a n n o u n c e m e n t s - bld toronto · 7/31/2015  · lou mariano: 1 tray of 'patok na patok'...

8 Living Water - July 31, 2015 PLEASE WEAR YOUR BLD ID EVERY FRIDAY LIFE IN THE SPIRIT SEMNIAR #32 September 25-27, 2015 Registration Forms are available through any member of the Life in the Spirit Ministry. Orientations are tonight after the Praise & Worship and on August 7 after the mass. Both sessions will be at the Mark 10 room. Salubong will be on Friday, August 14, 2015. For more information, please contact Joven and Beck Jimenez, LSS #32 Coordinators. A N N O U N C E M E N T S FAMILY ENCOUNTER #19 August 21-23, 2015 The Valley of the Mother of God Orangeville For registration or any inquiries, please contact anyone of the following: Cliff & Cristy Jacinto- FE #18 Family Shepherds (647) 822 5387 [email protected] & [email protected] Or Alain & Tracy Dela Cruz FE #18 Head Coordinators (416) 432-6149 [email protected] 25TH ANNIVERSARY - EARLY TICKET BUYERS WIN! Tickets are now on sale for BLD Toronto's exciting 25th Anniversary celebration on Sept 19! Buy your tickets early and your name will go into the magic Tambiolo. 47 fun prizes to be won in weekly draws. Congratulations to our winners for Week #2: Manny Rocero: $50 cash Lou Mariano: 1 tray of 'Patok na Patok' Pancit Palabok Clarita Malolos: 1 tray (20 pcs) Itlog na Pula ('Pateros Original') Letty Buado - 1 super-sized tub, homemade Avocado Ice Cream Tony Ng - Free shipping to Manila of 1 Balikbayan Box Remember, the earlier you buy your tickets, the more chances you have to win! Looking for tickets? Email:[email protected] Living Water - July 31, 2015 July 31, 2015 BUKÁS-LOÓB SA DIYÓS OPEN IN SPIRIT TO GOD www.bldworld.org www.bldtoronto.com THEME We will never hunger nor thirst when we put away our old selves and accomplish the work of God. WORD Ex 16:2-4,12-15, 31a; Ps 78:3-4, 23-24, 25,54; Eph 4:17, 20-24; Jn 6:24-35 ORDER “...and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new self, created in God’s way in right- eousness and holiness of truth.” (Eph 4:23-24) DIRECTION Be humble, believe and pray unceasingly asking the Lord to be the stewards of the community. Tell the coming generation the glorious deed of The Lord, his might and the won- ders that he has done. REFLECTION The Scriptural Readings on the 18 th Sunday in Ordinary Time mostly speak of the “ Manna” from Heaven, with the exception of the Sec- ond Reading (Eph 4:17, 20-24) where we are exhorted to forget our former ways of life, and instead live a life of righteousness and holi- ness. The First Reading and the Gospel, both show us the frailty and restlessness of people’s emo- tion and spirit. We are constantly impatient, even when there is a promise of good things to come. In the first reading, we see that since it is not going well with them, people want to go back to their old ways. As always, when these things happen, the Lord steps in and answers Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.bldworld.org www.bldtoronto.com

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  • 8 Living Water - July 31, 2015



    September 25-27, 2015

    Registration Forms are available through any

    member of the Life in the Spirit Ministry.

    Orientations are tonight after the Praise &

    Worship and on August 7 after the mass.

    Both sessions will be at the Mark 10 room.

    Salubong will be on Friday, August 14, 2015.

    For more information, please contact Joven

    and Beck Jimenez, LSS #32 Coordinators.

