a new commandment - oak hills pres

A New Commandment The last supper. Jesus sits with his friends in an upper room. They are tired, confused, glad for a chance to sit back and eat. Jesus says some strange things about the bread he breaks as he passes it to them, but then, Jesus is always saying strange things. Even stranger, after supper he gets up, takes a towel and a basin, and begins to wash their feet. They cringe. Jesus is our Rabbi! He’s better than us. And now our own mud and grime is caked on his thighs. Then he speaks: “A new commandment I give to you” he says. (Commandment = mandate = “Maundy” Thursday). “That you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” It might have been easier if Jesus had just given us a set of rules to follow. Some laws that we could tack up on our fridge and check off at the end of each day. Instead, he left us only the law of love. Only the example of mud-caked thighs and soiled hands. “Love as I have loved you” he said, and then he went to the cross. There is no limit to this kind of love. Its not a feeling – it’s a daily choice. Its not an emotion, its action. Jesus-love is love for our enemies. Love for the unworthy. Jesus -love gets our hands dirty. Jesus-love is humble. It does not rejoice in its own “rightness” but rejoices in the truth. It is not proud. It does not bear grudges or sling mud. Jesus-love is the opposite of a smear campaign – it willingly absorbs the dirt and grime and sin of its enemies, lifting them up by laying itself down. Jesus-love is radical. Its illogical. Its not of this world. Its heaven’s love. Agape love: strong, eternal, unbreakable. We live in a nation that is locked in political combat. Lines have been drawn. We live alongside neighbors whose lives and lifestyles are different from our own. We live in a world of critics – on TV, and on Facebook, and in the hallways of our schools and in the halls of congress, judgment is passed, enemies are named and cruelty is justified. And its easy to join in. Its always easier to be “right” than it is to show love. Its always easier to explain and label and dismiss your enemies, than it is to love them. Jesus was right about everything – his was the only perfect insight the world has ever seen. He was right when he judged the false humility of the Pharisees, and when he judged the pridefulness of his followers, and when he judged the sin of the world. Jesus was right about it all. But in the end, when he could have summed it all up in a killer op-ed piece for the daily news – all of our falsehood and error and sin – and left us in our self-made mess, instead he chose the cross. He took all of our “wrongness” – and all of our wrongs – onto himself, to make us right in the eyes of God. And now he says – to those who will listen, those who’ve been touched in our own hearts by his radical, undeserved love – “now you, go and do likewise.” We are a people of the new commandment. In a world of mudslinging and one-upmanship, may we be known as those who kneel, and who serve, and who get our hands dirty with the dirt of the brokenness all around us – so that through us, the world might come to know the only perfect Love ever to walk the earth. All for His glory, Jeremy Jeremy Sanderson [email protected] 503-654-6173 (Pastor’s study) March April 2020 Volume 18, Issue 2

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Page 1: A New Commandment - Oak Hills Pres

A New Commandment

The last supper. Jesus sits with his friends in an upper room. They are tired, confused, glad for a chance to sit back and eat. Jesus says some strange things about the bread he breaks as he passes it to them, but then, Jesus is always saying strange things. Even stranger, after supper he gets up, takes a towel and a basin, and begins to wash their feet. They cringe. Jesus is our Rabbi! He’s better than us. And now our own mud and grime is caked on his thighs. Then he speaks: “A new commandment I give to you” he says. (Commandment = mandate = “Maundy” Thursday). “That you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.”

It might have been easier if Jesus had just given us a set of rules to follow. Some laws that we could tack up on our fridge and check off at the end of each day. Instead, he left us only the law of love. Only the example of mud-caked thighs and soiled hands. “Love as I have loved you” he said, and then he went to the cross. There is no limit to this kind of love. Its not a feeling – it’s a daily choice. Its not an emotion, its action. Jesus-love is love for our enemies. Love for the unworthy. Jesus-love gets our hands dirty. Jesus-love is humble. It does not rejoice in its own “rightness” but rejoices in the truth. It is not proud. It does not bear grudges or sling mud. Jesus-love is the opposite of a smear campaign – it willingly absorbs the dirt and grime and sin of its enemies, lifting them up by laying itself down. Jesus-love is radical. Its illogical. Its not of this world. Its heaven’s love. Agape love: strong, eternal, unbreakable.

