a notices. commercial. ^mm--mm®mmmi...

^vm-t^^^m -^^ ->r- ^vk a "NOTICES. 3 EET. CHARLES JONSS THURSDAY EVENING, Ii.yeeuniHaU. Subject, "The Ithe Church with reference to fcopen at eight o'clock. Ml SO-lw- TMSEHSS 05 THIS BODY lSi". the fourth WEDNESDAY T sSStb and 29th>of June, 1S5*. [•Vednesday Morning, by Rev. |li CcloeS. CATCHER, Standing Clerk. ilKE VpBKS. jr* Inst ARK SOW RECKrv-rso A pTks^cojw.stingiB P art a 3 r »l- wdoes. Pin-Wheels, Serpents, , lers. Triangles, Bengula Ltghts, f% mines af Serpents, 4 c . 4 c . DOLLARS TO FIFTEEN rylfferchants, a n d a B desiring to well t o - e n d i n the<r orders No. 30 Ford Street, Ogdensburgh, N . Y . J'H.1% FOR TETE CntE 01? pi-lt&'MPLAtxTS.—These admilr- ient reiut-dy ever discovered, Ids, and Asthma Pome o f t h e a disorders, together with af- ^vd to their curative powers. »y accumulation if ph'.fgm, J, trgaua are pennaneutlj re- IcuunU And perfect cure Is ef- j*>nr»a*-t.—il patient suffering ! t, a aJScalty of breathing, or ; recourse to these well-known a 39-1 (-VIIES, A * ; f s T 7 , 1S-U.— nachj a n d I t»oit some of the once—and tr-at n f^e end of Khe Rheum^Lsni, &..J he used ^USAIII, anil I have ncard no Mhodder 2nd badly brnised it. COMMERCIAL. Ogdensburgtt Pitices Canent. Rspoxted weekly to» the St. Lawrence Republican, BY S W I H STILVVKIJ., JR., Sealer ia Flora, Pork, Salt, Fish, Groceries, 4c. Store, 5 Nos. 2 ana 8 Ford-street, facing the Bridge. OODESSBESGH, Monday, Jime'26,1854^ Vegetable Jfi And his aa ealiuc Balsam on, •"was thrown from e very b.i^y, and ually at ^ te reiieX **£ "- he put on a, same time, and it IRA L MOORE. la greater extent than is gener- ar jn =o many and various •03E has been found t o b e a t remedy. Its success has coji- •nancl, and it is fast becoming Tar the cure of these prevalent ring certificates which we select [frs^ail testifying t o i t s efficacy : par Sir: Having used year Ex- it Rheum, which was effectually lai by its-use, I cheerfully rec- |y have need of rehef in similar i. BRTAN JEROME. It, September 6th, 1351. |fl,ve for j ears suffered with the n w h i c h , tt seemed to oje, noth- Idsced to try tho Syrup of Rock •edlate refief,_aird cxxxfxl m e o f a fr expected to recover. '" J. JONES. •at, December, 1 sol. 29-2w |r.vrsos—FOR PRESERVING, i THE HAIK, IS the most de- •iJcle the world ever produced. 1 without a precedent in the his- Wca, Dark, and luxuriant curls, scores of admirers, {mart this, |cSect,<>f the Kathairon. Bald |prfectly astonished. " The Ka- !• my hair after a baldness of 12 |ir, £5 IJoml Mreet^Vew-Torb. b>n c u r e for Nervous Headache, fcsi| Sold by all dealers c very- pry 25 eents, in large bottles. , Proprietor, 161 Broadway, New-Ycrk. I-^XAIILK I l A J R LVTIGORATOR. v\Ir. Den tun,—Sir I have used jnd. &and it to be all that it is preserves the Hair, a n d p r e - L and Lfavpj it perfectly soft and [*:X, 1 never saw anything that >n several it-rst-ns, where their :• e f f e c t * >.f Dan-imff and Scurvy, •em perfect^ well, and added to U'tfE FREEMAN, |?air-0res?rr, American Hotel. -w Goor»s—YANKEE NATIONS •-TDORPH having- removed from (srd-stt-eet. Mechanics' Row, has etc of Yankee Notions a s c a n b e hf New-York, and will he sold at •bants, Peddlers a n d t h e public * \ll lots, at the optien of the pujs |«stock of BOOKS, of the most -ices that can't fail to suit the BOOKS* CAP AND LETTER |l AND PASS-BOOKS; in (act, KXcan.be fbnnii in the asaort- |:rofin TOY? of every descrip- fclGla^S, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOR OIL CLOTHS, 4c, which |;OF retail at fcswer p r i c e s t i t a n at- Merchants and Peddlers will •ETC? to examine his stock. Rear •creel, Mechanics' Row, Ogdens- ( 49tf fx DISCOVERT -HAS RECENTLY p, of this c.ty, s p t h e treatment o¥- pd all diseases^of the langs. We beaha, or Bili^Ung Hygean Vapor |Jth this new method l>r. C. has ones to perfect health ; a s a n has innumerable certificates. | ? n t , a p h y s i c i a n remarts:—It ia oostantlj breathing an agree- Ijnedjciaal properties must come pe whole^ of the mrial cavi^ - of Ipe the Siany and varied changea t.^ introduced into the stomach, •cess of digestion. The Hygeana prists* thoBghnqt th^ cbuptry. iMedicaied Inhalation m. another «^ 21yl |G A^fD CALISTBESIOS. Al [Teacher of DANCING ^ d J&L a-om'Ser Majesty's Theatre,2isaS. |t3 Teacher at WilUa', respectfully j of 0**iensbnrgh that he will be 1*3 and Private families to ffiye bye^elegant ami polite accom- r at the Republican ofilce. 22tf pEEo!—EiiEESO^s AMERICAS restoring the Hair on heads HOPE- Iwrevent the Hair from falling, is wns> of persons-j who "are using it. rtly i n t r o d u c e d — i s a sure thing E staa>l the t^st af a discerning s have such confidence i n i t t h a ^ _nts to take Bald cases: on GUAB- -reed upon between the parties. Ir bottle, H. S, HTMPHREY, I O^E. FISHER & CO., Proprietors, Ireland, Ohio. f7yl 3, WHO GO TO CASTOS TO BUT > the advertisement of ** COOKE 7 ^ found in our columns to-day. We EFiiP xsow,'* that Goods ar^sold Call and see. 23m3 " wa&& Assemblies. J at fee HaU of RUSSELL T. SKTTH, Ivlay Evening, July Sd, 1S54. I ai ! H. J. P o a x H A s ' s , ^ w a r d s v O l e , J 4Bi, JS54, a t 2 o*cloek, P . U - mtg tfu»ir < ".i-v/rf or Ttxtfte printed •fcv% mtty lusc*> tn .tnn**wwenxm •/JWP ttf c?uxrg«. LE&IED. | e 2W uistant, by Rev. t %***!"• Re2Sd instant, b^B. W BiLOwr», m.RD thfeOS, of KiUey, Ca»»a» IHOLUJDA¥, of the same place. tnjrf & a Jitssos, J P^. Mr- %,^<>f Fowler,'to Miss LrBCl* I*- ^* ar KOl. t>J- B r J»rESOX, 3. P^ <f. Mas HASSAH TOWN, both of Xv-C-.-mva on the TTth Instant^b/ \ ii M , j P- Mr. saAS o. cere- *.IABS, of Weslyaie. . I-tst, Mil LEWU UASS, ir-, Cnited | « MAKV Lt1>L.tru, danghter of I tson Connty, on the 20th i^°h IOBUA-ROGEHS, of FhShtdelphfe I.E !foes&LS, the 80Ut ins tad t, » t ^ a l v i r y C h u r c h , b y t h e B e v . ! » • 1. WEliEBiOf C*Hfornsavto Mrs. lyonafSsi dWSgbter of L«vi~B*oat- t a We3t- ^^^_ TIED. J___Z- r--i.lemv>, .^n Saturday ewning J it f IS. Esi, , agelj 69 yqj»- I it are faUing. Another of our ol* BDel Ot»B e*a»- into- tti» fe years ago, and yaw*'! throoglt aipsof aneraetttaBeit. ne4ia# , and wa»«nivenally r«pect«4. i^tkvtl fjpfmt * aocceasfal merean^l* I fiimaatf to tanning and the br«*d- 1 * aetejruac and practicai &V* Ik the3t. Lawrehee Cowitf***** Iras a man of integrity, piaty^ln* I th' fearos j peat mitt i» kl* ft^f | « n a , and las Oentrtj of St. baf - 1 idijr afterwwo, io»e «%.<!*£ l ^ a r t a j » o r n * t tbiTiiUi iart»»*. K»al*i«,*»Jiamr«»- __ a - [ylfitk, WMBA^AB H.?X«%^ | k k tafiart, « W A p S^mm* FLOtTR, a barrel.. CORN, ig bushel n T E , ^ b u s h e l BARLEY, S bosbel OATS, Sbuahel BEANS, $ bushel..: PEAS, Sbushel POTATOES, ijj) bushel EGSSv-^ dozen ,**,..•• BTATEK, f ft CHEESEr-# B> - IARD, '% fb HAM, ^E> SHOrLDERS, ^ tt. , ?ORK, ? » PORK, i n t h e h o g APPUS, dried, #»..-. ATPLSS, green, » bushel .... LEMONS, ^ box ORANGES, $box .... r CLOVER SEED, retail TTMOTHY SEED, ^ bushel. 9 00 7tO> 7b to B0 to 1 00 to sn«to €9 to 11 14 8 10 9 to Jll 00. 78. 81. 81. 50. 1S5. 1 00. T5. 6 00 7 e oo jNone.) 12*?. 17. 11. 11. 10. 8. -tt. 7 00. £L»s, 5 50. 0 25. 12Af. Commercial Record. Produce Tvcewed for the iceek endrng/ Monday (Tuning, June 267A, 1854:—13,269 bbls. float; lfi^Sttusti. corn; 6,850 bush, wheat \ 1,694 bbls. gij* ; 31,191 "bush, oats 325 tgs. butter; 19 bbls. lard ; S3 bbls. beans. 1 Aggregate amount of Produce retfMvtd at 0>i" Fort since opemng of Xwcigation, ISM :-JlS,890 bbls. flour; 174,27S bush, corn; 09,971 bush, wheat; 10,600 bbls. pork , 03,953 bush, oats; 908 k»s. batter *, 2,100 bbls. lard; 845 bbls. beans; 517 bbls. cheese. Kelly &-Spring's Prices Current. PRODUCE MARKJET-BOSTON, June 24, 1S54. ASHES—Quiet, with little demand for either sorts. Pearls $5 62.V, and Pots $5 S7„Vf. FLOITR—All common grades are very dun at a decline of 50c $) bbl. on the week. Receipts have been large from the South and from New-Tork City. We quote Su- oernne Western brands $ 8 t o $ 8 2 5 ; Fancy, $ 3 B0 t o $ 9 ; Extrado„$9 75 to $10 75; Genesee Extra, $11 25 to $12. The latter very scarce. Canadian. ROUT has given way, wUh sales at $s 45 to $3 87is to-day, 4n bond. GRAIN—Corn is firm ; 94c.@95c. fbr Yellow, a n d 8 7 c to 90c. for White; hiirh-mixed do. 90c. to 92c. Rye is steady at $1 So to SI 40. Oats, were bringing 70c. early m t h e week, b a t a more liberal supply has reduced prices to 65c.@66c. , . PROVISIONS—There is no change in Prime, Clear and Extra Pork, but .Mess do. is dull a t $ 1 4 $ bbl. All good brands of heavy Me^s Beef a£e now held a t $ 1 7 t o $1S— four mouths. Lard steady at 10c. to 10%c. Hams are steady a t 9 V c . t o 1 0 c . Butter is dull at 16c to 19c. A very choice quality of Butter, 20c. Cheese of extra quality very scarce, and quick at 9c. to 10c. Common to ordinary d o . i s dull and unsalable a t 4 c , t o 6c. Eggs, 17e. to ISc. WOOL—The market*closes"'heavy with downward ten- dency—25c. to S5c.*for native to half-blood. £ Brighton Cattle Market.. BRIGHTON, Thursday, June 22* At market, 5S0 Beef Cattle, no Stores, 87 Pairs Work- ing Oxen, 100 Cows and Calves, 2,000 Sheeji. and Lambs, and 1,700 Swine. - BEEF CATTLE—Extra, $9; first quality, $ 8 5 6 ; sec- ond do., $8@$S 25; third do., $ 7 7 5 ; ordinary, $ 7 2 5 . HIDES—$6 50 # cwt. TAU«W—$3@$SMft>. m-ra— 50c. to $1. CALgSKife-loc. $ 1b. * V E A L C A L V ^ - r $ 4 , $4 50, *5®«6. WORKLVS OXEN—$95, $100, *H5, $125, $140@$155. COWS AND CALFES—Sales at $19, $20, $24, $26, $30, $35, $40@$50. SHEEP AND LAMBS—Extra, $5, $5 26f $0, $7@$S. By lot, $2 50, $3 75@$S. • * SWINE—Selected lots, 5®6c.; wholesale, *S@^H^- > retail, 5J4@6^c Spring Pigs, 5X@Gc m I r\TD TTTVTJ^ acteoiitxi to. L. D. CB-INDJIU. V. O'BBTAS. Ogdensburgli, N. Y., April 4,1S54. 18-tf nnnrxTC RTTI^ Q fj. t TELEGRAPH H S % ' • ' YERMO>rr & BOSTON TELEGRAPH LLXK Office 41 Graiiite Block. Bh-eel to Boston, Montreal, Burlington, 4c. r Bu«iness for all parts of New-England, Lower Canada, Novia Scotia, a n d N e w Brunswick, promptly dispatched. I' Office hours, S A . M . t o S P . M . 2ii-l yi I. H. NORRIS, Operator. ATTORNEYS AJTP C«MgfVSB-j»glls. C. W. BALDWIN"^ . Attorney at I<a^B>. OGDENSBDROH, ST. LAWRENCE CO., N . Y . fi.ly Office in Custom-Hoose Building. Attorney ^"Omve J. H. BARTER, and' fonnsclor at LaivV OODENSBl'ROH, N. Y. > Uopklns' Building, a t t h e e n d o f t h e 82-tf ».* I. G. STILWELL, Ittorney a n A Connselor at I>air< OODENSBOM5H, N. Y. l^~ OPFICB—IS Ford-streel, King's Block, adjoining Te;<;_Taph Office. ' 42-tf GEofl'/H-AVEKS, Attorney ant) Connselor a t L a w . OFFICE IS " OLD TAMMANY HALL BUILDING," •J4] Corner of Ford and Catharine-streets, MOEVSnCKGH, X. T. [n-22 CHA-PIX & MAGOXE, Attorneys and Counwlor* . cn-APis, AOOVB, JR. [4-tf] MECHANICS' BLOCK, OODENSBCRGH, N. Y. ) Av ' BROWN k SPENCER, Attorney**. Counselor*., &c. OODENSBCRGH, N . Y . p" Office lately occupied by James & Brown. BROWS IK J. c. srracEK. 1 12, 1 * F 21.tf »New- %Buf- lr. str. ijroop, eaL J.Chi- tritish "lamil- _ I well, •eans. . str. oody, bbls. stale, oball, -pork, Y; Br. May- '. On- troal; I.4,SoO ifichi- u, 1S2 J bbls. . salt, Wego, sclnv •. Nor- foodv, 1,096 rooks, ord & British I ; str. assett, John- 1 - WM. B. GO0PRICH, sGa, cfaytuu, ^, *&>.., potatoes ;"atr. lsosiisn, Sinclair, Hamilton. June 23.—Br. -Ur. Briftis>h E m p i r e , A l l e n ^ M o n t r e a l ; str. New-York, Chapman, Lewiston; schr. Marquett, Mullen, Cleveland, 100,000 feet hemlock jolce,52 tons pig iron, for Hewit 4 Tattle, Cleveland ;-schr: William Stunress, Huf- fington, Oswego; Br. str. Jenny Lind, Moody, Montreal; str. Northerner, Child, Lewiston. June 24.—str. Cataract, Esfcu*,.Lewiston ; str. Bay State, Ledyanl, Lewiston ; hrig Mayflower, Simonda, Cleveland, 237 tons iron ore j Br. str. British Queen, Lauacame, Montreal. - « Juxte 25.—Str. Ontario, Throop, Lewiston ; propr. Granite State, Caldwell, Chicago; propr. Vermont, Chee^bro,"Cleveland, ISO tons iron o r e ; B r . s t r . British Empire, Allen, Montreal; B r . s t r . Mayflower, McDonald, Hamilton. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GOODNO, OADWELL NO. 4 UNION BLOCK, CANTOS, N. Y., E KBR-4.CE T i n s OCCASION TO INFORM their friends and acquaiutances-that they have'per- manently located in Canton, where they are constantly offering for sale a general assortment of Bry Goods, Groceries?, Crockery, &c In this larg^ establishment can always be found all the newest and most approved styles which c a n b e found in market, consisting of Mooslin de Laines, Figured and Plain Berages, Tissues, Poplins, Chambras, and choice MQCT1NIN& GOODS. Ilress and "Mantilla SILKS, a n d a large assortHiect.of MANTILLAS and SHAWLS. BONNETS and BONNET TRIMMINGS, -Artificial Flowers, Lisses^ami Velvets of all descriptions. DRESS TBlHMINGS; Lace, Muslin, and Cambric JJnderaleevei}-. Wrought Collars and Chemisettes; Silk, - t i s l e t h r e a d , and Cotton HOSE, with a large assortment qf OLQYBS. Hats, Caps, Cravats, Shirts, and Collars. SUMMER GOODS, for Men and Boy's CLOTHING. Bleached and Brown Shirting and Sheeting, Ticks, and Benlms. Broadcloths, rjpe-Sldns, Cassimeres, Tweeds, &c dABPBTINIGS of all descriptions. Crockery and Stone-Ware, Groceries, Oila, Paints, and Dye-Stn0s, Pails, Brooms, &C, ic In short, a greater collection of Goods is offered for sale, than is generally* found a t a Retail Store. They would call the attention of the public to the above facts, a,nd tvould take great pleasure hi showing their large stock of Goods, knowing that thejr*5riH compare* favora- bly in, quality and prices -with any assortment now i n S t . awrence. County. f t^ Rpmember-^At ^pOODNO, OADWELL & CO.'S, NO. 4 UNION BiOOK, "CANTQN, N . Y , " " " " ' 80-tf June 26, 1S54. HT0K0KS, 1?A33SNT '".•.- . Il'6»»OVE» i Cl^EK Mill,. . A SILVER maMMi&J&mm to- XX.Jhlt Machine at the lair of the A«eflean IntUtute, New^fork, October, 1852; a Diploma at theftanVUn In- stitute, Philadelphia; the.Rnt Premhun at. the State Fair,atUtica; Jiu^tftenalnM^eitens»eI»W'C6untjr, N.s;yai^al8»ai;the0blamttirawtyiN.Yn}faIr;ana .aDiplSteiat tho Weatchester County Fair.' In the present arrangement at this highly approved) and valuable Mi}l, the labor Is divided by arranglng ; 'S' Catting telinflertoireak the Apptetol then? deliver 1 theht to t$!> lower eylinilera tol^-^eSSeea to potnaee. By this arrangement the work "ispi^rfotmea taster and withinuchlessVlabor. " , .-'. .>;'-''' The Press is.arfangea wjitb^ji mueh^Iarier-Ucfew'th' j n tormerly, nnS by a vetsprnee'riious tievje'e flie-nse of the bagfadispensed with, and the tub -made tobpen at-will t o deliver the pomace, while at the same time the Cider is left clear^and the*work can be dono with much less labor than by the nld metboctr "Q>e Cylioders are cov- ered with Heavy sheet Zinc, both on their parlpheriei and ends; thewood in them It arranged so as not to swell, and the whole work on the MTU ana Press made In the, very beat manner, and arranged- with especial view to 1 their dnrabilit^Sand service. No Farmer, who uses the Mill carefully and according to directions, will be disappointed; hut, on the other band, he will find this one of theraost valuable and cffl- di'ant Machines on his farm. The Machine is made to nut by hone, steam, or b"$nd power, and when the Apple3 are ground,Jbani'all boy of fourteen years of age can press the pomac* With all ease. In all former times it was supposed that a large quan- tity of Cider conld only be made by naing a ponderous machine, that slowly crushed ihe Apples withont grind- ing them fine They were then made Into a massive cheese in straw, and a moat sercre and long pressure was reqnlredjto extract a portion of the CMojvJi consid- erably quantity being absorbed by the. ifraw and the mass of pomace; and to obtain this unsatisfactory re- salt, the tanner had to take »U his hands, and perhaps his six-horse team, and devote a whole day that could have been more profitably employed, to make from six to eight-barrels of.Cidcr. Ttj obviate the difficulty the farmers haveheretofore labored under, this Machine has been invented; and the statement of a few facts will' prove that it Is not only the best Machine of the kind In existence, bat it la the most profitable that a man can have on his farm. Ihe Apnjes are, by this Machine, grated up into a fine palp, lo.ttmt It requires bnt a com- paratively light pressure, and that but a minute or two, to extract all the Cider; it being ascertained by practi- cal experiment, that one-fonrth more juice cun b'o ob- tained than by tlurold process. Besides this, it only re- quires two hands to grind up and make into Cider a lar- ger quantity of Apples than con possibly he done on the old-fashioned Machines. On this Press, owing to the compactness of the pomace in the tub, and the complete manner in which it is ground, a pressure of from three to five tons—that can be easily obtained^-will produce a more favorable result than fifty tons pressure on the or- dinary Cider Press, even h* the Apples were ground as finely as on the Improved Mill; and «} the Apples were merely crushed, as on th&Nut Machine, it would require a pressure of one bondredltons to produce the result ac- complished by ttu$ Patent M1U. The following may be adduced as the decided advantages of this Mill: -. First—It will make more Cider than any other PrcsSji^ with a given qtiantlty of Apples, in a given time, and"' with much less labor and expense. Second—It will make cleaner and sweeter Cider than any other MfB. Third—You can make the Cider as yon want it, and when yoa want it, and^n quantities from one gallon to six or ten barrels. Fourth—With it y o n c a n press your Currants, Cherries, Berries, Cheese, Butter, Lard,-aud Tallow. Fifth—With it you can save ONF>FOUETH OF YOUR TIME IN MAKING APPLE-BUTTEE. Sixth—With.jts use you c a n a t a l l times have EUESH and SWEET CIDER. With all the advantages, resulting from the possession and use of such a Machine—at a price so low that it Is within tho reach of all—can it be that any Intelligent farmer would do without it! Do you wish to have in your house at all times Cider that is sweet and fresh, the only time it is really healthy and fit f o r u s e ; a n d d o y o u wish to SAVE A GREAT PORTION O F T H E HAJUTCABeB ATTENDING THE MAKING OF APPLE-BUTTER? If so, buy this Ma- chine, a n d o u r word f o r i t , y o a will n o t b e disappointed. This Mill is warratfUd superior t o a n y other Portable Mitt in existence pjtnS-tW Proprietor is ready a t a n y time (on fair notice 6^ing given) to test it with any Port- able Mill that i s n o t a n infringement o n i t . FARMERS, EXAMINE THIS NEWLY IMPROVED MILL, BEFORE YOU BUY, ANY OTHER, e g r e a t advantage of this Machine over all others that IT WILL NOT CHOKE D P , a n d hard or soft )les c a n b e groand, a n d y e t t h e Cylinders will always _iain clear in grinding order. All orders will be filled in the order in which they come i n , a n d persons wanting them hadbetter send their ordcrs early, and state at what time they want t h e M m sent. This MiB, attended b y t w o men, will, when properly worked according to directions, make s i x t o twelve bar- rels of Cider a day,—and will grind alone by horse- power, from one hundred to three hundred bushels of Apples a d a y . I W The Price of the Mill and Press Is forty dollars. Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania, 1854. W . O . HICKOK. CHARLES ASHLEY, No. 4 Eagle Block, Ogdensburgh, N. Y.\ • 80-tf Sole Agent for Northern New-York and Canada. r\ v •••j^i s r^BBBnife<»Ni'/."« *•' - V; P r o f c u o r OT«|&fl-«t#u»*;;«reii* ^Aerial ^mm--mm®mmMi ' * » > - -£- * : ;^y ;i.3gggg||. a . U. S. MAiX SXEAIrlSTOl? OOBEPAWY •l-«t\TSk.gTEA1pBl* COMPANXrhCar- TOTOBtrrsiOOT rmiBBtf w s 'irnB towiBota PAVIWOS or TJ3 VI J. NORTH'S CIRCUS, Will.take place a lew injnntes previous to tho Circni perfoffiance, on every clear day. N. B.—The ascension will not take place during a rain or Jjigh wind. Tho Circus performance takes place on all occasions withont regard to weather. Nortli's Colossal Circus, -rwM-CflbwiiBMK'^Dinor^j* Twaarri-Fotj* HQDIUL »Tli«OREl'. , .,..,.._ .„..-,, .... ftiOVWJ^fim inajrari t63Detro1t^cai^^thfr^pfted3tlJ»l!iaro^h Mtfllt DETROIT, CHICAGO, »TijMrHS;^flEENAl- and. n& ^fjfltt-tti*BreTit^e»,tr«S^|^^^^' T*'* ' tas-anWi luinois.fjsmpir&uuy,- ures* W e ? M ^^iWSW^^^ £ 'i^ i l ii 'P ti ^Bo,^m « _. « - -^f,v 0 rk teAsptawoll wlU be ' - ' J^raBs*.lcaye. BtJSperudorfc Bridgeij*aPf «^ 0nly:jnr6Bgljtr.'S. Matt\tInS:Yor*UAMT F O i ^ a n d ^ M a O S v l a ^ E I N W ^ s t j p t o d PANAMA.? By;ortler.. j^ta&j&ttmatug General, *Uie.:u; S.-Malt Bte'amers, with the..gra^flaltfornla and Oregon Mait»,i are. to,beaespafched"on tfieo'th a>d 20th>of,eacri,m6ri%! fro%Ucw Tort dftc^tjer AspinivalL.: TVhcfl ih^tdates j occur-on SuHil.ay,'thd .•aningloie -lioslponed-until tbe| Monday foUowiagi.» IhrPacfflc.'Hail Steamers are tQ:Be>, .iMeadineas. fOrTn^edmt*i,,a^pStcJi.okwrtoal^)f the, .Mausxit<4nanuv. . . *^. V?".: >£ ^ -.'j,-.-- i " "Oneof.theiMIo.wmg^tcatferSofJtheTJiBi-MaBSteam-J shipCo/wm^eavdNcwTO^RAsptowairon the Bth'andf 'IJOthifeach'MOutnX'. w f i " : ) 'i :i *jf •>•<-', .<<& - V •jNow> York, Georgia, OWOi •riltadIs1*mpIr«! ,Clly,•. Ures* icnt-CityiCherokee, PiDadelp;nuv.El:Dorado;«nd " - • — The rateafrom Ne* York taAsplqwall will ho. For Ladies' Saloon State Roomtj. ••-..;.,...«..«.., Lower Aft and-ForwardBalooaState Eooms,.:... ,\. w LIST OF LETTERS EMAINING IN THE POST-OFFICE AT Ogdensburgh, N. Y., June 27th, 1854. E"gr" Persons calling for Letters in the following List will please say they are advertised. Extract from, the Itegvfatiotis of Vie Postmaster- Gen- eral :•—" On the Letters advertised as remaining on hand, there shall be charged, when delivered out, besides* regular postage, the cost of advertising, which shall be one cent on each Letter." And be it further enacted, That lists of letter^einain- ing uncalled for in any^Post Ofilce i n a n y city,- t6^fl£ or village, where a newspaper BhaD be printed, shf*8'1i«5«- after be published once only in the newspaper,"Vh1ch, being issued weekly, or oftener, shall have the largest circulation within the range of delivery of said Office. ,- ,. LADIES' LIST. EEADY-MAPE CLOTHING AT AUCTION I S F. JCDD HAS RECEIVED THJS MORN- ing from one of the large Cities of this State, a large »*"* splendid assortment of Ready-Made Clothing, which he'will sen at Auction, commencing Kbia Tuesday Evening, Tune aftli, and continue each Evening imtft ail are sold. The asjg Sortment is large and varied, and will be sold WirHOtPy RESERVE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER! The Goods wiH be offered at private sale during the day at Auction prices. For further description see large handbills. S. F. JUDD, Aclioneer. OgdensbnTgh, June 27,1854. 80-lw J. G. KELLOGG; WATER-STBEET, OGDENSBURGH, NEW-YORK, Dealer in Groceries arid Provisions, TFinea, Liquors, Cigars, Eordgn and Domestic W.TJ1T3, i.e. Cash paid for " ' Batter, Cheese, "Wool, and all kinds of Produce. - lone 27,1854. , 30-tf " OGDENSBURGH BANK. " A DiyiDESD QF FIVE PER CENT, HAS been declared by the Direetora,of the Ogdens- bnTgh Batik, payable to Stockholders on thelst Jujy next. Jane 28,185*. [SD-2w] C. A. BHENHAM, Casb,Ier. WAWTITt*. r* ef\fk POUNDS GOOD BPTTER FOR PA3J- O U " ily use, well packed. Jane 36, ISoF P01 WATO0TJ8 k tAWBESCE. - SEW irrxrsac BOOK. , "THE CyTHARA," conraisiso PSAL}I% »and Hvmn Tones of every variety and metrel together with Anthems, Chants, Set-Pieces* and -an Ontario, bj I. B. Woodbury, mtbor of that highly popular work, "The DulounsrkV of wbfeit np- ^rarda of 140,OtKI c o p i e s hove been sold. The above, work is now ready, and vastly exceeds the Dnlct- mer in quantity, if not quality of its moslef with inter- ludes attached to most of the tunes, a peculiarity not tobeJbmjdinahysuniIaTW,otk, . . Copies of " The Cythara " for examuiation will Be tent to Teaclwrs exclusively, po3>P*ic5i on receipt «f only SECTY CEHT3-^ by addressing ' - • _ , &1. HUNTINGTON, 23 Park Row, New-York. ror sate also by BookseBers generally. *'" Hr. W. is now at leisure to attend the calls of his BeilaVe, Miss Angelina Barber, Miss Frances Bell, Miss Eliza Burton, Mrs. Fanney Barber, Mrs. Polly Bassett, Mrs. Sarah Ann—2 .Brown* Miss Sarah Conway, Miss Bridget Church, Miss Catharine F Oatchpole, Medora Connell, Miss Elizabeth Champoney, Mrs. E Coulouibe, Froncolso Cesaire, Archembeao Campbell, Miss Fanny Champney, Miss H M Conway, Miss Harriet Coon, Mias Lydia R Caron, Mrs. Mary Cross, Mary Cheney, Mrs. Cruthcr, Miss M Dunn, Miss Ann Davis, Mrs. Annah M Delany, Mrs. Adatine Doern, Miss Margaret Dunham, Miss Harriet Darey, Mrs. Mary Dennis, Miss Orili Duperea, Madame Venue Flanegan, Miss Ellen Fltchel, Ann Forsyth, Miss E Fletcher, Mrs. Mariah Fert, Madame Ycttve, FJannagan, Mrs, Guerin, Miss Christine Graham, Miss Martha Gowdoiu, Blagerile Greaves, Miss Ann Hamilton, Mrs. Almira Horrogan, Ellen—2 Henderson, Mrs. Ennice Hoyt, Mrs. Jonathan , Hayunga, Miss Mary Ann Hallingswortb, Nancey Harris, Mrs. Jones, Miss Anna Johnson, Miss Mary GENTLEMEN'S Adams, Saint Clair Ameott, John , Amor, John - Allen, George—9 Allen, F E Belonge, Mr.—2 f Boswortb, W C Bradford, Wittiam Bums, William V Bid, William B Bnel, William BcntinvSaxnuel Burke, Thomas . Bunker, Serad P Burroughs, Solon Boyd, Robert Baron, Rnf us Benjamin, P S—2 Burne, Nicholas Bates, EB» . Brown, Messrs- Jl &ri BaHe^j Joseph.- BassetWjI J& B y r n e , w n u i Boyd, David" Best|Ie, Andrew BailAr, Mr. Horeilo Blondheim, George Carlen,Ch»rJea Gamble, William Campbell, William ' Connelly, Thomas—2 Covey, Plmnan Clerett, Peter Carty, Patrick Contain, Lewis Cliff, John Cotley, Joab Campbell, John Connor, James C h u r c h , J a m e s Copelsnd, John Conway,'John Uronin^John Chateau, Capt. E Coon, Florello Catnpnen, 0-0 Coon, Daniel Curdla, BS CambridgerAIexander Dollares, Thomas BatamaUiCo. - Dlr'iy, Ehinens G S Deleer, Ontolne Dulac, Michael Davis, M-2 Denby, James nucwroasftl^tdifft?Conventions. Address » above. 80-4W i-! D^FO'ORD^S, "T WfffVWWDTA 'I. THrS COftptAL CURES PAIS IS THE SIOSACH, WHWHE1, €kolea Mortps, M4 JBili»li| C«|ie. ' All CdtcyMTnings occaEionc^by indigestible - food, caitiagoftesihf or aoy^lwir eaftae «i*xranpy .trengtnew'tb« atornaeh «arl nervotSryi^m, im- prove* file appeiit*, and aecntc* rett «t Bignt.. If Is swtrtorto any Cordial io useforennnf eryraf fhiWren, tM ft* re»tor»g pule,_ «e«v «sd tieket» KIM. V^«W«W^W r 1«,«W M ! fi fa***.**" . •)( MHafnt. ' - msL %. •fl LA*- DarmedT, James Daneyj James Davison, James B Davis, Jacob 13 Doren, Jamas 11 Tjenell, JtO Duglesr,aeorg« - Denton, "9 Duncan, Andrew Banna, James jgnwsrson?Mose« Edwards; Joseph EmSlfi, Aidraw Ercrts, Samuel Eliphalst, Ellsworth Eddy, John W_ Fogger^.Timofiqr Erenam.OF- Flanagan, Mathew Forbes, Jame*'• Forbes, Hiram W Fisher. EC—2, Friera, William Gibbon*, WBllaro Goodrioli,MaiorWnilamB Sawyer, AC Johnson, Margaret Landon, Miss Amanda Laidlow, Miss jAbby Leahy, Miss Catharine Lawler, Miss Ennice Laurence, Miss L A I.eonanT,-5©i Mary Meaca, Anna Mullen, Miss Mary Magivcrn, Mis. Ellen Morin, Mlss-lllzabeth Macormick, l.llen Blartin, Marjaret*-2 McDonald, Miss Sarah McQalUin, Miss McQueen, Miss Catharine McGonif.il, Miss Bridget McLean, Miss Maria; - McBridc, Mrs- ) McCann, Miss Jane <°^-<? 3leLain, Mrs. James Nelson, Mrs. Abby Noonan, Mary Pomroy, Sliss Adclia/ , - Phillips, Miss 0 ..T*. Percy, Elizabeth Packard, Mrs. 0 B Peck, Miss Sarah B Provancby, Mrs. Quadrille, Miss Esther Randolph, Miss Harriet \ Ranel, Mrs. Laura A Rana, Laora Robertson, Mrs. Laura. Rloh, Mrs. Margaret Reily, MrB. M.ary Sullivan, Catharine Scott, Miss Mary % Sprowls, Miss Mary E Sullivan, Mary Ann Turon, Miss Amelia Thompson, Mrs. Margaret Therdella Tamney, Sarah . Thompson, Widow "Wilson, Ann Jane Whitman, Anna White, Mrs. Jane Warner, Mrs, WSRiam LIST, Mills, W R Morlind, William—3 Murphy, W S Martin, Sarafin Marry, Thomas—2 Morgan, Roger Marrin, Paul Murphy, Martin. Morris^John—2 Moreland, James Martin, Michael Mills, Lorenzo p Mackey, Henry Manor, John Marshall, Capt. John McNaughtan, Thomas McDonald, Thomas McCoy, Arthur McDonnell, Brooks McBriae.Bavia McNeil,Daniel MeEeaUiPpnai MeAnly, Gebrga. McRostie, Peter J SfcArthur, Peter MePhee,"John ' McNamarra, Jqhq Kcsweeney, W i a m McCormiciCo. McCartel, Jpiepb, McGillii, Jsnav NosTrbttny, W Nelson, JThoms.9 Nlion, Lafayette Norman, Alford Northrnp,Charle« 0'DoruA*hIneaa Felon, Mr. FrendergrasC 'Wmiani Poor, Samuel Pinney,Stt Peck, John PcdiUe, Joseph «ke,J?tofi Payne, Charles A Pratt, Q.J^.:^. ^ BtBolijSeSStga •(tuawvainmel;. ojuaofinWwR Roaol»fS?altw„ KobetW,JMlJiB. Koaen, Michael Rice, L J Bobb>; James Bauy,John.„ Hobinson, Jacob Byan,Jame>- RecOl, John Robertson^ George n»ynolds, George Ryon, Henry . REcbardsoo, Reberfc,.. ' ,K<l»KII»n;,C»pt.:AVr' ROchaudjAoiuiUn ^,*, «encandVAnti)Ihe - T'l' Russell, Thayer 4 Co, SmKijiMicSael-2 Scraion.MtO*. "..»-. Bhcltlon,jrotirt -Bw««t,John* SopeK JohoJ> Sweetland, Capt J gtrono, Jamea Sloan, Utoiaaa—3 . • St. Germain, Isaac. Shwarxman, Q Sahins, Henry SwhCyCa.p.t.lJSjg' - Sparrowhawk, Aollrew - From the National Amphitheater, Philadelphia. This stupendous establishment, at once the LARGEST AND MOST MAGNIFICENT IN THE- WORLD, com- prising "artis^ from every quarter of the Globe, and an Immense Stmrof Horses, WILL EXHIBIT IN OODENSBURGn, Monday and Tuesday, July 3 ck 4 . ADHESION 25 CENTS. Upon which occasion the following celebrated perform- ers, who stand withont equals in Europe or America, will appear: Mr. LEVI J. NORTH, tho distinguished Equestrian; Mr. BURNEL BUNNELLS, the great Double and Quad- ruple Horseman; Professor JAMES "McFARLAND, tho unapproachable Tight-Rope Performer; Signor CAPPALTNO, the eminent Naturalist will in- troduce his wonderful RUSSIAN BEARS, In feats of Dancing, Wrestling, Cbartot-Itacing, etc.; iLittle VICTORIA NORTH, the most youthful, grace- ful, and Intsresting artlstrb-f the present age. Master JENNINGS, in his beautiful act of the Poses Plastlque.; Monsieur EDGAR, the renowned and wonderful per- former on the Crescent Cord and thrower of Doable Somersets; Master WILLIE, the daring Young Horsenmn, in the great act of the Hurdle Baca; Mr. ARCHER will perform his act of- the Bevolvlng Globe; BEN JENNINGS, Clown to the Circle.'wfll Open his Inexhaustible Budget of Sun, dispensing a profusion or Laughing Philosophy, Bon Mots, Hits at the Times, Fresh Jokes, Comicai Sayings, Repartees, Sympathy, Satire, Sentiment, and Stump Speeches,JGalvanlsed Grins, Fan- tastic Grotesques, Love Ditties, and Soffe'Yarns, which he will distribute to the laughter-loving multitude with prod- igal liberality. i ' N. B.