a noted the small smoking and pipes · the sunday globe washington d c may 5 1901 i 3 1 i smoking...

THE SUNDAY GLOBE WASHINGTON D C MAY 5 1901 I 3 1 I SMOKING AND PIPES Americans Red and White the First to Use the Soothing Pipe EUROPEANS NOW THEIR PATRONS- A Chapter of Interest to Tobacco Users and the Opinions of an Experienced Dealer- on the Subject Why I dont keep a largo and more of pipes on hand because it wouldn pay I couldnt eell em said a donlir In tobacco smoker articles In answer to an Inquiry It seems some- what strange too ho continued rather strange that tithes for the smoking of tobacco should bo more generally used by Europeans than we consider that they were used on this eon tiiicnv forages before they wire known anywhere else Its a fact that strikesan European as noticeable amid alt other surroundings strange familiar or incon- gruous upon arrival in this country that Americans nre rarely seen on tho streets witli tobacco pipes In their mouths Whereas In Eugnnd France and Ger- many smokers of almost every class of society appear In public with a plpo In occoidance whh the common custom of the country The outdoor use of tho plpo seeuu to bo entirely uonpirmUiablc in our own land the elgar in many cases of ruttier doubtful quality or tho alleged harmful cigarette behiif univcr ally smoked You say tobacco pipes were la use In this country before anywhere else Well nbut that matter of being In early uuo I the muuuds dls covered In IndUua llliiiolt Iowa and Ohio specimens of tho most ancient pipes known have been fuuud ly antiquarians tul is considered to bo ovIJonce tint the custom of smoking tobatco plpo orlgl tinted In thIs country anti prevailed for n long lime how long ro ono can lell prior to Ihe discovery jf the continent by Christopher Columbus Did you these tellcj of u plO hstorio race You didnt Well while the most of those discovced are cut out of a sIngle piece of stone and aro carved in various fanciful figures remains of clay pipes have also been f und Those specimens of pipes should be possessed of no small amount of Interest to lovers of the weed as Indicating that the custom of smoking tobacco existed even in the proColumbian era In consequence As you should know something about tobacco give your candid opinion as to Us cllecs upon those who use lit1- In the words of a recent writer on the uses and abuses of tobacco It is rslher late In the day to enter a procst against the use of tobacco AVhalov may ray on the point of Its injurious qualities however touch tire clergy may point out the possibillly of Its leading to Intemperance the fact remains that a largo proportion of the world uses tobacco in sonic form or oilier and I tony add so It wilt continue to the end of Ihe world Hut as I was saying quencc of pipes of metal having been frequently found In connection with Roman remains some discussion has been aroused among antiquarians whether tobacco known or not on the European continent previous to iho discovery of America Tlio best authori- ties have however given It as their opinion that such pipes were anciently used for smoking hemp u practice to which the ancients are believed to have been addicted Tho Introduction of the tobacco pipe Into Europe may be reason- ably said to date from Ibo tune when the weed Itself was taken there by Hulelgh In the 15th century Tho first governor of Virginia Is said to have presented an Indian plpo to Halelgh and this being In- troduced In England was the of alt existing forms of pipes It fs cer- tain that all nations learned from the English tho art of making clay and other kind of pipes Where are the various kinds of pipes manufactured The principal centre of the manufac- ture of clay pipes is situated at Broseley- In Staffordshire England where the manufacture was established early lu the 17th century Franco is celebrated for tho manufacture of wooden pipes of all kinds especially those mode from what it known as brIar root This Is the wood of the tree heath which possesses great hardness and beauty ol grain Great skill i requisite to avoid waste when cut- ting out the pipes which aro subjected to a peculiar process of bolting In oil to bring out the rich redbrown hue so much ad mired In u good briar root by connois seurs In pipes The genuine French briar root pipes are expensive but are possessed of certain qualities of sweet- ness etc highly appreciable by smokers and existing in none of the numerous Imitations which aro sold at a lower figure As aptly as the clay may be said to the plebeian of pipes so may the meerschaum be termed the aristocrat Germany has long been celebrated for the manufacture of meerschaum pipes and some of the most beautiful are made In Vienna The Imitations of meerschaum take a osvide range but none equal the gcuulwb article which is par excellence the material for a tobacco pipe ou ac- count of Its porousness and lightness of weight By Its porousness it readily ab- sorbs the nicotine thereby obviating much annoyance to the smoker Speak- ing from a smokers standpoint a well colored meerschaum pipe Is Indeed a thing of beauty and Joy forever Clay pipes as well as niccrbchaum are cleanly on account of their porous qualities but that cannot bo said of the porcelain ppes which lack powers absorbtlou as Uy whom were porcelain pipes first Introduced They were first made in Germany see after tho Introduction of tobacco Into England the habit of smoking spread with astonishing rapidity and by degrees of a particular forum timid material came to be associated with par ticular people time outcome being that time painted porcelain Jjpwls and long pendulous stems are German just as the plpo with a inull metallc bowl anti long cano stem It used exclusively by the tock ho over- see In was t I 1 ou 1 y I I varied any of th Iiiclty t consu smoking ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Japanese and Chinese The long cherry wood stem with bowl of red clay or meer- schaum make the chibouk the pipe of the tobacco loving Turk A pipe dis- tinctively Oriental In its origin and lux urlousness l the hookali invented by the Persians The smoke passes through a vessel of perfumed water before pawing through tile stem The most expensive materials are freely used in tankIng those pipes nod time workmanship Is the most exquisite skilled artisans of time Orient can produce In the courts of Eastern potentates the hookah is an object of great importauco so much so that a special attendant always has charge of It and If nay mishap occur to the pipe the bowstring settles his hash pretty quick What people use meerschaum pipes mostly T The uicunchnnm pipe cannot be said to be distinctive with any people It Is a favorite with smokers on both continents The French urn fond of clay pipes while the briar root may bu said to be dicldcdly English you know The dudcen and cutty as time short clny pipes of time Irish and Scotch are respectively termed have been immortalized tRue and time again In prose und verse Indian pipes Oh yes among the Indians tho pipe Is an object of peculiar symbolical significance In connection with their rites and other ceremonies The calumet or peace pipe Is looked upon with the roost profound veneration and is smoked with much ceremony upon all occasslous of Importance The handIng ol It to stran- gers is intended as a mark of friendliness mind hospitality end to refuse it would be consldeicd an net of great hostility Time stem Is of great length usually about two and a lull feet and Is always profusely ornamented with feathers and hair and benutlfully carved A fact Interesting and worthy of mention U that the plaue where the lino red stone of which the Indians make the bowls of their pipe is found i or was always considered neutral ground by lime redskins in times of war The finest quality of this stone It found In Dakota It is a kind of mar- ble of II rich red color easily worked and I believe gologUts assort is pcullar- to this country alone Are tobacco pipes made by machinery or by hand Well machinery is ol curse employed largely iu the manufacture of wooden pipes but In ihe matter ol clay pipes It is not to any groat extent The operation of making a clay pipe Is so simple Ihat prodigious quantities can ho produced by hand with astouliiulng rapidity and so cheaply that but a very small margin U left for saving by Introduction of ma- chinery into the manufacture IK wealth and poverty aro respectively time heaven and hell of our concrete re- ligion why wonder that men will do anything to obtain the one and escape from time other Propetty makes a dis- tinction between titan and man as arbl ttary timid artillclal us arjalocratlc privilege and our people feel that time doctrine of Cfjuallty tho doctrine that one man it as good as another can only be loalized by attiring to make one man as rich as another If the capitalist asserts himself socially as au aristocrat tIme democrat trades recklessly on what he borrows from the capitalist in order to be as good nn aristocrat as lie A few sflluent fami- lies composed miscellaneously of mil- lionaires vulgar mid millionaires relined of millionaires Intelligent and millionaires stupid combine together and Impudently attempt to confine tho meaning of good society the possession of a splendid establishment In a fashionable street with a large income to support it and It is curious to see with what ludicrous sim pliclty their pretensions are admitted mind with what wear and tear of brain and con- science with what sacrifices of health comfort and honor thousands alma to qualify themselves for entrance Into that terrestrial paradise From Outlooks on Society WHAT might be the ilevnlor disease is brought to our notice by n London paper quoted In The Scientific American If what It tells us bo true people whim weak hearts had helter climb UUlila of stairs than ride up in time elevator Lift attendants have died sud don diiuihs people with weak hearts have noticed ominous sensations when in the elevator We are told the sudden trans lion from the heavier air nt tho foot to the lighter air at tho top Is extremely tying to the constitution Nest people lowe experienced singular sensations of Internal collapse when the lift floor sinks