a new fusion algorithm for shadow penetration using visible ...a new fusion algorithm for shadow...

A new fusion algorithm for shadow penetration using visible and midwave infrared polarimetric images Daniel A. Lavigne Defence Research and Development Canada – Valcartier July 27 2010 Mélanie Breton Aerex Avionics Inc. Defence Research and Development Canada Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada Canada July 27, 2010

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  • A new fusion algorithm for shadow penetration using visible and midwave infrared polarimetric images

    Daniel A. LavigneDefence Research and Development Canada – Valcartier

    July 27 2010

    Mélanie BretonAerex Avionics Inc.

    Defence Research andDevelopment Canada

    Recherche et développementpour la défense Canada Canada

    July 27, 2010

  • Topics

    1. Introduction2 A new passive polarimetric imaging sensor suite2. A new passive polarimetric imaging sensor suite3. Target detection and shadow penetration using polarized

    light4. Experimental measurements5. Conclusions & Future work

    Defence R&D Canada • R & D pour la défense Canada

  • 1. Introduction

    • Electro-Optical (EO) imaging systems are frequently employed during surveillance operations and search & rescue missions to detect various targets in both the civilian and military communitiesin both the civilian and military communities.

    • The exploitation of the polarization of light can provide additional information about the shape, roughness, and surface characteristics of some targets of i ( d bj )interest (man-made objects).

    • It has been demonstrated* that the overall performance of target detection algorithms can be increased by exploiting the polarimetric signatures ofalgorithms can be increased by exploiting the polarimetric signatures of targets and discriminate them from cluttered backgrounds.

    *D.A. Lavigne, M. Breton, G. Fournier, M. Pichette, V. Rivet, Development of performancei h i h d f l i i f d bj i imetrics to characterize the degree of polarization of man-made objects using passive

    polarimetric images, SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2009, Signal Processing,Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XVIII, Orlando (Florida), 13-17 April 2009.

    Defence R&D Canada • R & D pour la défense Canada

  • 1. Introduction

    • A new passive polarimetric imaging sensor-suite was designed to collect polarimetric signatures simultaneously using four broadband cameras in the VIS/SWIR/MWIR/LWIR spectral bands: the Visible Infrared Passive SpectralVIS/SWIR/MWIR/LWIR spectral bands: the Visible Infrared Passive Spectral Polarimetric Imager for Contrast Enhancement (VIP SPICE).

    • Hypothesis: It is possible to perform shadow penetration of targets’ main yp p p p gbody parts using the polarimetric signatures of some targets of interest in both the visible and the infrared spectral bands.

    Ultimate goal: Detection of targets in shadow areas that are currently

    • Methodology: - Acquire polarimetric signatures of man-made targets using the VIP SPICE sensor suite

    Ultimate goal: Detection of targets in shadow areas that are currently undetectable by traditional EO imaging systems.

    the VIP SPICE sensor suite.

    - Assess the utility of combining information derived from Stokes vector parameters to perform shadow penetration.

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  • 2. A new passive polarimetric imaging sensor

    • VIP SPICE: a broadband fully automated remotely controlled four sensor-suite*.

    MWIR(3 5 )

    Front panel Polarizers panel7-filters wheel

    Visible(0.4 – 0.9 µm)

    (3 – 5 µm)

    LWIR(8 – 12 µm) SWIR

    (1.0 – 1.9 µm)

    Range Finder

    GPS i


    Defence R&D Canada • R & D pour la défense Canada

    GPS receiver Pan &Tilt

    *D.A. Lavigne, M. Breton, G. Fournier, M. Pichette, V. Rivet, A new passive polarimetric imaging system collecting polarization signatures in the visible and infrared bands, SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2009, Infrared Imaging Systems; Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XX, Orlando (Florida), 13-17 April 2009.