We live in a nation that is locked in political combat. Lines have been drawn. We live alongside neighbors whose lives and lifestyles are different from our own. We live in a world of critics – on TV, and on Facebook, and in the hallways of our schools and in the halls of congress, judgment is passed, enemies are named and cruelty is justified. And its easy to join in. Its always easier to be “right” than it is to show love. Its always easier to explain and label and dismiss your enemies, than it is to love them.

Jesus was right about everything – his was the only perfect insight the world has ever seen. He was right when he judged the false humility of the Pharisees, and when he judged the pridefulness of his followers, and when he judged the sin of the world. Jesus was right about it all. But in the end, when he could have summed it all up in a killer op-ed piece for the daily news – all of our falsehood and error and sin – and left us in our self-made mess, instead he chose the cross. He took all of our “wrongness” – and all of our wrongs – onto himself, to make us right in the eyes of God.

And now he says – to those who will listen, those who’ve been touched in our own hearts by his radical, undeserved love – “now you, go and do likewise.”

We are a people of the new commandment. In a world of mudslinging and one-upmanship, may we be known as those who kneel, and who serve, and who get our hands dirty with the dirt of the brokenness all around us – so that through us, the world might come to know the only perfect Love ever to walk the earth.

All for His glory,


Jeremy Sanderson [email protected]

503-654-6173 (Pastor’s study)

March April 2020

Volume 18, Issue 2

Page 2: A New Commandment - Oak Hills Pres

Volume 18, Issue 2 Page 2

OAK HILLS PURPOSE Gather … Grow … Glorify

To be gathered by the Spirit as a community of faith, to grow into the likeness of Christ, and to glorify God

every day in all we do.

CORE VALUES Bible-Centered, Prayer, Missional, Generosity, Hospitality, Sabbath,

Empathy, Wholeness

To receive the OAK HILLS ACORN via email, contact the office, [email protected]

“Walking in the Way: The Spiritual Disciplines” Our Disciplines Series continues through Lent.

Holy Week 2020 at Oak Hills

April 5, 9:15 & 11am, Palm Sunday Worship. Children’s Palm Processional at both services.

April 9, 7pm, Maundy Thursday Service / communion

April 11, 9am, Community Easter Egg Hunt on the Lawn.

April 12, 9:15 & 11am, Easter Worship and Flowering of the Cross. (Nursery care and Sunday school through age 5-K. Older children and youth invited to join in this special worship service. No Adult Sunday school.)


Savings Time

begins March


Set those

clocks ahead

One Hour, so

you don’t

arrive late to



March 26, 2020, 10:30am, Special Congregational meeting to elect Session Class of 2023.

March 1 “The Discipline of Friendship” Proverbs 13: 20, 17: 17, 18: 24, 27: 17


March 8 “The Discipline of Community” Hebrews 10: 19-25 (Daylight Saving’s time change)

March 15 “The Discipline of Creativity” Genesis 1: 26-28

March 22 “The Discipline of Submission” 1 Samuel 25: 23-35

March 29 “The Discipline of Confession” Psalm 32: 1-7 (Congregational Meeting)

April 5 “The Discipline of Worship” Matthew 21: 1-17 Palm Sunday

April 9 Maundy Thursday Communion

April 12 “The Unconquerable Love of Christ” Romans 8: 31-39 EASTER Sunday

April 19 Guest Preacher, Rev. Dick Spencer Galatians 1 Eastertide 1

April 26 Rev. Christy Polk Eastertide 2

Page 3: A New Commandment - Oak Hills Pres

Volume 18, Issue 2 Page 3

Save the Date:

Rocky Railway VBS

June 22-26, 2020

Cost: $15 (suggested donation)

Online registration opens in May


Middle and High School students

Friday, April 10th 5:30pm to

Saturday, April 11th 10am

Cost: $20

Permission Slip Required.

Bring sleeping bag, pillow, toothbrush,

and change of clothes.

Includes dinner and a fun outing!

Help fill and hide eggs for the Egg Hunt!

Bring friends!


Children’s Youth

Ministries: Ministries:

~Pastor Christy

It’s time to think about the

Idaho Servant Adventures trip!