beneath the feet but none suspected that the results might bo to serious A niVAii to hooker T Washingtons Tuskegee Institute Is to be established on 1400 acres of laud ton miles north of Cape May by time llov J W Fishhurn and his associate who have assumed the name of time Afro American Equitable as- sociation They bought the land from State Senator Hobert E Hand and have raised nib but 9100 of the first instalment- of the 14000 which they will pay fork Tho aacoclathn also has In hand over 0000 for beginning the construction an school miami manufacturing plant Farms will be allotted tricolours smut only Negroes will ho allowed to do any work U is understood that Negroes from New Jersey and from Virginia and North Carolina will join the colony- A Fitiiscn Investigator has come to time conclusion that the brains of military and naval men give out roost quickly He states thud out of every 100000 men ot the army or naval profession 109 are hope less lunatics Of time so called liberal profession artists mire the first to sue cumb to tbo brain strain next time followed at some distance by doc- tors clergy literary men civil ser- vants Striking an average group 177 go mad to each 100000 Domestic servants anti laborers mire not fur behind time professional tHOU supply 1155 out of each 100000 as candidates lor the lunatic asylum Next hut with a long Interval come time mechanics of whom 00 In each 100000 lose their wits Wonderful to relate commercial nion retain their sanity the best of lime whole group ni they send only 43 out of 10000 to time madhouse TUB 113 cotton mills of Mexico eon turned last year 07000000 pounds of cotton and produced nearly 10000000 cccR of woven and printed goods These mills give employment to U2000 operatives and time sales for Iho sear amounted to more than 28000000 i the time ten 0 ant V a let law- yer ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A NOTED CROOKT- ells the Sunday Globe Some Pro- fessional Secrets QUALIFICATIONS FOR PICKPOCKET To Enable IBm to Ply His Vocation With Rea- sonable Unique Interview A visitor to tlio city u few days ngo on the occasion of a recent sporting event was nu Individual who in lib time had a ntitloiml reputation for his prolleleiicy as ti Time presence of this of the light lingered fraternity becoming known the writer struck up un ac- quaintance with him for the purpose of obtaining anything of Interest In con- nection with the profession of pocket picking the qiiaudom crook could be Induced to give Some little par suiinlon hnd to be exercised beforo the conversation became other titan Bided but after receiving time assurance Unit his mime should tint bo used In connection with time interview time puredo pickpocket finally yielded to time influences of the reportorial puini What mire time qualifications neces- sary for u motto to become a fciiccetsful pick pocket He should bo of good address and of prepossessing appearance with ness exemplified In thnt ho may approach or sit near any- one without creating timmy feelings of dIstrust In time minds of he or she Ho must cultivate coolness FO that he may preserve his presence of mind under all circumstances for Instance if by some mischance he should be detected us you writers would term It plying his nefarious trade More Important than all he should peseta an extraordinary delicacy of touch qulckm of hand This light cun only be ac- quired by that assiduous prnetieo which always precedes perfection Of course you scarcely need to be told thnt u total absence of tiny compunction of con- science as to tIme right to lay hands on another persons pros orty iniut mark all transactions the crook become In- volved in PoMOEulut all of the e quail HoatioiiH and having gono through n course of training at the hands of uu- ojd member of the felonious fraternity time pickpocket may with time help of a skillful partner work without being collared Is It absolutely necessary to have n confederate When you mire working In n crowd more or lots large the assistance ofu pal Is Indispensable for BUOOCHS and safety to follow y tir operation Time modus operand Now dout be too profuse In your questions such a pro- ceeding reminds me too vividly of times gone by when Ive been under fire of examination and cross examination before various administrators of time laws of time land in more than otto court of justice Just allow mo to run on In- my own wily and In the word of the topical song written by that clever member of your profession Charlie Hoytrof Tin Soldier etc fame youll get there Just the Mildly remarking au es- sential part of his business to propound newspaperman hinted that ho would like to know something the methods of working a crowd Well said the exillcher of purses time pickpocket having selected the object of lila delicate attentions gets close to that Individual and proceeds to ascertain the location of hIs mooney Willie his confederate Is moving about In time crowd in time vicinity of the per- son to bo touched und pushing against him time pickpocket passes hula hands lightly and cautiously over the pockets of his Intended victim und so light anti dextrous Is his touch that he Is quickly able to locate the booty timid ascertain Its character whether in the form of a roll of paper money or packet book In pickpocket parlance this is termed the fan act It often happens how- ever that this operation Is rendered un- necessary by time very that people will themselves In anxiety to keep their valuables secure disclose to the watchful pickpocket the particular pocket hi which they are bestowed Of this Ilk Is time fellow who has heard of pickpockets and their schenrs and he dont intend that they shall get ahead of him Hed Just like to see the one that could pick his pocket he would nil this he says Yet let him but get into a crowd of persons and he Is time first one touched Hows that Why because in lila anxiety he Is con thai lly feeling in a fidgety manner first Inside his pocket and then out- side and occasionally taking out his purse pocket book toll of watch to tee that it is all 0 K of these movements are lost upon the crook who speedily relieves this overanxious In- dividual of his valuables in the deftest manner possible Yes sir there over cute are as a rule tlio easiest to touch I from experience Probably this may seem to an would like to know If pickpockets In general have any for particular class of upon whom to exercise their peculiar not such uu amount of ab- Hurdlty hanging on to that Inquiry of as It to wncii propounded A preference doo exist among time members of time fraternity Its for fat folks You Well my experience line taught me that nervousness are usual characteristics of thin people when In a crowd Therefore are more to turn around suddenly take quicker notice of any or ling receive 1 have Invari- ably found that such persons are con on time alert so imt are not so got at as more corpulent mid consequently easier It Is u si ht more iliillcult to take anything from them without de is from the Individuals of more extended who fall Into passive attitudes and reveries that them quite unconscious of the sly stealthy of the pickpocket a couple ones working have selected game one of time two plants him n SuccessAn oleo Ill 1 ole pole his ali 1 clowd 1 sale queries I he I I I his or n all the enHI hot 0 mummy Lid tutu Ito ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ self on front of thesneker while the other crowds up behind him Tlio operator in front the pockets until one supposing the victim Is standing In a the of lila pockets will be drawn somewhat close this being so it Is dangerous to Insert time hand timid no crook with any nretou sinus to cleverness will attempt it Oh no I ho makes a certain low toned gut- tural noise this Is for his pal to exert u against victims shoulder to that side of time where the par- ticular is This is so slick y gradually extended that time sucker to tho almo4 without knowing It This throws open thin lips of the pocket Now most think that a pickpocket his humid boldly Into a draws out the contents Xo vireohi limits u mistake he goes to work ou time lining and draws out gradually without inserting his lingers more He keeps on drawing tho lining out until tho contents the are within easy roach of tho lingers If the cons st of loose coin It Is quietly drawn out piece by tool forefinger a a pocket it grasped between time middle gently yet quickly clriwn out and bill I A low wills tie or a chirruping birdlike noise sig- nifies the job Is timid time leather or slang fvr pocket botk gold or silver respectively Is handed to him so that ftllow tony not bo fount with the articles on him should he be caught In the limOS long ago since you quit time business Oil three or four ugo Were you ever arrested Now look here aint just a little lilt Inquisitive I think Ive talked quite long TIIK OIDKST UKPUIIMC- fcltunted In time heart of Italy it hits been peculiarly exposed to the desolating- wars of time middle ages and while time peninsula Liu beou convulted by political revolutions und oilier states absorbed by mote powerful neighbors have now become part of unified Italy this tIny sovereign Kvcr has alone preserved its autonomy It hits been In existence fllteeu centuries andfurnthousaud years time government item been much time same as it U to day Founded In the fourth century by Saint Marluup a poor mason who wont to live as a hermit upon Mount Titauus a Christian community quickly sprang up in that Inacccislblo fastness anti It lisa continued through till time ages an absolutely Independent state perched eight thousand feet above time surround- Ing plains a natural Impregnable fortress whereon Its founder had fnicribal time woid Llbcrlas which Is its motto Although thIs tiny but dignified re had iimdtt several treaties with Its neighbors during the present century it had never realtors England until a month or two ago when Lord approached Us government through Major our consul nu nil in Florence with a view to tho negotiation of an extradition treaty Now tho mire not ot making treaties and thwro was at first bio hesitation Unlike the of Andorra or time of Monaco Ban Marino is absolutely Independent- It has its own own At