  • 2. A new passive polarimetric imaging sensor

    • 4 Sensors Embedded:• Visible (0.4 – 0.9 µm)

    - CCD camera imager (Lumenera) - 1392 x 1040 pixels resolution. FOV = 5o- Linear polarizer (Edmund Optics)- A seven positions filter wheel

    • LWIR (8 – 12 µm)- Uncooled microbolometer (Nytech) - 640 x 480 pixels resolution. FOV = 10o

    Wire grid ZnSe Reflex polarizer (Analytical Corp )

    • MWIR (3 – 5 µm)- A focal plane array (platinum silicide) from Mitsubishi

    801 512 i l l ti FOV 12o

    - Wire-grid ZnSe Reflex polarizer (Analytical Corp.)

    • SWIR (1 – 1.9 µm)

    - 801 x 512 pixels resolution. FOV = 12o- Wire-grid ZnSe polarizer (Medway Optics)

    Defence R&D Canada • R & D pour la défense Canada

    - A solid-state InGaAs imager (Sensors Unlimited)- 320 x 256 pixels resolution. FOV = 20o- Aluminum microwires on a glass substrate as a polarizer (Versalight)

  • 3. Target detection and shadow penetrationThe Stokes vector

    • The representation of the radiation backscattered by the targets is computed using the Stokes vector:




    = 10





    QF yx

    yxII Intensity of radiation

    AA Amplitudes of the EW in mutually









    γγ yx AA ,

    Amplitudes of the EW in mutually perpendicular directions

    γ Phase angle between and xA yA

    • S0 is obtained by passing light waves through linear polarizers oriented at 0 degree.

    • S1 is obtained by passing light waves through linear polarizers oriented at 90 degree. 1 y p g g g p g

    • S2 indicates the excess of radiation in the +45o direction over that in the +135o direction relative to the plane of vision.

    • S is the circularly polarized component

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    • S3 is the circularly polarized component.

  • 3. Target detection and shadow penetrationPolarized lightg

    • Stokes vector parameters computation:Visible band

    I0 I90 I45 I135

    S1 = I0 – I90 S2 = I45 – I135S0 = I0 + I90

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  • 3. Target detection and shadow penetrationPolarized lightg

    • Computation of Performance Metrics:

    • Degree of Linear Polarization (DoLP):






    • Degree of Linear Polarization (DoLP):


    • Polarization angle (φ):

    DoLP mapped in pseudo-color

    = −





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  • 3. Target detection and shadow penetration

    • Main Hypothesis:• It is possible to perform shadow penetration of targets’ main body parts using the polarimetric signatures of some targets of interest in both the visible and the infrared spectral bands.

    • The Approach:• Targets are detected from their background using the polarimetric and spectral surface characteristics of targets within the scene.g

    • A false color rendering of the scene is generated using the information provided by:

    - the total intensity (S0),- the degree of linear polarization (DoLP),- the polarization angle (φ) of the scene.

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  • 3. Target detection and shadow penetration

    • The Process:

    Image preprocessing Includes normalization and denoising using state-of-the-art linear filtersStep 1

    Using multiple automated image co-registration algorithms*Step 2 Image co-registration

    Calculate Common

    Component (CC)Step 3 Local minimum operators are determined in each polarized image

    { }{ }00 ,,minmin SDoLPDoLPSCC φφ =∩∩=

    Defence R&D Canada • R & D pour la défense Canada

    *D.A. Lavigne, A fully automated image co-registration system, SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2006, Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XV, Vol. 6235, Orlando (Florida), 17-21 April 2006.

  • 3. Target detection and shadow penetration

    • The Process:

    Step 4Polarized

    Contributions computation

    Unique contribution of each polarized image is calculated using modified Common Component information

    ( )βDoLPSSS ∩−= 00*0( )βDoLPSDoLPDoLP ∩−= 0*

    ( )βββ DoLPS ∩−= 0*

    where is a measure of polarization* defined by:βwhere is a measure of polarization defined by: β

    ( ) ( )( )εεεε

    εεεεεε ααφβ13545900





    ++++−++−= with and 25.0=ε 16=α

    Defence R&D Canada • R & D pour la défense Canada

    *Duggin et al., Contrast enhancement using multiband polarization methods, SPIE Vol.3121, Polarization Analysis, Measurement and Remote Sensing IV, San Diego (CA), 30 July – 01 August 1997, pp.288-295.