—The Proprietor respectfully.calls the attention of the public to his Bills. What is advertised on them he performs. [80-lw] CHAS. C. PELL, Agent. MISCELLANEOUS. OGDENSBVRGH CRACKER & SODA BISCUIT HAKJERY! CORNER OF ISABELLA AND DIVISION STREETS, [Established in 1884.] John Barber, Proprietor. T HlS OLD AND WELL KNOWN ESTAB- LISHMENT continues in full blastumanufactnring the best quality of B0STON-CRA0KEBS, SOnA-BI8CUIT, SMALL CRACKERS, of various kinds, PIC htH) CRACK- ERS, (from which Saloons and Restaurants can be sup- plied by the pound or barrel, at the lowest living figure,) LOAF BREAD, HARD BREAD, PILOT BREAD,—also. Wheat, Indian, and Rye and Indian Bread. Cakes of everyvariety—Fancy and Plain. t2&~ Any or all of the above will be sold at Wholesale or Retail, of the best quality, and at fair prices. Send in your orders. Steam Refined Candies. In connection with tho Ogdensburgh Bakery, the UB*: dersigned manufactures and keeps constantly on hand every variety or STEAM REFINED CANDIES, which wll| be sold at Wholesale and Retail. Greet Inducements to Purchasers. The Proprietor offers strong Inducements to those who deal at his establishment. First, a good artlce; second, stability in prices; thirdly, all broken candies taken in exchange for fresh. ,*- f^~ All orders will receive prompt attention. Terms, Cash. Address 18-tf JOHN BARBER,-OgdensbuTgb, 5. V. *C5" "«- iecoBd,CaWnStandccsj;,^.ii*., .................... *£. Steerage, ............ ; ...... ; ......... - .... » . . 85 1 ,-'• £Mldrerctuwer-12 yean of agc-,aro;takeiuat half price., EassongcriiBelandod-atthe Railroad Depot, Aspln- jrall; free otextaensa. The Railroad being in' operation; and Cart running ovsr bait tho distance frota AspinwaU to l"anama, tho transit of'thojjthmus may. be perfol-mcd InfromlStoS-l.liours—the eipeme; which varies from 410 to $25 for steerage, and from »S5 to 950 fbrfirstclass, to b^bonie by-the passengers,>< --• -•> • PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, The pujillcarie WRirmedthat, "under the herrf arrange- aicnt cithls Company, one of the following Stc^mera In- spected sntl'approved by the.Navjfncpartin<!nt,»hd"car. ^yingtheU.S. Malls, will hereafter leave Panama, Im. mediately on arrival of the Atlantic Malls, and San Fran- cisco on th? 1st and 15th days of each month, and will (oucrutAeapalco: * San Francisco, J. L. Stephens, Golden Gate,-Tenncjseo, Northcner, BepubUc, Orcein, Panama, California, Colum- bia, Carolina, Columbui, Isthmus, Fremont. A reserve boat will be kept at each end of the route to cover accidents; . ^ ' The new steamship Columbia will ply between San Francisco and ports in Oregon, -awaiting at the former .port the arrival of the malls and passengers at Panama; and returning without delay wli'i the mails and passen- gers fbr the steamer from San P anclsco. Persons secur- ing through passage by the U. 8. MallStcamers from New York, have preference of accommodation on board the Paclfio Malt Steamers. Rates of fare from Panama to San Francisco on the most favorable terms. An experi- enced Surgeon Is permanently attached, to each Steamer on these lines. Each passenger Is allowed 250 lbs. per- sonal baggage free, not exceeding In measurement 10 ca- ble feet. Freight will be taken to ChagreVat 70 cents per foot, and from Panama to San Francisco at tho rate Of $100 per ton. Fot Freight or Passage, apply to CHARLES A. WHITNEY, At the Ofilce of the Companies, No. 177 West Street, cor- ner of Warren, New York. , 40-ly. ,^«^»Vwicea' »J^j^« x I»icrjeai«ea 1 _..„. Ag ^he on\ce ^^Su'j^^mi^^ateari. sBBaaV.i.i,, jfnejr new stone building; Possession given ifmmedlately; o ' "u. i-?*•''."""^i" «*ff5'w-' » v -»•_• ' M3Br,16ftw18,«. ,.„ JptQjrcOQB;^TJf^jSON,, f - . - . „ Tollowsf/Sondaya *excepted)j: „> .. ,~-,^,-, ^juiwani •- *-Jrjfii-- MVUSiS, •• •lWXrpjuB&.ACWMO'jmrv^nxraiBSi ision-JBridge-lLOO. AtM.: Lbn4on,„. r B40 P. M. Detroit) Arrlves.'.^^BS^air .rMroit,.Leaves«.^-0* IVM. M^ichigan'tety,,^. K00 A.M. 'Sl^'"-- 1 '"' FOR LIVERPOOL. PASSAGE CERTIFICATES. , THE UNDERSIGNED WILL > furnish Passage Certificates from Liv- erpool to Boston. PRESENT f BICE OF' PASSAGE. Fer Adults « $20,00 For Children under 12 years 15,00 For Infants , , 5,00 He will also remit funds to England, Ireland and Scot- land, as usual. G.' N. SEYMOUR. April 18th, 1854. - 20-ly RAIL ROADS. NEXT' "ROUTE ^O NETT-YORKi VIA. EA0KET3 HABBQR k ELLISBUBOH RAILROAD G OING SOUTH—Leave Sacketa Harbor 11.00 AJIL, 7.00 PJd. Arrive atPIerrepont Manor 12.08 A.M., 8.80 PAI. , «. Gorso Noam—Leave Plerrepont Minor 0.40 A.M., 5.00 P.M. Arrive at Sackets Harbor 10.45 A.M, fl.80 P M, tSgT" The first Train to and from Sackets Harbor, con- nects with the " U. 8. Mall Steamejs " to and from Kings- ton, Ogdensburgh, Oswego and Lewiston. ThefirstTrain to Plerrepont, connects with tho Express Train for Rome and New-York the same evening. The second Train to Plerrepont, connects at Rome with the Night Express for Albany and New-York next morning. W. T. 8BAKLES, President. Jnne 80, 1853. 80-ly OGDENSmiKGM, CLAYTON St. ROME RAILROAD NOTICE. A LL BACK ASSESSMENTS DUE, AND also the one due May J, instant, must bo paid im- mediately, at the Ofilce of L. HASBROUCK. Ogdeuiburgh, May 1, ISM. ?2-tf NORTHERN RAILROAD, CHANGE TIME. O N AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY FIRST, 1354, Trains will run as follows : Going East: Leave Ogdensborgh. I Pays Malone. I Arrive at R. P't. 7.00 A. M. I 0.63 A. M. 12.80 P. M. 1.00 P. M. | 8J>» P. M. 1 0.80 P. M. Coins' West Leave Rouse's. P.'t 8.15 A. M. 7.00 P. M. FOURTH OF J U L Y \ ; E L E B K » T I O ? ( , FIRE WORKS OF ALL KIXDS for sale In large or small quantities. Among them are Rockets of all shces, Fire Wheels, Roman Candles, Pin Wheels, Blue tights, Bengal Lights, Flower Puts, Fire Crackers, Pass Malone. I Arrive at Ogd'h. 11.00 A. M. 1.45 P. M. 0.85 P. M. | 12.80 A. M. ErT* A PASSENGER CAR will be run with the NIGHT EXPRESS FREIGHT TKAIN, from Ogdensburgh to Malone, for the accommodation of way-travel—leaving Ogdensburgh at 5 P. M. and arriving at 10.85 P. M. 22-tf GEO. V. BOYLE, Superintendent. With many new kinds, not before brought to this market. L. S. MOUIUS & OO. Ogdensburgh, June 12,1S54. 28- lm DENTISTRY. S. S. BLODGKTT, DENTIST, WILL bo at Ogdensburgh, on MONDAY, JULY 3D, 1854, for FOUR OR FIVE DAYS. Operating Rooms, next door to DR. SHERMAN'3 OFFICE, State-Street. ^_ "iL" 8 ?— BURLINGTON FRICTION MATCH COITXPANY, M ANUFACTURERS OF ROUND AND SQUARE MATCHES, put ap viz: ROUND MATCHES, In Round Wood Boxes. Do. Do. in Paper Do. SQUARE Do. in X gro. Papers. Do. Do. 1000 Splint Boxes. , Which ore offered to tho trade a t t h e lowest market price. All matches ordered warranted as good a s t h e best. O r d e r s filled w i t h p r o m p t n e s s . E. B. EDDY, Agent. Water-street, Burlington, Yt., Jan. 81, 1854. 9-tf- GLENN'S T R U E VERBENA W A T E R . T HIS "DELIGHTFUL PERFUME, prepared by a chemical process, from the hot-house plant LE- MOX TarrOLU, is confidently recommended to the Ladles in particular, on account af its refreshing and delightful odor. It contains all the fragrance of the plant itself in a concentrated form, and..will be found very useful for removing the languor occasioned by crowded rooms, &c.; also, -as a delicious perfume for tho handkerchief; and wiB be found'mucll cheaper than the Extract, and yet equally good, and a pleasant change for Jho Ean de .Cologne,...For sale; together with an assortment of 'Glenn's-jasay celebrated Perfumery, by Ai= B, JENNER i CO , ^ 45-ly Ford-street, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. NOTICE TO MILL-OWNERS AND HJilHtERBIEIV. T HE UNDERSIGNED IS THE PROPRIETOR of the exclusive right to manufacture and use Norcjj-os's Patent Planing .Machine, for the Counties of ST. LAWRENCE, FRANKLIN and CLINTON, in the State of New York. This Machine Is sold, by those who have used all kinds, to be superior to any In use, both in the quantity of labor performed, and In the manner of doing it. I^f- For Bights, apply to B. PAULK. . Bangort Maine, May 10,1854. 2S-Cm BEEBEE'S MAGIC PAPER. r r you want to buy- aa articler that is useful to yourselves and instructive to your children, buy the above article. By its use you can write and copy yonr letters, marfcynur clothing, trarafcr.plans, designs and ornaments,cony embroidery, patterns,.music and pic-; tores, on paper, cloth, wood^ or stone, without tho use of ink or pens. By Its means, leaves'of all kftlds can be j painted In themostbsantirnlcolare,gold.,»Uver,crIms6'ri ' *e.,'tcwfilhfltttthcuss of pauits.'or brushes} In all, a= novel, ujffuiaRa-bcauWul article, and sold by both our* Book-Storot, for 35 centsper package, plain directions, on each package for^oMnfca,,...^.,,^ „ ^ j -..-. ». 37-tf- NOTjtCEi~^' : *' ' N "'• V! T HE Tnn)ERSIGNEDtti"Vj3DISP0SET|6E -5755 -^-^ 5 - ,^.~,-. --- the OGBENSBUBGHiSTiSAM.FO'UNimy.lvlIff.the 5 l =i. 'OEDSJ"^MJ«URE^AEIJEStY. _ _«_,,..^.^— »B.Mi I v,.^.t J 5 ; .,v.L.:.. ..- K0<SFjgleBIoek.Ford-strcet, Ogdepthurgb. N>..Y., entire Machinery,Toola^diatiock Jbelpnghitthereto, to the QGDr^SBUK^JJtON^OBKa.COMPANY, who still continue the Iron business on an enlarged scalo, and are now reaily to execute orders with rjtomptness and despatch, totwhose.advertlsement wewouhlrefer. •- - *tf - -" ^ A. OHANEr & CO. wooLi -wDcaEtrt"-..; . * THE SUBSCRJOJER (^|jTr|rrjES TO pay OASBf TOlt"WOOL, SHEEBiELTS,, and HEMLOCK BARK, at the Morocco Factory, on the West Side of theOswegatcbfe Bridge," Ogdensburgh. Ft .ft.%V&V k CO. June 12,1854. . .-.- 28-8m» Ooodwhj.AU Grahamj Anarew—!» H»%,Thou)a» nubbard.TW Harrison, Kollin Honeywell, Richard Hardy, Michael Hughs, Hlchael-J i Ha| ) ae>,«hn.^ Vamson, Fay * Co. . Havens, Horrence, llauard^OIeha Harness, Bangsll. J»hn»on,8 Johnston, Thomas JubMon.JA MSM,JO .- jSMlam, Justs B - J«T*«s,eJ WBlsttrkk, Ba%l«s,BartleM Shaw, Thomas Squires, Orlando—B Sealtb,^ ' '.. • Snook,. William- B^.rd,WUU»BiH Sherburn.WiUiam . .. _ FRtn* I. JFBUIT11 TZ'ELXiQ.GG' has<jnsfr onened a pe* Fruit Depot, JX>on%itsr-str^to'ripVs' M E.TB. Allen>*.Sons. He opensJaecam^afgnhn'thTt japerbinvoice of PEABSjirid' APPLES, Wrichhe: wttl m '*i61Wale or -retail, fo'Jui.; purchasersSl! 1 -. -^ --.-. . ., Ogdensburgh, agnit ? t 1S58. . " S>tf . B IT SV-^Ju^^vjciiun-arid CoinrtiissiOn Mcr- ' chant,Ko.;67Ford Street.. It is a. rood article, and rigged;for oneor-twoborret.-.Prlce Itoderate.amlteno. easy; .. MayUVISM. 84-lf STAGE _TRAVEL.__ PRENTICE'S DAI1.V EXPRESS. OGDENSBURGH AND CANTON. THE SUBSCRIBER would give noticfe that he is still run- ning a DAH.Y TWO-HORSE COV- ERED STAGE between Ogdens- burgh and Canton. His stage*Tjrifr,^top at the Hotel of Jeremiah Baldwin, find leare said BaltTr^iVilotel every day (except Sundays) at 8 o'clock In tho morning ; and leave Canton for Ogdcnabnrgh at 8 o'clock, P. M., daily. A slate or 'Way-hUl will be left atthe-SULawTence Hotel, and passengers will be called for in any part of the village. pj?"* Horses and Carriages will be supplied at a mo- ment's warning, from his stahles in Canton. NATHANIKL 8. PRENTICE. FtbruaryjlSiW. 11-tf INSURANCES. HUDSON RIVER MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OUSSCBXT, S. V. Capital ?. S3OO,O0O. T HIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO EFFECT Insurances onfirst-class property at rates aa low as those of any other responsible Company. ninBCTOrts: ' William Gate, " P. 3. Avery, S. H. Swctland, James Noxon, John Peek, Alfred Noxon, James T. Wiley, Jas. N. Knights, Abgah Peck, P. J. Boncsteel, Abram Slcklcr, Wnjiam Cary, Moses Powell. ABUAll PECK, President. J&MES Noxos, Secretary. ISr-i. G. STILWELL, Agent, No. 43 Ford-street, Og- densburgh, N. Y. 14-tf FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE B Y the Northwestern JiisraartCe Company, of Oswego; Protection Insurance Company; of Hart- ford, Conn.; Springfield Fireond Marine Insurance Co., of Springfield, Mass. These are all Stock' Companfes—two of them among the oldest. Their liberality in adjustment, and prompt- ness in payment of heavy losses, may be ascertained from numerous sufferers by the recent fires in Ogdens- burgh. Applicants wonld be surprised at the low rate for which good dwellings and household furniture will be Insured by these Companies, for five'years or less. 29-tf D. M. CHATIN, Agent at Ogdensburgh. , > -*-» NORTHERN NEW-YORB> Mutual Insurance Company, PtATTSBUBGH.'Nr.'T.' "'Capital; $100,000. HweBIngs and' FartttProperty kept distinct from other rislcaV *- , *- , President. SAMUEL F. VILAS: .Secretary, Ggo. MOOHI. ' I.G;Sra,WELL, Agcntv- - • 1g: if •*- '• TTot^MTord-street, Ogdensburgh, N. Y.' CARGO INSURANCE. t OA h A A ^ ^ W THIS AMOUNT £\Jti\J\J\J» taken In good-SKistantial Stock Companies; on Hulls for910,000.- Apply.to •• •••••'• * 1. k ,ffl.KfO0TE, J ' 'i'f •-SecretaryStarlninraneeCooipanyi. OgdensMrgbyHay, 1S54. i - 3&-6m- THE FJ$m AMTSi 'AS,BEEN^rm«DP E^RESSLYJOR . him In every naitloolar necessary for the execu- tion of first-class DAGUERREOTYPES. Pictures.putupln plain and. fancy.framea: Csses 6f all *!»» and kinda-Mother.btpwtfloat SIcIniMdrbcco]- 'ft°*l^ ,! #5l- ^J"? 1 !* 1 ^^.*^' Wlonjlcnnir Xtoa,PapIer'Mjiclie,Bools»f PlaltfOaset, wltttplaur'and.. cngraved.borders, * o , , A splendid assortment ofGOLD IA10KBTS^?p&eFnea«'y.*«t,4n PIns,JSlnW»Be«l»r JK«ySr *c.i,*CV;-'-. 1 ".,..v,-.'' " -;-..:»-" 1 -* . •" "•;-.••;?*'•£• His : Api)a;rata».and Sfoclc:^«f?;the..ver3r best ouall|y. He hasaecurea t^e advahtagcivotth^atcst InJErsye monts andjdiscove.rlej/whlch, together'with hia Idngex perienee In the "business, enable him to promise satis IactIoatQall>dBlrsriof gd0iljil6tnref<> '.' »''*-»*-> i ..Thankful foropaat. favors,*e, solicits a visit, Ja his Gallery from hli furmsr patrons and many new ones.- < > BfHours r ot'attendance—^from 8 o'clock A. JL, to ijgRCTreBKB.-'-ifinaasA- -,- -• - aCOT^ACTOSSMror sale " .^If^jgCiCJB^TJLT^TgQ^ •• . sv *^*OR;'-J§ALTr&~;;fe •''-"'"^••^ . .A HOtrSEj iPLEASANTEY.* 3L00ATED «a^Jor4-str«fe,aJ*w v d^<rra.belsw i Johnson?* 3Sf' : Ltei. vmt&tm:. x&*a 'J a mm. FQJfc SiJ^^Inqaire of. fte aj%s^rga> v N.Y.; ' '' 'Ifrtf" VV0*6al«7' *ir-W] - X». CHEST. STEAYl**FHflM^ «Si .PASTURE . , pfthe nnejerstgiiea alwot the 1st of Majr, (t- 1w«:year6WIitGHT.HAT C01.T, with Bgbt; mane and, tfalli»ntt» Hintn»k\ •'SM'Jfmtmrttl^'tol»rtBat|M|i •"*-^euole,:Tl. ; - .. J& -im*?M. *P2g?* - s<a«K* 1 liar')ti, ltjjjfr-. . -- •".•»i-*>* . . -wmmmeziBBmmm Tils trouble. m, and Philadelphia manufactare. . .: / V / .:-,:;" > WATR0U8-* LA>yRENCH. y ^. . . . "^AY^.RP?BS—AT ..HANBFACTBR ±Wl!]iei 3t^CKcV^T«lsa»» ree«rVe#by JOB* 1S. . ' r T»ATROTJ».*^AWl VitENCE by. , : :,flfr«H:: r ,,l»xo$m*:$-nimm* . OVwntVof Cavsjti, Ireiaad, and »Vi eaaw o«t to : »hliec^lry^»b^««>y<»»»»a^. Wh«i».tkaardfro«t ^ e t t t ^ ^ a ? A^7Mk>r3atl*jt t*«« MIOHAXL ctATO^3d%*« KUtmhtf^,^-** « _joyar,.JeeT T«»y«,Jo»m, Jr. Toner, H««ry U«d«rwo»d,« W Yerona«««,Teophai. Yaa4»seD,Johtt . Y m — . J a f S H V»«d^hi*«r, Jebq Ysllio. Hiiaja -yoriffl-s w^/Sfaiia- •mm* »tf«f %&%®$®!*''**: llft-l^,' -, •",^B>C^l|.jr^rtonfRBS8,." H* Jr. - - 'JWUMGaTO- MWOUIiAWID:,- " " .. '-,.•• AT CANTON, ' ' ." . » uDiwiatoo. «•. i,n p««rle% UtiiMa. mptm OAK IW H A » TBOBOi AS JM* \X «• «W ar» •?•* at any .Owr MH.Ion « * « > ' t CHAWLS-BROOBl, . ^ O « « t , and assay MMr « KLit^ .Fv*5rWSraAYEDJ'''a&^TUE-ENCLOSURE. ftti^^. of »K« viut>Mrl»«rr^oaJroca-stMeL, in-tlils Tihiiaiii TUJsgrVihriewesksaro, n flvcyesr old RED <»W, thafeia*prIbiiWjrn«»r*A?Mf by Utt, •!«•*.: ,'VThh- evcr will return MUX Osw, or tr»*l»a>r»»aU«nwl»«t« ska .msyJ*-i»!»irf,:j»^lMts«i*^ir«r«iNMJ^ , ^ _ . •^•itm^imtii^m-mim,... '•••• ..o-tr ..-• f lJ80-JrVM« 4QB0 Pitt,. T80 P.M. .830 A'jf. \1W A--Mt .»i00 A.M,, , O80 P«5t - --.-.-- -. Ji$ E^olk'Trato'wIU dinetttHamil- ton, and take^upperttDetroit; on the Second Express Train"* supperat Horffiton, andireji^astat Detroit. ' Passengers-forUhegVesVby tBts llfio arrtvaat.«Mcago Twenty-Four HoursJn AdvancjBjct.the Buflalo Route! and avoid thedangers and dissgreqablcnejs. of a Lake ErteVoyageT" . A - - , -•. r- .:, , Baggage Checked through, to? I)Mr«t:-.an6%i!jiIcagc>j Only One Cliimero of Cars,;be'tween Niagara Eallg and Chicago, * <•' T!H18i'trGH.TI0KETS-CAN BE^BTAWED AT THB- O'FFiCESfoh board the Steamers of etthef the American or British Mail Lines, and at all the principal Railway and Steamboat pffices-in tho United States and Canadas," AND AT THE'OFFIOB OF THE GREAT WESTEON KAlLWAY.'lS' THE DEPOT OF THE NORTHERN HAUG ROAD, of JACOB RANKIN, l.- nl , Ogdensburgh, N. Yi, 1854,' General Agency Great Western Railway, No. 17 Ex>" change-Street. BufiVtlo, Mansion House Block, two doors from Washington-Street ' J. M0V1US, 24-6m General Agent, Great Western Railway. OPPOSITION TO IMPOSITION. CAUTION"JEO TRAVELERSII PASSENGERS FROM THE HAST to Cleveland are lnfoemed that the Cen- tral Rail Road Monopoly, in order to force travel on to the State Lino Rail Road, have compelled the baggage agents to rert-ie taking baggage checks from passengers for those splendid Lake 8te*mers, MISS1SSSIPPI and ST. LAWRENCE, on the Oars; thus compelling the pub- lic to pay EXTRA FARE ON THE STATE LINE KAIL ROAD! -Passengers are therefore cautioned to PURCHASE TICKETEV TO BUFFALO ONLY, where they can take their choice of routes, and avail themselves of the REDUCED FARE ON THE LAKES I The steamers MISSISSIPPI and ST.LAWSENCB charge for ^ m %fBE^UBB6Rffi|P©E*^^^ IS an&cJJot^oV sale, sttn»Jed r on^fie*bi»eif «JP3JaR& •jte.;th»:*Mterly»lde»f tbe|oiwegatchl!SjEIver, in Jhe 1 '3W&M?I&W'®&&< 'P^Sesabn^veWmmeaiafely,: nsna-ternW of.$a5rn*Btfni«aeeasv.. anersott .wanUntf ^L«liINa >f^llrk sjSn ?- P*wKe n Sngly«4b.atheJ»jigitn on hand 5 dMwrtat WOfSJftanAli'isual-OT^wSo^ BEI^? VFaTTNG^,' SUMMET^STTJMH, -^m^m^^l "HISHlNCfiaOOBS.ic. Gatments.wltt.b^roadeVora-er in the best manner, and at abort notice, jfi MUK- PHSys still attlje Cat«ug,boar.d,.vhiph U jf^iSrantee 'that airaraer-worlc witfsuitln everyjsar|!culi|rr - '•* ...... _^„...^ , .*i*-.C6untryiMerchanfeand^MewhantTaBor»,-*ul31a. vm t&tfrnnF' A^n^Tjir ?*•§ : J-n TATWJ . "uppliedonthemost favorable tcrMC. The stock Jjlarge f V.t - £5iF^";3K% ^h^^-cJrF 1 « ni l weU assorted, and wltt be fflsposed of .either at l i„ft.na-»r*4A rrf -"-~" te '^"'''" nVTioTesalsorBetaUatPrlcestB * •r'. * , > THOMAS D. SKINNER, Eagle Block. ~^Ogdens6nrglt(.Mayifc r -. a 28-tf .JBOfe R E I H P i . '•- feggmiof. MOESES"i«0"«»EK.aw . -• ) *TWO coi£atoD.ion«. ©WELLING- liijL HOHSEStsto, Een.t, «Itaate>.on4he-'West »ido of .J"m thaBrldgo. posseBSlbnglvehlnunedlately, JBhouIre of . . . ' JU CHANEY k C0..jYater.street.' f -pgae4|bargB',MaM fSSfrcSU' 'i- : i im sx. Srt&rSot •KE^v^ociri'B.Igs ''%&" R : 3BNJS • ^ W D H CEEEARS "H 1 DESIRED.—ALSO, severalfineroomsin second story, together with t Bedrooms,—all pleasantly situated andjeasy oj access from the street. For particulars, inquire at (lie' Store of Messrs. LAMB 4 HIGBEE; Isabella-street. ' - * •' •'"-": -.STEPHEN H1GBEE.* - Ogdehsbnrgh,Mof.29,1858. tr-' 52>tf..K STORE T O L E T . - THE STORE. INTIARBEE'ROW, WATEE- Btreet, now occupied, by .the subscriber, to let. JEossessipn wttl be given on the 1st of May next. Bent, »2S> per annum.. L: N. JCHANEY. "arg" Ogdensburgh, March 14,1S54. lB-tf HOUSE TO BENT._ A NEW "TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, near the Railroad Bridge. Enquire of ' Sl-n" CHARLES ASHLEY. mm , JPAKOT vo ** SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SAiLE Ms farm, situated on tho St. Lawrence} River, six miles above Ogdensburgh, containing from 8* to SO acres. There is on the. premises a good dwelling, barn and outbuildings, and a blacksmith's shop, now oc- cupied by the subscriber, and in an eligible location. A young orchard of grafted trees, and^Tourteen acres qf wood land odds to its value. For terms apply to the owner. HENRY LAKROQUE. Oawegatchie, Fcbruary22,1854, i8-tf fjabin Passage^ from Buffalo to Clove- laud, Only One Dollar t [passengers will retain their checks for baggage until they arrive In Buffalo, where, at the Depot, will be found atr^tgent of the Line, whorniU receive them and convey <Ke baggage to the boats free of charge. ^Meals and Berths at reasonable rates. Tickets for sale at the above price on board the Mississippi and St. Law- rence, and at the Office or the Cleveland, Sandusky, and Cincinnati Line, foot of Main-Street. JAMES O. GIBSON, General Agent, Buffalo. CHAS. I. BALDWIN, Agent, Ogdensburgh, 129-8m Rail Road Depot. 1854. IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES MOVING WEST I ' CRAWFORD & CO'S OGDENSRCRGH RAIL ROAD LINE '. or Ten Flrst^Class Upper Cabin Steam PROPELLERS1 GRANITE STATE, OGDENSBURGH, WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN, J. W. BROOKS, PRAIRIE STATE, VERMONT, LADY OF THE LAKE, *" CLEVELAND, T.,B0ST0N, Running regularly beticeen Ogdensburgb«l0forta on Via Western Lake*, leaving OgdenHhing^.. Tiireo Times a Weetf +? rpHESE PROPELLERS HAYS UPPER CABINS, JL provided with SrATii Roous amply furnished for the comfort and convenience of Passengers. They are also provided with large STEERAOE CABINS, FURNISHED WITH COOK-STOVES FOR THE USE OF FAMILIES. Also with Burros, where they con make up oruse-their own Bedding. s5fir- As an Inducement-for Farmers moving West with their families to take this route, the following low rates for passengers and baggage WiB be charged : To Detroit, and Ports on Lake Erie—Cabin $7 00 Do. do. do. do. —Steerage.. 8 00 Baggage and-Furolturo, if well-boxed, 50 cis. ^ 100 lbs. ' TIME THROUGH—THREE TO FOUR DAYS. To Chicago, and otwSt Ports on L. Michigan—Cabin... $12 Do. doyjajr do. do. •—Steerage 5 Baggage and Furniture, if well-boxed, 75 cts. ^ 100 lbs. TIME THROUGH—SEVEN TO NINE DAYS. Children under two years old, free; over two and un- der twelve, hau* price. Each passenger is allowed one hnndred pounds hag- gage free. Passengers for Cbicago'can have choice or routes from Detroit, via. Michigan Central Rail Road -or the Lake Route. Through Tickets by*elther route for safe* at Our Office. ^11 property for Chicago wfii be consigned to MATircn & Co.; all property for Cleveland will be consigned to Cninnrjtui.v ft Ciuwroao; all pr<Sfeerty for Detroit wiB be consigned to WiL-ran CaRsrsa. CRAWFtntD A C C Proprietors. Office, Railroad Depot, Ogdensburgh. * 28-tf LAKE ONTARIO! 1854. .jv^aft Ontario and St. JLaWenco Steamboat Company's American Steamers ! UNITED STATES MAIL LINE I COMPOSED OF TUB' NORTHENER, Gsr-r. R. F. GUILD ; ONTABB ] Tnnporj and CATARACT, OAFT.J.'B These large and commodious Lake Steamers, In connec- tion with the River Steamers, J 8NNY LIND, OJPt.X. MOODT ; BRITISH EMPIRE, Oira. "D. 8. ALLES, and BRITISH QHEEN, CAPT. J. Uruion, W ILL FORM A DAILY LINE BETWEEN LEWISTON, OSWEGO, OGDENSBURGH, MON- TREAL, BOSTON AND PORTLAND. POWNWARDS. Leavo Lewiston (Sundays excepted) S% P.41, Leave Rochester 10 " " Leave Oswego connecting with Oars for Albany 7 Leave Backets Harbor lOj Leave Kingston., 1 L^avc Ogdensburgh _ 8 And arrive at Montreal at 5 P. P. M. ..;, , .... UPWARDS,. Leave Montreal (Sundays excepted) ,. * LCavc Ogdensburgh on an ival of Boston Oars. 8 -Leave. Kingston 7 Leave.Sackcta Ifarbor , 10)£ A. M. LeaveOswego on arrival of Cora from Albany 4 P.M. Leave Rochester v . . . 9 P:M, . And arrive at Lewiston at 5 A. M., Io time for the Boat •fnr Toronto and Cars for Niagara Falls, Hamilton and Buffalo, passlugihe Thousand Islands and the Rapids by daylight. c . ' AMERICAN EXPRESS . LINE. The new, large and splendid Lake Steamers NEW YORK, Copffll. B. duPUAK, and BAY8TATE, Capt. J. H. LKDYAIU), will, from the 10th June to 20th September, in connection with-tue BiverSteamers, forava daily Une (Sandays excepted) between Lewiston, Cape Vincent, Ogdensburgh and Montreal. "• DOWNWARDSi , EeaveLewiston,. v.... sS.&.. 8# P. M. Leav^Ciyincent oermoc'gsrrth Cars forAlb'riy 8 A. M.: I^veOg^ensb'b,connec'gwitb.CaraJorEoston 8 A. M. Arrlvlnji-atMontreal at.5P. M,, "In time for Jioats^ojL -Quebec^.parab%itheTnousand^Slanda-and4U the."Hapids bydayllght. ..-- - .- .-. -. • .• ,-• . 1-, : '•''"• UPWARDS. .- ,-,--l- .. .,.. v LeavoJIontre.il .......... 4 P. M. Leave Ogdensburgh on arrival of Boston Cars.. 2 P.M. Leave Cape Vincent on arrlvalof Albany-Cars.. OT.M, - And arrlve'at Lowlston in time for Bosts for Toronto, andatNiagaraFallain time for Cars for Hamilton and Buffalo. ' 25-ds P.M. ~AiM. /A.M. JP-M. P.M. P.M. A. M. CRAWFORD & CO»S 3Si0RTBERK Rail Road Lino- of BiTBtearn "Prc^Uerskfor; 'Chicago, ifllwau- kie,' Delrot*ii8ha Cleveland,- without change 6f1Boat,j leavlngogdensburgh thre&ilme».a,Week,. "„ , .*"i; *j B"~-These 3eroOTu>r*-.aT^-.iinsttrpasie4.ror' speed by anyJeropellers on-theWVesv:(rhn'ntogv»t. the fajajaf^Q tol2rh¥e»i»r*oru^>^TSntteaup-«thmrp«rIortec modationsfor .Passengers, and. are commanded by the. moitexpeirlehc'eaiCapaiihs. ..." .- / ^ ... .' ., Passengers will find this the pleasonteit ronto,to the. West, as they will avekl the trouble and annoyance con- sequent on the many changes and extra expenseVat Ro- chester, Lowiston, and Buff.lo.whlle the rates artmuch less th»n are charged by the<8teamboatIdnes. •'''*of^raght«iPas»at«a'pply'tbVlb£- .£^, "nTICBflGAN CENTRAL " ' ftCfimK;!"" scHicAa6" ; Ai^ r IS*: "tLOTJBf^tto^flAT^EE;'' BALENA, ;MnVWATJKKBi "SHEBOYGAN, KENOSHA,'* EAOHJB arid WATJK"EGANicarr«ijgtfie Great TOateth? Rnlle^StatSThrbUgh Jlia.'';', ',-•-, ^', .-V-*^! •& TUroug-Iui to pcteoi* in Sixteen "Hoursil Withourianaing^Kh * cer)*!nty;rof^kine.*cpn- K ncetlon at.Bctrqlt wHfr thBar^ma^ruhblne thratrghjto; tOiIeagofiter.^art^d^'iaJUllfKW? 'Bjad>.yit^nlght'eS% .bfUltexpressIyJortli^ontK; -„•^.i-Si-. ; 4;C.K?-» <%p£-£^r?wfifl^^^c^[^-tra^lJ^ S "BUCKEYE __ r joB,*lttlea*i!;the^, "Wiarf atrJuOMo, on,Mondiy and Thur^laT evenings at a Central B»n yeTenIofS,at»- •TnjtTraijfcfcviB,. •tfclwV, or-on-the-arrtvi^of; «* flghl Xe».YortjAlb»OT.a"»d»o»e.t, ,,.*,- - .'• -kT^^aejrj^llrlfno^tr.a^JIattJIUaraer. ^. - -.. .^ j*jpmjutt.-.-«•-.-; ^ '•• • - Capt,C.C,BWr«t.-wlli"«aT»tt»Hi«hI«nC!entrjI;Kaa io^Whi^,-J»ttfci^ftaWa*j - ^and Saturday evS-" Inp atl oYloek, o+« the arrivaliftlwXIghtaIng Train r^M*w*Y«i*^Aaii»Ayal«JUi«sv- > -- -T* :~^ •• T «««nlDf turoiarh, vU. «»*««», Shore, wi tfeMftlaaa? •he g^Uasir «NM'-M-aUMsj^%«lr *«#Wy%r*«>* wellHwdded totAftr***** dwst eisalsrlsHe J<%lit i5oi--" ^^^s^^ds^M .AGJDPR\"*f -"tT'tfr S 1 aildratH. art waauMi to ia anry t/mUr, «M"wM.rv- ^"^iturnMt W »fc££jUr*»V LOST. ***>- ••J.:'. giktj»H, 1 tmaaovn n<Mwt% en m ' .atIM»0«ac«,atM>«it.l > »M*n , : »'«i- 3& JHSOBia^KEAWB. FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER, CONTEMPLA- TING a removal from this place, offers for' •sale (its rcsldenco on the bank of the Oswe-' gatchie In this village. The premises embrace the entire triangular block between Montgomery and Plckerinsand Water-streets, having a front on Water-street of 820reot.* Its outer border has been surrounded by lines of shade and ornamental trees, and the interior well stocked with choice fruit trees, leaving sufficient ground for cultiva- tion for garden and other purposes. The soil is unsur- passed In this village. The Dwenlng-house Is of stone, having appropriate outbuildings, with convenient arrangements for hard and soft water, and every other accommodation for a family residence. The front upon Water-street, In Its whole extent, com- mands an unequalled view cf the harbor of the Oawe- gatchie, the St. Lawrence river, and the Canada shore opposite, arid affords one of the finest situations for ex- tensive Improvements In tlds vicinity, being sufficiently in the village for society, and sufficiently out of it for domestic retirement. W. H. MARSHALL. Dated Ogdensburgh, NOT. 14,1858. 60-tf' FARM FOR SALE. CONTAINING ABOUT ONE B"UN-£g« dred acres of excellent farming land fork's* 'Grain or Grass, lying on the road leading from Fiackille to Heavclton, about half a mile from the former place. There are on the premises a Saw-mDJ, two small Dwelling-houses, three good Barns and Carriage- house. For terms—apply to the owner, Lisbon, May 14,18M. [24-8m] ISAAC G. FLACK. FARM FOR SALE, ^CONTAINING EIGHTY-SIX ACRESgja of excenent Farming Land for Grain or^ffir Grass, lying on the St, Lawrence River, six ' miles above Ogdcrurtrargh. About two-thirds of 6aid Farm is heavy-timbered land, and tho remainder mead- ow and pasture. A small house is on the prcunBcs. En- quire of fSS-tf] Ma. VAN ZANT, Ogdensburgh. WHO WANTS TO aiAKE MONEY 7 A GOOD CHANCE FOR A SAFE INVESTMENT, AND A LOSG PULL AND A SAFE ROPE. M THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE all the splendid property In the nourishing vil- lage of Ueovelton, (opposite to John Pickens',) knjwn aa the "HOWARD PROPERTY," and also a WATEE-LjOT known as tho " BRESEE LOT," and will receive as* payment one-fourth down, and give eight or ten years for the balance, (by paying the interest annuaUy,) secured by bond and mortgage. Apply to J. N. OSWELL. Ogdensburgh, May 1st, 1S54. 22-tf TO LET. f gv AT NO. 41 FORD-STREET,. KING'S |i GRANITE "BLOCK, the SECOND and THIRD >S" STORIES, suitable for offices. Also, tlie commo- dious CELLAR of the same building. FOr particulars enquire a t J . OOLDNEB'S Clothlog Store. 