however after considerable diplomacy time document was drawn up captainsregent or dual presidents of tho The republic Is governed a council of thirty plebeians elected for llle Too numerous to xer- cieo the tho council Is obliged to delegate this anti elects two captains regent These hold office lor six nor can they bo re elected before the expiration of three years During time time of regency time are relieved of other have full personal Immunity mind attired In their century costumes of black silk and velvet lake precedence on every occasion The have a limo government time government lying in must of necessity take an interest In their state furnishes its Indeed these ten thousand people almost Provost Paradols ot a people of politicians PimuMtNAHV steps have been taken lu Philadelphia for the organization of an association to embrace time six different of the Celtic nice the Irish Welsh Manx Cornish and Breton Time constitution sets forth that tho association Is for the purpose of Instituting In thus city a library museum anti art gallery all illustrative of Celtic literature and history that Is to be non- political anti nonpartisan NEW YOUK state and its political divi- sions are now spending 47000000 an- nually for the maintenance of the public school system and the Institutions of higher education Tho expenditure last year was as follows Common schools MI21491 secondary education 0 090874 7603037 THE worst evil ID city administration is the blackmail believed to bo collected from gamblers and other lawbreakcis This h a worldwide evil A recent trial In Berlin thows that such bribes have been paid on an enormous scale to police ofllclal who were all retired army otllcers of high rank Like disclosures oc ctirral In Paris Tho London has from time to lime lund Its scandals These evils of city life tire ollon urged by cynical men to be necessary As time public conscience grows moro exacting and modern methods lay bare all evils It be- comes clearer and clearer that If those mire ponnllted they will Inevitably corrupt time police mind through this municipal ad- ministration Itself IT is In cresting to see how the cost of William IVs coronation which amount- ed to just over JC10000 was built up Hero are tho olllclal Items In time bill Their majesties household JLjjiiUI amis kings herald and pursui i1478 oillco of works tilting up Westminster abbey 12085 royal mint coronation medals 1821 reworks keeping op n public theaters on the night of Hie coronation 0031 lung Ed wards expenses exceed those amounts TOPICS IN llIIIKt Lot us then bo and doing All becoming Some we be endowing Universities and Lives of remind us That weve gqt to own time stock If we want lo leave behind us Libraries on block The Chicago Tlmcslleiald or time time ket I I h f l tellS let all today hy time mind the two flOWer oul I I mlles lave oleo lhl in erect signal rsSBimre irestmtmme bills or limit oit tin con- tribution ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE HABITSW- hich Grow Upon Men and ire Im possible to Correct QUEER ACTIONS OF INDIVIDUALS Noted Cases of Welt Known and Distinguished Professional Gentlemen and Their Particular Habits Its btrange remarked a well known gentleman the other duty that muni habits obtain as strong n hold on a man as they do Isnt it This morn- Ing I out of bed picked up u shoo mimi threw It down again because it fitted time right foot whoreus I have accustomed myself to oti my left shoe first Now just us well Intro put that shoe on my right foot and saved lime required to throw It down pick up time other but the habit had become firmly ojtab anti before I thought I hail made change I The remark started a traIt of thought In the writers mind and for a few days the small peculiarities of his friends mid acquaintances were noticed It Is won dvrful to what an extent each and womans life in made in a grout measure useless and extreme- ly trivial I ut having nearly as strong a hold on time victim us moo senous habits and only those whu have had experience with them arid have fuiight against them know how annoying tlmy mire to their victims ullhou h almost umiotlceable to others Every trade develops them timid once formed they cun hardly be broken 1 he sailor is known by his rolling gait and by his habit of pulling up his pantaloons by time waistband everybody knows that a detective tell an old soldier by the fact that he will Invariably start ollou lila left foot A story Is told of a- New Yorker who was out of employ meiit and lounging along the street noticed a man in painters clothes car u brush timid paint pot Slopping up to him the lounger mid You urn palter The man of paint startled asked why mouth wan Informed that ho did riot curry his brush as paint CM mire accustomed The man hind- I to acknowledge that he was not u painter hut on the contrary was a de hud assumed the garb ofu painter In order a certain clue The detective whose name Is a i familiar one in nib parts of time country was even tit the limo possessed of con fldeitible Influence and recognizing strangers shrewdue secured him u J position lii H detective agency He be- came one of the keenest and must sue cessfnl detectives lu the East Everyone who read UoiwelPa Life of Dr Samuel Johnson remembers peculiar habit of touching with his cano every post ho passed So strong was this habit that if thinking to break himself of it he would go by a post without touching it he must come- back even If he haul traveled some dis- tance lu order tosatlsfy time habit which ho hud acquired This is probably one of the most common and aggravat- Ing of the numberless silly habits cul- tivated by There is a wellknown gentleman city who says that from boyhood he has been lighting I against a desire to touch every fence- post he paste If In walking along the street he not manage to step evenly with curb stones or cracks in the stone pavement he is worried to an extent almost unbeliev- able from such n small caue When passing over n stone pavement he makes a painful effort so to measure his steps that his left foot timid then lila right foat would come down directly upon time cracks If the middle of his Instep Is not directly across the crack he experiences a very dUagreeable feel- ing as if shoe were nut touching hint lu time right place Another Washington gentleman at time prominent lu school work often complained of u habit which he formed lu boyhood miLd which he could not destroy The habit was that of curling up his nose as u small boy or girl would do when making a snoot ut an unpleasant acquaintance He- WIJH that It gave hum the keenest pleasure to do it timid that the temptu to cUll up lila nose In a friends or in front of his class was often Irresistible Tp yield to It minnie him feel extremely foolish because it teemed weak In him to do so mind becane tuch- a motion must seem very silly to the friend and very funny to the school The same gentleman would spend hours in a single week In looking with one eye half closed at spots or small objects past his humid or sonic straight edgd obstacle so that the spot teemed in time hand or obstacle In walking along the street he would constantly be engaged in seeing how long ho could make a distant lamp post remain hid- den behhid u tree and lu so doing would walk zigzag across time pave- ment and wink ill a in to compel a stranger to bo he was oil Yet he Is to one ol the brainiest men In the District One of the most eloquent divines of an adjoining tate complain- ed to that In passing a fence he is always an In oidlnae to count mull time palings fours He humid been down timid butliered a great deal by cihins of same narrow who Mere not well enough educated to undeiHiuml his scientific ullusioiu that stcmcd unorthodox to them but this habit worried hlmmure than anything olsj aud became almost a monomania Everything was counted a d if the not to a of four he experienced a keen disap- pointment were and mul tumid quotients tested being divided four u row of figures were seen they would be added Imme- diately four The fearful least this premonition of unit became over It At last after u severe Illness during whlon he could not count at all he habit The mine muu- lu delivering n sermon Invariably html lu time arm of SMALL I got pUling lie II hell I Inn of I I I I ali I r lug amid I he I I I I mel dos I lusts I lila ole lon I I mAUler r Ill the r IUIS Idled b mil I ill I I I I lode tective to iuuuut down baa lila I I ertti ii ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ hi vest In hits lower pocket or In the pocket of h1 these oi hits clothe wore torn On oue occasion his wife whom this custom worried exceedingly towed up time pockets of informing her husband of what sue limit As soon no ho limE got well into his Herman morning his left hand went to his vest pocket but the could not bo it Down to tho pantaloon pocket went time hand hut tliat was too Time hip pocket was In the same fix Time to see that some- thing was worrying their minister left was from hula vest to his pantaloons back again and again his milliner nervous and Irritable and his speech stammering At length he mitt was to the congregation that ho could not a iermon without being a lowed hip hand in his pocket Time habits of newspaper writers are often peculiar in one well known newspaper man lu this town who never go to report n meeting without u new In his pocket no matter how he huts that are still of considerable In writing he if possible have hula coat and and do himself justice he says n size and a certain quality time first page of his manuscript which must not have a or u on It to begin with there must not be a scratch word If a wrong word should be lined In tho very last line tumid it should be necessary to murk It out the whole page would bo- re written mind tho first few lines are always written to correspond double lending is ut the or u article An oth r peculiar rule established for him- self Is never to divide tIme last word on a page He would rather blank carry a syllable to the next One easily fill half a dozen volumes with funny habits butt all the reader need to catch on himself Is to his weather eye open walks along the street TWO OHIO Whom the Has Known in Lair WM MKINLEY