July 27-31

Rising 7th graders-12 graders can attend

$150 + fundraiser participation

Parent Informational Meeting

Sunday, March 15th

5:30-6:00 pm in the youth room

Page 4: A New Commandment - Oak Hills Pres

Volume 18, Issue 2 Page 4

ATTENTION MEN: MARK YOUR CALENDARS! What do ocean views, pizza, bonfires, loud snoring, and Bible study have in common???

They’re all a part of our 2020 Men’s Retreat, April 24th-26th!

We have an awesome weekend planned, and are excited about a chance for the men of Oak

Hills to connect, worship, and relax together. Guys—you need this! Don’t wait to sign up—we are

limited to 30 spots.

Schedule: Friday April 24, 7pm – Sunday April 26, 12pm.

Location: Harbor Villa Retreat Center, Rockaway Beach, OR

(carpool available).

Cost: $100 (includes meals and lodging – confidential scholarship

assistance available see Pastor Jeremy).

RSVP: Larry Totzke by Sunday, April 17th.

~Larry Totzke

This Lent, Oak Hills is eating … Rice & Beans!!

Lent Rice & Beans Dinners and Programs 6:00—7:00pm This year, our weekly Wednesday night potluck meals of rice & beans will include programs highlighting our local Oak Hills “Missionaries” who will share what they do day in and day out, and how their faith helps in their calling. There will be time to ask questions and pray for these members in the work they do. Our schedule is dinner with the following topics: February 26th—Ash Wednesday kickoff dinner and worship service. March 4th—Government Employees March 11th—Artists and Quilters March 18th—Educators March 25th—Ministries of Healthcare, Caregiving and Compassion April 1st—Families in Crisis, Foster Care and Family Room Ministries During Lent we will join our brothers and sisters in Africa by eating simple meals and donating the money we have saved to Lahash International. We have a goal of raising $500 to help fund needed programs and projects. Join us! ~Sue Munn, Elder for Adult Spiritual Nurture

Thank You Janice Harlan!!

Since 2015, Janice has faithfully served as our Clerk of Session, taking minutes at meetings, corresponding with Presbytery, and ensuring that the business of the church is carefully documented. She has served behind the scenes with diligence and patience. Janice – thank you for your good and faithful ministry!

As Janice transitions out of this role, the session is seeking an organized individual to serve in this capacity. Could you be called to serve Christ as our next Clerk of Session? Contact pastor Jeremy with questions, or to nominate a candidate for this role.

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Volume 18, Issue 2 Page 5

Backpack Buddies Update Many thanks to those who donated tuna in February.

We are currently serving 85 children at Lot Whitcomb, View Acres, and Head Start in Gladstone.

Let’s bring canned soup in March and chili or stew in April.

Our packing days in March are Tuesday, March 10th at 7pm and Saturday March 29th at 9am.

Our packing days in April are Tuesday,

April 14th at 7pm and Saturday April 25th at 9am.

~Jim & Louise Anderson

Oak Hills Day of Outreach!

May 9, 2020 This May, join your church family for a blitz day of blessing our


Here’s how you can help:

Mark your calendars and plan to join in, meeting up in the church parking lot at 8:30 am on Saturday,

May 9th. There’s a job for every age and skill level! Help us identify neighbors in need: do you know someone who could use help in the house/yard? Are

you aware of other needs in the community? Share your project ideas with us! Contact Cathy Searles, Missions Elder

Pray! We want this to be a day of impact, of growth for us and of blessing for our community. Join us in praying that God would use us in big ways!

Thank You!

During February OHPC partnered with Love INC. to collect Non-Food items.

The items will be donated to the Milwaukie Lutheran Church non-food pantry for homeless, low-income


All of your generous donations will be greatly appreciated!

~Cathy Searles, Missions Elder

Women’s Association This year we are taking a fresh look at the Ten Commandments . March 12th Doris

Sanford wil l lead the di scussion about the 8th commandment—Words of Love: Do not stea l . Apri l 9th , we wil l d i scuss the 9th commandment -Words of Love : Speak

Truthful ly , lead by Linda Mensinger . This fresh look at the Ten Commandments shows how God loves us so much, and how to ref lec t His love to others. Al l women are welcome a t 9 :30am for l ight re freshments fol lowed by fe l lowship and the le sson,

f in i shing by 11:30am. ~Louise Anderson

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Volume 18, Issue 2 Page 6

Women’s Association

All women are welcome to join

us the second Thursday of each


We gather March 12th and

April 9th at 9:30am with light

refreshments and conclude our

study by 11:30am.