21-tf TO LET. THE GROUND FLOOR OF THE MA- chine Shop, formerly occupied by Lincoln tyoms as -a Shingle Factory. For terms, apply a t t h e Land Office of - <**• G. PARISH. Ogdopsburgh, Dec. 18,-1^3. 2-tf •4p- roa SALE, « ^ KEAK FLACKVTLLE, OK THE CRAIG [•I Boad. aborfi three-quarters of a mile from the i a - C a n t o n Toroplke, A SMALL FARM, o* Thirty acres, having o n t t a good House, an excellent 'Well of Water, a Cistern a n d a Barn, a large quantity of rail timber, and some lumber. Terms favorable. Apyly to Air. 3. Campbell, living near the premises. ** ALSO— Two Houses and Lotjgin that part of Ogdensburgh called " New Boston," nea^f the Car Factory, situated on each side or Williams-street, opposite Prospect Square. The Houses are brown colored. For information, apply to Mr. F . C . Wing, on Morris-street, Ogdensburgh. May 10, XSM. [S4-3m3 JQHN„MIDDl.ETON. LOTS FOR SALE. HARBOR AND WHARF LOTS. F OR SALE—Five Harbor dr Wharf Lots, eli- gibly situated at different points along the-West side of the Oswegatchie or Harbor, between the Bridge and Light-House, in Ogdensburgh, are now offered for sale. For terms, apply to J. G. Hoprrss, Agent. 80-tf ERASTOS ELLSWORTH. FOR SALE. BTJTLDING LOTS AND FARMS, IN and about'the village of Potsdam, for sale by OUpp L. CLARKSON. Potsdam, March.8,1854. 14-Gm RIVER B A S K ' L O T S , O jN any of the unsold portion of the River Bank in this viUage, between Hopkins' Block and Mont- gomery-street. This property,, fronting on Water-street, thence run- ning to the River, with tho rights of'the undersigned to the centre thereof, is now offered for sale, or on lease, ror a term of years, in Lots of SO feet front or upwards. t£S/~ For particulars, apply at the Office of ' O. PARISH. Ogdensburgh, February 8,1853. 10-tf MACHINE SHOPS. A c TANTK;TTRAN & co.'s Rail Road Car "Wncel Foundry and IrTACIDNE-' SHOPi- OGDENSBURGH, N. Y. jSTTTvircX DESCRIPTION OF RAIL BBSS: Kood and Car Oastings,MllI Gearings, cast- '.Ings for buildings, as well as all others in general use,Jarnished at the shortest notice and in a finished, and workmanlike maimer.. Being possessed of facilities superior tA any establishment in this secUonxif country, they solicit orders in the firm holier -of their abBity:ta-'glve-entire saMslaoUbn, to their customers. aespatcJiFto everyipartfor toeceunfryfidrkinda qtwork entwtedioilhsim, _„T .,.,-,- t 3 ? - AH kinds of "Repairing, Machine add Engine Workfurnlshed'ttfrird'er'at the shortest nolle*. "*"*i* Stationary and Portable Sterna Engines, of any capacity required, will bo furnished, Orders solicited. . Commands left with Messrs. Watrons £ Lawrence, will receive" prompt attention. OgdeMsborghi'Dec.^lSS t - - *=tf*^, JE WORKS. SYRACUSE. N. W r_,1»esf.'orihe KaUrbaAllcpOt, onthe RaD-, Widean-S^heTErie CanaL-^lRIFFIN, "WffiKlN- SON.A CO. bnld Horixontal, .Yerticaland Port- able ^tafarajiSteant Engines and Boilers, of an. slsesj, aiut.Jfathe JrSryI3atest; and most approved design. ' MIU-Gcarlngand Machinery-Shafting andPrdlcysseb •up for Shops-and Factories. .,- >, ..- . . - ^ .j RrrEitKSCB;—R..B,OIUFXAHtOo.,MorrIslbwn,N.Y., Hrroncocx. * :TILLOTSON, .Ogdensburgh", WILUAM BOLTH; Llsbon.where sBechnens of onrwbrk maybe seen. '40-ly xi^'jo^E^sBiTO«a6i3r^w^»*k^s .^KK«-'Of!;eVerS t ^lunu^xju»uuuMjr juiu.n)iwwm ^j.muu-, ItNGINteind'BOIIJUtS.-HORSE-POWEBSiTHREaHING" JttACHINES, PLOWS, CULTlYATi)R8f*fldtoBiet „. SrallwSei»ehU;.CA3TJffiG81^r.I)uping»,MIneSi1^H- tdadSjBrldjgesiKficess iTatc'r and' Go* Pipes, BrTckMa- chTh»;afc,"«c.f^*tfniee'; Tftuicy tm ! t3ookin)r STOVES? ilAlJLDllQNaandotheSHOLWJY^ABE&IroKForemgi and Brass,. Copper and. Composition Metal Founding, done^WJihottrlbttce. BEPATXtSQPrJKGINES AND MACHINERY" promptly executor " ^ .' " . ' -'•' - r:*B^Order»^nniyboi*nt*y;inafIjaett«t the Store of A.CHANEY* CO.,.ott;W«ter-Htteett:_or»witK thesufc. |Crfe?atthaWpr)5., *. "..*Lr?sMSS* 3 ^S''" "" ^t-tt'- T ' ".' "''- •-'SecTMawaWdTre'Maxer.v ' ".UJ-.-Jgi-a'.-4i . -a.-—.-&<.^-'.."'V..-.ftk^j? " Steam •wwi&rgii L«wMHrnaUTe,«aitionau7 avnlai St«itxn1bb&t. '•-'. .-'^•••":-•' -\"KV:.V.;-' ' tal ^J™*^W 1 ''** iK <-. " warZsd to n c o o u M . Oc»ml«lon Howe* U Bo.Ua, lot W A R WtOCH^ S P A I N ! JOSEPIJ 60LDNER TAKES PLEASURE in onnouri'Cingto thesitlxensof Ogdensburgh end .vicinity, that be has taken the Store NO. 4T Fora-st., King's Granite Block, i'Wheredte. Intends keeping a mosfccomplete and extensive ' -. . assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, embracing, all.of tnelafest and most fashionable styles |nd patterns. AIsora general assortment of ll^&fpSMEN'S FURNISHING GOODSJ HATH, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES^ 40., "which he proposes to dispose of on terms that cannot ? • '•• ' fail to suit purchasers. *^ Come one, come alii Don't forget the place—No. 47 Ford-street. 21-8m RE1JIOVAL. W. H. YOUNG & CO. HAVE REMOVED ijrom their late stand, comer of Ford andlsabella- sjreets., to MECBAHICS' Eow, where, tlieyofferjor •safe a very large assortment -of READY-MADE CLOTHING' for Fall and Winter trade. Coats, Vests ;and Pantaloons in every variety of approved styles, for Gentlemen and Boys. Their stock of Clothing will compete with any West of Now-York or Boston, for good material, workmanship andreasonable.prices. Esr*To those, wishing garments mode to order, they would respectfully invite an examination of their Fall and Winter Good's, consisting of •CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTTNGS, of the most recent importations, which will be made up for Gentlemen or Boys in the best possible style and at the shortestjiotice. RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING, SOtP-WESTERS, UM- BRELLAS, AC AC. They have on band a very large assortment of TRUNKS, VALISES AND TRAVELING BAGS, at very lowprices. %5BT Recollect the place, Mechanic's Row, Ogdensburgh.—October, 1853. , 47-y NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, MERCHANTS, PEDDLERS, MECHANICS, LAWYERS, FARMERS And all other Trades and Occupations. THE SUBSCRIBER WILL RECEIVE proposals for the whole" nr any part of his large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTTNGS, 4c. ! The stock Is unusually large, embracing everything requisite for a Gentleman's Wardrobe. The stock wfil be disposed of either at Wholesale or Retail, in. lots to suit purchasers, and must be sold to make room for Spring Importations. The early attention of those inter- ested is requested. -THOS. J). SB3NNEE, Ford-st. Ogdensbnrgh, December 12,1858. 2-tf . W A T E R P R O O F CLOTHING. W D I A RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING—A JLjarge stock, just received at [44-tf ] SKINNER'S. NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS!! READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Ve^tings, Furnishing Goods, 4 c , &c., wholesale and retail. - THOMAS D, SKINNER , would inform his friends and the public generally, that he bos an unusually large stock of Goods adapted to Men's wear. The public may depend upon finding at this establishment the largest and best stock to be found in Northern New York. Country Merchants, and Mer- chant Tailors, supplied at a small advance from New, York and Boston prices. Garments will be made at all times to order, in the best manner a n d a t short notice^.^. BecoBeot SKINNER'S, Ford-st., Ogdensburgh. ®S4-tf LADIES , GOODS. TO THE LADIES. ^! E. THOMPSON WOULD RESPECT- fally inform the Ladies of Ogdensburgh and vi- cinity, that h e h a s just received a large assort- ment of 8JKAW AND FANCY LACE BONNETS, RIB- BONS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, and all other articles usually sold with MILLINERY GOODS. For sale, at Wholesale or Retail. MILLINERS CAN BE SUPPLIED WITH GOODS AT NEW-YORK PRICES. *-> PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO BLEACHINO AND PRESSING LADIES' isn GENTLEMEN'S STRAW HATS, &T Remomiir-r tue P l a c e !—THOMPSON'S BONNET ROOMS—OVER ALLBNDORPH'S YANKEE NOTION STORE, No. 8 S MECHANICS' ROW, Ford- street, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. April 10, 1854. 19-tf TO THE LADIES. MRS. ATCHESON, TENDERS HER Ulanks t o t h e Ladies of Ogdensburgh and vicin- ity for past favors, and would avail herself of this occasion to say that her SPRING STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS will be open fof inspection on THURSDAY, March. SO, at ten o'clock, A . M . Ogdensburgh, March 27,1854. 17-tf MRS. ATCHESON , HAS JUST RETURNED FROM NEW- York, and calls the attention of the Ladies to her stock of seasonable Goods. 19-tf Now Torlt Fasliionablc Kress Mali ing. MKS. WEATEEERSTIN, gSgP" Having removed from the corner of Isabella and Wafer-streets to No. 82 Mechanics' Row, n e x t d o o r .to T. C. Atcheson's Hat-shop.igj WOULD INFORM THE LADIES that s h e h a s returned from New-York wJth her SCMilKfi FASHIONSfor ladies, children, &c. Shrouds cut or made on- BDort T T30tie*e Also, Pinking done, of all kinds. DRESS- MAKERS -can be supplied with FASHIONABLE PAT- TERNS as usual. Particular attention paid to fitting. All Ijer work is warranted to give satisfaction. Having i n h e r employ FIFTEEN GOOD DRESS-MAKERS, she is able to complete almost any amount of dress-making upon the shortest notice, and upon satisfactory terms, *aj*Reraember—All work warf^nCed to give satisfaction. Ogdensburgh, May 80, ISM. ' 44-tf BOOTS AND SHOES. H. M. CHILD & CO., HAVE REMOVED THEIR BOOT AND SnOE STOKE from Isabella-street to HOPKINS' BLOCK, Water-street, next door to C. Water- man'B Grocery, where they would be pleased to attend to their customers, a n d a n y w h o m a y feel in- clined to give them a call. Give us a visit, a n d w e will try to suit you both in price and quality of goods. N. B. All kinds of mending done with neatness and dispatch. f^F~Bcmember the place, Hopkins' Block, Water- streetyslgn of the Shoe.» II. M. CHILD ...... * DAVID CHILD. Ogdensburgh, May 2,1854. 22-tf TO T H E TRADE. -A. VILAS' ARRANGEMENTS WITH ill the Eastern manufacturers, are such a s t o enable J h i m t o furnish BOOTS and SHOES t o t h e Trade at- (he smallest advance from Manufacturers' 24-tf EXCELSIOR ROOT & SHOE FACTORY. H. M. FAYJtHAVING PURCHASED an interest in the well-known Boot and Shoe Store of "WM.- LANGSTAPF, at the west end of the Bridge, they are now prepared to execute all orders in the line of GENTLEMEN'S DBESS BOOTS 4 LADIES' FINE WEAR, in a style superior to any other establishment In Ogdens- bOrgli. They also keep constantly on hand a select as- sortment of GENTLEMEN'S OALF, KIP AND COARSE BOOTS, '* LADIES'GAITERS, BUSKINS, SLIPS, 4c, AND OHILDRENiS SHOES of all descriptions, and feel a confidence that, from their long practical experience in the business', if their friends will give them a tall they can show them something bet- ter thin stale rhymes or machine poetry to recommend their work. Try us." LANGSTAFF A FAY. , N. B.-I-AM diseasesof the Sole promptly prescribed foi;, audjieriect cures warranted or no pay. L. A F. Ogdensbnrgh, April 17,1854. 20-tf O OLE IiEATHER OE DESIRABLE QUALITY, I also, French Cnlf Skins, at A.'VILAS', No. 10 Ford-street. ROOTS A: SHOES F O R A L L SEASONS ! No» IO •^old^StreeirV-- •""-" -" : '- ~ 'j.JtliDEN "'"PiLAS 'S,mW PREPARED TO OFFER TO HIS "%'st6tar*ana, tlBS'Punltc * very Iarge.and compre- ytehsWi^cSot**B0OT8 and SfiOES, dffect from the •btetMSnuBictnrers, which, wRh 'hf* own well-known sn^^cturft constitute,th&most^aried and complete assortmiiritSo bejfapsd'in city or country. . , :-'Og4ensbnrgh^i^Cil85*» ,„ . 24-tf iE&iixkiltTJEi/ M s M - m i n e<iiffiecSdn**ft& Ids Bookstore, an isxte«v*-Bindery,and placed ta_it one [Jof HKkeU'i ettebraled HULINe MA- h(m^i^^m^&Km ! ^ : :**W^*' ne,>:eep» OT^Ua^ifiSSrre br the J ^ e r r .workman of-stipe' ribri2E«oai*»«pare4tfflwai-workinithatlWeWttfc ^m^mm.'^- J.0.8PEAGTJE. Qj^gjab^hyOctobt^iaBg. «»*f \.-SEir -BOOKS, our. SPHAGlTEWj^ -. os* JESUIT , MUD OABimJkclA^ 'S«*ABT,?USA*a»0K WNNYSrO*.* OI THE BUPES- NATtJl£Mfc£? Ki i -" ,: " "•'' "* - •* S-tf MStr 800I "Alt.-jr.; e. ^gtWPEf&r ^etchii* of a^plie. ^t b.fcr.i dMcrfted,' called _„ kJWM»^lr».«eaiteBl»aic,fprd'*t, f4jlUN»M^'^l?,XS&_ ;' '• ' - ••:' - , 8-W. '. HOLIDATr MDarttt. HAVE A SHLTODJB .... „*»«*a! s ^rt^S22t : 'DUX BOOl* FANOT BTAHpNEItTi i' iiiriirir1i;|iBiiiiil'"1'Wrrnn^lTTr— A ^ » S « W * « m . t . r « * a « * read Ae>4H<. *.A"- , t-t*'S ;"-r»«>"»pw-- -sn«p .;' - 4«'^*'>fli.'J. 1 ^HETMW' \'W0. :j +• ••• „«*»j.*iswi^u(aB£jrj CHAELES ^HL^t, MENEELY • * , SONS,? i ' \- MapnfiiciUrera of ' /- - 4"'" .- Church, Factory, Steamboat, Enjriue, _" . A c a d e m y , D e p b ^ n n d o t h e r H e l | i 7 ' With the most approved Hongrhgsj Tolling Hammeia, Sc., West Troy, ICY. BBTTHEtlNLY SaYEB MEDAL A5KAEDED FOE BELia-ATTHE WORLD'S FAIR, WAS BEOEIVEB'fcY AjTHENEEEY* SONS, OVER ALL OTHEBcr EXHHJ- TBD-FROM THB AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Boferencegiyen toBeUs-inany part of-the Union. The undersigned, agent for tho manufacturers, is pre- pared to-exe'ento orders at factory prices. Orders and ,'iettera of ehquiry promptly attended to. ' rnrA-RT-Tjia Aarrr.iirv Ogdensburgh, N. Y. OHABLES ASHLEY, Eagle Block. lfctf A;--MENEELY & SONS _ 1 .» -• KASOEACTTJBEHS OP \ Engineering toahraiients, Compa TRANSnB, XEVELTSG RODS, 4CC ' Of nnBUrnassed- quality, are -represented at Ggj burghliy • • _ >. OHABLES ASHLEK 17-tf HarowarfeMerchant. Eagle^l iSCS, w UNION BELTING COaiP^, ANUFACTURERS OF PARENT MAI_, Stretched, Oak-Tanned LEATHER BELTING- FIRE-ENGINE a n * GARDEN HOSE; jfoSE for RAJlA ROAD WATER STATIONS, (of warranted quality,) all are represented at Ogdensburgh by ' 20-tf , OHABLE8 ASHLEY, Eagle Block. T O Y , B t C S F O B H & CO., M ANUFACTURERS of PATENT IMPROVED SAFETY FUSE.—-The subscriber- has in store a large stock of this celebrated Fuse, which he offers for sale by the cask or package, at the lowesl manufacturers' prices, CHAS. ASHLEY, Agent, Ogdensburgh, N. IE. P 5 " tf ] No. 4 Eagle Block. « R I C H S ALAMANDER ~ prices. « [42-tf] CO.'S" at Manufacturer's" CHAS. ASHLEY. PLATED "WARE I C ASTORS, Cake Baskets, Candlesticks, Forks, Spoons, &c, 4 c , ail new and choice patterns, at lower prices than ever offered in this market. 42-tf CHAS. ASHLEY. TAILOR'S SI3EARS. TTEINSICH'S Celebrated Tailor's Skears and J 1 Scissors; also, Barber's ' aears. For sale at man- ufacturer's prices, by [25- .] CHAS. ASHLEY. PLATFORM As COUNTER SCALES. E & T. FAIRBANKS & CO., Manufacturers of Paten* Platform and Counter Scales, are rer^yi^"'"•',"', resented at Ogdensburgh by OHAS. ASHLEY, T™*3mrnitai '28 - -" . No. 4 Eagle Block." "\X7"HEEL BARROWS.—A prime article of V r Rail Road Wheel Barrows, received this day by* 8 CHARLES ASHLEY, No. 4 Eagle Block. R EFRIGERATORS.—A regular ossortmejg, of sizes, manufactured in a superior style, are oTOred for sale by [28] CHAS. ASHLEY, Eagle Block. EER B E b? PUMPS OF [28] SUPERIOR QUALITY CHAS. ASHLEY. "YXTATER COOLERS.—A fine variety embrac- 2S ing many new and ornamental patterns. CHARLES ASHLEY. T T A Y - KNIVES.—50 dozen—a very superior 11 article—for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by , CHARLES ASHLEY, No. 4, Eagle Block. A GRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of, every descript : on, for sale at the manufacturers' lowest prices. [10-tf] CnAS. ASHLEY. B UGGY BOWS—100 sett just received at the Hardware Store of [10-tf] CHAS. ASHLEY. W; AGON HUBS.—200 sett morticed Hubs, for sale at-Factory prices. CHAELES ASHLEY, No. 4, Eagle Block. PIANO FORTES. EDWARD BADLAM, iff % PJAWO FORTE MANUFACTURER* CORNER OP FORD AND CAROLINE STREETS, OGDENSBURGH, N. Y., W HERE HE IS CONSTANTLY MAKING Piano Fortes, with Metallic Pramfes, of the best and latest improvements! Every Piano Porte made by him will be warranted for five yeataj""Those wishing to buy will do well to call before purcMsing, as he will sell at a price a little lower than the same can' be had for in the cities. Old Pianos taken in exchange for new. Also, Pianos repaired and tuned. 43-tf PIANO FORTE TUNINO. *v- A. S. GOODRICH WOULD^E- spectfully inform the musical public of Ogdensburgh and vicinity, that he m;iy be expected there for the purpose of TUNING and REPAIRING PIANOS, on or about the 15th o f J u l y next; All persons with whom arrangements have not been made for tuning b y t h e year, will please leave their ad- dress at the Post Office, as no calls, will be made except by request. , . *, Mr. G. is agent for Boardman & Gray's Graotf Action Piano Fortes, and will furnish them at the r_egular Tactory prices, paying transportation, and.keeplng them in tune one year, free of charge. Second-hand Pianos will be taken in exchange, when desired. * _ 21 - tf __ PIANO-FORTE FOR SALE. .ONE OF GALE'S SUPERIOR instruments'—entirely new—fine-toned, and such as cannot fail to please; for sale a t a bargain. Apply to Ogdensburgh, N . Y . [2-tf] 3. C. SPRAGUK. issassa,, rm^^^^^t^oivm i No. 34 Mechanics' Row, Ford-street. E. W. GIBSON, , „ Dealer in SOFAS, CHAIRS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, v-28 " FEATHERS, k&- - n-21 F EATHERS, HATR & HUSK MATTRESSES, for sale by,- . E. W. GIBSON, "••- 21-tf No. 24 Mechanics' Bow, Ford-street. JCOFAS, PARLOR CpilRS, CARD AND tO CENTR E _T A rji a s, for sift*}' E . W , GIBSON, al ' tf No. 24 Meclantcs' Bow, Forof-street. ft __ . Pmnamfc Patent S ^THHS^J' SPRINC BEDSTEADS. EYMOUR S. CLARK & CO.j OF WEST Stackhohni N. Y., successors vt Thaddeus Thayer, manumcture and keep constantly on hand a "full supply of Putnam's Spiral Spring Bedsteads, which they offer to the public on liberal terms. This style of bedstead presents advantages over aB other articles of a similar nature ever offered t o t h e public- combining "cheapness, durability, and elegance, with a luxuriousness of ease wholly unsurpassed. In case of sickness it is invaluable, and for the ordinary purpose of rest it^ommends itself to all. Its simplicity of construc- tion arid v convenience to those who may have the daily care of^It, must insure its general if not universal use. No housekeeper, especially the keepers of hotels and large houses, should purchase Jo witljput examining this article, which is offered in various styles and patterns a t . ^EBerFnrnitare Warehouse of Seymour S. Clark 4 Co., West Stockholm, N . Y . , where is also kept an extensive assort- ment of household furniture of every style usually found in a furniture wareroom. All orders promptly attended to. 8. F. Judd is our agent in Ogdensburgh, N . Y . , a n d s p y orders left with him will be p r o m p t l y a t t e n d e d 4 0 - Speci- mens of the bedstead may be seen at GhhTrooms, comer of Ford and Isabella streets. February 7, 1854. 14-6m - H. F. MILLASD'S - FCRNITURE WAIIE-liqeTTlS, No. 07 Averell'tf Block, Ford street, (up stairs.) THE SUBSCRIBER, WHO h a s b e e n long a^resident of Ogdens- burgh, a n d i s familiar with the tastes^ of its citizens, would say to them' that he is nojv receiving from Boston and New-Yorfea GENERAL AS8ORMMENT OF FASHIONABigfeFCRNI- TURE, among which m a y b e fpund Mahogany and Black Wal- nut Sofas, of every vari- ety and style. Rocking and Arm-Chairs,-r Mahogany and Walnut. Marble-top, Centre, Falicy and Side-Tables. Mahogany and Black Wal- nut Corner WHAT-NOTS and Book-Shelves, of the latest styles. Mahogany and Ifelack "Wal- nut Cen tre and Card - Tables. Quartette, Sofa and Nest Tables. Mahogany and Black Wal- nut Parlor Chairs, of va- rious styles. Mahogany French Bed - steads; Cottage and coirr- mon Bedsteads; together with a choice - assortment of Looking Glasses with Giit and Mahogany Frames. A choice lot of be«st English Hair Matresses, and a good supply of Cane-seat, Rocking, Dining and Parlor Chairs. H, P. M. manufactures and keeps always on hand a good supply of Bnrssius, Book-cases, Dining a n d T e a Tables, Light and Wash Stands, together with the whole catalogue 04 articles usually found in the best filled Fur- niture. Ware-rooms. , .< UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. An assortment of FISK'S PATENT METALLIC AIR- TIGHT BI'KIAL CASES. Also—Mahogany, Black Wal- nut, Cherry and Butternut COFFINS always 00 hai&i and trimmed. Order's from tho country supplied at;a moment's notice, A IIEAIISE and personal attendance to order. . 00-tf J. ARAMS SMITH, SOLE AGENT IN ST. LAW- rence and adjoining Counties for the sale of Piano Fortes from the factories of Chickering, Boston ; <Nunns & Clark, Ba- con & Raven, Wm. Hall & S o n , a n d N . J . & F . Haines, New-York. Also, agent for the sale of Curhart & Need- ham, and Prince's Melodeons. Keeps constantly on hand Sheet Music, Instruction Books for e^very Instrument, Violin, Guitar and Bass-Viol strings, together with a full assortment of-all binds of Musical Instruments, all of which will be sold at city prices. At Sprague's Book Store, Eagle Block, Ogdens- burgh, N/Y. . « 13-1 y WATR(WB & LAWRENCE. WATRPUS. & LAWRENCE, Importers and Dealers isi XZardwajrc, Iron and Steel, Stoves, Tin antTSbeet-Iron, Keep constantly employed the most experienced work- men for Roofing, making Eave^Tfoughs, and every other description o f T i n a n d Copper Work. Sole Agents in Northern New-York for the sale of S. C. Herring's Salamander Safes ; for Ruggles, Nourse, Mason & Co.'s Boston Agricultural Implement Factory ; Ransom £ Co.'s Steam Foundry; the Pawtucket Belting Compa- ny; the Collins Axe Company; Grannis & Co.'s Tin- ware, Machines and Hand-Tools ; Davis & Co.'s Horse- powers. -' , Parties purchasing quantities, are particularly invited to examine our Wholesale Department, as possessing equal'facilities with New-York and Boston, for purchas- ing. We pledge ourselves n o t t o b e undeispld in those cities. 8-ti SADBLERY. E NGLISH and American and Coach Hardware, Coach Lamps and Bands, Spcings, Axles, Stump Joints, Dashes, Curtain Frames, Patent Leather, Cloths— Damask, Plush, Brussels Carpets, Oil Cloth Carpet, Lace, Tufts, Tacks, Seaming Cord, Tufting Nails, Pop Peops, fitted with plated Nuts, Ivory head Nails, Screws, Ivory Side-Handles, Ivory and .Bone Slides—together with all other descriptions of Saddlery. A liberal discount made to the trade when a quantity is required 21 WATROUS & LAWRENCE SHELF HARDWARE. ' N OW opening, a full assortment of every de- scription of Shelf-Hardware, direct from the English, German, and American factories, consisting of Locks, Latches, Knobs, Door Handles, Joiners' Tools, and a va- riety of House Trimming ,and Carpenter's Tools, Saws, Hammers, Axes, Ac, &c. Parties favoring us wif 1 a call cannot but be convinced ef our superior facihtiesifor pur- chasing. WATROOS & LAWRENCE, <.ujpub. 1 Eagle Block. HU.K PANS. A A A DOZEN, FROM THE BEST QUALITY ^|;\J\J of Tin. Also, a large assortment of manufac- tured Tin at Wholesale prices. Merchants and others svUldo weU to call. _. _ ,„ _, I84f WATROTJS & LAWRENCE. •% (\(\ KEGS BLASTING POWDER—Just ar- l\IU rived, and for sale by .WV » WATROTJS A" LAWRENCE. BOXES GLASS—Qf all sizes—for Bale by [SSI WATR0TJ3 & IAWBENOE- SETT Steel Springs, manufitetnf ed ex- «ressly4&rns,snd'*ai^ted. . ._,,-« WATBODS A LAWRENCE, 1 Eagle Block. COOK, Parlor Box, and Fancy Stoves; Some of the patterns are warranted to give en- tire satisfaction. Parties buying at wholesale will be sup- Wied at t i e manufacture's wholesale prices. i ^ WATROTJS ft IAWRENCE.f Q A A HARROWS, CHURNS AND CULTI- 20-tf •VATORS, for sale by ' - ^ATROHS A LAWRENCE.' yaale".*»„"HP^ ..'..IgjagtO^"* M ^ R E S O ^ ; . ?-Trajowr."»A'SBHis: i tMarTy dollar*. Thewateris heatedhy a very simple method by pipes attached to any Common stove. A sample of the apparatus can be seen by calbpgon ~ M « y W ; l l l r t 2 6 1 . , . WATltOTJS A,L4WBESeE,. rWNSJPA^T ON HASD AND MADE TO V / oyiw at our own Copper Works, by the must es- periencedwortoae^ % ,WATR0U8.t tAWREyQE, , 'FlTRWAelg? - •^AjBasp^, ^nium 1 -UP JCS3y..WARt%SS Ifrg " •-- W-' MaBOTiaiNbAWBESOJ!. "HERlNiG^ SAFES \mWCS TOOK: THE 3pr~»—• W 'World*»a£inJSoBa| FURNITURE ! FI'RNIXURE! 1 7 CORRY, HAVING REMOVED HIS FrR- • NITURE WAREROOMS AND MANUFACTURING SHOP INTO HIGBEE'S NEW BRICK BLOCK, opposite John Barber's Bakery, Isabella-street, would respectfully announce to the citizen"! of Ogdensbiifcch and vjcinity, that h e h a s o n hand a n d is constantly lnSnufacturnft: aiwt 1 . receiving a large and excellent" assortment of EVERY .DESCRIPTION OF FURNITCRE, FROM NE^^ORK AND BOSTON, which he offers at the BEST BARGAINS to be found in the market. His stock consists of SOFAS, " ,. TABLES, BEDSTEADS, €Sl§lEillto& SECRETARIES,* CHAIRS, j^ggpwqgggggi DESKS, Ac. Ac., CHAMBER SETS* 5 ?^ ^-'^^^^ of every descdptiun IN WALNUT, MAHOGANY, AND .OTHER \VOOD3 UPHOI^TERY GOODS, _.. of m v o w n manufacture, warranted pore and good,'si&h as Hair,- Cotton, Palm Leaf, and HUSK MATTRESSES. All articles of this kind on hand, or made" to order_ on short notice, and for quality not surpassed. ^ LOOKING GLAbbES, of all sizes, with Gilt Bands, Gilt Inlaid, and Veneered Frames. UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. O n < t h e s a m e p r e m i s e s m a y b e found COFFINS of all sizes, made of Mahogany, Black Walnut, Cherry, Butternut, Ac, trimmed in the best manner, a n d o n rea- sonable terms. He has provided a n e w a n d elegant HEARSE, and will give his personal attention to all ar- rangements connected with interments. Friends i n t h e village and country are requested to send in their orders. g^~ Remember the place—Higbee's new Brick Block, opposite the Bakery. Ogdensburgh, December 27, 1553. V s 45 4-tf PROCT'R & HUNTRESS rROCTOR & HUNTRESS, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL DEALERS IS West India. Ooads, Groceries, and Country Produce. NO. 1 ALLEN'S NEW 45RICK BLOCK, Next door to Charley's Hardware Store, Water-street, Ogdensburgh. 100 Bushels PRIED APFI.ES. 400 Barrels Salt. 60 Barrels Brown and Refined Sugars. «' 60 Chests TEA—different kinds and qualities. 2t- 7 Tons MUSCOVADO and New-Orleans S06AE3. 10 Casks SAL.ERATUS. 40 Boxes and Half Boxes RAISINS. 40 Dozen BROOMS. 20 Boxes TALLOW CANDLES. 25 Boxes and Half Boxes TOBACCO—different kinds. COD and POLLOCK FISH. PICKLED and SMOKED HERRINS. jjiKtoh SUGAR-HOUSE SYRUP. -""MOLASSES. " [kinds. Roasted and Ground a n d R a w CQFFEE^—diilerent Brown and Fancy SOAPS. SODA and CREAM TARTAR. BALL WJOKING. SPERM CANDLES. LAMP OIL. . SPICES, CITRON. CASK RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS, NUTS, 4 c , i c. IS-tf For sale by PROCTOR & HUNTRESS- DA A BUTTER TUBS—DIFFERENT SIZES, •ZUUforsaleby [18-tf] PROCTOR & HUNTRESS. LACKEYED AND WHITE MARROWFAT SEED PEAS, for tale hy 18-tf PROCTOR & HUNTRESS. B 1G00 LBS. HAMS AND SHOULDERS, for sale by [IS-tf] PROCTOR & HCNTRESS. H ERD'S GRASS SEED—A NICE ARTICLE— for sale by [18-tf] PROOTOR & HCNTRESS. s : EED BARLEY FOR SALE, BY IS-tf PROCTOR & HUNTRESS. w OODEN" WARE, FOR SALE BY 18-tf PROCTOR A HUNTRESS" Gr. D. &r I. L. SEYMOUR. PATENT SPERM O I L . .., A SUPERIOR ARTICLE' FOR MA- CHINERY. Its great peculiarities are its clearness and purity. It possesses nothing of the gummy'qualities that are objectionable in other machinery oils. Its cleansing properties are such as to loosen any-~£ubstaace which may have aceamulated in boxes,'nuts, joints, &c, giving it at first the appearance of gumming, when, in fact, it is cleansing the machinery. It ia alsojiighly recommended for Burning, being equal to purest Spe*m,emitting a brlUiant and clear light, and, so far as economy is Cohcernea, it takes-the precedence ofali'bto.eroiL "'-,*'* '"„','_-. ,, - Machiniatsjtnd Engineers would do weB to try it. For sale, atwhoteaale and retail, by the undersigned, who have been appointed AgentsforNorthern New-York. Alsn for sale by the subscribers— «, GOOD WHALE OIL. PURE OLTVE OIL. NOVA SCOTiA AND BEREA GRINDSTONES. Also, Pure BRANDY, GIN, RUM, Ac, Old and MBd MADEIRA WINE, Pure and Delicate PALE SHBRS-Y. FRENCH AND ENGLISH MUSTARD. CHOICE TOILET AND WASHJNO JOAPS. ASSORTED AND PLAIN PICKLES. „ "• BEST J$£k SA1&' -BEST T4BLJ! SALT. ' :.sBASr,B0WDER,*ei- . v-SSpfm-i-. v -. „. .',- G.P.ftjL,LkSEYMOTJB ->•• ' r^ROTKlSir ROCK SA&X. __ a / V A SACKS LTVERPOOI, SALT—BESTTN 2 U " the world. 280 sacks4E1HOOSJ) EjJPK SALT— » J S M ^ 2 % 3 B a w «>d lagamr KOTNG. A variely of MATS—^Bussia^djUandlja ^fGLIffi MATTBS5H-totheJtoll, and CHINESEI HALTING m the EoH. foyjeaTaJry''jge^jnl 'GS'P.ALLjjgEYMOTJB. STAPLE PRY O0QDS. A3? THE, For sale |t. H, OJEAM3EBLA3LN, ,*" '•' -" Tv"- 1 - and Window Shades, - . a i ^ j : ft-iq Ni^«K)iKlW^CBKI!»,OaDE .»..>>.. ., watltBf •- ' SWUNG TKADKi-NOW OPKNDWI (The old stand of Chamberlain-#5*«*J. mMm& ^ciwms&tM'*" 1 " WnitWWBHADIS, DR fafiryfioodaetona. ParttaMar ^io»ily*>i»t thm^'m^mtfi^id. ^aa^TwiabaioM SEW satORE:;Disjraa!l.-'36iypi->«oinsD! vm>&:mm!W<ii!OGjJENasrmajtsAKD HOETHEBN •.•--..' ..NE5SB^OSSiv- .. -.* T &€U3r^^isjrfle^feto «BBn«lce te hid tf i -frienasana «rMc«e^ih%„*a1>liC»>|S"« i t may *o*be.foimi-pn &e - o ^ E r j ) ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ »d ma^jdlo^;Siare ; watcni*l«!^t^^S^ flnisb, «Mi8riaaBem.eni" «^BJen«*r*'8t2«n*l» a ••" sany^f»|tfelltearaK»r^Jg^^^«^' is •eH'-warthy DTa caJL^* ^O^aa^y^^ere a more beretoforeithel oat- w* * • « ncpn»jpnu<u) %u w** * 1 th« mostoioniw" to Hie very gQOD&wittb*<i^Bi»gg^s.-^a^saa HtfefieSS^2?^4b»ie«; jry^uid-will be daily re- {Mfrotn this time onward. i^^rt^atbf-Brtwstls Tapestry, Im- r.Ex^Supcrnne, Superfine and Fne In- ii» taroetinir. •drnpSsFimlHi"-or«n5&v Tene- «l^a*l««e»aa5:^* Sitit ^Mt&gs. An T * « ^ l a r « « t o * of Paper Har^ioss, with entire new CoIoS^*^r§,%n*ftl3wa%e»i«#^^ fttf*sto attention - EiacfcBinpviind suit of e- - Alwtyit an"«lt<ms«Te »c^B«S?W»MSr"-*'^ to 3*# : ««l«c6on of ^ n M i Swiss,, m trove Upen, a&eripUon. ^_,"J5tntan«Gotto« ;MISr*at'--<iot»H and , 'sfe.:.-- , .. aB wMtksy l*«dlWB4*C "*'" ««*«, intatiky V-Sr>2. -VW», I,JU <~, W. In' » ! -'-'-' ' ' ' " ^< %»»" f t nr''"''" : i ' s: *• '"^mmmm,^'s^. I %''•'.— - - . „ ^gr- ,,,.^. ... ^;mm&&Z£m '" .... '** ' - - - .'" . "- ... ".I**