AND WILKINS- The Element of Luck and Native Ability as Contributing factors to SuccessSome Hitherto Unpublished Facts which Accounts for the Change a Vlmtalrosc history of human floldiiu jetsam of this the capital of millions of citi- zens suhjeclsnnd vardsof the nation would ninko for tho high altar ol time Temple of Fortune I Washington hums flisolimtloiiH for tlio derelicts of the ocean of life as It has alluring aunt pleasant anuhorugo for time elementdefying craft successful over adverse storms and cup ilolous gales and In time peaceful enjoy mnnt of time conquered furors of that most tickle dame fortune To ono who has kept touch with this city from time days of Lincoln to MoKIn Icy what a historical record of men and events photographs Itself In the brain of thin philosophical and thoughtful student of mankind It astounds the rellectlvo faculties of the ordinary Intellect to note retrospectively as It were time vi- cissitudes live timid twenty years have accomplished In tho lives and fortunes of the mommy prominent characters who intro enacted their parts In conformity ujujptUa of hi nan ex- iHtenee This worlds n stage etc or who Bllll live on their roles Incom- pleted stunt perhaps new and unlocked for assignments awaiting them on the stage of life Confining this o corpt to a few con- spicuous or selected cues from the grout army whose achievements and failures would tusks a human Mosaic of the most vurlagatod shades of good and 111 fortunea composite whole which aptly Illustrates Popes Immortal admonition that the greatest study ot mankind is man I summon for lustration rather than exploitation at the risk of Incur- ring the penalty of los niHJesty William McKlnloy President of tho U tilled States for Mr MoKlnloy oilers the stu- dent of human affairs tho most gor- geously striking example of us the of greatness Mr too interests mankind in general from tho fact that lie Is tIme tt l Republic who usa departed from the policies of time state upon dangerous semis of of domi- nation To digress a moment subject anti for- eign peoples nre now sword girted representatives of the Republic of the seas lu both hemispheres urn conspicu- ous gluts to generals or scions of distinguished after tho man- ner of ancient Homo when Julius mid his son Octavlus Caezar became success- ively sole dispensers as is now of provinces kingdoms loss distant oven train Homo than some of time countries our President sends lila proconsuls patricians timid satraps to govern a over u decade since this mighty President rode with tho iu- tho smoking ear of a U train thankful to have a pass from Mansfield to Newark Ohio time putty wore tii lu HXwtalo treasurer time late captain and paymaster Win Monuhau tho future President but thou repit i dialed candidate ills i cussed tho mutability of human atlalrs unsatisfactory careerof u polltteiun This was before M A adopted him as lie e Tim Major for it was by such title his addressed him expatiated on Iho In- gratitude of time tho ser- vants served them lion tumid He spoke to sym- pathetic auditors and writer with him over his defeat by ox Lieutenant Clovornor Warwick who was a froo trader and the unthl tolls of time major on tho then grout i ties tlon of tho the tarllf Time Major was cheered by time information an trip hud enabled mo to before him vl Unit ho was host hated man In and Unit mill KnglUhmon wore agreed that he time mafor was nothing elan n demagogue and a disguised Fenian I It Is one of the mutest distinct slons of my life time satisfaction which time tumid it lila lan- guage and bearing wore Indicative of ten foul time now secret ally of Lord Salisbury j yet I Iud del lust romocr cal of MEN Wrier Presi- dents time ali to the IU3ti lIrmit t tie OUN 01 plo ali am all wrier unl I wrier Ri lull the fir less I WM ly the a over the l his real bntred was mOIl leaven of italic the ptctornl jamb I Imhi predecessors km lauiuelmiumg It and muioro tier expressed ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > f party got off nt Newark and time writer tho Major to halt where he was to on Issues of time day A report ot that speech would now ns an illustration of how radically a politi- cian comm olmngn its most lions Time scored and her statesmen a la ODonovnti Uow and won my oleriialfoulty by his Altar Um meeting ho Informed Hilt Moimlmu tho writer that ho was through with politics iud would never a uun an elective office Vo com bated this sincere resolution and pointed out that time lido would turn mouth he remembered He shook his head and said tIme practice of law has more fascinations or me linn either a seat lu lime giiliortmlorlal chair mouth wo left him UUrlwl that he wits a has Leon Hill Un v better before hula deatli tn Manila HS tIme nmjor had given him the commission pay- master In tho regular Army How do I account for Proaldtmt Me Klnloys change 01 convictions as being the most Protdilont who over occupied time Presidential ebulr Jim- my now oonsnlKeiioml to Liv- erpool nud Uovernnr former Is time mini who eon verted our 1rttMdent- Tho knew Mr Boyle well in Culubus Ho was lu low mllcw from Liverpool amid coming ti iitmiln as a nevor land nor Its American dependency IS veil while private secretory to Uovernor Mo on spending his IliHstmnn In Toronto while In Columbus of the ttoiiiinorclalUngetto had the run of my newspaper office smith many a argument we humid ovor Irish question anil the Knglisli unil merlemi forms of uovoriimont Mr Boyle know M Jjr ut thin period us time great npostln of high shared oinmtrymoiis opinions of tlio hut to report tho speeches of Candidate governor of Ohio Mr lloylo Into the favor of time future gov ernor and President To Mr Uoyles four years iintoolalloii- wltli fovernor ills hh ami presentations of tIme UiiKlUh view of every iie tl m ably seconded ly Mr pro I the metamorphosis the politician of UrltUh the greatest statesman who ver directed th of time Amorlean republic sio Hmi llerluu Vllkins state scimlor lu tb OSd gHiiwul of Ohio and from the old Ike Hill district Is by nil odds the most siiccewjful Ohkmn who lor half a settled In the Capital It need be stated Wllklni Is time publisher mind sole owner of the Post time lemlluir dally newspaper of Joint owner with oxPtwtmnster Frank Hut ton of Ilia no previous newspaper experience He- wns mi and a banker in his native Ohio town No busliiMfn fs new to a mount of brains or impossible ol and Mr time truth ot The writer served as a suite ofllcer when Mr Wilkiiis presuming on the then acquaintance it was made nn the mUc for magimio llnanolally and In Mr now is He received mo with Ins old mind Hinlle of instant recognition and for over nn ho me with iiies lions and fascinated me with recitals of his Washington Air Wil of pleasing Is of Impros lvo personality One who has but confidence inviting look realizes that ho Is no ordi- nary or average rich mini of assumed or real but an Intensely practical and typically cier Said be How was time Post bulltiip and made such a financial success and Intluentlal national Journal T Mr WIlkins closed his eyes and sl lont went over retrospectively of over ten yours his face corners of his mouth intermittently twitching while his but drummed on the desk ho was partially leaning over Well for over six I never helL time ofllceof limo Post until I haul unlimited the which time newsboys soul I watched lImo pennies confined labors to you call time practi- cal and enJ of newspaper Mr Hatton wrote ho was master of the literary end of the concern Ills were prolific Iu this amid lila of expenditure etc wcro to bui- wo got along well I soon every detail and made a of tho paper along lines ot Independence and this policy LImo success of time lost Is ad Mr Wilkins abruptly changed the and years of travel ut Intervals running from six montusyenrly- Kroin time Mountains to Paris Monte Carlo stud the lUverla Mr Wllkins related scones anti Incidents which ot themselves would make au page In Washington among the newspaper more credit In building the valuable property lie now controls than limo himself claims Ills pur- chase of the property from Hutchlns was a piece of financier price Stock to the amount of time total sum paid for time property was Issued mid as the wore made tLo stock was redeemed from the Hutchlns interest until every dollar was owned by Wllkins d At Mr i200UOU sib of which paid ills widow when she elected to withdraw uoiiio dmo alter lair husbands demise The building In which time Post Is pub llfllinil Mr lllllnu nrv concern to dos not owe H dollar This marvelous achievement excites ad- inlrallon when It Is recalled that time Post today is too valuable a property to the price ut which could be purchased trout the newspaper of view Mr was n rank outsider in the profession until hi pur chase of the Mr Wllklus nervous system needs reeuporatlonbut otherwise Is good for years of usoftilnoss to lila splendid property He has two antis In time Post close appllou thou to the details of u grout Is no longer hence lila well earned vacations y j j- On time theory It is assumed that cer- tain Democratic editors timid tIme lost in splrnllon for their wittiest paragraphs in criticism ol time men and measures of their own party time local Demoomtio organ scintillates with stupid eulogies of tIme lute Jueou Victoria and soleful abuse of nil who oppose the Republican imperialistic program An autograph letter front Edward VII to the editor and Presidential authority to execute Agulnaldo would apparently overflow hula cup of happiness You ought to see my cottage In time woodc wild time iwpulur emotional actress Make It out of Northern iilneV- sukml Not at till she replied In her comedy manner It out of j oln 1 or I ot seorehtr wrier a his fill I ten t eel w of hal l r j Kshh stir- ring ougrosM itritisim hiormm itley his 0 itiummler time cit amid or tsrr tory Mr Vilklima to bsuommm I this mitts stiutumsstmatnr ttmmtt emieei tim- ework tim a lit iegitimmiato muons of cost Io time lnst sIx or seven is uui Mr Vlikitus witimout mimic to the iumhivldummut property of lila ammo elates long date hixeti for time puircimaso his ltmtoremt was considerably over cost aumd time oat I L ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬

