a new way to feel the relief from your allergy and asthma ... · anti-allergen cleaning and...

A New Way to Feel the Relief From Your Allergy and Asthma Symptoms Guaranteed

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Page 1: A New Way to Feel the Relief From Your Allergy and Asthma ... · Anti-Allergen Cleaning and Treatment Service Process The place of exposure to the greatest amount of allergen for

A New Way to Feel the ReliefFrom Your Allergyand Asthma Symptoms


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Page 2: A New Way to Feel the Relief From Your Allergy and Asthma ... · Anti-Allergen Cleaning and Treatment Service Process The place of exposure to the greatest amount of allergen for

Doing Nothing Can MakeSomething Annoying, Bad andSomething Bad, Worse

Exposure to dust mite and pet allergen are widelyaccepted to be one of the most importantcauses of allergic disease for many people. And,continued exposure aggravates allergic illnesses,which can lead to the development of others.Allergies are also risk factors for thedevelopment of more serious, chronic andeven life threatening illnesses like asthma andsinusitis.

Enjoy Significantly ReducedAllergen Levels From Now On

When properly applied, Allergy Relief Treatmentprovides a residual effect for up to six months.While most users report that treatment every sixmonths is highly effective, in the case of severeillnesses or challenging conditions in the home,treatment may be required every three months.

Naturally, you have to maintain a commitment toanti-allergen cleaning and treatment as part of anEnvironmental Control program. That’s because,unfortunately, we can never eliminate dust mitesand often can’t part with a beloved pet. Andanimal allergen can persist in the home for yearseven after the source has been removed, makingconsistency of Environmental Control efforts acritical factor in keeping allergen levels low.

Not Just Effective ButAffordable

Cost can often be an obstacle to reducingallergen levels. In an effort to make reliefavailable to as many sufferers as possible, theResponsibleCare System of anti-allergencleaning and treatment is remarkably affordable,especially in comparison to many expensiveEnvironmental Control products and services.

Obtain Immediate SymptomRelief

When a bedroom has been completely cleaned andtreated using the ResponsibleCare Anti-AllergenSystem, results are often seen within the first threedays, and often during the first night!

Imagine getting a good night’s sleep—tonight!

Anti-Allergen services don’t replace all the othersound Environmental Control practices you’realready using. But by coming at the problem in atotally new and different way the levels of allergenare radically reduced, often providing instant relief.

Dr. J Maberly, a consultant physician and allergyexpert at the Airedale Health Authority in YorkshireEngland demonstrated that the use of the activeingredient in Allergy Relief Treatment produced“significant changes in reactivity” and “markedlyimproved symptoms” in his patients.


In 2002, the NationalInstitutes of Healthpublished the results of a 3-year study determining that46% of North American

homes have bedding with enough dust miteallergen to cause allergies. Of these homes, 24%had levels that were five times greater than thethreshold to cause allergic reactions!

Doctors now recommend that the mostimportant way to reduce symptoms, control andeven prevent the development of allergies andasthma is to avoid or minimize exposure to theseindoor allergens.

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Page 3: A New Way to Feel the Relief From Your Allergy and Asthma ... · Anti-Allergen Cleaning and Treatment Service Process The place of exposure to the greatest amount of allergen for

The ResponsibleCareAnti-Allergen Cleaning andTreatment Service Process

The place of exposure to the greatest amount ofallergen for the longest amount of time is in thebedroom. Up to 60% of the dust mites found inthe home are actually living in your bed and youspend about one-third of your life in thebedroom! And, bedrooms are the easiest area tocontrol as an allergen free zone. Therefore, thebedroom is the highest priority treatment area.

Your cleaningprofessional will firstvacuum the mattress,carpeting and anydraperies or upholsteredfurniture using anexterior vented vacuumor HEPA-filtrationvacuum cleaner.

The mattress is then thoroughly cleaned on allsurfaces and deodorized (if required) using theResponsibleCare cleaning agents and a special low

moisture cleaning tooldesigned to leave themattress as dry aspossible. Followingcleaning, Allergy ReliefTreatment is applied toall mattress surfacesusing a fine mistapplication. The mattressis then placed in a drying

position and a special air mover used to speed thedrying process, which, depending upon temperatureand humidity, normally takes about an hour.