    A N N O U N C E M E N T S


    August 21-23, 2015 The Valley of the Mother of God


    For registration or any inquiries, please contact anyone of the following:

    Cliff & Cristy Jacinto- FE #18 Family Shepherds (647) 822 – 5387

    [email protected] & [email protected]

    Or Alain & Tracy Dela Cruz – FE #18 Head

    Coordinators (416) 432-6149 [email protected]


    Tickets are now on sale for BLD Toronto's exciting 25th Anniversary celebration on Sept 19! Buy your tickets early and your name will go into the magic Tambiolo. 47 fun

    prizes to be won in weekly draws. Congratulations to our winners for Week #2:

    Manny Rocero: $50 cash

    Lou Mariano: 1 tray of 'Patok na Patok' Pancit Palabok

    Clarita Malolos: 1 tray (20 pcs) Itlog na Pula ('Pateros Original')

    Letty Buado - 1 super-sized tub, homemade Avocado Ice Cream

    Tony Ng - Free shipping to Manila of 1 Balikbayan Box

    Remember, the earlier you buy your tickets, the more chances you have to win! Looking for tickets? Email:[email protected]

    Living Water - July 31, 2015

    July 31, 2015


    www.bldworld.org www.bldtoronto.com


    We will never hunger nor thirst when we put

    away our old selves and accomplish the work

    of God.

    WORD Ex 16:2-4,12-15, 31a; Ps 78:3-4, 23-24, 25,54;

    Eph 4:17, 20-24; Jn 6:24-35


    “...and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and

    put on the new self, created in God’s way in right-

    eousness and holiness of truth.” (Eph 4:23-24)

    DIRECTION Be humble, believe and pray unceasingly

    asking the Lord to be the stewards of the


    Tell the coming generation the glorious

    deed of The Lord, his might and the won-

    ders that he has done.


    The Scriptural Readings on the 18th Sunday in

    Ordinary Time mostly speak of the “ Manna”

    from Heaven, with the exception of the Sec-

    ond Reading (Eph 4:17, 20-24) where we are

    exhorted to forget our former ways of life, and

    instead live a life of righteousness and holi-


    The First Reading and the Gospel, both show us the frailty and restlessness of people’s emo-tion and spirit. We are constantly impatient, even when there is a promise of good things to come.

    In the first reading, we see that since it is not

    going well with them, people want to go back

    to their old ways. As always, when these

    things happen, the Lord steps in and answers

    Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    www.bldworld.org www.bldtoronto.com

    mailto:[email protected]

  • 2 Living Water - July 31, 2015

    our needs. In the Book of Exodus, the whole con-

    gregation complains against Moses and Aaron

    about their lack of provisions. The Lord acts and

    pours down the provisions upon the people.

    It is the same during Jesus time, when they wit-

    ness the miracle of the multiplication of the bread,

    they are persistent in following Him, probably

    hopeful to witness more miracles from Jesus. Je-

    sus corrects them, saying the true bread of heaven

    is from the Father to give life to the world.

    As we see in the Gospel, in spite of many miracles

    and wonders that Jesus does, people still chal-

    lenge and ask Him “ What sign are you going to

    give us then? “ All of this confirms that God is

    our provider and he never turns His back from

    us. Since the beginning of time, He is there to

    provide for our needs.

    The Manna from Heaven is the gift of God to all

    of us, His children. The Manna for all of us are in

    various forms and ways. What are they? The

    Scripture, food for our soul and mind and the Sac-

    raments, especially the Eucharist, pure and given

    free. From generation to generation, we are al-

    ways provided for.

    The Lord is also using our community, the BLD/

    OSG to be an instrument in pouring Manna to all

    of us, through our programs like LSS, Encounter

    Weekends and Teachings. These are all provisions

    for all of us, gifts from the Lord. We should be

    thankful. Praise the Lord.


    “I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me will never

    hunger and whoever believes in me will never

    thirst.” (Jn 6:35)

    BLD 25th Anniversary

    BLD Toronto is celebrating its 25th An-

    niversary on September 19, 2015 and we

    are coming out with a souvenir program

    that will help defray the costs of our

    25th Anniversary celebration and fund

    our community’s various programs.

    Let’s hold hands, pray and rally to-

    gether to solicit as many ads as possible

    so we will reach our quota of approxi-

    mately 35 pages per Apostolate.