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Americans Red and White the First

to Use the Soothing Pipe


A Chapter of Interest to Tobacco Users and

the Opinions of an Experienced Dealer-

on the Subject

Why I dont keep a largo and more

of pipes on hand because

it wouldn pay I couldnt eell em said

a donlir In tobacco smoker articles In

answer to an Inquiry It seems some-

what strange too ho continued ratherstrange that tithes for the smoking oftobacco should bo more generally used

by Europeans than we

consider that they were used on this eon

tiiicnv forages before they wire knownanywhere else Its a fact that strikesanEuropean as noticeable amid alt othersurroundings strange familiar or incon-

gruous upon arrival in this country

that Americans nre rarely seen on tho

streets witli tobacco pipes In their mouths

Whereas In Eugnnd France and Ger-

many smokers of almost every class ofsociety appear In public with a plpo In

occoidance whh the common custom of

the country The outdoor use of tho

plpo seeuu to bo entirely uonpirmUiablcin our own land the elgar in many

cases of ruttier doubtful quality or tho

alleged harmful cigarette behiif univcrally smoked

You say tobacco pipes were la use In

this country before anywhere elseWell nbut that matter of being In

early uuo I the muuuds dls

covered In IndUua llliiiolt Iowa andOhio specimens of tho most ancient pipes

known have been fuuud ly antiquarianstul is considered to bo ovIJonce tint thecustom of smoking tobatco plpo orlgl

tinted In thIs country anti prevailed for n

long lime how long ro ono can lellprior to Ihe discovery jf the continent by

Christopher Columbus Did youthese tellcj of u plO hstorio

race You didnt Well while the most

of those discovced are cut out of a sIngle

piece of stone and aro carved in various

fanciful figures remains of clay pipes

have also been f und Those specimens

of pipes should be possessed of no small

amount of Interest to lovers of the weed

as Indicating that the custom of smokingtobacco existed even in the proColumbianera In consequence

As you should know something abouttobacco give your candid opinion as toUs cllecs upon those who use lit1-

In the words of a recent writer on theuses and abuses of tobacco It is rslherlate In the day to enter a procst againstthe use of tobacco AVhalov

may ray on the point of Its injuriousqualities however touch tire clergy maypoint out the possibillly of Its leading toIntemperance the fact remains that alargo proportion of the world uses tobaccoin sonic form or oilier and I tony addso It wilt continue to the end of Iheworld Hut as I was sayingquencc of pipes of metal having beenfrequently found In connection withRoman remains some discussion hasbeen aroused among antiquarians whethertobacco known or not onthe European continent previous to ihodiscovery of America Tlio best authori-ties have however given It as theiropinion that such pipes were ancientlyused for smoking hemp u practice towhich the ancients are believed to havebeen addicted Tho Introduction of thetobacco pipe Into Europe may be reason-

ably said to date from Ibo tune when theweed Itself was taken there by HulelghIn the 15th century Tho first governorof Virginia Is said to have presented anIndian plpo to Halelgh and this being In-

troduced In England was theof alt existing forms of pipes It fs cer-

tain that all nations learned from theEnglish tho art of making clay and otherkind of pipes

Where are the various kinds of pipesmanufactured

The principal centre of the manufac-ture of clay pipes is situated at Broseley-In Staffordshire England where themanufacture was established early lu the17th century Franco is celebrated fortho manufacture of wooden pipes of allkinds especially those mode from whatit known as brIar root This Is the woodof the tree heath which possesses greathardness and beauty ol grain Greatskill i requisite to avoid waste when cut-ting out the pipes which aro subjected toa peculiar process of bolting In oil to bringout the rich redbrown hue so much admired In u good briar root by connoisseurs In pipes The genuine Frenchbriar root pipes are expensive but arepossessed of certain qualities of sweet-ness etc highly appreciable by smokersand existing in none of the numerousImitations which aro sold at a lowerfigure As aptly as the clay may be saidto the plebeian of pipes so may themeerschaum be termed the aristocratGermany has long been celebrated for themanufacture of meerschaum pipes andsome of the most beautiful are made InVienna The Imitations of meerschaumtake a osvide range but none equal thegcuulwb article which is par excellencethe material for a tobacco pipe ou ac-

count of Its porousness and lightness ofweight By Its porousness it readily ab-

sorbs the nicotine thereby obviatingmuch annoyance to the smoker Speak-ing from a smokers standpoint a wellcolored meerschaum pipe Is Indeed a thingof beauty and Joy forever Clay pipesas well as niccrbchaum are cleanly onaccount of their porous qualities but thatcannot bo said of the porcelain ppeswhich lack powers absorbtlou as

Uy whom were porcelain pipes firstIntroduced

They were first made in Germanysee after tho Introduction of tobacco

Into England the habit of smokingspread with astonishing rapidity and bydegrees of a particular forum timidmaterial came to be associated with particular people time outcome being thattime painted porcelain Jjpwls and longpendulous stems are German justas the plpo with a inull metallc bowl antilong cano stem It used exclusively by the















any of

th Iiiclty











Japanese and Chinese The long cherrywood stem with bowl of red clay or meer-

schaum make the chibouk the pipe ofthe tobacco loving Turk A pipe dis-

tinctively Oriental In its origin and luxurlousness l the hookali invented by thePersians The smoke passes through avessel of perfumed water before pawingthrough tile stem The most expensivematerials are freely used in tankIng thosepipes nod time workmanship Is the mostexquisite skilled artisans of time Orientcan produce In the courts of Easternpotentates the hookah is an object ofgreat importauco so much so that aspecial attendant always has charge of It

and If nay mishap occur to the pipe thebowstring settles his hash pretty quick

What people use meerschaum pipesmostly T

The uicunchnnm pipe cannot be saidto be distinctive with any people It Is afavorite with smokers on both continentsThe French urn fond of clay pipes whilethe briar root may bu said to be dicldcdlyEnglish you know The dudcen andcutty as time short clny pipes of time

Irish and Scotch are respectively termedhave been immortalized tRue and time

again In prose und verse Indian pipesOh yes among the Indians tho pipe Is anobject of peculiar symbolical significanceIn connection with their ritesand other ceremonies The calumet orpeace pipe Is looked upon with the roostprofound veneration and is smoked withmuch ceremony upon all occasslous ofImportance The handIng ol It to stran-

gers is intended as a mark of friendlinessmind hospitality end to refuse it would beconsldeicd an net of great hostility Time

stem Is of great length usually about twoand a lull feet and Is always profuselyornamented with feathers and hair andbenutlfully carved A fact Interestingand worthy of mention U that the plauewhere the lino red stone of which theIndians make the bowls of their pipe isfound i or was always consideredneutral ground by lime redskins in timesof war The finest quality of this stoneIt found In Dakota It is a kind of mar-

ble of II rich red color easily workedand I believe gologUts assort is pcullar-to this country alone

Are tobacco pipes made by machineryor by hand

Well machinery is ol curse employedlargely iu the manufacture of wooden

pipes but In ihe matter ol clay pipes It is

not to any groat extent The operationof making a clay pipe Is so simple Ihatprodigious quantities can ho produced byhand with astouliiulng rapidity and socheaply that but a very small margin U

left for saving by Introduction of ma-

chinery into the manufacture

IK wealth and poverty aro respectivelytime heaven and hell of our concrete re-

ligion why wonder that men will doanything to obtain the one and escapefrom time other Propetty makes a dis-

tinction between titan and man as arblttary timid artillclal us arjalocratlc privilegeand our people feel that time doctrine ofCfjuallty tho doctrine that one man it asgood as another can only be loalized byattiring to make one man as rich asanother If the capitalist asserts himselfsocially as au aristocrat tIme democrattrades recklessly on what he borrowsfrom the capitalist in order to be as goodnn aristocrat as lie A few sflluent fami-

lies composed miscellaneously of mil-

lionaires vulgar mid millionaires relinedof millionaires Intelligent and millionairesstupid combine together and Impudentlyattempt to confine tho meaning of goodsociety the possession of a splendidestablishment In a fashionable street witha large income to support it and It is

curious to see with what ludicrous simpliclty their pretensions are admitted mind

with what wear and tear of brain and con-

science with what sacrifices of healthcomfort and honor thousands alma toqualify themselves for entrance Into thatterrestrial paradise From Outlooks onSociety

WHAT might be the ilevnlordisease is brought to our notice by nLondon paper quoted In The ScientificAmerican If what It tells us bo truepeople whim weak hearts had helter climb

UUlila of stairs than ride up in time

elevator Lift attendants have died suddon diiuihs people with weak hearts havenoticed ominous sensations when in theelevator We are told the sudden translion from the heavier air nt tho foot tothe lighter air at tho top Is extremelytying to the constitution Nest peoplelowe experienced singular sensations ofInternal collapse when the lift floor sinksbeneath the feet but none suspected thatthe results might bo to serious

A niVAii to hooker T WashingtonsTuskegee Institute Is to be established on1400 acres of laud ton miles north ofCape May by time llov J W Fishhurnand his associate who have assumed thename of time Afro American Equitable as-

sociation They bought the land fromState Senator Hobert E Hand and haveraised nib but 9100 of the first instalment-of the 14000 which they will pay forkTho aacoclathn also has In hand over0000 for beginning the construction

an school miami manufacturingplant Farms will be allotted tricolourssmut only Negroes will ho allowed to doany work U is understood that Negroesfrom New Jersey and from Virginia andNorth Carolina will join the colony-