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^vm-t^^^m -^^ ->r- ^vk a "NOTICES.


THURSDAY EVENING, Ii.yeeuniHaU. Subject, "The Ithe Church with reference to

fcopen at eight o'clock. Ml SO-lw-

TMSEHSS 05 THIS BODY lSi". the fourth WEDNESDAY T sSStb and 29th>of June, 1S5*. [•Vednesday Morning, by Rev. | l i C c l o e S .

C A T C H E R , S t a n d i n g C l e r k .

i l K E V p B K S . jr* Inst ARK SOW RECKrv-rso A p T k s ^ c o j w . s t i n g i B P a r t a 3 r » l -

w d o e s . P i n - W h e e l s , S e r p e n t s , ,

l e r s . T r i a n g l e s , B e n g u l a L t g h t s ,

f % m i n e s a f S e r p e n t s , 4 c . 4 c .

p « D O L L A R S TO F I F T E E N

r y l f f e r c h a n t s , a n d a B d e s i r i n g

t o w e l l t o - e n d in the<r o r d e r s

N o . 3 0 F o r d S t r e e t ,

O g d e n s b u r g h , N . Y .

J ' H . 1 % FOR TETE C n t E 01?

p i - l t & ' M P L A t x T S . — T h e s e a d m i l r -

i e n t r e iu t -dy e v e r d i s c o v e r e d ,

I d s , a n d A s t h m a P o m e of t h e

a d i s o r d e r s , t o g e t h e r w i t h af-

^vd t o t h e i r c u r a t i v e p o w e r s .

»y accumulation if ph'.fgm, J , t r g a u a a r e p e n n a n e u t l j r e -

I c u u n U A n d p e r f e c t c u r e Is ef-

j*>nr»a*-t.—il p a t i e n t s u f f e r i n g

! t , a a J S c a l t y of b r e a t h i n g , o r

; r e c o u r s e t o t h e s e w e l l - k n o w n

a 3 9 - 1

( - V I I E S , A * ; f s T 7 , 1 S - U . —

n a c h j a n d I t»oit s o m e of t h e

o n c e — a n d t r - a t n f^e e n d of

K h e R h e u m ^ L s n i , &..J h e u s e d

^ U S A I I I , a n i l I h a v e n c a r d n o

M h o d d e r 2 n d b a d l y b r n i s e d i t .

C O M M E R C I A L . Ogdensburgtt Pitices Canent.

Rspoxted weekly to» the St. Lawrence Republican, BY S W I H STILVVKIJ., JR . ,

Sealer ia Flora, Pork, Salt, Fish, Groceries, 4c. Store, 5 Nos. 2 ana 8 Ford-street, facing the Bridge.

OODESSBESGH, Monday, Jime'26,1854^

Vegetable Jfi And his aa

ealiuc Balsam on, •"was thrown from

e very b . i ^y , and ually a t ^ te reiieX

**£ "-

he put on a, same time, and it


l a g r e a t e r e x t e n t t h a n is g e n e r -

a r j n =o m a n y a n d v a r i o u s

• 0 3 E h a s b e e n f o u n d t o b e a t

r e m e d y . I t s s u c c e s s h a s c o j i -

• n a n c l , a n d i t is f a s t b e c o m i n g

T a r t h e c u r e of t h e s e p r e v a l e n t

r i n g c e r t i f i c a t e s w h i c h we s e l e c t

[ f r s^a i l t e s t i f y i n g t o i t s e f f i cacy :

p a r S i r : H a v i n g u s e d y e a r E x ­

i t R h e u m , w h i c h w a s e f f e c t u a l l y

l a i b y i t s - u s e , I c h e e r f u l l y r e c -

| y h a v e n e e d of r e h e f i n s i m i l a r

i. B R T A N J E R O M E .

I t , S e p t e m b e r 6 t h , 1 3 5 1 .

| f l ,ve fo r j e a r s s u f f e r e d w i t h t h e

n w h i c h , t t s e e m e d t o o j e , n o t h -

I d s c e d t o t r y t h o S y r u p of R o c k

• e d l a t e refief ,_aird cxxxfxl m e of a

f r e x p e c t e d t o r e c o v e r .

'" J . J O N E S .

• a t , D e c e m b e r , 1 s o l . 2 9 - 2 w

|r .vrsos—FOR PRESERVING, i T H E H A I K , I S t h e m o s t d e -

• i J c l e t h e w o r l d e v e r p r o d u c e d .

1 w i t h o u t a p r e c e d e n t i n t h e h i s -

Wca, Da rk , a n d l u x u r i a n t c u r l s ,

s c o r e s of a d m i r e r s , { m a r t t h i s ,

| cSec t ,<>f t h e K a t h a i r o n . B a l d

| p r f e c t l y a s t o n i s h e d . " T h e K a -

!• m y h a i r a f t e r a b a l d n e s s of 12

| i r , £ 5 I Joml M r e e t ^ V e w - T o r b .

b>n c u r e for N e r v o u s H e a d a c h e ,

fcsi| S o l d b y a l l d e a l e r s c v e r y -

p r y 2 5 e e n t s , in l a r g e b o t t l e s .

, P r o p r i e t o r ,

161 B r o a d w a y , N e w - Y c r k .


v \ I r . D e n t u n , — S i r I h a v e u s e d

j n d . & a n d it t o b e a l l t h a t i t is

p r e s e r v e s t h e H a i r , a n d p r e -

L a n d Lfavp j it p e r f e c t l y so f t a n d

[*:X, 1 n e v e r s a w a n y t h i n g t h a t

>n s e v e r a l i t - r s t - n s , w h e r e t h e i r

:• effect* >.f D a n - i m f f a n d S c u r v y ,

• e m p e r f e c t ^ w e l l , a n d a d d e d t o

U ' t f E F R E E M A N ,

| ? a i r - 0 r e s ? r r , A m e r i c a n H o t e l .

-w Goor»s—YANKEE NATIONS • - T D O R P H h a v i n g - r e m o v e d f r o m

( s rd - s t t - ee t . M e c h a n i c s ' R o w , h a s

etc of Y a n k e e N o t i o n s a s c a n b e

hf N e w - Y o r k , a n d wi l l h e s o l d a t

• b a n t s , P e d d l e r s a n d t h e p u b l i c *

\ll l o t s , a t t h e o p t i e n of t h e p u j s

| « s tock of B O O K S , of t h e m o s t

- i c e s t h a t c a n ' t fa i l t o s u i t t h e

B O O K S * C A P A N D L E T T E R

| l A N D P A S S - B O O K S ; in ( a c t ,

K X c a n . b e fbnni i i n t h e a s a o r t -

| : r o f i n T O Y ? of e v e r y d e s c r i p -

fclGla^S, L O O K I N G - G L A S S E S ,

L O O R O I L C L O T H S , 4 c , w h i c h

| ; O F r e t a i l a t fcswer p r i c e s t i t a n a t -

M e r c h a n t s a n d P e d d l e r s w i l l

•ETC? t o e x a m i n e h i s s t o c k . R e a r

• c r e e l , M e c h a n i c s ' R o w , O g d e n s - (

4 9 t f


p , o f t h i s c . t y , sp t h e t r e a t m e n t o¥-

p d a l l d i seases^of t h e l a n g s . W e

b e a h a , o r B i l i ^ U n g H y g e a n V a p o r

| J t h t h i s n e w m e t h o d l>r. C . h a s

o n e s t o p e r f e c t h e a l t h ; a s a n

h a s i n n u m e r a b l e c e r t i f i c a t e s .

| ? n t , a p h y s i c i a n r e m a r t s : — I t ia

o o s t a n t l j b r e a t h i n g a n a g r e e -

I j n e d j c i a a l p r o p e r t i e s m u s t c o m e

p e whole^ of t h e m r i a l c a v i ^ - of

I p e t h e S i a n y a n d v a r i e d c h a n g e a

t . ^ i n t r o d u c e d i n t o t h e s t o m a c h ,

• c e s s of d i g e s t i o n . T h e H y g e a n a

p r i s t s * t h o B g h n q t t h ^ c b u p t r y .

i M e d i c a i e d I n h a l a t i o n m. a n o t h e r

« ^ 2 1 y l

| G A^fD C A L I S T B E S I O S . A l

[ T e a c h e r of D A N C I N G ^dJ&L

a - o m ' S e r M a j e s t y ' s T h e a t r e , 2 i s a S .

| t 3 T e a c h e r a t Wi lUa ' , r e s p e c t f u l l y

j o f 0 * * i e n s b n r g h t h a t h e wi l l b e

1*3 a n d P r i v a t e f a m i l i e s t o ffiye

b y e ^ e l e g a n t a m i p o l i t e a c c o m -

r a t t h e Republican of i lce . 2 2 t f

p E E o ! — E i i E E S O ^ s A M E R I C A S

r e s t o r i n g t h e H a i r o n h e a d s H O P E -

I w r e v e n t t h e H a i r from f a l l i n g , i s

wns> of p e r s o n s - j w h o "are u s i n g i t .

rtly i n t r o d u c e d — i s a s u r e t h i n g

E s t a a > l t h e t ^ s t af a d i s c e r n i n g

s h a v e s u c h c o n f i d e n c e i n i t t h a ^

_ n t s t o t a k e B a l d c a s e s : o n G U A B -

- r e e d u p o n b e t w e e n t h e p a r t i e s .

