a new retirement savings act_ promontory

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  • 8/6/2019 A New Retirement Savings Act_ Promontory


    1Promontory Financial Group Australasia


    Shauna Tomkins

    Stephen Mason

    May 2011

    Fiji National Provident Fund

    A new Retirement

    Savings Scheme

  • 8/6/2019 A New Retirement Savings Act_ Promontory


    2Promontory Financial Group Australasia


    Brief History

    Role of FNPF

    Key features of current Scheme

    Reviews and Analysis World Bank &

    others Issues, Policy Goals and Proposals

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    3Promontory Financial Group Australasia

    Selected History

    Cap 219 established Fiji National Provident Fund

    August 1966. Social objective - to establish self-

    funded retirement savings scheme for financial

    security in retirement

    Amendments since but no comprehensive review

    to ensure continued relevance, best practice,

    supervision some amendments proved costly 1975 introduced first pension product single

    premium lifetime annuity PCR 25%/16.7%

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    4Promontory Financial Group Australasia

    Brief History (cont)

    By 1992, first public warnings that pension scheme

    not sustainable. ILO recommends PCR ~10%

    1998 amendment lowers PCR to 15% over 10 years

    Successive FNPF Boards loosened early withdrawal


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    5Promontory Financial Group Australasia

    Brief History (cont)

    2000-now: multiple reviews identify weaknesses

    and sustainability issues

    o including ILO, World Bank, IMF, FSAP, SCE, actuaries and auditors

    and other commentators.

    Attempts for urgent change fail

    GFC combined with poor investment decisions

    expose weaknesses

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    6Promontory Financial Group Australasia

    Role of Retirement Savings in Fiji

    In many respects, FNPF incredibly successful:

    forced savings where savings tradition poor

    helped meet financial security goal

    In some respects Too successful:

    relative size, capital markets influence, monopoly

    40% of financial sector/assets are 60% GDP

    Major domestic savings and savings mobilisation

    vehicle, major player in Fijis economic


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    Key Features of Current Scheme

    Self-funded Defined Contribution scheme - 8%+8%

    Some Defined Benefit Characteristics

    Guaranteed minimum crediting

    Capital Guarantee

    No meaningful preservation requirements.

    Fundamental social objective compromised through

    ease of early withdrawal

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    Reviews and Analysis

    As far back as 1992, warnings that the Pension

    offering was unsustainable

    In 1998 following ILO recommendation to set PCR

    at 10%, Board opted for 15% achieved by 2008

    Financial Sector Assessment Program 2007

    (IMF/WB) recommended:

    o Ensuring pensions actuarially sound

    o Better diversification of assets

    o Transition away from FNPF monopoly

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    Reviews and Analysis (cont)

    A number identified the social problem of wealth

    distribution from current members to pensioners

    and from poorer to wealthier members

    Strong recommendations for splitting pension

    business from the savings business

    Thathigher rate of pension will be subsidised by allthe younger generation who are coming in thefuture

    Wadan Narsay From Hansard 18 March 1998

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    11/2411Promontory Financial Group Australasia

    1. Sound and Sustainable

    Provision of Financial Products Current annuity contracts require substantial

    transfer of earnings from current members in the

    form of subsidies this is hidden because of thesingle balance sheet

    Risk management objectives of Contributions

    (savings) Business and Pension (insurance) Business

    in conflict on the same balance sheet

    Self funded scheme & therefore individuals benefit

    in retirement dependent on individual savings only

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    12/2412Promontory Financial Group Australasia

    1. Sound and Sustainable - Policy

    Separate savings and annuities businesses iaw best


    Only provide financial products that have actuarially

    assessed as sustainable

    Pension conversion rates

    Allocate appropriate reserves to meet the run-off of

    current pension contracts

    Ensure Defined Benefit features are supported by

    appropriate solvency requirements

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    13Promontory Financial Group Australasia

    1. Sound and Sustainable - Proposals Separate activities create at least two funds

    pension and savings

    Allocate appropriate assets

    Benefits: transparency,

    quarantining of assets and risk management,

    avoids cross-subsidisation

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    14Promontory Financial Group Australasia

    1. Sound and Sustainable - Proposals

    Solvency requirements applied to all activities

    Actuarial assessment to support new products,

    services, investment allocation or changes

    Annual financial conditions report

    Re-evaluation of all parameters and assumptions

    every 3-5 years

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    15Promontory Financial Group Australasia

    2. Refocus on Retirement ILO and others emphasise the need for the scheme

    to provide replacement income in retirement not

    lump sum.