A Fitiiscn Investigator has come to time

conclusion that the brains of military andnaval men give out roost quickly Hestates thud out of every 100000 men otthe army or naval profession 109 are hopeless lunatics Of time so called liberalprofession artists mire the first to suecumb to tbo brain strain next time

followed at some distance by doc-tors clergy literary men civil ser-vants Striking an average group177 go mad to each 100000 Domesticservants anti laborers mire not fur behindtime professional tHOU supply 1155 out ofeach 100000 as candidates lor the lunaticasylum Next hut with a long Intervalcome time mechanics of whom 00 In each100000 lose their wits Wonderful torelate commercial nion retain their sanitythe best of lime whole group ni they sendonly 43 out of 10000 to time madhouse

TUB 113 cotton mills of Mexico eonturned last year 07000000 pounds ofcotton and produced nearly 10000000

cccR of woven and printed goodsThese mills give employment to U2000operatives and time sales for Iho searamounted to more than 28000000

















ells the Sunday Globe Some Pro-

fessional Secrets


To Enable IBm to Ply His Vocation With Rea-

sonable Unique


A visitor to tlio city u few days ngoon the occasion of a recent sportingevent was nu Individual who in libtime had a ntitloiml reputationfor his prolleleiicy as ti

Time presence of this ofthe light lingered fraternity becomingknown the writer struck up un ac-

quaintance with him for the purpose ofobtaining anything of Interest In con-

nection with the profession of pocketpicking the qiiaudom crook couldbe Induced to give Some little parsuiinlon hnd to be exercised beforo theconversation became other titanBided but after receiving time assuranceUnit his mime should tint bo used Inconnection with time interview time

puredo pickpocket finally yielded to time

influences of the reportorial puiniWhat mire time qualifications neces-

sary for u motto to become a fciiccetsfulpickpocket

He should bo of good address and ofprepossessing appearance withness exemplified Inthnt ho may approach or sit near any-one without creating timmy feelings ofdIstrust In time minds of he or she Homust cultivate coolness FO that he maypreserve his presence of mind under allcircumstances for Instance if by somemischance he should be detected usyou writers would term It plying hisnefarious trade More Important thanall he should peseta an extraordinarydelicacy of touch qulckm of handThis light cun only be ac-

quired by that assiduous prnetieo whichalways precedes perfection Of courseyou scarcely need to be told thnt u totalabsence of tiny compunction of con-

science as to tIme right to lay hands onanother persons pros orty iniut markall transactions the crook become In-

volved in PoMOEulut all of the e quailHoatioiiH and having gono through ncourse of training at the hands of uu-

ojd member of the felonious fraternitytime pickpocket may with time help ofa skillful partner workwithout being collared

Is It absolutely necessary to have nconfederate

When you mire working In n crowdmore or lots large the assistance ofupal Is Indispensable for BUOOCHS andsafety to follow y tir operation Timemodus operand Now dout be tooprofuse In your questions such a pro-ceeding reminds me too vividly of timesgone by when Ive been under fire ofexamination and cross examinationbefore various administrators of time

laws of time land in more than otto courtof justice Just allow mo to run on In-

my own wily and In the word of thetopical song written by that clevermember of your profession CharlieHoytrof Tin Soldier etc fameyoull get there Just the

Mildly remarking au es-

sential part of his business to propoundnewspaperman hinted that

ho would like to know somethingthe methods of working a crowd

Well said the exillcher of pursestime pickpocket having selected the

object of lila delicate attentions getsclose to that Individual and proceeds toascertain the location of hIs mooneyWillie his confederate Is moving aboutIn time crowd in time vicinity of the per-son to bo touched und pushing againsthim time pickpocket passes hula handslightly and cautiously over the pocketsof his Intended victim und so light antidextrous Is his touch that he Is quicklyable to locate the booty timid ascertainIts character whether in the form of aroll of paper money or packet bookIn pickpocket parlance this is termedthe fan act It often happens how-ever that this operation Is rendered un-

necessary by time very that peoplewill themselves In anxiety tokeep their valuables secure disclose tothe watchful pickpocket the particularpocket hi which they are bestowed Ofthis Ilk Is time fellow who has heard ofpickpockets and their schenrs and hedont intend that they shall get aheadof him Hed Just like to see the onethat could pick his pocket he wouldnil this he says Yet let him but getinto a crowd of persons and he Is time

first one touched Hows thatWhy because in lila anxiety he Is con

thai lly feeling in a fidgety mannerfirst Inside his pocket and then out-side and occasionally taking out hispurse pocket book toll of watchto tee that it is all 0 K of thesemovements are lost upon the crook whospeedily relieves this overanxious In-

dividual of his valuables in the deftestmanner possible Yes sir there overcute are as a rule tlio easiest totouch I from experience

Probably this may seem to anwould

like to know If pickpockets In generalhave any for particularclass of upon whom to exercisetheir peculiar

not such uu amount of ab-Hurdlty hanging on to that Inquiry of

as It to wnciipropounded A preference doo existamong time members of time fraternity

Its for fat folks YouWell my experience line taught methat nervousness areusual characteristics of thin peoplewhen In a crowd Therefore aremore to turn around suddenlytake quicker notice of any orling receive 1 have Invari-ably found that such persons are con

on time alert so imt arenot so got at as more corpulentmid consequently easierIt Is u si ht more iliillcult totake anything from them without de

is from the Individualsof more extended who fallInto passive attitudes and reveries that

them quite unconscious of thesly stealthy of the pickpocket

a couple onesworking have selected

game one of time two plants him








1 clowd



queries I he




his or

























self on front of thesneker whilethe other crowds up behind him Tliooperator in front the pockets until

one supposingthe victim Is standing In a

the of lila pockets will bedrawn somewhat close thisbeing so it Is dangerous to Insert time

hand timid no crook with any nretousinus to cleverness will attempt it Ohno I ho makes a certain low toned gut-tural noise this Is for his palto exert u againstvictims shoulderto that side of time where the par-ticular is This is so slick ygradually extended that time sucker

to tho almo4 withoutknowing It This throws open thin lipsof the pocket Nowmost think that a pickpocket

his humid boldly Into adraws out the contents Xo vireohilimits u mistake he goes to work ou

time lining and draws out graduallywithout inserting his lingers more

He keeps on drawing tholining out until tho contents the

are within easy roach of tholingers If the cons st of loosecoin It Is quietly drawn outpiece by tool forefinger

a a pocket itgrasped between time middle

gently yet quickly clriwn outand bill I A low willstie or a chirruping birdlike noise sig-nifies the job Istimid time leather or slang

fvr pocket botk gold or silverrespectively Is handed to him

so that ftllow tony not bofount with the articles on him shouldhe be caught In the

limOS long ago since you quittime business

Oil three or four ugoWere you ever arrestedNow look here aint just a little

lilt Inquisitive I think Ive talkedquite long


fcltunted In time heart of Italy it hitsbeen peculiarly exposed to the desolating-wars of time middle ages and while time

peninsula Liu beou convulted by politicalrevolutions und oilier states absorbedby mote powerful neighbors have nowbecome part of unified Italy this tInysovereign Kvcr has alone preserved itsautonomy It hits been In existencefllteeu centuries andfurnthousaud yearstime government item been much time sameas it U to day Founded In the fourthcentury by Saint Marluup a poor masonwho wont to live as a hermit upon MountTitauus a Christian community quicklysprang up in that Inacccislblo fastnessanti It lisa continued through till time agesan absolutely Independent state perchedeight thousand feet above time surround-Ing plains a natural Impregnable fortresswhereon Its founder had fnicribal time

woid Llbcrlas which Is its motto

Although thIs tiny but dignified rehad iimdtt several treaties with Its

neighbors during the present century ithad never realtorsEngland until a month or two ago whenLord approached Us governmentthrough Major our consul

nu nil in Florence with a view to thonegotiation of an extradition treaty Nowtho mire not ot makingtreaties and thwro was at firstbio hesitation Unlike the ofAndorra or time of MonacoBan Marino is absolutely Independent-It has its own ownAt however after considerablediplomacy time document was drawn up

captainsregent or dual presidents of tho

The republic Is governed a councilof thirty plebeianselected for llle Too numerous to xer-cieo the tho council Is obligedto delegate this antielects two captainsregent These hold office lor six

nor can they bo re elected beforethe expiration of three years Duringtime time of regency time arerelieved of other have fullpersonal Immunity mind attired In their

century costumes of black silkand velvet lake precedence on everyoccasion The have alimo government time government lyinginmust of necessity take an interest In theirstate furnishes its