Ir bottle, H. S, HTMPHREY, I O^E. FISHER & CO., Proprietors, Ireland, Ohio. f7yl

3 , W H O GO TO C A S T O S TO B U T

> t h e a d v e r t i s e m e n t of ** C O O K E 7 ^

f o u n d in o u r c o l u m n s t o - d a y . W e

EFiiP xsow,'* t h a t G o o d s a r ^ s o l d

C a l l a n d s e e . 2 3 m 3 "

wa&& Assemblies. J a t fee H a U o f R U S S E L L T . S K T T H ,

I v l a y E v e n i n g , J u l y S d , 1S54.

I a i ! H . J . P o a x H A s ' s , ^ w a r d s v O l e ,

J 4 B i , J S 5 4 , a t 2 o*cloek, P . U -

mtg tfu»ir < ".i-v/rf or Ttxtfte printed •fcv% mtty lusc*> tn .tnn**wwenxm • / J W P ttf c?uxrg«.

L E & I E D . | e 2W uistant, by Rev. t %***!"•

Re2Sd instant, b^B. W BiLOwr», m.RD thfeOS, of KiUey, Ca»»a» IHOLUJDA¥, of the same place. tnjrf & a Jitssos, J P^. Mr-%, <>f Fowler,'to Miss LrBCl* I*- ^* ar KOl. t>J- B r J» rESOX, 3. P ^ <f.

M a s H A S S A H T O W N , b o t h of

Xv-C-.-mva on the TTth Instant^b/ \ iiM, j P- Mr. saAS o. cere-*.IABS, of Weslyaie. . I-tst, Mil LEWU UASS, ir-, Cnited |« MAKV Lt1>L.tru, danghter of I tson Connty, on the 20th i^°h

IOBUA-ROGEHS, of FhShtdelphfe I . E !foes&LS, t h e 80Ut i n s t a d t , » t ^ a l v i r y C h u r c h , b y t h e B e v . ! » • 1. WEliEBiOf C*Hfornsavto Mrs. lyonafSsi dWSgbter of L«vi~B*oat-t a We3t- ^ ^ ^ _

T I E D . J___Z-r--i.lemv>, . n Saturday ewning

J it f IS. Esi, , agelj 69 yqj»-I it are faUing. Another of our ol*

BDel Ot»B e*a»- into- tti» fe years ago, and yaw*'! throoglt

aipsof aneraetttaBeit. ne4ia# , and wa»«nivenally r«pect«4.

i^tkvtl fjpfmt * aocceasfal merean^l* I fiimaatf to tanning and the br«*d-1 * aetejruac and practicai &V* Ik the3t. Lawrehee Cowitf***** Iras a man of integrity, piaty^ln* I th' fearos j peat mitt i» kl* ft^f |«na , and las Oentrtj of St. baf -

1 idijr afterwwo, io»e « % . < ! * £

l^artaj » o r n * t tbiTiiUi iart»»*. K » a l * i « , * » J i a m r « » - _ _ a -

[ylfitk, W M B A ^ A B H.?X«%^

| k k tafiart, « W A p S^mm*

FLOtTR, a barrel.. C O R N , i g b u s h e l n T E , ^ b u s h e l B A R L E Y , S b o s b e l O A T S , S b u a h e l B E A N S , $ b u s h e l . . : P E A S , S b u s h e l P O T A T O E S , ijj) b u s h e l E G S S v - ^ d o z e n ,**,..••

BTATEK, f ft C H E E S E r - # B> -I A R D , ' % fb H A M , ^ E > S H O r L D E R S , ^ tt. , ? O R K , ? » P O R K , in t h e h o g A P P U S , d r i e d , # » . . - . A T P L S S , g r e e n , » b u s h e l . . . . L E M O N S , ^ b o x O R A N G E S , $ b o x . . . . r C L O V E R S E E D , r e t a i l T T M O T H Y S E E D , ^ b u s h e l .

9 0 0

— 7tO> 7b t o

B0 to 1 00 to

sn«to €9 to 11 14 8

10 9

to J l l 00. 78. 81. 81. 50.

1S5. 1 00.


6 00 7

e oo jNone.)

12*?. 17. 11. 11. 10. 8.

-tt. 7 00.

£L»s, 5 50. 0 25.


Commercial Record.

Produce Tvcewed for the iceek endrng/ Monday (Tuning, June 267A, 1854:—13,269 bbls. float; lfi^Sttusti. corn; 6,850 bush, wheat \ 1,694 bbls. gij* ; 31,191 "bush, oats 325 tgs. butter; 19 bbls. lard ; S3 bbls. beans.

1 Aggregate amount of Produce retfMvtd at 0>i" Fort since opemng of Xwcigation, ISM :-JlS,890 bbls. flour; 174,27S bush, corn; 09,971 bush, wheat; 10,600 bbls. pork , 03,953 bush, oats; 908 k»s. batter *, 2,100 bbls. lard; 845 bbls. beans; 517 bbls. cheese.

Kelly &-Spring's Prices Current.

PRODUCE MARKJET-BOSTON, June 24, 1S54. ASHES—Quiet, with little demand for either sorts.

Pearls $5 62.V, and Pots $5 S7„Vf. FLOITR—All common grades are very dun at a decline

of 50c $) bbl. on the week. Receipts have been large from the South and from New-Tork City. We quote Su-o e r n n e W e s t e r n b r a n d s $ 8 t o $ 8 2 5 ; F a n c y , $ 3 B0 t o $ 9 ; Extrado„$9 75 to $10 75; Genesee Extra, $11 25 to $12. The latter very scarce. Canadian. ROUT has given way, wUh sales at $s 45 to $3 87is to-day, 4n bond.

G R A I N — C o r n i s firm ; 9 4 c . @ 9 5 c . fb r Y e l l o w , a n d 8 7 c t o 9 0 c . fo r W h i t e ; h i i r h - m i x e d d o . 9 0 c . t o 9 2 c . R y e i s s t e a d y a t $ 1 So t o S I 4 0 . O a t s , w e r e b r i n g i n g 7 0 c . e a r l y m t h e w e e k , b a t a m o r e l i b e r a l s u p p l y h a s r e d u c e d p r i c e s t o 6 5 c . @ 6 6 c . , .

P R O V I S I O N S — T h e r e is n o c h a n g e in P r i m e , C l e a r a n d E x t r a P o r k , b u t .Mess d o . i s d u l l a t $ 1 4 $ b b l . Al l g o o d b r a n d s of h e a v y Me^s B e e f a £ e n o w h e l d a t $ 1 7 t o $ 1 S — f o u r m o u t h s . L a r d s t e a d y a t 10c . t o 1 0 % c . H a m s a r e s t e a d y a t 9 V c . t o 10c . B u t t e r is d u l l a t 16c t o 19c. A v e r y c h o i c e q u a l i t y of B u t t e r , 20c . C h e e s e of e x t r a q u a l i t y v e r y s c a r c e , a n d q u i c k a t 9 c . t o 1 0 c . C o m m o n t o o r d i n a r y d o . is d u l l a n d u n s a l a b l e a t 4 c , t o 6 c . E g g s , 1 7 e . t o I S c .

W O O L — T h e m a r k e t * c l o s e s " ' h e a v y w i t h d o w n w a r d t e n ­d e n c y — 2 5 c . t o S5c.*for n a t i v e t o h a l f - b l o o d .

£ Brighton Cattle Market.. B R I G H T O N , T h u r s d a y , J u n e 22*

At market, 5S0 Beef Cattle, no Stores, 87 Pairs Work­ing Oxen, 100 Cows and Calves, 2,000 Sheeji. and Lambs, and 1,700 Swine. - B E E F C A T T L E — E x t r a , $ 9 ; f i r s t q u a l i t y , $ 8 56 ; s e c ­

o n d d o . , $ 8 @ $ S 2 5 ; t h i r d d o . , $ 7 7 5 ; o r d i n a r y , $7 2 5 . HIDES—$6 50 # cwt. TAU«W—$3@$SMft>. m-ra—

50c. to $1. CALgSKife-loc. $ 1b. * V E A L C A L V ^ - r $ 4 , $ 4 5 0 , * 5 ® « 6 . W O R K L V S O X E N — $ 9 5 , $ 1 0 0 , * H 5 , $ 1 2 5 , $ 1 4 0 @ $ 1 5 5 . C O W S A N D C A L F E S — S a l e s a t $19 , $ 2 0 , $ 2 4 , $ 2 6 , $ 3 0 ,

$35, $40@$50. SHEEP AND LAMBS—Extra, $5, $5 26f $0, $7@$S.

By lot, $2 50, $3 75@$S. • * S W I N E — S e l e c t e d l o t s , 5 ® 6 c . ; w h o l e s a l e , *S@^H^- >

retail, 5J4@6^c Spring Pigs, 5X@Gc


I r\TD T T T V T J ^

ac teo i i tx i t o . L. D. C B - I N D J I U . V. O'BBTAS.

Ogdensburgli, N. Y., April 4,1S54. 18-tf

n n n r x T C RTTI^ Q fj. t

T E L E G R A P H H S % ' • '

YERMO>rr & BOSTON TELEGRAPH LLXK O f f i c e 4 1 G r a i i i t e B l o c k .

B h - e e l t o B o s t o n , M o n t r e a l , B u r l i n g t o n , 4 c . r

B u « i n e s s for a l l p a r t s of N e w - E n g l a n d , L o w e r C a n a d a , N o v i a S c o t i a , a n d N e w B r u n s w i c k , p r o m p t l y d i s p a t c h e d .

I ' Office h o u r s , S A . M . t o S P . M . 2ii-l yi I . H . N O R R I S , O p e r a t o r .

A T T O R N E Y S A J T P C « M g f V S B - j » g l l s .

C. W. BALDWIN"^ . Attorney a t I<a^B>.

O G D E N S B D R O H , S T . L A W R E N C E CO., N . Y . fi.ly Office in C u s t o m - H o o s e B u i l d i n g .

A t t o r n e y

^ " O m v e

J. H. BARTER, a n d ' f o n n s c l o r a t L a i v V

O O D E N S B l ' R O H , N . Y . > U o p k l n s ' B u i l d i n g , a t t h e e n d of t h e

8 2 - t f


I t t o r n e y a n A C o n n s e l o r a t I>air< OODENSBOM5H, N. Y.

l^~ OPFICB—IS Ford-streel, King's Block, adjoining Te;<;_Taph Office. ' 4 2 - t f

GEofl'/H-AVEKS, A t t o r n e y a n t ) C o n n s e l o r a t L a w .


• J4 ]

C o r n e r of F o r d a n d C a t h a r i n e - s t r e e t s , MOEVSnCKGH, X. T. [ n - 2 2

CHA-PIX & MAGOXE, A t t o r n e y s a n d C o u n w l o r *

. cn-APis, AOOVB, JR. [ 4 - t f ]

M E C H A N I C S ' B L O C K , O O D E N S B C R G H , N . Y .

) Av'

BROWN k SPENCER, A t t o r n e y * * . C o u n s e l o r * . , & c .

O O D E N S B C R G H , N . Y . p " Office l a t e l y o c c u p i e d b y J a m e s & B r o w n . B R O W S I K J . c . s r r a c E K . 1 12, 1 * F • 2 1 . t f

» N e w -% B u f -

l r . s t r . i j roop , e a L

J . C h i -t r i t i s h " l ami l -_ I we l l ,

• e a n s . . s t r . o o d y ,

b b l s .

s t a l e , o b a l l ,

- p o r k , Y ; B r .

M a y -' . O n -

t r o a l ; I.4,SoO i f i ch i -u , 1S2 J b b l s .

. s a l t , W e g o ,

s c l n v

•. N o r -f o o d v ,

1,096 r o o k s , o r d & Br i t i sh

I ; s t r . a s s e t t , John-


- WM. B. GO0PRICH, sGa, c f a y t u u , ^ , *&>.., p o t a t o e s ; " a t r . lsosiisn, S i n c l a i r , H a m i l t o n .

J u n e 2 3 . — B r . -Ur. Briftis>h E m p i r e , Allen^ M o n t r e a l ; s t r . N e w - Y o r k , C h a p m a n , L e w i s t o n ; s c h r . M a r q u e t t , M u l l e n , C l e v e l a n d , 100 ,000 feet h e m l o c k j o l c e , 5 2 t o n s p i g i r o n , for H e w i t 4 T a t t l e , C l e v e l a n d ; - s c h r : W i l l i a m S t u n r e s s , Huf-fington, O s w e g o ; B r . s t r . J e n n y L i n d , M o o d y , M o n t r e a l ; s t r . N o r t h e r n e r , C h i l d , L e w i s t o n .

J u n e 2 4 . — s t r . C a t a r a c t , Esfcu*,.Lewiston ; s t r . B a y S t a t e , L e d y a n l , L e w i s t o n ; h r i g M a y f l o w e r , S i m o n d a , C l e v e l a n d , 237 t o n s i r o n o r e j B r . s t r . B r i t i s h Q u e e n , L a u a c a m e , M o n t r e a l . - «

Jux te 2 5 . — S t r . O n t a r i o , T h r o o p , L e w i s t o n ; p r o p r . G r a n i t e S t a t e , C a l d w e l l , C h i c a g o ; p r o p r . V e r m o n t , C h e e ^ b r o , " C l e v e l a n d , ISO t o n s i r o n o r e ; B r . s t r . B r i t i s h E m p i r e , A l l e n , M o n t r e a l ; B r . s t r . M a y f l o w e r , M c D o n a l d , H a m i l t o n .



EKBR-4.CE Tins OCCASION TO INFORM t h e i r f r i e n d s a n d a c q u a i u t a n c e s - t h a t t h e y h a v e ' p e r -

m a n e n t l y l o c a t e d in C a n t o n , w h e r e t h e y a r e c o n s t a n t l y o f fe r ing for s a l e a g e n e r a l a s s o r t m e n t of Bry Goods, Groceries?, Crockery, & c

I n t h i s l a r g ^ e s t a b l i s h m e n t c a n a l w a y s b e f o u n d a l l t h e n e w e s t a n d m o s t a p p r o v e d s t y l e s w h i c h c a n b e f o u n d i n m a r k e t , c o n s i s t i n g of

M o o s l i n d e L a i n e s , F i g u r e d a n d P l a i n B e r a g e s , T i s s u e s , P o p l i n s , C h a m b r a s , a n d c h o i c e M Q C T 1 N I N & G O O D S .

I l r e s s a n d " M a n t i l l a S I L K S , a n d a l a r g e a s s o r t H i e c t . o f M A N T I L L A S a n d S H A W L S .

B O N N E T S a n d B O N N E T T R I M M I N G S , - A r t i f i c i a l F l o w e r s , L i s s e s ^ a m i V e l v e t s of a l l d e s c r i p t i o n s .

D R E S S T B l H M I N G S ; L a c e , M u s l i n , a n d C a m b r i c J J n d e r a l e e v e i } - . W r o u g h t C o l l a r s a n d C h e m i s e t t e s ; S i l k ,

- t i s l e t h r e a d , a n d C o t t o n H O S E , w i t h a l a r g e a s s o r t m e n t qf O L Q Y B S .

H a t s , C a p s , C r a v a t s , S h i r t s , a n d C o l l a r s . S U M M E R G O O D S , fo r M e n a n d B o y ' s C L O T H I N G .

B l e a c h e d a n d B r o w n S h i r t i n g a n d S h e e t i n g , T i c k s , a n d B e n l m s .

B r o a d c l o t h s , r j p e - S l d n s , C a s s i m e r e s , T w e e d s , &c d A B P B T I N I G S of a l l d e s c r i p t i o n s . C r o c k e r y a n d S t o n e - W a r e , G r o c e r i e s , Oi la , P a i n t s , a n d

D y e - S t n 0 s , P a i l s , B r o o m s , & C , i c I n s h o r t , a g r e a t e r c o l l e c t i o n o f G o o d s i s of fe red fo r

s a l e , t h a n is g e n e r a l l y * f o u n d a t a R e t a i l S t o r e . T h e y w o u l d c a l l t h e a t t e n t i o n of t h e p u b l i c t o t h e a b o v e f a c t s , a,nd tvould t a k e g r e a t p l e a s u r e h i s h o w i n g t h e i r l a r g e s t o c k of G o o d s , k n o w i n g t h a t thejr*5riH c o m p a r e * f a v o r a ­b l y in, q u a l i t y a n d p r i c e s -with a n y a s s o r t m e n t n o w i n S t .

a w r e n c e . C o u n t y . f t ^ R p m e m b e r - ^ A t ^ p O O D N O , O A D W E L L & C O . ' S ,

N O . 4 U N I O N B i O O K , " C A N T Q N , N . Y , " " " " ' 8 0 - t f J u n e 2 6 , 1S54.

HT0K0KS, 1?A33SNT ' " . • . -. I l ' 6 » » O V E » i C l ^ E K M i l l , . .

A SILVER maMMi&J&mm to-XX.Jhlt Machine at the lair of the A«ef lean IntUtute, New^fork, October, 1852; a Diploma at theftanVUn In­stitute, Philadelphia; the.Rnt Premhun at. the State Fair,atUtica; Jiu^tftenalnM^eitens»eI»W'C6untjr, N.s;yai^al8»ai;the0blamttirawtyiN.Yn}faIr;ana

.aDiplSteiat tho Weatchester County Fair.' In the present arrangement at this highly approved)

and valuable Mi}l, the labor Is divided by arranglng;'S' Catting telinflertoireak the A p p t e t o l then? deliver1

theht to t$!> lower eylinilera tol^-^eSSeea to potnaee. By this arrangement the work "ispi rfotmea taster and withinuchlessVlabor. " ,.-'. .>;'-'''

The Press is.arfangea wjitb ji mueh^Iarier-Ucfew'th' jn tormerly, nnS by a vetsprnee'riious tievje'e flie-nse of the bag fa dispensed with, and the tub -made tobpen at-will

t o deliver the pomace, while at the same time the Cider is left clear^and the*work can be dono with much less labor than by the nld metboctr "Q>e Cylioders are cov­ered with Heavy sheet Zinc, both on their parlpheriei and ends; thewood in them It arranged so as not to swell, and the whole work on the MTU ana Press made In the, very beat manner, and arranged- with especial view to1

their dnrabilit^Sand service. No Farmer, who uses the Mill carefully and according

to directions, will be disappointed; hut, on the other band, he will find this one of theraost valuable and cffl-di'ant Machines on his farm.

The Machine is made to nut by hone, steam, or b"$nd power, and when the Apple3 are ground,Jbani'all boy of fourteen years of age can press the pomac* With all ease.

In all former times it was supposed that a large quan­tity of Cider conld only be made by naing a ponderous machine, that slowly crushed ihe Apples withont grind­ing them fine They were then made Into a massive cheese in straw, and a moat sercre and long pressure was reqnlredjto extract a portion of the CMojvJi consid­erably quantity being absorbed by the. ifraw and the mass of pomace; and to obtain this unsatisfactory re-salt, the tanner had to take »U his hands, and perhaps his six-horse team, and devote a whole day that could have been more profitably employed, to make from six to eight-barrels of.Cidcr. Ttj obviate the difficulty the farmers haveheretofore labored under, this Machine has been invented; and the statement of a few facts will' prove that it Is not only the best Machine of the kind In existence, bat it la the most profitable that a man can have on his farm. Ihe Apnjes are, by this Machine, grated up into a fine palp, lo.ttmt It requires bnt a com­paratively light pressure, and that but a minute or two, to extract all the Cider; it being ascertained by practi­cal experiment, that one-fonrth more juice cun b'o ob­tained than by tlurold process. Besides this, it only re­quires two hands to grind up and make into Cider a lar­ger quantity of Apples than con possibly he done on the old-fashioned Machines. On this Press, owing to the compactness of the pomace in the tub, and the complete manner in which it is ground, a pressure of from three to five tons—that can be easily obtained^-will produce a more favorable result than fifty tons pressure on the or­dinary Cider Press, even h* the Apples were ground as finely as on the Improved Mill; and «} the Apples were merely crushed, as on th&Nut Machine, it would require a pressure of one bondredltons to produce the result ac­complished by ttu$ Patent M1U. The following may be adduced as the decided advantages of this Mill: -.

First—It will make more Cider than any other PrcsSji^ with a given qtiantlty of Apples, in a given time, and"' with much less labor and expense.

Second—It will make cleaner and sweeter Cider than a n y o t h e r MfB.

Third—You can make the Cider as yon want it, and when yoa want it, and^n quantities from one gallon to six or ten barrels.

F o u r t h — W i t h i t y o n c a n p r e s s y o u r C u r r a n t s , C h e r r i e s , B e r r i e s , C h e e s e , B u t t e r , L a r d , - a u d T a l l o w .

F i f t h — W i t h i t y o u c a n s a v e O N F > F O U E T H O F Y O U R T I M E I N M A K I N G A P P L E - B U T T E E .

S i x t h — W i t h . j t s u s e y o u c a n a t a l l t i m e s h a v e E U E S H a n d S W E E T C I D E R .

W i t h a l l t h e a d v a n t a g e s , r e s u l t i n g f r o m t h e p o s s e s s i o n a n d u s e of s u c h a M a c h i n e — a t a p r i c e s o l o w t h a t i t Is w i t h i n t h o r e a c h of a l l — c a n i t b e t h a t a n y I n t e l l i g e n t f a r m e r w o u l d d o w i t h o u t i t !

D o y o u w i s h t o h a v e i n y o u r h o u s e a t a l l t i m e s C i d e r t h a t i s s w e e t a n d f r e s h , t h e o n l y t i m e i t i s r e a l l y h e a l t h y a n d fit for u s e ; a n d d o y o u w i s h t o S A V E A G R E A T P O R T I O N O F T H E H A J U T C A B e B A T T E N D I N G T H E M A K I N G O F A P P L E - B U T T E R ? I f s o , b u y t h i s M a ­c h i n e , a n d o u r w o r d for i t , y o a w i l l n o t b e d i s a p p o i n t e d .

T h i s Mil l is w a r r a t f U d s u p e r i o r t o a n y o t h e r P o r t a b l e Mi t t i n e x i s t e n c e p j t n S - t W P r o p r i e t o r i s r e a d y a t a n y t i m e ( o n f a i r n o t i c e 6 ^ i n g g i v e n ) t o t e s t i t w i t h a n y P o r t ­a b l e M i l l t h a t is n o t a n i n f r i n g e m e n t o n i t .

F A R M E R S , E X A M I N E T H I S N E W L Y I M P R O V E D M I L L , B E F O R E Y O U BUY, A N Y O T H E R ,

e g r e a t a d v a n t a g e of t h i s M a c h i n e o v e r a l l o t h e r s t h a t I T W I L L N O T C H O K E D P , a n d h a r d o r sof t )les c a n b e g r o a n d , a n d y e t t h e C y l i n d e r s wi l l a l w a y s

_ i a i n c l e a r i n g r i n d i n g o r d e r .

A l l o r d e r s wi l l b e filled in t h e o r d e r i n w h i c h t h e y c o m e i n , a n d p e r s o n s w a n t i n g t h e m h a d b e t t e r s e n d t h e i r o r d c r s e a r l y , a n d s t a t e a t w h a t t i m e t h e y w a n t t h e M m s e n t .

T h i s M i B , a t t e n d e d b y t w o m e n , w i l l , w h e n p r o p e r l y w o r k e d a c c o r d i n g t o d i r e c t i o n s , m a k e s i x t o t w e l v e b a r ­r e l s of C i d e r a d a y , — a n d w i l l g r i n d a l o n e b y h o r s e ­p o w e r , f r o m o n e h u n d r e d t o t h r e e h u n d r e d b u s h e l s of A p p l e s a d a y .

I W T h e P r i c e of t h e Mi l l a n d P r e s s Is f o r t y d o l l a r s . H a r r i s b u r g h , P e n n s y l v a n i a , 1854 . W . O . H I C K O K .

C H A R L E S A S H L E Y , N o . 4 E a g l e B l o c k , O g d e n s b u r g h , N . Y.\ •

8 0 - t f S o l e A g e n t for N o r t h e r n N e w - Y o r k a n d C a n a d a .

r\v •••j isr BBBnife<»Ni'/."« *•' - V ;

P r o f c u o r OT«|&fl-«t#u»*;;«reii* ^Aerial


• ' * » > -

- £ -

* : ;^y ;i.3gggg||. a.


•l-«t\TSk.gTEA1pBl* COMPANXrhCar-

TO TOB trrsiOOT rmiBBtf ws'irnB towiBota PAVIWOS or TJ3VI J. NORTH'S CIRCUS,

Will.take place a lew injnntes previous to tho Circni perfoffiance, on every clear day.

N. B.—The ascension will not take place during a rain or Jjigh wind. Tho Circus performance takes place on all occasions withont regard to weather.

Nortli's Colossal Circus,

-rwM-CflbwiiBMK'^Dinor^j* Twaarri-Fotj* HQDIUL

»Tli«OREl'. „ , .,..,.._ .„..-,,.. . . ftiOVWJ^fim inajrari

t63Detro1t^cai^^thfr^pfted3tlJ»l!iaro^h Mtfllt

DETROIT, CHICAGO, »TijMrHS;^flEENAl- and.n& ^ f j f l t t - t t i * B r e T i t ^ e » , t r « S ^ | ^ ^ ^ ^ ' T*'* '

tas-anWi luinois.fjsmpir&uuy,- ures* We?M^^iWSW^^^£'i^ilii'Pti^Bo,^m

« _. « - -^f,v0rk teAsptawoll wlU be ' - ' J^raBs*.lcaye. BtJSperudorfc Bridgeij*aPf

• « ^ • • 0nly:jnr6Bgljtr.'S. Matt\tInS:Yor*UAMT FOi^and^MaOSvla^EINW^stjptod PANAMA.? By;ortler.. j^ta&j&ttmatug General, *Uie.:u; S.-Malt Bte'amers, with the..gra^flaltfornla and Oregon Mait»,i are. to,beaespafched"on tfieo'th a>d 20th>of,eacri,m6ri%! fro%Ucw Tort dftc^tjer AspinivalL.: TVhcfl ih^tdates j occur-on SuHil.ay,'thd .•aningloie -lioslponed-until tbe| Monday foUowiagi.» IhrPacfflc.'Hail Steamers are tQ:Be>,

.iMeadineas. fOrTn^edmt*i,,a^pStcJi.okwrtoal^)f the, .Mausxit<4nanuv. . . * . V?".: > £ ^ -.'j,-.-- i " "Oneof.theiMIo.wmg^tcatferSofJtheTJiBi-MaBSteam-J shipCo/wm^eavdNcwTO^RAsptowairon the Bth'andf

'IJOthifeach'MOutnX'. w f i " : ) 'i:i*jf •>•<-', .<<& - V •jNow> York, Georgia, OWOi •riltadIs1*mpIr«!,Clly,•. Ures*

icnt-CityiCherokee, PiDadelp;nuv.El:Dorado;«nd " - • — The rateafrom Ne* York taAsplqwall will ho.

For Ladies' Saloon State Roomtj. • • - . . ; . , . . . « . . « . . , Lower Aft and-ForwardBalooaState Eooms,.:... ,\.

w L I S T O F L E T T E R S

EMAINING IN THE POST-OFFICE AT O g d e n s b u r g h , N . Y . , J u n e 2 7 t h , 1854 .

E"gr" P e r s o n s c a l l i n g for L e t t e r s i n t h e f o l l o w i n g L i s t w i l l p l e a s e s a y t h e y a r e a d v e r t i s e d .

Extract from, the Itegvfatiotis of Vie Postmaster- Gen­eral :•—" On t h e L e t t e r s a d v e r t i s e d a s r e m a i n i n g o n h a n d , t h e r e s h a l l be c h a r g e d , w h e n d e l i v e r e d o u t , b e s i d e s * r e g u l a r p o s t a g e , t h e c o s t of a d v e r t i s i n g , w h i c h s h a l l b e o n e c e n t o n e a c h L e t t e r . "

And be it further enacted, T h a t l i s t s of l e t t e r ^ e i n a i n -i n g u n c a l l e d for in a n y ^ P o s t Ofilce in a n y city,- t 6 ^ f l £ o r v i l l a g e , w h e r e a n e w s p a p e r BhaD b e p r i n t e d , shf*8'1i«5«-a f t e r b e p u b l i s h e d o n c e o n l y in t h e n e w s p a p e r , " V h 1 c h , b e i n g i s s u e d w e e k l y , o r o f t e n e r , s h a l l h a v e t h e l a r g e s t c i r c u l a t i o n w i t h i n t h e r a n g e of d e l i v e r y of s a i d Office. , - , . L A D I E S ' L I S T .


S F. JCDD HAS RECEIVED THJS MORN-• ing from one of the large Cities of this State, a

large »*"* splendid assortment of Ready-Made Clothing, which he'will sen at Auction, commencing K b i a T u e s d a y E v e n i n g , T u n e a f t l i , and continue each Evening imtft ail are sold. The asjg Sortment is large and varied, and will be sold WirHOtPy RESERVE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER! The Goods wiH be offered at private sale during the day at Auction prices. For further description see large handbills.

S. F. JUDD, Aclioneer. OgdensbnTgh, June 27,1854. 80-lw


D e a l e r i n G r o c e r i e s a r i d P r o v i s i o n s , TFinea , L i q u o r s , C i g a r s ,

Eordgn and Domestic W.TJ1T3, i.e. Cash paid for " ' Batter, Cheese, "Wool, and all kinds of Produce.

- lone 27,1854. , 30-tf " O G D E N S B U R G H B A N K . "

A DiyiDESD QF FIVE PER CENT, HAS been declared by the Direetora,of the Ogdens­

bnTgh Batik, payable to Stockholders on thelst Jujy next. Jane 28,185*. [SD-2w] C. A. BHENHAM, Casb,Ier.



ef\fk POUNDS GOOD BPTTER FOR PA3J-O U " ily use, well packed.

Jane 36, ISoF P01 WATO0TJ8 k tAWBESCE. - S E W irrxrsac B O O K .