    ( )13545900

  • 3. Target detection and shadow penetration

    • The Process:

    Step 5Image

    adjustments Adjusments of the polarized images: remove the computed polarized contributions for each original polarized image


    **0 β−−= DoLPSS 00 βDoLPSS


    ** β−−= SDoLPDoLP*0

    *** SDoLP −−= ββ

    Step 6HSV – RGB conversion

    Images are combined following the conversion HSV to RGB color maps

    { } → ******0 ,, βDoLPSRGBHSV

    Defence R&D Canada • R & D pour la défense Canada

  • 4. Experimental measurements

    • Polarimetric signatures of man-made objects were collected using the VIP SPICE sensor suite during experiments conducted in Summer time in Western CanadaCanada.

    • Numerous man-made objects have been used as targets of interest: metallic aluminum plates, SUVs, military vehicles, camouflage nets, etc.

    Metallic plates Vehicles, tracks, camouflage nets

    Defence R&D Canada • R & D pour la défense Canada

  • 4. Experimental measurements

    • Man-made objects placed within the scene generated shadow areas covering a portion of the objects acquired by the VIP SPICE sensor-suite on the ground and aboard a Genie boom.aboard a Genie boom.

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  • 4. Experimental measurementsFirst experiment

    • Acquisition of an aluminum metallic plate in the Visible band

    VisibleVIP SPICE sensorVIP SPICE sensor• 25 degrees off-nadir angle• 15 meters above ground

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  • 4. Experimental measurementsFirst experiment

    • Results for the aluminum plate (Visible band)S0 Computed Polarimetric Images mapped in pseudo-color




    4 24

    • Metallic plate is segmented from the background1. Shadowed background2. Vegetal background3. Shadowed region of the plate

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    g p4. Unshadowed region of the plate

  • 4. Experimental measurementsSecond experiment

    • Acquisition of a SUV in the MWIR spectral band (Ground-based)


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  • 4. Experimental measurementsSecond experiment

    • Results for the SUV (MWIR band)S0 Computed Polarimetric Images mapped in pseudo-color

    • Tires are segmented in shadow areasP i h l i d bl b l h SUV

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    • Persistent thermal signature detectable below the SUV

  • 4. Experimental measurementsFirst experiment

    • Post-processing: edge detection algorithm (e.g. Canny)


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  • 4. Experimental measurementsFirst experiment

    • Post-processing: edge detection algorithm (e.g. Canny)MWIR

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  • 5. Conclusions and Future work

    • A new passive polarimetric imaging system was used to acquire polarimetric signatures of man-made objects in the VIS/SWIR/MWIR/LWIR spectral bands.

    • Using the polarized light information gathered from the objects characteristics, the total intensity, the degree of linear polarization, and the phase of polarization have been computed by means of the Stokes vector parameters.

    • Experimental measurements demonstrated the possibility to exploit the polarimetric response of man-made objects for shadow penetration purposes in the visible (VIS) and midwave (MWIR) infrared bands.( ) ( )

    • Future work will involve the development of additional performance metrics to extract information embedded within the polarized signatures of targets of i Sh d i f ill b i h linterest. Shadow penetration performance will be assess using other spectral bands (SWIR/LWIR) and supplementary metrics in urban environments.

    Defence R&D Canada • R & D pour la défense Canada

  • Thank you for your attention

    Daniel A Lavigne

    [email protected]

    Daniel A. LavigneDefence Research and Development Canada

    Defence R&D Canada • R & D pour la défense Canada