~Louise Anderson

Prayer Walk Around the neighborhood.

March 21, 9am

April 18, 9am

~Jim Anderson

Prayer Chain You are invited to join our

telephone or email Prayer Chain, to commit to pray for those who

have requested prayer for themselves or their loved ones.

~Joann Devlin

Art for the Heart Let your spirit rest, reflect, renew.

Art for the Heart is going strong! You are invited to join us at the

church on Tuesdays from


Bring whatever art or craft you are working on and be a part of this time of fellowship and prayer.

Bring a friend and join our fun!

~Stasia Van Buskirk

MEN’S BREAKFASTS March 7 & April 4, 8:30am

~Larry Totzke

Sound & Sound & Sound & Worship Volunteers Worship Volunteers Worship Volunteers

*Communion Service

Date Sound Worship Leader

March 1 Alan Ferschweiler

Susann Smith

March 8*

Loy William Carolita Feiring

March 15 Loy William Dave McGowan

March 22 Eben Polk Eddie Mensinger

March 29 Matt Larson Linda Mensinger

April 5 Palm Sunday

Alan Ferschweiler

Tom Miller

April 9* Maundy Thursday

Hank Brown Eben Polk

April 12 Easter

Loy William Susann Smith

April 19

Eben Polk Stasia Van Buskirk

April 26 Matt Larson Tom Miller

Help out on Sundays with our Coffee Hour! Are you looking for a new way to connect at church? Is this

something that you have done in the past but it has fallen off your

radar? We would love to have your help with Sunday Coffee Hour. All it takes is some of your time before and after one of the services.

The food is provided and you will have excellent support with any

questions you may have. Sign up on the bulletin board,

and please call or email me with any questions.

~Carrie Walker


There has been a change in the coffee cups for Coffee Fellowship! Instead of single use paper cups, we are now providing durable cups for coffee. And in lieu of paper plates, durable snack plates are also provided.

Session has approved that as we use up, paper and disposable products we will, then transition to all durable items. This will decrease the cost and time of purchasing the disposable items, and will decrease the amount of garbage weekly. Oak Hills has a wonderful state-of-the-art sanitizing dishwasher which is easy to use, and completes a sanitizing wash cycle in 2 minutes!

This change takes commitment because it takes time. God has created an amazingly beautiful world, rich in resources and has given us the role of being good stewards of His many blessings. What better thing to do this coming year than to help the planet! If you have a tugging on your heart, or passion to help with this journey, contact Cris Wright.

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1 9:15 & 11am Worship/Classes