, "THE CyTHARA," conraisiso PSAL}I% »and Hvmn Tones of every variety and metrel

together with Anthems, Chants, Set-Pieces* and -an Ontario, bj I. B. Woodbury, mtbor of that

highly popular work, "The DulounsrkV of wbfeit np-rarda of 140,OtKI c o p i e s hove been sold. The

above, work is now ready, and vastly exceeds the Dnlct-mer in quantity, if not quality of its moslef with inter­ludes attached to most of the tunes, a peculiarity not tobeJbmjdinahysuniIaTW,otk, . .

Copies of " The Cythara " for examuiation will Be tent to Teaclwrs exclusively, po3>P*ic5i on receipt «f only SECTY CEHT3- by addressing ' - • _ ,

&1. HUNTINGTON, 23 Park Row, New-York. ror sate also by BookseBers generally.

*'" Hr. W. is now at leisure to attend the calls of his

Bei l aVe , M i s s A n g e l i n a B a r b e r , M i s s F r a n c e s B e l l , M i s s E l i z a B u r t o n , M r s . F a n n e y B a r b e r , M r s . P o l l y B a s s e t t , M r s . S a r a h A n n — 2 .Brown* Mis s S a r a h C o n w a y , M i s s B r i d g e t C h u r c h , M i s s C a t h a r i n e F O a t c h p o l e , M e d o r a C o n n e l l , Mis s E l i z a b e t h C h a m p o n e y , M r s . E C o u l o u i b e , F r o n c o l s o C e s a i r e , A r c h e m b e a o C a m p b e l l , M i s s F a n n y C h a m p n e y , Mis s H M C o n w a y , M i s s H a r r i e t C o o n , Mias L y d i a R C a r o n , M r s . M a r y C r o s s , M a r y C h e n e y , M r s . C r u t h c r , M i s s M D u n n , Mis s A n n D a v i s , M r s . A n n a h M D e l a n y , M r s . A d a t i n e D o e r n , Miss M a r g a r e t D u n h a m , Mis s H a r r i e t D a r e y , M r s . M a r y D e n n i s , Mis s O r i l i D u p e r e a , M a d a m e V e n u e F l a n e g a n , M i s s E l l e n F l t c h e l , A n n F o r s y t h , M i s s E F l e t c h e r , M r s . M a r i a h F e r t , M a d a m e Y c t t v e , F J a n n a g a n , M r s , G u e r i n , M i s s C h r i s t i n e G r a h a m , M i s s M a r t h a G o w d o i u , B l a g e r i l e G r e a v e s , M i s s A n n H a m i l t o n , M r s . A l m i r a H o r r o g a n , E l l e n — 2 H e n d e r s o n , M r s . E n n i c e H o y t , M r s . J o n a t h a n , H a y u n g a , M i s s M a r y A n n H a l l i n g s w o r t b , N a n c e y H a r r i s , M r s . J o n e s , M i s s A n n a J o h n s o n , M i s s M a r y

G E N T L E M E N ' S A d a m s , S a i n t C l a i r A m e o t t , J o h n , A m o r , J o h n -A l l e n , G e o r g e — 9 A l l e n , F E B e l o n g e , M r . — 2 f B o s w o r t b , W C B r a d f o r d , W i t t i a m B u m s , W i l l i a m V B i d , W i l l i a m B B n e l , W i l l i a m B c n t i n v S a x n u e l B u r k e , T h o m a s . B u n k e r , S e r a d P B u r r o u g h s , S o l o n B o y d , R o b e r t B a r o n , R n f u s B e n j a m i n , P S—2 B u r n e , N i c h o l a s B a t e s , E B »

. B r o w n , M e s s r s - Jl & r i B a H e ^ j Joseph.-B a s s e t W j I J & B y r n e , w n u i B o y d , D a v i d " B e s t | I e , A n d r e w B a i l A r , M r . H o r e i l o B l o n d h e i m , G e o r g e C a r l e n , C h » r J e a G a m b l e , W i l l i a m C a m p b e l l , W i l l i a m ' C o n n e l l y , T h o m a s — 2 C o v e y , P l m n a n C l e r e t t , P e t e r C a r t y , P a t r i c k C o n t a i n , L e w i s Cliff, J o h n C o t l e y , J o a b C a m p b e l l , J o h n C o n n o r , J a m e s C h u r c h , J a m e s C o p e l s n d , J o h n C o n w a y , ' J o h n U r o n i n ^ J o h n C h a t e a u , C a p t . E C o o n , F l o r e l l o C a t n p n e n , 0 - 0 C o o n , D a n i e l C u r d l a , B S C a m b r i d g e r A I e x a n d e r D o l l a r e s , T h o m a s B a t a m a U i C o . -D l r ' i y , E h i n e n s G S D e l e e r , O n t o l n e D u l a c , M i c h a e l D a v i s , M - 2 D e n b y , J a m e s

nucwroas ftl^tdifft? Conventions. Address » above. 80-4W


D ^ F O ' O R D ^ S , "TWfffVWWDTA'I.


€kolea Mortps, M4 JBili»li| C«|ie. '

All CdtcyMTnings occaEionc^by indigestible - food, caitiagoftesihf or aoy^lwir eaftae «i*xranpy

.trengtnew'tb« atornaeh «arl nervotSryi^m, im­prove* file appeiit*, and aecntc* rett «t Bignt.. If Is swtrtorto any Cordial io use for ennnf eryraf fhiWren, tM ft* re»tor»g pule,_ «e«v «sd tieket» KIM. V^«W«W^Wr1«,«WM! f i fa***.**"

. •)( MHafnt. ' -


%. f» • f l L A * -

DarmedT, James Daneyj James Davison, James B Davis, Jacob 13 Doren, Jamas 11 Tjenell, J t O Duglesr,aeorg« -Denton, "9 Duncan, Andrew Banna, James jgnwsrson?Mose« Edwards; Joseph EmSlfi, Aidraw Ercrts, Samuel Eliphalst, Ellsworth Eddy, John W_ Fogger^.Timofiqr Erenam.OF-Flanagan, Mathew Forbes, Jame*'• Forbes, Hiram W Fisher. EC—2, Friera, William Gibbon*, WBllaro Goodrioli,MaiorWnilamB Sawyer, AC

Johnson, Margaret Landon, Miss Amanda Laidlow, Miss jAbby Leahy, Miss Catharine Lawler, Miss Ennice Laurence, Miss L A I.eonanT,-5©i Mary Meaca, Anna Mullen, Miss Mary Magivcrn, Mis. Ellen Morin, Mlss-lllzabeth Macormick, l.llen Blartin, Marjaret*-2 M c D o n a l d , M i s s S a r a h M c Q a l U i n , M i s s

McQueen, Miss Catharine McGonif.il, Miss Bridget McLean, Miss Maria; -M c B r i d c , M r s - )

McCann, Miss Jane <° -<? 3leLain, Mrs. James Nelson, Mrs. Abby Noonan, Mary P o m r o y , S l i s s A d c l i a / , -P h i l l i p s , M i s s 0 . . T * .

Percy, Elizabeth Packard, Mrs. 0 B Peck, Miss Sarah B Provancby, Mrs. Quadrille, Miss Esther Randolph, Miss Harriet \ Ranel, Mrs. Laura A Rana, Laora R o b e r t s o n , M r s . L a u r a .

Rloh, Mrs. Margaret Reily, MrB. M.ary Sullivan, Catharine S c o t t , M i s s M a r y % S p r o w l s , M i s s M a r y E S u l l i v a n , M a r y A n n

Turon, Miss Amelia Thompson, Mrs. Margaret

Therdella Tamney, Sarah

. Thompson, Widow "Wilson, Ann Jane Whitman, Anna White, Mrs. Jane Warner, Mrs, WSRiam

LIST, Mills, W R Morlind, William—3 Murphy, W S Martin, Sarafin Marry, Thomas—2 Morgan, Roger Marrin, Paul Murphy, Martin. Morris^John—2 Moreland, James Martin, Michael Mills, Lorenzo p Mackey, Henry Manor, John Marshall, Capt. John McNaughtan, Thomas McDonald, Thomas McCoy, Arthur McDonnell, Brooks McBriae.Bavia McNeil,Daniel MeEeaUiPpnai MeAnly, Gebrga. McRostie, Peter •J

SfcArthur, Peter MePhee,"John ' McNamarra, Jqhq Kcsweeney, W i a m McCormiciCo. McCartel, Jpiepb, McGillii, Jsnav NosTrbttny, W Nelson, JThoms.9 Nlion, Lafayette Norman, Alford Northrnp,Charle« 0'DoruA*hIneaa Felon, Mr. FrendergrasC 'Wmiani Poor, Samuel Pinney,Stt Peck, John PcdiUe, Joseph «ke,J?tof i Payne, Charles A Pratt, Q.J^.:^. ^ BtBolijSeSStga •(tuawvainmel;. ojuaofinWwR Roaol»fS?altw„ KobetW,JMlJiB. Koaen, Michael Rice, L J Bobb>; James Bauy,John.„ Hobinson, Jacob Byan,Jame>-RecOl, John Robertson^ George n»ynolds, George Ryon, Henry . REcbardsoo, Reberfc,.. '

, K < l » K I I » n ; , C » p t . : A V r ' ROchaudjAoiuiUn ^ , * , «encandVAnti)Ihe - T'l' Russell, Thayer 4 Co, SmKijiMicSael-2 Scraion.MtO*. " . .» - . Bhcltlon,jrotirt

-Bw««t,John* SopeK JohoJ> Sweetland, Capt J gtrono, Jamea Sloan, Utoiaaa—3 . • St. Germain, Isaac. Shwarxman, Q Sahins, Henry SwhCyCa.p.t.lJSjg'

- Sparrowhawk, Aollrew -

• From the National Amphitheater, Philadelphia. This stupendous establishment, at once the LARGEST

AND MOST MAGNIFICENT IN THE- WORLD, com­prising "artis^ from every quarter of the Globe, and an Immense Stmrof Horses,

WILL EXHIBIT IN OODENSBURGn, M o n d a y a n d T u e s d a y , J u l y 3 ck 4 .

ADHESION 25 CENTS. Upon which occasion the following celebrated perform­

ers, who stand withont equals in Europe or America, will appear:

Mr. LEVI J. NORTH, tho distinguished Equestrian; Mr. BURNEL BUNNELLS, the great Double and Quad­

ruple Horseman; Professor JAMES "McFARLAND, tho unapproachable

Tight-Rope Performer; Signor CAPPALTNO, the eminent Naturalist will in­

troduce his wonderful RUSSIAN BEARS, In feats of Dancing, Wrestling, Cbartot-Itacing, etc.;

iLittle VICTORIA NORTH, the most youthful, grace­ful, and Intsresting artlstrb-f the present age.

Master JENNINGS, in his beautiful act of the Poses Plastlque.;

Monsieur EDGAR, the renowned and wonderful per­former on the Crescent Cord and thrower of Doable Somersets;

Master WILLIE, the daring Young Horsenmn, in the great act of the Hurdle Baca;

Mr. ARCHER will perform his act of- the Bevolvlng Globe; -«

BEN JENNINGS, Clown to the Circle.'wfll Open his Inexhaustible Budget of Sun, dispensing a profusion or Laughing Philosophy, Bon Mots, Hits at the Times, Fresh Jokes, Comicai Sayings, Repartees, Sympathy, Satire, Sentiment, and Stump Speeches,JGalvanlsed Grins, Fan­tastic Grotesques, Love Ditties, and Soffe'Yarns, which he will distribute to the laughter-loving multitude with prod­igal liberality. i '

N. B.—The Proprietor respectfully.calls the attention of the public to his Bills. What is advertised on them he performs. [80-lw] CHAS. C. PELL, Agent.



[Established in 1884.]

J o h n B a r b e r , P r o p r i e t o r .

THlS OLD AND WELL KNOWN ESTAB­LISHMENT continues in full blastumanufactnring

the best quality of B0STON-CRA0KEBS, SOnA-BI8CUIT, SMALL CRACKERS, of various kinds, PIC htH) CRACK­ERS, (from which Saloons and Restaurants can be sup­plied by the pound or barrel, at the lowest living figure,) LOAF BREAD, HARD BREAD, PILOT BREAD,—also. Wheat, Indian, and Rye and Indian Bread. Cakes of everyvariety—Fancy and Plain.

t2&~ Any or all of the above will be sold at Wholesale or Retail, of the best quality, and at fair prices. Send in your orders.

Steam R e f i n e d Candies . In connection with tho Ogdensburgh Bakery, the UB*:

dersigned manufactures and keeps constantly on hand every variety or STEAM REFINED CANDIES, which wll| be sold at Wholesale and Retail.

G r e e t I n d u c e m e n t s to P u r c h a s e r s . The Proprietor offers strong Inducements to those who

deal at his establishment. First, a good artlce; second, stability in prices; thirdly, all broken candies taken in exchange for fresh. ,*-

f^~ All orders will receive prompt attention. Terms, Cash. Address

18-tf JOHN BARBER,-OgdensbuTgb, 5. V.

*C5" " « -

iecoBd,CaWnStandccsj;,^.ii*.,.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *£. S teerage , . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . - . . . . » . . 851

,-'• £Mldrerctuwer-12 yean of agc-,aro;takeiuat half price., • EassongcriiBelandod-atthe Railroad Depot, Aspln-jrall; free otextaensa. The Railroad being in' operation; and Cart running ovsr bait tho distance frota AspinwaU to l"anama, tho transit of'thojjthmus may. be perfol-mcd InfromlStoS-l.liours—the eipeme; which varies from 410 to $25 for steerage, and from »S5 to 950 fbr first class, to b^bonie by-the passengers,>< --• -•> •

PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, The pujillcarie WRirmedthat, "under the herrf arrange-

aicnt cithls Company, one of the following Stc^mera In­spected sntl'approved by the.Navjfncpartin<!nt,»hd"car.

^yingtheU.S. Malls, will hereafter leave Panama, Im. mediately on arrival of the Atlantic Malls, and San Fran­cisco on th? 1st and 15th days of each month, and will (oucrutAeapalco: *

San Francisco, J. L. Stephens, Golden Gate,-Tenncjseo, Northcner, BepubUc, Orcein, Panama, California, Colum­bia, Carolina, Columbui, Isthmus, Fremont.

A reserve boat will be kept at each end of the route to cover accidents; . ^ '

The new steamship Columbia will ply between San Francisco and ports in Oregon, -awaiting at the former

.port the arrival of the malls and passengers at Panama; and returning without delay wli'i the mails and passen­gers fbr the steamer from San P anclsco. Persons secur­ing through passage by the U. 8. MallStcamers from New York, have preference of accommodation on board the Paclfio Malt Steamers. Rates of fare from Panama to San Francisco on the most favorable terms. An experi­enced Surgeon Is permanently attached, to each Steamer on these lines. Each passenger Is allowed 250 lbs. per­sonal baggage free, not exceeding In measurement 10 ca­ble feet. Freight will be taken to ChagreVat 70 cents per foot, and from Panama to San Francisco at tho rate Of $100 per ton.

Fot Freight or Passage, apply to CHARLES A. WHITNEY,

At the Ofilce of the Companies, No. 177 West Street, cor­ner of Warren, New York. , 40-ly.

, ^ « ^ » V w i c e a ' » J ^ j ^ « x I » i c r j e a i « e a 1

_..„. Ag he on\ce ^^Su'j^^mi^^ateari. sBBaaV.i.i,, jfnejr new stone building; Possession given

ifmmedlately; o ' "u. i-?*•''."""^i" «*ff5'w-' » v -»•_• ' M3Br,16ftw18,«. ,.„ JptQjrcOQB;^TJf^jSON,, f

- . - . „ Tollowsf/Sondaya *excepted)j: „> . . , ~ - , ^ , - , ^juiwani •- *-Jrjfii--

MVUSiS, •• •lWXrpjuB&.ACWMO'jmrv^nxraiBSi ision-JBridge-lLOO. AtM.:

Lbn4on,„.r B40 P. M. Detroit) Arrlves.'.^^BS^air .rMroit,.Leaves«.^-0* IVM. M^ichigan'tety,,^. K00 A.M.

'Sl^'"-- 1 '"'


, THE UNDERSIGNED WILL > furnish Passage Certificates from Liv­erpool to Boston.

PRESENT f BICE OF' PASSAGE. Fer Adults « $20,00 For Children under 12 years 15,00 For Infants , , 5,00

He will also remit funds to England, Ireland and Scot­land, as usual. G.' N. SEYMOUR.

April 18th, 1854. - • 20-ly

RAIL ROADS. N E X T ' " R O U T E ^ O N E T T - Y O R K i


GOING SOUTH—Leave Sacketa Harbor 11.00 AJIL, 7.00 PJd. Arrive atPIerrepont Manor 12.08

A.M., 8.80 PAI. , «. Gorso Noam—Leave Plerrepont Minor 0.40 A.M., 5.00

P.M. Arrive at Sackets Harbor 10.45 A.M, fl.80 P M, tSgT" The first Train to and from Sackets Harbor, con­

nects with the " U. 8. Mall Steamejs " to and from Kings­ton, Ogdensburgh, Oswego and Lewiston. The first Train to Plerrepont, connects with tho Express Train for Rome and New-York the same evening. The second Train to Plerrepont, connects at Rome with the Night Express for Albany and New-York next morning.

W. T. 8BAKLES, President. Jnne 80, 1853. 80-ly

O G D E N S m i K G M , C L A Y T O N St. R O M E R A I L R O A D N O T I C E .

ALL BACK ASSESSMENTS DUE, AND also the one due May J, instant, must bo paid im­

mediately, at the Ofilce of L. HASBROUCK. Ogdeuiburgh, May 1, ISM. ?2-tf

N O R T H E R N R A I L R O A D ,


ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY FIRST, 1354, Trains will run as follows :

G o i n g E a s t : Leave Ogdensborgh. I Pays Malone. I Arrive at R. P't.

7.00 A. M. I 0.63 A. M. 12.80 P. M. 1.00 P. M. | 8J>» P. M. 1 0.80 P. M.

C o i n s ' W e s t Leave Rouse's. P.'t 8.15 A. M. 7.00 P. M.

F O U R T H O F J U L Y \ ; E L E B K »TIO?(, FIRE WORKS OF ALL KIXDS for sale In large or small quantities.

Among them are Rockets of all shces, Fire Wheels, Roman Candles, Pin Wheels,

Blue tights, Bengal Lights, F l o w e r P u t s , Fire Crackers,

Pass Malone. I Arrive at Ogd'h. 11.00 A. M. 1.45 P. M. 0.85 P. M. | 12.80 A. M.

ErT* A PASSENGER CAR will be run with the NIGHT EXPRESS FREIGHT TKAIN, from Ogdensburgh to Malone, for the accommodation of way-travel—leaving Ogdensburgh at 5 P. M. and arriving at 10.85 P. M.

22-tf GEO. V. BOYLE, Superintendent.

With many new kinds, not before brought to this market. L. S. MOUIUS & OO.

Ogdensburgh, June 12,1S54. 28- lm

D E N T I S T R Y . S. S. BLODGKTT, DENTIST, WILL bo at Ogdensburgh, on MONDAY, JULY 3D, 1854, for FOUR OR FIVE DAYS. Operating Rooms, next door to DR.

SHERMAN'3 OFFICE, State-Street. ^_ "iL"8?—


MANUFACTURERS OF ROUND AND SQUARE MATCHES, put ap viz: • R O U N D M A T C H E S , In R o u n d W o o d B o x e s .

D o . D o . i n P a p e r D o . S Q U A R E D o . i n X g r o . P a p e r s .

D o . D o . 1000 S p l i n t B o x e s . , W h i c h o r e offered t o t h o t r a d e a t t h e l o w e s t m a r k e t

p r i c e . Al l m a t c h e s o r d e r e d w a r r a n t e d a s g o o d a s t h e b e s t . O r d e r s filled w i t h p r o m p t n e s s .

E . B . E D D Y , A g e n t . W a t e r - s t r e e t , B u r l i n g t o n , Y t . , J a n . 8 1 , 1 8 5 4 . 9-tf-

G L E N N ' S T R U E V E R B E N A W A T E R .

THIS "DELIGHTFUL PERFUME, prepared by a chemical process, from the hot-house plant LE-

MOX TarrOLU, is confidently recommended to the Ladles in particular, on account af its refreshing and delightful odor. It contains all the fragrance of the plant itself in a concentrated form, and..will be found very useful for removing the languor occasioned by crowded rooms, &c.; also, -as a delicious perfume for tho handkerchief; and wiB be found'mucll cheaper than the Extract, and yet equally good, and a pleasant change for J ho Ean de .Cologne,...For sale; together with an assortment of 'Glenn's-jasay celebrated Perfumery, by

Ai= B, JENNER i CO , ^ 45-ly Ford-street, Ogdensburgh, N. Y.


THE UNDERSIGNED IS THE PROPRIETOR of the exclusive right to manufacture and use

Norcjj-os's P a t e n t P l a n i n g . M a c h i n e , for the Counties of ST. LAWRENCE, FRANKLIN and CLINTON, in the State of New York.

This Machine Is sold, by those who have used all kinds, to be superior to any In use, both in the quantity of labor performed, and In the manner of doing it.

I^f- For Bights, apply to B. PAULK. . Bangort Maine, May 10,1854. 2S-Cm

B E E B E E ' S M A G I C P A P E R . rr you want to buy- aa articler that is useful to yourselves and instructive to your children, buy the

above article. By its use you can write and copy yonr letters, marfcynur clothing, trarafcr.plans, designs and ornaments,cony embroidery, patterns,.music and pic-; tores, on paper, cloth, wood or stone, without tho use of ink or pens. By Its means, leaves'of all kftlds can be j painted In themostbsantirnlcolare,gold.,»Uver,crIms6'ri ' *e.,'tcwfilhfltttthcuss of pauits.'or brushes} In all, a= novel, ujffuiaRa-bcauWul article, and sold by both our* Book-Storot, for 35 centsper package, plain directions, on each package for^oMnfca,,...^.,,^ „^j -..-. » . 37-tf- •

NOTjtCEi~^' : *' 'N "'• V!

THE Tnn)ERSIGNEDtti"Vj3DISP0SET|6E -5755 - ^ - ^ 5- ,^.~,-. ---the OGBENSBUBGHiSTiSAM.FO'UNimy.lvlIff.the5 l = i . ' O E D S J " ^ M J « U R E ^ A E I J E S t Y . _

_ « _ , , . . ^ . ^ — » B . M i I v , . ^ . t J 5 ; . , v . L . : . . . . - K0<SFjgleBIoek.Ford-strcet, Ogdepthurgb. N>..Y., entire Machinery,Toola^diatiock Jbelpnghitthereto, to the QGDr^SBUK^JJtON^OBKa.COMPANY, who still continue the Iron business on an enlarged scalo, and are now reaily to execute orders with rjtomptness and despatch, totwhose.advertlsement wewouhlrefer. •- -

*tf • - -" ^ A. OHANEr & CO.

wooLi -wDcaEtrt"-..; . * THE SUBSCRJOJER (^|jTr|rrjES TO pay OASBf TOlt"WOOL, SHEEBiELTS,, and HEMLOCK BARK, at the Morocco Factory, on the West Side of theOswegatcbfe Bridge,"

Ogdensburgh. Ft .ft.%V&V k CO. June 12,1854. . .-.- 28-8m»

O o o d w h j . A U Grahamj Anarew—!» H»%,Thou)a» nubbard.TW Harrison, Kollin Honeywell, Richard Hardy, Michael Hughs, Hlchael-J

iHa| )ae>,«hn.^ Vamson, Fay * Co. . Havens, Horrence,

llauard^OIeha Harness, Bangsll.

J»hn»on,8 Johnston, Thomas JubMon.JA M S M , J O .-jSMlam, Justs B -J«T*«s,eJ WBlsttrkk,

Ba%l«s,BartleM Shaw, Thomas Squires, Orlando—B S e a l t b , ^ ' '.. • Snook,. William-B ^ . r d , W U U » B i H Sherburn.WiUiam .

.. _ F R t n * I. JFBUIT11 TZ'ELXiQ.GG' has<jnsfr onened a pe* Fruit Depot, JX>on%itsr-str^to'ripVs'M E.TB. Allen>*.Sons. He opensJaecam^afgnhn'thTt japerbinvoice of PEABSjirid' APPLES, Wrichhe: wttl m '*i61Wale or -retail, fo'Jui.; purchasersSl!1-. - --.-. . .,

Ogdensburgh, agnit ?t 1S58. . " S>tf .

BIT SV-^Ju^^vjciiun-arid CoinrtiissiOn Mcr-' chant,Ko.;67Ford Street.. It is a. rood article, and

rigged;for oneor-twoborret.-.Prlce Itoderate.amlteno. easy; ..

MayUVISM. 84-lf

STAGE _TRAVEL.__ P R E N T I C E ' S D A I 1 . V E X P R E S S .

OGDENSBURGH AND CANTON. THE SUBSCRIBER would give noticfe that he is still run­ning a DAH.Y TWO-HORSE COV­ERED STAGE between Ogdens­

burgh and Canton. His stage*Tjrifr, top at the Hotel of Jeremiah Baldwin, find leare said BaltTr^iVilotel every day (except Sundays) at 8 o'clock In tho morning ; and leave Canton for Ogdcnabnrgh at 8 o'clock, P. M., daily. A slate or 'Way-hUl will be left atthe-SULawTence Hotel, and passengers will be called for in any part of the village.

pj?"* Horses and Carriages will be supplied at a mo­ment's warning, from his stahles in Canton.

NATHANIKL 8. PRENTICE. FtbruaryjlSiW. 11-tf



C a p i t a l ?. S3OO,O0O.

THIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO EFFECT Insurances on first -class property at rates aa low as

those of any other responsible Company. ninBCTOrts: '

William Gate, " P. 3. Avery, S. H. Swctland, James Noxon, John Peek, Alfred Noxon, James T. Wiley, Jas. N. Knights, Abgah Peck, P. J. Boncsteel, Abram Slcklcr, Wnjiam Cary,

Moses Powell. ABU All PECK, President.

J&MES Noxos, Secretary. ISr - i . G. STILWELL, Agent, No. 43 Ford-street, Og­

densburgh, N. Y. 14-tf F I R E A N D M A R I N E I N S U R A N C E

BY the Northwestern JiisraartCe Company, of Oswego; Protection Insurance Company; of Hart­

ford, Conn.; Springfield Fireond Marine Insurance Co., of Springfield, Mass.

These are all Stock' Companfes—two of them among the oldest. Their liberality in adjustment, and prompt­ness in payment of heavy losses, may be ascertained from numerous sufferers by the recent fires in Ogdens­burgh. Applicants wonld be surprised at the low rate for which good dwellings and household furniture will be Insured by these Companies, for five'years or less.

29-tf D. M. CHATIN, Agent at Ogdensburgh. , > -*-» NORTHERN NEW-YORB>

M u t u a l I n s u r a n c e Company , PtATTSBUBGH.'Nr.'T.'

"'Capital; $100,000. HweBIngs and' FartttProperty kept distinct from other rislcaV *- , *- ,

President. SAMUEL F. VILAS: .Secretary, Ggo. MOOHI. ' I.G;Sra,WELL, Agcntv- - •

1g: if •*- '• TTot MTord-street, Ogdensburgh, N. Y.'


tOA h A A ^ ^ W THIS AMOUNT £\Jti\J\J\J» taken In good-SKistantial Stock

Companies; on Hulls for910,000.- Apply.to •• •••••'• * 1. k , f f l .KfO0TE,

J ' ' i ' f •-SecretaryStarlninraneeCooipanyi. OgdensMrgbyHay, 1S54. i - 3&-6m-


'AS,BEEN^rm«DP E^RESSLYJOR . him In every naitloolar necessary for the execu­

tion of first-class DAGUERREOTYPES. Pictures.putupln plain and. fancy.framea: Csses 6f

all *!»» and kinda-Mother.btpwtfloat SIcIniMdrbcco]-' f t ° * l ^ , ! # 5 l - ^ J " ? 1 ! * 1 ^ ^ . * ^ ' Wlonjlcnnir Xtoa,PapIer'Mjiclie,Bools»f PlaltfOaset, wltttplaur'and.. cngraved.borders, *o, , A splendid assortment ofGOLD IA10KBTS^?p&eFnea«'y.*«t,4n PIns,JSlnW»Be«l»r JK«yS r*c. i ,*CV;- ' - . 1". , . .v , - . ' ' " - ; - . . : » - " 1 - * . •" "•;-.••;?*'•£•

His:Api)a;rata».and Sfoclc:^«f?;the..ver3r best ouall|y. He hasaecurea t^e advahtagcivotth^atcst InJErsye monts andjdiscove.rlej/whlch, together'with hia Idngex perienee In the "business, enable him to promise satis IactIoatQall>dBlrsriof gd0iljil6tnref<> '.' »''*-»*-> i ..Thankful foropaat. favors,*e, solicits a visit, Ja his

Gallery from hli furmsr patrons and many new ones.- < > B f H o u r s rot'attendance— from 8 o'clock A. JL, to

ijgRCTreBKB.-'-ifinaasA- -,- -• -aCOT^ACTOSSMror sale " .^If^jgCiCJB^TJLT^TgQ^ ••

. sv*^*OR;'-J§ALTr&~;;fe •''-"'"^••^ . .A HOtrSEj iPLEASANTEY.* 3L00ATED

«a Jor4-str«fe,aJ*wvd <rra.belswi Johnson?* 3Sf':

Ltei. vmt&tm:. x&*a 'J a mm. FQJfc SiJ^^Inqaire of. fte aj%s^rga>

vN.Y.; ' '' 'Ifrtf"

V V 0 * 6 a l « 7 ' *ir-W] - X » . CHEST.

STEAYl**FHflM^ « S i .PASTURE „ . , pfthe nnejerstgiiea alwot the 1st of Majr, (t-1w«:year6WIitGHT.HAT C01.T, with Bgbt; mane and, tfalli»ntt» Hintn»k\•'SM'Jfmtmrttl^'tol»rtBat|M|i •"*-^euole,:Tl.; - .. J& -im*?M. *P2g?* -

s<a«K*1liar')ti, ltjjjfr-. . -- •".•»i-*>* . . -wmmmeziBBmmm

Tils trouble.

m, and Philadelphia manufactare. . .: / V / .:-,:;" > WATR0U8-* LA>yRENCH.y

^ . . . . "^AY^.RP?BS—AT ..HANBFACTBR ± W l ! ] i e i 3t CKcV^T«lsa»» ree«rVe#by

JOB* 1S. . ' r T»ATROTJ».*^AWl VitENCE

by. , : :,flfr«H::r,,l»xo$m*:$-nimm* .