    As a prize, the individual who can so-

    licit the highest value of ads will win an

    Apple Mini Tablet.

    You may contact Bert and Cecile Cruz

    at e-mail [email protected] or call

    416-298-4034 for more information, or

    anyone of the following apostolate rep-


    Evangelization - Frankie/Weng Perez

    Formation - Jules/Zorrie Locquiao

    Willie/Annette Guillermo

    Management - Bing/Emma Ongteco

    Freddie/Glo Carandang

    Mert/Nimfa Geronimo

    Mission - Tony/Menchie Villanueva

    Ed/Lorie Bautista

    Pastoral - Ariel/Ethel Ang

    Cora Montilla

    Vicky Nisce

    Living Water - July 31, 2015


    August 7– First Friday Mass

    1st reading…………………..……… Lito Martin

    Psalm………………. Junjie Cultura (will sing it)

    Prayer of the Faithful………………..Frank Perez


    Cruets……...……….. Clifford and Cristy Jacinto

    Ciborium………………. Abby and Kevin Jacinto

    Basket………………………………. Alvin Jacinto

    August 14th

    1st reading……… Alan and Rosella Prollamante

    Psalm…………………………..… Edmar Aquino

    2nd reading…….……. Bing and Emma Ongteco

    August 21st

    1st reading………………...…….. Odette Maralit

    Psalm……………………..….. Marife Capistrano

    2nd reading………..… Felix and Linda Fullante

    August 28th

    1st reading……………….... Pat and Eric Lazaro

    Psalm……………………….………. Nila Soriano

    2nd reading……………...…….. Monina Malolos

    Pope Francis’ Words of Wisdom to the

    Modern Family

    We Need the Grace of the Sacrament of

    Marriage by Pope Francis With trust in God’s faithfulness, everything

    can be faced responsibly and without fear.

    Christian spouses are not naïve; they know

    life’s problems and temptations. But they are

    not afraid to be responsible before God and

    before society. They do not run away; they do

    not hide; they do not shirk the mission of

    forming a family and bringing children into

    the world.

    “But today, Father, it is difficult.” … Of course

    it is difficult! That is why we need the grace

    that comes from the sacrament! The sacra-

    ments are not decorations in life—what a

    beautiful marriage, what a beautiful ceremony,

    what a beautiful banquet… . But that is not the

    Sacrament of Marriage. That is a decoration!

    Grace is not given to decorate life but rather to

    make us strong in life, giving us courage to go

    forward! And without isolating oneself but

    always staying together. Christians celebrate

    the Sacrament of Marriage because they know

    they need it! They need it to stay together and

    to carry out their mission as parents. “In joy

    and in sadness, in sickness and in health.” This

    is what the spouses say to one another during

    the celebration of the sacrament, and in their

    marriage they pray with one another and with

    the community. Why? Because it is helpful to

    do so? No! They do so because they need to,

    for the long journey they are making together:

    it is a long journey, not for a brief spell but for

    an entire life! And they need Jesus’ help to

    walk beside one another in trust, to accept one

    another each day, and daily to forgive one an-

    other. —Address to the Pilgrimage of Families, St. Peter’s Square,

    October 26, 2013.

  • 6 Living Water - July 31, 2015

    Living Water - July 31, 2015

    Youth Encounter Weekend # 17

    A refreshing breeze on a lovely Friday afternoon greeted us as we returned to the beautiful Mt.

    Mary Immaculate Retreat Centre in Ancaster for the Youth Encounter # 17 on July 24, 2015.

    The weekend went by so quickly that before we realized it, it was already Sunday – time to go

    home. It was hard for the youth to part with their new-found friends, but we’re sure they will

    see each other again or better yet continue to get in touch everyday (thank God for text, twitter,

    Instagram and facebook).