    Supported by surveys of retirees who have taken lump sum

    Only income product is Lifetime Pension

    Requires high levels of savings

    Not available to many workers

    Individuals benefit in retirement dependent on

    individual savings only. FNPF must maximise

    savings through a members working life

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    16Promontory Financial Group Australasia

    2. Refocus on Retirement

    Policies and Proposals Require meaningful Preservation of a majority of

    contributions saved until retirement:

    Establish two accounts: Preserved and General - 70/30 allocation

    Strict limits on early withdrawals

    Potential to generate replacement income at more than 60%

    Lift limits on voluntary contributions (subject to tax

    policy limitations)

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    17Promontory Financial Group Australasia

    2. Refocus on Retirement

    Policies and Proposals

    Mandatory conversion of a minimum sum to

    replace working income (driven by Base Pension

    rate TBD)

    Minimum sum from Preserved Account only

    excess and General Account Balance can be taken

    as top up, lump sum, alternative products New pension products including account based

    pensions and Term Annuities to provide alternative

    income stream for members with lower savings

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    18Promontory Financial Group Australasia

    3. Coverage, Collection and

    Enforcement Many workers not covered by the current Scheme

    Employers avoiding the spirit of the law the alternative employment


    Non-compliance by Employers

    No systems or powers to facilitate information

    sharing between FNPF and FIRCA and ors to

    improve compliance monitoring

    Inadequate powers to enforce compliance with

    employers obligations including recoveries on

    behalf of workers

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    19Promontory Financial Group Australasia

    3. Coverage, Collection and


    Policies & Proposals Ensure as many Fijian workers are covered by the

    scheme by alignment of definitions and exemptions

    in the Law with FIRCA Minimise the number of exemptions

    Implement information sharing with relevant

    agencies to improve monitoring and compliance Comprehensive enforcement powers

    Amnesty to encourage employers to comply

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    20Promontory Financial Group Australasia

    4. Governance and Reporting

    Law is silent on many aspects of Good Corporate


    RBF Policy Statement addresses only some of theGovernance Issues fit and proper etc

    Perceived lack of independence of the Board of

    FNPF and concerns over political interference

    Disclosure and reporting to members have not kept

    pace with accepted practices

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    21Promontory Financial Group Australasia

    4. Governance and Reporting

    Policies and Proposals Restructured Board

    7 members 3 representative/4 independent

    Appointed by Minister iaw transparent nomination


    Emphasis on experience and skills mix for the Board

    Fit and proper person requirement including Codes

    of Conduct

    Enhanced disclosure in annual reports and to


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    22Promontory Financial Group Australasia

    5. Other issues

    Education role particularly retirement planning

    Practical difficulties on divorce will be addressed

    Continued appropriateness of 55yo as entitlementage

    Appropriateness of 8% + 8% mandated contribution

    Alternative product development andDe-monopolisation

    Financial Services Ombudsman

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    23Promontory Financial Group Australasia


    Proposals to ensure the financial sustainability

    include actuarially assessed provision of benefits

    such as pensions, separation of funds, solvency

    reserves, stronger governance

    Improved transparency through separation of funds,

    financial conditions reports, appointment of boards,

    reporting to members

    Ensuring Fijis retirement savings scheme is fair

    through coverage of workers, removal of cross-

    subsidisation, better products and refocus on


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    24P t Fi i l G A t l i

    Q & A