OVwntVof Cavsjti, Ireiaad, and »Vi eaaw o«t to : »hliec^lry^»b^««>y<»»»»a^. Wh«i».tkaardfro«t ^ e t t t ^ ^ a ? A^7Mk>r3atl*jt t*«« t» MIOHAXL

ctATO^3d%*« KUtmhtf^,^-**


_joyar,.JeeT T«»y«,Jo»m, Jr. Toner, H««ry • U«d«rwo»d,« W Yerona«««,Teophai. Yaa4»seD,Johtt . Y m — . J a f S H V » « d ^ h i * « r , J e b q Ysllio. Hiiaja -yoriffl-s

w^/Sfaiia-•mm* »tf«f


• llft-l^,' -, •", B>C l|.jr^rtonfRBS8,."

H * Jr. - - 'JWUMGaTO- MWOUIiAWID:,- " " ..

• ' - , . • • AT CANTON, ' ' ." . » uDiwiatoo. « • . i , n p««rle% UtiiMa. mptm OAK IW HA» TBOBOi AS JM* \ X «• « W ar» •?•* at any .Owr MH.Ion «*«>' t

CHAWLS-BROOBl, . ^ O « « t , and assay MMr « M «

KLi t^

.Fv*5rWSraAYEDJ'''a&^TUE-ENCLOSURE. ftti^^. of »K« viut>Mrl»«rr^oaJroca-stMeL, in-tlils Tihiiaiii TUJsgrVihriewesksaro, n flvcyesr old RED

<»W, thafeia*prIbiiWjrn«»r*A?Mf by Utt, •!«•*.: ,'VThh-evcr will return MUX Osw, or tr»*l»a>r»»aU«nwl»«t« ska .msyJ*-i»!»irf,:j»^lMts«i*^ir«r«iNMJ^ , ^ _ .

•^•itm^imtii^m-mim,... '•••• ..o-tr ..-•

flJ80-JrVM« 4QB0 Pitt,.

T80 P.M. .830 A'jf. \1W A--Mt .»i00 A.M,, , O80 P«5t

- - - . - . - - - . Ji$ E^olk'Trato'wIU dinetttHamil­ton, and take^upperttDetroit; on the Second Express Train"* supperat Horffiton, andireji^astat Detroit. '

Passengers-forUhegVesVby tBts llfio arrtvaat.«Mcago Twenty-Four HoursJn AdvancjBjct.the Buflalo Route! and avoid thedangers and dissgreqablcnejs. of a Lake ErteVoyageT" . A- - , -•. r- • .:, ,

Baggage Checked through, to? I)Mr«t:-.an6%i!jiIcagc>j O n l y O n e Cli imero o f C a r s , ; b e ' t w e e n

N i a g a r a E a l l g a n d C h i c a g o , * <•' T!H18i'trGH.TI0KETS-CAN BE^BTAWED AT THB-

O'FFiCESfoh board the Steamers of etthef the American or British Mail Lines, and at all the principal Railway and Steamboat pffices-in tho United States and Canadas," AND AT THE'OFFIOB OF THE GREAT WESTEON KAlLWAY.'lS' THE DEPOT OF THE NORTHERN HAUG ROAD, of JACOB RANKIN, l . - n l ,

Ogdensburgh, N. Yi, 1854,' General Agency Great Western Railway, No. 17 Ex>"

change-Street. BufiVtlo, Mansion House Block, two doors from Washington-Street ' J. M0V1US,

24-6m General Agent, Great Western Railway.


CAUTION"JEO T R A V E L E R S I I PASSENGERS FROM THE HAST to Cleveland are lnfoemed that the Cen­

tral Rail Road Monopoly, in order to force travel on to the State Lino Rail Road, have compelled the baggage agents to rert-ie taking baggage checks from passengers for those splendid Lake 8te*mers, MISS1SSSIPPI and ST. LAWRENCE, on the Oars; thus compelling the pub­lic to pay EXTRA FARE ON THE STATE LINE KAIL ROAD! -Passengers are therefore cautioned to PURCHASE

TICKETEV TO BUFFALO ONLY, where they can take their choice of routes, and avail themselves of the REDUCED FARE ON THE LAKES I The steamers MISSISSIPPI and ST.LAWSENCB charge for

^ m %fBE^UBB6Rffi|P©E*^^^ IS an&cJJot oV sale, sttn»Jedron fie*bi»eif «JP3JaR&

•jte.;th»:*Mterly»lde»f tbe|oiwegatchl!SjEIver, in Jhe 1 '3W&M?I&W'®&&< 'P^Sesabn^veWmmeaiafely,: nsna-ternW of.$a5rn*Btfni«aeeasv.. T« anersott .wanUntf

^ L « l i I N a >f^llrksjSn?- P*wKenSngly«4b.atheJ»jigitn on hand 5 dMwrtat WOfSJftanAli'isual-OT^wSo^ B E I ^ ?

VFaTTNG ,' SUMMET STTJMH, - ^ m ^ m ^ ^ l "HISHlNCfiaOOBS.ic. Gatments.wltt.b^roadeVora-er in the best manner, and at abort notice, j f i MUK-PHSys still attlje Cat«ug,boar.d,.vhiph U jf^iSrantee

'that airaraer-worlc witfsuitln everyjsar|!culi|rr - • '•* . . . . . . _ ^ „ . . . ^ , .*i*-.C6untryiMerchanfeand^MewhantTaBor»,-*ul31a.

v m t&tfrnnF' A^n^Tjir ?*•§ : J-n TATW J . "uppliedonthemost favorable tcrMC. The stock Jjlarge f V . t - £5iF^";3K% ^h^^-cJrF1 «nil weU assorted, and wltt be fflsposed of .either at l i „ f t . n a - » r * 4 A r r f - " - ~ " t e ' ^ " ' ' ' " nVTioTesalsorBetaUatPrlcestB *

•r'. * , > THOMAS D. SKINNER, Eagle Block. ~^Ogdens6nrglt(.Mayifc • r • -. a 28-tf


'•- feggmiof. M O E S E S " i « 0 " « » E K . a w . -• )

*TWO coi£atoD.ion«. ©WELLING-liijL HOHSEStsto, Een.t, «Itaate>.on4he-'West »ido of

.J"m thaBrldgo. posseBSlbnglvehlnunedlately, JBhouIre of . . . ' JU CHANEY k C0..jYater.street.' f-pgae4|bargB',MaM fSSfrcSU' 'i- : i im sx. Srt&rSot •KE^v^ociri'B.Igs ''%&" R : 3BNJS • ^ W D H CEEEARS "H1 DESIRED.—ALSO,

several fine roomsin second story, together with t Bedrooms,—all pleasantly situated andjeasy oj

access from the street. For particulars, inquire at (lie' Store of Messrs. LAMB 4 HIGBEE; Isabella-street. ' - * •' • •'"-": -.STEPHEN H1GBEE.* -

Ogdehsbnrgh,Mof.29,1858. tr-' • 52>tf..K S T O R E T O L E T . -

THE STORE. INTIARBEE'ROW, WATEE-Btreet, now occupied, by .the subscriber, to let. JEossessipn wttl be given on the 1st of May next.

Bent, »2S> per annum.. L: N. JCHANEY. "arg"

Ogdensburgh, March 14,1S54. lB-tf

H O U S E T O B E N T . _ A NEW "TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, near the Railroad Bridge. Enquire of


m m , JPAKOT vo** S A L E . THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SAiLE Ms farm, situated on tho St. Lawrence} River, six miles above Ogdensburgh, containing from 8* to

SO acres. There is on the. premises a good dwelling, barn and outbuildings, and a blacksmith's shop, now oc­cupied by the subscriber, and in an eligible location. A young orchard of grafted trees, and^Tourteen acres qf wood land odds to its value. For terms apply to the owner. HENRY LAKROQUE.

Oawegatchie, Fcbruary22,1854, i8-tf

f j a b i n P a s s a g e ^ f r o m B u f f a l o t o C l o v e -l a u d , O n l y O n e D o l l a r t

[passengers will retain their checks for baggage until they arrive In Buffalo, where, at the Depot, will be found atr^tgent of the Line, whorniU receive them and convey <Ke baggage to the boats free of charge. ^Meals and Berths at reasonable rates. Tickets for sale

at the above price on board the Mississippi and St. Law­rence, and at the Office or the Cleveland, Sandusky, and Cincinnati Line, foot of Main-Street.

JAMES O. GIBSON, General Agent, Buffalo. CHAS. I. BALDWIN, Agent, Ogdensburgh,

129-8m Rail Road Depot.

1854. I M P O R T A N T T O F A M I L I E S M O V I N G



'. or T e n F l r s t ^ C l a s s U p p e r C a b i n S t e a m





T.,B0ST0N, Running regularly beticeen Ogdensburgb«l0forta on

Via Western Lake*, leaving OgdenHhing^.. T i i r e o T i m e s a W e e t f +?

rpHESE PROPELLERS HAYS UPPER CABINS, JL provided with SrATii Roous amply furnished for the

comfort and convenience of Passengers. They are also provided with large STEERAOE CABINS, FURNISHED WITH COOK-STOVES FOR THE USE OF FAMILIES. Also with Burros, where they con make up oruse-their own Bedding.

s5fir- As an Inducement-for Farmers moving West with their families to take this route, the following low rates for passengers and baggage WiB be charged : To Detroit, and Ports on Lake Erie—Cabin $7 00

Do. do. do. do. —Steerage.. 8 00 Baggage and-Furolturo, if well-boxed, 50 cis. ^ 100 lbs.

' TIME THROUGH—THREE TO FOUR DAYS. To Chicago, and otwSt Ports on L. Michigan—Cabin... $12

Do. doyjajr do. do. •—Steerage 5 Baggage and Furniture, if well-boxed, 75 cts. ^ 100 lbs.

TIME THROUGH—SEVEN TO NINE DAYS. Children under two years old, free; over two and un­

der twelve, hau* price. Each passenger is allowed one hnndred pounds hag-

gage free. Passengers for Cbicago'can have choice or routes from

Detroit, via. Michigan Central Rail Road -or the Lake Route. Through Tickets by*elther route for safe* at Our Office.

11 property for Chicago wfii be consigned to MATircn & Co.; all property for Cleveland will be consigned to Cninnrjtui.v ft Ciuwroao; all pr<Sfeerty for Detroit wiB be consigned to WiL-ran CaRsrsa.

CRAWFtntD A C C Proprietors. Office, Railroad Depot, Ogdensburgh. * 28-tf L A K E O N T A R I O !

1854. .jv^aft O n t a r i o a n d St . J L a W e n c o S t e a m b o a t

C o m p a n y ' s A m e r i c a n S t e a m e r s !



These large and commodious Lake Steamers, In connec­tion with the River Steamers,




Leavo Lewiston (Sundays excepted) S% P.41, Leave Rochester 10 " " Leave Oswego connecting with Oars for Albany 7 Leave Backets Harbor lOj Leave Kingston., 1 L^avc Ogdensburgh _ 8

And arrive at Montreal at 5 P. P. M. ..;, , .... UPWARDS,.

Leave Montreal (Sundays excepted) , . * LCavc Ogdensburgh on an ival of Boston Oars. 8

-Leave. Kingston 7 Leave.Sackcta If arbor , 10)£ A. M. LeaveOswego on arrival of Cora from Albany 4 P.M. Leave Rochester v . . . 9 P:M, . And arrive at Lewiston at 5 A. M., Io time for the Boat •fnr Toronto and Cars for Niagara Falls, Hamilton and Buffalo, passlugihe Thousand Islands and the Rapids by daylight. c . ' A M E R I C A N E X P R E S S . L I N E .

The new, large and splendid Lake Steamers NEW YORK, Copffll. B. duPUAK, and BAY8TATE, Capt. J. H. LKDYAIU), will, from the 10th June to 20th September, in connection with-tue BiverSteamers, forava daily Une (Sandays excepted) between Lewiston, Cape Vincent, Ogdensburgh and Montreal. "•

DOWNWARDSi , EeaveLewiston,. v....sS.&.. 8 # P. M. Leav^Ciyincent oermoc'gsrrth Cars forAlb'riy 8 A. M.: I^veOg^ensb'b,connec'gwitb.CaraJorEoston 8 A. M.

Arrlvlnji-atMontreal at.5P. M,, "In time for Jioats^ojL -Quebec .parab%itheTnousand^Slanda-and4U the."Hapids b y d a y l l g h t . ..-- - .- . - . -. • .• ,-• . 1 - , : '•''"•

UPWARDS. .- ,-,--l- .. .,.. v

LeavoJIontre.il.......... 4 P. M. Leave Ogdensburgh on arrival of Boston Cars.. 2 P.M. Leave Cape Vincent on arrlvalof Albany-Cars.. OT.M, - And arrlve'at Lowlston in time for Bosts for Toronto, andatNiagaraFallain time for Cars for Hamilton and Buffalo. ' 25-ds

P.M. ~ A i M .

/A.M. JP-M.

P.M. P.M. A. M.

CRAWFORD & CO»S 3Si0RTBERK Rail Road Lino- of

BiTBtearn "Prc^Uerskfor; 'Chicago, ifllwau-kie,' Delrot*ii8ha Cleveland,- without change 6f1Boat,j leavlngogdensburgh thre&ilme».a,Week,. "„ , .*"i; *j

B"~-These 3eroOTu>r*-.aT -.iinsttrpasie4.ror' speed by anyJeropellers on-theWVesv:(rhn'ntogv»t. the fajajaf^Q tol2rh¥e»i»r*oru^>^TSntteaup-«thmrp«rIortec modationsfor .Passengers, and. are commanded by the. moitexpeirlehc'eaiCapaiihs. ..." .- / • ^ ... .' .,

Passengers will find this the pleasonteit ronto,to the. West, as they will avekl the trouble and annoyance con­sequent on the many changes and extra expenseVat Ro­chester, Lowiston, and Buff.lo.whlle the rates artmuch less th»n are charged by the<8teamboatIdnes.

•'''*of^raght«iPas»at«a'pply'tbVlb£- . £ ^ ,

"nTICBflGAN C E N T R A L " ' ftCfimK;!"" scHicAa6";Ai r


EAOHJB arid WATJK"EGANicarr«ijgtfie Great TOateth? Rnlle^StatSThrbUgh Jlia.'';', ',-•-, ^', .-V-*^! •& TUroug-Iui to p c t e o i * i n S i x t e e n "Hoursil

Withourianaing Kh * cer)*!nty;rof kine.*cpn-K ncetlon at.Bctrqlt wHfr thBar^ma^ruhblne thratrghjto; tOiIeago fiter. art d 'iaJUllfKW? 'Bjad>.yit^nlght'eS% .bfUltexpressIyJortli^ontK; -„•^.i-Si-. ; 4;C.K?-»

< % p £ - £ ^ r ? w f i f l ^ ^ ^ c ^ [ ^ - t r a ^ l J ^ S "BUCKEYE

__ r joB,*lttlea*i!;the^, "Wiarf atrJuOMo, on,Mondiy and Thur^laT evenings at

a Central B»n yeTenIofS,at»-•TnjtTraijfcfcviB,. •tfclwV, or-on-the-arrtvi of; « * flghl

Xe».YortjAlb»OT.a"»d»o»e.t, , , . * , - -.'• -kT^^aejrj^llrlfno^tr.a^JIattJIUaraer. ^ .

- -.. .^ j*jpmjutt.-.-«•-.-; ^ '•• • -Capt,C.C,BWr«t.-wlli"«aT»tt»Hi«hI«nC!entrjI;Kaa io^Whi^,-J»ttfci^ftaWa*j-^and Saturday evS-" Inp atl oYloek, o+« the arrivaliftlwXIghtaIng Train r^M*w*Y«i*^Aaii»Ayal«JUi«sv-> • -- -T* :~^ •• T «««nlDf turoiarh, vU. «»*««», Shore, wi tfeMftlaaa? •he g^Uasir «NM'-M-aUMsj %«lr *«#Wy%r*«>* wellHwdded totAftr***** dwst eisalsrlsHe J<%lit






aildratH. art waauMi to ia anry t/mUr, «M"wM.rv-

^ " ^ i t u r n M t W »fc££jUr*»V




• g ik t j»H, 1 tmaaovn n<Mwt% en m ' .atIM»0«ac«,atM>«it.l>»M*n




TING a removal from this place, offers for' •sale (its rcsldenco on the bank of the Oswe-'

gatchie In this village. The premises embrace the entire triangular block between Montgomery and Plckerinsand Water-streets, having a front on Water-street of 820reot.* Its outer border has been surrounded by lines of shade and ornamental trees, and the interior well stocked with choice fruit trees, leaving sufficient ground for cultiva­tion for garden and other purposes. The soil is unsur­passed In this village.

The Dwenlng-house Is of stone, having appropriate outbuildings, with convenient arrangements for hard and soft water, and every other accommodation for a family residence.

The front upon Water-street, In Its whole extent, com­mands an unequalled view cf the harbor of the Oawe­gatchie, the St. Lawrence river, and the Canada shore opposite, arid affords one of the finest situations for ex­tensive Improvements In tlds vicinity, being sufficiently in the village for society, and sufficiently out of it for domestic retirement. W. H. MARSHALL.

Dated Ogdensburgh, NOT. 14,1858. 60-tf' F A R M F O R S A L E .

CONTAINING ABOUT ONE B"UN-£g« dred acres of excellent farming land fork's* 'Grain or Grass, lying on the road leading

from Fiackille to Heavclton, about half a mile from the former place. There are on the premises a Saw-mDJ, two small Dwelling-houses, three good Barns and Carriage-house. For terms—apply to the owner,

L i s b o n , M a y 1 4 , 1 8 M . [ 2 4 - 8 m ] I S A A C G . F L A C K .


of excenent Farming Land for Grain or^ffir Grass, lying on the St, Lawrence River, six '

miles above Ogdcrurtrargh. About two-thirds of 6aid Farm is heavy-timbered land, and tho remainder mead­ow and pasture. A small house is on the prcunBcs. En­quire of fSS-tf] Ma. VAN ZANT, Ogdensburgh.

W H O W A N T S T O a i A K E M O N E Y 7


MTHE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE all the splendid property In the nourishing vil­lage of Ueovelton, (opposite to John Pickens',)

knjwn aa the "HOWARD PROPERTY," and also a WATEE-LjOT known as tho " BRESEE LOT," and will receive as* payment one-fourth down, and give eight or ten years for the balance, (by paying the interest annuaUy,) secured by bond and mortgage. Apply to

J. N. OSWELL. Ogdensburgh, May 1st, 1S54. 22-tf

T O L E T .

f gv AT NO. 41 FORD-STREET,. KING'S | i G R A N I T E " B L O C K , t h e S E C O N D a n d T H I R D >S" S T O R I E S , s u i t a b l e fo r offices. A l s o , t l i e c o m m o ­

d i o u s C E L L A R of t h e s a m e b u i l d i n g . FOr p a r t i c u l a r s e n q u i r e a t J . O O L D N E B ' S C l o t h l o g S t o r e . 2 1 - t f

T O L E T .

THE GROUND FLOOR OF THE MA-c h i n e S h o p , f o r m e r l y o c c u p i e d b y L i n c o l n tyoms a s -a S h i n g l e F a c t o r y . F o r t e r m s , a p p l y a t t h e

L a n d Office of - <**• G . P A R I S H . O g d o p s b u r g h , D e c . 1 8 , - 1 ^ 3 . 2 - t f


r o a S A L E , «^ KEAK FLACKVTLLE, OK THE CRAIG [•I B o a d . a b o r f i t h r e e - q u a r t e r s o f a m i l e f r o m t h e i a - C a n t o n T o r o p l k e , A S M A L L F A R M , o * T h i r t y

a c r e s , h a v i n g o n t t a g o o d H o u s e , a n e x c e l l e n t 'Well of W a t e r , a C i s t e r n a n d a B a r n , a l a r g e q u a n t i t y of r a i l t i m b e r , a n d s o m e l u m b e r . T e r m s f a v o r a b l e .

A p y l y t o Ai r . 3 . C a m p b e l l , l i v i n g n e a r t h e p r e m i s e s . * * A L S O —

T w o H o u s e s a n d L o t j g i n t h a t p a r t of O g d e n s b u r g h c a l l e d " N e w B o s t o n , " n e a ^ f t h e C a r F a c t o r y , s i t u a t e d o n e a c h s i d e o r W i l l i a m s - s t r e e t , o p p o s i t e P r o s p e c t S q u a r e . T h e H o u s e s a r e b r o w n c o l o r e d . F o r i n f o r m a t i o n , a p p l y t o M r . F . C . W i n g , o n M o r r i s - s t r e e t , O g d e n s b u r g h .

M a y 1 0 , XSM. [S4-3m3 J Q H N „ M I D D l . E T O N .


FOR SALE—Five Harbor dr Wharf Lots, eli­gibly situated at different points along the-West side

of the Oswegatchie or Harbor, between the Bridge and Light-House, in Ogdensburgh, are now offered for sale. For terms, apply to J. G. Hoprrss, Agent.


F O R S A L E . BTJTLDING LOTS AND FARMS, IN and about'the village of Potsdam, for sale by

O U p p L. CLARKSON. Potsdam, March.8,1854. 14-Gm

R I V E R B A S K ' L O T S ,

OjN any of the unsold portion of the River Bank in this viUage, between Hopkins' Block and Mont­

gomery-street. This property,, fronting on Water-street, thence run­

ning to the River, with tho rights of'the undersigned to the centre thereof, is now offered for sale, or on lease, ror a term of years, in Lots of SO feet front or upwards.

t£S/~ For particulars, apply at the Office of ' O. PARISH.

Ogdensburgh, February 8,1853. 10-tf

MACHINE SHOPS. A c TANTK;TTRAN & co.'s R a i l R o a d C a r "Wncel F o u n d r y a n d


jSTTTvircX DESCRIPTION OF RAIL BBSS: Kood and Car Oastings,MllI Gearings, cast-

'.Ings for buildings, as well as all others in general use,Jarnished at the shortest notice and in a finished, and workmanlike maimer.. Being possessed of facilities superior tA any establishment in this secUonxif country, they solicit orders in the firm holier -of their abBity:ta-'glve-entire saMslaoUbn, to their customers.

aespatcJiFto everyipartfor toeceunfryfidrkinda qtwork entwtedioilhsim, _„T . , . , - , -

t 3 ? - AH kinds of "Repairing, Machine add Engine Workfurnlshed'ttfrird'er'at the shortest nolle*.

"*"*i* Stationary and Portable Sterna Engines, of any capacity required, will bo furnished, Orders solicited. . Commands left with Messrs. Watrons £ Lawrence, will

receive" prompt attention. OgdeMsborghi'Dec.^lSS t - - *=tf*^,

J E W O R K S . S Y R A C U S E . N .

W r_,1»esf.'orihe KaUrbaAllcpOt, onthe RaD-, Widean-S^heTErie CanaL-^lRIFFIN, "WffiKlN-SON.A CO. bnld Horixontal, .Yerticaland Port­able ^tafarajiSteant Engines and Boilers, of an. slsesj, aiut.Jfathe JrSryI3atest; and most approved design. ' MIU-Gcarlngand Machinery-Shafting andPrdlcysseb •up for Shops-and Factories. .,- >, • ..- . . - ^ .j RrrEitKSCB;—R..B,OIUFXAHtOo.,MorrIslbwn,N.Y., Hrroncocx. * :TILLOTSON, .Ogdensburgh", WILUAM BOLTH; Llsbon.where sBechnens of onrwbrk may be seen. '40-ly

xi^'jo^E^sBiTO«a6i3r^w^»*k^s . ^KK«- 'Of ! ; eVerS t ^ lunu^x ju»uuuMjr j u i u . n ) i w w m ^ j . m u u - ,

ItNGINteind'BOIIJUtS.-HORSE-POWEBSiTHREaHING" JttACHINES, PLOWS, CULTlYATi)R8f*fldtoBiet „ . SrallwSei»ehU;.CA3TJffiG81^r.I)uping»,MIneSi1^H-tdadSjBrldjgesiKficess iTatc'r and' Go* Pipes, BrTckMa-chTh»;afc,"«c.f^*tfniee'; Tftuicy tm !t3ookin)r STOVES? ilAlJLDllQNaandotheSHOLWJY^ABE&IroKForemgi and Brass,. Copper and. Composition Metal Founding, done^WJihottrlbttce. BEPATXtSQPrJKGINES AND MACHINERY" promptly executor " . ' " . ' -'•' -r:*B^Order»^nniyboi*nt*y;inafIjaett«t the Store of A.CHANEY* CO.,.ott;W«ter-Htteett:_or»witK thesufc. |Crfe?atthaWpr)5., *. " . . * L r ? s M S S * 3 ^ S ' ' " "" ^t-tt'- T' " . ' "''- •-'SecTMawaWdTre'Maxer.v

' ".UJ-.-Jgi-a'.-4i . -a.-—.-&<.^-'.."'V..-.ftk^j? " Steam •wwi&rgii

L«wMHrnaUTe,«aitionau7 avnlai St«itxn1bb&t.

'•-'. .-'^•••":-•' - \ " K V : . V . ; - ' ' t a l ^ J ™ * ^ W 1 ' ' * * i K < - . "

warZsd to n c o o u M . Oc»ml«lon Howe* U Bo.Ua, lot

W A R WtOCH^ SPAIN ! JOSEPIJ 60LDNER TAKES PLEASURE in onnouri'Cingto thesitlxensof Ogdensburgh end .vicinity, that be has taken the Store

NO. 4T F o r a - s t . , K i n g ' s G r a n i t e B l o c k , i'Wheredte. Intends keeping a mosfccomplete and extensive

' -. . assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING,

embracing, all.of tnelafest and most fashionable styles |nd patterns. AIsora general assortment of


"which he proposes to dispose of on terms that cannot ? • '•• ' fail to suit purchasers. * ^ Come one, come alii Don't forget the place—No. 47

Ford-street. 21-8m • RE1JIOVAL. W. H. YOUNG & CO. HAVE REMOVED ijrom their late stand, comer of Ford andlsabella-sjreets., to MECBAHICS' Eow, where, tlieyofferjor •safe a very large assortment -of READY-MADE

CLOTHING' for Fall and Winter trade. Coats, Vests ;and Pantaloons in every variety of approved styles, for Gentlemen and Boys.

Their stock of Clothing will compete with any West of Now-York or Boston, for good material, workmanship andreasonable.prices.

Esr*To those, wishing garments mode to order, they would respectfully invite an examination of their Fall and Winter Good's, consisting of

•CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTTNGS, of the most recent importations, which will be made up for Gentlemen or Boys in the best possible style and at the shortestjiotice. RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING, SOtP-WESTERS, UM­

BRELLAS, AC AC. They have on band a very large assortment of

TRUNKS, VALISES AND TRAVELING BAGS, at very lowprices. %5BT Recollect the place, Mechanic's Row, Ogdensburgh.—October, 1853. , 47-y


FARMERS A n d a l l o t h e r T r a d e s a n d O c c u p a t i o n s .

THE SUBSCRIBER WILL RECEIVE proposals for the whole" nr any part of his large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTTNGS, 4c. !

The stock Is unusually large, embracing everything requisite for a Gentleman's Wardrobe. The stock wfil be disposed of either at Wholesale or Retail, in. lots to suit purchasers, and must be sold to make room for Spring Importations. The early attention of those inter­ested is requested. -THOS. J). SB3NNEE, Ford-st.

Ogdensbnrgh, December 12,1858. 2-tf

. W A T E R P R O O F C L O T H I N G . W D I A RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING—A JLjarge stock, just received at [44-tf ] SKINNER'S.

N E W GOODS I N E W G O O D S ! ! READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Ve^tings, Furnishing Goods, 4 c , &c., wholesale and retail. -

THOMAS D, SKINNER , would inform his friends and the public generally, that he bos an unusually large stock of Goods adapted to Men's wear. The public may depend upon finding at this establishment the largest and best stock to be found in Northern New York. Country Merchants, and Mer­chant Tailors, supplied at a small advance from New, York and Boston prices. Garments will be made at all t i m e s t o o r d e r , i n t h e b e s t m a n n e r a n d a t s h o r t n o t i c e ^ . ^ .

BecoBeot SKINNER'S, Ford-st., Ogdensburgh. ®S4-tf


E. THOMPSON WOULD RESPECT-f a l l y i n f o r m t h e L a d i e s of O g d e n s b u r g h a n d v i ­c i n i t y , t h a t h e h a s j u s t r e c e i v e d a l a r g e a s s o r t ­

m e n t o f 8 J K A W A N D F A N C Y L A C E B O N N E T S , R I B ­B O N S , A R T I F I C I A L F L O W E R S , a n d a l l o t h e r a r t i c l e s u s u a l l y s o l d w i t h M I L L I N E R Y G O O D S .

F o r s a l e , a t W h o l e s a l e o r R e t a i l . MILLINERS CAN BE SUPPLIED WITH GOODS AT



&T R e m o m i i r - r t u e P l a c e !—THOMPSON'S BONNET ROOMS—OVER ALLBNDORPH'S YANKEE NOTION STORE, No. 8 S MECHANICS' ROW, Ford-street, Ogdensburgh, N. Y.

April 10, 1854. *« 19-tf

T O T H E L A D I E S . MRS. ATCHESON, TENDERS HER U l a n k s t o t h e L a d i e s of O g d e n s b u r g h a n d v i c i n ­i t y for p a s t f a v o r s , a n d w o u l d a v a i l h e r s e l f of t h i s o c c a s i o n t o s a y t h a t h e r S P R I N G S T O C K

O F M I L L I N E R Y G O O D S wi l l b e o p e n fof i n s p e c t i o n o n T H U R S D A Y , M a r c h . SO, a t t e n o ' c l o c k , A . M .

O g d e n s b u r g h , M a r c h 2 7 , 1 8 5 4 . 1 7 - t f


Y o r k , a n d c a l l s t h e a t t e n t i o n of t h e L a d i e s t o h e r s t o c k of s e a s o n a b l e G o o d s . 1 9 - t f

N o w T o r l t F a s l i i o n a b l c K r e s s M a l i i n g .

M K S . W E A T E E E R S T I N , gSgP" H a v i n g r e m o v e d f rom t h e c o r n e r of I s a b e l l a a n d

W a f e r - s t r e e t s t o N o . 8 2 M e c h a n i c s ' R o w , n e x t d o o r . t o T . C. A t c h e s o n ' s H a t - s h o p . i g j

W O U L D I N F O R M T H E L A D I E S t h a t s h e h a s r e t u r n e d f r o m N e w - Y o r k w J t h h e r S C M i l K f i F A S H I O N S f o r l a d i e s , c h i l d r e n , &c. S h r o u d s c u t o r m a d e on-

BDortTT30tie*e A l s o , P i n k i n g d o n e , of a l l k i n d s . D R E S S ­M A K E R S - c a n b e s u p p l i e d w i t h F A S H I O N A B L E P A T ­T E R N S a s u s u a l .

