Then, a

personalized ranking strategy is developed for

predicting a user’s possible interest expansion.

Moreover, a diverse recommendation list is generated

by using user latent interests as an intermediate layer

between the user layer and the item layer. There are

two key benefits of iExpand. First, the three-layer

representation enables a better understanding of the

interactions among users, items, and user interests

and leads to more ac-curate ranking recommendation

results. Second, since the user interests and the

change of the interests have been taken into the

consideration, iExpand can keep track of these

changes and significantly mitigate the

overspecialization problem and the cold-start

problem.Finally, an empirical study has been

conducted and the corresponding experimental results

demonstratethat iExpand can lead to better ranking

performances than state-of-the-art methods including

two graph-based collaborative-filtering algorithms

and two dimension-reduction-based algorithms.


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IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 1, Issue 1, March, 2013 ISSN: 2320 - 8791 www.ijreat.org


www.ijreat.org Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP(www.prdg.org)

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