The same safe cleaningagents are used to cleanthe bedroom carpetingand if desired, anyupholstered furniture orrugs. This is followed byan application ofAllergy ReliefTreatment. Once again,

a speed drying system is set up to dry the cleaneditems as quickly as possible and bring thehumidity down to normal levels promptly.Baseboards and windowsills are cleaned as well.

While the cleaning and treatment service is beingperformed it is highly recommended that thebedding and pillows be washed in hot water andthat two cups of Allergy Relief Treatment beadded to the rinse cycle. This is so effective as alaundry treatment that it need only be used everyfourth washing.

While servicing the bedroom is the highestpriority, significant benefits may also result fromcleaning and treating other areas where allergysufferers spend lots of time. These areas includethe upholstered furniture and carpeting in roomswhere time is spent watching television, readingand so on. Also, all carpeted areas and upholsterythat pets have access to should be cleaned andtreated.

A test for the presence of dust mites in quantitiesrequiring treatment is also available from yourservice company. This test will only detect dustmites and will not provide information on petallergen.

So Effective, We Guarantee It

When the ResponsibleCare System of anti-allergen cleaning and treatment is used to servicethe mattress and carpeting in the bedroom ofallergy sufferers, it is guaranteed to provide anoticeable improvement in allergy symptomswithin three days or the service company willrefund the portion of their charges for applicationof Allergy Relief Treatment only.




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Page 4: A New Way to Feel the Relief From Your Allergy and Asthma ... · Anti-Allergen Cleaning and Treatment Service Process The place of exposure to the greatest amount of allergen for

Feel the Relief by ReducingLevels of Dust Mite and PetAllergens in Your Home by90% or More

There is now a revolutionarynew anti-allergen cleaning andtreatment program called theResponsibleCare® System thatallows you to safely, easily andaffordably reduce the levels ofthese serious allergens by 90%or more!

You already know thatsuccessfully managing allergicillness consists of doing

everything you can from taking your medicationto practicing good Environmental Control. Themost important objective of EnvironmentalControl is to minimize or avoid exposure toallergens from dust mites and pets, the mostpotent allergens found in indoor air. TheResponsibleCare System is a powerful new way toachieve this objective.

The ResponsibleCare System includes speciallyformulated cleaning agents used prior to applicationof Allergy Relief TreatmentTM on carpets,mattresses, upholstery, rugs and bedding. AllergyRelief Treatment is a hypoallergenic solution thatcontains a powerful active ingredient derived fromnaturally occurring extracts found in renewablefruit and vegetable seeds.

Understanding Allergies andAsthma

Allergic illnesses develop when the body isoverexposed to certain allergens. In effect, thebody programs itself to consider these normallyharmless substances as illness causing intruders tobe defended against. The way the immune systemguards the body is by producing what are knownas IgE antibodies.

This continued allergen overexposure not onlycauses the allergic illness but can also result in thedevelopment of other ones as well as much moreserious, chronic and even life threatening allergicdiseases.

Allergens are proteins that have unique shapesthat identify them as allergens to the antibodiesin the immune system. The allergen is like a lock

“The Allergy Relief Treatment formulation was effective in reducing theconcentration of Der p 1 (dust mite allergen) in pooled house dust samples by 90%.”

Dust Mite Allergen Denaturation: A Trial of Allergy Relief Treatment Richard Thorogood, MI Bio., Auckland University School of Medicine

The ResponsibleCa

Comparison of Der p1 denaturation ofAllergy Relief Treatment

Allergen Der p 1 Reduction on Der p 1Denaturant (ug.g-1)* ConcentrationControl(de-ionized Nonewater)Allergy Relief 2.9Treatment (1.9–3.9)*concentrations of Der p 1 remaining in house dust samples after treatmentwith allergen denaturant. 95% confidence intervals in parentheses.



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Page 5: A New Way to Feel the Relief From Your Allergy and Asthma ... · Anti-Allergen Cleaning and Treatment Service Process The place of exposure to the greatest amount of allergen for

and the antibody islike a key that fits

only that lock. The body’s IgE antibodies are constantly on thelookout for the presence of the allergen they werecreated in response to, sort of like keys floatingaround the immune system looking for the locksthey were created to fit.