P a r t i c u l a r a t t e n t i o n p a i d t o fitting. Al l I je r w o r k is w a r r a n t e d t o g i v e s a t i s f a c t i o n . H a v i n g i n h e r e m p l o y F I F T E E N G O O D D R E S S - M A K E R S , s h e is a b l e t o c o m p l e t e a l m o s t a n y a m o u n t of d r e s s - m a k i n g u p o n t h e s h o r t e s t n o t i c e , a n d u p o n s a t i s f a c t o r y t e r m s ,

*a j*Reraember—Al l w o r k w a r f ^ n C e d t o g i v e s a t i s f a c t i o n . O g d e n s b u r g h , M a y 8 0 , I S M . ' 4 4 - t f


HAVE REMOVED THEIR BOOT AND S n O E S T O K E f r o m I s a b e l l a - s t r e e t t o H O P K I N S ' B L O C K , W a t e r - s t r e e t , n e x t d o o r t o C . W a t e r -m a n ' B G r o c e r y , w h e r e t h e y w o u l d b e p l e a s e d

t o a t t e n d t o t h e i r c u s t o m e r s , a n d a n y w h o m a y feel i n ­c l i n e d t o g i v e t h e m a c a l l . G i v e u s a v i s i t , a n d w e wi l l t r y t o s u i t y o u b o t h i n p r i c e a n d q u a l i t y of g o o d s .

N . B . A l l k i n d s of m e n d i n g d o n e w i t h n e a t n e s s a n d d i s p a t c h .

f ^ F ~ B c m e m b e r t h e p l a c e , H o p k i n s ' B l o c k , W a t e r -s t r e e t y s l g n o f t h e S h o e . »

I I . M . C H I L D . . . . . . * D A V I D C H I L D . O g d e n s b u r g h , M a y 2 , 1 8 5 4 . 22 - t f

T O T H E T R A D E .

- A . VILAS' ARRANGEMENTS WITH i l l t h e E a s t e r n m a n u f a c t u r e r s , a r e s u c h a s t o e n a b l e J h i m t o f u r n i s h B O O T S a n d S H O E S t o t h e T r a d e

a t - ( h e s m a l l e s t a d v a n c e f r o m M a n u f a c t u r e r s ' 2 4 - t f

EXCELSIOR ROOT & SHOE FACTORY. H. M. FAYJtHAVING PURCHASED an interest in the well-known Boot and Shoe Store of "WM.- LANGSTAPF, at the west end of the Bridge, they are now prepared to execute

all orders in the line of GENTLEMEN'S DBESS BOOTS 4 LADIES' FINE WEAR, in a style superior to any other establishment In Ogdens-bOrgli. They also keep constantly on hand a select as­sortment of


AND OHILDRENiS SHOES of all descriptions, and feel a confidence that, from their long practical experience in the business', if their friends will give them a tall they can show them something bet­ter thin stale rhymes or machine poetry to recommend their work. Try us." LANGSTAFF A FAY. ,

N. B.-I-AM diseasesof the Sole promptly prescribed foi;, audjieriect cures warranted or no pay. L. A F.

Ogdensbnrgh, April 17,1854. 20-tf

O OLE IiEATHER OE DESIRABLE QUALITY, I also, French Cnlf Skins, at

A.'VILAS', No. 10 Ford-street.

R O O T S A: S H O E S F O R A L L S E A S O N S !

No» I O •^old^StreeirV--

•""-" -" :'- ~ 'j.JtliDEN "'"PiLAS 'S,mW PREPARED TO OFFER TO HIS "%'st6tar*ana, tlBS'Punltc * very Iarge.and compre-

ytehsWi^cSot**B0OT8 and SfiOES, dffect from the •btetMSnuBictnrers, which, wRh 'hf* own well-known sn^^cturft constitute,th&most^aried and complete assortmiiritSo bejfapsd'in city or country. . ,

:-'Og4ensbnrgh^i^Cil85*» ,„ . 24-tf

iE&iixkiltTJEi/ M s M - m i n e<iiffiecSdn**ft& Ids Bookstore, an

isxte«v*-Bindery,and placed ta_it one [Jof HKkeU'i ettebraled HULINe MA-

h(m^i^^m^&Km!^::**W^*' ne,>:eep» OT^Ua^ifiSSrre br the J ^ e r r .workman of-stipe' ribri2E«oai*»«pare4tfflwai-workinithatlWeWttfc ^m^mm.'^- J.0.8PEAGTJE.

Qj^gjab^hyOctobt^iaBg. «»*f \ . -SEir -BOOKS, o u r . S P H A G l T E W j ^ - . os* JESUIT

, MUD OABimJkclA^ • 'S«*ABT,?USA*a»0K WNNYSrO*.*

OI THE BUPES-NATtJl£Mfc£?Kii -" , :" "•'' "* - •*


M S t r 8 0 0 I "Alt.-jr.; e. ^gtWPEf&r

^etchii* of • a^plie. ^ t b.fcr.i dMcrfted,' called

_ „ kJWM»^lr».«eaiteBl»aic,fprd'*t, f4jlUN»M^'^l?,XS&_ ;' '• ' - ••:' - , 8-W. '.


.... „*»«*a!s^rt^S22t:


i ' iiiriirir1i;|iBiiiiil'"1'Wrrnn^lTTr—

A ^ » S « W * « m . t . r « * a « * read Ae>4H<.


;"-r»«>"»pw-- - sn«p .;' - 4 « ' ^ * ' > f l i . ' J .


\'W0. :j +•

••• „«*»j.*iswi u(aB£jrj

CHAELES ^ H L ^ t , MENEELY • * , SONS,? i ' \ -

MapnfiiciUrera of ' / - - 4"'" • .-C h u r c h , F a c t o r y , S t e a m b o a t , E n j r i u e , _" . A c a d e m y , D e p b ^ n n d o t h e r H e l | i 7 ' With the most approved Hongrhgsj Tolling Hammeia,



Boferencegiyen toBeUs-inany part of-the Union. The undersigned, agent for tho manufacturers, is pre­

pared to-exe'ento orders at factory prices. Orders and ,'iettera of ehquiry promptly attended to.

' rnrA-RT-Tjia Aarr r . i i rv Ogdensburgh, N. Y. OHABLES ASHLEY, Eagle Block. lfctf


E n g i n e e r i n g toahraiients, C o m p a TRANSnB, XEVELTSG RODS, 4CC '

Of nnBUrnassed- quality, are -represented at Ggj burghliy • • _ >. OHABLES ASHLEK

17-tf HarowarfeMerchant. Eagle^l

i S C S ,


Stretched, Oak-Tanned LEATHER BELTING-FIRE-ENGINE an* GARDEN HOSE; jfoSE for RAJlA ROAD WATER STATIONS, (of warranted quality,) all are represented at Ogdensburgh by '

20-tf , OHABLE8 ASHLEY, Eagle Block. T O Y , B t C S F O B H & CO.,

MANUFACTURERS of PATENT IMPROVED SAFETY FUSE.—-The subscriber- has in store a

large stock of this celebrated Fuse, which he offers for sale by the cask or package, at the lowesl manufacturers' prices, CHAS. ASHLEY, Agent,

Ogdensburgh, N. IE. P5" t f] No. 4 Eagle Block. « R I C H

SALAMANDER ~ prices. « [42-tf]

C O . ' S " at Manufacturer's"



CASTORS, Cake Baskets, Candlesticks, Forks, Spoons, &c, 4c , ail new and choice patterns, at

lower prices than ever offered in this market. 42-tf CHAS. ASHLEY.

T A I L O R ' S S I 3 E A R S . TTEINSICH'S Celebrated Tailor's Skears and J 1 Scissors; also, Barber's ' aears. For sale at man­ufacturer's prices, by [25- .] CHAS. ASHLEY.

P L A T F O R M As C O U N T E R S C A L E S .

E & T. FAIRBANKS & CO., Manufacturers • o f P a t e n * P l a t f o r m a n d C o u n t e r S c a l e s , a r e rer^yi^"'"•',"',

resented at Ogdensburgh by OHAS. ASHLEY, T™*3mrnitai '28 - -" . No. 4 Eagle Block."

"\X7"HEEL BARROWS.—A prime article of V r Rail Road Wheel Barrows, received this day by*

8 CHARLES ASHLEY, No. 4 Eagle Block.

REFRIGERATORS.—A regular ossortmejg, of s i z e s , m a n u f a c t u r e d in a s u p e r i o r s t y l e , a r e oTOred

for sale by [28] CHAS. ASHLEY, Eagle Block.



"YXTATER COOLERS.—A fine variety embrac-

2S ing many new and ornamental patterns.

CHARLES ASHLEY. T T A Y - KNIVES.—50 dozen—a very superior

11 article—for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by ,

CHARLES ASHLEY, No. 4, Eagle Block.

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of, every descript:on, for sale at the manufacturers' lowest

prices. [10-tf] CnAS. ASHLEY.

BUGGY BOWS—100 sett just received at the H a r d w a r e S t o r e of [ 1 0 - t f ] C H A S . A S H L E Y .

W; AGON HUBS.—200 sett morticed Hubs, fo r s a l e a t - F a c t o r y p r i c e s .

C H A E L E S A S H L E Y , N o . 4 , E a g l e B l o c k .


iff %



WHERE HE IS CONSTANTLY MAKING P i a n o F o r t e s , w i t h M e t a l l i c Pramfes , o f t h e b e s t

a n d l a t e s t i m p r o v e m e n t s ! E v e r y P i a n o P o r t e m a d e b y h i m wi l l b e w a r r a n t e d for five y e a t a j " " T h o s e w i s h i n g t o b u y wil l d o w e l l t o c a l l b e f o r e p u r c M s i n g , a s h e will se l l a t a p r i c e a l i t t l e l o w e r t h a n t h e s a m e c a n ' b e h a d for in t h e c i t i e s . O ld P i a n o s t a k e n in e x c h a n g e for n e w . A l s o , P i a n o s r e p a i r e d a n d t u n e d . 43 - t f

P I A N O F O R T E T U N I N O . *v-A. S. GOODRICH WOULD^E-s p e c t f u l l y i n f o r m t h e m u s i c a l p u b l i c of O g d e n s b u r g h a n d v i c i n i t y , t h a t h e m;iy b e e x p e c t e d t h e r e for t h e p u r p o s e of

T U N I N G a n d R E P A I R I N G P I A N O S , o n o r a b o u t t h e 15 th of J u l y n e x t ;

A l l p e r s o n s w i t h w h o m a r r a n g e m e n t s h a v e n o t b e e n m a d e for t u n i n g b y t h e y e a r , wi l l p l e a s e l e a v e t h e i r a d ­d r e s s a t t h e P o s t Office, a s n o calls, wi l l b e m a d e e x c e p t b y r e q u e s t . , . *,

M r . G . i s a g e n t for B o a r d m a n & G r a y ' s Grao t f A c t i o n P i a n o F o r t e s , a n d wil l f u rn i sh t h e m a t t h e r_egular Tac tory p r i c e s , p a y i n g t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , a n d . k e e p l n g t h e m in t u n e o n e y e a r , f ree of c h a r g e .

S e c o n d - h a n d P i a n o s wi l l b e t a k e n i n e x c h a n g e , w h e n d e s i r e d . * _ 2 1 - t f __


i n s t r u m e n t s ' — e n t i r e l y n e w — f i n e - t o n e d , a n d s u c h a s c a n n o t fa i l t o p l e a s e ; for s a l e a t a b a r g a i n . A p p l y t o

O g d e n s b u r g h , N . Y . [ 2 - t f ] 3. C . S P R A G U K .

issassa,, rm^^^^^t^oivm i

No. 34 Mechan ic s ' R o w , Ford-street.

E. W. GIBSON, , „ Dealer in


FEATHERS, HATR & HUSK MATTRESSES, for sale by,- . E. W. GIBSON, "••-

21-tf No. 24 Mechanics' Bow, Ford-street.

JCOFAS, PARLOR CpilRS, CARD AND t O C E N T R E _ T A r j i a s , for s i f t * } ' E . W , G I B S O N ,

a l ' t f No. 24 Meclantcs' Bow, Forof-street.

ft _ _ . P m n a m f c P a t e n t

S^THHS^J' S P R I N C B E D S T E A D S . EYMOUR S. CLARK & CO.j OF WEST Stackhohni N. Y., successors vt Thaddeus Thayer,

manumcture and keep constantly on hand a "full supply of Putnam's Spiral Spring Bedsteads, which they offer to t h e p u b l i c o n l i b e r a l t e r m s .

T h i s s t y l e of b e d s t e a d p r e s e n t s a d v a n t a g e s o v e r a B o t h e r a r t i c l e s o f a s i m i l a r n a t u r e e v e r offered t o t h e p u b l i c -c o m b i n i n g " c h e a p n e s s , d u r a b i l i t y , a n d e l e g a n c e , w i t h a l u x u r i o u s n e s s of e a s e w h o l l y u n s u r p a s s e d . I n c a s e of s i c k n e s s i t i s i n v a l u a b l e , a n d for t h e o r d i n a r y p u r p o s e o f r e s t i t ^ o m m e n d s i t s e l f t o a l l . I t s s i m p l i c i t y of c o n s t r u c ­t i o n a r i d v c o n v e n i e n c e t o t h o s e w h o m a y h a v e t h e d a i l y c a r e o f ^ I t , m u s t i n s u r e i t s g e n e r a l if n o t u n i v e r s a l u s e . N o h o u s e k e e p e r , e s p e c i a l l y t h e k e e p e r s of h o t e l s a n d l a r g e h o u s e s , s h o u l d p u r c h a s e J o w i t l j p u t e x a m i n i n g t h i s a r t i c l e , w h i c h i s o f fe red i n v a r i o u s s t y l e s a n d p a t t e r n s a t . ^EBerFnrn i ta re W a r e h o u s e of S e y m o u r S. C l a r k 4 Co . , W e s t S t o c k h o l m , N . Y . , w h e r e i s a l s o k e p t a n e x t e n s i v e a s s o r t ­m e n t of h o u s e h o l d f u r n i t u r e o f e v e r y s t y l e u s u a l l y f o u n d i n a f u r n i t u r e w a r e r o o m . A l l o r d e r s p r o m p t l y a t t e n d e d t o .

8. F . J u d d is o u r a g e n t i n O g d e n s b u r g h , N . Y . , a n d s p y o r d e r s left w i t h h i m wi l l b e p r o m p t l y a t t e n d e d 40- S p e c i ­m e n s of t h e b e d s t e a d m a y b e s e e n a t G h h T r o o m s , c o m e r of F o r d a n d I s a b e l l a s t r e e t s .

F e b r u a r y 7, 1854. 1 4 - 6 m

- H. F. MILLASD'S -F C R N I T U R E W A I I E - l i q e T T l S ,

No. 07 Averell'tf Block, Ford street, (up stairs.) THE SUBSCRIBER, WHO h a s b e e n l o n g a ^ r e s i d e n t o f O g d e n s ­b u r g h , a n d is f a m i l i a r w i t h t h e t a s t e s ^ of i t s c i t i z e n s , w o u l d s a y t o t h e m '

t h a t h e i s no jv r e c e i v i n g f r o m B o s t o n a n d N e w - Y o r f e a G E N E R A L A S 8 O R M M E N T O F F A S H I O N A B i g f e F C R N I -T U R E , a m o n g w h i c h m a y b e f p u n d M a h o g a n y a n d B l a c k W a l ­

n u t So fas , of e v e r y v a r i ­e t y a n d s t y l e .

R o c k i n g a n d A r m - C h a i r s , - r M a h o g a n y a n d W a l n u t .

M a r b l e - t o p , C e n t r e , F a l i c y a n d S i d e - T a b l e s .

M a h o g a n y a n d B l a c k W a l ­n u t C o r n e r W H A T - N O T S a n d B o o k - S h e l v e s , of t h e l a t e s t s t y l e s .

M a h o g a n y a n d Ifelack "Wal­n u t Cen t r e a n d C a r d -T a b l e s .

Q u a r t e t t e , Sofa a n d N e s t T a b l e s .

M a h o g a n y a n d B l a c k W a l ­n u t P a r l o r C h a i r s , of v a ­r i o u s s t y l e s . ~»

M a h o g a n y F r e n c h B e d -s t e a d s ; C o t t a g e a n d coirr-m o n B e d s t e a d s ;

t o g e t h e r w i t h a c h o i c e - a s s o r t m e n t of L o o k i n g G l a s s e s w i t h G i i t a n d M a h o g a n y F r a m e s . A c h o i c e l o t of be«st English Hair Matresses, and a good supply of Cane-seat, Rocking, Dining and Parlor Chairs.

H, P. M. manufactures and keeps always on hand a good s u p p l y of B n r s s i u s , B o o k - c a s e s , D i n i n g a n d T e a T a b l e s , L i g h t a n d W a s h S t a n d s , t o g e t h e r w i t h t h e w h o l e catalogue 04 articles usually found in the best filled Fur­niture. Ware-rooms. , .<


An a s s o r t m e n t of F I S K ' S P A T E N T M E T A L L I C A I R ­T I G H T B I ' K I A L C A S E S . A l s o — M a h o g a n y , B l a c k W a l ­n u t , C h e r r y a n d B u t t e r n u t C O F F I N S a l w a y s 00 h a i & i a n d t r i m m e d . O r d e r ' s f r o m t h o c o u n t r y s u p p l i e d a t ; a m o m e n t ' s n o t i c e , A I I E A I I S E a n d p e r s o n a l a t t e n d a n c e t o o r d e r . . 00- t f

J . A R A M S S M I T H , SOLE AGENT IN ST. LAW-r e n c e a n d a d j o i n i n g C o u n t i e s for t h e s a l e of P i a n o F o r t e s f r o m t h e f a c t o r i e s of C h i c k e r i n g , B o s t o n ; <Nunns & C l a r k , B a ­

c o n & R a v e n , W m . H a l l & S o n , a n d N . J . & F . H a i n e s , N e w - Y o r k . A l s o , a g e n t f o r t h e s a l e of C u r h a r t & N e e d -h a m , a n d P r i n c e ' s M e l o d e o n s .

K e e p s c o n s t a n t l y o n h a n d S h e e t M u s i c , I n s t r u c t i o n B o o k s for e^very I n s t r u m e n t , V i o l i n , G u i t a r a n d B a s s - V i o l s t r i n g s , t o g e t h e r w i t h a full a s s o r t m e n t of-al l b i n d s of M u s i c a l I n s t r u m e n t s , a l l o f w h i c h wil l b e s o l d a t c i t y p r i c e s . A t S p r a g u e ' s B o o k S t o r e , E a g l e B l o c k , O g d e n s ­b u r g h , N / Y . . « 13-1 y


I m p o r t e r s a n d D e a l e r s i s i X Z a r d w a j r c , I r o n a n d S t e e l , S t o v e s , T i n a n t T S b e e t - I r o n ,

K e e p c o n s t a n t l y e m p l o y e d t h e m o s t e x p e r i e n c e d w o r k ­m e n f o r R o o f i n g , m a k i n g E a v e ^ T f o u g h s , a n d e v e r y o t h e r d e s c r i p t i o n of T i n a n d C o p p e r W o r k .

S o l e A g e n t s i n N o r t h e r n N e w - Y o r k for t h e s a l e of S. C. H e r r i n g ' s S a l a m a n d e r S a f e s ; for R u g g l e s , N o u r s e , M a s o n & C o . ' s B o s t o n A g r i c u l t u r a l I m p l e m e n t F a c t o r y ; R a n s o m £ C o . ' s S t e a m F o u n d r y ; t h e P a w t u c k e t B e l t i n g C o m p a ­n y ; t h e C o l l i n s A x e C o m p a n y ; G r a n n i s & Co . ' s T i n ­w a r e , M a c h i n e s a n d H a n d - T o o l s ; D a v i s & C o . ' s H o r s e ­p o w e r s . -' ,

P a r t i e s p u r c h a s i n g q u a n t i t i e s , a r e p a r t i c u l a r l y i n v i t e d t o e x a m i n e o u r W h o l e s a l e D e p a r t m e n t , a s p o s s e s s i n g e q u a l ' f a c i l i t i e s w i t h N e w - Y o r k a n d B o s t o n , for p u r c h a s ­i n g . W e p l e d g e o u r s e l v e s n o t t o b e u n d e i s p l d i n t h o s e c i t i e s . 8 - t i

S A D B L E R Y .

ENGLISH and American and Coach Hardware, Coach Lamps and Bands, Spcings, Axles, Stump

Joints, Dashes, Curtain Frames, Patent Leather, Cloths— Damask, Plush, Brussels Carpets, Oil Cloth Carpet, Lace, Tufts, Tacks, Seaming Cord, Tufting Nails, Pop Peops, fitted with plated Nuts, Ivory head Nails, Screws, Ivory Side-Handles, Ivory and .Bone Slides—together with all other descriptions of Saddlery. A liberal discount made to the trade when a quantity is required


S H E L F H A R D W A R E . '

NOW opening, a full assortment of every de­scription of Shelf-Hardware, direct from the English,

German, and American factories, consisting of Locks, Latches, Knobs, Door Handles, Joiners' Tools, and a va­riety of House Trimming ,and Carpenter's Tools, Saws, Hammers, Axes, Ac, &c. Parties favoring us wif 1 a call cannot but be convinced ef our superior facihtiesifor pur­chasing. WATROOS & LAWRENCE, <.ujpub. 1 Eagle Block.

H U . K P A N S . „ A A A DOZEN, FROM THE BEST QUALITY ^ | ; \J \J of Tin. Also, a large assortment of manufac­tured Tin at Wholesale prices. Merchants and others svUldo weU to call. _. _ ,„ _ ,

I84f WATROTJS & LAWRENCE. •% ( \ ( \ KEGS BLASTING POWDER—Just ar-l \ I U rived, and for sale by . W V » WATROTJS A" LAWRENCE.

BOXES GLASS—Qf all sizes—for Bale by [SSI WATR0TJ3 & IAWBENOE-SETT Steel Springs, manufitetnf ed ex-«ressly4&rns,snd'*ai^ted. . . _ , , - «

WATBODS A LAWRENCE, 1 Eagle Block. COOK, Parlor Box, and Fancy Stoves; Some of the patterns are warranted to give en­

tire satisfaction. Parties buying at wholesale will be sup-Wied at t i e manufacture's wholesale prices. i ^ WATROTJS ft IAWRENCE.f Q A A HARROWS, CHURNS AND CULTI-

20-tf •VATORS, for sale by


yaale".*»„"HP^ ..'..IgjagtO^"* M ^ R E S O ^ ;

. ?-Trajowr."»A'SBHis:

i tMarTy dollar*. Thewateris heatedhy a very simple method by pipes attached to any Common stove. A sample of the apparatus can be seen by calbpgon ~

M « y W ; l l l r t 2 6 1 . , . WATltOTJS A,L4WBESeE,.

r W N S J P A ^ T ON HASD AND MADE TO V / oyiw at our own Copper Works, by the must es-periencedwortoae^ % ,WATR0U8.t tAWREyQE, ,

'F lTRWAelg? - •^AjBasp^, ^nium1 -UP JCS3y..WARt%SS

Ifrg " •-- W-' MaBOTiaiNbAWBESOJ!. " H E R l N i G ^ S A F E S

\mWCS TOOK: THE 3pr~»—• W 'World*»a£inJSoBa|

F U R N I T U R E ! F I ' R N I X U R E !


S H O P I N T O H I G B E E ' S N E W B R I C K B L O C K , o p p o s i t e J o h n B a r b e r ' s B a k e r y , I s a b e l l a - s t r e e t , w o u l d r e s p e c t f u l l y a n n o u n c e to t h e cit izen"! of Ogdensbi i fcch a n d v j c i n i t y , t h a t h e h a s o n h a n d a n d is c o n s t a n t l y l n S n u f a c t u r n f t : a iwt 1 . r e c e i v i n g a l a r g e a n d e x c e l l e n t " a s s o r t m e n t of E V E R Y

. D E S C R I P T I O N O F F U R N I T C R E , F R O M N E ^ ^ O R K A N D B O S T O N , w h i c h h e offers a t t h e B E S T B A R G A I N S to b e f o u n d in t h e m a r k e t . H i s s t o c k c o n s i s t s of

S O F A S , " ,. T A B L E S , B E D S T E A D S , € S l § l E i l l t o & S E C R E T A R I E S , * C H A I R S , j ^ g g p w q g g g g g i D E S K S , A c . A c . ,

C H A M B E R S E T S * 5 ? ^ ^ - ' ^ ^ ^ ^ of e v e r y d e s c d p t i u n

I N W A L N U T , M A H O G A N Y , A N D . O T H E R \ V O O D 3

UPHOI^TERY GOODS, _ . . of m v o w n m a n u f a c t u r e , w a r r a n t e d p o r e a n d g o o d , ' s i & h a s Hai r , - C o t t o n , P a l m Leaf, a n d H U S K M A T T R E S S E S . All a r t i c l e s of t h i s k i n d o n h a n d , o r made" t o order_ o n s h o r t n o t i c e , a n d for q u a l i t y n o t s u r p a s s e d . ^

L O O K I N G G L A b b E S , of a l l s i ze s , w i t h G i l t B a n d s , G i l t I n l a i d , a n d V e n e e r e d F r a m e s .

• UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. O n < t h e s a m e p r e m i s e s m a y b e f o u n d C O F F I N S

of a l l s i zes , m a d e of M a h o g a n y , B l a c k W a l n u t , C h e r r y , B u t t e r n u t , A c , t r i m m e d in t h e b e s t m a n n e r , a n d o n r e a ­s o n a b l e t e r m s . H e h a s p r o v i d e d a n e w a n d e l e g a n t H E A R S E , a n d will g i v e h i s p e r s o n a l a t t e n t i o n t o a l l a r ­r a n g e m e n t s c o n n e c t e d w i t h i n t e r m e n t s . F r i e n d s in t h e v i l l a g e a n d c o u n t r y a r e r e q u e s t e d t o s e n d in t h e i r o r d e r s .

g ^ ~ R e m e m b e r t h e p l a c e — H i g b e e ' s n e w B r i c k B l o c k , o p p o s i t e t h e B a k e r y .

O g d e n s b u r g h , D e c e m b e r 2 7 , 1 5 5 3 .


s 45

4- t f


WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL DEALERS IS W e s t I n d i a . O o a d s , G r o c e r i e s , a n d

C o u n t r y P r o d u c e . NO. 1 ALLEN'S NEW 45RICK BLOCK,

N e x t d o o r t o C h a r l e y ' s H a r d w a r e S t o r e , W a t e r - s t r e e t , O g d e n s b u r g h .

100 B u s h e l s P R I E D A P F I . E S . 400 B a r r e l s S a l t .

60 B a r r e l s B r o w n a n d R e f i n e d S u g a r s . « ' 60 C h e s t s T E A — d i f f e r e n t k i n d s a n d q u a l i t i e s . 2 t -

7 T o n s M U S C O V A D O a n d N e w - O r l e a n s S 0 6 A E 3 . 10 C a s k s S A L . E R A T U S . 40 B o x e s a n d H a l f B o x e s R A I S I N S . 40 D o z e n B R O O M S . 20 B o x e s T A L L O W C A N D L E S . 25 B o x e s a n d H a l f B o x e s T O B A C C O — d i f f e r e n t k i n d s .

COD a n d P O L L O C K F I S H . — P I C K L E D a n d S M O K E D H E R R I N S .

j j i K t o h S U G A R - H O U S E S Y R U P . -""MOLASSES. " [ k i n d s .

R o a s t e d a n d G r o u n d a n d R a w C Q F F E E ^ — d i i l e r e n t B r o w n a n d F a n c y S O A P S . S O D A a n d C R E A M T A R T A R . B A L L W J O K I N G . S P E R M C A N D L E S . L A M P O I L .

. S P I C E S , C I T R O N . C A S K R A I S I N S , F I G S , C U R R A N T S , N U T S , 4 c , i c .

I S - t f F o r s a l e b y P R O C T O R & H U N T R E S S -

D A A BUTTER TUBS—DIFFERENT SIZES, • Z U U f o r s a l e b y [ 1 8 - t f ] P R O C T O R & H U N T R E S S .



1G00 LBS. HAMS AND SHOULDERS, for s a l e b y [ I S - t f ] P R O C T O R & H C N T R E S S .

H ERD'S GRASS SEED—A NICE ARTICLE— for s a l e b y [ 1 8 - t f ] P R O O T O R & H C N T R E S S .

s: EED BARLEY FOR SALE, BY I S - t f P R O C T O R & H U N T R E S S .



Gr. D . &r I . L . S E Y M O U R . P A T E N T S P E R M O I L . .., A SUPERIOR ARTICLE' FOR MA­CHINERY. Its great peculiarities are its clearness and purity. It possesses nothing

of the gummy'qualities that are objectionable in other machinery oils. Its cleansing properties are such as to loosen any-~£ubstaace which may have aceamulated in boxes,'nuts, joints, &c, giving it at first the appearance of gumming, when, in fact, it is cleansing the machinery.

It ia alsojiighly recommended for Burning, being equal to purest Spe*m,emitting a brlUiant and clear light, and, so far as economy is Cohcernea, it takes-the precedence ofali'bto.eroiL "'-,*'* ' " „ ' , ' _ - . ,,

- Machiniatsjtnd Engineers would do weB to try it. For sale, atwhoteaale and retail, by the undersigned, who have been appointed Agents for Northern New-York.

Alsn for sale by the subscribers— «, GOOD WHALE OIL. PURE OLTVE OIL.




BEST J$£k SA1&' -BEST T4BLJ! SALT. ' :.sBASr,B0WDER,*ei- .

v-SSpfm-i-. „v -. „. .',- G.P.ftjL,LkSEYMOTJB ->•• ' r^ROTKlSir R O C K S A & X . _ _

a / V A SACKS LTVERPOOI, SALT—BESTTN 2 U " the world. 280 sacks4E1HOOSJ) EjJPK SALT—

» J S M ^ 2 % 3 B a w «>d l a g a m r KOTNG. A variely of MATS—^Bussia^djUandlja ^fGLIffi

MATTBS5H- to theJtoll, and CHINESEI HALTING m the EoH. foyjeaTaJry''jge^jnl 'GS'P.ALLjjgEYMOTJB.


A3? THE, For sale


,*" '•' -" Tv"-1 - and Window Shades, - • . a i ^ j : ft-iq Ni^«K)iKlW^CBKI!»,OaDE

.»..>>.. ., watltBf •- ' SWUNG TKADKi-NOW OPKNDWI

(The old stand of Chamberlain-#5*«*J.

mMm& ^ciwms&tM'*"1" WnitWWBHADIS, DR

fafiryfioodaetona. ParttaMar



aa TwiabaioM

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HtfefieSS^2?^4b»ie«; jry^uid-will be daily re-{Mfrotn this time onward.

i^^rt^atbf-Brtwst ls Tapestry, Im-r.Ex^Supcrnne, Superfine and Fne In-

ii» taroetinir. •drnpSsFimlHi"-or«n5&v Tene-« l ^ a * l « « e » a a 5 : ^ * Sitit ^ M t & g s . An

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