a newsletter of calvary presbyterian churchstorage.cloversites.com/calvarypresbyterianchurch3... ·...

On the We are a worshipping family of believers centered in Christ. A newsletter of Calvary Presbyterian Church March 2014 Pg. 2 From Pastor Ron Pg. 3-Youth Group News Pg. 5-Session Highlights Pg. 7-Calendar Pg. 9-Mission News Pg. 11 - Eagle’s Nest ANNUAL MISSION AUCTION INTERNATIONAL DINNER SUNDAY, APRIL 6 at 5 PM SAVE THE DATE PLAN TO ATTEND LENTEN SOUP SUPPERS ON WEDNESDAYS Unlike our work or home calendars, the church calendar reminds us of the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, March 5. Lent, which lasts 40 days, helps us to gain a different perspective when we traditionally strip away the excesses and simplify, with the purpose of focusing on our creator, God. Our church family is invited to enjoy a simple soup supper and short devotion on Wednesdays during Lent. We need volunteers to bring a pot of soup or bread to serve 15 people during this seven-week season. Sign up for a Wednesday and come enjoy fellow- ship during our Lenten season. When: Wednesdays, March 5 to April 16 Time: 5:30 to 6:30 PM Where: Fellowship Hall Call Rhonda Henry (825-0999) or the church office (825-3820) to volunteer. See you there, Church Life Team Daylight Savings Time begins at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 9, 2014 March 5

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Page 1: A newsletter of Calvary Presbyterian Churchstorage.cloversites.com/calvarypresbyterianchurch3... · March 2014 YOUTH GROUP MEETINGS— High Schoolers—Every Sunday 7:00-8:40 p.m

On the

We are a worshipping family of believers centered in Christ.

A newsletter of Calvary Presbyterian Church

March 2014

Pg. 2 –From Pastor Ron

Pg. 3-Youth Group News

Pg. 5-Session Highlights

Pg. 7-Calendar

Pg. 9-Mission News

Pg. 11 - Eagle’s Nest








Unlike our work or home calendars, the church

calendar reminds us of the beginning of Lent on

Ash Wednesday, March 5. Lent, which lasts 40

days, helps us to gain a different perspective when

we traditionally strip away the excesses and

simplify, with the purpose of focusing on our

creator, God. Our church family is invited to enjoy

a simple soup supper and short devotion on

Wednesdays during Lent.

We need volunteers to bring a pot of soup or bread

to serve 15 people during this seven-week season.

Sign up for a Wednesday and come enjoy fellow-

ship during our Lenten season.

When: Wednesdays, March 5 to April 16

Time: 5:30 to 6:30 PM

Where: Fellowship Hall

Call Rhonda Henry (825-0999) or the church office

(825-3820) to volunteer.

See you there,

Church Life Team

Daylight Savings

Time begins at

2:00 AM on


March 9, 2014

March 5

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As March unfolds, we enter into the Church’s liturgical season of Lent. Traditionally, this has always

been a season of self-examination and preparation for celebrating all that Holy Week has for us as

followers of Jesus. The Church Life Ministry Team will once again be hosting Wednesday evening

Simple Soup Suppers from 5:30 to 6:30 PM in the fellowship hall. Each supper will conclude with a

devotional time. I hope that you all will make this a priority during Lent, as it is a wonderful

opportunity for Saturday evening folks and Sunday morning folks to be together at table.

Looking a bit farther forward, I want us all to celebrate the fact that our own Steve Henry has been

elected by the Seattle Presbytery as a Commissioner to the 2014 General Assembly of the PC(USA) in

Detroit Michigan. Steve will spend about nine days in June at the General Assembly, but he will be

preparing for this biennial gathering in the many months ahead. Please hold Steve in your prayers as he

prepares. And let me remind everyone that Steve is a Commissioner and not our Representative. We

all will be having good conversations about the many bills and overtures coming before the General

Assembly this summer, but we cannot ask Steve to vote one way or another on any of these issues. As

a Commissioner, he is called to vote his own conscience on each matter before the Assembly. We will

have Steve present a report in worship when he returns after the Assembly.