When these antibody “keys” find a repetitivepattern of allergen “locks”, the body defends againstthese perceived intruders by the antibodies bindingwith the allergen, much like inserting a key into alock. This sets off a chemical reaction designed toprotect the body from infection. This rush ofchemicals into the body is what is experienced as anallergic reaction or asthma attack.

How Allergy Relief TreatmentTM


Allergy Relief Treatment is a very safe, simple andhighly effective way of changing the shape ofallergen proteins, making them unrecognizable to the body!Nothing about the allergen ischanged except its shape. So,when this shape is changed,there is no repetitive pattern thatidentifies the material as an allergen andtherefore, there is no allergic reaction!

Another way of looking at it is that Allergy ReliefTreatment disassembles or takes apart the allergenlocks. In a very real way, the lock is still there.Only now it is in the form of its component partsrather than an assembled lock. Because allergensno longer appear as a “lock” to the body, the

antibody “key” does not bind with them andthere is no allergic reaction!

This changing of the shape of the allergenprotein is known as denaturing and has beenproven by Professor T.A.E. Platts-Mills, Head

of the Division of Allergy and ClinicalImmunology at the University of Virginia.

“(Allergy Relief Treatment) wasshown to have denaturing effects onFel d 1 (Cat), Can f 1 (Dog), Der p 1(Dust Mites), and Der f 1 (Dust Mites) indust samples containing theseallergens.”P. Brock Williams, Ph.D. Director of Research IBTReference Laboratory Lenexa, KS

Care® System

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Page 6: A New Way to Feel the Relief From Your Allergy and Asthma ... · Anti-Allergen Cleaning and Treatment Service Process The place of exposure to the greatest amount of allergen for

Allergy Relief TreatmentTM isSafe for You, Your Children,Your Pets and the Environment

All of the ResponsibleCare cleaning productsincluding Allergy Relief Treatment arehypoallergenic, non-toxic, dye and perfume free,contain no volatile organic compounds (VOC’s),

phosphates or other hazardousmaterials and are

biodegradable andenvironmentally safe. Inaddition, they are derivedfrom renewable fruit andvegetable seeds.

The products are virtuallyodor free and have been

specially formulated for use around peoplewith allergic

illnesses and chemical sensitivities. They can besafely and effectively used in homes with childrenand pets. Allergy Relief Treatment is so safe that itcan even be used on your pets!

Allergy Relief Treatment contains no benzylbenzoate and is not a pesticide or mitacide.

Cleaning Alone is NotEnough

While cleaning is important, no matter howspotless your home, dust mites can’t be eliminatedor cleaned away. In the case of pet allergies,most people can’t bear to part with a belovedfamily pet even though this is the number onerecommendation of doctors.

That’s why the key to the success of theResponsibleCare System is the use of specializedcleaning agents to remove as much allergen andallergen food source as possible followed byapplication of the Allergy Relief Treatment thatinactivates the allergens, preventing them fromcausing an allergic reaction.

How Much Allergen Reductionis Enough?

One of the drawbacks of many EnvironmentalControl efforts is that the reduction in allergenlevels is insufficient to prevent or reducesymptoms or stop allergic illnesses fromdeveloping. The active ingredient in AllergyRelief Treatment has been scientifically provento reduce indoor allergen concentrations belowthe levels that can cause allergy symptoms.

“Allergy Relief Treatment clearly hasthe potential to fill the role of aneffective means of reducing dustmite allergens in carpets andupholstery and has thepotential to become an effectiveaid for the mite sensitive allergysufferer to minimize allergenexposure.”Dust Mite Allergen Denaturation:A Trial of Allergy Relief TreatmentRichard Thorogood, MI Bio.,Auckland University School of Medicine

“…There is a threshold concentration of 10ug ofDer p1 (dust mite allergen) per gram of settledhouse dust, which is widely accepted to increasethe risk of asthma symptoms in mite-allergicasthmatics. Having the capacity to denature 90%of Der p 1 in house dust, Allergy Relief Treatmenthas the potential to reduce allergen levels belowthe 10 ug-g-1 threshold when house dustcontains Der p1 concentration of 100 uf.g-1.The average range of Der p1 allergen levels inhouse dust in New Zealand are from 20-70 ugper gram of dust, whereas levels as high as 100ug.g-1 do occasionally occur.”

Dust Mite Allergen Denaturation:A Trial of Allergy Relief TreatmentRichard Thorogood, MI Bio.,Auckland University School of Medicine

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