2-5pm Iglesia Shalom worship

6pm Youth Group


Office Closed

3 10am Art for the Heart 1:30-6:30pm TFR

6:30pm Iglesia Shalom

4 9:30am Staff Mtg 6:00pm Dinner 7:30pm Choir 7:30pm AA

5 6pm Praise Team

6 1:30-6:30pm TFR

7:00pm Iglesia Shalom

7 8:30am Men’s Breakfast



9:15 & 11am Worship/Classes

2-5pm Iglesia Shalom worship

6pm Youth Group


Office Closed

10 10am Art for the Heart

1:30-6:30pm TFR

6:30pm Iglesia Shalom

7:00pm Backpack

11 2:00pm Mission & Caring Team

6:00pm Dinner 7:30pm Choir 7:30pm AA

12 9:30am Women’s Association

6pm Praise Team

13 1:30-6:30pm TFR

7:00pm Iglesia Shalom


15 9:15 & 11am

Worship/Classes 2-5pm Iglesia Shalom worship

5:30pm Idaho Parent Mtg

6pm Youth Group

16 Office Closed

17 10am Art for the Heart 1:30-6:30pm TFR

6:30pm Iglesia Shalom

18 9:30am Staff Mtg 6:00pm Dinner 7:30pm Choir 7:30pm AA

19 6pm Praise Team


1:30-6:30pm TFR

7:00pm Iglesia Shalom


9am Prayer Walk


9:15 & 11am Worship/Classes

2-5pm Iglesia Shalom worship

No Youth Group

23 Office Closed

24 10am Art for the Heart 1:30-6:30pm TFR

6:30pm Iglesia Shalom

7pm Session Mtg

25 6:00pm Dinner 7:30pm Choir 7:30pm AA

26 6pm Praise Team

27 10:30am Moms in Prayer 1:30-6:30pm TFR

7:00pm Iglesia Shalom

28 8:30am Quilt Group

9:00am BPB

29 9:15 & 11am

Worship/Classes 10:30am Congregational Meeting

2-5pm Iglesia Shalom

6pm Youth Group


Office Closed

31 10am Art for the Heart

1:30-6:30pm TFR

6:30pm Iglesia Shalom

1 9:30am Staff Mtg

6:00pm Dinner 7:30pm Choir /



6pm Praise Team


1:30-6:30pm TFR

7:00pm Iglesia Shalom

4 8:30am Men’s Breakfast

Oak Hills Presbyterian Church 5101 SE Thiessen Road Milwaukie, OR 97267

503-654-4321 [email protected]


SUNDAYS Contemporary Worship 9:15am | Traditional Worship 11am

Nursery, Children’s and Adult Classes 9:15 & 11am Youth Class 11am | Youth Group 6pm

Iglesia Shalom (Hispanic Worship) 2-5pm

Volume 18, Issue 2 Page 7 (Events subject to change.)


Page 8: A New Commandment - Oak Hills Pres

G a t h er … G ro w … G l o r i f y


P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C HP R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H 5101 SE Thiessen Road | Milwaukie OR 97267

503.654.4321 | www.oakhillspres.org Rev. Jeremy Sanderson, Pastor ([email protected])

Rev. Christy Polk, Associate Pastor, Christian Ed. ([email protected]) Sue Howard, Administrative Assistant ([email protected])



9:15 & 11am Worship/Classes

2-5pm Iglesia Shalom worship

6pm Youth Group


Office Closed

31 10am Art for the Heart

1:30-6:30pm TFR

6:30pm Iglesia Shalom

1 9:30am Staff mtg 6:00pm Rice &

Beans Dinner 7:30pm Choir / AA


6pm Praise Team


1:30-6:30pm TFR 7pm Iglesia Shalom

4 8:30am Men’s Breakfast

5 Palm


9:15 & 11am Worship/Classes

2-5pm Iglesia Shalom worship

6pm Youth Group

6 Office Closed

7 9:30am Piano Tuning 10am Art for the Heart

1:30-6:30pm TFR

6:30pm Iglesia Shalom


2:00pm Mission & Caring Meeting

6:00pm Rice & Beans Dinner

7:30pm Choir / AA


9:30am Women’s Association

6pm Praise Team 7pm Maundy Thursday Service


1:30-6:30pm TFR 5:30pm Youth Overnight

7pm Iglesia Shalom

11 9am

Community Egg Hunt



9:15 & 11am Worship/Classes

2-5pm Iglesia Shalom worship

No Youth Group

13 Office Closed

14 10am Art for the Heart 1:30-6:30pm TFR

6:30pm Iglesia Shalom

7pm BPB

15 9:30am Staff mtg 7:30pm Choir / AA

16 6pm Praise Team


1:30-6:30pm TFR

7:00pm Iglesia Shalom

18 9am Prayer Walk

19 9:15 & 11am Worship/Classes

2-5pm Iglesia Shalom worship

6pm Youth Group


Office Closed

21 10am Art for the Heart

1:30-6:30pm TFR

6:30pm Iglesia Shalom

7pm Session Mtg


7:30pm Choir / AA

23 6pm Praise Team

24 10:30am Moms in Prayer

1:30-6:30pm TFR 7pm Iglesia Shalom

25 8:30am Quilting Group

7-10pm Iglesia Shalom Youth

26 9:15 & 11am Worship/Classes

2-5pm Iglesia Shalom worship

6pm Youth Group


Office Closed

28 10am Art for the Heart 1:30-6:30pm TFR

6:30pm Iglesia Shalom


7:30pm Choir / AA

30 6pm Praise Team


1:30-6:30pm TFR 6:30pm Iglesia Shalom

2 8:30am Men’s


(Events subject to change.)

Men’s Retreat Weekend

Men’s Retreat

Volume 18, Issue 2 Page 8