Once again, let me ask you to continue to hold our PNC in your prayers. They have been hard at work

for a very long time—and now are entering into an intense time of interviewing. It is exciting to think

that they are already having conversations with the individual that God has called to be the next head

of staff/pastor at Calvary. Of course, everything will play out in God’s perfect timing, yet you can

begin to build your anticipation and excitement for this person’s new arrival in your midst.

Along these lines, I am sharing that my days and weeks are numbered here at Calvary. And given the

PNC’s progress, I am beginning to put my dossier or resume together [what is know as a PIF: personal

information form] as I prepare to search for God’s next adventure for Nancy and me. Hopefully, we

will be able to remain in the Northwest. But it’s always a bit dangerous to say to the Lord: “I will serve

where you want me, just please make it in the Puget Sound.” So please hold Nancy and me in your

prayers as well, that the transition will be a smooth one for us from Calvary to our next call.

Let me also have you hold in your prayers the Worship Ministry Team’s search for a new Praise Team

Coordinator for Saturday evening worship. We thank God for Stephen Jackson’s ministry in our midst,

and now look to see who God is calling to this special staff position. Thankfully, members of the

praise team along with Lindsay Delmarter are stepping in during the interim time. Hopefully, we will

find this new staff person in short order—but again, it’s always in God’s timing.

As we look forward to Spring and all that it holds, may the Lord bless you

and keep you,

Page 3: A newsletter of Calvary Presbyterian Churchstorage.cloversites.com/calvarypresbyterianchurch3... · March 2014 YOUTH GROUP MEETINGS— High Schoolers—Every Sunday 7:00-8:40 p.m

March 2014

YOUTH GROUP MEETINGS— High Schoolers—Every Sunday 7:00-8:40 p.m.

Middle Schoolers—Every Monday 7:00-8:40 p.m. Come Join Us!

Youth Director: Ben Auger Phone: (360)825-3820 E-mail: [email protected]


page 3

CALVARY YOUTH MINISTRIES UPDATE “Awkward is awesome” is a phrase we use a lot at youth group. It describes our approach to outreach, evangel-

ism, and life. When we read the four Gospels in the Bible, we notice that Jesus created a lot of awkward moments.

He flipped over tables in the temple courtyards. He hung out with lepers, prostitutes, tax collectors, and other un-

popular people. He washed his disciples’ feet. It was already awkward when he started talking with the Samaritan

woman at the well, but then when she mentioned she had no husband, Jesus said, “You are right when you say

you have no husband. The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband.”


Sharing the gospel and living like a disciple has always been awkward and it always will be. I tell the students that

if talking about God and living for Jesus makes them awkward among their peers, then they’re in good company

because Jesus did the same thing.

Some of our students have committed to praying three times a day on their knees for 30 days like Daniel did. That

means once a day, they’re praying on their knees at lunch time in the cafeteria. They also bring their bibles to

class so they can read it during SSR or class reading time. Some students write about their faith in essays and

other students make a point of talking with atheist students about what they believe. People think our students are

weird, but they’re okay with that because people thought Jesus was weird too. Being a disciple is awkward. And

it’s awesome!

INTERGENERATIONAL PANCAKE BRUNCH Students will be serving up pancakes after church on Sunday, March 16. They just want to show the church’s

adults that they love you. So please join us after church and do your best to strike up a conversation with a teen-


CAN CASTLE UPDATE We have a mini-castle set up in the church lobby. If you want to contribute to the Can Castle Food Drive, please

bring any non-perishable foods and add them to the mini-castle or place them in the bucket next to the castle. We

will donate the castle to the two local food banks in early May.


… that there are two different Calvary youth group nights for high school and middle school? When I started, it

was all on the same night.

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Christian Education News www.calvarypreschurch.org


June 23-27

Time to begin getting ready for Vacation Bible School! This year we are excited to announce our theme “SonTreasure Island” from Gospel Light Publishing;

“Where Kids Discover God’s Love.”