Indeed these ten thousandpeople almost Provost Paradols

ot a people of politicians

PimuMtNAHV steps have been taken luPhiladelphia for the organization of anassociation to embrace time six different

of the Celtic nice the IrishWelsh Manx Cornish

and Breton Time constitution sets forththat tho association Is for the purpose ofInstituting In thus city a library museumanti art gallery all illustrative of Celticliterature and history that Is to be non-political anti nonpartisan

NEW YOUK state and its political divi-sions are now spending 47000000 an-

nually for the maintenance of the publicschool system and the Institutions ofhigher education Tho expenditure lastyear was as follows Common schoolsMI21491 secondary education 0

090874 7603037

THE worst evil ID city administration is

the blackmail believed to bo collectedfrom gamblers and other lawbreakcisThis h a worldwide evil A recent trialIn Berlin thows that such bribes havebeen paid on an enormous scale to policeofllclal who were all retired army otllcersof high rank Like disclosures occtirral In Paris Tho London hasfrom time to lime lund Its scandals Theseevils of city life tire ollon urged by cynicalmen to be necessary As time publicconscience grows moro exacting andmodern methods lay bare all evils It be-

comes clearer and clearer that If those mireponnllted they will Inevitably corrupt timepolice mind through this municipal ad-ministration Itself

IT is In cresting to see how the cost ofWilliam IVs coronation which amount-ed to just over JC10000 was built upHero are tho olllclal Items In time billTheir majesties household JLjjiiUI

amis kings herald and pursuii1478 oillco of works tilting up

Westminster abbey 12085 royal mintcoronation medals 1821 reworkskeeping op n public theaters on the nightof Hie coronation 0031 lung Ed wardsexpenses exceed those amounts

TOPICS IN llIIIKtLot us then bo and doing

All becomingSome we be endowing

Universities andLives of remind us

That weve gqt to own time stockIf we want lo leave behind us

Libraries on blockThe Chicago Tlmcslleiald







h f





hy time mind the two




I mlles









bills or










hich Grow Upon Men and ire Im

possible to Correct


Noted Cases of Welt Known and Distinguished

Professional Gentlemen and Their

Particular Habits

Its btrange remarked a wellknown gentleman the other duty thatmuni habits obtain as strong n hold ona man as they do Isnt it This morn-

Ing I out of bed picked up u shoomimi threw It down again because itfitted time right foot whoreus I haveaccustomed myself to oti myleft shoe first Now just uswell Intro put that shoe on my rightfoot and saved lime required tothrow It down pick up time otherbut the habit had become firmly ojtab

anti before I thought I hail madechange

I The remark started a traIt of thoughtIn the writers mind and for a few daysthe small peculiarities of his friends midacquaintances were noticed It Is wondvrful to what an extent each andwomans life in madein a grout measure useless and extreme-ly trivial I ut having nearly as strong ahold on time victim us moo senoushabits and only those whu have hadexperience with them arid have fuiightagainst them know how annoying tlmymire to their victims ullhou h almostumiotlceable to others Every tradedevelops them timid once formed theycun hardly be broken 1 he sailor isknown by his rolling gait and by hishabit of pulling up his pantaloons bytime waistband everybody knowsthat a detective tell an old soldierby the fact that he will Invariably startollou lila left foot A story Is told of a-

New Yorker who was out of employmeiit and lounging along the streetnoticed a man in painters clothes car

u brush timid paint pot Sloppingup to him the lounger mid You urn

palter The man of paintstartled asked why mouth wan Informedthat ho did riot curry his brush as paintCM mire accustomed The man hind-

I to acknowledge that he was not upainter hut on the contrary was a de

hud assumed the garb ofupainter In order a certainclue The detective whose name Is a

i familiar one in nib parts of time countrywas even tit the limo possessed of confldeitible Influence and recognizingstrangers shrewdue secured him u

J position lii H detective agency He be-

came one of the keenest and must suecessfnl detectives lu the East

Everyone who read UoiwelPaLife of Dr Samuel Johnson remembers

peculiar habit of touching with hiscano every post ho passed So strongwas this habit that if thinking tobreak himself of it he would go by apost without touching it he must come-back even If he haul traveled some dis-tance lu order tosatlsfy time habit whichho hud acquired This is probablyone of the most common and aggravat-Ing of the numberless silly habits cul-

tivated by There is a wellknowngentleman city who says thatfrom boyhood he has been lighting

I against a desire to touch every fence-post he paste If In walking alongthe street he not manage to stepevenly with curb stonesor cracks in the stone pavement he isworried to an extent almost unbeliev-able from such n small caue Whenpassing over n stone pavement hemakes a painful effort so to measure hissteps that his left foot timid then lilaright foat would come down directlyupon time cracks If the middle of hisInstep Is not directly across the crackhe experiences a very dUagreeable feel-

ing as if shoe were nut touchinghint lu time right place

Another Washington gentleman attime prominent lu school work

often complained of u habit whichhe formed lu boyhood miLd which hecould not destroy The habit was thatof curling up his nose as u small boy orgirl would do when making a snootut an unpleasant acquaintance He-

WIJH that It gave hum the keenestpleasure to do it timid that the temptu

to cUll up lila nose In a friendsor in front of his class was often

Irresistible Tp yield to It minnie himfeel extremely foolish because it teemedweak In him to do so mind becane tuch-a motion must seem very silly to thefriend and very funny to the schoolThe same gentleman would spend hoursin a single week In looking with oneeye half closed at spots or small objects

past his humid or sonic straightedgd obstacle so that the spot teemedin time hand or obstacle In walkingalong the street he would constantly beengaged in seeing how long ho couldmake a distant lamp post remain hid-den behhid u tree and lu so doingwould walk zigzag across time pave-ment and wink ill a

in to compel a stranger to bohe was oil Yet he

Is to one ol the brainiest men Inthe District

One of the most eloquent divines ofan adjoining tate complain-ed to that In passing afence he is always an Inoidlnae to count mull time palings

fours He humid been downtimid butliered a great deal bycihins of same narrowwho Mere not well enough educated toundeiHiuml his scientific ullusioiu thatstcmcd unorthodox to them but thishabit worried hlmmure than anythingolsj aud became almost a monomaniaEverything was counted a d if the

not to aof four he experienced a keen disap-pointment were

and multumid quotients tested being

divided four u row of figureswere seen they would be added Imme-diately four The

fearful least thispremonition of unit became

over It At last after u severeIllness during whlon he could not countat all he habit The mine muu-lu delivering n sermon Invariably html

lu time arm of






II hellI








r lug


I he




















IUIS Idledb









tectiveto iuuuut down














hi vest In hits lower pocket orIn the pocket of h1these oi hits clothe woretorn On oue occasion his wife whomthis custom worried exceedingly towedup time pockets of

informing her husband of whatsue limit As soon no ho limE gotwell into his Herman morninghis left hand went to his vest pocketbut the could not boit Down to tho pantaloon pocket wenttime hand hut tliat was tooTime hip pocket was In the same fixTime to see that some-thing was worrying their minister

left was from hulavest to his pantaloons back againand again his milliner nervous andIrritable and his speech stammeringAt length hemitt was to thecongregation that ho could nota iermon without being a lowedhip hand in his pocket

Time habits of newspaper writers areoften peculiar in one wellknown newspaper man lu this townwho never go to report n meetingwithout u new In hispocket no matter how he hutsthat are still of considerable Inwriting he if possible have hulacoat and anddo himself justice he says

n size and a certainquality time first page of hismanuscript which must not have a

or u on It to begin withthere must not be a scratch word If awrong word should be lined In tho verylast line tumid it should be necessary tomurk It out the whole page would bo-re written mind tho first few lines arealways written to correspond

double lending is utthe or u article Anoth r peculiar rule established for him-self Is never to divide tIme last word ona page He would rather blank

carry a syllable to the nextOne easily fill half a dozen

volumes with funny habitsbutt all the reader need to catchon himself Is to his weather eyeopen walks along the street


Whom the Has Known in



The Element of Luck and Native Ability as

Contributing factors to SuccessSomeHitherto Unpublished Facts which

Accounts for the

Change a

Vlmtalrosc history ofhuman floldiiu jetsam of this thecapital of millions of citi-zens suhjeclsnnd vardsof the nationwould ninko for tho high altar ol time

Temple of Fortune I Washington hums

flisolimtloiiH for tlio derelicts of the oceanof life as It has alluring aunt pleasantanuhorugo for time elementdefying craftsuccessful over adverse storms and cupilolous gales and In time peaceful enjoymnnt of time conquered furors of thatmost tickle dame fortune