    We praise and thank God for being with us all the time and for bringing all these young people

    to this retreat that they may know Him and feel His love through our very own youth and adult

    members who worked really hard to make this event happen. Thank you to our Taters/Tater

    Tots/Sharers: John Carlo Genilla, Ritchelle Negranza, Angelica de la Cruz, Daniel Fernandez,

    EJ Cabalatungan, Jessa Legaspi, Amiel Castillo and the guidance of the youth overseers:

    Jean Caniedo, Marylou Malicdem and Alex Piamonte. It was indeed a great team effort to-

    gether with the youth praise team, sponsors, auxies and our young and good looking priest, Fr.

    Wojciech Kuzma who is the present Director of Vocation in the Archdiocese of Hamilton. We

    thank the new DCS (Cris and Beth Rejano, Charlie and Jo Gonzales and Rene & Ditas Dimen)

    who were able to join us this weekend, for all the members of our community who volunteered

    their time to help, for all the prayers and generous donations of food and money. We cannot

    do this alone without God sending us His godly people to help us.

    Lesson(s) I learned during the weekend

    “The most important lesson I learned was to affirm others, rather than reject them. My life has changed as now I can be more supportive and understanding instead of judging others.” - Elaine De Belen “I learn that God and our parents are the same. How they love us, support us and care for us. That no matter how much we hurt them, turn our backs on them, they’ll never leave us. And when time comes that we feel they don’t love us, they carry us and help us.” - Roleen Constantino “I think the most helpful lesson was Father’s talk about pain. He stated that in order to grow in anything, there has to be suffering beforehand. This is good to remember everyday.” - Christine Tolentino

    Overall experience

    “My experience in YE weekend #17 was eye opening and made me happy to be who I am for once. I am more excited to attend BLD every Friday.” - Dominic Morato

  • 4 Living Water - July 31, 2015

    (YE #17...continued from page 3)

    “It was incredible. Coming here at first made me nervous and anxious but everyone here is friendly and treats you like family. I really needed this because I was at a really low point. I’m happy that I grew closer to God this weekend, like starting my life again.” - Clarisse Aguila “At first, I didn’t want to come here because I thought people will snob me because I don’t know them. But I was completely wrong. People here are so awesome and they make me feel I’m home.” - Aldrin Morales Would I recommend YE to others? “Yes, especially since as new generations come, more problems are created and people tend to go away from God.” - Leanne Alhambra “Yes, I knew this would be a great experience so I brought my friend. She thanked me and told me she is happier and is back to feeling good.” - Kariza Reyes “Yes, it is a very good experience to have. It really makes you think about what you are doing with your life and what path you wanna take.” - Sara Umana

    Congratulations to our 40 Youth Encounter# 17 Graduates!

    Aldrin Morales, Angelo Martires, Bryan Padua, Christianne Sese, Christine Tolen-

    tino, Clarisse Aguila, Courtney Joaquin, Dane Carag, Daniel Castro, Dominic

    Morato, Elaine Louise De Belen, Erin Acevedo, Erin Bernardo, Heather D’Souza, Ia

    Nebres, Ian Aliwalas, Ivan Fernandez, John Phillip Jamili, Joseph Chanco, Joshua

    Pascua, Julian De Belen, Julian Geronimo, Kariza Reyes, Kate Libo-on, Krista Si-

    gno, Lars Jaylen Palalon, Leanne Alhambra, Lexi Carag, Loy Pilatan, Marc Pelayo,

    Marc Valmadrid, Mark Asuncion, Mary Limson, Matthias Condez, Meagan Mem-

    brere, Nicole Lim, Roleen Constantino, Rossanne Bajao, Sara Umana and Saynt


    Living Water - July 31, 2015

    “I lear

    ned to




    “...in order to grow in anything, there has to be

    suffering beforehand.”

    “YE17 was an eye

    opener and made me

    happy to be who I am

    for once.”

    “I really needed this a

    s I

    was at a really low


    “People here are so awesome and they make

    me feel I’m home.”

    “Yes I knew this wo


    be a great experien

    ce so

    I brought my friend