At SonTreasure Island, there is much more than meets the eye because children discover God's love is treasure forever! Every day, kids learn of God's love ex-

pressed through Jesus, based on 1 Corinthians 13.

Please join us by praying for the children who will be coming through the doors of Calvary Church to know and grow in Jesus. We also ask that you be praying for

how God wants you be serving in VBS this year!

Contact Karen Rustvold 253-569-9193 or [email protected] Martha Blodgett 360-825-5883 or [email protected]

Ships Ahoy Maties!

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March 2014

Session Highlights

At its stated meeting on Monday, February 10, 2014, your Session Elders:

Elected 2014 corporation officers (president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary).

Celebrated the election of elder Steve Henry as a Seattle Presbytery Commissioner to the 2014

General Assembly of the PCUSA in Detroit, MI.

Approved two special offerings for 2014: The One Great Hour of Sharing offering, to be re-

ceived on Easter weekend; and The Peacemaking Offering, to be received on October 4&5.

Heard a report from the February 8 meeting of Seattle Presbytery.

Looking For Seniors—Neighbors Feeding Neighbors

Hot Meal Program

Are you a Senior or do you know a Senior that would benefit from a

hot nutritious home delivered meal? Neighbors Feeding Neighbors

delivers a hot meal on the Plateau Monday, Wednesday and Friday with

a boxed lunch for the days in between. Volunteers deliver the meals

between 5 and 6 PM. How to sign up? Call the Senior Center at 360-

825-4741 to get started!


In the weeks preceding the Super Bowl, the Summer Adult Mission Teams

received $3,505 toward support of their ministry to The Philippines and Zam-

bia! The winning ticket was drawn during half-time of the Super Bowl at the

Chalet Theater. The winner was a gentleman from Kent who bought the

ticket for his nephew. As you can see from the photo, the young man is most

pleased with his gift! We appreciate the tremendous support of Calvary and

Enumclaw Community. Thank you so very much!

WELCOME TO….. Your Calvary Session is pleased to announce the

hiring of Calvary member Erin Luchi as our new Nursery Care Coordina-

tor. Erin began her work amongst us on Sunday, January 26. Please

welcome Erin as your newest staff member and consider becoming part

of the Nursery Care Provider team helping to care for our infants and


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Members and Friends:

Paul Jackson

Jack & Amy Pennington

Lisa Wiscomb

Jo Buysman

Ethel Mathews

Frank Osborne

Trudy Baker

People in the


Global Missionaries:

In South Africa:

Karl & Jenny Teichert

John & Heather Witherow

In Zambia:

Rachel Kasanya at Balm of Gilead


Pastor John & Thenny Mpanga at

The Healing Place School

In Costa Rica:

Adam Carlsen

Mission Aviation Fellowship:

Wil & Nan Grant

Village Steps:

Ken & Suzanne Popp

Serving Our Country Around

the World:

US NAVY: Adam Almich, Michael

Malidore, Matt Thomas

US ARMY: James Borst, Bryar

Courneya, Bret Gillispie, Paul

Goodfellow, Andrew Hurst,

Andy Knudson Jr., Erik Nielsen,

Kyle Wagner, Joshua Walters

US MARINES: David Walt

US COAST GUARD: Alan Plaster

US AIR FORCE: Aaron Baer

Please Lift Up in Prayer:


As of 1/31/14 Checking - WRCU $ 81,920

As of 1/31/1 Savings – WRCU 5,005

Edward Jones Cash Account 175

Youth Ministries Checking & Savings 607

Synod Mission Building Certificates 25,611

Synod Mission Development Cert. 10,000

Total $ 123,318

With receipts exceeding the budget by $2,903, the

year is off to a great start. Receipts also exceeded

expenses by $3,248. Our church continues to be



Kirk Parce, Treasurer



Year to Date

Budget Year to Date


$ 28,732

$ 28,732

$ 25,828


$ 25,483

$ 25,483

$ 27,153

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


8:00 Men’s BS at

Golf Course

5:00 Praise Team


7:00 Worship

2 9:30 Worship

10:45 Adult

Sunday School

7:00 Sr. High

Youth Group

3 7:00 MS

Youth Group

4 9:15 Bible

Study in FH

10:00 Caring

Hands Bible


5:30 Deacons


WEDNESDAY 8:30 Women Hikers

5:30 Soup Supper

6:00 Agape Ringers

6:30 S.A.L.T.