To ono who has kept touch with thiscity from time days of Lincoln to MoKInIcy what a historical record of men andevents photographs Itself In the brain ofthin philosophical and thoughtful studentof mankind It astounds the rellectlvofaculties of the ordinary Intellect tonote retrospectively as It were time vi-

cissitudes live timid twenty years haveaccomplished In tho lives and fortunesof the mommy prominent characters whointro enacted their parts In conformity

ujujptUa of hi nan ex-

iHteneeThis worlds n stage etc

or who Bllll live on their roles Incom-pleted stunt perhaps new and unlockedfor assignments awaiting them on thestage of life

Confining this o corpt to a few con-spicuous or selected cues from the groutarmy whose achievements and failureswould tusks a human Mosaic of themost vurlagatod shades of good and 111

fortunea composite whole which aptlyIllustrates Popes Immortal admonitionthat the greatest study ot mankind isman I summon for lustration ratherthan exploitation at the risk of Incur-ring the penalty of los niHJesty WilliamMcKlnloy President of tho U tilledStates for Mr MoKlnloy oilers the stu-dent of human affairs tho most gor-geously striking example ofus the of greatnessMr too interests mankindin general from tho fact that lie Is tIme

tt l

Republic who usa departed from thepolicies of

time state upondangerous semis of of domi-nation

To digress a moment subject anti for-eign peoples nre now swordgirted representatives of the Republic

of theseas lu both hemispheres urn conspicu-ous gluts to generals or scionsof distinguished after tho man-ner of ancient Homo when Julius midhis son Octavlus Caezar became success-ively sole dispensers as isnow of provinces kingdoms lossdistant oven train Homo than some oftime countries our President sends lilaproconsuls patricians timid satraps to

governa over u decade since this

mighty President rode with tho iu-tho smoking ear of a Utrain thankful to have a pass fromMansfield to Newark Ohio time puttywore tii lu HXwtalo treasurertime late captain and paymaster WinMonuhau tho

future President but thou repit i

dialed candidate ills i

cussed tho mutability of human atlalrs

unsatisfactory careerof u polltteiunThis was before M A

adopted him as liee Tim Major for it was by

such title hisaddressed him expatiated on Iho In-

gratitude of time tho ser-vants served them lion

tumid He spoke to sym-pathetic auditors and writer

with him over his defeatby ox Lieutenant Clovornor Warwickwho was a froo trader and the unthltolls of time major on tho then grout i tiestlon of tho the tarllf Time Majorwas cheered by time information an

trip hud enabled mo to beforehim vl Unit ho was host hated man In

and Unit mill KnglUhmon woreagreed that he time mafor was nothing

elan n demagogue and a disguisedFenian I

It Is one of the mutest distinctslons of my life time satisfaction which

time tumid it lila lan-guage and bearing wore Indicative often foul time now secret ally of LordSalisbury






lust romocr calof







to the IU3ti

lIrmit t tie


plo ali



unl Iwrier



less I

WM ly the a over thel

his real bntred was mOIl




the ptctornl



Imhi predecessors km lauiuelmiumg



muioro tier




















f party got off nt Newark and timewriter tho Major tohalt where he was to on Issuesof time day A report ot that speechwould now nsan illustration of how radically a politi-cian comm olmngn its mostlions Time scored andher statesmen a la ODonovnti Uowand won my oleriialfoulty by his

Altar Ummeeting ho Informed Hilt Moimlmu

tho writer that ho was through withpolitics iud would never a uun

an elective office Vo combated this sincere resolutionand pointed out that time lido would turnmouth he remembered He shookhis head and said tIme practice of lawhas more fascinations or me linn eithera seat lu lime giiliortmlorlalchair mouth wo left him UUrlwl that hewits a has Leon Hill Un v betterbefore hula deatli tn Manila HS tIme nmjorhad given him the commission pay-master In tho regular Army

How do I account for Proaldtmt MeKlnloys change 01 convictions as beingthe most Protdilont who overoccupied time Presidential ebulr Jim-my now oonsnlKeiioml to Liv-erpool nud Uovernnr former

Is time mini who eonverted our 1rttMdent-

Tho knew Mr Boyle well inCulubus Ho was lu

low mllcw fromLiverpool amid coming ti iitmiln as a

nevor landnor Its American dependency IS veilwhile private secretory to Uovernor Mo

on spending hisIliHstmnn In Torontowhile In Columbus of thettoiiiinorclalUngetto had the run of mynewspaper office smith many a

argument we humid ovor Irishquestion anil the Knglisli unil merlemiforms of uovoriimont Mr Boyle knowM Jjr ut thin period us timegreat npostln of high shared

oinmtrymoiis opinions of tliohut to report thospeeches of Candidategovernor of Ohio Mr lloylo

Into the favor of time future governor and President

To Mr Uoyles four years iintoolalloii-wltli fovernor illshh ami presentations of tImeUiiKlUh view of every iie tl m ablyseconded ly Mr pro

I the metamorphosisthe

politician of UrltUh thegreatest statesman who verdirected th of time Amorleanrepublic sio

Hmi llerluu Vllkins state scimlor lutb OSd gHiiwul of Ohio and

fromthe old Ike Hill district Is by nil oddsthe most siiccewjful Ohkmnwho lor half a settled In the

Capital It need bestated Wllklni Is time publishermind sole owner of the Posttime lemlluir dally newspaper of

Joint owner with oxPtwtmnsterFrank Hut ton of Ilia

no previous newspaper experience He-wns mi and abanker in his native Ohio town

No busliiMfn fs new to a mount ofbrains or impossible ol andMr time truth ot

The writer served as a suite ofllcerwhen Mr Wilkiiispresuming on the then acquaintance it

was made nn themUc for magimio llnanolally and In

Mr now is Hereceived mo with Ins old mindHinlle of instant recognition and forover nn ho me with iiieslions and fascinated me with recitals ofhis Washington Air Wil

of pleasing Is of Improslvo personality One who has

but confidenceinviting look realizes that ho Is no ordi-nary or average rich mini of assumed orreal but an Intensely practicaland typicallycier Said be

How was time Post bulltiip and madesuch a financial success and Intluentlalnational Journal T

Mr WIlkins closed his eyes and sllont went over retrospectively

of over ten yours hisface corners of hismouth intermittently twitching whilehis butdrummed on the desk ho was partiallyleaning over

Well for over six I never helLtime ofllceof limo Post until I haul unlimitedthe which time newsboys soul Iwatched lImo pennies confinedlabors to you call time practi-cal and enJ ofnewspaper Mr Hatton wrote

ho was master of the literaryend of the concern Illswere prolific Iu this amid lila

of expenditure etcwcro to bui-wo got along well I soon

every detail and made aof tho paper along

lines ot Independence andthis policy LImo success of time lost Is ad

Mr Wilkins abruptlychanged the andyears of travel ut Intervalsrunning from six montusyenrly-

Kroin time Mountains toParis Monte Carlo stud the lUverla MrWllkins related scones anti Incidentswhich ot themselves would make au

pageIn Washington among the newspaper

more credit In building the valuableproperty lie now controls than limo

himself claims Ills pur-chase of the property fromHutchlns was a piece of financier

price Stock to the amount of time totalsum paid for time property was Issuedmid as the wore made tLostock was redeemed from the Hutchlnsinterest until every dollar was ownedby Wllkins d At Mri200UOU sib of which paid

ills widow when she elected to withdrawuoiiio dmo alter lair husbands demise

The building In which time Post Is publlfllinil Mr lllllnu nrvconcern to dos not owe H dollarThis marvelous achievement excites ad-inlrallon when It Is recalled that timePost today is too valuable a property to

the price ut which could bepurchased trout the newspaperof view Mr was n rankoutsider in the profession until hi pur

chase of the Mr Wllklus nervoussystem needs reeuporatlonbut otherwiseIs good for years of usoftilnoss

to lila splendid property He has twoantis In time Post close appllouthou to the details of u groutIs no longer hence lila wellearned vacations y j j-

On time theory It is assumed that cer-

tain Democratic editors timid tIme lost insplrnllon for their wittiest paragraphs incriticism ol time men and measures oftheir own party time local Demoomtioorgan scintillates with stupid eulogiesof tIme lute Jueou Victoria and solefulabuse of nil who oppose the Republicanimperialistic program An autographletter front Edward VII to the editorand Presidential authority to executeAgulnaldo would apparently overflowhula cup of happiness

You ought to see my cottage In timewoodc wild time iwpulur emotionalactress

Make It out of Northern iilneV-sukml

Not at till she replied In hercomedy manner It out of









Iten t

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his 0


time citamid or tsrrtory Mr Vilklima to bsuommm



mitts stiutumsstmatnr ttmmtt





iegitimmiato muons of cost Io

time lnst sIx or seven


Mr Vlikitus witimout mimicto the iumhivldummut property of lila ammoelates long date hixeti

for time puircimaso

his ltmtoremt was considerably over

cost aumd time









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