6:30 WAM

7:30 Choir

6 5:30 Full

Bellies Meal




8 8:00 Men’s BS at

Golf Course

5:00 Praise Team


7:00 Worship

9 9:30 Worship

10:45 Adult

Sunday School

7:00 Sr. High

Youth Group

Daylight Savings

Time 2:00 AM

10 6:30 Session

7:00 MS

Youth group

11 9:15 Bible

Study in FH

12 8:30 Women Hikers

12 Noon Circle C

5:30 Soup Supper

6:00 Agape Ringers

6:30 S.A.L.T.

6:30 WAM

7:30 Choir

13 5:30 Full

Bellies Meal




15 8:00 Men’s BS at

Golf Course

5:00 Praise Team


7:00 Worship





9:30 Worship

10:45 Adult

Sunday School

7:00 Sr. High

Youth Group

17 7:00 MS

Youth Group

18 9:15 Bible

Study in FH

19 8:30 Women Hikers

5:30 Soup Supper

6:00 Agape Ringers

6:30 S.A.L.T.

6:30 WAM

7:30 Choir

20 5:30 Full

Bellies Meal




22 8:00 Men’s BS at

Golf Course

5:00 Praise Team


7:00 Worship

23 9:30 Worship

10:45 Adult

Sunday School

7:00 Sr. High

Youth Group

24 7:00 MS

Youth Group


9:15 Bible

Study in FH

10:00 Caring


26 8:30 Women Hikers

5:30 Soup Supper

6:00 Agape Ringers

6:30 S.A.L.T.

6:30 WAM

7:30 Choir






8:00 Men’s BS at

Golf Course

5:00 Praise Team


7:00 Worship


9:30 Worship

10:45 Adult

Sunday School

7:00 Sr. High

Youth Group


7:00 MS

Youth Group

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page 8

March 4

Gene Fagerquist Indigo Truitt

Keith & Cathy Nelson 36 yrs

March 5 Elizabeth Quilo

March 6

Joann Schafer Connie Yeakel

March 8

Michael Dunn Max Manowski

March 9

Mary Ann Hofstra

March 10 Mollie Parce

Carol Strommer Jim & Kathy Clark 40 yrs

March 11

Nolan Hebrank Jeff & Lauren Hardman 14 yrs

March 12 Ryan Dunn

Katie Hardman

March 13 Michael McCauley

March 15

David Dietz Erica Gulan

March 16

Jessica Iunker

March 19 Hannah Andrew

Taylor Hardman

March 20 Evan Underbrink

March 21

Ethel Mathews

March 22 Tyler Bogh

John & Cindy Stolz 34 yrs

March 24 Jean Stanley

March 25 Julia Gibb

Bruce & Nancy Epperson 36 yrs

March 27 Dorothy Blackburn

Rob Bogdon

March 28 Carl Jones

Lucas Underbrink

March 29 Denise Pulliam

Bob Sadesk

March 30 Jen Auger

Jerry Coleman Barbara Huffman Erin Underbrink

Jack & Janine Prindle 40 yrs

March 31 Amy Fisher

Bob & Nancy Baer 41 yrs

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March 2014



SUPPORTING 2014 ADULT MISSION TRIPS The Philippines June 18 – July 5

Lusaka, Zambia August 1-13


Peruse the Silent Tables

Corner of Love Nicaragua Shoes and Socks Project

LIVE & SILENT ITEMS NEEDED Donation Forms on Narthex table.

Dinner Tickets on Sale March 1 Adults $15 ~ Child (up to 12) $10

DINNER MENU Served at 5:30

Tropical Fruit Salad, Roasted Pig, Zambian Chicken, Rice, Lumpia

Delectable Dessert Auction

SAMPLE OF LIVE ITEMS Seahawk Steven Hauschka

Autographed Shoe and Photograph

Summer Dinner Cruise for 6 Golf Weekend at Leavenworth Exquisite Stained Glass Eagle

Russell Wilson Limited Jerseys Men’s XL & Women’s Med.

Super Bowl XLVIII Two-toned Replica Coins

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Prayers & Squares Quilting Ministry If you have a friend or loved one that needs a bit of extra prayer, encouragement, love… feel free

to pick up a Prayer Bear of your choice in the narthex (for free) and deliver it to them with Christ’s

love. Please contact Eva Dietz at 360-825-2911 or [email protected] if you’d like to help this

ministry as we can always use more mini quilts sewn. Thank you!

AN INFORMATION REQUEST: The church office is

updating to an entirely new church data base program. We

would like to have this program all set up and in place before

the new pastor arrives. In an effort to get as much up to date

and accurate information as possible, please contact Trish in

the office to be included in the data base. Thank you for

your assistance.

Former Elders and Deacons—Help Requested:

Please contact Trish in the Church Office if you

would be willing to volunteer to help serve

Communion one or more times in 2014. Thank You!

SUNDAY, April 27th, 9:00am to 12:00pm

Mark your calendars for Faith in Action Sunday,

April 27th. We will be planting seeds in the

newly created pea patch and having a BBQ with

the residents in the Country Homes mobile home

park located across from Thunder Mountain

Middle School. There will also be interior paint-

ing, choir singing, letter writing, and other

various jobs at different locations. Please submit

further service project ideas to Helene Thomas

[email protected] before April 1st.

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March 2014

Isaiah 40:31 - But they that wait upon

the Lord shall renew their strength;

they shall mount up with wings as


From Th

e Eagle’s


Thank you, Troy, for

being a good sport.

One evening as a team of volunteers were preparing the community meal, we discovered that our

kitchen did not have skillets or a cheese grater. Promptly the skillets and cheese grater were purchased.

At our February session meeting, reimbursement for these kitchen supplies was discussed. Troy Couch

said that he did not wish to be reimbursed for the cheese grater; it was a donation. From there the humor

took over and all of us had a good laugh. So, to reassure the congregation that not all the decisions we

make are of a serious nature, we wish to let you in on our good laugh.

Now, I usually feel that this column should be at least somewhat scriptural. But I have to tell you that

there are no scriptures related to cheese graters. I told Troy that I did not think they had cheese graters in

Biblical times. He promptly said “well, neither did we.”

At the risk of someone saying that I am “proof-texting to make a point, here is a scripture to fit our


For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: …a time to weep, and

a time to laugh…Ecclesiastes 3: 1, 4.

The Story of the Cheese Grater


Session Does Have A Sense of Humor

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Calvary Presbyterian Church

1725 Porter St. Enumclaw, WA 98022 Phone: 360-825-3820

Email: [email protected] website: http://www.calvarypreschurch.org

worship services:

Saturdays at 7:00PM & Sundays at 9:30AM

Interim Pastor: Rev. Ron Oldenkamp [email protected]

Associate Pastor: Cindy Ehlke [email protected] Youth Director: Ben Auger [email protected] The Caller editor-Eva Dietz

[email protected] (Clip Art from www.churchart.com)

Calvary Presbyterian Church

1725 Porter Street


Calvary’s Vision (updated 2013)

Calvary Presbyterian Church is a worshipping family of believers

centered in Christ, led by His Holy Spirit, rooted in God’s Word,

growing in love, branching out in faith

to serve God in our Church, our community

and all around the world.

I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him,

he will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing.

John 15:5

Non-Profit Org.

U.S. Postage


Enumclaw, WA

Permit No. 89

April Caller

Deadline Mar. 15